JOURNALOF GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH,VOL. 94, NO. A1, PAGES227-240, ON THE BULK MOTION OF THE ION CLOUDS SOLAR WIND/MAGNETOSHEATH FORMED BY RELEASES JANUARY1, 1989 THE AMPTE Sandra C. Chapman School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary College, London Abstract. A principal objective of the Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorersmissionwas to release lithium and barium ion clouds that were initially sufficiently massdenseto stronglyperturbthe ambientsolar wind or magnetosheath flow. A key propertyof these releasecloudswas that their spatial and temporalscales were smaller than, or of the order of, the Larmor scales This was achievedby releasingslowlyexpandingcloudsof photoionizing neutral lithium or barium from the German Ion ReleaseModule (IRM) when it was locatedin the solar wind, upstreamof the Earth's bow shock, or in the magnetosheath. Releases were also made in the magnetotail,but due essentially to the much lower ambient plasmaflow speedthey exhibit a different classof behavior and hence will not be discussed here (they have been of all the ion speciesinvolved.A one-dimensional hybrid simulationstudy conductedby Chapmanand Schwartz addressed elsewhere, [e.g., Bernhardt et al., 1987]). All of (1987) showedthat momentum couldbe transferred locally the solarwind and magnetosheath releases were observed to from the oncomingprotonsto the majorityof the release producequalitativelysimilar perturbations in the ambient ions, which are associatedwith the diamagneticcavity field and flow, althoughthe heavier barium, with a much producedby the release,via the quasi-steady boundary shorter photoionization time ('• 30 s comparedwith layer that forms at the cavity edge. The directionof '• 1 hour for lithium),gave rise to a muchhigherinitial motionof these"snowploughed" releaseions and the field ion massdensityand hencelonger-liveddisturbance. structurethat accelerates them is just that of the oncoming protons. The remainder of the release cloud is photoionizedoutsideof the diamagneticcavity, and as a consequence of the "pickup"interactionof theseions in the oncomingproton flow the protonsare deflectedfrom their A second spacecraft,the UKS (United Kingdom Subsatellite)was located close to the IRM during the AMPTE mission.For the lithium solar wind releases,on September11, and September20, 1984, this separationwas ambient flow direction in the release cloud vicinity. This deflected direction of the oncoming proton flow, just December 20, 1984, it was '• 170 km (the UKS was nonoperational for the magnetosheathbarium release, on upstream of the snowploughfields, then defines the directionof motion of the snowploughed releaseions, which eventuallycomprisethe releaseion cloud that is observed from the ground. This transversecomponentto the direction of the releaseion cloud motion suggested by the above simple picture is qualitatively consistent with ground-based observations of the bariumreleases.Here this simple model for the snowploughdynamicsis discussed quantitativelyfor the particular conditionsof the various lithium and barium releases. In particular, the model is found to accurately predict the time taken for the snowplough to return to the Ion ReleaseModule(IRM) (the releasespacecraft) locationafter the initial expansionof the cloud, an event which, as suggestedfrom both the Chapmanand Schwartzsimulationresultsand the IRM in situ data, corresponds to the return of the magneticfield at the IRM. The magnitudeof the transverse displacement of the December 27, 1984 barium release ion cloud that was seen from ground-basedoptical observationsis also predictedby resultsfrom the simplemodel. Finally, the modelsuggests that for the bariumreleases,',- 10-15% of the total number of ions released were photoionized July 18, 1985). For all of theseevents,the releaseplasma density was sufficientlyhigh at the IRM that the magnetic field there was seen to be supressed to zero [Ltihr et al., 1986a,b] for '• 6 s for lithiumand for '• 80 s for barium. This diamagnetic cavity did not extend to the UKS, however,giving an upper limit on the scale size of the interactionregion. These spatial and temporalscalesare smallerthan, or of the order of, the Larmor scalesof all the ion speciesinvolvedin the interaction(releaseions and oncomingprotons) but are much larger than the Larmor scalesof the electrons. A hybriddescription,in which the ions are treatedkineticallyand the electronsare treatedas a massless,charge neutralizing fluid, was therefore appropriate for a study of the interaction between the releaseions and the oncomingproton flow. In order to understandthe way in which momentumis transferred locally between the two ion species,a one-dimensional hybrid simulationwas conductedby Chapman and Schwartz [1987]. The approachof this studydiffered from that of previous work, which had concentratedon the global three-dimensionalaspects of the release. "Global" descriptionshave been attemptedfrom both an analytical '• 30-35 km, and for the first barium release, on upstreamof the snowplough field structureand were [Haerendelet al., 1986; Papadopoulos et al., 1986; Cheng, therefore available to balance the transverse momentum of 1987] and a numerical [Lui et a1.,1986; Brecht and the snowploughed release ion cloud, via the deflected Thomas,1987] point of view and have in most casesbeen proton flow. Simple considerations suggestthat this principallyaimed at rationalizingthe initial motion of the fraction should be adequate to balance the observed barium release cloud, which was deduced from transverse momentum of the release ion cloud. 1. Introduction A principalobjectiveof the activeexperiments in space thatwerepartof theActiveMagnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers (AMPTE)mission [Krimigis et al., 1982]wasto releaseion cloudsthat were sufficiently massdenseto constitute a strong perturbation to theambient plasma flow. ground-based observations to be transverse to the direction of the ambient flow, that is, approximately in the opposite direction of the ambient convection electric field [e.g., Valensuela et al., 1986]. The study by Chapman and Schwartzrevealeddetailsof the interactionwhich had not beendiscussed in anyof theseprevious descriptions andas a resultgavethepossibility of a moredetailed quantitative investigation of the release cloudmotion. It is justsuch an investigation thatwillbe addressed in thispaper. The results of the Chapman and Schwartz [1987] Copyright1989 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. simulation showed that a well-defined, quasi-steady boundary layer evolves between the release ion population Paper number88JA03570. associatedwith the diamagneticcavity and the oncoming 0148-0227/89/88JA-03570505.00 proton flow. 227 Details of the boundary layer structure are 228 Chapman'Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds found in the IRM in situ data, suggestingthat this momentum transfer mechanismis in operation during the releases[Dunlop et al., 1987]. Essentially,the bulk of the releaseions are moved en masseby a "snowplough" type process, gaining momentum from the oncoming protons which are in turn slowedby the boundarylayer structure. The directionof motion of the "snowploughed" releaseions is just that of the oncomingprotons. It is important to note that the oncomingprotonsin the releasevicinity have been deflected from their ambient (undisturbed)flow (S) _8 0 TGSE (epprox.) ¾ ,•-VI- - direction as they interact with the release ions that were created outside of the diamagneticcavity and boundary layer region (see also Chapman and Dunlop [1986]). On the basis of the simulationresults,Chapmanand Schwartz [1987] developedan approximateequationof motion, which for the simple release ion density profile used in the one-dimensionalsimulationsgave quantitative estimates of the snowploughdynamicswhich were in good agreement withthesimulation results. Fig.1. Thisfigure shows a simplified representation of the We would nowliketo compare thebehavior thatis one-dimensional snowplough mechanism for thetransfer of found by integrating thisapproximate snowplough equationmomentum between the oncoming proton flowandthe of motion withtheobserved global behavior of theactual release ionsassociated withthediamagnetic cavity (a more releases, in orderto establish whether or notthe"local" detailed version maybe found in theworkof Chapman momentum transfer process thatwasfoundto operate in andSchwartz, [1987]).Theplane of thediagram hasbeen theone-dimensional simulations, andin thein situdata, chosen to beperpendicular to theambient magnetic field contributes substantially to the observed release cloudB_B_o andto contain theIRMlocation (thecenter of the introduced in thenextsection, along withdetails of the ambient anddisturbed solar wind flowvelocities V__sw o and numerical method required for their integration. The snowplough motion depends crucially uponthenumberV_sw ' the snowplough velocity Vp and the velocity of the release ions that are created upstream ofVr the motion. Theapproximate equations of motion willfirstbe release cloud at t = 0), andhence it alsocontains the density of release ionswhich it encounters. In section 3 snowplough. The• axis(ofthecoordinate system used in wetherefore derive a simple expression fortherelease ion thecalculation of t-hesnowplough motion) is aligned with densityprofile,normalizing it to the single-point thedirection of motion of thedeflected oncoming proton measurement of theionnumber density asa function of flowandconsequently alsowiththedirection of motion of timethatwasobtained at theIRMforeach release. The the snowplough. The_•',•', and•' axescorrespond results of integrating thesnowplough equations withthis approximately to x, X, andz GSEfor theDecember 27 model for the release iondensity will be discussed in barium release geometry, wi•hthe ambient solarwind section 4 andcompared withquantitative features of the moving in the-•' direction andtheambient magnetic field global release ioncloud behavior. These maybeobtainedbeing directed approximately in the•' direction. from the IRM in situ data, which determine the time taken for the snowploughedrelease ions to return to the IRM locationafter the initial expansionof the releasecloud, and in the case of the December27 barium release, from one-dimensionalsimulations. Figure 1 is drawn in the plane which contains the direction of the ambient ground-based opticalobservations of the releaseion cloud (undisturbed) protonflow V__sw o and the center of the motion. A summaryis given in section5. release cloud at x -- y = z = 0). 