JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 105, NO. A6, PAGES 13,103-13,117,JUNE 1, 2000 Plasma sounding at the upper hybrid frequency M. E. Dieckmann, • S.C. and G. Rowlands2 Chapman =A Ynnerman, • Abstract. A sounder measuresthe density of plasmas in various parts of the solar system. The sounder emits wave pulses into the ambient plasma and listens to the response. Intensity peaks in the wave responseare typically related to two mechanisms.One is provided by wavesthat are reflectedoff plasma inhomogeneities and propagate back to the emitting antenna, where they are then detected. The secondis provided by waves propagating with the same group velocity as that of the receiving antenna. In the secondcasethe waves stay closeto the antenna and thus yield a long-lasting response.Responsepeaks to soundingat the upper hybrid (UH) frequencyhave,in mostcases,beenrelatedto reflectedwaves.In this workwe examine if accompanyingwavescan give rise to the UH responsepeak. We examine quantitatively how the plasma responseto sounding at the UH frequency depends on the plasma density, on the electron temperature, and on the emissionamplitude. For the first two parameters this is done by solving the linear dispersion relation. The well-known property of the UH waves to change from having a zero group velocity to propagating waves, depending on how the electron density compares to the electron cyclotron frequency,is applied to Alouette sounderdata. It is discussed how the change in the group velocity may affect the spectral profile of the UH resonance.We presentresultsfrom numericalparticlein cell (PIC) simulations which show that in the caseof nonpropagatingUH waves,energy can be coupled into the plasma even though the vanishing group velocity of the UH waves should not allow this. The PIC simulations and sounder data from the Alouette mission show that in the case of propagating UH waves the responseduration to sounding may be used to determine the electron temperature. Emission amplitudes that are typical for plasma soundersare also shown to suppressthe generation of certain electron cyclotron harmonic waves. 1. Introduction A plasma sounder measuresthe plasma densities in parts of the solar system[D•crdau et al., 1993; Etcheto et al., 1981; Fejer and Calvert,1964]. The sounder emits a wave pulse into the ambient plasma and listens to the response. The peaks of the wave responseat certain frequenciesare commonly explained by two mechanisms. One mechanism is the excitation of waves with a group velocity closeto the spacecraftvelocity in the plasma frame of reference. Suchwavesare calledaccompanying waves. For soundingfrequenciescloseto these frequenciesthe wave energy will remain close to the satellite. The plasma responsesampled by the receiv- ing antennais then strongand long-lasting.The second mechanismexplainsthe resonances by the excitation of obliqueechoes[McAfee,1969].Waveswith frequencies close to resonancefrequenciesare reflected back onto the receivingantennaby plasmainhomogeneities. Resonancesthat are commonly attributed to oblique echoesare the plasmafrequencycop,the harmonicsof the electroncyclotronfrequencycoc,and the upper hy- brid (UH) frequency co•n= ¾/(cop2 _}_coc 2) [Benson, 1977; Le Sager et al., 1998]. The resonances at the frequencymaxima (the fq) of the electroncyclotron harmonic(ECH) waveswith frequencies aboveco•nare attributed to accompanying waves[Warren and Hagg, 1968;Benson,1977;Le Sageret al., 1998]. This separation is, however,not strict. In the work of Fejer and Calvert[1964],accompanying waveshavebeennamed •Inst.foer Teknik och Naturvetenskap, Universityof Linkoeping, Norrkoeping, Sweden. 2Physics Department, University of Warwick,Coventry,England, United Kingdom. by meansof particlein cell (PIC) simulationsand by Copyright2000 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Papernumber1999JA900491. 0148-0227/00/1999JA900491 as a possiblereason for the responseat In this work we investigatethe emissionof UH waves $09.00 comparingthe simulation results with the results predicted by the solution of the linear dispersionrelation. The aim is to see if accompanying waves could be a mechanismfor the plasma responsepeak at co•n. A sim13,103 13,104 DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY pie antenna model is implemented as the wave source. The linear dispersionrelation for ECH wavespropagating perpendicular to the magnetic field B with frequencies close to C•unis solved. The group velocities are calculated, and the responsetime to sounding at C•unis estimated assuming that accompanying waves are the reason for the plasma response. We assume that the most long-lasting plasma responseat C•unis given by a plane ECH wave with its wave vector parallel to the antenna axis. The antenna axis is aligned perpendicular to B. We assumethat the spacecraftvelocity in the plasma frame of referenceis zero. Then the longestlasting responseis given by the ECH wave with the lowest group velocity. We estimate the responsetime by dividing the antenna length by the group velocity of the slowest wave. This is clearly an oversimplifiedmodel case of a weakly magnetized plasma. Up to this point the waves are assumed to be linear; that is, they are solutions of the linear dispersion relation. In principle,it is possibleto examinethe generationof a wave packet by a pulseusing the saddlepoint method describedby Brillouin [1960].Wavescloseto COun have an electrostatic and an electromagnetic wave component. It is thus not possibleto approximate the linear dispersionrelation either by the electrostaticlimit or by the electromagneticlimit. In addition, we cannot assumea plasma sounder to generate linear wavesdue to the strongemissionamplitudes(the emissionamplitudesfor the Clustersounderare 50 or 200 V [D•cr•au et al., 1993], which comparesto temperaturesof the magnetospheric coldelectronpopulationof i eV [Etcheto et al., 1981]). Instead, a one and a half dimensionalelectromagnetfor the real (three-dimensional) soundingexperiment, but its only purpose is to give us an estimate for the responsetime. This estimate agreeswith the response time provided by the PIC simulations. It is also in reasonableagreementwith the responsetimes measuredby the Alouette mission. In section 2 we revise how the plasma responseto ic PIC code is employed. It solvesthe nonlinear Vlasov equation together with the full set of the Maxwell equations. The equations are solved in one spatial dimension for all three velocity components.The emissionis modeled by applying electrostatic fields that oscillate in time to a set of simulation grid cells. Section 3 describesin more detail the simulation code, the plasma sounding at C•unchanges with the ratioC•p/C•c andwith a changingelectrontemperature. For C•p/C•c< 1.7 parameters, and the antenna. In section 4 the case of propagating UH waves is (O•un/C•< 2) the UH waveshave a zerogroupveloc- ity. In the opposite case they are propagating waves investigated, which requires the plasma to be weak[Akhiezeret al., 1975].A changein the plasmaresponse ly magnetized. Then the plasma supports two wave durationat O•p/O•- 1.7 has beenreportedby Fejer solutionsat COun.Simulationsfor two emissionampliand Calvert [1964]. In the work of McAfee[1969]the tudes are compared. It is shown that fi•r the typicalchangein the topology of the ECH wave solutionsclose ly strong sounder emission amplitudes the wave soluto O•un(andthusindirectlythe