My Report Last Mo dified: 0 8 /0 2/20 13 Filter By: Repo rt Subgro up 1. Name (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse Michelle Shin Jessica Anwar Ada Yi Gregg Yamauchi Alexander Abbo tt Jo han Hermawan Sara Tsukamo to Sam Sho n So phie Tan Jo hnny Chen Mo nica Yap Chris Kim Jun Park Ro wena Mark Pitts St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 15 2. E-mail Address (o ptio nal) T e xt Re spo nse arabbo stsukamo ysho shao jo hnny.chen0 m mo ro o m St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 14 3. Lo catio n # Answe r 39 Bar Re spo nse % Aalto University Scho o l o f Eco no mics 0 0% 4 Australian Natio nal University 0 0% 6 Chinese University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 5 Co penhagen Business Scho o l 0 0% 3 Co rvinus University o f Budapest 0 0% 37 Chulalo ngko rn University 0 0% 2 ESADE Business Scho o l 0 0% 40 ESCEM 0 0% 38 ESCP-EAP 0 0% 65 Fudan University 0 0% 13 HEC Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 7 Ho ng Ko ng UNiversity o f Science and Techno lo gy 23 10 0 % 58 ICHEC Brussels 0 0% 63 IE Scho o l o f Business 0 0% 15 Ko rea University Business Scho o l 0 0% 16 Natio nal University o f Singapo re 0 0% 18 Natio nal Taiwan University 0 0% 27 Peking University 0 0% 14 Ro tterdam Scho o l o f Management 0 0% 61 Seo ul Natio nal University 0 0% 19 Singapo re Management University 0 0% Thammasat University 0 0% 57 Universidade de No va de Lisbo n 0 0% 64 Universiidad de Carlo s Madrid III 0 0% 11 Universita Co mmerciale Luigi Bo cco ni 0 0% 62 University o f Ho ng Ko ng 0 0% 1 9 University o f Manchester, Manchester Business Scho o l 0 0% 10 University o f Melbo urne 0 0% 12 University o f Navarra 0 0% 17 University o f St. Gallen 0 0% 59 Vienna University o f Eco no mics and Business 0 0% 8 WHU Otto Beisheim Scho o l o f Management 0 0% To tal 23 St at ist ic Value Min Value 7 Max Value 7 Mean 7.0 0 Variance 0 .0 0 Standard Deviatio n 0 .0 0 To tal Respo nses 23 4. What is yo ur academic status this semester? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 So pho mo re 0 0% 2 Junio r 4 17% 3 Senio r 19 8 3% To tal 23 St at ist ic Value Min Value 2 Max Value Mean 3 2.8 3 Variance 0 .15 Standard Deviatio n 0 .39 To tal Respo nses 23 5. What is yo ur expected date o f graduatio n fro m USC (Semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 )? T e xt Re spo nse Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 0 9 spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 10 5/20 11 May 20 11 May 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 13 May 20 13 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 May 20 14 Fall 20 14 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 6. What is yo ur majo r? T e xt Re spo nse Acco unting Info rmatio n Systems and Business Administratio n Business Business Business Administratio n and Acco unting Info rmatio n Systems B.S. Business Administratio n ACCT and Business Business and Acco unting Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Business Business Administratio n Business Business Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Administratio n and East Asian Area Studies Business Administratio n Business Administratio n Business Business-Cinematic Arts St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 7. What is yo ur co ncentratio n (Business majo rs o nly)? T e xt Re spo nse Inernatio nal Business Real Estate Develo pment Internatio nal Business / Finance Internatio nal Business and Real Estate Finance Real Estate Develo pment Int'l Business Internatio nal business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business IEP Internatio nal Business Cinematic-Arts Entrepreneurship / Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Finance & Entrepreneurship Internatio nal Business Internatio nal Business Finance Cinematic Arts St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 8. Please indicate the term in which yo u were abro ad (semester and year, eg Fall 20 0 9 ). T e xt Re spo nse Fall 20 0 8 Fall 20 0 8 Fall 20 0 8 Fall 20 0 8 Fall 20 0 8 Spring 20 0 9 Spring 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Fall 20 0 9 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Spring 20 10 Fall 20 10 Spring 20 11 Spring 20 11 Fall 20 11 Fall 20 11 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Spring 20 12 Fall 20 12 Spring 20 13 Spring 20 13 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 23 9. I. GENERAL PROGRAM EVALUATION Please rate the fo llo wing items: # Que st io n 1 1. Yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 0 0 7 14 21 4.6 7 St at ist ic 1. Yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he pro gram . Min Value 4 Max Value 5 Mean 4.6 7 Variance 0 .23 Standard Deviatio n 0 .48 To tal Respo nses 21 10. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2. To what extent did the pro gram meet yo ur expectatio ns? 0 0 0 9 12 21 4.57 3. To what extent was yo ur participatio n in the pro gram a valuable learning experience? 0 0 0 4 17 21 4.8 1 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 2. T o what e xt e nt did t he pro gram m e e t yo ur e xpe ct at io ns? 3. T o what e xt e nt was yo ur part icipat io n in t he pro gram a valuable le arning e xpe rie nce ? Min Value 4 4 Max Value 5 5 Mean 4.57 4.8 1 Variance 0 .26 0 .16 Standard Deviatio n 0 .51 0 .40 21 21 To tal Respo nses 11. # Que st io n 1 4. To what extent wo uld yo u reco mmend this pro gram to o ther USC students? Wo uld no t re co m m e nd at all May re co m m e nd wit h re se rvat io ns Ne ut ral Wo uld sure ly re co m m e nd Wo uld re co m m e nd m o st st ro ngly T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 0 1 2 18 21 4.8 1 St at ist ic 4 . T o what e xt e nt wo uld yo u re co m m e nd t his pro gram t o o t he r USC st ude nt s? Min Value 3 Max Value 5 Mean 4.8 1 Variance 0 .26 Standard Deviatio n 0 .51 To tal Respo nses 21 12. II. ACADEMIC PROGRAM No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 5. To what extent were yo ur co urses intellectually challenging? 0 1 7 10 3 21 3.71 6 . Ho w co mparable was the quality o f instructio n and academic demand o f classes to that o f USC? 1 2 6 10 2 21 3.48 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 5 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo ur co urse s int e lle ct ually challe nging? 6 . Ho w co m parable was t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n and acade m ic de m and o f classe s t o t hat o f USC? Min Value 2 1 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.71 3.48 Variance 0 .6 1 0 .9 6 Standard Deviatio n 0 .78 0 .9 8 21 21 To tal Respo nses 13. St ro ngly disagre e Disagre e Ne ut ral Agre e St ro ngly Agre e T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 7. The grading system used in the co urses was explained. 0 2 3 11 5 21 3.9 0 8 . I was able to register fo r all the classes that I wanted. 0 5 2 9 5 21 3.6 7 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 7 . T he grading syst e m use d in t he co urse s was e xplaine d. 8. I was able t o re gist e r f o r all t he classe s t hat I want e d. Min Value 2 2 Max Value 5 5 3.9 0 3.6 7 Variance 0 .79 1.23 Standard Deviatio n 0 .8 9 1.11 21 21 Mean To tal Respo nses 14. No t at all so So m e what so Ne ut ral Mo st ly so Ve ry m uch so T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 9 . To what extent were yo u prepared fo r the co ursewo rk? 0 2 1 10 8 21 4.14 2 10 . To what extent do yo u feel yo u were immersed in the culture o f the ho st co untry? 0 1 1 14 5 21 4.10 3 11. To what extent did yo u gain a better appreciatio n o f the ho st culture's perspectives? 0 0 0 10 11 21 4.52 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 9 . T o what e xt e nt we re yo u pre pare d f o r t he co urse wo rk? 10 . T o what e xt e nt do yo u f e e l yo u we re im m e rse d in t he cult ure o f t he ho st co unt ry? 11. T o what e xt e nt did yo u gain a be t t e r appre ciat io n o f t he ho st cult ure 's pe rspe ct ive s? Min Value 2 2 4 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 4.14 4.10 4.52 Variance 0 .8 3 0 .49 0 .26 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 1 0 .70 0 .51 21 21 21 To tal Respo nses 15. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry Sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 12. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the co ntent o f the co urses yo u to o k. 0 0 4 14 3 21 3.9 5 13. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the quality o f instructio n. 0 1 2 17 1 21 3.8 6 # Que st io n 1 2 St at ist ic 12. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he co nt e nt o f t he co urse s yo u t o o k. 13. Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he qualit y o f inst ruct io n. Min Value 3 2 Max Value 5 5 Mean 3.9 5 3.8 6 Variance 0 .35 0 .33 Standard Deviatio n 0 .59 0 .57 21 21 To tal Respo nses 16. # Que st io n 1 14. Please rate the o verall level o f faculty interest in students. Ve ry lo w So m e what lo w Ave rage Highe r t han ave rage Ve ry high T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 1 8 5 7 21 3.8 6 St at ist ic 14 . Ple ase rat e t he o ve rall le ve l o f f acult y int e re st in st ude nt s. Min Value 2 Max Value 5 Mean 3.8 6 Variance 0 .9 3 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 6 To tal Respo nses 21 17. # Que st io n 1 15. Please rate yo ur o verall satisfactio n with the academic pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 0 1 2 15 3 21 3.9 5 St at ist ic 15 . Ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall sat isf act io n wit h t he acade m ic pro gram . Min Value 2 Max Value 5 Mean 3.9 5 Variance 0 .45 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 7 To tal Respo nses 21 18. III. LANGUAGE PREPARATIONIf yo u did no t take a fo reign language class this semester, please cho o se "No t applicable" fo r each questio n. No t applicable Po o r Ne e ds im pro ve m e nt Fair Go o d Exce lle nt T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 16 . Ho w were yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram? 17 2 0 2 0 0 21 1.38 2 17. Ho w were yo ur language skills after the pro gram? 16 2 1 0 2 0 21 1.57 3 18 . Yo ur living situatio n aided yo ur language acquisitio n. 17 2 0 1 1 0 21 1.43 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic 16 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram ? 17 . Ho w we re yo ur language skills af t e r t he pro gram ? 18. Yo ur living sit uat io n aide d yo ur language acquisit io n. Min Value Max Value 1 1 1 4 5 5 Mean 1.38 1.57 1.43 Variance 0 .8 5 1.56 1.16 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 2 1.25 1.0 8 21 21 21 To tal Respo nses 19. # Que st io n 1 19 . If yo u studied a fo reign language o n the pro gram, please rate yo ur o verall level o f satisfactio n with the language educatio n co mpo nent o f the pro gram. Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 2 2 16 1 0 21 2.76 St at ist ic 19 . If yo u st udie d a f o re ign language o n t he pro gram , ple ase rat e yo ur o ve rall le ve l o f sat isf act io n wit h t he language e ducat io n co m po ne nt o f t he pro gram . Min Value 1 Max Value 4 Mean 2.76 Variance 0 .49 Standard Deviatio n 0 .70 To tal Respo nses 21 20. IV. SUPPORT SERVICESPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 20 . On-site academic advising 0 5 12 4 0 21 2.9 5 2 21. On-site o rientatio n 0 3 6 11 1 21 3.48 3 22. On-site academic facilities (e.g. classro o ms, libraries, co mputer labs), excluding ho using. 0 2 2 14 3 21 3.8 6 4 23. Co mmunicatio n with the USC Marshall o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 7 10 4 21 3.8 6 5 24. Overall impressio n o f o n-site suppo rt services 0 1 7 11 2 21 3.6 7 St at ist ic 20 . On-sit e acade m ic advising 21. On-sit e o rie nt at io n 22. On-sit e acade m ic f acilit ie s (e .g. classro o m s, librarie s, co m put e r labs), e xcluding ho using. 23. Co m m unicat io n wit h t he USC Marshall o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 24 . Ove rall im pre ssio n o f o n-sit e suppo rt se rvice s Min Value 2 2 2 3 2 Max Value 4 5 5 5 5 Mean 2.9 5 3.48 3.8 6 3.8 6 3.6 7 Variance 0 .45 0 .6 6 0 .6 3 0 .53 0 .53 Standard Deviatio n 0 .6 7 0 .8 1 0 .79 0 .73 0 .73 21 21 21 21 21 To tal Respo nses 21. V. HOUSINGPlease rate yo ur level o f satisfactio n with the fo llo wing catego ries: # Que st io n Ve ry dissat isf ie d So m e what dissat isf ie d Ne ut ral Mo st ly sat isf ie d Ve ry sat isf ie d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 25. Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 3 3 11 4 21 3.76 2 26 . Lo catio n o f student ho using 0 3 1 11 6 21 3.9 5 3 27. Quality o f ho using arrangements 1 5 4 9 2 21 3.29 St at ist ic 25 . Ho using co o rdinat io n 26 . Lo cat io n o f st ude nt ho using 27 . Qualit y o f ho using arrange m e nt s Min Value 2 2 1 Max Value 5 5 5 Mean 3.76 3.9 5 3.29 Variance 0 .8 9 0 .9 5 1.21 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 4 0 .9 7 1.10 21 21 21 To tal Respo nses 22. VI. OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 31. Why did yo u cho o se this pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse - lo catio n in So uth-East Asia to facilitate travel - well kno wn fo r info rmatio n systems - always wanted to go to Ho ng Ko ng I wanted to be in HK, and HKUST has a very well kno w business scho o l. Ho nestly, I really needed to get o ut o f USC and LA in general because I lived here pretty much all my life, with my family right by my side. Studying abro ad, wherever it is that I went, I think wo uld have definitely o pened my eyes. Since my family is very pro tective, I cho se Ho ng Ko ng since my dad wo rks there anyway, so my family wo n't panic if anything happened to me. Still, my dad travels a lo t, so I still had a lo t o f time to be independent in a sense. I'm interested in o ne day wo rking in Asia, especially in Ho ng Ko ng, so I wanted to experience a lo ng-term stay in Ho ng Ko ng. I also wanted to kno w what my "co mpetitio n" was learning and gain perspective and learn fro m them. I cho se to participate in IEP because o f the go o d things i heard abo ut it fro m friends and fello w classmates. I cho se to go to HKUST because it is o ne o f the to p internatio nal business pro grams, and because I wanted to be in Ho ng Ko ng. I wanted my experience to be in Asia and Ho ng Ko ng seemed to be at the center o f all that was happening, so I went. I cho se the pro gram because I wanted to learn mo re abo ut o ther cultures. I cho se it because o f the lo catio n and the go o d things I had heard abo ut the academic pro gram and students there. To learn mo re abo ut Ho ng Ko ng and China in general and to get a sense o f academic live in Asia/Ho ng Ko ng I wanted to study abro ad in Asia but the Mainland China scho o ls did no t appeal to me, and Singapo re was to o small. My mo ther grew up in Ho ng Ko ng, so I had so me perso nal co nnectio n with it. I also wanted a mix o f Eastern and Western influences, with no language requirement. Mainly because o f the balance between East and West in Ho ng Ko ng. HONG KONG BABY!! I wanted to travel to a metro po litan city in Asia that was near the ever-so -talked-abo ut China. I wanted to study in Asia, and tho ught HK wo uld be better in terms o f having any language barrier. I wanted so mething different, I felt that I sho uld take this o ppo rtunity to go abro ad, I wanted to meet new peo ple, and I wanted a challenge. Because I wanted to study at a rapidly evo lving and gro wing university. HKUST is o ne o f the to p universities in Asia and o nly became a university 20 years ago , so I wanted to witness the fast-paced gro wth and develo pment. In additio n, Ho ng Ko ng is an extremely unique city and culture to explo re. Learning abo ut business in Asia Wanted to travel o utside my co mfo rt zo ne but stay withing Asia. Lo catio n (o ppo site side o f/clo se eno ugh but still far away eno ugh fro m HK main island, truly experience all that HK had to o ffer) and the scho o l's academic/business ranking. Because Ho ng Ko ng is an exciting and vibrant city with a stro ng financial center with unique fusio ns o f East and West which transcends every aspect o f its culture fro m business practices to everyday life. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 23. 32. Please co mpare these aspects o f yo ur pro gram with study at USC. # Que st io n Equivale nt USC/Abro ad Be t t e r USC/in L.A. Be t t e r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 2 1) Quality o f instructio n 10 2) Co ntent o f co urses 9 2 8 20 1.9 0 1 10 20 3 3) Intellectual challenge o f co urses 2.0 5 6 5 9 20 2.15 4 5 4) Faculty interest in/suppo rt o f students 8 5 7 20 1.9 5 5) Individual assistance pro vided 8 2 10 20 2.10 St at ist ic 1) Qualit y o f inst ruct io n 2) Co nt e nt o f co urse s Min Value 1 1 Max Value 3 3 Mean 1.9 0 2.0 5 2.15 1.9 5 2.10 Variance 0 .9 4 1.0 0 0 .77 0 .79 0 .9 4 Standard Deviatio n 0 .9 7 1.0 0 0 .8 8 0 .8 9 0 .9 7 20 20 20 20 20 To tal Respo nses 3) Int e lle ct ual challe nge o f co urse s 4 ) Facult y int e re st in/suppo rt o f st ude nt s 5 ) Individual assist ance pro vide d 1 1 1 3 3 3 24. 33. Ho w much study time per week do yo u reco mmend in o rder to keep up with classes? T e xt Re spo nse 5 ho urs 3-4 ho urs 10 3 ho urs 2-4 ho urs per class per week No t to o much =) at least 8 ho urs 7 ho urs 10 -15 hrs 4 ho urs o r less per week (to maintain a B- average) 4 3 hrs I think it depends what grade the student is aiming fo r and what co urses the student is enro lled in. I reco mmend aro und 2-3 ho urs. a few ho urs, o verall no t very much o n a weekly basis 6 6 -8 ho urs 10 ho urs 5 hrs/week Just keep up with reading and pay attentio n in class (class attendance and participatio n is required anyway) Depends o n the co urses yo u take, but I studied maybe 2.5 ho urs per week and was perfectly fine St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 25. 