fiRST AIPel/L. /9Tf-lf!/ AN]) UNJ)IJ7J£D (7J L£I/V£.p /NJTRU.M£"'T~ f OROIrR.r If 7f - t9J/IINJ> fANDIITED (:u LfiAI'1<S) • • • III 'I"E UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT /'01' Til" NOPTlIERN DISTRICT OF TEXI\S LUBBOCK DIVISION r~/. ROY JONE", ..... ~1 Plaintiffs CA-5-76-34 vs THE CITY OF LUBBOCIC, TI:XAS, et al. ,\PI'[LUTf. FILE J(}SES. et al. v. CITY or LtIDOCK. et d so. 7'1-2. 7 -f-~ 1.:~nED - Defendant. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS OF LEAD COUNSEL Effective iaaediat.ely, William L. Garrett, Attorney at Law, viII have la", offic•• a.t the fol1owin9 location I STATES COCR! OF APPEALS FOR 1llE tlmt CIRCUIT 141111_ L. C-.arrett Attorney at Law A Prof•• llional Cor90ration 8300 Dougl... suite 800 Danas. TX 75225 214/ 369-1952, 214/987-9797 I.ttorney at Law A Profe.sional Corporation 8300 Douql... Suit.. 800 Dan. . , TX 75225 Attorney for Pla.intiffs +++ CERTIFICATE OF S£RVICEI I, Willia. L. C".... rrctt, hereby certil\' that a true and correct copy of the foreqoinq notice of chanqc ·of•• haa been furnished to all counsel of record in the above and numbered eaU8C by 4eoositinf'! in the U. S. Mail. Postaqe prepaid, this 22nd day of April, 1981. C-.. /':-.'.-- . .-, .' <---·~-Z--:.-....WJ.IIIu L. Cclrre"1:t . 1'~rn:1I s'n::< conn' o~ .\I"'t:.\I.S ~Olt 1'.1 1,). S. COU!~r 0" /.,tJc- t'ltTIi r1rtt'1·iIt ';F~' , .~ 1981 11I1.1,01' LOSTS ~CV. Roy Jones. ct al; Rose Wilson, ct al EU· L<l, GllS£xT F . GA/'UCH£!\U ClfR~ '9-2744 Tho City of Lubbock, ct ale Unlull .mlt' (!Durt Df '-PPUlI.I Oef.endant-Ap~ellee The _.<:~~!'._?_f__ ~1J_b.~().".::~ ..':=._ _:l , a!\. '04~ ~09-fi'514 e-;;ec,,·..... S··r:[1 oe,:,CE OF' 'n-4t ClLJItK "'1:'0\ C'l.(.&"''' L,A7C'JIJ April 16. 1981 ~:~ . ..,csc~~. ~·~ci:lror. IlEllt:ESTED Jr., Clerk Court ~~i:~d S:atc~ ~istrict Poo~ 15C2:. 1100 CO!':!J':1crce St.reet ~~llasr 7X JS2~2 lit eo.." ALI.O\\'ElJ 1 50 00 62 .tjiilL.d.4) 1 Cv.·l uf Printinl: ;\PiWllanl':l Uriel ~o. 79-2744 - Jones v. City of Lubbock (District Court ~o. CA-S-76-34l Cu~t of PriutinJ.: AN~'IIc(!'r1 " Brief ."--- -------------------------------------------- ! ( ,:,:) r~dose" is a certified copy of the judgment of this Court in th" a~ove cas@ issued as and for the na~cate. TOTAL E~C csed is a eerti!ied copy o~ the Rule 21 Decision in the above iss~ed case as a~e for ~he ~andate. 7~e Co~rt ~av~nq denied the ~otion for stay of mandate, enelos@d is a certified copy o~ tne judqrnent of this Court in the above case i$s~ed as and for ~~e ~ndate. See attached no~iee. Ha~i~; received fro~ the Clerk of the Supreme Court a copy of th" order o! ~~t Court denJi~9 certiorari, I enclose a eertified CO?¥ of the juc.g'::'lent of this C01Jrt in the above ease, i!iiUed as and :or the r:L&::ida te .. ~e have received a certified copy of a~ order of the Supre~e Court de~¥ing certiorari in the above cause. This Court's judgment as rnan~at@ havin9 alreadY been issued to your office, no further orde~ ~ill E~closed he~i~h Stale of Texas Count)· of Tarrant I, ~s: do herehy A\\:-e:~r under pcn:\lt.~· of perjury that. ,.,illiaf':'L L. Ga.rrett ~IEXT SIIOI\'lXG TilE ACTl'AL CO;l'S I'Er: I'AC,: 1'01: TilE AI'PE."PIX ATTAUI£U, (U cIJJlHnt:l'ciill Ill'inter 110t ulWd 1)I"'lmn: ;In,l A l'Ot.~- b,,!,,""Ur WiLli thi.'i. tlt1r tntlikod to oflPo~jn~ cotln.f5t.:I, w' .31 d.y of lIarch ·.0 .no •••• A.D. 19 :~lt.okh- Itcm~zllt;\Jn ~D rd URIEFS IS ('op~'ina: po,~t;~,c full,;." ~tH~I',""O::. ( Attorn~)' are the following additional documents: I xx TO BE RETU~~ED LATER (gr William L. Garrett Mr. Daniel H. Benson Mr, Robert P. Davidow Mr. Albert Perez cc:~r. Co~tA of thi!§ 3rt! h{!n:br taxed in the umount or $ ~ 11.>:i/.... .1981 Gk~UCHEAU. Cl~rk B~,~~-.&72~~~ o<>puty C er Mark c. Ball Mr. Lane Arthur Mr. James P. Brewster j·lr. ..... "'rnvi "", !"=it'.clt(m Thl' ._~~~~. J~r-:~~~_.:~. ~~_.__ ~~:~~~~~~~~:liJ~~s Since rel}', GILBERT F. ~'O.~t.~,) ~-:~-~ (XX) ( fien-iC',,"':- _t'~~~ be forthconinq. Copy of the court's opinion. ) Ori;inal record on appeal or review. ) > ) Oriqinal exhibits. > l Bill of Costs approved by this Court. 1nt' (or ''''hieh fc..'~ h:lve 1,1j,....·11 Ch.U;:l'l.) were iUCU1'n'd III thi;" adiull : nd 'holi th..: fer"i",,,,,'i. (ur whkh f\:...·~ lit.'\."n rh:u';:('d were actua'j)" :wd nC'C'e!il'i:::Lril~' I~t'dornh.:tt ,.IlI:: PUJ.\'l-r;w.-- rn;;:\rrZEU ;"r,\ TE- h;I\'~ SI:I: Imn:ns,: SIDI: ,"on nl.'I.I·:S GO\'EI:~:'~C TAX.\T1,lX OF l·O:iT~. 77S I"br/'l the rllb o( thr ).-amc "Hl.· c:hall~l. lM p~)'~ mlllll I..· alfnN....-1 Ilo full uri rillir nPf*"uulit" Ii.• 111:11.)' h)' lhe nt· ....' ",'~u\atton T~'rT(ort, Ih\,' 111ijt':lloI\t!: In Ihl~ :l('llI)n mU~1 Mt:lIUUSIJUM 771 I}t;n"~'s,, CIl. . . . . . '.1II4 ...11 C.ot08t:llG, fif(1Jl\ JudI:\:. "'1"-NIl)' ('lln~ ('urnnl' a.