''\ ~ : '0.,~~ ~ " ."'~ , , .' ,:. 0(1,\,:,' ';- """:"',:;,,,'\;i'~ i,"c,' ..~.. . ".",I,'~:-"C :..:.,:-:-~,:~..:...;""._.,.,;,..~::,,: 1 ,No Fin ( C,) B (7) 10/8 4 ,..,~~.,,:GQvt.bf'Himachal 0 I" C """c," tradesh'; ." ",.,:. (R '- .L'.Lna~pe '";;;,,:.,,:,::;,,," ,,' eGulatJ..on)DAptt ' .;",,;,Y, , ,~\'-; ,.,,',::i;::;j' ,,~, ,,-;: "r', " (',' , '" ':.',~;;~\,'~:f,i;;:'".;::':~":,'" ,~:,."":':;~.."'.;"';:,, ipa~e~ °,.., Shimla,-2,.. ,\;"'r~'.: ~e ,';{, '-: ."... . ~..~~, "'..,::;"c~; ,,\,:' ::'.::'::\{'; ."':'1;'::'.' ':c.' ~Tge ,- C ' un9-ersigned ,", to a,ll " make- o~der~ 'on " too. past~ ,the H.? ~~te o:f H.? A. copY 'o,f ~eseorders taking Governo"r, Civil, ' il:1~O'.",- H.P.iS Services( ,;',';,.; ,:," , . p-;Lea:s~d ' Fixation ' ' oj paY', ,'; ' ?_eaSionerS)Q~der.'?,1988 in engaging A:t;'ter ,,' , pensioners're-employed' the., pay,of~~ 'Central , ,', ." ~ a:t.terri'Was relevart.fact9~s, "title9-'aS ,0 f Re~employed st ate, ,that ..- 'Govt.,forsome,:~~me ..' ooQ~ide:l;'~tion to' 01: ord?rs,forfixation,of pensioners ' att~atiot1'of,;the -,.,' dj.rected '. .quest~o.n:.regar~ng.i~sue ,re-employed .,,' is ~,,\" :,~;~;;",'.:"" ,,:,Dec.l~88. .",',:. ::: .: .~c " ' , ...;;; , ;;,,:,:,::::\r?l!;);::'C;J';: '" the for Ci vii is th~ serVice sept .cinl/military :,' i~n t., he, .state he rewi_th 'fo r Govt. guidance , i' , ." ' cI ,'; ,', :':..'?t{,:" , , -, No.Fin(C)B(7)10/84 Dated: Shim1~2, CopY forwarded to::". 2. All Heads of Departments inH.P. ..the .,.~:.. .' .1. The I?iVision~commiSS1_'Jners,S~imla/}'iandi/DhararnSala, 3. Deputy~m~1issioner, OJmmissioners?angi, in R.P.' 4. All Resider'lt Distt.ChaJ'rlba. 5. Addition'e.l Deputy Commi..ssioner,Kaza,L&S Diptrl,ct. 6. RQ,~i1dentComn1issionGr,Ii.i). \ '";,.; . at Delhi. ;. i ..2/-~ ',I ~ ,.,;:: !~~:,; :::~~;:;')' Fa liJ1' O}il i~(i~iJltlj~rl'r"'.ro",;[j.j;£,VJ1U11'~;\B":'l,',Tli~. GO:V,t;;~'j}'l~l~:;r( CIVIL').&.)jt,B$IO~~~R ,;",' " .' ,.. At1,~,";'rePrtlent::rilpde "":>Y"'~ ~ nd !c)'" '~;'4'{ ;',...~'.1;;'i".:d~y6f~:cc'~:' j :'; b e'~Weel" "':';',';" """'.,,." ~i! ( '11ereini ll ~Iundre-"J"v'&c"",-,"'. G-.)vt. 3Al'V~:n~~,":~h~,~,..,:l;')Xprf;SSiOn,'Sl1ill ~dmirli.strp,t,o.rG',~n4..;:le&'~ er~.:)r ::Jf ij.;.;:,( h~pe:;i.nn~tt?r: pprt. ,,'. )~,~:,:::.~":::,"":':i::' ~"[hc,reris s ::r,[r'.r-.t "'.fter .includt: :.repl'9sentRtiY~S)on q~l.ed;tb,e p~s~:':~t::: ment benefits service tent bp.~ n?t' ~uth"),l~ty;beforl:;;,b15;' " ~pp(jinted'~; ::' gr~tuj. i' Wr~e~r.s wi,th:t~'!ei NQ. ' tY'/p ~..~?ir-emcnt.'o:r( ;pension'e.nd/ol..'tb~ ~nSiQn' tl OJ ~tri tutory S;~]~'V'nn: l~S, eqlli re ~!le I'e e~{ecuto "':.' ~~»);,~.8" 0,00/ pensiQn ;,'~';: ,,' LiOvt.\" :~)~: exceo(l( i) the ,",:',' 'Fund ou' ,) t t~s, 'rec~ivabl~:by: t " "" " " -0; :t:)e,'RiI. '...'~'~. ,;",,1: ";;:i:i\~':';:,:::"",:"':; "";",r:,:(:; bQ ,;,,~'-:."",:::\ ,c ~,,'.,,~':;, ," S p"reviou~' ", ' tqec,~mpe~,..": , ,'::;':";: .'":,,;",, ',' ",;..,:;; '~~':,;:~;;'\,;;i':';,:'lt;"r)'t t c'Jntribu'tion of-.: p'ey. les,s. ~.':, of retire,.. SallGGiol1ed':,by "" ,,6lnployer(,s ":,"-:'j :'.. the",::~~r;':;:';I~';')";;;',:: ' "'.'~"":,.:': ~~_hi:Chev~ri;1.s equivi?lent ~',!"c"-' ~;:': ," ;';:,' , :,' plus :':"""'~c'~;),,~; "",,"', ,;~",:;::I,;~:, r~, :,\., ':',:.;. " -P. ret:tl"od "9:I'~ers',ootit~ined":il1 'dqted the not, ':"':::;;':'~;!'"" d ,pp.rt'-fJI)1d theGo~7. ..on tbcl oth,er-,' ;, 'ret1:red:Go-\i'erru-nent-,'serv~ntl v~ler((,~'Qf o~nWOrKGIo.A. the e ti ~ppI\')rXim~.t,e:r)nQuntofc:pensiQn'eql1iv~l(~ b?r;:J,vili.~ri't ,I ,"':..,'" WkJerec.3,: ',\ n.i.ne' heir~, ~,9,r,:~6 b?en:finM1.y;,:de'tfJnnineQ..'r,nd, re...emploYlnent, ""';,,:,,;:""";, the' ,~' 9~)!.l"rj..~s\:~, ':inc\'1..'espec,t...;-of:'..~fle .if , :c~leu. hi~S th9 ~yernment) p.S m:)dified. upto.,d~..te..;,tl.la;i,Q.it'i-;.G~Qre.'~'nplo}1ll0nt, the g1:':Jss!~ount o£~),ens,ioa'it'.nd/o:;"'.,thc'p~nsiili,n.equiv~ent other fon1S ::>f retiremcnt penef'its Sht:lll' before, h;i.S Whereps,:the th , , ' wherenS,'j,nRCC'?l'dA,t1ce It~,n,'=!nce O;f~f~ ce 1\'le1J1Orr.oc,ium; dl"eW tP'J~g;'2.pd ;{',:':,' 'trle,G-.jV~'rrt!1en~~'.:hp.S i1~,,~h,9 'arie to of;",;':"!::;,;j';:':;,~.'i: th ~ ":, "":, '-;;."i,l:(~;:..'; x:etired;~ver{lTI1~rit;'~\,::.i,t,,"~;T~..;; 1 ..c,' .."',, ?}.' ":\,;'.", '... ,', :;'::..:';§;..,."t ,"'"':,,,.::..;..."'" .::;::':!~:~;:~':y"" ..retll \i~,; ' 1 : ~.~ \ I, \,,I' ..2; - ., I' I.', \ "" ( 1, .. :~f1;~.~~ '"jf:.'" ~ '. ,':;' '~'" ,'. 't."oI' " (,::i}.; ".~';;~'~f\:~";,:.,:':.'t~.:,,.' .", ';:;~':;):~;;;~:'~'!., ;,', .:'...:~,:: '. Tbe :ret;i.,red'.GQvernrnen't .~ei"v;~nt!'Sh'1:'~l' not"hr'.ve p.ny further !.~' Ql~im .for the.pension in: respec.t,;.Ofthe pel"iod.d~rihg whi9h h~ h::"d' d~~'!ln ,the ~ldunt :..ther~-:)f inclulle(,l in, the :pj."oVlsionl:\1. paY. " , ...' '.. " . 'An<;t fu'rtherth~t ,the. ~,c.tu?l.pensiorl gr~.t,uitY/pension equivqlentof rnrployer':s sh~J_l b~' subject .r.~ p,djust~nent from the equiV1=\lent contribution 8r~tuitY/C.? :Jf to. C.? .11'.When F. . s~nctioped, to the 'eitent. it :is differont: from the ppproxim~,te ~.mount','e~clLlded: frori1tb~pp,y,in ',t;he; re~emplo,ye'd.PQS~ :GJ .arriv~ ..:~ ~,t the,pI'OviSionP.l P,?y.:,";:\.j..~.,;.": .' '..,i" '.',' .',,' In withneSs where-') f tho 1"Cc)tl. l'(;)c.1 Qovorrunent serv:,\u.t hp.S '. :1' hereinb-j f!'et. ~iS h~nd, ,thC? d'C::Y~QU yenr first pofarc writ'ton. .,. '..