GOVEW1~.INl' 0 Ii' H 1M:lC!"{J.iJ P RP.Dl1:[:;I:I Fn'i IJIfci!( ROOULArrON s) Df§' ARri'1 :JJT. No. FlllJ- 0- A( 3) -8/95 Date d 3h jnll a-171 002 OFFICE MH10RJ~D1].1' rhe undersigned a ropy of l.Jotific?tion ,co 1-997 re ceived from No. Govt~ . is directed to ss:1d hel"ewith 1l.j()15/2/97-Estt.(L) 0f In dia, l£jn istry date jn , Rlle ~a1cl'rJ9nt -, 10 0 f (J3ntral sha}.l GoVem1!1en t with Qiv~ Cl Services(Leave) ' be applicable :1mm '3diate to ~31 s t :Dec.mnal,P.G 0 f Persc ..Pen sion s( I:eparb11 En t 0 f Per ~~n el & Tr.3.1n mg) ;id &lnmg con taj R1l es, 19:72 fi amendment Th :i,.g";''this th~. E111ploYges of e ffe ct. . \~, ')\l:l ."\,} ~;.. --6 '\ L~~c fi '\ '"\'I.~-inaI1ce Deputy Secr9tary( Fj to the GoVern!)']an t 0 f H jrnac~aJ- Pradesh. All Ad11inistrs.tive IF;partma:lts to the Govern:~'en t of H im ac~al Prade sh. Flllf-Cr-A( ~" 3)-8/95 ~. ' Da.ted Shjrnla-171002 .'" o:>py for 1. fufolTl1c".tion :rhf3 DiVisional and necessary act~n I ~ to~- ~mmiss1oi1ers, The R3sident cpmmissioner, ~ ad, l~e w .Delhi. Shjmla/J:.iaPdi/~8.]2. ~a'nsh al a, liP . Hjrna~al i3hawan,27-£ ,:ik;1ndra Q)mi:lissioner, pang1(KUlar), Dist1 ;. dlgnba,HP, DepartIl1mts in H1r.1c,chal Pradesh. 3. it. The fflsident All Heads of 5. 6. The R?gis.;rar, R.F. Hig}} OJurt, Sh1mla-1710Q1. All Di.stt. rod S.;;ss1ons Judges jn H.F. 7. A1-l Deputy a:>mm1ssionars m H.P. m H.P.)°3. 8. JJ.l Distt. Treasury O.fficers/Trsasu~y Qffic9rs 9. Th e Accoun tan t Ggleral( Audi t), H.P. Sh1mla-171( 10. The Sr. :ceputy Accountant G3neraJ.( It!r-~, H .P.. Sril.1mla;;..171oo3. 11. Guard file- ):) spare copie s. , \ .'~ r-- 1\) \' .:,...", ~ "'"~::;;:'" ' ..\~\ , v).- \<-" r,-; DeputY se cretary~ Ftlnancs) 4 J LQm ... :::r ~ver~Jen t of: Hjm acb al to ths Prad.e sh ~ r. .:_~, " ,.; ..., :~: .1,:"'r~.~~ :j rrr 1": '!f'rovided ;. h :1:";;';" ~ :,; ~~~~ " ";. ~ ';: , '-', .:.J ,. .- ; ,. ," A , .' No. 14015/2/97-l1stt.(L) d!?ted: \1'i3t Dec. (bpy or Notification Secretary to ,:.ilia.- (k)vt. of '1Ildia, J:vli1"'listryJ1 1;'1'/ 1997 :from the Jomt 8: 11e1, P.G..~:: Be..7sions(I:epartlnent of Perronne of Per,ron ..: :' ."-, ,.-~ .; - '\-,:r;t_'f" ".f" In of tl13 pow~rs ( or tila ~ arti cl. e ):)9 .-eddw!tJ:1:-cl aJ.tS8 (5) 0 f proviso i t.ion ar'ld aft3r wi ~~ 'the OJnstitu~ r Gen~ raJ. ,of to per son-s servm g m .& Audi toJ .-. &: en Aud1.t the Pre ,,n t h~reby the 1n di, :}e folIo wi11g ~ en'(1' th e Ce1 tr9l ~ mak3- s tl LY:~ civil 5e rvices(Lea~) . 1 .( service , 1) These maY be -=Called the' c?ntral (Le ave) (Jt!l a:1,~ en t) RIale s, 1997. gl 2) ion ( publicat They S1all rome; 'in to force m the q ff~cia1 :}a,zette. Ci"t;'~ on the date 0 i' the ir -.-Tn rUle 10 0 f 1;}1e-can trel CivU Services(LeE tve) RUle s,\11. ~ter sub-rule (1).,. the fo:J.~owji1g proviso shc 1972, at adde d, I1'af11elY~- 2.. ] that ho such reque st shall be oon ~&id~~redtJ:1er mless r9ceiv.~d by sUch authority, or any 01 t lut.'1ority des1.gnatad in this behalf, withm)1: a period 1 , 3) days of the ~ncemed Govexn.l1ent serYc ;lnt C j 0 ill ing his duty on J:,he expiry fut: the :re.l_9-V~)1: !