. .SUBJECT: NO. FIN(C)B(7)-8194 GOVERNMENT O.F HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGULATIONS) DEPARTMENT DATED SHIMLA-2, THE J' DECEMBER. 2006. GRANT OF CAPITAL ALLOWANCE,TO THE EMPLOyeES POSTED AT SHIMLA AND~TS SUBURBS ..:. ENHANCEMENT t REVISION IN RATESTHEREOF. ersigned is directed to invite a reference to the subject not ay that Capital Allowanc~ @ 12 Y2% otthe basIc pay subject Rs..5O/- per month and maximum' of Rs. 100/- per month was ployees of Stat~ Government posted atShimla & , its suburbs alii, TaraqSvi, Kasump~i, Juto~h & Tutu with effect from 1st Jvn Department's Office Memorandum No. Fin(C)B(7)- .13m I date , er .relating to enhancement Irevlsiop of the rate of , Capital Alia Ing attention of the State Government for sometim,e past and a tron,'lt has been decided by the State Government. to enhance mum limit of Capital Allowance from Re. 1001- per month to R th with e - 2007. Above .' enhanced id with t. e sa ary 0 anuary. 7 (payable. in February, 200 )" ..(Dr. AddftionatSecretary (Finance} to the .Government of Himachal Pradesh. ".AfiAdministra:iveDepartments of the Government f Himachal Pradesh. NO. FIN(C)B' 7)-8/94 Copy to:-. 1) 2} .3) 4). 5) 6) DATED SHIMLA~2, THE JlftOECEMBER; ' All Divi~ionatCommissjoners ,TheR ~ ~- ~-~ !gistrarGeneral, 2006. . in H.P.. H,P. High Court, Shimla~171001. ,All He dsof Departments in H.P. The R ~gistrarj.H.P. Ad~inistrative Tribunal, Shimla: All Drsrict & Ses~ionsJudges in H.P. All De )uty Commissioners in H.P. . . '= , N (. .cr ,O.lln-: I ' D ( ,\ C'l;rIJI./77 , 1 fa-.,", Office .I f'f,eh-,orandul"l"i ' '../~ -~~--". ~ ~ Subj Grant oj Higher Officers in H~olth e TI"' ..' the state r"I"" Vf;; was rn' at p UIIIrtme I' 1t' s r... "-"IV to frle, , al1lJw.ing the , .. Health ~iO Heal "'h I. .,I-LJI/ odvarr.ce Department !':Jt.F;i-$ and I r~. , the (v;1&dical 5 ,-liro=.'-'+~ u-1 t"'~':--"""'-'-""" S+i...t~+''I"'<t P~':I r "-""W,-'-~'~ f~)fficers ..~t.ial1ficQti~i'ns Ailowance U"',-Jo=.rt'jgned '" "1' C';overnn-,ent fY'.,edj.ca!- Education Department , Oi"7 ) ~/(') -!OJ' for /:"\ t o ' ii'Cren-~e:nt5 to acquiring !"\igher moniler prescribed O' ,UUI...J.;..'~ e ,.J U L jr! the !leQjt:~1 n ...! i,.iU.lv ~-;.~ d '-'-1 -"-I//"tUJ (" 7 ,n(").. , \ .31 -o! -i " i q;.. 1 ,/ .. I L-. The mqtter:for , ;.., U~,..: t h ttll"",","t .' granting ofihcentive5 D'""""'..t,",,11IV-""1VI""::II"'I, o p ,..rtm c n + f"' f 0 C "'"' I°,.;...". j i"; g hor a+'II",",lv"""r lon " !'"in ',... li;ti"' t"'JV""~I." ./ i .1.1996 to Medica!,Officers , ') be:er1 <':Ui1sid~r~d. '" .' "'r' "'~~er , Afi~: c.;-uosideruiic.1rl uf Itt~ rflutter, '~l~ ..' Go\rernQ Himacha! Praqe$ho\ is pleased A!tl"\\"it." (.,,-,,~ +,0 ""-"' (':;j",-.,-{, _._~-~"i.