AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Aya Ogishi for the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics presented on January 5, 996. Title: Economic Evaluation of Alternative Agricultural Resources Conservation Policies. Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: Stanley F. Miller The agriculture production system in the post-war United States is characterized as highly specialized and increasingly dependent on off-farm inputs. Although the US has traditionally supported agriculture with numerous government commodity programs such as target prices, nonrecourse loans, and deficiency payments, agriculture today is perceived as one of the major sources of environmental degradation. In this thesis research, the conservation compliance provision in the Food Security Act of 1985 and 1990, as well as various other conservation policy alternatives, are evaluated for five representative farms in terms of its effectiveness in preserving the agricultural resources and protecting the environment. F-iighly erodible lands in Western Oregon is the study area of this thesis since the agricultural lands are used for the production of a variety of crops and are considered susceptible to environmental damage. The conservation compliance provision performs fairly well in reducing soil erosion and protecting water quality. But its performance depends on the characteristics of the representative farms. Alternative policies are found to be more cost effective in reducing these externalities, although no single policy is the most cost-effective for all types of farms in reducing all environmental outputs. Trade-offs exist between net return and environmental output production as well as among environmental externalities. The nature of the environmental externalities such as nonpoint source pollution and the uncertain parameters for biosirnulation and economic models are limiting features of the study. ©Copyright by Aya Ogishi January 5. 1996 All Rights Reserved Economic Eva! uation of Alternative Agricultural Resources Conservation Policies. by Aya Ogishi A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed January 5, 1996 Commencement June 1996 Master of Science thesis of Aya Ogishi presented on January 5. 1996 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Major Pro riculfüraTand Rsource Economics Redacted for Privacy Chair of Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduat'Schoo1 I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorized release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for Privacy Aya Ogishi, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped me complete this thesis. I would like to thank especially my major professor, Dr. Stanley Miller who has guided me through all the way, and my committee members, Dr. Ludwig Eisgruber and Dr. Greg Perry. I have received many helpful information and advice from various individuals including Ken Hale, Fred Gelderman, and Dr. Larry l3oersma. Jeff Lee, Georgie Mitchell, Paul Pedone have also given me advice with regard to running the simulation program. Many people have made my life in Corvallis special, including my roommate, Nancy Bergeron, whom I shared most of my time and thought with, and all of my other very good friends. Wherever we will be, I hope that our friendship will last for a lifetime. And of course, special thanks go to my parents, who are always there for me whenever I need them, Their continual support has helped me go though all the tough times. Lastly, 1 would like to thank my brother who has been my inspiration since I was little. Without his patient tutoring during my early school years, I would not he here finishing my Master degree. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) 3 1.1.1 SoilErosion 1.1.2 Water Pollution 3 1.2 Requirements for Appropriate Economic Analysis 1.2.1 Farm Level Data 1.2.2 Use of Nonpoint Production Functions 1.2.3 Stochastic Risks 1.2.4 Bioeconomic Model 4 4 5 5 5 6 1.3 Justification 7 1.4 Objectives 8 15 Thesis Organization 9 BACKGROUND 1: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION SYSTEM 2.1 Physical Farm Characteristics 2.1.1 Soil Characteristics 2.1.2 Climate and Weather Effects 2.2 Farm Inputs 10 10 10 11 12 2.2.1 Plant Nutrients and Fertilizer 12 Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium 13 2.2.2 Pesticides 13 14 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 2.3 Farm Management 2.3.1 Crop Rotation 2.3.2 Tillage Practices and Crop Residue Management 2.3.3 Pesticide and Fertilizer Applications 2.3.4 Other Farming Practices Pace 15 is 16 18 19 BACKGROUND II: POLICIES AND ECONOMICS 20 3.1 History of Soil and Water Conservation 20 3.1.1 Soil Conservation Policies 3.1.2 Water Quality Protection 3.2 The Conservation Title of Food Security Act of 1985 3.2.1 Determination for HEL lands 3.2.2 Conservation Reserve Program 3.2.3 Conservation Easement 3.2.4 Conservation Compliance. Sodbuster, and Swampbuster Provisions 3.3 Various Conservation Related Programs 3.3.1 Long-standing Assistance Programs 3.3.2 Provisions of 1985 and 1990 Farm Acts 21 23 25 25 26 29 29 30 30 32 3.4 Appropriate Economic Theory underlying the Erosion and Pollution Control 33 3.4.1 Profit Maximization (Unconstrained Case) 3.4.2 Profit Maximization (Constrained Case) 3.4.3 Externalities 34 36 37 PROCEDURE AND MODEL DESCRIPTION 4.1 General Procedure 39 39 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.2 Site Setting: Willarnette Valley in the Western Oregon 4.2.1 Physical Characteristics 4.2.2 Main Crops in Production Small Grains Grass Seed Vegetable Crops 4.3 Collection of Farm-Level Data Page 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 4.3 1 Enterprise Budget and Prices 43 4.3.2 Conservation Compliance Plans 4.3.3 Mail Survey 44 45 4.4 introduction of Biophysical Model: EPIC 47 4.4.1. Selection of the Model 4.4.2 Data Sources for EPIC Parameters 47 Weather Soils Crops Other Parameters 51 4.4.3 Simulation 51 52 52 54 54 4.5 Using Linear Programming as a Tool to Obtain Results 56 4.5.1 Linear Programming 4.5.2 The Profit Maximizing Model: CAMS 56 57 5 RESULTS 63 5.1 Survey Result 5.1.1 Soil Characteristics 5.1.2 Farming Operations of Pre- and Post-Compliance plans 63 63 64 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 5.2 Representative Farms 68 5.2.1 Soil Grouping 5.2.2 Description of Representative Farms 52.3 Adjustments to the Farming Operations of Representative 68 69 Farms 71 5.3 EPIC Simulation Results 78 5.3.1 Pesticide Index 5.3.2 Pre-Compliance Situations 5.3.3 Potential Farming Adjustments 78 81 83 Case of Continuous Wheat Rotation in Farm A 84 Case of Wheat-Annual Ryegrass Rotation in Farm B 85 86 Case of Wheat-Fescue Rotation in Farm C Case of Wheat-Corn-Beans Rotation in Farm D 86 Case of Wheat-Perennial Ryegrass Rotation in Farm E 87 . 5.4 GAMS Maximization Result 87 5.4.1 The Effects of Compliance Provision 5.4.2 87 Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm A Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm B Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm C Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm D Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm E 89 90 90 Alternative Policies 92 91 92 95 Evaluation of Alternative Policies: Case of Farm A. Evaluation of Alternative Policies: Case of Farm B . .. 99 Evaluation of Alternative Policies: Case of FanTn C . 102 Evaluation of Alternative Policies: Case of Farm D.. . 105 Evaluation of Alternative Policies: Case of Farm E . 108 . . . . 6 SUMMARY 6.1 Conclusions . . . . 111 111 TABL[ OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 6.2 Limitation 6.2.1 EPIC 6.2.2 Linear Programming Model 113 113 115 BIBLIOGRAPHY 116 APPENDICES 123 Appendix A Crop Field Operations Appendix B The HEL Conservation Plan Survey Appendix C EPIC Runs Results 123 136 143 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 5.1 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Policies on Farm A 97 5.2 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Policies on Farm B 101 5.3 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Policies on Farm C 104 5.4 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Policies on Farm D 107 5.5 Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Policies on Farm E 110 LIST OF TABLES Table Page The Recommended Seeding Dates and Crop Residue Levels to Achieve the Specified % of December 1 Ground Cover 46 4.2 Description of Water Quality computer Models 49 4.3 Dry Matter Production and Seed Yields 53 4.4 LS values for the Standard USLE and for Adjusted USLE for Oregon 56 4.5 The Annual Maximum Soil Loss Level (T-value) 62 5.1 Characteristics of Soils of HEL Farms 65 5.2 Survey Result Summary: Percentage of Producers who Have MadeVarious Farming Adjustments and Have Observed the Change in Yield 67 5.3 Classification of Soils in the Study Area 70 5.4 Representative Farms 71 5.5 Distributions of Soil Type and Slope for Different Farm 72 5.6a Farming Operations for Representative Farm A 73 5.6b Farming Operations for Representative Farm B 74 5.6c Farming Operations for Representative Farm C and B 75 5.6d Farming Operations for Representative Farm D 76 5.6e Farming Operations for Representative Farm E 77 5.7 Pesticide Characteristics 79 5.8a Toxicity Value Assigned for Pesticide Runoff and Pesticide Remaining in the Sediment 80 4.1 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page 5.8b Toxicity Value Assigned for Pesticide Leaching 80 5.9 Per Acre Crop Yields and Environmental Outputs for Pre-Compliance Situation 82 5.10 Land Rent Estimates for Representative HEL Farms 88 5.11 Percentage of RM Returns with repsect to Gross Income 88 5. 12a Optimal Field Operations and Corresponding Fifteen-Year (Per Acre) Averaged Net Return and Environmental Outputs: Before Compliance 89 12b Optimal Field Operations and Corresponding Fifteen-Year (Per Acre) Averaged Net Return and Environmental Outputs: After Compliance 89 5. 5.13 Proposed Alternative Policies 93 5. 14a Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm A 96 5. 14b Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm B 100 5. 14c Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm C 103 5. 14d Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit. Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm D 106 5. 14e Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm E 109 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table Page Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation I (Continuous Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm A: Woodburn 16% 144 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 1 (Continuous Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm A: Helmick 16% 145 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation I (Continuous Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm A: Nekia 16% 146 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 2 (2 year Annual Ryegrass and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm B: Woodburn 8% 147 C.2.2 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 2 (2 year Annual Ryegrass and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm B: Helmick 8% 148 C.2.3 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 2 (2 year Annual Ryegrass and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm B: Steiwer 8% 149 C. 1.1 C. 1.2 C. 1.3 1 1 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm B: Woodburn 8% 150 C.3.2 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm B: Helmick 8% 151 C.3.3 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm B: Steiwer 8% 152 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES (Continued) Table C.4. 1 Page Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm C: Woodburn 16% C.4.2 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm C: Helmick 16% C.4.3 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on RepresentativeFarm C: Steiwer 16% C.4.4 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year Tall Fescue and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm C: Chehulpum 16% CS. 1 153 154 155 156 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year Corn, 1 year Beans, and 1 year Wheat) on Representative Farm D: Woodburn 8% 157 C.5.2 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 ( lyear Corn, 1 year Beans, and 1 year Wheat) on Representative Farm D: Willamette 8% 158 C.5.3 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 ( lyear Corn, 1 year Beans, and 1 year Wheat) on Representative Farm D: Jory 16% 159 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 ( lyear Corn, 1 year Beans, and 1 year Wheat) on Representative Farm D: Nekia 8% 160 C.5.5 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year Corn, 1 year Beans, and 1 year Wheat) on Representative Farm D: Helmick 16% 161 C. 5.4 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES (Continued) Table C.6. 1 Page Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 5 (4 year Perennial Ryegrass and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm E: Jory 8% 162 C6.2 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 5 (4 year Perennial Ryegrass and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm E: Nekia 8% 163 C.63 Fifteen-Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 5 (4 year Perennial Ryegrass and 1 year Winter Wheat) on Representative Farm E: Nekia 16% 164 Economic Evaluation of Alternative Agricultural Resources Conservation Policies 1. INTRODUCTION Recent findings show that agriculture is the largest single source of nonpoint pollution in the United States (various). About one-fifth of the U.S. croplands are considered susceptible to soil erosion. Erosion causes not only on-site damages by reducing soil productivity, but also off-site damages by depositing suspended sediments in surface water (National Research Council, 1989: 115-119). Bound with sediments or dissolved in runoff water, nutrients, pesticides, salts, and manure are delivered to surface water, further degrading water quality. Agricultural production now is estimated to generate roughly 50% of surface water pollution (National Research Council, 1989: 98). Pesticides and nitrates from fertilizers and manure also are increasingly being detected in groundwater (National Research Council, 1989: 105). Several laws concerning soil and water quality control have been passed by Congress to curb unlimited environmental degradation. Many, however, have addressed environmental components such as soil erosion and surface water pollution individually and separately. As the qualities of soil and water resources are naturally related, laws need to focus on improving not just one aspect of the environment but the overall quality of the environment. The main interest of the study, conservation compliance (CC), is an example of regulations which target one environmental component. CC was established for the purpose of controlling erosion on highly erodible lands (HEL), although it carries 2 obvious implications for water quality. CC is the first mandatoiy erosion control measure, even though the enforcement applies only to those producers who are enrolled in Federal commodity or assistance programs. CC. it is believed, will reduce erosion as it discards the traditionally-carried agenda behind most conservation policies: voluntary participation, financial support to farmers, and crop productivity enhancement. However, to determine its overall environmental impact, the cost-effectiveness of this regulation on changing water quality as well as reducing erosion needs to be evaluated. To reduce the environmental degradation without having to reduce producers income substantially, a committee on Long-Range Soil and Water Conservation, convened by the Board on Agriculture of the National Research Council, recommends that the current agricultural soil and water resource policy should: conserve and enhance soil quality as a fundamental first step to environmental improvement; increase nutrient, pesticide, and irrigation use efficiencies in farming systems; 3 increase the resistance of farming systems to erosion and runoff 4. make greater use of field and landscape buffer zones. (National Research Council, 1993: 36) In this introductory chapter, the characteristics of nonpoint source pollution as well as the approaches available to deal with these characteristics are briefly described. The objective, procedure and organization of the thesis then are presented. 3 1.1 Nonpoint Source Pollution (N PS) It is almost impossible to trace nonpoint pollution back to an individual farm and quantify the farms contribution to the total pollution. Erosion and water pollution rates vary in time and location. They are influenced by many factors including climate, vegetation, slope, and soil materials. Their rates also can be accelerated substantially by land uses. Nonpoint pollution at the farm has the following characteristics: NPS loadings cannot be monitored at the individual farm or source level, since the loadings enter water bodies over a dispersed area, rather than at fixed, identifiable points there is imperfect knowledge about the relationship between loadings and farm-level input choices and management practices loadings depend in part on random variables such as wind, rainfall, and temperature (Malik, Larson, and Ribaudo, 1993 :6) Segerson (1988) states that because of the uncertainty with regard to climatic and topographic conditions, there will be a range of possible ambient levels associated with any given abatement practice or discharge level at any given time." 1.1.1 SoilErosion Soil erosion is defined as the physical movement of soil by water or wind. Eroded soils have been replaced by new soil formation in many situations prior to human cultivation of the soils or early years of farming. As the farming system of intensive cultivation has become more intense, however, the erosion rates have greatly surpassed 4 the soil formation rates. These excessive rates of erosion are putting heavy pressure on the land resource. 1.1.2 Water Pollution Almost all states identify NPS water pollution as a serious environmental problem (USDA-EPA, 1984). The largest pollution sources are agricultural by-products of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), pesticide residuals, and topsoil sediments in the surface and ground water. Over the past thirty years, the use of high-yielding varieties (H1V) of crops and the continuous production of a single crop on the same parcel of land have become the common farming practices. Monoculture practices are accompanied by the increased application rates of fertilizer and pesticides. Federal programs and policies are generally supportive of this increased use of fertilizer and pesticides (National Research Council, 1989:3 8). These phenomena have been escalating the negative impacts on water quality. 1.2 Requirements for Appropriate Economic Analysis The nature of nonpoint source pollution makes the measurement or control of the individual loading impossible, or very costly. A variety of methods with different sets of determinants have been used in calculating the costs of these environmental damages. Several factors need to be considered when evaluating the effect of agricultural production systems on various environmental services. 5 1.2.1 Farm Level Data The site-specific nature of nonpoint source pollution requires detailed information at the farm or regional level (Johnson, Adams, Perry, 1991; Stevens, 1988; Anderson, Opaluch, and Sullivan, 1985). Taylor, Adams, and Miller (1992) found that optimal farm management could be different among farms because of their erosive characteristics. Different soil types, climate, and crops in production affect pollution rates separately as well as interactively. The collection of the farm-level data and evaluation of pollution production at this level are thus crucial for a valid economic benefit-cost analysis. 1.2.2 Use of Nonpoint Production Functions When the observation of the actual pollution loading is difficult, a nonpoint production function should be used to estimate the loading. Griffin and Bromley (1982) state that only when an appropriate nonpoint production function such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is used, can an optimal solution to environmental quality control be identified. 1.2.3 Stochastic Risks To control agricultural nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, Shortle and Dunn (1986) state that two uncertainties about pollution load need to be considered: imperfect information about effluent amount and ex-ante uncertainty about weather conditions. 6 Farmers and policy makers can have different information. Farmers are not always eager to provide information when they know that the disclosure of the information might lower their incomes. Weather condition, which is stochastic in nature, is one of the primary factors which influence the loadings of eroding soils and polluted water. A few storms can cause large effects on the environmental outputs. Segerson (1988) demonstrates the more accurate information on tabatement cost estimates, estimates of damages from ambient pollution, and estimates of how each polluters abatement affects the distribution of those ambient levels" when structuring incentive mechanism of controlling NPS pollution. 1.2.4 Bioeconomic Model Increasingly sophisticated biosimulation models are used to evaluate NPS issues in agriculture. Biosimulation models generally take stochasticity into consideration and estimate the loadings of nonpoint source pollution using nonpoint production functions. Although such models do not accurately predict actual pollution rates, they are useful in "diminishing the uncertainty about nonpoint loadings' (Shortle and Dunn. 1986). Linking biological/hydrological and economic aspects are gaining increasing popularity and respect in the field of agricultural economics for the use of benefit-cost analysis (Taylor, Adams, and Miller, 1992). Roberts and Swintori (1994) state that 'existing economic optimization methods [usually Linear Programming or Dynamic Programming related] linked to biophysical simulation hold the greatest promise for evaluating the 7 tradeoffs among profitability, environmental impact, and stability (both financial and environmental)." 1.3 Justification Although the reduction of sedimentation, improvement in water quality, and enhancement of wildlife habitat are secondary objectives of the Federal Security Act, it is doubtful that the Act can succeed in providing an integrated policy of soil and water quality improvement. Conservation Compliance, especially, seems to focus only on the erosion control. Because soil and water qualities are both major concerns when exploring the optimal total environmental quality, how policies affect these qualities needs to be evaluated together. The development of a systematic approach which simultaneously improves both environmental qualities is necessary for sustainable agricultural production and clean environment. The 1990 GAO reports on the implementation status of the Conservation Compliance program. However, the dynamic effects of conservation compliance on such things as soil and water resources and the farm income for different farm types are not fully evaluated. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the relationships among different environmental services and cost-effectiveness in terms of environmental protection in establishing this conservation program. Alternative conservation policies, which may serve better in reducing the environmental damages at lower private and social costs needs to be examined as well. 8 In this thesis, the stochastic nature of NPS is taken into consideration in the evaluation process. Erosion and pollution control policies which target highly erodible lands are evaluated for the resource protection efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Farmlevel analysis is conducted for representative farms which are developed from survey results and conservation compliance plans. The bio-physical model which uses nonpoint production functions is incorporated into an economic optimization model. Then, various management options are evaluated in terms of the impacts on soil and water resources as well as on the income. The results of this thesis, hopefully, will provide insight into the issue of long- term, sustainable food supply and clean environment. Exploring the better relationships among different environmental services can induce the public as well as policy makers to become aware of the needs to better integrate conservation policies. Policy makers also can benefit from the information on cost-effectiveness of the alternative policies. 1.4 Objectives The objective of this study is to estimate the cost of conservation compliance and compare its cost-effectiveness in reducing various environmental pollutants with alternative regulations for representative NFL farms in Western Oregon. The specific procedure to achieve this objective is: Examine the changes in tiliage practices, crop production mixes, and other field practices resulting from the need to develop and implement a compliance plan Determine the differences in environmental outputs of various farming practices for each HEL farm 9 Evaluate the effects of conservation compliance on environmental outputs and cost effectiveness in reducing soil erosion and water pollution rates 4) Introduce and evaluate the effects of alternative policies on environmental outputs and cost effectiveness in reducing soil erosion and water pollution rates 1.5 Thesis Organization In chapters 2 and 3, background information for the study is provided. Chapter 2 discusses the general agricultural production system and its relation to the highly erodible lands. Chapter 3 discusses the various past and present agricultural conservation policies and how they interact with one another. Economic theory behind the policies also is briefly discussed as well. Chapter 4 outlines the data collection procedures and the model development. It includes a detailed description of two main models: biosimulation (Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC)) and linear programming. The results of the simulation and optimization models as well as the survey results are given in Chapter 5. The last chapter summarizes the results and lists several limitations of the study. 10 2. BACKGROIJND I: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION SYSTEM Understanding the environmental problems related to agriculture requires an examination of the whole agricultural production process system. in the first section of this chapter, physical farm characteristics that affect the loading of the nonpoint pollution are first described. The following sections discuss the farm inputs which significantly contribute to pollution loading and the farming practices which can be used to reduce the loading. 2.1 Physical Farm Characteristics Many physical characteristics, particularly weather and soil properties, are associated with a specific farm. They stochastically affect the loading of soil loss and water pollution. 