ARTICLE IN PRESS Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 Field-scale study of the variability in pesticide biodegradation with soil depth and its relationship with soil characteristics M. Sonia Rodrı́guez-Cruz, Julie E. Jones, Gary D. Bending Warwick HRI, University of Warwick, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK Received 16 December 2005; received in revised form 19 April 2006; accepted 30 April 2006 Available online 2 June 2006 Abstract The extent of within-field spatial variability of pesticide degradation was characterised in topsoil and subsoil, using the compounds isoproturon, bentazone and mecoprop, which are major contaminants of groundwater and surface freshwater in Europe. Twenty topsoil samples from 0 to 15 cm depth and twenty subsoil samples from 50 to 60 cm depth were collected from a single agricultural field within a 160 90 grid. It was shown that degradation rates of all compounds declined with soil depth. Variability of pesticide degradation rates, pesticide sorption and formation of non-extractable pesticide residues was higher in subsoil relative to topsoil. Furthermore, in the subsoil, there was variation in large scale soil physicochemical composition, which did not occur in topsoil. The greater variability in pesticide degradation rates in subsoil relative to topsoil could be the result of a greater range of degradation kinetics, which could reflect greater spatial variability in the distribution and/or activities of pesticide metabolising communities. r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Spatial variability; Pesticide biodegradation; Soil depth; Sorption; Mineralisation; Isoproturon; Bentazone; Mecoprop 1. Introduction The extent to which pesticides are susceptible to transport through and from soil, and contribute to nonpoint source pollution, is dependant on the processes of biodegradation and sorption which determine the longevity and mobility of the pesticide in the soil, respectively (Kookana et al., 1998). The subsoil represents a very different physical, chemical and biological environment to the topsoil. In particular, organic matter declines with increasing depth, resulting in significantly reduced microbial population sizes (Vinther et al., 2001). Most studies show that pesticide biodegradation rates decline with soil depth (Fomsgaard, 1995), reflecting reduced catabolic potential as the amount of microbial biomass declines. However, there are some reports of Corresponding author. Present address: Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology (CSIC), Department of Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry, C/ Cordel de Merinas 40-52, Salamanca 37008, Spain. Tel.: +34 923 219606; fax: +34 923 219609. E-mail address: (M. Sonia Rodrı́guez-Cruz). 0038-0717/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2006.04.051 pesticide degradation rates increasing with soil depth, despite a reduction in organic matter content and amounts of microbial biomass (Di et al., 1998; Karpouzas et al., 2001), although this appears to be the exception rather than the rule. Enhanced degradation rates in subsoil have been attributed to increases in pesticide bioavailability down the soil profile, linked to a decline in amounts of organic matter (Di et al., 1998). However, the movement of specific catabolic bacteria through the soil profile to sites with smaller microbial communities and hence less competition could also play a role. Within the topsoil, there can be significant within-field spatial variability in pesticide degradation rates, associated with variation in soil properties controlling degradation processes or the localisation of specific pesticide degrading populations (Walker et al., 2001; Bending et al., 2003, 2006). Variability in pesticide catabolism rate within topsoil occurs at a range of spatial scales (Gonod et al., 2003), and has implications for both pesticide performance and assessment of environmental fate (Walker and Brown, 1983; Beck et al., 1996). In particular, areas of low catabolic activity may contribute disproportionately to ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 facilitated transport, or preferential flow, of pesticides to groundwater. The scale and patterns of subsoil variability in degradation rates compared to those in topsoil are not known, although there are indications that degradation of pesticides in subsoil may be highly variable (Issa and Wood, 1999). Pesticide degradation can occur through growth-linked metabolism, in which catabolic organisms proliferate during degradation, and cometabolism, in which there is no