-~_ He" JUSD; YI..i.. ~. . ~I al~ BlMJi :lind )h.'ltriin "mcti~"'llon alivltll 'lrr...".""u....u. t. WialOOft, i...h ....I)1 0' "'1Mr1c.- Ilol',,1.&11"'-. \'l)H-n ,.1 I.uh~k_ T~li::Ia, in~li1"'1 ..... 11h,~ ~11O" Sl.oclr;, retlft· B.l&tk .r L.bborll. k •• Tnu. ....ift.ilr-I"I,.~IfftOI'~Ap. .......'. inll • ",nlf J""nMI" judWla.1 f\.~llOnf!t 10 an Irn~n1 ..l'IIllLt.....jI!.n\1'Of....·.:U'.. , jllX~liun "J(IeI'hi' :.1,laTJfi' 1t"~fM":IIlllf"l)lf(-~ 14.r tl:k.o St'k"'l'tic... of ,i'il\' rounnln'ltm In Lubbudc. \.jo. '.au- Ilk, F'o,,";t-'l..'nth or "~irtt.'1!n\" Am"fL.lm~nli 1<' tN.· t·nioh.,.J :::ita1'-1! CO~lltl.llion~ TIM nn or TfIt: dis-trYl J~I.rI- :awli...·.;!l1w t~,I1 .... .llifl'inj£ •'ihh Cirruh lUi_ tofll~I~linJ lIw aI'\'a-a jllruprurlt:n("(' l""'.I~i 'J)' It.·n )"6" tlf .ilNIWIeo lind t.'tJmprumi.k tll:!l"~""n j~ or LrBfMK"1I. .t .... b.'"'..n'.. .""........ l"ru\o,...1 :SUh'~ foun III AIlI"l"ak.. "';rlh Ci1<'UI\, t'm' " "r D JnIlSSO~, l'i~il Jl:)ll~_ I't;~ c I\.·m;;,.nd ,hlJ. a.w for n.<Omlrk'1'llllluti in hlChl vi tn~' Su(l"'nw ('Ol,Jrt', "'~"t tJpinjl;tf'lln ~'m ,_,f ,",,;,,,,,,,,, 8vlo1,'''' \.&6l'.S. So'}, 100 "$ ('t • U'tJI'J, 6,f, t t~I,~1 47 H5JI'OI:U. Th!.· I~rtilcl' ~hl.ul,l hlt IUIII.l~'t, ,f lht')·"... ~k.. ~i~. UI Itru.."nt alMI\to.ona1 ('\'IOlen",: ...." ~:ln.J. l" .S, roo. lIallt in Zll'l'lmt',. ,'. J~";'3) hm r 2.i11~'; I~th I:i,. on Ittlkr ~"'l'OIJn..b: :'rill ",om., Pans" &lII."l ,. .";J~hlIn. CI ~ S.C\. ItW, ~ ';' 1. ~:'I.1.d :Sti .'hi.. Il,t ,.... ~l r,U', ... -.1.1'1".... I • ..,w ..~ ,"I ... "'U q1o'''' '"" l'\:'pI:r. mine 1/;/ m.LIKC 'lII,h)·1 Lho' f 1'1"" JtI'~ .." ~_ .." .. 1'\I,j ........ "'1 1M It• .,,,, I!I f'li~i,~-, be 'uLIII"(' n;: un( mUlit. ·lIolI}- inltlh:- l;ur',Jory amI .l;li .Iul'illft W'hih" l'IillnniKtl in. hill' (" Ojli"'ion J in ~)Idt'll. Ihi(' Supn'rI'Ilf! Coun·. dtoorMtln "K-:""rlII tht.adrift Of! \lil"(h/lr~...t ~uru tJll"Io., tI. pro'"Mk ~mt rukbnt'l, 10 \...... Cwrt Ldo,",,', ,,01t' t.hoYld he ~k("n U ~..."fft.I in an ...!ron \t.'tu..1 'lI'U Ilvl ilt.<oo.1 II" ttk.- 1,.1.1 SUIn-rtIt: in RoMl'n. CUI.lI'l to hJl'-1r nm Il(.'(1~ '0 93 S.('\. Tht· Sup/'¥mlP .'lIft', dwA,' ~J:I~ The c.....u rl rf'IMI,lj~h~t ilJ, "I~rlj,c., l" S, 7~ . 3i LF.d.2li 3]4. 119'':''3). ,h 'n!- in Whilt· IICU ,,'i1h !'eJ-.'C'\ ~w ILl Pl"U«"'L'lI1 on h>maM_" Ih>l '1,1 l),,(,.' "I ri1il.l iI'r~. d'IW I"li/It' lci dl(' ~,,·~tl:rIi..'\l, \5'' ' tlll..ls1 tlbclnt1 ffJutl 11ll ",""lIIImirw p;1 lUo IindifLlIP. ridl\ i!f I'adi:llof'd I~,~' Ht.>hlt'n, pI"llL,..S1S iII... 1 r.,,.,... .. 1d ~' ... ln .. r t ~""'Cle'I.k"\ In adoiIi1~ln. ftI .. ""IIL~ I ...kl Rr'ilJiJr!-' lft.ltllJll...1'U\'(I't 1M",""'" l(llll\d"rt'pl~. Jhtolfj.IIOI'I~(""_·)'" Thr'IU bUI f'" di> "nil dJr 1ft IIId\ll~"(lr tMl ~JtIIftAion o( II ~ti1Ull..'3 (~ hill'ht...\ Bo'.·",. w. :L +t6 USa' IOJ, 100 S Ct II 15' •• (SI""....... J_C'~l'II). t·. WIl._ TKI R..'I.'\,',ilh'I'••112 j'MWd .. '"' l.- S.Ct.. 1!ftC bJ.' (lIN> ~ hI11ft' alld ......).1 _ _ Polw- RHI~lUot twId \hal d'f<'nlBlJUlut,.. In- 11M thn.-n.. . . US at n-74. 101) 1503, ,..,... iIiUf'fllll'll of JU.I' ~II afWI anwn,n .rltlH'd .... proal' .""'t. tW ~Iot) II'llIpM1 " tlI"ltlf1lt ..... I ~G1M"hl1.JtJfta1 ..-.olM11Kl.n.~ t.llrt. .... '1.$.• 1 .... 100 SOil 15010 '"'" I't'I'N1nUIl....-uc1 JIK(~ Sl.Vf'n'. ~"-.n WtIoIir dld AOI .....-- 1M q ...... 1IlfI .'Mbn ~orr 'IItftf ~II''' br Jaow'It .... P1"I" ......... ICo' C'OftM,ltUl.!OlUI". . ti(ll'l .... 'LS... IO.P 100 Scl .1 U01, I~U. 15014. ",k"1' rll'G\.'(' holdin~ u,. t~ rtL·lI.'d or p41fI»IIil.·(ijl dMrinu"..l;oJ'l rail b.: Inrc:rn:'CI "\)' 01 1hl..o (': ('\ll'N1II~~ or Irvm \Jw (rum Iht> rul tNt an (·lttwnJ 11l"O('t."N!. ,,"hKoh OjIll:ni.t4-d in:ll.')- Iruu'l'M'I'. WIiJ tnl.intaillt'!" dniJi:te all UIIo·ltn"'fk::" o! j~ dDi::"Min&lcM'; il!IrKU,. .c;.~, '\"11'1-4'11 ,. SidH. .511 r..2d~. 2:n f5dlCit. 19'i'$)f"'O'dom. J t'OMUrring).· It is. (''It:llr tUI 1ht.'M" q~. ~rm 1#1;1"'" \'r1rOpOhf-ln '~n" Dr- .a?9l' S 2S~ 9':' Sel ~5,!,.:s.o t~ .19-:'-:', .'.a,1> _llII'Ilub '11;10 .. t l..rilil" ~Ion C'....... , ItIor1r ~1110\ 10 !lor ~'r· ul P1tliillt .~.~.,ttt: ,,.,. ~1~1\'t' 11l1..fll- In1 11\ IJ'lII (UIl1"1l\. FarJI ........ ··"",b"":I.l\~ ....lftl·-· lI.lin. dv1l1l.i .... I.lbot-.. trd 1ft l~ Sup, C(IOIIr'l ap:lIIOfti_ ~I ~ _Ill "lin"" to dr.-I ""-lth L £CI2d f'" ''''-0 0' .........tlMl.i da('nnlolnlll(1" '1'1 I"'" mlolrllr, INIK't' Mill ~l«t0l'''' ~ .rrtrl '''tfOalkl! l/'lr ""~' IlIOn 01 1!WJoM. ('01101.-01, '''Ilk'' Ullin In 1M Iln",,-I lonn'llOn 01 • J,..... n "l<K1oul IoChrm'l' Fot ..,.mplto. 1M .11 ~S~ U1 l.Llbbocll.. lift '"""Of T"lQ. l1li'''1 \~." ......If) "'"'''''l''I'. )lO!ilm*) 11'I!1If,0IIIf'd '" 190'90-..1 .. ,ifni' ...