2. TheSnowplough Description t = 0 (i.e., the IRM location, For simplicity, the ambient magnetic fieldB_B_o is takento be perpendicular to the planeof the diagram, so that the ambient convection electric field also lies in the plane. Since the simple two-dimensional Beforeintroducing the snowplough equations of motion, description usedhere doesnot includemechanisms which we will beginby settingthe essentially one-dimensional can,on average, change the direction of the magnetic field snowploughdescriptioninto the context of a (i.e., by "draping"aroundthe obstacleformedby the three-dimensional release.An attemptto do thisis shown releasecloud), B alwaysremainsperpendicular to the in Figure1, whichis a simplified versionof Figure7 of plane. A largeproportion of the release ionsare assumed Chapmanand Schwartz[1987]. For the purposes of future to be createdwithin, and thereforeassociated with, the reference,the _•', •', _•' coordinate systemof this figure diamagnetic cavityformedduringthe early stagesof the has been chosento correspondapproximatelyto x, y, z release,which is represented here as boundedby the solid GSE (x directed toward the Sun, z northward perpendicular line. to the ecliptic plane, and y completingthe orthogonalset) for the particular geometry of the December 27 barium solar wind release,althoughthe discussion to be presented here appliesfor all of the releases. The coordinatesystem in which we shall later discuss the motion of the snowplough is orientedon this diagramby the directionof created outsideof this field free region and will begin to be picked up by the oncomingproton flow, extracting momentumfrom it. The macroscopic forces which act on both these releaseions, and the oncomingprotonsin this "mass loading" region, can be shown from a multifluid description[Chapman and Dunlop, 1986' Chapman and motionof the snowplough itself,5[, that is, the direction of the oncoming disturbed protonflow V__sw just upstream of Schwartz, 1987] to act in the localU__trAB_ direction,where U_• is just the relativevelocitybetween a particularath ion The remainder of the release ions will, however, be the snowplough boundarystructure,the • and _• coordinates speciesand the velocity of the center of charge of the simply completing the orthogonal set without further plasma as a whole. Release ions, which are created constraint. Figure1 is drawnto representonly thoseion populations relevantto the simplesnowplough model under discussion here, so that it must be remembered that this doesnot includeall of the detailedbehaviorfound in the approximately at rest, i.e., with V__ a = 0 in the oni:oming solar wind flow V__= V__sw , will have a velocityrelativeto the net plasmacenterof chargein the -Y-swdirectionand will hence move in the -V__swAB -- direction, i.e., Chapman: Bulk Motion of AMPTE Release Ion Clouds 229 approximatelyin +•_', or upward on Figure 1. In the "test ion" limit, i.e., far upstream, where the release ion mass density is low in comparisonwith that of the protons, the oncoming flow will be essentially undisturbed, with ground-basedobservations[Valensuelaet al., 1986' Rees et al., 1986]. Finally, the integration of the snowplough equationsyields the fraction of the total number of release ions which are expected to be created upstream of the V_.sw= V_.sw o, and the release ions just move in the directionof the ambientconvection electricfield -V_.swoAl • snowplough field structure. This shouldindicatewhetheror not it is reasonable to expectthis populationto balancethe as defined in the rest frame of the release (i.e., exactly in transverse momentum of the snowploughedrelease ion +•_'). However,as the protons approachthe cavity, they cloud. move into a region of dense, relatively slowly moving Before moving on to this detailed quantitative release pickup ions just outside. The addition of the investigationit is perhapsworth outlining the differences slowlymovingreleaseions to the flow effectivelyreduces betweenthe model describedhere (see also Chapmanand the net centerof chargevelocityof the plasma,so that the Schwartz[1987]) and those suggested by Haerendelet al. protons, movingwitha velocity',- Vsw o relativeto the net [1986]and Cheng[1987]. In thosemodels,the strong centerof charge,experience a U_QctAB_ • V__swoAB • forcethat "U__aAB_" interactionbetweenthe oncoming protonsand the is directed approximatelyin -_•', or downwardon the figure, that is, in the oppositesenseto that of the pickup release ions, momentumbeing conservedbetween the two species. A deflection and slowing of the oncomingion flow that is consistentwith this description has been observedin the in situ ion data for the releases[e.g., Haerendel et al., 1986], althoughthe UKS and IRM ion instruments,which measure energy per charge, cannot be used to uniquely distinguishion populationsof different masses. Since B alwaysremainsperpendicularto the plane release ions located outsideof the cavity, which acts to deflect the oncomingproton population,is not taken into account. Asymmetry in the enhanced magnetic field surroundingthe cavity and deflection of the oncoming protonsin the same senseas is expectedto occur from the U_U_•B__ interactionwere consideredby Cheng [1987] to result insteadfrom an asymmetricspacechargethat builds up on the release cloud surface. The amount of transverse momentumthat may be impartedto the bulk of the release ions via asymmetricchargingis limited by the quantity of of the diagram,the • chargethat may accumulate and hence is relatedto the force alwaysactsin the plane, so that the plane also containsthe velocitiesof the release ions and oncomingprotons just upstream,or outside, of the snowplough field structure. Understanding the ion behavior upstream of the flux of oncomingprotons that impinge upon the release cloud surface, directly inducingthe charge, and the ability of the ambient plasmato neutralizethe charge, rather than being ultimately limited by the transversemomentum that snowplough field structures, in terms of the U_tgXB_ force, can be carried by the release ion populationthat is has important consequences for the global motion of the ion cloud that is acted on by the snowploughfield photoionized"upstream"of the snowplough(see Figure 1), which will be estimatedhere. Also, the U_tgXB_ interaction, structure. In effect, release ions created upstream locally along with the snowplough boundary structure itself as exchange momentum with the oncoming proton flow, envisaged here, arises under the assumption of slowingand deflectingit as shown. The deflected protons quasi-neutrality, so that these two descriptionsof events then interact with the quasi-steady snowplough field cannot be regardedas equivalent. structure that forms at the cavity boundary, transferring Alternatively, the snowplough type mechanism for momentum to the snowploughedrelease ion population momentum exchangehas been assumedto simply act along associatedwith it, such that the direction of motion of the the unperturbed ambient proton flow direction, ultimately snowplough_ _• is just that of the deflectedproton flow. If resulting in the collapseof the diamagneticcavity as seen no other forces are present, the release ions created inside at the IRM. The subsequentmotion of this snowplough the field free region of the diamagneticcavity only gain structure does not then account for the observedtransverse momentum by interacting with the snowplough field motion of the release ion cloud as a whole. Instead, the structure, so that the entire release ion cloud is eventually transversemomentum of the ion cloud is balanced by that accelerated by being "gathered up" by the propagating of release ions as they exit the -V_.swoAB_ oriented face of snowploughfields, and becoming part of the snowploughed the cloud. The momentum imparted to the release ion ion population. As the direction of motion of the cloud by these "extracted" ions directly in this way must snowploughedrelease ion cloud is just that of the deflected depend crucially upon the extracted ion momentum in the solar wind flow, we would expect it to be at some angle to immediate vicinity of the boundaryof the release ion cloud the ambient solar wind flow direction. Whether or not this itself, as subsequently these ions can only exchange angle is sufficiently large to account for the observed momentum with the cloud via the U_U_ctAB_ coupling process transversemotion of the barium releaseion cloudsdepends with the oncoming protons as describedabove (and by