proliferation of catabolic organism during degradation, and in which degradation is relatively slow. Studies in topsoil have demonstrated that communities contributing to growth-linked metabolism can show high spatial variability (Bending et al., 2003), although the distribution of such organisms within subsoil is not known. The relative extent to which organisms contributing to cometabolic and growth-linked degradation of pesticides exhibit spatial variability in their distribution in subsoil, relative to topsoil, is not clear. Pesticide sorption can also show significant spatial variability at both the catchment and field level (Walker et al., 2001; Coquet, 2003). Several authors have shown that sorption of pesticides decreases with soil depth, with the pattern governed by OM content (Clay and Koskinen, 2003). Since sorption can be an indicator of bioavailability (Jensen et al., 2004), change in the amount or variability of sorption with depth could affect patterns of biodegradation, although the significance of any changes would be expected to depend on the strength of sorption of individual compounds. Degradation and sorption of pesticides in soils evidently show three-dimensional variability with highly complex relationships between bioavailability and biodegradation in both subsoil and topsoils. Understanding of the extent of this three-dimensional variation, the scale at which it occurs, and the factors that control it, is essential to risk assessment of environmental exposure, and is particularly important within the context of probabilistic modelling of pesticide fate (Beulke et al., 2004). The aims of this study were: (1) To compare the extent of variability in pesticide biodegradation rate and sorption within, and between, topsoil and subsoil; (2) To determine whether variability in pesticide degradation and sorption within and between topsoil and subsoil was related to variability in gross soil microbial, chemical and physical properties. Pesticides with contrasting modes of degradation were used in order to compare the environmental interactions and distribution of organisms contributing to growth-linked and cometabolic means of degradation. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Pesticides Three herbicides were used in this study, the moderately mobile compound isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1dimethylurea), and the more mobile compounds bentazone 2911 (3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide) and mecoprop (2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy) propanoic acid). These pesticides are among the most frequently found contaminants of surface freshwater and groundwater in the UK (Eke, 1996; Environment Agency, 2003). The pure compounds were supplied by Chem Service Inc. (West Chester, USA). [ring-U-14C]Isoproturon (499% purity), [ring-U-14C]mecoprop (potassium salt; 495% purity) and [carbonyl-14C]bentazone (495% purity) were supplied by Bayer Corp. (Germany), International Isotopes (Germany), and Izotop Co. (Hungary), respectively. 2.2. Soil Soil samples were collected from different sites in Long Close field at Warwick-HRI, Wellesbourne, UK, in April 2003. In general, soil taken from this field is a sandy clay loam of the Wick series, described by Whitfield (1974): 0–30 cm, friable sandy clay loam with weakly developed medium and coarse subangular blocky structure; 30–100 cm, loose sandy clay loam with occasional small rounded Bunter pebbles, occasional band of calcareous clay. Isoproturon had been regularly applied to the field over the preceding 20 years, with an application 2 months prior to soil collection. There had been no application of mecoprop or bentazone over at least the previous 10 years. A previous study (Bending et al., 2006) mapped gross soil properties in the same field. This study showed a gradient of pH and organic matter in the field, which have been shown previously to be important properties controlling pesticide degradation rates (Walker et al., 2001). In the current study, the sampling regime was designed to encompass the range of variability in pH and organic matter shown in the field. Twenty holes were excavated using a mechanical digger to 1 m depth. The holes were located within a 160 90 m grid at intervals of 40 m (north/ south) and 30 m (east/west). From every hole, 2 kg of soil were collected from 0 to 15 cm depth (topsoil) and 50–60 cm depth (subsoil). Before collecting each sample, the wall was excavated with a trowel, which was washed with 70% ethanol between samples. Soil was sieved (o3 mm) with the sieve surface sterilised with ethanol between samples. 