2.1.1 Soil Characteristics Soil erodibility and runoff differ considerably based on soil type. Soils are less erodible when their properties make soil detachment and transportation difficult. Soil properties such as soil aggregate size, structural stability, infiltration rate, and permeability are considered some of the significant determinants of water erosion and runoff (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue. 1991: 8 1-83). Soils with large stable structural aggregates and rapid permeability and infiltration rates are more resistant to water erosion and runoff (Miller and Donahue, 1990: 456). The permeability and infiltration 11 rates are greater for finer-textured soils high in clay and organic matter than coarser- textured soils (National Research Council, 1993: 320). Cation exchange complex, type of clay mineral, organic matter content, cementing material other than clay and organic matter, and cropping history all affect aggregate sizes and stability (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 81). Soil erosion decreases the soil quality through surface soil loss, plant nutrient loss, textural change, and structural change (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 69). Surface soil is generally !!more friable, more permeable to water, air, and roots, and higher in organic matter and fertility" than the lower soil layers (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 69). As surface soil erodes away, subsurface soils with lower permeability and infiltration rates are exposed, and as the result, erosion and runoff accelerate (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 69). Various quality attributes including organic carbon, available water-holding capacity, PH, and bulk density are degraded (National Research Council, 1993: 222-226). A large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus. and potassium are in addition, lost with the sediments. 2.1.2 Climate and Weather Effects Falling raindrops and running water are the major contributors to water erosion. Kinetic energy of the raindrop is related to mass and velocity of the raindrop as: E = 1/2mv2 where E is kinetic energy, m is mass of falling drop, and v is velocity. When the raindrops strike the surface, the energy released breaks soil aggregates, splatters away 12 soil grains, and compacts the soil surface. They detach individual grains, transport them, and reduce the infiltration rate (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 72). Erosiveness of runoff water depends on the depth, velocity, turbulence, and abrasive material content. Runoff occurs when rainfall intensity is greater than soil infiltration rate. The velocity depends on soil gradient (steepness), length, shape, and aspect (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 75-78). 2.2 Farm Inputs Nutrients, especially those added in the form of fertilizer, and pesticides are often associated with the environmental problems because they bind with sediments discharged from the land or dissolve into the surface running or leaching water. Soil and water qualities are significantly degradedby these processes. 2.2.1 Plant Nutrients and Fertilizer Many soil nutrients are essential to plant growth and development: nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, boron, calcium, chlorine, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, magnesium molybdenum, sulfur, and zinc (National Research Council, 1989: 141-142). Except for the first three soil-derived plant nutrients, most of the nutrients are available in sufficient amount in the soil (National Research Council, 1989: 141). Depending on the soil and cropping history, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium may need to be added to the soil. It is essential for vigorous plant growth to have the adequate amount of these soil nutrients available. Although adding fertilizers helps plant growth, they also can negatively affect the environment, especially water quality. 22.1.1 Nitrogen Nitrogen is often the most limiting soil-derived nutrient in the United States (National Research Council, 1989: 144). Producers used to supply nitrogen by incorporating leguminous crops in their rotation of corn and small grains and by adding animal manure. When they started continuously planting high nitrogen responsive varieties of corn or small grains, the demand for nitrogen fertilizer dramatically increased (National Research Council, 1989: 42). Nitrogen fertilizer is provided to crops usually in the form of ammonium ions (NH4). When ammonium ions undergo biological nitrification and are oxidized, nitrate ions (NO3-) and hydrogen ions (1-1+) are produced. Hydrogen ions acidify the soil. Because nitrate ions have a negative charge, they are not absorbed into the soil cation exchange system. Although nitrate ions are readily available as nutrients for plants, if not absorbed by plants, these highly water soluble ions easily enter the ground or surface water (National Research Council, 1 989: 145). Phosphorus When soluble phosphorous is applied as a fertilizer and not used by plants quickly, it soon binds either with aluminum, iron oxide, and calcium, or with clay colloids. As it does, it no longer remains easily available for plant uptake. Leaching is not a problem, but phosphorus which is bound to sediment in runoff water is often 14 implicated in eutrophication and decline in surface water quality" (National Research Council, 1989). Potassium Potassium fertilizer is needed for highly organic soils, in humid region. Potassium, having a net positive charge, is absorbed on the soil cation exchange complex. Although it is more water soluble and more readily available for plant uptake than phosphorus, it has limited mobility in water and leaches only in sandy soils (National Research Council, 1989:154). 2.2.2 Pesticides In the 1 940s, the synthetic chemical pesticides such as DDT (dichloro diphenyl trichioroethane), BHC (benxene hexachloride), and 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) were developed. They contributed substantially to decreased pest damage which resulted in increased crop yields through the 1960s (National Research Council, 1989: 175). When pesticides were first marketed as low-priced pest control substitutes, they appeared to be cost-effective. However, the perceived benefits of pesticides have become less clear when one recognizes that pesticides often kill beneficial species as well as harmful ones. Also pests have become more resistant to chemicals, which in turn has resulted in increased application rates (National Research Council, 1989: 175). In addition, many pesticides are known to be harmful to the environment and human health (National Research Council, 1989: 175). 15 Pesticides fate is largely determined by their specific properties such as solubility, absorption, and persistence. Pesticides can be either degraded, lost to the atmosphere, absorbed to soil particles, leached, or removed through surface runoff by rainfall or irrigation (National Research Council, 1989: 317). Pesticides with low sorption, long life, and high water solubility have a high potential to contaminate the groundwater (National Research Council, 1989: 317). Pesticides that bind strongly with soils do not leach, but can be discharged to surface runoff or in the sediments (National Research Council, 1989: 317). 2.3 Farm Management Several farming practices can reduce agriculture-related environmental problems. These include crop rotation, residue management, cross slope farming, contouring, modification of the timing and the rates of pesticide and fertilizer applications, among others. 2.3.1 Crop Rotation Crop rotation is the "successive planting of different crops in the same field." It is contrasted to planting the same crop every year as in continuous cropping (National Research Council. 1989: 138). Beside the economic benefit of reducing the risk associated with fluctuating markets, crop rotations offer many benefits in farming: increased soil organic matter, pest control, and increased availability of certain nutrients. The largest contribution of crop rotation is the control of weeds, insects, and diseases. 16 The planting of different crops interrupts the reproduction of pests, especially insects and diseases that feed on plant roots. Because a healthier rooting system absorbs nutrients in the soil more effectively, smaller amounts of nutrients are free to leach out of the root zone and fertilizer application can be reduced. Certain types of rotation crops serve to provide additional nutrients to succeeding crops. Some deep-rooted crops may bring up nutrients from deep in the soil profile, while legumes fix nitrogen from the atmosphere (National Research Council, 1989: 138-141). Crop rotations, however, can have some disadvantages: potential decrease in the base acreage for the federal program, lower net revenue from the inclusion of low market value crops in the rotation, and necessity of owning and operating more equipment for the greater diversity of new crops that enter in the rotation (National Research Council, 1989: 141). 2.3.2 Tillage Practices and Crop Residue Management Crop Residue Management (CRM) is a conservation practice designed to leave surface residue on the ground to reduce wind and water erosion. Factors that determine the residue amount left are the previous crops, the harvest practices, and the type of tillage operations. CRM usually involves conservation tillage, or reduction in the number of passes over the field with tillage implements and/or in the intensity of tillage operations, including the elimination of plowing (inversion of the surface layer of soil) (USDA-ERS, 1993: 31). CRM can also include farming practices such as the use of cover crop or early planting of the crop. 17 Conservation tillage is defined as a tillage and planting system that maintains either uat least 30% of the crop residue in reducing water erosion' or "at least 1,000 lbs per acre of flat, small grain residue equivalent in reducing wind erosion on the ground" (USDA-ERS, 1993: 31). Out of about 300 million total acres planted in the United States, conservation tillage was implemented on 89 million acres in 1992. This number is estimated to increase as the CRM becomes more widely adopted in conservation compliance plans, in reducing production costs, and in improving environmental quality (USDA-ERS, 1993: 31). Crops can be planted earlier than usual in the effort to increase the green cover during the winter months. For regions with the high winter precipitation rates such as Western Oregon, early planting is an especially important erosion control practice. Tillage practices that leave crop residue on the ground enhance rainfall infiltration and reduce the amount of sediment and sediment-related chemical (fertilizers and pesticides) losses through rainfall and runoff to surface waters. Some of the positive effects of residue management are: Cleaner runoff resulting from the filtering action of the increased organic matter associated with higher levels of crop residue Greater opportunity for captured chemicals to break down into harmless components through the action of microorganisms contained in organic matter in the residue or in the top layer of soil and exposure to air and sunlight (USDA-ERS, 1993: 38-41) While conservation tillage may reduce soil erosion and water runoff, it may require increased use of fertilizers and pesticides. Conservation tillage releases nutrients 18 relatively slowly but evenly compared to conventional tillage. Plant nutrients tend to be more stratified and concentrated in the upper soil layer. A layer of crop residue on the ground can serve as a favorable habitat to some pests. Diseases, insects, and weeds can rejuvenate in spring as they overwinter in the bed of residue. Soils tend to be compacted and to be cooler in spring, and thus contribute to the slower plant growth, although cooler and moist soil conditions in the summer as well as the higher concentration of soil microbes and earthworms positively affect plant growth (National Research Council, 1993: 156-160). 2.3.3 Pesticide and Fertilizer Applications Changing the rate, timing, and mode of pesticide and fertilizer applications may affect the fate of the chemicals (Huang, Un, and Hansen, 1994) (Johnson, Adams, and Perry, 1991). The potential exists to reduce the current rates of over-application. Inputoutput balance of nutrients and pesticides can be further studied. Application right before irrigation and heavy rainfall season should be avoided as it increases the runoff and leaching rates of chemicals (National Research Council, 1993: 321-322). Pesticide losses differ with the mode of application. Pesticide loss through soil-incorporation is generally lower compared with the loss through spraying (National Research Council, 1993: 323). 19 2.3.4 Other Farming Practices Contouring, cross-slope farming, and terraces can be used to combat erosion and runoff, particularly on the hilly slopes. Contouring and cross-slope farming, however, may not be economical if the farm does not have a uniform landscape, since they take large amounts of labor and machinery. Establishing terraces also requires large initial investments. Creating and managing field and landscape buffer zones in addition are potential farming practices which encourage soil conservation and improve water quality. The buffer zones can work as the "landscape sinks that trap or immobilize sediments, nutrients, pesticides. and other pollutants before they reach surface water or groundwater" (National Research Council, 1993: 105). 20 3. BACKGROUND it: POLICIES AND ECONOMICS A number of government policies have been established to protect the nation1s resources. In 1992, USDA and state and local government spent $3.6 billions for conservation purposes. This number was estimated to have risen to $3.9 billion in 1993 (USDA-ERS, 1993). Rental and easement payments comprised one half of USDA conservation expenditures, while the total share of technical assistance and extension was one quarter of these expenditures. Cost sharing for installation, conservation data and research, and project conservation accounted for 10.4%, 8.1%, and 4.9%, respectively (USDA-ERS, 1993:18). In this chapter, selected past and present policies are first presented. The economic theory underlying pollution control, which needs to be considered in making any policy decisions, is then discussed. 3.1 History of Soil and Water Conservation Early conservation programs were often influenced by traditional agricultural policies to provide financial support to farmers and to enhance agricultural productivity. The goal of reducing soil erosion and water pollution was often linked with that of price support through supply control. Voluntary participation instead of mandatory controls was emphasized since farmers were perceived to be have property rights to soil and water resources. Cost sharing and technical assistance also were common practices in conservation planning. 21 3.1.1 Soil Conservation Policies The strong public awareness of the need for soil conservation developed after the Dust Bowl era in the Great Plains of the 1930s. This era led the government to start the first major nationwide campaign to battle soil erosion. The Soil Conservation Act was enacted in 1935, and the Soil Conservation Service (SCS, presently called the Natural Resource Conservation Service or NRCS) was established as a permanent agency in the Department of Agriculture. Administered by the SCS, the Conservation Assistance Program (CTA) provided voluntarily participating farmers with technical assistance for conservation planning. The CTA was followed by the Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP), which was authorized by the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of 1936. This program also was based on voluntary and cost-sharing principles for conservation practices and administrated through another agency, the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). Producers were paid to set aside acreage from !!soildepleting crops! and replace them with ?soiIconserving crops such as grasses and legumes. Because the !soildepleting crops!? at the time were often in surplus, the program accomplished two goals: reduced surplus and conserved soils (National Research Council, 1993: 152). In 1956, the Great Plains Conservation Program (GPCP) was initiated under the SCS. It targeted interested farmers and provided long-term technical and cost-sharing aids for conservation planning (Hanley, 1991: 70-71). In 1956, the Soil Bank was established as the first conservation reserve program administered by USDA. The main purpose of this program, based on voluntary 22 participation, was to reduce the excess supply of major crops by diverting acreage from production. The program required producers to establish an approved vegetative cover on the ground. Participants received cost-sharing, technical assistance, and annual rental payments in return (Berg, 1994: 7). The Soil Bank was, however, repealed in 1965, and its 3-10 year contracts resulted in only short-term erosion reductions. Beginning in the 1970s, the criteria for monitoring erosion and for evaluating conservation program was established by the creation of National Resources Inventory (NRI) and the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act (RCA) appraisals. Through the 1972 amendment to the Rural Development Act, USDA was required to conduct the National Resources Inventory (NRI) every five years (Berg, 1994:7). NRI provided various data for program evaluation, such as erosion rates, levels of appropriate conservation, and land-use conversions (Steiner, 1990: 8). The RCA of 1977 and the Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act of 1979 were made into law to require performance evaluation of each conservation program and to monitor the effective allocation of funds to appropriate farmers (Harlin and Berardi, 1987: 325-27). The NRI indicated that rate of soil erosion had increased to levels higher than during the Dust Bowl. The primary cause was intensive cultivation resulting from price increases stemming from the export boom and the termination of soil bank program (Berg, 1994: 7). US General Accounting Office (GAO), in addition found that USDAs conservation programs were not effectively reducing soil erosion and 'targeting of technical assistance on certain lands would be required (Berg, 1994:8). These NRI and GAO reports reveal USDNs historical view toward a conservation program as only "a residual to other USDA policies" (Berg, 1994: 8). 23 3.1.2 Water Quality Protection Along with the soil conservation, water quality enhancement was needed. It has resulted in the establishment of the three major clean water acts as of today. These acts, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, the Clean Water Act of 1977, and the Water Quality Act of 1987, required state governments to set up plans to control water pollution (Steiner. 1990:7-8). The familiar approaches of voluntary and cost-sharing were followed. The 1972 amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) were the first federal act to take a control approach to reduce nonpoint source (NPS) water pollution as well as point source pollution. Each state was responsible for identifying NPS problems, specifying control methods, and implementing the controls. Most states took Best Management Practices (BMP) which generally include land-use controls and land-management practices. The 1977 Clean Water Act authorized the USDA to provide water quality BMPs with technical and financial assistance (Malik, Larson, and Ribaudo, 1993). These two acts, however, resulted more in reducing point- sources than in reducing nonpoint sources, because it was difficult to identify and search for control method for nonpoint source pollution (Malik, Larson, and Ribaudo, 1993). The more direct approach to control NPS was introduced in section 319 of the 1987 Water Quality Act. It required States to: 1. identify navigable waters that, without additional action to control nonpoint sources of pollution, cannot reasonably be expected to attain or maintain applicable water-quality standards or goals, 24 identify nonpoint sources that add significant amounts of pollution to affected waters, and develop an NPS management plan on a watershed-by-watershed basis to control and reduce specific nonpoint sources of pollution (Malik, Larson, and Ribaudo, 1993: 2) The designed management plan was required to include a list of appropriate BM1Ps and implementation schedule. Seventeen states have applied or are planning to apply agricultural pollution control as a part of their 319 NPS control plan. Farmers are required to 'have approved plans for land disturbance (including tillage), to obtain permits for activities that may cause soil erosion or residual discharges to waterways, to comply with established permissible soil-loss limits, and to respond to specific complaints" (Malik, Larson, and Ribaudo, 1993). The FWPCA, CWA, and WQA, however, have not been very successful in meeting water quality goals. The Federal Government has a limited role in enforcing the NPS water pollution control since installing the land-use and water-use regulations are generally in the hands of the states. States' BMPs are generally in the form of education, technical assistance, and cost-sharing voluntary approaches. Even with the section 319 program, states are not held responsible for their slow progress in applying the controls, and they often compromise using voluntary approaches which are economically more attractive (Malik, Larson, and Ribaudo, I 993). 25 3.2 The Conservation Title of Food Security Act of 1985 In 1985, the Food Security Act (the Farm Bill) was enacted with the conservation goals of retiring marginal land, forcing cross compliance of agriculture and conservation program and preserving the family farm (Steiner, 1990: 9). Erosion control was for the first time treated as an independent objective of agricultural policies. Although the income support objective was again linked to conservation effort, the support was conditional on the adoption of conservation practices on certain highly erodible lands. The erosion control was planned to be achieved through three approaches: the Conservation Reserve Program, conservation easements, and the Conservation Compliance, Sodbuster, and Swampbuster provisions (Steiner, 1990: 18). 3.2.1 Determination for HEL lands The soil loss tolerance (T value) is defined as the maximum annual average soil loss in tons per acre which allows continued high levels of crop production and which is economically feasible (Troeh, Hobbs, and Donahue, 1991: 114). T value ranges from one to five1 and consists of natural runoff, irrigation, and wind erosion. USDA-SCS (1986) states that "raindrop splatters, sheet, nil, concentrated flow, and gully erosion taking place in a field must all be accounted for in determining if average annual erosion exceeds T' The erodibility Index of a soil map unit is used in identifying highly erodibie land. The erodibility index is defined as: 1 For the T values for specific soils, see chapter 4.6.2. 26 erodibility index from sheet and nil erosion: RKLS/T erodibility index from wind erosion: CuT R, K, and LS are rainfall, soil erodibility, and slope-length factors from Universal Soil LOss Equation2, while C and I are factors of the wind erosion equation. C is the climatic characterization of wind speed and surface soil moisture, and I is the susceptibility of the soil to wind erosion. When the erodibility index of either I) and/or 2) is 8 or larger, the corresponding soil map unit is considered highly erodible (USDA, 1990: 511 -5-8). Highly Erodible Land (HEL) status is given to a field when the highly erodible soil map units are either one-third or more of the field acreage or 50 or more acres of the field (USDA, 1990: 511-10). Once the HEL determination is given, the entire field is considered either highly erodible or not, and HEL fields are subject to developing appropriate conservation plans. 3.2.2 Conservation Reserve Program The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), administered by ASCS, provided producers of eligible highly erodible lands with the subsidy payment for a period of 1015 years in exchange for taking lands out of production and maintaining appropriate land management during the reserve period. USDA agreed to pay an annual per-acre rent (up to maximum acceptable rental rates established for each county) and to provide producers with technical assistance and 50% of the costs to establish appropriate 2 The explanation of USLE and its factors is found in chapter 4.4.3a. 27 conservation practices (often vegetative cover). The primary goal of CRP was to reduce soil erosion on highly erodible cropland. However, reduction of sedimentation, improvement in water quality, and enhancement of wildlife habitat as well as sustenance of food productivity, supply control of commodities, and income support for farmers, were perceived important considerations when developing and implementing the program. The 1985 Act required an enrollment of 40-45 million acres of highly erodible land by the end of the 1990 crop year. To be considered highly erodible, at least twothirds of the cropland had to meet one of the following criteria: soil in land capability class VI-V1113 soil in land capability class lI-V and eroding at a rate greater than 3T (Tthe soil loss tolerance rate), or greater than 2T if cropland is to be planted to trees or if subject to severe gully erosion the soil with an erodibility index (El) greater than 8 and be eroding at greater than T. (Young and Osborn, 30) Program enrollment eligibility also was extended to include land that could cause serious environmental damage or experience continuous productivity declines because of soil salinity. Where practicable, at least one-eighth of the acres enrolled was to be planted in Capability grouping is made according to the suitability of soils for field crops. Class I soils: have few limitation on what crops to be produced. Class II - V soils: limit the kinds of plants produced and require some conservation practices. Class VI - VIII soils: limit the their use mostly to pasture, woodland, and wildlife, and are unsuitable for the production of field crops. (I.JSDA-SCS, 1972) 28 trees. No more than 25% of the total cropland in a county could enter the program unless the Secretary of Agriculture determined that the larger program participation would not harm the county's economy. The CRP was modified overtime to encourage greater participation as well as to meet other environmental concerns. For signups beginning in 1987, filter strips along waterways, cropped wetlands, and areas subject to scour erosion could be included in CRP. These were specifically targeted to improve water quality. In addition, if trees were to be planted, only one-third, versus the original two-thirds of the cropland, needed to be classified as highly erodible, and erosion rate decreased from 3T to 2T. Through the twelve signup periods from 1985 to 1993, 36.5 million acres of highly erodible lands and associated croplands with environmental concerns were enrolled in the CRP (USDA-ERS, 1993). The reduction of erosion and runoff resulting from the implementation of this program is well-documented. According to USDA-ERS (1993), an average of 19 tons per acre of soils is saved annually for the lands signed up between 1985 to 1989, with 15 tons per acre saved on average for the lands enrolled after 1991. The CRP also has contributed to several other environmental benefits including improved surface and groundwater quality and the improved wildlife habitat (Heimlich and Osborn, 1993). It has at the same time helped farmers to maintain their income and reduced excess supply of crops and commodity program payments. The future of the CRP lands is currently under review. It is estimated that over 50 percent of CRP land operators will return their lands to production, and over 25 percent of these lands will not be subject to the Conservation Compliance (Heimlich and 29 Osborn, 1993). Benefits obtained from the CRP will not last long if currently enrolled lands return to crop production. 