upon the fraction of release ions that are created upstream Chapman and Schwartz [1987]). Details of the mechanism of the snowploughfield structure. It is the momentum of for the extraction of these ions are not well known, indeed this population which ultimately must balance the transverse the one-dimensionalfield structuresfound by the Chapman momentum of the snowploughedrelease ion cloud, with the and Schwartz simulation study act to prevent release ion deflected solar wind protons just acting as an intermediary, migration acrossthe boundarylayer. An added mechanism transferring momentum between the two release ion not represented in the one-dimensional hybrid description, populations. due for example to the two- to three-dimensional nature Unfortunately, as the UKS and IRM ion experiments of the problem, or the presenceof microinstabilities,would cannot distinguishbetween ion species of different masses, be required to allow ion extraction to take place. The no exact measurementof the deflected solar wind velocity momentum imparted by the extracted ions is hence not is available. Other quantitative features of the simple known explicitly. In general then, the number of extracted model of Figure 1 are directly accessiblein the data ions required to account for the transversemotion of the however, and will be calculated by integrating the releaseion cloud directly will differ from the number found snowplough equations of motion. The time taken for the to be photoionied upstream from integrating the snowplough snowploughed release ions to return to the IRM location equations as is done here, the latter population achieving after the initial expansionof the release ion cloud can momentumtransfer via • accurately be determined, as the arrival of the snowploughed ions is clearly evident in the IRM in situ protons. Calculating the number that are expected to be photoionized upstream will, in later sections of this paper, couplingwith the oncoming data [Chapman and Schwartz, 1987]. The global motion of the release ion cloud is also approximately known from allow us to show that this release ion population is adequate to balance the transverse momentum of the 230 Chapman: Bulk Motion of AMPTE Release Ion Clouds remaining population that forms the release ion cloud. Since different fractions of the total release ion population moving faster than the release ions in its vicinity that have yet to interact with it. will generallybe requiredto achievetransversemomentum balance by these two different mechanisms,the time dependentmass of the release ion cloud will also differ, along with its expectedtrajectory. To a good approximation,the release ions are just createdwith the expansionvelocityof their sourceneutrals, and for the purposesof this simple model we assumethat the ions are not subsequentlyenergized, except by their In conclusion, we cannot eliminate the possibilitythat either (or all three) mechanismsare in operation during the release events, however it will be shown here that the snowploughdescription(as detailed in Figure 1) can alone account for the observed quantitative features of the bulk motion of the various release ion clouds seen both in the IRM in situ data and from ground-basedmeasurements. interaction with the snowploughor moving boundary layer field structure itself. While this is perfectly valid for those ions created within the diamagnetic cavity, where the electromagnetic fields have presumably been locally suppressedby the responseof the release electron cloud, it is strictly speaking not the case for ions created in the upstream solar wind flow. For the form of the release ion cloud employed here, however these release ions, created in 2.1. The Snowplough Equationsof Motion the oncomingsolar wind flow upstreamof the snowplough fields do not contribute significantly to the mass or Theone-dimensional hybridsimulation study conductedmomentum of the snowplough by directly interacting with by Chapman andSchwartz [1987]showed thatmomentumit, instead contributing primarily to the overallglobal transfer betweenthe release ions associated with the accelerationof the release ion cloud by effectively diamagnetic cavityandtheoncoming proton flowcouldbe deflecting and slowing the oncoming protonflow as achieved viaan interaction witha propagating, quasi-steady described in the previous section (theslowed proton flow fieldstructure. A simple model wasproposed in which the speed thenbeingrequired asa constant in theintegration various ion populations encounter the propagating field of the snowplough equations of motion).We therefore structure (thesnowplough), suffering an effective collisionassume thatbeforeinteracting withthe snowplough, the with it. The net resultis a lossof momentum to the releaseions all initiallymove with the speedsof the oncoming protons, momentum whichis just ultimatelyneutrals thatactastheirsource, Vr(X,t ) = x/t (thesignof transferredto the release ions that encounterthe vr in (1) is hence just dependent upon whetherthe snowplough fieldstructure asit propagates intotherelease snowplough is located upstream or downstream of the cloud. Nowprovided thattherelease ionnumber density release point). is suchthatthesnowplough continually accelerates, all the An expression fortherateof change of momentum of releaseions that have encountered it after its formation the snowplough can be obtainedas follows. An ion shortly aftertherelease time(t = 0) willbe continuallypopulation, suchastheoncoming solarwindprotons with accelerated also. The release ionswill, afterhaving speed Vswandconstant number density nswis assumed to encountered the snowplough, simplymovewith the interact withthesnowplough fieldstructure sothattheions snowplough speed Vp,effectively constituting theentireeffectively suffer collisions with coefficient ofrestitution e. snowplough mass whichcontinually gains momentum from In the framemoving withthesnowplough speed V.. the theoncoming solar wind. ions have a velocity -e(Vsw - Vp)after theinteractio•n, so In thissimple model, the snowplough fieldsact to thattheirchange of momentum in therestframe(inwhich transfer momentum along thedirection of motion of the the solar wind protonspeedis Vsw ) is just snowplough, _•only (that is,all inthe the direction ofsuch the AP x = -(Vsw+ •)mp.isAs theproton flux oncoming proton flow) sothat variables here, interacting with t•Pe)(1 snowplough nsw(Vsw - Vp), as the snowplough massper unit area Mp and speedV along withtherelease ionexpansion speed vr (i.e.t• speed of release ions which are still moving within the field momentum is delivered to the snowplough at the rate (1 + momentum e)mpnsw(VswVp)2.rateAnanalogous gives transt-er from the expression release ions the freediamagnetic cavity andhavenotyetencountered the encountered bythesnowplough. Thesumof these two snowplough) arealljusttreated asfunctions of distance x represents a netforce acting upon theexisting snowplough andtimefromtherelease t only.Thesnowplough itself is ofmass Mpperunitarea.Assuming thattherelease ions hence a planar structure of infinite extent in they andz that haveinteracted with the snowplough always directions, although hereweessentially consider themotionsubsequently move withit at thesnowplough speed, sothat of surface element in thisplane dydz sufficiently small that theyinteract witha coefficient of restitution e = 0, therelease ionnumber density nr canbesimply taken asa conservation ofmomentum between thesnowplough andthe function of x andt, andwewillexamine theparticularinteracting protons andrelease ions gives element which at some time will pass through the IRM location(i.e., y = 0, z = 0) in order to facilitate comparison withthe in situdata. Therateof change of the mass of release ions moving with the snowplough at speed Vp perunitareais thengivenby dt which, Mp(x,t) - mrnr(X,t) (Vp(x,t)-Vr(X,t)) Vp•Vr d Vp(X,t) dt - (1 + •)nswmp[VswVp(X,t)]2 -mrnr(X,t)[Vr(X,t) - Vp(X,t)]2 d • Mp(X,t) along (2) with dx(t ) (1) dt - Vp(x,t) (3) dMp(X,t) dt -0 Vp•V r and equation (1), completely specifies the snowplough motion. In the results to be discussedlater in this paper we will assume that e = 0 for the oncoming protons, as wheremr is the releaseion mass. Implicitin (1) is that well as the releaseions. This valueis suggested by the the snowplough can of courseonly gain mass if it is boundarylayer simulationresults[Chapmanand Schwartz, Chapman: Bulk Motion of AMPTE Release Ion Clouds 1987], althoughin principlea differentor varyingvalue of e for the protonscould be chosen. The contribution of the proton mass to the total mass 231 to of 0.05-1 s yields a variationof '• 20% in the time (approximately a few seconds) that the snowploughis calculated to take to return to the IRM, with a smaller per unit area Mp of the snowplough has also been variation in all otherparameters (in thiscaseto = 0.5 is neglected in comparisonwith that of the release ions. This assumptionis reasonableif we considerthat for a used). On varying the initial snowploughmass from 0.01 to 1.0 nswmrL o it is found that all snowplough parameters barium release, for example, the region on which the diamagnetic cavity extends is known to be limited by the UKS-IRM separationand is • 100 km. Since the release event is seen from optical observations to be r • 400 s in duration, the mass of solar wind protons that have impinged on this region of area A • 100 km 2 is vary by < 3% at all later times of interest here, for all of the releases. The initial location and speed of the snowplough can also be varied over several orders of