No.Fln-(PR) 8 (7)-4/98 '. Governme:nt , of Himachal Pradesh. Firlance (Pay Revision) Departrr-ient ~ .rom;- . The Ad.::jitional Chief Secretary (Ftnancel to the Goyernment of Himachaf Pradesh. . ~ To 1. 2 ~ v. 4. ~. 6_ I Secr ~I. .' a" :.~ .y",.. P T'" r'~i Dated Subject:Sir. SI-ljmia-2. Shimfa.;171 002, the 24th ft,ugust, 2005. Grant of Secretariat Ailowance for costs m HimachaJ Pradesh Civil SecretarIat and its equivaJent Offjc~s. .. '.' In qominuarion of. this Department letter of even number dated 141h . ..\ January', 199$, on the.slJbject cited abov'3. I am directed to say that the Governor, Himachal Pradesh. i~ piea~e to order enhancement in the existing rate of.. Secretariat Allowance !In respect .:;( the fOllOl,vlng categOrIes of posts'!n H. P. CivIl I Secretariat, ." GoYernor;~ SecretarIat, H:P. Vidhan. 8aOha" H~P...High Court. H.P. Administrative Tribunal, H;P. Lokayukta and H.P. pubiic'Service Commission. as ,. indicated against them \fJ.e.f. .4-1-2002:81. ~J0 Name categories of i Existino admiss1b'~ I ;. Allol,varlce. .. rate of Secret.3rrat' Revised rate Secrerarj~t Ailowar-lce- w. e. t.. A 1,. ; 00 ... 0 ';'. (Per..c. Mof'ith) " (Per ~J1onth) 1 2 3 R"~'-' ~c to",'=.', ror Book Birlder. .Rs, FIJrniture .,'3upeMsor .The R',"'. t: of R ~. ~ "-,,., 1"n/. Rs. 120/Rs; 150/- 801-, 801Rs. 100/~ . ! Go~/ernor, HImachal Pradesh IS further pleased to.oroer grant of . Secretaiist AJ10_wanre'(fp Rs. 120/- per _mOnth--tothe cat.egqtyof BilL~nd Cash .I ~J1essengersIn H.P.CNII Secretaflat\'ti.e:f. 4:1,2002. ., Yours faithfufly, 0 , ,,' PI c. fl:\.;'~' ,~', . C. ~-~;- ";rat Sharma} '-',-1"1 (Priya 5--cr:-ta.v\, .nance )t 0" ' the '-'Q ill ' ,,;. Q n Ii:.-i GQVerm-i-jent of Himachal Pradest:!. ~ ~o..Fln-(PR)B(7):4!~8; 'D t~ Sh!ry1la-171002; th,e 24th Augus~;2q05, tion and~ecessary actlon:eneral ... HJmachar PradeSh, Shlmla-3 vYlth 20 soare ( cpy forwarded rorlnform 1. The Accountant ~ ~. copies.,.. ! rle . Prades!-I: ::>eruor ~. .). 4. 5. 6. (. A I' .ji 10 Tc.he 'p' spare COPI_8. 8: Shri 8h~at ::I. Sr»-j 10. 9uardtlle . I18 oJ'./--!> ~ I ..:---:-:: Class.lll Servtce= AS_sociati~n...Shimia~2. ~o spa¥'coples. I to the .. Hirr-j9:chalPradesti. . I ~,