\At'~p:ell lea-Va ava~ed of by h:in1. II ( :~-:-:-:t.-'-t- .* 2. Administration GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGULATIONS) DEPARTMENT ***** Dated Shimla-171002, No. FIN-C-A(3)-8/95 6th the May, OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subiect ¥ and Enhancement of the ceiling on encashment of Earned Leave. .. ***** The undersigned is directed to say the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to order that the decisions taken and conveyed by the Government of India, Min'lstry of Personnel, PG and Pensions (:Oepartment of Personnel and vide Office MemorandumNo. 14028!7!97-Estt.(L) dated 7th October", f,f the 1997 (Copy enclosed) shall be applicable to the State Government from the dates as shown hereunder :shall 1. The decisions contained in para-1 be applicable from 1st July, 1997. The decisions contained in para-3 take effect from the date of Office Memorandum. v\~ ) ~r-\."",l (R.S. Verma) Deputy Secretary Government To - Endst. shall this of --7 '( ""y to the of Himacha 1 Prade.~W. All Administrative Secretaries to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. No. FIN-C-A(3)-8j95 Copy forwarded to Dated Shimla-111002, the May,199~ :- 1. The Divisional Commissioners,2. All Heads of the Departments i~ Himachal Pradesh. 3. The Registrar, H.P. High Court, Shimla-1. 4. All District & Sessions Judges in Himachal Pradesh. 5. All Deputy Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. 6. The Resident Commissioner, Himachal Pradesh, Sikandra Road, New Delhi. 7. The Pay & Accounts Officer, No.1 Reserve Bank of Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001. Officers/Ass 8. All Treasury Officers/Sub-Treasury in Himachal Pradesh. 9. Officers All controllers/Joint controllers/Deputy Controllers (F&A) under the control of Treasur}' 1 Bhawan Building, Treasury lAss; stant & Accounts Organisation, Pradesh; 10.The Examiner, Himachal Local Fund Audit. Finance Department, H.P. 11.The Inspection Officer, T&A Organisation, I Zone, Civil Bazar, Dharamsala, H.P. 12.The Assistant Director, ~.~ ,,_"\ ~-17 '\n1? Financial HIPA-, Fair 2. ~~'~r~ "-l' '",'jj i ~ .r lent~ /erooent 'ices I6. \ ~"'f ,~, '\ » A Government servant who resig ns or quits service shall be entitled td cash equivalent in respect of earned leave at credi t on the date of cessation of service, to the ex tent of half of such leave at his credit, sub,ject to a maximum of 150 days (Rule 39(6)( 19.)(ii). (c) The above orders 3. shall take effect from 1s JLJly, 1997 The Fifth Pay Commission has also recommende(j that all employees may be p~rmitted to encash 1I) d~ys earned leave at the time of availing of Le; Travel Concession, subject to the conditions th ..3.t :(a) the total leave so encashed during the entire career does not exceed 60 days in . ':he aggregate; earned leave ofatl.~astan eqlJiva is also availed of simultaneou~ ;ly employees; (b) duration by the ., 7;'" (c) a balance of atleast 30 days of eat!