2.3. Laboratory incubation experiments Suspensions of the commercial formulation of bentazone (BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany), isoproturon (Atlas Crop Protection Ltd., Doncaster, UK) or mecoprop-p (Mirfield Sales Services Ltd., Doncaster, UK) were prepared in distilled water and the 14C labelled analogue were added to 300 g fresh weight of soil from each sampling location to give a concentration of 5 mg kg1 and an activity of 200 Bq g1 with soil water potential at 33 kPa. The procedure to prepare soil samples has been described previously by Walker et al. (2001). A CO2 trap, consisting of a scintillation vial containing 1 M NaOH (1 ml) was ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 2912 attached to the lid via a stainless steel clip as described by Reid et al. (2001). Soil moisture content was maintained by addition of sterile distilled water as necessary. ship between Cs and Ce, were considered as a measure of pesticide adsorption capacity by soil. All determinations were carried out in duplicate. 2.4. Pesticide extraction and analysis 2.7. Statistical analysis of the data After pesticide addition, duplicate samples were taken from each bottle in order to check variability associated with pesticide extraction and analysis. Thereafter, soils were repeatedly sampled at regular intervals depending on the pesticide. The method to extract and analyse pesticide residues has been described previously (Reid et al., 2001; Walker et al., 2001). The HPLC mobile phase used to elute pesticides was acetonitrile/water/orthophosphoric acid (75:25:0.25 by volume for isoproturon and mecoprop-p; 65:35:0.25 by volume for bentazone), at a flow rate of 1 ml min1. Detection was by UV absorbance at 220, 230 and 240 nm for bentazone, mecoprop-p and isoproturon, respectively. Pesticide recoveries from the soil in the range from 1.0 to 5.0 mg kg1 varied from 97.0% to 96.4% for bentazone, from 101% to 100% for isoproturon and from 98.2% to 98.8% for mecoprop. Duplicate samples at each concentration were used to assess recovery values. After the incubation period the soil samples were analysed for residual 14C-pesticide residues as described by RodriguezCruz et al. (2006). pH, total organic carbon and dehydrogenase activity were determined according to Bending et al. (2006). Time to 50% degradation (DT50) values were used to characterise the decay curves, and to compare horizontal and vertical variations in the degradation rates. GenStat (7th edition, VSN International Ltd.) software was used to calculate this parameter by fitting the data of degradation kinetics to the model of best fit. The degradation kinetics were fitted to different models (linear, exponential and Gompertz) and DT50 values calculated. Standard errors (SE) were used to compare DT50 values obtained in order to choose the model to provide the best fit DT50 value. Also visual inspection was used to assess whether the best fit model provided an acceptable description of the data. DT50 data for isoproturon were not normally distributed, and were square root transformed prior to calculation of coefficient of variation in order to confer normality. GenStat software was also used to perform a multivariate analysis of the data in order to obtain correlations between variables. To compare variability of different parameters between topsoil and subsoil the coefficients of variation (%CV) was determined. The percentage of total variability attributable to within sample variability (technical error associated with sampling and pesticide analysis, and fit lack of model during calculation of DT50) was determined using a firstorder Taylor series approximation (Bending et al., 2006). 2.6. Pesticide adsorption 3. Results Adsorption of the pesticides in the soils was determined by treating 5 g of dried soil (sieved o3 mm) with 10 ml of a 5 mg ml1 solution of the commercial pesticide formulation in 0.01 M CaCl2. Suspensions were shaken for 24 h at 25 1C. After shaking, suspensions were centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 5 min and the concentration of pesticide was determined in the equilibrium solution, as described above. The amount of herbicide adsorbed (Cs) was calculated by determining the difference between the initial and the equilibrium concentrations (Ce). Adsorption distribution coefficients (Kd), calculated from the relation- 3.1. Chemical and biological analysis of soils 2.5. Chemical and biological analyses of soils The characteristics of the samples are shown in Table 1. Dehydrogenase activity was ten fold higher in topsoil compared with