3.2.3 Conservation Easement The conservation easement program allowed landowners who could not repay Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) loans to receive relief if they established conservation easements. This program also is voluntary, and only a small minority of farmers are eligible for easements (Steiner, 1990). 3.2.4 Conservation Compliance, Sodbuster, and Swampbuster Provisions Conservation Compliance, Sodbuster, and Swampbuster provisions protect 1-IIEL farmed by the federal program participants, because non-compliers lose eligibility for all federal program benefits, including price and income supports, crop insurance, disaster payments, and Farmers Home Administration loans. The Compliance provision required landowners who cropped highly erodible lands between 1981 and 1985 to have an approved NRCS conservation plan by 1990 and comply with the plan requirement by January 1, 1995. The Sodbuster and Swampbuster provisions prohibited farmers or landowners to plant annually tilled crops on highly erodible fields or wetlands after 1985. Conservation Compliance originally required the establishment of a conservation system which would reduce erosion to the soil loss tolerance level (T-value) for a specified soil type. However, USDA now requires the plan to contain either Resource Management Systems (RMS), the original standard of Basic Conservation Systems (BCS), or Alternative Conservation Systems (ACS) (USDA-SCS, 1989). RMS is defined as a conservation system that meets acceptable soil losses as well as maintaining acceptable water quality and ecological levels. ACS is the system which reduces erosion a substantial amount but does not require producers to meet T-value (USDA-SCS, 1989). As of April 1993, 148 million acres are classified as highly erodible lands (HEL), and 141 million acres have approved conservation plans on their lands. Sixty-one percent of approved plans were fully applied, while thirty-nine percent were not fully applied or the plans were not yet certified (USDA-ERS, 1993: 26). In addition to the requirement of meeting the compliance deadline of 1995, producers are required to follow the compliance schedule set by the NRCS. NRCS conducts an annual spot check on 5 % of plans and those producers who fall behind the schedule lose eligibility for farm program benefits (USDA-ERS, 1993). 3.3 Various Conservation Related Programs The following is a list of current government programs designed to reduce nonpoint pollution, along with the time period in which they were used and the agency overseeing each program (USDA-ERS, 1993). 3.3.1 Long-standing Assistance Programs a. Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP), 1936 - present, ASCS Provides financial assistance of up to $3,500/year or S35,000/I0-year contract to farmers who carry out approved conservation and environmental protection practices on agricultural land and farmstead 31 b. Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA), 1936 - present, SCS, local Conservation Districts Provides technical assistance to farmers for planning and implementing soil and water conservation and water quality practices. C. Extension Service (ES) Provides information and recommendations on soil conservation and water quality practices to landowners and farm operators in cooperation with the State Extension Services and State and local offices of USDA and Conservation Districts Small Watershed Program, 1954 -present Assists local organizations in flood prevention, watershed protection and water management. Part of this effort involves establishment of measures to reduce erosion, sedimentation, and runoff Great Plains Conservation Program (GPCP), 1957- present, SCS Provides technical and financial assistance (Lip to $35,000 per farmer contract) in 10 Great Plains States for conservation treatment to entire operation units; funds a water quality special project in the 10 states Resource Conservation and Development Program (RC&D), 1962 - present Assists multi-county areas in enhancing conservation, water quality, wildlife habitat, recreation, and rural development Water Bank Program, 1970 - present Provides annual rental payments to farmers for preserving wetlands in important migratory waterfowl nesting, breeding, or feeding areas. Colorado River Salinity Control Program, 1974 - present Established a voluntary on-farm cooperative salinity control program within the USDA; provides cost-sharing and technical assistance to farmers to improve the management of irrigated lands to reduce the amount of salt entering the Colorado River Forestry Incentives Program, 1978 - present Provides cost-sharing up to 65% (up to S 10,000 per owner) for tree planting and timber stand improvement for private forest lands of no more than 1,000 acres Emergency Conservation Program, 1978 - present Provides financial assistance to farmers in rehabilitating cropland damaged by natural disasters k. Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP), 1980-1995 (expected), 21 selected states Provides cost-sharing (up to $50,000 per farm) and technical assistance to farmers who voluntarily implement approved best management practices to improve water quality 1. Farmers HOme Administration (FmHA) Provides loans to farmers for soil and water conservation, pollution abatement, and building or improving water systems; may acquire 50-year conservation easements as a means of helping farmers reduce outstanding loan amounts; places conservation easements on foreclosed land being sold, or transfers such lands to government agencies for conservation purposes 3.3.2 Provisions of 1985 and 1990 Farm Acts Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Allows farmers to voluntarily retire from crop production highly erodible or environmentally sensitive cropland for a 10- to 15-year period, in exchange for the annual payment up to S50,000 and 50% cost-share assistance for establishing vegetative cover on the land Conservation compliance provision Requires farmers with highly erodible cropland to have an approved conservation plan on that land and to fully implement the plan by January, 1995, to maintain eligibility tbr USDA program benefits Sodbuster Provision Requires farmers who convert highly erodible land to commodity production to have an approved conservation system on that land, to maintain eligibility for USDA program benefits Swampbuster Provision Makes farmers who converts wetlands for, or to make possible, the production of an agricultural commodity ineligible for USDA program benefits, unless there is a determination that conversion would have only a minimal effect on wetland hydrology and biology Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) Provides easement payments and cost sharing to farmers who return farmed or converted wetland back into a wetland environment on a permanent or long-term basis. Payments are up to the fair market value of the land less the value of permitted uses. Up to I million acres may be enrolled in the program by 1995. f Water Quality incentives Projects (WQIPs) Provides annual incentive payments up to $3,500 per year for 3-5 years to farmers who implement a USDA-approved water quality resource management plan Environmental Easement Program When implemented, will provides annual payments for up to 10 years (up to $50,000 per year, $250,000 per farm) and up to I 00?/ cost sharing to farmers who agree to deed restriction that provide long-term protection to environmentally sensitive land Integrated Farm Management Program Assists producers in adopting farm resource-management plans to conserve resources and comply with environmental requirements The goal is to have 3-5 million acres enrolled by 1995. Pesticide Recordkeeping provision, May 10, 1993 - present Requires private applicators of restricted-use pesticides to maintain records accessible to State and Federal agencies regarding products applied, amount, and date and location of application J. Forest Stewardship Program Provides grants to State forestry agencies for expanding tree planting and improvement and for providing technical assistance to owners of nonindustrial private forest lands in developing and implementing forest stewardship plans to enhance multi-resource use k. Stewardship Incentive Program (SIP) Provides cost-sharing up to 75% (up to $10,000 per year per landowner) for practices of 10 years of more in approved forest stewardship plans for enhancing multiple uses of non industrial private forest lands 3.4 Appropriate Economic Theory underlying the Erosion and Pollution Control So far in this chapter, existing conservation policies and programs were described. To identify the best plan to reduce nonpoint pollution, however, a benefit-cost analysis needs to be conducted for alternative policies. In this section, the economic theory behind pollution control is discussed. Neglect of the underlying economic theory can result in inefficient solutions. 34 3.4.1 Profit Maximization (Unconstrained Case) The production function of the farm producing one commodity is given in the form of: y f(x) (1) where y is output and x is the vector of inputs. Profit is maximized where the difference between the total revenue and cost is the largest. Since each farmer is assumed to have no control over input and output prices, prices are assumed constant. The profit function for the single output thus is written as: it(x)=pf(x)-.wx (2) where p is the market output price, and w is the vector of market prices of the respective inputs x. The condition of unconstrained profit maximization is described as: First Order Conditions (FOC): = pDf(x*) (3) and (pDf(x*) w)x* = 0 / af(x*) (4) 3f(x*) where Df(x*) dx, ) is the vector of partial derivatives off with respect to each of the inputs. FOCs are necessary conditions for profit maximization. FOCs state that the resources are used to 35 the point where the marginal revenue from the additional factor is equal to or more than the marginal cost incurred from adding the extra factor (Equation (3)). Equation (4) indicates that when the input price is not equal to the value of marginal product, the input is not used. Second Order Condition (SOC): When the production function is known as being convex, FOCs are both necessary and sufficient conditions for profit maximization. When the shape of production function is unknown, however, the second order condition (SOC) must be introduced. This condition is sufficient to establish that the x obtained in FOCs represents the maximizing arguments. The SOC states that the matrix of second derivatives of profit function, D2 t(x*) must be negative semidetinite. This implies that the Hessian matrix of the production function, D2 f(x*) must be negative semi-definite at the optimal point, a2 f(x*) where D2 f(x*) = (5) Equation (5) implies that f <0 for all i. This indicates the law of diminishing returns of factor inputs. 3.4.2 Profit Maximization (Constrained Case) In the section above, the unconstrained profit maximization case was explained. When constraints are added to the model, it takes the form of: Maximize ic(x) pf(x) - wx subjectto g(x)k (6) form=l,. .M . where gs are constraint functions and ks are the limits on resources available. The lagrangian function is thus written as: = pf(x) -wx g(x)) = 0 Am (km where As are the marginal values of constrained or limited resources. The FOCs are: D2(x*,A*) pDf(x*) - w- ? gm(x) = 0 = k - g(x*) =0 The SOCs are satisfied when D2(x*,A*) is negative semi-definite. (7) 37 3.4.3 Externalities Baumol and Oats (1988) gives the definition of externalities as follows: Condition 1. An externality is present whenever some individuals (say As) utility or production relationships include real (that is, nonmonetary) variables, whose values are chosen by others (persons, corporations, governments) without particular attention to the effects on As welfare. Condition 2. The decision maker, whose activity affects others utility levels or enters their production functions, does not receive (pay) in compensation for this activity an amount equal in value to the resulting benefits (or costs) to others. When an externality like nonpoint source pollution exists, society maximizes profits with constraints on allowable emissions as well as production capacity. Societyts lagrangian is written as: = pf(x) -wx -A (k - g(x)) - (Z*z(x)) = 0 (10) where the last terms represent the constraints imposed regarding the pollution emission rates. With the assumptions of concavity of implicit production function and binding constraints, FOC describes the societys optimal choices of production activities as follows (Griffin and Bromley, 1982): = pf(x) - wi-A g1(x) - Profit maximizing farms assume (x) 0 for i = 1, ... , n (11) = 0 and equates marginal revenue (first term) and private marginal cost (second and third terms). The fourth term indicates the marginal 38 cost of externality. This should be added to the private marginal cost to obtain the social marginal cost. 4. PROCEDURE AND MODEL DESCRIPTiON In the earlier chapters, the background information necessary to understand the nature of the environmental problem as well as earlier and theoretical developments in the abatement of the problem were described. Having reviewed these, the discussion now turns to the approaches taken for the evaluation of the main issues in this thesis. 4.1 General Procedure A list of farms in two counties of the Willamette Valley in Western Oregon with conservation compliance plans was obtained from the Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS), the former Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The two counties selected, Polk and Marion counties, both have large amounts of highly erodible lands (HEL), as confirmed by the NRCS. A mail survey was sent to all HEL producers with compliance plans in the two selected counties (Appendix B). Producers were asked to identify the adjustments they had made in their farming operations to implement their compliance plans. The survey results, combined with the ëorresponding compliance plans, were used to develop two to three representative farms for each county. The principal characteristics that differentiate the representative farms were crop rotations used prior to implementing the compliance plans and soil types. For each representative farm, a biophysica.! simulator, Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC), was used to generate the environmental outputs (soil erosion, 40 nitrate leaching and runoff etc.) and crop yield from various farming operations for both pre- and post-compliance plan situations. EPIC simulates the biophysical processes in the agricultural production system given soil, weather, crop, and farm management inputs and data. Crop enterprise budgets. compliance plans, and survey results together provide necessary parameters for all simulation runs of utilizing EPIC model. EPIC simulations are conducted for each soil of each representative farm. The environmental outputs and productivity estimates obtained from the EPIC simulation runs are inputed into a linear programming model and solved using General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) software. Farm income is maximized subject to various constraints related to the faims and their operations. Profit maximizing farming activities are identified for each representative farm before and after the implementation of the compliance plans. Alternative policies are introduced by adding different sets of costs and constraints to linear programming model described earlier. With the new constraints and costs introduced to GAMS, the optimal field operations and crop mix are determined for each policy. Cost effectiveness of different policies are determined. 4.2 Site Setting: Willamette Valley in the Western Oregon As previously stated, two counties in the Willamette Valley, Polk and Marion counties were selected as the specific locations of the study. Marion county leads Oregon in terms of gross farm and ranch sales. It also is the largest producer of vegetable crops in the Valley. Both Marion and Polk counties have a large acreage of 41 highly erodible lands that need conservation plans: approximately 24,000 and 25,000 acres respectively (Gelderman, 1994; Hale, 1994). Currently almost all of these HEL acres have approved plans. 4.2.1 Physical Characteristics The Willamette Valley has a modified marine climate of a dry and warm summer and a wet and cool winter. The weather in the Valley is greatly influenced by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Cascade Mountains to the east. Average winter temperature in Salem is 40 degrees F, while average summer temperature is 63 degrees F. The daily minimum temperature in winter is 33 degrees on average, and the daily maximum in summer is about 77 degrees (IJSDA-SCS, 1982). Of the 40-45 inches of annual precipitation, about eighty-five percent falls between October through March. in the summer, several weeks can pass by without significant rainfall. Wide variations in soil characteristics exist in Polk and Marion counties. Four major land types are: alluvial flood plains, valley terraces, foothills, and the mountainous areas (USDA-SCS, 1982)(USDA-SCS, 1972). Most of the highly erodible lands (HEL) are located in the terraces and foothills. 4.2.2 Main Crops in Production Many types of crops ranging from cereal grains and grass seeds to hay, orchards, caneberries, and vegetables can be produced on the variety of soils that exist in the 42 Willamette Valley. The main crops on highly erodible lands (1IEL) are grains and grass seeds with smaller acreage of vegetable crops. Small Grains In 1994, about 10% of gross farm sales came from grains (of which 88% is wheat) in Polk County, while Marion Countys grain sales represented only 2.5% of gross sales (Oregon State University Extension Service, 1995). Wheat is the Oregons fifth leading agricultural commodities after farm forestry, cattle and calves, nursery crops, and dairy in terms of gross sales (Oregon State University Extension Service, 1995). About 30% of harvested acreage was planted to wheat in 1994. 4.22.2 Grass Seed Oregon leads the nation in the production of grass seeds. Of 445,925 harvested acres of grass and legume seeds in 1994, annual and perennial ryegrass seeds were estimated to be planted on more than a half (254,370 acres, estimated) of the acreage (Oregon State University Extension Service, 1995). Tall fescue seed was planted on about 6.5% percent of the acreage, and it ranks third in the area produced among grass and legumes, after annual and perennial ryegrass seeds (Oregon State University Extension Service, 1995). Over 90% of the grass and legume seeds are produced in the Willamette Valley , and both Polk and Marion Counties are large contributors to their production. 43 Vegetable Crops Marion County is the leader in producing vegetable crops in the state, especially sweet corn and snap beans. Marion County devotes over 5,000 harvested acres to sweet corn and 13,000 acres to snap beans (USDA-Oregon Agricultural Statistics Service, 1993). Sweet corn and snap beans are the Oregons second and third most valuable vegetable crop, respectively (USDA-Oregon Agricultural Statistics Service, 1993). Oregon is the second largest producer of snap beans in the nation as well as being the fourth largest sweet corn producer (USDA-Oregon Agricultural Statistics Service, 1993). About 85 percent of sweet corn is for processing, while the remaining is marketed fresh. Most snap beans also are for processing. 4.3 Collection of Farm-Level Data The farm-level data were mainly obtained from three sources: enterprise budgets, compliance plans, and a mail survey. 4.3 1 Enterprise Budget and Prices Crop enterprise budgets published by the Oregon State University Extension Service contain information on general production methods, input needs, and various costs for producing each crop. The farming operations specified in the budgets were used to identify basic farming practices in producing each crop. Since the published year varies for each budget, fertilizer and pesticide costs were adjusted to the current market 44 prices. Few adjustments, however, were made in the machinery costs. Time did not allow collecting the necessary machinery cost information. Prices of fertilizer, pesticide, and commodities were obtained from various public sources. 4.3.2 Conservation Compliance Plans NRCS personnel developed conservation plans individually to fit the specific nature of each HEL field. The plans list the basic adjustments to the farming operations necessary to reduce erosion rates to the predetermined level on the HEL fields. The most important concern in preparing the plan was the need to meet the targetT (acceptable annual erosion rate). Erosion rates before and after the implementation of the written plan on each field were calculated using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Although Polk County strictly adheres to the strict target-T requirement, Marion County uses an Alternative Conservation System (ACS) on about 50% of the HEL plans. The use of ACS does not require farmers to meet the strict T-constraints as long as erosion from the farms is reduced substantially. Marion County NRCS personnel determined that the shallow soils of the HELs would make producers using these soils face severe economic hardships if they were forced to strictly adhere to the target-T conservation system. The mid-west version of USLE was modified to fit Oregons weather and soils. Location site, soil type, and field acreage as well as R (rainfall), K (soil erodibility), LS (slope-length), C (crop management). P (erosion control) and T (tolerance level) factors4 4The description of these factors and USLE is found in Section 4.4.3. 45 of the modified version of USLE were specified for each field. C and P factors were the only factors which change according to the farm practice employed. The most often adopted field operation that changes C is residue management practice. It includes such things as early planting and reduced plowing (Hale, 1994). The P factor can be decreased by cross-slope farming and by the construction of terraces and contouring. Because erosion is difficult to monitor, crop residue serves as proxy for erosion. Thus, the plans specify the amount of crop residue to be present on the ground on December 1 (Table 4.1). Although conservation plans specify the practices which will reduce erosion, complete adherence to the plans is not required. The plans do not require producers to follow every listed practice as long as the producers manage to reduce the erosion rate on their lands to target T or appropriate target specified in the plan (up to 4 times T). In addition, producers usually have some flexibility on how they achieve their targets. The plans also do not specify the pre-compliance operations. 4.3.3 Mail Survey A mail survey was sent to all producers farming Highly Erodible Lands (HEL) in Polk and Marion Counties. The purpose of the survey was to ask producers the specific adjustments they made in complying to the conservation plan and to identify the pre-compliance management system. The producers were asked to list the farming operations before and after the development of the plans on their largest tract of HEL 46 Table 4. 1 The Recommended Seeding Dates and Crop Residue Levels to Achieve the Specified % of December 1 Ground Cover5 Ground Cover by December 1 Planting Date Residue Level to be left on Soil Surface 45 % September 20 October 1 October 15 Spring leave 20% leave 30% leave 40% leave 45% over winter 55% September 20 October 1 October 15 Spring leave 30% leave 40% leave 50% leave 55% over winter 60% September 20 October 1 October 15 Spring leave 30°/a 70% 80% leave 45% leave 55% leave 60% over winter September 20 October 1 October 15 Spring leave 55% leave 65% leave 70% over winter September 20 October 1 October 15 Spring leave 50% leave 65% leave 75% leave 80% over winter leave 400/0 Source: Water Erosion Control: Guidelines for Oregon (IJSDA-SCS, 1986) lands. Dillman's (1978) surveying method, Total Design Method" was used when preparing and mailing the survey. A copy of questionnaire is given in Appendix B. 5Ground cover includes green growth and residue from previous crops 47 4.4 Introduction of Biophysical Model: EPIC The Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) simulation model generates and supplies the technical and environmental information necessary for conducting the economic analysis. The effects of weather, climate, and crop management practices are evaluated in terms of crop yield, risk, net returns, and soil and water resources in various research projects (USDA-ARS). There are a variety of biophysical simulation models which could be chosen to estimate the rates of erosion and nonpoint source water pollution. The more frequent and standard the bioeconomic approaches become, the more useful these models will be. 4.4.1. Selection of the Model The Water Quality Model Evaluation Committee (1 992a- I 992e) evaluated the performance of five different water quality computer models and one computerized procedure model in dealing with the problems of nonpoint source pollution from nutrients, pesticides and sediments. The models evaluated include: Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins - Water Quality (SWRRBWQ), Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model (AGNPS). Nitrate Leaching and Economic Analysis Package (NLEAP), Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems (GLEAMS), Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC), and the National Pesticide/Soil Database and User Decision Support System for Risk Assessment of Ground and Surface Water Contamination (NPURG). These models predict and determine the effect of 48 management decisions on various components such as sediment, nutrients, and pesticides, but all have their weaknesses (Table 4.2). EPIC was selected since it was evaluated to work best for the purpose of the study. The primary function of the model is to determine the relationship between erosion and long-term soil productivity. But the model also provides various important outputs related to the fate of nutrients and pesticides and the timing of these chemicals leaching and runoff (USDA-SCS, 1992b). EPIC is the only model that combines soil and water pollution components related to nutrients and pesticides with economics (USDASCS, 1992b). AGNPS and GLEAMS use a peak flow equation which is mainly applicable to upstream agricultural fields in the Midwest. This equation is characterized by small drainage areas, type 116 rainfall distribution, and uniform field surfaces where the field and channel slopes are close (USDA-SCS, 1992a) (USDA-SCS, 1992c). SWRRBWQ and EPIC use the modified rational formula which also is applicable only to type II rainfall distributions. However, a new version of EPIC contains a method which is applicable to type I, IA, and III as well as type II (Williams, l994). The study area falls into type TA. Rainfall distributions are necessary to calculate peak flow. Peak flow greatly influences erosion. 