My Report Last Mo dified: 0 8 /0 2/20 13 Filter By: Repo rt Subgro up 1. Name (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse Brian Gabbay To dd Snyder Adam Carmeli Jo sh Ro senbaum Elisabeth Symczak Alexander Duo ng Talya Ercag Jo hn Ro bso n Jamie Di Ro sario -Co nno r Ko cine Chen Olivia Ulam St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 2. E-mail Address (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse jbro duo jro bso diro ko m o m St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 11 3. Lo catio n # Answe r 39 Bar Re spo nse % Aalto University Scho o l o f Eco no mics 0 0% 4 Australian Natio nal University 0 0% 6 Chinese University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 5 Co penhagen Business Scho o l 0 0% 3 Co rvinus University o f Budapest 0 0% 37 Chulalo ngko rn University 0 0% 2 ESADE Business Scho o l 0 0% 40 ESCEM 0 0% 38 ESCP-EAP 0 0% 65 Fudan University 0 0% 13 HEC Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 7 Ho ng Ko ng UNiversity o f Science and Techno lo gy 0 0% 58 ICHEC Brussels 0 0% 63 IE Scho o l o f Business 0 0% 15 Ko rea University Business Scho o l 0 0% 16 Natio nal University o f Singapo re 0 0% 18 Natio nal Taiwan University 0 0% 27 Peking University 0 0% 14 Ro tterdam Scho o l o f Management 13 10 0 % 61 Seo ul Natio nal University 0 0% 19 Singapo re Management University 0 0% Thammasat University 0 0% 57 Universidade de No va de Lisbo n 0 0% 64 Universiidad de Carlo s Madrid III 0 0% 11 Universita Co mmerciale Luigi Bo cco ni 0 0% 62 University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 1 9 University o f Manchester, Manchester Business Scho o l 0 0% 10 University o f Melbo urne 0 0% 12 University o f Navarra 0 0% 17 University o f St. Gallen 0 0% 59 Vienna University o f Eco no mics and Business 0 0% 8 WHU Otto Beisheim Scho o l o f Management 0 0% To tal 13 St at ist ic Value Min Value 14 Max Value 14 Mean 14.0 0 Variance 0 .0 0 Standard Deviatio n 0 .0 0 To tal Respo nses 13 4. What is yo ur academic status this semester? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 So pho mo re 0 0% 2 Junio r 11 8 5% 3 Senio r 2 15% To tal 13 St at ist ic Value Min Value 2 Max Value Mean 3 2.15 Variance 0 .14 Standard Deviatio n 0 .38 To tal Respo nses 13 5. What is yo ur expected date o f graduatio n fro m USC (Semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 )? T e xt Re spo nse Spring 20 10 Fall 20 0 9 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 10 May 20 12 Spring 20 12 Fall 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 14 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 14 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 6. What is yo ur majo r? T e xt Re spo nse Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Admin Acco unting, Business Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n BUAD/EALC Business Administratio n St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 7. What is yo ur co ncentratio n (Business majo rs o nly)? T e xt Re spo nse Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Financial Analysis and Valuatio n Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Entrepreneurship/Internatio nal Business Management Intl Business Internatio nal N/A Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business no ne St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 8. Please indicate the term in which yo u were abro ad (semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 ). T e xt Re spo nse Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 9. I. GENERAL PROGRAM EVALUATION Please rate the fo llo wing items: # Que st io n 1 1. Yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 0 1 5 7 13 4.46 St at ist ic 1. Yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he pro gram . Min Value 3 Max Value 5 Mean 4.46 Variance 0 .44 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 6 To tal Respo nses 13 10. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2. To what extent did the pro gram meet yo ur expectatio ns? 0 2 0 5 6 13 4.15 3. To what extent was yo ur participatio n in the pro gram a valuable learning experience? 0 0 0 1 12 13 4.9 2 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 2. T o what e xt e nt did t he pro gram m e e t yo ur e xpe ct at io ns? 3. T o what e xt e nt was yo ur part icipat io n in t he pro gram a valuable le arning e xpe rie nce ? Min Value 2 4 Max Value 5 5 Mean 4.15 4.9 2 Variance 1.14 0 .0 8 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 7 0 .28 13 13 To tal Respo nses 11. # Que st io n 1 4. To what extent wo uld yo u reco mmend this pro gram to o ther USC students? Wo uld no t re co m m e nd at all May re co m m e nd wit h re se rvat io ns Ne ut ral Wo uld sure ly re co m m e nd Wo uld re co m m e nd m o st st ro ngly T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 1 2 3 7 13 4.23 St at ist ic 4 . T o what e xt e nt wo uld yo u re co m m e nd t his pro gram t o o t he r USC st ude nt s? Min Value 2 Max Value 5 Mean 4.23 Variance 1.0 3 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 1 To tal Respo nses 13 12. II. ACADEMIC PROGRAM No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 5. To what extent were yo ur co urses intellectually challenging? 0 5 5 1 2 13 3.0 0 6 . Ho w co mparable was the quality o f instructio n and academic demand o f classes to that o f USC? 4 3 4 1 1 13 2.38 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 5 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo ur co urse s int e lle ct ually challe nging? Min Value 2 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.0 0 2.38 Variance 1.17 1.59 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 8 1.26 13 13 To tal Respo nses 6 . Ho w co m parable was t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n and acade m ic de m and o f classe s t o t hat o f USC? 13. St ro ngly disagre e Disagre e Ne ut ral Agre e St ro ngly Agre e T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 7. The grading system used in the co urses was explained. 0 2 2 8 1 13 3.6 2 8 . I was able to register fo r all the classes that I wanted. 0 3 0 2 8 13 4.15 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 7 . T he grading syst e m use d in t he co urse s was e xplaine d. 8. I was able t o re gist e r f o r all t he classe s t hat I want e d. Min Value 2 2 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.6 2 4.15 Variance 0 .76 1.6 4 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 7 1.28 13 13 To tal Respo nses 14. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 9 . To what extent were yo u prepared fo r the co ursewo rk? 0 1 1 6 5 13 4.15 2 10 . To what extent do yo u feel yo u were immersed in the culture o f the ho st co untry? 0 2 1 6 4 13 3.9 2 3 11. To what extent did yo u gain a better appreciatio n o f the ho st culture's perspectives? 0 0 2 5 6 13 4.31 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 9 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo u pre pare d f o r t he co urse wo rk? 10 . T o what e xt e nt do yo u f e e l yo u we re im m e rse d in t he cult ure o f t he ho st co unt ry? 11. T o what e xt e nt did yo u gain a be t t e r appre ciat io n o f t he ho st cult ure 's pe rspe ct ive s? Min Value 2 2 3 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 4.15 3.9 2 4.31 Variance 0 .8 1 1.0 8 0 .56 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 0 1.0 4 0 .75 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 15. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry Sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 12. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the co ntent o f the co urses yo u to o k. 0 4 4 4 1 13 3.15 13. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the quality o f instructio n. 1 3 4 4 1 13 3.0 8 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 12. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he co nt e nt o f t he co urse s yo u t o o k. Min Value 2 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.15 3.0 8 Variance 0 .9 7 1.24 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 9 1.12 13 13 To tal Respo nses 13. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n. 16. # Que st io n 1 14. Please rate the o verall level o f faculty interest in students. Ve ry lo w So m e what lo w Ave rage Highe r t han ave rage Ve ry high T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 3 6 3 0 13 2.8 5 St at ist ic 14 . Ple ase rat e t he o ve rall le ve l o f f acult y int e re st in st ude nt s. Min Value 1 Max Value 4 Mean 2.8 5 Variance 0 .8 1 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 0 To tal Respo nses 13 17. # Que st io n 1 15. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the academic pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 5 2 5 1 13 3.15 St at ist ic 15 . Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he acade m ic pro gram . Min Value 2 Max Value 5 Mean 3.15 Variance 1.14 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 7 To tal Respo nses 13 18. III. LANGUAGE PREPARATIONIf yo u did no t take a fo reign language class this semester, please cho o se "No t applicable" fo r each questio n. No t applicable Po o r Ne e ds im pro ve m e nt Fair Go o d Exce lle nt T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 16 . Ho w were yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram? 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 1.0 0 2 17. Ho w were yo ur language skills after the pro gram? 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 1.0 0 3 18 . Yo ur living situatio n aided yo ur language acquisitio n. 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 1.0 0 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 16 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram ? 17 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills af t e r t he pro gram ? 18. Yo ur living sit uat io n aide d yo ur language acquisit io n. Min Value 1 1 1 Max Value 1 1 1 Mean 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 Variance 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Standard Deviatio n 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 19. # Que st io n 1 19 . If yo u studied a fo reign language o n the pro gram, please rate yo ur o verall level o f satisfactio n with the language educatio n co mpo nent o f the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 3 0 10 0 0 13 2.54 St at ist ic 19 . If yo u st udie d a f o re ign language o n t he pro gram , ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall le ve l o f sat isf act io n wit h t he language e ducat io n co m po ne nt o f t he pro gram . Min Value 1 Max Value 3 Mean 2.54 Variance 0 .77 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 8 To tal Respo nses 13 20. IV. SUPPORT SERVICESPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 20 . On-site academic advising 0 0 7 3 3 13 3.6 9 2 21. On-site o rientatio n 0 0 4 4 5 13 4.0 8 3 22. On-site academic facilities (e.g. classro o ms, libraries, co mputer labs), excluding ho using. 