Chris Nierstrasz

Chris Nierstrasz
Research work progress to date
Found structural source on the goods the VOC ordered from Asia (+/-1720-1796)
Found structural source on the quality of the goods brought from Asia (+/-1720-1796)
Found a potentially structural source for sales catalogues of the VOC (+/-1720-1796)
Worked on my date-base of quantitative stuff based on existing literature
Worked on porcelain
Worked on Political Economy => Monopoly and Private trade
Moving into textiles
Plans for the future research work
Have a concrete idea where to find the lists of imports per item, want to locate them and photograph
them, potentially a structural source
Have seen on sales catalogues I have found that the VOC sold private trade goods at its auctions, want
to establish if it is possible to find structural reference to these goods.
Want to look at the rules for private trade between Asia and the Republic as well as within in Asia
Christiaan Jörg gave me a tip where to find all the material on silk, apparently with samples etc, plus
two articles on lacquer and porcelain with reference to private trade
Have a rough idea where to find information about imports of textiles and porcelain, want to locate
them and work on them with Hanna
Simply see if to what extent I can do with the EIC-archives what I have done with the VOC-archives
Simply see if to what extent I can do with the CIO-archives what I have done with the VOC-archives
I want to access pamphlets and primary material on the Political Economy in the Republic
Establish the rules for Asian imports in Europe and their evolution in time.
Establish the relationship between ‘Monopoly and Private trade’ in the regulations of different
I want to work on Private trade as after my talk with Menno Fitski, I believe there is something there we
cannot leave, certainly for the upper part of luxury import
Plans for the future, study visits/conferences
1,2 and 3 of April 2011, Economic History Society (Cambridge), presentation
12-13 May 2011, 'Chinese and Japanese porcelain for the Netherlands in the 17th century',
23 and 24 of June 2011, Journées d’études de l’UMR CERHIO (CNRS) et du Musée de la Compagnie des
Indes de Lorient, no presentation, combined with research in archives