6 Type I and IA -- the Pacific marine climate with wet winters and dry summers Type III -Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastal areas with large rainfall amounts associated with tropical storms Type II -the rest of the country (USDA-ARS, EPIC - User's Guide, Draft) It is possible that new versions of the other biosimulation models we have evaluated have adjusted their peak flow equations so that the model outputs can be valid for parts of the country other than mid-western U.S. 49 Table 4-2 Description of Water Quality Computer Models Model Functions Weakness SWRRBWQ Watershed scale -includes components of water, sediment, nutrient, and pesticide yields at a subbasin or basin outlet -includes lake water quality component -includes only limited number of soils, crops, irrigation, and others -gives unrealistic output because of the assumption of unique area characteristics -uses peak flow equation consistent only with type II rainfall distribution AGNPS Watershed scale -single event based -includes hydrology, erosion, sediment transport, nutrient transport, chemical oxygen demand (COD) components -does not properly determine the flow path for local peak flow -determines only suspended sediment from sheet and nh erosion -no pesticide model NLEAP Field scale -includes nutrient (nitrate) component -predict nitrate leaching rate and potential impact on groundwater quality -has poor linkage between economics, yield, and management GLEAMS Field scale -includes components of water, sediment, and pesticide yields at the edge of field and bottom of the root zone --does not properly determine the flow path for local peak flow -gives different erosion rate when the area is changed -assumes the ratio of suspended sediment concentration at the boundary to the average suspended sediment concentration constant EPIC Field scale -includes components of weather, hydrology, erosion, nutrient cycling, pesticide fate, soil temperature, tillage, crop growth, crop and soil management, and economics -uses too many default values, which raise some concern for the quality of output -uses sediment yield model which includes bed and bank sediment materials in the sediment yields Sources: USDA-SCS, 1992a, 1992b, 1992c, 1992d. and 1992e 50 NLEAP gives realistic nitrate leaching estimates. However, it does not include pesticide components, as is the case of AGNPS. In addition, NLEAP does not interconnect economics, yield, and management very well in the model (USDA-SCS, 1992d). For example, deficient nitrogen or water does not reduce crop yield. SWRRBWQ and GLEAMS have an unrealistic assumption of unique area characteristics and constant sediment concentration ratio, respectively (USDA-SCS, I 992c) (USDA- SCS, l992e). Thus the outputs of the models are questionable and not very useful. Unlike most other models, EPIC has the advantage of being able to simulate cropping systems for many years, and to evaluate long-term soil productivity (USDA- ARS). Because the data manipulation of cropping patterns and management practices is simple, it is possible to compare outputs from current field operations with the ones from alternatives. Thus, EPIC is a very useful tool in conservation planning (USDA-SCS, 1992b). EPIC has been used in research to evaluate 'crop productivity, risk of crop failure, degradation of the soil resource, impacts on water quality, response to different input levels and management practices, response to spacial variation in climate and soils, and long-term changes in climate" (USDA-ARS). EPIC's estimates for nutrient cycling, water and nitrogen percolation, and nutrient sediment losses are found consistent with the actual field data (Parsons, Pease, and Bosch, 1994). The recent applications include Mapp, et al (1994), Lakshminarayan, Bouzaher, and Johnson (1994), Larson, Helfand, and House (1994), Parsons, Pease. and Bosch (1 994),Tay!or, Adams, and Miller (1992), and Lee, Phillips, and Liu (1993). 51 4.4.2 Data Sources for EPIC Parameters Various physical and economic parameters are required in order to run the EPIC model. Although EPIC provides many of the parameters necessary for the program, these parameters often do not generate reasonable outputs. It is important to replace these internal default values with localized input data to increase the accuracy of the estimates (USDA-SCS, 1992b). Weather EPIC contains weather data from 1041 national weather stations. Data from the station closest to the selected Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) site were included in EPIC (Lee, Phillips, and Liu, 1993). Daily weather data are generated internally in EPIC, given the initial parameters taken from the weather data above. The daily values generated include precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, solar radiation, and wind. The simulated daily weather variables are the same for all simulation runs using the same weather data (Lee, Phillips, and Liu. 1993). Climate data for the study were estimated using the Corvallis weather data included in the EPIC program. Corvallis is located near the center of the Willamette Valley, and its weather is similar to weather in both Polk and Marion Counties. 52 Soils The EPIC program contains soil parameters for 737 soils nationwide, but it does not have parameters for many of the important soils in the study area. Most of the soils listed in the database represent soils in the eastern regions of the United States, which was EPIC's original focus. The data set included in EPIC program is not adequate for many applications because the appropriate soil series are not present and/or better sitespecific information is available (USDA-ARS, 1991). The Soils-S database from the National Resources Inventory (NRI) was used in the study. It contains most of the required soil parameters for more than 4,000 US soils including all the soils in the study area. The Soils-5 database has been verified as fairly representative of Oregon soils (Pedone, 1995) when it is supplemented with the localized field data. When sample EPIC runs were conducted utilizing Woodburn soil which is present in both the EPICsupplied and Soils-S databases, the outputs obtained using the Soils-S corresponded reasonably well with the ones obtained using the EPIC supplied database. Crops Although many crop parameters used in simulation are default values, several adjustments to the parameters were made to better reflect the crop productivity response to the local characteristics of the study area. Also, because only a limited number of crops are included in the EPIC program, simplifying substitutions had to be made to adequately simulate the crops produced in the study area. For example, even though grass seed crops are commonly produced in the region, they are not common nationally. 53 EPIC does not provide the crop parameters for these crops. Winter pasture is used as a substitute for grass seed, because both have similar growth patterns. Seed yield was estimated from the production of dry matter (Table 4.3). Although EPIC tracks pesticide fate, it does not accurately assess the effect of pest damage and pesticide effectiveness on crop yield. Local pest problems thus need to be incorporated into the simulation. Because winter wheat, especially in continuous cropping, suffers from several severe local pest problems if planted early, the economic yield / above-ground biomass in the rotation was adjusted for situations where wheat was planted earlier than October 15 (the recommended planting date to avoid the pest problems). All the biomass and yields of vegetable crops are given in dry weight in the EPIC program. The wet yields for these crops are obtained by dividing the dry yields by one minus the appropriate moisture percentage of the crops. When 90 % of these crops harvested are water, the wet yields are calculated by multiplying dry weight yields by 10. Table 4.3 Dry Matter Production and Seed Yields Dry Matter Production Seed Yield Annual Ryegrass 3 tons/acre over 2,200 lbs Perennial Ryegrass 2.5 - 2.75 tons/acre 900 - 1800 lbs Tall Fescue 3.5 -4 tons/acre 1200 - 1500 lbs 54 Other Parameters Several other localized data were supplied as the inputs to the simulation runs. Pesticide parameters are obtained from the GLEAMS documentation (Knisel, 1.993), and fertilizer parameters are constructed according to the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the different fertilizers used in actual farm practices in the Willamette Valley. 4.4.3 Simulation Fifteen years of crop production are simulated for the several soil types and various farm operations. EPIC gives environmental and agricultural outputs for each simulation. The EPIC outputs become the technical coefficients in the linear programming model. In calculating soil loss, EPIC provides several alternative equations to choose from. The basic structure is: Y= x (K)(C)(P)(LS)(ROKF) where Y is the sediment yield in ton/ha K is the soil erodibility factor C is the crop management factor P is the erosion control practice factor LS is the slope length and steepness factor ROKF is the coarse fragment factor However each alternative equation has a different value for x as follows: x El (standard USLE) x= 1.586 (Q*.q)S6AI2 (modified USLE or MTJSLE) x= 2.5 (Qq,)5 (Second modified USLE or MUST) 55 where El is rainfall energy factor Q is runoff volume in mm, and q is peak runoff rate in mm/h. USLE depends only on rainfall as an indicator of erosive energy, while MTJSLE and MUST depend only on runoff variables as indicators. The use of runoff variables "increased the prediction accuracy [and] eliminated the need for a delivery ratio (used in the USLE to estimate sediment yield).' MUSLE and MUST also have the advantage that they provide single storm estimates of sediment yields, while USLE provides only annual yield estimates (USDA-ARS, 1990). However, sediment yield estimated using MTJSLE and MUST include bed and bank sediment load material as well as sheet and nil, interrill, and ephemeral gully erosion (LJSDA-SCS, 1992b). As the bed and bank sediment materials are not parts of the landscape erosion, the erosion estimate can be high (USDA-SCS, 1992b). In addition, USLE is the equation used by NRCS personnel in conservation planning (USDA-SCS, 1991). Therefore, USLE was used to calculate actual erosion and associated nutrient and sediment runoff with sediments. USLE used by the NRCS personnel in Oregon is the modified version of the standard or Midwestern USLE. It was modified to correspond to the Pacific Northwest Drylands. Although the factors contained in the equations are the same, the formulas in calculating the factor values, especially R and LS are different. Only one weather data set was used in the study, and R value falls between 45-50, which is consistent with the adjusted R value. The EPIC R value is thus assumed to be a reasonable estimate for the purpose of the study. Only two different LS values are used for evaluation. LS value is not significantly different between the standard EPIC value and adjusted value for 56 Oregon. In the case of steeper slopes, the erosion rate obtained from EPIC is slightly overestimated, but the rate is still reasonable even in the absolute value. Table 4.4 LS values for the Standard USLE and for Adjusted USLE for Oregon slope-length 8%-400 feet 16%-250 feet EPIC LS value (standard USLE) 1.97 4.58 LS value for Oregon (adjusted USLE) 1.98 4.08 4.5 Using Linear Programming as a Tool to Obtain Results Yields and environmental outputs obtained from EPIC were incorporated into a profit-maximizing linear programming model. 4.5.1 Linear Programming Linear programming is a type of mathematical programming which is linear both in the objective function and resource constraints. In the world of linear programming, the production functions have fixed input-output coefficients. This production function is called a fixed-proportions or Leontief production function. It has the general form: f(x)=min{cz1x1, 57 where the a values are technical coefficients and x values represent activity levels. The output level is given by the smallest of a x, and substitution among any of inputs is not possible. There is no change in output unless the changed input is the limiting resource. When the input constraint is binding, average and marginal product (AP, MP, respectively) are positive. MP is 0 when the constraint is not binding. This production function in addition has the property of constant returns to scale (CRTS). If all the inputs are increased by a certain proportion, then the output will increase by the same proportion. Even though the assumption of fixed input-output coefficients sounds unrealistic. it improves tractability. The Leontief function is one of the most popular production function used by economists because of its well-established, easy-to-handle property. Linear programming is a useful tool to represent reality. Silberberg (1990) states "assumptions are always simplifications of reality by definition and are incorporated into the analysis to improve the manageability of the model or theory." An important point of any model is to be aware of its underlying assumption when applying it to the real problem. 4.5.2 The Profit Maximizing Model: GAMS The linear programming model described above is useful to analyze trade-offs of profit maximizing behaviors and various environmental externalities. GAMS is the solution algorithm used in the study. Farm profits are maximized subject to soil acreage 58 and farm management constraints. Assuming there are j enterprise activities and k resources, the profit maximization model is vvTitten as: Max m= py subject to Qy b yo where p is the j dimension vector of expected return for enterprise activity (positive or negative), y is thej dimension vetor of the level of activity, Q is thej x k matrix of technical coefficients for the y enterprise activities, and b is the k dimension vector of resources available. When considering the effect of implementing conservation compliance plans, an additional constraint is necessary. Compliance plans call for maintaining acceptable maximum average erosion rates on HEL fields each year, which are usually equal to T value. The values are specified for each soil type and vary from I to 5 tons per acre a year. Therefore, the following constraint is added to the linear programming model above: twhere t is the v dimension vector of T values and E isvthe x r xj erosion rate for activity for the state of nature. There are r states of nature and v T-values. The basic linear programming model contains the following objective function and constraints: 59 Maximize Profits (Total Sales - Total Input Costs - Risk and Management Returns) subject to: Yield-to-Product Balance Environmental Output-to-Tillage Practice Balance Fertilizer Needs-to-Ti ilage Practice Balance Pesticide Needs-to-Tillage Practice Balance Total Acreage Limit Soil-to-Farm Balance Rotation-to-Farm Balance Tillage Practice-to-Yearly Erosion Balance Compliance Limit (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Specifically, Max a EXP11 * IN l -EXP2 * TN2 PRICE1 X - subject to YIELDJS * Y -X zjs ENVCjS * FD7 * PD zjs - Qe - [Ni *Y - IN2Y 7jS Y Yljs =0 for all i (1) 0 for all e (2) =0 for all f (3) 0 for all p (4) 100 - A2 * A1 * land7 * - =0 (5) for all j, z (6) and all combinations of (s1,s2) forallj,s - Yi2js (7) and all combinations of(z1,z2) i:i: STrojs * Yzjs - lit *DEsro r1I DE, 0 100 * T for all r, s, o (8) for all s, o (9) (r1 ,r2) = (1,t), , (15-t,15) 60 where the activities are: X is the quantity produced of crop i, Y is the acre of tillage practice j for rotation crop z on soil s, Qe is the unit of environmental service e, 1N1 is the unit of fertilizer f, lN2 is the unit of pesticide p, DE is the deviation above the erosion limit for year R. Parameters are described as: PRICE is the Linit price of crop i, EXP l is the unit cost of fertilizer f EXP2 is the unit cost of pesticide p. LANIDJ is the cost of tillage j for rotational crop z, YIELDZJS is the yield of crop i for tillage j for rotational crop z on soil s, ENVS is the unit of environmental service e for tillage j for rotaional crop z on soil s, FDfZ is the unit of fertilizer f needed for rotational crop z, PDPLJ is the unit of pesticide p needed for tillage j for rotational crop z STrgs is the erosion rate for year r for tillage j for rotaional crop z on soil s T is T-value for soil s where i represents the crop, j represents the tillage practice, z is the rotational crop, s is the soil, e is the environmental service, f is fertilizer, p is pesticide, o is rotation, r is year, and t is the number of years in rotation. The objective function states that the profit is to be maximized, that is, maximizing total sales minus all production costs minus risk and management returns. The level of long term profit is obtained by subtracting land rent from the above profit. Since long-term profit is zero in the case of perfect competition model, profit in the objective function is a pure land rent. The risk and management returns (RMR) for the unconstrained case are calculated as: RMR Total Sales - Total Input Costs - Land Rent 61 where land rent is the estimate obtained from Pease (1995) for each soil type. RMR is then re-specified as a percentage of the total sales, and this percentage is used to estimate the RMR for constrained cases (Turner and Periy, 1996). The parameter c is thus defined as one minus percentage of risk and management returns from the unconstrained case. This implies that the unconstrained problem always gives the land rent estimates which are specified in Pease (1995). The tillage practices activities (Y) determine the various activities such as pesticide (P) and fertilizer (F), environmental outputs (Q), and yields (X). Constraints (1), (2), (3), and (4) describes these relationships. Constraint (1) describes the relationship between crop yield and field practices. Constraint (2) shows the relationship between environmental output produced and the use of particular tillage operations. Constraints (3) and (4) show the fertilizer and pesticides required, respectively, in adopting particular tillage practices. The next three constraints give the restrictions related to soils and rotations. Constraint (5) is the farm acreage limit. It forces all farm acreage into production. Constraint (6) is required since each farm has the proportional acreage of the particular soil. Constraint (7) is the rotational requirement as all the rotational crops in the rotation should be produced for the same acreage. While constraint (8) describes the relationship between annual erosion rate for a particular soil and tillage operations, constraint (9) shows that the farmers are required to meet target averaged T-value (Ts) for the span of entire rotation. If the rotation is one year, T must be met every year. But if farmers have a five-year rotation, they are only 62 required to meet the five-year averaged T-value. T-value for different soil depth is described in the table 4.5. When alternative policies are introduced, additional constraints are added. When alternative "targets" are evaluated, the equation, Qe Qo is added, where Qo is the target level of the pollutants, and Qe is the activity level which has the upper limit. Table 4.5 The Annual Maximum Soil Loss Level (T-value) Soil Depth Renewable Soil8 T (tons/acre) Nonrenewable Soil9 T (tons/acre) Greater than 60' 5 5 40-60" 4 3 20-40" 3 10-20" 2 Less than 10" 1 1 1 Source: USDA-SCS Water Erosion Control, 1986 Alternative policies which are considered in the study are modified T-constraints, "targets" and "targets" with T-constraints. "Soils with favorable substrate that can be renewed by tillage, fertilization, organic material, and other management practice" (USDA-SCS, 1986). 9"Soils with unfavorable substrata that cannot by renewed by economical means" (USDA-SCS, 1986). 63 5 RESULTS In this chapter, the effects of compliance and alternative regulations on producers income and various environmental services are presented. The results of the HEL Conservation Plan survey are discussed in the first section. The characteristics of representative HEL farms developed from the survey results are described in the next section. The results of EPIC and GAMS models for representative HEL farms follow. 5.1 Survey Result HEL Conservation Plan Survey questionnaires were mailed to all HEL producers who have compliance plans in Polk and Marion Counties. The response rate was approximately 40 percent. Only 75 percent of the returned questionnaires (58 responses out of 202 questionnaires sent), however, were used for the study. The other 25 percent lacked some vital information necessary to be included in the study. Since the information from all the surveyed producers were not available, there is a large potential for the study results being biased. No effort was made to contact the non-respondents. 5.1.1 Soil Characteristics According to the survey results, HEL farms with conservation compliance plans have the following soils: Nekia, Belipine, Jory, Salkum, Chehulpum, Rickreall, Stayton, Steiwer, Willakenzie, Silverton, Hazelair, Helmick, Suver, Dupee, Willamette, Woodburn, Santiam, and Helvetia. The soil characteristics of these are described in Table 5.1 1 8 soils listed above According to the compliance plans, several HEL farms have 64 Dixonville, Philomath, and Witzel soils. Since no questionnaires were returned from producers having these soils, however, these three soils are not considered in this study. Woodburn and Willamette are highly productive soils, while Chehulpum, Hazelair, and Steiwer soils have limited productivity. A variety of crops are produced on the former soils. The latter three soils are the "least suitable for farming of any soils in the survey area" in Marion County (USDA-SCS, 1972), and only certain crops can be produced profitably on these soils. 5.1.2 Farming Operations of Pre- and Post-Compliance plans Producers in the survey indicated that the main farming adjustments were crop rotation, tillage practices, and planting date (Table 5,2). More than half of HEL producers have changed their tillage practices, and many of these producers also now plant on cross slope. The new tillage practices include fewer passes over the field and use machinery which causes less soil disturbance. Because of the change in tillage practices (for example, from conventional moldboard plowing to chisel plowing, field cultivation, or no-till), some producers stated that they needed to purchase or rent new equipment. About 50 percent of the producers in Polk County indicated that they have changed crop rotation on their HEL lands, while only 11 percent of producers in Marion County mentioned the change in their rotation, Many of HEL producers in Marion County in pre-compliance situation were already producing grass seeds, which generally Table 5-1 Characteristics of Soils of HEL Farms Soil Taxanomy iydrologic group) Bellpine Xeric Drainage Landscape class position WD 1-laplohumult D Chehulpum Entic WI) iow foothills, high rolling uplands lo foothills liaploxeroll Parent Material colluvium from sedimentary rocks weathered sedimentary rocks C Dupee Aquultic Ilaplox eralf SWPD Aquullic liaploxeroll MWD Aquic SWPD C 1-Eazelair I) Ilehnick Xerochrepts I) Heletia Ultic MWI) Argixeroll C Jory Xeric WI) liaplohumult C Nekia Xeric WD I {aplohumult C Rickreall D Salkum Xeric WI) I laplohurnult Ultic 1-Iaploxeralfs C WD swales and depressions , lo foothills io convex foothills colluvium from sedimentary rocks Surface Layer dark reddish brown silty clay loam dark brown silt loam & silty clay loam dark brown silty loam dark grayish brown silt loam, silty clay loam convex dark brown footsiopes suit loam & ridges silty clay loam terraces above residuum and v, dark grayish the Willamette colluvium from brown and dark River floo dplain sedimen tary rocks brown silt loam low foothills, colluvium from dark reddish higher rolling sedimentary rocks brown silt loam, uplands and basic rocks Lsilty clay loam foothills, colluvium from dark reddish higher uplands sedimentary rocks brown silty and basic rocks clay loam dark reddish footslope and eathered lo rolling sedimentary rocks brown silty foothills clay loam old, high dark brown weathered gravelly terraces silty clay loam alluvium calayey colluviuin from sedimentary ro cks colluvium from sedimentary rocks Thick- Penneness 9 in ability slow AWC max root depth w.table 20-40 in 3,5-6 in > 72in Effective 17-24in 6 in moderate 9 in moderately > 60 10-20 slow 2-4 6-13 > 72 32-14 20-26 24-36 lOin slow 24-130 4-7 14-20 12-24 1 Sin very slow 20-136 5.5-7.5 14-20 12-24 15 in moderately > 60 10-12 22-26 36-72 slow moderately > 60 9-1 1 > 72 slow 25-28 moderately 20-40 4-7 17-24 > 72 >72 20 in 9 in slow 5 in slow 12-20 2-3 8-14 l4in slow 48-60 9-12 Table 5-1 Characteristics of Soils of HEL Farms Soil Taxanomy (hydrologic group) Santiam Aquultic Haploxeraif C Silverton Pachic Ultic Argixerolls Drainage Landscape class position MWD terraces above the Willarnette Valley floor Parent Material WD fine-textured material that Contains gravel C Stayton Lithic Umbric WI) Vitrandeprs I) Steiwer Ultic Haploxeroll WI) Aquic SWPD dissected terraces, footslopes of low foothills foot slopes, drainageways of red foothills low foothills silty allivium over claycy alluvium Surface Layer v.dark grayish Thick- Perme-Effective AWC ness ability 17 in moderately >40 8-11 slow 20-26 brown. dark brown silt loam dark brown silt loam root depth 7 in slow 20-40 5-7 alluvium underlain black silt loam by besalt 17 in moderate 15-20 2-4 weathered sedimentary rocks vdark grayish brown silt loam 15 in moderately 20-40 ridges and smooth low foothills low, broad valley terraces residuum and colluvium from sedimentary rocks silty alluvium dark brown 11 in very slow 12 in moderate low foothills residuum and colluvium from sedimentary rocks silty alluvium 8 in moderately 20-40 max w.table 24-36 3.5-8 16-20 > 72 20-36 4-7.5 14-20 12-24 > 60 12-24 > 72 5-7.5 16-20 > 72 11-13 24-36 slow C Suver Haplohumult 1) Willamette Pachic Ultic Argixerolls WD Willakenzie Ultic Haploxeraif WD B C Woodburn C Aquultic Argixecoll MWD terraces above the \Telley tloodp lain silty clay loam v.dark grayish-brown silt loam dark reddish brown silty clay loam v,dark grayish brown. dark brown silt loam Slow 17 in slow > 60 20-26 67 cause low erosion rates. Relatively more Polk County producers were producing small grains, which cause substantially higher erosion. A small number of producers in both counties after compliance plant grains earlier than before in order to stimulate more green growth prior to the winter rains. Some grass producers stopped burning grass or started planting cover crops instead of summer fallowing in the effort of maintaining a certain amount of residues on their lands all year around. Ten percent of the survey respondents stated that they increased the use of chemical pesticides, usually Roundup in the spring as part of their reduced tillage system. Thirty percent of producers in Polk County claimed that the yield of their crops had Table 5.2 Survey Result Summary: Percentage of Producers who Have Made Various Farming Adjustments and Have Observed the Change in Yield Total Number POLK MARION 30 farms 28 farms Tillage 53% 54% Rotation 47% 11% Planting Date 17% 0% Cross Sloping 47% 29% Fertilizer 7% 11% Pesticide 13% 21% Machinery 20% 14% Other 0% 21% Yield 30% 7% 68 decreased as a result of the new field operations, while only seven percent of producers in Marion County mentioned the decline in their crop yields. 