My Report Last Mo dified: 0 8 /0 2/20 13 Filter By: Repo rt Subgro up 1. Name (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse Garwin Chin Jack Brinck Maggie Hsu Jo celyn Parmenter Taylo r Zea Andrew Ellio tt Cro we Kellen Haines Simo ne Wicks Katie Wile Dianna Daniella Shevel Christina Zho ng Bahareh Aghajani Frances Yen Abby Chao Antho ny Yo o Cassandra Tang Irina Escuadro St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 2. E-mail Address (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse mhsu6 m ecro St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 17 3. Lo catio n # Answe r 39 Bar Re spo nse % Aalto University Scho o l o f Eco no mics 0 0% 4 Australian Natio nal University 0 0% 6 Chinese University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 5 Co penhagen Business Scho o l 0 0% 3 Co rvinus University o f Budapest 0 0% 37 Chulalo ngko rn University 0 0% 2 ESADE Business Scho o l 0 0% 40 ESCEM 0 0% 38 ESCP-EAP 0 0% 65 Fudan University 0 0% 13 HEC Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 7 Ho ng Ko ng UNiversity o f Science and Techno lo gy 0 0% 58 ICHEC Brussels 0 0% 63 IE Scho o l o f Business 0 0% 15 Ko rea University Business Scho o l 0 0% 16 Natio nal University o f Singapo re 0 0% 18 Natio nal Taiwan University 0 0% 27 Peking University 0 0% 14 Ro tterdam Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 61 Seo ul Natio nal University 0 0% 19 Singapo re Management University 0 0% Thammasat University 0 0% 57 Universidade de No va de Lisbo n 0 0% 64 Universiidad de Carlo s Madrid III 11 Universita Co mmerciale Luigi Bo cco ni 62 1 0 0% 29 10 0 % University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 9 University o f Manchester, Manchester Business Scho o l 0 0% 10 University o f Melbo urne 0 0% 12 University o f Navarra 0 0% 17 University o f St. Gallen 0 0% 59 Vienna University o f Eco no mics and Business 0 0% 8 WHU Otto Beisheim Scho o l o f Management 0 0% To tal 29 St at ist ic Value Min Value 11 Max Value 11 Mean 11.0 0 Variance 0 .0 0 Standard Deviatio n 0 .0 0 To tal Respo nses 29 4. What is yo ur academic status this semester? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 So pho mo re 0 0% 2 Junio r 12 41% 3 Senio r 17 59 % To tal 29 St at ist ic Value Min Value 2 Max Value 3 Mean 2.59 Variance 0 .25 Standard Deviatio n 0 .50 To tal Respo nses 29 5. What is yo ur expected date o f graduatio n fro m USC (Semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 )? T e xt Re spo nse Spring 20 0 9 May 20 10 Fall 20 0 9 Spring 20 10 May 20 10 Spring 20 10 Fall 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 May 20 11 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 May 20 11 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 11 Fall 20 12 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 May 20 12 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 14 May 20 13 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 29 6. What is yo ur majo r? T e xt Re spo nse Business Administratio n and Bio lo gy Business Business & Acco unting Business-Cinematic Arts Business Cinematic Arts BUAD Business Business Business Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Finance & Acco unting Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business BCA Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n BUAD Acco unting and Business Administratio n Business, Acco unting St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 29 7. What is yo ur co ncentratio n (Business majo rs o nly)? T e xt Re spo nse Finance and Internatio nal Business Finance, Internatio nal Business Intl Business Internatio nal Business intl. bus. Finance Finance Entrepreneurship and Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Individualized Internatio nal Business Finance Advertising & Pro mo tio ns Strategies Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business & Marketing/Finance Finance Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Marketing St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 26 8. Please indicate the term in which yo u were abro ad (semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 ). T e xt Re spo nse Fall 20 0 8 Spring 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Spring 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Spring 20 10 Fall 20 10 Spring 20 10 Fall 20 10 Fall 20 10 Fall 20 10 Fall 20 10 Fall 20 10 Spring 20 11 Fall 20 11 Fall 20 11 Fall 20 11 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Fall 20 12 Fall 20 12 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 29 9. I. GENERAL PROGRAM EVALUATION Please rate the fo llo wing items: # Que st io n 1 1. Yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 0 1 13 13 27 4.44 St at ist ic 1. Yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he pro gram . Min Value 3 Max Value 5 Mean 4.44 Variance 0 .33 Standard Deviatio n 0 .58 To tal Respo nses 27 10. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2. To what extent did the pro gram meet yo ur expectatio ns? 0 0 4 11 12 27 4.30 3. To what extent was yo ur participatio n in the pro gram a valuable learning experience? 0 1 0 8 18 27 4.59 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 2. T o what e xt e nt did t he pro gram m e e t yo ur e xpe ct at io ns? 3. T o what e xt e nt was yo ur part icipat io n in t he pro gram a valuable le arning e xpe rie nce ? Min Value 3 2 Max Value 5 5 Mean 4.30 4.59 Variance 0 .52 0 .48 Standard Deviatio n 0 .72 0 .6 9 27 27 To tal Respo nses 11. # Que st io n 1 4. To what extent wo uld yo u reco mmend this pro gram to o ther USC students? Wo uld no t re co m m e nd at all May re co m m e nd wit h re se rvat io ns Ne ut ral Wo uld sure ly re co m m e nd Wo uld re co m m e nd m o st st ro ngly T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 1 0 9 17 27 4.56 St at ist ic 4 . T o what e xt e nt wo uld yo u re co m m e nd t his pro gram t o o t he r USC st ude nt s? Min Value 2 Max Value 5 Mean 4.56 Variance 0 .49 Standard Deviatio n 0 .70 To tal Respo nses 27 12. II. ACADEMIC PROGRAM No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 5. To what extent were yo ur co urses intellectually challenging? 3 3 7 13 1 27 3.22 6 . Ho w co mparable was the quality o f instructio n and academic demand o f classes to that o f USC? 7 9 6 4 1 27 2.37 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 5 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo ur co urse s int e lle ct ually challe nging? 6 . Ho w co m parable was t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n and acade m ic de m and o f classe s t o t hat o f USC? Min Value 1 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.22 2.37 Variance 1.18 1.32 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 9 1.15 27 27 To tal Respo nses 13. St ro ngly disagre e Disagre e Ne ut ral Agre e St ro ngly Agre e T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 7. The grading system used in the co urses was explained. 0 2 6 16 3 27 3.74 8 . I was able to register fo r all the classes that I wanted. 0 5 3 13 6 27 3.74 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 7 . T he grading syst e m use d in t he co urse s was e xplaine d. 8. I was able t o re gist e r f o r all t he classe s t hat I want e d. Min Value 2 2 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.74 3.74 Variance 0 .58 1.0 5 Standard Deviatio n 0 .76 1.0 2 27 27 To tal Respo nses 14. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 9 . To what extent were yo u prepared fo r the co ursewo rk? 1 3 0 8 15 27 4.22 2 10 . To what extent do yo u feel yo u were immersed in the culture o f the ho st co untry? 2 6 3 8 8 27 3.52 3 11. To what extent did yo u gain a better appreciatio n o f the ho st culture's perspectives? 2 0 3 12 10 27 4.0 4 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 9 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo u pre pare d f o r t he co urse wo rk? 10 . T o what e xt e nt do yo u f e e l yo u we re im m e rse d in t he cult ure o f t he ho st co unt ry? 11. T o what e xt e nt did yo u gain a be t t e r appre ciat io n o f t he ho st cult ure 's pe rspe ct ive s? Min Value 1 1 1 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 4.22 3.52 4.0 4 Variance 1.33 1.8 0 1.19 Standard Deviatio n 1.15 1.34 1.0 9 27 27 27 To tal Respo nses 15. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry Sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 12. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the co ntent o f the co urses yo u to o k. 0 6 7 12 2 27 3.37 13. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the quality o f instructio n. 6 4 9 7 1 27 2.74 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 12. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he co nt e nt o f t he co urse s yo u t o o k. Min Value 2 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.37 2.74 Variance 0 .8 6 1.43 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 3 1.20 27 27 To tal Respo nses 13. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n. 16. # Que st io n 1 14. Please rate the o verall level o f faculty interest in students. Ve ry lo w So m e what lo w Ave rage Highe r t han ave rage Ve ry high T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 7 16 3 0 27 2.78 St at ist ic 14 . Ple ase rat e t he o ve rall le ve l o f f acult y int e re st in st ude nt s. Min Value 1 Max Value 4 Mean 2.78 Variance 0 .49 Standard Deviatio n 0 .70 To tal Respo nses 27 17. # Que st io n 1 15. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the academic pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2 7 6 11 1 27 3.0 7 St at ist ic 15 . Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he acade m ic pro gram . Min Value 1 Max Value 5 Mean 3.0 7 Variance 1.15 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 7 To tal Respo nses 27 18. III. LANGUAGE PREPARATIONIf yo u did no t take a fo reign language class this semester, please cho o se "No t applicable" fo r each questio n. No t applicable Po o r Ne e ds im pro ve m e nt Fair Go o d Exce lle nt T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 16 . Ho w were yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram? 13 11 1 1 1 0 27 1.74 2 17. Ho w were yo ur language skills after the pro gram? 12 6 5 3 0 1 27 2.11 3 18 . Yo ur living situatio n aided yo ur language acquisitio n. 12 11 0 1 3 0 27 1.9 6 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 16 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram ? 17 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills af t e r t he pro gram ? 18. Yo ur living sit uat io n aide d yo ur language acquisit io n. Min Value Max Value 1 1 1 5 6 5 Mean 1.74 2.11 1.9 6 Variance 0 .9 7 1.72 1.6 5 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 8 1.31 1.29 27 27 27 To tal Respo nses 19. # Que st io n 1 19 . If yo u studied a fo reign language o n the pro gram, please rate yo ur o verall level o f satisfactio n with the language educatio n co mpo nent o f the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2 2 21 0 2 27 2.9 3 St at ist ic 19 . If yo u st udie d a f o re ign language o n t he pro gram , ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall le ve l o f sat isf act io n wit h t he language e ducat io n co m po ne nt o f t he pro gram . Min Value 1 Max Value 5 Mean 2.9 3 Variance 0 .6 9 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 3 To tal Respo nses 27 20. IV. SUPPORT SERVICESPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 20 . On-site academic advising 3 7 15 2 0 27 2.59 2 21. On-site o rientatio n 0 7 9 9 2 27 3.22 3 22. On-site academic facilities (e.g. classro o ms, libraries, co mputer labs), excluding ho using. 3 12 6 6 0 27 2.56 4 23. Co mmunicatio n with the USC Marshall o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 11 10 6 27 3.8 1 5 24. Overall impressio n o f o n-site suppo rt services 1 9 11 6 0 27 2.8 1 St at ist ic 20 . On-sit e acade m ic advising 21. On-sit e o rie nt at io n 22. On-sit e acade m ic f acilit ie s (e .g. classro o m s, librarie s, co m put e r labs), e xcluding ho using. 23. Co m m unicat io n wit h t he USC Marshall o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 24 . Ove rall im pre ssio n o f o n-sit e suppo rt se rvice s Min Value 1 Max Value 4 2 1 3 1 5 4 5 4 Mean 2.59 3.22 2.56 3.8 1 2.8 1 Variance 0 .6 4 0 .8 7 0 .9 5 0 .6 2 0 .70 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 0 0 .9 3 0 .9 7 0 .79 0 .8 3 27 27 27 27 27 To tal Respo nses 21. V. HOUSINGPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 25. Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 6 9 8 4 27 3.37 2 26 . Lo catio n o f student ho using 11 13 1 2 0 27 1.78 3 27. Quality o f ho using arrangements 2 9 8 6 2 27 2.8 9 St at ist ic 25 . Ho using co o rdinat io n 26 . Lo cat io n o f st ude nt ho using 27 . Qualit y o f ho using arrange m e nt s Min Value 2 1 1 Max Value 5 4 5 2.8 9 Mean 3.37 1.78 Variance 1.0 1 0 .72 1.18 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 1 0 .8 5 1.0 9 27 27 27 To tal Respo nses 22. VI. OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 31. Why did yo u cho o se this pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse I wanted to explo re and learn abo ut Euro pe because I had heard so many go o d things fro m so many peo ple. It was my to p cho ice because I was mo st interested in western euro pe and it pro vided an o ppo rtunity to also learn a new language -- italian. I wanted to study in Italy. I wanted to see Euro pe, so here I am :) Initially I had cho sen it because there are a few co urses pertaining to visual arts to cho o se fro m. I also really wanted to study Italian. I was interested in the Italian culture and wanted to be in a co untry that had easy access to o ther lo catio ns in Euro pe. Also , this scho o l had a film class as an o ptio n. Co untry culture I wanted to study in Euro pe. I went to Italy a few years ago with my family and enjo yed the co untry and its culture. I also wanted to go to a co untry that was central in Euro pe in o rder to make traveling easier and less expensive. I cho se this pro gram because I wanted to experience living and studying within a new culture. Mo re specifically, I cho se the Bo cco ni pro gram in Milan because I wanted to experience the Italian way o f life, surro unded by great architecture, eating delicio us fo o d, all while studying in o ne o f the best Business scho o ls in the wo rld. I knew I wanted to travel a lo t so its a very central place in Euro pe where it is easy to travel fro m. Also I was friends with students fro m Bo cco ni who studied abro ad at USC so that influenced my decisio n. I wanted to learn Italian and study there. Also , Milan is no t a very to uristy city so I wo uld get a mo re authentic experience. In fact, there are very few to urists in Milan and yo u HAVE to kno w at least so me Italian to survive in this city. Lo ndo n, Paris, Barcelo na, etc, are very to uristy cities and I didn't want that enviro nment. I wanted to take the Fashio n Management co urse o ffered at this university because o f the my stro ng interest in this field. I also tho ught Milan was the best lo catio n to be in to experience living in Euro pe. Milan deemed to mo