'" ,. n. """1'1 n . ,~ ;t1,-:.Y'-£..-:a-":VVV-f\t:8trU(;tunrlg OO'.1erriment ofHimaqhalPradesh "'Fina;;c~ Departi11ent" . *** .{ " To '~,. i. A11lh~ Secreiarit:s to mt: CrOvemment of Htmacha1 Pradesh. 2. All i-Ieads , of Departments ' 1ri t, Hirilac~.al Pradesh. Dated Shii!\la-l11002 Lite 19th~1f2j;'.:;r_200i. t. --' . ~llhjpct~: ~1.fo, ~. (:orr GI"denn~.. fur rnri~f.it.l.tit'}nof Alltnn:r.m'l\1~~!;;it'~i\.,;jje~. .n'" ...~US 18m -r-4 .., . . -~ .t' "';..,,~ ~ 11 o~ 'ot,...,,~ t ..'- "ra... ."",." d:;.:. ...~... _orb y-....r b r ..,,' ,,' ~O1:lm~"~V~L 0...eaI ...r , '-'~ VoLe¥,-","n~~:...f;f ,M_"'~!.1 ...e l1l:.t.ryt"" v'" .o. 01i.the above sut,ject.. Slllcetllt; issUt; (}f t11eSf:gui,1i=.,lin~, atlW,lj~OOliOf.iil41tt:;fMhav~~~j\ .- brought up by departments which have given rise to ~ Accordingly, th~ er.closed "fresh (~ore Guidelin.es-2Wjl AutonomoUs Socii'.:ties arc l>emgissued for your guidance." ..,~ n~- fOr-.a..-reiQnn~ri()n. tor {.the- CQ1'!fJtitUtiO!lot ., " .,. f ~! ~ OUr8 ,~!,'~ ~;s:'f, ..£n_..:..",it ,;.,~~ j""~ C1 i:'n~n.;!)'1 ...\ " <.:ommr.-aJm.~rt't.~r:t'(¥m", }:tQ£b.e G,,",",.~ '-""" rn~~ 'i~"t h f ~~_~""n.,.".. ~"("~m4r1..,."tP~f1;"'f'c SI.. .-~~- u. Encl.: As Above ---~--- F.D File NO.Fin-C(B)-15-5/98 ;~ .' ~ .,.-. ,. -" ~ - ~ ,~ ." ~ t:!' n ~Vl.,l;.~'i, '~;;; '-I ,~ '"/ ~ , : , ..p,~un:ctions i. tYn~ti~ suitablefOt'sbiftitlg~~9mou~!1od.Y..M~ -; ...is) MlQrt:v~. " 'j:c;:,;" , fUIl~liUIl8 ~illg pt:rfVITllt:U w.t: rt:l1uliiIlg ill . is hiJ~n lSu~iuy ~~sed on to sections of society with tile ability to payor willingness -~~ -~ d .~-~... ~-~.ffi . t' . I ~~ .. c ---, l",n 1.-1'-'"ffiViC I.- i"'l."nt.y" '"':'}.,,er~"" ww--:r ...y ...,.. ..ut o...o." "'pI~ti"ity ~ "" w_w n b~ in..petionnanceof lne Ut:lllg to pay for " ;cr".Cvl) bJ .--,"' inan.l\.ytfm!)l@m-11-~.~?~~.~ ~pU8al ~"'. w""p"~ Ct-..A .."', YJ""'wld tA fY'!'o..t.,... ~.." ,. ~., """' oun ~ t.;1;" I.;y Of' ..nd fu.+jctions and provision of 8Cr\.ic~). m~st therefore, bring out ~1C 8uiiabilily of 8hifi;in~~ tt.) at!ifJnQmO~8 body mOde in te11nSof above criteria by analysing th~ furtztions -anc-th~ lli:1r1f1er.in whicn existing situation is leading to a'hidden subsidy and/or loss of ~c.o'.Ir:~cil:it:v/pr(lduc1ivity. ~.; with be ligures of ,~~-tJ~'~ L L'j..{ ~. ~ '. .:':: :; ,I'" ..:~~t::':\fl " t " b1"'h"""" n +L~"--,, Tn" ~-"'!~.~Y~:'" ..~~'" "nd E"...~.." D! Je~!1~cr t.":1..1;~"' l'+ h ~+.."J..u ~---c:~:: :---~~~' "., \ a, ; ViQ i .,. ~ E,~.~tm::> ,c " ff '"f1 ~ta!! ~d ..ill ,..nnti', i. , tn hI" n b..m~ ~..- ...n .,. ~n "" n ~o'.~rmneJ:1t r~lJ~ estab1.is}1ffi~t r~1ated. ~xpendip.