AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF William Robert Wood (Name) in Title: for the Agricultural Economics (Major) Master of Science (Degree) presented on ■/)/,#';/{■ . ■^/-, 16f{/> I /'(Date)' A DEMAND ANALYSIS OF PROCESSED SALMON FROM THE WEST COAST Abstract approved: \ . _ . , , . ^ Richard S. Johnston The primary purpose of the study was to identify the demand for processed salmon from the West Coast. The basic approach in the demand analysis was to identify those variables that determine the supply and demand for processed salmon. An econometric model was established containing the supply and demand equations from which estimates for the parameters in each equation were obtained. The main source of data for salmon was obtained from publications printed by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and the Pacific Fisherman. Ordinary least squares using the wholesale price as the dependent variable in the demand equation was the principal method of analysis. Coefficients for the demand expressed flexibilities with respect to the price. Price flexibilities calculated at the mean values for all processed salmon indicated that a ten percent increase in volume would reduce price by a lesser percentage. For increases in the supply of processed salmon, total revenues would increase, where decreases in supply would cause total revenues to decline. The results of the study also indicated that for a small percentage increase in disposable income, prices would increase but by a lesser percentage. Inverse relationships were noted between the price of salmon and the quantity of canned meat and meat products. Effects of population changes on the price of processed salmon were inconclusive. A Demand Analysis of Processed Salmon from the West Coast by William Robert Wood A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 197 0 APPROVED: ;_*_ : —: -■■ - t 1 -" ■ i Assistant Professo^r of Agricultural Economics in charge of major Head of Department of Agricultural Economics Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented x/fyJ'">./■ 1-^—L^l- Typed by Cheryl E. Curb for < "^—:—r /. /'C/'t!^ ^Z ( / William Robert Wood ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my most sincere appreciation to my Major Professor, Dr. Richard S. Johnston, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Economics, for assistance received in the preparation done for this thesis. His guidance, suggestions, and criticisms have been extremely valuable. Appreciation is also extended to those members of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and the National Canners Association who furnished data and information that was useful in the thesis - in particular Darrel A. Nash, Chief, Branch of Demand and Marketing Research, B.C.F., and Stanford R. Beebe, Director, Division of Industry Statistics, N. C.A. I also want to thank my wife, Judy, for her time and suggestions in preparing the final manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Objectives of the Study Comments on Salmon and Salmon Products Methodology of the Study' Hypotheses for the Demand THE SUPPLY-DEMAND MODEL 1 2 3 7 12 13 General Discussion Limitations and Assumptions Equations of the Econometric Model Explanation of the Variables and Justification for their Classification Quantity Supplied Imports Exports Stocks or Inventories Prices Quantity Demanded Income Substitutes Population Summary 26 28 31 31 33 35 37 38 41 42 STATISTICAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS 44 Supply Demand All Salmon Individual Species Quantity as the Dependent Variable CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 13 16 23 26 44 45 45 49 51 54 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont. ) gage BIBLIOGRAPHY 59 APPENDIX A 61 APPENDIX B 67 APPENDIX C 70 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Salmon landing for the Pacific Coast fisheries, 1936-1967. 6 2 Quantity of landings for each species of salmon from 1947-1967. 8 3 The supply and demand model for processed salmon. 14 4 The imports of canned salmon for the United States, 1947-1967. 30 5 The pack of salmon for the United States, 1947-1967. 30 6 The relationship between the price and quantity of processed salmon at the wholesale and retail market levels. 36 7 The affects of population on prices of processed salmon. 41 LIST OF TABLES Table Pa ££ The annual average wholesale and retail prices for a 16 ounce, tall, can of Pink salmon. 20 Average monthly wholesale and retail prices for a 16 ounce, tall, can of Pink salmon. 22 Regression results for canned salmon with price as the dependent variable. 46 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table . .. Appendix A Page B — 1 The proportion of total salmon landings that were marketed in the canned form for the period 1960-1968. 62 2 Opening and annual average wholesale prices for a standard case of canned Pink, Sockeye, and Chum . salmon for the period 1947-1967. 63 3 Deflated wholesale and retail prices for a 16 ounce can of salmon, 1947 to 1967. 64 4 The quantity of landings, pack, foreign trade, and per capita consumption of canned salmon for the period 1947-1967. 65 5 Factors that are instrumental in the supply-demand model. 66 Appendix B 1 Comparison of actual with predicted stock level changes for canned salmon as of July 1 for 19 65 through 1967. 69 Appendix C 1 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon -- equation b, Table 3. 71 2 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon, per capita data Equation d. Table 3. 72 3 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon - Equation c, Table 3. 73 4 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Chum salmon - Equation f, Table 3. 74 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES (Cont. ) Table Page 5 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Chum and Pink salmon - Equation g, Table 3. 75 6 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Sockeye salmon - Equation h. Table 3. 76 7 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Sockeye salmon - Equation i. Table 3. 77 8 The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon - Equation (2. 1). 78 A DEMAND ANALYSIS FOR PROCESSED SALMON FROM THE WEST COAST INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Objective information as to the nature of demand for fisheryproducts amomg consumers in the United States is limited. As noted by Waugh and SSTorton: It £s a curious contrast that agriculture and fisheries;, though closely related in the market, have been at ©pposite ends of the spectrum with respect to the amasant of price and demand analysis applied to the industry, A tremendous inventory of research on the prices esff, and demand for, agricultural commodities has be em built since 1920. In comparison, research on prices of fishery products has been meager (24, p. 9). Since tite late ISOO's salmon from the West Coast has been an important somarcepf seafood; however, little objective information is known as to the nature of the demand for salmon in the processed form. Knowledge of the nature of demand would be useful to mem- bers of the industry for determining the effects on total revenues as a result of vaxious levels of output and prices for processed salmon. Identifying thte demand for processed salmon could be beneficial to members of £3ae Bureau of Commercial Fisheries as an aid for indicating the possible effects on total revenues in the salmon industry as a result of changes in programs and policies of fishery management. Objectives of the Study The primary objective of the study will be to identify the demand for processed salmon from the West Coast. The study is pri- marily directed towards the wholesale level of the salmon market, although the results will also be applicable to the retail or consumer level. The wholesale and processor market level will be identified as one and the same. as follows: The objectives of the research are identified (1) develop a model of the salmon industry which will identify the factors that are responsible for influencing the supply and demand for processed salmon, (2) identify the price, income, and cross-flexibilities of processed salmon, and (3) predict the results that certain marketing policies would have on total revenues of the industry. Canned salmon is the primary form in which processed salmon is marketed. The pack of salmon* currently averages about 82 percent of total domestic landings (see Table 1, Appendix A). The pack of salmon refers to the amount of salmon that is processed into the canned form each year. It is generally referred to as the "annual pack". The annual pack would provide the source from which canned salmon is exported. It would appear possible for imports of fresh salmon to be canned and included as part of the domestic pack; however, the change in the total pack figures used would be insignificant if fresh imports were, in fact, domestically canned. Therefore, concentration of the study will be to identify the demand for canned salmon. The words processed and canned salmon will be used interchangeably to mean the same product. Comments on Salmon and Salmon Products Salmon from the Pacific Coast fisheries accounts for a signi- ficant portion of the total landings and ex-vessel value for all marine life caught in these fisheries. From 1957 to 1967 the salmon catch represents an average of 25. 1 percent of the total pounds of fish, shellfish, and whale species caught in the Pacific Coast fisheries. For the same period, the average annual ex-vessel value for salmon was 51.5 nnillion dollars which represented 39. 6 percent of the value paid to Pacific Coast fishermen for all fish. In 1966, the salmon catch from the Pacific Coast fisheries represented 8. 9 percent of the United States catch of fishery products, second only to menhaden which accounted for 30. 0 percent of the total landing weight (2 3, p.. 14). Data published by the Bueau of Commercial Fisheries indicate that only minute quantities of salmon are registered as commercially caught in areas such as the Atlantic Coast fisheries and the Great Lakes. 