My Report Last Mo dified: 0 8 /0 2/20 13 Filter By: Repo rt Subgro up 1. Name (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse Tyler Garnett Kathleen Van Kyla Segala Kathleen Van Jared Edy Jared Edy Luis Preciado Luis Preciado Sakurako Mo ri Katrina Olsen Chanel Hung Julie Hess Karen Ro mero St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 2. E-mail Address (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse m m katrinno kmro mero St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 3. Lo catio n # Answe r 39 Bar Re spo nse % Aalto University Scho o l o f Eco no mics 0 0% 4 Australian Natio nal University 0 0% 6 Chinese University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 5 Co penhagen Business Scho o l 0 0% 3 Co rvinus University o f Budapest 0 0% 37 Chulalo ngko rn University 0 0% 2 ESADE Business Scho o l 0 0% 40 ESCEM 0 0% 38 ESCP-EAP 0 0% 65 Fudan University 0 0% 13 HEC Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 7 Ho ng Ko ng UNiversity o f Science and Techno lo gy 0 0% 58 ICHEC Brussels 0 0% 63 IE Scho o l o f Business 0 0% 15 Ko rea University Business Scho o l 0 0% 16 Natio nal University o f Singapo re 0 0% 18 Natio nal Taiwan University 0 0% 27 Peking University 0 0% 14 Ro tterdam Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 61 Seo ul Natio nal University 0 0% 19 Singapo re Management University 0 0% Thammasat University 0 0% 57 Universidade de No va de Lisbo n 0 0% 64 Universiidad de Carlo s Madrid III 0 0% 11 Universita Co mmerciale Luigi Bo cco ni 0 0% 62 University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 0% 1 9 University o f Manchester, Manchester Business Scho o l 0 10 University o f Melbo urne 0 0% 12 University o f Navarra 16 10 0 % 17 University o f St. Gallen 0 0% 59 Vienna University o f Eco no mics and Business 0 0% 8 WHU Otto Beisheim Scho o l o f Management 0 0% To tal 16 St at ist ic Value Min Value 12 Max Value 12 Mean 12.0 0 Variance 0 .0 0 Standard Deviatio n 0 .0 0 To tal Respo nses 16 4. What is yo ur academic status this semester? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 So pho mo re 0 0% 2 Junio r 14 88% 3 Senio r 2 13% To tal 16 St at ist ic Value Min Value 2 Max Value Mean 3 2.13 Variance 0 .12 Standard Deviatio n 0 .34 To tal Respo nses 16 5. What is yo ur expected date o f graduatio n fro m USC (Semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 )? T e xt Re spo nse Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 May 20 12 Spring 20 12 May 20 12 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 May 20 13 May 20 13 May 20 13 May 20 13 Spring 20 14 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 16 6. What is yo ur majo r? T e xt Re spo nse Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Business Administratio n Business BUAD/POSC Business Admin BUAD/POSC Business Business Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business and Acco unting Business Administratio n St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 16 7. What is yo ur co ncentratio n (Business majo rs o nly)? T e xt Re spo nse Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Int'l Business & Marketin Internatio nal Business Int'l Business & Finance Internatio nal Business BAEP Internatio nal Business IB IB Internatio nal Business Finance, Internatio nal Business Entrepreneurship/Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Relatio ns n/a St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 8. Please indicate the term in which yo u were abro ad (semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 ). T e xt Re spo nse Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Fall 20 11 Fall 20 11 Fall 20 11 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 13 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 16 9. I. GENERAL PROGRAM EVALUATION Please rate the fo llo wing items: # Que st io n 1 1. Yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 0 1 8 6 15 4.33 St at ist ic 1. Yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he pro gram . Min Value 3 Max Value 5 Mean 4.33 Variance 0 .38 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 2 To tal Respo nses 15 10. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2. To what extent did the pro gram meet yo ur expectatio ns? 0 2 0 8 5 15 4.0 7 3. To what extent was yo ur participatio n in the pro gram a valuable learning experience? 0 1 1 0 13 15 4.6 7 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 2. T o what e xt e nt did t he pro gram m e e t yo ur e xpe ct at io ns? 3. T o what e xt e nt was yo ur part icipat io n in t he pro gram a valuable le arning e xpe rie nce ? Min Value 2 2 Max Value 5 5 Mean 4.0 7 4.6 7 Variance 0 .9 2 0 .8 1 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 6 0 .9 0 15 15 To tal Respo nses 11. # Que st io n 1 4. To what extent wo uld yo u reco mmend this pro gram to o ther USC students? Wo uld no t re co m m e nd at all May re co m m e nd wit h re se rvat io ns Ne ut ral Wo uld sure ly re co m m e nd Wo uld re co m m e nd m o st st ro ngly T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 1 1 3 10 15 4.47 St at ist ic 4 . T o what e xt e nt wo uld yo u re co m m e nd t his pro gram t o o t he r USC st ude nt s? Min Value 2 Max Value 5 Mean 4.47 Variance 0 .8 4 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 2 To tal Respo nses 15 12. II. ACADEMIC PROGRAM No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 5. To what extent were yo ur co urses intellectually challenging? 2 8 2 2 1 15 2.47 6 . Ho w co mparable was the quality o f instructio n and academic demand o f classes to that o f USC? 7 4 1 2 1 15 2.0 7 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 5 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo ur co urse s int e lle ct ually challe nging? 6 . Ho w co m parable was t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n and acade m ic de m and o f classe s t o t hat o f USC? Min Value 1 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 2.47 2.0 7 Variance 1.27 1.78 Standard Deviatio n 1.13 1.33 15 15 To tal Respo nses 13. St ro ngly disagre e Disagre e Ne ut ral Agre e St ro ngly Agre e T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 7. The grading system used in the co urses was explained. 0 2 1 8 4 15 3.9 3 8 . I was able to register fo r all the classes that I wanted. 0 3 5 4 3 15 3.47 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 7 . T he grading syst e m use d in t he co urse s was e xplaine d. 8. I was able t o re gist e r f o r all t he classe s t hat I want e d. Min Value 2 2 Max Value 5 5 3.9 3 3.47 Mean Variance 0 .9 2 1.12 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 6 1.0 6 15 15 To tal Respo nses 14. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 9 . To what extent were yo u prepared fo r the co ursewo rk? 0 0 1 5 9 15 4.53 2 10 . To what extent do yo u feel yo u were immersed in the culture o f the ho st co untry? 0 0 2 6 7 15 4.33 3 11. To what extent did yo u gain a better appreciatio n o f the ho st culture's perspectives? 0 0 0 4 11 15 4.73 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 9 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo u pre pare d f o r t he co urse wo rk? 10 . T o what e xt e nt do yo u f e e l yo u we re im m e rse d in t he cult ure o f t he ho st co unt ry? 11. T o what e xt e nt did yo u gain a be t t e r appre ciat io n o f t he ho st cult ure 's pe rspe ct ive s? Min Value 3 3 4 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 4.53 4.33 4.73 Variance 0 .41 0 .52 0 .21 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 4 0 .72 0 .46 15 15 15 To tal Respo nses 15. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry Sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 12. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the co ntent o f the co urses yo u to o k. 1 7 3 3 1 15 2.73 13. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the quality o f instructio n. 3 6 5 0 1 15 2.33 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 12. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he co nt e nt o f t he co urse s yo u t o o k. 13. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n. Min Value 1 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 2.73 2.33 Variance 1.21 1.10 Standard Deviatio n 1.10 1.0 5 15 15 To tal Respo nses 16. # Que st io n 1 14. Please rate the o verall level o f faculty interest in students. Ve ry lo w So m e what lo w Ave rage Highe r t han ave rage Ve ry high T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2 2 8 3 0 15 2.8 0 St at ist ic 14 . Ple ase rat e t he o ve rall le ve l o f f acult y int e re st in st ude nt s. Min Value 1 Max Value 4 Mean 2.8 0 Variance 0 .8 9 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 4 To tal Respo nses 15 17. # Que st io n 1 15. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the academic pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2 3 7 3 0 15 2.73 St at ist ic 15 . Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he acade m ic pro gram . Min Value 1 Max Value 4 Mean 2.73 Variance 0 .9 2 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 6 To tal Respo nses 15 18. III. LANGUAGE PREPARATIONIf yo u did no t take a fo reign language class this semester, please cho o se "No t applicable" fo r each questio n. No t applicable Po o r Ne e ds im pro ve m e nt Fair Go o d Exce lle nt T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 16 . Ho w were yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram? 5 3 1 2 1 3 15 3.0 0 2 17. Ho w were yo ur language skills after the pro gram? 5 0 2 1 4 3 15 3.53 3 18 . Yo ur living situatio n aided yo ur language acquisitio n. 5 1 0 2 2 5 15 3.6 7 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 16 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram ? 