A wider view of planetary system alignment Grant Kennedy, IoA, Cambridge + Wyatt & Greaves in UK + Herschel DEBRIS team WASP 7b CoRoT 1b CV Vel 60 HD80606b 30 HAT P 1b 0 0.01 Spin orbit misalignment happens, but these planets didn’t form here TrES 1b Kepler 16(AB)b Maximum known misalignment (deg) 90 Can debris disks around nearby stars help? 0.1 1.0 10 Binary or Planet semi-major axis (au) data from www.physics.mcmaster.ca/~rheller 100 “normal” planet formation debris disk (Kuiper belt analogue) has i of PPD at dispersal NASA/JPL WASP 7b CoRoT 1b CV Vel Planet migrates 60 HD80606b HAT P 1b 0 0.01 Kepler 16(AB)b Ko za TrES 1b i/sc atte r tilts 30 d n fi d e t til s k dis ing Planet migrates ? e r he Disk Maximum known misalignment (deg) 90 start here 0.1 1.0 10 Binary or Planet semi-major axis (au) 100 Star inclination (deg) Stellar spin - disk alignment 80 ✦ 60 ✦ 40 ✦ 20 0 0 20 40 60 Disk inclination (deg) 80 No disk “tilting” by companions BUT a tilted debris disk may be easily destroyed by the companion Need to study implications of tilting after gas disk dispersal Watson et al 2010/11, Greaves, Kennedy et al 2014 WASP 7b CoRoT 1b CV Vel Planet migrates 60 HD80606b HAT P 1b 0 0.01 Kepler 16(AB)b Ko za TrES 1b i/sc atte r ing tilts 30 Disk Maximum known misalignment (deg) 90 Star+disk Planet migrates 0.1 1.0 10 Binary or Planet semi-major axis (au) 100 Star-planets-disk alignment Star–planet–debris disc alignment 901 The Astrophysical Journal, 777:101 (21pp), 2013 November 10 2:1 @ ~1au χ2 Downloaded from http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ at Cambridge Univer rdisk~70au inclination Figure 5. χ 2 of the coplanar 2:1 MMR best fit as a function of inclination. The open circles represent χ 2 and the filled triangles represent (χ 2 − 2 ln sin i) 2. Herschel 70 µm images of HD 82943, North is up and East is left. The left-hand panel shows the raw image with contours at 3, 5, 10 and timesof inclination for 2:1 MMR coplanar best fits. The dashed lines as a20 function ∆χ 2 values of 1.0, 4.0, and 9.0 larger than the minimum χ 2 value el rms of 1.6 × 10−2 mJy arcsec−2 . The right-hand panel shows the same image and contours after a peak-scaled point source has been represent subtracted, around 20◦ , which are the 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ confidence levels. The minimum near-circular residuals as a clear sign of a near face-on disc. at about 20◦ is statistically significant, indicating that an inclined solution is preferred. ✦ >10 years of RV to see planet interactions (~5MJup) uadratically subtracting the PACS 70 µm beam full-width at aximum (FWHM) of 5.75 arcsec from the major and minor nents of the fitted Gaussian FWHM (smaj is also an estimate characteristic ✦ disc size, about 100 au). To estimate the unty we then added the Gaussian fit image into an off-centre n in nine other 70 µm observations from our programme (all ations have the same depth). A Gaussian was then fitted at osition and the position angle and inclination derived. This d is a simple way of estimating how the disc geometry can ue to different realizations of the same noise level. The inclis vary from 25 to 31◦ with a mean of 28◦ , while the position vary from 133 to 153◦ with a mean of 147◦ . a second method we fit a physical model for the disc struc- to the free-fitting parameters when k2 ! 0.025. The right panel of Figure 9 shows χν2 as a function of inclination with h2 = 0.01 and different fixed k2 values taken along the arrow in the left panel of Figure 8. For k2 " 0.025, there is a single minimum with χν2 ∼ 1.15 at an inclination that increases with increasing k2 . For k2 ! 0.025, a second minimum with χν2 ! 2.3 appears around i ≈ 15◦ . Because the starting condition of χ 2 minimization is a small inclination along the arrow, the fit is trapped in the minimum around i ≈ 15◦ when k2 ! 