All GOVERNMENT PF HI~CHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGlfLATION~ DEPARTMENT No. Fin (C) A (3) -1/2008 Da~d Shiml~2, the 7THJan~,2009. ~ICE ~MOB4NmQM r\~~~ ' re!~arding allowing of EOL to the employees of th State Go ernment for securi g oJremployment in private sector within India and abro and final y withdrawal of a issibility of EOL vide office memorandum No. Fin (C)A(3 -2/2004, ated 5thAugust, 2 06 and to say that the matter of restoration of EOL as r past was engaging the attention of the Government. ~ 1 With a view to en urage th efforts of the Gov i of economy measures, the proposal of estoratio of EOL has bee mmlent in re-(:onsidered Finance Department and it has been d ided that Extra ordinary Lave respect in will now be Hon'ble Chief Minister shall be obtainfd in indiridual casesthrou~h Ute respective Administrative Department on their departmentrl file. The policy ~hallbe applicable to the Government Departments only ~ not to ~e autonomous bo~iesl'Universities. The autonomousbodies/Universitiessh~l take a d~cision~~paratelyat competentlevel. the terms and conditions for grantin~the Eo4 shall be the sam~as 'Nerenotified earlier in this regard, Theseorderswill be effectivefron} the date~f issueof this OM. PleaseseetheseinstructionsonW}vW. him, To All the Administrative Secretari~sto the Government of Himachal Prade$h. . ... (Re.gUlta.tA.OM) o~ 1 H~mac. a.f ! ,...h en:t PeprLTtn p",ade ";;,,{ r-; :(~t~pl:t(.ie.'! .{,~ 9..tan;ted a4A. F G~vV!nmenj.{M.n.ce ) "-.., I ~ i"\-" ""i No. F~(C)A(3J-12/93 O.Uce Dated. 'Sh1m~(~-[ 71 qo 2, I Nol/emb\-~1 I .1~ '~9 Memo4nn.dum (;Jf41r1:t()6 5 yeOJtA".' .C; j ~Cu..fe. emp.f.oymeJt.t 1 ,ve fl. t "J1VA:11.: .to ,~Jj:n 9UAJ~f'",.~ po.f'-4"(,.y }foa.d-- ~J' p:'.J( -St')n:l, Jf"-.90Jtd~n 9. The olr 9J(a,I'/;t~:'19 unde..t/~"':9ned ~:l/e e;np.f..oymen.t. 'yea.l!--~ ouJ:Mde. -iA ]!eal/e tlJ :the. Go I~~mnen,t IJn at. :the GOl/elt1lmeni o.,):the Go\'e~nl);r., :the ma:t;tvr ~he .~eJ'l'\"{.1l9 Pe,T.~()n.rze.J;' e.7IfJ~vymen.t ab.-tDod BlVt.f'llU a;t Oil Ex.tJta.-'J"{l1~rUl.-'tY pe,T":od o~ othe/'1. :tr,arL w.,'t..t.. o~ :the the~-lt ol.m -Ce(Ive w.('ihoUJ: a-fAI) ~11.j'd.:,..'.ir'~-'~' r"\nr .v,... 1",-, .." '~f"'\.""'-J \:, ~ a) Il(l,,:tetl lr ~-I'Vf' (l.t:"jl,,',flC""/J .~'~/"?~ P~,1/")I1! O?, YE'G~~'!~~" ~)--t .'~'() 1:,) IjV/'I J:hj.~ (!~ to "xpJ! l1,'le (7\/~.;'nli'~1 .t./1.(.i-/l. 11I":n:t.(~-'-, ~< .(, !{1!.t ~e.