~ned leave is sti 11 avai lable to the credit of er,nployee after taking into account the period (,)f encashment as well as leave; and Cd) the period~ of leave encashed shall be deducted from the quantum of leave that car I be normally~rannuation. encashed by him at the time of SUPE T;' Thi s recommendation has ,also been accepted by the GO\ and,)w~d encashment of 'earned leave may be all(listries/Departments by the'Iditions. Min subject to the prescribed cor The tot a1 ~ncashment of Earned Leave allowed to a Governntent servant ala Inawith LTC while in service and as per the provi siang of the Cen!t;ai Ci'vil Services (leave) Rules, 1972, should not exceed the maximum l'imit/ceil ing of ,300 days or 150 days as the C8IS8 may be. acc:ordingly 4. T~e, o,rder in paragraph 3 above sha 11 take effect from shall also the date of issue. 5.. ,The orde,rs as per paragraphs 1 to 4 apply to Government servants above serving in vacation Departments. Formal amendments to the Central Civil Ser~ Rul.e~' 1972 are being issued separately. 7. In so' far as persons serving in the Accounts Department are concerned, in " consultation with the Comotroller . of India_, " ********* ,. (Leave) Indian Audit and these orders issuetor & Audi General 2. .-~ 'ded I3. ,1 (c) .1 A Government servant who resigr IS or quits service shall be entitled td cash EIquivalent in respect of earned leave at credit " on the date~ent of cessation of service, to the ext of half of such leave at his credit, ~lubject to a maximum of 150 days (Rule 39(6)(~ I)(i i). The above orders shall take effect from 1st July, 1997. The Fifth Pay Commission has also recommer that all: employees may be p~rmitted to encash 1( days earnedIve leave at the time of availing of LeE Travel Concession, subject to the conditions thEIt :(a) (b) the total leave so encashed during the entire career does not exceed 60 days in t he aggregate; earned leave of at.l.~ast an eqlJival ent duration is also availed of simultaneous ly by the employees; ;- , ~' (c) a balance of atleast 30 days of ear ned leave is still available to the credit of employee after taking into account the period aIf encashment as well as leave; and (d) the period: of leave encashed shall quantum of leave that can be deducted be ncrmal1yIra'nnuat; on. encashed by him at the time of supe from the Thi s recommendation has _a,l,so been accepted by the Goverrment and,",~d acc, ordlngly encashment of earned leave may be allo by' theditions. Min istries/Departments The subject to the prescribed con tot al encashment of Earned Leave allowed to a Government servant a10 nawith while in service and as per the provi SiOJ1S of the w. , LTC Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules~ 1972, should not ex(;eed the maximum l' 4. 1 i ng of ,300 days or 150 days as the The, o,rder in paragraph 3 above shall ca 58 may be. take effect from shall also the date of issue. . 5.- Jhe as per paragraphs 1 to 4 apply to Departments. 6. 7. Government servants above serving in vacation Formal amendments to the Central Civi 1 Se,-v; ce,s (Leave) Rules, 1972 are being issued separately. .In so' far' as persons serving in the Accounts Department are concerned, in consultatiQn of India. . with the Comptroller ********* Audit and Indian these orders issue & Audi tor General subject: Ie 2. 