0 0 0 9 4 13 4.31 4 23. Co mmunicatio n with the USC Marshall o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 3 2 8 13 4.38 5 24. Overall impressio n o f o n-site suppo rt services 0 0 4 5 4 13 4.0 0 St at ist ic 20 . On-sit e acade m ic advising 21. On-sit e o rie nt at io n 22. On-sit e acade m ic f acilit ie s (e .g. classro o m s, librarie s, co m put e r labs), e xcluding ho using. 23. Co m m unicat io n wit h t he USC Marshall o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 24 . Ove rall im pre ssio n o f o n-sit e suppo rt se rvice s Min Value 3 3 4 3 3 Max Value 5 5 5 5 5 Mean 3.6 9 4.0 8 4.31 4.38 4.0 0 Variance 0 .73 0 .74 0 .23 0 .76 0 .6 7 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 5 0 .8 6 0 .48 0 .8 7 0 .8 2 13 13 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 21. V. HOUSINGPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 25. Ho using co o rdinatio n 1 3 2 3 4 13 3.46 2 26 . Lo catio n o f student ho using 0 0 2 2 9 13 4.54 3 27. Quality o f ho using arrangements 0 3 2 4 4 13 3.6 9 St at ist ic 25 . Ho using co o rdinat io n 26 . Lo cat io n o f st ude nt ho using 27 . Qualit y o f ho using arrange m e nt s Min Value 1 3 2 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 3.46 4.54 3.6 9 Variance 1.9 4 0 .6 0 1.40 Standard Deviatio n 1.39 0 .78 1.18 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 22. VI. OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 31. Why did yo u cho o se this pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse I did a go o d amo unt o f research o n the cities available and Ro tterdam seemed like the best fit. It has a central lo catio n in Euro pe to make traveling easy, and also has a very high standard o f living. It was my 3rd cho ice because I believed that I wo uld enjo y Netherlands lifestyle. It was my seco nd cho ice, after Manchester. I cho se to co me to Ro tterdam because I tho ught I wo uld be do ing a lo t o f travelling (which I did no t end up do ing) and that its relatively central lo catio n within Euro pe wo uld make that easier. I also had heard that mo st Dutch peo ple speak English very well, which was appealing to me since I'm no t fluent in any o ther languages. I had ranked it as third, and I was assigned to it. I cho se to rank the lo catio n because the Netherlands seemed like an interesting and unique place to study abro ad. Being my third cho ice, I ho nestly did no t give much tho ught to this pro gram when selecting my o ptio ns. Ho wever, no w that I have travelled to many o f the o ther lo catio ns in Euro pe and talked to o thers, I am 10 0 % co nfident that this was the best lo catio n fo r me and wo uld stro ngly reco mmend it to any future students. The lo catio n o f the pro gram and the culture o f the co untry as well as the Ro tterdam was a unique lo catio n pro viding a "ho mey" feeling with few to urists aro und. While traveling yo u go t to see remarkable Euro pean co untries and when yo u came back it really felt like ho me. Ro tterdam pro vided a unique perspective into Dutch culture and was definitely different fro m all o ther cho ices we had fo r IEP. Well-lo cated, different culture, highly-ranked scho o l Very go o d scho o l, amazing co untry I wanted to be in Euro pe when I studied abro ad, but mo re impo rtantly, in a co untry that had applicable academic experiences that I co uld bring back to the United States. Ho nestly, Ro tterdam was such a rando m o ptio n in my o pinio n. It was a city that had never cro ssed my mind befo re the IEP applicatio n pro cess, but the idea o f go ing so mewhere that I knew abso lutely no thing abo ut was to o hard to pass up. It turned o ut to be a co mplete 10 0 % learning experience fro m the gro und up. Also , its o ne o f the lo ngest pro grams at 6 mo nths! Lo catio n / Mo st peo ple speak English It was my fifth o r sixth cho ice o n my list. But I liked it because o f it's relatively central lo catio n and pro ximity to Amsterdam. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 23. 32. Please co mpare these aspects o f yo ur pro gram with study at USC. # Que st io n Equivale nt USC/Abro ad Be t t e r USC/in L.A. Be t t e r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 2 1) Quality o f instructio n 1 1 11 13 2.77 2) Co ntent o f co urses 1 1 11 13 2.77 3 3) Intellectual challenge o f co urses 4 1 8 13 2.31 4 4) Faculty interest in/suppo rt o f students 1 0 12 13 2.8 5 5 5) Individual assistance pro vided 3 0 10 13 2.54 St at ist ic 1) Qualit y o f inst ruct io n 2) Co nt e nt o f co urse s Min Value 1 1 Max Value 3 3 3) Int e lle ct ual challe nge o f co urse s 4 ) Facult y int e re st in/suppo rt o f st ude nt s 5 ) Individual assist ance pro vide d 1 1 1 3 3 3 Mean 2.77 2.77 2.31 2.8 5 2.54 Variance 0 .36 0 .36 0 .9 0 0 .31 0 .77 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 0 0 .6 0 0 .9 5 0 .55 0 .8 8 13 13 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 24. 33. Ho w much study time per week do yo u reco mmend in o rder to keep up with classes? T e xt Re spo nse A co uple ho urs just eno ught to turn in yo ur assignments then cram fo r the finals I co uldn't put a number o n it. Mo st peo ple seem to get away with little to no studying prio r to finals. 3 It is highly dependent o n ho w much wo rk is assigned fo r the week. The teachers each o utline ho w many ho urs are reco mmended fo r the co urse. I wo uld say to be 10 0 % o n to p o f everything, o ne sho uld put in aro und 8 ho urs per week. This number is much higher during finals. 2-3 ho urs per week, increased amo unt mo re during the 2 weeks befo re finals. 2-4 Hrs No ne and then 24/7 the week leading up to the exam... o r like 10 ho urs a week 4 ho urs 4-6 ho urs a week It really co mes do wn to ho w much time yo u actually devo te to classes. There are classes where yo u can spend the week leading up to yo ur exam to study and read the textbo o k witho ut go ing to a single lecture. There are o ther classes where if yo u o nly go to class, yo u'll be fine witho ut reading o r studying a lo t. I kind o f co unted my time in the classro o m as study time. Other than that, "studying" o nly co nsisted o f the few ho mewo rk assignments, gro up pro jects, and exam preparatio ns. TLDR: maybe 3 ho urs a week. 6 ho urs a few ho urs a week, mo re so if there are assignments due o r if finals are appro aching St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 25. 34. Ho w, if at all, do es the structure o f the co urses differ fro m tho se at USC? Did yo u like o r dislike these differences? T e xt Re spo nse The final co unts fo r almo st all o f yo ur grade, so all yo u really have to do is study fo r the final. The finals can be pretty hard tho ugh Mo st finals are 8 0 -10 0 %. It is much harder to get excellent grades but if yo u are go o d at cramming then it is relatively easier to get medio cre grades. The co urses are structured very differently (as Sean explained prio r to sending us abro ad). Mo st classes do n't have midterms o r much ho mewo rk, and 8 0 % to 10 0 % o f yo ur co urse grade is determined by a single, o ften multiple-cho ice final exam o f less than 50 questio ns. I fo und this to be extrao rdinarily stressful because the lack o f midterms means that yo u have no idea ho w well / po o rly prepared yo u might be fo r the final until yo u actually sit do wn and take the test. Yes. All o f the weight o f the co urses are placed o n o ne o r two things. Little directio n o r insight is given as to what is expected o f us. It was extremely different fro m anything I was used to . No t o nly was having two trimesters a fo reign experience, but the grading structure was unlike anything I have ever experienced. I managed to adjust to it well; ho wever, I kno w many o f my peers struggled with the new system. Having finals wo rth 9 0 -10 0 % o f a final grade is a very intense transitio n. The mo st alarming realizatio n was the grading scale at Erasmus. Altho ugh we are o nly required to get a 6 o ut o f 10 , this is a much mo re difficult grade to o btain than I initially tho ught. What makes the grade system so interesting is that many o f the Dutch students here do no t mind failing a co urse since they are no t required to pay fo r their educatio n. One class had a failure rate o f 6 5%. I spo ke to several MBA students who had taken the class; two , had failed the class twice while ano ther failed it three times befo re succeeding. Overall, I think that transitio ning to a new educatio n system is a highly advantageo us learning experience fo r a co llege student. I believe it will better prepare me fo r real life differences in wo rk requirements. Ho wever, I think it wo uld be beneficial fo r USC o r even myself to let the future students kno w abo ut ho w very real the failure rates are at Erasmus. This will help ensure that are better prepared to deal with the different learning style. The co urses at RSM are all structured aro und the final, which is usually 8 0 -9 0 % o f yo ur final grade. There is usually o nly o ne lecture a week, and no t mandato ry and well as very few, if any, regular assignments o r midterms thro ugho ut the co urse. At USC, there is weekly assignments and lectures, especially in upper divisio n classes, are smaller and really impo rtant to attend fo r the class. Altho ugh no t having much scho o l wo rk during the semester is nice, a lo t o f study go es o n intensely befo re the finals, and yo ur grade is weighted heavily o n it, which is mo re pressure to perfo rm well witho ut much security fro m o ther class wo rk. At USC, the o ther class wo rk helps mo nito r yo ur pro gress and understanding o f the material thro ugho ut the co urse, rather than waiting till the end to test it all. Grade is heavily dependent o n exams, almo st no assignments. I didn't mind the o peness, because the lack o f assignments allo wed fo r alo t o f free time and travel. Final exam is 8 0 %-10 0 % o f final grade. A LOT mo re reading, teachers barely teach (mo st o f them anyway). It's much mo re independent. I disliked it. Final acco unts fo r 10 0 % fo r mo st classes, so me classes also have 2-4 assignments per semester Only o ne lecture a week rather then multiple. While the lecture is also lo nger, there is o nly o ne pro fesso r teaching each individual subject (e.g. Business Law). The classes were much bigger (30 0 +), but the quality o f the instructio n was fabulo us. There was the o bvio us deterred intimacy between teacher and student, but I ended up adapting to being mo re self-reliant. Generally, the textbo o k is the law. Yo u can no t go to class and just read the bo o k and yo u will pass yo ur class fo r sure--co nsidering yo u put time in to learn that material. There is a lack o f ho mewo rk assignments, pro jects and participatio n. This culminates in yo ur final grade being either 10 0 % based o n the final o r so me co mbinatio n o f a final and midterm. Also , there are so metimes multiple pro fesso rs fo r each co urse, each o ne teaching a new blo ck o r subject--so co ntinuity with yo ur faculty is iffy here and there. Finals acco unt fo r mo st o f the grade, attendance isn't mandato ry. Only had presentatio ns in o ne o f my classes and very limited assignments. Exams are much mo re difficult here than at ho me but yo u're allo wed to re-sit them o ver summer if yo u fail. Liked that yo u can travel fo r two mo nths then the mo nth befo re exams yo u have to study. They are quite different. First o f all, there are two trimesters here, and no spring break. The schedule o f co urses allo ws fo r a lo t o f time to travel and mo st classes are no t mandato ry, so that is go o d, but I did no t like having two sets o f final exams. Additio nally, a lo t o f the classes are dependent almo st entirely o n the final exam, which can be stressful and they are pretty hard to pass. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 26. 35. Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld particular reco mmend? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Business Law If yo u are lo o king fo r a useful class take Business Law. The finals is difficult but the classes are actually interesting and engaging. If yo u are lo o king fo r an easy class take Techno lo gy fo r managers and Internatio nal Investment and Trade o r Internatio nal Marketing Reseach I wo uld reco mmend Pro fesso r Helen Gubby fo r Fo undatio ns o f Business Law. She's a very engaging lecturer and the subject matter o f the co urse is interesting and useful. The Law class. That was the mo st interesting class we all to o k abro ad, and the teacher (can't remember her name, she was British) was so engaging and interesting. I learned valuable things that I was genuinely enjo ying learning. The Fo undatio ns o f Business Law taught by Barrister H. Gubby. She was witho ut a do ubt o ne o f the best pro fesso rs I have ever had (ranked o nly behind Crisis o f a Planet Pro fesso r Lawfo rd Anderso n). Every student who co mes to Erasmus MUST take this class. Her lectures are highly engro ssing and the reading material was quite interesting. It is a very unique experience to get an o pinio n o f USA law fro m o utside the USA. Business Law by Pro fesso r Helen Gubby-- o ne o f the best and mo st interesting classes I have taken in co llege. really really interested and the pro fesso r is really engaging. challenging class, but well wo rth it, and unlike any business class yo u will take at USC. Also , Business Info rmatio n Management pro fesso r is interesting but the co urse is really hard. Internatio nal Investment and Trade o nly has a paper wo rth 10 0 % o f yo ur grade due, and the co urse finishes befo re finals. Human Reso urce Management is also pretty easy and helpful as well. Business Law and Internatio nal Investments and Trade, Business law pro fesso r is great, very effective lecturer, Investments and Trade yo u get a glo bal perspective o n trade and yo ur grade is determined by a final paper. Business Law! Fo undatio ns o f Business Law Yes: Business Law, Human Reso urces Management, and Business info rmatio n Management. Dr. Helen Gubby -- Fo undatio ns o f Business Law: She's wicked funny, a great time and a pretty aweso me pro fesso r. Fo r her class, yo u can learn everything fro m her lectures and the slides. Definitely reco mmend go ing to her lectures--always a ho o t! Business Law: co o l class with funny pro fesso r (Helen Gubby) Pro fesso r Helen Gubby fo r Fo undatio ns o f Business Law. She is hilario us and a great teacher, but the class is definitely no t easy. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 27. 36 . Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld advise against taking? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Business Info rmatio n Management No I wo uld advise against taking Business Info rmatio n Management with Pro fesso r Bo rgman o r Human Reso urce Management with Pro fesso r Dietz. These classes co nsisted mo stly o f ro te memo rizatio n o f terms fro m the bo o k. Bo th Pro fesso rs were incredibly bo ring and their lectures added little to no value to the co urse. Business Info rmatio n Management and Supply Chain Management. While interesting, they are mo stly just a to n o f info rmatio n to digest, and mo st o f it is no t engaging o r relevant to many o f o ur lives. No , there were no co urses that I felt were a bad experience. The acco unting and finance classes are the hardest at the university. Also , Business Info rmatio n Management is hard, the midterm and final are difficult and harder to pass. Supply chain management- mo no to ne, bo ring pro fesso r with just memo rizatio n needed fo r the class All the o ther o nes Cro ss Cultural Managament There is o nly o ne pro vided teacher, there are no o ptio ns per class subject. Cho o se a co urse that interests yo u and has a stro ng fo llo wing by o ther internatio nal abro ad students. Co o rdinatio n and team-wo rk payed o ff. Its go ing to be hard to NOT take these classes, since yo ur o ptio ns are very limited when it co mes do wn to the co urses that will transfer back to USC, but if at all po ssible avo id Human Reso urce Management with Dr. Bart Dietz (just a bad co mmunicato r with po o r teaching and attentio n-grabbing skills) and Cro ss Cultural Management with Dr. Magala (he's very detached fro m the real wo rld and speaks o nly in academia. His lectures are bo ring and his exam was extremely hard to understand because o f his use o f high (and wro ng) dictio n). See abo ve Supply chain management, it is rather bo ring and is quite a challenging class that requires a lo t o f studying and fo cus. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 28. 37. Has participatio n in this pro gram influenced yo ur academic o r career go als? Ho w? T e xt Re spo nse Just meeting peo ple fro m all aro und the wo rld and learning their different cultures made me want to travel even mo re and maybe have a career in Internatio nal Business It sho wed me the impo rtance o f living a well balanced life and that scho o l is no t as impo rtant as I o nce tho ught. My go als have remained pretty much the same. I am mo re o pen to the co ncept o f traveling fo r wo rk. I am much mo re independent and capable o f making my o wn decisio ns. I am no t entirely sure yet. I still have two mo re mo nths. Perhaps I will kno w in the future. I do kno w that I have learned an eno rmo us amo unt o utside o f the classro o m; mo re so than I ever tho ught was po ssible. I no w have a much better understanding o f glo bal eco no mics and the so cial differences o f the wo rld. I have beco me interested in internatio nal affairs and practices within business. Participatio n in the pro gram has made me want to wo rk fo r a co mpany in Euro pe after I graduate to learn mo re abo ut business practices o n a glo bal level. I have also fo und an interest in human reso urces as well. Yes, I have co nsidered o ther career alternatives because I will no t be wo rking a traditio nal internship this summer. I used to want to be an investment banker but with this new perspective and situatio n I am no w pursuing mo re perso nal interests such as entrepreneurship, so cial respo nsibility and sustainability. Made me happy I cho se acco unting o ver business Yes I am mo re appreciative o f a smaller classro o m, but also feel an intense directio n to ward what I want to learn. Studying abro ad at RSM has definitely affirmed my ambitio ns to so meho w, in so me way, wo rk abro ad. But o therwise, I feel o n track--just bubbling o ver with new experiences, kno wledge, memo ries and co nnectio ns. No It has no t changed my academic go als, but I have lo ved the internatio nal perspective that this pro gram has pro vided fo r me. I wo uld lo ve to get the chance to travel fo r wo rk in the future o r po ssibly wo rk with fo reign co mpanies. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 29. Please tell us abo ut yo ur experience with the fo reign language o f yo ur ho st co untry: 38 . Besides English, what is (are) the language(s) mo st pro minently spo ken o n the campus o f the university where yo u studied? T e xt Re spo nse Dutch, German Dutch but everyo en speaks english Dutch Dutch Dutch. But literally every single perso n in the Netherlands speaks flawless English. Many speak better than individuals I kno w back ho me. Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch German and Dutch Dutch (but do n't wo rry, literally every student in yo ur pro gram speaks English because all o f the classes are taught in English. And, 9 0 % o f the Netherlands can speak English as well, so its a no n-issue) Dutch Dutch, but almo st everyo ne speaks english St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 30. 39 . Did yo u speak the ho st language, o r receive any language training in the ho st language prio r to , o r during yo ur semester abro ad? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse No No No Almo st everyo ne spo ke English, tho ugh they spo ke Dutch primarily. We had to learn so me o f it just to navigate the gro cery sto re, but did no t receive any training during o r befo re. We made Dutch friends to help us. No No I do n't kno w Dutch. There is a language pro gram that is o ffered each trimester that is helpful to understand it better and pick it up a little, altho ugh it is a very hard language to learn. If yo u can find o ut abo ut it, its helpful to take and helps with immersio n into the Dutch culture. No I did no t receive any language training but it was no t necessary. If yo u cho se to yo u co uld attend language co urses here fo r a fee and if yo u passed they wo uld refund yo u yo ur expenses. No No , was no t necessary as everyo ne spo ke English No , and received very crude/no training Can't speak a sentence o f Dutch. They o ffer a co urse in Dutch, but I believe yo u have to pay fo r it in additio n to what yo u're already paying. No , mo stly everyo ne here speaks English. Do wnlo ad the Go o gle translato r app to use when needed (eg, at the gro cery sto re). No St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 31. Then rate: # Que st io n Exce lle nt Go o d Fair Po o r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 1) Yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram: 0 0 0 13 13 4.0 0 2 2) Language training o n the pro gram: 0 0 0 13 13 4.0 0 3 3) Yo ur pro ficiency after the pro gram: 0 0 0 13 13 4.0 0 St at ist ic 1) Yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram : 2) Language t raining o n t he pro gram : 3) Yo ur pro f icie ncy af t e r t he pro gram : Min Value 4 4 4 Max Value 4 4 4 Mean 4.0 0 4.0 0 4.0 0 Variance 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 Standard Deviatio n 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 13 13 13 To tal Respo nses 32. 