subsoil, ranging from 22.0 to 76.8 mg triphenyl formazan (TPF) g1 in the topsoil and from 2.62 to 7.50 mg TPF g1 in the subsoil. However, there was little difference in the %CV between topsoil and subsoil. pH was significantly lower in the topsoil samples, ranging between 5.78 and 7.56, compared to the subsoil, in which it ranged from 6.49 to 8.09. %CV for pH was higher in Table 1 Chemical, physicochemical and biological properties (mean values) and coefficient of variation (CV) of topsoil and subsoil samples Topsoil CV (%) Subsoil CV (%) Pb a Dehydrogenase (mg TPFa g1) pH Organic matter (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) 44.3 36.3 4.59 32.2 o0.001 6.69 6.80 7.42 7.24 o0.001 2.88 26.9 1.59 36.5 o0.001 68.7 5.69 65.3 26.4 NS 8.09 18.8 8.30 69.7 NS 23.4 13.5 26.5 48.5 NS Triphenyl formazan. P indicates significance of difference in soil properties between topsoil and subsoil at level indicated. NS: not significantly different. b ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 subsoil relative to topsoil. Soil organic matter (SOM) content significantly decreased with depth, ranging between 2.24% and 5.89% in topsoil, and from 0.78% to 2.70% at 50–60 cm depth. %CV for SOM was 26.9 and 36.5 in topsoil and subsoil, respectively. There was no significant difference in average soil textural characteristics between topsoil and subsoil. However there was considerably greater variability in sand, silt and clay content in subsoil compared to topsoil (Table 1). 3.2. Degradation DT50 of all pesticides was significantly higher in subsoil than topsoil (Table 2). The degradation of isoproturon in the topsoil samples was very rapid (Fig 1a). Degradation began shortly after the start of the incubations and was complete within 20 days. Degradation kinetics in 18 of the topsoil samples were fitted to an exponential model (SEDT50p1.56), with the remaining samples fitted to linear and Gompertz models (SEDT50p0.28 and SEDT50p1.63, respectively). DT50 in the topsoil varied between 1.4 and 12.9 days. In 15 subsoil samples, degradation kinetics were fitted to a Gompertz model where an initial exponential Table 2 Average values of pesticide DT50, 14C-ring mineralised and nonextractable residue amounts, distribution coefficients (Kd) and coefficients of variation (CV) in topsoil and subsoil Bentazone Isoproturon Mecoprop-p 66.9 16.2 238 44.2 o0.001 3.27 42.4a 44.0 54.4a o0.01 15.0 22.1 42.3b 50.6b o0.001 C-ring mineralized Average 6.17 CV (%) 30.0 Average 2.62 CV (%) 54.6 o0.001 22.7 31.8 14.6 50.2 o0.01 19.3 40.4 13.1 41.6 o0.01 60.1 15.7 57.0 21.1 NS 52.7 12.8 38.9 53.7 o0.01 1.32 6.71 0.34 50.3 o0.001 0.26 25.9 0.07 24.3 o0.001 DT50 (days) Topsoil Average CV (%) Average CV (%) Subsoil Pc % Pesticide Topsoil Subsoil Pc 14 % Non-extractable pesticide residue Topsoil Average 76.0 CV (%) 13.2 Subsoil Average 5.50 CV (%) 18.2 Pc o0.001 Kd (ml g1) Topsoil Subsoil Pc a Average CV (%) Average CV (%) 0.06 26.1 0.11 43.6 o0.05 For isoproturon DT50, data were square root transformed prior to calculation of CV. b Mecoprop subsoil DT50 excludes 2 samples in which degradation was too slow to allow calculation of DT50 values. c P indicates significance of difference in parameter between top- and sub- soil at level indicated. NS: not significantly different. 2913 decline in residue concentration lasting for between 4.9 and 46.1 days (Fig 1b) was followed by more rapid rates of loss with DT50 values varying from 7.3 to 48.8 days (SEp1.79). In the remaining 5 subsoil samples there was very slow progressive linear decrease in concentration over time, with the slowest degrading soils showing DT50 of 119 and 292 days (SEp19.8). For mecoprop, 16 topsoil samples showed a lag phase of between 7.2 and 18.4 days, which was followed by a rapid phase of degradation, with kinetics fitted to the Gompertz model (SEDT50p1.62) (Fig 1a). In the remaining 4 topsoil samples, degradation showed a progressive linear decline in residue concentration over time. DT50 values in topsoil ranged between 7.4 and 19.7 days (SEDT50p1.24). In 2 subsoil samples, there had been no degradation of the compound by the end of the experiment. In 15 subsoil samples degradation had a lag period of between 22.4 and 59.7 days before a period of rapid degradation (Fig 1b) with degradation kinetics fitted to the Gompertz model (SEDT50p3.54). The remaining 3 sites showed progressive linear decrease in concentration over time and DT50 values ranged from 27.9 to 114 days (SEDT50p11.3). DT50 values could not be calculated for two subsoil samples showing no degradation (Table 2). Degradation of bentazone in top and subsoil