·h..n bY.C't I"fUr.. nl h,", 1ft ,l'il' ('110 Itl.... l)iMil'ft'l Infli1t;'"I'IU~ lA'u...... rd If~ n.t1 ",,,,,,~...cIln 1l'1!o1 "_h) n.,Uf"<" In''''lnl 1ft dll,,","1C ,~ \'lMt'~ 0' B\l1K'l11\ 'nldrnl.,,_ ... no 1IO'lIo' C'OI!'I\11' ., I... rnl\·fl,·r .. ",., ...r •• ...,.. .. to .l;"lI~WiJ,,,, '·r~. (;tJ'p • ..1'btpl"r.III>'~o1'JIIMtn'5I_·,,'" ArM. r\:ftl&ntt m.n.od ...-wu actuillI)' d"ooridt..J \~". ~rt no lI'I&jori1)' opinion on tIw ~r lut to .......l.o)'~t in . . . .in_ the Ieopli\y Qf SiJ'.If"I'm.' <'ourt :qilgill~1 II ('l;~<1 1. . or Ilw o( our tolln1r)'. Tfu:h!(ore. aJlhQlulrh ftIlik:h w.... ,,:rit~n b)' 1hto jUll~ in Htu.-N1"" lor 1lrw N'j«l~n of tM Ziml'llt',. ft'~ln tuu ("OfTlllohllc'l)' rh.. l'IJit....1 \tk· ~~t" 01 lW'oI..'tiolnll Uk' k'1Poli\)' or t.""''("Wrld .lirhi'mt'JI alk,*,,,,1 \0 di""";m; n~lr 1hl.- or ho~\'t:'" ma,lorl<Y 01 ju"'tin-. VIlI",·Jo [ift'llliun in Buotrkn .nil \D "·fl;IlI·"~":" r"~I..,JIltw "'''l''I"" 'lI'ltnl.., .. -"'1'r" 'l'J"f~ r.. "",I("I> Il~, ..t""h U1JoI'" C - • •' J '" '~I ...,,... ... ~ I I~'r L 1i'·,::.-IIr lh'l\II 11M ", qual.C. Wt.":IIn> \VI'I.:.ilnilM.'\. 1.0 folio....· \M Su)JI"\.'IIK:' ,hit' I, 01 t'ljuf"b, in Tlk.! """'I'IOn5(> h. <hbi or tI(I"~~'l", 4.'4" '~IIII:'~, '3jrr'rl fA;,1 ("1"",1 31""' w~ rt:, onI' melt: Sh\lf4[ lI'n rt."lllin: lhl.' dit nc1. \"'i'IUr\:l. \u .~ dh' "ltl"~ d.,,\ric1 (UtL lit \hi~ rouM no' SAM 1hoc 1IK'\Iloabilil,· og(. diik"rimin:.1ory mWA1 in onIl-r W Jj ... iAll.a.lion Ihk: (ODS1ilutir,n..· &milul)', ttH.1rt' ...'.. t!IoO holdin~ U In ""tl... th- "IL. :lllJtt kt:.~.tillJ,,' mand. botb IllIrt~ p\:<jLK"f,h...1 a'WVmtlnt ,h:lI._ lhi.. p..uK:-l 11II'O~'IH.'It· ~illill'l", .... I.G 1he> rnli1U,in" or IJjJ!.i.,,. 11'1 (If\'kr to UJ,-ilc the COLlrt h Mo\ :I. unifM"d lAJih-; II ilo • l~nrM 1.'hAftd b)- rli~ if'lJi\-iduUltll: The ."ordl mll'lOtit)· IftlUIIIJ jw.tit\.,.. u,1"t' 111,· \lfordl ul 119':'th. n.oflt.'tl on l"in't'Ip&eoi I'lWr· "'iUQ.m L.. GU'ftU. Dan~. Tli!'lI_. ('an.... l il 'h.~' III....... n \~I.t... 1 :1..... 1 aUi,mt.od Ilr II'M.' ("111 0' f'\o;IIhl~- .arlOt ~'(llIE"OCnl~. Hfl"'-("llt't, :ii"~ H, 8elUDfIo, ~kool {Jt ......... Llltiobodl:. Tto:...• \ht.- I»u.n~"l: hf \h,: "'1\"t.'1" ('UUI1.';t. "'tinlon in RQt-:n P. Olt"lflo.·, ~'K'-' )Ca:t(tn t:ni .. thili ~'":I nujon')' (.r llll'llk"l.... j.t ltw L'n;lSrkool 01 ~"'. Arlintt-U'''' Albrl'l ~l S1.alt.~ Slllll'\."fTW' wurl in flt.~ 'J( ,V",llil", 1!t'n.lI,ll'arii (' Hall, '..tnc.' Arlhur.'k. \'. Jwl;lt"n, .u6 C-S ';:', IOU :;n., 1-1-',641 To::...• IClf' IILain'ifr~:III"' ....:I:mv. LJ:iJ.2:1 ~':' l1'9Nn ~,-c "'jt.o("lt.~1 'M ljrF!mt.·' Ja.rnt.,. ". Bn~ltr, T"al . \ It>. Q.,nni:il h~l.1 >t.imLlll.aI'Mlllu.l) oulinK blO'lt' (fit! t~," W ~'l'I';IIl. Tran... 0 ::i~ltun. I..u.bhotlii, )'~ (if 1huLllbl, (' 1-.."t'fW'\.· 11M '\flIRlc Td, fur d...r~""lan""":'I"iIO.:l1l~ Irm'ouo.tll1,,1 within II A\ th,,. l~nl. mine II Ikton: GOI.OREHG. P<)Ui7- ".Zil21,SlI'l fJr, 19t1O). "aryinK 'Al1ilil:od Jlnd Juri"'IIf'IlLwn,;"l IlrKlri· 1iP"JU",1~, ":"1__1I11) IInl'"rtlllnl. 11.. dljUi~l JUlIK(' in alljJlfllTJI: thro I'n'f'I'I'!.' .!'I"l rutth b)' _Vi'"~''Iffk.n. -4,i!.5 "'11- I fffim l~' l·ni\.'t" ~... t\'1 Oi",ll'i", l'out\ I.., \tk' Su.,1l'toI>f"n m~tr"'\ T(''\illo~: tl:tl~ 0 WlluJ ....·a,..1. ('bit:-( Judp:' he .a.lIo\llo'M, If I~'Y foCI de!!~~, tu Jft'~n\ further <t\.'~flil:t' un ~mslld to nt.aLl~h tlttoir rJaimJ; Ulldtr 1k- 111.....· alf'loounn:d ill Boll'h.,.. .~ .... 1\ ;rk:k·.' \ riry j.r JM1J;o.)llo, &2fi, an t"1t.flonIIl "')'Ht;", a1ll'gl..ocl \1" di.f,crimina\t: tI1il.l.'n•.' )1M"",O'·tl, I .m fI6l IAlUltwnlly tb.1f"\o,rant 10 dl'Oft... n 'Mil: {'\'lIIIflk'tI.:· 1"'1I1r (t( I••' 1I\'hiC'h .... 111 <,,·t1h't: from rUl\1h' and aPIlI..' \.(, rill \m. ,-oiIl !crt by lht- Suron:-lnL' CC}lIn'~ I.imuharR-OWO I"('J'I"t',Mi/'l of zjmml'l' and iu rllilu!'t" 10 ('(I~U'\k'\ ilL lOUC'n'NOl'. \1,\' tk,~f6ft' ,.,·lu"" l.IIIn~I)" \f.'.u.",,' it ~n thto Ili~lnt\ ((HJr'\ 10 eM' IMin. ilMl Ih~' 1allk of l"ftw\.lhn~ tlhsrJlf' \0 ll'H!' 0II1ftOl._ ItcI"'il'l,p &Mt'/J b)' IPlflriTl~ thB1 a i r lA' tM VI'l"M-n1 'ilt'l&, .a.r.aln~1 mlnori\~' ~ a pIunI.)' 01 1M CC*rt JIiOlA'Cl ,hal It.. .....jlor(i".. ...... "'krTiMtlUU ....- . . W"""'CII t' c..Vt.. 4lt Y S 121, • S-Cl, 2040," L.U2d 9711~"1. \'j~ t'1I '0 "_It, pf'ftnl 0( l,.u.bbodl.', eooplir.JllOII Sf"f"'~ lin ..... I.M ~ ... 1..11 ~, l\\Uf' In u",~'n..rL!n • "")~'" l~ .rMiI\Ii I'blf1 C'tl.Il~f1i.-.:l In "", iIII!#l'''''' HN_M ''f1.-1N'1001,,1 "01"," ...,.1 h".t' ~1"J/i'luI'I'l!orf1oikll)tl1ll"!Jrruth....h.'lItO • IN TilE U1I"ITED STATES DISTRICT COl:RT FOR TilE 1I"0RTHERI; LUB80CK ~r.MO "Siln. It\;.n~'us~ (".......'