~ pnh(l!I('~ 1 4lV! ~te,'! p.i!.:::7,~ed .to ..h. !ay d V!JJ~ I 1 Qt. ,r)J(o\l.f.d).n i Ii":~! th .l~/~ "~' - ";f.. .'~"" ! ". . -.,...1(:.,'1 f-:",..,\! 'c';;!iJ':!;";;!.,f..",'.'(:.;.Ii-::;"":,"'lr/t;f?f'1:1,i.uhf:'f.~n ('v'~C:CA,~.{an °' -'!o?QUA..,If..(.'19 t.4-~cf!.r/.--!'i:'I'I.P rlt)t ~"..,t .,1',.( Jh(' , 1:,] (/V..)J~~ 0-6 :the n m ~ P -, " "'fjo\.l;:O: OJ1d. M ,.Io/!k r::~,'rJ.;)/ilr;nnce .tc. fir).ffi)i;i-l:,ng e.mpJ.v!'!,,"~ d.e .that 141110 ,!leC'(J..,~ ..')\lp,Tnml-?n:t. m!71j Tfze. (:,,:,\/;c;.'l11.0,'t, H.P e '~'.',"'n "-,,. {',)n,~~:rf ?,'ta:t..J~I)tl. )~ l-'y;n" rl}- pO.!J -1e.'!\I.{/!.g ac.J: .{' 1/I? .{...! p.f.E'a--se~i :t.~J dec.{ np (.II.~('I-,e\l"-.Jt ~~(!l.'!~ uJ1de/i. ('aJ'e~(/..J!. S:t(~:te \ the waJ'~ A!ti:eJT Imy ql I1" ,',.. f4.1'i .t.h./1:t FJI?:JI.'...uti.r,o..1 I,};'" Fo'!e-ig1l. G.)i/i':.,~n.rri~"nJ: nn<t :tJ.u,t ,~f'.Jr\/.(n9 .P. tfVlOl/.gh (,')r!.t~a,::t enc..')u,'! e/t,"-h.f.e ~~.e('..t.eri .t;) /Jf1Y hi1v..:n9 P'f") .'J~~.-1:("'(a..f. ..0.1_. l') jt1!?~ P...~.~~:,mn ,~k.{.f',~ en'-ing" ~:th !IP 1("9f1mf'nt.~ t ~.) i:he ,~uhj~(' the PIlO ~P~C:/'A'\'4? , " , ,:-, , !..'F'" .,Ii.- .,'-s, ( .1, ~ L. m.a Y u.p.tu a I1/flX~F({m a~ be ye.{iJf.'-' .<t! ~ cvnJ:~or!II.I'!.J'~ ,~p,,:).f. (' } qUit.?-;:~Y Ti..,$? f 0V 0' , t,Olt 9J/ant r~~rt.-.f(Jr1{~111!f .~-£ke ai!f~~I!.l.e. ~.lO)('fem(,~n.t.~ fore. jd hl-~'1. ~~';t.~ (nd ~}lj,~ ~V/f a rJ(L1 p"]~e ~t! faJ'.,J! 1-( v.tJ1' f:!.Il. ,~..:/t\I;.('~ nlJ P ,'L.~.o/~()n. 'JIt I ~e(t.\l1 C()n.~~ ?. 5 i1-i. 2 p~-i.on ~.I The to~ 1 ! Yi..~({/[e Pepa.-'/.tnl~n.t_conl:..?Jf/l.,,-. 1 «",,'..fR. "' aJtd. ad.vance.-~ dtL-'t,.I.JJv9-~uch pe,,'t.{.od l f .t,ha..t )(.e~a ~~)Jle,J-9n MA.i9r 1 ' IT:en.Jf~~ l1Jen-t .{..~ mad.e. IL'~ pe"-'t GOT ~.~ cfec-tM".Ot1 l"II?J( t41 F~. 11. . A~.(, .the .to .the Adl}1~rl ;.t-;:I.t.t~\;'e. Pe~;a)ij;1ItnJ:-'" q'J\/eJ!nmen.t i)f H":li1il.~h,~~ IP/tIl.(i(1--5h En..1"".t. fJo .F -':.1/(C.I A { .1.1-1 ? / q 3 Cupy {)J.J( .{nlt,),'t.I7/.:1.f~I)" A1!-f P';:lfi 7 8 H(~,{v~ ,](~ T.{J.; ~-'\' qqq 'lnd r)eC'e;~,~a.J!Y ac1~Un :tl r..', .{I? H -}i'1(l,c.H<iP. PJti1-d~-,,~h . 'j;r,."." ;~i'\. .".../"" :: .r.,0 'r1 ,.,,-"" N ~ ( ' ""'.' 1,. r old -,,~, ...;" r,L "I "/". Uti ~.. H",-,,1,\.°,.,.( i"' G '"' l ~" ,,/1,.. , ...;;),';,;p Trl'~ ~("~ (~1,"'r'.. C( T.' " ,\ ,,'<:'.: 1:.11.' 'c'( i A:t'l D(~t.",-d ~h~;iP.a -2 r ~.4 "":11" .~. Plrn.'. d".' "_,.J ;'l.. n /-1.'.' {n9,~;:(1;1 ..v~.Jt,)..:t...e,'!IIR()M ".r. 'O'r!, 0"1 '"i-f,:- A;'.~ PuJ...'I..