magnitude to yield negligibly small differences in the calculatedsnowploughmotion after an initial transientphase of less than 1 s duration. In particular, values of the p •- 102s mp. approximately vsw ranswTM This mustbe initialsnowplough speedwerevariedfromthatof the local comparedwith the mass of releasedpt•otoionizedbarium, • 137 times (a few) times 10•4-10•s mp, which is releaseion speedvr (a few kilometersper second)to the oncomingsolar wind speedVsw (a few hundredkilometers expected to be mostly gathered up by the snowplough. A similar calculation for the lithium releases shows that the solar wind mass that would have been expected to accumulate at the snowplough from our simple picture would represent an even smaller fraction of the total snowploughmass. per second). In summary then, the results to be presented here may, as far as the integration procedure is concerned, be considered to be accurate to within a few percent for the barium releases and to within • 20% for the lithium releases. In order to integrate equations (1)-(3) we finally require 2.2. Integration of the Snowplough Equations of Motion solarwindand releaseion populations.In the modelused values Equations (1) to (3) havebeenintegrated usinga fourth-orderRungeKutte schemewith variabletime step, for the number densities and initial velocities of the here, release ions that are created outside the cavity, in the oncoming proton flow, are expected to be accelerated, causing theprotons to deflect anddecelerate in orderto conserve momentum. As no direct measurement of the the timestepbeingsufficiently smallthatthe numericaldisturbed solarwindvelocity andnumber density in the errorsaccumulated overan entireintegration (i.e., overa vicinity of the release ion cloudis available as required, timegreater thanthetimescale of theevent) are• 0.3% thesnowplough equations of motion willbe integrated using (confirmed by progressively reducing the time step for constant valuesfor the solarwindspeedand number several sample snowplough integrations performed overthe density, andin section 4 we willexamine thesignificance rangeof parameter space). of choosing different values for theseparameters. It just Theinitialconditions for theintegration arechosen to remains to specify therelease ionnumber density profileto reflectfeatures of thesnowplough structure formation seen be usedin theintegration in thefollowing section. in the boundary layer simulationresults of Chapman and Schwartz [1987]. These and further simulationsover a range of different release ion masses suggest thatthe formation time of the snowplough field 3. TheIonNumber Density Function structure is • 0.5-1 s for lithiumandup to a fewseconds for barium, whichfor the latteris shortcompared with the • 80 s overwhichthe diamagnetic cavitypersists at the IRM for the bariumrelease.Thistimescaledoesrepresent a larger fraction of the • 6 s for whichthe magnetic fieldis zero at the IRM in the caseof the lithiumreleases, so that we We will nowobtaina simple expression for the release ion number density distribution function nr(r,v,t ) withinthe diamagnetic cavity. First,a functional formof the density distribution function will be derivedanalytically fromsimple considerations concerning the properties of the release clouds. This functional form will of coursedependupona mightexpectquantitative results obtained fromintegratingnumber of parameters which characterize eachrelease, such the snowplough equations to compare lessfavorably with asthemeanexpansion velocity of thereleased neutrals that the corresponding observations in thesecases. The act as a source for the ions,the totalnumber released, snowplough itselfis takento be initially at restandat a and their photoionization time scale. In situ IRM distancefrom the releasecloud center where the release measurements of the ion densityas a functionof time at a ion numberdensityis just sufficiently large to be singlepointin spacewill thenbe usedto normalize the represented computationally. an arbitrarily smallbut simpleexpression for the densitydistribution function, nonzeroinitial snowplough massper unit area is also partially constraining theseparameters. requiredas an initial condition,in order to allow The release clouds of bariumor lithiumvaporbecome integration of (2). In the sample results to be discussedcollision free almostimmediately afterexitingthe release herethe initialmassMo -- 104 nswm r kg m-• (nswand canisters (i.e., within•- « s, the totaltimetakenfor the mr in SI units),or 0.1 nswmrL o whereLo -- 100km, a releasereaction(G. Haerendel, privatecommunication, typicalestimate of the scalesizeof the bariumrelease 1986)). The neutraldensityis sufficiently high that cloud. Thisvaluefor Mo is foundto be reasonable, as it photoionization produces electron number densities thatare represents a negligibly smallfractionof the typicalmass large enoughto locally supporta diamagnetic cavity, per unitareaof the snowplough at latertimes. suppressing the ambientelectricand magneticfields to To ensure that the above initial conditions do not zero. Also, the photoionization process is such that the dictate the propertiesof the subsequent snowploughinitialion velocities are just thoseof theirsourceneutrals, behavior,the integration was repeatedover a substantial to a goodapproximation. Withinthe cavitythen,bothions rangeof initialconditions. For a bariumrelease, it is then andneutrals moveon straight line trajectories, theirphase foundthatif thestarttimeof theintegration to wasvaried spacecoordinates at the "release time",-•o, Eo, to -- 0 from0.1 to 10 s, a change of only3% is produced in the (i.e., whenthe cloudbecomes collision free),beingrelated snowplough parameters at the timewhenthe snowploughto thoseat sometime later, r, v, t, by -Yo-- v and returns to the IRM, for example, •- 80 s later(to = 1 s -•o= r - _vt. The distribution function of the particles at wasusedto produce the results to be presented here). In to = 0, ftot(ro,•o,0) determines it alongthesephasespace the caseof a lithium releasehowever,a similarvariationin trajectoriesat any later time. Here, at to = 0 the particle 232 Chapman: Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds distribution function is taken for simplicity to have the following form: l( available inside the field free region of the diamagnetic cavity are of course those of the IRM, giving a single-point measurement of the ion number density as a function of time. ftot(_ro,Vo,0) = No distinction can therefore be made between the different expansionspeedsin different directions,so we Vtx• Vty.• Vtz = V. The single-point measurement (4) take also does not determine thedirection ofthedrift velocity VtxVtyVtzRxRyRz zø2 Vxo2 Vyo2 Vzo2 ofthecloud asa whole. Forsimplicity werestrict our .exp -[ Rx2+RY2 +Rz2 exp - Vtx•+Vty2+Vtz•J snowplough attention here toacenter, single case where the trajectory ofthe element under intersects release ioncloud i.e.,consideration where thecloud driftisthe in The releaseparticle cloud distributionis just Gaussian the _• direction only, consistent with the observations of Rees et al. [1986]. It will be shown that no further details in the model for the release cloud need to be in formin bothrealandvelocity space, withdifferentintroduced in order to obtain a good agreement between meanvelocities Vtx,V_ty, Vtz,andmeanspatial extentRx, R.,Rz inthethree ½Cartesian directions. Thedenominator theresults ofso integrating theare snowplough the observations, that we justifiedequations in the and above of • (4) represents the mean volume in phase space occupied simplifying assumptions concerning the release cloud by the release cloud. By Liouville's theorem, the distribution function at some later time t along the phase spacetrajectoriesftot(r,v,t) = ftot(•,Xo,0) and normalizing geometry. finally The release ion number density function is to determine the arbitrary constantK finally yields NO (1 - e nr(x,y,z,t) X2 = •r/•r •/• P) (R2 + V2t2)a/2 (?) X2 + Vtx2t ftot (x,y,z,t) - x, y2 R2 + •2t2' (Rx2+ Vtx2t2)« (5) R2 + •2t2 with the IRM location at x = y = z = 0. y2+Vty2 t z2+Vtz2t 2' The IRM ion densitymeasurements to be discussed here are inferred from measurements of [Gurnett et (Ry2+ Vty2 t2)« [R2 +z,•2t2] al., the electron plasma frequency 1986a, b];(R. Treumann, private communication, 1987). This allows an accurate determination of the density of a singly ionized ion (Rz2+ Vtz2t2)« This does not, of course, represent a unique choice for ftot, the only constrainton the chosenfunctionbeing its integrabilityover phase space in order to normalize for K. population whichis at sufficiently low energies to fall below the rangeof the ion instrumenton boardthe IRM. This model for the expandingion cloud then is a . vd, and . allofwhich Thetotalnumber of released neutrals justdecreases function ofparameters No, rp, V, are only known approximately, for R, example from exponentially by photoionization, with a time constant considerations made prior to release [Haerendelet al., density distribution becomes the model by allowing for a nonzero cloud drift speed If the total numberof releaseparticlesis NO, then the ion 1985].Also, since wehave introduced anasymmetry in relative to the IRM, the single-point measurementof the nr(x,y,z,t ) =No(1-•t/Vp) ftot(X,y,z,t ) (6) ionnumber density attheIRMasa function oftime is Now, since the release is made from two canisters, insufficientto uniquelydeterminea singleset of parameters that constitutea best fit to the IRM data. The simplest whichprior to ignitionhavedriftedsomedistancefrom the possible approach,employedhere, is to fit the ion number IRM in some unknowndirection, we can take the initial density at the IRM location as a function of time, as spatialscaleof the cloudto be dominatedby this canister determinedfrom (7), to the IRM data by minimizingwith separation, R, i.e., Rx • R•.