\ ((:'~\;'~."" ,,"'i ,. ,;"':::,~':. ":'~~.':J\:i ii' ""..i..~;~: ,..'!,~.. .;~,. \~'i:'. '. :~':: .ii; ,: '"'. ~ "':!' ~~~~~f;'i ;)~~", :- '~1~;: ~; f1.;~~~' ~ .~;}' .;, ., , .. .\ " " ' , Ji I. ~ :,r ..", ,J;":;"";."'J~"t~ '~, "," ". ArJN.l!if..URE-IJ. i, -~--~',;;. .',:;;;:;,:,,:' RECEI?T'TO M -, ,-~ GIVl1N BY THE '.\ ' i',' ~~LO'UD?B;I~.SIOi\I.&R, .""1" /J.JONGwITH ?I.Y --.:...m~1~V~~YJ1QlJ.!Il, " .' .., a .~umRlipe~S8 Received ~ . , .-." :'...~8..8 8 ,; ,. ~'_.'..'.8._.8, 8,".8 ,, ' ,8.. ..8 8 ' ;;:.1 8... beidg:th.e provisional p ~'y(Which :isincl,usive Q f tb~ am~unt ..of. ., , pen$:J.on A,ccrued to me) 'in; ,1:...' (N~e of p-sst held and , , ' ..' .0 ff1.'C, e) for..tqe mo~th °: ;', ':".'."';::.' c,' I _he~eby, dec19.re arl,d stat,e. thp,t :my pension for , R,djuste~" ~.g~.inst,the the.. month aPov~, of,..', ", p a~QnG and ~ill ~r~e -.' sP.octi'j ned p:iyn1ent, , ,ac~unt\pf;pension ",' ",' .',' 'on to'lije :c"'::::.,;i I ~vhen the not .,,": fqr . 11" ': . l1e .entitle~ the :,'Said any fut'ther, period. .',; ,'", ,!,~ , : '-, . ,. ",ifl,,' . y;;' ~-:.,'.,:... ' . '. ,.~ ...' ;;:;f,~,": ...:"..:~i::.'. " ~ "'\~"".' -.' . -\ ..'.,; : ',: ;r .:;;-',' '.:~ :,:., .~::;;'; ct.. .. " .:!':":: ... .r. :>;" ." ":;"". :',':~~::c. , ., .. ,;" I. ' .. : -- to I.'. :'.;r ~ i benefits' ',:'; ';'":' .~:;\~; ,.'" .-'(' .-.'...,.. ", as. p ension'ary ,,' ;.i,. '..-:;. treated.' :~:','1 ; ,'C\jc ". , :~.i: ' m~ybe. ~:r .. :.. ... . , ~ , ..h ~ <;T*--':9IVlli'l?~VICES,(.nXJ~TIO~OF -,:,.',_..I_.EJ5NSIIJNERS"()PJ)E;rtS1oQ ~~~"~-~-'~~~~ '§!1Qrt title ond commencemen -'- -#, " 1..., ;1,':- P'i1,OFi~~)LO~D' , , t ' '! ;'" ..,C -"""---~c,~-'...'.'" '," "'C':::." ~ ,1)' These qrders maY ,be., called '~'" '. ,,' ::S~~ces' (Fixation, 0'£ P~y ;:::,i~:' , ,pe?Sl.Od~TS)Qrd,ers,,1988. ' ,They shall 'Gome',into~fo (2) th~c,H.?~ State .tit' Re-'~ployed ':,,:,;'\~;* rce With ;;~{"~':: ,(3,)'~U.£.at~"~:','c":, '~}",; .' " (1) Sav~ ':",:;:;:', " ,c, :;c"" ",' ;:~:,- " ,...:';,c,':~i ef~ect provldGd in ... ..'tll'.":C(:'~;:"::"';!"::' -,' ',..' ~:~','...' ,,",:,.t, rrom'1 6'" 1988' ":,' as'othe~w1se ' , ' ,"";:.i,;,:,' ., .I -';:,~.',',c"~" these ordersthsse "':::-i:;:;;'.:';~(:~~ ,~ o~der,sshall r ~ply too all p,'er~ nS wt:K:? are reemployed " " ",,', . :c"~i,;:;';,~,:':," iQ. Civi',l. Servic9s' and'pos't;s, in conrloction with! the :" .'::"'~:c',;, ,. , ',' -",":;,;",~~,'.~;:c:~,!" ,:'~.ffairsj of ,the S"Gate v..)verrment, a'rter retirement on; , , ' I ' ''-,: ;,,;,,"~;:'pehsion, g~atuj,ty,"and/o'r Conttlbutmry?:rovident : ,,; 'c; ,,;...:' ;" \.. ; " benefits " rl"am " ' ":,(8), Union '"",,",;::,"") t ",;,,":"-'s;OSSan :,"",,",..:"",' ,".,.;:::",:!~;;~;,~,~, ,(b). 't:,'.,A .,. ;. " ',.. .'. c, (c) . t ll.nisr'a'ions;a,nCl' ,:;.:1,:,: Unc;iertak1ngs, ,- 'Sl:~,-8lSo like 'Unl ...', "":'" :~. {'a) ,. , :,'" liko i'o ". , not ':. ';;", ,;" s't .- p ersons-",r,eemployed, :' . ":', , :';',' ' these.. ofders, ~hall ~,SO, baSis~ " '~"" " to ..','.: ~;:"':"'; ,;:, 0 :: :, ': ~,' , ,;" ,:." '::' ;':;' , r~ceived ' benefits ~.' OismiSs1;11~l)rQ'vided any cflor th~ ' ,reti~ent ;' they tertni~,al '.,. pre have' ~'mployed' 0' ., '. " :' ':" ".' ". se+'Vif:'.e. , ':", ' (b) ?,ersonS "reemployed, , ': ,of:wtUCp , " ',: ','oftheSte.te ,'( ','" ," or' '-. Trusts. " ..' 'ranoval t .': or ' ,reerrp.loyed:oll0.;5ntract ,,' '.. rot, ,however, ePPly -, re..oo1ployed after ~esignatt°n.J P~rsotlS , '",~ c) (d) , l'ersons persor~s' is ~t'debi in posts, tab:).e' GOvernmerlt. paid;;frotti bncaSUaJ. :';, to the e;:2q;)enditure t;he C.i.~il',estimates ' ',c" "';":":" " cortingencie's;' or dailY, rated ,'",,' p art ':c ,':. , . ., ' ,':' or I . time,' gmpl~yme,ht; "': ~ c,: ..2/- " ." ... i \ ': ;; £b die~ " persons or~er shall .c , 11) cal ,Orga.nis~t;~qns ' ,'applY "to ~,t~~rwise,pro-Videq" ., '" .. '" , U ni versities ' ":}r ',': inr,egularypl"k'Chirged,qmpacity., ...to ., ." ,.., fud.tes '" -:' ,,;,' ' ' J.utonomouS ,'" ';.:~',::{'. -{3~ ',' '" Ra;f:lway3,Defenc,e .arld': 'c, ": ,c,' ' ,"';"",:~,,".,,'; "',:,',; t ' '.' ,';';':"o\,,:Fllnd ;;':'c""",;:'.;,:' , ~~.ctor .."~,'::" "$~li-G9VQ1'~'111e,nt , (2) 'Tchese' .:: , ~r~ers ,;':.:', serviceS: ," ',G6verllnent'in~luding ' d 'l1' l " .Lee!;t~~hberst"" ~~'J Puplio' :,,' ..,. ':; ::. 0" ,,' '0:::,' ..' , .1"',' .,~." " '~he t.' -c'-, State'.Gover~e,qt"-aridUr,ion'Ter~.tory dn " ' , " ' ~ ..3;:- '... .' .'. :., .( . . '"ll;'" ~nd""'."':.'" ,,; :.~.~ !i,; .., :",,' ~::: ' , ',( l~)Re~.ii"eg.JUdges : -, ...' , ' , .' .':~: "" ;,...1 '.; ':'cCQurts' :,..'~-: , -~ , .,'" c.~~Q~n"-:;~,... :=!3t))'1S['lt~ts ..:~c', ;:;': ...~":\,i.../.;.,,,', ':" ,', :!::.""::""'- ':,,~J :.c',~IS:)nS' "', , :: p :.'::": '. ,,' ", , 8ii1)oint\6d' ,',i;',:,; \~ho ' " t\l",a';:go ~.j1Jlis":ions / Com~ittees '-"..l verhed,by S,ep,arate orders ,on .." .the ...;. .~ ., ,o:n ... ..,',:.;!o':'c':.,'::' '" ".""~'~c,,'. : (i;):.E;I-~"r~<:~,,~, apP~i~'t~d bOS.~S ~'!OOSA 13-XatlOQ of ::-' ~urtl;nigh" .:" ;::,; ;'.'.!,,~.'.:,;.."', :,;':' : " af 'Sup ~elne suqj!'"Jct i~3Lled.frQm ti~je to, ti~e p-:-'~7 i~ to ",',;:';~;,;::~;;f1:: bo :.:.:!. '"1" '-,', .. ~t:~:~~o~s:;~s ,:::",;"!';::;.;;','..',' :-'::::':::"i)"D~mobi].i.Scd.l~n11eci F0rces 1:'I~rS,~nn('!l( ;~,;.":, ';"',,: ..~on.~;t; '\"a~a,nci(J.c; i for EX-'s~3.";rl:G,emsn " .'lccJ~!JiCal ("'~r\-"ic-::s)RullC;.'c' 1972.