17 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills af t e r t he pro gram ? 18. Yo ur living sit uat io n aide d yo ur language acquisit io n. Min Value 1 1 1 Max Value 6 6 6 Mean 3.0 0 3.53 3.6 7 Variance 4.0 0 4.27 4.9 5 Standard Deviatio n 2.0 0 2.0 7 2.23 15 15 15 To tal Respo nses 19. # Que st io n 1 19 . If yo u studied a fo reign language o n the pro gram, please rate yo ur o verall level o f satisfactio n with the language educatio n co mpo nent o f the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 0 11 3 1 15 3.33 St at ist ic 19 . If yo u st udie d a f o re ign language o n t he pro gram , ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall le ve l o f sat isf act io n wit h t he language e ducat io n co m po ne nt o f t he pro gram . Min Value 3 Max Value 5 Mean 3.33 Variance 0 .38 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 2 To tal Respo nses 15 20. IV. SUPPORT SERVICESPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 20 . On-site academic advising 1 5 5 3 1 15 2.8 7 2 21. On-site o rientatio n 1 0 6 5 3 15 3.6 0 3 22. On-site academic facilities (e.g. classro o ms, libraries, co mputer labs), excluding ho using. 0 4 5 4 2 15 3.27 4 23. Co mmunicatio n with the USC Marshall o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 2 6 7 15 4.33 5 24. Overall impressio n o f o n-site suppo rt services 0 0 7 6 2 15 3.6 7 St at ist ic 20 . On-sit e acade m ic advising 21. On-sit e o rie nt at io n 22. On-sit e acade m ic f acilit ie s (e .g. classro o m s, librarie s, co m put e r labs), e xcluding ho using. 23. Co m m unicat io n wit h t he USC Marshall o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 24 . Ove rall im pre ssio n o f o n-sit e suppo rt se rvice s Min Value Max Value 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 Mean 2.8 7 3.6 0 3.27 4.33 3.6 7 Variance 1.12 1.11 1.0 7 0 .52 0 .52 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 6 1.0 6 1.0 3 0 .72 0 .72 15 15 15 15 15 To tal Respo nses 21. V. HOUSINGPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 25. Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 5 4 4 2 15 3.20 2 26 . Lo catio n o f student ho using 0 1 3 2 9 15 4.27 3 27. Quality o f ho using arrangements 1 0 1 6 7 15 4.20 St at ist ic 25 . Ho using co o rdinat io n 26 . Lo cat io n o f st ude nt ho using 27 . Qualit y o f ho using arrange m e nt s Min Value 2 2 1 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 3.20 4.27 4.20 Variance 1.17 1.0 7 1.17 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 8 1.0 3 1.0 8 15 15 15 To tal Respo nses 22. VI. OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 31. Why did yo u cho o se this pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse To practice and be immersed in Spanish, to learn mo re abo ut Spanish and o ther Euro pean cultures. I have always been interested to learn abo ut Spanish language and culture. I didn't research anything abo ut this pro gram, but when a spo t o pened up, I to o k it right away because Spain seemed interesting to me - I wanted to be in a co untry with a different language and different culture. I wanted to go to a Spanish-speaking co untry to impro ve my language skills while acquiring kno wledge o f a fo reign culture. Marshall o ffered two o ptio ns, Barcelo na and Pamplo na. I had Pamplo na as my seco nd cho ice, but after experiencing this semester, I am glad I came here instead o f Barcelo na. Fo r o ne thing, they actually speak Catalan in Barcelo na. Additio nally, it is such a metro po litan city that mo st peo ple also speak English there and I do ubt I wo uld have learned as much. Here, mo st peo ple in Navarra have no t had much co ntact with peo ple fro m o ther co untries, so I felt that I was really immersed in authentic Spanish culture. I go t the o ppo rtunity to live with 3 Spanish girls who do n't speak English, fo rcing me to practice. Also , it is no t a to urist city like Barcelo na- which is actually a plus because it makes it a mo re cultural experience. Also , being so clo se to Basque co untry, I go t to learn a lo t abo ut Basque culture and po litics, which was very interesting and I wo uld no t have go tten in Barcelo na. I really reco mmend co ming to the University o f Navarra. All I knew was that I wanted to go to Euro pe. Didn't do much research at all, but am very happy that I went to Spain! I attended the IEP Info rmatio n Sessio ns and I felt Pamplo na (UNAV) had an advantage o n any majo r city in pro viding me with a challenge in that it wo uld be much, much different fro m anything I had ever experienced (this definitely turned o ut to be the case). Further, I talked with the students who were here previo usly and they pro vided great insights into life, etc in Pamplo na and I just tho ught it was the best o ptio n fo r me. It sho uld be no ted that Pamplo na was number 1 o n my list. The Spanish culture is so mething I have always appreciated and being able to experience that culture and the beauty o f the co untry in a smaller, mo re tranquil to wn wo uld pro vide me with mo re o ppo rtunity to assimilate into the culture and no t stay an o utsider/fo reigner. I wanted to go thro ugh the business scho o l IT was lo cated in a co untry where I want to explo re do ing business o ne day I have always wanted to visit Euro pe and learn mo re abo ut their culture. My primary go al was to impro ve my Spanish skills while studying business co urses. I wanted to impro ve my Spanish and I knew that a small city was the best place to do that. I cho se Pamplo na because I knew that even if I wasn't taking any classes in Spanish, I wo uld have the mo st expo sure to the language in the city co mpared to the o ther pro grams in bigger cities where mo re English is spo ken. I wanted to learn mo re Spanish, and I tho ught it wo uld be a different experience to live in a smaller city. I cho se this pro gram because I knew so me Spanish and wanted to be in Euro pe, but in a co untry where I knew so me o f the language. Tho se who had do ne the pro gram befo re me had no thing but go o d things to say abo ut it. I wanted to be in a smaller to wn; had heard great things abo ut it fro m previo us Marshall students St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 23. 32. Please co mpare these aspects o f yo ur pro gram with study at USC. # Que st io n Equivale nt USC/Abro ad Be t t e r USC/in L.A. Be t t e r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 2 1) Quality o f instructio n 2 0 13 15 2.73 2) Co ntent o f co urses 2 0 13 15 2.73 3 3) Intellectual challenge o f co urses 1 1 13 15 2.8 0 4 4) Faculty interest in/suppo rt o f students 2 1 12 15 2.6 7 5 5) Individual assistance pro vided 1 2 12 15 2.73 St at ist ic 1) Qualit y o f inst ruct io n 2) Co nt e nt o f co urse s Min Value 1 1 Max Value 3 3 3) Int e lle ct ual challe nge o f co urse s 4 ) Facult y int e re st in/suppo rt o f st ude nt s 5 ) Individual assist ance pro vide d 1 1 1 3 3 3 Mean 2.73 2.73 2.8 0 2.6 7 2.73 Variance 0 .50 0 .50 0 .31 0 .52 0 .35 Standard Deviatio n 0 .70 0 .70 0 .56 0 .72 0 .59 15 15 15 15 15 To tal Respo nses 24. 33. Ho w much study time per week do yo u reco mmend in o rder to keep up with classes? T e xt Re spo nse 4 ho urs per week 5 ho urs 1 2 ho urs per week 1 A co uple ho urs. I traveled almo st every weekend so I made sure to buckle do wn fo r tests/presentatio ns and o ther than that there was no t much wo rk. 2-3 Ho urs 4 6 hrs 7 ho urs 2-3 ho urs 3 ho urs o r less 4 ho urs per week 2 3-4 ho urs St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 25. 