-i+i II to , order t,AI:.,-I' ,-,i r'Jf fi""-A -"j ...v_'--_o -",'v"'" " ~ that" the ' ,""!1\ il:. :" ~ e ~'._,",,' h /~ Po'st .Al e f ,", " (2}P.G. d~;!iee , :qiJiva!e.'1t to three irlcrements ~~'" a l'~I ,...l-_1 9 n".;'n~Y le ..-1 Y~I al' -..IA""..J:~.. ,y"",~.,,, at minimum """,", r. O '::-~ c)f pay \vi!! beI / ~ :I "3.and ~ 9 Hospitals! , D " " ~. UI 1 er '. ., ,5...",.., -.r'iotQ orio' dra,Aiin" p,'-::, )r;'C;pmQhti: """"'..:... to 1 1 1.OQA ir, '""'ir"'~'~\;:'-~(-in""~ ,.I;-!-I... tj-,~ ('.ffi,-.,::. i"."AI-,"ori-,t~,~it-; "'.'c"!'-r" _.J~-'-~'-""" """c'J~ ~"""~"'-'" ""","""" ,'" .i f\:1~rij"'a;O~ti""ert \"/ha \ArOrQ ."-J""'"" "'-""""'~"-"':"'~~..Y"'- ..,i_-lJ.l- JI1.t:: .~,_:" II.":;'UIIII i._;' _4'..;~.- 1-It7'~~lllllel'i .i- VIU~ ,',- ;..'i- ni7, .-1M"" J"V,II~al!"-Otl ,"'s:.! ":' 7"1 i UUI~U f(Ci",-:,."j i.-,,; '~~.~"'r"'"'1. ,-,j,' i,.;,c L!; JU";.; .,.~ and '(:'f,.. 1 77,"t ,. , 3J"; j':lr")UOtyr 1'995 wfl! not get this afiowance.. , , ;c ~...t .-=>...".- l ' -, c- ., Pritjcipal , Secl:~tQry (Fina'!c~;tQtt-!e ';;",' '-""" v n f H \_"'.~'-'::'::'-':'::'!J! "_,. .'!~!J'-I\;.j!'-'J r-r'",!'-"=~l".!.' 4,,,_l.. ~~ """~~. I .' ,-~""~,", .~~ -,.- " ".. !;j , " , ~ " ~ !,:::d.. Sm:r!J!o-17JOv.t..i ; :(j. , ,:, -'~.~ -'~"""" ;.Ja1~'J'...I:)r,~I,.)v3: - ... e /lr-"'r)II-t':1""+ ;~ e nQr~; '.'r,,-:v I""""~."~""".""""""'Q"',",",lt, '-'i, 1"71 0 "-< ,... H i m ~"' h ~ l o r ~HQ s h Sh..imla ' ,.h, ti C,',.,o .~"'Q ~ e "i or no p ' n "" n Hil11dchal + "": e "'o,.",,; ~-he """""'" COmm~$$IOlle(.""'-""'l"""",","""'-li""' Revenu$, P:cde~r', \,.~L-t,.."..,""",,,:~...,~ Sritn-II:a-171002, :;)r:. c 'c f ~;;.t=\ U;n"'-""~I"': 'rj-' ,. '"' 3. 5. --'" ! ,.v~..".._,..., t r"':n Ie 'Co sI ~Ne "' ss' on cr ~ p .."I._~.,_,,-, l-I'm ~,",h:2! ..r";", !-., Qh~\..t )~;)!!Heal:JsofPepai1rr!e!:t9~rtHin-jacha! .ora(lt;:sh. .". U. 7,. , '"' .:-c " I .~".! L1 mm ' ' ,", i I"""""__"";.;",,r,-, ~ a'n 1,...,1., ~: k ~--,--.,--,-- ~ s nd r~ P p:~d ~:...; a~ h !,..,.,o., ~hin' ,.., J' , .,.-. r..io\" '"""";-.'-, 'I!I~ O~\.iI~I:.:I'Y. n_r--:C:i~~;;lf;i..';Lynt;!d"~II~lVIY"-"UI-I.:!!:r~~IU!I.r\,iIQ,rtl'. Olllrlllt:t. ilJI riAnf u t\ir""""',mi $ ""~r- r" ers i,:",:i",,,. i-Ijm ach~ ."'~~"'."""""It, "~ !p ._~.,. ra:d .-:.c:r l ~! ~::":" ,:;)ur:,~r!n~,;,nl.!':'1 !!.'.: C! rn...: ""'_';10:",,!'i! -,,-,"n c" ,-I.!'"", '~§ -:',..~i.. i;j , !.n~S~r~1taN t4',.,.I'ICV1:;""c;'Oty"tir, -1 A , " ._, :f1E-. I .f! ln " It '-'1" !,"\;-+~;., I-U:-"II"'VCIV1ce, U!"lHf.I~;:"VI.i: '--, T~"""~1""~' !"I~GiI!I-Vjl!al" '--"" r """";;' J"" .oj'::: 'i.""".;"""\';"""r';o,"tY""':""~I""""'(:""1I"i\J""'"""",,.:.,' h " r_~;,..",...+ (-.~ , ';"'~""""'" r, ~ t , H.P 'Kljbordifi~te KPN!CesSeie.