Slide 1 Quantum Mechanics: the Practice Slide 2 Reminder: Electrons As Waves Wavelength • momentum = Planck ? λ•p=h ( h = 6.6 x 10-34 J s ) The wave is an excitation (a vibration): We need to know the amplitude of the excitation at every point and at every instant r Ψ = Ψ (r , t ) Slide 3 Wave Mechanics r r r h2 2 r ∂Ψ (r , t ) − ∇ Ψ ( r , t ) + V ( r , t ) Ψ ( r , t ) = ih 2m ∂t r r Ψ (r , t ) = ψ ( r ) f (t ) r r 1 h2 2 r 1 ∂f (t ) ∇ ψ (r ) + V (r )ψ (r ) = ih r − f ∂t ψ (r ) 2m h2 2 r r r ∇ + V (r )ψ (r ) = Eψ (r ) − 2m Slide 4 Stationary Schroedinger’s equation (a) (b) h2 2 r r r ∇ + V (r )ψ (r ) = Eψ (r ) − 2m 2 h Hˆ = Tˆ + Vˆ = − ∇ 2 + Vˆ 2m r r Hˆ ψ (r ) = Eψ (r ) •It’s not proven – it’s postulated, and it is confirmed experimentally •It’s an eigenvalue equation •Boundary conditions (and regularity) must be specified Slide 5 Interpretation of the Quantum Wavefunction r Ψ (r , t ) 2 is the probability of finding an electron in r and t r r r If V=V(r) , it’s separable: Ψ ( r , t ) = ψ ( r ) f (t ) = ψ ( r ) exp(− i Et ) h Remember the free particle, and the principle of indetermination:if the momentum is perfectly known, the position is perfectly unknown r r r Ψ (r , t ) = A exp[i (k • r − ωt )] Slide 6 Infinite Square Well Slide 7 Finite Square Well Slide 8 A Central Potential (e.g. the Nucleus) r h2 2 ∇ + V (r ) Hˆ = − 2µ ∇2 = ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 + + ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 1 1 h2 1 ∂ 2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂2 Hˆ = − r + 2 sin ϑ + 2 2 2 + V (r ) 2 µ r ∂r ∂r r sin ϑ ∂ϑ ∂ϑ r sin ϑ ∂ϕ 2 r ψ Elm (r ) = RElm (r )Ylm (ϑ , ϕ ) h 2 d 2 2 d l (l + 1)h 2 2 + + + V (r ) REl (r ) = E REl (r ) − 2 r dr 2 µr 2µ dr Slide 9 Solutions in a Coulomb Potential: the Radial Wavefunctions Slide 10 Solutions in a Coulomb Potential: the Periodic Table 5 d orbital Slide 11 <Bra|kets> r ψ = ψ (r ) =| ψ > r r r < ψ i | ψ j >= ∫ψ i* (r )ψ j (r ) dr = δ ij r h2 r r r < ψ i | Hˆ | ψ i >= ∫ψ i* (r ) − + V (r )ψ i (r ) dr = Ei 2m Slide 12 Variational Principle < φ | Hˆ | φ > E [φ ] = < φ |φ > E [φ ] ≥ E0 Slide 13 Electrons and Nuclei Hˆ = Tˆe + Vˆe −e + VˆN − N + Vˆe − N r r r r Hˆ ψ (r1 ,..., rn ) = Etotψ (r1 ,..., rn ) •We treat only the electrons as quantum particles, in the field of the fixed (or slowly varying) nuclei •This is generically called the adiabatic or BornOppenheimer approximation Slide 14 Two-electron atom 1 2 1 2 Z Z r r 1 r r − ∇1 − ∇ 2 − − + r r ψ (r1 , r2 ) = Eψ (r1 , r2 ) 2 r1 r2 | r1 − r2 | 2 Slide 15 Energy of a collection of atoms • VN-N: electrostatic nucleus-nucleus repulsion • Te: quantum kinetic energy of the electrons • Ve-N: electrostatic electron-nucleus attraction (electrons in the field of all the nuclei) • Ve-e: electron-electron interactions 1 Tˆe = − ∑ ∇ i2 2 i ( ) r r Vˆe − N = ∑ ∑ V RI − ri i I 1 Vˆe −e = ∑∑ r r i j >i | ri − r j | Slide 16 Mean-field approach • Independent particle model (Hartree): each electron moves in an effective potential, representing the