Government ef Himachal Pradesh Tcchnical Sdueation DePaxk*ent N*. EIII{ITE} B{?}512O13, Dated: Shirnla-?. qrrKs the I th Febru&rf' 2015 q&pEE I::pur$uilnc€oftheFirrancesepartxrent'sletter$o' rI$)fRlB{?}-591?OI0, d.ated 9tH August,?,OZg & ?th July, 2CI14 and on the recornmendati*ns nf the D*partrnental Pr*rnotion Cornrnittee, the beaefit of additional increnrent and next grade pay uader ltew Jlssured career Progres*i0u schenre {4-9-14} after completi$n of tbur, nine and f*urteen years of s*rrrice in a cadre, the ray *f 3 *ffi*ers is h*reby ffxed as per the statement attached. Th* pay {ixatisn will be *n g'a'24f2' notioeal hasie w.e.f" 9?"08-2009 and on actual basis w.e.f. ?hi*payt}xaticnissubjecttorrrrdltvcrilicationaadif &IIy! ever?*ymcnt is detected later on, the same shall be rec*Yered frnm the coaeerne* officers. EY Order Endst. $o, As above Dat*du shimla-2 , Fr. $eeretarY (?*ch.&du"! tc the Himachal Fradesh Sovt" *7 thsf,Febfi.lary, 2015 Cspy fcrqrard.ed for i*formsti*n and neeesrary aetton to :1. ?he Fri.neipal A.G. H.P. Shimla-17X"003' 2,?hesr.DeputyAce*unta:rtGeneral(A&s},H.P.Shimla-l?1*03. S.TheDixeetor,Teehnical&drrcationVocational&Industrial Trainingnl{.P.$underragar,Fistt.Mandi.l?44o1rar.r"t.hls letterHo'sTV{?s}HB(?110/2000/Acpl4sg/$2dateds.?"20]'4. He is further requested to circulate the copy tc the concerned 4, s" offrc*r far reeord" Fersonal {ile of cone*rned officers" Guard file. ,.\.,^ 1'\ *-''i ' (Laxmi SLrid KastrYaPl uniier-ee*6tl&' trut to the Govt. of Himaehal Pradesh Fhone-8I'77-?,62&**6 ! !c j r lE;E :i tr * -",- iq o :N r..i rd :4 =C , . -, r . rd l'6 :!;o lLD N :O ifi e .qr r..l 6 rb i<N a! Z= 7.i , d L- l 'g i ,t l;: EIr x- ...i, ls; lT f l:l: 'e\&6 I it4 r lo -*I l-loloo i= i I I l;Fl^jd.6J l0 t?i i-' 18 i* I ,f I i I ':{ L -- i8 ,* ; l r - -' t : i r ig I i t; rI ,Li ii l_" l_" * H '$ lt3 ; !O r€ I i !4 l | ,eo rE rd o I ; r? cr'(] ,ii.o rB l.s F lE E' lg I r€ l? td IE l* l* il; .-| I lo -* d \.l.uE, Y', 5 9J c .= P 1 x _- I ,j ,s l> .E I *r ,*-+ rf k ifk :h 'E € zo a o N rd .; ; lb l; Z<1.:ll 'ili: --;q rii l^i iH -tr I * ,: ( < + :-'- :l-= *? l-> l- 6 l>6q d IrL> iF^ lA lX lS iA E : q ft N idr )ry tn lfi I l-- - i Irn :!! ;* I : i -- - ) a$ 1 L i; tl* x ' 6 i"l l3 &j 9<il {, a) qrs;LYc " :T, H€EH* S ',t or s' ;J *, d ai t r'l a) tr? i:a - 1.,* I | is ---,1 I l*:1? .r* I , i -'*\r .\' "w*"^ " 11 ". \ -- t) alL :th i-I I 1'f '; i'j I : d tu : fld - r!-*-it6 ii I -B.* r (J ;* r6 ds& iHEE ;66*:QoQ:ssX iO lH d d O :m (il <, s i 'r1 s tt -l l- I $ ti*t j u u ".j1 id l L--, Govern*rerrt of Himaqhal Praderh ?e chnical Ed ucaticn Ilepartmeat Na. EDN{TE} m{?