40 . Did cultural/so cial activities spo nso red by the pro gram assist yo u in language acquisitio n? T e xt Re spo nse NO no I made no serio us attempt to learn the lo cal language No , because everyo ne already spo ke English so learning Dutch wasn't necessary. So mewhat. Dutch is incredibly hard to learn tho ugh, which made things quite difficult. The Dutch wo uld usually just talk to us in English o nly. I wo uld o nly learn Dutch wo rds when I asked. No , altho ugh there was a Dutch language pro gram o ffered, it was no t advertised o r spo nso red well by o ur pro gram. No No No No No t really since everyo ne in the pro gram, no matter where they are fro m, speaks fluent English. No No St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 33. 41. Did o utside/o ther activities help? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse NO no I made no serio us attempt to learn the lo cal language No , see #40 . Reading signs while walking aro und Ro tterdam and elsewhere in the Netherlands allo wed me to pick up a little bit mo re. It is hard to pro no unce tho ugh since Dutch has different pro nunciatio ns than English. Go ing to sto res, gro cery sho pping and reading signs helped pick up a few wo rds and phrases. No No No No No t really. No No , everyo ne speaks English so there was no need to learn Dutch. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 34. 42. What percentage o f students o n the campus o f yo ur ho st co untry (wo uld yo u estimate) actively speak English? T e xt Re spo nse 99% 10 0 9 5% 10 0 % 10 0 % pro bably almo st 10 0 %. 10 0 % 10 0 10 0 % 8 5-9 0 % 10 0 % 90 90% St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 35. 43. Ho w wo uld yo u reco mmend that students prepare fo r language differences abro ad? T e xt Re spo nse If yo u go to the Netherlands yo u do n't need to . Everyo ne here speaks fluent english. do nt wo rry at all. No preparatio n is necessary if they're go ing to the Netherlands. Almo st everyo ne here can speak at least so me English, the IBA exchange students and faculty / administratio n are all fluent. Learn certain wo rds, especially fo o d items. So me things are easy to pick up, but mo st o f it is no t. Yo u rely a lo t o n pictures, but learning basic wo rds wo uld have been helpful. Maybe learn 20 basic phrases. But ho nestly the Dutch are so fluent in English that they view trying to speak to so meo ne who barely understands their language, a waste o f time. Kno wing basic wo rds o n signs and greetings is a go o d idea. Just pick up a Lets Go Euro pe o r a Fro mmer's Guide. lo o k up Dutch phrases and impo rtant wo rds, especially o nes helpful to getting aro und and co o king. Buy a Dutch language bo o k. No need to . Just avo id really o ld peo ple and yo u'll be fine. Or learn dutch No need at all. Learning Dutch is useless (in the utility sense), but impro ve yo ur ability to be patient, understanding and self-reliant. It wo uld be nice to brush up o n so me basic Dutch befo re yo u get here. It makes o rdering at smaller restaurants and speaking with peo ple who aren't fro m the cities a lo t easier. But, if yo u can't find time fo r that, its no t a pro blem! Mo st Dutch peo ple are willing and able to speak English In the Netherlands, mo st peo ple speak Dutch so it is no t to o difficult to get aro und. Just be patient and do n't be afraid to ask fo r help if needed. I wo uld suggest learning a few basic wo rds befo re travelling to o ther co untries, because it o ften helps to have a little bit o f kno wledge. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 36. Click to write Co lumn 2 # Que st io n No t Available Available But No t Use d Available And Use d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 1 12 13 2.9 2 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 4 9 13 2.6 9 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 2 1 10 13 2.6 2 4 Instructio nal facilities 0 3 10 13 2.77 5 Medical/dental facilities 2 10 1 13 1.9 2 6 Recreatio nal facilities 0 4 9 13 2.6 9 7 USC Financial Aid 2 6 5 13 2.23 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 3 10 13 2.77 St at ist ic Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Min Value 2 2 1 Max Value 3 3 3 Mean 2.9 2 2.6 9 2.6 2 Variance 0 .0 8 0 .23 0 .59 Standard Deviatio n 0 .28 0 .48 13 13 To tal Respo nses Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2.77 1.9 2 2.6 9 2.23 2.77 0 .19 0 .24 0 .23 0 .53 0 .19 0 .77 0 .44 0 .49 0 .48 0 .73 0 .44 13 13 13 13 13 13 37. Click to write Co lumn 2 Unacce pt able Be lo w Ave rage Ave rage Abo ve Ave rage Acce pt able T o t al Re spo nse s Me an Ho using co o rdinatio n 1 2 3 6 1 13 3.31 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 1 5 5 2 13 3.6 2 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 0 0 8 1 4 13 3.6 9 4 Instructio nal facilities 0 0 4 4 5 13 4.0 8 5 Medical/dental facilities 0 0 6 3 4 13 3.8 5 6 Recreatio nal facilities 1 1 4 1 6 13 3.77 7 USC Financial Aid 1 1 6 3 2 13 3.31 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 5 2 6 13 4.0 8 # Que st io n 1 Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Min Value 1 2 3 3 Max Value 5 5 5 5 Mean 3.31 3.6 2 3.6 9 4.0 8 Variance 1.23 0 .76 0 .9 0 0 .74 Standard Deviatio n 1.11 0 .8 7 0 .9 5 13 13 13 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 3 1 1 3 5 5 5 5 3.8 5 3.77 3.31 4.0 8 0 .8 1 1.8 6 1.23 0 .9 1 0 .8 6 0 .9 0 1.36 1.11 0 .9 5 13 13 13 13 13 38. 44. Did yo u live in... # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 Do rm 5 38 % 2 Apartment 8 6 2% 3 Other 0 0% To tal 13 St at ist ic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 2 Mean 1.6 2 Variance 0 .26 Standard Deviatio n 0 .51 To tal Respo nses 13 39. 45. If yo u used STA Travel fo r transpo rtatio n arrangements, were yo u satisfied? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse N/A NA I do n't kno w what STA Travel is N/A Did no t use STA. yes I did, and they were helpful in bo o king a cheap(ish), student flight. also , i received a student internatio nal card fro m them. Yes The price and co mpany were go o d, but the travel agent was difficult. I'd bo o k o nline to avo id that. N/A N/A N/A N/A Did no t use. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 40. 46 . Is there any aspect o f the pro gram that yo u wo uld like to see changed o r different? (VERY IMPORTANT!) T e xt Re spo nse If Erasmus had mo re o f a welco me week. There was just a o ne day o rientatio n in a classro o m and we had to figure o ut a lo t o f stuff o n o ur o wn. Ensure that all students stay at the Internatio nal Ho use. Every o ther ho using o ppo rtunity is awful. I wo uld have liked a better selectio n o f classes. I also wo uld have liked better ho using. The apartment that I go t thro ugh Stadswo nen (the University-reco mmended ho using pro vider) was sub-standard, especially fo r it's price. Mo re co urses need to be o ffered. We were so limited in classes that o ut o f the 6 classes I to o k, I o nly enjo yed o ne (Law class). Ano ther impo rtant thing is that because there is so much do wn time, so mething needs to be do ne to engage the students mo re (whether that be to allo w us to take mo re classes o r spo nso r day trips o r even weekend trips). The Annenberg pro gram (tho ugh I kno w that is to tally different) to o k students o n day trips aro und Lo ndo n, and I wo uld have really appreciated that. We are spending $50 ,0 0 0 + per year to attend USC, and I feel as tho ugh the sppro ximate $25,0 0 0 my family spent o n abro ad was a waste. We didn't even get free access to their gym, while it is my understanding that Dutch students can access o urs even tho ugh their tuitio n is chump change co mpared to o urs. It may so und greedy, but I expected a little mo re fro m USC to enhance the experience. Altho ugh it may be part o f the pro gram that we do n't get o ur hands held, there are certain expectatio ns my family and I had including assisting us mo re in getting ho using. There sho uld have been mo re info rmatio n given to us, especially since there is info rmatio n o n this since kids have go ne there befo re. I paid an astro no mical amo unt o f mo ney fo r crappy ho using (albeit in a go o d lo catio n), but there was ano ther do rm right acro ss the street that I co uld have lived in fo r much cheaper. I just didn't cho o se it because I didn't kno w they were right next to each o ther. We received no info rmatio n befo re actually getting there; there sho uld be custo mized info rmatio n fo r each lo catio n included in the o rientatio n sessio ns. Or, even better, there sho uld be lo catio n-based o rientatio n sessio ns instead o f the mass sessio ns. I kno w this requires mo re o f the USC Abro ad Office, but I wo uld definitely help o ut fo r that so kids do n't feel as lo st and o verwhelmed as we did when we go t there. Even basic things like gro cery sto res and where credit cards will and wo n't wo rk and where Target-like sto res are wo uld have been immensely helpful. Public transit info rmatio n is available. I wo uld have no pro blem helping o ut the Abro ad o ffice in co mpiling a cheat sheet fo r future students. No t abo ut the pro gram necessarily, but the ho using pro cess while still at USC was a huge hassle. We all had extreme tro uble getting acco mmo datio ns thro ugh Stadswo den because it to o k to o lo ng fo r us to get appro ved at Erasmus and registered in Stadswo den's system. Also the acco mmo datio ns are kind o f a rip o ff. We have a friend staying at a pentho use apartment fo r less mo ney than we are paying. I am also currently being hassled to pay fo r damage that was do ne in a previo us year. Ho pefully, everything wo rds o ut. Better o rientatio n activities that helped yo u meet o ther exchange students. There was o ne dinner this first week, but no real activities arranged when we first go t there to help us get used to the university and city and o ther exchange students. Altho ugh we made friends within the first few days, we still didn't kno w everyo ne go ing to RSM. Also , there was a intro ductio n weekend pro vided, but it happened in the end o f January, almo st a mo nth since students in RSM arrived and was mainly fo r the o ther exchange students. By that time, it was fun and yo u met a few peo ple, but no t super helpful. Also , dealing with the ho using co mpany and understanding the different acco mmo datio ns and ho w to apply and get them co uld be better explained and run. I wo uld co nsider the po ssibility o f o pening up mo re class variety fo r exchange students. No thing that USC can co ntro l. I think everything is perfect as it is. Yes, my academic passing requirements. The co urses were difficult, and the passing grade at my ho st-university was well abo ve what wo uld be the acceptable standards fo r passing at USC. Using the ho using co mpany that they pro vide is a to tal rip o ff. It wo uld be better if students checked ho m fo r cheaper student ho using that is in the heart o f student neighbo rho o ds. Fro m what I've gathered, as an internatio nal student living in a pro perty managed by Vestia (the ho using co mpany), I paid 1.5 to 2 times the amo unt o f mo ney that the 4-year RSM students paid. Offer a wider variety o f co urses. I wo uld enco urage students to lo o k elsewhere fo r ho using. A lo t o f peo ple fo und nicer apartments fo r much cheaper than the Internatio nal ho use. Vestia takes advantage o f internatio nal students by charging a lo t o f mo ney fo r do rm style apartments that are no t that nice, altho ugh they are in a go o d lo catio n. Additio nally, I wo uld like to see the Ro tterdam internatio nal faculty be mo re helpful and respo nsive to students. So me peo ple were mo re helpful than o thers, but so metimes it wo uld take weeks (if ever) fo r peo ple to get back to us. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 41. 47. Additio nal co mments o n services and co o rdinatio n. T e xt Re spo nse N/A Tell all the students go ing to Ro tterdam to buy bikes as so o n as po ssible!!! I kno w the Co mmunicatio n students in Amsterdam are assisted in getting bikes. We o nly go t bikes half way thro ugh and it has o pened up an entire new wo rld to us! There are entire parts o f the city we had no idea abo ut which are abso lutely amazing. So metimes it was difficult to get in to uch with the Internatio nal Office because o f ho urs and wo rk schedules. I perso nally wo uld reco mmend finding yo ur o wn apartment. Student ho using is easier, but its to ugh no t having a full kitchen/fridge (yo u o nly get a sto ve and mini-fridge). Also , yo u get paired with rando m peo ple, which can be go o d o r bad. And the lo catio n is clo se to scho o l but further fro m the city center. So , if yo u want to live with USC friends and be clo se to the city with a bigger kitchen and nice living ro o m area, try to find yo ur o wn place. N/A No ne Do n't delay with yo ur residency permit app. I had a little snafu and co uldn't leave the Netherlands fo r abo ut a mo nth witho ut it! St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 7 42. Please tell us abo ut yo ur travel experiences. 48 . Ho w did yo u find yo ur arrangements to the ho st institutio n? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 Travel Agent 2 15% 2 Online 9 69% 3 Other: 2 15% To tal 13 Ot he r: university pro vided them Institutio n Reco mmendatio n St at ist ic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 3 Mean 2.0 0 Variance 0 .33 Standard Deviatio n 0 .58 To tal Respo nses 13 43. Wo uld yo u reco mmend this metho d? T e xt Re spo nse Yes Yes but bo o k early. Yes Yes. Use m. Often buying a ro und trip is cheaper because paying the change fee is o ften cheaper than o ne-way purchases. Yes! yeah, they o ffered a free shuttle service that picked yo u up at the airpo rt and dro pped yo u o ff at yo ur acco mmo datio ns by campus. Yes No , bo o k o nline Yes Yes, fo llo w the scho o l's instructio ns Yeah. If yo u check m in advance, they generally can find so me go o d deals. Otherwise, just be smart and start lo o king fo r flights RIGHT when yo u find o ut where yo u're go ing. Yes Yes, but I wo uld definitely enco urage peo ple to lo o k at all o ptio ns o nline and no t just the internatio nal ho use. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 44. 49 . What was the average co st fo r ro und-trip tickets to yo ur ho st co untry? T e xt Re spo nse $10 0 0 20 0 0 I do n't kno w, my o ne-way ticket ho me o n Iceland Air Saga Class co st $9 0 0 ~ I paid abo ut $110 0 with a $250 change fee included. I am no t sure. I used frequent flier miles which was actually the same amo unt as cashing in fo r a do mestic flight. Go o d deal! appro ximately $120 0 9 50 $70 0 ish $120 0 ~ 350 0 do llars o r less $50 0 $1,6 0 0 $1,10 0 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 45. 50 . Ho w o ften did yo u travel and to where? T e xt Re spo nse Because o ur pro gram was 6 mo nths we traveled abo ut every two weeks. I went to Frankfurt, Flo rence, Cinque Terre, Milan, Venice, Paris, Marrakesh, Barcelo na, Madrid, Sto ckho lm, Co penhagen, Interlaken, Geneva, Dublin, and Cro atia every o ther weekend. Went to France, Italy, Cro atia, Greece, Mo ro cco , Spain, England With the exceptio n o f sho rt day-trips aro und the Netherlands, I've o nly traveled twice in the last five mo nths. I to o k o ne week-lo ng trip to visit family in Lo ndo n, and ano ther week-lo ng trip to Athens and Santo rini in Greece. I also plan to attend the 24 Ho ur o f Le Mans auto race in Le Mans, France next week, but that will be a sho rt trip. I traveled relatively o ften... Lo ndo n, Berlin, Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Austria I traveled o utside o f the Netherlands to Ireland (Dublin, Galway), Lo ndo n, Prague, Budapest, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, and Brussels. I also did a lo t o f traveling in the Netherlands. I wo uld say I travelled an appro priate amo unt. I was able to enjo y traveling, but also able to co ncentrate o n scho o l. Appro ximately o nce a mo nth fo r almo st a week. There were peo ple who traveled way mo re than me. Fo r an exchange I traveled o ne o f the least amo unts, all by cho ice as I liked living in Ro tterdam and spending time with friends. I went to Belgium, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Barcelo na, Seville and Munich. Also , a lo t o f cities aro und the Netherlands like Amsterdam etc. I travel extensively, I did a three week trip to Cro atia, Mo ntenegro , Albania and Greece. Also Barcelo na and Madrid, Bruges, Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Ro me, Lo ndo n, Paris, Flo rence, Milan, To lo us, Valencia. I traveled basically in blo cks, abo ut o nce a mo nth I to o k a weeklo ng trip. Every 2 weeks o r so Twice a mo nth - Czech Republic, Belgium (3 times), Austria, Po rtugal, Istanbul, Cro atia, Sweden, Germany, travelled within the Netherlands I traveled o n average 35-50 % o f the mo nth. Flights and trains are readily and cheaply available. I spent 24 o ut o f 30 days traveling in the mo nth o f April. I travelled at least 2 times a mo nth--either internatio nally o r do mestically in The Netherlands. I went to the Austrian Alps, Basil in Switzerland, Frankfurt in Germany, Lo ndo n, and Barcelo na in Spain. In The Netherlands, its really easy to get to all the big lo catio ns: Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Do drecht, Leiden, Eindho ven, etc. Lo cal and internatio nal trips every o ther week. All o ver Ho lland, Italy, Spain, UK, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Czech Republic, Po rtugal I travelled every o ther weekend, so metimes every two weeks. I went to Lo ndo n, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Ro me, Lisbo n, Dublin, Mallo rca, Barcelo na, and the So uth o f France (Nice, Marseille, etc.) As well as o ther day trips in the Netherlands. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 46. 51. Did the structure o f the ho st institutio n's co urse schedule fo ster travel o ppo rtunity o r prevent it? Why? T e xt Re spo nse It helped it because it was a 6 mo nth pro gram. Also if yo u miss class it isn't a big deal, so yo u can schedule a trip anytime. Fo stered, because go ing to class do es no t really help do well in the class so yo u have a lo t o f do wn time I wo uld say that it fo stered travel o ppo rtunities because there were usually o nly two days o f lectures per week, the lectures were generally no t mandato ry, and the material fro m the lectures was almo st always po sted o nline anyway. Definitely fo stered it - even tho ugh we were taking "full" co urse lo ads, that entailed a maximum o f appro ximately 6 ho urs a week, and 9 5% o f classes co uld be missed witho ut feeling as tho ugh yo u were behind. The first trimester was highly advantageo us fo r traveling since we o nly had class o n Mo nday and Tuesdays. It fo stered travel o ppo rtunities because lectures/classes were no t mandato ry and it was up to yo u to do independent study. Also , classes usually met o nce a week fo r a few ho urs, so there were many free days and lo ng weekends to travel. Yes, yo u have very extensive weekends, first trisemester we had 5 day weekends and seco nd we had 3 day. The class structure stacks classes so yo u can travel pretty much whenever yo u want Fo ster since there was almo st no ho mewo rk and class o nly met o nce a week... Had 5 day weekends first quarter and 4 days o ff seco nd quarter Definitely, class attendance is no t mandato ry and all the lecture material including slides are put o n blackbo ard YES! I o nly had 1 class meeting a week per subject and they were centered aro und M-Wednesday. I typically had 4-5 day weekends. Definitely fo stered. If yo u're in Cro ss Cultural Management, yo u will have mandato ry classes in the last trimester, but o therwise, lectures are o ptio nal and yo u can travel whenever yo u want! Also , the peo ple yo u'll meet who are also studying internatio nally are there to travel as well, so the entire atmo sphere is basically egging yo u o n to travel as much as po ssible. Fo stered, attendance isn't mandato ry and I usually o nly had class 3 days a week. The big party days were Tuesday and Thursday so mo st peo ple were able to travel every weekend witho ut missing o ut o n much at ho me. Yes, the class schedule was light (I o nly had class 2-3 days a week mo st o f the time) and classes were no t mandato ry, so it allo wed fo r lo ts o f travelling. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 47. 52. Do yo u have any tips o r info rmatio n abo ut traveling while abro ad that yo u wo uld like to share with upco ming exchange students preparing fo r their trip? T e xt Re spo nse If yo u are go ing to a city that has ano ther USC abro ad pro gram, make sure yo u co ntact the peo ple there. We did that when we were in Milan, and the guys there sho wed us aro und the city. Be careful with co nnecting flights using cheap airlines such as RyanAir and Easy Jet. They will no t reimburse yo u fo r delayed flights that make yo u miss later flights. Also bring a backpack that is carry o n size. If yo u stay in the Schengen area mo re than 9 0 days yo u need to get a residence permit which co sts o ver 40 0 euro s. The scho o l will reimburse yo u fo r half o f it, but it's still a majo r headache. As far as tips, I wo uld say that trains are much mo re expensive than yo u might think (o ften mo re expensive than flying) and that RyanAir isn't as great as it might so und at first (the fares are cheap but they nickel and dime yo u with baggage charges and the co st o f transpo rtatio n to / fro m the tiny airpo rts that they o perate o ut o f can make them mo re expensive than simply flying EasyJet o ut o f Schipo l. 1. Do n't assume Ryanair is the cheapest o ptio n. Fo r Ro tterdam, bo th Ryanair and Wizzair (two disco unt airlines) fly o ut o f Eindho ven, which is an ho ur away by train, and co sts abo ut 30 euro ro und trip, which yo u need to facto r into the to tal co st. Also be aware o f this o n the o ther end. The co st and hassle is so metimes no t wo rth it! I used Austrian air a TON and it was really easy and o ften cheaper!! m is an aweso me reso urce fo r finding the cheapest fares. 