groupvelocity)hasbeen tion with the high wavenumbercannot be excited. The used to derive the conditions for oblique echoesat O•un strong emissionamplitudes excite waves in a regime which predicted correctly qualitative featuresof the UH in whichelectron trappingnonlinearly dam•ps electroresponseto sounding. The change in the group veloci- staticwavespropagatingperpendicular to B [Riyopouty has, to the knowledgeof the authors, not previously los, 1986]. The observation from the simulationsthat been applied in the context of accompanyingUH waves, the absorption mechanism is more efficient for the wave and we examine this here. with the high wavenumberis also consistentwith elecIt is shown that for increasing electron temperatures tron trapping being the relevant damping mechanisthe wave group velocity strongly increases. This in- m. Direct evidencethat this is the nonlineardamping crease may be the reason for the absenceof a plasma mechanismrequires,however,a detailed investigation response to sounding at COunin the hot parts of the of the electronphasespacedistribution,whichis left to magnetotail[Etchetoet al., 1981]and in the Io plasma torus [Le Sageret al., 1998]. The absenceof theseres- future work. not have any impact on the soundingexperiment. The rest with respect to the plasma frame of reference. The propertiesof the plasmaresponse,sampledby a onances may, however, also be related to a decreasing virtual antenna placed in the simulationbox, are invesantenna response function for increasing wavelengths tigated. Of particular interestis the questionof whether the antenna length and the signal duration could be [Meyer-Vernetet al., 1993]. Nonzero electron temperatures are shown to change used to determine the electronthermal velocity. It is the frequencyat which the plasma responseto sounding shownthat this is indeedpossiblefor the simplecaseof peaks. This changeis, however,small, so that it should a one-dimensionalgeometry and an antenna that is at responsepeak is shiftedbelowWunfor Wp/Wc< 1.7 Section5 dealswith the caseof sounding in a strong(stronglymagnetizedplasma). It is shiftedaboveWun ly magnetizedplasma. Soundingat COun generatesa in the oppositecase(weaklymagnetizedplasma).It is nonpropagating, localized standing wave. Simulations also shown that for the plasma parameters under con- for two emissionamplitudesare compared.They show sideration the UH responsein a strongly magnetized that the plasmaresponsepoweris quadraticallydepenplasma should be relatively narrow banded in frequen- dent on the emissionamplitudeand that it is linearly cy whereas it should be relatively wide banded in the dependenton the emissiontime. The energytransport DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY into the plasma required to build up the standing wave is achievedby wave forerunnersdescribed,for example, 13,105 sus /•. The horizontal solid lines show the harmonics ofv:•.The dashed line shows •n - V/•p 2q-1- 2.1. by Brillouin [1960]. The nonpropagating perturbation The dots are the • values calculated by the linear dis- is consistentwith the observationby Fejer and Calvert, [1964]that the signalresponse at Wunis long-lastingin the case of a strongly magnetized plasma. The results are then discussed in section 2. Kinetic 6. Theory persionrelation solver. The dashedline intersectswith the linear dispersionrelation at points I and 2. Some properties of these points are examined in section 4. Point 3 in Figure I showsan fq. Thesenonpropagating wave solutionsprovide an important classof resonances to sounding[WarrenandHagg,1968].Someproperties of these waveshave been investigatedby meansof PIC The focusin ourst•udy is onECH wavespropagat- simulationsby Dieckmannet al. [1999]. ing perpendicular to B. These wave modes are linearly At low • in FigureI we get the (electromagnetic) undamped. The dispersion relation has been derived usingthe tensorcomponentsDII, Dyy, Dxy, and Dyx in the notation of Krall and Trivelpiece[1986]. Since the dispersion relation close to v:un is examined, the electromagneticcomponentsof the wavescannot be ignored. In what follows, vtn is the electron thermal velocity. The phase and the group velocitiesof the waves are referredto as Vpnand vgr. The frequencies are normalizedto v:c;that is, • - v:/v:c.The wavenumbers are normalized to the inverse electron thermal gyroradius; thatis,/z- kvtn/v:•. 2.1. The Dispersion Magnetized Plasma slowextraordinarymode (at low 5•) and fast extraor- dinarymode(at high5•).Forincreasing/c thefastextraordinary mode approachesasymptotically the ordi- nary wavemode. For the slowextraordinarymode (in the cold plasmalimit) we get the limits for • -+ •n and vgr -+ 0. The samelimits for •, vg• are approachedby a purely electrostaticECH wave in the ~ branchcontainingV:unfor k -+ 0 (warm plasma). Figure I showsthat both limits incorrectly describethe low /z waveswith 5• .• 5•un.The slowextraordinary mode goesoverinto the ECH wavebranchcontaining•n and Relation vg•.• 0 at cb• We focus on the UH wavesat low /z as the accom- of a Weakly The solutions of the linear dispersion relation in a weakly magnetized plasma closeto chunand for vtn - 9.4x 105m/s areshown in Figure1. Plottedis• vet- panying waves providing the strong plasma responseto sounding. In section 4 the numerical simulationswill show why the UH waves at point 2 in Figure I can be ignored. 3.5 3 (1)2.5 N 2 E o z •.5 ...... I 10-3 Figure 1. ........ I ........ 10-2 Normalized I . . i i I i i ,1 10-1 100 wavenumber i i ...... 101 The solution of the linear dispersion relation for undamped electron cyclotron harmonic(ECH) wavesand O3p/O3 c > 1.7. Overplotted are the harmonics of v:c(solidlines) andv:un(dashed line).PointsI and2 showthecentral •, } ofthewavemodes excited in the simulations.Point 3 showsan fQ whichis anothertype of resonanceto plasmasounding. 13,106 DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY We calculate,for •n - 2.1, the vsr of the resonance tenna length by the wavepacker'spropagationvelocity as a function of k for three sample vtn. We then de- in the antenna termine the minimum value of Vsr at • • &un and the responseduration for the Ulyssesantennawith a length of 72 m shouldthen be 0.85 ms. The maximum responseduration for waves closeto 0:• should be 1 ms. The Ulyssesreceiverstarts to samplethe wavere- its •. For vtn - l05 m/s we determinethe mini- frame of reference. For the UH wave mumas vat • 2.26x l04 m/s at •/min-- 2.101.For vtn-- 5 x l0s m/s thevalues areVgr• 2.33x l0s m/s and•/min-- 2.106. For vtn - 106m/s the valuesare sponse5 ms [Le Sageret al., 1998]after the emission has finished. No wave responsedue to accompanying Vg r • 5.92x 105m/s at •/min• 2.116. In the limit of lowvtnweget•)min--• •uh andvgr-• 0 as we would expect. For increasing vt• both •/min and UH waves can thus be expected. In section 4 the emissionof a wave packet with • - vat increase.For VthlargerthanVth• 1.5X 106m/s •u• is investigatedby meansof PIC simulations.The the minimumin vgr disappears.In this casethe waves emission should excite wave solutions at the intersection with • • •u• are dominated by the slow extraordinary points 1 and 2 in Figure 1 of & = &un with the linear dispersionrelation solutionof the corresponding ECH mode which has a large vsr. For sufficientlyhigh vt• /c, any wave energy injected into the plasma should prop- branch.Bothwaveshavethe same& but different agate away quickly, thus giving a very short response implying