followed linear kinetic (SEDT50p15.0) (Fig 1a,b) with the data showing a progressive decrease in concentration over time. Only one of the topsoil samples showed non-linear degradation of bentazone and degradation kinetics were explained better using the Gompertz double exponential equation (SEDT50p4.70). DT50 varied from 54.4 to 98.8 days in the topsoil and from 85.0 to 521 days in the subsoil (Table 2). The coefficient of variation of DT50 was higher in subsoil than in topsoil for the three pesticides (Table 2). Following transformation, %CV for isoproturon DT50 was 42.4 in topsoil and 54.4 in subsoil. %CV for mecoprop DT50 was 22.1 in topsoil and 50.6 in subsoil. However, since DT50 values could not be calculated for those subsoil samples showing no degradation of mecoprop, actual variability in subsoil DT50 was higher. %CV of bentazone DT50 was 16.2 in topsoil and 44.2 in subsoil. Percentages of variability in DT50 accounted for by within-sample variability were 59.8% and 26.9% for isoproturon, 40.2% and 21.8% for mecoprop and 26.6% and 14.8% for bentazone, in topsoil and subsoil, respectively. 3.3. Mineralisation of pesticide to CO2 Mineralisation of all pesticides was significantly lower in subsoil relative to topsoil (Table 2). For isoproturon, in both topsoil and subsoil there was a linear increase in 14 CO2 evolution, which reached a plateau after approximately 20 days (Fig 2a,b). In 2 subsoil samples there was very little mineralisation, with no change in the rate of 14 CO2 evolution over time. The amount of isoproturon ring ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 2914 Topsoil 120 120 Isoproturon 100 80 60 40 80 60 40 20 20 0 5 10 15 20 10 20 40 30 40 50 0 30 Time (Days) Time (Days) (a) 60 0 0 25 80 20 0 0 Bentazone 100 Residue (% applied) Residue (% applied) 100 Residue (% applied) 120 Mecoprop-p 60 90 120 150 120 160 200 Time (Days) Subsoil 120 Isoproturon Residue (% applied) Residue (% applied) 100 80 60 40 20 100 100 80 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 (b) 120 Mecoprop-p Residue (% applied) 120 20 40 60 80 100 Bentazone 60 40 20 0 0 20 Time (Days) 40 60 80 100 0 Time (Days) 40 80 Time (Days) Fig. 1. Degradation of bentazone, isoproturon and mecoprop-p in topsoils and subsoils. Average of the 20 samples with bars indicating standard errors (~), and single samples with the shortest (m) and longest (’) DT50 values are shown. C mineralised to CO2 after 160 days ranged from 10.1% to 38.7% in topsoil, and from 0.52% to 30.7% in subsoil. In topsoil samples, the kinetics of 14CO2 evolution from mecoprop was similar to that of isoproturon (Fig 2a), with amounts of mecoprop ring C mineralised after 153 days ranging from 6.8% to 39.9%. In the subsoil most samples showed the same pattern of mineralisation as topsoil samples (Fig 2b). In 2 subsoil samples there was very little mineralisation, with no change in the rate of 14CO2 evolution over time. In subsoil, mineralisation after 153 days ranged from 1.10% to 21.5%. In the case of bentazone, there was a linear increase in 14 CO2 evolution over time (Figs. 2a and b), and after 180 days between 3.4% and 10.1% ring C had been mineralised in topsoil, and between 0.4% and 5.8% mineralised in subsoil. The coefficient of variation of the total amount of 14CO2 evolved was higher in subsoil than in topsoil for the three pesticides (Table 2). %CV of the total amount of 14CO2 evolved was 31.8 and 50.2 for isoproturon, 40.4 and 41.6 for mecoprop, and 30.0 and 54.6 for bentazone, in the topsoil and the subsoil, respectively. In most samples the total amount of 14CO2 evolved from mecoprop and isoproturon exceeded the level of radiochemical impurities in the 14C-ring labelled compounds. However, for bentazone in most subsoil samples and in five topsoil samples, and for mecoprop and isoproturon in two subsoil samples, amount of 14C evolved was not above the impurity level, so actual mineralisation of the compound may be lower than indicated, or may even not have occurred. 