. I" Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Food, Civil Supplies & ConsumerAffairs. *** No. FDS-B(15)-2/2000 dated Shinila-171002, the (0 th October, 2007. NOTIFIC.l\TION The Governor1 Himachal Pradeshis pleased to re-designate the existing posts of District Inspector as Food and Supplies Officer in the pay scale of Rs. 7000-10980, CIass-I~ with immediate effect. ..The Governor of Himachal Pradesh is further pleased to abolish the posts of District Inspector. The existing Special Allowance admissible to the posts of District Inspector also stand abolished from the date of re-<11~signation. By Order Panninder Hit I\I:1athurIry .;\ddl. Chief Secret Government of Hir Endst.No. FDS-B(15)-2/2000 Dated Shimla-2, the Copy for 1nformation and necessaryaction to:1. The Director, Food, Ci\'il Supplies & Consumer.L\ffairs, H.F ., 2. .;RfeJController, Legal Metrology (W &M), H.P., Shimla-9. ~-.-X The Deputy Secretary(Finance,PR) to the Govt. of:H.1macha 4. The Senior Accountant General (A&E), H.P., Shimla-3 5. The l\ccountant General (Audit), H.P., Smmla-3 6. The I,'fanaging Director, RP. State Ciw Supplies Corporatic 7. All th,eDeputy Commissioners in H.P. 8. The ~:ontroner, Printi!lg & Stationery, H.P., Sbjrnla-5. 9. ,,--\11 tile Digtt. ControUer, Food, Ciw Supplies & Conaumer l' 10. Guard file. ~ (FC,S&CA) to theDachal Pradesh. lot~ctober, 2007. Shi1n11-9. . -"{K.KSl1 Joint Secretary Governmentof Lc-t f)-fJ7 (\':o-tP, R) ~r.. J-( ~ 'a lPradesh. i:q, ~airs, *** Shimla-9. H.P.