attraction of the nuclei and the AVERAGE EFFECT of the repulsive interactions of the other electrons • This average repulsion is the electrostatic repulsion of the average charge density of all other electrons Slide 17 Hartree Equations r r 1 2 r 2 r r r 1 − ∇ i + ∑ I V ( RI − ri ) + ∑ ∫ | ϕ j (r j ) | r r dr j ϕ i (ri ) = ε ϕ i (ri ) | r j − ri | j ≠i 2 r r r r r ψ (r1 ,..., rn ) = ϕ1 (r1 ) ϕ 2 (r2 ) Lϕ n (rn ) •The Hartree equations can be obtained directly from the variational principle, once the search is restricted to the many-body wavefunctions that are written – as above – as the product of single orbitals (i.e. we are working with independent electrons) Slide 18 The self-consistent field • The single-particle Hartree operator is selfconsistent ! I.e., it depends in itself on the orbitals that are the solution of all other Hartree equations • We have n simultaneous integro-differential equations for the n orbitals • Solution is achieved iteratively Slide 19 Iterations to self-consistency • Initial guess at the orbitals • Construction of all the operators • Solution of the single-particle pseudoSchrodinger equations • With this new set of orbitals, construct the Hartree operators again • Iterate the procedure until it (hopefully) converges Slide 20 Spin-Statistics • All elementary particles are either fermions (half-integer spins) or bosons (integer) • A set of identical (indistinguishable) fermions has a wavefunction that is antisymmetric by exchange r r r r r r r r r ψ (r1 , r2 ,..., rj ,..., rk ,..., rn ) = −ψ (r1 , r2 ,..., rk ,..., rj ,..., rn ) • For bosons it is symmetric Slide 21 Slater determinant • An antisymmetric wavefunction is constructed via a Slater determinant of the individual orbitals (instead of just a product, as in the Hartree approach) r r r r ψ (r1 , r2 ,..., rn ) = r r ϕα (r1 ) ϕ β (r1 ) L ϕν (r1 ) r r r 1 ϕα (r2 ) ϕ β (r2 ) L ϕν (r2 ) n! M M O M r r r ϕα (rn ) ϕ β (rn ) L ϕν (rn ) Slide 22 Pauli principle • If two states are identical, the determinant vanishes (I.e. we can’t have two electrons in the same quantum state) Slide 23 Hartree-Fock Equations •The Hartree-Fock equations are, again, obtained from the variational principle: we look for the minimum of the many-electron Schroedinger equation in the class of all wavefunctions that are written as a single Slater determinant r r r 1 2 − 2 ∇ i + ∑ V ( RI −ri ) ϕ λ (ri ) + I r r r 1 * r ∑ ∫ ϕ µ (rj ) r r ϕ µ ( rj ) drj ϕ λ (ri ) − | rj − ri | µ 1 r r r r r ∑µ ∫ ϕ µ (r ) | rr − rr | ϕ λ (r )dr ϕ µ (r ) = ε ϕ λ (r ) * j j j r i r j ψ (r1 ,..., rn ) = Slater i i Slide 24 Density-functional Theory • Conceptually very different from Hartree-Fock – variational principle on the charge density • In practice, equations have the same form, but for the exchange energy – obtained from the density, not the wavefunctions • It’s exact in principle, but approximate in practice: different forms for the exchange-correlation density: LDA, GGA, hybrids (Hartree-Fock exchange + density-functional correlations)