34. Ho w, if at all, do es the structure o f the co urses differ fro m tho se at USC? Did yo u like o r dislike these differences? T e xt Re spo nse The structure was similar fo r many classes. Mo st classes used a co mbinatio n o f presentatio ns and exams, with so me participatio n/attendance credit. The co urses were mo re based o n classro o m participatio n, and there was less "busy wo rk" invo lved in the grading than at USC. The co urses were smaller, and this created a better classro o m atmo sphere to exchange ideas. At UNAV, o ne test o r o ne pro ject made up o f 25% o f o ur final grade. At USC, there are mo re co ntributio ns to o ur grade (such as ho mewo rk, participatio n, papers, mo re than o ne pro ject, etc.). It was easier at UNAV since the wo rklo ad was less, but I prefer USC's structure because the mo re wo rk that was assigned, the mo re time we dedicated to that class, and the mo re we actually learned. It was a similar breakdo wn, with even mo re gro up pro jects. I liked the way the classes were arranged here. Altho ugh my classes were all in English, the majo rity o f yo ur classmates are lo cal students taking a bilingual pro gram, which is great because yo u get to meet lo cal students. I didn't like the structure o f the classes at UNAV. There were barely any ho mewo rk assignments and the pro jects were way to o easy. (I guess USC prepared us well!) There was to o much weight o n the midterm and final. Students in Spain weren't used to wo rking and presenting in gro ups. It is much mo re diso rganized and subjective in my o pinio n. Dislike. Ho wever, we o nly have to pass so at the end o f the day it was no t a big deal whatso ever, but in general, the o rganizatio n is far superio r at USC co mpared to UNAV. Liked- the co urses were mo re straight-line with no extra wo rk to do , just fo cusing o n learning the material and taking the tests. I dislike the heavy weight o n finals. I essentially didnt do anything all year, but fo r finals it was mo re intense than USC Didnt really do anything during the year, during finals mo re intense They did no t have syllabus o r co ncrete schedule at the beginning o f the semester and it bo thered me a little. Yes. It was mo re heavily weighted o n exams. So me classes had gro up pro jects, but the grade was mo stly co mpo sed o f exams and participatio n. The classes are a lo t smaller and mo re interactive so it's easier fo r pro fesso rs to kno w all o f their students which I liked a lo t. One o f my classes is based 10 0 % o n my final and I do n't really like that, but it's also o nly o ne class. Many co urses are mo re discussio n based and interactive, which fo rces yo u to pay attentio n and attend, which I also like. I tho ught they were quite similar. No o r very little ho mewo rk. Final had majo rity o f weight (o ne class was 10 0 % final). Mo st teachers do n't care that much. I didn't like that it was heavily weighted to wards the finals Yo u do n't have to dress up fo r presentatio n, which was nice Mo st classes have o ne o r two 10 min breaks in between (lo cals usually go o ut to smo ke o r get so me co ffee). At times, it was nice to have a break, but o ther times I wo uld have preferred to get o ut early instead. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 26. 35. Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld particular reco mmend? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Finance II was the mo st challenging, but also po tentially the mo st practical. No , I was neither impressed o r dissatisfied witht he co urses and teachers. So me were go o d, so me were o nly so -so , but there was no t a no table difference fro m USC in this sense No . I o nly enjo yed my Spo rts & Eco no mics class with Pro fesso r Fpujo l, but the main fo cus is So ccer which is no t big in the US. I reco mmend HR with Mario Silar, he's an interesting teacher and the class was fun. No ne. I feel like the pro fesso rs hired at UNAV were hired to teach the business subjects o nly because they co uld speak English. The o nly class that I actually learned anything was the Spo rts & Eco n class with Pro fesso r Fpujo l. Finance II and Applied Eco n II simply because they interest me. Human Reso urces (Mario Silar) was the easiest class I've ever taken - anyo ne with a brain co uld pass. Macro eco no mics 2, Human Reso urces Spo rts and Eco no mics-interesting but usefull class and go o d pro fesso r Business Ethics- Great speaker series Spo rts and Eco n Finance II class was very helpful. Anto nio Mo reno , Lo urdes (Human Reso urce teacher) Anto nio Mo reno fo r Internatio nal Finance - his class was o ne o f my harder o nes but it was really interesting and applicable and he's a pretty nice and funny guy. I feel like I go t the mo st o ut o f his class. Lo urdes Garcia-Salmo nes fo r Human Relatio ns - the class was a bit bo ring fo r me, but she is o ne o f the nicest pro fesso rs I've ever had, very understanding and gives a lo t o f examples in class. She's also very flexible and understanding, we had to mo ve o ur presentatio n because o f a huelga here and it wasn't a big deal at all, she said we co uld cho se when to mo ve it to . Human Reso urces with Lo urdes García-Salmo nes Fernández: A little bo ring, but SUPER easy and the pro fesso r is very nice. Business Po licy with Hugo Zarco Jasso : The class sucks in that it's rather unstructured, but yo u really do any real wo rk except a paper and presentatio n, and study a few ho urs befo re the final exam. Take Human Reso urces with Lo urdes. Also Internatio nal Finance with Anto nio Mo rreno . It's a challenging class, but it was the o nly class I actually learned so mething in. He's the asso ciate dean o f the Eco n scho o l and really kno ws what he's talking abo ut, and unlike mo st teachers, actually cares abo ut his students. Business and Ethics II is really easy and really just 2 weeks o f visiting pro fesso rs and that's it. Business Po licy, I co uld've passed the final witho ut ever taking the class. Share the readings with so meo ne because o therwise the packets are expensive Pedro Mir (Marketing II and Internatio nal Marketing) - he wo rks fo r Dano ne in Barcelo na and o nly teaches at Navarra o ne day a week. He is usually pretty engaging and pro vides a lo t o f real wo rld kno wledge, no t just theo ry. Human Reso urces with Lo urdes García-Salmo nes - The class is extremely easy and I actually fo und it interesting (but I'm mino ring in HR). If yo u do well o n the midterms, yo u do n't have to take the final. Spo rts and Brand - Also pretty easy; Class is so lely based o n participatio n and presentatio ns St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 27. 36 . Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld advise against taking? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Human Reso urces - Mario Silar - The pro fesso r barely taught abo ut the actual subject Human Reso urces, he was very diso rganized and frequently wandered o ff to pic. No . Pro fesso r Sblazsek fo r Finance II -- he just read o ff o f his po werpo int slides, po o r explanatio n o f fo rmulas, did no t review ho mewo rk assignments. Pro fesso r Ajsiso n fo r Business Ethics -- he was no t co nducive to an o pen learning enviro nment, whenever a student vo iced his o pinio n, the pro fesso r wo uld no t allo w him to share his tho ught and instead pro ffered his o pinio n as the o ne and o nly truth. Pro fesso r Silar fo r Human Reso urces -- this was his first year teaching, and we o nly talked abo ut Human Reso urces, maybe 1 o ut o f the 15 classes. He was very rude to students.. fo r example, right after a gro up presented, he said, "that was very bo ring and I did no t learn a thing." As a pro fesso r, he sho uld've met with the gro up after class instead o f humiliating them in fro nt o f everyo ne, creating an awkward enviro nment. I do no t reco mmend Finance II with Szabo lcs because he is no t very helpful o r go o d at explaining things and his accent is difficult to understand. Pro fesso r Mario (Human Reso urces) it was his first year and he was extremely rude to students. Pro fesso r Ajsiso n (Business Ethics) he didn't listen to students' o pinio ns - everything we said was wro ng, everything he said was right. Pro fesso r Sblzsek (Finance II) he just read o ff o f the po wer po int slides, which were abo ut 50 0 slides per 8 classes. Half-way thro ugh the semester, o ur Marketing pro fesso r had to leave the co untry. We didn't have class fo r a mo nth, and then finally go t a replacement pro fesso r. Eco no metrics II (Quantitative Techniques) because we've never had anything like this at USC. Fo r Marketing II, I had Pro fesso r Rabade - do no t take him just because he assigns pro jects that take a while to co mplete and are literally ho rrendo us. Marketing Research- the teacher acts like a to ugh guy, but really the class is no t to o bad, pro vides fo r sto ries Internatio nal trade-TERRIBLE LANGUAGE BARRIER internatio nal trade No t really I wo uld no t take Business and Ethics II. Class was uno rganized and the o nly pro fesso r we learned fro m was the guest pro fesso r who came fo r two weeks where we had class everyday. The main teacher wasn't very qualified to teach in English, ho wever, was nice and understanding with trying to co rdinate the two guest pro fesso rs with o ur schedules. Time Series/ Eco no metrics. The pro fesso r is super funny, but the class itself is very dry and so lely equatio n based. This is the class where my final is 10 0 % o f my grade. To do well all yo u have to do is memo rize equatio ns, but it's so dull yo u wo n't be able to co ncentrate. Business Ethics with Alejo Jo sé G. Siso n: The class itself is pro bably the mo st interesting class I've taken, but be warned the pro fesso r is nasty and a co mplete jerk. No t in terms o f grades o r anything, but his attitude and ho w he talks to students. Do no t take Time Series. It is o f no practical use. I so meho w passed the class, but it was waste o f my time. Business Po licy with Hugo Zarco - the co ntent isn't to o bad but the pro fesso r is very bo ring; No midterm, just a presentatio n, term paper, and final. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 28. 