-:-;' "":-,;,~J,~~.,""",~,..:-",,,.~ '.ii? i;" "~-s:e~l.c~Jmen(.,Rese:r'rrati6.~~ ', ',~ H.P.S.'Gat~'Techr1ica~ '" .. "; 1:1.1)' ",' ..', .. ~ ho ' 1111 "". "::'::":'-':+'.,J:'..~..OJ."".I...~J, .- .~...:,,':' of,-Vac~,Qcies ,8ervlc'i;'S)Ru'le$",'~985f"'" '.:r .', ; j i~ I , ., '..." .3. ""-li' R,dservai;;-; , in rlOi)~ i ,; '.. ,: ;:. -,'..':':.:.,,:":, ;' .' ,lJ;_x..~c~'v:1. ." acme -:'1 ., 1J R ,1' e CO ',r, l'f)S0Ji'V'l;I,'tion 197 ~ 0 .1;1. Ivf1.au.l~c:l , The ~.~seriTl celt en i; or~ers',. l1o1es'9, ,:!;be Cri .' ' ~,,' ' 'I , .'.-,'" re.ser,vatlo~' !?~1:'c;:' .:".Jc~hes~j : 1, .,.,., ":."::~'.1-v:)' ,'GJnte:{-t ' ";": I 0 I~: rr;u,C~t~cti1S , ;~~t ~ .;:;::; ,,~:,' ':':" ;,,;"'~ . , qt!,1r~~'~~'S',O, i;j.:'", -.," :,:;~t;.c ~ ._~.' : --.' -.. :".:; -( 1): " .-: " ..;,...', ..',' ..': Luens1C'ri 'require';""', ." .. o-qu1valept , d "an.to... ,,': ':'.;'~:'."".'...,_: 0'., ,-:,:, ;;,'", ~, ' ' .'..' .."", ..;7~~';~ ., '..' , ~. i .' !-..:.'-t..":...:,:,:,~, ,0 '" i' ':}::' ': ':',": , ."', ::' , '.{;:~, , o,:",t: "';".- g~atui'~~'8,nd/bl"LGover~~nt} ,s ;' c'".:,:; ::.,j. :,:: ,,~t;( .'.. ' ; \ -; ' ..., tb.:<?61:l.Gributor~"1)11J!-Ld$~1;t~,~r,::J;" '.' :.',:, : , ' I y. -'p&Y'(;1.bl~ ,,' (?ensio 0 th e:r re ti .1,. ~l)der.the n)fu+es;197~, r;.IJl~en t '' b f:f:ne,.I:.lCs",' ~. .I """ Cel1t~al " C3-~~l or .., tpe i ,J. "" VP~T,.';,;:.' -' I ,- ',.. ~,,'.,;,...:,: ".","..,e.lV:,l_I._~.;.' J::Q19i/~'1t '. ~ ." '..,' "'::~..:~: '. , ''...";i~!" ;"'~\;;i r '. ~"~.. ..'" ..1~'J.1QS.c °:1 the.: .Goverr~n er~.L, or bod:~r ;U9de*;.'1~;L,f?,r:l '(c~~~ ",: .:,';. ..,., ,0 . ).'eemPloyedp c~ione'r'Wa's ~.e~lrig p'r~or t-?' P¥;~'i :.-c~..,-.'.:~.: c',', ".C:,'o-, .,::~",'.' < , .'" Means the. ;!,.ro3S monthl};"penS;,t'f)hr: ",ensiop'~equivale.n,t ,. 'Qr Deatb~(:l::~~i"',;' , ' i ,Or :'" .~. ~, ~~ .and/or,'p :' ,,' ':: :reti'ren1ent ,: .., 0 ':,~" '.~n~~ri~~-G~o.Q~: -of gra~Ul~! ~ !;. retfr,a11 ..or ,ful~{, e gt ~:::~~l1~,p ,pe.nsi~n e nsio , m~'e,ns Q.;has .th.e:gro$~ be ~n: Cbrnmu,t':"~~~'P~ib~tlj; :i~ ' .'. ~.. :Pfl.1 ~3-, .",' basis (: in. c accordanqe .' with .. : t):le prescribed . rE Cl"I;1itmcn~"llles,' Li) apecia111"aY gra,nt6d in tel'tl1S of: FR 9"" , . .-~ .:.'. \; (25) sh~l a:Lso 1?EItakon ibto account"": ",; : ~or d~teI)nj,ning pr~-re~irement paY. '. " : .,: Su cl: ~ ccial'., :'paY, l:1.ke'.officiati~g paY shal.1,. however, taken into ,acO':>llO,t towards the.pre-retirement : t; ,paY ortly ," .," monthS .-. .more taken if it before 'theri into, hCl.s been retirel:nent. drawn for ? ay"'drawn atleast be" :. ' ten... for holding one. ch.arge ~nder' FR 49 will'l~ot be acC';)qnt in determi~:ng p~efetiremert paY.., '. .. 4/- -. . ' .. ~ ;- ~ 1, '""'1:-, . Tbo p ;rJ.o'ds ral"e~ign ,. ., C~f J~Oi..iVIo)p'l"~)~~al\~t~,I1"]. ser-\rj.co d...lriQg'the,J,,~,,"Jt; ., lJur?O,se ~laY. ba i.~c.l:'l'ded' of t.J; ri:)'l;j.l'arJl':::nt t'~n,r.lollt11S ',and, .. befol"O W?uld by have such or iii.. tl1~. tC3t1 months (X)ntPU'G~nr{pre-retir,emen~:; cit'rt~Lfied .I' tIle 'cy)!.7petent _offi~iated,in forei~n AP inCI'enE,r!t , 'e,uttlorj. ty .JGh~ post Sc:'v;Lceo: aq~ru~ng re~ircment [;h:;,lr, [oX' :the poc)", j.r'.it,is: ., that t!j ,8. officar QUJCfoJ:' his being on '" iu..th'c. Subste.r~tiy(~ diJ,,~ ng'ee.~ried,leave.'iupto.12'O'da:rS".orthe , , " of l;ea~e onav:el"~.g~ ,P ay,t~~t:1 to' " .. re-tir0lj1ent ( Vi.j. , be ;jca,ke~n into, appoit~.t.m0tlt ':.' ..~.~ first..' four," , - ",months, ' 8S ~eavep:r..6lJ'arq~o'rr .a~ccount' fO,1: d.eti6~~~g ." t'he- p.re..re,t.irement ti,me p~ p aY~ I f th~ ret-.irGIYlent,-<~P9~til1 officej~ wo.s r-olding an' o,i~ficiatirlg , a~ I "t}j'cl, IG@~~q,:i,'P~~~,~~~J, .,", I, I .iflcrr;]~eht in ~eppcct ,<;;>tfthet,'po s.t n1aY be ..t.ak,en .i.rlt6! "';)::: , .."I' ,aCCOU(lt onlyi'r the O.,)mpeten't; ~th1\'rl ty.:, CO~yjif'f.'~s: :~:~~:Et'b :;... '". ' , .., " th~ of~_cer would.'have' held th~ o!i'iCj..i;ltj.rtg"(Jl)~?iir~~i11:~t{!:~., .\. ,but for pro~Ge~~g, PrO:'llo tic1ln~') , ", .;.a,ny l'4ghel". ,?av~~ "gO,~ bu.t., for In~::tle , ~r.vTi his, on n~y. , f.,r:e-retii'ernci1t pl"on!o,"vians" ." Wl1ich' p l::'.re~1t s er~ the Who ~e wouid .',:-, going .ttl.~t fOl"'i'3ign Regal'd qe '0 1" c8.dr~ have di\{t~}I~l ~d ;' scr~.c~ , ~11a~, aJ"~o wo,Uld , 1y~ ranlr " re,nks haV; Case of in 0f jCQ,Nco,~r OR in the "J s.erYlcot;:: AJ:'!~;l arr,l th ~ ,1:1ilVY: 0 r !;.;i.'r }tcI'ce ,.!: .t~e t1ent 1.0 nt::d belo\j ,shall ,:'"1 t' , i , " ;'lJL.\tq~:!nc,~;!4!~$;'~ ' ,1'5.1 :".. I", \. " " I' Of'~~~'i~'t.E;':~f.,f~r..r~~1,~~~~~:i)~~~':::,'t,' Defenc'3 .c 'I .RG?'t4ci].i;.r}~ i': ~,'.C'.~ , I ' '.as P l'(jY1.c1L..~1' f,?;}1 ;Lri. j~1~."1)i~ i:; j' , 'j" r$'trired tI;~':1,~'i~~:t":~rl~;:: ~le,ve ~ r,Qf;~i1~(t,t:~rt~,~" ;.i ..'1,,: .". I i1 ti~J' 1 ~J'~t.:J1"'1i..; ,.. retir\;,~$Wt~j,lf;}"Ql~.,)f4?~c~L~ ". :" r"i~ ,'; I ~I1rj'::t, ,I., , will, .~fficel.' hs "';'ould or.ffior-e. .I ,.,' : ;~>,Jr"O$j ~';'~1qtl..'~~::~~,~,!,.~;i~'aCco'..1.n , pro.\Tid:Od : .,',i.:,:':-"',: aY t~at for , "\ ~"?;b~;7-1~:'lt"~~;~. '~,: til~ e (\ f;fiy8~ I lot1vE:3 ~~.il:t an officer , the'-p cE'.~re ,but C? whic4 " case'ot'" ce, pl~ep f:l.ratol"yto, post, g.')inG ;:'" ( "',riii ) , c,n 1,~ave C;j'n3tj. tu te , : , ,',".'r pe;sd~'q~~'::t. ' ,,'." ' I i e;~~i~:: ~'or;r~JSI:!F~:rt~d!~'~' " ;.. '." '... I, It; , '"' j.t r~;rI~3o~ J~!j~~1.~I?\';~ '¥t:;;!:;Pti p r:.::.,~)...