3.4. Non-extractable residues For mecoprop and bentazone, a significantly greater proportion of the pesticide was converted to non-extractable forms in topsoil relative to subsoil (Table 2). For mecoprop, amounts of compound added remaining as nonextractable residues after 153 days ranged between 42.8% and 68.7% in topsoil and between 0% and 63.2% in ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 2915 Topsoil 50 20 10 (% of applied 14C) 30 12 Mecoprop-p 40 30 20 14CO 2 (% applied 14C) Isoproturon 14CO 2 14CO 2 (% applied 14C) 40 10 0 0 0 40 80 120 160 9 6 3 0 0 40 Time (Days) (a) Bentazone 80 120 0 160 50 100 150 200 150 200 Time (Days) Time (Days) Subsoil 50 10 0 20 (%of applied 14C) 20 10 40 30 40 (b) 80 Time(Days) 120 160 9 6 3 0 0 0 Bentazone 2 30 12 Mecoprop-p 14CO (% applied 14C) Isoproturon 14CO 2 14CO 2 (% applied 14C) 40 0 40 80 Time (Days) 120 160 0 50 100 Time (Days) Fig. 2. Mineralisation of [carbonyl-14C]bentazone, [ring-U-14C]isoproturon and [ring-U-14C]mecoprop-p in topsoils and subsoils. Average of the 20 samples with bars indicating standard errors (m), and single samples with the shortest (’) and longest (~) total 14CO2 evolution values are shown. subsoil. For bentazone, amounts of compound remaining as non-extractable residues after 182 days ranged from 68.8% to 82.5% in topsoil and 9.56–17.7% in subsoil. After 160 days non-extractable isoproturon residues accounted for between 29.9% and 71.2% of compound added in topsoil, and between 24.6% and 70.6% in subsoil. The coefficient of variation of pesticide converted to bound residues was higher in subsoil than topsoil for bentazone, isoproturon and mecoprop, with %CV of 13.2, 15.7 and 12.8 in topsoil, and 18.2, 21.1 and 53.7 in subsoil, respectively (Table 2). 3.5. Adsorption Sorption of isoproturon and mecoprop was significantly higher in topsoil than subsoil, while the reverse was true for bentazone (Table 2). Kd coefficients varied from 1.19 to 1.48 ml g1 in the topsoil and from 0.13 to 0.73 ml g1 in the subsoil for isoproturon, from 0.12 to 0.39 ml g1 in the topsoil and from 0.04 to 0.09 ml g1 in the subsoil for mecoprop, and from 0.04 to 0.09 ml g1 in the topsoil and from 0.04 to 0.19 ml g1 in the subsoil for bentazone. %CV of Kd for isoproturon and bentazone were 50.3 and 43.6 in topsoil respectively, which were significantly higher than in subsoil, in which %CV of Kd were 6.71 and 26.1 respectively, while %CV of mecoprop Kd was not significantly different in topsoil (25.9) and subsoil (24.3) (Table 2). 3.6. Relationships between pesticide biodegradation and sorption parameters and soil characteristics A multivariate analysis of the data was carried out to establish relationships between biodegradation and sorption parameters and soil characteristics in order to find the key parameters controlling these processes. DT50 of all pesticides was correlated with OM content and dehydrogenase, with the strongest correlation shown with dehydrogenase for bentazone and mecoprop (r ¼ 0:668, Po0:001 and r ¼ 0:634, Po0:001, respectively) and with OM for isoproturon (r ¼ 0:457, Po0:001). Bentazone DT50 was also correlated with pH (r ¼ 0:731, Po0:001). Pesticide Kd was correlated with pH, OM and dehydrogenase, with the strongest correlations with pH for ARTICLE IN PRESS 2916 M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 bentazone (r ¼ 0:493, Po0:01), and with dehydrogenase for isoproturon and mecoprop (r ¼ 0:838, Po0:001, and r ¼ 0:752, Po0:001 respectively). The amount of 14CO2 evolved was correlated with OM content for all pesticides, although for bentazone and isoproturon, the strongest correlation was with dehydrogenase (r ¼ 0:714, Po0:001, r ¼ 0:547, Po0:001, respectively). Amounts of bound pesticide residues were most strongly correlated with dehydrogenase for bentazone and mecoprop (r ¼ 0:882, Po0:001 and r ¼ 0:415, Po0:01, respectively). When topsoil samples were dealt with separately, mecoprop DT50 was significantly correlated with dehydrogenase (r ¼ 0:655, Po0:01) and pH (r ¼ 0:539, Po0:05). Mecoprop Kd was correlated with OM content (r ¼ 0:693, Po0:05). For subsoil, bentazone DT50 and amount of 14CO2 evolved were correlated with pH (r ¼ 0:711, Po0:001 and r ¼ 0:456, Po0:05, respectively). Sand, silt and clay contents were significantly correlated with DT50, total amount of 14CO2 evolved, and bound residue amounts for isoproturon when topsoil and subsoil samples were considered together. When subsoil samples were considered separately, sand, silt and clay were significantly correlated with isoproturon DT50, Kd, total amount of 14CO2 evolved and bound residues. The strongest relationship between isoproturon DT50 and Kd, were with silt (r ¼ 0:872, Po0:001, r ¼ 0:850, Po0:001, respectively), while amount of 14CO2 evolved and bound residues were more strongly correlated with sand (r ¼ 0:755, Po0:001 and r ¼ 0:721, Po0:001, respectively). Furthermore those sites at which less than 5% degradation of mecoprop was recorded, and for which DT50 could not be calculated, were those sites with sand contents of less than 23% and clay contents of more than 48%. 