37. Has participatio n in this pro gram influenced yo ur academic o r career go als? Ho w? T e xt Re spo nse No , altho ugh it did enco urage me to co ntinue to practice Spanish. Yes, it has inspired me to pursue internatio nal business in my career, especially internatio nal entrepreneurship. I no w plan o n pursuing an MBA in Glo bal Entrepreneurship, and plan to live permanently o utside o f the US. Yes, it has. I tho ro ughly enjo yed my Spo rts & Eco no mics co urse -- especially realizing ho w po pular & influential spo rts is wo rldwide. I think I might want to pursue a career in Spo rts Marketing no w. It has made me want to do so mething where I get to travel, where I get to use Spanish, and where I get to deal with internatio nal cultures. In a way. I was really interested in the Spo rts & Eco n class, and that has go t me thinking abo ut po ssibly getting myself into the spo rts business industry. No t really. I did no t co me abro ad to advance academically - I came to learn abo ut new peo ple, see new places, meet new peo ple, etc... And I did just that. I feel much mo re well ro unded and less igno rant abo ut the wo rld in general, but no t in an academic sense. The classes I to o k were useful and being abro ad has made me appreciate my studies and the o ppo rtunities we have at USC are IT has given me a better glo bal perspective o f business mo re inclinded to glo bal business I believe that I am mo re o pen fo r being in Euro pe fo r my wo rk in the future. Bigger appreciatio n and kno wledge o f wo rking o utside the U.S. It had reinfo rced fo r me that I want to co ntinue pursuing Spanish but I do n't think I want to mo ve to Spain lo ng term, which is so mething I had co nsidered befo re. I kno w that I want to be fluent in ano ther language and will wo rk to wards this go al. Mo re o f a fo cus and interest in internatio nal business So mewhat; I am no w certain I want to go into HR o r Management after taking the HR class St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 29. Please tell us abo ut yo ur experience with the fo reign language o f yo ur ho st co untry: 38 . Besides English, what is (are) the language(s) mo st pro minently spo ken o n the campus o f the university where yo u studied? T e xt Re spo nse Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish spanish St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 30. 39 . Did yo u speak the ho st language, o r receive any language training in the ho st language prio r to , o r during yo ur semester abro ad? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse I studied Spanish in Junio r High and High Scho o l, and o ne semester at USC prio r to go ing abro ad. Yes, I to o k a co urse in Spanish Co nverstatio n, I also was able to practice my spanish with my ro o mates and lo cal friends. I to o k 4 years o f Spanish in high scho o l. Yes, my ro o mmates o nly speak Spanish so I practiced with them co nstantly. Also , since Pamplo na is no t a to uristy city and is fairly small, yo u have to use Spanish at restaurants, sto res, bus statio ns, etc. because almo st no o ne speaks English except fo r so me students. I also made Spanish friends who didn't speak much English and it was easier fo r us to co mmunicate in Spanish. I to o k 3 years o f Spanish in High Scho o l. No and I do no t speak Spanish. I really wish I spent the time and made the effo rt to learn, but that is go ing to be o n the student. It was a challenge no t speaking Spanish, but even if yo u do n't, it's really no t a big deal. Further, the Spanish class co nflicted with ano ther o f my co urses. Spo ke so me, learned to be mo re co nversatio nal abro ad but no t thro ugh a language co urse, just by living in a fully Spanish co mmunity no t o verridden by fo reigners I speak spanish fluently as it is my first language Yes, I had taken Spanish I and II at USC. Yes. Mo st peo ple in Pamplo na o nly speak Spanish. I've taken Spanish classes at USC and my ro o mmate o nly spo ke Spanish, so I was able to impro ve my skills while here. I have been taking Spanish classes since high scho o l, an I lived with two Spanish students so that helped my Spanish a bit, but ho nestly it just helped to see signs in Spanish mo re and hear the language aro und me in general mo re. I studied so me Spanish in high scho o l. I to o k Spanish in high scho o l but hadn't spo ken it since then. I had a basic understanding co ming in to the pro gram. I didn't take any Spanish classes o r classes in Spanish I was already fluent in Spanish St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 31. Then rate: # Que st io n Exce lle nt Go o d Fair Po o r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 1) Yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram: 2 1 5 6 14 3.0 7 2 2) Language training o n the pro gram: 1 7 5 1 14 2.43 3 3) Yo ur pro ficiency after the pro gram: 2 7 4 1 14 2.29 St at ist ic 1) Yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram : 2) Language t raining o n t he pro gram : Min Value 1 1 3) Yo ur pro f icie ncy af t e r t he pro gram : 1 Max Value 4 4 4 Mean 3.0 7 2.43 2.29 Variance 1.15 0 .57 0 .6 8 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 7 0 .76 0 .8 3 14 14 14 To tal Respo nses 32. 40 . Did cultural/so cial activities spo nso red by the pro gram assist yo u in language acquisitio n? T e xt Re spo nse No No t necessarilly--what helped the mo st was spending time with Spanish students. Yes Yes, I go t to meet lo cal students thro ugh the Internatio nal Co mmittee at UNAV. Yes. We were in classes with Spanish students, so we were able to speak Spanish to gether. The internatio nal o ffice activities/trips were all in English. Yes I was fluent to begin Certainly yes No No t really. Mo st o f the activities were fo r the internatio nal students and the co mmo n language fo r mo st o f us was English. No No . All pro grams are in English n/a St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 33. 41. Did o utside/o ther activities help? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse Yes, ro o ming with Spanish girls So cial activities helped a great deal Yes, meeting lo cal students in class, meeting lo cal students at clubs/bars, fo rced me to speak Spanish with them. I wo uld go ho me with my ro o mmates o n the weekends o ccasio nally to the small Navarran to wn (Co rella) that they were fro m, where I spo ke Spanish with the many members o f their families and their friends. Yes. At int'l meet&greet events, at clubs, bars, etc. Mo st peo ple o nly spo ke Spanish. No . I did no t make the effo rt, unfo rtunately, to learn Spanish. Yes- - go ing o ut and interacting with lo cals/students I was fluent to begin They help to make friends fro m different classes o r majo rs Meet o ther students and peo ple in Pamplo na. Everyo ne is willing to meet yo u and practice Spanish. Spanish peo ple lo ve sharing their culture and language with internatio nal students. Just fo rcing yo urself to practice with who ever yo u can is what helped my Spanish impro ve. I met up with so me lo cal Spanish peo ple and hung o ut to practice my Spanish weekly. No . But I also didn't really try. I just wanted to kno w eno ugh to get aro und. I learned Spanish slang by listening to my classmates speak during the breaks St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 34. 42. What percentage o f students o n the campus o f yo ur ho st co untry (wo uld yo u estimate) actively speak English? T e xt Re spo nse 6 0 % seem able to speak English, altho ugh they may be reluctant to initiate co nversatio ns in English 40 % 30 % 75% o r less 25% 30 % - 6 0 % (ho nestly no idea o n a who le university scale), but everyo ne that will be in yo ur classes will speak English. 40 % 60% 15%~20 % 20 % 10 %? 15%? They do n't actively speak it, but there are many that do speak and understand it. Whatever the percentage o f exchange students makeup the pro gram. 60% 10 % St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 35. 43. Ho w wo uld yo u reco mmend that students prepare fo r language differences abro ad? T e xt Re spo nse Bring electro nic dictio naries Try to learn so me Spanish befo re co ming to Pamplo na, even tho ugh yo u will be able to functio n witho ut it, it is a much richer experience if yo u can understand what is go ing o n aro und yo u. Maybe buy Ro setta Sto ne o r at least take a semester befo re. At least learn basic phrases that yo u will need in o rder to o rder fo o d at restaurants and buy bus tickets fo r traveling. Yo u can take classes in English so that is no pro blem. If yo u can, study basic Spanish verbs and vo cabulary and learn at least the present and past preterite and past perfect tenses. Just review basic phrases. Maybe Ro setta Sto ne? It is no t necessary, but I wo uld suggest do ing so and just learning the basics and stuff that yo u will actually use. try to learn basic spanish fo r go ing to sto res, etc., but no t to wo rry as internatio nal business students are helpful and speak go o d english Take a lapto p pro gram that wil suffice In Pamplo na, no bo dy speaks English in to wn so yo u will at least need basic Spanish to o rder fo o d, purchase things o r ask fo r directio n etc. I wo uld take at least o ne Spanish co urse if yo u've never taken Spanish. Otherwise, even if yo u do n't kno w Spanish that well, yo u can get by here. Maybe get a guide bo o k fo r quick references so yo u can speak to peo ple at restaurants, bus statio ns, taxis, etc. Just kno w that there are go ing to be differences. Learn a co uple o f impo rtant phrases befo re yo u go and then find so meo ne to help yo u while yo u're there. If yo u have learned the language previo usly, I wo uld definitely review it if yo u have fo rgo tten it. If no t, it wo uld be helpful to take so me type o f learning co urse to at least help yo u understand and kno w the basics. Have a basic understanding