4. ~.,' GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGULATIONS) DEPARTMENT ***** 6th May, 1998 No. FIN-C-A . OFFICE MEMORA~DUM Enhancement of Quantum of Maternity Leave and to ;a11 ow Gover'nment Paternity Leave in respect of State employees. :t.:t*** eci1e eave) that !ct of the Rules, 197 employees 1eave the exi$ting provided in a) 1tO 135 days. b) withtran'ted 19 the :If such"Ie pay t:erriity account ( afi in ormt\lly Govt.:Iave has 3. to the[) a maleen servant not expi Materni1 Govt. to the of this t>;rth ':Jf issue er t Order. (Leave) ,-' E'\i~ --, Rules, :) tCI the:!desh. To May.'998 .QFf!~g'~2MC~~,NQY.M ..' ..GRANT OF PATERN;iY LEAVE GOVERr4MENT SERVANTS TO - MALE THEREOF. to ". this department's Office Memorar-:dLim No. Firj(C)A(3]-8i95, \ dot,ed the 6,k. tV\py; 1~98 regardirlg qf ' maternity leave in respect enhanceme~!t ot female of qv(Jnti.Jrr, emptoYE.'es, and, -" allowing that c!arificatio~s leave to the male empio}'ee;S u'nd .to say ha'.;e regarding allowing examined . in the Finance . been of paterr~ty so~'ght. leave. Department by ihe various q~Jarters matter has been anq the are clarifie,d below: ,," Sl.t-~o. '. ,.-.,,+ 1.. . .ClarIfication J ,..., Virlot -. wouid , be ' the , .c """""" -, . 40 '-- .It is clarified '--- that the period . ';ccnfinement period" of confinement will ,. qs ment!qned''\, i'r, the- referred to j above. be upto '. 15 days before and within . .the. dafe the de1ivery six months of delivery from of the ..' child. .. ..r r': ..,,~. \ r .,; -,,/ ../.. It is; hovl/ever; .clear that' the total . of '.;V :<1/ . ~ 1\ of paternity .::=~ which I avaited , .-, '-.. within the specified above. ;~.., i ;:' ,.;._,.. :-". jD~ -2.- It ,.~' employees. .--'---"';., ~Jarifi'ed .~---=--that parerrlity le(J ;e ailoWe.j to ieo\le can be alio"'ved .tothe is. .goverQment the can Qc be . m1 'serv.ont Vvith , Jl!!!J!!.g~t~ fiVlflg childrt :n CO. <:Q , I n O Ther 1'1or ,..Js..employee :1n ' --~.~ -~.'. Above . :Ire ;,n. )e f -.I!',.-I;;; olri~9dy ~has 1ivihgchil.dterl, he wiJ; not,1'1-(0 , ;- entitled to paternit'y feo\/e. ~~- :-. -:---"--'~ decision notice of all concerned..- , .I ' , may kindly be.. t)fought 'to the ' (\ \J.. \ '..' : ../"~. ...Y'!\I~ c -' Dr. R.t"', Sa: . fa}he AcdditionoISecretor)' (I=inancelto.t Go\'ernment of Hi.rriochal Prade h$,.. '1\' ,."... . To AI! AdmrrJstrativ'eDepartm$nts of the. '\ , , .( ..i Goverrlment. .'. EQ9slNo. As above.. 'Copy to: ..-! of. HJmacnal .. Pradesh.. Dr;Jtf!d: '2:';; . c. ~. 02- , 1.. The Accountant General, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171003 v/ith 20 Spare copies, 2. The .senior Dep!1ty.. P,c,:ountant General (A&E). Himachal Pra:d0,sh,Shimla-1 71003 vilth 20 sparecopirds. 3.. .The .RevenlJe Commissioner, Himachal" Ptadesh. Shim!a:-' 7 ~ .,.~ 1, I OO . 4. The Resident Commissioner, H;p.. Himachat Bhawan, .. ,Sikandra , RQad..f'Jevl Delhi. 5.. All HeadsofDepartment~ In Himachal Pradesh... 6. P,!j D9Dut'fCcmmj$s.ioners in Hima6hal Pradesh. ., " 7. ;...II.