{(":;':,'..,:".1 .1,1." "1.':1 1 + ;'"" .. / "" '.-fl,( '-orH.P.,5i;)rrif;1-171003 r ...,' A~,","~" ",,- ~,_ll.~'..'..I,' ..""...,.1."""" ) HP """ fI ., " .,.)r!-lm.{.~.-,"I, Till~ S..,Tiy A'C,iUn..t.-:n1: (~er,;: '1-' '."r, , m-P~/(~ T.i7e ! nbI1!./.11CVrrdri~:,,~,~.i one,'!-( t .TI11,; tOJt(i.<l/1v{JA.) ,H,P ~ £/ _.~5.~1 .qP.\.,,.~.jl,"u (1,~;)", 'tnITle'1.:t 0) ..~n H. P ShA;~.i!i1, w I Fi.r;ance.-Re..,~ J H.J.~10,('hll.(' P)(nd ~n .;ii-") i:.h.e i:';~ ~"' I i'" f. I f1~!~1J 'who To , ~ll &dministrative DEpart to the Govt. of J:limachal No. '-.-' Fin(C)A(3)-12/93 ' "":.-"' , ~ted Copy ,for information and nece 1. 4..1i Livisional Con:mission " , 2. ' '-The Resident Comm:tssiQner ,, "!! "'"'3. The Secrctary(persOnnel) ~. ~1~ Hcadsof .(\.,'11 6. ' 'The Public - ~ccoutant ~partments Sector ,Undertak General(Aud 7~";The Sr. Deputy ~c,cou.n.tant 8 ~h~ Labour Commiss ioner-c ./, s es a-1 2 4 ac to:hal Pr hawan, n ac e of .mB Pr~des " Un ities. .P mla-17 ra ore Hi '), H. (Larou b."!" .:000 lhi. Pradesh. . i.rl'li.p. ,::. a~,;.3... ShimJ.a. . .. " .t .. .~ ~~~~~ - ; ;,' - ~'" -( ~~\Sqf~ ~ .j ,-i1r"; i ~~ Jr-i~: t J. , '-.' '.: " I '" ~ ;: , ,:...';~:';:: 't"; .: F ".. .',:::".1. . , Nu.F~l(Cj \ ~, ..;;.: ~;:",: SUBJECf: I' GR-\;;.vr' OF ~T.\TR .' , , "'; ! \OP~INA\.aT{\r G()VF.R 'SERVE '. .' EXT LE,.\ .~fF:NT OUtSIDE. 'IE 0 F\1prn\'F: THE ,-<\ O\7ERIl,MENT. '; TO I ; '.' " (J:11ing , , 'to allo~hia to .serve ,)yee~ ou ',1 11ndi,~r .r ~UI1~)UCrHti .:1rt:lU I t'ol1sidernti de';h j~ :plc~d -lu' :.11 1,~ ,1 ., , allowed' eXtraordinary leave subje ,t to ma~mum of 5 ~'ear in cas': . , lhc..-y8eek~mploym~l , "." .:, :" CJulsid~ ' , l~.Gu"emmenL ' ,I on the totlo~ing t~nns and conditt ns:i' ~ I. .I The serving emplo~'ees ma , -!ea'.'~ (wilhin tlIe, lI1r]lr."') .\ ..l- be allpwed ~f)' " upto a ma~mum pe .Od ot' ~ years for secu ing employment in private sect ~ or for any other p~r subject to the condition that the employee does not 1 vc . ll. a"'" ofiiciril de31in~s with an ,pr95p~tive employers. "1~~' ., 3.t bnst , ,d - , nt. 1 I"f' ',' :.L r ~ ,i .il'." 0" 1\ .." . ,,\; I,'I'" i ;\~\;' I "c'': , ,:1i,\!"i'~~~!~!~:::t: :;, :;"~'lill:il~'$(~r,\,1;" \ ".\,.t.;I"" ,,!;~1t;' ,. 'II :': t",'i I.':; '~; i:., ,% 1, ' : 1'-it 'I I ,c \,~,\\,..' \ :~li \ ""1::'1)':; 'r'\'i;.rl\.i'~Y;:""'!' , ",;i':::~'~;.I:.':"i1).:~!I'; l ",,'~!;!""~~"l,!,~.