.,..I..h tllilll' dl~....w,~ SullftfM' rv."rt llfU.1lW1lllt • .t a~~ hoW. tlw '~I'" opftloOfl l~ BoIJron. I t . f'q...JI)" ....... ~h;&.l ~'1DfI .,tI hat" \0 br OM- pro-odllft ,_it or • ~.,IPIt'bu".!latJl"X"fll- ; JII1~ J**- ... C'OIMWftlC"d ~ c .....r1 that ,.-... 90"" at'" -w.. l"fall,N... ~"'a~ _n" ~ oft , , - aut fiul .... ~ ~ WaJlibW ClnI1)- ,hIS tt(c"" a.... final,'" w ,hr !\1Ip""fIW C(lQrt at. -,........11 M.-k ("«I • r~;'·,,> Thr,'mrnt'll!l ,k".~l ,'"'"-_ t'anllll)ll I:Jr IIIJto dt,.,looU U ill flflit, 'l~t 11M, ,,'10. • .~ '""1l'Ui""'- r'Oun. ('1M1" Judtrt. ~.n)' C'M!Nr. rill«; I (WWW.wit_t~.tioa.i .. tM ..... ",,1\ ~ariIltd ... ,k knI bud r. 0.., MIlIltuJlrtror\.. b),J~~h'Wt ftIftt .. rri. . . . . . . a.. ~_fUNf"ft U-l t~ Ii~\elt ~t1tia1 ~ J!f'9"idrd h)' Uw M .... iao ('i,)' oI.tWMifo I. ~. to&' u.s. 16,100 Son. I• . " ,,1' 0_). I ...riw i.. afIII'ciaIC'lWlNlftM'l'~I40 . . qvi\tll '-Pft"'e e-n'. _I" 11'I)' REI'. ROY JO~ES. 1I,'" midd., ....... tofl'''''' ~U"'l', ..·..., .. IIwI_~_""Oofl .. iII .... ...-...1 l.aIIofAD' pWft ..... IN,IIIJ(~l.... '_fMlfMfIr".. iII""·OIoIlII ... _ , . . , . 10 CoMlooct tht,.,...-..., ")clho.ll.. Al)"• • ..u$lllw..".aaonQltc_....... ~ f• • •ll...III. . allIw . ct .1 .. PlAintiffs, \'. CIVIL ACTlO~ ~:O. CA.~.1~.J THE tIn' OF [.l"BBOCK. t't 011. I iN'IkarM" ditlrWM tl\a.l UII' bv- Dt'fcndantl' .!eft af ~Ji.. U. l'bIdM It.JIf\W.... ~,,\IaI ...... IJlIk.'l'WiM-.'""'..,l .. l"" q( ,_ diWitt "*"'- aMI tr..-l ~l'l"'IIIIIt. alii ...,•• ~ (lr appnI.. I alii w.ler... t.... tt~ ~P"""'"" "lid Kathtor. thl" IIbDlioraal ..".. ,n.laftill i ..~", ~tia~('ClUNalll d:p. C"i""llw...,:ll ttk· &;'pry_ ('Old1', !.!W..c!fdl f""" fnt.-rdll)'. ('Ak' wn-1",U ,!lor NJ"lU'\lr Jlhr-o ttl' ~.", uP_io.· ~\twl&l4.raJ"'Oft'~""""l"'ftl'I ~ t"BtlIN W mfttil'lwl)' '.~ MIl apFlr tll. lI'Iaad.1oln v( Utr Su:Jl"""'" C_rt. ...·:tMw~ paiafttt. r..... _Imu'. t.... ,,"cr e-r\I aft M1llllllttd tit • ~ Dr DISTRICT Of TEMS DIVISIO~: ~ .1lod.;tll'"C'.. ~\ai....,.,l~_ ..lit" _*d. ~ ..~ ...... oU-t('GlluaHi... ~ .M,_ CONti,,,,*,l&oft-"fIWirll'·.I· ~ ..--'4 M\"t' bMII ............ ht u. .frllNkift 1M- jw1as ,.., •• .n"""'Iilt-i.., '" ~ .~. . . Iea,..,...l ia IIwV M~ .,..,.'" ~ i....... n.c- k1..d' <'IOl'N tMd .ow Mt .a..t llw .... 01 ~ .. _lid n-h'lftt' c.__ dim· ~ltin 0«1 a eMf-O).~ . . . . "'Of'." .., IDmM lllw ~.n·~¥""""'" " '--'ItLU .......... ~441 us .." n sa _ ,Iti,), J 4Z:.'~ rill•• f~_, J'l1. ~ .. CLERK'S CERTlflC,\TE 1. JOSEPH McELROY. JR .. Cl~rk of the tnlted Statfl~ District Court for th~ ~:orthern Dharict of Texas. Lubbock Division. do hereby certify that [he attached InStrUT:lenlS numbered from one throu~h she hundred. ninery·fi\'c are th(' original s of all in$trumonu filed and t11t> dockN :theet i!. a certifi~d copy of all docket ~ntf'ict; in the "bove :o;tylcd nnd numbered caul'O~. CIVEN under Jny hand and sca1 of office Bt Lubbock. Texas this 3rd day of AUJjl:uat, 1919. JOSEPII :'eELROY. JR .. Clork By: 'Z \ .I ,. crut"y , I . ~'! cJn or Ll:BBOCK ':". 'f' .. ";':' ,::.' '., \)~ 'lE,flA\'OR A~D CITY COID:CIL or ?l" t:;~. ver C, O,,:<r ~/llr~ S~ID CITY, \ ,r.(.'.· Jr:::.~ -. ACTI0~ b,· orc1t.'i co'll.I..'d ~Iun!· 1 1971 and (D;:Cl..ARED Cl..ASS {U(.-c! June }.}97~ .,' ..,~' !lilt, , BASS. ROY BRICE t,S m:';:J;:RS I( or TIlt CITY COU~CIL 0 LUHBOC': ((". ~l~ht~ A"OR~E"" :~ot1c:r: of AppeArance 1/6/79 . as lead coun.el for pIth end DEFEN1JANTS'~A Nry.l~n"~J.f>'" Pltf-Inttrvenor for eppu1 _ e 0 ~ 1f)'P~/Mt##1I1 lIi1l1... L. C.rrett • .~. Itntitld/.~~/r~.6.U I'MllI 810 Houston St. Cit, An~ rW\I~"TI!T: V .-ithdc.·•.., order 4/27/77 ~I ~~I'-!; -T~Ylo~- :l:2:0,.i.1'9S61'W1lI.,. r~~I~~r~~6 Tx. 76102 :;.~~ ~:i:\:J~;..Hf1~~~r~ ~, b~.o<k'-"e .. o-;9"81f~£hC~r.: 3~U. " ."-<; =. 10-$ .. 7,.S7 JAIlES P. U!IISTIll, Trl.a1 Att,. AI.BERT PEREZ 7L7-u.!l6 ROSE WILSOIl ( FlLED IN1ER\'~ER'S/cOXPl.'.I~1' 6/8177 'FlLED INTER\lENER S ~Mf.NDED COXPl.'.INT $ ur77 (nUD IHERVENTOR'S SECOND AML~DED C=U.I~"1 ATTY: ROBERT P. ~vlDOW ~; ARTHUR/J\JlTHUR School of LAw Lane: Arthur Te)('as re~h University MetTo Town' r¥~O'B;~~~'" I.ubbook, T.x&O 79409 ~bboCk. 6[14/77 FILED NOTICE OF APPF.AAANCE ox. tOR "etENIlJiNTS: DENlQs w. H<:CILL TRAVIS D. SHELTON 6. ASSOCIATt;S \$07 13th Street.Lubb<><:k. 79401 1006 13th St. Lubbock. TC:Ka6 79~01 n;,T<IEI. H. BERsoR P.O. BOX 4030 LUBBOCK. TEXAS 79409 OtfffCIC HtA,t I'C:"~IW..S filtOIN D ... - -, n. 'ORM'" ""\,I"LAI$ ,\;;1Jt.QS,,,,,tU bIS1KlC.I "",Jl.l QO!;:Mf I 10 flUNG fUS 'Ata. flIC(IPTf\vr.,'etfi ... 4-'-'6 .... -- 1I:'0,lrUlo'.,A "'8 ilATI'uaeA .. tAACS CA'. '~f..~. I:<,'.~. f"Ued Plaint iff l ,: :"qr(t,:: TO P;P1»iCE so much of the: 'Petition \o:herein ., I"t·'l!J(!s: ro:- I:l'l(' con\,cn{n& of .a. t1'lt'('(' Judge c.ourt is ID4de 6 1t led V. S~ ~':JTshiJl's rcl:urn on ~\1;':¥T\oOns; s.crv~d Tn!va Philllps. Cit~· Sccretary. on 4-5·76 ttt H:OO a.m • . i 2-76 II OAU MA'HI> 4-:lo-16 ~·'I'lMto--.'