An Institute of Physics report | January 2010 Survey of Academic Appointments in Physics 2004–2008 United Kingdom and Ireland Contents Contents Executive summary 1 1: Introduction 1.1:Aims and objectives 1.2:Parts of the survey 1.3:Acknowledgements 3 3 3 3 List of figures 4 List of tables 5 2: The data-gathering process 2.1:Methodology 2.2:The survey form 2.3:Quality of the data 7 7 7 7 3: Analysis of the current situation 3.1:Departmental-level view 3.2:Research-group-level view 8 8 10 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years 4.1:Arriving staff 4.2:Departing staff 4.3:Net movements 12 12 14 16 5: Concluding comments 18 Appendix A: Republic of Ireland 19 Appendix B: Survey form 22 Appendix C: Participating UK departments 27 Appendix D: Charts for UK physics research areas 28 Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 i Executive summary Executive summary the UK, 47 of a possible 48 physics departments (i.e. those with a In significant proportion of physics academics) participated in this survey. In the Republic of Ireland, eight of 11 departments responded – these results are presented separately in Appendix A. l Just over 1850 academics are engaged in physics research as reported by UK physics departments. Of this total, 88% are male and 12% are female. These figures compare with a 91:9% gender ratio in the previous (2004) survey. l 74% of the total staff numbers are experimentalists, 26% are theoreticians. l The overall breakdown by academic grade is as follows: 32% are professors, 27% are readers/senior lecturers, 18% are lecturers, 11% are research fellows, and the remaining 12% are university teachers/teaching fellows, experimental officers and other staff. (Postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, technical and administrative staff, and visiting academics were excluded from the survey.) l The three most populated of the defined “physics research areas” are: astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics (23% of the total community); high energy and particle physics (15%); and surfaces, interfaces and materials (9%). l Over the five-year survey period since the last survey, 268 staff departed and 499 arrived – a net gain of 231 staff members, representing some 12% of the current community. l The physics research areas gaining most staff members over the five-year survey period were astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics (net gain of 60 individuals), and high energy and particle physics (51). l As a percentage of the total staff headcount within that research area, biophysics and biological physics has seen the largest increase with a net gain of 15 staff members (30% of its current community). l Within the most populated academic grades (professors, readers/senior lecturers, lecturers and research fellows) the split across nationalities is approximately the same, with 43–48% of staff from the UK, 32–40% from the EU and 16–20% non-EU. l The most common reason for staff departing remains retirement (119 = 44% of the total), although female staff members only account for one of these 119 retirements. Moving to another academic post accounted for the second largest group of departures with just over 30% of both male and female staff. l Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 1 1: Introduction 1: Introduction 1.1: Aims and objectives changes in staff numbers in each of those key research areas over the survey period to determine which areas have gained and lost staff. The available data set is then examined more closely to offer a detailed description of the age, gender, grade and experimental/theoretical profile of those leaving and arriving. This report covers departments in the UK – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The results for the Republic of Ireland are presented in Appendix A. The previous survey in this series was conducted throughout 2004 and published as the Survey of Academic Appointments in Physics 1999–2004 – United Kingdom & Ireland in February 2005 ( activity/policy/Publications/file_4148.pdf). This sur1.2: Parts of the survey The first part of this survey provides a snapshot of the vey was based on an earlier briefing paper published UK physics community at the survey’s reference date in November 1999, entitled Physics Statistics 3: New (1 December 2008) followed, in the second part, by a Academic Appointments. summary of the changes to the staff complement since the last survey in 2004 – a survey period of five years. 1.3: Acknowledgements The snapshot is provided in section 3, which presents This survey would not have been possible without aggregated data for all departments indicating the staff the input of a large number of heads of department, numbers at each academic grade. This is followed by a departmental secretaries, departmental administrabreakdown of these numbers by research area in terms tors and other support staff. Their efforts and willing of grade, gender and experimental/theoretical divide. co-operation in obtaining the data presented are grateThese numbers all relate to the reference date. This sec- fully acknowledged. The results of this survey refer to tion includes, where appropriate, brief comparison with staff in standard academic departments – specialist and the same data sets from the 2004 survey. cross-­disciplinary research units of a quasi-­independent The second part, covered in section 4, presents the nature are not within the scope of this report. Following two previous surveys carried out in 1999 and 2004, the Institute of Physics commissioned this survey to determine the current state of the academic physics community in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Its objectives were three-fold: ●● to establish the current breakdown of the community in terms of gender, grade and research activity, and compare this with previous surveys; ●● to discover the movements into and out of the community over the last five years; and ●● to help inform policy activities of the Institute. Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 3 List of figures List of figures 4 Figure 1: Breakdown by academic grade at departmental level 8 Figure 2: Comparison of overall breakdown by academic grade, 2008 vs 2004 8 Figure 3: Breakdown of each academic grade by gender 8 Figure 4: Breakdown of total staff complement by gender 9 Figure 5: Comparison of gender breakdown across all grades, 2008 vs 2004 9 Figure 6: Staff percentages by research area 10 Figure 7: Arriving staff across academic grades 12 Figure 8: Nationalities of arriving staff by academic grade 14 Figure 9: Departing staff by academic grade 14 Figure 10: Net staff movements by research area 17 Figure 11: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by academic grade 19 Figure 12: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by research area 20 Figure 13: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by research area (2004) 20 Figure 14: Republic of Ireland – net staff movements by research area 20 Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 List of tables List of tables Table 1: Aggregate data for all UK physics departments 8 Table 2: Female staff percentage – comparison with other subjects 9 Table 3: Total staff numbers per physics research area in descending order, 2008 vs 2004 9 Table 4: Staff per research area by grade, gender and experimental/theoretical profile 11 Table 5: Gender divide between experimentalists and theoreticians, 2008 vs 2004 10 Table 6: Arriving staff by academic grade 12 Table 7: Average age on arrival by academic grade 12 Table 8: Arriving staff by research area, experiment/theory and gender 13 Table 9: Nationalities of arriving staff by academic grade 14 Table 10: Departing staff by academic grade 14 Table 11: Reasons for departure 14 Table 12: Departing staff by research area, experiment/theory and gender 15 Table 13: Net staff movements by research area 16 Table 14: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by academic grade 19 Table 15: Republic of Ireland – experimental/theoretical breakdown by academic grade 19 Table 16: Republic of Ireland – arrivals and departures by academic grade 20 Table 17: Republic of Ireland – arrivals and departures by research area 21 Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 5 2: The data-gathering process 2: The data-gathering process 2.1: Methodology or theoreticians – on the last characteristic, departments were asked to make their own judgement in each case and no definitions were offered. ●● Section 4: a list of all staff arriving and departing permanently from the department during the survey period, 2004–2008. Staff names were not required but departments were asked to supply details of their academic grade, gender, age at arrival/ 2.2: The survey form departure, reason for departure and their main The survey form (Appendix B) was divided into four secresearch area, including an indication of whether tions: sections 2 and 3 contribute to the first part of the they were experimentalists or theoreticians. survey, section 4 to the second part. ●● Section 1: departmental contact details. 