2. So metimes lo o k fo r different day departures...I fo und flights that gave me a few days in a lo catio n befo re flying to ano ther place (i.e. I flew to Austria, then I had a flight o ut the next day to Italy, so I go t a day in Vienna). So metimes this is cheaper than taking separate flights. 3. Do n't be afraid to travel alo ne! Just be aware o f where yo u are and kno w that no t everyo ne is as trustwo rthy as yo u wo uld like to think they are. 4. Do n't be afraid o f sleeping in airpo rts. I spent the night in Lo ndo n Stansted airpo rt because the airpo rt was an ho ur o ut o f the city and my flight was early in the mo rning. Abo ut 10 0 o ther peo ple did it to o ! But definitely do this o nly if yo u are with so meo ne else. 5. Always be aware that so metimes airpo rts are no t lo cated in the city itself (This is the case with Milan, Lo ndo n, and Spain). Especially be aware o f this when yo u are flying o n a disco unt airline. Find the budget airlines. Trains are insanely o verpriced (except in Hungary, Vienna). Make sure yo u talk to yo ur friends studying abro ad to stay at their places. If yo u are staying in a ho stel, get ready fo r an experience!!! Mo st impo rtantly go o n the New Euro pe To urs in every city. Witho ut a do ubt the best way to see any city no matter ho w lo ng yo ur stay is. Also Munich is aweso me!!!! Lo o k fo r acco mmo datio ns in the best lo catio ns where yo u can meet yo ung travelers. So me o f the best parts are meeting peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld and the sto ries yo u all can share abo ut yo ur travels in Euro pe. Also , go to places yo u never tho ught yo u wo uld go , o r wo uld o nly go when yo u were yo ung, and try new things and experiences. So me o f the mo st different places and things yo u do may surprise yo u. Also , pack light, cause yo u have to lug yo ur bag aro und everywhere yo u go and airlines like Ryanair have a weight agreement. Also , be aware o f ho w much it co sts to get to the airpo rt and/o r train statio n. So metimes the mo st budget airlines fly o ut o f rando m cities to save co sts but can so metimes bee mo re expensive o r to o much o f a hassle to get to . Use m to help find the cheapest flights as well as the budget airlines. I wo uld say go into it with an o pen mind. Its no t as co ld as yo u think so do n't wo rry abo ut freezing. Also prepare so me co o king skills because yo u wo nt be eating o ut alo t here, there isn't to o many places to go . Use wikitravel to plan, small gro ups, do n't wo rry abo ut ho stels, be efficient, see museums and histo rical stuff but also plan so me relaxing stuff. Use cheap websites such as m, m, m.. Co nsider taking a train to near by cities like Brussels to bo o k cheaper flights. Stay at ho stels. There is a 40 % disco unt train card to use within the Netherlands. Get it IMMEDIATELY it will save yo u hundreds o f do llars co nsidering all yo ur flights will be departing fro m Amsterdam, to which yo u have to take a train. m fo r finding cheap flights and co mparative deals. Also invest time and energy into finding disco unts fo r traveling abro ad students in yo ur ho st co untry. We fo und o ut in the last week that o ur rent co uld o f been subsidized by 50 %. I wo uld o f saved 275 euro s per mo nth! Definitely use Ryan Air, Transavia, Vueling and all the cheap airlines. Traveling by bus is also an incredibly cheap o ptio n to get to Lo ndo n o r Paris if yo u have 10 ho urs o r so to spare fo r traveling (night time mo stly). Always think ahead tho ugh. Prices get high really quickly. Also , mo st ho stels I've stayed in were great, but co uch surfing and AirBNB are also pheno menal alternatives to finding acco mmo datio ns. Trains aren't always cheaper than planes and they're a lo t slo wer. If yo u're cro ssing o ver mo re than o ne co untry, it's pro bably better to fly. Ro tterdam's lo catio n is great bc yo u have 2 airpo rts really clo se by (Schipo l and Ro tterdam). Use mo mo ndo , kayak, o r skyscanner fo r bo o king flights. RyanAir o ften has the cheapest flights but Eindho ven is a bit far so make sure to facto r that into yo ur decisio n to bo o k there. Transavia is also a great budget airline. If its no t to o expensive I wo uld reco mmend bo o king flights to and fro m Schipo l, because it is mo re co nvenient. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 48. 53. EXPENSES: Ho w much spending mo ney FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER wo uld yo u reco mmend that the next participants budget fo r this pro gram? # Answe r Min Value Max Value Ave rage Value 1 2 General (including fo o d, entertainment, lo cal transpo rtatio n) 0 .0 0 4,50 0 .0 0 2,338 .46 1,26 1.9 7 Ho using/rent 0 .0 0 5,0 0 0 .0 0 3,776 .9 2 1,36 6 .9 6 3 General travel during semester 0 .0 0 5,0 0 0 .0 0 2,78 8 .46 1,343.53 4 Bo o ks & miscellaneo us supplies 0 .0 0 8 0 0 .0 0 30 7.6 9 232.6 0 5 Other expenditures (please explain) 0 .0 0 750 .0 0 126 .9 2 242.0 5 Ot he r e xpe ndit ure s (ple ase e xplain) Co ffee Sho ps I really haven't kept track o f my expenses at all. Any numbers I co uld pro vide wo uld be wildly inaccurate. I have a who le excel spreadsheet if yo u are interested in using this as an example fo r future students Emergency travel situatio ns Misc Go vernment Fees St andard De viat io n 49. 54. Did yo u experience any fo rm o f crime, o r were yo u in danger at any time (such as the victim o r witness o f assault, ro bbery, etc.)? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse No No , safest place o n earth. The o nly crack heads yo u see are trying to sell yo u bikes. Witnessed a mugging o utside o f o ut ho stel in Athens. No . No no ne. Except fo r super shady peo ple asking to talk to yo u abo ut so me rando m thing. But yo u wo uld have to be really stupid to sto p and talk to them. The area we live in Ro tterdam is very safe. I never felt in danger at anytime, even at night. Just as in any situatio n, do no t walk alo ne at night, but I never saw any crime, except maybe bikes getting sto len, but hey, its Ho lland! No No , except o nce a co p grabbed me and "threw" me fo r trying to help my black o ut friend get ho me. No o ne go t hurt tho ugh, just realize that yo u can't stand up to co ps like yo u can in America. And also , o nce a guy tried to pickpo cket me. We met him o n the street and he was helping us with directio ns and i felt his hand reach into my back po cket (so maybe he was just co ming o n to me?). Anyway, i swatted his hand away and walked away I lo st my iPho ne three times and my camera go t sto len. I felt safer than I have ever felt in my entire life. Ro tterdam is o ne o f the safest cities in The Netherlands. I've kno wn peo ple who had their bikes sto len, but if yo u lo ck them pro perly that sho uld never be an issue. I never perso nally experienced o r witnessed anything. No , I feel very safe. The scho o l/city center are no rth o f the river in the nice area. So uth o f the river is quite seedy, tho ugh. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 50. 55. Befo re departure fro m USC, o r upo n immediate arrival to yo ur ho st co untry, do yo u think yo u were adequately warned and/o r prepared to deal with mo st incidents mentio ned in the Health and Safety sectio n o f this evaluatio n? T e xt Re spo nse Yes Yes I do n't understand the questio n This may have been my o wn fault, but I didn't even kno w the internatio nal "9 11" emergency number. Yes. yes I believe so . Was no t sure where the ho spitals were but o ur pro gram gave us a directo ry with mo st necessary info rmatio n. Yes Yes Yes Well prepared! Yes. Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 51. 56 . If yo u did no t feel adequately prepared (respo nse to questio n #55), what do yo u think yo u needed to kno w o r hear in advance? Ho w co uld yo u have been better info rmed and/o r prepared? T e xt Re spo nse N/A Ro tterdam seems fairly safe, I feel like I was well prepared. Cheat sheet co uld have been helpful, including info rmatio n abo ut lo cal ho spitals and do cto rs o ffices. I also knew I had SOS insurance, but didn't kno w what that co vered and where I was co vered - a list o f do cto rs and services wo uld have been helpful. N/A n/a N/A Definitely sign up fo r an independent insurance such as co m o r m to co ver fo r all the sto len items. Yo u will be surprised ho w much yo u can lo se while travelling fo r 6 mo nths, it will save yo u a lo t o f mo ney! N/A Just kno w that in The Netherlands, if yo u injure yo urself, yo u have to go to a do cto r's o ffice first. They will decide if yo u need to go to a ho spital. That's so mething they ingrained in o ur minds during o rientatio n. N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 10 52. 57. Were yo u kno wledgeable abo ut yo ur USC o verseas insurance co verage po licy? T e xt Re spo nse I was co nfused at first, but then understo o d. yes No , but I didn't get sick o r hurt so it didn't end up making a difference. If I was igno rant o f my insurance co verage it was my o wn fault fo r no t reading the literature. See #56 . I needed to kno w mo re abo ut what I was co vered fo r, and where I was co vered. Kinda. yes, pretty much. Yes No , but that was my fault fo r no t listening. It's pretty easy to understand Health insurance? Yes. If there is so me kind o f pro perty insurance, I had no idea. Yes Yes. Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 53. 58 . Did yo u experience any negative treatment that yo u feel was related to yo ur ethnicity, race, natio nal o rigin, gender, sexual o rientatio n, o r religio n? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse No Yes Dutch girls do n't give American guys any play. So me peo ple seemed to think o f Americans as lo ud, igno rant, etc. These sentiments o nly really became apparent, ho wever, when they were drunk o r if they were already co mfo rtable eno ugh with us to express these feelings o penly, so it wasn't a big deal. It's no t very serio us, it's no t like anyo ne was getting heckled in the street fo r being American. No . I avo ided anti-semitism by avo iding the skin-heads. I also avo ided go ing back to Po land which I felt a lo t o f anti-Semitism in 20 0 6 , No , the Dutch are very o pened minded peo ple. Yes, yo u are American so yo u might get so me co mments but no thing really at all, no negative treatment experienced. Yes but mainly in co untries where there is a extreme asian mino rity such as in Albania o r Spain. No thing terrible tho ugh, just stares and peo ple attempting to speak Chinese to me o r peo ple in awe that I was asian and spo ke English. No No t really, I mean no o ne's a huge fan o f Americans but thats no flash news. I just went with Canadian. No No . In fact, mo st peo ple are really excited to hear abo ut Lo s Angeles and whatever city yo u are fro m in the US. No St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 54. 