differentthresholdsfor the electricfield value to sounding. If a sounderdoesnot samplethe wave re- requiredto trap electrons.This field thresholdhasbeen sponseimmediately after the emissionhas finished,i.e., derivedby Riyopoulos[1986]. Accordingto equation [1986],trappedparticle if it hasa deadtime [D•crdauet al., 1993;Le Sageret (3) in the work of Riyopoulos al., 1998],the plasmaresponsemay be shortenoughto islandsemergein a plasmaif the normalizedamplitude go undetected. This may be the reason for the absence Ai = (eEoknx/•)/[mO:c2riv/(•rri)] of a monochromatic of any plasma responseat •n in the hot parts of the ECH wave exceedsthe normalized frequency departure magnetotail[Etchetoet al., 1981]and in the Io plasma • = 0:/0:c- n from a harmonicof 0:•. Here E0 is the electric field amplitude of the wave, n is the cyclotron torus [Le Sageret al., 1998]. As an illustration, we take parametersfor the plasma harmonicnumber, elm is the electrons'characteristic and the spacecraftvelocity encounteredby the Ulysses chargeto massratio, and ri is the normalizedvelocity sounderin the Io plasmatorus [Le Sageret al., 1998]. vk/o:• of the ith trapped particle islandcenter.We set 0:andk by• and/z.Thenthe We set o:p/o:c- 4.9. For simplicitywe take a single Ai = •, andwereplace for the critical electricfield in V/m is MaxwellJan with a temperature of 10 eV for the electron expression distribution function. At •n - 5.001,vg•m 1.85x 10s m/s. The lowestvaluevgr• 1.71x 10s m/s closeto 0:•n is found at • - 5.007. We assumethe antenna axis to be parallel to the spacecraft velocity vector in the plasma frame of reference. The antenna axis orientation is also assumed to be perpendicularto B, and we assumethat the strongest plasma responsecomesfrom ECH wavespropagating perpendicularly to B. The emission generates wave packets propagating away from the antenna. The antenna measuresthe potential differencebetween the an- Ecrit --•i (•_n) •mriVth•c(7rri)l/2 n• -•(1) Equation (1) determinesthe electricfield value required to trap electrons. A wave electric field exceeding this thresholdhas been shownto nonlinearlydamp the wave [Riyopoulos, 1986]. It has been derivedfor a monochromatic wave with 0: m n0:•. Both these as- sumptionsare not necessarilyfulfilled in our case,but (1) neverthelessindicatesthat the wave mode at high • shouldbe saturatedat muchweakerfieldamplitudes than thewavemodeat a low•. In section 4.1,numerical packet can only contribute to the plasma responseif the tenna wires. The wave electric fields of the emitted wave wave packer's end did not leave the spacebetween the end points of the antenna wires. This will be shownin section 4.3 to be true for a one-dimensional antenna at rest with respect to the plasma frame of reference. simulations show that an emissionwith a strong electric field amplitude can only generatethe ECH wavewith the low k. This observation would be consistent with theprediction of(1)thatthehigh• waveissuppressed Accordingto Le Sager et al. [1998], the antenna by trapping. frame of reference moves in the Io plasma torus with m 105m/s relativeto the ambientplasma.The UH 2.2. The Dispersion Relation of a Strongly waves have,fortheparameters above, a Vpn• 5.8x 107 Magnetized Plasma The linear dispersionrelation solution for a strongly m/s, and thusthe Dopplershiftis negligible.The wave packet that leaves the space between the antenna's end magnetizedplasma and for frequenciescloseto •n is points last is the wave propagating in the same direc- shown in Figure2. Here• is plottedversus •c. The tion as the spacecraft in the plasma frame of reference. dots indicate the 5• values calculated by the linear dis- Its propagationvelocity is given by its vg• minus the relative velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the plasma frame of reference. We obtain the plasma responseduration seenat an antenna by dividing the an- persionrelation solver. The vertical solidlinesshowthe harmonics of co•. The dashedline shows•n - 1.9. At low k we identify the slow extraordinary mode at low • and the fast extraordinary mode at high •. The s- DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY 13,107 2.5 c- (D 2 (!3 1.5 E o z ! 10-4 10-3 i 10-2 Normalized i 10-4 wavenumber I 100 ..... 104 Figure 2. The solution ofthelinear dispersion relation forundamped ECH waves and COp/We < 1.7.Overplotted aretheharmonics ofwc(solid lines) andw•,n (dashed line).Point I indicates the•, • excitedin thesimulations. low extraordinary mode goesoverinto the ECH branch If the resonanceat &,n is due to accompanyingwaves, containing •n. In section 5 we will discussthe emis- the responsetime to soundingshouldreflect this. If we sion of a wave packet with • - •n. A wave should be assumethat the plasma responsetime for accompanying excited at the intersection point between &•n and the waves seen by an antenna at rest with respect to the lowestECH branch(indicatedby point 1). The mini- plasma is approximately the antenna length divided by mumof Ivgrlat • .• •n is alwayszerolikefor point3 v•, we can relatethe response time to v•r. in Figure 1. Contrary to the latter resonance,however, In the workof Fejer and Calvert[1964]the observed point I in Figure 2 dependson vtn. The resonantwave response timeto sounding at &•n is .• 104wavecycles hasan & • 1.899for vtn- 105m/s, an • • 1.894for for 5•n < 2 and 3 x 103wavecyclesfor •n > 2. For of co•nm 1.5 x 106 vtn= 5 x 105m/s,andan& • 1.888forvtn= 106m/s. a typicalvaluein the ionosphere The changein & is small for this interval of vtn. rad/s [Fejer and Calvert,1964]the response durations are 6.7 and 2 ms, respectively(obtainedby multiplying 2.3. the responsetime in wave cyclesby the wave period in Comparing the Width of the Response Peaks physicalunits). For an antenna length of the Alouette sounderof 45.7 In Figure3 we plot v9r(•)/vtn for •n = 1.9 (Figure 3a) and for &•n - 2.1 (Figure 3b). The circles m [Bensonet al., 1997],the observed response duration correspond to vtn= 9.4x 105m/s, andthe crosses cor- of 2 ms,andvtn= 105m/s, wemusthaveVg,/Vtn= respond to vtn- 105m/s. Whilethecircles correspond0.23. This is the valueof the minimumVg,in Figure3b. to magnetospheric vtn [Roennmarkand Christiansen, Defining the width of the responsepeak as the frequency 1981]usedfor the numericalsimulationsin sections4 intervalfor which < 0.46 (halfthe response time and 5, the crosses are representative for the Earth's of 2 ms) givesa spectralwidth of 0.014 ionospheric vtn [Baumjohannand Treumann,1997]. For a response durationof 6.7 ms, vg,/vtn mustbe Figure 3a showsthat &•n is not a plasma eigenmode. 0.068. This low value is only achieved for • closeto The gap between the ECH wave's maximum • and &,n (Figure3a). Definingthe spectralwidth of the response increasesfor increasing vtn. Figure 3a also showsthat peak as the co-intervalfor which < 0.136 (half the Vg• are low for & • &,n only. Figure 3b showsthat the & at which the ECH waves reachtheir minimumvg• is above&•n and that it increasesfor increasing vtn. While for ionosphericvtn the responsetime of 6.7 ms) givesa spectralwidth of 4 x 10-400½. The spectrallinefor•,n < 2 isthusnarrow compared with the spectral line for the case •,n > 2. Finally,for a magnetospheric vtn = 9.4 x 105m/s the minimumin v• is pronounced, it practicallydisap- and for •n > 2, the minimumva,•/vtnis 0.58. The pearedfor magnetospheric vtn. Only for CVp/CV• < 1.7 intervalforwhich < 1.16is0.22co•.Themaximum andfor • • •n canwe get Ivgl - o. responseduration for an antenna with a length of 45.7 13,108 DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY (A)i o 0.5 : 0 i i x o x xO ,,o ,,o (• Ox Ox Ox 0.5 0000000(• x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxX)•< o z -1 1.875 1.88 1.885 1.89 1.9 1.895 Normalized frequency (B)1 o oooooooooooo xoo• ox xo•o•.oxoxoxøxøxøxø' XXx XX _ x :0.5- o x xxX xxxxx xx XxxXX o I 0 2.1 I 2.105 I I 2.11 2.115 , I 2.12 I 2.125 ' 2.13 I 2.135 2.14 Normalized frequency Figure 3. The dependence ofva•/vtnon• oftheECH waves.