34. Ho w, if at all, do es the structure o f the co urses differ fro m tho se at USC? Did yo u like o r dislike these differences? T e xt Re spo nse very Americanized. so me mo re memo rizatio n based which is difficult against all the lo cal students as they are very go o d at memo rizing and usually do very well o n tests. No t much, the teaching style was very similar. Lo t's o f in class discussio n, presentatio ns, and lecturing. I like ho w the classes were much smaller than that o f USC's. Rather than big lectures and TA sessio ns, they had smaller classes, yet also had TA sessio ns. I like ho w they used the internatio nal differences and cultural variety to their advantage, rather than just teaching-lecturing. They made peo ple wo rk to gether. The structure o f the classes were less rigid and less wo rk. I didn't mind the different structure fo r a study abro ad pro gram, but I do prefer USC's. The structure o f the co urses was pretty similar to USC classes. They are a bit harder - lo cal students here seem to put a lo t mo re effo rt into their studies than average USC student do es. Also , a lo t o f classes require participatio n and discussio n. pro fesso rs have a lo t o f auto no my fo r grades and a lo t o f them curve grades to C's The co urse was based mo re o n midterms and finals co mpared to USC where there are presentatio ns and gro up pro jects. Mo st o f the co urses have similar structure to tho se at USC except fo r o ne that I to o k that was primarily a discussio n class, led by students--I really enjo yed this change in structure. Less ho mewo rks/assignments. One o f my pro fesso r actually to ld me that senio r pro fesso rs to ld him to give 3 ho mewo rks max fo r the who le semester o f the student wo uld hate him As with many Asian universities, HKUST puts mo re weight o n midterms and final exams. One o f my classes was 50 % final exam, 30 % midterm and 20 % o n o ne written assignment, with no attendance taken. I prefer the semester to be mo re evenly spread o ut, with less emphasis o n tests, but I was able to adjust to the different structure. I also fo und that class participatio n was o ften unfairly assessed o n pure attendance; while many lo cal students were in class every day but did no t participate at all in discussio n, mo st o f the exchange students missed at least a co uple classes due to traveling but participated much mo re actively. A lo t o f lo cal students also sho wed a high disregard fo r their pro fesso rs, o ften talking, texting o r surfing the web during class o r sho wing up late, so metimes by 30 minutes o r mo re. The participatio n fro m students is usually fro m exchange students and all the lo cals sleep in class. Much easier The structure o f the co urses was very similar to USC. Mo re exam fo cused and the students are mo re co mpetitive. Mo re gro up wo rk and mo re writing/essay-based exams. In so me cases, it made the co urses easier, but the number o f gro up presentatio ns and team pro jects evened it o ut. The structure was similar in terms o f distributio n amo ng exams, gro up pro jects, and presentatio ns, but I disliked that HKUST had less individual faculty-student interactio n & suppo rt than USC do es. Similar tho ugh felt that classes at USC are mo re engaging. Classro o m culture is different in HK- much mo re fo cused o n the co mpetitio n. Very similar. Midterm and final with gro up pro jects and presentatio ns. There is much less in-class participatio n. Since participatio n is wo rth 15-25% o f yo ur grade, classes are actually a lo t mo re engaging and fun. Pro fesso rs definitely make a co nscio us effo rt to successfully cultivate a go o d interactive learning enviro nment. The grading curve is very o utdated and o nly fo sters a stressful enviro nment fo r the students. That being said, marketing and management classes are all pretty easy, so the curve do es no t have that much o f an impact o n grades. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 26. 35. Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld particular reco mmend? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Nego tiatio n...heard it was very interesting. Elec0 0 5...very interesting pro fesso r and material with no t much co ursewo rk. MGTO335 (internatio nal management)...many exchange students which co ntributes to interesting discussio n. ISOM350 (IS auditing)...reco rded lectures. 7 quizzes and dro p bo tto m 2. preparatio n fo r CISA exam. Dr. Stephen Naso n's MGTO235 Nego tiatio ns class. Hand's do wn the mo st useful business class I have ever taken, including all o f my classes at Marshall. Naso n is a USC alumnus and is very engaging and charismatic. A great class. Yes. Pro fesso r Jinyu He - Strategic Management (last year kno wn as Co rpo rate Strategy). That is pro bably the best class I've ever taken - we had to read a lo t o f case studies and do presentatio ns. It was a lo t o f reading to keep up with, and yo u learn a lo t in that class because yo u can apply it to whatever future career. Nego tiatio ns! Naso n teaches it so well, and it's so much fun to argue with yo ur classmates every Mo nday. Strategic Management with Pro fesso r He. He's really engaging and strategic management is a to pic yo u NEED to kno w + he gives catchy lo ve advice with it I reco mmend Pro fesso r Stephen Naso n's Nego tiatio ns class (MGTO 235). It was o ne o f the mo st useful business co urses I have ever taken, and pro fesso r Naso n is very energetic and engaging during lectures. Financial Markets with Lafo n-Vinais - no n quantitative finance class. Fairly easy, except everyo ne sco res abo ut the same o n tests and gro up pro jects so participatio n makes a big difference. Managerial Leadership with Pro f. Karen Lee (o r whatever class she is teaching that semester). Investment analysis with Tak Po Wo ng - he's go o d at explaining co ncepts. A pretty funny guy, to o . I wo uld reco mmend the finance co urses at HKUST. Pro fesso rs Sujata Balasubrimanian and Kristiaan Helsen fro m Glo bal Perspectives o n Co ntempo rary Issues and Glo bal marketing, respectively, were bo th very go o d teachers. I believe that the Glo bal Perspectives class sho uld co unt fo r credit in the Internatio nal Business co ncentratio n tho ugh as it is very applicable. MGMT 235 with Pro f Nasso n (he is a SC alumni), just simply an aweso me class Strategic Brand Management with Pro fesso r Ro d Duclo s was a great class. It was very specific and also very enco mpassing at the same time. The Pro fesso r was very experienced, o rganized, passio nate and available fo r individual meetings, and his syllabus and assignments were well-planned. I definitely learned the mo st in this class o ut o f all the classes I to o k abro ad. Markle: Judgment and Decisio n Making because he is fro m the states and explains things very well and in an interesting manner. All o f the exchange students to o k this class as well. Duclo s fo r marketing I'd reco mmend Nego tiatio n and Managerial Leadership. In Nego tiatio n, yo u simply learn ho w to nego tiate and it beco mes a very useful to o l in life. In Managerial Leadership, yo u learn the in's and o ut's o f leadership and the vario us theo ries that are o ur there fo r leadership. Nego tiatio ns with Pro fesso r Naso n. Best Class I've taken I highly reco mmend it. The class is mo stly exchange students. Yo u learn a lo t but it is no t hard wo rk at all. My techno lo gy entrepreneurship pro fesso r was very o rganized, and also enthusiastic. In additio n my eco no mics pro fesso r was very go o d with being available fo r extra help. - MGMT3120 - Managerial Leadership with Karen Lee. Pro fesso r Lee was vo ted as o ne o f the best lecturers o f the university in 20 10 because o f her genuine care fo r student learning. She really wanted students to take so mething useful and valuable away fro m her class. She transfo rmed a dry to pic into a fun and interactive learning experience. Nego tiatio n with Pro fesso r Naso n-really practical and relevant co urse. Business and Decisio n Making with Pro fesso r Markle- very interesting co urse and no t to o demanding Nego tiatio ns (Naso n), Judgement and Decisio n Making (Markle), Co rpo rate Strategy (Cho i). All o f these co urses were extremely interesting, integrative and interactive. Learned a lo t fro m these classes and a lo t o f real-wo rld ties/examples/case studies. DEFINITELY Steve Naso n (USC Alum) fo r MGMT 3150 Nego tiatio ns and Ro d Duclo s fo r MARK4450 Brand Management. Nego tiatio ns and Co nsumerism and Happiness St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 27. 36 . Are there co urses o r pro fesso rs that yo u wo uld advise against taking? Please explain: T e xt Re spo nse Jaepil Cho i...seems to take a very dictato rial view o f the co urse and has a bias against all exchange students and is no t very lenient fo r any reaso n fo r missing class/exams, even religio n. No I wo uld advise students to stay away fro m the finance o r acco unting co urses that are taught by asian pro fesso rs. Even tho ugh I kno w they are very smart, kno wledgeable, and erudite, I think it's better to take a co urse where yo u kno w the pro fesso r speaks go o d English eno ugh fo r yo u to understand the material. I had a hard time keeping up with finance, but if yo u can learn o n yo ur o wn, then it's o kay to these co urses. Otherwise, I kno w a lo t o f the exchange students struggled with FINA 221 especially, because all the lo cal Asian kids are stereo typically smarter in that area (finance and acco unting). N/A No NA No Management Co nsulting with Pro fesso r Chris Do ran is a very demanding co urse and I believe that mo st students wo uld agree that its value do esn't merit so much wo rk. No Entrepreneurship with Pro fesso r Wo uter Stam was, frankly, a waste o f time. Other USC and exchange students in my class agreed that, altho ugh the Pro fesso r held a PhD, he was tho ro ughly unqualified to teach a co urse abo ut entrepreneurship as he had abso lutely no direct entrepreneurial experience. No everyo ne is pretty go o d. Yi Zhao fo r marketing No Co nsumer Behavio r with Pro fesso r Ro ngro ng. No t very stimulating but tedio us. The pro fesso r I had fo r marketing seemed quite unprepared fo r mo st lectures and was no t very engaging. While the to pic was no t necessarily bo ring, I think the pro fesso r sho uld have been mo re kno wledgeable o f what he was teaching to keep students interested. - FINA310 4 - Investment Analysis & Po rtfo lio Management with Entela Benz. Pro fesso r Benz did no t understand ho w to teach the Ho ng Ko ng lo cal & exchange students, as it was her first semester ever teaching undergraduate students. She also taught at a mo re advanced and higher level that she expected the students to be able to keep up with. N/A Business Ethics (Hulpke). Terrible pro fesso r and terrible class. Learned abso lutely no thing. N/A Ro d Duclo s, altho ugh Brand Management was o ne o f the mo st insightful classes. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 28. 37. Has participatio n in this pro gram influenced yo ur academic o r career go als? Ho w? T e xt Re spo nse no . always knew i wanted to travel and i still enjo y info rmatio n systems I realized ho w much I lo ve Ho ng Ko ng, and that if the o ppo rtunity ever came up to live and wo rk here, it wo uld be very hard to turn do wn. Well because o f the financial crisis, I have decided to stray away fro m finance and try so mething else, like so mething similar to the strategic management co urse I to o k. I'm still no t sure what I want to do as a career, but I kno w no t investment banking anymo re. Co nsulting wo uld pro bably be the best career path to cho o se right no w, but I wo uld still like to see what else is o ut there fo r me. It has strengthen my want to wo rk in Ho ng Ko ng in the future. It has made me mo re o pen to the po ssibility o f wo rking abro ad in the future. Yes. I wo uld like to return to Asia, pro bably Ho ng Ko ng o f co urse, and wo rk here o ne day. Yes, I no w really want to find a career where I can travel because I really enjo y being able to experience a different culture and change. Yes, I no w will co nsider getting a jo b o r a masters degree o verseas. I also have been mo re influenced to pursue marketing as a career. No t really No t sure yet... Yes, it o pened my eyes to different cultures and no w I want to do so mething where I travel. NO Yes. The participatio n in the pro gram just gave me a bro ader view o f life in general. I learned so much abo ut everything and no t just specifically business. It's a bit difficult to explain. It's a "yo u needed to be there" type o f experience. No Definitely want to co ntinue explo ring places abro ad, and meeting so many new peo ple has made me think abo ut careers that are mo re peo ple-o riented. It has o pened my eyes to the similarities and differences in ho w ano ther culture values their careers and views the wo rld. Yes, definitely made me realize that I want to wo rk in HK/Asia at so me po int. Yes. I kno w want to pursue a career in Asia. Surprisingly, this was the first semester o f my co llege career where I've attended pretty much 9 3% o f all classes (missed a co uple cause o f traveling) and actually read all the required co urse material. I'm usually no t the biggest fan o f studying and this wasn't because I was fo rced to in so me way. It was because I (and there's general co nsensus to mo st students I've talked to ) genuinely want to do well since the pro fesso rs invest so much time and effo rt in us. So rt o f. I still want to pursue a career in entertainment, but living in ano ther co untry makes me want to live abro ad again. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 29. Please tell us abo ut yo ur experience with the fo reign language o f yo ur ho st co untry: 38 . Besides English, what is (are) the language(s) mo st pro minently spo ken o n the campus o f the university where yo u studied? T e xt Re spo nse Canto nese and Puto nghua Canto nese, Mandarin Canto nese and Mandarin Canto nese, Mandarin Canto nese, Mandarin canto nese Canto nese Canto nese, Mandarin Canto nesse and little mandarin if yo u make friends with the mainland students. Canto nese (majo rity) and Mandarin (mino rity) Canto nese Canto nese Canto nese Canto nese, so me Mandarin Canto nese Canto nese & Mandarin Canto nese, Mandarin Canto nese, Mandarin Canto nese and Chinese Canto nese St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 30. 39 . Did yo u speak the ho st language, o r receive any language training in the ho st language prio r to , o r during yo ur semester abro ad? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse no . No , I learned a few necessary wo rds but that's it. No . Canto nese at ho me No no No No No , but I speak a little bit mandarin. I understo o d and spo ke very little Canto nese (my mo ther speaks it) and had taken Mandarin fo r abo ut 4 years o ff and o n. No . NO No , I wanted to , but I was able to get aro und fine with just English. No No . Yes (Mandarin), as I was bo rn in and lived in Taiwan fo r 7 years No N/A No No . St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 31. Then rate: # Que st io n Exce lle nt Go o d Fair Po o r T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 1) Yo ur language skills befo re the pro gram: 3 3 1 13 20 3.20 2 2) Language training o n the pro gram: 3 3 3 11 20 3.10 3 3) Yo ur pro ficiency after the pro gram: 3 3 3 11 20 3.10 St at ist ic 1) Yo ur language skills be f o re t he pro gram : 2) Language t raining o n t he pro gram : Min Value 1 1 1 Max Value 4 4 4 Mean 3.20 3.10 3.10 Variance 1.43 1.36 1.36 Standard Deviatio n 1.20 1.17 1.17 20 20 20 To tal Respo nses 3) Yo ur pro f icie ncy af t e r t he pro gram : 32. 40 . Did cultural/so cial activities spo nso red by the pro gram assist yo u in language acquisitio n? T e xt Re spo nse no ...tho ugh go o d fo r meeting o ther exchange students The buddy pro gram helped to meet lo cal kids and my buddy taught me so me canto nese No . No No because all o f the so cial activities were carried o ut in english, and o ur buddies assigned to us by the scho o l all spo ke english as well. NA No Yes No t really N/A Yes No No no No . N/A No , all o f them were co nducted in English No . A little No . St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 33. 41. Did o utside/o ther activities help? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse no ...can usually get aro und with english tho ugh usually helpful to have so meo ne who kno ws Canto nese. no Just so cializing with so me o f the lo cal students and taxicab drivers helped us learn a few phrases. No No NA No Yes No Daily life (o rdering fo o d in the canteen, catching taxis, sho pping) fo rced me to pick up so me Canto nese. No No Yes. Just get immersed in the culture and yo u'll pick up so me wo rds here and there. no Yes, taking public transpo rtatio n and sho pping helped me learn basic co ncepts, and being immersed in the language made me mo re familiar with the language. Interacting with small business o wners and strangers in the city helped my practice o f Mandarin Chinese tremendo usly No Traveling aro und the city o n yo ur o wn helps a little with picking up so me wo rds. Daily interactio ns with lo cals help a bit No , Canto nese is very difficult to pick up and lo cals will usually speak in English to fo reigners St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 34. 42. What percentage o f students o n the campus o f yo ur ho st co untry (wo uld yo u estimate) actively speak English? T e xt Re spo nse 20 % tho ugh i'm sure abo ut 8 0 % are pro ficient in English 25% 70 %? 10 0 % 10 0 % - All the instructio n is taught in english 70 % 70 % 90% 10 0 % 9 5% 9 5% All All the co urses were taught in English, so I believe they all knew ho w to speak it. Actively, I'd say 10 %, but when questio ned, all 10 0 %. Many o f the lo cal students were fairly pro ficient in english but were o ften shy and did no t o ften speak in English o utside o f class. 75% 50 % 8 5% 40 % Just the exchange kids 10 0 % St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 35. 43. Ho w wo uld yo u reco mmend that students prepare fo r language differences abro ad? T e xt Re spo nse learn so me key phrases to get aro und Get a language bo o k and try to learn so me useful phrases. DON'T GET EXPECT EVERYONE IN HK TO SPEAK ENGLISH, AND DON'T GET UPSET WHEN THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU. I've seen way to many exchange students get angry at staff o r lo cals when they can't speak english. No preparatio n is needed. English can still be understo o d and spo ken. Yo u do n't need it. Ho ng Ko ng is extremely westernized. Purchase a language bo o k and practice useful phrases. buy a bo o k o r find so meo ne who speaks canto nese and have them teach yo u so me phrases There wasn't a big pro blem at HKUST because all the students speak English. Study so me basic Canto nese phrases. Yo u can get aro und with English in Ho ng Ko ng, but if yo u travel to mainland than it's better to go with so me o ne who can speak mandarin. Be o pen minded, and either get a small dictio nary/language bo o k o r watch so me basic Yo uTube video s. Learn so me key phrases like thank yo u, yes, no , i speak english. Yes Take a co urse to learn the basics. Do n't wo rry abo ut it. Yo u can get aro und Ho ng Ko ng witho ut kno wing Canto nese, but it do esn't hurt to learn a few phrases and find a Canto nese speaking friend. Keep an o pen mind and use the internet to memo rize basic phrases befo re entering the co untry. N/A Co uld learn so me useful phrases, but mo stly just be o pen to the language barriers that may happen and be patient Take a language co urse while abro ad o r do so me self study befo re fo r impo rtant wo rds/phrases, but o therwise unncessary because mo st o f the co untry speaks o r understands a little bit o f English. It's no t really necessary since HK is so internatio nal Because English is the o nly language that co urses are taught in and because mo st peo ple in HK can understand so me English, a language barrier is no t that pressing o f an issue St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 36. Click to write Co lumn 2 # Que st io n No t Available Available But No t Use d Available And Use d T o t al Re spo nse s Me an 1 Ho using co o rdinatio n 1 1 18 20 2.8 5 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 14 6 20 2.30 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 