~:.; b~}s will f.. ~';rt -'.~ ~ 1 ~ i:!la ~ff f ~t ~ ~ offi.;, ~ontinu.e, t.t~.be, ~~rn ~ ',; ..i ,:':-;,f~ . ,,'!ri~i.:h .\n~ (1:csh re~ruitment by the concerned ~t" for ~Y 1'~1~~, i1;1~lttfl;i.1::;i;nr ~~' lar "'~+~bli ~1..m , " ",;r1 b';' d ~~... 1.., .1; ,,' I:l~~kr a"""'~;;;'~ ; r..,p1d.., ;' c ':'rncn I-~ ~~.. :O' 11..,1. \:> J.u~ v ..,_."'1."';3 U "'OU ..,~LG ~lU\ "'~1~ "vi '" "...~ UJ ~l'" ,~ ~? and expenditure will be met out its O\\'n resDur~es. Such recn~firn~t ~n 1J baeed on s~ch t~ a.~d c!>nditicns as decided by- the goci..~r. ThZ)rc\\rill .~ -" , :;,:r ..: ;~':. -.,..;c ' I" -~...~ttU~ -, I" ..,';-; ,-:.:"t;c1-,~.f..I." " t-rc:-..:!~1.1ry ~~ per b.1oget prO'l1S10nas h~.~tofor~b).. ," ( ' subject to the EPF Act as applicabie and will not receive any i1cnciitSfr\)J;n 1 ;;: C1 " ';)tat.e\Jov~mmmt ."( .r '- 4. .;'~r1':J.:.:' ~i~~~Jlt.!£.Q!!!~W~~1I;;,.,. D,::: t~i , ,'.':i;tA,. ',- a) " or 'i{N'f ~~c:. '. .~~: !r .'J;! "C ...;,.:'~ c' ,.; . .-c / d ""10 1Q~'" IOyN] of aal:..~' &OQ" & J.",~03 J.VlO pIO o~';"~ o" + ..e"";""" .100310I" v~ ~ IO.,,~~03 "',' 4-1 " V] l.il~ ~ on"~ ern.""" 1 g"""""' mI~"",""'I. ""'" ""' 1'" v~~"'U !institUtiO1Va~ency. AnY 'assets created out of such income will beiong to. the ~ . ~OC1~ty. I","", "fPron,,"'" A"t"n"=~ 5 Public Servan" "I Ihe level or I.linislerlSecretary/Head or Department/Senior Dcpar:n-.cntalOfficor 10 hold .ll c"coUICposi1ior... a) h\ v/ c-) Audit to be pelfoffiled by aiiy of ttle agerlcies spec-lied by gove:rnraent(shall not be restricted to Chartered Accountant), , d) .0\8a result of above arrangement, it will be seen that there will be no change in the existing setup relating to existing employees. They will continue to be bO1lle on the budge-..md no gr(tnt-in-~id will be re.ql1ir~d to be. p~id to th~ new SQ('.iety. 11l~ ~(I~mg~ to o~".&"""'." fTn'r~ .'" I. ~ ft'tpn t """' u S "' =;11 .".~ h... v' in th... w f.v - ~-~ ~lU ",,"J."" ~ d -1:": O l I./) ft , nf r prf w... u tt"o ..~. n '"~ O_..~~I J.lLI.VI. if" V"i ~- nf hl1t" v"~.. d n lIn 1IJU,,"~"'L4J."Y ~~~"~-" ~"u.t' u'~ c:xpc;nuiiw~. nl~ g.aUl fur ili~ uInlijn~iiiuiiUII/'ag,~lI;Y ;:o o VUL ~"" tp.--g ~w..&..~ g V~ on l . n~ f C~v.nt ~-"~'o'~ h~"r1"fT o "t.~~ 1.11"'J. I." ~~ l aL"',," ft..~A tn P ~.., -J ",..~nft "~,, .~~ frot" r. vf J. guing, uliu Sul;it;iy IIlUU~ will b~ in tenus of an incenli"\;"Cto perfonn better since all income will be retained at that level. *"'** I. --.£:.!t:om---, 'I' . ~he. 'cDmI1iJt. -eum-SeC.Jte.:tO.JLy( F.in -Re.g..l "-GOVe.JUrIe.n.t, O{. H-imo.cha..t P~uh. .to .th~ .. " . To 1. AU Adm.i,n.L.6.:tJta.UveSe.C'l.e..t/1Jtiu .tv .the. GQve.Jt.nme.n.t 0-6 H-imachat " PJta.duh. ...c::m#:,' 2. ~ l AU Heau o~ DepCt.lt.tJrle.