5.2 Representative Farms From these survey results, combined with the corresponding compliance plans, five representative 1-IEL farms were developed; three for Polk County and two for Marion County. All the HEL fields were categorized into these five representative farms based on the crop rotation before implementing the conservation compliance plans. Soil types and slope of the fields were then used to divide each group of HEL fields into several different tracts. 5.2.1 Soil Grouping The 18 soils specified in section 5. 1.1 were grouped into seven model soils according to their parental material, drainage class, landscape position and other characteristics. A representative soil was selected to represent each soil group. This grouping was done to reduce the number of soils to be considered and to reduce the number of EPIC runs required. Beilpine, Jory, Nekia, and Salkum are red soils located mainly in the higher elevations and could have been represented by one soil, Jory. However, the use of Jory soil to represent Nekia and Belipine soils would have overestimated the value of the water holding capacity of the latter soils, since the soils have considerably lower root 69 depth than Jory (Huddleston, 1995). Thus, Nekia and Beilpine soils are grouped to form one soil type, while Jory and Salkum are grouped to form an another. Foothill well-drained soils consist of Chehulpum, Rickreail, Steiwer, and Willakenzie. Hazelair, Helmick, Suver, and Dupee are somewhat poorly drained, foothill soils. Silty soils in the valley terraces include Willamette. Woodburn, Silverton, Stayton, Santiam, and Helvetia. Root depth is generally lower for Chehulpum and Rickreall (less than 20 inches) than for Steiwer and Willakenzie (between 20 to 40 inches), thus necessitating two different soil groups. Silverton has less than 20 inch root depth, while Stayton has 20-40 inches of depth. They are thus added to the two groups described above, respectively. Willamette separates itself from the remaining terrace soils because of its deep water table (more than 72 inches) and different bulk density (Huddleston, 1995). The seven model soils representing each seven groups are: Nekia, Jory, Chehulpum, Steiwer, Hazelair, Willamette, and Woodburn (Table 5.3). The selection of the representative soil in each group was made by the number of farms cultivating the particular soil. 5.2.2 Description of Representative Farms Specific characteristics of representative HEL farms are described in Table 5.4. The percentage of soil type and slope which makes up each farm is derived from the distributions of soil type and slope in each farm, as shown in Table 5.5. The number of 70 Table 5.3 Classification of Soils in the Study Area Model Soil Soils in the Category Chehulpum Chehulpum, Rickreall, Stayton Hazelair Ha.zelair, Helmick, Suver, Dupee Jory Jory, Salkum Nekia Nekia, Belipine Steiwer Steiwer, WiHakenzie, Silverton Willamette Willamette Woodburn Woodburn, Santiam, Helvetia survey respondents whose farms contain the specific soil type and slope is described in parenthesis next to each soil type-slope. Farm A through C were assumed to be located in Polk County. Farm A produces winter wheat continuously on 16%-slope Nekia, Woodburn, and Helmick soils. Farm B has a rotation of winter wheat and annual ryegrass seed on 8%-slope Steiwer, Woodburn, and Helmick soils, while farm C has a rotation of winter wheat and tall fescue seed on 16%-slope Chehulpum, Steiwer, Woodburn, and Helmick soils. Farms D and E are located in Marion County. Farm D has a rotation of winter wheat and vegetable crops, and Farm B has a rotation of winter wheat and perennial iyegrass seed. Farm D has 8%-slope Nekia and Willamette soils and 16%-slope Jory, Helmick, and Woodburn soils, while Farm E has 8%-slope Jory and 8%- and 16°/o-slope Nekia soils. 71 Table 5.4 Representative Farms Rotation Soil Type Slope Pct. of total HEL Farm A Polk continuous small grain (winter wheat) Nekia Helmick Woodburn 16% 16% 16% 50% 25% 25% Farm B Polk small grain, grass seed (winter wheat, annual ryegrass seed) Steiwer Helmick Woodburn 8% 8% 8% 50% 25% 25% Farm C Polk grass seed, small grain (tall fescue seed, Chehulpum Steiwer Helmick Woodburn 16% 16% 16% 16% small grain, row crops (irrigated) (winter wheat, sweet corn, bush beans) Nekia Jory Helmick Willamette Woodburn 8% 16% 16?/ 8% 8% 25% 25% grass seed, small grain (perennial iyegrass seed, winter wheat) Nekia Nekia Jory 8% 16% 8% 65% 25% winter wheat) Farm D Marion Farm E Marion 15% 50% 10% 25% 12.5°/G 12.5% 25% 10% 5.23 Adjustments to the Farming Operations of Representative Farms Table 5.6a through Table 5.6e list various farming operations of each representative HEL farm. The first row of each table represents the pre-compliance farming operation of each corresponding farm. The second row and thereafter represent possible combinations of adjustment to farming practices resulting from compliance. The first column of Table 5.6a and 5.6d and first two columns of Table 5.6b, 5.6c, and 5.6e represent the tillage system used in producing a crop specified in parenthesis. Next 72 Table 5.5 Distributions of Soil Type and Slope for Different Farm Soil Type-Slope (Number of Farms with the Soil) Farm A Nekia-8% (I), Nekia-16% (I), Woodbum-16% (1), Suver-l6% (1), l-lelmick-16% (2), Steiwer-16% (2), Chehulpum-8% (1), Chehulpum-16% (1), Helvetia-16% (I), Dupee-16% (1) Farm B Santiam-8% (1), Willakenzie-8% (2), Hazelair-8% (1) Farm C Woodburn-16% (1), Rickreall-16% (1), Bellpine-16% (1), Helmick-16% (1), Steiwer-8% (3), Steiwer-l6°/ (2), Suver-8% (1), Flelvetia-16% (1) Farm D Nekia-8% (3), Jory-16% (I), Willamette-8% (1), Woodburn-8% (I), Salkum-16% (1), Hazelair-I6°/4 (1) Farm B Nekia-8% (10), Nekia-16% (6), Jory-8% (2), Jory-16% (I), Silverton-8% (2) columns specify the planting date for winter wheat and the indication for cross slope. The last column is the ID or identification code, which is assigned to each farming operation system containing specific tillage practices and planting date, as described to the left of this column in the same row. The pre-compliance field operations for each farm were estimated using the crop enterprise budgets (OSU Extension Services). Because crop budgets represent typical fanning practices of a particular crop on productive soils, the practices for the 1-IEL representative farms of the study were slightJy modified. For example, only a half of the amount of fertilizers were applied to winter wheat produced on relatively unproductive soils such as Chehulpum, Helmick, and Steiwer. Field operations of post-compliance cases, on the other hand, are what were stated in the survey, supplemented with the practices listed in the developed plans themselves. Listed in Tables 5.6a through 5.6e are 73 different combinations of tillage practices, cross-slope tiliage, and planting date evaluated in the study. Table 5.6a Farming Operations for Representative Farm A Tillage (wheat) Planting Date (wheat) Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till 10/15 10/15 10/1 10/1 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 10/1 10/1 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 Cross Slope ID no acO3 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes acl3 10/1 10/1 no yes no yes no yes 9/20 9/20 no yes acO2 acl2 acOl ad 1 arO3 arl3 arO2 arl2 arOl an 1 anO3 anl3 anO2 anl2 anOl an!! 74 Table 5.6h Farming Operations for Representative Farm B Tillage (wheat) Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till Tillage (annual ryegrass) Burn! No Till Burni No Till Burn! No Till Burn! No Till Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Burn! No Till Burn/No Till Burn! No Till Burn! No Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Burn! No Till Burn/No Till Burn! No Till Burn! No Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Planting Date (wheat) Cross Slope 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 no bcO3 yes no yes no yes no yes no bcl3 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/1 5 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 ID beOl bcl 1 bcO3b be I 3b bc0 lb bcllb brO3 yes no yes no yes brl3 no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes brOib brOl brl 1 hr03h brl3b brl lb bnO3 bnl3 bn0i bnl I bn03b bnl3h bn0lb bn 11 b 75 Table 56c Farming Operations for Representative Farm B and C Tillage (wheat) Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till Tillage (Tall Fescue) BurniConventjonal Burn/Conventional Burn/Conventional Bum/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Burn'Reduced Till Bum/Reduced Till Burn/Reduced Till BurnlReduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Burn/Reduced Till Burn/Reduced Till Bum/Reduced Till Burn/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Planting Date (wheat) Cross Slope 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 no yes no ccO3 yes no yes no yes ccl I 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes ID ccl3 ceO I ccO3b ccl3b ccOlb ccl lb cr03 cr13 cr01 cr11 cr03h crl3b cr0 lb cr1 lb cnO3 cnl3 enO 1 cnl I cn03b cnl3h cnOlb cnl lb 76 Table 5.6d Farming Operations for Representative Farm D Tillage (wheat) Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till No Till No Till No Till No Till Planting Date (wheat) 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 lO/lS 9/20 9/20 Cross Slope ID no yes dcO3 no dcOI yes no yes no yes no yes no yes dcli dcl3 drO3 dri3 drOl dri I dnO3 dnl3 dnOl dnll 77 Table 5.6e Farming Operations for Representative Farm F Tillage (wheat) Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till Reduced Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till No Till Tillage (Perennial Ryegrass) Burn/Conventional Burn/Conventional Burn/Conventional Burn/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional Flail/Conventional BurniReduced Till BurnfReduced Till Burn/Reduced Till Burn/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Burn'Reduced Till Burn/Reduced Till BurniReduced Till Burn/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Flail/Reduced Till Planting Date (wheat) 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9(20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 10/15 10/15 9/20 9/20 Cross Slope no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes 1D ecO3 ecl3 ecO I eel I ec03b ecl3b ecOib ec jib erO3 erl3 cr01 cr11 er03b erl3b cr01 b cr1 lb enO3 enl3 enOl eni 1 enO3h enl3b enOib enl lb 78 5.3 EPIC Simulation Results Although EPIC provides various outputs, only those related to soil erosion and water pollution are considered in this study. These outputs are soil loss, organic nitrogen in sediment, nitrate runoff, nitrate leaching, phosphorus in sediment, phosphorus runoff, pesticide in sediment, pesticide runoff, and pesticide leaching. Phosphorus leaching is excluded from the evaluation since it is relatively unimportant as described in chapter 2. In this section, results from the EPIC simulation runs for alternative farming operations on representative HEL farms are provided and evaluated. 5.3.1 Pesticide Index It can be difficult to compare the environmental damages due to pesticides caused by different crop production and management system, since there are a variety of pesticides available in the market. For the purpose of the study, a pesticide index was constructed which considered the degree of toxicity of each pesticide used by producers. Toxicity values were assigned to each pesticide for runoff, in sediment, and leaching from table 5.7. The specific values are described in Table 5.8a and 5.8b. The idea of these value assignment was taken from Teague and Mapp (1994). In calculating the pesticide index, the toxicity value for each pesticide was multiplied by the amount of pesticide leaving the farm due to runoff, leaching, or binding to the sediment and summed across all the pesticides. For pesticide runoff and pesticide in sediment, the toxicity to fish LC50 is used as the medium of determining the value assigned, while the mammalian toxicity, Oral LD0 (Legal Dose 50), is used as the 79 Table 5.7 Pesticide Characteristics Trade Name of Pesticide Atrazine Banvel Basagran Bayleton clopyralid diazinon dual goal hoelon karmex MCPA nortron ridomil roundup rovral sencor sevin slug-bait tilt treflan 2-4, D Type of Pesticide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Fungicide Herbicide Insecticide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Herbicide Fungicide Herbicide Fungicide Herbicide Insecticide Moliuscide Fungicide Fungicide Herbicide Oral LD50 Fish LC50 (ppm) (mg/kg) rat trout 1,780 2,620 2,063 1,000 >5,000 300-400 2,780 >5,000 512 3,400 1,160 6.400 5,189 5,000 > 4,400 1,100-2,300 246-283 630 1517 > 10,000 699 (ST)1° 35 (ST)1 >100 (PNT)1 17.4 (ST)1 toxic (HT)1 - 0.2-0.4 (HT)' toxic (MT)1 3.5 (MT)1 117 (PNT) 15 (ST)1 (PNT)1 (PNT)1 6.7 (MT)1 64 (ST)1 28 (MT)' (PNT)' (PNT)' (MT)' 377 Source: Farm Chemicals Handbook. 1993. Willoughby, Ohio: Meister Publishing Company. medium of determination for the pesticide leached below the root zone. Oral LD50 is defined as the amount of chemical that kills 5 0/ of the sampled pests, while LC50 is defined as the median iethal concentration of the chemical in air or water (Faim PNT - practically non toxic; ST - slightly toxic; MT - moderately toxic; HT- highly toxic The data were not provided in the source indicated. For the purpose of the study, the toxicity values of the pesticides were considered as PNT. 80 Chemicals Handbook. 1993). Oral LD50 of Karmex, for example. is 3,400 mg/kg, while its LC50 is 3.Spprn. This indicates that 50% of the sampled pest, say rats, would die if 3,400 mg/kg of Karmex were fed to them, while 50% of sampled fish, say trout, would die if 3.5 ppm of Karmex were introduced in its resident waters. Table 5.8a Toxicity Value Assigned for Pesticide Runoff and Pesticide Remaining in the Sediment Oral LD50 Runoff Sediment below 1,000 mg/kg 5 5 1,000 - 2,000 mg/kg 3 3 above 2,000 mg/kg I Table 5.8b Toxicity Value Assigned for Pesticide Leaching Fish LC50 Leaching below I ppm, HT 5 I-30ppm,MT 3 above 30, ST, PNT I Specifically, Pesticide Index (P1) for each farm is calculated as follows: Plrunoff ==5xR5±3xR3-- I xRl PT sediment = 5 x S5 + 3 x R3 + I x S5 P1 leaching = 5 x L5 + 3 x L3 -r 1 x Li 81 where Ri, R3, and R5 represent the total amounts of applied pesticides with runoff toxicity values 1, 3, 5, respectively, while Si, S3, and S5 represent the amounts of applied pesticides with sediment toxicity values 1, 3, 5, respectively. Similarly, LI, L3, and L5 are the pesticide amounts with leaching toxicity values 1,3, and 5 respectively. 5.3.2 Pre-Compliance Situations The results of EPIC simulation runs of pre.-compliance farming practice for five rotations of the representative HEL farms are described in Table 5.9 and constitute the basis of comparison. Overall, the continuous wheat rotation of Farm A causes the largest soil erosion and deposits the most nitrogen, phosphorus, and pesticides in the sediment. The wheat-corn-bean rotation of Farm D and the wheat-perennial ryegrass seed rotation of Farm E cause the most nitrate leaching. The wheat-corn-bean rotation, in addition, has the highest value for the amount of pesticide leached below the root zone. The wheat-fescue seed rotation of Fa C is the second largest contributor to erosion and associated nutrients and pesticides in the sediment. The wheat-annual ryegrass seed rotation of Farm B has relatively small erosion mainly because the farm is located on the 8% slope instead of 16% slope as in case of most other farms. Runoffs of nitrogen and phosphorus are small in amount, hut the slightly high amount of nitrogen runoff is observed for Farm B, compared to other farms. Erosion and other environmental outputs and yields differ among soils and degrees of slope even for the same rotation. Erosion is lower by five tons per acre for Nekia soil than for Helmick soil on the same slope producing continuous wheat. Table 5.9 Per Acre Crop Yields and Environmental Outputs for Pre-Compliance Situation Rotation soiU2/slope USLE13 NSE13(lb) NRU13(lb) NLE°(lb) HSE'3(lb) FtRU°(Ib) PRU'3 PLE13 PSE13 Yield]13 WW farm A wood/16% 12.15 59.25 2.12 53.56 7.56 0.71 1348 0.02 239 92.67 helm/16% neki /16% 16.63 59.52 3.06 28.34 7.66 0.96 2017.5 305 51.2 11.5 75.74 1.65 43.95 9.6 0.51 1527.9 007 006 250 57.97 WA woodl8% 3.12 16.22 3.63 76.79 2.14 farmB 0.61 496.01 0.21 66 95.93 1.161 helrn/8% 4.06 15.33 5.84 59.66 2.03 0.82 714.4 1.45 69 50.43 0.858 0.751 Yie1d213 Y1e1d313 Yield4'3 stei /8% 3.81 16.56 3.07 86.77 2.21 070 610.61 0.12 66 44.77 WF wood/16% 6.16 30.54 2.19 55.36 393 farmC 0.59 673.11 0.03 104 97.04 1.047 helni/16% 8.7 31.95 3.71 43.93 4.17 0,86 1044.4 0.19 145 59.49 0.737 stei /16% 8.05 32.99 2,43 71.26 4.32 0.81 1072 1.92 189 50.87 0.562 cheh /16% 8.61 32.49 3.38 82.07 4.3 1.33 1528.8 39.73 207 32.86 0.293 wood/8% 2.65 12.47 0.14 104.38 1.91 0.22 1.02 29.76 62 95.91 6.62 10.51 helm/16% will /8% jory /16% neki /8 jory /8 neki /8 neki /16 13.21 46.46 0.31 65.71 7.32 0.88 22.87 30.13 185 42.14 4.2 7.31 2.94 13.87 0.05 129.43 2.11 0.11 1.42 9.04 65 95.17 6.14 7.91 12.97 63.9 0.48 63.18 9.63 1.32 43.08 7.82 259 55.2 3.3 5.74 3.5 22.44 0.09 117.05 3.19 0.26 2.51 46.06 63 53.29 5.96 5.74 2.51 14.57 2.85 66.43 1.86 0.41 941.41 0 40 84.49 0.685 2.31 16.62 2.22 112.38 2.19 0.3 907.94 0.02 64 73.15 0.623 45 37.33 2.56 100.37 4.74 0.35 969.16 0.81 141 73.07 0.617 WCB lanD WR faninE 12 Woodbum: wood; Flelmick: helm; Nekia: rieki; Steiwer: stci; Chehulpuni cheh; Willarnctt: will USLE. erosion (ton), NSE: organic nitrogen in sediment; NRU: nitrate runofi NLE: nitrate leaching; HSE: phosphorus in sediment; HRU: phosphorus runoff, PSE: pesticide in sediment; PRU: pesticide runoff; and PLE: pesticide leaching; YieldI-4: Wheat (bushel), Grass Seed (ton), Bean (ton), and Corn (ton), fespeclively 83 Chehulpum soil in the wheat-fescue rotation discharges much more pesticide from the farm than other soils in the rotation. The large amount of nitrate leaching as well as pesticide leaching for the soil is probably caused by its shallow root depth. In case of the wheat-corn-bean rotation, leaching is greater for soils with less slope than those with higher slopes. Runoff and chemicals in sediment, on the other hand, are less for the former soils. Nekia with 8% slope has erosion and associated nutrients in sediment at half the amount that Nekia with 16% slope has in wheat-pereimial Iyegrass rotation, but more nitrate is leached from the soil with a 8% slope. Yields, especially for wheat, differ significantly among soils as predicted. The same soils farmed with different rotations also produce different quantities of erosion and other pollutants. Helmick with a 16 % slope has erosion rates of 16.63, 8.70, and 13.21 tons per acre for continuous wheat, wheat-fescue, and wheat-corn-bean rotation, respectively, while the the amounts of nitrate leaching of these three rotations are 28.34, 43.93, and 65.71 lbs per acre. Pesticide leaching rates for these rotations also valy. Nekia with a 1 6°/a slope in continuous wheat rotation has the erosion of 11.45 tons and 43.95 lbs of nitrate leaching. The same soil with same slope has only 5.45 tons of erosion, but has 100.37 lbs of nitrate leaching in the rotation of wheat and perennial ryegrass seed. 5.3.3 Potential Farming Adjustments The pre-compliance results suggest that a site specific soil type, slope, and rotation generates significantly different amounts of various environmental pollutants 84 and yields. Difference in farm characteristics cause alternative farming operations on HEL farms to react uniquely to the emission of environmental outputs and yields. The effects of potential farming adjustments described in Table 56a through 5.6e on different environmental services are evaluated for each farm in the next section. Case of Continuous Wheat Rotation in Farm A Reducing the frequency and intensity of soil disturbance decreases the amount of soil erosion and associated nitrogen, phosphorus. and pesticides in the sediment. Changing the tillage practice from conventional (moldboard plow and 3 passes of disc) to reduced tillage (chisel plow and I pass of disc) cuts erosion by 45-60%, while changing from the conventional practice to no-tiliage (no use of plow and disc) reduces erosion by over 80% for all soils in Continuous winter wheat rotation (Table C.1 .1 through C.1 .3). There is a slight reduction in nitrate leaching rates as well, when fewer tillage operations are used for most soils. The amount of pesticide leached from the Farm A is very small and is not a large contributor to water pollution. In addition to the change in tillage practice, early planting also reduces soil erosion drastically on the land in a continuous wheat rotation. When wheat is planted on September 20th instead of the more common date, October 15th (for the Willamette Valley), erosion is decreased by more than a half for all the soils. This is primarily due to the greater ground cover which protects soil from eroding during the critical rainy winter months. This practice is as effective in reducing erosion as reducing the number of tillage operations. When reduced tillage is used together with early planting, the erosion rate is even lower: about 85°/c reduction in case of reduced tillage with a September 20 planting for all soils, and 95% reduction in case of no-till with September 20 planting. Early planting affects the production of other environmental products as well. The nitrate leaching decreases when the planting is moved to an earlier date. The reduction in nitrate leached varies among soils from 1 S°/o to 50% when wheat is planted on September 20th instead of October 15th. There are in addition slight reductions in pesticide and nutrients runoff Case of Wheat-Annual Ryegrass Rotation in Farm B Different straw management methods for annual ryegrass affects the soil loss from the field, especially between open field burning and no burning (flail) methods (Table C.2. I to C.2.3). The nutrients and pesticides in the sediment decrease, but there is little effect from different straw management methods on other environmental outputs. The erosion rate slightly increases when wheat in the rotation is tilled less frequently and intensively when the annual ryegrass is produced with the burning methods. The rate decreases, however, when the annual ryegrass is baled. The results of different rotation for Farm B are provided in Table C.3.l to C.3.3. The erosion rate for rotation with established fescue seeds is lower than the rate for the annual ryegrass-winter wheat rotation. The perennial grass seeds are better suppliers of 86 winter cover. The leaching rate, however, increases when moving from more erosive rotation to a less erosive one, especially when perennial grass is burned. Case of Wheat-Fescue Rotation in Farm C Erosion is slightly higher for the land which is burned (Table C.4. 1 to C.4.4), This is true even when the no till practice for wheat is used in combination with burning of fescue straw. Conventional or reduced tillage for wheat and fescue is used in combination with haling straw. The difference in erosion is largest in the case when no till winter wheat is used for both field burning and baling of fescue. When straw is baled instead of burned, a large reduction in nitrate leaching is observed, especially for welldrained soils. Woodburn, Helmick, and Jory soils enjoy a substantial reduction in leaching, up to 82% less of the open burning practice. Since larger amounts of pesticides are applied to field when baling is used, there is more off-field movement of pesticides. Case of Wheat-Corn-Beans Rotation in Farm D Only a slight change in soil loss and the amount of environmental outputs produced is observed among the various alternative operations (Table C5. 1 to C.5.5). This can be attributed to the fact that the farming operations for corn and bean are not changed. 87 Case of Wheat-Perennial Ryegrass Rotation in Farm E Erosion and associated nutrient losses decrease as grass straw is baled instead of burned as was the case with Farm C (Table C.6. I to C.6.3). Reduction is larger for soils with greater slopes. A large reduction in nitrate leaching is observed when straw is baled; over 80% reduction for Jory soil, while 60% reduction for Nekia soil. This is important since leaching seems to be a large problem for Farm E (Section 5.3 3). As described earlier, because more pesticide is necessary when the field is not sterilized through burning, burning always reduces the amount of pesticides leaving the farm 5.4 GAMS Niaximization Result It is assumed in the following analysis that producers want to maximize their income subject to the production and environmental constraints they face. Each representative farm is constrained by the soils it possesses and the production techniques that are available. In this section, the performance of conservation compliance and alternative policies is evaluated by using linear programming optimization method. 5.4.1 The Effects of Compliance Provision The optimal farming operations and corresponding environmental outputs for preand post-compliance situations are obtained by maximizing net return for each farm. Net return here is defined as the gross income minus risk and management returns (RMR) and all production costs except land rent. It is thus pure land rent as described earlier in Section 45.2. Land rent estimates obtained from Pease (1995) for each soil type on the specified study location are pre-compliance net returns and are described in Table 5-10. All production costs are obtained from enterprise budgets. The percentage of RMR of pre-compliance or unconstrained situations for each farm is calculated and specified in Table 5.11. Table 5. 12a and 5. 1 2h describe the optimal field operations and level of environmental products and net return for pre- and post-compliance cases, respectively. Table 5.10 Land Rent Estimates for Representative HIEL Farms Farm Rent Estimates A 43 nI-) C 32 D 69 E 51 Table 5.11 Percentage of RM Returns with repsect to Gross Income Farm RM Returns (%) A -2.9 B 20.3 C 8.1 Li -.. E 3.5 89 Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm A Farm A has a pre-compliance land rent of 43 dollars per acre (Table 5-12a). When a T-value constraint is imposed on each soil, the net return goes down to $18.31 per acre (Table 5.1 2b). About a third of the HEI. acreage uses reduced tiflage while the other two-thirds uses no-tiflage practices. Winter Wheat is planted on September 20th in Table 5. l2a Optimal Field Operations and Corresponding Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Net Return and Environmental Outputs: Before Compliance Farm Net Return ($) USLE (ton) NRU NSE A 43 12.92 B 35 C NLE (ib) HRU (ib) HSE 2.12 67.56 42.20 8.60 3.70 390 16,17 77.50 32 7.72 2.64 32.20 D 69 6.80 E 51 3.12 PRU PLE PSE ID acre 672 1605.32 005 420.00 acO3 100 2.15 0.71 607.91 0.48 66.75 bcO3 100 66.17 4.21 0,84 884.98 7,88 304.86 ccO3 100 0.22 32.25 95,55 4.86 0.57 14.69 19.94 127.25 dcO3 100 237 2159 10478 2.74 0,33 926.54 021 82.85 ecO3 100 (tb) (Ib) (Ib) Table 5. 