/~ Filed Special Plea and Ol"il;Lnal Answct" of Dofendant City of Lubbock, 'fCXA5. ct 811. /30/16 /(; rUe<! .nd ....tered Judge Wood... n1'. ORDER tlult defendentl will fUe I in .uppore of tlullr lOOelemo DII or b.fore Ilay 24.1976. and Pl.lntiff .~al fU• • uply ... 01' before .1_ 10.1976; defendant My file . . .buttal I I brief"" or b.fore .1""" 2S ,1976. (cop, to ••• h atty of record) I -24-7~ 11 1101"16' 19 1/1. '25/76 }-9.. rUed Brief in Support of Spec tal Defenses: and Motions: .as Filed by All bcfcndants Jointly and Several1y~ 1 FUed P1e1ntiff'0 BRIEF IN OPllOSITIllN TO SPECIAL DEFENSE AA'D HllTIONS AS FlLED BY AU DEFlNlIo\NTS JOI1ITLY AND SEVERflLLY. ..JfI AIlIl PUed Defendante' SEVE1tALL"f • '25/76 llEIIurtAL BRiEF AS PILtD BY ALL DEFENDANTS JOINTLY tUed and entered Judge l<oodwerd'. ORDER ehot partie. ohould with discovery and preparation for trial tY. tbe merits. PI_incifE to complete d1t>covery no later than Sept. 1 t 1976 and J l def4:!!ndantli are ordorec! to complete dh·covery on or b~for~ Nov. 1.1976: (copy to ..ach atty of record) f"lhl'd and Entered Judge Woodw8rd I I: ORDf:R ~e:ttins ca,e for trial on I Jllond8Y~ Nov~ber 1S. 1916 .at 10:00 A.M.(c)" to c:oun6el of record) .7 1001 Y...d n St. Suite 634 L.ubbod:, T('xas 79~01 TO:-:AS CARZA /1(, .Z3-76 ~- L- suit (or injun("t.h·c relic:r:'scckinp; 0 tcn~orary restr.1nlng ordf;!r r~~r;:r.Hf'nnf. d~f('nd'Jnc.l> [ro:::l hold!ns a ~cncr41 e] on April 3 1976 d Sections 1983 and 1988 of 42 USC. • , un er C1vt} an' A11Ar..l1.1.O) FU~d .nd ~ntered Judge Woodward's ORDER DEt;YINC TDiPOIlIIRY RESTllhll11NC ORD&R F'llQH HOLl>INC All nECTIOI; I" rlls ,CITY OF LIIBBIlCK, T~:AS SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 3,1976 (copy to atty.) H~"NRr, 1Il..A~, ALL IN TIlEIR CAPACITI ," .':=-..'::~.Il:[ .:::u.-:l.7.o.n(:~ •.••. ;1:'. y~ (fILII> JI~ I ....' ..:ST,OlAA ~.~\>~ .~" I., L\ll.:):J't:l~) JORDAN, CAROLYN CAI'tfBELL J r.,~ 'Proc:e~d. 7614J 1-14.76 "JFLle.d Joint Motion for Continuanee. )/1417 J ~ FU..d .rod ....eered Ju~. WoodIMrd'. DRDER eMt joint1ll>tion for continuon« 1 dXII of trull_ CJt.MITED ud ca•• r~.d f-rem presenc scheduled trIal' I-t the NG'Y-nbe:r 15 1976 tnw ot court: ~ (copy to each .tty of record) 11~J17 41. PUed PRE-TRIAL ORDER signed by Judge ~'ood"ard on 3/15/17 3/28/7 '1/ flied Defendlnt.' PllOPOS£1l FIHDINGS OF FACT ~ND COXCLUSIONS OF l.'..... t qq, 129/77 18/77" 1,/26/7 II.. I.\". tU.d Phlnelff'. PORPOSED FINDIIiCS OF tACT AND CONCl.USIONS or Filed Reporter'e TRANSCRIPT Ot PROCEEDINGS. (1 volume) FUed Ult. of Namei> lublnltted to the Court as the ntlltteS of Additional: Coutu.el who have .greed to au1at 1n the preparation o1l,d prosecut.ion of thil C88e~ . ' - - - - - - - - - _.---- - _ -... , , .... ( ; ' - $ ' ·127/7 //3 '/27/77 110/ -- !';' '-- FII~d /lIP rtld,! I'lninr.tffls :-iOTJ'l:: r('li{ C'l':."1fr\rti:-,'C[. 111 ril •• ~ .:.~~:\ l:.,.\::m',Y: 0r 1...\1{ t~: SFPP<"'kT (IF !. ~211r: /2() 4n,,~~ III 1/18/77~ 15S i Filet Oefend;1nt.'. ~hc c~"'o~b;-;~ Te)Ca~. ~~f~c Ciey, Ro~' ~S5. C"Tolyn Jorden. Brlce C&DIPbe11. Dirk West. A1.n Itcn:-y. ~~OTIO:: to Pend t Late Fll tnt of Defendants' Anlwer to !'Inin~1 r{' l: l'j rIOt' AMtnc1ed CoDplaint. Yl.lntlff'. WlnlDIlAWAL AS COUNSEL. riled ~,.'RY OF ,IPPEAR.I;>ICr: AS COUNSEL BY WILLIS T. TAYLOR. "TTY., LiscinFo r:lth nttornty to ~pp~{tr a5 cC'unsel in said cos~ to wit; .n.lI> T. TAHOR, ALB,:RT rF.Rr.Z, TO:1AS CAR?... , D,I~Ir.1. If. BI."NSON. .\:(1T1r.:: i .•',1NTlF" ... OM. CO:'::-t :;I'ANCr. Ff)(·d .1nd entered .1udge: \o:ood""~rd' Ii ORDER allowl"a; CENt: GA1Nf.5. Pl"inLf (f to "'·ithdra...... 88 counll~l and other n.uh(,d DtCorn~y6 II Fth'c! Olton: r,r:tntt'nr Dt'I fon (or c.('ntinuanc-c; C'OJH1nucd l.IDtt1 8/22/1 III, F'!l~'i!' ~?oti~wJ~t¥'koBC Wilson, ~/6/77 JJ3 :1hc! '!:Jlb177 /15 5/6/77 II.~ tned Brief In Support of Plc1ntiU'. I'.otlon for Class "ctlon fot: L.c3V~ to Intervene as Plaintiff. XeOOfo1:1duc of La'" in Support of Motion for Leave to Intervene. fi1~d Pl:2inti!fs' ~:Ot1on for Class Action Det~mination. 7120/ n /(,/ 7/221771/f#1' FUOd ORIGII>AL ANSWER OF DEFENlWIT, CITY OF LU8BOCK. TEXAS. tT I I 'TO PUlNnFl" S FIRSt A!'IENDED COMPL.\lh'. I 7/2 7/111/?$1 Ftled NOTICE OF APPEARANCE of AJmlUJt 1'13 rUed 4nd entert!d Judge ....' ood...... rd t s ORDER thet the Court h8C dC'tcmtned this CPSI!' is to be =sineatned as • CLASS ACTION. under Sept. 7 No notice to any ....,loero d~c1ar"tory (COPY TO rJlCH ..TTY OF RECDRO) reHef. t h., Filed and entered Judge \lood\;lard s ORDER. th.t R05e Wilson to tnc~rvent! in thi. cause, .nd Is hereby made: a party to this ~ausc and to that end mey fl1e instanter. in this c:ause in the S8l!1e manner .nd with like cffcet JIIS if n.1l:leS in original party to thls cause. (copy to e8c:h .tty) 6/8/17 lel5 flIed l~jERVENER'S COMP'.AINT. 6/24111 lel9 FUed ~OTlCE OF APPEAIWICE •• TRAVIS 0. SHELTON 6. ASSOU"U8. 