• Rz • R. These initial respect to a single parameter, thetotalnumber of neutrals release cloud dimensions wall be significantfor times t • Rx/vtx,etc., the cloudat later timesbehaving as if it NO released,keepingthe other parameters fixed. We can then directlycomparedifferentdensityversustime curves originatedfrom a single point in space (R 4 0). generatedin this way, each curve corresponding to a One furtherpossible featureof the behavior of the release different choice of Vp, •, vd, andR, withtheIRM data particlecloudis that it driftsas a wholewith respect to directly. This will then determine whetheror not the the releasepoint. A drift of the order of the mean chosenmodel (7) is adequateto describethe slow expansion speeds of the particles wasobserved in the case expansion phaseof the release cloud,as seenby the IRM, of the first bariumrelease[Reeset al., 1986]; this might given the expectations for the values of the various be expected to be a nonnegligible factorin the particle parameters involved,as well as effectively allowing us to distributionfunction.Assuming for simplicitythat the center calculateNO as a functionof theseparameters. of the Gaussiandistribution drifts with respectto the locationof its centerat t = 0 (i.e., the IRM location)in The deviation of the fittedcurvenr(t) (i.e., equation (7)) from the set of ion densitymeasurements ni(ti) is just the +• direction at constantspeed vd, we need only replacex by x - Vdt in (5). In other words,the ion densitymeasured at the IRM locationx = 0 is just that of theionsmoving withvelocity -VdR. A = • [ni(ti) - nr(ti)]2 (8) i We now wish to comparethis model for the ion density distributionwith in situ measurements,in order to where ti is the time when the ith measurement is made. determinereasonable valuesfor the parameters by which Putting•}A/•No = 0 then yieldsan expression for the value the release cloud is scaled. The only measurements of NO requiredfor the fitted curve Chapman'Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds 233 before this time, subsequent measurements being discarded Log1onr from the data set ni(ti) used to fit the curves and determineNo. The curvesshown in Figure 2 have been drawn R, R % /n A 1 0.174 0.025 10 0.015 0.329 C I 0.079 0.165 two different for typical values of the initial values of the cloud other R = 1 km, but using the same data set (i.e., 40 80 scale size parameters (V = 1.0 km sTM, vd = 0.4 km s-l). On the right-hand side of the plot the appropriate values for N O and •n/n are given for each curve. Curves A and B correspond to values of R = 1 and 10 km, respectively, each curve being producedfrom the interval of IRM data ni(ti) that starts at the earliest possibletime t• = ti > R/V, as we would not expect (7) to provide a good description at earlier times (the earliest data points in time t• used to producethese fits are marked by triangles). For the purposes of comparison, a third curve, C, has been plotted for NO B for and the same value for t•) as for the R = 10 km curve, B. 120 In general the fitted curves found for reasonable ranges t(s) Fig. 2. This figureshowsa comparison betweenthe release of the drift and expansion speedsdo not vary stronglyin ion numberdensityseenat the IRM as a functionof time shapeor accuracyof fit. For example,over a rangeof markedby the dots [from Gurnettet al., 1986b],with fitted curvesof the form givenby equation(10) in the text. The data is for the December27 barium release, V = 0.5-1.5 km sTMthe deviation an/n variesby •- 5%, and over a rangeof vd = 0-1.0 km sTM an/n variesby less than •- 3% for the example shown. However, these and the first point used in each fit is marked by a triangle.The fittedcurvesA andB correspond to valuesof fitted curves require values of No which do vary significantly with V and vd, and this mustthen be taken R of I into accountin the calculationof the snowploughmotion. and 10 km, respectively, both having been calculated usingdifferentsubsets of the data consistent with equation(10), (see text), the curve C corresponding to R = I km, but usingthe samesubsetof the data as the R = 10 km curve B for the purposeof comparison. All curves have been calculatedfor typical values of the remaining parameters • = I km s-• and vd = 0.4 km sTM. The valuesof No and an/n appropriate to eachcurveare For example, for curves such as B, No varies by approximately a factorof 5 in total over the aboveranges in V andvd. Thisrangeof vd hasbeenchosen to include the optical measurement of •- 0.7 km s-• for this event [Reeset al., 1986], and the range of expansionspeeds includesthe expectedvalue of •- I km sTM (the thermal speedof the neutrals)and valuesimpliedby the optical given on the right hand side of the plot. measurementsof the expansionof the release cloud of •- 1.35 km sTM [Valensuelaet al., 1986] and •- 1.5 km s-• [Rees et al., 1986]. It is only the choice of the • ni(ti) fi(ti) No • i • f i2(ti) i photoionization timescale rp thatis notexpected to strongly affectthe calculation-of the snowplough motion. (9) Both •rn/n andtheappropriate value ofNo vary byless than •- 18% over the possible rangezp = 28 -+ 6 s [Carlsten, 1975] in the case of a barium release. For the wherefi(ti) = nr(ti)/No and from (7) is independent of No. It is easilyshownthat •2A/•No2 > 0 in general,so that (9) yieldsa valueof No thatwill always correspond to a lithium releasesthe effect of varyingthe photoionization time will clearly be negligiblein (7), since the cavity lifetime t •- 10 s << Zp •- I hour,andthisis alsofound minimum in A betweenthe fitted nr(t) curve and the set to be the case. of data points. For the purposesof comparison,we will calculatea normalized#root mean square # deviationfor neglectthe uncertaintyin the photoionization time scales and simplytake • P = 28 s and I hour for the bariumand each curve lithium releases, respectively. All • • [ni(ti) - nr(ti)]2 }• trn _ __ n that Throughoutthis discussionwe therefore remains is to examine the behavior of the fittedcurves nr(t) astheinitialscale sizeR is varied.On i comparing the twocurves A andB plottedin Figure2 that refer to values of R = 1 and 10 km (and the earliest • ni(ti) (10) possible initialtimes t• consistent withtheassumptions implicitin (7)), it is immediately clearthat a good i agreement with R An exampleof the variationof the ion densityat the IRM is shownin Figure2 for the caseof the first barium release. Here, the dots denote the discreteset of density = 10 km the curve. IRM This data is obtained for choice of R = 10 km the then represents the closestfit to the data, yieldingthe smallest value of the normalizeddeviationan/n < 2% that can be obtainedfor any R. measurements ni(ti) (in cm-•) plottedversustime (in As the fitted curvesare obtainedby minimizing the seconds), and the solidlinesrepresent curvesnr(t) (given lineardeviation A (8), achieved by simplyallowinga factor by (7) and (9)) fittedto this dataset. The releasetime in (7), i.e., NO, to vary, it is clear that data pointsat corresponds to t = 0 on the plot. After the release,the measureddensityfirst falls away due to the expansionof earlier timeson the plot, wherethe ion numberdensityis largest, will dominatethe propertiesof the fitted curve. the release cloud within the diamagneticcavity. Hence by treating t• as a free parameter, different curves This behavior continues until t • 77 s, when the density rises can be obtained for any given value of R. sharply;this coincides with the returnof the magneticfield thereforeensurethat the MbestfitM properties of the release We must at the IRM and hence corresponds to the arrival of the ion clouds that are deduced by the fitting procedure snowplough field structure and associated releaseionsat the described aboveare not sensitive to any restrictions that are IRM location, as describedby Chapman and Schwartz imposedupon the selectionof the time t• at which the [1987]. Our modelfor the numberdensityfunctionof the expandingion cloud only appliesto measurements made dataset usedto fit the curvesbegins. To this end, curve C hasbeenplottedin Figure2, whichwascalculated for R 23q Chapman:Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds = I km but with the samedata set as the R = 10 km curveB, that is, with the samevalue for t•. This choice corresponding valuesfor No, are consistent with prerelease expectations.However,it must be noted that due to the of t• for the R = I km curve C now yields a closer fit to shorter time scalesof the lithium releaseevents, fewer data the data than the R = I km curveA, with •rn/n ',- 8%. points, i.e.',- 5-8, are availablefor fitting these curves, The best possiblefit that can be obtained for the R = I leading to larger errors in the best fit parameters.For the km curverequiresan even later time t• than for curve C, secondbarium release,parametervaluesfor R = 10 km, and althoughit has a deviation•rn/n ',- 5% approaching rather than the best fit valueshave been given. In order that of the R = 10 km best fit shown on the figure, it representsoverall a less satisfactoryfit in that it applies to a smaller subsetof the data points. The above suggestion that the R = 10 km curve B providesthe best fit to the data set is thereforenot affectedby the sensitivityof the fitted curvesto the earliest data points in time. The