12h Optimal Field Operations and Corresponding Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Net Return and Environmental Outputs: After Compliance (Meeting T constraint) Farm A Net Return (5) 18.31 USLE NRU NSE (ton) (Jb) 1.70 3.16 9.46 (Ib) HIRU HSE (lb) (Jb) NILE (Ib) 31.96 1.22 0.76 PRU PLE PSE 1526.02 0.05 56.42 ID (acre) arOl(37), anO3(30), a.nOl(3) B 22.54 1.25 4.12 5.67 75.13 0.75 C 1.10 578.57 0.27 17.51 bcOl(21),bn03b(79) infeasible D -226.80 1.88 0.12 9.21 47.82 E 29.42 1.16 2.34 8.29 64.44 I 1.28 0.29 8.23 9.17 19.78 th11(54), c03(46) 1.06 0.58 1068.09 0.10 26.29 erll(46), enO3b(54) 90 the reduced tilled lands, while it is planted on either September 20th or October 15th in the no-tillage lands. The erosion rate is substantially decreased from 12.92 tons per acre to 1.70 tons per acre. The value of each ton of erosion saved, which is calculated as the reduction in net return divided by the reduction in soil erosion, is $2.20. Nitrate leaching would be cut by one-third from 42.20 lbs to 31.96 lbs. All the other environmental outputs also are reduced. Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm B Pre-compliance Farm B has a land rent of $35 per acre (Table 5. 12a). The erosion is only 3.70 tons per acre because Farm B land is less steep and produces less erosive crops. With the compliance constraint, almost eighty percent of the farm changes from conventional tillage practices to no-tillage practices for winter wheat, and reduced till/flail straw practices for annual ryegrass (Table 5. 12b). The rest of the farm is still tilled conventionally. hut winter wheat is planted early on this parcel of land. In meeting the compliance level, the net return is reduced by 35 percent. Erosion is cut almost to one-third of the original rate. Combined loss of nutrient runoffs and nutrients in sediment and overall pesticide discharge decreases as well. Little change in the amount of nitrate leaching is observed. Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm C Unconstrained land rent for Farm C is $ 32 per acre (Table 5. 1 2a). It is very low mainly because of the Chehulpum soil. Chehulpum is categorized as a Class VT soil, and 91 the Polk County land rental estimate of the soil is only 7 dollars per acre. When producers are required to meet the compliance, the linear programming problem becomes infeasible. This implies that it is not possible to meet the T-constraint if all the HEL lands are kept in production. Chehulpum has a T-value of one, making it difficult for the farm to meet its overall T-value level. It seems that the only solution to this problem is to stop producing on the Chehulpum soil. However, this is not possible, since all soils in the farm are assumed to be uniformly and sparsely distributed over the production acreage in the study. A parcel of land cannot be identified as the land containing only one soil type. This corresponds to reality. Moreover, even if it was possible to take Chehulpum acreage out of production, the corresponding amounts of environmental outputs depend on how the farm is managed on this land. 5.41.4 Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm D The wheat-corn-bean rotation of Farm D in a pre-compliance situation has an initial net return of S 69 per acre. Approximately 6.80 tons per acre of soils leave the HEL field, and there is 95.55 lbs per acre of nitrate leaching. A large amount of pesticide is leached below the crop root zone in Farm D, compared to other farms (Table 5. 1 2a). When compliance T is applied, profit becomes negative. The negative profit, of course, implies that the farm cannot stay in production in the long run. Thus, while the solution is feasible, the compliance T places HEL producers a severe financial burden, and it ultimately forces them to stop producing on their HELs. This is probably the 92 situation when the Alternative Conservation System can be justifiably applied, as indicated in the Section 4.3.2. The effects of compliance on the environmental outputs are positive. Erosion is reduced to less than 2 tons per acre. Thus it is less than a third of the original erosion rate (Table 5. 12b). The reduced erosion is accompanied by large reductions in all forms of nutrient and pesticide discharges. Winter wheat on all acres are produced using the no-tillage system with an early planting date. Corn and beans are produced with reduced tillage. A little over a half of the land is farmed on the cross-slope. Profit Maximizing Behavior of Farm E Farm E has a land rent of S 51 when it is farmed conventionally (Table 5.1 2a). Erosion is only 3.12 tons per acre, but nitrate leaching is as high at 104.78 lbs per acre. When the T-value constraint is imposed, the net return decreases to $29.64 per acre (Table 5.12b). A half of the HEL fields produce wheat with reduced till and early planting on cross slope, and ryegrass seed with a reduced till/burning method. The other half of the fields produce wheat with no till, and ryegrass seed with reduced till/no burning method. Erosion decreases to 1.16 tons per acre. Nitrate leaching decreases by 40%. 5.4.2 Alternative Policies The alternative policies considered for the study are listed in Table 5-13. A policies consist of various T-constraints, 'B' policies are pollutant reduction targets, and 93 Table 5.13 Proposed Alternative Policies Policy Name uncon Description of the Constraints unconstrained case AO T-values are specified for each soil ranging from 1 to 5 Al T-values are 5 for all soils A2 Three-Year Averaged T-values are specified for each soil A3 Three Year Averaged T-values are 5 for all soils A4 Five-Year Averaged T-values are specified for each soil AS Five-Year Averaged T-value are 5 for all soils A6 T-value for each soil is multiplied by 1 .5 A7 T-value for each soil is multiplied by 2.0 A8 T=5 for all soils but Chehulpum and T= Bi target of reducing overall pesticide discharge by 25% from original B2 target of reducing overall pesticide discharge by 50% from original B3 target of reducing overall nitrogen discharge by 25% from original B4 target of reducing overall nitrogen discharge by 50% from original B5 target of reducing nitrate leaching by 25% from original B6 target of reducing nitrate leaching by 50% from original CI strict or best alternative T-constraint and Policy B 1 C2 strict or best alternative T-constraint and Policy B2 C3 strict or best alternative T-constraint and Policy B3 C4 strict or best alternative T-constraint and Policy B4 C5 strict or best alternative T-constraint and Policy B5 C6 strict or best alternative T-constraint and Policy B6 for Chehulpum soil 94 combinations of T-constraints and targets are C' policies. Policy AO is the same as the conservation compliance. Policies Al through A8 are modified T-constraints. B Policies consist of Policies Bi andB2, which have reduction targets on pesticide discharge: Policies B3 and B4, which have reduction targets on overall nitrogen discharge; and Policies B5 and B6, which have reduction targets on nitrate leaching. C policies consist of Policies Cl through C6, which have some T-constraint in addition to the corresponding B policies of target constraints. As indicated in Table 5-13, all the target amounts are set as percentage reduction in pollutants of interest from the unconstrained problem. Because of the characteristics of NPS pollution, pollutant emission rates can only be estimated by using nonpoint production function given the type of farming operations to be used. Thus, targets on the emission of NPS pollutants can be enforced only indirectly, by regulating the farming operations which must be used. For this study, the EPIC program was used as a means to measure the amounts of pollutants emitted from the farm. Targets, however, can be difficult to enforce. The costs of this type of enforcement are not considered in this study. Farming operations used with alternative policies are restricted to those described in Table 5.6a through 5.6e. Other farming operations could have been introduced, especially when targeting improvements of other environmental qualities than soil resource conservation. However, because of limited information on their effects, however, they were not included in the analysis. The next five sub-sections discuss the effects of alternative policies on changes in farming operations, net return, and environmental outputs for each farm. Tables 5. 14a 95 through 5. 14e describe the optimal farming operations and per-acre net return and enviroirmental outputs for each farm when alternative policies are considered. Figures 5.1 through 5.5 illustrate the cost-effectiveness of various policies in terms of erosion, nitrogen loss due to surface runoffs, nitrate leaching, and overall pesticide discharge. Evaluation of Alternative Policies: The Case of Fairn A Five different A policies are introduced and evaluated for Farm A. These are Policies Al, A2, A3, A4, and AS. Policy Al specifies that all soils have less than S tons of per-acre erosion. Policies A2 and A3 uses three-year averaged T-values and Policies A4 and AS uses five-year averaged T-values as the T-constraints to meet. T-values are specified for each soil in the cases of Policies A2 and A4, while they are five for all soils in the cases of Policies A3 and AS. According to the alternative T-value restrictions for Farm A described in Table 5. 14a, the reduction in profits is $14.60 per acre for Policy Al instead of S 24.69 per acre for Policy A0. Fifty-five acres of Farm A are reducedtilled while forty-five acres are no-tilled. The erosion rate of Policy Al is higher than that of Policy A0, but is still less than one-fourth of the original erosion rate. Lower erosion rate as well as higher net return can be obtained with the use of Policies A2 through A5 than with Policy A0 or Al. Nitrate leaching and total pesticide leaving the field, however, are lower for Policies A0 and Al, compared to policies A2 through AS. The cost-effectiveness of reducing erosion, nitrate leaching, combined nitrogen runoff and nitrogen in sediment and overall pesticide discharge from the field is illustrated in Figure 5. 1 for various alternative policies. When modified T-constraints are 96 Table 5. 14a Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm A Policy Name Net USLE NRU NSE Return (ton) (ib) (ib) NLE HRU FISE PRU (Ib) (Ib) uncon 43 12.92 2,12 67.56 42.20 8.60 6,72 1605.32 0,05 420.00 acO3 (100) A0 18.31 1.70 3.16 9.46 31.96 1.22 0.76 1526.02 0.05 56.42 arOI(37),anO3(30), anOl (33) Al 28.40 2.95 2.99 16.16 36.39 2.08 0.83 1566.72 0.05 104.83 acOI(31),arl3(24), PLE PSE ID (acre) (ib) anO3(45) A2 32.10 2.02 3.44 11.10 37.77 1.44 1,13 1546.58 0.05 79.23 A3 36.13 3.16 3.27 17.18 39.10 2.22 1.08 1565.83 0.05 119.95 arO3(20),anO3(80) A4 35.08 2.51 3.37 13.74 38.85 1.78 1.13 1557,59 0.05 97.33 AS 36,63 3.97 3.22 18.83 39.22 2.43 1.06 1569.80 0.05 130,80 arO3(26),anO3(74) Bi 9.61 0.89 3.49 4.95 28.98 0.64 0.82 1487.40 0.05 31.58 anOl(92),anO3(8) B2 infeasible B3 42.77 7.57 2.60 40.53 40.78 5.19 0.76 1617.12 0.05 271.64 acO3(6),arO3(94) B4 35.07 2.51 3.37 13.72 38.84 1.78 1.13 1557.55 0.05 97,24 arO3(7),anO3(93) B5 19.37 2.98 2.65 16.42 31.65 2.11 0.48 1555.58 0.05 92.59 arOl(84), arO3(16) B6 infeasible CI 9.61 3.49 4.95 28.98 0.64 0,82 1487.40 0.05 31,58 anOl(92),anO3(8) C2 infeasible C3 35,07 2,51 3.37 13.72 38.84 1.78 1.13 1557.55 0.05 97.24 arO3(7),anO3(93) C4 35,07 2.51 3.37 13.72 38.84 1.78 1.13 1557.55 0.05 97,24 arO3(7),anO3(93) Cs 19.00 2.50 2,74 13.87 31.65 1.78 0.53 1549.66 0.05 76,36 arOl(82), arO3(7), anO3(I 1) C6 infeasible 0.89 anOl(9), anO3(91) arO3(7),anO3(93) 0 5 0 Figure 3. I LI) Q 0 ft If) LI\-'eness LI) LY LI) ft ol -theiriialive Po1iies on larm \ llVFIa;di\e Ii licies LI) II) I LU C) F--- U 1 FOsiOfl ( t011 ae P 1 )ischaie 0 leaching (lb ae) N RLUIOI1(Ib ie) I 98 compared with strict T-value restriction, the reduction of erosion is most cost-effective when Policies A3, A4, and AS are used. Policy A0 is almost three times less cost effective than the above three modified T-constraints. The abatement cost of nitrate leaching is similar across all T-constraints, while the cost of reducing overall pesticide discharge is lowest in the case of Policy AS. Since A2 through A5 also cost-effectively reduce nitrogen runoff, they seem to be better policies than Policies A0 and Al. All the environmental pollutants are reduced when B policies are used (except for B2 and B6 which are infeasible). Field operations with feasible pollutant reduction targets mostly consist of reduced or no tillage. All acreage with reduction targets of overall nitrogen discharge (Policies B3 and B4) have October 15 as the planting date. Most acreage with the feasible pesticide and leaching targets (Policies BI and B5, respectively) have September 20 as the planting date. No cross slope farming is performed with the application of any B policy. Policies B3 and B4 are more costeffective than Policy A0 in reducing the emission rates of all types of pollutants. This is because the reduction in net income is substantially larger when strict T-value is used. When targets are combined with a T-constraint as in C policies, erosion and pesticide discharge are less cost-effectively reduced than single targets of B policies. More acreage is farmed with a no-tillage system. The effects on runoff are similar for B and C policies Policy B3, 25% reduction target on overall nitrogen discharge, is the most-cost effective approach in reducing all pollutants overall. Ninety-four percent of this HEL farm uses reduced tillage. Moving from conventional to reduced tillage can be done with 99 little income sacrifice, and it greatly reduces the amounts of environmental pollutants emitted. Evaluation of Alternative Policies: The Case of Farm B Only one modified T-constraint, Policy Al, is considered in the case of Farm B. The relaxed T-constrajnt is not very different from the strict T-constraint in terms of its effects on environmental outputs and net return. The slight increase in net return results in increased erosion when changing from Policy AU to Al. Policy AU is slightly more cost-effective in reducing the amounts of pesticide discharge and nitrate leaching than Policy Al (Figure 5-2). Meeting pesticide targets is infeasible, but other target policies, B3 through B6, give feasible solutions. Producers use conventional tillage practice on some acreage for feasible B policies, while on the remaining acreage, they change their wheat-annual ryegrass rotation to a rotation of four-year tall fescue followed by one-year winter wheat. Because of this rotation change, pesticide discharge and nitrogen surface runoff rates increase from the original unconstrained levels. Feasible C policies introduce farming operations of no-tillage for wheat, and reduced tillage and no field burning for ryegrass seed. C policies are more cost-effective than feasible B policies, but less effective than Policy AU in most cases. The increases in the amounts of nitrogen runoff and pesticide discharge with C policies also are less than B policies. 100 Table 5. 14b Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm B Policy Name Net [ISLE NRU NSE Return (ton) (Ib) (Ib) uncon 35 3.70 3.90 A0 22,54 1.25 Al 28.45 2.49 131 infeasible B2 infeasible B3 22.15 2.17 B4 12.65 B5 NLE T{RU PLE PSE ID (acre) (th) ElSE (Ib) PRU (th) 16.17 77.50 2.15 0.71 607.91 0.48 66.75 bcO3(00) 4.12 5.67 75.13 0.75 1.10 570.57 0.27 17.51 bcOl(21),bn03b(79) 3.98 10.99 76.81 1.46 0.93 593.23 0.38 44.79 bcO3(57),bnOb3(43) 11.28 8.90 53.00 1.30 21.08 720.28 1.45 23.86 bcOl(73),crOlb(27) 1.57 22.96 4.83 21.01 0.97 54.94 926.15 3.33 23,46 bcOl(28),cr0lb(72) 29.38 3.60 20.47 12,63 58,13 1.77 17.11 748.87 1.53 73.16 bcO3(74),ccO3(26) B6 23.77 3,52 37.05 9.09 38.75 1.39 33.52 889.84 2.59 79,56 bcO3(49),ccO3(51) Cl infeasible C2 infeasib[e C3 19.49 1.38 10,27 5.49 57,41 0.84 18,67 692.35 1.27 19,57 bcOl(25),bn03b(52), cr0 lb(23) C4 12.65 1,57 22,96 4.83 21.01 0,97 54.94 926,65 3.33 23.46 bcOl(28),cr0lb(72) C5 21.47 1.86 18.83 5,52 58.13 0.82 15.56 712.61 1.26 35.14 bcOi(25),bnO3b(52), ccO3(23) C6 20.24 2.45 34.37 5.36 38.75 0.86 34.43 862.04 2.39 52.11 bcOl(29),bn03b(22), ceO 1(1 6),ccO3(33) i(J 10 60 70 j ligui'L i2 ( stE1 tivns ol f\I1cia1i\; Pohies on laim fl Iturnat ic ItI!Ci(' i 1n;k: N leaching ( Ibac) P 1 )ischaoe \J,11 (II) ac) I iiioii ( 102 Policy A0 is the most cost-effective policy in reducing erosion, nitrogen loss to surface runoff, and overall pesticide discharge. Nitrate leaching is, however, more costeffectively reduced by the any feasible B or C policy. Thus, the most cost-effective approach in reducing overall environmental damage is undetermined in the case of Farm B and depends on how much weight is placed on improving each environmental service. Evaluation of Alternative Policies: The Case of Farm C Two modified T-constraints, Al and A8, are considered on Farm C. Policy A8 implies that T is infinite for unproductive Chehulpum soil, and it is five for other soils in rotation. The net return is $16.94 per acre. or a 47% reduction from the original practice with Policy Al (Table 5.14c). All the HEL fields produce no-tilled wheat. Tall fescue straw only on a third of the field is burned. Erosion and surface nitrogen loss (nitrogen runoff and nitrogen in sediment) are reduced by more than half the original levels, and nitrate leaching is reduced by 30%. Some increases in pesticide leaching and runoff, however, are observed. For Policy A8, net return of $ 19.45 is obtained with substantially reduced erosion of 3.51 tons per acre. Other environmental pollutants are reduced except for pesticide leaching and runoff Wheat is planted on September 20th with no-tillage; tall fescue seed is produced with reduced tillage and burning, or with no tillage and straw baling. Erosion is slightly more cost-effectively abated than by Policy Al, but the abatement costs of all other pollutants are similar for Policies Al and A8. 103 Table 5. 14c Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm C Policy Name Net USLE NRU NSE Return (ton) (Ib) (Ib) uncon 32 7.72 NLE (ib) HRU HSE PRU (Ib) (Ib) PLE PSE ID (acre) 2.64 32.20 66.17 4.21 0.84 88498 7.88 304.86 ccO3(l00) A0 infeasible Al 16.94 3.06 2.75 14,00 46.65 1.82 0.93 1033.56 9.36 244.36 cnOl(33),cn0lb(67) A8 19.45 3.51 2.77 15.94 49.50 2.07 0.90 1002.07 9.65 246.72 cn0lb(54), crOl(46) B! infeasible B2 infeasible B3 24.51 4.75 2.60 20.42 52.74 2.65 0.78 966.10 8.36 255.63 ccOl(64),cn0lb(36) B4 5.26 1.86 2.63 8.624 39.26 1.13 0.96 1105.67 8.36 274.73 cnOl(36),cnIl(64) B5 22.05 4.46 2.62 19.34 49.63 2.51 0.80 1005.75 9.00 254.33 ccOl(48),cnOlb(52) B6 infeasible Cl infeasible C2 infeasible C3 16.94 3.06 2.75 14.00 46.65 1.82 0.93 1033.56 9.36 244.36 cnOl(33),cn0lb(67) C4 5.26 1.86 2.63 8.624 39.26 1.13 0.96 1105.67 8.36 274,73 CS infeasible C6 16.94 13.06 2.75 14.00 146.65 1.82 0.93 1033.56 9.36 244.36 cnOl(33),cn0lh(67) cnOl(36),cnll(64) 11) -!(:1 (1 '1I N 3 ( ': J[) I 1OU I I N U/tiJ) [IOSOI [ ( ) 1t1 ItO a I !U°d \!IIIlJJr\ 0/ O9ei I () s(t\c ItJ' ) :c JI1!1 p 4 105 Policies BI, B2, and B6 give infeasible solutions. The effects of feasible targets, B3, B4, and B5, and feasible C Policies of C3, C4, and C5 on the emission rates of various pollutants are similar to the two modified T-constraints considered above. In order to meet targets, producers are required to move the planting date of winter wheat from October 15 to September 20, and they produce some fescue seeds without burning their straw. Except for pesticide discharge, all the environmental pollutants are costeffectively reduced. The introduction of baling fescue straw instead of field burning increases the pesticide application rate resulting in an increased pesticide discharge. Evaluation of Alternative Policies: The Case of Farm D Since farm profit decreases substantially when Policy A0 is used, three alternative T-values are introduced: Policies Al, A6, and A7. Policy A6 uses the T-value of the original value multiplied by 1.5 for all soils, while Policy A7 uses the T-value of the original value multiplied by 2 for all soils. The use of Policy Al does not cause producers to adjust their farming operations from Policy A0, but Policy A6 or A7 makes producers change their farming operations. Profit from applying A6 or A7 is higher than A0. The higher allowable erosion rate of T-value, however, leads to higher rates of other environmental pollutant emissions. There are large reductions in abatement costs when moving from strict T-constraint to a more relaxed T-constraint for erosion and pesticide discharge (Figure 5-4). Little change is observed in abatement cost for the nitrogen surface off-field movement. 106 Table 5. 14d Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm D Policy Name Net Return USLE NRU NSE NLE HRU HSE PRU (ton) (Ib) (ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) uncon 69 680 022 3225 95.55 486 057 A0 -22680 1.88 0.12 9.24 47.82 1.28 Al -226.80 1,88 0.12 9,24 47,82 A6 -65.73 2,83 0.18 13.81 A7 52.70 3,76 0.22 BI 65.06 5.68 B2 56.01 B3 -7.70 B4 -188,12 2,11 PLE PSE lID (acre) 14.69 19.94 127.25 dcO3(l00) 0.29 8.23 9.17 19,78 dnhl(54),dnO2(46) 1.28 0.29 8.23 9.17 19.78 dnll(54),dnO2(46) 71.73 1.93 0.44 12.34 13.75 29.67 dnll(81),dnO2(19) 18.68 88.63 2.73 0,57 15.79 17.82 48.21 drOl(9),drll(91) 0.22 27,54 90,92 4.07 0.57 15.02 19.93 86.45 dcOl(69),dcO3(31) 4,28 0.22 21.77 88,52 3.05 0.56 15.44 17.60 47.89 dnOI(83),dnfl(17) 3.16 0.21 15.47 80.34 2.16 0,49 13.82 15.41 33.24 dnll(91),dnO2(9) 10.31 53,56 1.44 0.33 9.211 10.27 22,16 dNll(61),dnO2(39) L B5 -54,57 3,95 0.18 19,60 71.66 2.88 0.47 12.68 14.97 51.34 drOI(81),dnO2(19) B6 -219.36 2.63 0.12 13,07 47.78 1,92 0.31 8.46 9.98 34.23 drOl(54),dnO2(46) CI 52.70 3.76 0.22 18,68 88.63 2.73 0.57 15.79 17,82 48.21 drOI(9),drIl(91) C2 52.49 3.74 0.22 18.66 88,62 2,72 0.57 15.77 17.77 47.40 drOl(2),drll(90), dnOl(8) I 1OSIOfl (ton k) t N Runoli (Iba) N kahing (lb ae) P 1)ishane LC) IL) . If) C) ft ft F- It(rnattvc tuIicies Figwe 5.4 (ost-Li1elivencss ot lema1iv 1>OIIL ies on Farm 1) IL) 108 Policy B I seems to be the most cost-effective policy overall. This policy has a target of 25% reduction of overall pesticide discharge from the unconstrained problem. Both of the target policies of nitrate leaching (Policies B5 and B6) are effective in reducing leaching, but are not strongly effective in reducing other environmental pollutants. The only C policies considered are Cl and C2 since the other four targets face large negative net returns. Policies B 1 and B2 are more cost-effective in reducing most environmental pollutants than Cl and C2. Evaluation of Alternative Policies: The Case of Farm E Policy Al eliminates most of the income sacrifice that producers are forced to face with Policy A0. With almost no change in net return, erosion is two-thirds that of the pre-compliance situation. Policy Al is more cost-effective than Policy A0 in reducing all environmental pollutants. With B policies, most acreage of Farm E is reduced-tilled. In the case of pesticide discharge targets of Policies B I and B2, net returns are negative. When C policies are used, some acreage is produced with no tillage operation. Most nitrogen discharge and leaching targets cost-effectively reduce overall environmental pollutants except for overall pesticide discharge. When ryegrass straw is baled, the pesticide application rate increases. Overall, Policy Al seems to be more cost-effective in reducing all environmental pollutants than alternative policies. 109 Table 5. 14e Fifteen-Year Averaged (Per Acre) Profit, Environmental Outputs, and Field Operations with Pre- and Post-Compliance and Alternative Policies: Case of Farm E Name Net Return USLE NRU NSE (ton) (Ib) (ib) NLE (Ib) uncon 51 3.12 2.37 21.59 104.7 2.74 0.33 926.54 0.21 82.85 ecO3(100) A0 29.64 1.16 2.34 8.29 64.44 1.06 0.58 1068,09 0.10 26.29 erOl(46),en03b(54) Al 50.88 2.12 2.44 15.09 97.44 1.91 0.28 906.90 0.02 36.61 ecO3(4),erOl(96) BI -35,96 1,65 2,33 11,74 8016 1.48 0.32 726.00 0.03 30.93 erO2(17),enOl(83) B2 -165.80 1.10 1.49 7.83 53.44 0,99 0.21 484.00 0,02 20.62 erO2(45),enOl(55) B3 42,80 1,75 2.35 12,47 81.68 1.58 0.36 975.53 0,01 31.23 erOI(76),erOlb(24) B4 28,25 1.16 2J6 827 53.90 1.06 0.50 1100.77 0.01 25.35 erOl(34),er0lb(66) B5 41.38 2.00 2.28 1406 78.59 1,78 0.39 1008.11 0.08 45.36 ecO3b(32),erOI(68) B6 28,00 1,88 2.05 13.02 52.35 165 0.55 1151.93 0.18 61.15 ecO3b(77),erOl(23) Cl -73.60 0.93 2.00 6.75 61.01 0.86 0.38 737.98 0,21 19.01 erO2(23),enll(56), en0lb(21) C2 -16801 0.87 1.50 6.27 53.81 0.79 0.21 487.69 0.02 16.95 erO2(45),enOl(8), en! 1(47) C3 29.64 1.16 2.34 8.29 64.44 1,06 0,58 1068.09 0.10 26.29 erOl(46),eno3b(54) C4 27.49 1.17 2.26 8,28 53.79 1.06 0.62 1113.80 0,09 27.96 erOl(30),er0lb(24), en03b(46) CS 29.64 1.16 2.34 8.29 64.44 1.06 0.58 1068.09 0.10 26.29 erOl(46),en03b(54) C6 26.90 1.13 2.23 8,06 52.35 103 0.60 1117.47 0.07 27.06 erOI(29),er0lb(35), en03b(36) Policy HRU HSE PRU (Ib) PLE PSE ID (acre) (ib) L1051011 ( tol ac) uiioll (lb ac ) N (caching (Ui ac P 1 )ischare i E \Il (rElative IOIICIeS Figure 5.5 ( sl-1iiectiveiiess ol \ltrnaiive Policies on 1aim F I 111 6 SUMMARY This chapter summarizes the results of the study and reviews some of the limitations of the study. The first section discusses the study results. The next section provides limitations and extensions of the study. 6.1 Conclusions This study evaluated the effects of conservation compliance and alternative policies on five representative HEL farms in terms of farms net return, farming operations, and environmental output using biosimulation and linear programming models. The conclusions of the study are: To comply with the conservation plans, some producers have changed their farming operations dramatically, while others have made few or no changes. The main farming adjustments are crop rotation, tillage operations, and planting date. Some producers has incorporated cross slope farming as well. Conservation compliance is found to promote effective erosion control, and in most cases, it promotes a reduction in other environmental pollutants at the same time, especially nutrient runoffs and nutrients in the sediments. These environmental benefits comes, however, at the expense of reduced producers net returns. Often, the use of modified T-values in place of strict T values reduces producers cost of compliance. 