6/24117 15C' FtI~d ANSWER OF DEFENDANT. CITY OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS, 11"1 I''''' I ' cl:nscs involved is nocessary at chis time &lnccl1A action for lnju•• tfv~ ""d I 1917 Aug.-25 /eI" j Ptf-Inlervenor k05e \-.'llson. 6. ARTHUR by Lane Arthur for 7/29/71' 171, FUed end entered Judge \l>odva;d'. ORDER GRAI-"TtNG H:lTlON FOR rlled Stipulation Conee,."l~ Cleo. A«lon. or Fl1e" PI.h!I:T1FFS' f:OT\OI, FOR CONTINUANCE. 1/20/17 I~ HIed BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTII'f'S' IlDTIO~ FOR COI.7INUANCE. Ii/I) Rulo 23(b)(2) F.d. Rules of Clv, Proe, 6/B/77 :;:.~ I,.tllf':"(:d Jcdrc t·:oodlo:ard ' , ORDER CAAi\"TZ;o.:C permission to deftnch:'ltS toO file thci~ first 8cended :In,.\ilf!r. (Cy to eaeh atty. or n-t:o,;"d). tiled PlAintiff', tIut Amended COmplaint. 5/11177 I~ FIl~d l~jERVENOR', "'lENDED CO~lPLAIHT. (Peroll. . lon of Judge) Ruth ea 1< 5/31/71 1 t:::-.". . 7/20111/(,.tJ t'ili:c . l Deter::.inat ion. 12f C'.c:":~ I o1r .'lIO\;.·...d to file appearance on thp Plaincifes behalf. Ccop'- to oach att" of r~cord). Sf6/i7 5/6/77 /57 r.;~~cr:;:~:!:~~/\~:~~;c~~;~~n~~'S~~~~;~~ ~;~~~rf~:': ~~~~~n~:n~:dit 7/18/71 H;: COSTlNUANC£ ,t 90 d8Y.s. Defend.ntll permitted to file 8 first 8mcnded original enswer and cI.e set for trill NOVtHBEIt 7, 1971 at 10:00 A.H. (COpy to each atty of record) Filed oral DEPOSITION or 8RDl1lA HAURI;R on behalf of Plaintiff. Flied oral DEPOSITION OF TREV.. PHILLIPS on behalf of Plalntiff_ rUed Intervenor IS HOTIOJ\ for Leave to Amend Inu:rven,tor' $ Mended Complaint; cople, to attorneys of r4!'cord: Fl~..~:i:~~~~hed HD10RAN'OUM of Lew 1n Support of IntervcnoT/s Sept. 14/'~ Filed ORDER grant1nE Intcrvl!nor Rcae ""'1150n fl1inS of Ince:rvenlor's 1 Second Amended CmfPl.A.INT; eopiel to .ttorneys: of record HOt: /t5I flIed Intervenor'. SECOND AllENDED COMPLAINT. Certificate of Service Oct 4 1'1 ct. 20 If vith attached FUed A1:SllER or DtFENDANT, CITY OF WBBOCK, Texa., et al to Intervenor'. Second Amended Cor:Jpla1nt. with attac.~cd certlH~ate of service. rl~::e~~:-tr~:~\l~~1~gt:r=s~o::~rc:;e N~~e~~~~t;~ i~~1b~~S. vaeated. pending Supreule Court '. dclcl.1on in \Jilc v. Lipseomb; cople. to attorney. of record. , ;i. •.. NIoi' __ :~s a~ 20 /4(, F'ih-d Plainti!!'s \-~lTHDRA\,1. FOR I... ~:n SCBSTITlj!O": ~ot'" :tl"inrU'!,. tt'o Tc>CC'i"C 26 f!:'}- . . . . . t.~ 101 ;"l:l.intH~: Oi\D!RiC~~~~C!l . cere. o!' :.ha-:. ~'!'Io£.' 4boVl! :..~\ :.:di11 en this ~.'toUIll !I;U'. Ce::o;.hUlAn"e tilt' rC'quclUcd by it!l partllt.p;:; 19>78 ~~ket: zot ORAL. nEPOSl'I'IO~ FlIod "OTlO~ of Ro~' • .0\'. I SilP\1LA.TlO~S Judse 1.%1 ~'ood",,·arcS. Fihd USH return, Luciano Perez. 5erved subpoena. on 11/28/78 rUed USM return: George M.oreno served 6ubpoena on 11/28/78 Filed USH return; Madison Sowder served subpoena on 11/28/78 ;1q~ Fil.d Defts' LIS! OF EXHIBITS: cert. of ••rv, .,,~,. Filed Ocfr.s· LIST or '..nTNESSESj ce:rt. of ser\, , ~ Filed Dcft':151 SUPPLEMENTAl. LI.ST OF WITNESSES: cerL of serv_ ce. 6 ::0\'. 21 - ' l""'rc·7RIA1. ~2 signed by all counSlI!!l i acci!le:hcd e::o:.hib1ts to J5t/rl l ... t 1 ~.: ti(J r~'. t.::O~rErtEXCF. l1C'1~ P~t-TRtAL t c; r _ ("IltDt:Rt (1n chambers) attOl'I'It')'llI not f({lld of ( j II·J 1 ~i ~:~ ~~: ;:~~~~~ 3~:nw~~~~ss:~;~~dS~~t~~~~.o~n ~{7~~;~8 f1'~d HtTAl 8RU:F o! :rll ... nl1rrlll .'In!! P10li,1IIrr·lntp,",'(:lIot: ret l.a r J" turn: ~;(-. \',,:u [),-, .-:,c 5t".. . '<.:11 on I !l29/7B • Subpo~na t;S:·: nnlJrn: G('QI"J'c Scott: St;Tvec.! subpoena on 11/29/78 US:-\' Teturn; Itlit"oid Chal'r:l"'o seT'V~d subpoen<) on ll/29/78 US,"l retuTn; Ii.. 1.. D.wis served subpo~na on 11/29/78 US}~ :r"~tut"n: JO$C' RamiTc~ .served subpoeni1l on 11/29/78 US!'-l return; trnest:o RlIrt.on scrvt:d su'bpQetla Ort 11/29/16 US~1 rCt:\ll"n: loo°a)'nc DS eke)' 8cr"vcd subpoena on 11/29f78 US!-~ return: Theron Cole ~cTved :pubpoena on 11/29/18 USH return; Oir:~ W-~8t served subpoena on 11/29/78 t:S:: Filed USM J:e:t:ul'n; Thomas NcGoveTn served subpoena on 11/28118 rUed USM return;Floyd Price serv~d subpo~n8 on 11/28178 FOR SUllSTITUTlON: cert, of seiv, cativt'!' Plaintiff ~h:H1t'\1t1n& Pltf. A. Cl!ne Ga.f.nes; -copies to c()unul tDt. rUed fi led Filed FLh.d filed 1Fi led I fUed I fi h,d Filed Filed I Bym Bass. AUF. 112,o~ Fllod ORDER FOR SUBSn! !ION: Rev. Roy Jones will be rep"cscn- Se;>t.22 CO:-;CLusrONS Of I.Akl , Filed US:1 retUf"J1: Sister Rto' served EiUbpO~n3 on 1l/~9/78 Filed US!'ol return, M3nuel Aguil.n· ~~rved subpoena on 11/29118 Filed USH return: foc.heT CUTtis HQrrrnan served subpoena on 11/29/78 II~ Fi1e~ pit-oro SEn !