2.3: Quality of the data ●● Section 2: a broad snapshot of staff numbers at Out of a possible 48, 47 relevant UK departments pardepartmental level as of 1 December 2008 in terms ticipated in the survey, which indicates that the results of seven academic grade groupings (professor, can be treated with a reasonably high level of confireader and senior lecturer, lecturer, experimental dence (see Appendix C). For the purposes of completeand senior experimental officer, researcher holding ness, approximate figures for the non-participating a personal fellowship, university teacher/teaching department have been obtained from the departmental fellow, temporary academic staff) and gender. website for section 3 only (departmental and research●● Section 3: a more detailed breakdown by research level staff numbers). No data were made available for area (according to a defined set of broad research this department for section 4 (staff movements). categories) as of 1 December 2008 in terms of the Newcastle University no longer has a physics departsix academic grades, gender and an indication of ment and as such did not participate in this survey. whether staff members were mainly experimentalists The survey was carried out entirely by e-mail. No departmental visits were conducted and no corroborative evidence was sought in addition to the raw data provided by each department. The survey was conducted over a period of 10 months; forms were initially sent out in December 2008 and the last completed returns were submitted in October 2009. Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 7 3: Analysis of the current situation 3: Analysis of the current situation Table 1: Aggregate data for all UK physics departments Academic grade Professor Gender (M/F) Absolute numbers M 559.2 F 39.4 Reader and senior lecturer M 434 F 60 Lecturer M 266 F 70 Experimental and senior experimental officer M 123 F 7 Researcher holding a personal fellowship M 175 F 36.5 University teacher (non-research)/ teaching fellow Temporary academic staff M 19.5 F 9 M 49 F 4.5 Total 1852.1 598.6 494 336 Percentage of total 30 2 23 3 14 4 Percentage per grade 32 27 18 7 130 0 2 53.5 1852.1 0 3 0 100 12 lecturers 18% 7 79 readers and SLs 27% 21 5 83 11 1 28.5 88 professors 32% temporary staff 3% teachers/TFs 2% research fellows 11% experimental officers 7% 93 95 7 9 211.5 Figure 1: Breakdown by academic grade at departmental level 17 68 2 32 3 100 Figure 2: Comparison of overall breakdown by academic grade, 2008 vs 2004 professors readers and SLs professors lecturers 92 readers and SLs experimental officers 8 lecturers fellows research experimental officers teachers/TFs 2008 2004 research fellows temporary staff This analysis is divided into two parts: the departmental-level overview and the more detailed research-level view. The first view aggregates the data across all departments in the UK in terms of gender and the following seven academic-grade groupings: 1. Professor 2. Reader and senior lecturer (SL) 3. Lecturer 4. Experimental and senior experimental officer 5. Researcher holding a personal fellowship (e.g. Royal Society or EPSRC) 6. University teacher/teaching fellow (TF) 7. Temporary academic staff teachers/TFs 0% 2008 35% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 2004 temporary staff Figure 3: Breakdown each15% academic grade 0% 5%of 10% 20% 25% 30% professors by gender 35% 93% 7% readers and SLs 88% professors lecturers readers and SLs experimental officers 12% 93% 7% 21% 79% 88% 12% 95% 5% lecturers fellows research 79% 83% experimental officers teachers/TFs 68% research fellows temporary staff 21% 17% 95% 5% 32% 83% 17% 92% 8% teachers/TFs male staff 68% staff 32% female The second view breaks these numbers down into 16 temporary staff 92% 8% “physics research areas” based loosely on the Physics male staff female staff & Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS; www.aip. org/pacs) – and also adds the experimental/­theoretical dimension to each gender within each grade for all of departments. Of this total, 1626 (88%) are male and the 16 research areas. 226 are female (12%). This compares with a 91:9% gender split as reported in the previous (2004) survey. 3.1: Departmental-level view Table 1 presents the breakdown of the academic Section 2 of the survey form was used to collect data for grades by gender in terms of absolute numbers and this departmental-level overview of the UK physics com- percentages; percentages are given both as a propormunity. The total staff number engaged in researching tion of the total staff number, 1852, and as a proportion and teaching physics on the reference date (1 Decem- of the staff numbers within each grade. ber 2008) was 1852 as reported by the UK physics For example, the 559 male and 39 female profes- 8 Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 3: Analysis of the current situation Table 3: Total staff numbers per physics research area in descending order, 2008 vs 2004 Figure 4: Breakdown of total staff complement by gender Research area professors readers and SLs professors lecturers readers and SLs experimental officers lecturers research fellows experimental officers teachers/TFs research fellows temporary staff teachers/TFs 0% temporary staff 10% 20% 40% 60% male staff 20% 40% 80% 100% 60% 80% 100% female staff Table 2: Female staff percentage – comparison with other subjects % female staff, all subjects (2006/2007)1 % female staff in physics (current survey) Professor 17 7 Senior lecturer 37 12 Lecturer 47 21 Researcher 46 17 1 Physics staff statistics – draft report prepared for the Institute of Physics, February 2009, People Science & Policy Ltd. sors represent 30% and 2%, respectively, of the overall total but 93% and 7%, respectively, within the professorial grade. (Percentages are given to the nearest whole number.) The overall total of 1852 obtained here compares well with the total headcount of 1731 of Category A staff across all UK institutions in unit of assessment 19 (physics) in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE; The latter figure is lower because not all academic staff will have been taken into consideration within the RAE, and some staff members within physics departments will have entered other units of assessment. At this stage we can briefly compare the results of the of Rank Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 432.1 23.3 1 19.2 1 High energy and particle physics 278.2 15.0 2 11.2 2 171 9.2 3 7.3 6 131.7 7.1 4 9.2 3 116 6.3 5 3.7 10 Semiconductors 110.9 6.0 6 8.4 4 Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 107.1 5.8 7 7.5 5 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity 103.9 5.6 8 4.6 8 Atomic and molecular physics 96 5.2 9 6.6 7 Nuclear physics 70 3.8 10 3.3 11 University teacher (non-research) 51.5 2.8 11 3.8 9 Biophysics and biological physics 50 2.7 12 1.9 13 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 40 2.2 13 1.9 14 Plasma physics 38.5 2.1 14 2.4 12 Medical physics 14.7 0.8 15 1.6 15 Electrical and electronic physics 9 0.5 16 0.9 16 Thermal physics and fluid dynamics 2 0.1 17 0.3 17 Other 29 1.6 N/A 5.9 N/A Total 1851.6 100 Optics and lasers female staff male staff Survey % Soft condensed matter readers and SLs 2004 2008 professors 20082004 lecturers 2004 2008 readers and SLs experimental officers 20082004 2004 2008 lecturers 20082004 research fellows 2004 experimental officers 2008 20082004 teachers/TFs 2004 2008 research fellows 20082004 temporary staff 2004 2008 teachers/TFs 0% 2004 20% 2008 temporary staff 2004 Grade Rank male staff 2008 0% % Surfaces, interfaces and materials 0% 10% 30% across 40% Figure 5: Comparison of gender20% breakdown professors all grades, 20082008 vs 2004 2004 Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute 2004 data Number male staff female staff 30% female staff40% 2008 data present survey and the 2004 survey, as given in figure 2. Note that the overall proportion of staff at the professorial and reader/senior lecturer level has increased, with a fall at all other levels. Further analysis of the changes within this period will be given in section 4. We can again make a brief comparison with the 2004 data, as shown in figure 5. The proportion of female staff has increased substantially at the lecturer (21% vs 10%) and teacher/teaching fellow (32% vs 11%) grades, with small variations at other levels. We can also compare the figures obtained here with similar data across all higher-education subjects, as shown in table 2. Although the percentage of female staff in physics is increasing, there is clearly some ground to cover before the proportion is in line with the average across all subjects. of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 9 3: Analysis of the current situation Figure 6: Staff percentages by research area astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics high energy and particle physics surfaces, interfaces and materials optics and lasers soft condensed matter semiconductors magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity mathematical physics incl. string theory and quantum gravity atomic and molecular physics nuclear physics university teacher (non-research) biophysics and biological physics atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics plasma physics medical physics electrical and electronic physics thermal physics and fluid dynamics other 23.3% 15.0% 9.2% 7.1% 6.3% 6.0% 5.8% 5.6% 5.2% 3.8% 2.8% 2.7% 2.2% 2.1% 0.8% 0.5% 0.1% 0% 1.6% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Table 5: Gender divide between experimentalists and theoreticians, 2008 vs 2004 2008 data 2004 data Staff Percentage Percentage of Percentage Percentage of numbers of total category (E or T) of total category (E or T) Male experimentalists 1201.5 64.9 88.3 67.3 91.2 Female experimentalists 158.5 8.6 11.7 6.5 8.8 Male theoreticians 425.7 23.0 86.6 23.5 89.7 Female theoreticians 65.9 3.6 13.4 2.7 10.3 1851.6 100 Total 100 3.2: Research-group-level view In section 3 of the survey form, departments were asked to allocate staff members to one or more of a defined set of physics research areas. These categories were loosely based on the Physics & Astronomy Classification Scheme. (A number of respondents indicated that the defined research areas originally selected are now out of date. These will be reviewed for the next edition of the survey.) The nature of physics research makes it difficult to categorise researchers within one research area, but for the purposes of this survey staff have generally been 10 Survey of Academic Appointments classified according to the area or group to which they devote the majority