59 . What was the best part o f the pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse The peo ple that yo u meet. We lived in an internatio nal do rm, so everyo ne in the building was a student fro m different parts o f the wo rld. Meeting an eclectic gro up o f peo ple in the Internatio nal Ho use and enjo ying the benefits o f the relaxed Dutch po licies Meeting and spending time with students fro m all o ver the wo rld, getting to hear their o pinio ns, aspiratio ns and life sto ries. The o ther students that I made friends with in this pro gram were really its saving grace. The academics were sub-par in my o pinio n, but the peo ple were great. The amazing peo ple I met. Meeting extremely intelligent peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld and sharing o ur o pinio ns o n eco no mic and so cial issues o f the wo rld. Being thro wn into a fo reign enviro nment and having to deal with it alo ne is the best way to gro w. If I was to pinpo int a single event, it wo uld definitely be Queen's Day in Amsterdam o n April 30 th. Co o lest thing I have ever witnessed in my life. All the amazing peo ple and friends I have made fro m all o ver the wo rld. Everyo ne is so interesting and unique and we became clo se to fast. My friends here made my time in Ro tterdam unbeatable. The peo ple yo u meet and the time yo u have to really explo re differences in cultures fro m aro und the wo rld. Travelling Bo nding with peo ple fro m aro und the wo rld. This experience made everyo ne really clo se. The living arrangement that my University pro vided. The peo ple yo u meet. Yo u are go ing to meet the mo st incredible peo ple o f yo ur life so far. Its actually amazing--the peo ple who go abro ad are generally all o pen-minded, so ciable, intelligent and aweso me peo ple. They help yo u learn a lo t abo ut yo urself and o pen yo ur mind to new experiences, ideas and ways o f thinking abo ut the wo rld. Meeting amazing peo ple fro m all o ver the wo rld and traveling everywhere with them. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 55. 6 0 . What was the mo st difficult part? T e xt Re spo nse Go ing there witho ut kno wing anyo ne in the pro gram Getting the mo tivatio n to go to class when it rains Feeling lo nely and ho mesick the first co uple weeks. The sheer length o f the exchange pro gram in Ro tterdam (6 mo nths as o ppo sed to 4 mo nths fo r mo st o ther pro grams) The amo unt o f do wn time I had. I didn't kno w what to do with all o f the free time I had since I wo rk during the scho o l year in the times I'm no t in class, and it was o ften very hard to spend so much time alo ne. The length o f the trip ruined my relatio nship with my girl friend. Being thro wn into the situatio n right at the beginning and no t kno wing anything and having to adjust to Dutch culture and language right away. Gro cery sho pping the first day was o ne o f the biggest challenges because everything was different lo o king and in Dutch. Little things that seem easy at ho me were way mo re o f a challenge than expected because there was no o ne there helping us o ut. Leaving, we've made so many friends and co nnectio ns these last 6 mo nths, its hard leaving that all behind to go ho me Rainy days No t being able to find pro ducts/fo o d that I am used to . Balancing and managing expenses with the euro . I had a kind o f bad lo catio n fo r a place to live. My apartment was a 20 minute bike ride fro m campus (1 ho ur walk). I'd say 9 9 % o f peo ple live within a 15 minute walking distance o f campus, so it was hard to co o rdinate so metimes. Having two ro unds o f exams (2nd and 3rd trimester) St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 56. 6 1. Describe a situatio n that yo u experienced as a result o f culture sho ck o r cultural misunderstanding. Ho w did yo u reso lve it? T e xt Re spo nse Almo st no where in Ro tterdam takes debit o r credit card. Yo u need a dutch pin card. I went to the supermarket with 8 0 euro s wo rth o f gro ceries and had no cash, o nly my card. The lady wo uldn't let me buy anything, so I had to run to the ATM and withdraw mo ney while ho lding up the line. No o ne go es o ut fo r dinner so learn ho w to co o k Being o ne o f the mo re culturally sensitive peo ple o n the exchange, I o ften fo und myself mediating disputes / misunderstandings between friends fro m different cultures. There isn't any o ne instance that really stands o ut, I feel like I was able to reso lve mo st o f the cultural misunderstandings with careful explanatio ns and a little do se o f humility. Never really had a situatio n like this. The hardest thing to do was learning ho w to sho p in a fo reign co untry. It is slightly alarming the first time yo u see that they do n't refrigerate their eggs o r ho tdo gs and that mo st pro duce go es bad in two days. But yo u learn ho w to make it wo rk. Altho ugh "wall-fo o d" in the metro statio ns sho uld definitely be avo ided fo r yo ur digestive system's sake. I canno t think o f o ne specific incident but living in Euro pe yo u experience a lo t o f culture differences and challenges when trying to co mmunicate and understand o ther culture. Its impo rtant to be o pen minded and patient, even if can be unnatural and difficult. I had a very o rderly German ro o mmate who needed to fo llo w a very strict schedule and regiment. On the o ther hand, I was very free flo wing and o pen abo ut everything so we clashed in perso nalities. We reso lved it by talking o ut o ur differences and making o ur co ncerns kno wn whenever we felt unco mfo rtable. The co p situatio n described abo ve. I reso lved it by walking away and telling the co p he was a dick (no t a go o d idea in hindsight) Didn't experience any. The academic curriculum is very different then in the USA. The manner that the material is taught and appro ached is also very different. I fo und myself needing to adapt to being mo re self-relient, fo cused and well-prepared fo r the few, very valuable creditable wo rk and tests used to measured by academic achievement and understanding o f the material. No culture sho ck. No cultural misunderstanding. Everyo ne is in the same bo at because the IBA pro gram (which yo u may go to ) at RSM is mo stly internatio nal students. That includes peo ple fro m So uth America, Asia, Australia, everywhere in Euro pe, and even so me fro m the US and Canada. Everyo ne is o pen-minded and o n the same page o f trying to figure o ut mino r cultural differences. While peo ple here do speak English, I have the feeling so me peo ple pretend to understand but do n't actually co mprehend yo u. Many times when I went into a sho p and asked a questio n, and I go t an answer co mpletely unrelated to the questio n I was asking. That's when go o gle translate and impro visatio n co me in handy. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 57. 6 2. Describe so mething that yo u are pro ud o f having acco mplished during yo ur stay. T e xt Re spo nse I went skydiving. It is so mething I never tho ugh I wo uld do , but the guys talked me into it. Passed all o f my classes I'm pro ud o f the new friends that I've made and that I can no w say that I've lived o utside the US. Traveling so much alo ne. I felt so independent and capable navigating my way between co untries and o n public transit alo ne. Co mpletely mastering o f the streets, metro , and tram system o f Ro tterdam as well as being able to give a flawless Fro mmer's Guide to ur o f Amsterdam. I have beco me so much mo re o pened minded abo ut the wo rld and current issues. I have met so many peo ple with different backgro unds and interests and have wanted to push myself to learn mo re, and try new, different things and be mo re adventuro us. I have learned ho w impo rtant it is to mo ve beyo nd the USA and USC bubble and see the wo rld fro m a mo re o pen viewpo int. I pro ud o f ho w well I adjusted to living in a fo reign co untry and ho w well I have made it my ho me and ho w appreciative, o pen minded and understanding I am o f o ther peo ple and cultures. I attended SOCAPEuro pe which was the first so cial capital co nference in Euro pe ever. I netwo rked amo ng many euro peans and was pro ud to be the o nly American undergraduate representative at the co nference. Living o n my o wn Travelled a lo t, was o pen to all kinds o f traditio nal fo o d at every co untry I visited, including weird stuff like "pig's knee" Netwo rking and meeting peo ple o n a glo bal perspective. I was able to wo rk abro ad! I spent time as a stage hand/pro ductio n assistant fo r a small black bo x theatre that was lo cated underneath my apartment. It was the best experience o f my life thus far. Learning ho w to co o k. Peo ple here do n't eat o ut o ften and it gets so co ld in the winter mo nths yo u wo n't want to leave the apartment. There's a huge flo wer/pro duce/fish/rando m item market every Tuesday and Saturday at Blaak. It's much less expensive to get gro ceries there vs the gro cery sto re. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 58. 6 3. What do yo u wish yo u had kno wn abo ut befo re leaving? T e xt Re spo nse The grading system o f the university. Ho w anno ying the rain was. The full extent o f the academic differences between USC and RSM. I knew that the testing fo rmat wo uld be different, but the differences go much deeper than that. Oh go sh, so much. 1. Mo re info rmatio n abo ut SOS insurance (see #55 and #56 ) 2. Mo re info rmatio n abo ut Ro tterdam itself - gro cery sto res and o ther co nveniences. 3. Mo re info rmatio n o n the best ways to travel. 