1'0 ~ t'.Jo.F(n.(PR)-4/9~';I.J1 (3overnment af Him~chai Pradesh, "" Iran ~':' If"'I- yRevl ";" f"\ ,",-,-' a m .n~ r I <.;",,~r-d.61...ljJ !..it!!) !ll t'111. .-40 From: T!"",ePii.nCIDaI secretary' (F"lnance,to the <..-:;ovemmentof Hlmacna! Praoe~,h . ' 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 \ The Regi$trar General~ H.P.Hlgh Court. ShJiTJa-1l1 001. Th e ~~rQt~ rv ( ~AD to tkQ G 1t of ~ p ~ki mla . 171nO2 ,.,_.~,._",-",.[1.~..,.,. _:1", ,.. The Secreta/yOto Go'"er!)or, 'HitnachaiPradesh, Shimla-171002. The Secretary', H.P. ViCInal! Sabna. .Snimla-171004. , . The qeglstrar, H.P. Adm!n!$!rati\!e Trlbuna!,Shim!a-17101:12. The S6(~retary',.H.P Lokay1Jkte Shir"ta:171002 , The Secretary', H.F'. F'ubiic Ser'/ice Commission. Shin:l/a-171002. 7 "' Dated Shlmla-171QO2. the ~. ;~Q. "Februaiy,2006. " Subject: -Giant bf $ecretailat AI:oviance for rQt a' rlat ~ nd t c: P ~Q~ ice c. -.w -..". "q'ui\',\fa '~ '.' n t Off'.-. Sir: , . In Ii; , posts 111Himachal Pradesr, CiVil contlnu.atlon Of trliS Deoartment ,Iettei No F'm-(PR)B(7)~4/98, dated f r j 14th January', 1999, on the subject cited above, I am dliected to say' that the Govein~r, j Himachal F'raciesh. 1S pieased to order enhancement AfloVv'ance In iespect of the following categories Governor;s .Secretarlat. H.P.Vldt"lan Sabha. .. In the existing rate of Se~retariat of p~sts In HP CiVil H.P. Hlqrl Court. H.P. AdminIstrative 'riibunaJ." H.F'. Lokayukta and l-i.P. PUbliC Service CommiSSion as ""'- m I.J!~I ""~' ~.-,r, V\"oyi. 51. ,-.,;.-.,;. IndIcated agaInst oU -'~ V.- Name of No SecietarJat. Categoiies Existing iate of R:evised rate of A"'m -l ~ s ihl~ S ,:.rr~+ ar !at S ---'" "'cr ~t~ r ..., j~ t ...~,.4 1In\A~ n "' -.1..'.-~._. ~e A!k)Yv"a.n.:e ~v.e.f.1w2-2000 (p.r,,'.) ' ..~.. -, ,' , '- I-, -,,-p- h .;:;enIU! .;:;...ac .:Jl~IIOgl op,lers, ~ 1 .-p -c ' R' .I, S. 16u/- Rs. 240/- .. ,. ., JUiiior Scale StenoQiaphers '(ours , .', 1 .2 , -h -~q I L,;o.;.~\.1 .;;J"IIII ~"r,,- 'a -I1 "7 10'0") ,. !.IC' ;-"I,~ 1 ~r t "" n 'e li f n ~ c ~c~~ f~ki\'::.rrl o r1 1'1 f o .ro ~tl(\n ~~ ".,.,\ ','.'"'W";;;1;,,-',,._w.." 1;'_1'_'. ,"' . St;v-rerary' (Fm~rlce) .to the Government of H!machal Pradesh I ..'\t\ ",~ '- Ii) /""""i'I..) i'fUJ.I.-\rr\10\11-"'t! faithfully. ~--~~ -QepuW ('~n\1 ,-,-,.., Rs.1501.-- Rs. 120J- g"o-rj;"." m c.,~ ' ~ Febr'; ar 'f T.' OOt~ "")" U \ Trie .Ai:.~:.vi_ir!tai!t I G.::;t;-tr:;rai,Hil-(l~~i,al Pr&des}-j, Shin",!a- :7.1003 '\r\!ith 20 =3pare " o -~'-' , '" I-'iv;:!, ."' The S~ni()r OP:~Jt\i A~f';f)lint~nt i~enpr~j <A&E=:J, i-~im~chal Pradesh, Shimlat "" rL""~~...;...~ . ~'~,.,r,~ ,,'; t h .~'",-,... l.t.../i,I"'."""-"'~,.It'~"",\)~ft\::.':I ':~""!:'"-~;~l.::~~::i ". ~ 3. l-he Oirectoi j-reasuiies and AccountsOrQariizatlon, Shimla.,1/10U9. ." lc ~r .i-~~!"IitaI Trt:.~~!'r\f ,~.n lml~_17"1'i()c"; JnY () Ii""-~~._"._, T~Tr~~~I -, '. ~"'t.., '~-'._"j'-"'-""'._" 5. ,Tt"te D!$trict. Tie'-.sur/. Off;r:;er, Z?hit-'"i!a,}1.P . ~~' -:_Ihe ~\of\ f"' tf'rl:"'" F.; n"' n"'"' ('I,...mm ;~"'; on " e i \ U I-, ~ e '""'e ..",rl"'+ ~'hl't"" la ,) ~'e lon""-!'"'T~; 1Jc:lJv~VVI.IIIO;)~J_,""',II,r",,vll."'I\:'II.,'o.)I!.'1 -L. "'. I. , j ne~ectlon (~r\!"Iit:.S 1 uftI -er. ~A-Accounts; H.F', becretafiat.Shimla-2 ' (\ ;:~,r-':-"' !!:~." o. '-"'!-Ia!i_) file 'JV [:>1..'8rl: f.,.lJf-'fes. ~.',_..:~ -, "', ! 11 ~ .". "4.~ with 10 spaie ~ ... "' ~ 4 Deputy Secretary (f:7ifiarICe,;to the . Go\!ernment .of HImachal Pradesh J .., . .;;. .... '.', : ,