--;tioClROar(1. Hamiro!;ir ,""'"f4'i",.,r i T ..JIII11;IQ-L. " h~~oP'" ;n c: n naih, ;,... ~ ~ GO FIN . RNMENT OF ffiMACHAL PRADESH CE (REGULATIONS) DEPARTMENT ottICE MEMQH~:u:M SUBJECT:- G~T OF ffiGHER EDUCAnON ALLOWAN~E TO ~ MEDICAL OFFICERS IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT. unders~~ed Departmen is directed to invite a reference to this ce Memorandum No. Fin(C) B (7)-1/99,. dated 8th January, ., 2003, on bject mentioned above ~d Allowance allowed qualifications 0 to the Medical to say that Post Graduation Officers for acquiring higher or after 1 I 1 I 1996 vide letter under reference. This allowance has been allow d to Medical Officers posted against some specified posts in CHCs ICivil ~ spitalsl District and Zonal Hospitals oruy. atter relating to allowing of above allowance to all Medical Officers' ective of their, posting was under consideration of the Governme d' after due consideration, it has now been decided that P.G. Allowance be admissible to all H.P .H.S. Do'ctors ( who have acquired higher qualifi ation on or, after 1/11 1996) irrespe~ve of their posting. Other terms and co ditions for allowing of this allowance will remain same as already , ,prescribedyi' e O.M. dated 8thJanuary, 2003. ~ Additional Government ofHiinachal Pradesh. To All Adn:iinistrative Departments of the Government of Himachal Pradesh. NO. FIN( Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. (7)-6/2003 DATED SHIMLA-2,THE 8th",MARCH, 2007. The Accountant General, Himachal Pradesh,Shimla-171003 The Senior Deputy Accountant General (A&E), Himachal ,- Pradesh,Shimla-3. The Director, Health Services,Himachal Pradesh,Shimla-9. The Director, Medical Education,'Himachal Pradesh,Shimla-9 i ~ ..u1. Na.F~{CJB(7J-2/96 GovVtlU11ent 06 Hima('h(l~ p,'t(l.de~h F.ul-.ance " ( 0",eg{u.u--".D~+.I" _on,1 }D e.paJt j- men-. ;t Pa..:te.d S.l'l'{"lT/~.a -1 71 DO2, i:he a".fo~d. .;t.O .l!e.~e-lt.en('e .to Rev..[;o:\..i.on oft 1W.:t~. Oft ..sP~c..i.a.~.~nc-Jt~~n.th ~pO~~A pe~YhO~~in ~ULpe. 0' P~Ahonat pay. Sabdec:t : OFFICE MEMtJRAHVUM The unde/tM.gne.d ..th-l. .tment'~ O.M.No.F-in(C)B(7)-24!~q, ~u.b d. {tbove ""pe ./fe1PentA 0-6 pa.1i to It.ec aP.J1 to ~ame da..t.e:d .'i.th M<ty,1989 .1G.1j.tho)".. the a-fRvwed.to o. m~tv! ~-l.on ~om -1996 a' Gov , Hj-m~cfl~~ pay ~~~e.~ PIta.de-6h GoI/eJtnment e.m who emp-iayeeA e.It m.t.e. now get amo QUA:.va.teJi..t.to the q -U1.' ~ p~ew~ed .to the p~y .t h~d ea.-we.d the 2 .A/~ .to be «ea.ted -Ln pUJt W:e TheAe aCCD dJt111iJ,j pay e6'ec.t IJhat the Cov~vmment 06 VLe PQ~.t pe1t-~ana..t pa.y -iJ'L .the ..L-I'I. .the. QJl.d a.t a."!. "..a..te 06 ..(.nc.lt.e.ment ..(.n.:the .It.evL-3ed ~c~e ~c~{eA D4de/f.,-j and 01, ,~uch peIt.-6on~~ Pay on 01-01-1996 th.tl.t ~9aAr~.t plte-,tev-L.1ed th~ ~,~ a ,~epa.'t.a.te. e.temen.t H.1'..~J-_he H. P. w-l..t.h .t-l.me Gove~Lfflen.t ,~ha.~t take Jte.vL~.d. -3c~.te. and. ~ha.e~ not e'~ect ~ca.~e wh-l.ch .tiLe Pe.Mona-f. ~e ~C.lt.e.~~e-~ a' p~y aflA ,.