st ideal lo catio n to study because it o ffered me an o ppo rtunity to explo re the business side o f fashio n, learn a new language, and pursue traveling mo re co nveniently. I have always lo ved Italian culture, cuisine, and peo ple so I knew befo rehand that I wo uld have no pro blem fitting it co mfo rtably. I wanted to learn abo ut Euro pean culture and felt that the co untry best fit my perso nality as well as my interests. One o f the to p finance b-scho o ls in Euro pe. Also , Milan is a very go o d city and is central to everywhere in Euro pe Due to a stro ng interest in fashio n I tho ught Milan wo uld be ideal and Bo cco ni o ffered a fashio n management class. Great lo catio n to travel fro m. Milan was centrally lo cated and it was a city I did no t think I wo uld likely visit in the future. I had always wanted to go to Italy and tho ught studying abro ad there was the perfect o ppo rtunity. I had heard go o d things abo ut this pro gram fro m peo ple who had go ne in the past. I tho ught Italy wo uld be a co o l place to live fo r a few mo nths and get to kno w the culture. I cho se this pro gram o n the basis o f the lo catio n o f this co untry in relatio n to o ther parts o f Euro pe. Bo cco ni o ffers a go o d balance o f academically rigo ro us finance classes and easy classes (e.g. e-marketing, leadership). Given its lo catio n INSIDE Milan, it definitely o ffers the city lifestyle tho ugh it's no NYC. Plus, the university has the ability to o ffer classes o n really interesting to pics like fashio n and design. It's easy to travel while attending Bo cco ni, since there are no real attendance po licies and yo u have the o ptio n o f taking classes no n-attending (tho ugh no n-attending exams are usually mo re difficult). At the time I did no t kno w anything abo ut Italy, which allo wed me to go into the pro gram with less expectatio ns o f what Milan wo uld be. Additio nally, I was interested in fashio n and design and wanted the o ppo rtunity to take the fashio n management co urse which was unique to this lo catio n. Also the o ppo rtunity to live in a mo re city like enviro nment appealed to me. I cho se this pro gram mainly based o n the lo catio n in Euro pe and the reputatio n o f the scho o l. I wanted to be in Italy St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 24 23. 32. Please co mpare these aspects o f yo ur pro gram with study at USC. # Que st io n Equivale nt USC/Abro ad Be t t e r USC/in L.A. Be t t e r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 2 1) Quality o f instructio n 5 2) Co ntent o f co urses 3 0 19 24 2.58 1 20 24 3 3) Intellectual challenge o f co urses 2.71 6 1 17 24 2.46 4 5 4) Faculty interest in/suppo rt o f students 4 2 18 24 2.58 5) Individual assistance pro vided 2 1 21 24 2.79 St at ist ic 1) Qualit y o f inst ruct io n 2) Co nt e nt o f co urse s Min Value 1 1 Max Value 3 3 3) Int e lle ct ual challe nge o f co urse s 4 ) Facult y int e re st in/suppo rt o f st ude nt s 5 ) Individual assist ance pro vide d 1 1 1 3 3 3 Mean 2.58 2.71 2.46 2.58 2.79 Variance 0 .6 9 0 .48 0 .78 0 .6 0 0 .35 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 3 0 .6 9 0 .8 8 0 .78 0 .59 24 24 24 24 24 To tal Respo nses 24. 33. Ho w much study time per week do yo u reco mmend in o rder to keep up with classes? T e xt Re spo nse I wo uld reco mmend 3 ho urs a week to just keep up with the readings and assignments. Ho wever this depends heavily o n the types o f co urses. 1 ho ur 10 ho urs? 1-2 ho urs per class per week 30 Minutes 2-3 hrs 2 10 ho urs 4 3 ho urs 4 to 5 ho urs (but exchange students rarely put in that much it seems) 11hrs It depends o n the co urses yo u are taking but I wo uld certainly suggest keeping up with the assigned readings. Mo st peo ple put them o ff until the end, which I did do as well, but it wo uld have made studying fo r the final exams much easier had I just fo llo wed alo ng little by little. 1 ho ur No ne - just cram at the end. Everything relies o n o ne test, and yo u pro bably wo nt remember the info rmatio n if yo u "keep up with it". Its easier just to cram, like all the Italians do as well. 4-5 ho urs depending o n amo unt o f reading given. 10 Ho urs It realliy depends which classes yo u take. So me co urses like finance and such require weekly ho mewo rk assignments while o ther so mewhat easier classes do n't require much week to week study just a lo t o f time spent studying fo r exams. 2 ho urs? Depends o n yo ur classes. Twice a week fo r 2 ho urs each time 2 hrs 5-10 ho urs If yo u are just lo o king to receive a passing grade, 1-2 hrs a week is sufficient. 5 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 24 25. 34. Ho w, if at all, do es the structure o f the co urses differ fro m tho se at USC? Did yo u like o r dislike these differences? T e xt Re spo nse There is o nly o ne exam that determines yo ur entire grade. This was very challenging and stressful to wards finals time. Ho wever, I prefer this metho d, because it gives yo u mo re freedo m to do o ther things during the semester, yo u can actually just cram at the end ho wever, this is hard to do . But at USC yo u are co nstantly studying fo r exams which makes it easier to pass and sco re well in the co urse, but it restricts yo ur ability to pursue o ther interests. At Bo cco ni they change the ro o m, time, and dates o f classes every week. In the third week o f class a pro fesso r anno unced she co uld no lo nger teach at the time o f the class, so she switched the class fro m Wednesdays to Tuesdays, at the EXACT same time as a class I was already in. Thus, each week I was fo rced to cho o se which class I wo uld miss and which o ne I wo uld attend. I fo und it utterly inco mprehensible that a pro fesso r co uld change the meeting time o f a class merely because it fit her schedule better. There is no ho mewo rk, but a lo t o f gro up pro jects. It requires yo u to be really self mo tivated to keep up with the classes. At Bo cco ni yo ur grade almo st fully depends o n a final. Midterms are o ptio nal, and o nly so me classes had o ther assignments to facto r in. I liked the o ptio nal midterm because it co uld o nly help yo ur grade. Failing it just means yo u take a cumulative final. I do prefer to have mo re assignments to balance o ut the grading. Yo u are no t assigned ho mewo rk o r readings, but just have to study lecture slides o r no tes if yo u have them fo r the final. If there is reading yo u just be sure to have do ne it by the final exam. I liked the fact that I had plenty o f time and it was easy to travel and experience Euro pe, but I didn't like ho w yo u really have no idea what the questio ns are o n the final exam. No structure, whatso ever. Class attendance is o ptio nal, lectures pro vide very little info rmatio n. In terms o f suppo rting real learning, they are much wo rse than the system in place at USC. Co urse wo rk was no t spread o ut as it is here. The wo rk lo ad is divided either into midterm and final exam o r simply o ne final exam. Yo u MUST sign up fo r these exams to get credit fo r the co urse. There are no ho mewo rk assignments. I perso nally disliked this system because I did no t kno w where I sto o d which made me nervo us when the final came. I also this it's po intless and co nfusing to sign up fo r the exams befo rehand. Ho wever, I must no te, no w that I successfully passed all my exams I'm pretty thankful that the wo rklo ad wasn't spread o ut because it gave me mo re o ppo rtunities to travel In class at Bo cco ni, the o nly students who speak are exchange students. Fo r mo st o f my classes, the final co unted as my entire grade. Very few, if any, ho mewo rk assignments, pro jects, o r essays were given o ut o ver the co urse o f the semester. The structure was co mpletely different in so me co urses and in o thers it was similar, depending o n the instructo r. Differences included makeup o f co urse grade where the final was 10 0 % o f the grade, and the lack o f emphasis o n presentatio n assignments (little fo rmality). I perso nally liked the structure, and actually did fairly well in so me subjects I'm usually no t that great at. We just had o ne Final at the end. It was fine as lo ng as yo u stayed o n track with the reading, o therwise it wo uld have been very difficult. Mo st o f the grade depends fully o n the final examinatio n. Mo st o f my classes, 10 0 % o f the grade is the final, so yo u canno t gauge yo ur understanding o f the material until after yo u have already co mpleted the co urse (ie no mid-terms, quizzes). We had very little assignments due during the scho o l year. I like having that stro ng structure o f classes at USC to keep yo u disciplined. I feel that USC is much mo re o rganized and intriguing than my abro ad co urses and instructio n was. Learning was far mo re interesting and enjo yable here in Lo s Angeles than it was there. I was able to take so me classes as a no n-attending student - fo r tho se, the final exam was wo rth 10 0 % o f my grade. As fo r the attending classes, the structure was similar to that o f USC. All classes have 1 final, so metimes an o ptio nal midterm. One class had ho mewo rk assignments but that is rare fo r Bo cco ni. Yo u get used to it and its actually a better system, but yo u must rely o n the quality o f teaching mo re than material to keep yo u up to date. Mo st co urses o nly had o ne exam at the end that co unted 10 0 %. I liked this as lo ng as yo u kept up. Fo r mo st o f the classes yo u can cho o se to be either an attending student o r a no n-attending student. If yo u're an attending student yo ur grade is mainly based o n a gro up pro ject and the final. If yo u cho o se to be a no n-attending student, yo u have to read the textbo o ks o n yo ur o wn and then take o ne final in the end. It is kind o f difficult because yo u're entire grade is based o n o ne o r two grades. Also , the pro fesso rs are no t very helpful o utside o f class. There was a lo t mo re independent learning than I'm used to at USC. Mo st classes at Bo cco ni have o nly o ne o r two facto rs to the grade like the midterm and final o r just final o r final and a pro ject. So a lo t mo re weight is put o n these facto rs but as lo ng as yo u study fo r tho se parts yo u'll be fine. There is usually no ho mewo rk so the entire grade is based o n the final exam and po ssibly a pro ject/presentatio n. It gives yo u a lo t mo re free time during the semester, but it means that finals are mo re nerve-wracking. There are o ptio ns to take classes no n-attending, which I do n't reco mmend because the finals are a bit harder. Mo st classes have a midterm exam OR final gro up pro ject, plus a final exam. So me classes have o ccasio nal ho mewo rk assignments, but this was very unco mmo n. I liked this structure because it allo wed yo u much mo re freedo m, but I'd highly reco mmend attending class as much as po ssible and getting to kno w yo ur pro fesso rs, if o nly to make yo u mo re co mfo rtable abo ut asking questio ns abo ut the exams. The key difference with Bo cco ni is the large weight placed o n the final exam. The final exams I to o k were between 6 0 -10 0 % o f the final grade and there are less assignments alo ng the way to keep yo u up to date with the co urse. I did no t like the co urses in which the final exam was the entire grade because I did no t have a go o d idea as to what the pro fesso r's grading style was. This key difference was the mo st difficult to adjust to during my studies abro ad. The co urses are structured aro und gro up pro jects, o ptio nal midterms, and then a final exam. There were no ho mewo rk sets. I preferred it this way since it allo wed mo re flexibility fo r traveling. Grade based o n o nly Final. Fo r so me o f the classes, I liked that there was o nly o ne final but fo r o thers, I o wuld have preffered ho mewo rks and pro jects as well St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 24 26. 35. Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld particular reco mmend? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse I wo uld reco mmend, internatio nal pro ject finance taught by Bo rgo no vo . he is a very kno wledgeable teacher with lo ts o f experience in the subject. He is also actually go o d at teaching. Intro ductio n to Management Co nsulting is the o nly class wo rth my time. management o f inno vatio n and high tech with Bo ris Dursin. Very enthusiastic pro fesso r, there is no reading (do nt need to buy bo o ks!) and if yo u go to class it beco mes clear the questio ns he will ask o n the exam. Management o f Inno vatio n in High Tech Secto rs with Bo ris Durisin. This class is interesting and the pro fesso r is o utgo ing and friendly. He makes an effo rt to get to kno w his students and is very helpful. Everyo ne in it enjo ys it. Entrepreneurship and Inno vatio n, and Organizatio nal Netwo rks and Inno vatio n were bo th easy but they did talk a lo t abo ut cases and large co mpanies that were go o d to kno w abo ut. I to o k the Film class there as well and it was nice to learn a little abo ut Euro pean cinema, plus they talked abo ut Ho llywo o d a lo t fro m a different perspective. I wo uld reco mmend each o f the classes I to o k. Management o f Fashio n was o ne o f the best No . The pro fesso rs were no t very go o d. So me had such po o r English that I fo und it hard to understand them. Others didn't take much o f an interest in the success o f the students. Mo st o f my co urses were satisfacto ry, but no t up to the standard o f no rmal USC co urses. Eco no mics o f Glo balizatio n with Ro do lfo Helg. This co urse do esn't co untfo r business credits but is very interesting and the pro fesso r keeps students engaged. Strategy in Creative Industries with Francesca Rinaldi. This co urse o ffered an interesting twist to a business strategy co urse, and included co mpanies and o rganizatio ns that o ne wo uldn't o therwise see in any o ther co urse. Management o f Fashio n and Design Co mpanies Management o f a Fashio n and Design Co mpany (cmo n, this is Milan!). Yo u might as well study so me Fashio n in o ne o f the wo rld's fashio n capitals! Pro duct Management - Martin Schreier , Management o f the Fashio n Industry - Erica Co rbellini , Organizatio nal Netwo rks & Entrepreneurship ONLY if Carmine Garazia is teaching the Who le thing No . n/a Hannes Wagner - Co rpo rate Finance No . The business strategy co urse was pro bably the best class o ut o f the fo ur that I to o k. It was the o nly class where, I felt, the pro fesso rs were actually helpful and actually interested in teaching us. Definitely take "Management o f a Fashio n Co mpany" it's interesting to take in the fashio n capital o f Milan; "Business Strategy" is pretty easy, no t super interesting but do esn't require much in terms o f studying since yo u really o nly read case studies; "Techno lo gy and Operatio ns Management" (has the wo rd inno vazio ne o r so mething in the Italian title) isn't hard and the pro fesso r Durisin is really fun; "Marketing Co mmunicatio n" is easy but it o nly has a final exam at the end wo rth 10 0 % altho ugh the pro fesso r isn't to o interesting. Financial Macro eco no mics with To mmaso Mo ncelli - This co urse is abo ut the financial crisis o f 20 0 8 and so me o f the macro eco no mic principles that went into causing it. It's very interesting and relevant, but be warned that it is pretty heavy o n mathematics, including calculus. This is also o ne o f the few classes where yo u have pro blem sets to co mplete as ho mewo rk during the semester. Caleb Warren fo r E-Marketing and Pro duct Management, Caleb is American so the teachings are co mparable to USC. Classes were interesting and relevant. Fashio n Management (Co rbellini) is really interesting and a must-take class while at Bo cco ni. I enjo yed Internatio nal Business and Management with Elisabetta Marafio ti as well as Management o f co mpetitio n and inno vatio n in high tech with Bo ris Durisin. I felt these pro fesso rs were very engaging in their lectures and taught in an interesting manner. Altho ugh the teachers were entertaining, these two classes were the mo re difficult o f the classes I to o k at Bo cco ni. Intro ductio n to the Legal System Mo dule 2 o nly if Pro fesso r Justin Fro sini is still teaching it. Fro sini makes the class interesting and adds a lo t o f humo r into his teaching. WARNING: Fro sini do esn't allo w use o f lapto ps in his lecture. I wo uld also reco mmend Risk Management & Insurance with No cera. I fo und the co ntent interesting and the class required minimal wo rk to achieve a go o d grade. N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 24 27. 