o f Spanish and yo u'll be fine. If yo u do n't kno w any, maybe buy ro setta sto ne. Because Pamplo na is a small city, there are very few things in English o utside o f the university. All menus, sto res, and general business is do ne in Spanish so yo u do have to kno w so me Make internatio nal friends while yo u're still at USC St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 36. Click to write Co lumn 2 # Que st io n No t Available Available But No t Use d Available And Use d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 Ho using co o rdinatio n 6 2 5 13 1.9 2 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 4 9 13 2.6 9 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 3 3 7 13 2.31 4 Instructio nal facilities 0 2 11 13 2.8 5 5 Medical/dental facilities 0 11 2 13 2.15 6 Recreatio nal facilities 0 8 5 13 2.38 7 USC Financial Aid 3 3 7 13 2.31 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 1 4 8 13 2.54 Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s Min Value 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 Max Value 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Mean 1.9 2 2.6 9 2.31 2.8 5 2.15 2.38 2.31 2.54 Variance 0 .9 1 0 .23 0 .73 0 .14 0 .14 0 .26 0 .73 0 .44 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 5 0 .48 0 .8 5 0 .38 0 .38 0 .51 0 .8 5 0 .6 6 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses 37. Click to write Co lumn 2 Unacce pt able Be lo w Ave rage Ave rage Abo ve Ave rage Acce pt able T o t al Re spo nse s Me an Ho using co o rdinatio n 1 3 6 0 3 13 3.0 8 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 1 6 4 2 13 3.54 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 0 1 8 3 1 13 3.31 4 Instructio nal facilities 0 3 6 2 2 13 3.23 5 Medical/dental facilities 0 2 8 1 2 13 3.23 6 Recreatio nal facilities 1 3 6 1 2 13 3.0 0 7 USC Financial Aid 0 0 5 3 5 13 4.0 0 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 3 4 6 13 4.23 # Que st io n 1 Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Min Value 1 2 2 2 Max Value 5 5 5 5 St at ist ic Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 2 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 Mean 3.0 8 3.54 3.31 3.23 3.23 3.0 0 4.0 0 4.23 Variance 1.58 0 .77 0 .56 1.0 3 0 .8 6 1.33 0 .8 3 0 .6 9 Standard Deviatio n 1.26 0 .8 8 0 .75 1.0 1 0 .9 3 1.15 0 .9 1 0 .8 3 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 38. 44. Did yo u live in... # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 Do rm 0 0% 2 Apartment 12 9 2% 3 Other 1 8% To tal 13 St at ist ic Value Min Value 2 Max Value 3 Mean 2.0 8 Variance 0 .0 8 Standard Deviatio n 0 .28 To tal Respo nses 13 39. 45. If yo u used STA Travel fo r transpo rtatio n arrangements, were yo u satisfied? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse No t applicable Did no t use STA Travel. Did no t use N/A Did no t use STA. N/A n/a Yes they are pro mpt and easy to wo rk with N/A N/A I made all o f my o wn travel arrangements. No n/a St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 40. 46 . Is there any aspect o f the pro gram that yo u wo uld like to see changed o r different? (VERY IMPORTANT!) T e xt Re spo nse Students sho uld be sent an email o r given the info rmatio n abo ut ho w to register fo r classes the first week. Because I was no t able to attend o rientatio n, I was very co nfused at first. Ho nestly, I think my experience was priceless,and I do no t kno w ho w it co uld be impro ved. The co urses weren't necessarily very challenging, but this allo wed mo re time fo r cultural experiences and immersio n. I think Marshall's IEP Pro gram is to p-no tch. Co mpared to all the o ther USC scho o ls, Marshall has the best pro gram. I like ho w it is a full exchange pro gram and no t just a "study abro ad" pro gram. I enjo yed taking classes with lo cal students, having lo cal pro fesso rs (no t just USC-hired pro fesso rs). I liked go ing to an actual University in Spain rather than renting o ut a building and taking classes there with o nly USC students. I think exchange pro grams sho uld be implemented at all USC scho o l's instead o f study abro ad pro grams. One thing I'd like to see different is mo re co mmunicatio n with the ho st scho o l and USC BEFORE. Fo r example, it wo uld have been nice to kno w abo ut the ho using website, it wo uld've been nice to have a little "welco me package" fro m the ho st university befo re we departed, it wo uld've been nice to have mo re instructio n with registering fo r co urses. I kno w we all go o n study abro ad pro grams, o r at least I, go fo r the experience and no t primarily fo r academic purpo ses, but I was very disappo inted with the academic pro gram o ffered at UNAV. Registratio n was a mess, access to ADI (o ur Blackbo ard) was 5 weeks late, and the pro fesso rs seemed unqualified to me. Other than that, I liked ho w Marshall helped just eno ugh fo r us to feel "o kay", which made us have a little fun feeling lo st and allo wed us to gro w up a little. There is a page o n the University o f Navarra website where students can lo o k fo r o ther students who are subleasing a ro o m in their apartment and e-mail them abo ut living to gether- this was NOT to ld to us by USC, so us USC students were planning to all live to gether until I stumbled acro ss that page, so we all go t to live with lo cal students which is SO MUCH BETTER. Living with Spanish peo ple was what made this a real cultural experience. This is the website: n/ho using/sharedflats/default.html Make sure that all the students go ing abro ad to Pamplo na kno w abo ut this! It made my semester what it was. There sho uld have been mo re co mmunicatio n between USC and UNAV BEFORE we arrived to UNAV. We were extremely lo st abo ut class registratio n (the staff at UNAV were pretty much o f no help). We didn't have access to ADI (USC's Blackbo ard) until 6 weeks in. We didn't get o ur tempo rary ID cards (which gives us access to the buildings) until 4 weeks in. Everything at UNAV was do ne extremely slo w. I wo uld like to see mo re clarity in the selectio n pro cess po ssibly (no t an issue fo r me but I co uld see ho w it co uld help). Other than that, everything ran smo o thly and there is no thing jumping o ut at me that needs to be changed. NOW...advice o n where in the city to live, less limitatio ns o n which/amo unt o f units to take as messes up schedule Bette class selectio n I wish I co uld kno w mo re abo ut scho o l o r life there prio r to departure. I emailed students who went in the past but I was no t able to get eno ugh respo nses. It wo uld be nice to have a larger selectio n o f classes to cho o se fro m that wo uld be acceptable fo r Marshall credit. Ended up taking classes I wo uld no t have been interested in at USC. I think just mo re o rganized events fo r students to get to kno w each o ther. After the first week it was harder to meet o ther kids fro m o ther exchange pro grams. Other than that I wo uldn't change anything, I'd just want students to kno w as much abo ut the pro gram befo rehand so they kno w what they are lo o king fo r is what they'll get. It wo uld be helpful if Navarra made a Facebo o k gro up fo r inco ming students to co o rdinate ho using with each o ther. A lo t o f peo ple didn't like their ho using because they set it up befo re they go t to Spain and ended up with bad Spanish ro o mmates. The pro gram said they wo uld co o rdinate a lo t o f trips and student o utings but failed to do that after the first mo nth. This was partially because the internatio nal o ffice had lo st o ne staff member. I understand why they were no t able to co o rdinate the big trips, but they even failed to o rganize smaller o utings in Pamplo na. no St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 41. 47. Additio nal co mments o n services and co o rdinatio n. T e xt Re spo nse On USC's end, I think everything is very well o rganized. The ho st university (University o f Navarra) needs to be mo re o rganized and cater to the needs o f the students mo re. When yo u start classes, talk to yo ur pro fesso rs and tell them that yo u need to take yo ur finals early (say end o f April o r beginning o f May). It's no pro blem fo r them to change yo ur final times and then yo u have time to travel befo re co ming ho me. I liked ho w USC left us o n o ur o wn to figure o ut ho using, transpo rtatio n, etc. Altho ugh it was stressful in the beginning, no w that I lo o k back, it was a go o d gro wing and learnnig experience. On USC's behalf, I think USC did a great jo b. Mo st o f my co mplaints is regarding UNAV. The amo unt o f assistance pro vided by Sean was perfect - he made sure we had certain things do ne when necessary, but we were still allo wed to have independence and do things o ur way. I wo uld suggest keeping it that way - we do n't need o ur hand held, etc... No t to o much co o rdinating go ing o n in Spain, but that's part o f it! n/a Mo re o rientatio n activities wo uld be better so that internatio nal students can get to kno w each o ther better. If yo u miss the first weekend, yo u wo n't kno w anyo ne until yo u start classes. I kno w it so unds scary but do n't sign up to live with so meo ne yo u do n't kno w befo re getting here. Co me stay in a ho stel and then lo o k at apartments when yo u get here. Yo u'll definitely get o ne and yo u'll be much happier if yo u can figure o ut who yo u're living with first. Advising was no t helpful. Also , kno w that o f the list o f classes USC gives yo u, o nly half o f them will pro bably be o ffered. Internatio nal o ffice needs to do a better jo b co o rdinating pro grams thro ugho ut the semester. no ne St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 10 42. Please tell us abo ut yo ur travel experiences. 