$up~rintendems of Po!icei.n H.P, "' 8 R ." I " h Crt H P ~ h ' ..j ne .ii0g!S~rar, ~~glou ,. ,~,Im l8. 9, The Secretary, H.P.. Vidhan Sabha, Shimla-171004.. 10. It.!! DistHctand .Sess!onJudges in Himacha! Pradesh. - r oference ~e) ;;~:: r,HIPA, I~~' ,.,.~ L.~> ~ Feb. 2~OO . No. Fn:J~~(3)-8j95 , (£J}'E:Ia. ME1IIO!1.t\N'JD,UM ..;:--~ t e,l-over i..,8 S:I,lbject: ~98 and~ India, ated .onne:- credl.t:,00 days'J.o:vt~ w the11 Under &E~cretriry(Firia~ Governri1Ent of Himach~ 'T' -,0 ~ll- Ad!11in~s~ative pradesh. Departme?ts, to t,he Go:!t. of Himachal. " ','"'",..7. ..-,.-. ~.- .~,:: " -,';-"" prad~sn. i.~'!,- T-~ -, T. -' ~-'..,.. It r ~'- , -, -.' .-,.,.." ,, 2000 l~b,~ FIN':'C~A{3).._8/9? ,COpy:;f0rVJ~;~~,~g~:'i,~o;,-i 1 .~.. i' 11 2~:' ~ The .,; H~ad:s 'o"f" Regis , '.D~'te<;I.$himlA~1?~R??: ~ trdr, II.? " , -~ 5. ':'h~' Res~~:'ent 6. l\lsW DE;lr1.1-~110QO1. ThE ResidEnt CommiSsioner, 7. The E.xamincr, Local Fund Audit, 8. Ttie F...aj.r Ju"dge's' Comm1Ssir;pers ThE: I:..ssistc.rJ.t Lavms, q'om~s.s:ione:;-:" officer, Dharamshala, Director, in in Kj,machal :Pradesh! Himachal pradesh. Himachal Bhawan, pangi, T&~ . Distt. Distt. l~ort Road, E,.P . 0-2,. ~ Zone, l{an'R1a.(~.P.) Financie.l Administ;r'atic! 5himla-171012. -~I), 11- ~~\ UndeJ ~ .Geatetary{F ... '..lOVE] ," j}1dra 5ik; Gbarnb, a I orga.nisation, ~, ' .. '" ,~ j H.p.s.h:imla_17 I .[ ,! -j'l :l 1 ~ll;De~uty 9. & ~es:sion 3azar, ::;;; -~. tl:. Civil ::.-:c, C.'C: '", ~ll Inspection ;' ,.H,1gn Cour 3. .., : in ,l-I.("""!:4chal ~l,~ -;i,." pr:c1.Qes.h,"c';,1 . De 'p ar't~tt:~tsr .' Dis:tt. ;,;::i ;';,'-.::~Deb'.1 Ln:;'!J.fib~)to the ~QrfJcntof gim qh~l~,prad~sh. ." .;~:'. ..~J:.i-~ I:!::-~~ ).~ From To 3ubjle<: t.: &i~" .' De'P~ I am d.irec'teld t invite etter o~ eVeYJlT1lumb r dated sublj 'il above Praf pleased w ,i 1,~ te and 1(,0I say to effect oJI'd~l~r in as!.,, tort. emain within employees. st,f,ld 1 will R.~ ,1 ..' p:l~e~ ed that t111e to this , on the theGovernoX'!'Ii:H withdrawl .r est of ~:~h:I.S of p.ubliC tl116 IIIe er $I~r and it of .~tatu~or:!f :1ro orth, all casel5' lof pplic t of 1 per provisioI)t3 of I I I blipe1 gr, ted' pll~r : prov .s1ons (Leave i GoveJ:'n~I..r" imacha1. pradesh'l J~~s f tper that tl~lel cases of the Go:vt. ~I~~rvan s who hav .The order study of leavia !1)1' e undergoing lette~1:" 1!l:"ef rred to in stl1djr above co se as pl~ra. i II not t IS!<'~ Y, Yours r ~~~"I'" ~afUl Addl. Secret8;~j Government of !NCi 'II ,b<l' y l1: 'I Tb !~.. T~ :i 3,18 G ;j .B(12)-1-i-/93 ountant 111 himla-171002 .I .6himla-1710 Genq~r11 'DIeputy ACCO111~11. ile( eneral(A&E)', ',Fi~ nc e) ;ttmac al P ttf14.~UlY' j , HI.. 20 copies!',)' .Addl.5ecret.(FOnance) Government 1-:-:-:- (If! I ~ ShFla-1 n ; . al . be regul~)t~ . a referel1c,e 22nd Aug~st, ~ ,... ichal P , :. : Tj:)! i TheAddil~iopal C~ief $e:cretary (Firlanc~:) 11:0 the GovernrrlFr1t?f Himachal Pradesh. 