112 Applying these modified T-constraints can reduce the erosion and other pollutants more cost-effectively. The use of Alternative Conservation System (ACS) can be justified on most farms since the net returns of the representative farms are very low or negative making it impossible to meet strict T-constraint. On highly erodible lands, there are many soils that are not very productive and have very shallow root depth, such as Chehulpum soil. When these soils are in rotation, it is difficult to meet strict T-constraints profitably. The use of ACS, however, comes at the expense of higher pollution rate. Policy effectiveness depends on the characteristics of each farm. Results indicate that the policy that is optimal on one farm is not always the optimal policy for another farm. For Farm A, Policy B4 is the optimal policy, while Al is the best policy overall for Farm E. The optimal policy may be difficult to identify even within a single farm. There are some policies which work well in reducing only particular environmental pollutants. In the case of Farm B, erosion, nitrogen surface loss and pesticide discharge are most cost-effectively reduced using Policy AO, while for reducing nitrate leaching, any B or C policy is better than Policy AO. There are tradeoffs among the environmental outputs. When a reduction of one environmental output is targeted, the policy employed sometimes reduces other environmental outputs but it often increases them. Tradeoffs can also be seen in the form of change in the degree of the cost-effectiveness in reducing environmental 113 pollutants. A policy which targets the reduction of one pollutant often lessens the costeffectiveness of reducing other pollutants. These above findings imply that it is not easy to create a regulation that satisfies everyone in society. Policy-makers have to compromise on different environmental outputs across different farms to maximize social well-being. Conservation compliance may be a step in the right direction, but some modifications of existing policies and additional policies can make it work better for more farms. Policy makers need to choose between targeting a specific farm with special characteristics and reducing specific environmental outputs at the expense of others. After all, it is inevitable that they lay everything on one scale and decide on how much value they put on each category. Careful monitoring is also necessary to assure that the goals of society are met. 6.2 Limitation There were several limitations which must be noted in terms of data and models used for the study. Some stem from the EPIC program and some from the Linear programming model. 6.2.1 EPIC There were many difficulties in obtaining EPIC parameters. Because the EPIC program provides detailed soil information for only a limited number of soils, the use of 114 Soils-5 database which covers a wider ranges of soil was necessary. Although Soils-S database contains just enough soil parameters necessaiy to run the EPIC program, several important parameters were missing from the database. The exclusion of these parameters required the EPIC program to generate these parameters internally, which at times gave unreasonable yields which had to be adjusted. For the management data, crop budgets for several different years (from 1990 to 1995) were used. Although the crop budgets were updated to reflect the current prices of pesticides and fertilizers, current market value of labor and machinery was not taken into account in the calculation of input costs. In the study, USLE was used to determine the amount of soil loss from the farm. However, it is possible that a more accurate estimate of the amount of soil loss could have been obtained with the use of MUSLE, that accounts for the single storm estimate, or RUSLE, which is the most recent soil loss equation. EPIC also does not adequately consider the effect of pests on yields. Yield estimates were artificially reduced when winter wheat was planted earlier than October 15th to better reflect reality. Although the adjustments were made in consultation with Oregon State agronomists, it is difficult to determine to what extent this adjustment is reasonable and fairly representative of reality. 115 6.2.2 Linear Programming Model The linear programming model, like all models, is only a representation of the real world. Various assumptions were made for the purpose of the study. Among them were: I) That all the acreage had to be in production. 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Since labor and machinery costs are not updated, some limitations to the analysis may apply when different rotations are evaluated for the total cost of production. 2 This budget was constructed for the case of the predicted wheat yield of 100 bushels per acre. Fertilizer application was reduced by half for some unproductive soils. 125 Winter Wheat - Reduced Tillage Practice (100 acres, S/acre) Operation Date Disc (1 times) Chisel Plow Drill/Harrow NPK Cultipack DixonHarrow Herbicide Karniex Fertilize Nitrogen Herbicide Hoelon Herbicide Sencor Herbicide Treflan Fertilize Nitrogen Fungicide Bayleton Combine Haul Grain Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost 9/1 9/20 200 lbs 2.0 lbs 35 lbs 2.5 Pt 4.0 oz 1,0 pt 110 lbs 4.Ooz l0I5 Van. 5.63 8,59 5,34 4/1 2.19 2.10 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 4/25 5.00 10/20 10/25 10/30 2/15 2/20 3/25 3/25 8,' 1 8(1 Total Seed 12.50 8.75 15.50 1.87 1.70 27,50 9.00 17.37 20,60 46.47 17.37 20,60 46.47 12.50 Date Total 2.0 lbs 35 lbs 2.5 Pt 4,0 oz 1.0 Pt L101bs 4.0 oz 2/iS 2/20 3/25 3/25 4/ 1 4/25 8.59 39 84 2.19 2.10 12.40 13,75 20.50 4,37 4,20 32.50 14.00 17.41 1 44 Operation 9/20 10/IS 10/20 10/25 10/30 Totai 17,41 1.44 (100 acres, S/acre) 1.5 Pt 22.00 7.40 157.14 200 lbs Fertilizer2 5.63 Winter Wheat - No Till Practice Herbicide Roundup Drill/Harrow NPK Cultipack Dixon Harrow Herbicide Karmex Fertilize Nitrogen Herbicide Hoelon Herbicide Sencor Herbicide Treflan Fertilize Nitrogen Fungicide Bayleton Combine Haul Grain Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Pesticide Van, 5,00 5,34 2,19 2.10 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 Seed 35.47 58.25 Pesticide Fertilizer2 8.25 12.50 262.86 Total 13.25 22.00 7.40 38.94 2.19 2,10 8.75 12.40 13.75 27.50 20,50 4,37 4.20 32.50 15.50 1,87 1.70 9.00 14,00 si 1 17,41 8/ 1.44 17.37 17.37 20.60 46.47 20,60 46.47 1 147.92 17.41 1.44 12.50 43.47 58.25 262.14 126 Annual Ryegrass - Conventional Till / Chop and Plow Straw (750 acres, S/acre) Operation Date Van. Seed Flail Plow 8/6 3.23 8/10 Harrow Harrow & Roller (2 times) Land Level (0.2 times) 8110 6.97 3.00 7.07 Lime (0.15 times) Ditching Plant 15-15-15 Herbicide Nortron Fertilize 34-0-7 Herbicide 2-4, D Herbicide Banvel Windrowing (3 times) Combine Haul Seed Custom Seed Seed Assessment Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total 140 lbs 0.166 gal 0.206 gal 0.083 gal 0.041 gal 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/15 9/15 10/1 4/1 4/1 4/1 7/4 7/18 7/19 7/19 7/21 Pesticide Fertilizer Total 3.23 6,97 3.00 7.07 1.03 1.03 12.00 3.64 3.89 12.00 4.25 14.30 27.39 1. 11 1.67 40.34 0.56 0.55 6.78 11.76 1,67 43,75 2.98 23.32 10.57 79.37 224,92 1.17 3.36 3.64 22.44 28.50 42.01 1.73 3,91 6.78 11,76 1.67 43.75 2.98 23.32 10,57 79,37 4,25 31.92 54.64 315,73 127 Annual Ryegrass - Open Field Burn I No Till Seeding Operation Flail Plow Date (0.2 times) (0.2 times) Harrow (0.2 times) Harrow& Roller (0.2 times) Land Level (0.2 times) Lime (0.1 times) Ditching (0.2 times) Plant 15-15-15 Herbicide Nortron Fertilize 34-0-7 Herbicide 2-4, D Herbicide Banvel Wmdrowing (3 times) Combine Haul Seed Custom Seed Seed Assessment Field Burning Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total 140 lbs 0.166 gal 0.206 gal 0.083 gal 0.041 gal 8/ 6 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/15 9/15 10/ 1 4/1 4/1 4/1 7/4 7/18 7/19 7/19 7/21 7/21 (750 acres, s/acre) Var. Seed Pesticide Fertilizer Total 0.65 1.39 0.65 060 0.60 1,41 1.03 1.41 1,03 8.00 0.73 8.00 0,73 3.89 0.56 1,39 4,25 14.30 22.44 40.34 14.26 42.01 0.86 13.70 1.67 0,28 0.28 6.78 0,58 1,64 1,92 6,78 11.76 11,76 1.67 1.67 43.75 2.98 10.80 23.32 43.75 2.98 10.80 23,32 7.12 58.90 7. 12 58.90 188.57 4.25 15.92 54.64 263.38 128 Tall Fescue Seed Establishment - Conventional (500 acres, S/acre) Operation Moldboard Plow Lime Disc Harrow/Roll (3 times) Herbicide Roundup Herbicide Roundup Plant Fertilize 40-0-0-6 Herbicide CurtailM Flail Chop (2 times) Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost 2.0 tons 0.25 gal 0.25 gal Date Van. 9/ 5 5.76 60.00 5.55 6,06 9/10 9/15 9/20 11/1 3/1 3/5 0.05 ton 0.25 gal 3/10 3/15 7/1 Total 1.52 1.52 19.18 1.75 1.52 Seed Pesticide Fertilizer 5.76 60,00 5,55 6.06 13.52 13.52 21.68 12.00 12.00 2.50 11.52 9.50 6,06 58 32 25,60 51.37 244.21 Total 13,27 11,02 6.06 58,32 25.60 5 1,37 2.50 33.50 11.52 Pesticide Fertilizer 291,73 Tall Fescue Seed Establishment - Reduced tillage (500 acres, S/acre) Operation Date Van. Field Cultivator Lime 2.0 tons Disc Harrow/Roll (3 times) Herbicide Roundup 0.25 gal Herbicide Roundup 0.25 gal Plant Fertilize 40-0-0-6 0,05 ton Herbicide Curtail M 0.25 gal Flail Chop (2 times) Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest 9/ 5 5.76 60.00 5.76 60.00 5,55 5,55 6,06 13.52 13.52 21.68 13.27 11.02 9/10 9/15 9/20 11/ 1 3/ 3/5 3/10 3/15 7/ 1 Seed 6,06 1,52 1.52 19,18 1.75 1.52 12.00 12.00 2.50 11.52 9,50 6.06 58.32 25,60 6.06 58,32 25.60 FixedCost Total Total 5 1,37 244.2] 2.50 33.50 11.52 291.73 129 Tall Fescue Seed Production - Open Field Bum (500 acres, S/acre) Operation Date Herbicide Karmex 2.0 lbs Herbicide Goal 0.078 gal Fertilize 14-14-14 0.125 tons Fertilize 33-0-0-12 0.160 tons Herbicide 2-4, D 0.187 gal Herbicide Banvel 0.041 gal Rust Spray Tilt 0.6 gsl Swath Combine Haul Seed Clean/Bag Burn Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost 9/ 1 9/ I Van. 0,38 0.38 9/ 5 1.52 3/1 3.50 0.76 0.76 3.02 3/10 3/10 3/15 7/ 7/10 7/15 7/20 8/15 1 Seed Pesticide Fertilizer Total 23,84 9.46 6.32 25.36 8,70 5.20 30.41 2,65 2.54 20.40 3.30 23.42 14.00 22,06 14.00 22.06 1.50 128,0 10.90 1.50 128.0 10,90 28,47 18.94 31.63 28.47 18,94 31.63 Total 265.82 33,91 3.41 0.00 39.85 54.25 359.92 Pesticide Fertihzer Total Tall Fescue Seed Production - Bale Straw (500 acres, S/acre) Operation Herbicide Herbicide Fertilize Fertilize Herbicide Herbicide Rust Spray Swath Combine Haul Seed Clean/Bag Bale Chain Harrow Date Karmex Goal 14-14-14 33-0-0-12 2-4, D Banvel Tilt Flail 4.0 lbs 0.156 gal 0.125 tons 0.160 tons 0.374 gal 0.082 gal 0.12 gal 9/ 1 9/ 1 Van. 0.76 0.76 9/ 5 1.52 3/1 3,50 3/10 3(10 3/15 7/ 1 7/10 7/15 7/20 1.52 1.52 6.05 14.00 8/5 8/ 6 8/10 Seed 17.40 10.40 23.84 30.41 5,30 5.08 40.80 22.06 1.50 128.0 0 1.10 Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost 3.03 28.47 18.94 31.63 Total 264.36 18.16 11.52 25.36 33,91 6,82 6.60 46,85 14,00 22,06 1.50 128.0 0 1,10 3.03 28.47 18.94 31.63 0.00 78.98 54.25 397,59 130 Perermial Ryegrass Seed Establishment - Conventional (500 acres, S/acre) Operation Disc (2 times) Rip Disc Moldboard Plow Harrow/Roll Lime 2.0 tons Harrow/Roll Plant Charcoal/Fertilize Herbicide Roundup 0.19 gal Herbicide Karmex 3.0 lbs Herbicide Nortron 0.25 gal Slug Control Slug-Bait 0.1 acre Fertilize 33-0-0-12 0.1 tons Fertilize Urea 0.08 tons Boarder Spray Roundup 0.5 acre Broadleaf Conrol MCPA 0.l9gal Broadleaf Conrol Banvel 0.06 gal Rogue Weed Roundup 0.083 gal Rust Spray Tilt 0.12 gal Swath Combine Haul Seed Clean/Bag Burn Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total Date Van. 7/15 7/20 7/25 8/ 1 8(10 8/20 8/30 5,55 4,71 2.77 5,76 1.97 60.00 1.97 10/ 1 10/20 4.64 2.02 2.52 5.75 11/ 1 11/15 11(21 3/1 3/15 ' 1.84 1,75 Pesticide 3/21 1.01 1.01 4/ 2 22.00 6,05 14.00 22.06 Fertilizer Total 5,55 4.71 2.77 5,76 1,97 60.00 15,00 69.75 9.62 13,05 41.25 1,62 19.01 21,20 1,75 4/ 1 4/ 1 6(15 7/ 1 7/10 7/15 7/20 8/ 1 Seed 2.50 2.66 4,92 1,97 89.39 13.52 15,57 47.00 3.46 20.76 22.95 2.50 3,67 5.93 3.98 40.80 25.98 46.85 14.00 22.06 1.50 128,0 10,90 3.32 128.0 10,90 3.32 49.02 49.02 149.33 149.33 511.20 1,50 15.00 120.40 109.96 756.56 131 Perennial Ryegrass Seed Establishment Operation Disc (2 times) Rip Disc Field Cultivator Harrow/Roll Lime 2.0 tons Harrow/Roll Plant Charcoal/Fertilize Herbicide Roundup 0.19 gal Herbicide. Karmex 3.0 lbs Herbicide Nortron 0.25 gal Slug Control Slug-Bait 0.1 acre Fertilize 33-0-0-12 0.1 tons Fertilize Urea 0.08 tons Boarder Spray Roundup 0.5 acre Broadleaf Conrol MCPA 0.19 gal Broadleaf Conrol Banvel 0.06 gal Rogue Weed Roundup 0.083 gal Rust Spray Tilt 0.12 gal Swath Combine Haul Seed Clean/Bag Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total - Reduced Tillage (500 acres, $/acre) Date Van. 7/15 7/20 7/25 4,7! 8/ 1 8/10 8/20 8/30 10/ 1 10/20 10/20 li/iS 11/21 3/ 1 3/15 3/21 4/ 2.77 5.76 1.97 60.00 1.97 4.64 2.02 2.52 5.75 1.84 4/2 22.00 6/iS 6.05 14.00 22.06 7/10 7/15 7/20 Fertilizer 1.97 15,00 69.75 9.62 13.05 41,25 1.62 19.01 21.20 2.50 2.66 4.92 3.98 40.80 60.00 1.97 89.39 13,52 15.57 47.00 3.46 20.76 22.95 2.50 3.67 5.93 25.98 46.85 14.00 22.06 1.50 1.50 128.0 '128.0 3.32 49.02 149.33 500.30 Total 5.55 4.71 2.77 5.76 1.75 1.75 4/ 1 7/1 Pesticide 5.55 1.01 1.01 1 Seed 3.32 49.02 149.33 15.00 120.40 109.96 745.66 132 PeremiiaJ Ryegrass Seed Production - Open Field Bum (500 acres, $/acre) Operation Fertilize 10-20-20 Herbicide Goal Herbicide Karmex Slug Control Slug-Bait Fertilize 33-0-0-12 Fertilize Urea Boarder Spray Roundup Broadleaf Conrol MCPA Broadleaf Conrol Banvel Rogue Weed Roundup Rust Spray Tilt Swath Combine Haul Seed Clean/Bag Burn Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total Date 0.113 tons 0.05 gal 10/15 0.75 Pt 10/ 'i 0.05 acre 11/21 0.1 tons 3/ 1 0.08 ton 3/15 0.25 acre 3/21 0.095 gal 4/ 1 0.03 gal 4/ 1 0.041 gal 4/ 2 0.06 gal 6/ 7/ 1 7/10 7/15 7/20 8/ 1 Van. 10/ Seed 1 0.38 0.38 0.55 Pesticide 1.75 Fertilizer 24.27 3.26 3.45 0.54 1.75 1.75 19,01 1.25 1.33 26.02 3.64 3.83 1.09 21.20 0.51 Total 20.76 22.95 1.25 1.83 0.50 2.46 2.96 11.00 1.99 12.99 3.02 14,00 20.40 23,42 14.00 22,06 22.06 ISO 1,50 128.0 10.90 128.0 10.90 58.32 30.95 58.32 30.95 66.06 353.39 66.06 34.68 64.48 452.55 133 Perennial Ryegrass Seed Production - Bale (500 acres, $/acre) Operation Fertilize Herbicide Herbicide SlugControl Fertilize Fertilize Boarder Spray Date 10-20-20 Goal 0.113 tons 0.1 gal Karmex 1.5 Pt Slug-Bait 0.1 acre 33-0-0-12 0.1 tons Urea 0.08 tons Roundup 0.5 acre BroadieafConrol MCPA 0.19 gal Broadleaf Conrol Banvel 0.06 gal Rogue Weed Roundup 0.083 gal Rust Spray Tilt 0.12 gal Swath Combine Haul Seed Clean/Bag Bale Chain Harrow Flail Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total 10/ I 10/15 10/ 11/21 '1 3/ 1 3115 Van. 4/ I 4/2 3/15 7/ 1 7/10 7/15 7/20 7/15 7/21 7/21 Pesticide 1.75 6,525 6.90 1.10 1,75 1.75 1.08 1.01 1.01 22.00 6.05 14.00 22.06 Fertilizer 24.27 0.76 0.76 3/21 4/ 1 Seed 19.01 21.20 2.50 2.66 4.92 3.98 40.80 26.02 7.29 7.66 2.18 20.76 22.95 2.50 3.67 5.93 25.98 46.85 14.00 22.06 1.50 1.50 128.0 128.0 0.00 0.00 1.0! 3,03 58.32 30.95 66.06 1.10 3.03 58 32 30.95 66.06 362.96 Total 69.37 64.48 496.81 134 Sweet Corns (175 Irrigated Acres, $ /acre) Operation Herbicide Chisel Plow Disc Drag/Roll Herbicide Herbicide Plant Fertilize Fertilize UREA Date Roundup Dual Atrazine 2.Oqt 1.5 qt UREA 108 lbs Phosphorus 134 lbs Potash 36 lbs Sulfur 26 lbs 326 lbs Irrigation Herbicide Atrazine Custom Topping Custom Picking Haul Lime Disc Tillage Plant Cover Crop Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total 1.5 pt 2 in Sx 2.0 qt 2/25 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/ 2 3/ 2 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/26 4/30 5/ 1 5/ 2 7.88 12,28 36,60 42.62 36.51 [54 Total 9.42 8,59 4.89 4.56 35.44 32.75 9,60 2.58 72,50 3,21 11117 Fertilizer 3.02 0.65 11/20 11/15 Pesticide 14.31 19,50 11/l7 1 9/ 1 Seed 1.54 8.59 4.89 4,56 2.69 2.68 6.02 7,00 56.43 57.94 26.25 3.77 9.96 8/ 0,625 tons Van. 13,20 14.31 19.50 3.02 0.65 39,09 72.50 14.74 7.00 56.43 57.94 26.25 3,77 9,96 12.50 15.71 23.77 23.77 23.31 162.48 23.31 481.71 162, 48 49,10 63.43 73.99 668.23 135 Bush Beans (100 Irngated Acres, $ /acre) Operation Herbicide Chisel Plow Disc Roto-Till Level Field Herbicide Herbicide Fertilize Date Roundup 1.5 pt Dual 2.0 qt Trefian 1.5 Pt UREA 109 lbs Phosphorus 128 lbs Potash 43 lbs Sulfur 33 lbs Plant RoIl Herbicide Basagran Fertilize UREA Bloom Spray Rovral Bloom Spray Sevin Bloom Spray Diazinon Spot Spray Roundup Irrigation CustomPicking Haul Lime Disc Plant Cover Crop Miscellaneous Operating Capital Interest Fixed Cost Total 1,5 Pt 65 lbs 1.0 lbs 1.25 lbs 0.75 lbs 0,050 ApI 1.5 in 6x 3/ 1 3/ 2 3/ 3 3/ 4 3/ 5 3/ 2 3/ 2 4/ 3 4/ 3 4/ 3 4/ 3 5/ 1 5/ 2 5/3 Van, Seed 1.54 8 59 3.26 Pesticide 7.88 4.20 2.36 2.65 2,65 14.44 17,70 1.61 1.61 1.61 3.61 0.82 128,0 19.38 1.54 2,73 12.94 6/ 1 6/ 1 6/ 3 0.77 0,77 6/ 4 6/ 5 0.62 93.25 21,00 6.38 3.94 0.26 7/ 1 7/ 8/ 152.9 37.18 8/ 2 4.89 6/ 1 1 9/1 8,61 1.61 19.31 5.22 2.43 153.40 2.83 14.48 11.34 21.77 7,15 5,55 0,88 10,50 4.89 12,50 15,71 37,56 33.76 207 73 629.56 8,65 16.06 93,25 152,90 37,18 10.50 3,21 Total 9.42 8.59 3,26 4,20 2,36 35,40 32.75 6,00 1.62 6.02 2.83 Fertilizer 37.56 33.76 207.73 140.50 110.53 45.18 925,77 1., Li APPENDIX B 137 THE HEL CONSERVATION PLAN 911194 I. How many acres of cropland did you operate during the 1993 crop year? Acres 2. How many acres of your total cropland are considered Highly Erodible Land (HEL) for the 1993 crop year? Acres In which crop yeas did you first sign a HEL conservation compliance plan with the Soil Conservation Services (SCS)? Year How many acres of the HEL, if any, are also in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) for the 1993 crop year? (if 0, please write it in.) Acres 4a. (IF GREATER THAN1 0,) during which sign-up period did you enroll in the CRP? How many acres are there in your largest HEL tract? Acres NOTE: When answering the rest of the questions, please refer exclusively to the operations on your largest HEL tract specified in Q5. 138 FOR YOUR LARGEST HEL TRACT. 6a What was the rotation on your Highly Erodible Land (HEL) tract just before you first signed the HEL agreement? (for example, tail fescue-4 years-9/l 5 and wheat-2 years- 10/I or continuous wheat) CROP YEARS IN ROTATION PLANTING DATE 6b. What is the current or planned rotation on your HEL tract? (for example,continuous pasture) CROP YEARS IN ROTATION PLANTING DATE 7a. What were your tillage practices for each crop listed in the rotation on your HEL tract just before you first signed HEL agreement? (for example.wheat-moldboard plow, harrow, disk) CROP TIILLAGE PRACTICES 139 FOR YOUR LARGEST HEL TRACT.. 7b. What are your tillage practices for each crop hsted in the current or planned rotation on your HIEL tract? (for example, wheat: chisel plow, disk, harrow) CROP 1ILLAGE PRACTICES 8, Did you set up terraces on your Highly Erodibie Land (HEL) acres as a result of your conservation compliance plan? (Circle One Number) NO (SkiptoQ.9) YES L> 8a. What was your initial cost for establishing terraces? S /acre 8b. Are there yearly maintenance costs for the terraces? ircle One Numher) NO (SkiptoQ,9) YES -> Please estimate the annual maintenance costs. S /acre 9. Did you set up crop-slope farming on your Highly Erodible Land (HEL) tract as a result of your conservation compliance plan? (Circle One Number) 1. NO (SkiptoQ.lO) 2. YES 9a Please estimate the additional yearly costs per acre to farm the slope. S /acre 140 FOR YOUR LARGEST HEL TRACT. 10. Did you mai(e any other changes in your farming practices on your Highly Erodible Land (HEL) acres as a result of your conservation compliance plan? (Circle One Number) 1. NO (SkiptoQ.lI) 2. YES 1 Qa. Please specif the adjustment made and estimate the additional costs per acre required because of the adjustment? ADJUSTMENT COST /acre S /acre 11. Was it necessary to make changes m your equipment Inventory to implement your conservation plan? (Circle One Number) I. NO (SkiptoQ12) 2. YES > 1 Ia. Please list equipment purchased and the price paid, and explain the reasons for the purchase. EQUIPMENT PRICE PAID REASONS S 12. Did you change the chemical fertilizer application rates on the crops listed in your current rotation as the result of the conservation plan? (Circle One Number) I. NO (SkiptoQ13) 2. YES 12a. Please indicate crop, name of fertilizer, the change in amount of fertilizer, and increase or decrease. CROP FER l'ILIZER AMOUNT (Please specifj u INCREASE/DECREASE (Please circle) /acre /acre I I D D 141 FOR YOUR LARGEST REL TRACT.. 13. Did you use fertilizing methods other than applying chemical fertilizer as a result of the conservation plan? (for example, organic fertilizer) (Circle One Number) NO (Skip to Q.14) YES 13a. Please specify the name of the crop and fertilizing methods. CROP FERTILIZING METHODS 14. Did you change the pesticide application rates on the crops listed in your current rotation as the result of the conservation plan? (Circle One Number) I. NO (SkiptoQJ5) 2. YES -> decrease. 14a. Please indicate crop, name of pesticide, the change in amount of pesticide, and increase or CROP PESTICIDE AMOUNT (Please specify unit) INCREASE/DECREASE (Please circle) /acre I D acre I D 15. Did you use pest control practices other than applying pesticide as a result of the conservation plan? (Circle One Number) NO (SkiptoQ.16) YES L> I 5a. Please speci CROP the name of the crop and pest conol practices. PEST CONTROL PRACTICES 142 FOR YOUR LARGEST HEL TRACT... Did you change the number or type of livestock? (Circle One Number) I. NO (SkiptoQ.17) 2. YES L> 16a. Please specde the type, number, and increase or decrease. TYPE NUMBER INCREASE/DECREASE (Please circle) ID ID Was there a change in the yield of your crops due to the HEL adjustments you have made? ('Circle One Number) 1. NO (SkiptoQ.18) 2. YES 17a, Please speci' the crop, change in yield, and increase or decrease. CROP YIELD (Please specif, unit) INCREASE/DECREASE (Please circle) /acre I /acre ID D 18. Is there anything that you would like to say about the HEL conservation compliance program or the Conservation Reserve Program? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! 143 APPENDIX C 144 EPIC Runs Results Table C. 1.1 Fifteen -Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations: Rotaion 1 (Continuous Winter Wheat) on Farm A Woodburn 16% ID USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Jb) (Ib) (Ib) acOl 422 2156 205 45.7 2.73 ad! 3.17 16.37 2.05 46.0 acO2 8.45 41.83 2.06 acl2 6.35 31.75 acO3 12.15 acl3 PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) 024 1320.64 0.02 53 78.64 2.07 0.23 1320.64 0.02 40 78.67 52.5 5.31 0.49 1350.99 0.02 148 84.85 2.07 53,1 4.03 0.36 1357.00 0.02 114 84.89 59.25 2,12 53,5 7.56 0.71 1348,00 0.02 239 92.67 9.13 45.01 2.18 53,3 5,73 0,65 1368,02 0.02 180 92.73 arOl 1.56 8,39 2.67 44.2 1.08 0.37 1299.96 0.02 21 77.30 arIl 1.17 6.36 2,67 44.4 0.82 0,37 1302,96 0.02 16 77.31 arO2 3.82 19.86 2,50 52.8 2,53 0,46 1328.97 0.02 87 83,30 arl2 2.87 15,07 2,50 53.1 1.92 0,46 1331.97 0.02 66 83.32 arO3 6.16 31.07 2.78 53,7 3.97 0.75 1375.03 0.02 149 90.93 arl3 4.63 23.59 2.78 53.2 3.01 0.74 1378.04 0.02 115 90,97 anOl 0.67 3.49 3,80 43.4 0.46 0.71 1189.95 0,02 12 73,59 anIl 0.50 2.65 3,80 43.5 0.35 0,71 1192.95 0,02 10 73,60 anO2 1.20 6.22 3.50 52.8 0.81 0.83 1265.99 0.02 25 79.22 anI2 0:90 4,72 3,50 52.9 0.61 0.83 1266.59 0.02 19 79.23 anO3 1.72 8.81 3.64 53,5 1.15 1,11 1283.97 0.02 42 86,53 anl3 1.29 6.67 3,64 53.7 0.87 1,11 1283.99 0.02 32 86.54 See Table 5.6a on page 73 for the farming operations corresponding to each ID. 2 See foonote 13 on page 82 for the description of notations. 145 Table C. 1.2 Fifteen -Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations: Rotaion 1 (Continuous Winter Wheat) on Farm A Helmick 16% ff USLE (ton) NSE (ib) NRU NLE HSE HRU (1b) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) acOl 707 2620 293 13.9 3.33 acIl 5.29 19.74 2.91 13.7 acO2 12.5449 45.33 3,04 acI2 9.39 34.12 acO3 16.634 acl3 PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) 0.34 1996.3 0.06 92 49.26 2.51 0.33 1982.3 0.06 68 49,54 22.6 5.79 0,55 1974.5 0.07 213 49.01 3.05 22.1 4.35 0.52 1986.5 0.06 159 49.54 59,52 3,06 28.3 7.66 0.96 2017.5 0.07 305 51.20 12.4550 44.82 3.08 27.7 5,76 0.89 2032.5 0.07 229 51,64 arOl 3.41 12.78 3.90 12.9 1.65 0.65 1937.4 0.05 47 48,95 arlI 2.55 9.61 3.89 12,8 1.24 0,55 1940.4 0.05 33 49.09 arO2 6.86 25,68 3.84 19.5 3.29 0.67 2012.5 0.05 147 48.98 arl2 5.14 19.34 3.75 19,3 2,48 0,66 1963.5 0.06 109 49,09 arO3 9.76 35.92 3,75 25,8 4.63 0.98 2028,5 0.06 219 51.11 arO3 7.30 27,02 3,69 23.7 3.48 0.97 2034.5 0.06 167 51,55 anOl 1.13 4.39 4.10 11.3 0,58 1.05 1878.3 0.06 23 48,53 anIl 0.84 3,31 4.10 11,3 0,44 1.04 1878.3 0.06 18 48.53 anO2 2.16 8,29 4.00 18,6 1,08 1,10 1933.3 0,06 51 47,09 anl2 1.61 6.24 4,00 18.5 0,82 1.10 1936.3 0.06 38 47,21 anO3 3.00 11,35 4.94 22.3 1,49 1.35 1971.3 0.06 85 49,81 anl3 2.24 8.54 4.93 22.4 1.12 1,35 1974.3 0,06 63 49,96 146 Table C. 1.3 Fifteen -Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations: Rotaion 1 (Continuous Winter Wheat) on Farm A Nekia 16% USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE IISE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (lb) acOl 4.45 30.68 1,51 33.8 3.87 aclIl 3.35 23.27 1.50 33.8 acO2 8.21 55,03 1.59 acl2 6.17 41,74 acO3 11.5 acl3 PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) 0.22 1524.10 0.06 63 53,16 2.93 0.22 1530 10 0.06 50 53,29 40,3 6.95 0.30 1532.68 0.06 163 54.75 1.58 40.3 5,27 0.29 1538.68 0.05 124 55.02 75.74 1.65 43.9 9.60 0.51 1527,89 0.06 250 57.97 8.60 57.39 1.65 43.7 7.27 .0,48 1536.89 0.06 191 58.39 arOl 1.90 13,65 2.02 31.1 1.75 0.37 1468,58 0.06 30 52.59 arlI 1.43 10.34 2.02 31.1 1.32 0.37 1467.68 0.06 23 52.65 arO2 4.26 29,59 1.96 38,7 3.77 0.43 1523.93 0.05 103 54.22 arl2 3.20 22,42 1,96 38.6 2.86 0,42 1526.93 0.05 81 54.37 arO3 6.52 44.23 1.99 42,0 5.66 0.67 1533.93 0.05 175 57.51 arl3 4.90 33.52 1,98 42.0 4.29 0.66 1536.93 0.05 131 57,75 anOl 0.67 4.84 3,05 28,9 0.62 0,72 1439.90 0.06 16 50.90 anlI 0.51 3.66 3,05 28.9 0.47 0.72 1429.90 0.06 11 50.93 anO2 1.31 9.32 2,77 36.7 1.20 0,79 1441.93 0.06 34 52.74 anl2 0.98 7.06 2.77 36.7 0.91 0,79 1441,93 0.06 26 52.68 anO3 1.92 13.42 2.57 39.4 1,74 1.08 1477,95 0.06 54 56.05 anl3 1.44 10.15 2.57 39.4 1,32 1,08 1477,95 0,06 41 56.14 147 Table C.2. 