...I ,f ~ °"1;'\ \ r-Jo Flt\j-(?R)B(7:1-15/9B-11 Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Pay Revision) Department. From The A~dition.a! ,Chief Secretary (Finance) to the Government of HimacnaJ Pradesh. To I 1. All Administrative Govern,ment 2. All Heads of Departments .~. All Deputy Commissioners Revision the of rates workers engaged to the of HimacI1al Pradesh. 'OatedShiml3.u171002. Subject: Secretaries .' of wages on part-time in HimachaJ Pradesh. in Himachal Pradesh. 12th August, of daily wage .; 2005 workers and basis in Himachal Pradesh, Sir/Madam, !n dated 1811\ that the rates of daily v/ages engaged on daily ,.... Rs. -., The 3. Scheduled Tribal on the revised daily Me,!,orandum No 4. wages various Bodies {Boards etc. A"~_~A-AI'~ Yours faithfully 1 ~ , ~ \ (;'). \~ SI. ' ANNEX~B~.:8 , Designation RE\'!SED PER DAY 0~ CT ~ Nol FROM15'" .-" ~_.. ---" AUGUST :.-~.-.1.~ ~ ~:: ,--'-'.~-: '.'-'.'.' , 1. 8:eidar 2. Mate 3. Cook 4. 5. .Mali T. Mate (Electrical) d ~r (' h f'\\./!JOi ~ ~. -. I. '"" vv-,.,. : 4: 70. 00 .70..00 Q ..,. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. Sweremar, Khalasi '. Electrical Beldar Bhisti Store Attendant 15. Laboratory Attendant 16. 17. 18. Pump /1.ttendant 80at fv1ar-, Process Server 19. 20. White Washer Syce 70.00 70.00 21; Peon, 70.00 .70.00 811 I 0 IS tb rl 43 Ferro Khalas: , ~ .,; 70 0 '" u 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 ..' 70.0Q 70.00 .70,00 70.00 I - '70,00 70.00 70.00. 70.00 70 00 70.00 70~00 7..-0 no 70.00 70:00 70:00 7n 'v. 00 . 4"L. - . 70.00 70.00 7 0, , .00 70.00 ' 22. Frasi-, 23. Chainman 24. Un SkiHed Labourer 25- Quairy Mann 26 ."""""""" I.'m;p o r M~ 27 Driiier 28: Sp:-ayman A '~t an t ",aw ~ "Ii i.!.'0 p_ra p tor ? ~.g ...s~!~ ...1. 30; Ferler (Garal-,i). 31. Logger 32. DresSer fPachani) ~v, '0""""'" (Loo , ~~ C limhor Por ) 34. Zoo Animal Attendani 35. Fire Watcher 36. Grinder 'for Chips Flooring 37: Ca!!iperman 38. fv1isc. Labourer39. Charcoal Burning Labour 40 Pin e I .Inpm~ n 41 ..or-Survey Khal8$i 2005 ' Helper. Sv,'eeper r:lo~no ~"""""-. r 8. "IVI:.- I:: t:r-I-t: t ' ..'" .70.00 70.00 70..00 .70.00 70.00-. 7Q.0"0 70.00' 70.00, Uj.or 0+ ..c. ". 70 00 70.00. . . v -': -1" ~ 77.00 '/L)('{ ...A '\""..".""'~" : ;: ""."'" -.4. 45. 46." 47. 48. I :~ - .'\'ater vuard Ston~ Dresser Keyman Assistant Fitter Vaiueroarl ' ..49. 500 51.. 52. 53. 10.00 70.00 70.00 70:00 70.00 Library Attendant ~Cla'ss-IV) Luskar -' Gauge Reader Dhabi Qai 1. j. .70;°0 70.00 70.00 '70.00 70. 00 U~ " pholster .75.00 (Grade-tV) c..,..., 2. ".'-.. Carpenter , 3. Fil'erT:J.an 75.00 4. 5. Pump Opeiator~cum-Hetper Plumber 2nd Class 75.00 75:00 2. White'vVasher , ',.." "".."-.".,-".--",., 75:00 . ,,., ; ' 3~ Bar Binder 4. .Sawyer (Charanr) 5. ~.~u!eteer C "'-1 ...van...man r" ! ~~.=?:;,._,..!~~!_~\g_~r~t.9r;_M,~9.1:!~l;l;jc 4 '.0 tt G C:i rill ' 82.00 .., -'.--'7."."'."""'..."'."~ ",,"""""" ".erra...e-ol .~6.Turner ,7, ,., FitterStructur'al. ,..-, ' 89.00;' '---'.""'_."'.""."".'._""'..:'~.. 89.00"'" , 8-.'-""'-- ": .lack$mlth. 8 10 r.AQch~nic 17. 18. Plumber Grade-II' Plu'mberGrade"l , 89.00 89.00 " ;89.00 ." 80 00 c -.89,00 ," 89.0Q.' co', ..c .." ':' - ~ ~ - W7 ' ":-.'~ '.-'- ::---; " 1..39-.00 : -_.?:_: ~.,::,~~!~_~_B~~~~~~-~-'-'.~-.~~~~'.-.~~-.~:.~~~~~ c , 139:00'. . 1.' c " , ---co,, 1. 2.. 3. ..-, ._~.: Junior Draftsman , 0 En ,... gineer 'Draftsman ,.c°ach (Arch.:Wina) ,." .168,00". -168,00.. " . ,..,., : ,-.'. ,." , , , , , 0 , .168.00 '.-.'...' Ii "' '..'.'.-.'.'.1".. 16800 : '. ,., Rs. 154~OO , ., , : Instructors ; , I