2 Therefore, it can be assumed that the domestic supply of For the purposes of the study the Pacific Coast fisheries pertain to the United States. Only landings of fish in the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California will be considered. landings for salmon in the United States are furnished from the fisheries of the Pacific Coast. The manner in which salmon has been marketed has not changed significantly since it became an important source of food in the late 1800's. Canned salmon has been the primary form in which this food resource has been marketed, although salmon is also marketed fresh or frozen, smoked, and salted or pickled. There are five species that are important in supplying the quantity of salmon available for consumption. for these five are: The common names (1) Chinook or King, (2) Chum or Keta, (3) Coho or Silver, (4) Pink or Humpback, and (5) Sockeye or Red. When the word salmon is used in this paper it will refer collectively to the five species. When one or more species is discussed, the name or names will be specified. Each species exhibits different characteristics in appearance. For example, the Sockeye salmon has red meat where the meat of Chum salmon is more pale in color. These characteristics become noticeable in pricing arrangements depending on the desirability to the consumer of the product. The red meat of the Sockeye salmon appears to be more desirable to the consumer, and has historically commanded higher prices than Chum. Pink salmon is generally the most abundant of the five species and comprises a large part of salmon that is used for canning. Usually Pink; Chum, and Sockeye salmon account for a majority of the annual pack. 3 Chinook and Coho salmon are important in the fresh and frozen markets. 4 The per capita consumption of canned salmon in the United States has been decreasing since the 1930's when the catch, and resulting production of salmon products, was at its highest. In 1936 the per capita consumption of canned salmon was 3. 0 pounds; however, in recent years the annual per capita consumption has decreased to less than one pound. Table 4, Appendix A, shows the per capita consumption of canned salmon for the years 1947 to 1967. The results of decreases in per capita consumption would appear to be the results of a decline in the natural supply of salmon, and an increase in the population of the United States. Figure 1 shows how the landings of salmon have decreased substantially since 1936. Factors noted as contributing to reduced landings over the years have been over-fishing, dams, and destruction of spawning grounds (13). Since I960 the general level of landings has increased above the low landing levels experienced in the late 1950's. However, with increases in population, the annual per capita consumption of canned salmon has remained relatively constant during these more recent 3 4 For the period from I9 60 to 1967, the three species accounted for an annual average of 91. 9 percent of the total salmon pack. For more information as to the physical characteristics of these five species an article by Idyll (13) should be consulted. n o H 3re tf c o P R o Q (D a- o n 3- a to ^ o O) vo Ol 00 vj Cn Oi tn in en tn n> o O O AV Jto L cn INJ N) !\> IS> in ~j O Cn ' to N> tn vj O tn ^111 ro W cn cu O O I ui o O I Cn v] cu I w UJ Ol ^) O cn to IM to Cn in O ! w M in cn O *■ *- -vi cn $ O [\J cn <n I I I L **• *to <n ^J £ O cn O cn cn O O I (n <n O !\> <n Cn 8 in i i—i—i—i—\—r in J^ N) Millions of Pounds o> O O Ol CV) cn CTi cn O ■v) •^ 8 cn Oi tn ^1 cn i o o Ol to cn CTl i i o> in O Cn Oi ^J i I ^4 to cn C3 O v] -v] to In J ~i—i—i—i—i—r Cn -vi <n cn ^ -^1 00 o o 8 M I I 00 O cn O •vj ^1 I i—i—i >1 cn O years. Figure 2, page 8, is included to show the relative importance of landings for each species of salmon. It should be noted that Alaska produces about five times the catch of salmon as do the other three Pacific Coast states, Washington, Oregon, and California, combined (13). Methodology of the Study The basic approach in this demand analysis will be to identify those variables that determine the supply and demand for salmon. An econometric model will be established containing the supply and demand equations for which estimates for the parameters in each equation will be calculated. The main source of data for salmon will be obtained from publications printed by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and from the Pacific Fisherman. ^ Data from these sources will consist mainly of landing quantities, imports and exports, the annual salmon pack, and the prices for canned salmon. The concept of ex post demand will be used in this study. Sos- nick (20) noted that two kinds of functions relating price paid to quantity purchased must be distinguished. 5 One is ex ante demand - a The Pacific Fisherman can be considered the official magazine of the fish processing industry. (Since 1967 it has been combined with other publications to form the National Fisherman. ) an p n a, p C 6 re W re 5 c O 00 -4 o\ U3 l-fc 1 ^ VO t-* 3 y 3 o r w (0 l-S o n o a* & & 5' w a .vo 3 reto O Oi on \o 00 <n on vl $ tn tn tn UJ in to U1 O l— U) M O W O O O M >fc s Millions of Pounds •^ 00 <.o O l-» M OJ ^ o o o o o o o o o 2? <y\ CT> ~J oo vo O o o o o o o. en OOOOOOi-MOJ^cnOivjooJOO OOOOOOOOO00 5^ O (n ^J t\> o N) 00 O M M M S-^SS OOO O M o% hypothetical relation that summarizes buyers' preferences or intentions. The other is ex post demand - a historical relation obtained by analysis of a time series. Ex post demand expresses the average of the average prices that historically were associated with various quantities sold, after allowing for the effect of changes in various shift variables. Ex ante and ex post demands do not converge as statistical problems are resolved. In general they will differ if prices have varied within the time periods considered. When price variation has occurred systematically, the average quantities historically associated with various average prices will differ from the ex ante demand that prevailed. As a result, the ex post function will not reproduce the ex ante function. Instead, the parameters of the ex post function will incorporate the effects of the historic pattern of intraperiod price variations (20, pp. 729-730). The use of annual data for this analysis would appear to incorporate the intraperiod price variation and parameters to estimate an ex post function. This will have to be kept in mind when interpret- ing the results of the analysis. The wholesale price of canned salmon will be used as the dependent variable in the demand equation . The conventional approach to a demand analysis identifies the quantity consumed as the dependent Retail prices of canned salmon are not available in sufficient quantities to be used in this analysis. The role of prices will be discussed in more detail under the subheading, Limitations and Assumptions of the Model. 10 or endogenous variable. This is based on the principle that the price of a commodity will determine how much of it is consumed. For pro- cessed salmon the quantity consumed will be treated as a predetermined variable in the demand equation. "7 A single demand equation will then be used to estimate coefficients for the variables in the equation. The production of canned salmon is felt to be predetermined in the model allowing consumption to be classified as predetermined. Fox outlines some considerations for farm supply which are relevant to the supply of salmon. Suppose the supply of a given commodity entering the marketing system is not affected by the current market price. Suppose further that the marketing system passes on this supply in a routine way, so that, except for normal wastes and lostes in the marketing process, the supply that reaches the consumers is exactly equal to that marketed by farmers. In this case, consumption is not determined by prices during the marketing period; it can be used as a predetermined variable (10, pp. 12-13). The concept from the above quotation can be applied to the supply of salmon. The supply of processed salmon is hypothesized to be independent of current prices, and directly dependent upon the quantity of landings of salmon. Because canned salmon accounts for a large percentage of total landings, it will be classified as 7 Other variables affecting demand will also be classified as exogenous or predetermined. These variables are discussed in the subheading entiled, "The Supply-Demand Model". 11 predetermined in the equation. Ordinary least squares (O.L.S.) using the step-wise procedure for introducing variables into the equation will be the principal statistical method of analysis. are: The principal reasons for using this method (1) the availability of a high speed computer to analyze the time series data in the equations, (2) partial derivatives taken on each variable in the demand equation will show marginal rates of change for each explanatory variable with respect to the dependent variable. The basic time period under consideration will be the 21 year period from 1947 through 1967. The time series data for the vari- ables in the equations of the formulated model will be within this time frame. The main reason for using this period of time is that no serious price restrictions were imposed by the United States government which would detract from price determination in the market place. There were maximum prices imposed on canned sal- mon for a short period during the Korean War; however, ceilings were high enough so that prices were determined within the set limits (1). » 12 Hypotheses for the Demand A review of popular articles, books, and research studies of salmon and other fish suggested the following hypotheses about the demand for canned salmon: (1) the elasticity of demand for all species of canned salmon would be near -1.0, butnothighly elastic, and (2) the elasticity of demand for individual species of canned salmon would exceed in absolute values the elasticities of the -1.0 and approach elasticities of -3.0 to -5.0. With price as the dependent variable, price flexibilities may be calculated; however, estimates for the magnitudes of the price elasticities will be made from price g flexibilities. It is hoped that the results of this research will reveal information that will form a basis for substantiating or rejecting the above hypotheses. 