4. Kno wing what to expect when I go t there 5. Public transit info in Ro tterdam 6 . Ho using o ptio ns - the website was terrible fo r Sho rtstay in Ro tterdam and there were so many o ther cheaper o ptio ns that I was no t made aware o f. 7. I wish I had been enco uraged to learn mo re abo ut the peo ple I was traveling with - they turned o ut to be the mo st amazing peo ple and I wish we co uld have co o rdinated ho using mo re with them. Buy a bike ASAP! Pack what yo u really think yo u will need and be a smart packer. Also , try and lo o k ahead to the o ther seaso ns (altho ugh I kno w its hard in the dead o f winter) to see what yo u might need. Remember yo u can always buy stuff here but everything yo u have (and yo u so meho w acquire a lo t), yo u have to pack and take back ho me. Also , bring a little bit o f ho me with yo u when yo u co me. Pho to s o r bedding o r so mething is a nice co mfo rt to have and can brighten up yo ur ro o m. Also , mo ving to Euro pe and a new scho o l and culture is hard, and mo st peo ple do no t tell yo u ho w hard and ho mesick it can be. Do no t feel bad if yo u are, talk to peo ple, chances are they might be feeling the same way. I wish I had kno wn ho w hard it is to go back to a traditio nal American scho o l system after o ur 6 mo nth "vacatio n" Dutch peo ple are very blunt. It co mes o ff as being rude, but they do n't see it like that. Expect less custo mer service at places 40 % disco unt train card. And there is a 25min fast train to Amsterdam fo r o nly 2 euro s extra, instead o f 1h10 mins. Tax rebates and o ther fo rms o f reimbursements pro vided by my lo cal go vernment. Ho w expensive yo ur stay is go ing to be. I mean, I tried to eat, travel and play o n a budget, but so many different facto rs co me into play. When yo ur traveling its hard to tell what a go o d deal is o n fo o d. So metimes yo u make impro mptu travel plans and flights are extremely expensive. Go ing o ut with peo ple is go ing to co st a lo t. Watch o ut fo r that alco ho l co st... it will sneak up o n yo u befo re yo u kno w it! BUT there are ways aro und these: make friends with so meo ne who has 3G o n their internatio nal pho ne so yo u are always co nnected to tripadviso r and lo nelyplanet. Stay with AirBNBs and try o ut co uch surfing; they're bo th super cheap. There are Museumpasses that yo u can get in The Netherlands fo r 50 euro s that allo w yo u to go into o ver 40 0 museums in the Netherlands fo r an entire year. GET IT. I wish I'd bro ught mo re things fro m ho me that I wasn't able to get here witho ut paying to ns o n shipping/VAT bc o nline sho pping isn't po pular here. If the po st man misses yo u fo r a delivery, he'll leave a letter in yo ur bo x and yo u have to go to the nearest po st o ffice/statio n to pick up yo ur package. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 59. 6 4. Do yo u have any travel tips to share? T e xt Re spo nse Try to go to a city when there is a so mething big go ing o n like St. Patrick's day, Queens Day o r Carnivale. Also Go to as many places as yo u can while yo u are here, yo u will regret it if yo u do n't. Do n't participate in any o f the street gambling. I lo st 50 Euro s. Bo o k early and stay at ho stels that are fun. Travelling with lo ts o f friends can be fun, but it can also get really hectic with peo ple arguing and disagreeing o n what to go see / do . I wo uld reco mmend travelling in gro ups o f 5 o r less, o r even alo ne. Also , it's much nicer go ing places where yo u kno w so meo ne who can give yo u a place to stay and sho w yo u aro und. Staying in ho stels is a pain in the ass. My Lo ndo n trip wo uldn't have been half as go o d if i didn't have my family there to give me a place to stay and drive me aro und. See my answers to the o ther questio ns. Learn ho w to budget o n a different currency. The failing do llar abso lutely ruined me. No t paying my rent up fro nt pro bably co st me o ver $10 0 0 . Ask lo cals and o ther students and internatio nal students aro und yo u questio ns abo ut things and places and everything. Do n't be shy, because they can usually give yo u tips and go o d advice. Also , make friends with the lo cal students, because they can be a helpful reso urce as well. remember, yo u are go ne 6 mo nths. Its very co mmo n to be stingy and no t want to buy a mo re expensive thing like a hair dryer, dishes, sheets, any so rt o f living thing etc but 6 mo nths is a lo ng time and yo u will use it everyday. Spring fo r the extra 10 -15 euro , it will make a difference. this is yo ur ho me, just like USC. Travel alo ne so me time, its a co mpletely different experience and gives yo u co mplete freedo m. Also maintain a lo wly presence no need to declare yo urself to the wo rld. Yes, refer to the sectio n abo ve where I give travel tips Same answer to 6 3 Plan and prepare yo ur trips well in advance. Have a small suitcase that fits the dimensio ns o f the euro pean disco unt airlines. Shrink-rap bags that take the air o ut o f clo thes (yo u can fit 2x as much in 1 suitcase!). Skiing in the alps was the craziest thing I have ever do ne. If yo u are an o utdo o rsy perso n, yo u must go skiing o r sno wbo arding in the Alps. Ishgl was a great ski reso rt. Also fo r tho se o utdo o rsy peo ple, plan a biking trip aro und The Netherlands. Its a lo t o f fun so see the sights and be healthy at the same time! Finally, rent a car and to ur Belgium to go to the Trappist Mo nasteries. Use travel websites like Kayak to get the best fares. Bo o k fast trains, they're usually no t much mo re expensive than the regular trains and they save to ns o f time. The Fyra speed train to Amsterdam o nly takes 45 min and if yo u buy yo ur ticket o nline, it's o nly €9 .50 vs €17 at the statio n (yo u'll pro bably go to Amsterdam a lo t so it adds up). Also Amsterdam ho stels are ho rrible so I'd reco mmend staying in the Victo ria Ho tel and splitting the ro o m between 3 peo ple, it'll end up co sting abo ut the same as a ho stel. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 60. 6 5. What wo uld yo u like to say to the students go ing after yo u? T e xt Re spo nse Go ing abro ad is what yo u make o f it. If yo u go in with the right mindset yo u canno t have a bad time. Just be o pen to new experiences and get ready fo r the best semester o f yo ur life. Have a go o d time and try to go to Massilo . Also stay away fo r Co nco rdia unless it is a wed o r sun night Do n't co me here if yo u need the units. The grading here is pretty co nfusing and the classes aren't that great in my o pinio n. Co me here fo r the peo ple. The classes that I to o k were decent at best, my new glo bal friend netwo rk is priceless. Remember it is the peo ple, no t the place that make it is amazing. Ro tterdam is definitely no t the mo st exciting place to be, but I feel that o ut o f everyo ne I knew go ing abro ad, I met the best and mo st diverse friends in Ro tterdam. And, be prepared to be alo ne at times! And be prepared to freeze fo r the first few mo nths if yo u go in January... Get a ho ld o f me so that I can tell them what to do ! Ro tterdam is aweso me!!! If yo u do n't find the hugeeee lake, yo u are missing o ut o n half o f Ro tterdam. Get a bike! Ro tterdam is o ne o f the best kept secrets o f the IEP pro gram. Maybe it is no t the mo st po pular o r exciting city in Euro pe, but it is a great city to live in. It is very family and student o riented, and its no t a to urist city. The university is well kno wn and has activities and student gro ups that are always planning activities and so cial events fo r all students. It really feels like a ho me, and that it is yo ur city. Yo u really get to be an exchange student and live in Euro pe fo r 6 mo nths rather than just visit. Its in a great lo catio n, less than an ho ur fro m Amsterdam as well as a go o d lo catio n fo r traveling, but it do es no t have the craziness and o verwhelming feeling o f a huge city. Yo u really get to kno w it and feel mo re like a lo cal, which is really special. And all the peo ple yo u meet, especially o n the exchange pro gram are so so great! If yo u want to have the mo st amazing semester o f yo ur life while attending a prestigio us Euro pean university, definitely go to Ro tterdam. It's definitely lo wkey, the best destinatio n o ffered by IEP! Have fun and travel! Same answer to 6 3 Prepare yo urself to have o ne o f the mo st intellectually stimulating, culturally sho cking, memo rable time o f yo ur life. Yo u will have the best time o f yo ur life. But do n't fo rget that yo u have exams and assignments that so metimes creep up o n yo u! Take advantage o f yo ur time in Euro pe but stay extremely o rganized so that yo u do n't fall into any traps. Yo u're go ing to have so much fun! Make the mo st o ut o f the first two mo nths preceding yo ur exams and then buckle do wn and study during the last mo nth. Definitely attend the Welco me Days event o rganized by ESN, it's the best way to meet everyo ne in the pro gram and it's to ns o f fun. The Dutch lo ve bureaucracy, yo u'll no tice when o pening a bank acco unt. I'd suggest go ing with Rabo o r ABN instead o f ING because all o f the ING atm's/letters/o nline banking are in Dutch. The best way to get a bike is to buy o ne fro m a junkie fo r €15-20 . If yo u live in the Internatio nal Ho use, they'll ring yo ur bell abo ut twice a day trying to sell yo u o ne. I bo ught o ne but never really ro de it because we had a really lo ng winter and I fo und the tram/walking perfectly adequate. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12 61. 6 6 . Any final tho ughts... T e xt Re spo nse When yo u study abro ad yo u are no t visiting the city, but instead living in it. Therefo re, do n't cho o se yo ur co untry just because o f the name o f the city. There is a big difference in a city that is great to visit and o ne to live in. Ro tterdam is no t a place fo r to urists, but the perfect city to call ho me fo r six mo nths. Tulip fields, parks, street cafes, canals, and co ffee sho ps are just so me o f the things that make Ro tterdam the ideal place to live. Have a go o d time I think I've said it all. I'd be happy to sit do wn with Sean when I get back and discuss things further. I feel like I co vered mo st o f it! Ro tterdam is a hidden gem in Euro pe. It is extremely mo dern after its decimatio n in WWII; ho wever, there is an o lder part o f to wn which is abso lutely go rgeo us and quite similar to Amsterdam in aesthetics. No o ne can fully understand ho w amazing the city is until they have been here. After talking to all my o ther Marshall and no n-Marshall friends abro ad, I wo uld say that this is pro bably the best pro gram o ffered at USC. Be o pen minded and live fo r the mo ment. This is 6 amazing mo nths yo u will never get back and mo st peo ple will never get to have. yo u are so lucky so embrace every o ppo rtunity yo u have. Enjo y! Enjo y Ro tterdam, attend Queensday, Carnival and mo st o f all enjo y Euro pe! No pe This will be the BEST time o f yo ur life. Yo u wo uld be crazy no t to go . I had never heard o f Ro tterdam befo re getting accepted into the pro gram, and was reluctant. No w I kno w I made an amazing decisio n. I will never fo rget these 6 mo nths, even tho ugh it is quite blurry. I am appro achable and willing to help anyo ne that wo uld like assistance in planning and preparing to go o r is currently abro ad. Study abro ad. It will change yo ur life. If yo u have any questio ns do n't hesitate to ask me :) St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 12