(a) cop/coc < 1.7. (b) COp/COc > 1.7. m would be m 0.08 ms. Thus the responsewould be broad in 5• and of a short duration. 3. The Code and the Antenna nite extention perpendicularto the simulationdirection. Thus no electric fields other than those in the simulation direction are directly generated. In an unmagnetized plasma such waves would correspond to electrostatic waves. In a magnetized plasma, however, this separa- The emissionof waveswith • - •un is investigatedin tion is not apparent[Krall and Trivelpiece, 1986]. As sections4 and 5 by means of PIC simulations. The electromagnetic and relativistic simulation code solves for one spatial and three velocity componentsof the particles and for the three vector componentsof the electric and the magnetic field. The simulationdirection is in discussedin section 2, the emitted wave at •un at low the x- direction. The external B is in the z- direction. The temperature for the electronsand the protons is 5 •cis expected to haveanelectromagnetic component. We assume that the potential difference is shielded over one Debye length, which is approximately one simulation grid cell. The antenna electricfieldsare nonzero only at one grid cell to eachsideof the antennaand have an oppositesign on these two cells. The electricfields eV (vtn• 9.4 x 105m/s). The singleMaxwellian elec- at the gridcellm andm+ 1 areupdatedevery(discrete) tron and proton distributions are representedby 1024 simulation time step sat by adding an increment AE particlesper cell each.We set copm 18.5 kHz and vary to the self-consistentelectric field calculated by the PIC simulation. The self-consistentmagnetic field calculat- cocto model the casesof a strongly magnetizedplasma and a weakly magnetized plasma. The simulation box ed by the PIC simulationis not modified. The value for consistsof 1500 grid cells, and each cell is Ax - 7 m m is 750 in the case of an emissioninvolving one emission plate. The two values for m are 745 and 755 for long. the emissioninvolving two antenna plates. A schematic A typical emitting antenna on board a sounderconsistsof a pair of wires that is connectedto a transmitter diagramshowingthe antennaelectricfields(excluding [Ddcrdauet al., 1993]. The exactcurrentdistribution the plasmaresponse)as arrowsis shownin Figure 4. on the antenna is not known during the emissionprocess. In the numerical simulationswe thus employ a simplified model for the antenna. We assume that the antenna can be representedby oscillatingchargedensities at one or two points in space. Since the numerical simulationsmodel only one spatial dimension,the antenna correspondsto one or two plates with an infi- The direction correspondsto the sign of the electric field, and the length correspondsto its absolutevalue. Figure 4a showsthe one-plate emission,and Figures 4b and 4c correspond to the two-plate emission. The incrementAE is proportionalto cos(coosAt). The emissionfrequencycoois set to co•n. The total electricfieldthen oscillates like sin(coosAt) in time (the DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY 13,109 2.5 _ (A) • E 1 o zO.5 0 748 I 749 7• •3 752 2.5 2.5 • E I I 750 751 Grid cell number 1 o z0.5 0 744 0 745 746 Grid cell number 747 754 755 756 Grid cell number 757 Figure 4. A schematicpictureof the simulationantenna. (a) The electricfieldsas arrowsfor the emissionwith onesounderplate at the simulationcells750 and 751. (b) The electricfields at the cells745 and 746 (plate1) for the emission with two plates.(c) The electricfieldsat the cells755 and 756 (plate 2) for the emissionwith two plates. and temporal distribution of the electrostaticfieldsapgration). The magnitudeof AE is chosensuchas to plied to the antennagrid cells. We employtwo different givethe desiredantennaelectricfields(the relationbe- antennas. One involves sinusoidallyoscillating electric tween the increment and the resulting field oscillations fieldsat the simulationgrid cells750 and 751 (oneanis nontrivial owing to the electric fieldsgeneratedby the tenna plate case)and is employedin sections4.1, 4.2, and 5. The secondantenna involvesthe simulation grid plasmaresponseto the antennaelectricfields'. The antenna is assumedto be permeable for the par- cells 745, 746, 755, and 756 for the antenna with two ticles; that is, no boundary conditions for the parti- plates(seeFigure4) and is usedin section4.3. The electricfields (waves)arisingfrom the plasma cles have been implemented at the antenna cells. Both are not includedin A (x,t•). The powerspecthe permeable antenna and the electric field distribu- response tion are unrealistic in that the antenna electric fields trum of A(x,t•) is givenby P(w, k). If, asa firstapproxdecreaselinearly in the simulation owing to the field imation, the plasmaresponseelectricfieldsare ignored, oncoand representation by linear splines. Debye shielding gives P(co,k) canbe splitup into a term depending summation in time of the AE is equivalent to an inte- an exponentially decreasingpotential. Sincethe generated waveshave wavelengthsthat are long comparedto the two antenna grid cells, we may ignore any effects introduced by the oversimplifiedantenna model. In what follows, the physical times tr will be nor- a term depending on k. For simplicitywe calculateP(co) by meansof the Fourier integral. We refer to the unnormalizedemission time as r. The emissionamplitude is zero outside t• e [0,r]. For frequencies closeto positivecooit is sufsin(cootr)by (1/2i)exp (icoot•). malizedto t = tr/(27r/coo).The valuefor COo and thus ficientto approximate the normalization change depending on if the plasma is strongly or weakly magnetized. The normalized emission duration is T = 40. For the considered cocthis corresponds to t• m 2 ms, whichis twice as long as the emissionduration of the Cluster or the Ulyssessounder [D•cr•au et al., 1993;Le Sageret al., 1998]. The antenna will couple predominantly to those co,k for which the power spectrum of the antenna function Then the power spectrum is 2 P(co) -- •lj•0r exp (icoot•) exp (-icot•)dt• = sin[(coo - co)r/2] 2 4(co0 - co)2 ' (2) Mostwavepowerisconcentrated in theintervalcoe[cooA (X,tr) iS large. Here A (X,tr) represents the spatial 2•r/r, coo+ 2,r/r]. 13,110 DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY Our simulation box is periodic; that is, a minimum 1.2 k exists.This is definedas Ak -- 2•r/(MAx), with M as the number of simulation grid cells and Ax as the length of eachcell. We estimateP(k) by meansof a discrete Fourier transform: E0.8 P(k,)- 1/M• A,•exp(-i2•k,n/M) . (3) n•0 / -o0.6 N In physical units the wavenumber is k = k•Ak. The time seriesA• is, for the antennawith oneplate, nonzero o•y at two grid cells. We set the values as A• = 1 and Am+x • -1; that is, the amplitudes at these cells have an oppositephase. Then the transform reducesto •0.4 0.2 P(k,)- [exp(-i2•rk,m/M) (1- exp(-i2•rk,/M))[2 10-• Normalized = 4 x sin2(2•rk•/(2M)).(4) Figure 5. 