~.<,nH. P.. Dated S~.tCt- 171002,.the.#2.3 }c;'! July.floor ' r'~:{~ .'ii"'!. ,c!/fl , §y,bje.c.t:: COJl.e. GUA:d.e.Un.u'OJl. ,- £oM~~ofJ.~ Soc{e.t..{.e.4. .., ;, Au:tonomD~ . ~ I S..£Jt., . In cont.{nua,.t.{on nwnbe.it .do..ted 19-{13-2001 -6o,ltmo.-t' No. -10 .A lI.eq~ed. ..." pII.e..~c,)t.ibe.d. by cMe .thelte ~-t mag bE. ett.,',U.Ile.d..tha.t .t~ d.ep<1.lt..tmeJt.t.J-6.te..t.teJI. o~ e.lien c.£.t"e.d -6ubjec.t, .the Income .tJt.ip«ca.te 0-6 1..M.t.i;t'w:un Iii .th.(), on -the above .to be -6e.nt.J..n }t,e9~-t".a.,t;,:on 0-6 T a.x. au.thuJl.i..~ ~.uh- :tJte uMeJI. ~ecUon l'j.A M' 1 am.to ,. enctO-6e .~;t wMch" ~ ap,o4ca.t-ion. 0-6 the " £ ,I '-6011. .the r.T.Act, 1961.. any -6u.ch pII.op°-6a-f- .i/1 .the l>ep~en.t, , ~.oJr.m11..t .~ e11.c-f-O-6e.d.":in.tA.ipUca.-te " Th~ may be -6"Q"e..tL1(1Jd. ..6.tJt~c.t.e.y. j iJ\UA',4 1 J ~ ~'th"LI.Ly, .-. I , , t . '... C::;..:..~ "'"-, ;. ! . .\; Add..l..t..c:.ona-tSe.C"-~1J .' ..) (f-i.n-Reg) .to .the. Gbve.Jt.nJne.n..t. o-f, H.<ma.cha.f.PlUJ.d~h. /' V ..'}~ .. , ,~; . \fJiV, "'" .," c."\ 'I .I ~ /' ~ ~ \ '~"'. . , ;";\' '...;\! .,~ it; . #' FOP.MNO.10.A \ Ru.te. 17A 1 ~ "n-1 !" ,. . App.U~on -604 ~9~.icn 0& chfvfA;,tJLb.te. OJ(. Jr.e.-U9.iOu..-5 .tJw-6t. OJ(. .iJl..6.t}U.LcU.OM Unde.Jt ..ae.cU.on 12A(d} oi the. Income. Tax Act, 1961 , ' To The." Co~on.eJt STJA C:;mp.fex. 0-6 lncome " Ta.x. t<.Mumpti, ShA,mta-l71009. T ~, ~ '7 '\ IF S.()r-, '' ." , " .,' -, ~ on oeha..(.~ ()~ " he4eby app~y ~()~ the 4eg~~on .' 0' ~e ~~d t.~U4~/ ~~~on und~ ~a~on', 12A o~ ~he Income Tax Act.,1961. The ~oR-..eo~n9 pa.JLUcu.t.aM Me ~~hed heJlew.(;th. .. ,t L ~ rsu" ..I.':;~ '.- 1. Name.0.6' .the. T1I.~.t .£n~u.U. [i..n bl..oc,~ 1..e,t.t~1 - -. ~ 2. Addjr.u.6 ", . '0 \ Name.( 41 I;I.nd o,dd1l.U4(e.J f oit au.thOJf;(4f / t\ounde.Jr.(4} . 3. 4.. vaie. ot) C1I.ea.t...:on D1S:.the. tJl.tu.t c')6 tk InA~i..tut,.i.l;)n. 5, Name( 4) and addJI.~4 (u)- Ii 011.~.tab..eJ:..-5hm~ 0-6 .tItu..-6.:tet-4.6) !ma.M9'eJL(/j,} .. , I a.l-6D enc.eo.-6e .;.the (a)' 1 t.o.t.eowing OIt.i 9.i.na.t/C~~ed docwnent...6. copy b~ :the ., \ ~ .-t:.M.tJ!.umen.t unde.lt IIJMch the .tJtu4-t/-in4Ut...L!.:t-icn IiJM CJt.ea;t.eafe.-6X.IJ.O.t..(,.l.)hd %.D"a:the.lt " (,:}.{.th~ copy :thl2.Jteo-6., (b' .A~n.4:t.u.~on, OJt-ig';:'n.a.e/C~~ed copy (1-6 docwneM ev-idencing -the clI.eaUon o.£, :the .tJI.M-t OJt -the e..~.;tabU.-6h.men.t oi ..tQga:the.lt w.£,th a c~ :the.lteo~. ..[The Oll.-i9~' ~~ enctD-:6ed, ~.tbe. Jte.tu-'tned]. ,.; ".. 2.. Two c.iJPA~~ v.6 .th'e acoun.t.,.) 