of their time. In some cases fractions were used to indicate a split of time across two or more research areas, and these have been included in the totals. Table 3 presents the results of this division into these physics research areas, with the numbers from 2004 included for comparative purposes. The top two ranking research areas remain the same, with astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics; and high energy and particle physics now accounting for more than 35% of the community. Surfaces, interfaces and materials has risen from sixth to third in the rankings, and a poss­ible reason for this is discussed in the concluding comments (section 5). Optics and lasers (third to fourth) occupies the next spot, and soft condensed matter (tenth to fifth) has seen substantial growth. The “other” category at the end of the list covers staff working in research areas including quantum information, acoustics, radiation detection and signal processing. As noted previously, the defined categories are becoming somewhat outdated, and there is justification for the development of a revised list for the next edition of this survey. (For the purposes of direct comparison with previous surveys, both current and revised research categories will be used in the next edition.) Nanoscience and quantum information are two significant research areas specifically highlighted by a number of respondents, and staff members in these areas have typically been allocated to surfaces, interfaces and materials; and optics and lasers or mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity, respectively, or placed in the other category. The percentage breakdown by research area for 2008 is presented graphically in figure 6. The absolute numbers of staff in each research area, divided by grade, gender and experimental/theoretical profile are given in table 4. Finally in this section, from these data we can also obtain the total numbers of experimentalists and theoreticians by gender, as given in table 5. Considering the relative percentages within each category, we find that female staff members are marginally more likely to be theoreticians than experimentalists. The 2004 percentages are included for comparison, and we can see that the proportion of female staff has increased in both categories over this five-year period. in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 1 0 2 394.5 Electrical and elec… Teacher (non-research) Other 164.7 5 1 0 25.1 13 2 14.5 9 2 0.2 7 0 0.5 8 6 20 40.4 559.2 88 Astro and astrophysics 58.7 High energy and PP 25 31.1 Magnetism, metals… Atomic and molecular… 9 Bio/biological physics 9 5.5 Medical physics Atmospheric physics… 16 Nuclear physics 2 41 Semiconductors Thermal physics… 39.7 Optics and lasers 13 16 Soft condensed matter Plasma physics 0 Mathematical physics… 11 0 T 10.9 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 1 3.5 39.4 28.5 0 0 0 8 2 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 3 0 4.5 E 7 2 0 20 4 0 9 2 3 0 1 0 1 7 6 8 32 8 T 109 434 325 4 3 0 78 15 8 64 19 9 2 14 0 10 15 27 19 0 37 E M 41 0 1 0 11 1 3 9 3 0 1 2 0 0 4 1 2 0 3 E 60 F 19 1 4 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 T 266 180 1 5 2 38 4 3 42 7 11 1 5 0 8 9 18.5 11 0 14.5 E M 86 0 1 5 16 8 1 8 6 0 0 3 0 3 3 6 7 14 5 T 48 0 2 0 15 2 2 8 3 2 2 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 5 E 70 F 22 2 3 0 0 2 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 2 T 175 126 0 0 0 37 8 0 16 11 7 0 2 0 3 8 11.5 11 0 11.5 E M 49 2 0 0 7 1 1 6 8 1 0 4 0 0 0 2 7 7 3 T 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 T 11 36.5 25.5 0 0 0 9 1 1 7 1 2 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 1 0 2 E F 123 121 2 1 1 41 4 5 26 4 1 1 7 0 0 7 3 4 1 13 E M 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 E 7 F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T Experimental and senior experimental officer 55 0 10 0 22 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 12 E 70 M 15 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 T 11.5 8.5 1 5.5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E F 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T All other grades 1851.6 29 51.5 9 432.1 100.0% 1.6% 2.8% 0.5% 23.3% 5.2% 2.2% 40 96 15.0% 5.8% 2.7% 0.8% 3.8% 0.1% 2.1% 6.0% 7.1% 6.3% 5.6% 9.2% 278.2 107.1 50 14.7 70 2 38.5 110.9 131.7 116 103.9 171 Total all grades 37.5 T F Research fellow 2008 percentages Surfaces, interfaces… E M Lecturer of Reader and senior lecturer Research area Survey Professor Table 4: Staff per research area by grade, gender and experimental/theoretical profile 3: Analysis of the current situation 11 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years Table 6: Arriving staff by academic grade Grade Figure 7: Arriving staff across academic grades Current (Mar 2004 – Dec 2008) M F Total Previous (Oct 1999 – Mar 2004) M F Total professors Professor 52 4 56 37 1 38 lecturers Reader and SL 70 10 80 20 4 24 experimental officers Lecturer 174 51 225 129 28 157 Experimental officer 10 1 11 4 1 5 Research fellow 104 20 124 60 17 77 2 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Other (temp acad staff, university teacher [non-research], etc) Total research fellows male male staff female female staff other (temporary academic staff, etc) 0 50 100 150 200 250 Table 7: Average age on arrival by academic grade 412 87 499 250 51 301 In section 4 of the survey form, respondents were asked to provide data about staff numbers joining or permanently leaving their departments over the survey period. Each of these staff members was again categorised by defined research area, age, gender, grade and their experimental/theoretical profile. Arriving staff members were additionally classified by nationality (UK, EU or non-EU). Across all surveyed departments, over the last five years, 499 staff arrived and 268 departed. This represents a net gain of 231, some 12% of the total community in 2008, indicating significant growth. This compares favourably with the previous survey, in which movements over a similar five-year period (1999–2004) resulted in growth of only 1% (although four departments were unable to provide data). 4.1: Arriving staff Table 6 presents a breakdown by academic grade of all staff joining the surveyed departments over the fiveyear survey period and compares that with the results of the previous (2004) survey. The most common grades for arriving staff are lecturer and research fellow, which between them accounted for 70% of arriving staff members. The overall female/ male ratio for arriving staff has remained constant, with female staff making up 17% of the arriving complement in both surveys. The highest proportion of female staff arriving is at lecturer level with 23% of the total (i.e. 51/225). The average age of arriving staff in each grade is given in table 7. If the lecturer grade is considered to be the main recruiting grade, then the average age of appointment is 34 across both male and female staff. This compares 12 readers and SLs Survey of Academic Appointments Grade Average age on arrival M F Professor 46.5 50.5 Reader and senior lecturer 38.0 41.4 Lecturer 34.2 34.1 Experimental officer 35.7 33.0 Research fellow 33.2 34.1 Other (temp acad staff, university teacher [non-research], etc) 28.0 28.0 with an average age of 35 for the same grade in the 2004 survey. The average appointment age for both senior grades (professor and reader/senior lecturer) is higher for women than for men, although of course the former figure is based on a relatively small number of staff (four at professor level and 10 at reader/senior lecturer), so should be viewed with caution. Table 8 divides the defined physics research areas into their experimental/theoretical components and lists the absolute numbers of staff members arriving in each area by gender. It is worth noting the relatively high numbers of female staff arriving in cosmology and space physics, especially experimental. In this section, respondents were also asked to categorise joining staff members by nationality – UK, EU or non-EU. The results of this part of the survey are given in table 9, with staff numbers divided by academic grade. Note that nationalities were not provided for all arriving staff members, hence the figures represent 87% of the total arrivals (i.e. 432/499). As illustrated, within the most populated academic grades the split across nationalities is approximately the same, with 43–48% of staff from the UK, 32–40% from the EU and 16–20% non-EU. in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years Table 8: Arriving staff by research area, experiment/theory and gender Research area E/T M F Total Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics Experimental 62 20 82 High energy and particle physics Experimental 44 7 51 Theoretical 22 7 29 Experimental 24 5 29 High energy and particle physics Theoretical 24 5 29 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity Theoretical 25 2 27 Optics and lasers Experimental 21 4 25 Atomic and molecular physics Experimental 22 1 23 Theoretical 17 3 20 Soft condensed matter Experimental 11 2 13 Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity Experimental 11 3 14 Biophysics and biological physics Experimental 10 3 13 Semiconductors Experimental 10 2 12 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics Experimental 10 1 11 Theoretical 7 2 9 Experimental 10 0 10 Soft condensed matter Theoretical 8 1 9 Surfaces, interfaces and materials Theoretical 7 1 8 University teacher (non-research) Experimental 3 3 6 Medical physics Experimental 4 2 6 Theoretical 5 1 6 Experimental 6 0 6 Optics and lasers Theoretical 2 1 3 Plasma physics Theoretical 4 0 4 Semiconductors Theoretical 3 1 4 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity Experimental 2 1 3 Other Experimental 7 0 7 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics Theoretical 