~"\~:r;?:?f~f(i.!~I~l-~~':,ll ~:j't~,~...~ I ~1 (~)"i~~;41',1 qp.+ Qt:fi~~rs, ,( , .'i " ..;~..c",:.::;;i. j~llo,~,t':\nce: ,"'~ in wPo ".e~eih thet'rlt"'.st 'x:e~eipt.':,r~,':\~:;c.;ot:;:.. ~rnp19J'rl1ent, :..!,.,.:~;,,~:.";:~:!' .' .,'; , , ' .', ," .Cd'~.,.::.",' . ~.th ~lo~:a:~.ce ',so'd~~~'!!n!wi+l bGi .ta.ken: into 1';i;c~ount fqr AC '.;:';;":C:f,";"::f;' ::'de, e~inipg:itb9:: lt1.S"'c p aYd l"awn :for t1.urposes oi t:iXa:,"i'.'!.,;:':~:"~c'c '~ I.', \ .'. " , .' '.' " ." ' if':":." ':I:t,:1.';i:~I':9t ':p aY!.in th~reen1ploy~d"post, if such :an,., al-loWance ",',' ; ~.:,¥i~ :'-1 :~,~'ii:' ;i:{E:;~~ .1- 3 , I is ,admissible:i:~:"'ch~ sh 1 oot"be talten,1nto 1~.1s,.oot adn1issiblo ~. ' reemployed in .',' posts, also. The' allowance ..'."" :~ccount' for such purposas where' "th,e reemployed post. Where"however, , ':',:t::: :'~!ii"'(: , \ , .. noNon,-?r'C.ctisin~1 .~m "~;~ ",; , ; AlloWance " .1oyme~t...but"..i.r~ , .' w ich :s ~l .isa;tt~ched ..' ~h,e.pens,ioner,-is c' !,~:,&:~,::!"~~:,f.':!c0 ~y ';<'1 admissible to' th,e ,reeil1ployed, ' b~;drawn"~~ar~telY; ,"" ~:~. '"",?' ,? .',' ~empl~yed ",' .';;~':;:) We8 :' p ~nsi,oners. Civil sh<:,ll be cales of ~,llowed of.. P::1Y to, .' "they' 2!re of'p.eY reel11'1~loyed.Nq of:the held by given.'., (,)(t):I'n":an(,C~$3S ; ", ~h.ere: the th:t3 :,~t,:1l~~:"post. .;::;"',C ;;!,!;ji~:~;:i~,(ii)In ,,:':';"i~~'." ;,~.!~7i;:i~.~~.:~"P?~~ionary.pon~fi:tse.l-:e ;;\:~",i;!\.'i;'t,fixation. ,.'tho' initi~J. ';," ;}Ii;.j; ., ...' .." -\;.". ':'~i:~,,~';.f,"fi~ed.e.t..th:;);s~e :;-;::',":1:; prY ' ,ptage .' 1;~!:;t:~:;1retirement.,If.;:there"'i6no ",':-""::~i::" ,,' ::;)i~"::~:ilt,~..,: reFirJp.1oyedpo"S~, 7', '", entire hot th,e iS~l,Y igno;red"i'i"c ,,'.:,~. pensi'.)n the p& ." If' the .shp.ll be 'f1_~~l.:;d at.'the ..:.~c t." ~;j,~:,::.::: ' 'i ;J" ar:l4" '/ l~.s't . p~.dro.wn bef~re J" sucj:lst~.ge,;lnthe ,f. ,"sha11:be fixed:"at.;~h~,';..stage . ,i ,:', :1118ximuni maxim',:lm..of ':)1 the P'aY .,.: 1.S leS s , in :: thp.n ""hoa last" his:i!l1.tial'p aY'. 'C e sc~e. ..7J~; "'- scale :",,:~~ "'f ~'i~ .' ,:,'i';~',;;~: .", '". ~'.+:,,:;1J"'::; \o1h1.ch 3nS").':)':19r,XS reem' loyed ,';' ~':'c' ..' ',:j';'r:~;;,'. , paY drawnrby hiI:il beforc ret£rement, c ';,.,;, ' ,,":::';' ,;;.::';;".[,"~':; C :~:,;(:.,~~,?~...,:' beloW./that ' i8~?_red f?rp"aY on reempJ.aymepv~' ' spall f',S paY \," ' to,::;, '." "" the ..,c' .. ,pri~:r ;";' ca~eswnere pat',:,;";',,:,:" ' " shan' be.f~xed at pa:.t; of the r.emmp~oyed of ~~ ,...", pOSyS o'~t/~e. them ,; pensior:l ':::~:;;;:!' ..,!... the:.init\j.'C,l~paYOnreemplayment. "(;"1,..0:1:,, i;f;:~;i.'l~~~::',:themimuum o~ :the so.ale ,,' ..protection post,s : . "\..;;'(";';'~;..'~i!!;::{i :,.,",'; '.' '..' ,'~ dr~.w for " ., ,;.. on:,~.,;!;.:).f;~,;:~~;~~i,,:;':; ' which ;~;{;!;~f',.~I::~..;,,'."~.C8:li3S , in' p&y , ...;'", .." ",1' ,:,.l'i!:i~'ti:f:;,:','1n .", last.. an a;1;~W ,fixation i,n'rth~;'.p,t;e~:9ribed.S tho post such ~fter , in, of "paY ~f ' ., -7the Sc~le ~sJ1lore men this of paY 'in than:tq(~ ,-~ c- excludig~ ---c:- cases, .the fl";)m the re.emp loy~d as ~xed ', b;e-f-::>l~e;ra.i:;il'o- a,t .the minimll.'!1 '",. , :- : o$t.Howevcr,. nob~i8"n-::>r-a.ble .par.1; .o~,pen,sion -::>~ gratuity shall be p:;\y s:) fixed.. pensioner uncl3.rparaCb) dr8j.[ S e-~~,r (1:tely retain l"'eemployed . him the. re'ffl1 loyed p Jrl-Si'J ~ equi.Valent reduced to p -~-~ eY dr~.W~~y scP G of.]) aY of i"n -a.l1 these The -~.l:;\st a..penSi-::>nsl"' is i rli. t;J. ,l --?Y sh~.l1. be' fiJceu c: f th8' ( c) \vhi,ch will addition ~b{)ve 'ShaJ.l 8.ny p ensio -a.ny oi;,her in to. PaY be permiGGad. . n San cti.o ned to f~rri1 of retiren3nt to . hLm B.nd benefits. :-'~nthe c~.~e..of;pe~sons'retiring before attaining the 8,ge of 55 yeC\.rs and who 8.1~ere611pl,oyedp pensiol1' ( d) (including p 3nsian -:)therf-..;,rms of equi,valent 0 f ,3ra.tui ty I retiremen't;; ' benefi J~s) shall " and , be igmred' ., , f'.Jr ini,-Gi~J. p eY fix~.ti:)n to ,the foll'.Jwing (i) in. t~e' c(:).s~ of 13,xMservi cemen ~yh:) held exten-:-:; pOS'GS below , commission~ .::>fficer r~nlc in the Defence F':)rc,es and in the, -c~,s~,.af c-~viliA,ns Who ~eld pJsts' below Gr~up A p'ost~£I;li t)1'j 'li:U110~:(' tihcij.r rotjrc)Jnont, thlJ or\t1,t'G p.ension end l)Ql1siDn equivaJ-en,t of retiremen't; benefits shall be-ign:)rad. . (11) In the Case. of servj.ce,officcrS belongj.hg to 'the , , Defence Forc~s, and,Oivilianpensi':)oers Grou9 A P?sts the first ~.t the, titna p.s.500/-0[ the "- their p ensi~n igrbredo 5. of wh'.J held retireraen-t., benef'i ts sha;ll be , '~~? 1-2.f-1JJ£,E.gl~"1.t.E.L Once 'l;.he irlitial !)'PY ~f a l"eempl~yed , haS .been pensi~ner ~ , fixed n the manner n~rm.'.;l increments indicated in ab:Jve,lie thO) 'Gim:::-Sc~le' ')f m-ay be the p:Jsl; allowed t:) t() Which draw ho is , of ~pp:)i ted as if highe 'st a:ge, other 'f:)I'mS of tbe.pf1Y had been fixed a.t ,the mi~mum °jr the, on account of pens:lpn & pe,n:;lon. as 'th ~ cas,) mC1Ybe (i. c.befo re an adJ ustmen"GA,.GflUJ.,"tl u retirement; benefits is ,made)rJl":Jvided thaJc the p 8Y , and g ~ss p ensi~n/pensi~n Gq'~i valent") f :Jther rGtir6lnont benefits t~ken t:Jgether dO" ~:)t r:tJ... [JlY tirfle ex;ce3d !ls.8,ooo/;...per,m:)Q1;n.. ' ".8/- ~.( t i 6.' 4 ,..~," ., ';:' , ~i.J~ ." :")e"Y'~~ntl"'~)ti:r'.!I"':~' ""~" ~ ",v,* --;..:L~,..