\.JP I"::;, ' .: ,,! \' .I ~~o;~J - I t! ~- .,: '. .: ~:i:. ,. ;"- . r--~. ~ ':'i'~ -n ".. i.. ,'!Ii . .2~ /\ j~: ill. i ~~ ~f The E~~ $rante.d tor this ~nZliunary ~nt:lil:i 1 'I' ::, urpose, shall Ilot qualify ur amy ulh.t:r ~rvicc. oollt:ul:J li c annual increments etc.. No leave.i pension .I:., t4r contribut .1 - ~ba)l 00 lIIJ...enun ihiH atCCOU t. fu ulhc:r wurdH, tht: ~pell uf . .t t, -E()L 5hall, no~ CQunt as:q ~~ other benefits. ~: ,...'" service. }iO " o!': -";. :..-. . Pre But dJis sit I not entail lort'eiture ot' -EOL se~ ceo \vill'count ,-,:' , " " ~ervicc alon~wjth ;I "~t )-;: ~ .J it)'ing service tor pens~ol t.~ ." .. .~. The -serving , "" -" " ..- ,"" pcrsoonel 0, -' 'eplplo}'lUcnt' I I .~g~jn~o o. in kind of ~liall; be -allc\'.;ed to rebl in " -' occupation ., , er 0 , IV. .as qua!if) ng " anv" of service rendered availil1gEOl. I st anv . -". toto wh,alever eamin~s' , " ~ r~cived by 'him.'hcr "rom , hi~her pri\':lte empJ())'e~ UriilS the course cl~EO L. v. -- The concerned departine t \vili enSllre that repayme t 01' ,.j' ° ~11lcC-.'1:;& ~..1:lnce~ du ng the period ot',EOL is I :ld~: by the concerned em ploy e. : .I \'1. TIle po3tstnlling vacant n account 01'~uch. EOL ..'.'i1 11ot ~ tilled up b)' the rcspec ive D~partlllcnts. ,\)t'rccfui1mcnt or appoin VII. Befure allowing any by any ca/1~ nt .' prO1110tivn. enlpl~yee to 3vail EO as ..; mclitionf4 abovc, cOnccrncd ~ecreta~' will take a'vie v as to \yhethcr r ,an sparc .:;crviccs ot' conccmqd \\'()rd~, such leave ~h II 11m ~ " '1 'fll,;"'1 :".;'~ii I. , " ~: ' 1 11;': 1 ! '1 .i; t :1:.. ~ ., .de.p,l1ment Admini. tivc the depal mcllt cmploycc. allowed In oth.;;i in C:l: C the tee Is tl1at ~e vice.s of concerned empl\,y e ~lii .not he ~parcd in exIge11 i~ f}f'puhlic service. .. ~ / ~~,~~'"-'J.' ..::;;f:';! '1~ri!~ 3- ..,...,~;~*lit~:.ii ~,:::;;r:11¥;r~'~,~~ These orders and earlicr ordl::.rsissu~rl vide O~. of ,.( ~7~"~""-. ,/ ,2:. ;~.. be trealed as deci~il'n of lhe Himachal Prudcsh Guvcrntent under Rule 12 of the CCS(Leave} Rules, 1972 in its app!!<.:~tion .tothe State GovernMent employces of Himachal Pradesh, ,-, '.;J- I ~ "" I ' I' AdJitiona I >Seefefu'ry(Fit\l I C " nee to the Government of Himachal Pra eshr ~ All AclJIIUli:s\ruli V" "Dt:purlm"nl:i uf 1I1" QQyernmentof HimachalPrade~ Cop~i(OT\\'urdedintorma.tion n~d neCe5~r:,'nctton to: 1J All Head~nfl>epartment~ in H.P. 2)~~o.Secre1arY (Personnel) lu the Guvt. ufH.P..Shimta- COptC."'... \\il ,:; . .l)',The ~ecretnfy «('TAn) tn t~e ('1(\,,1nfH.P: Shim1n-2. ,41N1Public Sector UndertanngSl'BoardsiC6rporationSl ..'; .:'W 'H P ti es . 