\ -.--- ---. GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH FINANCE (REGULATIONS)DEPARTMENT NO. FIN(C)A (3)-4/99 DATED j. L,tlJlrAY, SHIMLA-2. THE 1999 NOTIFICATION ; • ,I, The to order that the Department's Jun~,199~ No.1) with Governor, eXistlng notifjcation Himachal delegations immediate issued No. Fin(C)A(3)-25/75. under the rule 19.15 of shall Pradesh. stand'substitued H.P.F.R. is pleased vide this dated 28th Vol-I by the following (serial delegations effect:- i' ! " I Sl.No. Nature of Power Extent of! I i powers delegated! Authority to which powers are delegated '\ !. i I 1 3 2 1. To declare artiqles of stores or Stock surplus or unservicable 4 Administrative Dept ts ~othe r ',t than PWD!MPP upto Rs .' 4'.00 1Be Heads of Deptts. Upto Rs.1.5 Head of lec .' Upto Offi ce' - 'Rs.I0,roO/- / BY ORDEFi "YOGESHKHANNA" . F.C. CUM SECRETARY (FINANCE) 'TO THE GOVERNMENT 'NO';' FIN(C)A(3)-4/99 C6py to: LAll Administrative I DATED'SHIMLA,..2fTHE )..:4 tt.. H'. P. MA,Y, 1999 ,' to the' Govt. pi H;P. 'Secretaries ~~AllDivisionalCommissioners in H.P. 3.All~H~ads of DeDa~tments in H.~. 4.A ll"Deputy Commissioners .i n H. P. 5.All District & Sessions, Judges in H.P. 6.The Resident Commissioner, H.P ..Himachal :1 OF shavan,'Sikandra Road New De1hi. 'I 7.All District Treasury Officers / Treasury ,Officers in H.P. 8.All Boards / Corporations/ Universitiss ii H.P .. J ~- • ~ I ,/"-, . , •• _.-.~.--._ •••••.•••.•• _ •.•••••••••• """~ j -2- ," '~'~. ',), .. 11.Accountant General (Audit),H.P. ,Shimla-3 with;'20'copies. 12.Sr. Dy. A.G.(A&E).H.Pi,Shimla-3 with 20 copies \~, 13.Sh~ S.K.Duggal, Delhi-110034. ' 14.Guard File I Spare 3246, Mohindra copies -- 100. Park, Shakur - Basti, ~......., L --"',_ A~ditional Secre£arY(F1nance) .. to the Government of H.P. Bhardvlaj ,M. K. - ""--. -"-'--- -~-'----"- .. ", " .:' ..• I '..r. " ! ~.. .. l ..; ..•.. }'." "<":"f' ~ , ," ,~ :... ': •• , ,'. .'t]oVERNMf.!NT \ 4 •• O~HIMACHAk p~DeSH' FINANCE (R~GULATIONS) , DEPARTMENT ",' NO, FIN(C)A('3)-4/99., 'DATED SHIMLA-2,THE, ;;~~1-:~" JUL Y,20qo NOTIFICATION The Governqr, /' /" following amendments/substitutions. Himachal 'irt . Prades.h, i~ pleased to order " the' Rule 19.15 . . . of, HoP.F.R. . , regarding delegation of poyvers for di~pJ)sal/sale. of articles of $tor~s 51.No. Nature of Powers ' Authority' to ; whom .' powers' f ! are delegated 2. o~stoele ' Ext~nt .of Powers delegated To sanctionsaie o(articles i of Store~ or stock declall~d ' 'surplus' 'or Linservicec: Jie ! , by competent authority: .; At book value or market value whichever is greater .. Fun Powers' Full Powers Admn. Deptt. , Head of Deptt Head of Office (i) I 1 Full Powers Rs. i ,5 Jac Rs.10,OOO/Full Powers Admn.Deptt. Head of Deptt. Head of Office , ,(iii) By public auction. '1 Rs.10,aOOl Admn. Deptt. (ii) by private treaty at less· Head 'of Deptt. than bool( value Head of OffiGe ' i, vo!ume~1 . Rs:1.? lac . Rs.10,OOOI- , !~~l. ' ~ ,~. i To, sanction disposal by i_sale ,'or otheNvise of articles of stores or stock declared unserviceable by the competent' authority. Administrative Departmentother than AND and MPP departments RsA.OO lac Head$ DejJartmel')ts' RS.1.5 lac of I, I " i~ Heads of Offices. Rs.10;OOOU NOTE: for disposal/ sale under above 'provisions, the procedure - laid dO\f\ln in , the H.P.F.R and other re!evantrules shall be followed, ' . 2 These amendmentRshali come into force with immediate effect. BY ORDE:~ ' " , . COMMISS!ONER CUM SECRETARY (FINANCE) TO THE: GOV~RNMENT OF_ HIMACHAL PRADESH. . ... " : No. FIN(.G)A(3)..4/99 .. 'J. 2. 3. 4 .. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1'1. I , ~;'.: C9py ,. ;, "~"' . .-' '. , .....DA;r~D$HIMLA"2iTH~·~t1· JULX,2QOO ' ~. ... I 'f FO'RWAROEDTO: , All Administrative Departments of the Government of H.P. All Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh. The AccountantGeneral (Audit)jH.P.,Shimia~3 with 10 copie~. The Sr. Dy. A.G.,H.P.,Shimla~3.with 10 copies. All Deputy Commissioners in H.P .. All Distt. .&Sessions Judges in H.P. All Boards·/CorporationsIUniversities in H. P. All District Treasury Officers/Treasury Officers in H. P. The Director, Treasuries and Acco\Jnts, HP. Sh.S. K. Duggal, 3246, Mohiridra Park; Shakur Basti, New Delhi~11 0034. Guard File/Spare copies:-100 .. I I , ! I 1 ! f )i.. (----2 j/P1/~ Under Secremry(Finance)to the Government of Himachal Pradesh .1 \o>\:'·c.-·~ -I: I I 1· I,. ·1 1-' ; :. , './ '. I