best to fit a function which is only valid for times after R .,- Vt, the first few points of the IRM data set that in reality starts close to t = 0 have been discarded. The fitting procedure is therefore only meaningful if this representsa small fraction of the data set and hence becomesless appropriateas R increases.In the case of the fit curvesfor the remainingreleases to be discussed below, secondbarium release,no distinctminimumin •rn/n is all calculatedusingthe earliestt• = ti > R/V, have also beenfoundto be appropriate in this respect,yielding•rn/n values that are either smaller than, or indistinguishable from, thoseof bestfit curvesthat are produced usingother arbitrary(but in all caseslater) valuesof t•. We are therefore justified in restrictingour attention to fitted curvescalculatedusingthe earliestpossiblet• = ti > R/V, found with changingR, even up to R = 20 km, requiring ',- 15% of the data set to be discarded. However,from the table it is clear that both R = 10 km and R = 20 km correspond to valuesof NO consistent with expectations, whereasR = I km does not, so that given expectations also concerning R, it wouldseemthat R = 10 km probably represents the mostreasonable choicefor this parameter. i.e., which apply to the largest possiblefraction of the data setandwhich areconsistent withthederived expression for 4. Integrating theSnowplough Equations: Results nr (equation (7)). Before release it was expected that the separation of the two release canisters, whichthe scalelengthR presumably represents, would be smaller, that is, Havingestablished a function for the release ion number densitynr consistentwith the IRM in situ data, the approximately a fewkilometers [Haerendel et al., 1985], snowplough equations of motion derived in section 2 canbe although theseparation is notwellknown.Asmightbe integrated for theparticular conditions appropriate for the expected from the plot, using R = I km yields a poorer agreement between the model and the data, i.e., for curve various AMPTE solar wind and magnetosheath releases. This calculation then yields quantitative predictions for the A, trn/n•- 17%. Thevaluefor thetotalnumber of global release behavior thatcanthenbe compared with released neutrals No thatiscalculated fortheR = 10km observations. In thiswayweshall establish in thissection whether or not the simple model for the release ion cloud curve, •- 3.3 24compares favorably with prerelease motion thatwasproposed in section 2 is quantitatively expectations of x',-10 3.4 x 10 24 [Haerendel et al., 1985], whereas thevalue of No fortheR = I kmcurve A is consistent withwhatcanbe inferred about thisglobal smaller thanthisbyovera factor of 10. Thisdifferencemeasurements. motion fromboththein situIRMandground-based optical in No would be expected to significantly affect any quantitative properties of the snowplough motion deduced fromthefittedmodel for theionnumber density.If, as 4.1. Comparison WithIn SituIRMMeasurements appears here the model for nr using larger values of R providesa more accurate representation of the initial In the precedingdiscussion it has been demonstrated releaseion cloudexpansion, it wouldalsobe expected to that the chosen functionfor nr (equation (7)) is consistent ultimately leadto qualitative predictions of the snowploughwith the in situobservations of the IRM for a rangeof behavior whichagreemoreclosely with observations. In values of thedriftandmeanexpansion speeds vd andV of the next section,the snowplough motionwill thereforebe calculated usingboth valuesof R, i.e., the "expected" valueof I km and the bestfit valueof 10 km, to specify the appropriate valueof No. The best fit R, corresponding to the smallestvalue of the ion cloud,giventhe corresponding valuesfor the total numberof neutralsNo (from equation(9)). Quantitative aspects of the snowplough dynamics, deduced by integrating the snowplough equations of motion,are thereforeexpected to vary with the expansionand drift speedsof the ion trn/n, has been deducedfor both the lithium and barium cloud, so that we will present results calculatedover a releases and is givenin Table I for reference. In this tablethe bestfit and R = I curvesare compared by listing the valuesof the percentage normalized deviationtrn/n and the appropriate valuesfor No. Fromthe tablewe cansee that for the lithiumreleases, the bestfit valuesof R are rangeof thesevalues. It wasalsofoundthat the implied initial spatialdimensions of the cloudR, whichgive the best agreement betweenthe model (equation(7)) and the IRM in situ data, are somewhat largerthan the spatial separation of the releasecanisters that wasexpected at the approximately a few kilometers, which, along with the time of release, at least in the case of the barium releases. TABLE 1. Comparison of Parameters for Best Fit and R = 1 Curves Release Lithium, Lithium, Barium, Barium, *Not Event September 11, 1984 September 20, 1984 December 27, 1984 July 18, 1984 the best fit values Typical Fit V, Vd, R, trn/n , No, Crn/n, NO, km s -• km s -• km % x10 TM % xlO TM 2.5 2.5 1. 1. (see text). 0 0 0.4 0 Best Fit 4 1 10 1020* R = 1 km Fit 1.7 7.2 1.5 4.6 2.6 3.3 2.2 3.8 5.3 8.9 17.4 4.3 4 6.7 0.24 0.49 Chapman: Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds R = 10 Cavitylifetime 235 km •' = 1.25 km/s Cavitylifetime t(s) • V = 350 km/s sw t(s) ] 1.5 100 •• 50 500 ] 0 1.25 50 ................................................ .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 0.75 0 1. -........:• .......14 ........•6........:8.......1. Vd Vd Fig. 3. (Left) A plot of the cavity lifetime at the IRM location versusthe drift speed of the ion cloud vd. The three curves show the results of integratingthe snowploughequationsof motion for the December 27 barium release for three different values of the oncoming proton flow speed. The plot is drawn for the best fit value R = 10 km and the typical expansionspeed V = 1.25 km sTM, (Right) This plot has the same axes as the left hand plot, but the four curves are instead drawn for four different values of the expansionspeed and for a typical value of the oncoming proton flow speed of 350 km sTM. The observedcavity lifetime is marked by the thick horizontal line in both plots. Results will therefore be presented here for the barium releasestaking both the best fit value, R '• 10 km, and the value expectedprior to release,R •- 1 km, in turn. One further parameterwhich is not well known is the velocity of the oncomingsolar wind protonswhich act as a source of momentum for the snowploughedrelease ions. It may be remembered that due to the creation of release ions outside of the diamagnetic cavity boundary, the ambient interpreted as a result of the cavity-associatedions being gathered up by the moving snowploughfield structure, as detailed in Figure 1. The in situ IRM observationof the snowploughmotion will be a temporal one, in that the lifetime of the diamagneticcavity as determined by the IRM will just correspond to the time taken for the snowploughedrelease ions to return to the IRM location after the initial expansion of the cavity. This initial flow is expectedto be disturbedbefore reachingthe cavity boundary where the snowploughfield structures have formed. The appropriatevalue for the oncomingproton flow velocity here is hence that just upstream of the snowplough field structures,rather than that of the ambient flow. We will proceed here by consideringa range of values for the oncoming proton flow velocities that are suggestedby (but not directly deduciblefrom) in situ expansionis modeled by the snowploughequationsof motion here as simply the phasein the snowplough motion when the momentumflux of the releaseions striking the snowploughis sufficiently large that the snowploughis forced to move against the direction of the oncoming proton flow (i.e., before the release ion cloud has expanded substantially). We will begin by comparing predicted cavity lifetimes determined by integrating the measurementsfrom the ion instruments on board the UKS and IRM for the various release events, the maximum in this range being just that of the ambient (undisturbed) proton flow. In comparingthe snowploughmotion that is determined snowploughequations of motion for the particular conditions appropriate for the various releases with the cavity lifetimes seen at the IRM. An attempt at such a comparisonis shown in Figure 3, which displays the results of a series of integrations by integrationof the approximateequationsgiven in section performed over a range of the ion cloud drift and 2 with the in situ observations of the IRM (and with expansion speeds, and the speed of the oncoming protons, ground-basedoptical observations),we simply assumehere that the motion of the entire release ion cloud may be for the December 27 barium release. The cavity lifetime, that is, the time taken for the snowploughto return to the R = 10 Cavitylifetime km • = 1.25 km/s t(s) :.................................................. Cavitylifetime Vsw = 250km/s t(s)' ß ß 100 V 370•• ß 100 km/s 1.5 1.25 1.0 0 ...................................... -.8 -.4 . .... 0 .4 .8 0.75 0 -.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 Vd Vd Fig. 4. This figure has the same format as Figure 3 but is drawn for the July 18 barium release with the best fit value R = 10 kin. 236 Chapman:Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds R=I Cavitylifetime t(s) 80 km •'- 1.25 knds Cavitylifetime .... '.... '.... '.... '.... '.... '.... •.... '.... '.... 1 t(s) 80 60 60 40 40 Vsw= 350 km/s .... '.... '.... '.... '.... '.... '.... '.... '.... "" • km/s 1.5 20 20 0 0 1.25 1.