8 Price flexibility is the percentage change in the price of a commodity associated with a small change in the quantity demanded of the commodity or related variable, all else remaining constant. For Q price elasticity example, price flexibility is defined as 3P . (—); is defined as _£Q . /£\ ap VQ 13 THE SUPPLY-DEMAND MODEL General Discussion In analyzing the supply and demand for canned salmon, the approach will be to explain the general nature of the relationship of the supply and demand as postulated in Figure 3. the economic model. This will constitute Limitations and assumptions pertaining to the analysis will be made for the variables affecting both supply and demand before developing the system of equations to be used in the econometric model. Landings of salmon, imports and exports of canned salmon will be treated as exogenous variables in the supply portion of the econometric model. pack. Landings directly affect the quantity of salmon Changes in stock levels of canned salmon will be treated as a function of landings in year t-1, the expected landings in year t, and be classified as predetermined. Therefore, the salmon pack, imports, exports, and changes in stock levels of canned salmon are the variables that determine the domestic supply available in a specific year or time period, t. The quantity supplied will be equal to the quantity demanded, and will :be identified as a predetermined variable in the demand equation. 14 Quantity of Salmon Landings (L ) Domestic Supply of Processed Salmon / Quantity of Salmon Landings (L ) Stocks of Processed Salmon (S) Imports of Processed Salmon (I) v^.. Exports of Processed Salmon (E) / / /I ' | / | Marketing Margin | I I Disposable Per Capita Income (Y/N) U.S. Population Quantity of Substitutes (M) Figure 3. The supply and demand model for processed salmon. Arrows show direction of influence. Heavy arrows indicate major paths of influence which account for the bulk of the variation in current prices. Light solid arrows indicate definite but less important paths; dashed arrows indicate paths of negligible, doubtful, or occassional importance. 15 Factors which affect the quantity demanded for a commodity are the price of the commodity, consumers' income, the price of related commodities, and consumers' tastes and preferences (8,. pp. 73-74). However, in this model for canned salmon, changes in tastes and preferences are not considered explicitly. The price of the commodity is treated as the dependent variable for statistical reasons and is determined by the remaining three determinants of demand. Since aggregate quantities rather than per capita quantities will be used in the demand equation, population will be included as a variable. Further discussion of population will be given on page 41. Since quantity supplied is being treated as a predetermined variable (i. e., independent of price) then it appears reasonable to specify an estimating equation in which price, the only variable endogenous to the system, is dependent. Single equation ordinary least squares procedures are then appropriate for estimating demand parameters. With the wholesale price of canned salmon as the depen- dent variable, direct estimates for price flexibilities rather than price elasticities will be obtained. It is assumed that a marketing margin would exist between the prices for canned salmon. This margin would account for such items as the cost of. transportation from primary to retail points of distribution, marketing expenses such as labor, advertising, administrative costs, and ah allowance for a profit at the retail level. 16 iJlmitations and Assumptions of the Model There are two main limitations which may hinder the demand analysis. First, retail prices for only canned Pink salmon are avail- able, and collection of these prices was discontinued in 1964. 9 Second, records of stock levels have not been available for enough years to be used in the supply equation of the model. The original intent was to include actual stock levels of canned salmon as a variable in the equation to aid in determining the quantity of canned salmon available for consumption. What effects will these two limitations have on the demand analysis? To measure the effects of the demand for canned salmon on prices at the consumer level, using wholesale prices, may inject unnecessary bias into the results. An assumption will be made that fluctuations in wholesale and retail prices of canned salmon are of the same magnitude which will allow the results of the research to be applicable to the consumer level. 9 With the wholesale price, the Retail prices for Pink salmon were collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics until 1964. 17 estimated price flexibility would be larger than estimated with retail prices. 10 It will be assumed that the change in stock levels between two consecutive years is a function of the landings in the previous year and the expected landings in the current year. This assumption can be stated as an hypothesis and tested against those data on changes in actual stock levels that have been published. This test should give some indication of the validity of the hypothesis; however, a complete test to substantiate or reject the hypothesis cannot be made because only three observations are available. The following list of assumptions are made to aid in the development of this demand study with explanations to follow those subjects that require further detail. 1. The individual demand by each final consumer or household for canned salmon is the same, and the aggregate demand is a summation of the individual demands. If the marginal rate of change of price with respect to quantity, -— , is the same for both prices in the demand equation, then by definition of the flexibility at a specific quantity and price, 9_P .Q., the ratio of quantity to the wholesale price will be larger than 9Q P for the same quantity with the retail price. This would cause the absolute value of the flexibility to be larger at the wholesale price level, given a constant per unit marketing margin. Since December 1964, the National Canners Association has published stocks of sold and unsold canned salmon held by packers. 18 2. Consumers1 tastes and preferences have not changed during the period of the analysis, 3. Canned salmon has no restrictions as to areas of distribution and consumption in the United States. 4. Fluctuations and trends in wholesale and retail prices of canned salmon are equal over time. 5. Opening wholesale prices for canned salmon are representative of the annual average wholesale prices. 6. Stock levels of canned salmon are a function of the landings in the previous year and the expected landings in the current year. Assumptions one and two are made for ease of analysis in interpreting the results of the demand analysis. Using aggregate quan- tities to identify the demand for processed salmon is associated with a macro-relationship, assuming that the macro-relationship is a summation of each individual or micro-relationships. Coefficients of demand for the macro-relationship are further assumed to be structurally significant. As noted by Fox: If all the elements of an aggregate can be depended upon to change by the same arithmetic or logarithmic amounts, the regression coefficient we obtain in arithmetic or logarithmic formulations, respectively, has structural significance (11, p. 525). 19 Using price as the dependent variable may not be in accordance with a definition for a true structural equation set forth by Fox (11, p. 87). "A structural relationship is to be distinguished from a purely empirical relationship not supported by any theory. " Traditional demand theory identifies the quantity demanded of a commodity as the dependent variable; however, the argument that quantity supplies of processed salmon is independent of current price in the study does establish a theory for empirical testing. Therefore, the assumption is made that the coefficients of the variables in the equation with price as the dependent variable are assumed to be structurally significant. As specified in assumption three, the distribution of canned salmon would not be limited to certain areas of the United States. Canned salmon is not highly perishable and can be easily transported and stored. The results of a study of large urban areas by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (21) indicated that canned salmon was consumed in all regions of the United States. Therefore, the results of this demand analysis should be applicable to consumers and household units in the nation as a whole. National income and consumption data for substitute products can be used without injecting an undue amount of bias into the analysis, unless regional influences are large. The relative fluctuations and trends of wholesale and retail prices of canned salmon are assumed to be the same as noted in assumption four. Table 1 shows the average annual wholesale and 20 Table 1. The annual average wholesale and retail prices for a 16 ounce, tall, can of Pink salmon. Wholesale Price Retail Price Difference Dollars per Pound 1948 $0,454 $0,549 $0,095 1949 0.409 0.567 0.158 1950 0.382 0.476 0.094 0.475 0.618 0.143 1952 0.386 0.558 0.172 1953 0.394 0.528 0.134 1954 0.395 0.521 0.126 1955 0.436 0.559 0.123 1956 0.472 0.608 0.131 1957 0.472 0.625 0.153 1958 0.468 0.625 0.160 1959 0.486 0.620 0.134 1960 0.527 0.663 0.136 1961 0.583 0.743 0.160 1962 0.572 0.765 0.193 1963 0.502 0.710 0.208 1951 Note: So\irce: ' The retail price is an average of 46 cities. The wholesale pricing point is based on one pricing point, Seattle, Washington. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. 21 retail prices for Pink salmon. 12 There is some variation between prices, especially in recent years where the price differential appears to have increased. Wholesale and retail prices for Pink sal- mon appear to move up and down together. The correlation coeffi- cient, r, between wholesale and retail prices, is equal to 0. 95 which means that a high association exists between the two sets of prices. For shorter periods of time, a time lag of adjustment would be expected for the retail price, but it is doubtful that any lags would exist between the wholesale and retail prices on an annual basis. Monthly price data are shown for three years in Table 2. Opening wholesale prices for canned salmon are assumed to be representative of the annual average wholesale prices as indicated by assumption five. Table 2, Appendix A, shows that both sets of prices follow similar trends in annual variation. The weighted aver- age opening prices for salmon will be used as the price variable when the demand equation for all five species of canned salmon is analyzed. 12 13 Pink salmon is used as an illustration because retail prices were published for this species until 19 64. Pink salmon also accounts for the largest percentage of the total pack, and is representative of the total amount of salmon canned. Opening prices are announced each year by the large fish processing firms that can salmon. The companies that announce these opening prices for the pack are usually the ones that are in the top ten in the production of canned salmon. A paper by Wood (25) gives further details as to pricing in the salmon industry. 