'i Subject; , ..1he " t1hders~lnediS " reference to the sub'ject 'direc.ted cited 'above ';lnd.to ,I~ .." 'Department(RegulationS),H.P. -'~ ! Fin(C)B(12)-4/96 ..'" comprehens 'to lin~:lte Govt., I' c ..." dated ive 20.2.1999 gu1deline~a~d,. terms say tqat their '.0.1'1. detailed issued & 'condit~ons i on deputation wh1ph linteralia p'rovide~that.. on dewu'tation/foreign service::tJ~s art option either the pay ~n~ the scale of paY of .. th1~ Finanoe - vide " II hlave a of No. . arId. ' , r.ranSfE!r , an ep1p~OyeeaPIiointed\ to elEct to~ d)~aw depu""tation/rorei§:n ~)ervice', . post or 'his basic pay in th~ parent cadre pluS deputatj.onl~duty) ,allowance th~reon plU$ personal pay, if- any. f' .-' .. I ,.. ' -,'" ... ,The is sulei has' been re~exa{flined and i t h(~s been , / feit' nece$s~rY .' the to b~'iqg ~b~t ~ cl;1angeci~. this proc~du:re same has ,been .,,-- causi~g admih1strative' c probl~ms. ' all"proS and cons, it has been decided c ..,!' as After' '-CJ,onsidering by the !' ... '- Govlernment that hencefqrth. all such posts .as are to "be fj..ll,e(i..up .,' ' ' " on trarlSfex: on depu'tatiqn bas;i.s' ';i~ the light of, relev8;nt :R&~' , --' . I ru~es wi1l,'b e. filled up' on t sec_ondment basis t, and pot on \ . , -,---c--,. . i deputation basis', and ,the,employee;s appo'inted.'as, such yri:L:L not ..' any-option words, .' the ,. deput-ation. " !~V have ~~4ing, " co of ,1 r~ferred to ~n,t~e "'precedipg eT11ploy~es w~ll ceo~e' in yheir ," w Co alloance win"'be a.llowed.The department{s) will" alSO not ..'recruitment. deputat;Lqn\Shall b-e filled-up ,the continue employees ' 1n the by a'1Y I11O$1e. '. , ' undeIP. the on existing "1?: ~, ., \ J o.t,lrler who are p-rese.ntlY to be gov~rr:ed : ~~- _A...-'" as referred In own pay"'scale.~ ~~o resultant,pos;r.(S) .,'\- " jHowever, \ t" nrOC~UlA.I:~ para. ' .The guidelipes to above will issued / .J. " (, { ..," " " by the Financ e IiSpartment be deemed to pave" been modj.fied ~ I ~ .~/'.. . to this " extent. .~ ~ KindlY I;lcknbwledg~ rec'eipt. . """"""' ..' '~\,.. S~cretary(personn~t , , td the Gove+:,.nm~ntof I:1imac.2~Pradesh. 1.- All Adrninistratjve&ecretaries, to the Government of Hima9hal Pradesh. -.. 2. ~~ ~~~a~ of ~p artmepts , " J.n HJ.machaJ. Pradesh. , No. ,8--:-VI-? 3-DP:eAP-II)Pt. ~. '. DfJ;ted;. Shimla-171002 ;""- -;-C28tt'Jl1nS,.20Q1 ~."'. .., ,~ /'. S;ecret:ary(per$onnel)' \ ~ _"_0_°0 0 " " 0 ~ '" ~ , /if ~ .~ ... ""~ 1..- . to the Government 'of Himach,Q Prad-esh. \ .. ~ 1 J--~ ~ I .0: ,