1 1 2 Nuclear physics Theoretical 1 1 2 University teacher (non-research) Theoretical 0 0 0 Other Theoretical 3 2 5 No details 26 5 31 Total 412 87 499 Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics Surfaces, interfaces and materials Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity Atomic and molecular physics Plasma physics Biophysics and biological physics Nuclear physics Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 13 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years Table 9: Nationalities of arriving staff by academic grade Grade Nationality UK EU M Professor Total F 20 M 1 non-EU F 16 M 2 8 Figure 8: Nationalities of arriving staff by academic grade professors 21 18 9 F readers and SLs 30 26 11 1 lecturers 85 79 34 experimental officers 6 2 3 research fellows other (temporary academic staff, etc) 49 33 20 2 4 48 Reader and SL 28 2 22 4 11 0 67 Lecturer 65 20 64 15 24 10 198 Experimental officer 6 0 1 1 3 0 11 Research fellow 42 7 26 7 16 4 102 Other (temp acad staff, university teacher [non-research], etc) Total 2 0 3 1 0 0 6 163 30 132 30 62 15 432 UK EU non-EU Figure 9: Departing staff by academic grade professors readers and SLs lecturers Table 10: Departing staff by academic grade Grade Current (Mar 2004 – Dec 2008) Previous (Oct 1999 – Mar 2004) experimental officers research fellows other (temporary academic staff, etc) malemale staff female female staff M F Total M F Total Professor 85 1 86 84 2 86 Reader and SL 78 3 81 84 2 86 Lecturer 54 9 63 57 7 64 4.2: Departing staff Experimental officer 7 2 9 3 0 3 Research fellow 23 3 26 35 8 43 Other (temp acad staff, university teacher [non-research], etc) Total 2 1 3 N/A N/A N/A 249 19 268 263 19 282 Table 10 presents the number of departing staff by academic grade over the current survey period, and compares this with data from the previous survey. Departures are clearly most common from the two senior grades (professor and reader/senior lecturer), but this merely reflects the high overall numbers of staff within these grades. Taken as a percentage of the overall staff numbers (table 1), the proportion of departing staff members is roughly the same across all of the most populated grades, representing 12–19% of the full staff complement within that grade. It is worth noting that the absolute numbers of staff departures are very similar in both the current and previous survey periods. A breakdown of the reasons for departure (across all grades) is presented in table 11. Overall, retirement remains the most significant reason for departure, accounting for 44% of the total, which is unsurprising given that most departures are among the senior academic grades. However, breaking these numbers down by gender reveals that only one of these 119 retirements was a female staff member. The second most common reason for departure was moving to another academic post, and within this group the gender split is more even, in each case accounting for just over 30% of the total. Table 12 divides the defined research areas into their experimental/theoretical components and lists the absolute numbers and proportions departing from each area. Table 11: Reasons for departure Reason for departure Absolute numbers Percentage of total M F Total M F Overall Retirement 118 1 119 47 5 44 Moved to another academic post 77 6 83 31 32 31 End of contract 8 3 11 3 16 4 Career change/ leaving academia 12 0 12 5 0 4 Early retirement/ voluntary severance 7 1 8 3 5 3 Deceased 5 0 5 2 0 2 Family/health reasons 2 3 5 1 16 2 Other 5 3 8 2 16 3 Not given 15 2 17 6 11 6 Total 249 19 268 100 100 100 14 Survey of Academic Appointments 0% in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: 20% an Institute 40% of 60% 80% 100% P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years Table 12: Departing staff by research area, experiment/theory and gender Research area E/T M F Total Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics Experimental 28 4 32 High energy and particle physics Experimental 18 2 20 Theoretical 17 2 19 Surfaces, interfaces and materials Experimental 17 0 17 Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity Experimental 13 1 14 Semiconductors Experimental 13 0 13 Optics and lasers Experimental 12 1 13 Atomic and molecular physics Experimental 11 0 11 High energy and particle physics Theoretical 8 1 9 University teacher (non-research) Experimental 8 0 8 Atomic and molecular physics Theoretical 8 0 8 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity Theoretical 7 0 7 Medical physics Experimental 7 0 7 Other Experimental 7 0 7 Soft condensed matter Experimental 7 0 7 Theoretical 6 1 7 Nuclear physics Experimental 4 1 5 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity Experimental 3 0 3 Plasma physics Experimental 4 0 4 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics Experimental 2 2 4 Biophysics and biological physics Experimental 2 1 3 Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity Theoretical 3 0 3 Soft condensed matter Theoretical 3 0 3 Plasma physics Theoretical 2 0 2 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics Theoretical 0 0 0 Biophysics and biological physics Theoretical 1 0 1 Electrical and electronic physics Experimental 1 0 1 Nuclear physics Theoretical 2 0 2 Optics and lasers Theoretical 1 0 1 Other Theoretical 2 0 2 Experimental 1 0 1 Theoretical 1 0 1 Not given 30 3 33 249 19 268 Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics Surfaces, interfaces and materials Thermal physics and fluid dynamics University teacher (non-research) No details Total Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 15 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years Table 13: Net staff movements by research area Research area Arrivals Exp Departures Th Total M F M F Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 62 20 22 7 High energy and particle physics 44 7 24 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity 2 1 Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 11 Biophysics and biological physics Exp Th Total M F M F 111 28 4 17 2 5 80 18 2 8 25 2 30 3 0 3 17 3 34 13 10 3 5 1 19 Optics and lasers 21 4 2 1 Atomic and molecular physics 22 1 7 Surfaces, interfaces and materials 24 5 Soft condensed matter 11 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics Total Total staff in research area Net change (% of total) Net change Exp Th M F M F 51 34 16 5 5 +60 432.1 14 1 29 26 5 16 4 +51 278.2 18 7 0 10 –1 1 18 2 +20 103.9 19 1 3 0 17 –2 2 14 3 +17 107.1 16 2 1 1 0 4 8 2 4 1 +15 50 30 28 12 1 1 0 14 9 3 1 1 +14 131.7 11 2 32 11 0 8 0 19 11 1 –1 2 +13 96 14 7 1 37 17 0 6 1 24 7 5 1 0 +13 116 11 2 8 1 22 7 0 3 0 10 4 2 5 1 +12 171 7 10 1 1 1 13 2 2 0 0 4 8 –1 1 1 +9 40 23 Plasma physics 10 0 4 0 14 4 0 2 0 6 6 0 2 0 +8 38.5 21 Other 7 0 3 2 12 7 0 2 0 9 0 0 1 2 +3 29 10 Semiconductors 10 2 3 1 16 13 0 0 0 13 –3 2 3 1 +3 110.9 3 Nuclear physics 6 0 1 1 8 4 1 2 0 7 2 –1 –1 1 +1 70 1 Electrical and electronic physics 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 –1 0 0 0 –1 14.7 –7 Medical physics 4 2 0 0 6 7 0 0 0 7 –3 2 0 0 –1 9 –11 Thermal physics and fluid dynamics 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 –1 0 0 0 –1 2 –50 University teacher (non-research) 3 3 0 0 6 8 0 1 0 9 –5 3 –1 0 –3 51.5 –6 No details 0 0 26 5 31 0 0 30 3 33 0 0 –4 2 –2 N/A N/A 257 54 155 33 499 158 12 91 7 268 99 42 64 26 231 1851.6 12 4.3: Net movements Finally in this section, we can take the data on staff arri­ vals and departures presented in table 8 and table 12 and calculate the net movements within each research area, as given in table 13 and presented graphically in figure 10. In terms of absolute numbers, by far the largest increases have been in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics (+60), and high energy and particle physics (+51). However, this is somewhat misleading because they represent the two largest communities; a more meaningful measure of growth is given in the final column of table 13, which shows net movement as a percentage of current total staff numbers in each research area. By this measure, biophysics and biological physics as a research area has seen the largest proportional increase, with an increase of 15 representing 16 Survey of Academic Appointments 30% of its current staff complement. In addition to those research areas already mentioned, other growth areas include: atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics; plasma physics; mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity; magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity; atomic and molecular physics; optics and lasers; surfaces, interfaces and materials; and soft condensed matter. Other research areas have seen little growth or a fall in numbers, but in these cases the absolute total numbers are relatively small, so we should not infer too much from these fluctuations. Taking physics as a whole, we see a substantial increase in the numbers of both experimentalists (+141) and theorists (+90), making for a net gain overall of 231 staff over the five-year survey period, which repre- in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 4: Analysis of changes over the last five years sents some 12% of the current total staff complement. Note that the actual increase in total staff numbers is likely to be somewhat lower than this figure. This section should exclude internal transfers between grades (i.e. promotions), but analysis of the figures suggests that a number of promotions from research fellow to lecturer have been reported as new appointments (without record of the corresponding “departure”). The extent of this inconsistency is unclear. Comparison of total staff numbers reported in 2008 and 2004 indicates an overall increase of approximately 100. This compares favourably with the results of the previous (2004) survey, which reported only a 1% increase in staff numbers