The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Minutes of Meeting 554
05 November 2014
The Senate
Presentation by Michigan Tech Ombuds Susanna Peters
Presentation by Steven Steinhoff, “A user’s perspective on regulating e-cigarettes”
Presentation by Jennifer Riehl, “A summary of research on health effects of e-cigarettes”
Proposal 9-15 “Revising Senate Policy 108.1: General Policy for Academic Program Planning” passed.
Proposal 10-15 “Revising Senate Procedure 414.1.1: Procedures for Eliminating and Shelving Degrees and
Certificates” passed.
Proposal 11-15 “Amending the Senate’s Bylaws”
Senate minutes are time-indexed [in square brackets] to the relevant segments of the streaming video of the meeting.
1. Call to order and roll call. [00:00 – 01:48]
President Craig Waddell called the University Senate Meeting 554 to order at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, November 5,
2014. The Senate Secretary Marty Thompson called roll. Absent were Senator Caneba and representatives of Army/Air
Force ROTC, Materials Science and Engineering, Academic Services A, Academic Services B, Academic Services C,
Advancement, Enrollment and Finance.
2. Recognition of visitors.
Guests included Max Seel (Provost’s Office), Theresa Coleman-Kaiser (Aux/Admin) Bonnie Gorman (Dean of
Students), Susanna Peters (Ombuds), Steven Steinhoff (Guest Speaker and USG Treasurer), Jennifer Riehl (Guest
Speaker and Graduate Student).
3. Approval of agenda. [01:49 – 02:14]
Waddell asked for approval of the agenda. Riehl moved ; Scarlett seconded . No discussion. The agenda was approved unanimously by voice vote.
4. Approval of minutes from Meetings 553. [02:15 – 02:49]
Waddell asked for approval of the minutes. Scarlett moved ; Wood seconded . No discussion. The minutes were approved unanimously by voice vote.
5. President’s Report [02:50 – 05:05]
The Administration has responded to the following Senate proposals: a. Proposal 3-15 “Creating a Visiting Professor of Practice Position” approved. b. Proposal 6-15 “Compensation for Senate Vice President”
Approval is subject to a proposed administrative change. Waddell noted the administrative change which defined the period in which the bonus payment will be made. This will be introduced as a new proposal. (See
New Business, Section 9.a. below) c. Proposal 7-15 “Shelving the Master of Engineering Degree in Civil Engineering (EGR3)” approved. d. Proposal 8-15 “Shelving the Master of Engineering Degree in Environmental Engineering (ERG4)” approved.
Waddell gave an update on the effort to remove instructors from the RateMyProfessor website who no longer work at
Tech. Provost Seel and Michael Meyer, Center for Teaching and Learning have worked to ensure the list of instructors on the website reflect those who actually work here.
Dave Reed, VP Research will speak at a Senate sponsored forum on the University finances in January 2015.
6. Committee Reports [05:06 – 10:43]
Academic Policy Committee.
IT Committee.
Administrative Policy Committee.
Vable said the presidential survey would be moved from the Administrative
Policy Committee to a university committee. The new proposal will be introduced at the next senate meeting.
Curricular Policy Committee.
at the next senate meeting.
Barkdoll said the committee will introduce proposals for several new programs
General Education & Assessment Committee. None
Elections Committee.
Riehl is looking for members and/or nominees for the Committee for
Academic Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment.
Finance and Institutional Planning Committee.
Mullins asked if the Senate should have an official position on the strategic plan. The committee is defining the role of the Senate in developing a response to the University Strategic
Fringe Benefits Committee.
Beck commented on meeting with Karen Hext. A key topic was identifying a method to buy hearing aids. No program exists to assist with the purchase of hearing aids. Mike Patterson will provide information to be made available on the Senate website.
Instructional Policy Committee.
Professional Staff Policy Committee.
Research Policy Committee.
7. Guest Presentation [10:44 – 37:07] a. Michigan Tech Ombuds Susanna Peters, M.S, J.D. introduced herself as the newly appointed Ombuds. She discussed the role of the Michigan Tech Ombuds in facilitating communication between parties. Additional information can be found at: [10:44 – 13:35] b. Steven Steinhoff, Senior in Survey Engineering at Michigan Tech and USG Treasurer presented, “A user’s perspective on regulating e-cigarettes”
[LINK to Slides ] [13:36 – 23:40] c. Jennifer Riehl, MS in Forensic Molecular Biology (SUNY Albany, 2007), PhD in Forest Genetics and
Biotechnology (Michigan Tech, 2014), and MS candidate in Environmental Policy (Michigan Tech) presented, “A summary of research on health effects of e-cigarettes”
[LINK to Slides ] [23:41 – 36:56]
Riehl will send out a constituent-wide ballot to vote on the Senate’s position on e-cigarettes.
8. Unfinished Business [37:08 – 1:04:18] a. Proposal 9-15 “Revising Senate Policy 108.1: General Policy for Academic Program Planning”
The proposal comes from Curricular Policy Committee. The goal was to have a streamlined process for submitting proposals for new programs. The assessment council sought to add wording to clarify student learning goals.
Barkdoll moved to pass the proposal with the wording changes; Mullins seconded . Discussion. Approved unanimously by voice vote. b. Proposal 10-15 “Revising Senate Procedure 414.1.1: Procedures for Eliminating and Shelving Degrees and
The proposal comes from Curricular Policy Committee. Barkdoll, chair, detailed the need for units seeking to shelve and eliminate programs to provide the Senate Curricular Policy Committee with uniform data similar to what was discussed in Section 8.a. for Proposal 9-15 , above. Barkdoll moved to accept the proposal with the wording changes; Scarlett seconded . No Discussion. Approved unanimously by voice vote. c. Proposal 11-15 “Amending the Senate’s Bylaws” [42:07 – 1:04:18]
The proposal originates with the Senate Executive Committee. Waddell reiterated the key content changes made in this proposal:
1. Enhance speaking rights for non-Senators. Robert’s Rules of Order limits participation of non-
Senators during Senate meetings. This permits non-members to speak freely prior to a motion.
2. Enhancing the efficiency of proposal introduction. The Senate President permits the committee chair or other entity introducing the proposal so questions can be fielded directly rather than through the action of the Senate President.
3. Selection process for university-wide committees. The rationale is to have a uniform method to select members.
4. Remove mention of an Emeritus Committee. The rationale for this is that there is no such committee.
Waddell moved to pass the proposal; Wood seconded . Discussion.
Scarlett moved to divide the question to remove item #3. Beck seconded . No Discussion. Approved unanimously by voice vote. Item #3, “Selection process for university-wide committees” will be removed from the proposal being voted on.
Mullins calls the question . Vable seconded . Approved by a majority vote. No abstentions.
The proposal will be voted on as written with the noted exception that item #3 is removed. Approved by a majority vote. No abstentions.
9. New Business [1:04:19 – 1:06:25] a. Proposal 6-15 “Compensation for Senate Vice President”
Waddell reiterated the administrative modification noted above (See Section 5, President’s Report) . b. Proposal 12-15 “Degree Name Change from Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology – Earth Science
Education to Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology – Earth and Space Science and Integrated Science”
Barkdoll described the rationale for the name change to be consistent with current field.
10. Public Comments
11. Adjournment.
Mullins moved to adjourn. Barkdoll seconded . President Waddell adjourned the meeting at 6:37 pm
Respectfully submitted by Marty Thompson
Secretary of the University Senate