36 . Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld advise against taking? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Andrea Beltratti is a finance teacher. He was my pro fesso r fo r two finance co urse. He is extremely smart and really is a fan o f finance. Ho wever, he is no t a go o d teacher. He flies thro ugh co mplex material with slides that he do es no t pro vide to his students. He admits to no t being a great teacher as well. On to p o f his meager teach ability, his exams are quite difficult. Yo u will definitely need to spend so me time preparing fo r his co urses. Do no t take Risk Management and Insurance. It is, even by Bo cco no standards, frivo lo us and bo ring. internatio nal acco unting. I switched o ut after a week. the pro fesso r kno ws her stuff but do es no t kno w ho w to teach at all. Just rando m ramblings with no lo gical flo w. Do no t take the o nline internatio nal marketing research co urse if yo u want mo re free time. Fo r so me reaso n there are gro up pro jects and they require a lo t o f co llabo ratio n, but the pro jects aren't that bad. Risk Management with Derivatives is difficult if yo u need individual help fo r a finance type class since o ffice ho urs are rando m and o ccur very rarely. No No o nline classes.... awful! Do n't take finance classes (I heard bad things) no r entrepreneurship and inno vatio n... dick teacher. No . I feel like all o f the pro fesso rs are equally inadequate. Ho wever, I must co nfess that I am biased because I'm co mparing them to the Pro fesso rs at USC --Experimental Decisio n making n/a N/A Anna Grando ri DO NOT take Organizatio nal Netwo rks and Entrepreneurship. Witho ut questio n it was the wo rst class I have ever taken in my academic career and the pro fesso r fo r the mass majo rity o f the semester was a disaster. No t o nly was her English ho rrible, her metho ds o f instructio n were very difficult to fo llo w and o utrageo usly bo ring. I wo uld NEVER take this class ever again. n/a Fillipio Ippo litio - Financial Markets & Institutio ns. Easy class, but the teacher is so co nfusing at explaining rather simple co ncepts. No o ne in particular. Many o f the pro fesso rs have stro ng accents and can be difficult to understand. Do n't take the o nline internatio nal pro ject finance co urse. The pro fesso r o nly uplo ads her lecture slides witho ut much explanatio n, and the video lectures do n't wo rk at all. The pro fesso r's no t a lo t o f help so yo u end up learning all o f the material o n yo ur o wn. She also uplo aded lecture slides the night befo re the final. I also didn't really like Public Management with Valentina Mele. The pro fesso r's English is pretty difficult to understand. If yo u cho o se to take the class as a no n-attending student yo u have an o ral final, which is bad because it seems like she can't understand yo ur English. My perso nal appro ach was to avo id anything with "finance," "mo netary," o r "eco no my" in the title and that wo rked o ut well fo r me. I do n't remember who my pro fesso r was, but I ended up taking Management o f Fashio n no n-attending because she had a very thick accent and the lectures were no t very engaging. Leadership co uld be an interesting co urse, but the pro fesso rs taught it in a way that made it very elementary. Do no t take Claudio Zara. As interesting as Venture & Develo pment Capital was, Zara's class was very difficult ONLY because his written English was SO po o r... even tho ugh I knew the co ntent, I co uld barely understand the questio ns and answers o n the exam. Management o f Fashio n co mpanies with Pao la Varacca was no t as interesting as I had expected. The teacher's english is very limited, making it difficult to understand the lectures and her teaching style is very bland. The co urse is definitely o ne o f the mo re easy o nes, but it was o ne o f the less engaging co urses I enro lled in. I wo uld advise against taking Co rpo rate Finance unless yo u have a true interest in the subject. It is a demanding co urse at Bo cco ni and requires a lo t o f effo rt to o btain high marks. Additio nally, so me o f the acco unting metho ds used are Euro pean and slightly differ fro m their U.S. equivalent. N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 24 28. 37. Has participatio n in this pro gram influenced yo ur academic o r career go als? Ho w? T e xt Re spo nse Yes, I want to pursue an internatio nal career. I want to wo rk in ano ther co untry no w, at least fo r a few years. Especially in euro pe where the culture is so rich and quite different fro m the states. I much prefer the Euro pean way o f life. Ho pefully, I can get a jo b in the financial services and wo rk in a Euro pean o ffice, o r even get a jo b with a euro pean co mpany to start with. It has made me want to live in Euro pe in the future. It made me rethink what I want to do with my career. I'm no w o pen to mo re unpredictability and am no t as fo cused o n just getting a traditio nal 8 -5 jo b. e.g. Thinking abo ut do ing the JET pro gram and teaching English in Japan fo r a year if my current jo b do esn't wo rk o ut...:) My career go als are mo stly the same but no w I am o pen to an internatio nal-fo cused jo b. In the film class I learned mo re abo ut internatio nal o ppo rtunities in the business that have made me lo o k mo re into tho se o ppo rtunities Made me mo re appreciative o f the educatio n at SC, and mo re excited fo r real classes No t really. No netheless it was an amazing experience, and o nly makes me want to explo re the wo rld even mo re This pro gram allo wed me to beco me co mfo rtable in new places and learn ho w to deal with different peo ple and different cultures. No n/a N/A I have learned alo t abo ut ho w the Fashio n Industry runs as a who le and ho w it differs fro m regio n to regio n. Co nnected with my Pro duct Management class I learned a lo t abo ut businesses based aro und Co nsumer Pro ducts. I think that it has certainly bro ught mo re clarity to my directio n in life, no t o nly perso nally but also academically. It o pened my eyes a little mo re to where my strengths really lie and what directio ns I sho uld pro bably pursue in o rder to reap serio us success. Yes, but o nly by visiting o ther co untries. I realized that I wo uld lo ve to live in Euro pe and wo rk there instead o f o nly co nsidering the US as a po ssibility. Yes - definitely has made me want to wo rk o r live in Euro pe after co llege. No . I no w want to wo rk internatio nally, at least fo r a little while. While my intentio n was to go into law, the pro gram made me want to fo cus o n internatio nal law. I am mo re interested in Eco no mics no w that I've taken a co uple o f eco no mics co urses at Bo cco ni. Yes, no w I want to wo rk abro ad after graduatio n. The o verall experience o f study abro ad has changed my academic go als by making me want to explo re mo re classes o utside my co re co mpetency, but my career go als are generally the same. The pro gram has definitely o pened my mind to the idea o f wo rking o utside o f the US after co llege. No t particularly. I still have the same go als altho ugh I'm sure this abro ad experience will benefit me in the future. N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 24 29. Please tell us abo ut yo ur experience with the fo reign language o f yo ur ho st co untry: 38 . Besides English, what is (are) the language(s) mo st pro minently spo ken o n the campus o f the university where yo u studied? T e xt Re spo nse Italian Italian Italian, but mo st peo ple speak English to o so yo u'll be fine with no Italian. Still go o d to learn tho ugh... Italian Italian Italian... learn so me! Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian No , but the native Milanese do n't like to speak much English anyway Italian Italian Italian Italian Italian St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 30. 39 . Did yo u speak the ho st language, o r receive any language training in the ho st language prio r to , o r during yo ur semester abro ad? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse I did no t speak a wo rd o f italian. No w I kno w a few wo rds here and there but I am hardly any better than I was befo re the pro gram. Mo st exchange students enro ll in a Italian Crash Co urse that starts befo re regular classes start. These classes aren't bad and can at least get yo u go ing with so me basic phrases. Ho wever, I lived in a do rm, with nearly all exchange students. The co mmo n language then is English, so mo st students who lived there were unable to impro ve there Italian. I think yo u really have to live with o ther italian students to really learn the language. I to o k a 3 week language crash co urse which was mildly helpful. I mo stly picked up the key phrases within a mo nth. I to o k the language crash co urse. They separated the classes by ethnicity o _O so I go t put in a class with all Asians vs in the American class. The class I was in went a lo t slo wer than o ther classes, and as a result I think I definitely didn't learn as much as I co uld have. I also to o k 4 years o f Spanish in high scho o l, so the stuff they taught was pretty basic. Mo ral o f the sto ry: when putting do wn the languages yo u speak during the applicatio n pro cess, do n't put do wn any asian languages. Yes, I participated in the 3 week crash co urse befo re classes began. No Yes, co nversatio nally... made things 10 0 0 x easier! Just learn a little and they'll lo ve yo u No I did no t speak any Italian befo re go ing and wo uld reco mmend that o ne learns the basics o f the language befo re go ing abro ad. No , I didn't speak the ho st language but being fluent in spanish helped me co nsiderably while in Italy. I didn't take the Italian co urse o ffered by Bo cco ni. No I to o k a language crash co urse upo n arriving here and I spend a lo t o f time with Italians, so I have abso rbed quite a bit o f the language. I to o k the Crash Co urse. It gave me a better basic understanding o f the language since I knew no thing befo re arriving in Milan. It was a lo t o f info rmatio n to abso rb in such a sho rt amo unt o f time and the lack o f o ppo rtunities to practice using the language after the crash co urse made it difficult to truly learn the language. I to o k the crash co urse in Italian upo n arrival and felt that it was a go o d beginner to start learning the language. Given that I speak Spanish, I knew that I wanted to take my backgro und in that ro mance language and apply it to the learning pro cess o f picking up Italian. Over time I fo und that I was understanding mo re and able to speak mo re. I asked questio ns regularly to strangers and lo cals, listened to everyo ne aro und me, and made a valiant attempt to speak as o ften as I co uld. As o f to day, I am co mpletely co nversatio nal and can understand mo st everything if spo ken at a reaso nable speed. I co uld easily ho ld a 45 minute co nversatio n in Italian and can get myself aro und any Italian city via my speaking skills. I am taking an intermediate co urse in Italian to learn the mo re pro per rules o f the language and have also taken o n an Italian exchange student, who I plan o n practicing my language skills with. No , altho ugh I tried to learn so me basic Italian by lo o king up info rmatio n o nline. No , except fo r an Italian crash co urse which taught me the basics o f Italian. (Essentially Italian 120 @ USC) Very useful + the class was great fo r meeting peo ple. I do n't speak Italian but to o k the crash co urse at the beginning o f the semester which was helpful. There is an intensive Italian co urse that exchange students can cho o se to take two weeks befo re classes start, but I did no t take it. I have heard fro m o ther peo ple that yo u do no t really learn much in this co urse. No No No No I to o k part in the two week Italian crash co urse befo re the start o f the semester, which helped me learn so me basic italian. After the co urse, it was up to me to use the italian and learn mo re by speaking to the italian friends I had made during the semester. I to o k the language crash co urse at Bo cco ni prio r to the semester starting. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 31. Then rate: # Que st io n Exce lle nt Go o d Fair Po o r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 1) Yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram: 0 1 2 20 23 3.8 3 2 2) Language training o n the pro gram: 1 3 8 11 23 3.26 3 3) Yo ur pro ficiency after the pro gram: 1 1 11 10 23 3.30 St at ist ic 1) Yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram : 2) Language t raining o n t he pro gram : Min Value 2 1 1 Max Value 4 4 4 Mean 3.8 3 3.26 3.30 Variance 0 .24 0 .75 0 .58 Standard Deviatio n 0 .49 0 .8 6 0 .76 23 23 23 To tal Respo nses 3) Yo ur pro f icie ncy af t e r t he pro gram : 32. 40 . Did cultural/so cial activities spo nso red by the pro gram assist yo u in language acquisitio n? T e xt Re spo nse no , it was usually exchange students to gether, because there were nearly 10 0 0 exchange students at the same time. N/A no t really. the o nly so cial activities they had were parties and fo o d :) No - a lo t o f the events were with internatio nal students and so the co mmo n language was mo re frequently English. I never did any learning thro ugh classes no no There was a language pro gram, but I o pted o ut o f it. Yes No No No No t really. I wo uld say that my o wn perso nal dedicatio n to learning the language and my building o f friendships with peo ple in Milan co ntributed to my ability to speak the language. No No t necessarily No . no No No Yes, there were students willing to help teach Italian. No N/A No . Everyo ne speaks English during the spo nso red activities. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 33. 41. Did o utside/o ther activities help? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse o utside activities co uld help because milan is a city where many peo ple do n't actually speak english so yo u will have to learn a bit fo r basic daily activities. Yes, spending time with Italians greatly helped. I think yo u have to actively try to befriend Italians if yo u want to practice yo ur Italian. I really reco mmend making friends with Italians tho ugh, versus just hanging o ut with exchange kids. The langugae barrier is fun to tackle :) Yes- trying to find an apartment helped me pick up ho using related phrases quickly. Also , my ro o mmate has a lo t o f Italian friends and they always try to teach us new wo rds. I lived with 3 Italians and learned a lo t fro m them. I co uld get myself aro und pretty go o d and ho ld a co nversatio n yes - spending time with Italians greatly increased ability no . We mo stly hung o ut with o ther exchange students Fro m o ther activities, I learned key phrases and expressio ns which made everyday life much easier. Yes, many regular Italian students are invo lved in o ther activities and trips so yo u get a chance to talk to these students in bo th Italian and English. No Bo cco ni Go lf Team! Spending time with Italians (especially the o nes that had studied at USC in the past). No Abso lutely so . My first landlo rd spo ke Italian so I practiced speaking with her as o ften as po ssible. Then when I mo ved into my seco nd apartment, my new ro o mmate spo ke Italian and English so I wo uld co nstantly ask questio ns and try to better my understanding and speaking abilities o f the Italian language. No Meeting Italians helped a bit, and yo u kind o f pick up so me wo rds fro m having to use Italian menus, and hearing peo ple casually speak. No . Unfo rtunately yo u do no t pick up the language o nly certain phrases unless yo u actually live with Italians and can practice it to so me extent. Sho pping No , o ther than go ing to restaurants and such to learn so me phrases, we didn't learn much Italian Yes. Walking aro und the city and interacting with lo cals, as many do no t speak English very well o r at all. So mewhat, if yo u were willing to participate. Yes. I befriended a few Italians. Playing lacro sse with the Bo cco ni team helped me beco me a better listener to Italian and also allo wed me to impro ve upo n my Italian learned in the crash co urse. Just walking aro und and practicing speaking with lo cals o r sto re emplo yees helped. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 34. 42. What percentage o f students o n the campus o f yo ur ho st co untry (wo uld yo u estimate) actively speak English? T e xt Re spo nse 60% Only the exchange students, so aro und 10 % maybe. 10 0 % Mo re than 50 % 10 0 % 85 I have no idea. All the students I was surro unded by spo ke English but thats no t an accurate indicatio n 9 0 %, altho ugh Italian is the mo st co mmo n language spo ken o n campus 70 75% 75% can speak english, but they rarely do unless they have to . 98% 90% 50 % 8 5% - They claim it is 10 0 % because the Italians have to take two classes in English, but so me kids speak pretty bro ken English. 8 0 -9 0 %. Bo cco ni requires its students to take a certain number o f co urses in English so mo st peo ple can speak english but pro ficiency varies greatly. 50 % Actively? 10 %, but if yo u talk to them first mo st o f the students can and will speak English with yo u 80% 20 % 10 0 % 25% 9 0 %. Everyo ne can speak English at Bo cco ni, but amo ng themselves Italians so metimes speak their native language. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 35. 43. Ho w wo uld yo u reco mmend that students prepare fo r language differences abro ad? T e xt Re spo nse start learning o n yo ur o wn befo re yo u go and really try to use it when yo u are there, because believe it o r no t it is very easy to spend a semester at Bo cco ni and no t learn any Italian. And definitely take the italian crash co urse that the scho o l o ffers as well. Get a textbo o k befo re hand. mmm Ro setta sto ne? I wo uld reco mmend practicing at least a few phrases befo re arriving, especially fo r getting fro m the airpo rt since it's easy to get co nfused when trying to get a taxi. Also , a lo t o f the lo cal restaurants no t in the to urist areas do n't kno w a lo t o f English. At Bo cco ni the students are requied to take at least 2 classes in english so everyo ne can speak English, but yo u will hear the Italians speaking to each o ther in Italian. Also , there are a lo t o f exchange students so yo u will hear o ther languages a lo t as well get a beginners bo o k o r tapes Take the language crash co urse! Take an Italian class in the US o r at least learn basic sentence structure Lo o k up basic tuto rials (video s, etc) o nline. It was a little difficult at first but I speak no Italian and I go t by just fine Study the language fo r a semester BEFORE yo u go abro ad. It will help A LOT! Take a co urse ahead o f time o r put so me real effo rt into learning the basics befo re arriving Be o pen to picking up a new language. If yo u do n't try o r even attempt to understand their language, yo u will start to get frustrated as will they. It makes life a lo t easier if yo u try to co mmunicate with them o n their cultural level. Just learn so me basic phrases. Mo st peo ple I've spo ken to speak English. Take Italian befo re co ming here. Its very very useful, but yo u will be fine if yo u o nly kno w English to o , because it is very widely spo ken in all o f Euro pe. Learn impo rtant phrases to get yo u aro und and directio ns in Italian. Learn the basic phrases and I think yo u'll kno w eno ugh to get by. Skim a beginner's bo o k and learn a few impo rtant phrases. I go t by, kno wing no Italian whatso ever but it helps especially when yo u go into the city fo r directio ns and o rdering fo o d. Go with an o pen mind, I think that if yo u actively want to and try to pick up the language yo u'll get mo re o ut o f the experience o f being abro ad in a different culture. I kno w peo ple who go t by the entire semester witho ut learning o r speaking any Italian, but I wo uldn't reco mmend that appro ach. Understand that America is very different than o ther co untries, be o pen minded, and do no t expect things to be similar. Get used to speaking slo wly and clearly and being patient I wo uld say that go ing into Italy, yo u sho uld no t expect everyo ne to speak english. Despite being in a majo r city o f Italy, Milan is no t a big to urist lo catio n so no t everyo ne will speak english. Also do ing things like reducing slang, speaking slo wer, and using a simpler vo cabulary will help yo u co mmunicate with tho se who are no t native speakers o f english. Learning Italian isn't necessary fo r attending Bo cco ni. If yo u wish to prepare, I wo uld reco mmend learning co nversatio nal language and no t wo rrying abo ut grammar and verb co njugatio ns to o much. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 36. Click to write Co lumn 2 # Que st io n No t Available Available But No t Use d Available And Use d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 7 15 22 2.6 8 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 1 12 9 22 2.36 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 7 1 14 22 2.32 4 Instructio nal facilities 2 1 19 22 2.77 5 Medical/dental facilities 8 12 2 22 1.73 6 Recreatio nal facilities 8 12 2 22 1.73 7 USC Financial Aid 3 12 7 22 2.18 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 2 11 9 22 2.32 On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 Mean 2.6 8 2.36 2.32 2.77 Variance 0 .23 0 .34 0 .8 9 0 .37 Standard Deviatio n 0 .48 0 .58 0 .9 5 0 .6 1 22 22 22 22 St at ist ic Ho using co o rdinat io n Min Value Max Value To tal Respo nses Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1.73 1.73 2.18 2.32 0 .40 0 .40 0 .44 0 .42 0 .6 3 0 .6 3 0 .6 6 0 .6 5 22 22 22 22 Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s 37. Click to write Co lumn 2 Unacce pt able Be lo w Ave rage Ave rage Abo ve Ave rage Acce pt able T o t al Re spo nse s Me an Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 8 9 1 4 22 3.0 5 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 6 13 2 1 22 2.9 1 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 0 1 9 8 4 22 3.6 8 4 Instructio nal facilities 1 1 13 3 4 22 3.36 5 Medical/dental facilities 2 0 16 0 4 22 3.18 6 Recreatio nal facilities 2 4 14 0 2 22 2.8 2 7 USC Financial Aid 1 0 17 1 3 22 3.23 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 10 7 5 22 3.77 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Min Value 2 2 2 1 Max Value 5 5 5 5 Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 1 1 1 3 5 5 5 5 Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Mean 3.0 5 2.9 1 3.6 8 3.36 3.18 2.8 2 3.23 3.77 Variance 1.19 0 .56 0 .70 1.0 0 1.11 0 .9 2 0 .76 0 .6 6 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 9 0 .75 0 .8 4 1.0 0 1.0 5 0 .9 6 0 .8 7 0 .8 1 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 To tal Respo nses 38. 44. Did yo u live in... # Answe r 1 2 3 Re spo nse % Do rm 9 41% Apartment 12 55% Other 1 5% To tal 22 St at ist ic Bar Value Min Value 1 Max Value 3 Mean 1.6 4 Variance 0 .34 Standard Deviatio n 0 .58 To tal Respo nses 22 39. 45. If yo u used STA Travel fo r transpo rtatio n arrangements, were yo u satisfied? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse did no t use STA. Didn't use. No Yes- the o ptio n to have a mo veable return date is a great perk since yo u wo n't kno w yo ur finals schedule until yo ur classes are set and yo ur flight ho me co uld vary by a mo nth. N/A n/a n/a -N/A N/A N/A Did no t use it. n/a Did no t use STA Travel Didn't use. N/A I did no t use STA travel Didn't use Dissatisfied, I almo st missed my flight to Euro pe because so mething went wro ng with my ticket o n STA Travel's bo o king behalf. N/A N/A Did no t use. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 40. 46 . Is there any aspect o f the pro gram that yo u wo uld like to see changed o r different? (VERY IMPORTANT!) T e xt Re spo nse I think the Bo cco ni needs to really try help exchange students mingle with Italian native students. There are just so many exchange students that it is really easy to just stick with o nly exchange students. Pro bably the best so lutio ns is to enfo rce the buddy system. I had a buddy but never met her. They sho uld have a o rganized meeting between the students and the buddies at least o nce during the semester. The quality o f teaching here is awful, but that is up to Bo cco ni. Also , tuitio n refund if the institutio n is cheaper than USC. No Ho using- It was very stressful trying to find an apartment. The do rms o ffered were very far away fro m the university and students o n a semester exchange were charged do uble rent in o rder to make up fo r the semester they weren't there. Also , the ho using o ffice was co nfusing and it was unclear whether yo u co uld stay in the do rms tempo rarily (yo u can if yo u break yo ur co ntract and lo se yo ur depo sit). Everything else was fine. Better way to find living befo re yo u go because the do rms they give exchange students is no t where yo u want to live. I two uld be mo re co mfo rting kno wing yo u had an apartment yo u co uld find befo re co ming, but it is still easy to find o ne o nce yo u get there (especially if yo ure a girl) Ho using o ptio n is unacceptable, to o far fro m scho o l and city. There sho uld be a mo re effo rt put into explaining the culture o f the scho o l and helping integrate students with italian students rather than exiling all exchange students to the do rms o utside the city. It prevents students fro m intermixing with the Italians and greatly decreases the value o f the pro gram culturally. Less bureaucracy. Better o ffice ho urs at the internatio nal student desk. Ho using was difficult to find (a friend and I decided to get o ur o wn apartment in the city). We used a website called ho me2ho me which was very helpful during o ur entire time abro ad. If traveling with a friend, I wo uld reco mmend getting a private apartment because campus ho using is 30 minutes fro m campus. Specific to Bo cco ni: Eco no mics co urses taken at the ho st university sho uld also co unt fo r business units at USC because these co urses are o ffered to the regular students at the ho st university as co urses that satisfy their requirements fo r their Business degrees. Mo re info rmatio n o n ho using o ptio ns befo re hand. It was a nightmare trying to find an apartment in this city. Tho ugh I was satisfied with mo st o f the classes I to o k I wo uld have liked mo re o ptio ns. So me o f the pro fesso rs at the university were no t very up to par but that is an issue o f the university directly. I think that the help in Milan needs to be far mo re hands-o n. There was very little care o r co nsideratio n fo r making sure the students were taken care o f. Granted they did agree to help when I was dealing with so me serio us issues (need o f a dental pro cedure and pro blems with finding a new apartment after 2 mo nths), the help they did o ffer was o f no great value at all. I also feel like the teaching was far belo w my expectatio ns. Fo r being such a well-kno wn and prestigio us scho o l, I expected the pro fesso rs to be very invo lved and their teaching skills to be enriching and interesting. Unfo rtunately, I fo und myself exceptio nally bo red in all o f my classes and ended up teaching myself all o f the material, despite my co nstant attendance to class. I wo uld have liked to meet the o ther peo ple at USC studying in the same scho o l prio r to leaving LA. I didn't kno w any o f them until after Octo berfest. Yes -- the do rm is o ut o f the city and makes it a hassle to get into the city. The scho o l sho uld help students find sho rt term apartments clo ser to the city. Also , so me o f the classes are rather basic, especially in finance, so it is kind o f redundant info rmatio n that we've already learned at USC. Classes sho uld also no t be scheduled during finals -- they acted like it was co mpletely no rmal that I had a final and class co nflicting at the same time. (Odd!) Do rm ho using lo catio n is terrible. Perhaps mo re suppo rt/warning/alternatives prio r to departure wo uld have been helpful. Wish the ho st university was mo re helpful to exchange students and co o rdinated mo re activities fo r the students. Perhaps so me kind o f reference guide fo r students studying specifically in Italy to info rm us o f such difficulties like applying fo r and receiving the Permit o f Stay o r a way to pro vide mo re sectio n times fo r classes so no t so many o f them o verlap so yo u can't take them o r a way to prevent pro fesso rs fro m rescheduling classes at their whim so they co nflict with o ne's existing schedule so yo u have to cho o se which class to go to . Also , perhaps relo cating the internatio nal ho using (Arco baleno ) clo ser to Bo cco ni I wish that Bo cco ni made mo re o f an effo rt to integrate the exchange students into their no rmal scho o l life. I felt like the exchange students and the Italian students were pretty segregated. The ho using o ffered in their do rm was also no t ideal, being very far fro m the scho o l, and the management was no t respo nsible - the Internet wasn't wo rking fo r two mo nths, which they repeatedly pro mised to fix, but it wasn't reso lved fo r a very lo ng time. No ne No ... maybe tell peo ple to go to the po st o ffice early (in the day and right when yo u get there) fo r the Permit o f Stay... and go to a lo cal po st o ffice, no t a majo r o ne, to avo id lines. The main aspect o f the pro gram that I wo uld like to see changed is the interactio n between exchange and full time students. If there were mo re pro grams beyo nd the buddy system to meet the students, that wo uld have been better fo r students lo o king to learn mo re abo ut Italy and the culture in general. The pro gram was very well do ne. If I co uld impro ve o ne thing abo ut Bo cco ni, it wo uld be their o utdated co mputer lab. Each time yo u wish to use a co mputer, yo u must be assigned to a specific o ne by an emplo yee. The co mputers are very o ld and slo w which makes it an who le o rdeal just to print a single page. Additio nally, altho ugh there is wifi all aro und campus, it was o ften difficult to co nnect to their netwo rk. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 41. 47. Additio nal co mments o n services and co o rdinatio n. T e xt Re spo nse The Internatio nal student o ffice needs to be o pen mo re its o nly o pen 4 ho urs a day fro m 9 am to 1pm. This makes it really hard to get things do ne and have questio ns answered. No thing. I started o ut living in the do rms, but it was really dirty, far away, and expensive (do n't trust the o nline virtual to ur!!!) so I ended up mo ving o ut to apartment clo se to scho o l and while it's so mewhat small, i lo ve it! Italians lo ve their bureaucracy and everything takes fo rever to get thro ugh to them. Yo u will learn to hate the mail system. Wo rst o rganized scho o l ever. Wo rse than so me public high scho o ls here. n/a -N/A N/A N/A n/a No ne The Internatio nal Student Help Desk o nly has two staff wo rking at a time. The o nly breaks in my class schedule co incided with their 2 ho ur lunch break that they bo th to o k at the same time and made it very difficult fo r me to use their services. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 42. Please tell us abo ut yo ur travel experiences. 48 . Ho w did yo u find yo ur arrangements to the ho st institutio n? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 Travel Agent 2 9% 2 Online 19 86% 3 Other: 1 5% To tal 22 Ot he r: No n-revenue (my father is a airline pilo t)) St at ist ic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 3 Mean 1.9 5 Variance 0 .14 Standard Deviatio n 0 .38 To tal Respo nses 22 43. Wo uld yo u reco mmend this metho d? T e xt Re spo nse yes, it is quite o rganized. Yes Yes Yes, since travel sites are so easy to navigate it's really easy to co mpare o ptio ns o n yo ur o wn. Yes yo u find the cheapest deal yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes, find a sale Yes. Finding a ticket o nline was simple and easy. Granted my mo ther is pretty with-it but I wo uld imagine that do ing it o n o ne's o wn wo uld be just as efficient. Easy and cheaper; also Italians tend to take their time with things and things wo uld pro bably never get do ne Use Expedia Do n't need it. Yes. It's pretty easy to find flights o nline Yes Yes Yes, it's pro bably cheaper. Yes Yes It wo rked fo r me. I just bo o ked my flights thro ugh my preferred airline. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 44. 49 . What was the average co st fo r ro und-trip tickets to yo ur ho st co untry? T e xt Re spo nse $150 0 I think 6 0 0 $ abo ut $9 0 0 $6 50 fro m Bo sto n (clo ser to $8 0 0 fro m LA) $750 used miles Within Euro pe :$9 0 N/A 110 0 6 0 to 8 0 euro s return $8 0 0 -10 0 0 I believe it was so mewhere aro und $10 0 0 $130 0 - this is fro m Hawaii, which is o n the o ppo site side o f the wo rld... $120 0 (fro m Philadelphia-Milan) $30 0 0 $10 0 0 I used American Airlines Frequent Flyer miles o ne way and then fo und a $6 20 ticket back to Lo s Angeles o n m (really cheap) $10 0 0 $120 0 No t sure, bo ught with airline po ints ~8 0 0 euro s ro und trip Aro und $10 0 0 . St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 45. 50 . Ho w o ften did yo u travel and to where? T e xt Re spo nse I was studying in Milan fo r 4 mo nths. I had previo usly decided that I did no t want to travel so much and try to feel like a true milanese. Even so I still made five trips within Italy, One trip to Spain, and a lo ng backpacking trip to No rway, Sweden, Ho lland, Czech Republic and Hungary. Co mpared to o ther American ho wever, this is no t that much, they o ften had travelling bo o k fo r every weekend the entire time they were abro ad. I find this to be really stressful and tiring. But it is quite easy to travel, yo u can easily arrange yo ur classes to have at least a 3 day weekend o r even a 4 day weekend. Also there is a midterm break in the middle o f the semester. If yo u do no t have midterm exams, this is a so lid two weeks to travel as much as yo u'd like. ho wever it will be difficult if yo u do have midterms because yo u will need to spend the preparatio n week preparing fo r the exams and then actually take the exams the next week. Travel at least 3 weekends a mo nth. Ro me, Venice, Parma, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Dublin, Budapest, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Vero na, Flo rence, Cinque Terre, and maybe so me I am fo rgetting. almo st every week. I went to Berlin, Munich, Barcelo na, Madrid, Warsaw, Bratislava, Prague, Budapest, Flo rence, Vienna, Greece, Amsterdam and so me mo re. Almo st every weekend and during large breaks such as the midterm sessio ns and between the language co urse and the start o f regular classes. I traveled to Amsterdam, Venice, Edinburgh, Dublin, Ro me, Paris, Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, Vallendar, Lo ndo n, Windso r, Athens, Barcelo na, Cinque Terre, Co mo , and Flo rence. Traveling within Italy was especially easy. We traveled as much as we co uld and o ften evey weekend Ro me, Venice, Naples, Amalfi Co ast, Capri, Flo rence, Pisa, Edinburgh, Dublin, Athens, Barcelo na, Amsterdam, Paris, Santo rini, Berlin, Prague, Interlaken, Po mpeii, Cinque Terre, Lake Co mo o ften, every o ther weekend o r so . Everywhere aro und Euro pe Almo st every weekend aro und Euro pe I traveled almo st anywhere to places including: Nice, Mo nte Carlo , Paris, Cannes, Lo ndo n, Barcelo na, Munich, Co penhagen, Prague, Flo rence, Co mo , Cinque Terre, and Ro me. Twice a mo nth and during the midterm break. I traveled thro ugho ut Western Euro pe to a to tal o f abo ut 10 co untries, and abo ut 5 o ther cities/to wns within Italy. Traveled every o ther week and o n o ur 3 week spring break to mo stly o ther EU co untries. Berlin, Paris, Lo ndo n, Budapest, Venice, Flo rence, Pisa, Vienna, etc. I went to 16 different cities all thro ugh o ut Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and o ther co untries I fo und that I traveled frequently but no t so much that I didn't get to kno w Milan. I am very co nfident in my relatio nship with my ho st city and co uld find myself aro und anywhere witho ut pro blem. I learned the transpo rtatio n systems, the co o l spo ts, the best restaurants, the fun sho pping, the interesting museums, etc. It is a must to spend quality time with yo ur ho st city in o rder to truly feel that yo u are living there. I traveled every weekend, to England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and every single big city in Italy. Almo st every weekend. Lake Co mo Lake Garda Ro me Venice Flo rence Lo ndo n Paris Brussels Ibiza Barcelo na Bo lo gna Vienna Nice Cannes Mo naco Travelled mo st weekends, to many parts o f Italy, Paris, Switzerland, Belgium, Greece, French Riviera, Munich, Barcelo na. Traveled every weekend. Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Paris, Nice, Brussels, Cinque Terre, Ro me, Vero na, Naples, Po mpeii, Flo rence, Venice, Barcelo na, Sto ckho lm, Ischia, Amsterdam, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Dublin, Madrid, Lo ndo n, Oslo , Budapest, Krako w, Frankfurt I had 5 big trips spread o ut thro ugh the semester to Munich, Germany; Ro me, Italy; Paris, France; Barcelo na, Spain; and Lo ndo n, England. Also a bunch o f day trips by train to Lugano , Switzerland; Venice, Italy; Flo rence, Italy; Lake Co mo , Italy; and Lake Garda, Italy I traveled to Paris, Lo ndo n, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelo na, Madrid, and all aro und Italy. Almo st every weekend, Lo ndo n, Amsterdam, Brussels, Barcelo na, Berlin, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Paris. In Italy, I went to Cinque Terre, Vero na, Flo rence, and Venice. Nearly every weekend to vario us cities in Euro pe The majo rity o f my travel was during the 4 week midterm perio d where there are no classes scheduled. I traveled to Belgium, Spain, Czech republic, Netherlands, Hungary, and o ther cities in Italy. I traveled nearly every weekend to o ver 10 different Euro pean co untries. Milan has 3 airpo rts nearby, LIN, BGY, MXP, which make it easy to find great deals o n flights fo r yo ur destinatio n. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 46. 51. Did the structure o f the ho st institutio n's co urse schedule fo ster travel o ppo rtunity o r prevent it? Why? T e xt Re spo nse Yo u can travel easily, there is a two week midterm break and yo u can arrange yo ur schedule to have 3 o r 4 day weekends quite easily. Fo stered it because there weren't many classes and attending them was o ften a waste o f time. Fo ster. I didn't have class Mo nday Fridays, and also no o ne cares if yo u go to class o r no t. I didn't really ever have to skip class to travel tho ugh. the Mo nday & Fridays o ff were mo re than eno ugh. The co urse schedule definitely fo sters travel o ppo rtunity since it is po ssible to arrange a schedule mo stly midweek o r to find classes that o nly o ccur o nce a week. Also , attendance is no t required and so missing classes isn't go ing to damage yo ur grade as lo ng as yo u fo llo w alo ng o n yo ur o wn. Fo ster it. Yo u had a few things to do o ver the co use o f the semester, but o verall yo ur grade relied co mpletely o n the final exam. fo ster... scheduling allo wed fo r lo nger weekends, and the uselessness o f lectures made it easy to miss class and still be o k with the material Yes because were able to schedule o ur classes ho wever we wanted. Mo st o f the co urse was dependent o n the final, so there were few assignments due which allo wed traveling very easy. It fo stered travel o ppo rtunity because they include a 2-week midterm sessio n, but since mo st co urses exchange students are raking do no t have midterms o r classes o n Fridays, students are mo re able to travel. It fo stered it because attendance is o ptio nal and it is easy to schedule yo ur classes to have class 3 days a week if yo u want. I didnt have class o n Fridays so I had many o ppo rtunities to travel o n weekends. Also I did no t have any midterms o ffered so I had a mo nth lo ng spring break A little bit o f bo th. I had no classes o n Fridays which enabled me to travel tho se days. My early early class o n Mo nday, ho wever, made traveling a bit mo re chao tic because it meant having to arrange flights late Sunday nights and that generally cut do wn travel time. Fo stered it because the no n-attending o ptio n allo wed me to free up my Fridays, Mo ndays, and Tuesdays. Fo ster - yo u can arrange yo ur classes so that yo u can travel a lo t with lo ng weekends. Pro gram was go o d fo r travel and yo u co uld schedule classes o n 2 o ut o f 5 scho o l days so yo u had extended weekends. Scho o l also arranged lo ts o f trips fo r internatio nal students. Yes it is po ssible to schedule classes fo r o nly three days o f the week so yo u can have fo ur-day weekends to travel. One can be an "attending" student o r "no n attending" student depending o n if they want material co vered exclusively during lecture and no t in the textbo o k to be included o n their final exam. If yo u're "no n attending" yo u never have to go to class just sho w up fo r the final. I was an "attending" student but fo und that missing a few days here and there to travel did no t adversely affect my ability to do well in the classes. Fo ster it. The classes do n't meet very much each week (no rmal classes are 1.5 ho urs twice a week), and there is also the o ptio n to take so me o f yo ur classes no nattending. Fo stered, there were no attendance po licies and there was an o ptio n to take classes no n-attending. It fo stered travel - pro fesso rs rarely take attendance and there is the o ptio n o f taking classes no n-attending. It fo stered travel o ppo rtunity because there is a 4 week perio d in which there are no classes and just midterms. These midterms are no t mandato ry, but if yo u do no t take them yo u will be co nsidered a no n attending student and yo ur final exam will differ fro m attending students. Ho wever, there are co urses that do no t have midterms and that was the case in my co urse schedule. Scheduling co urses is also no t as co mpetitive as it is at USC, so it is certainly po ssible to create schedules that meet o nly 3-4 days per week, allo wing fo r travel o n the weekends. Definitely fo stered it. Attendance is no t required. Mo st o f the co urses had no ho mewo rk and o nly an o ptio nal midterm and then a Final exam. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 47. 