over the five-year period, 1999–2004. Figure 10: Net staff movements by research area astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics high energy and particle physics mathematical physics incl. string theory and quantum gravity magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity biophysics and biological physics optics and lasers surfaces, interfaces and materials atomic and molecular physics soft condensed matter atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics plasma physics semiconductors other nuclear physics thermal physics and fluid dynamics medical physics electrical and electronic physics university teacher (non-research) –10 Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 60 51 20 17 15 14 13 13 12 9 8 3 3 1 –1 –1 –1 –3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 17 5: Concluding comments 5: Concluding comments Since the previous edition of this survey in 2004, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics; and high energy and particle physics have reinforced their positions as the two most heavily populated fields within the UK physics community. They also account for the largest number of new arrivals, between them accounting for 38% of new appointments (191 of 499 new staff members over the five-year survey period). Surfaces, interfaces and materials has risen from sixth to third in the rankings. As noted previously, this may be partly due to the lack of a unique category for those working in the field of nanoscience. The community as a whole has seen significant growth over the five-year survey period, with a net gain of 231 members of staff, representing some 12% of the current total staff complement. The research areas contri­buting most strongly to this growth are the two fields mentioned above, with 60 and 51 additional staff members, respectively, but in percentage terms biophysics and biological physics has seen the largest 18 Survey of Academic Appointments increase with a net gain of 15 staff members (30% of its current community). Taking into account both staff population and growth rate, other significant research areas are mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity; magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity; atomic and molecular physics; optics and lasers; surfaces, interfaces and materials; and soft condensed matter. The overall proportion of female staff continues to rise, with women now occupying 12% of staff positions, as compared with only 9% in 2004. However, this proportion is still low in comparison with overall highereducation figures. In terms of new appointments, the field of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics is notable because almost 25% of arriving staff members are female (27 of 111). Three-quarters of the community are primarily experimentalists, one-quarter theoreticians. This ratio remains the same as that reported in the previous survey. in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Appendix A: Republic of Ireland Appendix A: Republic of Ireland Table 14: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by academic grade Figure 11: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by academic grade Academic grade lecturers 44% experimental officers 2% research fellows 4% temporary staff 4% teachers/TFs 0% professors 16% readers and SLs 30% Professor Eight of the 11 relevant departments in the Republic of Ireland contributed to this survey. They were: ●● Dublin City University, School of Physical Sciences Institute of Technology, School of Physics ●● NUI Galway, School of Physics ●● NUI Galway, Applied Mathematics (formerly Mathematical Physics) ●● NUI Maynooth, Experimental Physics ●● Trinity College Dublin, Physics ●● University College Dublin, Physics ●● University of Limerick, Physics ●● Dublin Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute 2 Reader and senior lecturer M 42 F 9 Lecturer M 53 F 21.5 Experimental and senior experimental officer M 4 F 0 Researcher holding a personal fellowship M 6 F 1 University teacher (non-research)/ teaching fellow Temporary academic staff M 0 F 0 M 7 F 0 170 26.5 25 51 5 74.5 Percentage per grade 92 8 82 30 31 18 71 44 13 29 2 4 100 2 0 0 4 7 86 4 1 14 0 0 N/A 0 0 4 7 170 N/A 100 4 0 100 Grade 0 100 Male Female E T E T 22.5 2 2 0 Reader and senior lecturer 33 9 9 0 Lecturer 45 8 19.5 2 Advanced research fellow 5 1 1 0 Experimental and senior experimental officer 4 0 0 0 All other grades 2 1 0 0 111.5 21 31.5 2 67 13 19 1 Professor College Cork, Physics ●● University College Dublin, Mathematical Sciences ●● NUI Maynooth, Mathematical Physics of 24.5 Percentage of total 14 16 1 Table 15: Republic of Ireland – experimental/theoretical breakdown by academic grade ●● University Survey Absolute numbers F Total These departments accounted for a total of 170 staff between them. The three non-participating departments were: Current staff information obtained from their websites suggests that these three departments represent a total of approximately 50 staff unaccounted for in this survey. The results presented in this section therefore cover roughly 80% of the total figures for the Republic of Ireland, and as such should be treated with some caution. (Note that the previous survey covered 62% of the Republic of Ireland figures.) Table 14 presents the overall breakdown by academic grade and gender. The first three grade levels (professor, reader/senior lecturer and lecturer) account for almost 90% of total staff numbers. 80% of all staff are male, 20% female, with the greatest proportion (29%) of female staff at lecturer level. A comparison with the data presented in the 2004 survey shows that there has been a significant change at professorial level, which now accounts for some 16% Gender (M/F) M Total Percentage of total of total staff numbers, as opposed to only 6% in 2004. Because there have been more departures than new arrivals at this level (table 16), this indicates a number of internal promotions throughout the survey period. Table 15 provides a breakdown of each academic grade by gender and experimental/theoretical research. Overall, experimental work accounts for 86% of the research being carried out. A breakdown of total staff numbers by research area of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 19 Appendix A: Republic of Ireland Figure 12: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown by research area Table 16: Republic of Ireland – arrivals and departures by academic grade astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 13% surfaces, interfaces and materials 11% astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space 11% 13% optics andphysics lasers surfaces, and materials 11% biophysicsinterfaces and biological physics 7% 11% 13% optics andphysics lasers astronomy, astrophysics, space magnetism, metals, quantumcosmology fluids andand superconductivity 7% biophysicsinterfaces and biological physics surfaces, and materials 11% medical physics 6% 7% magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 11% optics and lasers semiconductors 6%7% medical physics 6% biophysics and biological 6%7% atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics semiconductors magnetism, metals, quantumatomic fluids and and molecular superconductivity 5% 6%7% physics 6% atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental medical 6% 3% plasma physics physics 5% 6% atomic and molecular semiconductors 2% high energy and particle physics physics plasma physics 6% atmospheric physics, and environmental 1% 3% mathematical physics geophysics incl. string theory and quantum gravity high energy and particle physics 5% atomic and molecular 1%2% soft condensed matter 1% mathematical physics incl.thermal string theory gravity plasma physics 1% 3% physicsand andquantum fluid dynamics 1%2% softand condensed matter high energy particle 1% nuclear physics 1% physics and fluid dynamics mathematical physics incl.thermal string theory and quantum gravity 1% electrical and electronic physics 1% nuclear physics soft condensed matter 14% other electrical andand electronic physics 1% thermal physics fluid dynamics 4% university teacher (non-research) 14% other 1% nuclear physics 2% 4% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% university (non-research) electrical teacher and electronic physics 0% 1% 14% other 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 4% university teacher (non-research) Grade Figure 13: Republic of Ireland – staff breakdown area 4% 6% 8% 0% by 2% research 10%(2004) 12% 14% astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 11% surfaces, interfaces and materials 7% astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space 11% optics andphysics lasers 12% surfaces, and materials 7% biophysicsinterfaces and biological physics 0% optics andphysics lasers 12% astronomy, astrophysics, space 11% magnetism, metals, quantumcosmology fluids andand superconductivity 1% biophysicsinterfaces and biological physics surfaces, and materials 7% 4% medical physics 0% magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 1% optics and lasers 12% semiconductors 5% 4% medical physics biophysics and biological atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 0% 7% semiconductors 5% magnetism, metals, quantumatomic fluids and and molecular superconductivity 1% physics 11% atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental 7% medical 4% plasma physics physics atomic and molecular 11% semiconductors 4%5% high energy and particle physics physics 4% plasma physics atmospheric physics, and environmental 7% mathematical physics geophysics incl. string theory and quantum gravity 1% 4% high energy and particle physics atomic and molecular 11% soft condensed matter 0% mathematical physics incl.thermal string theory gravity 1% 4% plasma physics physicsand andquantum fluid dynamics softand condensed matter 