50. Fer{,{P'E its{ 1 I }'Z' ?{l(}+ Goverrrrn*ttt tf Department of Penorutel {APPti';q Flimachal Pradesh , Llated From t $hirnin- 1 ? 100?,the .1 :t7ifug',.2tli]4 'lhe Chief Secretall'to the GovsrnmEnt of }lirnachal Pradesh' IU l^ ],. ?. .3. *{. Suirj*';t:5if. I o1 16'?1 of the Hand noo.1 am directed to ref'rr til Para that a U": (Yo1.'1i (second *dition) n'hich ntT*t l,ersoturel irta$e,rs *rnpioyeewhocl*ciinEspromotionisrequiiedt0beconside'ri:d't}r prc#oiioaafietapenodofsismonthsftorntlwdateofrefirsaloffirst .clriarrc} arises t.hicheve:: is later not*{ttstanding ofst a tiil or lxr"imotian panel is prescribed sB one 'l''ear' ilre frrct that rl:e velirli4' +f tlre ' l)eparli-iients r_rii:r**, 1rl1.on;* *.:, qith btrs'f in$ cledfilatiim !y :t:Y_*T ;'::; t", regard ::T refise the sanre' hig{rer post tho nult ts poor*rion f,r, rmpri,rl;s.t :ryialt}' position prelaiiing in kceprng in vierv the and .-u=ter tiiletui -"onsi'1ei'a:ian that wheit b':r:n deciiled 14' th* Gor'e:inment nor" h*s it indi& r--rf rior:ernrnent is accrpt a promotion which to ft'&nt $Ct dst'f [tn1:105ee ..1 (i,-rlern:tt*:ii be promcted roql!tsst that he ma-l not ,liJci;ci to irirr. hr raarl' malie a $uuen bt' the appointing' a$horitl'' taking oonsidered be iequrct -*liil tlic inil rsic.r,.ant rlspects itrto ocffiiderafon' tf the reat5ons adduced for reftpl of nelt:t::"-.T:t appointiru authori[' the pr,-rino{an ale ec'ceptabie to ths be HcwerT ' since it ma'v nct ;*lcci, iist rnay- br prorncttd' -TI'T..]I,,, possible or desirarrle to offer. appoinunent to td persons who initials, refirsetl promotion" on flErl'occasion on wluch a r=.caac,y arises during the period of lalidih' of trre pane! na fresh offer of appointne*, on ,rr*o-oon strail bE rnade in such casEs ltrr peiiod a of one 3.ear {instead of sir mon{u} from thc date of reliisai of first promction nticher,rr is later. Go'e'mnient sefi'atri tr till a n$$ !acanc], arises on trre e'entuar promotion fo the liighsr grade, such nir l*se srniorid'ris-i-ris his jruriors promoted to the higher grade eariief inespectire of the fact *'hcfher t]re posts irr ques[cn are fltrb h' selsction ur othe.ntiss. Holleve.r.this rvili not appr1, rvh.ere ad-iroc p'ornctioar qain$ rhr-rt ferm l.ircancies. arr r.rfused. If &e raasons rbr rieciining are nor accepuble to fl:e appointihg authorit_l the promotior mq., bs ffdbrced. It- prcmofion ,is stiil deciined fbr re.fusai ro disciplinary aution may be raken obe1i.. 'rlris : concern.id rir.: older. deci.sron fbr a*re'ance ma)' pr*.ase be brnught anc! f3;slpt to trre notic.e of, ail of this cornmunicatiofl !n a,;i*ur.Jetlg+ti. i'*urr {, also bs faiilrtull:r,, ,^#{" iaF3t"t'd"']t'' *-",q ,{dCL S*cletary (i}eis. } to the Soterrutrent of Hima*;hai pradesh, t I