100 wavenumber The normalized power of the wave modes Notethat k• hasan upperlimit of k•vy- M/2 (Nyquist andfor Wp/W•> theorem). This antennathuscouplesmostwaveenergy asa functionof k for a strongemission 1.7. The power has been integrated over time. The dashed lines indicate the points where the solution of the linear dispersionrelation crosses to high k and to w • w0. 4. Simulated UH Weakly Magnetized Let wc - ~ Emissions in a Plasma 10 kHz and •0 - •n ear dispersionrelation solution intersectswith • - •n. - 2.1. At this e- missionfrequency•0 the (linear) plasmasupportstwo waveswith differentk (seeFigure 1) and Ecrit- Accordingto Riyopoulos[1986],the ith trapped particle island'scenteris, for ri i•r + 0.5(n + 0.5)•r. The centerof the zerothtrapped particleisland(i-0) determines the electricfieldthreshold for the onset of trapping. The emitted waveshave • • 2. Thus the wave will first trap electrons at Thewavepowerpeaksat afcclose to thelow•cintersection point. The maximum is, however, shifted toward highervalues of •c. Thereason is discussed in section 4.2. In Figure 5 one also seesweak sidelobesof the main peakat •c• 9 x 10-2. The maximaof thesesidelobes are located at • • 1.8 x 10-1 • • 2.7 x 10-1 and } m 3.6 x 10-1. These sidelobesare harmonicsof the peakat }•9x 10-2 . No wave power can be detectedat the secondintersec- n=2 (n is the cyclotronharmonicnumbernwc). We thus replaceri in (1) by r0 • 3.9. The intersection tion point at k - 2.5. The antennapowerP(k) derived points of • - 2.1 and the linear dispersionrelation have in (4) predictsthat this peak shouldhavemorepower ~ absorption •1 - 0.035and •2 - 2.5. The criticalelectricfieldfor thanthe peakat • - 0.035. A nonlinear ~ kl is Ecrit • 2.3 V/m whereasit is Ecrit • 0.03 Y/m mechanism must thus be present, absorbing the wave for energy ofthehighfzmode. 4.1. An Emission Amplitude of 1.2 V/m 4.2. An Emission Amplitude of 0.3 V/m The electric field amplitude for the virtual sounderis lessthan Befit for kI -- (].035 b•]t higher than Ecr.;tfar Now we apply Um•x - 2.1 V between the antenna pl•f,p •.ncl f,hp .mlrr•11nc]ing pl•.•m• Tho plpcf, rr•.•f,•.f,]c •2 - 2.5. Thepeakpotentialdifference Umax betweenfield data are Fourier-transformed over space. The powthe antenna plate and the plasma for Ax - 7 m is Umax erspectrum asa function of•, t isintegrated overtime. - 8.4 V, which is lessthan that for "real" sounders.For example, the sounderon board the forthcomingCluster The integrationis done over two integrationsubinter- vals, one from t - 40 to t - 60 and one from t - 60 to t missionappliesa Um•xof either 50 or 200 V [Ddcrdau 80. Both subsetsare normalized to half the peak power et al., 1993]betweenits antennawireswhilethe Ulysses in Figure 5 to accountfor the shorterintegrationtime. sounder applies a Um•x of 30 V. The power for the first subintervalis shownin Figure 6a. The electrostatic field data provided by the simula- Plotted is the normalized power versusk. The dashed tion are Fourier-transformed over space. The Fourier lines indicate the intersectionpoints betweenthe linear transformis squaredto give the poweras a functionof dispersionrelation solutionand • - •n. As in Figure k, t. The power is integrated from t - 40 to t - 80. 5, thepeakat low• is shifted towardhigher• than The result is shown in Figure 5. Plotted is the pow- expected. The explanation is given below. No sidelobes can be detected in this case. The selfer, normalized to the peak power, as a function of k. ~ ~ Overplotted asdashed linesarethefcforwhichthelin- interaction ofthewaveat lowfzisnegligible compared DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY 13,111 distributionP(k,) in (4). This indicatesthat the peak I in powerat •c• 2 is stillnonlinearly damped. I I The k spectrum of the interval between t - 60 and t i - 80 is shown in Figure6b. If thewavepeakat /• - 2 was damped, one may expect a further reduction in the power for the secondinterval. This is confirmed by Figure 6b. Plotted is the normalized wave power versus k. The peak value at high k has been reducedfrom 0.13 ._ to 0.09. In Figures 5, 6a, and 6b the wave packet at low .E0.05 • hasits maximumpowerat a higher• than the intersection point between the undamped solution of the ECH wave mode and &0. Since the upward shift is approximately the same in Figures 5, 6a, and 6b, I 1 10-• Normalized , it is likely to be a linear effect. From (2) we have 10o the normalized frequency spread of the sounder pulse wavenumber •r A& - (2•r/'r)/wc. For •- - 40 x 2•r/woand &0 - 2.1 wegetA& - 2.1/40-0.0525. If &maxis the fr_equency 0.15 ofthe(linear)ECHwaveat •cm0.08(thelowk peak), I then &max-&un • 0.0282, which is lessthan A&. The reasonfor the shifted power maximum may then be that i / ,, o i I "o i i N ,, I E0.05 o z theantenna couples moreeasilyto waves witha high The wave packet at & m &un and at large k is shifted toward lower k than the intersection point of the linear dispersionrelation with &un. The wave power peaks at •cm2.23compared to •c- 2.5oftheintersection point. The peak wave power is then shifted to &max- 2.1277. Here the difference &max-&un - 0.0277 is also less than A& - 0.0525 of the emission. Here the shift might be a nonlinear effect.Decreasing •candincreasing &max increasesthe estimateof Ecrit in (1). The shift thus 1ø0- 10-• Normalized 10o wavenumber increasesthe maximum allowed wave power. A more detailed investigation of this shift is left to future work. To show that the trapping of electronsby the ECH waveat /• m 2 mightbe the dampingmechanism, we Figure 6. The normalizedpowerof the wavemodesas compare the wave amplitudes of this wave packet with a function of•cfora weakemission andforwp/wc > 1.7. Ecrit-- 0.03 V/m (1). To obtainthe waveamplitudeof (a) The powerin the firstintegration interval.(b) The the wavepacketcentered at •cm 2, wefilterthe elecpowerin the secondintegrationinterval. The powerhas trostatic field distribution in the simulationbox in •cat been integrated over time. The dashedlines indicate the time t - 45. The filter sets the amplitude spectrum the points where the solution of the linear dispersion relation crosses Wun. forwaves with•cotherthan•ce[1.7,2.7]to zero.The result is shown in Figure 7. Plotted is the electric field amplitudeof the wavepacketcentered at /• • 2 as a function of the grid cell number. The modulus of the to the wave in Figure 5 becausethe emissionamplitude waveelectricfield exceedslEerit] (the horizontallines). is one-fourth times that in section 4.1. The peak power of this wave is one-tenth times the peak power it has for The wave may thus trap electrons. Filtering the data set for the simulation with the emissionamplitude 1.2 the emissionamplitudeof 1.2 V/m and is thus higher V/m revealsthat at t - 45 no signalis presentin the than expectedif we would assumethe waveto be linear. Then the ratio shouldbe 1/16. The self-interactionof the wave generatedby the emissionamplitude of 1.2 V/m transferswave energyto its harmonics,someof which have values of &, k correspondingto transiently damped waves. This energyis then absorbed. We alsonoticethe presence of a signalat •cm 2, which is less than that of the intersection point at high interval •ce[1.7,2.7]. Thepeakat thelow•cintersection pointhasincreased its power. The overall change in power is, however, not large enough comparedto noise levels to identify the reason for this since the peak covers only a small interval 4.3. in k. The Measurement of Vth In