22 Table 2. Average monthly wholesale and retail prices for a 16 ounce, tall, can of Pink salmon Wholesale Price Retail Price Difference Wholesale Price Retail Price Difference DOLLARS PER POUND 1961 - Jan. 0.576 0.708 0.132 1962 -July 0.574 0.775 0.181 Feb. 0.583 0.720 0.137 Aug. 0.570 0.775 0.205 Mar. 0.583 0.728 0.145 Sept. 0.531 0.759 0. 228 Apr. 0.583 0.735 0.152 Oct. 0.531 0.751 0.220 May 0.583 0. 739 0.156 Nov. 0.531 0.747 0.216 June 0.583 0.742 0.159 Dec. 0.531 0.741 0.210 July 0.583 0.746 0.163 Aug. 0.583 0.750 0.167 0.517 0.738 0.221 Sept. 0.583 0.755 0.172 Feb. 0.516 0.732 0.216 Oct. 0.583 0.761 0.178 Mar. 0.510 0.722 0.212 Nov. 0.583 0.766 0.183 Apr. 0.505 0.718 0.213 Dec. 0.583 0.769 0.186 May 0.505 0.721 0.216 June 0.500 0.718 0.218 1963 - Jan. 0.589 0.754 0.165 July 0.500 0.699 0.199 Feb. 0.594 0.771 0.177 Aug. 0.500 0.709 0.209 Mar. 0.594 0.772 0.178 Sept. 0.495 0. 696 0.201 Apr. 0.594 0.773 0.179 Oct. 0.488 0.689 0.201 May 0.594 0.773 0.179 Nov. 0.484 0.695 0.211 0.594 0.773 0.179 Dec. 0.488 0.691 0.203 1962 -Jan. June Note: The retail price is an average of 46 cities. The wholesale price is based on one pricing point, Seattle, Washington. Source: Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 23 Two primary reasons for using these prices are: (1) time series data for opening prices are available for all five species, and (2) a large portion of the salmon pack is sold at opening wholesale prices (14). Assumption six is established with regards to estimating the change in stock levels of canned salmon between years. In the model, stock levels changes will be estimated by the function, A^t =cil -r—"•> where ^St is the estimated change in the stock level ^t for year t, L is the quantity of landings, t is the time period. The symbol aj is the parameter for the ratio of landings in the two time periods. Further details as to stock levels will be discussed under the subheading, Explanation of Variables. Equations of the Econometric Model In this section the equations of the model for processed salmon as depicted in Figure 3 will be formulated, with a detailed explanation of the important variables following the formulation of the equations. The supply equations indicate the amount of processed salmon supplied by wholesalers, with the annual salmon pack derived from the quantity of landings in year t. The single demand equation with the wholesale price of processed salmon is formulated in (1. 6). The system of equations for processed salmon is formulated as follows: 24 Supply: Kt = GQ+OJ^ + UJ Identity: (1.1) Qf = K +1 +E, ^St (1.2) = a1^2li (1.3) Ij t Identity: QStS= Q^ + ^t Equilibrium Condition: Demand: . (1.4) QStS = QSt P t - P 0 + P iQ t (1.5) + ^2(1.) + P MC 3 *% ' + P 4Nt + u 6 (1 6) - where Endogenous Variable ps = Wholesale price for canned salmon. For more than one species this will be a weighted average price (dollars per pound of processed salmon, deflated by the Consumers1 Price Index). Exogenous or Predetermined Variables E = Exports of canned salmon (millions of pounds of processed salmcm) I = Imports of canned salmon (millions of pounds of processed salmon) K = Salmon pack (millions of pounds of processed salmon) This variable does not include imports of canned salmon. L. = Landings of salmon (millions of pounds of fresh salmon) The value of this variable, it is assumed, is independent of current price, being largely biologically determined. 25 N = Populations of the United States. Includes military personnel and families living in the United States (millions) M = Quantities of canned meat and meat products federally inspected (millions of pounds) Q Q ^ Q g ss sd S Y = Quantity of canned salmon supplied, net of changes in inventories (millions of pounds of processed salmon) = Quantity of canned salmon supplied for consunaption (millions of pounds of processed salmon) = Quantity of canned salmon demand (millions of pounds of processed salmon) = An estimate of the change in stock levels of canned salmon (millions of pounds of processed salmon) = Disposable income of the United States (billions of dollars, deflated by CPI) The Oj's, (3.'s, and a denote the parameters for the system. The u.'s are the error terms for applicable equations. period is identified by the subscript t. The time The p.'.s are the parameters from which flexibilities with respect to price can be estimated. The subscripts r, p, and c will be used to identify variables that apply to Red, Pink, and Chum salmon when individual species are examined. Except for the weighted average wholesale price for all canned salmon, annual data will be used for all variables. Sufficient wholesale price quotations were not available to calculate annual averages for canned Chinook and Coho salmon. Therefore, opening wholesale prices for each species will be used to calculate the weighted average wholesale price. 26 Equations (1.2) and (1.4) are definitional equations. Imports a;nd exports, for purposes of this study, are assumed independent of current price. This assumption is discussed further on pages 28-31. Data on changes in stock levels from year to year are not in sufficient. quantities to be used in the analysis and must be estimated. procedure for estimating a given in Appendix B. The in equation (1.3) and calculating AS are g With the known quantity, Q , and the estimated change in the stock level from the previous year, AS , the quantity of processed salmon available for consumption, Q ss , can be obtained. Ordinary least squares (O. L. S. ) will be used to calculate estimates for the parameters of equations (1. 1) and (1.6). The following pages give a more detailed explanation of the variables included in the above model. Explanations of Variables and Justification for their Classification Quantity Supplied (Q ss ) The main source for canned salmon is the domestic landings taken each year. On p a g e 2 it was noted that canned salmon accounted for approximately 82 percent of the salmon landings. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that the amount of salmon canned is directly proportional to the quantity of salmon landed, and independent of the current price. Other forms by which salmon is marketed are fresh 27 and frozen, salted and cured, and smoked. Salmon entering these markets are usually caught by trolling gear as opposed to the net-type gear used for salmon to be canned. The primary fishing season for salmon extends from the months of May through October. The time and length of the season will vary from region to region, and also in accordance with existing government regulations regarding the number of days it is legal to catch salmon in each of the Pacific Coast fisheries. 14 For example, the ■* seasonal catch of Red salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska, may be taken within a two to three week period in July depending on the magnitude of the run and seasonal regulations set by government agencies. The season for Chinook and Coho in the Columbia River may run in excess of three months (7, pp. 12-14). Regardless of the number of fisher- men, types of gear, and length of the season, the annual run of salmon is the primary determinate of the quantity caught. Regulations are established to help insure that a sufficient number of adult salmon escape inland to spawning areas in order to replenish the natural stock for future years. Thus, for the combined reasons that (1) the quantity of salmon landed can b e reasonably assumed to be 14 Important agencies that regulate the fishing seasons and escapement of salmon in the Pacific Coast fisheries are the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, the Alaska and Washington Department of Fisheries, the Oregon Fish Commission, and the California Department of Fish and Game. S 28 | independent of current price, and (2) most salmon is sold in the canned form, the salmon pack is treated in this model as predetermined.. The quantity supplied of canned salmon, Q as predetermined in the model. ss , will be treated Imports, exports, and stocks of canned salmon will be discussed on the following pages. Imports (I) Imports of canned salmon do not represent a significant portion of the total supply in the United States because in recent years imports have declined to relatively insignificant amounts. During the late ^SO's imports of canned salmon represented 15-20 percent of the total canned supply; however, in recent years the percent of the total supply has been less than one. 15 Column 13, Table 4, Appen- dix A, shows the quantity of imports for canned salmon, Imports for the United States come wholly from Canada and Japan (18). { f i A breakdown of imports by species is not available from the Bureau of f Commercial Fisheries, but according to the Pacific Fisherman, im- j ports of Pink and Red salmon appear to be most prevalent. 15 Calculated from data published by the Bureau ol Commercial Fisheries (23, p. 47). 29 Possible factors affecting the amount of imports could be the relative price ratios between countries, domestic tariffs on canned salmon, and the quantity of domestic and foreign landings. It can be postulated that a larger quantity of domestically supplied salmon would cause prices and imports of canned salmon to be lower than for a smaller domestic supply. In the late ^SO's and I960, the annual packs were low causing prices and imports to be generally higher than in other years of the 21 year period. The above relation - ship can be seen by comparing Figures 4 and 5, and the wholesale prices in Table 3, Appendix A. The tariff on canned salmon was re- duced from 25 to 15 percent in 1952, and has remained at this percentage through 1967. The reduction in the tariff rate enabled prices of Canadian imports to compete with prices of American canned salmon (16). No doubt, the tariff reduction caused imports to increase considerably after 1952, but the sudden decrease after 1959 cannot be attributed to a tariff increase on canned salmon. The postulated relationship would still appear to be applicable because the general level of annual packs since 1961 as shown in Figure 4 increased over those in the late 1950ls. Since imports of canned salmon have not represented a significant percentage of the total supply for the 21 year period of analysis, the variable will be assumed independent of current price. 30 a,o o 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Year, 19 Figure 4. The imports of canned salmon for the United States, 1947-1967. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Year, 19 Figure 5. The pack of salmon for the United States, 1947-1967. Commercial Fisheries. Source: Bureau of 31 Exports (E) Exported quantities of canned salmon have shown significant increases since 1961. Column 14, Table 4, Appendix A, shows the amounts of exports since 1947. Since 1957, the annual average exports for canned salmon have been only nine percent of the total canned salmon supply. 16 Increased exports could be influenced by rising foreign demand caused by increased standards of living. One of the biggest foreign buyers of canned salmon is the United Kingdom, which specializes in purchases of Sockeye salmon. 17 Exports by species are not available from the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries; however, it can be assumed that Sockeye and Pink salmon are the two species that have the largest quantities exported. Exports will be treated as independent of the system, their magnitudes being determined largely by conditions in importing countries. Stock or Inventories (S) Changes in stocks of canned salmon from year to year influenced the quantity available for consumption. This is especially true for canned salmon since the preparation of the product makes for easy Calculated from data on canned salmon exports (25, p. 47). 17 It was reported in 19 64 that one particular British firm bought (from both the United States and Canada) one million cases of Sen 1eye salmon, about one-third of the world supply in that year (-1). 32 storage without the need for refrigeration. Carryover from season to season occurs because the product is non-perishable. 18 As previously mentioned, landings in year t-1 and the expected landings in year t are hypothesized to affect the level of carryover from year to year. Carryover stocks at the end of year t-1 are de- pendent upon prices in year t-1 and expected prices in year t. These, in turn, are partly dependent upon landings in years t-1 and t, respectively. As already explained, data are not available on carry- over stocks for years prior to 1964. Equation (1. 3), then, is simply an attempt to account for changes in carryover stocks in the econometric model. It is not truly a structural or behavioral equation but, rather, is included for completeness and ease of analysis. The cost of storage is also a consideration, and would be expected to have some influence on the level of inventories; however, for this analysis only landings of salmon in the previous and current years will be used to estimate stock levels. 19 The supply of processed salmon available for consumption can now be stated as: 18 19 Pack + Imports + Changes in Stocks - Exports = Carryover as of 1 July marks the theoretical opening of the canning year. Evidence of carryover from one season to the next is noted in publications of stock levels by the National Canners Association. See Appendix B for the estimation procedure for accounting for changes in stock levels. 33 Quantity Available for Consumption. This relationship can be adopted for any species of canned salmon as long as known or estimated quantities are available. As specified in equation (1.5), in equilibrium, the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded. Prices (Ps) The reason for using the wholesale price of canned salmon as the dependent variable was given in the Introduction and the relationship between wholesale and retail prices of canned salmon was discussed under the subheading, Limitations and Assumptions. In this section a discussion of the differentials between prices of species, and the ex-vessel price will be presented. The basis of price differentials for the species of salmon, Red, Pink, Chum, Coho, and Chinook, results mainly from consumer preference. This is based principally on color and oil content, and from the natural abundance of the respective varieties as related to consuming demand, with little or no distinction as to nutritive value or flavor. Thus the lower priced salmon packs are not inferior or less carefully prepared fish of the same kind, but are actually different varieties from the more expensive (17, p. 6). The higher priced canned salmon are Chinook, Sockeye, and Coho, with Pink a medium priced variety, and Chum the lowest priced variety. Wholesale prices for Sockeye, Pink, and Chum are tabulated in Table 2, Appendix A. Deflated wholesale prices for all five species 34 species are given in Table 3, Appendix A. It is assumed that relative differences in prices of the five species at the wholesale level are carried forward to the retail level; however, no complete series of retail prices are available for comparison. Although the ex-vessel price will not be used for this analysis, it is noteworthy to briefly explain how it is determined. Ex-vessel prices are determined prior to the opening of the season by negotiations between representatives of both fishermen's unions and processors. Once the price is established, it is the minimum that will be paid to fishermen for their catch throughout the season. The predicted magnitude of the salmon run for the forthcoming season would be expected to influence the negotiated prices for the season. Different pricing agreements occur in various coastal areas with rather complicated agreements being established between fishermen and processors. Ex-vessel prices are higher for salmon caught by trolling gear as opposed to purse seines and gillnets. Trolling is of some importance as a measure of catching salmon for the fresh, frozen, and cured markets, but salmon taken by this method is rarely canned due in large part to the high cost of this type of fishing (18, p. 18). The conclusion can be made that troll-caught fish are excluded from this analysis because these enter the fresh and cured markets. 35 In summary, the basic characteristics of ex-vessel prices are: (1) established prior to the opening of the commercial fishing season, and (2) the accepted minimum price that will be paid to fishermen. The ex-vessel pricing arrangement is contrasted with wholesale and retail prices of salmon which are not negotiated. Quantity Demanded (Q sd 20 ) For the analysis, quantity demanded is that which is supplied from the wholesale level of the market. The amount supplied is treated as a predetermined variable which would also allow the quantity demanded to be predetermined in the demand equation. A negatively sloped demand curve for processed salmon can be assumed which would identify an inverse relationship between price and quantity of processed salmon. This is best illustrated by the graphical relationship in Figure 6. 20 An unpublished paper by the author (25) advanced the hypothesis that due to the concentration of processors of salmon in the fish processing industry, wholesale prices may be controlled to some degree by the large processing firms in the industry. Evidence of this was noted by the announcement of the same opening prices for the salmon pack by two or more of the large processing firms. The wholesale level and processors were treated as one and the same. 36 Price D-retail Quantity Figure 6.. The relationship between the price and quantity of processed salmon at the wholesale and retail market levels. The wholesale and retail demand curves are assumed to be parallel. For a particular quantity, Q, the wholesale and retail prices are assumed to be P and P , separated by a constant margin as implied by assumption four, page 18. The demand from the whole- sale level would be a result of a derived demand at the retail or consumer level. As implied in Figure 6, increases or decreases in the quantity of processed salmon would cause both prices to decrease and increase, respectively. Other variables affecting demand held constant. A statement by McGowan indicates that quantity of salmon demanded may not be limited by consumer acceptance, but by the limitation of the salmon resource. 37 The volume of canned salmon consumed in the U.S. is not limited by lack of acceptance of the product in the market, but rather by the limitations of the resource and conservation requirements. Canned salmon has demonstrated that it responds well to retail price features. If continuing research points the way to improved resource management, there is no reason that increased quantities of canned salmon cannot be successfully marketed, provided costs are kept in line with competing seafoods products and other protein foods (15, p. 217). The viewpoint of McGowan suggests a similar relationship to quantities and prices for canned salmon as depicted in Figure 6. Implica- tions from the above statement seem to indicate that larger quantities of canned salmon will be accepted by consumers providing prices arc able to be adjusted to meet the larger quantities and not forced upward by increasing costs. A negative relationship is expected to exist between the wholesale price and quantity of canned salmon in the demand equation, (1. 6). Income (Y) Y Pe:-: capita disposable income, — , and disposable income, Y, will be used to measure the effects of income on prices. Equation Y (1. 6) shows only — as the income variable; however, Y will be substituted into different variations of the basic demand equation when regressions are run. Both approaches should give an indication as 38 to the effects of income on prices of processed salmon. 