".. ... ..~ No.Fin(C)B(12)4/96 Government of Himachal Pradesh .Finance(Regulations) From Department The Additional Chief Secretary(Finance) to the Govemme;ntof Himachal Pradesh. To 1. All Administrative Secretaries to the Government of Himacha' Pradesh. 2. All Heads of Departments in H.P. 3. All District and Sessions Judges in H.P. 4. All Deputy Commissioners in H.P. 5. Ail District Treasury Officers/T.O.s in H.P. ,'; 'SIr , ~;...:' ;. -' , i alTi directed to say that it has come to the notice of th 5 department that the Instructions contained in letter of even number dated ~ 'd December I 2002 are not being strictly adhered to by some department \"'ihile circulating above letter. J am further directed to say that the contents ./"/' / D.-: ,-~mber,2004. ~ , this letter may kindly be brought to the'notice of all concerned and it may b ensured that t/1ese instructions are, followed in letter and spirit (co~ attached), Yours faithfl Jlly, 12..X~~-~ Under Secretary(Fin.Reg.) to the Himachal Pradesh, .Govern~~~9f No.Fin(C)8(12)4!96 Copy tc:~ 1. The Deputy- Dated Shimta~ 171002, the "30 SeptE to . "" 4 3. The Sr. . ~ If ~ No. Fin(C)B(12)4/96 Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance(Regulations) Department From The Principal Secretary(Finance) to the Governrnent of Himachal Pradesh. To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All Administrative Secruries tQ the Government of Himachat Pradesh. Ail All All All ' "'.' 'c ; ." ., . :;;~';; , .'. ,c .~ ... rieads of Departments in !i.P. District and Ses.sion Judges in H.P. Deputy Col1'missioners in H.P. District Treasury Officers/T.O.s in H.P Dated Shimla-171002. the, 3"j. Oecember.2002. .; .. Clarification regarding "$e'""~ridment Basis". SlJbie'(;t- Sir, " 25d11 In June,2QO10n .referring the cases f"Jr clarification extensior! to in deputation ,. .,"; 1. .. .2. ,c; basis" to and incilmbents The departments v'; II review all su<;n cases where depu"tation aliC-Nance allowed has been allowed e1 after issuance tll~'en 0 In$tructioj~:Sdated 28.6.2001. Yours faithfully, ,:,: 1. DP(AP.II)Pt., .. 2. 3. --'--- ':'~--