section2 the dependence of vat of the UH wave •c.Thissignalisnotsignificantly stronger thanthat at on vth at low k has been investigated. In this section •c= 0.035aswewouldexpectfromthe antennapower 13,112 DIECKMANN ET AL' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY 0.08 • Umax = 8.4 V relative to the surrounding plasma. Between both antenna plates, Umaxis thus 16.8 V. Both antennaplates are separatedby 10 simulationgrid cells, and the antenna length L is thus 70 m, which is comparable to that on board the Ulyssesspacecraft. The potential differencebetween the antenna plates 0.04 =•_•• 0.02 II,I is shownin Figure 8 as a function of the normalized time. • -0.02 • -0.04 -0.06 -ø'%0 i i 1000 Grid cell number Figure ?. The electric field amplitude of the wave corresponding to thesignalat • m2 in Figures 6aand 6b for the time t=45. Overplotted as horizontal lines are -]-Ecrit ß the numerical simulations revealed that emissions with a strong electric field amplitude cannot generatethe The dashed vertical line indicates the end of the emission. Shortly after the emissionstarts, the potential differenceis approximatelythat givenby the forced oscillation.After a few emissionperiodsthe plasmaresponsereducesthe potential differenceto a peak value of 10 V. After the emissionhas finishedthe peakpotential differencedropsto • 2 V, which is still considerably higherthan the noiselevelsforthe simulation(• 0.1V). The antennaresponsespectrumis obtainedby Fourier transforming the antenna's potential differenceover time and squaring the result. This givesa power spectrum as a function of •. The window length is 40 time units. The integration interval starts first at t = 40, and the start is then shifted toward higher valuesof t. This gives an &, t spectrogram. The two •- bins with the highestwave power are extracted and plotted as a linearwaveat high/c.Theantenna lengthfortheplas- functionof•- t - 40,wheret refersto thebeginning of ma sounderis known. The wave responseduration can the integration interval.A time•- 0 thuscorresponds be measured. If the responseis due to accompanying to an integration interval from t = 40 to t = 80. The waves(that remainin the antenna'svicinity),onemay power is normalized to the average power that would be tempted to relate the antennalength divided by the be present in the correspondingbin if no emissionwas response duration tothevgrofthewaveat low•c.Then present. v9r at & • &un would determinevtn. What is not knownis to what extent we can apply the conceptof the group velocity calculatedfor undamped linear ECH waves.Figure 5 showedthat the wavepacket is not centered at the intersection point of and the undamped linear dispersionrelation solution for the correspondingECH wave branch. The group The •- bin with the most wavepoweroverthe longest time interval in the simulation is the one containingthe frequencymaximum of the ECH branch betweenpoints 1 and 2 in Figure 1. This maximum correspondsto a nonpropagating wave. Its normalized power as a func- tion of • is plottedin Figure9. This confirms that, velocity for k m 0.035(the intersection point)exceeds that at k m 0.08 (the signal'spowerpeak) by lessthan 15%.Thegroupvelocityat • m0.08exceeds theminimum groupvelocity closeto &unby lessthan 5%. These velocitydifferencesare probably negligiblecomparedto modificationsarising from uncertaintiesin the satellite motion or non-Maxwellian features in the electron dis- In addition, the absorption of wave energy by the trapped electronsand by wave-wavecouplingmay heat the plasma. This heating will increasethe noiselevels and may give rise to plasma instabilities which could affect the plasma response.For the consideredsimulation parametersthe electronkinetic energyin the simulation box has increasedby only 0.4%. If, like for the real sounder,electronsare also allowedto movealong , , 10 Jl jJJjJJjJJJJJJlj JJllJJJJ I Jt -10 -15 0 20 40 60 80 1O0 the magnetic field lines, an efficient relaxation mechaNormalized time t nism for the electrondistribution function is provided. For the consideredplasma and emissionparameterswe Figure 8. The potential difference between the anmay thus ignore heating. tenna plates as a function of time. Plotted is the poThe virtual antenna is now changedto an antenna tential in volts as a function of the normalized time t with two plates on oppositepotentials. Each plate is on for COp/W• > 1.7. DIECKMANN ET AL' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY 3500 13,113 A secondpossibility could be that the wave packet's end is not precisely defined. The wave packet encounters an unperturbed plasma in the direction it propagates. The wave amplitudesgradually increase.In the 3000 work of Brillouin [1960], it has been shownthat the amplitude increase is accomplishedby wave forerunners. These wave forerunners are typically transiently damped modes of the plasma. They do not neces- 2500 sarily have the group velocitiescalculatedfor the undampedplasmaeigenmodes; that is, componentsof the wavepacketcan propagateconsiderablyfaster or slower than the main signal. This, together with the gradual 2000 increase of the electric field amplitude, complicates a 06 150 2' Normalized ,i 6 strict definition of the wave packet'sfront. The end of the wavepacketis equivalentto the switchingon (after sometime) of a secondwavewith the samefrequency 8 time t-40 as the first wave but with a phase shifted by •r. Af- Figure 9. The power in the bin • - 2.39 as a function ter some time the electric fields of the first and second of the normalizedtime •. The poweris normalized to waves cancel out to zero. The wave packet's end will the noisepowerin this bin andOVp/OVc > 1.7. thus consist of the transient wave modes of the second wave. It is thus equally complicatedto define the end of a wave packet. One can therefore not expect the wave amplitudesto return immediately to noiselevels after the main signalhas left the spacebetweenthe antenna plates. For a more profounddiscussionof wave at least for this simulation, the responsemaximum is given by an accompanying wave since the wave power stays close to the antenna. The power slowly drops forerunners, seethe work of Brillouin [1960]. becausethe (finite width) &- bin also containspropagating wave solutions. This resonancehas been excited by the spread in & of the emission,i.e. by the sidelobes 5. Simulated UH Emissions in a Strongly Magnetized Plasma of P(ov)in (2). The second largest responseis provided by the bin centered at •n. The power normalized to the noise We now consider the case of only one nonpropagat- ing waveat &•n. Let w•- 11.5 kHz (&•n - 1.9) and powerin this &- bin is plottedversus• in Figure10. &0 - &uh. Two simulationsare performed. One applies The powerstronglydropsuntil • m 2.7, whichis indicated by the dashedvertical line. Afterwards,the signal intensity starts to oscillate on a lower level than the initial intensity but still on a higher level than the noise background. The physical parameters under considerationare 50 45 vtn• 9.4 x 105m/s, coc= 104rad/s,and&•n = 2.1. Theminimum vatat & m&•nandat low/c(/c- 0.055) is vat .