0%1% 4% high energy particle nuclear physics physics and fluid dynamics mathematical physics incl.thermal string theory and quantum gravity 1% 3% 4% electrical and electronic physics nuclear physics soft condensed matter 14% other 0%1% 3% 4% electrical andand electronic physics thermal physics fluid dynamics 12% university teacher (non-research) 14% other 1% nuclear physics 12%14% university (non-research) electrical teacher and electronic physics 0% 2% 3%4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% other 14% 12% university teacher (non-research) 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 0 Figure 14: Republic surfaces, of Ireland – netand staff movements by research area 4 interfaces materials astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space optics andphysics lasers 0 surfaces, and materials biophysicsinterfaces and biological physics optics andphysics lasers 0 astronomy, astrophysics, space magnetism, metals, quantumcosmology fluids andand superconductivity biophysicsinterfaces and biological physics surfaces, and materials medical physics 0 magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity optics and lasers 0 semiconductors medical physics biophysics and biological atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 0 semiconductors magnetism, metals, quantumatomic fluids and and molecular superconductivity physics 0–1 atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental medical plasma physics physics 0 atomic and molecular semiconductors high energy and particle physics physics 0–1 –1 plasma physics atmospheric physics, and environmental mathematical physics geophysics incl. string theory and quantum gravity 0–1 high energy and particle physics atomic and molecular soft condensed matter –1 0 mathematical physics incl.thermal string theory gravity 0–1 plasma physics physicsand andquantum fluid dynamics softand condensed matter 00–1 high energy particle nuclear physics physics and fluid dynamics mathematical physics incl.thermal string theory and quantum gravity 00–1 electrical and electronic physics nuclear physics soft condensed matter other 0 electrical andand electronic physics 0–7 thermal physics fluid dynamics university teacher (non-research) other 0 nuclear physics –8 university –6 teacher –4 (non-research) –2physics 00–7 electrical and electronic other –8 –6 –4 –2 0 university teacher (non-research) –7 –8 20 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 8 8 8 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 Survey of Academic Appointments Arrivals Departures Net change M F M F M F Lecturer 18 10 7 2 11 8 Professor 3 1 7 0 –4 1 Reader 5 0 7 1 –2 –1 Total 26 11 21 3 5 8 is provided in figure 12, with data from the previous (2004) survey presented in figure 13 for comparison. The most notable change is the increase in staff numbers in the field of biophysics and biological physics, for which no staff members were reported in 2004 and now accounts for 7% of all staff. A similar increase has been seen in magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity, which has risen from 1 to 7% of the total staff count. As for the UK, the largest number of staff is found in the astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics category with 13% of the total (up from 11% in 2004), while surfaces, interfaces and materials is now ranked in second place with 11% (up from 7% in 2004) jointly with optics and lasers (down from 12% in 2004). The greatest drop in staff numbers has been among university teachers, falling from 12% in 2004 to just 4% in 2008. Atomic and molecular physics has also seen a drop in numbers, from 11% of the total in 2004 to just 5% in 2008. In both data sets, the high proportion of researchers in the “other” category is partly due to a number of staff in the optometry department in the School of Physics at Dublin Institute of Technology. Table 16 provides a breakdown by academic grade and gender of staff arrivals and departures over the five-year survey period. The largest overall change was at lecturer level, with a net gain of 19 staff members (11 male and eight female), while there was a net fall in staff numbers in both professor and reader/SL grades. Of the 24 reported departures across all grades, 21 were due to retirement. Note that no staff movements were reported at any other academic levels. Table 17 presents arrival and departure data by research area. As indicated previously, the largest net gain in staff has been in the category biophysics and biological physics, with eight new appointments and no departures over the survey period. Optics and lasers; surfaces, interfaces and materials; atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics; and magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity, have all seen net increases in staff numbers. There have been seven departures and no new appointments in the university-teacher category. Finally in this section, these net staff movements are presented graphically in figure 14. in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Appendix A: Republic of Ireland Table 17: Republic of Ireland – arrivals and departures by research area Research area Arrivals Departures Net change Exp Th Total Exp Th Total Biophysics and biological physics 6 2 8 0 0 0 8 Optics and lasers 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 Surfaces, interfaces and materials 4 1 5 1 0 1 4 Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 5 1 6 3 0 3 3 Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 4 1 5 5 0 5 0 Soft condensed matter 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Plasma physics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductors 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Nuclear physics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thermal physics and fluid dynamics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Medical physics 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Electrical and electronic physics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 High energy and particle physics 0 0 0 1 0 1 –1 Mathematical physics including string theory and quantum gravity 0 0 0 0 1 1 –1 Atomic and molecular physics 0 1 1 1 1 2 –1 University teacher (non-research) 0 0 0 7 0 7 –7 Other 3 0 3 1 0 1 2 Total 29 8 37 21 3 24 13 Summary ●● Astronomy, ●● A significant increase in staff numbers at professorial level has occurred since the previous (2004) survey. Because there have been more departures than arrivals at this level, this increase must be due to a number of internal promotions. ●● The university-teacher category has seen the greatest fall in numbers, with seven departures and no new arrivals. Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute astrophysics, cosmology and space physics is now the most popular research area in terms of overall staff numbers; this matches the results of the UK survey. ●● Also reflecting the UK data, biophysics and biological physics is the fastest growing research area, with eight new appointments and no departures over the survey period. of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 21 Appendix B: Survey form Appendix B: Survey form Appendix B - Survey Form SECTION 1 Contact Details University/Institution Name Department Name Person Completing This Form Name E-mail Telephone SECTION 2 Broad Departmental Profile st Enter Staff Numbers as of 1 December 2008 Numbers Male Female Professor Reader and Senior Lecturer Lecturer Experimental and Senior Experimental Officer Researcher holding a personal fellowship (e.g. EPSRC, STFC, Royal Society, etc.) University Teacher/Teaching Fellow Temporary Academic Staff (e.g. those on 1-3 year fixed contracts excluding Research Assistants on research grants) NOTE: 22 exclude all grant funded researchers and visiting staff (i.e. professors/fellows) include all academic staff and researchers holding a personal fellowship (e.g. EPSRC, STFC, Royal Society, etc.) Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 NOTE: High Energy and Particle Physics E M T E F T E M T E F Readers and Senior Lecturers T E M T E Lecturers F T E M T E F T Advanced Research Fellows E M T E F T Experimental and Senior Experimental Officers E/T = Experimental/Theoretical (please make a judgement) exclude all grant funded researchers and visiting staff (i.e. professors/fellows) include all academic staff and researchers holding a personal fellowship (e.g. EPSRC, STFC, Royal Society, etc.) Magnetism, Metals, Quantum Fluids and Superconductivity Biophysics and Biological Physics Medical Physics Nuclear Physics Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics Plasma Physics Semiconductors Optics and Lasers Soft Condensed Matter Mathematical Physics including String Theory and Quantum Gravity Surfaces, Interfaces and Materials Staff Numbers st 1 December 2008 Professors M/F = Male/Female SECTION 3 Broad Research Profile E M T E All Other Grades F T Appendix B: Survey form 23 24 Survey of Academic Appointments in Other (<Please specify here>) Other (<Please specify here>) University Teacher (non-research) Electrical and Electronic Physics Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Physics Atomic and Molecular Physics Atmospheric Physics, Geophysics and Environmental Physics Staff Numbers st 1 December 2008 Section 3 continued … E M T E Professors F T E M T E F T E M T E Lecturers F T E M T E F T Advanced Research Fellows E M T E F T Experimental and Senior Experimental Officers E/T = Experimental/Theoretical (please make a judgement) Readers and Senior Lecturers M/F = Male/Female E M T E All Other Grades F T Appendix B: Survey form P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Appendix B: Survey form SECTION 4 Arrivals/Departures per Research Area Please complete for each staff member arriving and departing permanently during the full Survey Period Mar 2004 – Dec 2008. No names