1) Alii! 2) 3) 4) ~\ ""'J Alii' S(jBJECT:- I:f~~ ~ :he ac~umuiation of eave and COI-ll~)!ete ",,!el! authority to ma ntain iJch authority 5 ,ould These ~p~s q1:onetar'i1 of lapses joss negligenQ~e to I:)n on the part of part reque~tylou , to to authority kind!y thlat leave ret!rl~~l from ,lInpiloyee issue view at ~anction t~la suitabla auth'ority but compet1~nt'lto in re~ord service. respectsIJ$Q~' case Ct'1ncorrl0Cl II~osition not the 511":19 orl:ly cause ItifT!le shows leave. mantioned iinslrructions to above, a!! offices I arn directed undeIIIY(~Ur controt ' ensu,r_1 are 11hel concerned Keeping to of avoid cofl'e1~ to not~ce any of authonr-j, the such ~f all em~IIPYII~S, IS, compl'll:e~1 particularly anQ j ' 11~,1ih~ h8idShiP GJvern updated retirirlg 11~~11where authorj,,¥ 11Mililf be irl re~pect wel! ,pf Ilhose In employee(s). there held is a lap:3e pefson;ally who adwa:1ce In In If Ifuture, on Ipart resporllsil~le of all any le:::1'/13:~nctionlng for the I lapse and 'hey v.'iII be liable fOi suita*lja illctiC?n, This may kindly be tlrol~ght to the , notice ~~f all corlcerned under Y~llir Icontrol for' stric:t comp1ialnoe, fur,~ I Y (j)urs faithfully I " Cr~ _~~-ffi1'n'A-(3'\-"; ~4-6atec ;: '.. ebpyto: "'"'I" ' \. r \J";:t' -' thej I -J.. -,~ c' ~m.A,ugu5t 2005. .- ---~. ~ (Auilt),Hi.P. ~ himla- 171003. 1. l'h~i Accou ntamGenerai ,.(A&E),H.P.,Shi Ila~li710'13. -, 2. 3~ i\fI---'-"'"-' --- ~~r.::Dy.,b.,.C: 1A-It'District Treasury Officers , 'Trjlt8SUJ'+:IOfficersin HfmachallPrradesh. , .,,-~ l-f ,( \ , ..c-,! ' ... { ~ J'f-'"J. L/". -- " Deputy Secretary (Flin~llnce) to the .Government of Htmticha! Pr;:-.1esh r~ .~ j .J \j'~ ! N~:14028/]~211),a 1. -~t~j(1-,): Govefnl]I,~~ Minis~'.°f:Personnel, ' n , ! ..' ln No..14028It8~8 ~~$tt.<L); I I [1 I !~-\~ A~hi"t)~ted \::1 ~ !i::/:i r C ~L22.6.87; I I. :cil; -1 ql-lcl 1-<-1/ 7-3-o~ tll!e date of. e~ployeeis II~ho [.p1,)nlshmen1r ~~def ' are the I ~js I, G v~n1m nt I 11, / I,. d' !by ~j i' ? i ihstructiol:lS,ji!ij$U ~ A"t, 1 CenmlJ v ~f~ntl as (I.' m as lfy!-cof !! i j ",; F~'.$r~iiaiy,206'6 ..!i)M,1 ; te: 'sofme 'C lieu oflllnlllifi!'~a[~qrnetl!eave.on Je~[fe~ent.. t? ~e' ~~o~npu~~ty::rellred luscipliriary,.mles. "' ,/ \ I ! QffIGE~tM!6 I' I e Dr i ;. ':); , e &jTral*mg , .,]:;':,,[.. I ' ',~:'i, ~1~ P1JII~I,~#,1v~nce;s:~Pe~sion$i DepanmentofPc:'rs~ Su?ject:-(:as~h~~e~in; , '0' ll~ide OM Dep~ I j' . s~rva ' ~t, who IS the! ~lSCl~h~ ~autho?~:has Imposled la..yte~uctl ,nm1be,aj:0 pt. of h1S pel;tslon (bndllu .ng: gr:atJl11W)under Rl;lle~ \4 fUt~ C S.(Pen,sloQ J' utes, 72, he ~snotblel11 a11o~ed..encashmentoll:'..)lql~ l~ n!Sluch etirement. ! , i :;'2. The' d~~ leav~to tllO'~1 ed ed as a m~a8tlfl~ ng g,atUlty) i!l~; corlsidere~[~ln 'een "~~~lat "ly i retired as a! in -P~~~~I~I"~ of ,J.:~~ed ; lelav.~'" ~",-:~coodWg)yl) as viif.Services (]~eli 3. .ln so :I[;U'~ t areconceI1~q~, ~pefS~n~,sefYjng in the It~1 di r t A~l~jt ) ~,d.Acc()unt~II'~lpali.ment. \ Auditor GeneraloJlltlU,a. :4, c : Thtise: " ";, orderswittbe;eff~Ctive .lro..1lple da~e I; oftS:SlW:: , }\ I , ~ ..I" , , o.!, ' i A11rlllnistTiesl~artfuent:s ", ' " ~ "" " , 1\ .I" ',I i of <:J-O,vt",,'O ' wdia . l " 2j¥)~II~: l' ;.I~ u yse~t.o To . (J!J.~ S.Meenak 1::::~J4~-T>-\ I~~I - t ~ ;-:i'.MPndaram) 1..,\1' : tIle' j~Ii~~, o:flndia