4. Discussion For all pesticides biodegradation rates declined with soil depth, agreeing with most previous studies (Fomsgaard, 1995; Soulas and Lagacherie, 2001). For isoproturon and mecoprop, sorption was lower in subsoil than in topsoil, and communities capable of growth linked pesticide metabolism of these compounds occurred in most subsoil locations. However, average degradation rates of mecoprop and isoproturon, measured by loss of parent compound and evolution of pesticide derived CO2, were higher in topsoil relative to subsoil. Further, at every sampling location, degradation of all pesticides was higher in the topsoil sample relative to that taken from the corresponding subsoil location. In the study of Di et al. (1998), those pesticides which showed enhanced degradation in subsoil relative to topsoil had high Koc values (400–6070), and therefore bind tightly to organic matter. Given their sorption characteristics, these compounds are unlikely to leach to subsoil. In common with our findings, those compounds with Koc lower than 400, showed greater degradation in topsoil compared to subsoil. However, in the studies of Di et al. (2001) and Karpouzas et al. (2001) the pesticides that showed a faster degradation in subsoil relative to topsoil had similar Koc to the compounds investigated in the present study. Rather than being solely related to sorption, enhanced degradation in subsoil relative to topsoil in these studies must additionally reflect either the size of the pesticide degrading community or its competitive interactions with other components of the microbial community at the particular site being studied. The variability of pesticide degradation rates was considerably higher in subsoil relative to topsoil in our study. Furthermore, since the percentages of total variability accounted for by within sample variability was greater in topsoil than subsoil, the actual differences in environmental (between sample) variability in topsoil and subsoil would be greater than suggested by the CV. Results from a number of previous studies, in which there was limited replication of samples across surface and subsurface profiles, have also indicated that variability in degradation rates in subsoil and aquifer materials could be higher than that in topsoils (Issa and Wood, 1999; Karpouzas et al., 2001). Within sample variability arising from technical error associated with sampling, pesticide analysis and model lack of fit during derivation of DT50 accounted for between 21.8% and 59.8% of the total variability. It is clear that in order to understand the true extent of spatial variability in environmental processes, experimental variability must be accounted for. However, this has rarely been done in studies of environmental variability in pesticide fate and behaviour (Bending et al., 2006). The kinetics of mecoprop and isoproturon degradation in topsoil showed two general patterns. Either there was rapid degradation immediately following application, or following a lag phase which had variable duration. The variability associated with degradation in topsoil largely reflected the length of the lag phase prior to the phase of rapid degradation. In the subsoil, some sites also showed rapid degradation immediately following pesticide application. Other sites showed a lag phase prior to a period of rapid degradation, with the lag phase typically longer than that in topsoil samples. Similarly, Jensen et al. (2004) found that for the herbicide 2,4-D, the duration of the lag phase prior to a period of rapid degradation was longer and more variable in subsoil relative to topsoil. Furthermore, in contrast to the topsoil, some subsoil sites showed no rapid phase of degradation. The greater range of pesticide degradation kinetics could be the primary cause of the greater variability of degradation rates in subsoil relative to topsoil. In the case of isoproturon and mecoprop, degradation kinetics in those soil samples showing an immediate rapid rate of degradation following application, or a lag phase followed by a rapid phase of degradation, reflect the dynamics of organisms able to utilise the pesticide as an ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Sonia Rodrı´guez-Cruz et al. / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38 (2006) 2910–2918 energy source (Soulas and Lagacherie, 2001; Bending et al., 2003). The variability in the length of the lag phase prior to a rapid phase of degradation reflects either differences in the time taken for the microbial community to adapt to degrade the pesticide, or differences in the initial size or rate of growth of the degrader community. With the exception of a single topsoil site, bentazone degradation showed first-order kinetics, reflecting a constant