~ J,.r ""'V~';"1 ...~-",u-"'=""""."--~~.x..A: A._':~.",,-,,--.,,"',,;,", ')r """'1~')f:!'S..'"1--., "I"")~":'"'"~A" ;:>ers.:)ns who ~:"ri3 raai~rpl,::>yed aft~l"'abi.;;l=1;ining ~r invalid pension:,\'/i.ll ,subject to the ~ hditi:Jn, : qu~lifYing".ser~ce, Which,c::l.ses or c~s~s t? .pr.8vi6us : refunded. "for by f!>;reg::>ing them n" C;.)ut.,,:i.ned in' .'i '. Mili .civil post Sh&l1. 'O~l the add~ tic R3. 50 per the entil"e i'n receip~ ~ pension'inc:luclin8 PaY W?uld be fiXt?d . b,:r ,::>f (~r'1ypensi()J18 fhe thi , s' OrdAr . ,r(~E;::)l"(ji ng ~J."~,nt ~Jf', 'porti::)n ::)1'" 't;hG peYlod ,::>f ,::>'f of ..the rl;;1r~o~ the l"efl:tsed shan not be extel10ed " .~:" " , ., t:)' dr~w th e s ~e ra.te date tr~s.feI' t~ of , ! le~_% the mont~"o '.. ,', pension " I JI.:rtlergency- Q)mmi~si?ne~ incrernents'equal to to is' Were' est aP;LiSh1;!I':.1,rlt ! l-iot mare, thftn, leted Service" '~nd. S I};:)rt Se rvice. " I ' . pre--cpmmissi':>ncd traininZ qx' . nl'e.Y, on t~C)iJ.' ~PP?int:1]en1~',il1 ~nreserved'vacanci~s, t,heCJlil pension and -Short , :--- Ofi'Lcers C:Jmmi'ssi:)ued oi'~{'cers 'whq Joined ( were .commissio!19d aftt.:r'1d.1.1968 seririG:e th~y . 8.~mergency' G:1!11nlis.si':)!1ed officer C"m41" '" "'-;r"\hed. .Q i'f; ~-r C~T's. ~ c'J.L~~~'!-~-~., ; ~.:-~ .be t}:.rantel!i ~re::.rs of ..-, ser~n.ce a,dV;,1~flnce rehc1_er~(llJ~r thel:} ih /~rmGtl Fb.rces 9n ,a b'asic' P" 9Y( inclusi ~ -~-', but excludin~ o"th~r erl1:)i~1en:ts).r:!Ll~al t~ or veJ I"' dei'erre,i [! a:{ . lii.C;!l,~r :t!lan: th~~. . minimum' post in"r!'hich .l1?t, ~,)w~v-er, ..l'j.~~~e1d : of ' ,}n to tbelll.;' , : , 0 f p flY \vhich niilit~ry n;~::) p.ensio 0- pr::)1d~d .'. G~.vertIl1e!1t drayln need rot b,8 to oount their preViJus , unu"Gilized in t-,3ry r'eserVi.s:tR ';lh'o 00 oti nue t:J s erllfrj iV, ~t he, S<;J11~" ...' , , ~n which 'they were -errrplQ.yed dU'~ing reser,vo pGl'iod, ~ otinu~1 .dr~Wing i-ri Df in hSir,pensio~l,. }.'I':)vident liL1nd on benufits during . and the "gr?vn.t;, terJ~iin'atians ' I .., respEict ,.of p r~Vi'.)us serVice .'. " 7.tIl!:..~i:!i.a~..J~~~~.l . not "?Qunt far t)J'Gure pensiQ!1 pension 'and c~unt"th.eir their th,E!Y: ::I.re rbt , Q-.)ntributory ' "' reemploymegt 'reenipl().}1nent.,. retain.r. gre.JGL~ity,,' their as,:J.f b}. t11es~ ol'ders rO8l11plO~11ellt i~ Pension intenlled~a:'cely "che p 8nsioners elect pe~s1on ' sp ecj. ~l. proVis.t6 ' the i~Ljeir f?ri11er ~'erVicewill d~;:'ajAl~ny p ert~ ?f :their ".qe.:l.th~cLim-retirement treating t1:l~,t if ..i;;h.ey .may .either se~vice. .In cas~ service ~~l$o, b~' 'g6verned c"')ll1pe.rl~3at.i':~i1 tbe"sc~le' are :::mpl~yedo' the basic 'ajG'~CI,chedt:) The p,aY .s:) arri P8::(inc.luding:thf.: ved th$ civil ~,t sh:)uld def'urred paY bu~__e)'1;c..LUS.1n.~'_;?_"'lL~r , e:m':Jlllm~nt3)1~1,st drC':wn by t'hen1 in ,tho ';~hoJ" l.ll~Jed Fbl'cr;;.:>., ~ I ~i i 8.9/- ;... ...:_':',':!:",;;,':',"-9nL " , ~.. 9 Jmotl:)n "'0:: ~ .~ 'regular .' :, reemplloyed paY s,of1xea.,on ,', '. , ,was sub j ect equivalent shall ','-';;:"" 10. ,""c::" o:f .being Ad'justment ' t,:) ..' of the Qf ,; ,,':' , '; p ~e~ous ,frJm the pensio,neq\iivalenJc C')ntinued i, ""\,,,.' ' paY 'the.,pr3vi8ions P'aY)-1 n the '.. ' made' the p~.nsionand be ' extent,as tQ 8,djustment). sh~l .:': under refG:)."en,ce account b'enefits ;"" anQth-e"..}."' 'p,ost,: befi;x;~ post.(b~fore retir'ement , With' ;..."".;' ':;,:,;:" ,,"::: " prorflotion/tr,ansfertQ -li:\,1nd(JJ11ent81 P.ul~s ',':-' "-"'. J...; , pe1~,sioneri,slia~ "reemplowrnent , \:"" .': , Tr::lnsfer.' ~'-'-- ,", : of ' to:tae be made .'c" . ,,' S8J!1'e ; ;:':, ' ,..," e~lier.; ThiS, wil~, ~w,ever, ren1~n tb" ~he , co ridi tic n th at ~ ~e p aY 'p lu s p .ensio n 'ahd p e'nsio n of ,gratu'ity/oth,er' fOIttlS of retirement bC?nefits " , , rio..te~cceed:Rs,8,Qoo/-per,roonth'atf;f1Yt:LmeD' ,,', ? I':J \r:6,si:.C..?-n~~a:;:1 ---, ':',.,"..'",..:, ' ,-' ,." ".::':~', :", ". , , :~.,.,,: ":::;'..'" ',;' .." , ""'c,:.-;~'::: , 'c ;,' ,.. (1) 1N?e~e delaYs ~e:lik.el~,to. occur' in ~ei...e~ining th~." p enS:Lo n a,~d otherp e~sio nary bt:;nefits, -'the reclnp19yed " ',' officerS,' pending fin~ fixn"cion 0 f P flY, might be p ai~ , ' their p,aY on'pfovisiQn~ ~asis for '8, ma.,"dmum period , six morlths arter'.ta~ing .: and intoacOOu,nt gratuity , 'b'asis of last, tpat,might ,., paY drawn -as sh~l be , ..,". p,eY aut'aor-lsed res,jonsiblefor is' rot lik~ly ..~ the toe addmiss~ble " by ,them. The ' that'~~FI.y'beoome, ~.drnissib~e. ,th'e.p~nsion, equivaler:lt of OVQ'r'p (\id' be of ' ," a~trlb).~iti( ' ~': that.. th~pro...'i.sj.Gr:i3.l'' .' '~he,~,r..r'ec:t~.C\Y 8mouO't provisional , would s.-:;.ni)tioning the ' , Services(OJm~ur;ics~)iot1 of;, ::, ', time~ sh ~l b~ !:oll::)wpd!' to,' any e,1ned 'ft'"Jm "~hc re*3mploycd , (ii)(~) In caSes where, C)nsidered " ' son maY' be paid the rUll"paY is,which .: on :Fb.r' tho/{Jurpas~~sof,' calCttl?~;l1g the gra.t.uity, thE:)~ab1'e a~' .',. ". jbt \ p6cr the~1 " epsuring I to, exceed f:J:r'. r(}funding f\S a.. ::'eSl.ll~ ma..xim~mpensio~ to ; pr-'3'scribed i.n' the Centr:81 Civil .' " ?'cnaion Ruili.es ..1981, fr.::,m time to l~n 1 nde-rt aldng 0f " be'"J-ncl\1sive tha;'c migh:c: fixD.tion: P onsio l1l-:rs, de s3-r able, of'tohe 'Post .. of hiS 'I:lO o-f'paY . sh~ll.. ' , ,0.: l'e~1pl~ycd ' ,on provisi-ona.1; pension,bL1t ~uld bas exc:J.ud:;: laye'r"s ", pensJ.on e quivaJ.ent: 6i.n @pro)dmate, po,rtionof AI1lount. :o'f,pension ~ntrib~t:)ry'?roVident enill ~ 08,~ ap.r rei ,e m~ be,provided he executes ~ropri8.te, '.forril( vj.de t.nnexul"e ]uired, tD 'furnish . acquit'ca)ice .eqL~i~alG~.I.;' tQLo~':,' Fun~, 9.S th:G 'a~agl",eeme~tin I),..Fie 0'shpll also in' the, .bE;: t.