1 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 2 (2 year annual ryegrass and year winter wheat) on Farm B Soil Type: Woodburn 8 % ID3 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (ib) bcOl 2.05 1095 3.99 73.54 144 bell 1.55 8.36 3.99 73.60 bcO3 3.12 16.22 3.63 bcl3 2.35 12.38 brOl 2.09 brIl PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield (ton) 0.54 484.75 0.36 21 80.91 1.162 1.10 0.54 484.75 0.36 18 80.92 1,162 76.79 2.14 0.61 496.01 0.21 66 95.93 1.161 3.64 76.89 1.63 0.60 499.01 0.16 51 95.94 1.161 11.34 8.36 73.10 1.50 0.57 484.73 0.36 21 79.29 1.162 1.57 8.65 4.06 73.16 1,15 0.56 48473 0.31 18 79.30 1.162 brO3 3.17 16.69 3.73 76.32 2.21 0.64 495.99 0.30 66 94.00 1.161 brl3 2.39 12.74 3,73 76.42 1.69 0.63 498.99 0.23 51 94,02 1.161 bnOl 2.17 11.76 4,06 72.94 1,55 0,55 484.73 0.36 24 75,25 1.162 bnll 1.63 8.98 3.64 73.00 1,18 0,54 484,73 0,36 18 75.25 1.162 bnO3 3.29 17.28 3,74 76.16 2.28 0,59 495.99 0.30 66 89.21 1.161 bnl3 2.48 13.19 3,74 76.27 1,74 0,58 499.00 0.23 54 89.22 1.161 bc0lb 1.10 5.95 3,07 74.30 0.77 0.29 498,22 1.67 18 80,95 1.159 bcllb 0.82 4.53 3.07 74,34 0.59 0.29 447.08 0.99 3 80.96 1,159 bc03b 2.01 10.59 3.09 77,11 1.39 0.55 451.21 0.16 15 95.93 1.158 bcl3b 1.51 10.59 3.09 77,17 1,05 0.54 495.5 0.09 42 95,94 1.158 brOib 0.44 2.49 3.51 71.92 0.33 0.69 481.43 1.62 6 79.40 1.150 brllb 0.33 1.89 3.51 71.95 0.25 0.69 481.43 1.64 6 79.41 1.150 bro3b 1.01 5.48 3.46 75.39 0.73 1.01 477.51 0.34 33 93.99 1.150 brl3b 0.76 4.16 3.46 75.44 0.55 1.01 477.51 0.18 24 94.00 1.150 bn0lb 0.33 1.84 3.82 71.42 0.24 0.80 447.08 1.18 3 75,48 1.150 bnllb 0.24 1.40 3.82 71.45 0.18 0.80 447.08 0.99 3 75.48 1,150 bnO3b 0.62 3.31 4.03 74.83 0.44 1.25 451.21 0.16 15 89.25 1.150 bnl3b 0.46 2,52 4.03 74.87 0.33 1,25 454,21 0.16 12 89.26 1.150 See Table 5.6b on page 74 for the farming operations corresponding to each ID. 148 Table C.2.2 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 2 (2 year annual ryegrass and I year winter wheat) on Farm B Soil Type: Helmick 8 % ID3 PRJ USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU HRU (Ib) NLE (lb) HSE (ib) (Ib) (Ib) bcOl 2.83 11.0 6.11 53.29 1.45 0.87 688.84 073 bcll 2.12 8.34 6.37 78.15 L10 0,97 688.85 bcO3 4.06 15.3 5.84 59.66 2.03 0.82 bcI3 3.05 11.6 5.83 59.57 1.54 brOl 2,85 fl.2 6.22 52.88 brIl 2.15 8.54 6.21 brO3 4.09 15.6 brl3 3.08 bnOl PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield 27 4982 0.851 0.71 18 49,89 0.853 714.40 1.45 69 50,43 0.858 0.81 717.40 1.46 54 50,55 0.861 1.48 0.86 688,81 0.70 27 48.82 0.851 52.84 1.12 0.85 691.82 0.72 18 48.89 0.853 6.10 58.80 2.07 0.79 721.32 1.32 69 49.59 0.861 11.8 5.98 59.14 1.57 0.78 717.38 1.45 54 49.53 0.861 2.91 11.5 6.25 52.72 1.51 0,84 688.81 0.74 27 46.33 0,851 bnll 2.19 8.72 6.25 52.67 1.14 0.84 691.81 0.71 21 46,39 0,853 bnO3 4.17 15.9 6.14 58.65 2.10 0.73 721.32 1.37 72 47.05 0.860 bnl3 3.13 12.0 6.02 58.98 1.59 0.72 718.38 1.42 54 47.00 0.860 bc0lb 2.03 7.89 4.61 54.65 1.03 0.45 692.13 1.55 27 50.08 0.855 bcllb 1.52 5.96 4.61 54.59 0.78 0.45 692.13 1.55 18 50.14 0.857 bc03b 3.12 11.7 4.93 61.06 1.54 0.73 714.65 1.45 63 50.50 0.858 bcl3b 2.33 8.86 4.93 60.96 1.17 0,72 717.65 1.30 51 50.61 0.860 brOib 0.89 3.62 5.28 53.29 0.48 0.84 668.35 0.64 12 48.90 0.850 brllb 0.67 2.73 5.28 53.25 0,35 0.84 671.35 0.63 9 48.93 0.851 brO3b 1.66 6.46 5.46 58.34 0.86 1.20 710.76 0.63 42 50.05 0.852 brl3b 1,24 4.88 5.46 58.30 0.65 1.20 710.76 1.50 33 50.13 0,853 bnOlb 0.65 2.66 5.57 53.00 0.35 0.95 653.29 0.65 6 46.46 0.851 bnllb 0.49 2.01 5.57 52.97 0.27 0.95 653.29 0.64 3 46.49 0.851 bn03b 1.04 4.11 5.94 57.98 0.55 1.39 691.66 0.68 18 47.55 0.847 bnl3b 0.78 3.10 5.93 57.95 0.41 1.39 691.66 0.68 12 47.61 0,848 (ton) 149 Table C.2.3 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 2 (2 year annual ryegrass and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm B Soil Type: Steiwer S% ID3 USLE2 NSE NRU NLE HSE PLE PSE (Ib) (lb) (Ib) (Ib) EIRU (ib) PRU (ton) Yield (bu) Yield (ton) bcOI 2.61 1L7 3.42 81.19 1.56 0.60 605.38 0.10 24 43.20 0.778 bcll 1.96 8.95 3.42 81.14 1.19 0.60 605.3.8 0.10 21 43.26 0,780 bcO3 3.81 16.5 3.07 86.77 2.21 0.70 610.61 0.12 66 44.77 0.751 bcl3 2.87 12.6 3,06 86.72 1.69 0.69 613.59 0.12 48 44,89 0.753 brOl 2.62 11.9 3.48 80.71 1.60 0.60 605.36 0.109 24 42.35 0.779 brIl 1,97 9.10 3,47 80.66 1.22 0.60 605.36 0.10 18 42.40 0.780 brO3 3.84 17.0 3,14 86.31 2.28 0.72 610.57 0.13 66 43.89 0.751 brI3 2.89 12.9 3,13 86.24 1.73 0.71 613.58 0.12 48 44.00 0.753 bnOI 2.67 12.3 3,51 80,49 1.65 0.59 605.35 0.10 24 40,19 0,779 bnIl 2,01 9,37 3.50 80.44 1.25 0,59 605.35 0,10 21 40.25 0.780 bnO3 3.90 17.4 3,18 86.09 2.34 0,70 610.56 0,13 66 41,65 0.751 bnl3 2.94 13.2 3.17 86.02 1.78 0.68 613.56 0.12 48 41,76 0.753 bc0lb 1.92 8.72, 2.47 84.82 1,15 0,37 612.77 0,09 24 43,31 0.761 bcllb 1.44 6.66 2.47 84,79 0.88 0.37 612,77 0.09 21 43,37 0,762 bc03b 3,06 13.2 2.55 87.90 1.75 0,62 606,94 0,11 57 44,99 0,740 bcl3b 2.31 10.1 2,55 87.89 [.35 0.62 609,92 0.11 45 45,09 0.742 brOib 0.82 3.91 2.99 81.20 0.52 0,67 595,00 0,09 12 42,76 0.776 brllb 0.61 2.97 2,99 81.18 0.39 0.67 595.00 0.09 12 42.79 0,777 brO3b 1.44 6.58 2.87 86,11 0.89 1.01 608.22 0.11 36 44.34 0.752 brl3b 1.08 4.98 2.87 86.07 0,67 1.00 608.21 0.11 24 44,40 0.752 bnOlb 0.62 2.99 3,12 80.44 0.40 0.75 575.89 0,10 6 40.94 0.777 bnllb 0,46 2,27 3.12 80,43 0.30 0,75 575.89 0,10 3 40.97 0,777 bnO3b 0.97 4.55 3.17 85,39 0.61 1,13 562.04 0.11 15 42.32 0756 bnl3b 0.72 345 3.17 85.36 0.46 1.1.3 571.04 0,11 12 42,37 0.757 150 Table C.3. 1 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm B Soil Type: Woodburn 8% ID4 USLE2 NSE NRU NLE PSE (Ib) (Ib) HRU (lb) PLE (ib) HSE (ib) PRU (ton) Yield (bu) Yield (ton) ccOi 2.04 10,71 1.91 57.76 0.37 0.82 593.28 0.05 34 93.89 1Q49 ccli 1.53 8.24 1.98 57.61 L37 0.40 589.19 0.05 22 93.90 1.048 ccO3 2.65 13.71 1.93 65.55 1.76 0.52 690.86 0.19 25 97.16 1.048 ccl3 1.99 10.45 1.93 65.69 1.34 0.51 694.78 0.22 18 97.19 1.048 cr01 1.49 8.10 2.21 60.28 1.03 0.56 589.32 0.05 29 92.03 1.043 cr11 1.12 6.19 2.21 60.30 0.79 0.56 589.32 0.05 25 92.04 1.043 cr03 2.16 11.34 2.29 67.95 1.45 0.63 694.83 0.21 12 95.22 1.042 cr13 1.62 8.68 2.29 67.98 1.11 0.63 694.83 0.22 10 95.25 1.042 cnOl 1.45 7.77 2.23 60.19 0.99 0.60 619.48 0.05 48 87.33 1.043 cn!1 1.09 5.94 2.23 60.21 0.76 0.60 623.86 0.05 27 87.34 1.043 cnO3 2.21 11.60 2.32 67.98 1.48 0.64 691.75 0.21 11 90.24 1.042 cnl3 1.66 8.88 2.32 67.99 1.13 0.63 692.75 0.19 7 90.36 1.042 cc0lb 1.63 8.39 1.56 18.76 1.07 0.52 605.91 0.04 53 92.76 1.075 ccl lb 1.22 6,39 1.59 18.60 0,82 0.53 608.91 0.04 35 92.80 1.074 cc03b 2.29 11.60 1.56 24.80 1,49 0.57 709.25 0.21 44 97.12 1.073 ccl3b 1.72 8.82 1,56 24.80 1.13 0.56 709.25 0.21 34 97.15 1.073 crOib 0.74 4.03 1.78 18.25 0.53 0.68 605.88 0.04 49 90.92 1.062 crllb 0.56 3.07 1.79 18.25 0.40 0.68 608.88 0.04 35 90,93 1.062 cr03b 1.26 6.69 1.80 24.39 0.87 0.74 722.53 0.19 28 95.29 1.061 crl3b 0.94 5.10 1.80 24.40 0.67 0.74 725.52 0.19 17 95,31 1.061 cnOlb 0.53 2.91 1.84 18.24 0.38 0.77 609.93 0.06 55 86.28 1.063 cnllb 0.39 2.21 1.85 18.24 0.29 0.77 609.93 0.06 45 86.28 1,063 cn03b 0.90 4.82 1,86 24.29 0.63 0.85 699.26 0.21 21 90.59 1.061 cnl3b 0.68 3.66 1.86 24.29 0.48 0.84 702.26 0,20 15 90.60 1.062 . See Table 5.6c on page 75 for the farming operations corresponding to each ID. 151 Table C.3.2 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm B Soil Type: Helrnick 8% ID4 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) ccOl 100 1155 365 40.05 1.49 0.62 971.50 0.22 ccli 2.24 8.79 3.65 39.99 1.13 0.62 975.50 ccO3 3.75 14.23 3.39 50.66 1.85 0.77 ccl3 2.82 10.80 3.39 50.59 1.41 cr01 2.39 9.39 4.01 44.22 cr11 1.80 7.16 4.01 cr03 3.30 12.58 cr13 2.47 cnOl PRU PLE PSE Yield Yield (bu) (ton) 47 58.15 0.745 0.21 36 58,23 0.746 987.22 0.23 63 60.01 0.743 0.77 987.22 0.23 52 60.13 0.744 1.21 0.86 973.63 0.22 46 57.03 0.735 44.17 0.92 0.86 976.63 0.22 38 57,09 0,735 3.69 54.45 1,59 0.94 988.37 0.23 66 58,86 0.732 9.55 3.68 54.48 1.28 0.93 988.37 0.23 55 58.96 0.733 2.27 8.91 3.91 44.70 1.14 0.90 977.48 0.22 50 54.03 0.734 cnlI 1.70 6.78 3.91 44.66 0.87 0.89 977,48 0.22 41 54.08 0.735 cnO3 3.22 12.30 3.74 54.40 1.21 0.69 991.41 0.23 77 55.86 0.733 cnl3 2.55 9.85 3.69 54,40 1.09 3.22 991.42 0.23 62 55.95 0.732 ccOlb 2.24 8.39 2.81 10.64 1.08 0.71 1172.4 0.25 29 ' 54.68 0.797 ccllb 1.68 6.36 2.81 10.62 0.82 0.71 1172.4 0.25 24 54.63 0.798 cc03b 2.41 9.34 3.74 14.58 1.21 0,94 1197,2 0.27 48 60.16 0.790 ccl3b 2.26 8.45 3.69 14.10 1.09 0.75 1200.2 0.27 37 60.17 0.793 crOib 1.19 3.53 3.06 10.21 0.46 0.61 1177.4 0.25 17 53.59 0.791 crllb 0.89 3.74 2.34 10.20 0.49 0.46 1180.4 0.25 12 53.52 0.792 cr03b 1.84 7,06 3.05 14.10 0.92 0.91 1203.2 0.27 32 58.96 0.786 crl3b 1.38 5.33 3.04 14.05 0.70 0.91 1203.2 0.27 26 59.05 0.789 cn0lb 0.92 3.74 2.34 12.57 0.49 0.82 1167.2 0.27 13 49.80 0.773 cnllb 0.69 2.84 2.34 12.56 0.37 0.82 1167.2 0.27 12 49.84 0.774 cn03b 1.41 5.57 2.23 16.53 0.74 0.83 1210.2 0.24 31 55.30 0.769 cnl3b 1.06 4.22 2.23 16.50 0.56 0.83 1213.2 0.24 21 55.38 0.769 152 Table C.3.3 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm B Soil Type: Steiwer 8 % ID4 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (ib) ccOl 2.82 1257 1.99 73.66 1.63 ccli 2.12 9.61 1.99 73.63 ccO3 3.49 15.35 2.05 cci3 2.62 11.71 cr01 2.28 cr11 P1W PLE PSE Yie(d (bu) Yield (ton) 0.56 998.52 9.10 65 49.87 0.580 1,24 0.56 998.61 9.09 25 49.92 0.581 79.03 2.00 0.70 1004.1 9.06 87 50.85 0.575 2.04 79.23 2.00 0.68 1001.1 9.05 65 50.99 0.575 10.39 2.24 74.01 1.34 0.70 981.74 3.39 68 49.73 0.567 1.72 7.89 2.23 74.00 1.02 0.69 984.74 3.38 52 49.78 0.567 cr03 2.96 13.27 2.33 79.99 1.73 0.80 997.20 8.85 77 49.97 0.562 cr13 2.31 10.41 2.32 79.55 1,36 0.79 998.03 8.70 69 50.01 0.562 cnOl 2.48 11.32 2.43 73.48 1.46 0.76 994.69 8.86 65 '47,28 0568 cnll 1,86 8.62 2.42 73.10 Lii 0.75 994.69 8,85 55 47.29 0.570 cnO3 3.02 13.48 2.36 79,48 1,75 0.80 998.07 8.73 99 47.43 0.561 cnl3 2.26 10.20 2.36 79.38 1.33 0.79 1001,0 8.72 75 47.50 0.563 ccOlb 2.26 9.99 1.92 47.11 1.28 0.61 1224.9 5.17 39 46.58 0.630 ccllb 1.70 7.61 1.92 47.26 0,98 0,61 1224.9 4.16 31 46,64 0,631 cc03b 2.95 12.84 1,96 52.27 1.66 0.66 1218.5 10.5 63 48.48 0,629 ccl3b 2.22 9.81 1.96 52.23 1.26 0.66 1218.4 10.5 50 48.56 0.630 crOib 1.43 6.55 2.07 46.50 0.85 0.73 1203.3 10.1 33 45.84 0.630 crllb 1.06 4.88 2.06 46.75 0,63 0.73 1203.3 10.1 24 45.87 0.631 cr031, 1.97 8.88 2.11 50.15 1.16 0.77 1220.9 4.90 34 47.86 0.623 crl3b 1.47 6.73 2.11 50.31 0.88 0.76 1220.9 4.89 37 47.93 0.624 cn0lb 1,10 5.13 2.16 46.37 0.67 0.79 1195.3 10.2 24 43.84 0.631 cnllb 0.82 3.88 2.16 46.39 0.51 0.79 1198.3 10.2 23 43.87 0.632 cnO3b 1,59 7.26 2.23 50.00 0.95 0.83 1222.4 4.90 64 45.72 0.623 cnl3b 1.19 5.50 2.23 50.08 0.72 0.83 12224 4.90 51 45.78 0.624 153 Table C.4. 1 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and year winter wheat) on Farm C Soil Type: Woodburn 16 % ID5 USLE2 NSE NRU HRU (Ib) (Ib) NLE (ib) HSE (ton) (ib) (Ib) ccOl 4,75 23.86 2.17 47.88 3.05 0.45 663.47 0.03 cciTt 3.57 18.10 2.17 47.97 2.31 0.45 663.47 ccO3 6.16 30.54 2.19 55.36 3.93 0.59 ccl3 4.95 24.53 2.26 58.52 3.15 cr01 3.46 17.80 2.49 50.41 cr11 2.61 13.58 2.48 cr03 4.97 35.01 cr13 3.75 cnOl PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield 68 93.41 1.046 0.03 54 93.45 1.046 673.11 0.03 104 97.04 1.047 0.61 673.11 0.03 83 97.09 1.048 2.27 0.62 652.51 0.03 69 91.63 1.036 50.44 1.73 0.62 655.52 0.03 51 91.65 1.036 2.56 57.84 3.21 0.71 670.11 0.03 100 95,14 1.038 19.06 2.56 57.87 2.45 0.70 673,11 0.03 80 95.09 1.038 3.36 17,17 2.50 50.28 1,29 0,66 690.69 0.03 72 87,00 1.038 cnll 2.53 13.07 2.49 50.30 1.66 0.66 690,69 0.03 58 87.02 1.037 cnO3 5.09 25.56 2.60 57.90 3.27 0,72 671.16 0.03 121 90.25 1,038 cnl3 3.84 19,48 2,59 57,94 2.49 0,71 674.16 0.03 99 90.31 1.039 cc0lb 3.67 18.14 1.87 19.01 2.32 0.58 785,04 0,04 53 93.41 1.060 ccllb 2.76 13.78 1.87 18.94 1,76 0.58 784.04 0.04 42 93.45 1.061 cc03b 5.16 25.13 1.87 25.29 3.22 0.62 804,73 0.04 91 97.00 1.059 ccl3b 3.88 19.09 1,87 25.27 2,44 0.62 804.73 0.04 71 97,07 1,060 crOlb 1,64 8.52 2.09 8,53 1.11 0.74 778.00 0,04 42 91.63 1.050 crllb 1.23 6,48 2.08 18.52 0.84 0,74 778.00 0,04 28 91.65 1,050 crO3b 2.80 14.14 2.14 24.87 1.84 0,78 794.59 0,03 55 95.27 1.048 crl3b 2.10 10.75 2.14 24.85 1,40 0.78 794.59 0,03 42 95,30 1,049 crOib 1.20 6.25 2.14 18.52 0.82 0,82 812.12 0,04 21 87.00 1.051 cnllb 0.90 4.74 2,14 18,51 0.62 0,82 811.68 0.04 18 87.02 1.051 cn03b 1.56 8.04 2.20 24.82 1.05 0.87 781,49 0.04 49 90.59 1,049 cnl3b 1.04 5.27 1.93 21.19 0.69 0,92 784,49 0.04 41 90,57 1.049 See Table 5.6c on page 75 for the farming operations corresponding to each ID. (ton) 154 Table C.4.2 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm C Soil Type: Helmick 16% ID5 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE (Ib) (Ib) HSE. (Ib) HRU (Ib) ccOl 6.96 25.94 3.97 33.89 3.35 0.68 1029.6 0.17 ccli 5.25 19.70 3.96 33.74 2.54 0.66 1029.7 ccO3 8.70 31.95 3.71 43.93 4.17 0.86 ccI3 7.10 35.99 3.81 47.54 3.39 cr01 5.57 21.04 4.34 37.68 cr11 4.18 15.93 4.33 cr03 7.60 28.12 cr13 5.72 cnOl PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield 107 61 72 0735 0.17 82 61.91 0.735 1044.4 0.19 145 59.49 0.737 0.94 1047.4 0.18 107 59.72 0.735 2.71 0.92 1027.8 0.17 106 60,50 0.732 37.64 2.05 0,91 1030,8 0.16 81 60.74 0.734 4,01 47.19 3.66 1.02 1039.5 0.18 149 59.58 0.728 21.31 4,01 47.08 2.77 1.00 1042.5 0.18 115 58.84 0731 5.28 20.03 4,41 37.52 2.57 0.97 1032.8 0.17 114 56.73 0.733 cull 398 15.18 4.23 37.79 1.95 0.95 1033.6 0.17 90 56.83 0.733 cnO3 7.65 27.53 4.07 47.12 3.58 1.03 1041.6 0.19 172 55.41 0.742 cnl3 5,59 20.86 4,06 47.14 2.71 1.02 1044.6 0.18 131 55.64 0.743 cc0lb 5.10 18.58 3,55 9,84 2.40 0.86 1255.6 0.20 68 61 74 0763 ccllb 3.83 14.05 3.55 9.80 1.81 0.85 1255.6 0.19 52 61.91 0.764 ccO3b 6.94 24.99 3.47 2l.14 3.24 0,93 1278.3 0.21 110 59.52 0752 ccl3b 5.20 18,88 3.47 21.99 2.44 0.92 1278.3 0.21 81 59.79 0756 crOlb 2.60 9.85 3.84 9.63 1.29 1.05 1262.6 0.19 36 60.81 0759 crllb 1.94 7.43 3.87 9,68 0,97 1.07 1259.6 0,19 29 60.95 0.760 cr03b 4.18 15.47 3.70 21.51 2.02 1.05 1281.4 0.21 71 58.64 0.751 crl3b 3.13 '11,69 3.69 21.41 1.53 1,04 1284.4 0.21 54 58.86 0,752 cn0lb 2.01 7.84 2,70 11.36 1.03 0.95 1253.4 0.21 33 56.73 0743 cnllb 1.51 5.93 2.70 11.38 0.78 0.94 1254.4 0.21 26 56.83 0.743 cn03b 3.27 12,34 2.60 23.11 1.62 0.95 1289.4 0.18 62 55.31 0734 cnl3b 2.45 9.33 2,60 23.02 123 0.95 I2894 0 18 47 5548 0736 (1b) (ton) 155 Table C.4.3 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm C Soil Type: Steiwer 16 % Yield (bu) Yield 145 50.58 0.560 2.34 114 50.71 0,562 1071.9 1.92 189 50.87 0.562 0.85 1076.8 1.90 146 51.02 0.553 3.04 0.80 1067.8 2.17 153 49.87 0.553 66.81 2.29 0.79 1067,8 2.15 115 49.98 0.556 2.66 70.02 3.88 0.91 1074.4 2.20 167 49.88 0.547 22.45 2.64 71.98 2.93 0.90 1080.4 2.17 130 50.05 0.552 5.06 22.28 2,75 66.94 2,88 0.84 1069.8 2.17 161 47.36 0.554 cnlI 3.81 16.93 2.74 66.57 2.19 0.83 1071.8 2.15 123 47.46 0.556 cnO3 6.98 30.10 2.66 70.35 3.93 0.91 1074.3 2.03 223 47.35 0.548 cnl3 5.34 23.20 2.70 72.13 3.03 0.91 1084.3 2.07 172 47.51 0.549 ccOlb 4.75 19.97 2.44 59.49 2.61 0.87 1337.2 3.42 90 51.12 0.588 ccllb 3.58 15.28 2.44 59.45 1,99 0.86 1337.2 3.40 67 51.23 0.588 ccO3b 6.07 25.10 2.40 63.99 3.30 1.05 1330.2 3.23 136 50.97 0.580 ccl3b 4.59 19.33 2.41 64,20 2.44 1.03 1330.2 3.20 106 51.12 0.580 crOib 3.17 13.91 2.51 47.00 1.81 0.90 1324.6 2.31 77 47.16 0,583 crllb 2.34 10.37 2.50 47.1! 1.35 0.90 1321.6 2.29 56 47.23 0.584 crO3b 4.31 18.71 2.43 52.11 2.45 0.96 1338.1 3.18 102 49.08 0.576 crl3b 3.27 14.32 2.44 52.04 1.87 0.96 1342.1 2.16 74 49.23 0,577 cnOlb 2.53 11.25 2.62 46.68 1.47 0.97 1315.6 2.30 53 45.02 0.584 cnllb 1.86 8.35 2.62 46.81 1.09 0.96 1312.6 2.29 49 45.08 0.584 cnO3b 3.57 15.56 2.49 51.99 2.04 1.02 1325.2 3.17 97 46.85 0.577 cn13b 2.67 11.76 2.49 51,93 1,54 1.01 1325.2 2.15 76 47,00 0,578 PLE USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU (ib) NLE HSE RRU (Ib) (ib) (Ib) (Ib) ceO! 6.51 27.24 227 66.87 3.54 0.65 1076.9 2.36 cell 4.91 20.96 2.27 66.71 2.72 0.63 1079.9 ccO3 8.05 32.99 2.43 71.26 4.32 0.81 ccl3 6.41 26.59 2.50 70.54 3.48 cr01 5.35 23.44 2.68 67.09 cr11 4.01 17.71 2.67 cr03 6.89 29.71 cr13 5.15 cnOl ID5 . PRU ' PSE (ton) 156 Table C.4.4 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 3 (4 year tall fescue and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm C Soil Type: Chehulpum 16 % ID5 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU HRU (lb) NLE (ib) HSE (ib) (Ib) (Ib) ccOl 7.10 27.15 3.33 76.23 3.57 1.13 1514.9 33.6 ccli 5,12 19.96 3.29 78.36 2.62 1.'lI 1540.1 ccO3 8.61 32.49 3.38 82.07 4.30 1,33 ccl3 6.18 23.75 3.13 84.82 3.14 cr01 6.26 29.61 3.66 75.32 cr11 4.69 22.59 3.63 cr03 8.10 31.27 cr13 6.70 cnOl PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield 199 35.42 0.293 34.8 160 35.21 0,290 1528.8 39.7 207 32.86 0.293 1.30 1519.9 33.5 179 32.82 0.293 3.85 1.22 1504.2 47.5 183 34,53 0.288 75,68 2.94 1.20 1506.2 42.3 135 34.76 0.286 3.68 81.66 4.08 1.36 1554.8 50.2 258 32.43 0.283 38.42 3.70 81.70 5.01 1.28 1552.9 46.4 183 32,33 0.285 5.87 28.37 3,75 74.78 3.68 1.19 1504.1 48.8 188 32.93 0.285 cnll 4.15 20.34 3.69 75.73 2.64 1.22 1530.2 39.9 122 33.07 0.285 cnO3 7.65 36.10 3.57 80.81 4.70 1.24 1531.2 50.4 245 30,44 0.284 cnl3 5.82 27.89 3,58 79.76 3.62 1,20 1527.2 44.9 193 30,28 0,287 cc0lb 4.78 20.89 2.91 67.23 2.44 1,05 1945.5 45.5 106 34.77 0.315 ccllb 3.82 16.93 2.90 63.18 1.95 0,99 1932.6 62.5 87 34.59 0,303 ccO3b 6.12 23.39 2.98 72.03 3.09 1.24 1962.6 46.7 144 32.34 0.306 ccl3b 4.68 18.12 2.98 73.74 2.39 1,26 1934.5 61.1 113 32.28 0.309 crOib 4.17 16.57 3.38 70.80 2.59 1.17 2056.4 46.7 107 34.46 0.308 crllb 3.12 12.45 3.41 62.25 1.96 1.14 2017.3 40.3 81 34.12 0.305 cr03b 6.24 28.81 3.21 68.29 3.74 1.19 2038.9 63.4 159 31.08 0.303 crl3b 4,69 21.97 3.25 66.32 2.85 1.18 2031.9 57.2 123 31.19 0,301 cn0lb 3.14 12.95 3.45 67.62 2.00 1.23 2025.3 41.2 68 33.42 0,311 cnllb 2.37 9.80 3.43 62.66 1.52 1.19 2022.3 41.1 65 33.18 0,308 cn03b 5.19 24.56 3.24 71.61 3.18 1.16 1995.1 54.1 153 30.25 0,305 cnl3b 3.88 18.64 3.33 72,12 2.41 1,17 1998.0 48.5 121 30.44 0.306 (ton) 157 Table C 5.1 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year corn, 1 year beans and 1 year wheat) on Farm D Soil Type: Woodburn. 8 % 1106 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (ib) (Ib) (Ib) dcOl 1.55 7.39 0.13 95.54 1.14 0.22 1.02 29,76 dcli 116 5.55 0.13 95.65 0.86 0.22 1.02 dcO3 2.65 12,4 0.14 104.3 1.90 0.22 dcl3 1.98 9.36 0.14 104.5 1.43 drOl 1.30 6.30 0.13 95,39 dill 0.98 4.73 0,13 drO3 2.21 10.5 drl3 1.66 dnOl PRU PLE PSE Yld (bu) Yld Yld (t) (t) 20 90.5 10.51 6.62 29,75 16 90.5 10.50 6.62 1.02 29.76 62 95.9 10.51 6.62 0.22 1.02 29.75 46 95.9 10.50 6.64 0,96 0.23 1,01 29.57 17 88.7 10.50 6.62 95.48 0.72 0.23 1.01 29.55 13 88.7 10.50 6.62 0.14 104.2 1.59 0.23 1.01 29.57 53 93.9 10.51 6,62 7.93 0.14 104.4 1.19 0.23 1.01 29.55 35 94.0 10.50 6.64 1.07 5.19 0.13 95.31 0.76 0.23 1.01 26.41 8 84.2 10.50 6,62 drill 0.80 3.90 0.13 95.38 0.57 0.23 1.01 26.40 4 84.2 10.50 6.64 dnO3 1.61 7.75 0.14 104.3 1.13 0.23 1.01 26.45 35 89.1 10.50 6.64 dnl3 1.21 5.82 0.14 104.4 0,84 0,23 1.01 26,40 26 89.1 10.50 6.64 See Table 5.6d on page 76 for the farming operations corresponding to each ID. 158 Table C.5.2 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year corn, 1 year beans and 1 year wheat) on Farm D Soil Type: Willamette 8 % ID6 USLE2 (ton) NSE NR(J NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) dcOl 1.75 8.36 0.05 120.8 1.27 0.11 1,34 9,04 dcli 1.31 6.27 0.05 120.9 0.96 0.11 1.34 dcO3 2.94 13,8 0.05 129.4 2.11 0.11 dcl3 2.20 10.4 0.05 129.5 1.58 drOl 1.50 7.22 0.06 120.6 di-1 1 1.13 5.43 0.05 drO3 2.50 11.8 dIrl3 1.86 dm01 PSE PRU PLE Yld (bu) Yld Yld (t) (t) 17 89.95 7.89 6.14 9.03 11 89.96 7.87 6.14 1.42 9.04 65 95.17 7.91 6.14 0.11 1.42 9.03 53 95,19 7.90 6.14 1.07 0,12 1.38 8.91 11 88.13 7.87 6.14 120.6 0.81 0.11 1.38 8.91 11 88.13 7.87 6.14 0.05 129.1 1.74 0.11 0,41 8.92 56 93.27 7.89 6.14 8.87 0.05 129.2 1.30 0.11 0.41 8.91 41 93.28 7.89 6.14 1.22 5.89 0,06 120.4 0,86 0.12 0,51 5.88 8 83.64 7.87 6.14 dm11 0.91 4.42 0.06 120.4 0.64 0,12 0.51 5.87 8 83.65 7.86 6.14 dm03 1,84 8.82 0.05 129.1 1.27 0.11 0.41 5,88 38 88,51 7.89 6.14 dm13 1.38 6,62 0.05 129.1 0.95 0,11 0.40 5.88 26 88.52 7.87 6.14 159 Table C.5.3 Fifteen Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year corn, 1 year beans and 1 year wheat) on Farm D Soil Type: Jory 16% ID6 USLE2 (ton) NSE (Ib) NRU (lb) NLE HSE (Ib) RRU (ib) PRU (ib) dcOI 10.54 52.77 0.49 58.66 7.90 1.30 45.23 7.79 dcli 7.92 40.23 0,48 58.63 5.99 1.26 47.59 dcO3 12.97 63.90 0,47 63.18 9.63 1.32 dcl3 9.75 48.94 0,49 62,95 7.33 drOl 10,210 53.83 0.49 58.66 drli 7.63 40.27 0.48 dsO3 12.565 65.97 drl3 9.38 dnOl PLE Yld Yld Yld (bu) (t) (t) 164 55.97 5.67 3.30 7.73 121 56,43 5.63 3,30 43,08 7.82 259 55.20 5.74 3.30 1.31 44.65 7.72 194 56.05 5.67 3.30 7,88 1,31 44.72 4.45 159 54.98 5.66 3.30 58,57 5.86 1.27 47.69 4.39 119 55,01 5.61 3.30 0.47 63.17 9.69 1.35 44.16 4.50 254 54.25 5.73 3.30 49.36 0.48 62.89 7.20 1.31 47.78 4.42 193 55.05 5.67 3.30 9.32 49.24 0.48 58.55 7.06 1.25 47.85 4.32 132 52.20 5.64 3.30 dnII 6.96 36.86 0.48 58.51 5.26 1.20 46.84 4,27 98 52.60 5.60 3.30 dnO3 11.107 58.42 0.47 62.96 8.37 1.27 46.32 4.35 209 51.84 5.70 3.30 dnI3 8,29 43.71 0.48 62.78 6.23 1.24 46.91 4.29 160 52.48 5.64 3.30 PSE 160 Table C.5.4 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year corn, 1 year beans and 1 year wheat) on Farm D Soil Type: Nekia 8 % ID6 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE FLRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) dcOl 2.45 15.83 0.08 109.89 2.25 0.26 2.36 46.06 dcli 1.84 11.88 0.08 109.92 1.69 0.26 2.36 dcO3 3.50 22.43 0.09 117.05 3.19 0.26 dcl3 2.63 16.82 0.09 117.11 2.39 drOl 2.29 14.89 0.08 109.63 dill 1.72 11.17 0.08 drO3 3.24 20.85 drl3 2.43 driOl PSE PRU PLE Yld (bu) Yld (t) Yld (t) 27 51.10 5.67 5.96 46,06 18 51.10 5.63 5.96 2,51 46.06 63 53.29 5.74 5.96 0.26 2,51 46,06 45 53.39 5.67 5.96 2.10 0.27 2,35 37.06 24 50.06 5.66 5.96 109,65 1.57 0,27 2,35 36.06 iS 50.13 5.61 5.96 0.09 116.77 2.94 0.27 2.50 37,06 57 52.23 5.73 5.96 15,63 0.09 116.83 2.20 0.27 2.51 37,06 42 52.32 5.67 5.96 2.19 14,25 0.08 109.51 2.00 0.27 1.35 34,05 16 47.54 5.64 5,96 drill 1.64 10,69 0.08 109.54 1.50 0,27 1.35 33.05 12 47.64 5.60 5.96 dnO3 2.74 17,70 0,09 116.84 2,46 0,27 1.50 34,06 42 49.39 5.70 5,96 dnl3 2.06 13,27 0,09 116.89 1,84 0.27 1.50 34.05 27 49.96 5.64 5,96 161 Table C.55 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 4 (1 year corn, 1 year beans and 1 year wheat) on Farm D Helmick 16% 6 USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU HRU (Ib) LE (Ib) HSE (Ib) (Ib) (ib) dcOl 10480 45.34 0.33 61.23 5.81 0.86 dcli 7.82 27,79 0,33 61.15 4.33 0.83 dcO3 13,210 46.46 0.31 65.71 7.32 dcI3 9.87 34,75 0.31 65.59 drOl 9.96 35.57 0,33 dril 7.43 26.61 drO3 12.481 dtl3 PRU PLE PSE Yld (by) Yld (t) Yld (t) 30.13 103 4025 724 4,20 22.85 27,12 75 40.69 7.19 420 0.88 22.87 30.13 185 42.14 731 4.20 5.45 0.85 22.86 30.13 132 42.79 723 4.20 61.04 5.52 0.90 21,95 21.12 97 39.54 723 4.20 0.33 60.99 4.11 0.87 22.82 21,12 69 39.91 717 420 44.19 0,31 65.48 6.91 0.93 21.96 21,13 173 41.46 7.30 420 9.32 33.02 0.31 65,37 5.13 0.89 21,94 21.13 131 42.05 7.23 420 dnOl 9.17 32,86 0,33 60.95 4,98 0.87 22,95 18.12 82 37.62 7.21 4,20 dnll 6.85 24.58 0.33 60.89 3.71 0.84 22.93 18,12 56 37.98 7.16 420 dnO3 11.031 39.18 0.31 65.28 5.95 0.89 22.02 21.13 140 39.68 7.25 420 dnI3 8,24 29.28 0.31 65.19 4.42 0.85 22.01 18.13 99 40.14 720 4,20 162 Table C.6. 1 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 5 (4 year perennial ryegrass and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm E Soil Type: Jory 8 % ID USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) ecOl 1.06 6.06 2.39 9.54 0.78 0.75 919.89 0.01 ecu 0.79 4.58 2.38 9.53 0.59 0.75 918.89 ecO3 1.70 9.66 2.52 12.46 1.24 0.81 ecl3 1.28 7.34 2,52 12.44 0.94 cr01 0.68 3.98 2.51 9,05 en! 051 3.02 2,51 erO3 1.18 6.86 cr13 0.88 enOl PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield 39 80.21 0683 0.01 25 80.25 0 683 941.41 0. 40 84.45 0.680 0.81 943.40 0. 52 84.45 0.681 0.52 0.80 899.95 0.01 27 78.49 0.675 9,04 0,39 0,80 899,95 0.01 15 78,52 0675 2.63 12.98 0.89 0.89 929.47 0. 52 82.73 0672 5.20 2.63 12.97 0.68 0.89 929.47 0. 37 82.73 0.673 0.44 2.65 2.85 8.43 0.35 1.02 875.15 0.01 30 74.40 0.672 enlI 0.33 2.01 2.85 8,42 0.26 1.02 878.16 0.01 19 74.42 0.672 enO3 0.79 4.64 2.95 11.90 0.61 1,12 908.72 0.01 62 78.38 0671 enl3 0.59 3.52 2,95 11,89 0.46 1.12 909.72 0.01 42 78.45 0,671 ecOib 1.72 12.51 2.18 105.4 1.58 0.21 1232.0 0.01 28 72.52 0623 ecllb 1.30 9.57 2.18 105.4 1.21 0.21 1232.0 0.01 21 72.58 0623 ecO3b 2.32 16.62 2.22 112.3 2.19 0.30 l233.6 0.01 50 73.15 0.623 ecl3b 1,74 12.66 2.21 112.4 1.61 0.30 1235.6 0.01 39 73.24 0.623 erOib 1.55 11.46 2.31 104.0 1.45 0.26 1223.1 0.01 14 71.16 0.627 erllb 1.16 8.74 2.31 104.0 1.11 0.25 1200.1 0.01 9 71.21 0.627 erO3b 2.16 15.68 2.32 111.1 2.00 0.34 1226.6 0.01 33 71,73 0621 erl3b 1.62 11,94 2.31 111.1 1.52 0.33 1226.6 0,01 26 71.82 0.621 enOlb 1.50 11.05 2.56 104.4 1,40 0.37 1197.1 0,01 13 67.51 0.626 enlib 1.12 8.43 2.56 104,4 1.07 0.36 1200,1 0.01 9 67.51 0.626 enO3b 2.12 15.29 2.48 110.4 1.94 0.40 1214.7 0.01 27 68.06 0625 eni3b 1.59 11.65 2.48 1105 1.48 040 1214.7 0.01 20 68,14 0625 See Table 5.6e on page 77 for the farming operations corresponding to each ID. (ton) 163 Table C.62 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 5 (4 year perennial ryegrass and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm F Soil Type: Nekia 00 0/ /0 ID7 USLE2 (ton) NSE NLE HSE HRU (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) ecOl 1.72 12.5 2.18 105.4 1.58 ecu 1.30 9.57 2.18 105.4 ecO3 2.32 16.6 2.22 ecl3 1.74 12.6 cr01 1.55 eril RU PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield (ton) '0.21 899.55 001 40 72.52 0.623 1.21 021 899.55 0.01 33 72.58 0.623 112.3 2.19 0.30 907.94 0.02 64 73.15 0.623 2.21 112.4 1,61 0,30 910.94 0.02 48 73.24 0.623 11.4 2.31 104.0 1.45 0.26 888.55 0.01. 27 71.16 0.627 1.16 8.74 2.31 104.0 1.11 0.25 888.55 0.01 21 71.21 0.627 erO3 2.16 15.6 2.32 111.1 2.00 0.34 897.97 0.02 50 71.73 0.621 cr13 1.62 11.9 2.31 111.1 1.52 0.33 900.97 0.02 36 71.82 0.621 enOl 1.50 11.0 2.56 104.4 1.40 0,37 862.82 0.02 30 67.51 0.626 enIl 1.12 8.43 2.56 104.4 1.07 0.36 862.81 0.02 24 67,51 0.626 enO3 2.12 15.2 2.48 110.4 1.94 0.40 882.25 0.02 57 68.06 0.625 enI3 1.59 11.6 2.48 110.5 1,48 0,40 882.24 0.02 44 68.14 0.625 ecOib 0.82 5.91 1.77 37.29 0.75 0.54 1187.6 0.02 30 65.79 0.621 ecllb 0.61 4.49 1.77 37.29 0.57 0.54 1187.6 0.02 22 65.82 0.621 ec03b 1.33 9.49 1.81 43.89 1.21 0.59 1199.1 0.02 52 70.21 0.616 eèl3b 1.00 7,21 1,81 43.89 0,92 0,59 1199,1 0.02 37 70.30 0,616 erOib 0.50 3.72 1.90 35,79 0.48 0.58 1172.6 0.02 15 64.53 0.616 erllb 0.37 2.83 1,89 35.80 0.36 0.58 1172,6 0.02 12 64,55 0,616 erO3b 0.90 6.59 1.90 42.85 0.85 0.64 1187.1 0.02 34 68.85 0.614 erl3b 0.68 5.01 1.90 42,85 0.64 0,64 1187,1 0.02 24 68.91 0.614 enOib 0.31 2.34 2.16 34.08 0.30 0.73 1144.7 0.02 9 61.46 0.615 enlib 0.23 1.78 2.17 34.08 0.23 0.73 1144.7 0.02 8 61.47 0.615 enO3b 0.60 4.39 2.10 41.12 0.57 0.79 1176.2 0.02 20 65.65 0.617 enl3b 0.45 3.34 2.11 41,12 043 0,79 1176.2 0.02 16 65,70 0,617 164 Table C.6.3 Fifteen - Year Averaged Environmental and Crop Outputs (per acre) for Different Farming Operations of Rotation 5 (4 year perennial ryegrass and 1 year winter wheat) on Farm E Soil Type: Nekia 16% ID USLE2 (ton) NSE NRU NLE HSE HRU (lb) (Jb) (ib) (Jb) (Ib) ecOl 4.06 28.0 249 9486 3.53 0.24 961.76 0.01 ecu 3.05 21.3 2.49 94.93 2.69 0.23 961.76 ecO3 5.45 37.3 2,56 100.3 4.74 0.35 ecl3 4.10 28.4 2.55 100,4 3.61 cr01 3.63 25.4 2,64 93.55 erIl 2.73 19.4 2.64 erO3 5.04 35.0 erI3 3.79 enOl PRU PLE PSE Yield (bu) Yield 75 73 27 0.617 0.01 57 73.39 0.618 969.16 0.81 141 73.07 0.617 0.34 972.18 0.48 113 73.27 0.618 3.22 0,30 953.78 0.01 57 71 84 0.620 93,62 2.45 0.29 953.78 0.01 45 71,95 0620 2.68 99.15 4.46 0.40 962.20 0.23 107 71.64 0,616 26,6 2,67 99.24 3.39 0.38 962.20 0.23 85 71 83 0,616 3.49 24,4 2.92 93.01 3,10 0.41 927.01 1.24 60 68.16 0617 erill 2.63 18.6 2.92 93.08 2,36 0.40 930,01 1,06 48 68.26 0.618 enO3 4.93 34.0 2.87 98.72 4.32 0.46 943.44 1,26 122 67.96 0617 enl3 3.71 25.9 2,86 98,81 3,29 0.44 946.45 1.46 95 68.15 0.617 ecOlb 1.95 13.5 1.99 31.52 1.71 0.24 1276,8 0.33 79 66,40 0.616 ecllb 1.46 10.2 1.99 31.52 1.30 0.23 1276,8 0.19 56 66.49 0616 ecO3b 3.16 21.4 2.04 37.19 2,73 0,65 1288.3 0.87 121 7077 0.612 ecl3b 2,37 16.2 2.04 37,17 2.07 0.64 1291.3 0.84 89 70.96 0613 erOib 1.18 8.38 2.13 30.19 1.07 0.30 1264.8 0.01 38 65,12 0.611 erllb 0.88 6.35 2.13 30.18 0.81 0.29 1264,8 0.01 26 65.18 0611 er03b 2.13 14.8 2.15 37.19 1.90 0.70 1282.3 0.01 73 69.57 0.609 erl3b 1.60 11.2 2.15 37.26 1,44 0.70 1282,3 0.01 54 69.64 0.609 enOl 0.72 5.22 2,42 29.70 0.68 0.41 1239.9 0.89 18 62.01 0,609 enlJ 0.54 3.96 2.42 29.70 0.51 0.40 1239.9 0.48 13 62.05 0.609 enO3 1.40 9.78 2.38 35.86 1.27 0.86 1274,4 0.67 47 66.27 0.611 eril3 1,05 7.42 2.38, 35.91 0.96 0.86 1274.4 0.38 39 66.37 0.611 (ton)