21 A positive relation should exist between income and prices unless the wholesale price of processed salmon is decreasing relative to increases in income. Y Both Y and — will be treated as independent of the system. With price as the dependent variable, estimates for the income elasticity of processed salmon cannot be calculated with any accuracy. Previous research for fish products indicated that per capita consumption of fish does not increase with rises in per capita income (2). A study by Purcell and Raunikar (19) in Atlanta, Georgia, indi- cated that the per family consumption of salmon increased as inconae rose, but after 6000 dollars annual income, the per family consumption of salmon declined. Substitutes (M) Salmon in all its forms is essentially a protein food. As such it must be marketed as a substitute for certain protein bearing foods 21 Y Aggregate disposable income is equal to (N« —) or Y. For the demand equation, the partial derivative of price with respect to Y would be >£, = b., other variables constant, and where b^ is the coefficient °* for Y. For Y , aggregate disposable income, Y, is deflated by population. The^ partial derivative with respect to _ would be__9j__ = hi, other variables constant, and where b. J J N 9(Y/N) is the coefficient for Y/N. 39 common to the diet of the average household (6, p. 108). Other canned fish products such as tuna would be expected to serve as direct substitutes also. 22 Therefore, canned tuna may well be in- fluential in determining the price of salmon. Using ordinary least squares to estimate the parameters in a single demand equation with the quantity of canned tuna as a substitute would not be justified because the price of canned salmon and the quantity of canned tuna consumed would depend on each other. as endogenous. Both would have to be classified This would then require more than one equation to specify the demand function for canned salmon. The following two equations serve as an illustration. ps =p0 + ^Q86 + p2Y +p3Mt + p4N + u7 (1.7) M* = V0 + ^p* + Y2ps + u8 (1.8) Prices of canned tuna and salmon are p and p8, respectively. and Q M1 are the quantities of canned tuna and salmon, and Y and N are the income and population, respectively. The (3 .'s and y.'s are the parameters of the two equations with the u.'s, the error term associated with each equation. 22 For illustrative purposes, those If a consumer was not particular as to whether salmon or tuna was used in a fish loaf, price of the commodity would certainly be a factor in determining which was purchased. 40 variables other than ps and M* in the equations can be classified as exogenous or predetermined to the system. In reality the quantity demanded of salmon may well depend on the price of tuna; however, to simplify the demand function to a single equation as specified in the model, the quantity of canned meat and meat products will be used to measure the cross-flexibility with respect to the price of processed salmon. The relationship between canned meat and pro- cessed salmon is unknown, whereas processed salmon and canned tuna are both fish products, it can be hypothesized that each is a substitute for the other in consumption which is an argument for a multiple equation demand function rather than a single equation function. If a positive relationship exists between the price of salmon and the quantity of canned meat, the meat could be classified as a substitute for processed salmon. If a negative relationship occurs, the two commodities could be complementary to each other. For canned tuna, a positive relationship would be expected between the price of processed salmon and the quantity of canned tuna because one is hypothesized to be a substitute for the other. meat, the relationship is unknown at this point. For canned The quantity of canned meat and meat products will be exogenous to the demand equation. 41 Population j[N) The population of the United States is included in the demand equation to note its effects on the price of processed salmon. The population of the United States has been steadily increasing for the period of analysis as noted in Table 4, Appendix A. Figure 7 is aid in explaining the expected relationship of population with population with price and quantity of processed salmon. Price Quantity of Processed Salmon Figure 7. The affects of population on prices of processed salmon For simplicity purposes, assume in Figure 7 that population consists of one person with a demand function, D . of processed salmon consumed at P, is Q,. The quantity Suppose the population increases by one person who has a demand function identical to that of the original person, where OQ.. = Q Q . Therefore, the demand function for the population is now D , and the quantity demanded at P is Q2; however, if quantity available for consumption does not 42 increase and remains at Q , then the price for Q to increase to P . would be expected For salmon, the effects of population on the price in a specific year will be influenced by the quantity supplied for consumption in that year. In addition, to using the population as a single variable in the demand equation, an additional demand equation will be analyzed with the quantity demanded of processed salmon multiplied by the population, (Qs • N). The partial derivative of price with respect to quantity will then allow for the effects of quantity on price to be evaluated at a specific population. Results of the equation are given in Table 3, page 46. Summary of the Model Equations (1. 1) through (1. 4) of the model identify those variables that are responsible for determining the supply of processed salmon from the wholesale level of the market. The size of the annual pack is hypothesized to be directly influenced by the landings of the same year, and is the major factor that contributes to the domestic supply. Imports, changes in stock levels, and exports are the remaining factors that determine the supply available to consumers. The quantity supplied is then equal to the quantity demanded as noted by equilibrium conditions in. (1. 5). The basic demand equation for processed salmon with the expected signs for the parameters is as follows: 43 pS = p0 -P1Qsd+P2 |- + P3MC+P4N + u (1.9) The equation as shown would be expected to maintain the same relationship between parameters when examining individual species as well as the aggregate quantity of processed salmon. Prices and income will be deflated by the Consumers1 Price Index (CPI) to account for inflationary movements of prices and incomes. As noted by Footer If we have reason to believe that a doubling of all prices and incomes variables has no effect on consumption, effects of the general price level should be allowed by deflation, that is, by dividing each price, income, or marketing margin variable by a variable such as the Bureau of Labor Statistical Consumers' Price Index (9, p. 27). 44 STATISTICAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS Supply Equations (1. 1) through (1.4) of the supply-demand model estimate the quantity of canned salmon available for consumption. Data for the supply variables were available from printed sources except stock levels which had to be estimated. 23 Equation (1. 1) implies the hypothesis that the quantity of landings, not the current price of salmon, determines the annual salmon pack. To test this hypothesis, the quantity of the annual pack for Pink, Sockeye, and Chum was regressed against the annual landings for these three species. Parameters of (1.9) were estimated by ordinary least squares. K prC = 15. 046 + 0.579 L ; R2 = 0. 922 (14.571) prC (1.9) The annual pack and landings of the three species are noted by K and L. The coefficient of determination, R , equals 0. 922 which means that 92.2 percent of the variation in the salmon pack is explained by 23 Data for canned imports and exports for individual species are hot available from the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. It is assumed that both factors account for only small changes in the amount available for consumption. In the analysis of the individual species only the pack and estimated stock levels will be considered as affecting supply. 45 the quantity of landings. The large t value in parenthesis indicates the relationship is statistically significant at the one percent level. Pink, Sockeye, and Chum averaged 91. 9 percent of the total pack of salmon from 1960-1967, and can be assumed to have maintained a similar percentage for the years 1947 to I960. The result of the regression analysis substantiates the hypothesis that the pack of salmon is independent of the current price of salmon, and is directly influenced by the quantity of landings. Table 1, Appendix B, shows estimates of the stock levels obtained by the function in equation (1. 3) for the years 19 65-1968. Demand All Canned Salmon Equations a through e in Table 3 show the results of the statistical analysis for all canned salmon with price as the dependent variable. Four of the five equations had negative signs for the co- efficients of Qs and R. The capital letter R will be used to denote the ratio Ltt" 1 . This would mean an inverse relationship exists Lt between the quantity of canned salmon and the price which is consistent with a priori reasoning. A negative relationship was still main- tained between price and quantity by using per capita data as noted in equation d. For equations a through d, price flexibilities calculated Table 3. Equation Number Regression results for canned salmon with price as the dependent variable. Species Constant Only. Canned Salmon ,sd P.C. Canned Salmon Canned Salmon w/o R 0Sd/N T.l.D. Inc. »sd 0 -N Y/N Agg.D. Inc. Y Qnty. Canned Meat MC P.C. Canned Tuna MVN Qnty. Canned Tuna M1 U.S. Population All -0.00072 (-1.355) -0.243 0.00013 (0.666) 0.443 -0.00004 (-0.365) -0.163 -0.00039 (-0.095) -0.230 b All -0.00087 (-1.252) -0. 327* -0.01856 0.00013 (-0.228) (0.638) 0.444 -0.00007 (-0.597) -0.287 -0.00005 (-0.077) -0.017 c All -0.00022 -0.00119 9.00066 (-0.020) (2.236) 2.251 -0.00007 (-0.586) -0.285 (-1.614) -0.072* d All e All f g Chum PinV & Chum -0.00005 (-0.188) -0.171 -0.10967 (-0.861) -0.249 0.54537 0.56974 0.00204 (0. 706) 0.778 -0.00815 0.00055 (0. 773) 0.298 -0.00403 (-3.456) -0.627* -0.09337 0.000007 (-3.591) (0.048) 0.031 -0.00013 (-1.381) -0.691 0.00214 (0.704) 0.892 0.00005 (1.179) 0.115* 0.04267 0.00002 (1.369) (0.090) -0.00002 (-0.149) -0.095 0.0014O (0. 368) 0.525 -0.05673 -0.00009 (-2.288) (-0.640) -0.241 0.000009 (0.114) 0.029 0.00251 (0.897) 0.630 0.080 h Sodteye -0.00072 (-1.280) -0.150* i Sockeye -0.00240 0.000013 (-0.587) (0.572) -0.195 0.182 -0.00039 (-0. 734) -0.182 Note: The coefficients of the equations show arithmetic relationships. Price is in dollars per pound. Quantities for Q5", Qs, (Qsc** N), M0, M1 are in millions of pounds. S( Q VN', MVN are in pounds. Y/N is in dollars. Y is in billions of dollars. N is in millions, and R is a simple ratio. t-values are in parentheses. Flexibilities with respect to price are calculated at the mean values and are directly beneath the t-values in the Table. * Pcjce flexibilities calculated at the mean values are adjusted for stock levels, where Q ** R is the coefficient of detemiination. = 0+a R C = 18 C = 18 -0. 07924 (-2.447) -0.00903 (-0.534) -0.01240 (-0.389) 0.01484 (0.628) -2.606 -0.00300 (-0.026) -0.009 0.00003 (0.053) 0.018 -0.000017 (-1.034) -1.159 Cos(ct)0 N a (-0. 852) Sin(ct)0 0.00040 (0. 989) 0.170 ^^ 47 at the mean values ranged from -0. 072 to -0. 327. For example, the flexibility of equation Is indicates that a ten percent increase in volume (quantity demanded) would result in only a 3. 