passage One points

passage One
Man looked up- saw plane
Plane disappeared – existed again
Approached him- frightened – sheltered
Detected path- moved away
Touched field- bounced- crashed through hedge
Man confused- rushed to hedge
The man saw a plane in the sky moving wildly from right to left .Though
disappeared shortly among the clouds, it existed and approached him. Being
frightened, he sheltered in a hole in the fields detecting its path. Fortunately, it
moved away of him touching down on the field, moving up and down the uneven
ground, shuffling anything ahead, and crashing through a hedge nearer his
shelter. Therefore, he stood up confused and hurried to the gap in the hedge.(80
cutting, crazy , zig-zag path= moving wildly from right to left
for an instant = shortly
coming towards = approached
terrified= frightened
took cover = sheltered
hollow= hole
follow the course = detect
pulled out of the dive= moved away
bounced= moved up and down
carry away= shuffle
anything that lay in its path =anything ahead
where the man was crouching=nearer his shelter
1-Gerund use: as in moving, detecting, touching ,moving up and down
shuffling ,crashing
2-Conjunctions & coordinators: as in though, and ,therefore
3-Dangling structure( subjectless phrase): as in Though disappeared…..
4-Non- finite clause:as in Being frightened…….