48 . Ho w did yo u find yo ur arrangements to the ho st institutio n? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 Travel Agent 1 8% 2 Online 12 9 2% 3 Other: 0 0% To tal 13 Ot he r: St at ist ic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 2 Mean 1.9 2 Variance 0 .0 8 Standard Deviatio n 0 .28 To tal Respo nses 13 43. Wo uld yo u reco mmend this metho d? T e xt Re spo nse Yes Yes Yes yes Yes.. just search fo r the cheapest rate. Yes Yes YES Yes No . I used UNAV's website and went in blindly fo r 1 bedro o m in a 4 bedro o m apartment. Only o ne o ther perso n lived there and he was a 32 year o ld graduate. I wo uld reco mmend either co o rdinating who yo u are go ing to live with befo re hand o r co ming here and staying in a ho stal until yo u find a place. I kno w a lo t o f students (internatio nals) who did that and it wo rked o ut great fo r them. Yes! Yes Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 44. 49 . What was the average co st fo r ro und-trip tickets to yo ur ho st co untry? T e xt Re spo nse $110 0 between 8 0 0 -130 0 do llars US $9 0 0 $8 0 0 to Madrid, $30 bus ride to Pamplo na $9 50 $119 0 n/a 120 0 $140 0 (fro m Japan) $1,0 0 0 $9 0 0 9 50 abo ut 10 0 euro s, no t including bus o r train co st to the airpo rt St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 45. 50 . Ho w o ften did yo u travel and to where? T e xt Re spo nse A co uple o f times a mo nth. Mo stly within Spain during the scho o l year. The UK during Spring Break. I traveled nearly bi-weekly to mo st majo r cities in Spain--Tangier, Mo ro cco --Paris, France--Lo ndo n--Czec Republic--Germany--Netherlands--Hungary--Po rtugal--Italy I traveled o n average two weekends a mo nth -- Tangier (Mo ro cco ), Paris, Lo ndo n twice, Madrid, Barcelo na twice, Seville, Limo ne, Venice, Flo rence, Ro me, Amsterdam, Tenerife (Canary Islands) Every 2 o r 3 weekends during the semester, plus Spring Break and a few weeks after classes ended. Tangier Mo ro cco , Paris, Lo ndo n, Amsterdam, Italy (Limo ne, Venice, Flo rence, Ro me. Within Spain (Barcelo na, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Zarago za, Bilbao , San Sebastian, Co rella, Ibiza). Traveled abo ut twice a mo nth - Mo ro cco , Paris, Madrid, Lo ndo n (twice), Barcelo na (three times), Ro me (twice), Sevilla, Limo ne, Venice, Flo rence, Amsterdam, Tenerife. All o f the time: In Spain: Pamplo na, San Sebastian, Olite, Madrid, Barcelo na, Mallo rca, and Sevilla. Outside o f Spain: Amsterdam, Munich, Lisbo n, Paris, All o f Ireland (Kerry, Co rk, Galway, and Dublin), Po rto and Lago s (Po rtugal), Ro me, Co lo gne ~ 2 times a mo nth: Po rtugal, o ther cities in Spain, France, Italy I travelled every o ther weekend/ every 3 weeks aro und spain and a few o ther co untries after scho o l ended 1~2 times a mo nth within Spain o r so me o ther co untries in Euro pe Twice a mo nth. Barcelo na, Bilbao , San Sebastian, Sevilla, Granada, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Lo ndo n, and Dublin. I traveled a lo t at the beginning and less at the end o f my stay. I've go ne to Amsterdam/Ro tterdam, Barcelo na, Paris, Madrid, Bilbao , Brussels, Lo ndo n, Valencia, Prague, Venice, Flo rence, and Ro me. I traveled just abo ut every weekend. I went to Barcelo na, Madrid, Bilbao , Brussels, Lo ndo n, Dublin, Italy (Ro me, Flo rence), Valencia, Mallo rca, Paris, and Ibiza. If yo u want to travel a lo t I DO NOT RECOMMEND PAMPLONA. Pamplo na has o ne small airpo rt that o nly flies to Barcelo na and Madrid and flights are very expensive. It is a 3 ho ur train o r 5 ho ur bus ride to Madrid, o r a 4 ho ur train o r 6 .5 ho ur bus ride to Barcelo na, and tho se are the cheapest places to fly o ut o f. Bilbao airpo rt is a 2 ho ur bus ride, and it has a lo t o f flights, but they aren't as cheap as Barcelo na o r Madrid. The co st o f living in Pamplo na is cheap co mpared to tho se cities, so it so mewhat evens o ut, but it takes FOREVER to get anywhere, and requires a lo t o f co o rdinatio n with bus and train times. abo ut 2-3 weekends o ut o f the mo nth. In Spain - Bilbao , San Sebastian, Madrid, Barcelo na, So uth o f Spain (Sevilla, Granada, Co rdo ba) Outside o f Spain - Po rtugal (Po rto , Lisbo n, Lago s), Paris, Ro me, Ireland, and Prague St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 46. 51. Did the structure o f the ho st institutio n's co urse schedule fo ster travel o ppo rtunity o r prevent it? Why? T e xt Re spo nse It fo stered travel o ppo rtunity. We were able to schedule no classes o n Fridays. All o f the teachers were acco mmo dating regarding mo ving exam dates fo r internatio nal students. Fo stered it because I did no t have co urses o n Fridays. Also , the effo rt required fo r the co urses was managable while maintainnig this travel regimen Definitely fo stered -- I didn't have class o n Fridays and didn't start classes until 4PM o n Mo ndays. Fo stered it. We had no classes o n Friday and we didn't have class until 4 PM o n Mo nday so it was no pro blem to go so mewhere fo r a weekend. Also , mo st o f the pro fesso rs are understanding o f "cultural o ppo rtunities fo r disco very and travel" (as o ur Marketing II pro fesso r put it). It fo stered travel o ppo rtunities. Started class o n Mo ndays at 4PM and didn't have class o n Fridays. Fo ster - just make sure to find o ut all o f the dates fo r presentatio ns and exams and then plan aro und that. Go ing to classes (at least fo r me) was no t mandato ry, making it much easier to travel when I wanted to . Warning: Traveling fro m Pamplo na can be difficult o n a budget because there is a €40 bus (ro undtrip) to Madrid fo r cheap flights and the bus ride is 5 ho urs, so keep that in mind. As yo u can see fro m ho w much I traveled, it to o k its to ll but at the end o f the day it was o kay. Yes, yo u co uld manage to get lo ng eno ugh weekends to go o ut o f to wn, o r if yo u missed a day o f classes were able to catch up It really didnt hinder o r help. I was lo o king to get to kno w my city mo reso than anything It did no t prevent; ho wever, I was no t able to get class schedule until the last minute because semester schedule was usually no t decided by pro fesso rs at the beginning. Yes. Classes are flexible fo r the mo st part. Pro fesso rs kno w that yo u want to travel. My schedule was nice because I didn't have class Fridays and class started late o n Mo ndays so I was able to take lo ng weekends, and Spring Break was lo ng eno ugh to go to a lo t o f different places. No . They have many business classes that go late in to the day o n Friday, preventing weekend travel. Fo r example, I wanted to take Marketing and Finance II. Marketing was 3-6 pm o n Friday and Finance was 7-9 pm, which wo uld've made it difficult fo r me to travel. Depends o n the co urses yo u want to take, but fo r the mo st part it fo sters travel. I o nly had class Tues-Thurs which was great St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 47. 52. Do yo u have any tips o r info rmatio n abo ut traveling while abro ad that yo u wo uld like to share with upco ming exchange students preparing fo r their trip? T e xt Re spo nse Fo r Spain, the bus system and o ther public transpo rtatio n is excellent. Pamplo na is fairly inco nvenient to travel to /fro m, but it was wo rth it to live here. Travel and experience as much as po ssible. Yo u can always learn what yo u do n't kno w, but yo u canno t create memo ries. Plan ahead befo re bo o king anything & Do n't miss yo ur flight! Plan ahead. Stay in the city center, because o therwise yo u canno t go o ut at night because the metro /buses end in mo st cities aro und 12 (unless yo u want to pay fo r a 10 0 euro taxi ride). That way yo u can also walk aro und easily. Within Euro pe, use Ryanair and Easyjet, they will ALWAYS be the cheapest. Within Spain, yo u almo st never want to fly fro m Pamplo na, it's really expensive. Yo u can get a ro undtrip bus ride to Madrid fo r 40 euro s and fly fro m there. Do n't go to Paris in the winter. Brrrr it was co ld (-15 F)! It ho nestly ruined o ur weekend there. Pack lightly!!!!!!! I reco mmend o ne big suitcase and o ne carryo n.. THAT'S IT. Go with an o pen-mind. Only travel to places that yo u are really interested in (by the end o f the semester, I was so o o o sick o f traveling AND spent to o much mo ney) Travel as much as yo u can but do no t leave behind yo ur city. As yo u can see, I traveled all o ver Euro pe but I still made Pamplo na my ho me, partied and hung o ut with peo ple here, and I made sure to have great memo ries fro m Pamplo na itself. By the end yo u will no t want to travel as much because if yo u fall in lo ve with Pamplo na like I did, yo u will MISS IT! There was mo re traveling I wanted to do but do n't be the kid who is go ne all the time. Definitely get so me o f the weekend trips o ut o f the way in the beginning as later o n time go es by to o fast PLAN ahead and do nt pay fo r taxi's lo o k up transpo ratio n means n/a Bo o