Minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2012, MAS... Physics PG-SSLC

Physics PG-SSLC
Minutes of the meeting held on 7th December 2012, MAS 2.04
1. Welcome and apologies
Present: J. Mudd, A. Goldsborough, D. Armstrong, R. Cook, G. Brown, D. Steeghs, M.
Saghir, D. Patchett, Y. Aranaudov, D. Kersh, H. Ireland.
Appologies; R. Ball, E. Larkin, E. Tolster
2. Minutes of the last meeting
 Agreement of minutes
o The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be correct and
 Matters arising
o No one has as yet identified any IEEE journals that cannot be
accessed, if you have any specific instances of this please contact H.
Ireland asap.
o The prior pigeon hole situation has reached a amenable outcome.
PG seminars - the role of group reps
 The PG seminars have continued to run this term with an increased budget
(to be reviewed each academic year).
 The responsibilities of the seminar organiser are to be scaled back for the
sake of their sanity. Each group will furnish one person per term plus 2
 The goals, content and approach to the seminars needs to be discussed
amongst the postgraduates, away from the SSLC.
Bike security
 In the past week there have been several bike thefts from campus, PG are
reminded to lock their bikes securely.
5. Reimbursement delays
 Some groups have been facing significant delays in claiming back expenses
- possibly due to confusion caused by staffing changes. This will be looked
into - any groups with good practice on this are invited to tell the rest of us....
6. MPAGS placements.
As part of the MPAGS scheme there is the option to undertake a mid-length
(3-6 month) industrial placement as a sandwich placement to the PhD. There
is extra funding available and the PhD deadline will be extended by an
equivalent time.
 This is not available to work in an alternative research lab or as a way to
increase funding/ time for a PhD project as you will be working full time for
said industrial partner.
 Any interested parties should contact the MPAGS director, Dr. J. P. Garrahan
(Nottingham) for full information.
7. Glass recycling
 The issue of dept. recycling was raised. The mixed recycling bins are not too
be used for glass due to the sharps hazard posed by broken glass to the
cleaners. Alternative glass/ sharps bins will be consulted with R. Buckle.
8. Deadlines for "unusual" students
 The relative deadlines for PG students undertaking part time studies was
raised as an issue. Each students deadlines will be dealt with on a case by
case basis on consultation with their supervisor.
9. Social events
 PGs are reminded about the upcoming social drinks pre and post the dept.
Christmas meal.
 The research exchange will also be holding a post-graduate night in the
Terrace bar on Thu 13th December, with live music - RExFest. All PG are
welcome to attend.
 There is also a PG physics social facebook page if anyone is interested.
10. Dance classes on the concourse
 No new issues concerning this were raised. As far as the SSLC is aware
data is being compiled.
11. Election of new PG SSLC members.
We welcome Andrew Goldsborough as the theory group rep
12. Any other business
 Previously a reminder was sent out prior to the payment deadline each month
for teaching payment. This service will hopefully restart.
 The physical science building is currently rather cold due to limited heating.
Most groups have personal heating devices, posing possible issues with
energy consumption and safety. Everyone is encouraged to complain bitterly
until estates sorts it out or the combined hot air reheats the building.
 Library resources were raised. If any 1st year students are unaware of what
resources are available, H. Ireland will arrange a talk. If this is necessary
please tell your group reps.
 A transferable skills session was held on Wed. 5th December, it was
reasonably attended.
13. Next meeting
 Friday 11th January 2013, MAS 2.04