are required. See codes overleaf. Exclude internal transfers between grades, e.g. Lecturer (L) to Reader (R). Grade M/F Place an “x” if New Permanent Appointment Departure (please indicate whether UK, EU or nonEU) For example P F R Survey of x (EU) M Academic Appointments x in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of Age (on appointment/ departure) Reason (if departure) Research codes – see overleaf 45 - NP (T) 49 Moving to another academic post AA (E) P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 25 Appendix B: Survey form NOTES For Section 4 Research Codes Include E or T to signify Experimental or Theoretical Surfaces, Interfaces and Materials SS (E) or SS (T) Mathematical Physics including String Theory and Quantum Gravity SQ (E) or SQ (T) Soft Condensed Matter SM (E) or SM (T) Optics and Lasers OP (E) or OP (T) Semiconductors SC (E) or SC (T) Plasma Physics PP (E) or PP (T) Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics TF (E) or TF (T) Nuclear Physics NP (E) or NP (T) Medical Physics MP (E) or MP (T) Biophysics BP (E) or BP (T) Magnetism, Metals, Quantum Fluids and Superconductivity MQ (E) or MQ (T) High Energy and Particle Physics HE (E) or HE (T) Atmospheric Physics, Geophysics and Environmental Physics AP (E) or AP (T) Atomic and Molecular Physics AM (E) or AM (T) Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Physics AA (E) or AA (T) Electrical and Electronic Physics EE (E) or EE (T) University Teacher (non-research) UT (E) or UT (T) Other OT (E) or OT (T) Grade Codes Professor Reader/Senior Lecturer Lecturer Experimental/Senior Experimental Officer Researcher holding a personal fellowship (e.g. EPSRC, STFC, Royal Society, etc.) 26 Survey of Academic Appointments P R L E F in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Appendix C: Participating UK departments Appendix C: Participating UK departments Universities in England ●● University of Reading, Department of Physics of Salford, Joule Physics Laboratory ●● University of Sheffield, Department of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Southampton, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Surrey, Department of Physics ●● University of Sussex, Department of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Warwick, Department of Physics ●● University of York, Department of Physics ●● University ●● University of Bath, Department of Physics of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Bristol, Department of Physics ●● University of Cambridge, Department of Physics ●● Durham University, Department of Physics ●● University of Exeter, School of Physics ●● University of Hertfordshire, School of Physics, ­Astronomy and Mathematics ●● University of Hull, Department of Physics ●● Keele University, Department of Physics and Astrophysics ●● University of Kent, School of Physical Sciences ●● University of Central Lancashire, School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences ●● Lancaster University, Department of Physics ●● University of Leeds, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Leicester, Department of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Liverpool, Department of Physics ●● Liverpool John Moores University, Astrophysics Research Institute ●● London – Imperial College, Department of Physics ●● London – King’s College, Department of Physics ●● London – Queen Mary, Department of Physics ●● London – Royal Holloway, Department of Physics ●● London – University College, Department of Physics and Astronomy ●● Loughborough University, Department of Physics ●● University of Manchester, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Nottingham, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● Nottingham Trent University, School of Science and Technology ●● The Open University, Department of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Oxford, Department of Physics ●● University Survey of Academic Appointments in P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute Universities in Scotland ●● University of Aberdeen, Department of Physics of Dundee, Division of Electronic ­Engineering and Physics ●● University of Edinburgh, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Glasgow, Department of Physics and Astronomy ●● Heriot-Watt University, Department of Physics ●● University of St Andrews, School of Physics and Astronomy ●● University of Strathclyde, Department of Physics ●● University of the West of Scotland, School of ­Engineering and Science ●● University Universities in Wales ●● Cardiff University, School of Physics and Astronomy University, Department of Physics ●● Swansea University in Northern Ireland ●● Queen’s University Belfast, Physics and Astronomy; and Mathematics and Theoretical Physics The Institute of Mathematics and Physics at Aberystwyth University was the only department not to participate in the survey. of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 27 Appendix D: Charts for UK physics research areas Appendix D: Charts for UK physics research areas 1. Surfaces, Surfaces, interfaces interfaces and and materials materials 1. 2. Mathematical Mathematical physics physics including including string string theory theory and and quantum quantum gravity gravity 2. 1. Surfaces, Surfaces, interfaces interfaces and and materials materials 1. professors professors 1. Surfaces, Surfaces, interfaces interfaces and and materials materials 1. 2. Mathematical Mathematical physics physics including including string string theory theory and and quantum quantum gravity gravity 2. 43.9 43.9 professors professors 2. Mathematical Mathematical physics physics including including string string theory theory and and quantum quantum gravity gravity 2. 2.readers Mathematical physics, incl.string string theory and quantum 43.9 43.9 professors professors 2. Mathematical including and quantum gravity readers and SLs SLs physics and 33 theory 33 53 53 1. Surfaces, interfaces and materials49 53 professors professors 1. Surfaces, interfaces and materials 4953 readers and SLs SLs readers and professors professors readers and SLs SLs readers and lecturers lecturers professors readers and and SLs readers SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows research fellows professors professors readers and SLs SLs readers and lecturers lecturers professors readers and and SLs readers SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows research fellows 53 4953 49 26.5 26.5 4953 49 26.5 16.5 26.5 16.5 readers SLs lecturersand lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other other grades grades all 26.5 16.5 26.5 1316.5 13 16.5 26.5 1316.5 13 research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other 1316.5 13 experimental officers 00 all other other grades grades all 00 all other grades 20 13 1320 13 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 1320 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 00 0 3. Soft Soft condensed condensed matter matter 3. 49 3. Soft Soft condensed condensed matter matter 3. professors readers and and SLs readers SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows research fellows readers and SLs lecturers fellows lecturers research fellows research experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other 40 40 29 20 29 20 40 40 29 20 20 22 29 22 40 00 0 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 53.4 53.4 26 26 53.4 53.4 15 15 26 26 53.4 53.4 15 8.5 15 8.5 26 26 53.4 15 8.5 15 778.5 26 1122 77 17 research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other 7 1122 experimental officers 00 112 all other other grades grades all 00 1 all other grades 00 4. Optics Optics and and lasers lasers 4. 0 80 80 100 100 120 120 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 46.7 46.7 46.7 46.7 14.5 14.5 34 34 29.5 29.5 46.7 33 14.5 14.5 34 29.5 29.5 3344 14.5 14.5 29.5 3344 14.5 344 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 4 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 00 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 experimental officers 00 all other other grades grades all 00 all other grades 6. Plasma Plasma physics physics 6. professors professors 6. Plasma physics physics 6. Plasma professors professors 6. Plasma readers andphysics SLs readers and SLs 13.5 13.5 11 11 professors professors readers and SLs SLs readers and lecturers lecturers professors readers and SLs readers and SLs lecturers fellows lecturers research fellows research 13.5 13.5 11 11 11 11 13.5 11 11 11 11 8.5 77 13.5 13.5 33 000033 120 120 experimental officers 00000 all other other grades grades all 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 all other grades 20 60 40 00 20 60 40 0 20 60 40 7.7. physics fluid dynamics 7. Thermal Thermal physics physics and and fluid dynamics dynamics Thermal and fluid 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 7. Thermal Thermal physics physics and and fluid fluid dynamics dynamics 7. 000 8. Nuclear Nuclear physics physics 8. professors professors 8. Nuclear physics 8. Nuclear physics 22 professors professors 7. Thermal and00fluid dynamics readers andphysics SLs readers and SLs 2 2 0 00 professors professors 0 readers and SLs SLs readers and lecturers lecturers professors professors 8. Nuclear readers andphysics SLs readers and SLs professors professors readers and SLs SLs readers and lecturers lecturers professors readers and and SLs readers SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows research fellows readers SLs lecturersand lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other other grades grades all professors readers and and SLs readers SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows research fellows readers SLs lecturersand lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other other grades grades all 000 00 0 000 00 0 99 66 99 66 9999 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 all other grades 00 0 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 00 00 0 in 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 23 18 23 18 18 23 18 18 9 556699 000 Academic Appointments 40 40 40 40 40 23 18 23 18 research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other experimental officers 00 all other other grades grades all of 20 20 20 20 20 23 23 research fellows experimental officers 0000 experimental officers all other grades grades all other experimental officers 00000 all other other grades grades all Survey 20 20 00 8.8. physics0 8. Nuclear Nuclear physics physics Nuclear 22 professors professors 7. Thermal Thermal physics physics and and fluid fluid dynamics dynamics 7. 