I..J.. ~ No. Fin@-B (7}-:2/:2006 Government Finance .sQ~ ~ <:)fI,.,imachal Pradesh (RegliJICIltions) Department P~cision of ._:.tl.:!~e Government relajt!DI~.JQ grant of DE!~rQess Allowance_iQLI~~ Government.!~!mIQ~ees who ar~!~!:m~ Q~ theUGC I;~!~_~cales- Revised DJ!~!rg~ effective fronll (Jll.0l.2006 -,-.. This refers to Ithlls Department's OM (:)f leven number dated the 26th Augl,Jsj:, 2009 and 22nd Sep1i'erlnber, 2009 'I'ide which revised erltitllelinent of Dearness Allc(,wl:Jnce w.e.f. 01.01.2006 were dete1rmJned consequent U~IIOII"\the revisiQ\n of pay scales notifi.!~dl t-hrough Himachal I:>rcildesh Civil 5ervices (Revised Pay) l~lJlles, 2009 dated 26th Al)gust, 2009 inr respect of State 'GIDvernment employees.. The unde!'si~~ned is directed to Sla~I'that consequent u~:)Oln the revisic:>n of UGC pay scales n<:>f.ified vide No. EDN ,-PI-B(7)2/2008, dated 15.10.2(:)0Ii~, the Governor, Hilml)chal PradE:~srl, is pleased to deci'ljE:~ that in the case o:f State Govern ment employees colvEifed under UGC Pay S :::ales, who 'hc:~ve elected to be Cilo'/ierned or have deeml3d to ,-, have! elected to be govE:~rr!led or have brough't liO be governi~d by Notification jibillJ, as the case may b'l~, the Dearr1E~ss Allowance shall IbE: admissible from th,e dates men~iol1ed below, at the folliO\ll/ing rates ;- lli;~ J.mj'~4--- Jj~l, 2. The payment 011Dearness AllowancE:~ )nder these CIrclers from the dates irldil:ated above shall bE:~r'nade after (]Cljusting the instalm{:~n:rs of Dearness Allc:lvvance alread:I' sanctioned and palid to the State GoVEtrrl"ment empIO)'eI9S covered by the U<::;C Scales w.e.f. 01.:01.2006 vide G'NIS of even number dl::Jted 23rd June, 2006, 21st Novemb~~r, 2006, 15th June, ~:~OO7,30th October, 2007, 19th August., ~:008 and 25th Noven1bler, 2008 and adjustrnElnt of 20% Inierim Relief sanctioned! '"ide OM No. Fin (PR:)-li~ (7)2/2006, alated 7th March, 2001!~, 18th October, 2008 oln<!i 28th JanUar!/, :2009. 3. The term ~;~:: ,Pay" in the revisE~d pay structune l11eans the pay draw..n in the prescribed ~I~!~QDQ ~~[Q.Qj 2J~ 4. . The Dearness ,\~llowance will continuE~ 10 be distinct e~ement of remunerati:lor'l pay witl1ir1 the ambit of FR-9(21). and will not be trec:ltE:~d as 5. The Payment I:)n account of DE:~orness ~llowar\CI3 involving fraction o'f tiO paise and above rl1clY be rounde~j ~)ff to the next higher rupee and the fraction~i; clf less than 50 p,Jise may be ignored. "-"'8"11"'1: @:l 6. The addi1iollal instalment of de!o,'ness allowan'cE~ @'6% and 5% gran'/et:j to the employees 101;the State G,o'I,/ernment vide OM of even number datE:~d 26th August, 2~JO9 and 22nd Septeml:)er, 2009 as mentio":leid at Para-1 ~Jt:,6ve w.e.f. 01.01.200(;> (:::tnd 01.07.2009 respelctrvely, shall bl~ paid in cash in re:s~:lect of State Govelrnnent employees drawing UGC Scall:~s The arrears from 1.1':120109 to 31.08.200Q~ would also be pai<:j n cash without makilh~11 any 'odjusm\ellnt. Besides, if th,sre happens to tIe any IIADJUST ,AIBLE AMOU.NT'i as brought out in OM No. Fir'1(PR)! I B(7)-1/:~0~)9,. dated 9th Septeml:)E!,r, 2009, the same wi~1 t;>e set off at 1h~~ earliest in. any futul.e increases in emolurr'llents of the can<;erned employee, v'/hI3ther. by way of in(trE(~ment earned, future release of De':Jrl'1ess Allowance, paYltnl~nt of arrears o'f any kind, promotioral increments etc. 7. These orders (;)n:~applicable to regulbr State Goverr1ment employees cov'er:,ed by the UGC Po)} ~!cales. As. for as Himachal Pradesh University is concerrlle(:j, the mana,,~e!ment woul~ take an Ol;)propriate decision rE,i,g :Jrding paymf~rlt of additional DPI,. instalments .of 6% ',orlld' 5% respe<:ti'v'ely as ment,ioned 0'1 Para-6 above, considE:~ri:lg the availabi:,:ity ,of resources. ~ 8. Please Sl;~e' ~~mnachal. nic.in /fina n~Eit[. these orders on AJAY TYAGI Pril'1cipaJ Secretary (Finan<fe'l to the C:,oi/ernment of Himachc~1 fi.radesh M.-A!munistrative SecretariejLt1il~ ~Qy§m,ment Shimila., 171002 - of Himachal - Pr.;~~~ . .I U! No.FIN(C:)iB(7)-2/2006 Copy fonworded Dated St1rinlla-171 002, 23rd Octolt)elr, 2009 to .:- I , 1. The~" \~ccountant Generajl { udit), Shim'~a-17" 003 with 10 spar"e opies. Himachal . Pr(Dclesh, 2. The~ Accountant General (A&E}, HImachal. Prl:JCliesh, Shi.I"r1~a-3with .,0 spare co~:)ies. " 3. ThE:~ Director, Higher EdIJC:ation, Himachar Prl:Jc!lesh, Shtl"r1la-171001 wIth 10 spalre 'opies. 4.5.6.ThE~n>irector;1reasury & A<:;c unts, HP, Shimla. All Dilstrict Treasury Officer~if"l reasury Officers in H.II). Guald Fires. I /" 3 Spell:::i<:~1Secretary // (Finance) Go\l'er'hment of Himachal t<:) the ProlJesh 119' p,rOI:jesh, 3. . No.FIN(I:C).B(7)-2/2006 Dated Sj1il~nJa.171002, 23rd Oct.oibfer, 2009 Copyf Qlry"arded to :l. .T~ 51 2. T~ 51 T~ 5t 4. 5.6. Tt A G Accountant Generc:11 (Audit), with 10 spare" copies. Himachal ~119 Plral:jesh,1;imla-171003 Accountant Gener<:JI (A&E), HImachal PII'oj:Jesh,liimlo-3 with 10 spare co;piE:~S. ,119 Director, Higher Ectru(;t:ation, Himachaflimlo-171001 with 10 spclrecopies.16 ... I:)irector; Treasury & AI:c::ounts, HP, Shimla.II D!istrict Treasury Officerl;/ Treasury Officers in H.\P..'lJa:rd Fires. /' ~ / "'--7 Spel:i<:[]1SecreTary (Finance]1 t~:)the Go~lel'nment of Himachal P"raldesh