degradation rate over time, indicative of cometabolism, in which there is no net proliferation of the degradative community (Soulas and Lagacherie, 2001). In previous studies, bentazone has typically shown first order degradation kinetics (Piutti et al., 2002), and growth-linked metabolism of the compound has not previously been reported. In subsoil, which had a higher pH, bentazone degradation was very slow. This difference in degradation rates could be explained by the strong correlations found in this study between bentazone DT50 values and OM and pH. While OM and dehydrogenase were correlated with overall DT50 rates within the combined topsoil and subsoil dataset for all pesticides, these parameters were generally poor predictors of variability in degradation rates within the surface or subsurface profiles individually. Evidently the distribution of the specific microbial communities involved in both growth-linked and cometabolic pesticide degradation are more variable in subsoil relative to topsoil, and this cannot be predicted by analysis of variability in broad scale microbial metabolic activity, as measured by dehydrogenase activity. Our data confirms other studies which show that the size and activity of the microbial biomass declines with depth (Fomsgaard, 1995). Studies of the micro-architecture of soil have revealed that the spatial distribution of bacteria in subsoil is more variable than in topsoil, showing a randomly distributed mosaic pattern of high and low densities, with bacteria aggregated in smaller patches in subsoil relative to topsoil (Nunan et al., 2001, 2003). Low numbers of active organisms, combined with uneven distribution, could account for the greater variability in pesticide degradation kinetics within the subsoil. Furthermore, Nunan et al. (2001) found that whereas the scale of spatial structure of bacterial communities in topsoil is influenced solely by microscale properties, in subsoil it is controlled by both microscale and large scale properties. Similarly in our study, the variability in mineralogical composition of the soil was far higher in subsoil than topsoil. In particular, the presence of clay and silt rich regions in subsoil represented variability in large scale properties which was not present in topsoil. Such variability in large scale soil properties is presumably lost in topsoil through ploughing, which acts to homogenise the surface soil. Within topsoil, previous studies have shown that degradation rates of isoproturon can be highly variable within single fields, with pH controlling the dynamics of organisms responsible for growth linked metabolism of the 2917 compound (Bending et al., 2003). In the current study, for isoproturon and mecoprop, the sand, silt and clay content of the subsoil was critical to determining degradation rates, with those locations possessing high clay and silt contents showing lower degradation rates relative to sites with a higher proportion of sand. For isoproturon but not mecoprop, physicochemical soil properties influenced sorption, which may have influenced availability and thereby degradation rate (Jensen et al., 2004). However, the texture parameters of soil can influence a range of soil environmental factors, including redox potential and moisture content, which may also have influenced degradation rates (Vink and van der Zee, 1997; Jurado-Exposito and Walker, 1998). Relative to isoproturon and mecoprop, mineralisation of bentazone to 14CO2 was quite limited, due to the high percentage of non-extractable residues formed, particularly in the topsoil. Piutti et al. (2002) suggested that hydroxylated bentazone metabolites are rapidly incorporated into soil OM, limiting the mineralisation of this herbicide. Our data supports this, with OM content significantly correlated with the formation of non-extractable bentazone residues. The data presented represents comparison of potential degradation and mineralisation rates across the subsoil and topsoil samples under standard conditions. However, in the field, differences in environmental factors such as moisture content and temperature will interact with inherent differences in catabolic potential to influence actual dissipation rates. Currently models dealing with the environmental fate of pesticides take no account of within field spatial variability. Our data shows clearly that pesticide fate in soil shows considerable three-dimensional variability, and accurate assessment of risks associated with pesticide use will require consideration of the extent of this variability. 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