-J:;:Oi::GS OF rr"C1 D FUed US~ return: Gilbert Herrera served subpoena OJ1 11/29/16 " i l l be.> 'It a liH.oor \.t:lnn: or;opfcs to ACtor-ncr.: o! r~r~. nUt. (Ie. ~- l:-}ithdt""a~'41 r(/fdC'lo<:e (:1l1l!J'l." b<' fro:'" t.he 1;.5"1'11 JO, ~crv. l.lf.:f~·~, l"'(':-:. o! ,·H.'rv. rUec. willis T. Taylor's !-loL1on for at'll': request ~:al"l~ C. lId1 be :sub~thutcd to serve '.. . ith Daniel H. ~:~~~~: iONS CST •. ,a enG A!hcrt: PCTII!Z: COflic:s [0 .1tt:o:'n~~·s of' lt~:: r:l .. ~ OiO!JtF:.....:l!..'~~'nCl ~:07H':; cert. of sen'. 353 Ft )pl.! not:ic,," o!' itll flle."dinp•• etc_ c:crti !ic:ltC' of service. 2?<JFiled Pl.intH£o' .nd PI.intiff-ln'tc'rverior'. l.;lnESS LIST: ZtOIFl1cd l'laintLffs' and PlainltU-ln[(:rvcnor's LIST OF' EXHl81TS; ~~;":'~~e~~~Il~('~~~~c~~ ~} .~;~~~;~ ~~~ ~~!~:n~i~;,1:: _C<':": i r! c~rt> 0: ,qt::,'il c :;07]CI:: or Iwn:t\?A::c:.. cd b'\" ::iI.-:-i- !1,'11, cou:l~cl :C'>:' ·.,~:!f ~:~8~ ~f~~~;';{~~~'"~dqU~:~i~~:"~C~i~~f~nb~Os~~~~t~~~·c~sa~O~~:c~!f~~l' ::['l~~.~C'1 :~r:. Coun~cl'!!'; :-~OTIOt,: ; PTO b)' Filed OSM rC!:[urn FUed USM return Filed USN return fUC!'d filed Filed Fi led ITiled Filed Filed Filed rUed Filed Tiled US,", T~turn USH return VSM roturn USK Y'12tutn retu.rn VSN USH USH USM retul"l'l return 'X'~turn USH return USN return USM re-turn Tom Burtis. served wI SUbpoena 11/30/78 Garc:to &c:rved wI subpoene. 11/30/7S Ro)' Bass served w/ 5ub!"'oeni.\ 11 /30/78 MariAT10 Al~n Henry served wi subpo(!na 11/30/78 T0121 ~itt s(lrv~d wI :subpoena 11/30178 J1m Bertram served ""'1 &ubpeona 11/30118 Larry Cunningham served 1oi'1 subpoena 11/30/78 Vaughn Bendrie 6crved ~I :&ubpoens. 11/30/18 C8rolyn Jordan served wI subpoena 11/30/78 Rt"v. A.\rL Wil50n s.eTved '-11 su'bpoena 11/30/76 Itev. Adolphus Cl ~veland served wi subpoena 11/30/1 Fro)" Salinas t;erved ""1 :r;ubpoC!'na 11/30/18 Oscar D. Jones served wI ~u-bpoC1.a 11130/18 1Cen Smith !'il!'rved ""I 6ubpo~n;t 11/30/78 ~g:: ~;~ ~:~~~~ ~~~;:n~;c~:~d;~fS~~;~:d""~'1S~~~~~~aIt~}{;~8 Filed USM retuxn f'ill!d USM return Filed USH retll.rn J.t. RiclQcan served wI subpoena 1211/78 John Alford served "WI subpoena 12.11/18 _ Bob McVay served ",'1 v.bpocna 1211178 Truj j 110 f"~lurned FI1e~O~~Y'~j~ir~ d:~~~~:~a af;;li~8 Jo~ uncKecut~d " ItU_" "It, , .... it::·:; ,· ..OCCI[O'''c,:.. 1979 .n.-31 .. ",11 ;'~'cci,,"("d Plaintiff'" txhibit . fi led 1214/76 Filed llS:1 Tcturn; Fl1~d US~1 return: Pi led usr~ l'cturn: 4 to b~ added [0 list of (·xhibits tlt#5lFi1l!d POS,···rlt1AL Rkll:F Feb. I 'refJ. 22 i'eb. Xaria Lui!ia Ruiz: served sUbpoen. on 1/22/79 Sharon Kay Bell served subpol.'ln8 on 1/22/79 Al~x A. lJc:bb served SUbpoena on 1/23119 (of n:r:. :md rlrf·1:".lcTvcnoy; e~rt. o! set'v. "J"t'il~d lJ(·:lS· :·:0"[10:\ fOr-. !-.:.:1t-.::::;!o:,: by both ?;~!'ltC5 (propm:ed order I Of 11:·:£ iQ FILE 8,RIEf siGned prOVided for court) 2311 ¥fJn1ed ORDER Er.nling Defts' Hotion for Extension of Time to file I Brief. Deft<' Post-Trl,,1 ~rief due olb 317179. Copies to cOUMclt II 3/7 -c . • 3 loec. I~ d '1 oubpoen. 12/1/78 1H 11 :-:cAl istcr ficrvc subpoena 12/ lt/78 01'. NaT3orl~ Orr acrvc "" Dena 12/1.178 :-~ajol' :-ticucchf served wI &U",P .. 12/4/78 JaCK ~icho1son st'rvcd \I/lsub~~rned 12/4/78 uncx<f-ut !OubpoC!'na to Father Con%.. ctS returned 12/4/78 unC~4: t, ~i !:~ ~~~ ~:~~~~ subpoena to T.J. Patterson turned 12/7/78 unexecut fi led \!S~. return; $ubpoC!:na [0 Jesse W~~~:~ ~:t.urned 12/7/78 un~xeCUl f~ led llS:-~ returni subpoonll to 'Ro5e , Inu~t'venor'$ TRIAL MtMOAANDUM -lIZ, FIled Plaintiff!' and i&a~~~U~GE ELECTIO:> SYSTEM c.\SES; r~ 1 C Fi lce f11(:.d f'!.lcc \:5:': 1,;5:-: US~·: CS~ d _/ rctut"n~ n !'ctur ; retUT"n~ rctUt'n; 4t'ltj1ed TRIAL 6RIEf Of DEfESDA~"T, ccrt. of serv. I 791 l/22/ 5r,D 0'; fli\DlNGS Or FACT Ft ~~ ~~~~r ~~A~~m~~~~.~O~'Hi~~I~¢LBm:1~~O~FI~~~~ lI~STl.TE CONTJlOVERSY; ccrt. of serv. \0,. flnal "r9uftl.C1nte In open court, 9:30 A.M.. to 12:30 P.Iit. to fallow pcndin9 furt.her .tudy by Court. ril'loal r\llinq FUed JUDGMf'.NT and MEMORM.'DtlM OPINIOX; 2 copies hand ael1vere-d to Atty. J. 8rO'Wstor tor dett.s., and 2 eopi~. hand delivered to At.ty. Dan &en.on for pItf.. Pre•• Y'clcaal!! at 3:30 P.M. per inatruetjons of Court. . c(!:-t. of gerv. '/6/79 1 ~londay 1115/79 at 9,00 A.1'I. 15 'IIZYlle<- ORDER rece. . in~ ~.sefu~;~uary 15,'22 1>0 29, 1979 for ·e. COU'r't set 03side .....toC 5 0 i $ to counsel 6 !o\r. Dav 1do"" c('l~.plctton of t.riol; cop e flIed US:1 TetUm, Filed USX return; lee. 20 1979 I Jan.-2~ <lJJ n I \ \ .. .. Aderton served wI sub~ona 1.2/11/78 X·J· 1l u d _ ••Tved "I subpoena 12/11/7 8 Joe Va 1 d e .. AANDlll1 OF !.All OS A\I~RI) r and Pitf_Intervenor's ~MO • b;d A~~R.~£YS FEES; eert. of serv. t {,tl FUed NOTICE OF APPEARA.