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 0.75 1. .2 .4 .6 .8 Vd 1. Vd Fig. 5. This figure is in the same format as Figure 3 and refers to the December 27 barium releasefor R=I km. IRM location, is plotted on the ordinates of the two panels, release in the magnetosheath,and the results are shown in with the range of values of the ion cloud drift speed vd Figure 4. along the abscissae. In the left-hand panel, the three curves have been produced for three values of the oncoming solar wind proton speed and a single typical the previous figure, except that since no optical observations are as yet available in a form that will allow the ion cloud drift (if any) to be determined, values of the value of the mean expansion speed V = 1.25 km sTM cavity lifetime have been plotted for both positive and These values for thesolarwindspeed thenrange fromth• negative values of vd, themagnitude of thisrange being of in situ ion data for the event [e.g., Haerendel et al., 1986]. The four curvesshown in the right-hand panel have been producedfor a typical value of the disturbed solar wind flow speed Vsw = 350 km sTM (which is also would be expectedto be similar, being producedby what shouldbe an identical releaseprocess. Once again, the best fit value of R = 10 km has been usedto generatethe plot. Given that the mean expansionspeedin this case is featured in the left-hand plot) and correspond to four values for the mean expansionspeed that include both prereleaseexpectationsfor V and values suggested by the also similar to that of the first barium release, which is reasonableif, as assumedhere, the principal acceleration mechanismis that of the snowploughfield structure,we optical observations. All of the curvesare determined also find that the predictedcavitylifetimeis consistent with using the that seen at the IRM. ambientvalueof • 500 km s-1 to valuessuggested by the best fit value for the initial cloud size The format of Figure 4 is identical to that of the orderof that of the first bariumrelease,sincethese R = 10 kin. Given someexpectations or measurements of the range in which •, Vd, and Vswlie, the figure provides The effect of varyingthe initial spatialextent of the ion cloud on theseresults,all other parametersbeing kept a prediction of the cavity lifetime as seen at the IRM location. The actual cavity lifetime for this event is denotedby the thick horizontalline on both panels. Given then that the drift speed is approximately a few times 0.1 km sTM for this event (i.e., .,- 0.7 km s-• [Rees et al., 1985]) and that the expansion speed lies within the given range (i.e., from ',-I km s TM [Haerendel et al., 1985] to ',- 1.25 km s -• [Valensuelaet al., 1986]), the predictionsobtained from the simple snowploughmodel are in excellent agreement with the IRM measurement. The same procedure has been repeated for the July 18 barium constant, is illustrated in Figures 5 and 6, where the calculated cavity lifetimes have been plotted in the same format as in the previousfigures and refer once again to the December 27 and July 18 barium releases,respectively. The ion release cloud distributionfunctionsused to produce these plots are taken to have an initial spatial extent R = I kin, which would be consistent with prerelease expectationsbut which does not provide the best agreement between the model for the release ion cloud number densityfunction nr (equation(7)) and the in situ IRM data, as shown in the previous section. We might therefore R= Cavitylifetime I km '• = 1.25 km/s t(s) Cavitylifetime V•w= 250 km/s t(s) 120 100 80 V km/s 5O 1.5 4o 1.25 1.0 0.75 -.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 Vd -.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 Vd Fig. 6. This figure is in the same format as Figure 3 and refers to the July 18 barium release with R =1 km. Chapman:Bulk Motion of AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds R=4 Cavity lifetime 237 km '• = 2.5 Cavitylifetime km/s Vsw= 450 km/s 12 12 t(s) t(s) V km/s 3.5 " 450 ß 500 ••' 2.5 1.5 0.5 -.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 -.8 -.4 0 .4 Vd .8 Vd Fig.7. Thisfigureis in thesameformatasFigure 3 andrefersto theSeptember 11 lithiumrelease. expectthatthe R = 1 km curves will not be in as good that the calculation of the snowplough motionfor the agreement withtheIRM in situmeasurements of thecavity lithium releases is subject to muchlargererrors thanin the lifetimesas the bestfit curvesshownin Figures3 and 4, and for the firstbariumreleasethisis clearlythe case(the caseof the bariumreleases, the principalsources of error beingthe sensitivity of the resultsto the initial conditions predicted cavitylifetimes nowbeingtooshortby abouta factorof 2). For theJuly18 release, however, it is still possible thatthecavitylifetime measured at theIRM lies withintheexpected rangeof theparameters V, vd, andthe oncoming flowspeed, principally because in thiscasevd is as described in section 2 andthelimitednumber of IRM ionnumber density datapoints ni(ti)thatare available for the fittingprocedure described in the lastsection, leading essentially to an errorin the totalnumber of neutrals No. It is therefore not surprising that the cavitylifetimes larger. Our conclusion hereis thenthat although the are not in as goodagreement with the IRM in situ lesswell known,so that the rangeof this parameter is predicted by integrating the snowplough equations of motion different values for the expected andthe bestfit values of measurements for the lithiumreleases, beingin general too R implyvalues for the totalnumber of neutrals thatrange smallby a factorof 3. over an order of magnitudefor the December 27 release, andabout halfan orderof magnitude for theJuly18 4.2. Comparison WithGround-Based Optical Observations release, the corresponding values for the cavity lifetimes vary much less. Therefore,despitethis discrepancy The otherset of measurements that are available for between the expected and the bestfit valuesof R, we are comparison withthe predictions of the snowplough equations still able to providepredictions for the cavitylifetimes are the ground-based opticalobservations of the December which are reasonably consistent with the IRM 27 bariumrelease,whichshowthe motionof the entire measurements, to within the uncertainties of the various releaseion cloudin the plane of the night sky. As this parameters whichcharacterize eachrelease. releasewasperformed at the flankof the magnetosphere, September 11 and 20 lithiumreleases, bothof whichtook placein the solarwind. Sincethe bestfit values of R for these releasesare quite closeto that expectedprior to release(seeTable1), the cavitylifetimes that are foundin convection electricfield, to a goodapproximation (i.e., to within',- 30ø),andtherefore the observed ion cloudmotion alsojust lies approximately in the planein whichFigure1 is drawn. The _•', •', and_•' axesof Figure1 therefore We can now turn to consider the case of the this plane contains the ambient solar wind flow and both cases for each release are rather similar. We therefore confine our attention here to the results obtained are equivalentto x, X, and z GSE to within ',- 30 o also. The release ion cloud produced during the July 18 event usingthe bestfit valuesof R, and theseare shownin wasalsoobserved to behavein a mannersimilarto the Figures7 and 8 in the sameformatas the previous December 27 release, thatis, to moveinitiallytransverse to figures.In interpreting theseplots,it mustbe remembered the ambientflowdirection V, i.e. in • VAB_ direction (M. R= Cavity lifetime 1 km Cavitylifetime '• = 2.5 km/s Vsw= 450 knds 10 t(s) t(s) V km/s 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 -.8 -.4 0 .4 .8 Vd Fig.8. Thisfigureis in thesameformatasFigure 3 andrefersto theSeptember 20 lithium release. 238 Chapman:Bulk Motionof AMPTE ReleaseIon Clouds Finally, we have only consideredhere the release ion cloud acceleration that can be achieved directly from the ram pressure of the oncoming proton flow (via the enhancements in the electron and magnetic pressures that constitute the snowploughmoving field structure). The net acceleration that could be produced by considering the x10 2 curvature in the magnetic field that must, in some sense, become draped around the release ion cloud has not been discussed, as a consequence of the one-dimensionality of the simple model used here. The initial justification for these simplifications in the description presented here is based upon the uncertainties in the various parameters that are required to determine the snowplough motion. The extent to which the predictions of the simple model have been found to agree with the observationsthen supports the approach employed here. 0 5 1o •5 20 25 30 35 4o 4.3. Transverse Momentum Transfer x•o • T {$> Fig. 9. This figureis a plot of the predictedsnowplough displacement (from the IRM at x = 0) versustime, which has been calculatedfor the December27 bariumrelease, for typical parameters Vsw = 350 km s-• , One furtherpredictionof the simplesnowplough model is requiredin order for the aboveinterpretation of the optical observations to be consistent. It remainsto be shownwhetheror not a sufficientproportion of the release population is photoionized upstream of the snowplough field V -- 1.25 km sTM, vd = 0.53 km s-• , and R = 10 kin, structureto cause a substantialtransversedeflectionin the chosento alsoyielda cavitylifetimethat is consistent with observations (this point in parameterspaceis markedby oncomingprotonflow. This deflectionin the oncoming flow