'S}:The 'A~cn"~tAnt.C"tenerar(Atldit);H ~P.)Sh1mIn-~ ~) Thc Sr. A.O~(A&E).H.P ..Shimta-3. 7) Guard FilC/ Sparc copics -100. .: " ,I .' , () ~c Additional Sccrc to the Gov. B4ard\wi."M.K. CC) , 11.1:>. .. " ~ OF ~V:.::'!l.-,-T. PP:illEs ( GO\":EP.J.'\T~IEN t . A'"l\~<!J,cu..n.--\fi'- r ..TT .,\. ""I\'-~,\ 1F1\:-~\JCE ('RE L1"-\_i-QNSJ j)i.,..t~1~ !.:.!._, ~o. FIN(C)A(3}-5,'2000 OFFICE MEMORI.\.L~"Dl~f I GRAi"l SU31ECT: .. OF. EXTRAbp..DL~_.l\RY , LE'~ ST...\TE GO\'"E ~~~1 TO L\'!PLOYEES El\fi>LOYME.. R :SEClm;,,~: 0 PRI'" A'! '- E~!PLOY~:IE.. \\1nlli.~ L"'~r..\.. The undersi is directed to in\"ite a efef4~nce~o this Depaffi-nent't 'Office .:.\BRO.W mE m anda ~o. Xovember~ 1999 , 4m Fe Fin(C).-\(3)-12 3, ary, 2000 and 22od ~'1arc dated 15th 2001 reg;arding .eJIO\\;1ngof ; EOL to the S' e Goverr;,tnent employees for securing of emp1o~'Inent.~brcad !1t"'...l Fij,;~t~ ernplq}"1:nent\\'ithin Indi~ and to sa~' that clar1.5cztions ~lre bell::.; EOUgl-.~ b~' vari4;:.s l~f';;1'::[n;:ntf:!'~i~r,~~ng I-njlllifium EQL '~'l t.::ti qu.1lif}"ingser~ce for ahO\\'i~ qf prL'i~i\)ns of above c orde-rs. 11"'ll Sx ii.;fsigned , raordinary is l ~,,'L":1ter has be \ du"ected L~a;ve to are s. con that exammeCi .cd pro,,~ion~ in tqe in the Rule-32 for F1r!ance of allo the ; D '~"1g partmcilt i .S(J:"eave) ,. regulating and tbo: Rues. ~972. ll"Js rule ~ro"ides that ~Govemrltent servantShOuldhaV(: put in SOl-!' ~~inimuni semce for bein~ eligible to the E L. For example. , c.lau.~~-2(b)of ab.)ve ~les pro' des for ~l1o\\ing ot~EOL U 0 si\: months to a S~f\'ant r ,).."/'.\,I ~!L../'/ /' / :t."~1o..v ~\"ho has put I in one ~'ear':s continuous +f\,ic~ on medical ~ ) I. t The EO~ under the schemet..efl:;r:~ ',0 .\i"ove \vill be a~si~If to the Government, S(;r'jJ/1!SCItifyafter they ha"\"e putin ~~ II. of t;egularSer\llce. ~ That the L WIder abo~'e orders w' be, adl~ssibleon1}" for the pose of secunng ernplo~m t lIt pm'ate sector "ithin ~ 'a or abroad, The sanctio .g authorit,\" shall ensure ilia while a'PPI~..jng for the EOL und~~rthese orders. the employee has produced an appo~ ent letter from his prospecti'\'~ employer, Jfencefort.;, EO ,,;])' be admissible only for tile purposes'mentioned abov .Earlier orders of t~D:ep$eni m.1}' be: deemed to hav be(~namended to this e~"tent. \"1 Ill. \ .. .It is~ once ~3m emphasizedthat in suc ~ i~ allowed I the Government caSt~S sen'ants ",here te!111S EaL of above deci.