3 percent reduction in price. Therefore, the results of the analysis would indicate that gross receipts are greater with increases in the quantity demanded, or with decreased quantity, gross receipts decline. As noted in equation a, with the exclusion of stocks from the equation decreases in the price of canned salmon would be less with increases in volume. According to Houck (12) the inverse of the price flexibility establishes a minimum estimate for the price elasticity. For equation b, the estimated price elasticity is -3.4 which would indicate that the demand for canned salmon is elastic. Four of the five equations for all salmon indicated a positive relationship between income and price. Using equation ID as an example, the income flexibility calculated at the means indicates that a ten percent increase in income would increase the price ot canned salmon 4. 5 percent for given values of all other variables. A negative relation exists between the quantity of canned meat and meat products and the price of canned salmon. As noted in equation b, a ten percent increase in the quantity of meat demanded would be associated with a 2. 9 percent decline in the price of canned salmon. However, t-values are too low to preclude the 1i i 48 rejection of the hypothesis that the coefficients are zero. ^ j Equations d and e were included to note the effects of the quantity of canned tuna on the price of canned salmon. ; A negative relationship for canned tuna in equation <d existed using per capita data, and a positive relationship occurred using aggregate quantities in equation e. A priori reasoning as discussed on pages 39 and 40 would indicate that a positive relationship should exist between the i price of canned salmon and the quantity of canned tuna. . The negative sign of the coefficient for canned tuna in equation d would not reject the hypothesis that the two commodities are substitutes because the I j t-value is low which would preclude any conclusions from being made. i The inverse relationship of the population with price indicates that increases in population do not cause the price of canned salmon to increase. The variable, (Qs . N) was included in equation e_ to measure the effects of the quantity of canned salmon on price at a designated population, N. The relationship would then allow the effects of quantity on the salmon price to be evaluated at a specific population. 24 25 25 From the discussion about population beginning on With 15 degrees of freedom, t-values have to be at least 1.753 and 1. 341 to be significant at the 10 and 20 percent levels. The partial derivature of price with respect to quantity for this expression would be of the form — ^ = bi + b2S(j(N); where b-^ is the coefficient for Qsd, bz the 9Q coefficient for Qsd. N). 49 page 41, a negative demand curve would be expected. The results of equation _e show a negative relation between price and quantity when the cross-product term is taken into consideration. The variables in equations b and £ are the same except for the sine and cosine functions in equation^. The inclusion of sine and co- sine functions was designed to account for variables which might have had a systematic influence on price but which had not been ineluded in the model. With an increase in the R 2 statistic, the size of the coefficients and corresponding t-values of all variables c except M were changed; however, the signs remained the same. Individual Species Three of the four equations in Table 3 show negative relationships between the price and quantity of the individual species. Only the coefficient for the quantity of Pink and Chum taken together shov/s a positive sign. As shown in equation_f and h> results of the price flexibilities taken at the mean values indicate that a ten percent increase in the quantity demanded of Chum and Sockeye would reduce price only 6.3 and 1.5 percent, respectively. Therefore, total revenues would increase for all three species with increases in quantity demanded. Both positive and negative relationships occur between prices and income for the individual species. In all equations the t-values 50 are such that one cannot reject the hypothesis that the coefficients are equal to zero. Conclusions as to the effects of income on prices of the individual species are not possible. The cross-price flexibilities with canned meat are negative in all cases except for Sockeye. The negative relationship is con- sistent with that obtained for all canned salmon. For example, the cross-price flexibility for Chum calculated at the means, shows that a ten percent increase in the quantity of canned meat would decrease the price of canned Chum by 6. 9 percent. The price of canned Sockeye showed a positive relationship with the quantity of canned tuna (equation^) which would substantiate the hypothesis that canned salmon and tuna are substitutes in the market. The effects of population on the price of the individual species are positive, which would be in agreement with the a priori reasoning put forth on pages 41 and 42. For Sockeye salmon, for example, a ten percent increase in population would increase price to 6. 3 percent, as noted in equation h. The t-values for the population variable of the equations i_ through h are not large enough to reject the hypothesis that the coefficients are different from zero, which would allow little confidence to be placed on the results. The quantity of canned tuna in equations ^andj^ was included to observe its effect on the R^ statistic. To treat tuna as independent 51 of the price of canned salmon and maintain a single equation demand model would be contrary to the argument put forth earlier in this paper. The correlation matrices between variables for the important equations of Table 3 are listed in the tables of Appendix C. Quantity of Canned Salmon as the Dependent Variable By using the quantity of canned salmon as the dependent variable in place of price, more significant results occur. The whole- sale price of canned salmon now becomes an explanatory variable with the other variables on the right hand side of the demand equation. Under the present classification, both the price and quantity of canned salmon would be endogenous, requiring multiple equations to be used in the demand model. For this example, price will be temporarily assumed to be exogenous so that a single demand equation can be analyzed to illustrate the improved t and R^ statistics with the quantity of canned salmon as the dependent variable. (2.1) Qsd = 477. 105 - 124. 078 ps - 0. 045 (~) + 1. 004 pm (-1.363) (-0.590) (1.293) -0.325 -0.402 0.481 _ R2 .sd Q - 1. 290 N (-1.270) -1.083 = 0..747 (2.2) = 1.513 - 0.442ps - 0. 001 (-^-) + 0. 05 Ipt + 0. 007pmiP N (-0.933) (-4.165) (3.973) (1.585) -0.195 -1.173 0.559 0.573 R2 = 0.915 52 The first equation expresses the variables in aggregate quanY titles, except for the per capita disposable income, — . The price index for all meat, Pm, was used in place of the quantity of canned meat. Population is identified as N. Equation (2. 2) expresses per capita quantities with the wholesale price of canned tuna and the consumer price index for meat, fish, and poultry, P , added as an explanatory variable. Prices and incomes are deflated by the Consumer Price Index. The t-values are noted in parenthesis and the elasticities calculated at the mean values are directly beneath the t-values. Results of both equations are similar indicating negative results for both price and income coefficients, and positive relationships with the prices of canned tuna and other meats. Research-by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries identified single demand equations for canned salmon similar to equation (2.2). Per capita consumption of canned salmon was used as the dependent variable with the wholesale price of canned salmon, per capita income, the wholesale price of canned tuna, and the Consumer Price Index for meat, poultry, and fish as explanatory variables. The results of the regression using ordinary least squares were 26 The results of selected canned salmon equations were received by a letter (dated July 7, 1969) from Darrel A. Nash, Chief, Branch of Demand and Marketing Research, Bureau of Commer cial Fisheries, College Park, Maryland. 53 similar to those obtained in equation (2.2). (2. 2), the quantity of canned salmon Q estimated change in stock levels, S. sd For equations (2. 1) and is a function of Q s and the This quantity of canned sal- mon may be different than used for research done by the Bureau. 54 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In the introduction three objectives were set forth to be accomplished in this research project. Each will be discussed as to degree of accomplishment in this research. A supply-demand model was developed. First, those factors that contribute to the supply of canned salmon available for consumption were examined. The domestic landings of salmon are the most important source from which the pack is made. It was determined that approximately 82 percent of the total landings are processed into the canned form for marketing to the consumer. Imports of canned salmon during the 1947-67 period were never more than 20 percent of the total supply, and in recent years have dropped to less than one percent. Exports have increased but amount to only an average of nine percent of the total supply since 1957. Since chang- es in stock levels were not available, a variable to estimate the levels in year t wa.s postulated to be a function of the ratio of landings in the previous year, t-1, with the landings for the current year, t. The quantity of canned salmon available for consumption then becomes a function of: (1) the pack, (2) imports, (3) changes in stock levels, and (4) exports. In the demand equation the wholesale price for canned salmon •was used as the dependent variable. The basic reason for classifying 55. the price as dependent was that the nature of the supply of salmon was predetermined and not affected by the current price. Factors designated as affecting the price were the quantity of canned salmon demanded, which in equilibrium equalled the quantity supplied, the per capita disposable income, the quantity of canned meat and meat products, and the United States population. Coefficients for the demand equation expressed flexibilities with respect to price rather than elasticities as generally associated with identifying quantity as the dependent variable. Price flexibili- ties calculated at the mean values for all canned salmon indicated that a ten percent increase in volume would reduce price by a lesser percentage. Signs of the coefficients for Sockeye and Chum were also negative which indicated that a quantity increase would cause total receipts to increase. Pink and Chum together showed a positive relationship between price and quantity. For increases in the supply of canned salmon, total revenues would appear to increase, and with decreases in supply, the percentage change in price would be smaller causing total revenues to decline. The hypotheses that the demand for canned salmon is elastic cannot be rejected as a result of the study. For all equations except for Sockeye, income showed a positive effect on the price. Therefore, it can be concluded that as disposable income increases, the price of canned salmon will also increase. 