STUDENT-STAFF LIAISON COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT for POSTGRADUATE SSLCs in 2012-13 It is the responsibility of the Academic Convenor to ensure the SSLC Annual Report is completed by or in consultation with student SSLC representatives and returned by e-mail to Rory McIntyre, Teaching Quality (, by 5 July 2013, even if the Committee has not had its last meeting of the year by that date. Please type this Annual Report. 1. Which department/centre/degree courses are covered by this Student-Staff Liaison Committee? If the course is delivered off campus, please also state the location of delivery. Physics research postgraduates, PhD’s and MSc’s, covers all PG students based in the Physics building, Physical Science building and Physics students in MAS and Milburn House Is this SSLC for: Postgraduate Research courses only? (yes/no) yes Postgraduate taught and research courses? no Undergraduate and postgraduate courses? no If yes: how many PG reps sit on the committee? how many UG reps sit on the committee? n/a 2. MEMBERSHIP Name Student? Staff? (yes/no) (yes/no) Academic Convenor Dr Danny Steeghs no yes Chair James Mudd yes no Secretary Robert Cook yes no Number of staff members: 6 Number of student members: 10 Attended at least one meeting? (y/n) yes Receives Minutes? (y/n) Subject Librarian yes Careers Advisor yes Email and website Email and website e-Learning Advisor no n/a Students’ Union representative Available on website 3. MEETINGS How many times has the SSLC met during this academic year? 5 If there were fewer than 4 meetings this year, please indicate why. n/a How many SSLC members attended the meeting? Student reps Other attendees 1st meeting: 9 20 2nd meeting: 9 4 3rd meeting: 10 5 4th meeting: 9 6 7 7 th 5 meeting: 4. FOLLOW-UP FROM 2011-12 SSLC ANNUAL REPORT Please identify which issues have been resolved, which issues are still unresolved, and highlight any solutions which have been particularly effective for the current academic year. Issues resolved from 2011-12: More covered bike racks around the department are now available. Issues not resolved from 2011-12: n/a 5. COMMUNICATION (a) Which of the following methods have been used to gather material for meetings? (b) Was the SSLC Website used ( Please tick or type “yes” in appropriate box(es): SSLC pigeon hole SSLC notice board Questionnaire E-Mail Departmental staff meetings SSLC Web-site Facebook/Twitter etc Other (please specify): no no no yes yes no no Word of mouth, ie. Reps talking to groups (yes/no) no If yes, how was the website used? Was the individual page for this SSLC utilised (Nb: if you would like to include a link on the portal to an existing departmental webpage, please contact the Students’ Union, We have a departmental PG-SSLC website which is used instead to distribute information and minutes etc. Do you have any suggestions for developing the website? n/a (yes/no) Is a student representative of the SSLC invited to attend formal departmental/centre/collaborative course meetings for to discuss SSLC business? yes If yes, how many meetings were attended? 1 If no, why not? Is a student representative of the SSLC regularly invited to be a member of any additional departmental committees that discuss teaching and learning or resources? Has the SSLC as a whole seen and discussed the content of this report? If the report is drafted between meetings, it should be circulated by email to SSLC members. Are there any training or information needs related to the SSLC system that have been identified this year? yes If yes, please specify which committees: Physics Safety Committee If no, why not? n/a yes no If yes, please specify: 6. ISSUES AND GOOD PRACTICE 2012-13 Main topics discussed at SSLC meetings under the following headings and action taken: What was discussed? What action was taken? Course content and delivery (but not individual lecturers), changes to existing courses and proposals for new courses Assessment, including assessment feedback, and examinations (if applicable) MPAGS and transferable skills were misunderstood / confusing for students. A new website was created outlining the requirements of the transferable skills course. Feedback for some 2nd year posters was delayed. Was followed up and students received their feedback. Also a new online system for submission of feedback was created for supervisors to improve the system in the future. Skills development and training, including research training MPAGS and transferable skills were misunderstood / confusing for students. A new website was created outlining the requirements of the transferable skills course. Student support (including progress monitoring, supervisory arrangements [but not individual supervisors] and The Personal Tutor system) PhD monitoring and the availability and process for obtaining an extension to a PhD were discussed A better and clearer timetable for PhD monitoring outlining what is expected in each year is now online. PhDs must finish within 4 year this will be made clearer for existing students. Library provision Was the Subject Librarian invited to attend to discuss relevant issues? IT and e-Learning provision Was an e-Learning Advisor invited to attend to discuss relevant issues? Other academic resources (teaching accommodation, research facilities and electronic resources) Careers provision Was a representative of the Careers Service invited to attend to discuss relevant issues? Joint and crossdepartmental courses (if joint degree students take modules on the course(s) covered by the SSLC, or have research supervisors in more than one department, issues relevant to joint degrees should be discussed) Other issues or SSLC initiatives Helen Ireland was present at all meetings. Access to journal articles using the library proxy service New book budget was raised. If problems with journal access arose information was passed on to identify the problem and the system now seems reliable. People have submitted requests for new books, some have been acquired. No n/a No n/a Awareness of departmental and university careers events was raised, but PG attendance could be better. Ray Ryan Issues of shared building space in Milburn house and MAS building were discussed. No major problems were identified. n/a PG pigeon holes to be combined PG seminars were improved PG representative on the departmental safety committee A workaround was implemented where PG get to continue to have an individual pigeon hole. A new departmental budget was issued for PG seminars to buy food and drink with the aim of improving attendance this has been very successful. A SSLC member was elected to sit on the departmental committee for the first time. 7. UNRESOLVED ISSUES Which of the issues discussed during this year remain unresolved and what steps are being taken to resolve them? The physics concourse has been used by students for music/dance practice. The disruption to work at offices and laboratories near the concourse due to noise and vibration is unacceptable. This issue has been raised with the SU who have informed organised societies not to use the space. Although dance practice seems to have stopped near and during the third academic term, we believe this is due to student’s preparation for exams, and not from the student’s decision to performing practices elsewhere. From our experience in the last 3 years, this cycle of dance practice activity had remained the same. We wish to remind students that the physics department building’s primary use is to enable teaching and research, while we encourage students and staffs to participate in extracurricular activities, we would like students/staffs to do so at an environment that do not compromise the work of others. For this case in particular, the physics concourse should not be used for music/dance practice. 8. ACADEMIC CONVENOR FOR 2013-14 Who will be the Academic Convenor of this SSLC next year? NAME: Danny Steeghs E-MAIL: EXTENSION: 73873 9. CONFIRMATION FROM STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES – PLEASE SIGN BELOW If this form is submitted by e-mail, it should be sent by a student representative in lieu of signature. Chair of SSLC James Mudd Secretary of SSLC Robert Cook Date 28/6/13 When you have completed this form, please return it by e-mail to Rory McIntyre, Teaching Quality (, by 5 July 2013. The form should be returned by this deadline even if you have further meetings scheduled in the current academic year; the draft form should be circulated to members of the SSLC by email. The Academic Convenor should keep a copy for departmental records.