0.035. The discontinuities in the P1 − P2 grid shown in the right panel of Figure 8 can be similarly explained. HD 82943 near to pole-on - system-wide alignment Kennedy et al 2013, Tan et al 2013 Figu grid, w to the e are libr dashed dynam 30◦ and fits in confide edge-o in the 1 region and the angles Figure grid. T are sim Very their m familia in this the com (2009) GJ 876 (2010) an upd Sinc system to cons the sys as an i reached sky pla χ 2 bec fitting p the ord that we the res analysi WASP 7b CoRoT 1b CV Vel Planet migrates 60 HD80606b HAT P 1b 0 0.01 Kepler 16(AB)b Ko za TrES 1b i/sc atte r tilts 30 Disk Maximum known misalignment (deg) 90 ing HD82943 β Pic HR8799 Star+disk Planet migrates 0.1 1.0 10 Binary or Planet semi-major axis (au) 100 Binary-disk alignment 4.08 20 β Tri 15 3.38 α CrB 2.41 10 10 δ offset (") 2.69 δ offset (") 2.91 0 1.91 5 1.99 0 1.41 1.29 -5 0.91 0.59 -10 0.41 -10 Spacecraft Z -20 -0.10 20 10 0 α cos δ offset (") -10 -20 -15 -0.10 15 10 5 0 -5 α cos δ offset (") close binaries: P = weeks/months circumbinary planets - alignment expected? Moerchen+2010, Kennedy+2012, Kennedy 21015 -10 -15 0.00 aligned 2.57 10 Secular precession time (yr) 10 original Radial distance (") 5.15 7.72 10.29 12.87 tage 109 most of disk outside ralign 108 primordially aligned: yes 107 106 rin ralign rout 105 0 100 200 300 Semi-major axis (AU) 400 500 Kennedy et al 2012 99 Her, 15au: 2 parameter model how? stellar interaction? Kennedy et al 2010 WASP 7b CoRoT 1b CV Vel Planet migrates 60 HD80606b HAT P 1b 0 0.01 α CrB Kepler 16(AB)b HD13161 Ko za TrES 1b i/sc atte r tilts 30 Disk Maximum known misalignment (deg) 90 99 Her ing HD82943 β Pic HR8799 Star+disk Planet migrates 0.1 1.0 10 Binary or Planet semi-major axis (au) 100 Outlook ✦ Generally infer peaceful history, 99 Her the exception ✦ Alignment the norm so far - but so was early RM work ✦ Need more star inclinations - beyond vsini, P, Rstar ✦ Disk tilting inferences have caveats - models ✦ Circumbinary planets - form in aligned disks? ✦ Planet+disk systems rare - no transit+disk systems yet ✦ Need disk/planet characterisation, planet discovery ✦ Best prospect: GAIA astrometry Debris disks trace the plane of primordial disk 90 WASP 7b CoRoT 1b ✦ Really start there? ✦ Circumbinary case? ✦ What can we test? ✦ What will we test? CV Vel Planet migrates 60 HD80606b HAT P 1b 0 0.01 Kepler 16(AB)b Ko zai/ TrES 1b sca tter ing tilts 30 Disk Maximum known misalignment (±deg) How do their geometries and structures help? Planet migrates 0.1 1.0 10 Binary or Planet semi-major axis (au) 100 1 100 HD 38858 10 Minimum planet mass (MEarth) 1 100 61 Vir 10 1 Kennedy et al 2015 0.1 1.0 10.0 Radius (au) 100.0 P m er ht d d rd la ht .2 .2 T ro id ot ht ti ot Σ et .2 -etni yb xim esahp ot destood. wollTwo a sageneral w memechanisms tsys eht of,osuch itarplanets tcepsadistributions (10, 11). Some of these structures and asymmetries been identified (1): (i) disk fragmentation -ro eht egats siht tA .sdhave o i r e p l a t i b r o r e t u o 0 2 r o f g n i t a r g and (ii) accretion of gas onto a solid, typically have been theoretically linked to the presence of etar lacol eht ta dessecewith rp saa5wto e10lcEarth-mass itrap hc(MEarth) ae fo encore. alpCurlatibone or more massive planets. An inner warp in sti deniater elcitrap hcarently, e eliavailable hw memodels tsys do ehnot t fooffer egaadetailed eht rofthe disk plane (12, 13), in particular, can be description of all of the physical and dynamical reproduced by detailed models that include a .niaga dexim esahp sawsteps meinvolved tsys einhtthese yllprocesses. aniF .eThe sahlifetime p latof ibroplanetary-mass companion (13, 14). In addition, gnisu stibro eht gnivlovgas-rich e ot tdisks nelalimits viuqthe e savailability i erudecofonebular rp sihTspectroscopic observations over several years and, thus, defines the time window in which revealed sporadic high-velocity infall of ionized ytidilav sti dna tenalp egas h t fo laitnetop degareva emit eht gas giant planets can form. Once formed, giant gas to the star, attributed to the evaporation of -argetni etelpmoc htiw planets nosirare appredicted moc ytobinteract dekcwith ehcthendisk eebandsahcometlike bodies grazing the star (5, 15, 16). The lacol ehT .elbisaef erewdistort esehit,t epossibly rehw leading snapsto echaracteristic mit revo disk snoitobserved comet infall has been attributed to the structures that can be used to infer the presence of gravitational perturbations by a giant planet witheb ot nekat saw stibalign roplanets raluand cricto constrain raen rtheir of eorbits. tar Up noitossnow, ecerpin the disk (17). Taken together, these data and most giant planets :)bhave 799been 1 .ladetected te telaround liuoM(models suggest that the b Pictoris disk is populated L = 7.7 T 0.3) of the source-detected northeas side of b Pictoris in November 2003 (Fig. 1). Th source lies at a projected separation of 297.6 16.3 milli–arc second (mas) and at a positio angle (PA) of 210.6 T 3.6°. Within the error bars the source is located in the plane of the disk. T confirm the signal detected southwest of Pictoris in October 2009, we gathered furthe data in November