~fl.at.t a~.~o not VA, a..UO!At'a.l'I.ce/~ , pay ~.{.xa..t-l.un, pen,..~-l.of.l.etc. 3. e the ~o dec-l.de ~~lt.ea.d.y c.f.M-i.6-i.e.d coni" Db (jJl. .to ~ pec-l.(l~ -U1.C4emenU !L-3 pe/f.,-j()na.~ pay ~vwe-~t the .t-l.me emp~oyeeA cQnA.Ldelt.at~on k~'(.e -U1. 4ece-l.pt i"..he. Co?~ a~ Gave~~e.nt ande~ P~d~1h .the :the S.t.a.te GO\!f-IfnJ1:1en-tfmp.P;.o!:1ee---:\ -L-1l 1rvlCm H..fJnach~ ~~ on lI:e-'-<,.J:.-ing.tv ltel/..(°A..i.on 1)-6 on 06 .t.heLl!. pelt.~oJtlnaJl.ce a..1 a. .,apolt.t.-.~man) ltlt.om P4i e.'I7p.t. ~/~ d.~e('.t.eJ1. .to -in\/~.te o!:t i"Jhe '04 QJl.W ,- da.-te 199& . l,.{h ~t V~'-..:1' SecJt.e.taJty(F-Ln-RegT.to G')v'"cJ'pffim.! - fJ1.e. GoVeJUUrlen..t Q~ H-ima.cha.t PJ1_!lde.1h. To A~.t. A~:1.t.I:I..u~'t-W:'ve an appUca.bte. C-i.v~-i Selt.v~ce-6 {Revi..,.'Jed Pay Rtae/J J, .Undelt. -6h.a.t~ be ab-6oJLbed cown.t 64om pay p~y Ve.P(LJtJ-.muvtJ,-;5IJ~ :t}l.e Ot. H.iJT1a.cha)!. PJt.a.de.,~h. ~ ;'iO. f ((:it3(7J-2j96 f'., ,..' ",...'~" ".."1Y it"...J.,="'- tJ .,- Con.td. , .2. . I NO. FIN«;) A(9)-7198 GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGULA TIONS) DEPARTMENT DATED S!iHIMLA-171 002 OFFrCE SUBJECT: THE 1rh JUNE, 2007 jMEMORANDUM ., ~~~~~~;.~~NE ADDITIONAL XNCREMENTIN FAVOUR OF DRrttRS ON COMPLETION OF 20 YEARSOF SERVICE;. .The unders.ighedis directed. to invite a reference to the subject quoted above and to say that 1:hematter relating to sa:nctiomng of one additiona,J increment to the drivers of State (~oVernment pn comp~etion of 20 yeaIs of serVice was under consideration of the Sate Goven\Inentfor some time past. After c~eful consideration . of the matter as alSo keeping in view: the fact that Drivers do not have ,any further chancesofpromotiOJ1" it has been decided by the,State G9vernmerit that: 1) TheDrive~s \\'or~g in various Gover~ent D~partments of the State will be allowed one additioIial special increment on completion of 20 years of regularserVice asDriver. 2) The benefit f this additional incr~ent ~l1»e admissible. only to th.ose .. Drivers who have not got any promotion to the next promotional post (if available) foJ"20 years. 3) ~ additio al increment will ,be admissible. with effect from ..1/4/2007 at .. normal rate :>fthe relevant sta e. AlI'Diivers,"!'lho have already completed 20 .., ~/ . years of .$ date will get above additional increment w.e.f. 1/ rivers who will complete 20 years o(service as such itled for additional incrementw.e.f. . the date on whic f service as Driver.. Above a ot be taken to mean as'' gain" for purpose of alloWing .heme. In other words, .this ~ement . 4\, is' in , 5) addition to accrue under the ACPS schex:ne. The crlt s for mling increm ollowed fi rofide G~emm~. the benefit of this addition~ r the ACPS sche s f - I e of any doubt, Finance DepartmerJt will be the final interpreting and 6) d '0;" 9 ~uthority. Above decision may kindly be brought to the notice of all 'con f,~iIlc': (Dr.R. ~~'i.'