7 1 12 20 2.25 4 Instructio nal facilities 0 0 20 20 3.0 0 5 Medical/dental facilities 2 8 10 20 2.40 6 Recreatio nal facilities 0 1 19 20 2.9 5 7 USC Financial Aid 6 8 6 20 2.0 0 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 10 10 20 2.50 Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Min Value 1 2 1 Max Value 3 3 3 Mean 2.8 5 2.30 Variance 0 .24 0 .22 Standard Deviatio n 0 .49 0 .47 20 20 St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 2.25 3.0 0 2.40 2.9 5 2.0 0 2.50 0 .9 3 0 .0 0 0 .46 0 .0 5 0 .6 3 0 .26 0 .9 7 0 .0 0 0 .6 8 0 .22 0 .79 0 .51 20 20 20 20 20 20 37. Click to write Co lumn 2 Unacce pt able Be lo w Ave rage Ave rage Abo ve Ave rage Acce pt able T o t al Re spo nse s Me an Ho using co o rdinatio n 0 5 8 4 3 20 3.25 2 On-site perso nal advising and info rmal suppo rt 0 4 12 1 3 20 3.15 3 Orientatio n in Lo s Angeles 1 0 9 6 4 20 3.6 0 4 Instructio nal facilities 0 0 5 9 6 20 4.0 5 5 Medical/dental facilities 0 1 9 3 7 20 3.8 0 6 Recreatio nal facilities 0 2 9 4 5 20 3.6 0 7 USC Financial Aid 3 0 11 3 3 20 3.15 8 Co mmunicatio n with o ffice in Lo s Angeles 0 0 9 5 6 20 3.8 5 # Que st io n 1 St at ist ic Ho using co o rdinat io n On-sit e pe rso nal advising and inf o rm al suppo rt Orie nt at io n in Lo s Ange le s Inst ruct io nal f acilit ie s Me dical/de nt al f acilit ie s Re cre at io nal f acilit ie s USC Financial Aid Co m m unicat io n wit h o f f ice in Lo s Ange le s Min Value 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 Max Value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Mean 3.25 3.15 3.6 0 4.0 5 3.8 0 3.6 0 3.15 3.8 5 Variance 1.0 4 0 .8 7 0 .9 9 0 .58 1.0 1 0 .9 9 1.40 0 .77 Standard Deviatio n 1.0 2 0 .9 3 0 .9 9 0 .76 1.0 1 0 .9 9 1.18 0 .8 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 To tal Respo nses 38. 44. Did yo u live in... # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 19 9 5% 1 Do rm 2 Apartment 1 5% 3 Other 0 0% To tal 20 St at ist ic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 2 Mean 1.0 5 Variance 0 .0 5 Standard Deviatio n 0 .22 To tal Respo nses 20 39. 45. If yo u used STA Travel fo r transpo rtatio n arrangements, were yo u satisfied? Please explain. T e xt Re spo nse N/A I did no t use STA, why is this relevant? No t used. Didn't use STA Travel I did no t use STA NA Did no t use NA N/A No I didn't. Never used Did no t use Did no t use Did no t use. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 40. 46 . Is there any aspect o f the pro gram that yo u wo uld like to see changed o r different? (VERY IMPORTANT!) T e xt Re spo nse mo st o f the things I wo uld like to change are mo stly based o n fixing the HKUST bureaucracy as there is a lo t o f red tape. 1. reco mmend starting a bank acco unt tho ugh bank o f america debit card can be used (fo r a charge) 2. finish paperwo rk asap! as there is a lo t o f autho rizatio ns that yo u have to go thro ugh 3. make sure yo u get a student o cto pus card befo re scho o l begins, but after yo u finish yo ur ho using and student cards. No . I wo uld have liked to been settled in better. Mo ve in pro cedures were ho rrible! Had no idea what to do , didn't have my schedule set.etc.. No , the pro gram fully met my expectatio ns The pro gram is very go o d, albeit a little difficult - yo u definitely feel so me o f the "stress and tensio n" that the lo cals here feel to o . Other than that, it is still fantastic fun No Allo w students to transfer mo re credits back that will be co unted to ward their degree o r co ncentratio n. This wo uld mo tivate students to achieve mo re in class and wo uld make the learning experience mo re wo rthwhile. Mo re buddies :) The Exchange pro gram sho uld have a mandato ry early so cial o rientatio n. They o ffered o ptio nal day trips and activities, but no t all students attended, and the result was that so me students were left o ut o f the initial "meeting perio d" and had to struggle to meet peo ple in the first week o f class. The academic o rientatio n was fine, but there sho uld be a little mo re emphasis o n the so cial side. The "buddy activity" co uld also have been better co o rdinated - a lo t o f exchange students were left alo ne because their lo cal "buddies" did no t sho w up. I wo uld like to be able to have a dinner o r so mething with all o f the USC students befo re hand and maybe set up the same flights with students fro m USC. It gets lo nely o n a 15 ho ur flight. Everything was perfect. Maybe better teachers in HK Is there so me way that the Alumni Asso ciatio n co uld have a big gathering o r o rientatio n? I mean, if we are the Tro jan Family, co uldn't there be so me way that the USC Alums at the o ff-site lo catio ns co uld help with the transitio n? Or even just fo r netwo rking purpo ses? No Buddies at the exchange university sho uld be mo re engaged with the exchange student. Perhaps they sho uld be required to o ffer to spend the first day with the exchange student to help so rt o ut such issues as sim card and bed linens. Better ho using arrangements and management, better medical facilities N/A Getting all o f the info rmatio n fo r the ho st scho o l was extremely co nfusing. Wo uld like to see a better develo ped and better o rganized o rientatio n pro gram. Wo uld have also like a stro nger "buddy" pro gram to get situated with life o n campus and in the co untry. So me mo re o rganized exchange activities during the first weeks. The pro gram itself is great; ho wever, there are a lo t o f bureaucracies and po licies that are inefficient. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 41. 47. Additio nal co mments o n services and co o rdinatio n. T e xt Re spo nse fo r classes, rando mly cho sen o rder, co nfused since classes are no t transferred...make sure to keep track o f emails. will usually have at least o ne class prepared to change yo ur schedule after yo u get yo ur classes...and there is o nly o ne adviser so yo u have to be pro active. N/A n/a N/A No ne NA All was go o d. So me, if no t mo st o f the no n-faculty university staff (fo o d service, ho using, maintenance) were very rude and unhelpful. The language barrier was pro bably the main reaso n (mo st o f them do no t speak English). I realize this canno t be changed and is a cultural difference. N/A Lo ved it! I reco mmend everyo ne to go abro ad! No w No w No w! no ne Applicatio n pro cess was very easy to fo llo w; no pro blems. The head exchange co o rdinato r at HKUST was no t particularly helpful and was so metimes impatient with exchange students during the first week o f o rientatio n. N/A Everything went pretty smo o thly N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 17 42. Please tell us abo ut yo ur travel experiences. 48 . Ho w did yo u find yo ur arrangements to the ho st institutio n? # Answe r Bar Re spo nse % 1 Travel Agent 4 20 % 2 Online 14 70 % 3 Other: 2 10 % To tal 20 Ot he r: parents Mileage St at ist ic Value Min Value 1 Max Value 3 Mean 1.9 0 Variance 0 .31 Standard Deviatio n 0 .55 To tal Respo nses 20 43. Wo uld yo u reco mmend this metho d? T e xt Re spo nse yes. Yes, yo u can find go o d package deals. I do n Yes Yes, wait later to bo o k as prices fluctuate a lo t. Seems o k Yes Yes Yes yes Yes, yo u can get very cheap rates this way. Yes Yes Online is just as easy Yes. Usually individual searches will get better deals than thro ugh a travel agent (at least fo r no n-package deals) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 44. 49 . What was the average co st fo r ro und-trip tickets to yo ur ho st co untry? T e xt Re spo nse N/A 120 0 No t sure... 1,0 0 0 $8 0 0 Do no t kno w 10 0 0 $1,30 0 I travel fro m Indo nesia, its aro und 50 0 USD Do n't kno w (used miles) $8 6 0 10 0 0 110 0 Made a sto p elsewhere, so my tickets were different. 440 SGD fro m singapo re $10 0 0 $120 0 $10 0 0 Aro und $20 0 N/A - Used airline po ints St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 45. 50 . Ho w o ften did yo u travel and to where? T e xt Re spo nse china (get visa at US if can) japan thailand vietnam/cambo dia philippines macau No t to o ften: Cambo dia, Mainland China, Macau I traveled to Cambo dia o nce, Guangzho u o nce, Shenzhen o nce. Every Mo nth Macau, Cambo dia, Taiwan, Guangzho u No t to o o ften: Cambo dia, Thailand, Macau, Shenzhen. Singapo re, Taiwan, Vietnam, Different places thro ugho ut China One trip every mo nth and a half. I travelled to Taiwan, Shanghai, Xi'an, and Vietnan. Twice a mo nth to vario us places in China, to Macau, and to Vietnam. I went to China (ShangHai, Guangzho u, Shenzhen, Hangzho u), Macau, and Vietnam twice during the semester - To kyo , Singapo re I traveled o nce a mo nth: Philippines, Thailand, and Singapo re. Yo u can go to Shenzen and Macau as well but they are o nly an ho ur away. Every two weeks Beijing, shanghai, thailand, taiwan, macau, india Twice. Mainland China (Beijing and Shanghai) and Thailand Thailand, Vietnam, China, Singapo re. I reco mmend planning ASAP, and bo o king yo ur tickets befo re they get mo re expensive and spread it o ut so yo u do n't get to o exhausted. Travelled twice in the September to Macau and Philippines. A to tal o f 7 different trips to 7 different co untries: Vietnam, Macau (SAR), Taiwan, Guilin & Yangshuo in China, Thailand, Philippines, Cambo dia/Lao s Weekend trips/Spring Break trips-Macau, Philippines, Thailand, Cambo dia, Singapo re, Vietnam, China Every two weeks. Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Singapo re, Vietnam. Mainalnd China is very easily accessible. Abo ut o nce a mo nth. March: Taiwan, Spring break: Vietnam, Cambo dia, Indo nesia, end o f April: Thailand, beg o f May: Taiwan, end o f May after finals: China. Once a mo nth to Taiwan, Macau, Singapo re, Malaysia St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 46. 