k early and try to stay in ho stals (it's cheaper and mo re fun, yo u will make friends fro m all aro und the wo rld). Do n't fly o ut o f Pamplo na (to o expensive and o nly flys to Madrid o r Barcelo na), try to fly o ut o f Bilbao , Zarago za, Madrid, o r Barcelo na. Taking busses to any o f these places is the cheapest way to go . Do n't travel to anywhere yo u do n't really want to go . Time flys fast and befo re yo u kno w it yo u will be o ut o f time (and mo ney) to travel. If yo u're co ming to Pamplo na, get familiar with the bus statio n. Plane tickets o ut o f here are ludicro us and no t wo rth it, they o nly fly to Madrid and Barcelo na. The clo sest biggest airpo rt is in Bilbao , which is a 2 ho ur bus ride away. Yo u're no t go ing to be prevented fro m traveling, just kno w that yo u're mo st likely go ing to have to travel so mewhere to travel to where yo u want to go . Use m to o ! Great way to check fo r cheap flights. Use TripAdviso r. It's great fo r reco mmendatio ns fo r everything fro m things to do to places to eat. Get a Charles Schwab bank acco unt. There's no fees o n any ATMs anywhere in the wo rld, and minimal fees o n POS transactio ns. Traveling fro m Pamplo na is no t the mo st co nvenient thing. Yo u always have to take a bus o r train first in o rder to fly o ut. Bilbao and Zarago za are the clo sest/cheapest airpo rts to get to . Madrid and Barcelo na usually have the mo st flights available but are further away. I reco mmend taking the bus to any o f these cities; it's cheaper than the train, tho ugh the travel time may be lo nger. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 48. 53. EXPENSES: Ho w much spending mo ney FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER wo uld yo u reco mmend that the next participants budget fo r this pro gram? # Answe r Min Value Max Value Ave rage Value St andard De viat io n 1 2 General (including fo o d, entertainment, lo cal transpo rtatio n) 0 .0 0 4,0 0 0 .0 0 1,76 9 .23 1,356 .70 Ho using/rent 0 .0 0 2,50 0 .0 0 1,6 12.6 9 724.14 3 General travel during semester 0 .0 0 7,6 8 5.0 0 3,121.9 2 2,26 6 .9 0 4 Bo o ks & miscellaneo us supplies 0 .0 0 30 0 .0 0 9 5.38 10 1.0 5 5 Other expenditures (please explain) 0 .0 0 1,0 0 0 .0 0 115.38 28 8 .23 Ot he r e xpe ndit ure s (ple ase e xplain) This makes the difference between the o ther co lumns, and what I spent o verall this semester yo u never kno w 49. 54. Did yo u experience any fo rm o f crime, o r were yo u in danger at any time (such as the victim o r witness o f assault, ro bbery, etc.)? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse No No . Never. Pamplo na is really safe. No No . PAMPLONA IS EXTREMELY SAFE. 20 do llars sto big deal, but to tally unexpected No t really, being latino i felt they were afraid o f me No , Pamplo na is very safe. Ho wever, friends go t pick-po cketed in Barcelo na. I never felt in danger in Pamplo na. When the general strike was go ing o n, there was so me vandalism and I almo st saw a fight break o ut, but I perso nally never felt attacked. I have walked aro und by myself at night and always felt perfectly safe. No No , but I kno w several students who were pick-po cketed when they traveled to big cities. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 50. 55. Befo re departure fro m USC, o r upo n immediate arrival to yo ur ho st co untry, do yo u think yo u were adequately warned and/o r prepared to deal with mo st incidents mentio ned in the Health and Safety sectio n o f this evaluatio n? T e xt Re spo nse Yes Yes, i had no issues this semester yes Yes Yes, accept fo r the fact that I did no t speak Spanish but that is my respo nsibility. Yes, and didn't really experience any pro blems Very much so Yes Yes Yes Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 51. 56 . If yo u did no t feel adequately prepared (respo nse to questio n #55), what do yo u think yo u needed to kno w o r hear in advance? Ho w co uld yo u have been better info rmed and/o r prepared? T e xt Re spo nse n/a N/A Yes N/A n/a N/A N/A N/A n/a St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 9 52. 57. Were yo u kno wledgeable abo ut yo ur USC o verseas insurance co verage po licy? T e xt Re spo nse Yes Yes because I had previo usly lived abro ad as part o f the Glo bal Fello ws Pro gram no Kinda. Yes. yes, tho ugh didn't co mpletely understand Yes i read it extensively Yes Yes Yes but didn't need to use it. Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 53. 58 . Did yo u experience any negative treatment that yo u feel was related to yo ur ethnicity, race, natio nal o rigin, gender, sexual o rientatio n, o r religio n? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse No Yes, Spanish culture is far less po litcally co rrect than the US, and I felt that I received negative treatment o n the basis o f my race and ethnicity. Ho wever, it was no t wo rse than anything I have experienced in the US, and I was also treated extremely po sitively fo r my race as well. Do uble edged swo rd. Peo ple here are always sho cked by fo reign cultures because they do n't see a lo t o f fo reigners, but it was never negative and it made the pro gram a great learning experience. No t really. A lo t o f peo ple didn't believe that I was fro m America. They wo uld keep asking me if I'm fro m Asia. Pretty funny. No no , just do n't mind when the elderly give yo u lo o ks...they aren't used to fo reign yo uth france, parts o f spain i felt they wo uld walk away o r keep their space fro m me Spanish peo ple have a lo t o f pride and can be stubbo rn when it co mes to their o pinio ns. Having a Spanish ro o mmate and having a friend who has two , they will make co mments abo ut things yo u do that seem unusual o r abo ut being fro m the United States. My ro o mmates who are Spanish gave me a hard time mo re than o nce fo r being fro m America, which can be very frustrating. But o ther than there I never felt like I was treated badly. No No St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 54. 59 . What was the best part o f the pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse Living with Spanish students The peo ple in it. There is a really stro ng internatio nal pro gram here, so I made friends no t o nly fro m Spain and Pamplo na, but fro m all o ver the wo rld, including Iceland, England, Ireland, Germany, France, Ro mania, Czech Republic, Italy, Po rtugal, Australia, Chile, Canada, Co lumbia, Argentina, Russia... It was amazing. Meeting peo ple fro m all aro und the wo rld and engaging in different cultures. The experience itself - the peo ple, the travels, the memo ries, the list co uld go o n fo rever... Friends made and the co mfo rt Pamplo na gave. Also , JUEVINTXOS every thursday night (2 euro tapas and vino ) Being able to immerse myself in the unkno wn and just wanted aro und and get ti kno w the ins and o uts o f my city Traveling and living in a new place. Learning abo ut so many different cultures. THe fact that we weren't iso lated with o nly USC students was a majo r plus. I was able to take classes with students fro m Spain and o ther internatio nal students. The peo ple I met. Fro m the USC students I was with, to all o f the internatio nal students, I learned so much fro m each o f them. I lo ved getting to kno w students fro m all aro und the wo rld. They made the pro gram fo r me. The Internatio nal Co mmittee at Navarra was very helpful in helping us acclimate to Pamplo na/Spain. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 55. 6 0 . What was the mo st difficult part? T e xt Re spo nse So me o f the classes, namely Human Reso urces, seemed like a waste o f time because o f a po o r pro fesso r Leaving Spain after the pro gram was o ver Things in Spain (especially small-to wn Spain) do n't mo ve at the same pace as things in America and o ften the way they do things do n't seem to make sense, but yo u just have to learn to be patient in everything that yo u do . The language barrier. The language barrier/trying to find a sense o f no rmalcy in co mpariso n with life in LA. It is much different here, but I wanted a challenge and that's what I go t. One apartment mate was pretty messsy FOOD! Spain fo o d isnt go o d Adjusting and ho mesickness. Adjusting to the lifestyle o f a small to wn in Spain. They take siesta pretty serio usly here, so having sho ps clo sed fro m 2-5 o r 6 really messed with my no rmal levels o f pro ductivity. Pamplo na is a small to wn. If yo u are lo o king fo r a city with a to n to do and a lo t o f culture, do no co me to Pamplo na. It is very much a city where yo u have to be able to make yo ur o wn fun, since there isn' a to n to go o ut and do and see. It is also a VERY co nservative to wn. Peo ple rarely wear sho rts, even when it's warm. Figuring o ut the expectatio ns fo r o ur classwo rk St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 56. 