and December 2009. Together these data confirm the detection made in Octobe 2009 (see SOM). The images show that the source detected i November 2003 could not have been a backgroun object (Fig. 2). If it was a background object, give the star’s proper motion (table S1, SOM), th November 2003 source would be located an detectable 5.1 AU away, southeast (PA = 147.5° of b Pictoris in the fall of 2009. The data do no show such a source (fig. S2). On the contrary, th source position in fall 2009 is compatible with th projected position in November 2003 if the sourc is gravitationally bound to the star (see below). Based on the system age, distance, an apparent brightness of the companion, the widel used Baraffe et al. (23) evolutionary model predict a mass of ~9 T 3 Jupiter masses (MJup) Debris disks feel planets particles inclined w.r.t. planet r (moves out) warp stars that are several orders of magnitude older by dust, gas, solid kilometer-sized bodies, and than the lifetime of gas-rich 2circumstellar D MG3 disks, possibly one or more planets. preventing the validation of ·models of disk-planet = | pω| Near-infrared images of b Pictoris obtained in 5 r Ω 4 interactions and the final phases of giant planet 2003 (18) show a faint (apparent magnitude L′ = 11.2 mag) pointlike source at ~8 astronomical ! accretion. +8 3 years -ol eht si r/ ∗MG = Ω The dnayoung suida[~12 r l–4atimillion bro eh t si (My)], r ereHunits (AU) in projected separation from the star, to the Sun (and, consequently, to Earth) within the northeast side of the dust disk. Howdetpoda metsys eht fo nearby e g a e hT .ycneuqerf nairelpeK lac (19.3 T 0.2 pc), 1.75-solar-mass (MSun) star b ever, these data were not sufficient to determine , 3−01 = ∗M/ M oitar Pictoris ssam(2,eh ot a gwide nid(several nopsehundreds rroc ,eofrehwhether this source was a gravitationally bound 3)thosts ega detamitse tnecer eastronomical ht htiw units), tnetstenuous isnoc edge-on y 701 6circum.2 sawcompanion or an unrelated background star, stellar dust disk (4). It is composed of dust whose projected position in the plane of the sky dna )9991( .la te s é ucsaparticles vaN ycontinuously odarraBreplenished morf sthrough irotcicolliP β fo bodies -gis eht taht evoba sa etsions on tofuBlarger .UAsolid 57 ≃ sdleiy hcihw wR(planetesimals, comets) and is referred to as a debris disk (5, 6), ssam eht dna ega eht foin tcontrast cudortopmore ehtmassive si retgas-rich emarcounterparts ap tnacfiin .oitar around younger (ages of a few million years) inogreat detail ,ksid ydob tnerap depstars. raw This ehtdiskfohasnbeen oitastudied rugfin c eh T over the past 25 years. Observations at optical to disk inclined planet ecafrus eht htiw ,serudecorp evoba eht gnisu deniatbo .1 .giF n1iLaboratoire detartd’Astrophysique, sulli si deObservatoire tpoda edewGrenoble, ytisned Université Joseph Fourier, CNRS, BP 53, F-38041 Grenoble, France. 2Space Telesope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA. 3Laboratoire d’Etudes Spatiales et d’Instrumentation en Astrophysique, UMR 8109 CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, UPMC, UniversitéParis-Diderot, 5 place J. Janssen, 92195 Meudon, France. 4European Southern Observatory 3 after Lucy-Richardson deconvolution of 1. b Fig. (ESO), Karl Schwarzschild Strasse, 2, D-85748 Garching bei isophotes are more similar among these (left) and München, Germany. T 5.— Same images as in Fig. Fig. Pictoris imaged at L′ band (3.78 microns) with the VLT/NaCo instrument in November 2003 e roff-spot PSF. The color-coded e the fall of 2009 (right). We used images of the comparison star HR2435 to estimate an convolved filter images than among the shown in Fig. remove 3. the stellar halo (see SOM). Similar results are obtained when using angular differential imagin should E-mail: ten*To alpwhom gnibconvolved rcorrespondence utrep eht fo simages edon fbeo eaddressed. nil m anne-marie.lagrange@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr (see SOM). de hteffects of the deconvolution process are described in Fig. 4. Augereau et al 2001 .1 .giF b gnimussa ssam ksid BP naem eht fo noitisop lacitreVwww.sciencemag.org citthe rev ‘‘off-spot’’ ehT .2 .giF fo noitis ubespecially irtsid ytisneimportant d ecafrus ehfor t a -ar dna laof econvolution PSF ksid depraw ehT .erugfi siht ni emas eht ton era selacs laid Lagrange et al 2010 SCIENCE VOL 329 2 JULY 2010 Circumbinary dynamics coplanar pericenter e=0.77 polar Figure 4. Simulation of mm-wave structure for an initially flat 50–100 au