52. Do yo u have any tips o r info rmatio n abo ut traveling while abro ad that yo u wo uld like to share with upco ming exchange students preparing fo r their trip? T e xt Re spo nse Wear go o d sho es, because yo u will definitely be walking a lo t, and also prepare fo r rain and sno w during the winter mo nths. bo o king things early can also help to save a lo t o f mo ney. Also the mo st impo rtant thing is to pick go o d travel mates that yo u trust and get alo ng with well. Use Ho stelWo m to bo o k ho stels. It is great. plan ahead! tickets are a lo t cheaper that way. and I wo uld say do n't travel in giant gro ups...gro ups o f maybe 4 o r 5 is a lo t mo re manageable and less stressful. Make co pies o f all yo ur IDs and leave o ne set at ho me in the US and take the o ther with yo u. It's especially valuable in the event that yo u lo se yo ur passpo rt, credit cards, etc. and also to fill o ut residency permits and o ther fo rmalities. Use trip adviso r sites befo re go ing so yo u kno w what to lo o k fo r. These are also great places to find o ff the beaten path spo ts, which are usually wo rth it. Just use a cheap flight search engine like Fo r teh mo st part yo u will use Ryan Air o r Easy Jet. Be sure yo ur bag is small eno ugh to fit in the co mpartment because they WAY o vercharge yo u if it is to o big. plan breaks in between trips to allo w fo r time to relax and to experience the ho st co untry itself. This really is very nice to have as it makes yo u appreciate co ming back "ho me." Great free to urs that are highly reco mmended :http://www.neweuro peto Use ho stelwo m fo r ho stels and best way to travel is using lo w co st air carriers like easyjet. Use famo usho m! They are very helpful and o ften pro vide free breakfast, to urs, and maps. Do n't rush thro ugh cities. The best trips I had were the o nes where I spent at least 3 days in a city. Bo o k trips way in advance. Travel very light (small backpack). Bring sandals to ho stels so yo u do n't walk o r sho wer barefo o ted. Be prepared fo r everything to always go wro ng, always. Try to learn the basic wo rds o f each language befo re visiting a co untry as it go es a lo ng way just being able to use lo cal mannerisms and greetings so yo u do n't lo o k like such an igno rant American to urist (to o many o f them give all o f us a bad reputatio n and they are WAY TO LOUD all the time! Leave yo ur Disneyland fanny pack at ho me!). Do n't travel with gro ups that are to o large (ie mo re than 4 o r 5) because yo u all end up standing aro und the who le time trying to decide what everyo ne wants to do . Yo u will spend a lo t mo re mo ney than yo u think. RyanAir always flies yo u into rando m airpo rts that are at least an ho ur away fro m the cities and yo u have to use a bus to get in (which adds up co sts). Try to do o ne so lo trip to a rando m city and see what happens. DONT travel TOO much to a po int where yo u feel yo u do n't actually live in a different city but rather yo u are a to urist fo r 6 mo nths (GET TO KNOW THE CITY YOU LIVE IN!). Yo u will get tired o f traveling if yo u do it every weekend...ho nestly. Be adventuro us. Do the main sights but also try to do so me things o nly the lo cals do . Stay with friends studying in o ther cities (saves lo ts o f mo ney and they kno w the city better than yo u do ). Do No t Fly Ryan Air unless yo u plan o n a sho rt trip with minimum luggage o r yo u really do no t care abo ut the quality o f yo ur traveling Be respo nsible. A lo t o f peo ple think that planning trips is so easy and while certain aspects o f it are, yo u are fully respo nsible fo r every last detail o f the trip. That means yo u need to make sure acco mmo datio ns are taken care o f and o rganized, fo o d is tho ught abo ut, extra expenses, transpo rt to and fro m the airpo rt, etc, etc. There is a lo t and if yo u aren't an o rganized perso n, yo u will pro bably find yo urself in so me serio us situatio ns. I kno w I saw lo ts o f friends deal with majo r issues and they were no t happy abo ut it. is a great website fo r co mpilatio n o f cheap flights www.ho stelbo o m is a go o d o ne fo r ho stels - it's usually cheaper than the o ther ho stel websites, has a bigger database, and requires no bo o king fee. Budget yo ur mo ney -- a lo t o f peo ple didn't kno w ho w and co uldn't go o ut fo r the last mo nth -- that sucked. It's a very expensive trip, so budget abo ut $20 0 0 /mo nth spending mo ney no t including rent if yo u want to be able to take advantage o f Milan. Buy flights early o n sites like m - yo u can get flights to Paris ro und trip fo r like $30 . Do n't get yo ur Permit o f Stay -- its a waste o f time and takes wayyy to o lo ng. Sat in the po lice statio n five times fo r an average wait o f 3-4 ho urs. If yo u're a US citizen, especially, no o ne is go ing to questio n yo u. Make sure so meo ne in the gro up has GPS o n their pho ne. Ryanair has the cheapest flights. Bo o k flights a mo nth o r two ahead o f time. Ho wever, if yo u use Ryanair, a lo t o f their flights are really early in the mo rning, so I have had to sleep in the airpo rt many times. I used Ho stelwo m to find ho using while traveling. So metimes ho tels are cheaper than ho stels. Make sure yo u figure o ut ho w to get fro m the airpo rt to the city center befo re yo ur reach the city because it can get frustrating if yo u're trying to figure it o ut when yo u're there. Mo st airpo rts have buses to the central train statio n. I've also go tten lo st plenty o f times trying to find my ho stel, so I began go o gle street viewing to figure it o ut. If yo u want to travel cheap, there are websites dirtcheap(name o f city).co m. Fo r example: http://www.dirtcheapbarcelo m. While flights are always cheaper in Euro pe than in the US, the earlier yo u bo o k the cheaper they'll be. If I had bo o ked my trip to Lo ndo n in December in September, I co uld have paid 10 Euro s ro und trip +tax while bo o king in No vember I paid aro und 50 euro s. Be aware o f yo ur surro undings and yo u'll be fine. Make sure yo u take a co uple o f breathers in between, it can get really exhausting and yo u can miss o ut o n the city yo u're studying abro ad in. Be patient. Try getting to kno w at least a few Bo cco ni (no t exchange) students. Take everything in stride. Take to ns o f pho to s. When traveling abro ad, pack light and bring a pair o f sho es that are go o d fo r walking. After my trip I had a stress fracture in my fo o t which was definitely a co mbinatio n o f my participatio n in lacro sse as well as the extensive walking I did with bad sneakers. Meeting many euro pean students also co mes in handy when traveling euro pe as they can give yo u very go o d reco mmendatio ns as to what to do in their ho me co untries. Do no t fly Ryanair if yo u can avo id it. I wo uld advise using the o ther bargain airline Easyjet instead even if Easyjet co sts a little mo re. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 22 48. 53. EXPENSES: Ho w much spending mo ney FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER wo uld yo u reco mmend that the next participants budget fo r this pro gram? # Answe r Min Value Max Value Ave rage Value St andard De viat io n 1 2 General (including fo o d, entertainment, lo cal transpo rtatio n) 0 .0 0 10 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3,0 20 .45 2,6 6 1.8 4 Ho using/rent 0 .0 0 5,0 0 0 .0 0 3,29 7.73 1,20 6 .58 3 General travel during semester 0 .0 0 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 3,0 54.55 1,542.6 4 4 Bo o ks & miscellaneo us supplies 0 .0 0 50 0 .0 0 218 .18 141.0 4 5 Other expenditures (please explain) 0 .0 0 1,50 0 .0 0 137.77 334.9 0 Ot he r e xpe ndit ure s (ple ase e xplain) My numbers are in Euro s... so yo u have to multiply by the exchange rate to get the amo unt in do llars go v't do cuments Clo thes, etc. emergencies & bureaucratic pro cedures sho pping, gifts permit o f stay, cell pho ne So uvenirs, sho pping 49. 54. Did yo u experience any fo rm o f crime, o r were yo u in danger at any time (such as the victim o r witness o f assault, ro bbery, etc.)? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse no thing criminal ever happened to me, ho wever I did hear sto ries o f o ther peo ple getting ro bbed and pick po cketed and even fighting. I was pick-po cketed in Dublin. no t really. I had o ne friend get pick po cketed tho ugh in Barcelo na, but she was making herself stand o ut to o much I think...really, if yo u're smart abo ut it, yo u sho uld be fine as far as pick po cketing go es. Yes- I had my iPo d sto len and all my cash taken o ut o f my wallet after leaving my bag in a taxi in Lo ndo n... but we were able to track do wn the taxi to get the rest back. My ro o mmate had her bag swiped in Barcelo na and was stranded there fo r an extra few days so it's impo rtant to be physically to uching yo ur stuff at all times if it's no t in sight. Yeah in Barcelo na. There are a lo t o f ho meless peo ple and pickpo cketers. Just keep a heads up no pe no No ne. I heard o f a friend lo sing her passpo rt in Barcelo na, but I myself did no t experience any danger o r crime. No No pe, just do n't stand o ut to o much and girls, please watch yo ur purses... criminals target yo u! N/A I was caught in the middle o f a co mmunist rio t/strike in Greece. Definitely go t pushed and hit with a giant wo o den beam. I was ro bbed while sleeping o n the train, but this is o n the cheapest train with the backpack o n the seat next to me, traveling alo ne. Even with the backpack strap aro und my arm, they managed to sneak 70 euro away. No -- o ne kid go t his wallet sto len in Barcelo na. Pick po cketing isn't that bad in Milan, but it do es happen. Its typically no t Italians but actually po o r Eastern Euro pean immigrants, due to Italy's pro ximity to eastern Euro pe. No . Many peo ple were pick po cketed so just need to be aware at all times. There was so me theft in the do rms - need to keep yo ur do o r clo sed. No but o ne o f my friends was ro bbed in Barcelo na. The guys were just talking to him and all o f a sudden they grabbed his wallet and ran. No I go t verbally harassed o ften o n the trams, but it was mo re o f a cultural thing to ward wo men I think. I was pick po cketed in the metro system in Milan and o nce in Barcelo na. I suggest if yo u're a girl, do n't travel alo ne at night regardless o f ho w safe yo u think it is. Yes. I was pickpo cketed in Budapest; my wallet disappeared o ut o f my purse, which was butto ned and zipped clo sed. My iPho ne 4 was also sto len in Paris; a man pulled it o ut o f my po cket while I was listening to it with my headpho nes. After a few seco nds o f struggle, he pulled it o ut o f my hands and ran o ff, despite my chasing him. There were co untless o ther instances o f o ther students being ro bbed o r mugged. Be careful! No I experienced no crime in Italy. In Barcelo na, it was a different sto ry. One night, 3 o f my friends had their iPho nes pick-po cketed. I caught the man literally with his hand in my po cket as he tried to steal mine as well, and go t into a co nfro ntatio n. Additio nally in Barcelo na the night Spain wo n the Euro cup, I witnessed a fight between a to urist and a lo cal in which the lo cal bit the to urist's ear o ff befo re fleeing. It was very unexpected and Mike Tyso n-esque. In bo th cases, there was an extreme lack o f po lice presence and respo nse. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 50. 55. Befo re departure fro m USC, o r upo n immediate arrival to yo ur ho st co untry, do yo u think yo u were adequately warned and/o r prepared to deal with mo st incidents mentio ned in the Health and Safety sectio n o f this evaluatio n? T e xt Re spo nse no , if i go t hurt, I wo uld need to do so me research to figure o ut what to do . Yeah I was fine. sure... Yes Yes Yes yes Yes. Using USC insurance was easy. The scho o l pro vided a free nurse service as well. Fo rtunately, I did no t get sick at all. Yes Yes Sure Yes Yes Yes -- go o d pro gram yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sure. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 51. 56 . If yo u did no t feel adequately prepared (respo nse to questio n #55), what do yo u think yo u needed to kno w o r hear in advance? Ho w co uld yo u have been better info rmed and/o r prepared? T e xt Re spo nse at least which ho spitals I co uld go to in my ho st city. no thing. N/A We were info rmed n/a N/A N/A N/A N/A n/a N/A N/A N/A N/A It is no t like in America where the po lice respo nd immediately and have a large presence. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 52. 57. Were yo u kno wledgeable abo ut yo ur USC o verseas insurance co verage po licy? T e xt Re spo nse no t really, i was lucky eno ugh no t to have needed it. No t really. no Yes No , but I knew o ne existed Yes yes Yes. A little. I made sure to bring the info packet. Yes yes Yes yes Yeah -- Sean made us all aware in an e-mail. No t really. Yes Yes Yes No Yes. I was able to get my eye examinatio n in Italy co vered by internatio nal SOS No pe. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 53. 58 . Did yo u experience any negative treatment that yo u feel was related to yo ur ethnicity, race, natio nal o rigin, gender, sexual o rientatio n, o r religio n? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse o nly twice did i receive so me co mments abo ut my chinese ethnicity, and they were bo th really trivial incidents. i think i have received a lo t mo re o f this type o f treatment in America. No , but because I am white. So me Italians have been o vertly racist. if yo u're Asian, everyo ne is go ing to assume yo u're Japanese, and rando m peo ple will try to say hi to yo u in Asian languages. Eventually it beco mes kind o f entertaining o nce yo u get o ver it. Yo u just keep telling them no and they'll keep guessing a different ethnicity. No No . Mo st peo ple lo ved the fact that I go to scho o l in Lo s Angeles. They also have alo t to say abo ut o ur President o nce they figure o ut yo ure fro m America No Being Jewish in Euro pe is no t always fun and at times very unco mfo rtabke. The Italians were a little distant to ward Americans, but that is pro bably due to my inability to effectively co mmunicate with them in their language. Mo st peo ple in Milan did no t speak English. No , but I was almo st no t let into a bar in Austria because they tho ught we might be Turkish. No No Peo ple are aggressive and liked to make co mments but then again, I expected that being a 6 ft tall, blue-eyed, blo nde in Italy. Peo ple wo uld rando mly yell "Giappo nese!" o r "Ni hao , wo ai ni" in the streets, but it was relatively harmless. Italy is very catho lic, but the yo unger generatio n isn't very religio us -- like in the US. So so me o lder peo ple are mo re co nservative. Italy is a co untry where mo st peo ple are fro m Italy, and hence are white/lo o k very Italian. (Unlike say Switzerland o r UK, fo r example, which are almo st like America in terms o f diversity). Hence, yo u'll lo o k & feel like an o utsider, which is fine, but yo u wo n't really feel "Italian" while yo u're here. Also , there is a very small black po pulatio n, mo st o f which are refugees fro m Africa, and hence very very po o r. The African American students o n o ur pro gram so metimes go t anno yed because peo ple wo uld so metimes glare at them at restaurants and o ther places. No . There's so me racism. A lo t o f lo cals (especially in Spain) made inappro priate co mments. I go t a lo t o f ni hao s and ko nichiwas. No No Yes. There were to o many racist/igno rant respo nses to my Asian ethnicity to co unt. Ho wever, they're all harmless - no o ne actually acted malicio usly. I no ticed a co uple italians wo uld say things in Chinese as I wo uld walk by. No ne. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 54. 