}?l?OX3" Dated: $hirnla-!, th* J ttt F*bruary, 2S1s CIT'TICE OI{NER pxrt*uerlae qrf the Fi*ancc Department?s letter So, fI$lPnlBt?l-SSl201S, dated $t* Ar:gust, 20lg & ?th Jrrly, 2S1.4 and on the reeeimmendatians of the *epartntental Pr*motion Ctmmitte*, tk* benefit rf a*ditio::al inerenrent and next grad* pa3r under lle&" Assurecl Career Progr*ssicn $*heme {4-9-141 *f[er cornp]etion *f fuur, nin* and ibr:rtcen years clf ssrvic* is a, tke pay *f 7 oflicers is hereby fiNed a* per th* statement attachc*. ?he pay {ixaticn will be an notional basis w,e.f. 2?-08-2009 and orl actual basis w.e.f, I-S-2012. In This pay fixatioa is subj*ct to au*it veri{icatiorr axrd if arry, o?erpayment is detected later an, the &arrte shall be rec*v*red fiom the ecneerned $ffieers. SY Ex€st. t{o. As abo*e Bated, Ghiml*-z , 0rder Fr. Seerctary {?eeh"Edu.} t*: th* Prade*h o"-f #"XXTr}:1 action t* :- Copy fcrrr*rd*d fcr infsrr:ration and rrec*ssary 1, The Friccipal A.G" H.F" Shimla-1?10$3. 2- Th* Sr. Seputy Accountant &eneraL {A&E}' H.F' $himla'}.?X.CIO3. &" 4" 5. The Dire*tor, ?eehnical Edus*tion Vocational & Industri*l Training, H.P. Sundernagar, 3istt. Mandi-1744$1 rr-r"t" his l*tter Ho- $TV{TS) I{B{?}lOlzOOSlAeFl9}"962 dated 1s. 12.2CI14. He is further requested ta cireulate th* copy to the cclrieerned offlcer far reesrd" Person*l file of son*ex*ed r:fficers, Guard file. I\..&""\)*" -t\ ,i.'; {Laxm} Naiia'X6snyapl Under Sec.retary {TE} to the G$vt, of Hirnaehal Fradesh Phoae-O1??-2628486 -fI vl6f ^t q jY * F q "!L:ri.i ri!d+ iL '/4 .b :N tEila* z<:t :6 :9 () ir! Y .? ^l E ]; H ii I ! dx l * ttJU 7u t-L Jlx E ';: &4* : .s f, t* {!:: jg c $, *Il r!l ia \ o F. 3 @ lfi rs h t'. rf, f{ in l> t6 ! E r : ^E 6; L < ,- ry ? i.. EFI : \o u * rt la.E t,k i>! 6 ifl- *o i3 rf1 & ;r* rn il :^ l] !il * 6 d r4 r* ro lo s n, N rn ct {}: U c s s F*a a5 s!- {" acrl c ; o rt rr -U, I lE > l'- ?5 {r,l d X IFSE X+ u*i !0 s; -Ci c'l *ri- afi OL rl!* r{ ClEslQr 6 J;J s, q clLlo> L -9* t- HBU id c *o :C ttu fi{4 6h c {.} pej P < & &!?;Htr ;t\^, C} S =.$ N0cu dld*15 -_h o ll trt J ? ijg nt(? ()g fft$ ei =g ql qt, # *r ii :5" $a(, 9oa *mri smE ttt Lt ) i r{ . ^6(Da(5 a I EEe 6oX t{ & ! *€ & ::i * tllr * ) I {, *J J G ! & {3 s 66= : 4) Fsj 5s arQ,bt ?a \OHC) rr) ('t i{ ;i 4k {} (}()c) ln tt N ao 9c5(, o- Q+d ,c mg >U * q' N .** 89e o6H a u$ rt! rJ1 13, n* !13 .::.:).,) d; f 6 -i-s: "; a- A :f ,q m -Fl B i+ -2 at&t .8t *&i c H H i3 rt s s * t. ;c g !& & *; I E-C x *- .s "E G} tsU l: !4 ,h :l Y:ld $ {a h6J6 LJ s-'+ar:rLTdr fii U 6 iI >- T rsus i'. 9A -t s Fg*- E::"2BAA !&lr T; r& *t p: FI g& ii--c* c l&, *,' -g gEE;i ? pu; S;eE 6-'EV . u g^ ,* * I ffii q ; H a f;5-eS$5asb #;s.d fil; f,.@ c aG j*i *:r3 qE- {' s! .;3 E- t 4': "t i* iilll * a d H :-1il :,::L . ilii:i w !.