~~,!).:_e_:~~~~~.~l. ..0' 1 I -."', . .~?~.!t~-,"~j.*:: "":1o~ .\Tide .Ann.exu~e II) -.. OJTho p ensior! indj.c3til18 rGcc~!)t acq:~i t-cance" she.ll -;,1' his PaY ihqludiog be 0 bt ~;lncd from .the -' reemplayed person co ncerned elmng"11th the' paY bill every , " month ba is paid p,raVi~~,on~lY.' .' (b) .1fue.ll the pensio n a.'1d other .ultimately sancti.oned to l"'etirement benefits' th,e reemp?~oyed person oompteent auth~ri J~y, the P'8Y shall i:nto a,ccount the pension excl\.:lding arS by,t,he be fixed' E'..fter tak!Jn~ pension equivalent of . gratuity and f)ther. f-;,'!'ms of' re'tirement, benefits in , ac~rd.ance with. t'ha provisions contained in these ordal"'5 a.nd ,he shall hav,e ~ J;'resh claims fur pensionary benefits in, respect of the past periods same Q1ongwith the, provisional' ' , . , during whici1 he draw t11e p-cyoThe actual eJnount of, , pension equivDlent ~~-,---,--, of, gr8,tuity/employer's' -~- -~---_c_~ Will be adjusted, aga'lnst the grat.uity/l~F ..., is different, f~m the fIPproXimate .-', PaY of :(.he PQst pro'Yi~ionilly I .The orders contained .(iii portio,n of C?F to the. .ext<;:nt it, ; amount, deduct.ed P.-ai~o,' ih (ii) abov'e shall 'f:i::J m J~h8' i $plJ~ td , '~': i:'';; .' cases' ,of -ctvilretired st ate CiVil, Dep f".rtmcnt ". , State Govt. enlplQye~s .re~plqYEi~l j;n c,nd Shall' n::1t @plY' to cas es '0 l' ar~y .'- other ~a.tegOri~s of reti rpd p er'sons( ~uch ,.a.Sl"'e~ired ;pe~"'$oris , :of D(;.'f~nce Deptt! , Rai+wn.yp Dsrtt. and,otha~ Contl"~' ~t;ite ' GovernmentS)an their teemp].::1~1'::t.ent,~nder Strite GoV:6:rr!rf!e!nt~ .' 11." -.- -&~O~8~ Th-e drawal on p~ -Shall of ; v~,rioUs be regulated on re$ployment. ; paY filxed before allowances and othcr with 'reference PaY for these to benefi,ts tpepa.Y bf,secl that:,' is-:fi~~~ allowances and, qenefi 'cs'.will b~ ,t,r~e '. mn-igno-rable 1\!.'l:t~~Q'f the p o~sicnc. ,deduc-bing the - 12.;- ~1lli.-~~.r.~2:f:Q~il~'t!.LfuDgi ; .~ Reempl;:>yedntrilbu~o~y might p l~videl1t 'rean\)lpyment , is fund, initially .be provided f')'r ,i :".. permi-tted , or ','. oontr:LQute'tc.'. 'Gcle ' that' 1;1. ye~,r. .'. tq W?el'e les s but the 'is te.rr11 of " later , axtend~d With -' bfficel"'s .Sa a,s interest t", Sh~ ye'1r'sl reemployment intereSt Sh~ll one be be one ,ye-al". for ~JlowedFO The ~nlY 'rhe p ~y;).ble: is year. credited ~emce. officer p eriodlex.9-.eedS exc,e'ed the 1, Govern.'11(=!nt's after the ,GOverrn1ent entire -G:)?:tl"lbllt'~on . c.)r['.ple'~ion. 01" cQnt:l",j.b~1tiQ,n period contribute ' 'r-e-empl!!:Jyed -.' tQ fa -' : Whic..~~.e--.:...~ t~~~J:;:-..:i?;.-E..J..:r-su~r~ -,~ 11/- r with .on~ : '" ~_. -" ,., /' ; ~11 .,. ..."".:..';:".:" Lep,-v~an~~~~'"16n..;':.. 13. { ,. . ,. ~ ~..".l..~ :..'.'. --,o;:~'. ..In v'1".,.,;', tbe"o:3,se '. :; "t~~'f. of p~ersO~:'~f~~~Oyed after retirement, -'-- the -Ir " provisions ..1972 contained .sh all 140 in the Centrr1l 'Civil ppply. Service ~; , leaveltules, " Q.r:a:ti.'l.il~.atl1.=-ght.m-retirem ent ~~llL Reemplo"';[ed ?ffiC~rs not . I shall .gratui t.y/death-cum-retj.renlent , .reemployment except ~n those b.~, elisible gratuity far cases covered for any .' , the pe~~d of :.'.' a.n Rules' 18 and 19' of t.he Cent~al Civil.'s~rvi.ceS(pensiari-lRuies,1972, Rules of the Defence Services reguJ.ations. and carresp~n.ding .~' . .' .15. .., In the ..retrenched c~,Se of ex-servicemen fromservic,e ce gra,tuity, on ti:leir as we;Ll,as a};1d are 'not "' 'B..'Jpo1htnient gl'anted to ciVilians penSion' GoverrJDont who and/or servico the ... '. minimum'of ,the .scale attached :totho , civil post they .' '(i) .In pa.rtial modit';ication of the maY" of tha!1'j~ ~ in' wl1ich 'are employed'; ,The.p~.y sa.a;r,rived at should not, "however, -,the b~sic paY.drawn bY.th~m' in:the'a~ed fu1"ces. 16.. .,~.1:£iliQn"of~E:l:.~ .-.' -' ~.Q;;2!!1.Qaf;.~~l~~~t,'. " are servi~ ' be grpnted .p.dvnnce .increments. equal ta the completed~yeal".s .service rendered by "t.hem on a PA.sJ.C p r:3::fequal ta or higher ..'. . . ~tt§!1~~emu:-1Qy?es~ , ' provisions tlJ.9~ i exceed.. . -~, cont8in~d " . in order:-s 4 and 5 ~pove, e]C-combatent ClerkS on th'eir !,"erampJ.Q~'their 1DC/or- / Jr.Clerks in .t~ civiJ~ pbstJ3 apd ex-tftd;or.e. m t ~n itl .Arm9d..J:~oroo: ~mplGy_ent as~tor~en ~n, Ci,Y;tl pasts .shaLl have' tJ.JO ~p J.on to [:!;eYGu;e:L':(' as p a.Y f'ix.ed: under ,orders. 4 and 5:-above in accordance. W:Lth ;th~ .I .p..race4ureindicated'in ..' ~l~n~tiQn. sMb para " .L :.. (1) p'ensio ner (2) below~ ' -, iod of .!, The aptfononceexeroi$ed is .final.. ..I shol.lld three .. .".. ': be asked .ta' :exercis~ the , ; .'.' .I months (ii)E.x-~mbatent ..., order Will include .or an compR~s,ionate The reempioy~d .. aptian .w,ith'ip ., from the da.te Clerks res ervists ..! ..or ri1odica.l of hiS reemplo~en~. referred a.t.. tho. ' , 12/~ , p.e~~ -. and staremen 'relee.sod. gfQUnds. the :. to in r own: l"equest " . tl1i~ '. . .;. :. , ~' " ;'1':;; ";;;:..;"; c"""~.";",,,,"""'"'C ..;" [t~gt',~1,tl;' 'tWf ~,J.