~CE hy IIllliam L. Canett .s lead attOnlOY for pItrS and pltf·intervenor, cere. of s.erv. ~ Filed NOTICE Of APPEAL,cert. of serv.: ff pd. by atty. '.1-1 ~ Flied CERTIFICATE Of CllRX TO DEPOSIT IN coon IN LIEU OF FOR COSTS ON APPEAL (c. .hier's check for $250.00) ~O~D rUed lepoTter'. Transcript of Proceedings. Volumes I throuph Xl , t l~ TH' foK unr~D J STAnS DISTRICT cOURT TII~ NORTH~R.~ IN Tlif UNITI'Jl STAHS DISTiller Of TEXAS FOR THE lUBWCK DIVISION: t1v~~ DIST1I.I~' COURT DiSTRICT OF TEXAS UJ."OCK DI\'ISION REV. lem' .h )r~f.s. l~~:ZAI.O r.,\IiI.z". Jl,\X .,,'\n),~l() RIl'HS. and I~TI;R\.j~:~1t ROSf'. "nt.SON. In(/.i'l.'IJu:ltl~· and a~ Rl'prl·stnt.,- R.£.V. RO'l' JONES. G(}N :i'.AI..Q CAR7.A. JUA.~ ANTO~tO RF.YE5. ~nd I~TER­ Vt:S:OR Rost W1LSn~. lndlviduaUy lind as RlipTeSentoiU tve:ll of the !Hack nod Mexlc:,an-AlMlifican Voteu of Lubbock. Texas • of the Mack 31'1d "exlcan,n VctCU of Lubbock, .r\1'li.~rl l<ORTH~1lIl Tex:ls, PlalnUff8. CIVIL ACTIOS /-:0. V. CIVIL ACTION \'. so. CA-~-16-J' C,'-~-Ib-J' "'n" Tiff 0.· LUBBOCK. TEXAS and the Ka)'or and cu, Council 111t: CIT\' nf Llll\lWGK. Tr.x"\~ and the ~.,yol" ilnd Cl t)" COlInl: 11 thcr~o'. Dirk WI!:!Ill. "L....n Henry, COirolrn J6Tdc;m, M..J. t'fhnJ" Addertcm. and Bfll ~Cj\liMtt'r. all In th('f,r oUldal c.lp<tC'ltle:ll as ftI('~he1'"S of the Cic,,! emmetl of l.ubbock. ther.of. Dirk wen. Alan HenTY. COT"olyn Jordan. 14, J. "lh"d"' Add@rton, and lUll McAlt,ner. aU tn thtolr offlci .. 1 C,IIp.pcUJu 3$ Il1Cllbers of the Ctty Council of Lubbock, Defendal=lU. I~fendnnt~. NOTICE OF APPEAL (:fRTlFleATE OF CLfltJ( TO DE'OSIT IN COURT IS UEU OF WND FOR COSTS ON APFf.'L Sotice Is hUif:b)' given that Plal.ntlfh REV. ROY JOSES. r.ON'ZALO GARZA. This 11K to cUtU)' toNic on chill! 6th doB)' or July, 1979, Rt.,"V. H(I\'" CO~l..\t.O lroSE GARZA, JUA.,... r,:lLSO~ A~"TOXIO REYES. Plalntifh hen In. tlnd (J\ppclhrnu hcnln) IncUvld.U4l1y 4nd 11.. JO~ES. l'Sn:RVE~Oa Rapl'i1uontatlvCll or JUAN A.,o\'Tmuo REYES. ilInd PJdntU(-Interv..nor ROSE 41 R.pre8entattve:ll of Te..... hcr-eby appo~l W'ILSO~. t"" alack Dnd l'Iex1c.....-Aacrlcan Ind1vldu..;lll, snd Vot~ fa or Lutobock, to the United Stat•• COUT( or Appeah ror the 5th C1rcult fro- the finAl j\M1ltJM1nt enured In c.hb action on the 8th doll)' or June. 1919. me the sum of $2S0.00 .18 securlty for coat. on appeal in lieu of bond for DATED July 6. 19'9. cosu on appeal, In Lheir Bppeet to the United Suus COUTt of Appt!a18 for tt'le S.lh Ci n:ult. fro. the judg-'!nt Tendered In the above ent it led cause on tke 8th day or June, 1919. Clel'k of tho United Stlltes DlIll:Ti~t Caun for tho Northern Dhtrict of Texas. LubhMok Dlvi.lton ... CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1M u-ndentIDed certHha that. cop)' of t.he fOf@going Notice o( AIPpe:.! vu urved. upoa th. attorney. of record of all panles In the abo\'(-' cau•• in .ccordancC!I witl\ Rul. 50, Fe-doral Rule' of Civil Pro("{idure. on this t .... 6th d..y of JuLy, L979. Ili/~J:.. VILU,," L "cARRETT / IS Till: ,SITED STATE" OISTltlCT coun CERTIfiCATE 01' Sr.RVICt Th~ un<lenlgn~d FuR TilE XORTHEll.".: DISTRict OF TEXAS f;,\~7.". JrAS' ,\Xlt'SIO REYr.S. IST[K\T$()R ROSt: ""II.St.lS. record of all part I •• In the on tMe the! ~dny of July, 1979. InJlvldu.,1 tv "nd :a" RcprellCnl3t f\'('~ of the Diad: lJnd ~exlcon­ .\:l'A'rlc"" ,'o((ln' or lubb~k. I : ',I ~/ . I', CIVIL ACTiON SO. CA-~-76-14 mr Cln' OF LUBBOCK. TEXAS and rh,- M.1yor and rJcy Council t.hereof. nirk \leal. AI"", lIenry, C.:r.fol"n Jord:m. J.J. "Bud" Adl!("rton. and 8111 !'4cAllalcor. all In th<tlr offtcl:'Il c,;r,ruch1e.8 .11'0 ~ bil'rlf of the Chy Coond 1 oC Lubbock, lILLIA.."1 L. CARRF.TI, llttomo)' at otlorney of TCcord r"r Plntntiff'. 1.:1"'. hctTOby enteu hi • .uppearan<:e 35 REV. ROY JO~.:St CONZAI.O (~\RZA, JUI\.~ PlolnttH-lnunenor IWSr. WILSON, Jndlv'du::lUy oJnd .IS tn the •• -lind -nUl'abcuod CollU5e, a.nd further notHh~8 the Courl OInd :)JI p.Ut hue tl."t he .h.-Ill b42' load council for purpO!le, of aJ'PC~1JJng the!' judSnwt.nt ent"red Sn ,,:tld find lMrorll flied In this C:RUSQ-, C"lIit!' , ! I/lttlAll t. CARRCTT Tf'litilll, (("If' or above caURe In accordrtnce '11th Rule S. Federal Rule. 01 ClvB Procedure, RI:\'. R'-'" .I'~S"ES. (".(\~z.-\LO j\.'.OSIO REYES, .and that II copy of the (oregolng EnLry of Appe.ranC4! WAI .uvad upon the attorney, tUSSOCK DIV1SI0lI ~,nJ ccrtUle.. and that all nOt Ice" coaauntcatlons, I.hould b~ sent directly to hi. at th~ address RelJpec.tfully aubalttcd, J ''I' I(·{I/1i." // "/. .'<' (, .. II ' tR D ,\ 'S 1 I,\T' ( 17) J 6- U1::. [1.: 3 ( 0 ) 7 5- 18 I., "'. hur 79 01 n ~ ( .. II. . <'11' 1 ( P. l< • R 8E~. X ( X<:I' T \ l'n 1 ) 7' - 3 90 r • it . t.\Ibbl k. ( 06) 7 7- " (80 ) 76 - 617 ( 06) 747-4583 At f.RT .REZ Att rn ' t U: \01 III Lubb T X; _ Av nu • T X 79401