59 . What was the best part o f the pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse meeting peo ple fro m ALL o ver the wo rld and learning fro m them as they learn fro m yo u. Being in Euro pe and traveling aro und to see so many different cultures and peo ple. being in euro pe, meeting new peo ple, traveling. Euro pe is amazing and it's really fun and exciting to have to adapt to a new enviro nment and new style o f living. Being in such a central lo catio n made seeing Euro pe very easy, but the best part was slo wly adjusting to a different culture and attempting to blend in. It was great to talk to peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld and hear abo ut their different o pinio ns o n things. Traveling The co untry, the new experiences, the new peo ple, the fo o d/wine Traveling The best part o f the pro gram was having the freedo m to travel and meet new peo ple who share the same interests. Always having so mething new to see and do . Being able to LIVE in a different culture and meet peo ple with different wo rld views and perspectives. Being able to learn a different language where peo ple actually speak it. Also , the ability to travel and see so me o f the best cities in the wo rld. Understanding that the US is no t the center o f the universe and being able to appreciate o ther cultures. Being o ut o f Lo s Angeles & experiencing new things. Getting o ut o f the ro utine o f the last 2 years The gro wing up experience and teaching myself Italian. Traveling and learning abo ut the different cultures Being in Italy, especially in Milan which is a very underrated, fun city. Amazing nightlife & sho pping. Traveling experience. Explo ring Euro pe and meeting peo ple fro m all aro und the wo rld. Meeting and living with o ther internatio nal students fro m no t just USC and the rest o f the United States but also the UK, Australia and o ther parts o f Euro pe. Also traveling and getting to see o ther parts o f Euro pe was amazing. Meeting peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld So many different things! But the best is pro bably the lifestyle/mindset... Bo cco ni ho sts 6 0 0 + exchange students each semester, all o f who m are co mmitted to making the mo st o f limited time and really getting the "experience," whatever that means to them. That means that yo u always have peo ple to go "experience" it with... which also enco urages yo u to get o ut o f yo ur co mfo rt zo ne! Italy is also an abso lutely beautiful co untry, no t o nly in scenery and histo ry but just in an extrao rdinarily rich culture. There's a lo t to learn there. The best part o f the pro gram is the o ppo rtunity to meet students fro m all o ver the wo rld. I did no t realize ho w many new peo ple I wo uld meet prio r to applying to the pro gram and was pleasantly surprised to have made many friends, particularly fro m Euro pe. Meeting all these peo ple really gave me insight o n a lo t o f the cultural differences between peo ple and the different lifestyles that university students have in different co untries. This was also particularly useful when I was traveling because I co uld ask my friends fo r reco mmendatio ns and avo id to uristic traps. The o ppo rtunity to travel within Euro pe. Milan's 3 nearby airpo rts made this easy to do . St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 55. 6 0 . What was the mo st difficult part? T e xt Re spo nse pro bably just go ing there o n my o wn witho ut kno wing anyo ne else, kind o f scary at first. The co st. balancing wo rk and play, and planning gro up meetings when everyo ne is traveling all the times. The first day entering a co untry where no o ne was speaking a wo rd o f English. Milan is less to uristy than o ther Italian cities so it was a sho ck. Also , finding the university o n the first day. When yo u are in yo ur ho st city yo u have a LOT o f time during the days to wander aro und and do stuff. So metimes yo u end up just trying to keep yo urself busy since scho o l isn't hard, yo ure no t wo rking, and yo u do n't travel EVERY day adjusting/missing things fro m ho me Getting accusto med to the way things functio n, o r do n't fo r the mo st part. The mo st difficult part was dealing with everyday things that I take advantage o f in the US. Fo r example, fo o d sho pping and co mmuting were a co mpletely different experience abro ad. Ho wever, the transit system with metro s, subways, and buses was much easier that the US. Meeting new peo ple. Finding ho using apart fro m the scho o ls ho using. Navigating the ho rrible Italian bureaucratic system. the language barrier Being sick and the having to find a new apartment within 6 days Co o rdinating trips with gro ups o f mo re than 4 peo ple and making sure that everybo dy stayed safe. Meeting Italians -- the buddy system was useless, they made no attempts to get to kno w us. Getting used to Italian bureaucracy. Mo tivating myself to go to class. The first day I arrived in Milan, I was lo st fo r abo ut 5 ho urs because the university gave wro ng directio ns to the Arco baleno Residence. Instead o f using the directio ns the university gives yo u, take the metro green line 2 fro m the central statio n in the directio n o f Abbiategrasso . Get o ff at the last sto p (Abbiategrasso ) and take tram 3 o r tram 15 in the directio n o f Ro zzano . Get o ff at Missaglia De Ruggiero (4 sto ps away), cro ss the big street and keep walking until yo u reach the end o f the street. The apartment is there. No t a lo t o f peo ple in Milan speak English, so it was very difficult finding my way aro und. It's also very difficult getting anything do ne in Milan. The city's no t to o efficient so it takes an entire day just to get o ne errand do ne. Dealing with the co untry's inefficiencies fro m applying fo r the Permit o f Stay, to trams and public transpo rtatio n that do n't run quite like they do in America and little things like that. Venturing o ut o f the American internatio nal students gro up Dealing with bureaucracy... but o nce yo u realize that yo u do n't have much better to do (o n acco unt o f being exchange), yo u eventually get o ver it. The mo st difficult part is leaving the co untry. After having a really fun semester with so many new peo ple, the last mo nth was hard because it seemed as if there was still a lo t o f time with everyo ne, but there really was no t because o f the final exams. Yo u realize that the semester is o ver and that its really unlikely that yo u'll be with all the same friends in the same place again. Dealing with bureaucratic pro cedures in o rder to o btain things like the Permit o f Stay. The cell pho ne plans are very different in Italy since they aren't prepaid and I wo uld o ften run o ut o f credit while in o ther Euro pean co untries with no way to add credit. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 56. 6 1. Describe a situatio n that yo u experienced as a result o f culture sho ck o r cultural misunderstanding. Ho w did yo u reso lve it? T e xt Re spo nse i do n't really feel like i was culture sho cked at any po int. it was different, but i was no t co mpletely sho cked o r anything. Trying to o rder things at a restaurant and the waiter misundersto o d what I wanted. I just ate what he gave me. no thing i can think o f... . Every place was a cutlure sho ck. That was half the fun. Any pro blems I enco untered in Italy I wo uld ask o ne o f my Italian ro o mmates abo ut and they wo uld explain. It was anno ying to have sto res clo se in the middle o f the day fo r a few ho urs and EVERYTHING clo sing o n Sundays. There is a lo t less co nvenience in Italy can't recall I fo und a bo o k that po rtrayed Jews as aliens in Belgium. The biggest culture sho ck that I experienced was drinking my first espresso . I am no t a co ffee drinker, but I was with ano ther Italian student and trying to "immerse" myself in the culture. I became very hyper and then very tired within the span o f an ho ur and swo re to myself that I'd never drink co ffee again. I didn't kno w mo st sit-do wn restaurants in Italy were clo sed fro m 4pm-7pm. I reso lved it by eating later. Didn't really have o ne, just go into the pro gram realizing that ho w yo u live yo ur life is different fro m ho w o thers live theirs and respect that. The way yo u do things is NOT the BEST way, its just different. I can no t think o f a specific situatio n but it has taken so me time to get used to the slo wness and inefficiencies o f getting so mething do ne in Italy. Patience is a must Oh my, there are far to o many chao tic situatio ns that were thro wn at me o ver the co urse o f 6 mo nths! n/a No t kno wing the language - having to figure o ut what peo ple were saying. Little differences in every day to day functio n. Italian inefficiency - The time it takes to do little tasks -- i.e. mailing letters (3 ho ur pro cess if do ne at the po st o ffice). There is no o ne incident that co mes to mind. The Milanese are no t always that friendly and service o riented so yo u need to be prepared fo r that. Peo ple like to take two to three ho ur breaks in the middle o f the day, so yo u can't get anything do ne during that time. Also , Italians like to eat really late. Go ing to the po st o ffice to turn in so me do cuments and being to ld that even tho ugh it was o nly 4 pm and the o ffice clo sed at 7 pm that they simply decided to sto p accepting tho se specific do cuments fo r the day. Instead o f leaving, we begged the man in charge to let us take care o f it that day and he did. Things run very slo wly in Italy, it seemed very inefficient to get anything do ne. I wo uldn't say I reso lved it, but I just learned to live with it. While wo rking o n a gro up pro ject with 2 Esto nians, 1 German, and 1 Parisian (I think), there were many times that we struggled to co mmunicate - no t because o f English skills, but just because we didn't seem o n the same wavelength. Ho wever, we were just patient and wo rked thro ugh it. I was mo st sho cked when I first flew into Milan because o f ho w different it seemed to be living within a city and by the fact that so me peo ple did no t speak any english. With Bo cco ni no t really having a big campus, it seemed easy to get lo st in the city and intimidating to walk aro und and interact with peo ple. Once the italian crash co urse started, things were much better because I had o thers to share my experiences with and venture thro ugh Italy to gether. Over time it became really apparent that Milan really wasn't that big co mpared to so me o f the majo r American cities and my Italian language impro ved. It became easy to develo p my o wn weekly ro utine and manage my life in the city. I wo uld say strikes were very frustrating at first. The first day I landed at the airpo rt, all the taxis were o n strike which made it very hard to get to my ho tel with all my luggage. This can be avo ided to a degree by checking o nline. The majo rity o f strikes are anno unced o n certain websites and scheduled so if yo u find o ut in advance, yo u can plan yo ur transpo rtatio n needs acco rdingly. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 57. 6 2. Describe so mething that yo u are pro ud o f having acco mplished during yo ur stay. T e xt Re spo nse making friends with so many peo ple fro m aro und the wo rld. and really really learning and living with different cultures and perspectives, so much so that it is a bit strange co ming ho me to america. Made friends with native Italians and peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld. I have a greater appreciatio n fo r o ther cultures. surviving o n my o wn and no t really getting ho mesick. getting really go o d at maps/directio ns. I expanded my fo o d ho rizo ns and always made sure to try the lo cal dishes. Also I never tho ught I'd be able to say I bungy jumped o ff the Co rinth Canal. I made friends with Italians who are no w co ming to visit Lo s Angeles. I'm pro ud to have learned a lo t abo ut the lo cal culture and even so me o f the language. Had a date entirely in Italian Just learning to live o n my o wn and deal with pro blems as they aro se. I can pro udly say that I did no t miss a single flight o r train during my entire time abro ad. Altho ugh there were numero us times when I was running fro m o ne train to ano ther, I successfully sho wed up o n time. I'm pro ud o f being go o d at navigating aro und in fo reign cities. I'm also pro ud o f do ing really well in a co urse I had co nsidered dro pping. Traveled with lo cal Italians thro ugh their o wn co untry. Did a so lo trip to ano ther co untry. Learned eno ugh o f the language to survive witho ut using English. Learning abo ut all these new cultures thro ugh o ut All o f Euro pe. I have a great appreciatio n fo r life o utside o f the States I'm just really pro ud o f ho w I handled every curve ball that was thro wn my way. Of co urse there were days when I felt a bit o verwhelmed but I handled every situatio n that was presented me and wo rked everything o ut witho ut pro blem. I wo rked o n a WWOOF farm in the Pisa area fo r a week, during the 2 week midterm break, as I had no midterms. I learned ho w to harvest o lives and what the traditio nal Italian living was like. Made a few Italian friends. Mo st exchange students made no effo rt, and just wanted to hang o ut with Americans, which was anno ying. Learning to use public transpo rtatio n. Learning ho w to beco me a very efficient traveler. Finishing my "To -Do " list o f visiting the 4 cities I really wanted to see: Paris, Ro me, Barcelo na, and Lo ndo n Hanging o ut with Italian students No t really an acco mplishment, but I wo rked in a gro up with all Italian students and go t to kno w them reaso nably well... and this really helped me learn mo re abo ut the co untry/culture, no t to mentio n just make a few new friends. I was mo st pro ud o f winning the Italian lacro sse champio nship with the Bo cco ni lacro sse team. There were a lo t o f questio ns at the beginning o f the semester as to what type o f team we wo uld be. I had just co me o ff o f an eye surgery and it was really clear to me that the level o f play was much mo re elementary co mpared to lacro sse in the US. Upo n winning the champio nship, I was really pro ud o f the pro gress all my friends o n the team made and impressed by the willingness o f the players as well as the co ach to listen to the input I had o n impro ving the team. It was just really fun to be able to enjo y the game and watch the spo rt develo p in Italy. I jo ined a club spo rts team and we had a very successful seaso n. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 58. 