-t1 4 ~; ~ .,*,:~ .1 ~ No.Fin-(PR)B(7)-4/98 ~r;',cj')" Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Pay Revision) Department. Subject: ~ i 81. No. Nameof the category' of post Existing rate of Special pay Revised rate of Secretariat Allowance. 1. SecCtion Offi~er ZQQI- 400/- (Regulations of Finance Section) Department 2. Resident Supdt. 3. SQPdt. Grade-II (Regulations Section) 5. 6. .100/- of Finance Department (including Ex-cadre) 200/...c Senior Assistants (A~gulations Section) of Finance Department 80/- Senior A~sistantl (Supdt.Ex-Cadre) 80/" I'; Senior Assistant! (8\1pdt.Ex-Cadre) (Cash Cell)..., (2nd Cvuffter) 1. ~t:4:C' 160/- -.- ,~ {1st Countel~) 7. :;, .: 90/- Cell} 200/- 100/- Supdt. Grade-II (Cash' Cell.) (Cash . ~ 60)- 120/- , ...;.;:;~~-~-- ,-~ ~~:-~ ),~.;\1 jSafl ,1" ~ :~~*;~ fir fji 1~~! r t';i:,~! '.iJj~j'-~~2,~jM,'.1~ij(~f~"j!J!1,tf: ~Q~t"?: ; ,1 Thisl(~- ,-~"~f?ttuous;~ture of [!.I';'1: , :;s ~~;. ,"-;':1 Under Secretary ( Sectt... Admn~) --,-,--:. Governmentof HImachal 3himla":171002. , Endst -No-As above. Copy forwarded to:- ,i'# '1,;. '1 1~~OM4H ,-- .".,,,- =-._"~,. if:) ' -.il1l ;":' 1..' !-jI ~.. ,i .i:::i!Oi - }f:'!.~fr'if! i :., 201 The ""f l.-~ ..,C~ ~rtr i,~f:1ftl@~~~ C j,,; The 2- 1::.Q sj:c, '/~q3-f ;~ -:'0;:;£:~. -. !~" -'ii~ .. [if 3s"" ,.,,~"'f, r~,.)!..fii1\c ~~,,~~i~ ' ~"' ~,.. $"'i,,~~' ';~~~" ( C- l' ".'~,.}~i ri81 ~:\~}:::4 Q",b::~~~~;"::i;::,: r f;~ ,'): "j:: ;,;i ¥S 9ff,f:)1~;'~ \1i~ j::'ff:J ~, ..,.'" -';;¥4-;rcCc.i"!,.",, !" , ~~1tr; i "" ti: c §f!!'!l ,.'ft,",:I;Zt~l-'" +\'. ";,ji,"',~' (;1 £- J'. ti1~1~~ii~ r :e ... t!1 , -, ~ ,- . J Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Pay Revision) Department. No.Fin-(PR)B(?)-4!98 Dated Shimla-171002,the 31st August,1999. ADDENDUM Please Secretariat even in number, Annexure dated add following "B" 14-01-1999 appended category to Finance of posts under Department's H.P.Civil letter of ;"-- 51. No. Name of the category of posts Existing rate of Special Pay Revised rate of Secretariat Allowance ---;-"--H.P.Civil 1. Secretariat Restorer -- 80/- . ~ ". r .~ " ~' '""'- 4---'"-- 2~~~~ia~ 14. The Pay 1~. Tn~rector, East Block, The Senior and Parliament 16. Pay The Deputy Officer, Street, No.1, N~~ Delhi. Research Director, Unit, North Central Bank of , , Block, State Expenditure, Land and Room Finance 18. Finance, Department of The Dil-ector, Defence. 19. Command, Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir. The Deputy Director. Defenc~ Land No,261, Cell, New and 21. 22. Sarahan, Rampur Bushar, The Deputy Commissioner, 23. 24. 25. Talwara Township, Punjab. The Controller, Department of Personnel. The Department of Personnel, Appointment-III The Section Officer, Finance Colnmission, 26. The PlJnjab of Delhj. Northern C."cintonment Head Quarter, and H.P,(SSB),Director-ate . 'Directorate General Centre, De1hi Ministry Government of India,New Cantonment Head QlJarters, Western Command, Shimla-1. The Divisional Organisor, of Security,Shimla-4. The Commandant. Training 20. Resel~~ Accounts, CabInet SecretarIat, Govern~}ent of IndIa, No.5, Level.5, R.K.Pur~~, New Delhi-110022. ' Research Officer, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, 17. Accounts i' Sh\mla District,Hirnacpal Re'lief and Rehabilitation, General of Pradesh. Bias H.P.Sectt. with H,P,Sectt. Security, Project. with 5 copies 5 spare copies. with 5 spare copies Department of S.A.Accounts. H.P.Secretariat, with 5 spare copies -27. Sh.Bhagat ~~"";-~i"fJ8s Ram Thakur, President,H.P.Secretariat Class-III General, Class-IIf Associ ation. 28. Sh.D.R.Chauhan,Secretary 38. Services Association. Shri Ganga Singh Thakur, President, 39. S.E.-IV Shri Circle, H.P.P.W.D., Winter P.S. Bharrnoria, Secretary 31. 32. 0/0 Executive Sh.S.K.Dugqal, Sh.R.P.Sharma, 33. Sh.H.R.Vashist, 34. 35. 36. Road, Una, Himachal Pradesh. Sh.S.B.Gurg, Gurg House, Dakhni Guard File. Spare Copies(100). " Associatio,q, ~!T-.:;',:~c~-~,- H.P. Vashist of Social Niwas, NGO's Field, General, Engineer, H.P.P.W.D., 3246, Mohindra Park, General Secretary, Directorate H.P.Secretariat Near Federation, 0/0 Shimla-171001. H.P. NGO's Federation Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. Shakur Basti, Delhi-110034. H.P.State SAS Officers and Women's Welfal-e, Kaushal Mandir, . Jind, NlJrsing. Haryana. H, P. Shimla Home, Hamirpur