0-6 .the one/.two / .thJtee ~/ "1 , "Da.-te: -the ~.:t. , . CQmm4Mca.te ~QJL.thw';:'.th df'"y a.UeJt.a.t-ion in DIt -in .the Jttt.t~ gOVell..n-l.ng .the .i..YlA:t1.;t~on, t:;J:me.heJt~a-6te.Jt. -,' -6oJt y~. -i I und~ak.e.to .t~e .tJtU-6.t, -' .tJtM.t/ A:n4.t-L:tuUon , -the -teJt.'n4 ()~ m(Uie. a.t any. ~c tl1 ) tm (t.') 1:5(1; )-5,'.9b! r...n1...~_".."t ",f'J.J ,..h,,1p.."' d,..,1.. ...v ..£ ~. ,,£.. -' -., - t'tttance \j~egula£10nS)LJepanmenr. .\,.,. . Uated Sh1m1a-J. 71u()2 the'Ji-\,;june. 06. trom , lhe1-'r111Clual~;ecretarv (i"lIiance) to the {~A,.", -'" ."A""""~'" t (,i:P'""~l"h..IP..",1(~,,h ~~ ,..~_L""'-A,""A..A":"..""", Qh."" 1,,--;. '~'~_..;~" .- 10 ,-\1! ttl..c .'\dmlruSrratl,-:e ~ecretarle5tdth~ VOvel1Unent o!1:11inac.halPtaC1~sh. ' .,\j.ll-ieaas C1.1Jepartments ;~ U ~-~ "",1,..1 P..",rl"oh ~~., . <--oreVUldel1nes tor constItUtIon or A'.itonomous .')OCletles. ... ~U\)1ect: Stt. T... to"~'",. ",o ~;..1 ,~,:",'1;f;",.,.;,,?, ,1~ ~~~..t~C' l...'t".." ,.,f' A,'A" -, ~.~..~~.~.,~~ 'th;.. '.'." '.-r"~"""~"""" ~...~'-, ~.~..w~.. numberdarcu 1.9.~.2vOi anal:"'" .iuiy. ~Wt (!ll ti,1esuD.iectcited aoovevide which core ~laelmes 101'CbnsutUTlonor .\utonomous ;::.oClenes"oere ClfCulatea amongst , ..11..,~..,..,..~...,.1 '7,..." it", "",..,~,._, _o",..~..1, ' ""."...""",.j ",.1,-1 th..~ f:,...i}".,:;n,o' """".lit;\"1"""l~"~'O"'.~'. tn .'. ., ~""-"""o .v..""""-..,,, :l.tle ~O,':l(;'ue~ ;511,,111 collect user charges . a& approv~a V,' tile r.;spectlve I I -: ' f "TC' ,.' T'."".""", r,.."" ,-"~rr'1{.,...,-, '-~1""""w... ,,- '~"""&"':"-'" ,,...t:"""""""~""" "'~~~".'."'~""'.'.._"".' --rb~ "fl,f$t ..,.J.j~6\£.;t~~ :1;:(1'¥L ; ~. ii. ",,".SJ,Jr!, Ils ~.1:e ,".,.",-'" in;:!im,~l'~ 1)1"..'1'\~'1 ..,.~~','"""." :.,...~ounrs O. l~S .' r,,\;,l,rl1;;eXl1eUUl£Ule g11e:.'t.'.;~1UG1.t~a ,!loOm th-,; 1:.X.lm111er or LO,;all:'.U1,10 '~-L~tI-I81't\jt..~":;1'~:~. . -,']1"" lOcidl1 ,.'.; ;:i.'~'~ -r"'1"" ~., co:j"",:,"',i .~ ~ ('u.-.,. a( i'.OUlli i'll1:..;;:r ,'il1f(TC' "hail L..e c.i~o~ileli "',:;~' ~r' ~ 'nr.ll,.- r\~,:._,~\ :trol11 ~OCJerle';. 'r!".. S6' '. ," wt1~ n., ,.~,1".. '"'"..;., ~~...~. .,:~..~,."""'t"""'.,,,~i ,~v'.::.., ..~., ; ""'!'"""" t'.~&V"4"'~..~vo~"'~ ~.v. \ fl "':-"'..""... ..~~ !'V""'~"'W ,1PP()li1.l~!~)" (ll~;:"Oi;:,l";:L~'\\Ui ,)e l'flCOIMra;;;.fU,fl Oa~lg.. .;-. i he ~OQe!'.. ~hal1n,';?t t\(' al1thc,nZ~1j to ll1cur anv expenctltUre on purchase -'::.:'~::;~~i~'!.;:;:,:",l:?a~'~~f~";::~(.~~y~",.;!.?,,!~~t!"a! ':)i~ ~n(l Ll~bric:r.t~. ~!,;. . ().. lt11C.; ~.)\~1-;:;V ~!1,illl1\){ \~.:;.tUtI10flZ';;:i.1fO ",PO:=I1(11.,,(:'11I:;Y onrorelgtl [raV~l. , 7. J()C1en- 51.1.::11 abl(t'..: !)V bOlms o~ :l:manCla!. P11l0ence m generatton ..,..", 1"".' ¥.,t"'~~"",...