~i.on:t~r r~sll1t.all~: 'Jc:canc~'\\ill not c filled up und~r anyC1r;;lh~tnceS". IV The Ad ."trative Depafim.:rrt'3 ,; He:1 or- Departments will also ens' rethat other tcrrns ;md ~Ol! :~!( [;5 sp-:cified in or&rsdated 1\15thNo'\'embe!~ 1999 ~~d\ F r,r~.l;1r::\'. 2000 and 12od March. , 001 are also satisfied i., all c".f :s. ¥ \ i '! (, ~ ';~ .Il,': "'.:/' .-\dditional S 'f~tal}. (Finance) to the Go '"emrrtentot~H. P. 1) To ',:", . .-\11Admfnfstrati\'e Depart+tents of the Government of Himachal lftadesh.' Shimfa-2. .. ~o. ~(C) .-\(3)-5;2000 D.~TED.SHl\.~~\-2~ruE, ~ 314~.2002 Copyfom'ardedfor i?1fonnation. ~d necess~- actionto :.\0 Heads of Departments in .P. The Secretan'(Personne.l)to tl e GO\'~l-.UTJent of Himachal P ade5:h. 3. The Secretar.;'(G.iill) to .hc d Ilvernn1eritof Ir;machal Pra~e h. 4. .~ Public SectoilTndertakiti- ';B()ard~:Cor1-'oi 'at1ons;T':niverties in H.P 5. The Accountant Gen~ral(A&E). H.P.ShUnta-:'. 6. The Sr.~'..\.G.(.\&E)~ H.P:S .a-3. \ :r l) 7 - Guard File; Spare copies.:..100 .., I $ ~ C\t) ~ .'\dditiolflal Secreta~' ( .aru:e) to the Gov~m.mentof Him chaI Pradesh. .-; . ..' , Fin (C) A (3)-2/2004 .. Government of Hjm~chal Prade;sh Finance (Regul~ti~I:1~) .Department. Dat~ Shimla-2 the, Subject: - G~nt of extra o_r9l_n.!r.YJ~~~~ ~LtJ~E?l9. ~-¥~.;;.(S for . ". cur~O$eQf~ecurln abroad- re'Jie~J oj. e}(.Ym~n! The unClcrsigned is dlre~ted to say that In the decision was taken by the State Government vide Office No. Fln(C) A (3)-'12/93. dated 15th November. Leav~ to regul~r state employees U'p to rnaximum .Hmit of purpose of sec~ring privi employm,f:tnt Clcrosd. Later I in this policy ~S funher libe~lized ~nd benefit of suCh cx:tra WSlSal~o Qxt~nded for $ecuring prr.Jato omploym~nt within in the year 2002, the terms and conditions f,Or leave 'was further revised vide F.Ols order number I datect 23.4.2002. j..1 1 ~~9, a , for 2001, ordinary . Over a period of tlmc new recruItments J av() been considorably rG~ucod. in. Gov°.rnme~t and all'adr:nini~tr2tive: Q~~trtmcnte have been facIng snortage In manpower. So keeping I VIE1Wsuch shortages, thp matter relating to revie'lv of above policy !.Ind~..' consideration of lh~ Stat~ .Goverr'll~~nl for' ~ncj L~ ' ..' " "~'I "t; ,!fJ ' (, , ,Y Ii ,,';', (Dr. Additional I ,.., I ;1' R.F'J.' Secrotary Government .. ..- ta) (Fin. ~ Rog.) to t!10 of Hlma hEll Pradesh. To A!I Admlnt$tratlve Secretaries to the GOY,ernment of Himachal Pradosh !~'!'Q