~q~~r9;,i~ '.. ,t., ",('c;.)" ~;;.;;S,"":","~C,-..; ,.'.,t(~ ' :cc' ScrVJ.c \ ~ ,',- : (.,:: :', " C!-,~"" '., a,'"' ;,I;,~:~~ ,; ,,'~.'..'" ~ ,'!. '.; , ... ,f. SU ; , , l":post$ ,,' '. 'i~ :'\, p ~ : ,:(:1;) For , ;:.,:'~. ".. !,., : ~ G.""'" ~-::'. ,',:';:c\ , u """" "' (J4i).? :'.' , .J. ::'6;..,. , " ,~ . ..: oi=' , .L i " ~ ..." 's.~: .~ ':c "' ~ ,1.~..C.1.,,~.'" .., ;,.:;', ,:', fiXf;--:d , ' r~sult ' .J.n~~ym' +-.' ~r~;~~: :.:: th~: t , " f '" .1.r,"'(;; , ' ..' .a ' ..".~ :". ': ;'::: ,;~ ". ' ~1?e this ",nat."p,f?:! is l~ul~ aft.3~ ~.. ignol':..ng .. .;., -~...;..'" .. 'l? e~"able" ., .' rot tj G6riesp~nclto 8.:"; ..," t'C(:!.:,i1pJ.QYt3\11>?S1~,. tha p.aY 19'tler:,st:c~g9 :Go. b~ ~"ndtrj..I;)'..' Rbs~rb'J,d, j,~l: .,~ro of: r", p}nQunto o}:cess...:Jf::'I3.15/.., , f;i,fte~~ bC:t .~.lJ.()W~~ trje .:(\1tu:r~ oi" ',..' ' dp6st, or' ..~,' :'.5 0," ...p~.ln.uy,n~m p~1'..r;1~~!1th,. ".. e.~,cb ye~.~ ",:. c "":"::';':;"',":.., beJ.ow:th..~ ,~eQ~ik?loy~d f '.),,' ,,\' 'p~n~:t'~,., ' .. "d:"~fi"i.Jr.etl- :':::'f~:"':'. ...:) . .. ". , . j;ncre~..ses " ~~'!'v'icc at _:;":,..: ; tte ,', ':.,.' j,':, ." .:,:' ~,QO 'r.e'..~~~ ,3(1) 'uud'Jr next s;c?le t 'C f .l.. a'-'-JUi..>\Ju1...'l .ro' "..~' ~1' ,'0 .' " y:e .3,rs ,o.f " ..' .o.! , ,from " .c c , f,::;,;:r:he n'Jn-q'J...3J..if.yinG' -."; be: ta!(er1 in'to .," "" cable aG..":;the i'"rI,:1y'in. 'i;':.' ,:~ ,'::: tl~u .; d:)Gs. .per~6h.p.l f',tile . ,', et~ed ' WheJ c:,,:..mir,,1;.mL1m ~~", can1f:l re ti1..e.p,.r:.y.i..~sucljc,..,.:ses,1s~fi;:..ed , (iv) ,::, '. ..,be,'" ? ;L'il.'.3.;:fixato'i.on,o ~';~';';"~::':': . ."". "";";'." r;'l>t .,,: qat .." , ".., ," ' the';:,sct~l~',@pli ~ed':aS ;i(,," ~, ' ..:,~!; .." "', the'teiL1.1"t~'1t':~6unt ;, .:Y.J:c\ge, c,... fj.~r,ed',\li~"'~~: l~l"ces -, inOrJAr " thep ..." tIY fixed ~reof'.at1d.o~11Y:,',th~ t.:~'\~~::~Q~ e' '". ~~le ,: ; from Je' .' , Sy j,n ..."... ct~d. S + J.'::", t1)~ o,t' i~1.the,Al-mcd " ! .' ,,';. Al~n~~"lIQrces"W:Lll"': ens ':Ri~15f~th~ ( ... ) l "'.' .P s..o::J f:!CRJ-cll~ion , > , dodu , :Tbe .prY' ~ .' '.; ~~Q._as,;:?-ei'.i.ned: t I.'. , :',: "" c .,' c"i~, " n the I .,' reilj"<.!rr:)cl ?~le ,.' 1- ',: it," .~'[,Vi~~)~"S,t::c:;~ ' ' ':seI!rv1.ce ~ ,,! tile 'pr.e!""r~tLre:nlc~1t '[.J end~red, ,;', ". ,0'.'"'~he.. ::Fbr"G~$. th~ pu~o , C\;', :1"; 'j,ri ~ '~lr.t1Rv,,-~""';~.i',';:"::;,.~ ~ .~:~ ':::.,' :", , thE .-\ ..I .~;;.j tllC' .. rovi~io~' ~':o:-:'~c~,~{,':., , '..,! ir"'i,-:;,,1 "I"'.',,'..I"}"""'~c.~~l.;J .:h t,im,~':,S ,t"lf ',' ..; ' i to. ' ':'restrictec ~:"~;: , f.rme"4 ~ :i:;' :'.j{:'::-:" ay'1a ~,..~: ~,,)P ~... T'he" ,. "t:.J "t,h~s.,;\~'~..\~\~ ,t.}"t~i;t;t," , \,,' ' ..' 'j comp£~te~.ye,~rs,:Qf,st."!r~j~ce t:lUIp.)erof '.,,~,:",.:t: ~qllivf'.lent ..' ~,:peen~;rp~?bC;~~fy,pl;t~)cinz ;:. ,i; ser'vlce ' h~V( ~;:;~J;~;::,':,',~ t~:,":.;;:l;'~:.c_';: .°0',',. .' , t1.G:aS~a:ie , , lOY3d :f;-:';;:'~:W°t.fld ,":, ,.. l ': ":":.':i:~~~'" r~~mp t:J .' .. .~l1. pa.t-~,:;1.n, a.i~ o'quila];ent ' h':)se,,"':)~t~::{ j n':+h:" 'rl,"ed:Forf;eS "'LJ,'-:..r~'..-'~.~:,-' .." c"A,ses:s~~":bO': f,L~bd :~n ..th'.) .,~'~~'... ,,~:.J.;'::.";\~;' :. .,~'- ~,E'j11en .' :tVJi.S iotl ~E:J.rks/JL'lnior: 'r11 '3r~,;,s 2,!lq ".'~tJr~m_Gl) ~lyin Gild,];. po$~S ,i.,:."resp e?tJ.'le ::.Jj';:ti:~ 1)~'" D .,dr..f),Np .,~.n~ :sto ",' .".' ;respe:Gtiv~ '~~",:;::~: ~ c 19\/e.J. ' c'.';' '.. 'Y'" or ces:'sl~~:b.e;~'c'J.~eated in'~Dned:"li :~i;:; ~"~Plb~jftnt,C).,r;;r~.:) .,; , ~?creme,nt.v.~lr~ssibl'eac " -:) ' t ho ,)~" r'" ,:!- ~n.tmumtill'the haS ,~een"i':i.xe~l :s,L1bsetfl«3nt the" of m:Lr.im~ 01' tn~ F.cR.1.e' ;LS' !~ep.cb~d.' .. . er,' Thare.f:'..ft sce.l~ i.f-tt'.{-t'r);~. 'J incl~~m..ents reerl'l'ployed '- ;)Ost in m.:'1~~ b,~ the g(',~,ntjd ',,1.Sl1,tJl manne::.'p ' .', .,,13/- j;t1 t~1C ,. :;. -13- . (3)' In' the: c~se :;f . r~~.ed_J.,oflve/terinihpl '['t)poiutment leave', 'p,t the.mirJi~u.'11,of' Lawer, Division~J. drp.w ,le~ve th;sc~.J.;'3 ::)fl)D,YQf',tr~~ Cl~rk/Juni',jr , ()f pers:>ns dUl'in!3 theil~ P fV- mrY b.:J.!iXed ' cj.vil Clerk/St';:)I'ancn s ~;it;\ry '-S8IJ~r[.~tt::1Y .fj,"-)j:l tho post .!~ 'Jf, ar;ld .they military :~ Wil~ ~-t;ho:;'i ties. , - Thcir p "y :i. n acc'}'rdf'.~lCO. vlith tb~. ab')ve will ;:18';e' of be fiEEd fr-:>ni.the J~7. ." (4-) The power ..t .(leleg~ted to £!':im tho " JG~ f'i:;{ tho the i';:)r.:ilUl a 'ment~oned. tl:oir p -;IY"uO::l:~l'1rt,'ii,s, Actllin~strr'ti r~nM 0 ~cr at(~) dj,s ch~,l'ge is va UGp ~rt1":1,£;11ts.of ,.. . the. G;:>verro.mcn'v. O::-do:I's t:iX:i.~lg trio P py il1 s~ch Cnses t311:)uld be isSucd by.invokj.!ig t,11o provisiQn.:3. !,)l' ltt~r1rlf1J1l~.nt~ 111116,2,7. ,. .~.,.. l?-,, ' .ll~tsj.l..$ ., .t~. be.g~all~L , !,iL~iJ1L'll.t'1.:i.k-o.ffi.cg.r§..:,. '. ~)r tile correc~ de:ter:ninatj.':)n -1es ...,.sh?ll obt:;;.ln the. 'f:Jll;.)wini~ officers Y1z..gezetted,~o.n-r;{1zetted ~,nd ",ccoun~ , ...\ OffiG~rs.wl"~o o:t'pa:,'" C'.inlpetentnu.tb~rit- ir1fv~i1r.tion ., in l'C;Spect" of' and Gl."';)U{,'Dt frumthe repb;,ted. an the title tQ pensi".Jn .