2 00 00 0 11 003 100 100 7 11 11 11 0033 80 80 28 60 60 40 40 46.7 46.7 60 60 all other grades 40 40 20 20 34 34 29.5 29.5 40 40 001 20 20 34 34 20 20 all other grades 33 17 17 readers SLs lecturersand lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other other grades grades all 8.5 15 11 778.5 research fellows experimental officers 11 experimental officers all other grades grades all other 0011 experimental officers all other other grades grades all 43.9 6.6. physics 6. Plasma Plasma physics physics Plasma professors professors 5. Semiconductors Semiconductors 5. professors professors 5. Semiconductors readers and SLs SLs readers and readers SLs lecturersand lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other 33 33 22 77 lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other grades grades all other 5. Semiconductors 5. Semiconductors Semiconductors 5. professors professors readers and SLs SLs readers and lecturers lecturers professors readers and SLs readers and SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows fellows research 17 17 readers SLs lecturersand lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers lecturers research fellows research fellows experimental officers experimental officers all other other grades grades all professors readers and and SLs readers SLs lecturers lecturers research fellows research fellows readers and SLs lecturers fellows lecturers research fellows research experimental officers experimental officers 22 20 20 5 77 professors professors 4. Optics and lasers readers and SLs readers and SLs professors professors readers and and SLs SLs readers lecturers lecturers 20 22 22 00 55 experimental officers 0000 all other other grades grades all 000 all other grades 5. Semiconductors Semiconductors 5. 29 29 00 55 43.9 43.9 4.professors and lasers professors 4.Optics Optics and and lasers 4. Optics lasers 40 40 29 20 20 22 22 55 33 33 4. Optics Optics and and lasers lasers 4. 3. condensed matter professors professors 3. Soft Soft condensed condensed matter 3. Soft matter professors professors 3. Soft and condensed readers and SLs SLs matter readers professors professors readers and and SLs SLs readers lecturers lecturers 17 17 gravity 6 55 99 55 9 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 5 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 20 20 20 40 40 40 60 60 60 80 80 80 100 100 100 120 120 120 P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: an Institute of P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 Appendix D: Charts for UK physics research areas 9. Medicalphysics physics 9. 9. Medical 9. Medical physics 9.Medical Medicalphysics physics 10. Biophysics and biological physics 10. 10. Biophysics and biological physics 10. Biophysics and biological physics 10.Biophysics Biophysicsand andbiological biologicalphysics physics professors professors professors professors 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 professors professors professors professors 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readersand andSLs SLs 333 3 readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readersand andSLs SLs lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers 444 4 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers research researchfellows fellows research fellows research fellows 14 14 14 14 research researchfellows fellows research fellows research fellows 000 0 10 10 10 10 experimental experimental officers experimental officers experimentalofficers officers 111 1 experimental experimental officers experimental officers experimentalofficers officers 1111 all all other grades all other grades allother othergrades grades 000 0 all all other grades all other grades allother othergrades grades 111 1 0000 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 0000 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 11. Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 12. High energy and particle physics professors professors professors professors professors professors professors professors 11. 11. Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 11. Magnetism, metals, quantum fluids and superconductivity 11.Magnetism, Magnetism,metals, metals,quantum quantumfluids fluidsand andsuperconductivity superconductivity 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.1 readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readersand andSLs SLs research researchfellows fellows research fellows research fellows all all other grades all other grades allother othergrades grades 444 4 all all other grades all other grades allother othergrades grades 0000 61 61 61 61 30 30 30 30 experimental experimentalofficers officers experimental officers experimental officers 111 1 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 27 27 27 27 000 0 0000 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 13. Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 14. Atomic and molecular physics professors professors professors professors professors professors professors professors 13. 13. Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 13. Atmospheric physics, geophysics and environmental physics 13.Atmospheric Atmosphericphysics, physics,geophysics geophysicsand andenvironmental environmentalphysics physics 14 14 14 14 readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readers and and SLs SLs research research fellows research fellows research fellows fellows experimental experimental officers experimental officers experimental officers officers all allother othergrades grades all other grades all other grades 0000 all allother othergrades grades all other grades all other grades 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 15. Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 15. 15. Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 15. Astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and space physics 15.Astronomy, Astronomy,astrophysics, astrophysics,cosmology cosmologyand andspace spacephysics physics 122.1 122.1 122.1 122.1 professors professors professors professors 116 116 116 116 readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readersand andSLs SLs 69 69 69 69 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers research research fellows research fellows researchfellows fellows experimental experimental officers experimental officers experimentalofficers officers 42 42 42 42 all all other grades all other grades allother othergrades grades 25 25 25 25 0000 Survey of 20 20 20 20 Academic Appointments in 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 P h y si c s 20 0 4–20 0 8: 80 80 80 80 an 100 100 100 100 Institute of 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 80 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 10 10 10 10 555 5 000 0 0000 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 16. Electrical and electronic physics 16. 16. Electrical and electronic physics 16. Electrical and electronic physics 16.Electrical Electricaland andelectronic electronicphysics physics professors professors professors professors 111 1 readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readersand andSLs SLs 000 0 777 7 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers 58 58 58 58 120 120 120 120 24 24 24 24 experimental experimentalofficers officers experimental officers experimental officers 666 6 1111 100 100 100 100 16 16 16 16 research researchfellows fellows research research fellows fellows 222 2 80 80 80 80 41 41 41 41 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers 6666 60 60 60 60 14. 14. Atomic and molecular physics 14. Atomic and molecular physics 14.Atomic Atomicand andmolecular molecularphysics physics readers readersand andSLs SLs readers and SLs readers and SLs 11 11 11 11 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers 120 120 120 120 82 82 82 82 research research fellows research fellows researchfellows fellows 21 21 21 21 experimental experimentalofficers officers experimental officers experimental officers 100 100 100 100 78.2 78.2 78.2 78.2 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers 17 17 17 17 80 80 80 80 12. 12.High Highenergy energyand andparticle particlephysics physics 12. High energy and particle physics 12. High energy and particle physics readers readers and SLs readers and SLs readersand andSLs SLs 24 24 24 24 lecturers lecturers lecturers lecturers 60 60 60 60 research research fellows research fellows researchfellows fellows 0000 experimental experimental officers experimental officers experimentalofficers officers 111 1 all all other grades all other grades allother othergrades grades 000 0 120 120 120 120 P h y s i c s R e p o r t Ja n ua r y 2010 0000 20 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 29 Survey of Academic Appointments in Physics 2004–2008 For further information contact: Tajinder Panesor The Institute of Physics 76 Portland Place, London W1B 1NT Tel +44 (0)20 7470 4800, Fax +44 (0)20 7470 4848 E-mail The RNIB clear print guidelines have been considered in the production of this document. Clear print is a design approach that considers the needs of people with sight problems. For more information, visit