> > Additional secreta~ (Finance) to the. Government of Himachal Pradesh~ To All Administrative Departments of the Government of Himachal Pradesh. No. FIN[C)A(9)-7/98 DATED SHIM lA-. 2 THE 12th JUNE.2007 .. Copy t(l: ... , 1. jAil the Heads of Departments in Himachal' Pradesh. 2. IThe Accountant General(Audit),.H.p.Shimla.171003. 3. IThe Sr. Dy .,Accountant Gener~I(A&E},.H.p:Shim.la-171 003. 4. The Principal Resident Commis~Tonerto the GoVt.. ofH.P., New Delhi. . 27-Sikandra Road, 5;. All Deputy commissioners in H,P. 6. All District and Session Judges in H.P. 7: The Resident Commissioner, pangi, Distt.Chamba, H.P. 8: The Director, Treasury and Accounts, H.P .Shimla. 9. Alt Distt. Treasury OOcersfTreasuryOfflcers in H,P. 1-0 The Controller; Printing qndStation~ Department, H.P.Shimla-171005. 11 The Section Officer, Departm,emof Personnel(A.III)HP Shimla.2. .. 12. Section Officet{GAD-A), t-4,P.Sectt.,. Shimla-171 002; with spare 10 copIes. 13..Sh. B.D. Sharma, President,HP Sectt,,;Driver Association, Shimla-171002. 14. Guard File/Spare copies-100. .~... ~ (Dr.RJ.i.~r-- Additlona1secr~tary(Fina~O the Government of Himachal.Pradesh. .,.,.: c, ~ to " ""..-f I , ,... ,~.,. (jl)~.etmn.cril of [fjmach.ll Pr~ldl,':sli I::iruJnce (Regulations) DepJrt~nt. ,., '.."-c- --.. \~ -~ .; ~ Q4tc:: OFFICE y!E'J[O . The UI)dersign~d is du.ected tol TravefJing ;~lowance "qi Rs.150/- pcf monnl m res say ~t that of tIle rates Kammgos, of Fixed. working.in Jettcr , rate of Fi."I:~d Tl£1veJ;U1.g ,.\JI0WallCi.'J . active (.QnsidcratiOIl~ of th~ Go'\l'ltntment for ..\fier due ccnsideratiQIl, the ~. '.' ,. 1. Fi~ed TrAvelling .., Only) per DepartIUent ,"vith immediate ~fF~ct.: I P .'matlce) to the 0\1" Copy tonva 1... -rhe to ::countant chatPrade.~lt. '::. General, Himachal , :'1'W,"~".:~': Pradesh, 171003 with 20 spare copje~~, 2. The Senior Oeputyt...ccountant Genera! (ft,&E), Hi 20 $p:~reCOp!e5- 3. 4. 5 , t;/" 7. achal Pradesh, Shim!a-3 with Pri.11ciJ ':1:1 Sectetatv{Revenue}10 111e Goventment ~f .roathal Pradesh. .., Secretal}(F'ol'CstS} to fit;::lJO\'enuuentof Himachal radesh. ihe l<;!~:~trar C'OI"''.,~u"""'J.l;:t['\ ra le"-h. S' ' >OI. I1";;,'"~ on '...'rY"","' t" u " Hu" "cl'la1T)ShupJ~.171 'llie G-en~r3L ".".I;;,t_"_.J\~,. H.P.IIlg.h-Court, a17100 ") , The F~E~siderlt. Com~;ssioner, H.P ' Himachal awan, Sikandra Road, Delhi.. ~ ..'4 I "',.1 -~ ~. 1n,~..imavr'h.a;.. Praces. ' i}. ":'Ii!He :l'.~SVi De~: ,J,~ !.I;len.S h ~}. TheS'~cretal"y. H P Electricity RegulatoryCommis 10...AI! De )IJty Cor,lmissioners In HimachaiPradesh, 11..V!..~ A JI ;:;" "\e ri..,4. in H P tio n.",. t~ of Po';IIce I.. .f' ,. enJ,.."" New --ion- Khaiini; Shlmla. ~