(1) vst h~l.d subs.'cp.nt1 vely on thQ d~tr;; Q f' retirement ..' :-:, su~st~ntive paY :1..:1tbnt k-lo.st t:)gether With sc~e?f ...,"" ,. Other post,if ~Y, .. held the d~te af retil'crnent P:J~t...togetherwith.sc.roJ-e (ij.i)!n Q l' f ' ici ..".L-, (iv)(rJ) if ~y, th(;) cpse il "'+.!r\ qf in. ~n .officiating. above, .. .',' the drawn dates . of . rtrJiCh (b) The i),brtian f':)r pension , (cl,Th' it of w~,s drawn speci~.l ... whether 5.tis pe:yetc.c::>unted th,e r~')st r'.I1d i,nclud~d ~..p~,rt; in th? andi:' .. p.fI'ya . tn t he allowance, " pay of dr:;l,wqin ase:noluments tr~e pI'Gscribedscala releV:r.:.nt (.,r) (jr:::>s,s pens 1:'1~'-, i?cl~lJi !1gainount p r.Y° schedules. u f' pE.:'11si-:::.np ?:".lent tG be oo:ilrruted quot,ea. 14/- , a substal1ti- ~ :)I'd.er,. on c::..nGinQ'lf:ly.. shj:.tld bein~cntcd., ,thec~se of,Sl):.eci?~ -.Je pcst, ~ actual' . ., .Speci~l ~r-Y,person?1 pa:r pnd de-~ut~.tion .dr~,wn ='_!1,tr,~G 'od~.te 01" rretiranent fj,.YlrJthe p-;;;l"'1,,)d for etc.: cwe.city and offiCintinB/p.aY of;:paY. (j.i) - Audit/Pay ." '... C.ii) all p ?.rti.culars' of (vi) J Dclatrf~cUJn-Roti,l"e!nent " eq~v.':Jlent (vii:! : "Jr othel" thel'Gof. g~r-,uui ty and p enSio n ; , .G'.:)verrJn1ent oon~l'ibution i to:) thG c:Jntributo ' ry ?ro Vi den- .t fu!nd With interest $\r)d .the pen'9iJn Oquivr~lent there;Jf, 'the !contributJry "2 ravi dent 1tund ~~c~unt numbcr previ.ous~y .?J.lciJtteq p}1d the p'ilrttculp.rs of tpe ,. ~,utharity issued . by .: .th~! preVious AUclit/?e.Y' ~,ndAcc~unts.:O ffi ccr.- ' Aftler. getting th,e above inf~rmation, th.cc~petent' I:',.utl':k)rlty. sh~ll fix the p py of the reemployed ol"rlcer under t~o proV'l,si~ -ris of, thGse orders e)1d"C'Jll1nunic~.te the SrJt1e in the s?ncti~n.. lE:tt"er to! the Al.ldit/?~Y tl)1d /iccount~' Officers. In. the 'case of .',. r Dep p.rt,n",nt~ Whe~ the 1ntegr,Rted accounts set 'up has been .intIioduced, c:)ncerned t~e ,~ccount~ ent ,auth~ri ties inf:)l...nation Sl1all be.p?ssed Officer.lnaddition m'n.y give to the the: iar$onn:.'.tion on ta the' above, to the the , c'.Jmpet-, " Audi t/?eY and. J~ccauntsi Off;icer reg~,rdit1g ~~;ticulp.rs of equiVnlent/higher posts.. , h'eJ..d bylthli; reeL'lployed gaverrunent serv?:nt which -wp.St8.ken into '~,cc'Junt I f'Jr glvihg the lligher st~rting sf:llr;l.ry under pr1r~,8'rf1t->h4(b) (i) of the arders..' " ,. .. 18. ---! " fix .I ' .' !J2§.l~llil1~Q I . (i) ' f j)~~~ 'rhe ~dr!1inistrQtive th~ pPy af (t retired De/t'.rtments officer ..,-'" ~;..' '\. Will r,eemployed , be 'c~mp etent under them. in .' " t.o accoro- ~nce w~th th'~ f~I:mul,~, menti~ned in' order Y- ~.bove,proVid~ that, , the po!st in which the :officer is reemploycd already carries a sr.nctfonGd sc~le been ,g~nctioned of p-;);:l". 'Cases in ,f:)r th~ post .' Will, which ~.scp'le .be referred of'prY to the has not, .' ~nrJice Dep o;,z:tJre nt. i (ii) The' Administrr,ti ve, Dep~rtments mfIY .delegr\te their pQwets t'.) loWer auth'6 ri tics... ~t their diS creti~ n in resp oct 0 f r"pprytntn1ents which I".re wiJthin . ~uthprities t'J luf',ke. ' the powers of such lower : . " I I --~c-c,~ -~:v:'~~.- Dated, SHIMLA-171002, the 8th September, 1999 refer to OFFICE MEMORANDUM Fixation regarding. Subject: ",...' .. The 4(b)(ii of C.M. ibid this is ~menl.iedas under;'Modified Existing sentence sentence If there is no such staqe in the re-employed post the pay shall be fixed at If there is no such stage in the re-employed post the pay shall be fixed at the stage beluw that pay. Governor, ignorable pay to directed 15 undersigned scale the stage next above t.hat pay. pal-t of pension from Rs.500!in the case of service officers emCll11ments in the case continued before 1.1.1996 rev~sed of defence forces an~ and holdi:q 55 years The re employment the to Rs. 1500/- in of those ~S such who ~'fl'e on even a1ter 1st and i~ediatelY contd. ..P fZ .. -2- before retirement retirement plus dearness allowill1ce admissible plus interim any, relief,if at the time of at. the admissible of time retirement. The amendment with regard to the second sentence of para the of 4(b)(ii) prospectively, whereas, 1st January, office the other amendments shall and terms come into force from effective be conditions will be the same as earlier. The contents notice shall 1996. The other circulated memorandum ibid of all of this O.M. may kindly be brou~ht to the concerned. Deputy Secretary (Finance) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. To All the Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himachal Pradesh 8 Endst. No. Fin-C-B(7}-lO/98. Shimla-171002, the th S'eptember, 1999 COpy forwarded to: 1. All the Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh. 2. The Divisional Commissioners, Shimla/Mandi/Kangra at Dharamsala.' 3. All the Deputy Commissioners in H.P. 4. All the Djstt. & Sessions Jud~es in H.P. 5. Resident Commissioners, Delhi/Pan~i. H.P. 6. The Ac.countant General (Audit) .Himac:hal Pradesh. 7. The Sr.Deputy Accountant General (A&E) Himachal Pradesh. 8. The Cf:rntroller (Finance & Accounts) De~\artment of Personnel, Secretaria't, Shimla-2 9. The IO.The II.The 12.The 13.The Examiner, Local F'lnd Accounts, Himachal Pradesh. Secretary, H.P.Public service Commission, Shimla-2. Secretary,Lokayukta, Himachal Pradesh. Re~iBtrar, Hi~h Court of Himachal Pradesh.Shimla-2 Re~istrar, Himachal Pradesh Administrative Tribunal, H. P. Shimla. 14.The Secretary H.P. \'idhan Sabha. 15.A11 the Joint/Deputy/Asstt. Controllers .Himachal Pradesh. 16.All the Distt. Pradesh. Officers/Treasury Treasury under the T&A Officers or~anisation, in Him9chal ~I't.l~~i~ "f""-'-' Deputy Secretary-rFIflance) to Government of Hi~chal Pradesh. the ~