is of courserequiredin order to accountfor the the asterisk in Figure 3). The observed release ion cloud displacementsfor this event are also marked on the plot transverse motion that is observed in the barium release ion clouds which we have assumed here are accelerated by crosses [Reeset al., 1986] and error bars [Valensuela principally by the snowploughprocess. Since the et al., 1986]. integration of the snowplough equations of motionyieldsthe snowplough location with respect to that of the release cloud at all times, it is straightforward to calculate the Mendillo, private communication,1988), although these results are as yet not sufficiently processedto allow the detailed quantitativecomparisonwith the predictionsof the proportion of release neutrals which are photoionized upstream of the infinite planar membrane that is used to represent the snowplough. This calculation is three snowplough equations that is to be attempted here for the dimensional in the sense that the function for the neutral December27 release. number densityftot(X,y,z,t) (equation(5)) (along with the In order to compare the motion of the release ion cloud directly with the predicted snowploughtrajectory, the displacementof the snowploughas a function of time has assumptions implicit in (7) concerning the drift and expansion speeds of the cloud) that was derived in the previous section will be employed. been plottedin Figure 9. This particularsnowplough trajectory has been calculatedby integratingthe snowplough equations for typical values of the drift and expansion speeds of therelease ioncloudandthedisturbed oncoming protonflow,vd = 0.53km sTM,• = 1.25 km sTM,and Vsw = 350kmsTM,which have also been chosen togive a cavitylifetimethat is consistent with the IRM measurement The photoionisation rate Rp per unit volumeat any point in space and time is simpl• Rp- No ftot(X,y,z,t) -t/rp e (11) rp fortheevent.Thepointin parameter space corresponding so thatthe fraction F of the totalnumber of neutrals tothischoice ismarked bytheasterisk inFigure 3. The released thatphotoionize upstream of the snowplough assumptionthat is inherent in the comparison to be made here is that the snowploughdisplacementthat is shown in the figure correspondsto the transversedisplacementthat is observed, requiring a suitable deflection in the oncoming solarwindflow. Giventhat thisis the case,we can then location Xp between t - t + /it is mark the observed release ion cloud displacementsseen by Rees et al. [1986] (crosses)and Valensuelaet al. [1986] (error bars) directly on the plot. The bounds of the error bars correspondto the locations of the edges of release ion cloud images which were subject to artificial enlargement due to overexposure and hence must presumably enclose the location of the snowploughitself. It is then clear from the plot that for most times there is good agreement between the predicted and observed deflections. There are severalpossiblereasonsfor the discrepancy betweenthe observations and predictionsat later times. First, in e F(t ) - /it w P exp- •r/•r(R 2 + V2t2)3/2rp -•o (x- Vdt)2 - dx + V2t 2 (12) oo y2 2 q. V2t oo Z2 R 2 + V2t The integrals over y and z are just standard in form, so that (12) may be rewrittenas: integrating the snowplough equations of motion, we have assumed a constant value for the oncoming proton flow snowplough field structure which isrequired toaccelerate e-t/rP/it the release ion cloud will ultimately be expected to F speed, which will clearly not be the case. Also, the i(XeP) collapse, other forces then becoming more significant.rp•r '• +0 Chapman: Bulk Motion of AMPTE Release Ion Clouds where (x- 239 oncoming solar wind or magnetosheath flow is transferred to the dense ion clouds that were produced during the early phases of the AMPTE lithium and barium releases. Vdt) u(x)- (R2 + •2 t •) « This process was suggested by the properties of the quasi-steady boundary layer structure that was found to so that whenXp < Vdt, the snowplough is located formlocally between thebulkof therelease ionsandthe upstream of the centerof the drifting Gaussian neutral oncoming protonflow in the one-dimensional hybrid cloud. Equation (13) was evaluated numerically at each time simulations of Chapman and Schwartz [1987] allowing step during the integration of the snowploughequations of momentum transfer to take place between the two motion.Thesumof thefraction F photoionized upstreampopulations. Herewehavemodeled thisboundary layerby at eachtimestepthenyields thetotalfraction photoionized a simple planar moving membrane (a snowplough), which upstream during theentireevent.It wasthenfound for absorbs momentum fromtheoncoming protons, transferring bothbarium release events considered herethat'• 10-15% it to the release ionswhichit encounters. As a result, of the total numberof neutrals released NO are thisrelease ion population becomes gathered up by the photoionized upstream of thesnowplough. It is difficult to snowplough fieldsas theypropagate intothe release ion estimate the effectthat thismighthavedirectly on the cloud,so that ultimately the bulk of the release ions oncoming proton flowfromsimple considerations, principallybecomes associated with the snowplough itself. The dueto thestrong timedependence andtwo-dimensionality direction of motion of the snowplough is justthatof the of the problem. However, sincethe protonpopulation oncoming protonflow, and sincethe latteris deflected onlyactsas an intermediary in the transfer of transversefromthe direction of the ambient flowin the vicinityof momentum between the snowploughed release ionsandthe the snowplough by the presence of release ionsthatwere release ionscreated upstream, we canstillassess whether created outside of the diamagnetic cavityandupstream of or not the observed transverse motion of the release ion the snowplough fields,thissimplemodelis qualitatively cloud is predictedin a consistent way by our simple consistentwith the observedtransversemotion of the snowplough model. bariumrelease ion clouds. In thispaperequations of Knowing the fraction of the totalmass of release ions motionof the snowplough havebeenintegrated, using created upstream of the sncgplough relates the (transverse)parameters appropriate for the particular conditions of the speedof thispopulation vu withthat of the snowploughvarious AMPTEreleases, in orderto establish quantitatively itself,i.e., Vp = Vu/9by conservation of momentum. To whether or not the simplesnowplough modelis consistent makean estimate of the speed of the release ionsin the with both the IRM in situ data and ground-based upstream regionvu we can simplyassume that they are observations. The following properties havebeenshown: accelerated in the ambientconvection electricfield 1. The lifetimeof the diamagnetic cavityas seenby Ec -• 5 mV m-•, whichwill represent an overestimatethe IRM, whichin the simpledescription discussed here sincethe localconvection electricfieldin the regionof corresponds to the timetakenfor thesnowploughed release disturbed oncoming proton flow just upstream of the ions to return to the IRM location after the initial snowplough will be reduced due to the presence of the expansion of therelease cloud,is predicted fromtheresults releaseions themselves, but mightbe expected to be of integratingthe snowplough equations,given the reasonable to within an order of magnitude. The uncertainties in the various parameters whichare needed to momentum gainedby the upstream release ionsappropriate represent the initialrelease cloud. to thiscalculation is justthat whichthey"pickup" while 2. The displacement of the snowplough calculated for interacting withtheoncoming protons thatwillsubsequently typical values of the parameters appropriate for the first transfer momentum to thesnowploughed release ioncloud. bariumrelease is consistent withthe magnitude of the This oncoming protonpopulation musttherefore be transverse displacement of the release ion cloudthatwas expected to be deflected over a regionwhichhas actually found fromground-based observations. dimensions onthescale of therelease cloud itself,i.e.,on 3. Thesnowplough motion calculated for thebarium a scalezXL-• 100 km. Giventhatthisis the case,the releases hasbeenusedto determine the totalnumber of second foundfromintegrating the snowplough equations of the transverse momentum of the remainder of the release "pickup" speed of therelease ions upstream aftertraversing neutrals thatphotoionize upstream of thesnowplough, and thisdistance is -• 27kmsTM , implying a snowplough speed which arerequired to deflect theoncoming proton flow. of Vp -• 3 kmsTM . Thisestimate is in good agreementSimple estimates suggest thatthe -• 10-15%whichare withtypical values of aproximately a fewkilometers per found to beionized upstream would besufficient to balance motion, andgiventhe approximations involved, it also ions,which formtheobserved snowploughed release ion compares favorably withtheobserved transverse velocity of cloud, thedeflected protons acting asan intermediary in therelease ioncloud of -• 5-6 kms-• [Rees et al., 1986]. the transfer of momentum between the two release ion After At '• 250s, thetimetaken forsignificant transverse populations. motion to be observedin the release ion cloud (see Figure 9), thesnowplough displacement would beexpected to be Acknowledgments. Theauthor would liketo thank R. -• VpAt -• 750km,which isin good agreement withthe Treumann, R. Anderson, andO. Bauer forproviding the -• 600-700 kmthatis actually observed at thistime. 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