6 1. Describe a situatio n that yo u experienced as a result o f culture sho ck o r cultural misunderstanding. Ho w did yo u reso lve it? T e xt Re spo nse There was a po tential misunderstanding abo ut the last mo nth's rent payment and co ntract, due to a lack o f co mmunicatio n in advance abo ut the issue. It was reso lved witho ut a pro blem, by lo o king at the transcript o f o ur fo rmer messages abo ut the ro o m, and with the help o f my current ro o mmates. n/a My ro o mmates I'm pretty sure have never been o ut o f Spain mo re than o nce maybe and have never had an American friend, so I was kind o f a culture sho ck to them. They wo uld laugh at the fo o d I ate every day (fo r example, sandwiches fo r lunch) o r the clo thes I wo re. Eventually I just had to explain to them that I didn't like it when they made co mments o n what I ate and wo re. They understo o d and sto pped do ing that. I was running in gym sho rts (no t bo o ty sho rts) and decided to go to campus to print my readings o ut. The "gate master" didn't let me in because I was in sho rts. I was really o ffended at the time.. but no w lo o king back, it's just funny. The Spanish siesta. Everyday everyo ne takes a break in the afterno o n and it is impo ssible to get anything do ne. To reso lve it, just get used to it. I was serenaded....a lo t in italy, I didnt o rder wine and it was seen as an insult No specific situatio ns. I think that in terms o f cultural misunderstanding, my ro o mmates and I didn't get alo ng as swimmingly as I'd ho ped because o ne o f them described Americans as "blinded individuals". I do n;t think it was ever fully reso lved, but I learned to take so me o f the things they said in stride and no t as a perso nal attack. A lo t o f peo ple will have negative things to say abo ut America. I expected this co ming in and they usually had go o d po ints. Ho wever, when I wo uld make equal po ints abo ut pro blems within Euro pe, they wo uld get very defensive and no t be o pen minded to hearing what I had to say. I just learned to live with this. Spanish custo mer service is no t as go o d and efficient. One time, I wasn't able to print o ut an assignment o n time because the wo rker at the scho o l's print sho p was wo rking o n so mething else and had no sense o f urgency. I learned never go anywhere in a hurry. Spanish peo ple do n't have a sense o f urgency, so I wo uld always make sure I had eno ugh time to get my errands do ne in case I had to wait aro und. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 57. 6 2. Describe so mething that yo u are pro ud o f having acco mplished during yo ur stay. T e xt Re spo nse A library card and finished a no vel in Spanish making lasting friendships with the peo ple I met. Meeting so many internatio nal friends and impro ving my Spanish language ability and co nfidence. I went fro m basic classro o m kno wledge o f Spanish to being co nversatio nal, almo st fluent. Really learned abo ut myself a lo t.. and will no w budget everything that I do . Balance between travel and being in Pamplo na. I traveled mo re than anyo ne in o ur pro gram o r in the internatio nal pro gram here, but I still feel Pamplo na was my ho me and that I made great friends/great memo ries with the peo ple here. Really just living o n my o wn and managing all my expenses. I was able to impro ve my spanish Getting my picture taken fo r the Pamplo na newspaper and being labeled as a Pamplo nesa! I learned that I am o kay to travel by myself. I've always had a bit o f travel anxiety but no w I co mpletely feel co mfo rtable mo ving fro m place to place witho ut so meo ne else there to help me. It's a go o d feeling to kno w yo u can be safe o n yo ur o wn! Traveling internatio nally o n my o wn. I went a lo t o f places where I was meeting friends, and just navigating Euro pe was so mething I was really pro ud o f. making mo re lo cal friends than mo st internatio nal students tend to St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 58. 6 3. What do yo u wish yo u had kno wn abo ut befo re leaving? T e xt Re spo nse Ho w to register fo r classes No thing, learning o n the fly is what makes it fun. Ho w co ld it wo uld be! Mo re info rmatio n abo ut traveling to /fro m Pamplo na. (It's a small city, so traveling was very expensive.. I wish I had advice befo re hand) The bus ride to Madrid/Barcelo na to travel. To get an apartment clo ser to everyo ne else in the area by the nighttime so cial places I wish I had kno wn to co o k better Pack co ld clo thes. There was maybe three weeks cumulatively here that were warm eno ugh to go witho ut a jacket. Just ho w small Pamplo na really is. I wasn't really ready fo r the size o f the city and it to o k me a while to adjust. Additio nally, I wish so meo ne had been there to help me understand the best way to get aro und at the very beginning. Ho w small Pamplo na is. I knew it was small but didn't understand just ho w small. I really wo uldn't reco mmend it to so meo ne who can't make their o wn fun. The weather - it rains ALL the time St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 59. 6 4. Do yo u have any travel tips to share? T e xt Re spo nse Traveling fro m Pamplo na to Paris is best do ne by train. Traveling within Spain is best do ne by bus. n/a Bring the least amo unt o f stuff yo u can, it will make yo ur life easier when go ing back ho me. Pack lightly, do n't travel to o much. Find the deals, use yo ur head, and please do no t be igno rant. RyanAir. Eno ugh said. Bo o k ahead and lo o k up lo cal festivals, do nt fo cus o n "co mmercial" sites Pack light eno ugh to be able to carry o n yo ur bag - its co stly here and the dimensio ns are smaller. If po ssible bring a go o d backpack to travel with that fits carry-o n dimensio ns. Stay in ho stals and take advantage o f the things they o ffer. Many had free to urs that were great and info rmative. Use the bus statio n is my biggest tip. It was a life safe in terms o f cash! And skyscanner is a great was to check flights. Also , lo o k o n ho stel wo rld fo r ho stel, but then check the actual ho stel website... so metimes it's cheaper if yo u go straight to the so urce. Use TripAdviso r. When yo u travel bring a co py o f yo ur passpo rt, and put the co py in a different bag then the o ne yo ur actual passpo rt is in. Make co pies o f all yo ur credit cards so that yo u have all the info . bo o k flights and ho stels as early as po ssible; PACK LIGHTLY; traveling is cheaper befo re spring break - starting in April flights and ho stels get mo re expensive. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 60. 6 5. What wo uld yo u like to say to the students go ing after yo u? T e xt Re spo nse Definitely study abro ad at so me po int in co llege. It sho uld be required. (And do n't o verpack.) n/a Yo u're so lucky! Have the time o f yo ur life.. and break up with yo ur bf/gf befo re go ing! It causes unneccessary drama! I wo uld highly reco mmend Pamplo na. If yo u want to travel, yo u can do that. Ryanair, EasyJet, etc.. all fly o ut o f Madrid and Barcelo na making it much less expensive to travel (o ther than the bus to get there - remember that). It is no t a mega city meaning it is no t like ho me (I perso nally wanted that) and there are, witho ut a do ubt, cultural differences. There are definitely things yo u will have to get used to (new fo o d, dealing with the university, different class structures,etc...). Make sure to take advantage o f every o ppo rtunity presented to yo u and put yo urself o ut there. If yo u do , yo u will thank me and have the best 4.5/5 mo nth perio d o f yo u life. Make sure yo u make friends with the kids fro m UNAV! I wish I had do ne this mo re Enjo y the city, do nt leave it behind to travel it has alo t to o ffer It's go ing to be o ne o f the best decisio ns yo u've ever made! Get to kno w as many peo ple as po ssible as so o n as yo u get there. Everyo ne wants to travel and the so o ner yo u make travel plans the cheaper it will be. Make a list o f where yo u want to travel and start planning ho w to get there. Be o pen to trying new things and do n't be afraid to be sad when yo u first get here. It's a big life change and so metimes that can be hard, but if yo u kno w that yo u let yo urself have a lo t mo re fun! Also do yo ur best to really reach o ut to o ther internatio nal students and make friends! Everyo ne is always really nice. :) Have an amazing time and go in with an o pen mind. Lo w expectatio ns can o nly be exceeded. Travel a lo t WITHIN Spain and live with no n-USC students St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 61. 6 6 . Any final tho ughts... T e xt Re spo nse Pamplo na was a wo nderful city to get a feel fo r Spanish culture and language. The dialect here is beautiful. I lo ved living here, and I wo uld definitely reco mmend it, altho ugh with a few different co urses than the o nes that I to o k. n/a No Thank yo u USC fo r this o ppo rtunity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MATTER WHAT DESTINATION YOU GET, GO!!! I kno w peo ple that wanted Euro pe and go t Asia, o r the reverse and abso lutely lo ved it no t matter where they were. It was the best 4.5 mo nths o f my life and the peo ple/memo ries/experiences will never be fo rgo tten. I wish I co uld put into wo rds ho w stro ngly I reco mmend the IEP Pro gram. GO! Vale! AMAZ Keep an o pen mind to trying new things! My ro o mmate to o k me to a Basque festival called the carnaval de iturren. I had no idea what to expect, but it was o ne o f the mo st unusual things I have ever seen and o ne o f my best and mo st memo rable experiences while abro ad. Please feel free to reach o ut to me if yo u have any questio ns o r co ncerns! Pamplo na is small. I'm o pen to talking in perso n with any pro spective students :) St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11