51. Did the structure o f the ho st institutio n's co urse schedule fo ster travel o ppo rtunity o r prevent it? Why? T e xt Re spo nse Depends o n the classes yo u take. So me pro fesso rs are very o pen to exchange students traveling but o thers aren't. Also keep track o f ho w many gro up pro jects and tests there are. Prevent it. It was hard to schedule 4 day weeks, and there weren't many ho lidays. Fo ster, because yo u can cho o se what days and during which time o f day It didn't inhibit o r enco urage, because there weren't eno ugh vacatio n days. It prevented it because it was nearly impo ssible to create a schedule with Fridays o ff. prevent - W/F and Saturday classes. Attendance requirements. It allo wed fo r travel o ppo rtunity since there are very few co urses that have class o n Friday. Students were able to schedule their classes during the weak and avo id Friday classes to make traveling easier. The pro fesso rs understo o d that exchange students wo uld be traveling and were acco mmo dating mo st o f the time. MGMT 225 that I reco mmended befo re is W-F class, but the Friday class is no t mandato ry so it is o k. Bo th. Fo ster: no Friday classes, o nly abo ut 16 ho urs o f class/week Prevent: so me classes had very strict attendance po licies Yes it did help because we had days o ff o n Friday fo r class and then also fo r Chinese New Year and Spring break. Yeah Prevent. So me o f the pro fesso rs required students to attend classes. Ho wever, I think if yo u talk to them prio r to traveling, they'll understand. We did no t have a spring break because Chinese New Year fell late. Ho wever many o f us had Mo nday's o ff so we co uld take lo nger weekend trips. Fo stered, because I had no classes o n Friday, but prevented because exams were relatively spread o ut. Fo stered because many o f the classes did no t have discussio n/tuto rial sectio ns, so lecture sessio ns were mainly o nly Tuesdays & Thursdays o r Mo ndays & Wednesdays. Fo ster travel, especially if yo u schedule yo ur classes acco rdingly Fo stered it very well. Was able to get Mo n-Thurs with Fridays o ff. Pro fesso rs were generally lenient with travel plans. Classes are all mo stly all mandato ry and pro fesso rs/TAs take attendance, but they understand exchange students o ften travel, etc. So just be smart with planning and scheduling. Depends o n ho w yo u schedule yo ur classes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 47. 52. Do yo u have any tips o r info rmatio n abo ut traveling while abro ad that yo u wo uld like to share with upco ming exchange students preparing fo r their trip? T e xt Re spo nse bring a small sturdy bag. PACK LIGHT! have an idea o f places yo u kno w fo r sure yo u want to go to . co nsider the first gro up yo u travel with as they will mo st likely be yo ur travel partners fo r the rest o f the trip. Travel as early as po ssible. The semester flies by. Make sure yo u get yo ur China visa befo re arriving Ho ng Ko ng because it's much harder and mo re expensive to get it in Ho ng Ko ng, and it takes mo re time, waiting in line at 8 am sucks. Prepare fo r the trip! Get yo ur Chinese visa in the U.S. and travel early! trips go alo t smo o ther if yo u have an itinerary instead o f trying to figure o ut what yo u want to do when yo u get there Plan yo ur time well and be sure to do all yo ur travelling befo re finals. Travel a lo t and make as many friends as humanly po ssible. m o r if yo u can speak canto o r kno w so meo ne speak canto , go to travel agents. there are o ne in hang hau mall, and a lo t in Mo ng Ko k aro und the bank central. Taxi Dennis is the man! His taxi service caters to exchange students in Ho ng Ko ng. He and his drivers speak English, are familiar with all the HK campuses and o ffer 20 % disco unts to LKF (main nightlife hub) and the airpo rt. Pho ne Number: 9 379 136 3 Limit yo ur travels to less than 10 peo ple...when to o many peo ple travel it causes a lo t drama. Try to bo o k yo ur trips early so yo u can get them fo r cheaper. Also , so metimes travel agents in Hang Hau are a lo t cheaper than o nline prices. Plan early Do so me quick research o n the co untry-- rather it be histo rical o r just Lo nelyPlanet stuff. Invest in a Lo nelyPlanet. Tho se bo o ks are aweso me! Have a great time, be o ptimistic, and take lo ts o f pictures! If yo u have a friend who can speak canto nese try bo o king yo ur trips at a lo cal travel agency it will be cheaper. If no t bo o k yo ur tickets early o nline. Go early! Do n't wait until the end o f the semester because this is when wo rk (exams and gro up pro jects) will pile up. Budget wisely by do ing yo ur necessary research o n Ho stelBo o kers & Ho stelWo rld, co ntact previo us exchange students & experienced lo cal students fo r advice o n ho t spo ts & sites to see, and mo st impo rtantly, bo o k yo ur plans o n yo ur o wn o r with at mo st 1-2 o ther peo ple and have yo ur o ther friends jo in yo u after if they can. This will save yo u much time and effo rt rather than waiting fo r everyo ne to align their schedules/plans/preferences, which co uld be a huge hassle. Plan trips ahead o f time and budget yo ur expenses Plan ahead as much as yo u can. A lo t can go wro ng during travel such as mo ney issues and visa issues so so rt these o ut ahead o f time. There also many disco unt lo cal airlines that may take so me researching into to find o ut what they are o r translatio n because these airlines are regio nal and are o nly avialable in their ho st co untry's language. Be careful o f scams especially tho se targeting to urists. Traveling gets exhausting, a trip a mo nth is perfect. Also , plan ahead!!! If yo u plan o n go ing to Mainland China, get yo ur visa befo re yo u leave fo r HK. It saves a lo t o f time and makes things a lo t easier. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 20 48. 53. EXPENSES: Ho w much spending mo ney FOR THE ENTIRE SEMESTER wo uld yo u reco mmend that the next participants budget fo r this pro gram? # Answe r Min Value Max Value Ave rage Value St andard De viat io n 1 General (including fo o d, entertainment, lo cal transpo rtatio n) 2 Ho using/rent 0 .0 0 15,0 0 0 .0 0 2,6 10 .0 0 3,175.22 40 0 .0 0 5,0 0 0 .0 0 9 6 0 .0 0 3 General travel during semester 9 6 3.0 8 8 0 0 .0 0 15,0 0 0 .0 0 2,6 6 0 .0 0 3,0 9 9 .30 4 5 Bo o ks & miscellaneo us supplies 0 .0 0 2,0 0 0 .0 0 257.50 426 .21 Other expenditures (please explain) 0 .0 0 2,0 0 0 .0 0 175.0 0 49 4.0 4 Ot he r e xpe ndit ure s (ple ase e xplain) Sho pping, pho ne, lo st/sto len stuff sho pping sho pping 49. 54. Did yo u experience any fo rm o f crime, o r were yo u in danger at any time (such as the victim o r witness o f assault, ro bbery, etc.)? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse no My pho ne was sto len during an exam. no No No No No No pe Yes. My Blackberry was sto len while I was o ut in LKF o n the night o f the Rugby Sevens (a very cro wded night). I was with a gro up o f abo ut 15 o ther exchange students in a club, and within an ho ur, my pho ne as well as 2 o ther girls' smartpho nes were sto len fro m o ur purses. No ne o f the pho nes were reco vered. My wallet was also sto len while in LKF during the day (2 pm) while I was sho pping. It was taken o ut o f my purse as I was sho pping, and I had just taken o ut mo ney fro m an ATM in the nearby subway (I feel that the pickpo cket might have seen me and fo llo wed me). No . Ho ng Ko ng is very safe. Yeah we go t ro bbed in Thailand. Do n't trust cab drivers at 7 am. No LKF, the bar area, so me pho nes/wallets were sto len. Just be careful and watch o ut. No . No No , very safe city N/A N/A No , HK is o ne o f the safest cities in the wo rld St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 50. 55. Befo re departure fro m USC, o r upo n immediate arrival to yo ur ho st co untry, do yo u think yo u were adequately warned and/o r prepared to deal with mo st incidents mentio ned in the Health and Safety sectio n o f this evaluatio n? T e xt Re spo nse yes Yes. yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 51. 56 . If yo u did no t feel adequately prepared (respo nse to questio n #55), what do yo u think yo u needed to kno w o r hear in advance? Ho w co uld yo u have been better info rmed and/o r prepared? T e xt Re spo nse N/A n/a NA I felt I was adequately prepared. NA n/a n/a N/A N/A N/A N/A St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 13 52. 57. Were yo u kno wledgeable abo ut yo ur USC o verseas insurance co verage po licy? T e xt Re spo nse adequately kno wledgeable No t really. no Yes So mewhat - I knew it was SOS, but I did no t read the email abo ut ho w to use it, sho w pro o f o f insurance, etc. Yes Yes Yes, Sean go t it all Adequately Yes Yes Yes So mewhat. Be sure to sign up fo r the HK insurance to o in additio n to the USC po licy that yo u have. Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes So mewhat St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 53. 58 . Did yo u experience any negative treatment that yo u feel was related to yo ur ethnicity, race, natio nal o rigin, gender, sexual o rientatio n, o r religio n? If yes, please explain: T e xt Re spo nse no No . no No No No No no pe, Ho ng Ko ng is mo re westernized that I tho ught Yes. So me o f the lo cal students were very unwilling to mingle with the exchange students. Many o f the lo cals were also unfriendly because o f language differences. No No No no No . No No No , but there is a general dislike fo r tho se fro m Mainland China. Speaking Mandarin is o ften lo o ked do wn upo n. No , but mo re traditio nal Canto nese fo lks o ccasio nally lo o ks do wn upo n fo reigners and will mutter things under their breaths. Cultural difference. No St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 54. 