# {lli -* * =':., va iJ6 1X rc. *tr ts tt6 a \ - I i t*.4 \"ry \:e .rJ i s ffi, \, e'J 1 .1 ! * n. t* : &l' frr {i i m! {*l l l -'"1 l I tol l{i ul {i ld c: N e {ar &overnment of }limackal pradesh Techr:ieal Edncation Departnrent Nc. ED$I{TE} E{?l6l2ot3, *ated: shinrla-t, th* fiJ rh Febraary, goig I:{IeEraBSSe In pursuarrcc ef the Finanee separtxrentrs xetter Ner. FIHIPR.,B{7}-sgl*sl'o, dated gih August} aota & ?th Juty, to14 an*, c}n the recomrrr**ndaticlns of the llepartmental Pfirmclti*,n Csmrrittee, the benefit cf additi*nal in*ren:.ent and next grad* pay under ffew Aseured career Pr*gr*sxio* scheme {+-g-14} after eom;rletiern cf lhur, nlne a*d f$urteen years *f service in a cadre, the pay of g officers is hereby flxed as per the state*xrent attached. ?he pay fixatis* will be sn nstional hasis r&r.e,f- ??-S8-2OO$ and on actual basis ur.e.f, g-&-?S12. This Slay fixation is subject to audit verijieati.on and if any' ov*rpayr*ent is deteeted later an, ttre sarrrc shall be rseeivered. f,rorn th* e*Rcerxed. cfficers. By Order Endst. Ho. As abovc Bated, $hirnla-Z Fr, Secretary {?**h.Sdu"} tt: the Govt. of Hin-rachal pradesh **f th February, **1& , Copy forrryard.ed fcr ir:farmation *nd necessary acticn t* :_ t. The Frincipal A.G, H.p. $hixrla-}.?LfrOB. The Sr. B*puty Acecuntant Oeneral {&&&}, H.?. Shimla_},?IO*3. ?, 3" Th* Direet*r, Technieal Education vocational & trndustrial ?raining, It-F. sundernasar] Distt. Mandi-r?44ol w,r.t. his lctter He is 4, 5. IYo. srv{TE} H;B{?}r*l2l{lAfpl6ssr? d*ted rr"9.aoI.4. furtker request*d ta eivculate the copy to the csncern*d offieer f,or record. Pereonal lile of ccxcerned officer. Guard file. '.. &rli] {Laxmi NanffKashyap} 1r1$q1S*crcta$ {?E} ta the Ssfi. $f flimachal pradesh Shone-0177-?,67-A4&6 , l 1 *-----jiA lq, z ' ;il,;t.1 ji f E , 4 q o :Q x ; -J{]F iz {.Li I t l X* {:l ZL .t JD (a l; gr le F F. st' 'a JTC lm -_ til + F lB +E =d ld: >* < ia l dt a- >T Irt* lr! c3 rt N i t*i 6' la {} ,Lf5 .g-.e ryn fic N l=P\:, :: I q l! lY h ..:{ d 16 1.,,1 5; c l* ,* >" B id tt- & e E l+ IOJ is is .98 t /'l* *q <$ d-: px g& tr ri5 f t: {n w!< tr * x' s i-io :: tu '! q-[ I I UHg psx i I \ 1 }H dE fis!& E FQ G -= €EI "g , go" o6(, ! !( d, ll, . rA Oo(9 99o r' afl ,; A(, Oa .iE h le l* ., ;q fi fi!B G ei & i"d r,l ra d n9 l* otf6; ii t!, lf rn !u r.l A tu I *r dt fft fi a e ! - t- 06 o+& \rOO 60 i* a i r.t t (} lire *,fi C fi i6 td ,o IN lc; ldi g e rs @ I: -T l, !'ic .;1r : 'il il-! c >l*h 0C): ;;44" au* -: FA 6 +i- 4 tl I . I i{, ;*e :u 15 v = i., liE v:a Y l? or iG ch -^ :@L-:ic:lsr lde F El.!c 5 '{E m !F u o ryli !l -9 dini 3; !FhiEsltE *.-.@-* !il!* i1 j*-1-* 1s :ial st6t 3| c-i u.: T ; l:l-i (D d 1!; i c* l--u r(l=Sn lq E E t ut"q! *--jj6'**----"j Ii iu! I I | i .* .a, . "fr'fla W7 E ,*;"L ";-r€ ; s xg e. (h p3 !* c i{ 3 {c (& ir (! (o as* Y!A o € { t { l 5:t cl" a, I* ^* #F ;g fuH {JJ Hl pt [{ & 5i .l I