6 3. What do yo u wish yo u had kno wn abo ut befo re leaving? T e xt Re spo nse i wish i had kno wn that a lo t o f peo ple o ften travelled befo re scho o l started because they wo uldn't have time after scho o l. This is a go o d idea if yo u are go ing in the fall because it allo ws to to see mo re places. If yo u go in the spring yo u can o f co urse stay during the summer to do as much traveling as yo u want. Mo re o f the Italian language. finding an apartment is no t difficult at all. also , peo ple stay way past finals to travel, so do n't bo o k yo ur flight ho me to o early! also , there are no drugsto res as we kno w it in Italy... Ho w co nservative Italians are- wearing sho rts o r a skirt even when it's warm o ut leads to embarassing stares and weird lo o ks. No thing wish had met Italian friends earlier That the language pro gram is the key to making friends early rather than just a way to learn Italian My o ne regret was no t no t kno wing eno ugh o f the language befo re go ing. I speak spanish, but it was no t similar eno ugh and the Italian peo ple did no t like when I spo ke it. I sho uld have learned the basic verb fo rmatio ns and sentence structures befo re go ing, but I assumed (inco rrectly) that mo st peo ple wo uld speak English. I wish I had kno wn it was go ing to get so co ld and sno wy. That time wo uld go by VERY VERY fast! Italian I felt really prepared go ing abro ad. Ho w much so uthern Italy was different fro m Milan. To spend mo re time in Italy and less traveling aro und Euro pe/o utside the co untry. Yo u can do a Euro trip after co llege. Make sure yo u go to the big 3, Flo rence, Ro me & Venice, and then: Almalfi Co ast (Capri) Cinque Terra Lake Co mo (specifically Belagio ) Sicily Vero na Vienna Bergamo Bo lo gna Do rm/ho using situatio n. I wish I knew mo re o f the language. I also didn't kno w that it rained so much in Euro pe. That no t as many peo ple speak English as readily as I'd ho ped N/A Arco baleno is a great ho using/do rm to live in... but it's really far away fro m the city/scho o l and the heating sucks in the winter. There were a to n o f rando m days when ho t water wasn't wo rking to o . Plus it's expensive. Ho wever, it's really EASY living there, because everyo ne speaks English, receptio n is super helpful, etc. I wish I knew mo re abo ut backpacking prio r to leaving as I feel I was o ften unprepared fo r traveling. I wish I had kno wn to pack better walking sho es, a mo re versatile backpack, and knew abo ut ho stel and flight bo o king befo re leaving rather than figuring it o ut alo ng the way. I wish so meo ne had info rmed me mo re o n ho using. I cho se to live in the university ho using with mainly exchange students and was very happy with my decisio n. Ho wever, I learned no Italian this way since the majo rity o f residents were Americans, Canadians, and Australians. If yo u truly want to learn Italian yo u sho uld cho o se an apartment o r do rm with primarily Italian speakers. Again, I am very happy with my decisio n to live in the do rm and if I co uld do it all o ver, I wo uld still pick the same do rm. I just wanted to make it clear fo r tho se who wish to gain fluency in Italian that perhaps it is better to live with Italian students. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 59. 6 4. Do yo u have any travel tips to share? T e xt Re spo nse bring instant so ap hand sanitizer bo ttles, lo ts o f places do n't have so ap o r yo u just can't even go to a bathro o m. Use to bo o k flights. It is unparalleled. Ho stelwo m is the best ho stel site, to o . bo o k ahead, and do research abo ut where yo u're go ing befo re yo u go . Plan early, but no t to o early. Yo u do n't kno w who yo u'll be friends with 4 mo nths later o r what yo u'll want to do o r where yo u'll be financially. Pack light yo u'll have so much extra stuff to bring back! Yo u will get screwed fo r being a to urist is so me places... just accept it. On the o ther side, it can be fun to just accept the fact yo u are a to urist. See all the co o l sites, and travel to bo th the big cities and mo re fun lo cal spo ts as well keep gro ups small (less than 8 ), bo o k o nline at least a week in advance. Do everything yo u want, because yo u pro bably wo n't do it again. travel as much and as early into yo ur trip as po ssible Bo o k flights in advance! I had to push my Barcelo na trip back three weeks because the co st dro pped abo ut 6 0 %. Bargain airlines are the best way to go . I to o k o ne flight fro m Milan to Lo ndo n fo r 15 Euro , which is abo ut $22. Eat at kebab places...they're the cheapest things aro und! ...and avo id to urist areas while lo o king fo r so mewhere to eat. Take into acco unt shuttle co sts to /fro m airpo rts befo re purchasing plane tickets, because tho se can add up. Finding a city map sho uld be the first thing yo u do . Yo unger peo ple are mo re likely to speak English. (Already answered this in a previo us questio n) explo re lesser kno wn destinatio ns, there are so me places i fo und o ut abo ut when i go t here that i wish i co uld have go ne to . Use Ryan Air o nly when Really necessary. Buy a guide bo o k Plan ahead, get to the airpo rt o n time, make sure yo u have mo ney with yo u, be kind to strangers, and remember that yo u are there to learn abo ut life, culture, and yo urself. is the best website fo r cheap flights - after lo o king them up, bo o k them o n the actual airline's website...also , they charge 10 euro if yo u use credit cards, so it's go o d to get a Visa o r MasterCard debit card fo r this purpo se, so that yo u will be charged 5 euro less per bo o king. Or yo u can make mo re flight reservatio ns per bo o king. Also , flights are half the price a mo nth in advance than a week in advance, so take the train to ano ther city in Italy o n weekends that yo u do n't have planned far in advance since they are cheap and do n't require advanced purchases. www.ho stelbo o m is the best website fo r ho stels - they have a better database o f ho stels and do no t charge bo o king fees. Stay in Italy mo re -- there are SOO many places in Italy to see. Yo u can go to Paris o r Lo ndo n any time, ho w o ften are yo u go ing to go to Cinque Terra o r Capri. (Go o gle image them if yo u do n't kno w what they are ---- beautiful) Try go to places that yo u never tho ught o f go ing to befo re. They can be the mo st surprising and fun. Bring co mfo rtable sho es to walk in. Also invest in a go o d pair o f rain sho es because it rains a lo t and are really useful if yo u plan o n go ing to the sno wy regio ns in the Winter. Research abo ut the city befo re yo u go . It's also easier traveling in smaller gro ups. Bo o k trips early to save mo ney and do research abo ut what to do where befo re yo u go . Also ask the ho tels and ho stels fo r any co upo ns and things. In Paris specifically yo u can get into mo st things fo r free by sho wing yo ur study visa in yo ur passpo rt (even Versailles). The cab fro m Malpensa to the Internatio nal Do rm (Arco baleno ) is almo st 10 0 Euro s, take the shuttle bus o r train to the central statio n and take a cab fro m their to save A LOT o f mo ney. Use disco unt airlines Use CapitalOne o r ano ther card to avo id fo reign transactio n fees and Ally o r Schwab to avo id ATM fees. Have extras so mewhere safe - extra cash, extra credit card, extra ATM card - just in case yo u get pick po cketed. Do n't take yo ur expensive smartpho ne o ut with yo u to the club. Fly easyJet, Ryanair, Wizz Air, etc. and sit in the exit ro w fo r to ns o f leg ro o m. Do n't extend yo ur trips fo r the "cheaper flight"... it'll co st yo u in the ho stel and fo o d anyway. Stay with friends in different cities. Plan ahead and be decisive. Avo id traveling with just girls when po ssible. After scheduling yo ur co urses, check to see any due dates o r exam dates to help facilitate the planning o f travel. Also do a quick read o n backpacking to see the types o f things yo u might want to pack as a traveler. This list is different than yo ur packing list fo r living in ano ther co untry and its easy to o verlo o k so me things that wo uld be particularly useful while traveling such as a mo ney po uch. Also realize that the mo re peo ple yo u travel with, the mo re yo u have to co mpro mise yo ur plans. Everyo ne wants to see, eat, experience different things when they travel, so this is so mething yo u sho uld acco unt fo r when planning yo ur trips. I did a lo t o f traveling alo ne fo r mo re flexibility and to meet o ther travellers. Lastly, I wo uld plan so me breaks in between lo ng perio ds o f travel because altho ugh yo u are traveling, all the flying and walking aro und wears yo u do wn and it beco mes harder to make the mo st o f yo ur travel experiences when yo u are exhausted. Flying is o ften cheaper than taking the train, even within Italy. Travel with yo ur passpo rt even when traveling to o ther Italian cities. I fo rgo t mine when go ing to Venice fo r o ne night. I was to ld by my ho stel that they are legally required to have a co py o f yo ur passpo rt if yo u wish to bo o k a ro o m. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 60. 6 5. What wo uld yo u like to say to the students go ing after yo u? T e xt Re spo nse meet everyo ne because they all want to meet yo u as well. Best decisio n o f yo ur life. Do n't live in the university-pro vided ho using; it is far remo ved fro m the city, prevents yo u fro m immersing yo urself in the real Milan (it feels like New/No rth all o ver again but with even mo re drinking), is run-do wn, and is as expensive as a bettter apartment in do wnto wn. have fun! and do n't waste time sitting in yo ur ro o m because the semester will be go ne befo re yo u kno w it. Get o ut, walk aro und, try o ut rando m restaurants and sho ps. Milan may seem disappo inting at first, but so o n yo u'll realize ho w much it has to o ffer. Find yo ur o wn apartment! Take advantage o f yo ur lo catio n! See and do as much as yo u can HAVE FUN! Take every adventure and o ppo rtunity, because yo u will be really glad yo u did, and it will help yo u gro w and disco ver yo urself mo re than yo u ever will at USC! Have fun! Do n't waste time being ho mesick Travel a lo t, but take the time to go o ut and appreciate yo ur o wn city. I to o k the first 3 weeks to really get to kno w Milan well befo re I decided to travel and I am very thankful I did so . I kno w that even when I return as an o lder adult, I will still feel a sense o f ho me. It's o kay to slack-o ff and travel mo st o f the semester as lo ng as yo u devo te the last co uple weeks to hardco re studying, yo u sho uld do fine. Yo u will have the best time o f yo ur life!!! Make the mo st o f it and be adventuro us. take advantage o f every o ppo rtunity that co mes while abro ad, go to plays, sight see, scho o l events. Make friends with lo cals. Live it up and do nt be scared to try new things. Go o d luck and have a great time! Be smart abo ut everything yo u do . Yo u are NOT at ho me and mo mmy and daddy are no t go ing to co me running to yo ur rescue when yo u are all the way acro ss the wo rld. Be an adult and remember to act appro priately in certain situatio ns. Yo u are representing yo urself, yo ur scho o l, and the United States. Tho ro ughly enjo y every co untry yo u visit! Also be o pen to traveling with different gro ups o f peo ple, as it makes each trip mo re unique and exciting. Learn Italian -- no t to o many English speakers in Milan, altho ugh everyo ne at the scho o l speaks it. The living situatio n is a big facto r in yo ur experience abro ad. If yo u truly want to immerse yo urself in italian culture I wo uld reco mmend getting an apartment with o ther Italian students at Bo cco ni. If yo u cho o se to live in the do rms, they are far and in a bad area. Yo u are iso lated fro m campus and will spend mo st o f yo ur time with exchange students. It is a very so cial enviro nment ho wever. Depending o n what yo u want to get o ut o f the pro gram, is where yo u sho uld decide to live. Do n't travel so much that yo u do n't have time to enjo y Milan. Milan has a lo t to o ffer so yo u do n't want to miss o ut o n the city yo u're living in. Bo o k tickets to the see The Last Supper way ahead o f time because they get bo o ked really quickly. Yo u'll have a great time just be prepared to deal with the inevitable Italian bureaucracy. Have fun, Milan seems like a dreary place a lo t o f the time, but there's SO much to the city to appreciate. Yo u just have to find them and figure them o ut fo r yo urself. This is go ing to be the best and wildest semester o f yo ur life. And yo u'll learn mo re than yo u think. I wo uld say it is largely up to the student to create a fulfilling exchange experience and a lo t o f the experience is less dependent o n the lo catio n itself. Regardless o f the pro gram yo u get accepted to , I wo uld stro ngly reco mmend participating o n the exchange pro gram. Definitely go in with an o pen mind and try no t to really expect what everything will be like. I definitely reco mmend the pro gram and the lo catio n. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21 61. 6 6 . Any final tho ughts... T e xt Re spo nse This was definitely the mo st amazing thing I have ever do ne in my entire life. Thank yo u so much Sean. IEP is a great pro gram that is run superbly. Co mpliments to Sean fo r being so invo lved with the students and facilitating a great experience. do nt o ver pack! and have fun! Just go ! It is so much fun Viva Italia! N/a This was a fantastic pro gram and I'm really glad I decided to go abro ad! Also , if yo u get a WIND pho ne o r wireless internet service, it is cheap but prepare to face a huge amo unt o f later pro blems. My friend and I pro bably spend $30 0 o n these services during the time o f o ur stay. The laid-back Mediterranean mentality is actually a go o d thing...Embrace it. Yo u will NEVER fo rget yo ur experience studying abro ad. Yo u will be telling yo ur grandkids abo ut it so meday fo r sure! Take lo ts o f pics and even write a travel blo g so yo u can remember yo ur experiences. This might be o ne o f the best decisio ns yo u will make in co llege! Have fun and go o d luck! I do nt want to co me ho me ; ) The best 6 mo nths o f my life. I wo uldn't take back any o f it. If yo u had to visit any cities in Italy, I wo uld reco mmend Ro me, Flo rence/Pisa, and Cinque Terre the mo st. Fo r the fo llo wing cities, I reco mmend the duratio ns o f stay in each o ne: - Ro me: 3 days - Flo rence & Pisa: 2 days & 1/2 day - Cinque Terre: 1 full day - Amalfi Co ast: 1 day - Naples: 1 day - Palermo /Catania: 1 day each - Perugia: 1 day, o nly if there is a festival go ing o n - Any majo r lakes in the no rth: 1 full day Everythings inefficient abo ut this co untry -- getting yo ur permissio , classes rando mly being cancelled, little pro cess taking very lo ng, lo ng lines fo r everything -- and Italians do n't wait in line -- they just start budging and ano ther line fo rms in fro nt o f yo u -- a little o dd. BE READY FOR IT, its no t wo rth yo ur time being frustrated. **KNOW ONE THING: This is NOT the US so do n't expect that everything is go ing to be like the US. Do n't expect peo ple to speak yo ur language & kno w abo ut yo ur culture. Yo u are an American in Italy, no t the o ther way aro und. There are many things yo u will have to get used to such as rando m class rescheduling during the semester and difficulty o btaining yo ur permit o f stay o r getting yo ur metro pass. Do each o ne, o ne at a time and do n't be to o o verwhelmed. The o verall experience is wo rth it. One semester abro ad was definitely no t eno ugh fo r me. It will be o ne o f the mo st amazing experiences o f yo ur life. In the end yo u'll be so glad yo u went! Treasure every mo ment! Go abro ad! I wo uld just like to thank Marshall fo r helping pro vide ano ther aweso me chapter to my USC experience. Prio r to leaving, I did no t realize the stro ng reputatio n Marshall had abro ad and ho w lucky we are to be able to send so many students o n an exchange experience. The semester was a valuable learning experience fo r me. I can't say I learned to o much in the classro o m, but that is no t the reaso n I cho se to go abro ad. I cho se to go abro ad so that I co uld travel and experience different cultures and lifestyles. Milan being so centrally lo cated in Euro pe made this easy to do . I really enjo yed o verall the Italian culture and the friendly peo ple. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 21