59 . What was the best part o f the pro gram? T e xt Re spo nse peo ple yo u meet and traveling The new friends and experiences to gether with them. the peo ple! Meeting o ther students fro m all aro und the wo rld. Do I really have to pick just o ne part? The best part o f the pro gram was being able to meet peo ple fro m different places. Meeting peo ple fro m so many different places and explo ring Ho ng Ko ng, China, and o ther parts o f Asia with them. The so cial experience was as valuable o r mo re so than the educatio nal experience. I really grew as a perso n. Ho use o ne is the best :) Meeting o ther exchange students bo th inside and o utside class. Also , jo ining my scho o l's judo team and befriending the o ther athletes and co aches. The nightlife and fo o d were also great! The peo ple that yo u meet all o ver the wo rld. I hung o ut with mainly Euro peans and the Euro peans that are in Ho ng Ko ng are quite o pen minded because they went to Asia. So me Euro peans that study abro ad in Euro pe are no t as o pen because they are so clo se to ho me but because everyo ne is so far everyo ne beco mes so clo se. Traveling All the friends that I made. fo o d, friends, travel Being with a huge gro up o f exchange students in a fo reign co untry. We became a family. Met many great peo ple fro m aro und the wo rld. - Being part o f a tight-knit gro up o f 30 0 internatio nal students fro m all o ver the wo rld, all o f who m have similar interests and go als fo r the experience. - Building lifelo ng relatio nships with these future best friends, partners, business partners, co -wo rkers, etc. - Having the o ppo rtunity to travel to and explo re new cultures Immersing yo urself in a co mpletely different culture, meeting amazing peo ple, and travelling to such incredible places Meeting new peo ple fro m all different backgro unds and being able to access all o f Ho ng Ko ng easily within a few ho urs by public transit. Living in o ne o f the best cities in the wo rld. Meeting great peo ple and making new friends, the campus is also beautiful St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 55. 6 0 . What was the mo st difficult part? T e xt Re spo nse lack o f mexican fo o d Passing the classes. leaving Trying to beco me friends with the lo cal students. Classes. Definitely. The mo st difficult part was adjusting to the new culture during the first few weeks. Getting adjusted in the first few days was difficult. No t kno wing anyo ne and feeling ho mesick was hard. Adjusting to the awful ho using... and also dealing with the language and cultural barrier at scho o l and in to wn. Leaving... Scho o l At first, it was the ho t and humid weather. I also missed Mexican fo o d. leaving Being away fro m my friends in LA and kno wing that their lives wo uld be co ntinuing witho ut me. - Adapting to a co untry that places very different emphases o n wo rk ethics, life go als, and career passio ns Saying go o dbye to such an amazing experience Adapting to the lo cal culture in terms o f academics. Students are very driven by numbers and grades. Grade curves therefo re wo rk unfavo rably fo r exchange students. Co mpetitio n in the classro o m is very intense. Mino r cultural differences. Dealing with inefficient/po intless po licies ie. no visito rs in the do rm building past 11PM St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 56. 6 1. Describe a situatio n that yo u experienced as a result o f culture sho ck o r cultural misunderstanding. Ho w did yo u reso lve it? T e xt Re spo nse many co untries that i traveled to misto o k me as a lo cal. enco uraged me to pick up key phrases such as "i do n't understand" and "thank yo u" I tho ugh the typical lo cal students do n't like the exchange students as much, so I left it at that and didn't try to get to kno w them as much. But actually, they're just really shy and it's hard to co mmunicate with peo ple that speak English really well. They actually came up to me and my friend but o nly after the last final to tell us ho w much they enjo yed us in their class. The misunderstanding was that I tho ught they didn't like us because we weren't fro m Ho ng Ko ng, but it's just that they like to stay in their co mfo rt zo ne. n/a I didn't experience any culture sho ck, Ho ng Ko ng is a very westernized city. I didn't have any particular cultural misunderstanding. Every day at o ne o f the student canteens I had to deal with a waitress who didn't understand English and co uldn't take my o rder. I simply let her bring me whatever fo o d she suggested. It was usually go o d. Ordering fo o d in the cafeteria was very hard at first. Almo st no ne o f the fo o d service wo rkers spo ke any English, so the exchange students who did no t speak Canto nese had to rely o n charades and po inting, which o ften caused the wo rkers to beco me frustrated and rude. Taxi driver in LKF went after us because he tho ught we were skipping the bill but we just wanted to go get MCD. He came after us in MCD and started yelling and no o ne wo uld help us because we didn't speak Canto nese. The co ps came and we had to deal with them as well. One o f them saw o ur friends with a star o f david o n his neck and asked him if he was a jew (literally what he said). My friend go t so angry but we stayed co o l and we to o k ano ther cab back. So be kind to yo ur cab drivers and do n't o verreact to po lice o fficers. n/a Didn't really have o ne. Just do n't be a fo o l and have so me manners. no ne The menu at the cafeteria was eno rmo us. I never knew what to o rder and every time lo cal students wo uld be eating a meal, it wo uld lo o k tasty, but when I o rdered so mething, it didn't seem to match up to the o ther students' meals. So , I to o k a pho to o f the menu and studied it at ho me to see what I was missing. Also , I asked my lo cal student friends fro m class to see what they o rdered at the cafeteria. N/A A lo t o f the time it wo uld be the language barrier as it wo uld get difficult to have o thers understand exactly what yo u mean. But as lo ng as yo u use simple wo rds and stay patient its no t to o bad. Keeping up with lo cal students was extremely difficult in the classro o m in terms o f academics. Just had to study harder and put in mo re effo rts to at least keep up. Trying to o pen a bank acco unt o n campus sho uld no t take 3 trips to the bank, ho using o ffice to get pro o f that I live o n campus, and my do rm ro o m (to pick up my passpo rt since a drivers license, debit card, USC ID, and HKUST ID isn't eno ugh). The fo o d was an adjustment fo r me. I knew what I was getting into ahead o f time so it wasn't much o f a culture sho ck, but it was still so mething that I had to deal with. I fo und a Western gro cery sto re which made making meals better. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 57. 6 2. Describe so mething that yo u are pro ud o f having acco mplished during yo ur stay. T e xt Re spo nse go ing to japan I am pro ud to go thro ugh 3 days o f presentatio n, pro ud o f reaching o ut o f my co mfo rt zo ne, pro ud o f traveling to a third wo rld co untry like Cambo dia, pro ud o f learning to make my o wn cho ices and decisio ns. Bro ke o ut o f shell and met new peo ple To have branched o ut and made friends with peo ple fro m all aro und the wo rld and no t just USC o r the US. I am pro ud o f the fact that I was able to make a lo t o f new friends and meet a lo t o f different peo ple. Traveling to Vietnam was an acco mplishment fo r me, I do ubt that many peo ple my age have been to this co untry o r go tten the Vietnamese perspective o f the Vietnam War. Making friends with so me lo cal students I co mpeted in a lo cal judo to urnament. Being independent. Seeing india Passing my classes, hiking a trail, go ing surfing, making friends, traveling to o ther co untries, netwo rking, eating sco rpio n, keeping up with my blo g, no t being a ho mebo dy... the things yo u can acco mplish are endless. Yo u just go tta live. Met friends I ho pe to kno w fo r life. Stepping o ut o f my co mfo rt zo ne and making friends with 30 0 exchange students! And fo r learning a few Canto nese phrases. And fo r getting thro ugh a semester witho ut initially kno wing anyo ne in a part o f Ho ng Ko ng I had never seen befo re. Pushing myself to meet as many exchange and lo cal students o n campus as po ssible and no t clo sing myself o ff in any stro ng clique thro ugho ut the duratio n o f the semester. This allo wed me to beco me go o d friends with peo ple fro m vario us backgro unds/cultures/life sto ries and build a stro ng glo bal netwo rk o f lifelo ng friends. Being able to navigate aro und the city and getting familiar with the area Traveling to o ther co untries, especially tho se I may no t have the chance to again in the future. Traveling takes a lo t o f planning, time and energy and yo u feel acco mplished after successfully co mpleting yo ur travel plans. Learning even mo re abo ut myself and building so lid relatio nships with my pro fesso rs. Learning mo re abo ut myself thro ugho ut the semester and finding o ut whats impo rtant to me. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 58. 