University for Women (Bangladesh) in May 2010. She returned to... Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the Yong Loo... Hoon Eng Khoo

Hoon Eng Khoo (’73) completed her term as the Provost and Acting Vice-Chancellor of the Asian
University for Women (Bangladesh) in May 2010. She returned to her tenured position as Associate
Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and is concurrently
Director, Office of Executive Vice-President (Academic Affairs) at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. Dr.
Khoo is a founding member of AWAM (All-Women’s Action Society Malaysia) and the Friends of the
Earth (Sahabat Alam Malaysia) Society. She is an activist and leader in AWARE (Association of Women
for Action and Research) and co-founder of SAFE, a support group for family and friends of LGBT people
in Singapore. She is a founding Board member of the Asian Women’s Leadership University Project to
set up a women’s liberal arts university in Malaysia. Dr. Khoo majored in biochemistry at Smith College.
She received her Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education from the University of Dundee in the UK
and her Ph.D. from St. Mary’s Medical School at the University of London. She is a Smith College Trustee.