• 5.4 x 105m/s. Thusit shouldtakethe UH wave 2.7 wave periods to propagate over one antenna length of 70 m (thus leavingthe interval betweenthe antennaplateswhereit canbe detected).This matches the time interval in Figure 10 up to which the signal :•25 intensity strongly decreased. The accompanyingwaves thus account for a substantial fraction of the plasma 15 •20 response. Thepowerlevelsafter• m 2.7aresignificantly higher than the noise levels without any emission. This could be causedby wave componentsof the main signal reflected back to the antenna location by the noise fluctuations of the PIC code. The low numbers 50 I 2 Normalized 4 time t-40 6 8 of particles per cell in a PIC simulation cause statistical fluctuations in the plasma density. These density fluctuations could then play a role equivalent to the density fluctuations in a "real" plasma which are held respon- siblefor obliqueechoes[McAfee,1969]. 10 Figure 10. The power in the bin & - 2.10 as a func- tion of the normalized time•. The poweris normalized to the noise power in this bin. The dashed line shows the time it takes the resonant wave to propagate over oneantennalengthand O•p/O•> 1.7. 13,114 DIECKMANN ET AL' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY an electricfield of 1.2 V/m to the antennagrid cellsaccounting for a potential differencebetweenthe antenna and the surroundingplasma of 8.4 V. The secondsimu- lationuses1/x/• timesthosevalues.WeFouriertransform in spaceover the electricfield data. We integrate the /c-spectrum overtheinterval/c• [0.02, 0.1]. The normalized power is shownin Figure l l as a function of •. The dashedline showsthe powerfor the strongemission amplitude, and it is normalized to its peak value. The solid line showsthe power for the weak emission amplitude, and it is normalized to half the peak value of the dashed line to account for the different 0.4[ emission 0:> amplitudes. Both curvesgrow linearly at the samerate and reach the samepowerafter the emission'send (• = 40). Then the power remains constant, indicating that no damping mechanismis present. Increasingthe emissionam- i J,; ' ß/ &,/ 00 500 ' , I, 1000 15oo Grid cell number plitudeby a factorof x/• increases the wavepowerby a Figure 12. The wave power in the bin • - 1.87 as a function of the spatial grid cell number and for factor of 2. This shows that the emission is in a linear cop/COc < 1.7. The dashedline showsthe powerfor regime. To understandhow the energyis distributed in space, we Fourier transform over time. The integration time interval ranges from • = 40, i.e., • = T, up to • = 106. We examine the power in the two bins with the highest the strong emissionamplitude, and the solid line shows that for the weak emission amplitude. Both curves are normalized to the peak value of the dashedline. power,whichare thoseat • • 1.90 and (the next lower antenna. This follows from the observation of a wave bin) at • • 1.87. The distributionof the wavepower power minimum at the antenna'slocation. A second as a function of the grid cell number for the stronge- indicator is discussedbelow. As expected from Figure mission amplitude and the weak emissionamplitude in 11, the power for the dashedline is approximatelytwice the bin at • • 1.87 is shown in Figure 12. The pow- as high as the powerfor the solid line. The generated er is normalized to the peak power of the dashed line. wave packetsare not symmetricwith respectto the anThe antenna is marked with vertical lines in Figures 12 tenna's location. A possiblereasonfor the asymmetry and 13. Two wave packets propagate away from the is the dispersivecharacter of the excited wave modes. The energy of the wave packet is spread over a large !.2 ,_0.8 50.8 , I t' o ø0_0.6 i I •0.6 N I i i co0.4 i o 1 jI 0.2 i 00 , 20 i 40 Normalized I 60 time t i 1 ooo Grid cell number õoo 80 1500 Figure 11. The powerof the upperhybrid (UH) wave Figure 13. The wave power in the bin • - 1.90 as a function of the normalized time t. The dashed line as a function of the spatial grid cell number and for shows the power of the wave mode in the case of the cop/COc < 1.7. The dashedline showsthe powerfor strongemission and COp/COo < 1.7. It is normalized to the strong emissionamplitude, and the solid line shows its peak value. The solid line showsthe curve for the weak emission amplitude. The curve is normalized to half the peak value of the dashed line. that for the weak emission amplitude. Both curves are normalized to the peak value of the dashedline in Figure 12. DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY intervalin 5•,•. The wavepacket's shapein spaceand time strongly depends on the phase and amplitude relations of the individual wave components. Simulation noise will modify these relations; thus the envelope in x, t of the wave packet will change. The distribution for the bin at 5• • 1.90 is shown in Figure 13. The power is normalized to the peak power of the dashed line in Figure 12. The dashed line in Figure 13 showsthe power distribution for the strong emissionamplitude, and the solid line showsthe one for the weak emissionamplitude. The overall power for the dashedline is approximately twice the one for the solid line, but the power is distributed differently, possiblyfor the samereasonas in Figure 12. The pronouncedmaxima and minima indicate a stationary standing wave 40L .... !!; ' 35 ..' , ß .•_,30 , ß•, oil Ht (Jill• I Li 0 50 1O0 150 200 250 Distance from antenna becausevpn • 0 and becausethe extremaare fixed. 13,115 300 The absenceof pronouncedpower minima in Figure 12 is an indicator that the waves in Figure 12 propagate; that is, they are not standing waves. The power of the standing wave decreasesfor increasingdistancesfrom the antenna, indicating that the wavesare spatially damped. Sincethe plasma response has been shown to be linear, this damping should also be linear in which case the nonpropagating waves are Figure 15. A contour plot of the spatial distribution of the wave power in the bin 5• • 1.90. The logarithmic power is plotted versusthe grid cell number relative to weaklydamped(transient)wavesolutionsof the linear The structuresin Figures 12 and 13 have propagated to almost the same distance even though the range of dispersion relation. the antenna and versus the normalized simulation time t. The contourlinesare 10-4'1 10-3'9 10-3'7 10-3'5, 10-3'25 and 10-3 • ß ComparingFigures 12 and 13 suggeststhat a space- vat of the wavesin both •- bins differs. To identify a craft moving at a velocity with respect to the plasma correlation between both structures, we plot the conthat is lessthan vat of the propagatingwavesin Figure tour lines of the time-integrated power for both bins as 12 would not detect any responseat & • 1.87. It may a function of time. The full time integration window detect the powermaxima in spaceat • • 1.90 (Figure is over 66 emissionwave periods. The interval starting 13) providedthe wavesare stableon a timescalethat is point is shifted from t - 0 to t - 40. The same bins as long comparedto the time it takes the satellite to reach for Figures 12 and 13 are taken. The powercontainedin the bin at • • 1.87 is shownin Figure 14. The power is the first power maximum. normalized to the maximum power found in the bin at • • 1.9 at the antenna's location. The power is plotted versus the normalized time correspondingto the integration interval starting point and versusthe distance in simulation grid cellsfrom the sounder. The power of both wave packetspropagating away from the antenna is averaged. The letter L indicatesthe regionswith the lowest power whereas the H indicates the region with the highest power. The power increasesfrom the regions denoted by L to the inside of the structures. One ßN 20•lr• J noticesa structurepropagatingaway from the antenna. Figure 15 showsthe signalin the bin at • • 1.9. Plotted is the power, normalized to the same value as that 10 in Figure 14, versusthe normalized time corresponding to the integration interval starting point and versusthe distance in grid cells from the antenna. The contour lines are the same as those in Figure 14. The power Distance from antenna maximum closeto the antenna is strong and nonpropagating. It developsa minimum at the antenna's location Figure 14. A contour plot of the spatial distribution at a normalized time of t - 35. The power distribuof the wavepower in the bin • ,• 1.87. The logarithmic tion at time t - 40 is shownin Figure 13. Apart from power is plotted versusthe grid cell number relative to the maximum at a distanceof • 50 grid cells, a second the antenna. and versus the normalized simulation time t. The contour lines are 10-4'1 10-3'9 10-3'7 10-3'5 maximum builds up at a distanceof 150 - 250 grid cells. 