6 3. What do yo u wish yo u had kno wn abo ut befo re leaving? T e xt Re spo nse getting a chinese multi-entry visa (tho ugh this may have been difficult o nly because the o lympics) I wish I knew that I co uld teach English fo r a bit o f mo ney while I was there, because the few ho urs a week wo uld have helped me fro m running o ut o f mo ney every so o ften. that time wo uld past so fast I wish I had better researched o ther So uth-East Asian co untries so I knew where I wanted to travel to . Get a student status o cto pus card ASAP! It saves yo u a lo t o f mo ney! I wish I wo uld have go ne to mo re cultural sites. I wish I wo uld've had so me reviews o f teachers and co urses at HKUST. Mo re canto nese maybe I wish I had kno wn that the weather wo uld be so different than I had expected (granted, this year was apparently a very o dd weather year fo r Ho ng Ko ng). It was FREEZING when I go t there in February, which was surprising, and bo iling when I left, which was no t surprising. Mo st o f the exchange students had no t bro ught eno ugh warm clo thes fo r the first two mo nths o f co ld weather. To live in Hall 6 its so much better! No thing its better no t kno wing anything That time wo uld go by super fast. cell pho ne plan: get 3, cheap and easy, many peo ple have it. Ho w lo ng it takes to get to the city. Ho w to purchase the cheapest and best Ho ng Ko ng SIM card. Do extensive research fo r yo ur pho ne befo re yo u depart. That HK is pretty co ld and rainy in Jan-Apr English isn't as pro minently spo ken o r understo o d as much as I had previo usly tho ught. Also , peo ple lo o k do wn o n Mandarin speakers/Mainlanders a lo t mo re than I had assumed. Lo o k up a map o f the campus!!! If yo u land at night, it'll be ho rrendo us navigating in the dark. The scho o l basically has 4 tiers, all separated by 10 + flo o rs/huge flights o f stairs. The fro nt o f the scho o l where the sundial statue is the to p flo o r. The do rms are all the way at the bo tto m by seafro nt. Get dro pped o ff at seafro nt with yo ur luggage. Also , be patient with the scho o l's system it's quite autho ritarian. Get a student Octo pus card asap (half o ff transpo rtatio n fairs). If yo u're o pening a bank acco unt o n campus, email the ho using o ffice first fo r them to co py a piece o f paper fo r pro o f that yo u live o n campus (apparently just sho wing up and asking them make a co py o f the slip o f paper is unacceptable), pick that up, and bring yo ur passpo rt and pho to ID to the bank. Ho w expensive Ho ng Ko ng was. St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 59. 6 4. Do yo u have any travel tips to share? T e xt Re spo nse pack o ne bag. check the weather. bo o k ho stels but remember to be flexible. do n't do a to ur unless yo u want to see many places in a sho rt amo unt o f time. do as much research o n yo ur o wn...yo u get a lo t mo re o ut o f it. try to bo o k flights early and travel agents give a pretty go o d rate. It's better to travel in smaller gro ups o f 5-7 rather than 11-13 because it's much easier to co o rdinate that way. Plan early and ahead rather than last minute. be aware o f yo ur surro undings Have an o pen mind and get o ut o f yo ur co mfo rt zo ne! m, Zujiairlines are a co uple o f the cheaper o nline sites fo r tickets. Ho stelwo m fo r go o d ho stels - trust tho se reviews =) Plan o ut yo ur trips and make sure yo u kno w what yo u want to do so yo u do no t waste any time. Get a multiple entry Chinese visa in the United States befo re yo u go to Ho ng Ko ng because it is mo re difficult in Ho ng Ko ng. Do yo ur research and stay in ho stels instead o f ho tels. If yo u can find safe, reputable ho stels, yo u can save a LOT o f mo ney. I stayed at a clean, safe ho stel in Singapo re with fo ur o ther girls fo r $11/perso n/night. Get a backpack its very easy to travel with. Get exit ro w seats Do anything and everything yo u want to do . Yo u never kno w if yo u'll be back there again. plan and bo o k early! Packages can seem cheaper, but yo u have to be careful abo ut the fine print. Make sure yo u kno w everything abo ut the deal befo re yo u co nfirm. Use Zuji to identify which airline o ffers the cheapest flight to yo ur travel destinatio n, but bo o k the actual ticket o n the airline's website. Pack light Plan ahead as much as po ssible. Make sure yo ur visas are in o rder and o rder any visas ahead o f time (China especially since it is very expensive in Ho ng Ko ng). Bring eno ugh mo ney just in case yo ur bo o kings fo r flights, ho tels, etc fall thro ugh. Even if I am Taiwanese, this statement isn't biased when I say all my exchanged friends abso lutely LOVED Taipei fo r street fo o ds, night markets, night life, nature, and the o verall culture o f genuinely nice peo ple everywhere. Cambo dia is incredibly eye o pening with the mo st po lite and kind so uls, check o ut Angko r Wat and the Flo ating Village at Siem Reap and try the banana pancakes (mo re like crepes). Perso nally no t the biggest fan o f Vietnam. If yo u make a trip to Bali, go do wn to Jimbara, which is far less to uristy than Kuta, yo u'd get to experience the true Balinese lifestyle o f utter relaxatio n, mo peds, surfing, lo cal eats, and pristine beaches. Thailand is pretty co o l fo r the Full Mo o n party, go to the weekend market and Grand Palace in Bangko k to o . Travel as much as yo u want but also stay aro und HK to o . St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 60. 6 5. What wo uld yo u like to say to the students go ing after yo u? T e xt Re spo nse enjo y it! just jump in and be ready to be immersed in a very diverse culture and fo o ds. try everything since yo u never kno w when the next time yo u can try balo t o r spider o r go bungee jumping will be and yo u will regret no t at least trying. travel and try to meet peo ple o utside o f the US...this is definitely no t a time fo r co mfo rt zo nes. Have the time o f yo ur life! n/a To make sure that yo u explo re Ho ng Ko ng and immerse yo urself in the culture. Enjo y! Remember to plan o ut all yo u want to do and no t leave it to the end. Have a great time and be o pen to all the new things yo u will experience. Do n't ever turn do wn an adventure, but stay o n to p o f scho o lwo rk. Enjo y all the activities that the so cieties o ffer If yo u are go ing to Ho ng Ko ng, try to learn at least a little Canto nese, even tho ugh English is widely spo ken. It is VERY helpful! And be o pen minded abo ut trying new fo o ds. Have fun it will be the best time o f yo ur life. Be o pen to peo ple and try to make as many friends as po ssible. Because o f my friends I was able to go to Euro pe and stay at their place and no w they are co ming to LA to visit me. Go in with no expectatio ns. Have fun! Yo u're very lucky and I envy yo u. :( Have a blast and make many friends and memo ries. Do n't wo rry, everything will be the same when yo u get back. Go nuts! HAVE FUN! Enjo y every mo ment! Challenge yo urself and take risks, make new friends and mo st o f all enjo y yo urself thro ugho ut the jo urney. Studying abro ad is the best and so metimes the o nly time o f yo ur life to explo re and try new things, find undisco vered passio ns, and learn new things abo ut yo urself IF yo u're willing to put yo urself o ut there and have a great attitude abo ut yo ur experience. Enter the pro gram having the right mindset, and set a realistic go al fo r yo urself to have no regrets. This will be by far o ne o f the best semesters o f yo ur life so have fun, embrace all the challenges, and be o pen-minded Ho ng Ko ng is an amazing co untry especially fo r co llege students. There is so much to do and see and access to o ther co untries is extremely easy and cheap since Ho ng Ko ng is a travel hub. Ho wever, be prepared fo r a to ugh academic semester as students are very academically driven and will no t sto p at anything to make sure their sco res are high and grades are to p. Make the best o f yo ur time! It's go ing to fly by. Explo re the city as much as po ssible. There's a lo t to do and disco ver St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19 61. 6 6 . Any final tho ughts... T e xt Re spo nse no matter what...i already envy yo u. :). hkust is o ne o f the best campuses in HK (view o f the bay) and a fun maze to explo re. ENJOY! It was pro bably the best semester o f my life and the best decisio n I have ever made. n/a No ne n/a I really enjo yed my trip and wish I didn't have to go back to LA fo r my final semester. I will definitely return to Ho ng Ko ng. I grew so much as a perso n and feel that this was the mo st valuable experience o f my entire life. Have fun fo r the future exchange, HKUST has a really nice campus! have fun! I lo ve study abro ad! GO TO HONG KONG!!!!! Yo u can go to a vacatio n in Euro pe with yo ur family. China is a o nce in a lifetime thing. I want to go again. Please. I wish I co uld be yo u! Anyo ne who has the o ppo rtunity to go abro ad sho uld take it. If yo u have even a slight interest in studying abro ad, do it befo re yo ur seco nd tho ught tells yo u no t to , no matter yo ur financial situatio n. If necessary, take a lo an fro m a family member o r friend so yo u can make this "best experience o f yo ur life" happen. If yo u budget wisely, yo u will actually save mo ney studying abro ad in Ho ng Ko ng than living in LA fo r a semester because o f the mo ney yo u save fro m ho using ($8 0 0 USD/semester at HKUST), fo o d/drinks, entertainment, etc. Take lo ts o f pictures! One o f the best lo catio ns to study abro ad in my o pinio n. Enjo y yo urselves :) My semester abro ad was an unfo rgettable experience that I wish I co uld do o ver again. Enjo y and live it up! St at ist ic To tal Respo nses Value 19