~" ",f" ,~""' ~.w.. , " n ..£.. it L,!."il ~ ..,., ,;.,t,,~" ,..,-~. ~."..,. t'~"'t"'~ ..",.,"',," ..w~v-.", "f"..11 ana ;..,.,.,~"'.. ~..VJ...vv F; "" J'D '~ 1~"""6 " 1", ;" ~ mt\M",,~. It sh.:'ill P;;; engurect thai all l.1X~S .111cttees !L'{ect bY' tJ.'1.e<Jovernment IS ,-",~",.".~, ~,.J;t,.(11,' ;1,-,i-:""~'""1"",...",,.,t "",'I\'ln~ "f1,I... ")r\ ,""'" ,'.=-t..~~",r11.,,! tl'" <':("~i~..' ,.,- ;,~"-"""-""._-'-"-~'."."'-"'~ -",v'_._'~.w_"'.. ..w.-~ ..' ., 1°r::~:hrol1"" , fL' .',,"" ~ 1. '~ER.sQNALA rrENTION NO.FIN(C)B(15)::-5/98 GOVERNMENT OF HIMACBAL PRADESH FIN~CE {REGULA TIONS}DEPARTMENT DATEp.SHIMLA-2,THE ~'C:rN~.AY,2007. The Pt. $ecy. (Finanfe)to~e Gover~~ent t)fHimachal'Pr~de.sb T~ Al1Adm~msttativ"eSecretaries. of the Government of Himachal Pradesh~ All He~ds df Departm;e~tsin Himachal Prade~h 2. , SUBJECT: CORE GUIDELINES FOR ..AUTONOMOUS SOCIETIES; CONS.TITUrION OF .. .I am directed to mV1te a reference to th~sDepartni~nt's le~er of even n~berdatedthe 20!;bJ~ne,2006 on the subject noted above and 10 say that vide conditionNo.6ofaoove letter, all .departments were directed .-not to incur any ~enditur~from the Societ;yon for~i~ visits. Jt has, . howeyer, been n;oticed that m spite of aboye instructions soroe departments are stili sending proposals to F.D. for funding expenditureoMoreign visits, 2. ." It is observed }:hat yanoUs societies in di~~rent depa,l;tmerits h~ve been constituted with a View to a1lowautoho~y mbctioning. These societies are wholly controlled I managed by the' functionaries of concerned '. . departments, and they have been authorized to use assets of the State Government, retain user charges I fe~s etc., which other\Vise would have accrued to the Government,lnorder to avoid ~~jectionoftheir proposals for foreign visits, somedepartmentsare'commg for'Ward with, plea, that they will fund su~h visits from funds of Socie~ eXisting in that department: SInce . fu,.nding of most of societies is done by w.ay ofGIA from Government, use of assetsof Govetnment or retention of user I se~cecharg~s et~~,it means that indirectly Gov~rnm~rt money .isbeing used by the Societies. It is felt that the funds of Societies should be utilized Qply for promoting the 'corec , objectives of the Societies, ."," -4- :1:-" -2- . 3. Hence, k~pingin view above position I facts,it is, onceag~ .re-iterate~ that th~ funds of Societies should not be used (utilized for fundingoff~reignviSitsof Government officials. .". c~~ Additional.. Govermnent f-c " of Hjma,Cnai "" Pradesh ,