10-3'25 and 10-3 The wave front of this maximum is strongly correlated 0 501O0150 dO0 250 30C • ß 13,116 DIECKMANN ET AL.' PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID with that in Figure 14, which is in agreementwith Bril- FREQUENCY ma response.For this purposea set of one-dimensional PIC simulationshavebeenperformed. louin [1960]. The emissionwith a finite time duration electromagnetic For weakly magnetizedplasmaswe have shownthat generates a wave packet with a frequency spread. The individual componentspropagate away from the anten- a strongemissionleadsto nonlineardampingup to the of the linear wave at high k. As a likely na with their vat. At a spatialpositiondifferentfrom suppression the antenna position the wave componentswill arrive at different times. Since the wave front is associated with a signalgrowingin time, it will have a frequencyspread. candidate, electron trapping has been suggestedhere for two reasons.First, the valuesfor Ecrit estimatedfor the onsetof trapping(equation (1)_)havebeenexceed- Thus the emissionat • m 1.9 (a nonpropagating wave) ed by the electricfield of the high k wave. Second,the generatesa waveforerunnerat a frequency• m 1.87 (a maximum electricfields also changed,as a function of asexpected fortrapping(equation (1)); propagatingwave). After havingpropagateda certain •, qualitatively distance into the plasma, the forerunner couplesback wave energy into the nonpropagatingwave. 6. aim of this work has been to understand a large•. Foremission amplitudes thatwerelowerthan the onesfor the real soundingexperiment,the simulations showedthat the UH wave at high k could not be excited.This justifiedthe focuson the UH waveat low Discussion The that is, the dampingis more effectivefor the wavewith some k in section 2. fundamental propertiesof wavesin a warm plasma close A different damping mechanism,wave-wavecoupling, to co•n. This has been done with hindsight to the plas- affecting the wave at a low k, was lesseffectivein supma sounding experiment since there counis an impor- pressingthis wave which is thus expectedto provide,in tant resonance. Results known from linear kinetic themost cases,the plasma responseto sounding at wuh. ory have been applied to experimentalobservations.A The PIC simulations have revealed the extent to quantitative explanation has been given for the absence which the V•r given by the linear dispersionrelation of a plasma responseat wunin the hot parts of the mag- solution can be used to determine vtn. The attempt netotail and in the Io plasma torus. It has been shown to relate the antenna length divided by the plasma rethat the theory of accompanyingwavescan explain the sponseduration(whichrequiresthe plasmaresponse to changeof the plasma responseduration to soundingat be dueto accompanying waves)to V•r hasbeenproven •un if the ratio •p/•c crosses a valueof 1.7. This ob- successful.The case considered,i.e., a one-dimensional servation can also be explained by the theory of oblique antenna at rest with respect to the plasma frame of echoes[Benson,1982]. Explainingthe changein the reference, is, however, a very idealized case that may responsedurationby a changein vat can, however,also not be comparable to the real sounding experiment. predict the order of magnitude of the responseduration. By comparing the UH responsedurations given by the For Wp/Wc< 1.7 the UH wavesdo not propagate.If Alouette sounder with the responsedurations expected the plasma responsein this casewere due to accompa- from linear theory, we have, however, shown that the nying waves, one would expect a long-lastingresponse responseduration at Wunmay indeed yield an estimate to sounding. Then, however, it is not clear how the of vtn. energy is transferred into the surroundingplasma. If Soundingat co•nin a stronglymagnetizedplasmahas we would relate the energy propagation velocity to the been shownto create a nonpropagatingstandingwave. wave'sV•r, this wouldbe impossible.Previously,the We have suggestedthat the buildup of the structure presenceof wave forerunners has not been considered. is achievedby forerunners. As a consequence, the enThe frequency spread of the emitted wave packet as ergy remains confined since the only undamped wave well as the possibleinvolvementof transiently damped solution at this frequency does not propagate. Emiswave modes in the emission processmay allow an ener- sionswith two different electric field amplitudes showed gy transfer with a nonzerovelocity into the plasma by that, f•r t,h• p!a.sma a.nd pnrnrn•t.•r.q cnnqicl•r•cl t.h• means of the forerunners. At the same time, the only power transferred to the plasma increasesquadratically waves at this frequency that are not spatially damped, with the emissionamplitude and linearly with the time. the waveswith V•r - 0, do not propagate.The struc- This indicates that the plasma responsein this caseis linear. ture would then remain spatially confined. We have shown that thermal effects alter the plasThe simulation results showed, for both magnetima resonancefrequency closeto Wuhprovided that the zations, that accompanyingwaves can accountfor a resonanceis caused by accompanying waves. The reso- plasma responseto soundingat w•h. The dependence nancefrequency shiftsdownward for a ratio of Wp/Wc of Vat(W)for waveswith w • wu• furthermoresuggest- lessthan 1.7, and it shifts upward in the oppositecase. Both modifications are, at least for the plasma parameters consideredin this work, too small to seriouslyaffect the interpretation of the sounderresults. As a next step, we investigatedhow the inclusionof both linear and nonlinear effects may affect the plas- s that the frequencyspread of the peak also depends on the magnetization. While the peak shouldhave a narrow frequencyband in strongly magnetizedplasmas, it shouldhave a wide frequencyband in weakly magnetizedplasmas.This is true providedthe plasmas are sufficientlyhot. For the cold plasmasfound in the DIECKMANN ET AL.: PLASMA SOUNDING AT THE UPPER HYBRID FREQUENCY 13,117 ionosphere the vat closeto c'•n wouldget Etcheto, J., H. de Feraudy, and J. G. Trotignon, Plasma pronounced for Wp/Wc > 1.7, andthusthe UH response resonancestimulation in spaceplasmas,Adv. SpaceRes., peak would be sharp. Acknowledgments. Mark Dieckmannhasbeenpartiallysupported throughout thisworkby a Warwickfellowshipandby the CNRS Orl6ans. The workhasbeenfinishedundersupportof the Europeannetworkgrant FMRX-CT98•168 andof a Universityof Linkoepingfellowship.Sandra C. 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