Physics PG-­‐SSLC Minutes 29th June 2012 Physics PG-­‐SSLC Minutes of the meeting held on 29th June 2012, Postgraduate Hub 1&2 1. Welcome and Apologies Present: Nessa Saniee (chair), Rosie Grayburn (secretary), James Mudd, Robert Cook, Valery Nakariakov, Helen Ireland, Stephen Day, Robin Ball, Gavin Bell, Rachel Edwards, Nixon Yu, David Leadley, Kevin McAughey, Danny Steeghs, Colette Webb (PG Hub representative) Apologies: Geetha Balakrishnan, Susan Tatlock, Catarina Castelerio 2. Minutes of the Last Meeting a) Agreement of Minutes • The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be correct and accurate. b) Matters Arising • PGCert Transferable Skills Introductory Session o Approx. 15 people from a mixture of year groups attended; o It was decided that these sessions should be run more frequently in order for students to get their portfolios signed off and to disseminate information about the course. • Missing feedback from work completed o If anyone is missing feedback from reports, posters, talks etc. they should contact Susan Tatlock ( • Careers events o There is a possibility of a Physics Careers Event next academic year although past turnouts has been low. National Instruments have offered to come along if such an event is organised. • 2nd Year poster session o Good feedback from attendees. o It was suggested that an abstract book should be made for future poster sessions as a record for students and the department. Physics PG-­‐SSLC Minutes 29th June 2012 3. The Postgraduate Hub • Colette Webb from the PG Hub told us about the purpose of the Hub and how is can be useful to Physics PG students. • There is a focus on PGT students, but some events could be relevant to PGRs (see website for details of events • The plan is to run more PG events (careers, skills workshops etc.) out of the PG Hub but current openings hours (9-­‐5pm Monday – Friday) prevent this. The aim is to sync opening hours with the library eventually. 4. Social Events • The Microscopy Suite Opening Event is next Wednesday 4th July. • Physics Departmental BBQ is on Monday 2nd July at 12.30 outside the MAS building. • Any suggestions for social events should be emailed to Catarina Casteleiro, the social secretary (C.B.Antunes-­‐ 5. PG-­SSLC Annual Report • There are no outstanding issues this year. o Problems with access to IEEE journals are being investigated by the library. 6. Any other business • Suggestions for interesting speakers for the Departmental Colloquia should be suggested to Valery Nakariakov ( or to your supervisor. There is some funding for travel available. • Concerns were raised about access through the outside MAS automatic doors. These problems are being dealt with by Estates. • Speakers are required for joint Physics/Chemistry talks this summer. Talks would be for 20 minutes on a very general ‘background science’ level. Please contact Robert Cook if you would like to participate ( • The question was raised of how to incorporate teaching skills into the PGCert Transferable Skills. At present, they must be referred to into current modules. • There is still some confusion about the purpose of the PGCert Transferable Skills and whether is it compulsory. An event will be organised for this summer for students who have completed the certificate to talk to current Physics PG students about the merits of the course. 7. Next Meeting 21st September 2012, MAS 2.06