1 56 .; ■...■'. . Ho\vever, calculated values of the t statistics were low. t I Negative cross-flexibilities of canned salmon with canned ■ i ' meat would indicate that two products are not substitutes for each other. The t-values were not large enough to allow for the rejection of the hypothesis that the coefficients were different from zero; however, it is possible to put forth the hypothesis that canned salmon and canned meat and meat products are not substitutes for each other. For all canned salmon, a negative relationship existed between the price and population. j From this it would appear that population increases do not cause increases in prices of canned salmon taken in il i i aggregation. For individual species, positive relationships existed; f however, the t values for the population coefficients were not significant which would allow little confidence to be placed in the results. The results of this research would indicate that the salmon industry would benefit by maximizing output. Increased volume of canned salmon would cause prices to decrease by a smaller percentage which would cause total revenues to increase. The conser- vation and restrictions associated with limiting the exploitation of the salmon resource would appear to dampen the efforts to increase the volume of canned salmon produced in the short run. It would appear that increases in volume would occur only through the 57 fluctuations in the natural runs of salmon each season; however if in the long-run conservation leads to increases in the overall level of catch, then the industry may benefit from the larger output. McGowen (15) noted in his paper that consumption of canned salmon responded well to price features which would give further evidence that larger quantities can be marketed if prices are adjusted accordingly. . One might argue that further research on the demand for salmon should use a multiple equation approach to specify the demand function. Perhaps a more significant and realistic result would be obtained with this type of approach. For example, with the price of salmon as the dependent variable and the quantity df tuna as one of the explanatory variables, both would be classified as endogenous and require at least two equations for the demand model. With multiple equations the technique of simultaneous equation could be used to obtain estimates for the parameters of the equations. Intraseasonal analysis would allow variations in demand for processed salmon to be identified for shorter periods within a year. As noted in Table 2, page 22, monthly wholesale prices of canned Pink salmon show some variation which could be assumed to be attributed in some degree to changes in demand for the commodity. 58 As noted by Purcell and Raunikar (19) in their study, differences in consumption levels for salmon were observed throughout the year. The use of an intraseasonal demand approach would appear to be a step closer to reality. 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. All canned fish freed of price control. 51(4):59. 1953. Pacific Fisherman 2. Bell, Frederick W. Economic and institutional factors affecting the demand for fish and shellfish. In: The future of the fishing industry of the United States. Seattle, 1968. p. 185190. (University of Washington. Publications in Fisheries, new ser., vol. 4). 3. Bell, Frederick W. and Jared E. Hazleton (eds. ). Recent developments and research in fisheries economics. New York, Oceana, 1967. 233 p. 4. Chairman of John West i'oods comments on salmon prices. Pacific Fisherman 63(9): 24. 1965. 5. Cooley, Richard A. Politics and conservation. Harper and Row, 1963. 230 p. 6. DeLoach, Daniel B. The salmon canning industry. Oregon State College, 1939. 118 p. 7. Gregory, Homer E. and Kathleen Barnes. North Pacific fisheries. New York, Haddon Craftsmen, 1939. 322 p. 8. Ferguson, C. E. Microeconomic theory. Richard D. Irwin, 1966. 439 p. 9- Foote, Richard J. Analytical tools for studying demand and price structure. Washington, D. C., 1958. 217 p. (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Agriculture Handbook no. 146). New York, Corvallis, Honaewood, Illinois, 10. The analysis of demand for farm products. Washington, D. C., 1953. 99 p. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Technical Bulletin no. 1081). 11. Fox, Karl A. Intermediate economic statistics. John Wiley, 1968. 5 68 p. 12. Houck, James P. The relationship of direct price flexibilities to direct price elasticities. Journal of Farm Economics 47:789-792. 1965. New York, 60 13. Idyll, Clarence P. The incredible salmon. graphic Magazine 134:195-219. 1968. 14. Initial prices for canned salmon. 48(13): 155. 1968. 15. McGowan, John S. Past, present, and future for canned fish. In: The future of the fishing industry of the United States. Seattle, 1968. p. 216-220. (University of Washington. Publications in Fisheries, new ser., vol^ 4). 16. Markets, salmon. 17. Pacific fisherman's canned fish hand-i-book. Fisherman 48(2): 224 (p. 1-32). 1950. 18. National Geo- National Fisherman Pacific Fisherman 51(2): 141. 1953. In: Pacific fisherman's canned fish hand-i-book. 3d ed. Pacific Fisherman 59(10): 24-57 (p. 1-32). 1961. Pacific In: 19. Purcell, J. C. and Robert Raunikar. Analysis of demand for fish and shellfish. Georgia Station, 1968. 37 p. (University of Georgia. College of Agriculture Experiment Stations. Research Bulletin 51). 20. Sosnick, Stephen H. Orderly marketing for Ca lifornia avocados. Hilgardia 33:707-772. 1962. 21. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Canned fish consumer purchases. Washington, D.C., Oct., 1958-Sept., 1959. Various paging. (Fishery Leaflet no. 47 8 a-k). 22. Fisheries of the United States. Washington, D. C., 1966. 75 p. Vol. 4400. 23. Fisheries of the United States. Washington, D. C.,1967. 101 p. Vol. 4700. 24. Waugh, Frederick V. and Virgil J. Norton. Some analyses of fish prices. Washington, D.C, 1969. 194 p. (U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Working Paper no. 22). 25. Wood, William R. The market structure of the salmon industry. Paper presented for a seminar class on industrial organization and antitrust economics, Corvallis, Oregon State University, May 2 6, 19 69. APPENDICES 62 Table 1. The proportion of total salmon landings that were marketed in the canned form for the period 1960-1968. Quantity Quantity of of Landings Pack Difference Percentage Pack is of Landings Millions of pounds 1960 235.5 206.9 28.6 87.9 1961 310.4 269.9 40.5 87.0 1962 314.5 277.5 37.0 88.2 1963 294. 1 240.5 53.6 81.8 1964 352.3 274.4 77.9 77.9 1965 326.9 265.3 61.6 81.2 1966 387.5 318. 1 69.4 82. 1 1967 206.4 151.6 64.8 73.4 303.4 250.5 52.9 82.5 Average Note: To convert a pound of canned salmon to a representative pound of salmon at landing a factor of 1. 522 is used. This factor was found to be reliable by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. Source: Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. 63 Table 2. Opening and annual average wholesale prices for a standard case of canned Pink, Sockeye and Chum salmon for the period 1947-1967. ____^ Pink Sockeye Chum Opening Annual Opening Annual Opening Annual . Average Average Aversgn Dollars per Standard Case 18.10 1947 17.39 23.55 25.14 17.50 16.52 1948 22.50 22.08 26.50 26.42 21.00 19.44 1949 16.00 19.98 25.80 25.65 15.00 16.31 1950 23.00 18.25 28.50 28.65 20.55 16.38 1951 21.00 21.00 30.00 30.92 18.00 18.83 1952 19.00 20.25 28.50 30.20 16.00 16.85 1953 18.00 19.25 27.00 27.69 14.00 15.09 1954 20.00 19.39 28.50 27.39 15.00 14.83 1955 22.50 21.90 31.00 30.15 18.00 17.36 1956 23.50 23.06 33.50 33.28 21.00 20.78 1957 23.00 23.36 33.50 33.57 20.00 19.89 1958 21.00 22.48 34.00 33.63 17.00 17.17 1959 24.50 23.04 36.50 35.17 21.00 18.98 1960 . 24.50 25.13 36.50 36.66 22.50 22.38 1961 28.00 27.97 35.50 35.48 25.50 25.14 1962 24.50 27.38 34.00 35.05 23.00 24.87 1963 23.00 24.04 37.00 36.05 21.00 20.28 1964 21.00 22.03 39.00 38. 90 18.00 19.63 1965 27.00 23.40 36.00 38.65 22.50 19.53 1966 28.00 28.33 36.50 36. 20 25.00 24.28 1967 30.50 28.92 39.50 40.31 26.50 25.76 Note: A standard case consists of 48 one-pound cans of canned salmon. Opening prices are usually announced in August or September of each year by the large processing firms that can salmon. Source: Pacific Fisherman ■ 64 Table 3. Deflated wholesale and retail prices for a 16 ounce can of salmon, 1947 to 1967. Wholesale Prices (Seattle Pricing Point) Weighted Average Chinook Coho Sockeye Retail Price (Avg. of 46 cities) Chum & Pink Chum Pink Pink Dollars per Pound 1947 0.522 0.640 0.563 0.645 0.440 0.423 0.445 0.522 1948 0.567 0.591 0.391 0.624 0.493 0.459 0.521 0.622 1949 0.451 0.566 0.529 0.630 0.475 0.401 0.491 0.669 1950 0.575 0.558 0.498 0.695 0.418 0.398 0.443 0.555 1951 0.499 0.568 0.546 0.675 0.443 0.411 0.459 0.648 1952 0.462 0.537 0.461 0.648 0.396 0.361 0.435 0.575 1953 0.437 0.523 0.436 0.604 0.383 0.328 0.419 0.552 1954 0.468 0.546 0.502 0.599 0.370 0.324 0.423 0.546 1955 0.539 0.620 0.577 0.668 0.464 0.385 0.485 0.595 1956 0.590 0.616 0.627 0.732 0.488 0.457 0.507 0.637 1957 0.550 0.607 0.586 0.715 0.461 0.423 0.498 0.639 1958 0.489 0.583 0.562 0.688 0.420 0.351 0.459 0.616 1959 0.581 0.613 0.633 0.731 0.444 0.394 0.479 0.618 1960 0.618 0.647 0.637 0.753 0.489 0.460 0.517 0.654 1961 0.625 0.630 0.619 0.720 0.555 0.511 0.568 0.724 1962 0.539 0.624 0.624 0.705 0.537 0.500 0.550 0.738 1963 0.513 0.604 0.604 0.715 0. 462 0.402 0.477 0.675 1964 0.480 0.587 0.597. 0.761 0.418 0.384 0.431 1965 0.610 0.584 0.565 0.740 0.429 0.374 0.449 1966 0.555 0.556 0.547 0.660 0.500 0.443 0.517 1967 0.615 0.551 0.597 0.680 0.502 0.466 0.523 Mean 0.535 0.588 0.567 0.685 0.459 0.412 0.480 0.623 Note: Both wholesale and retail prices are deflated by the Consumers' Price Index for food. The v/eighted average price is obtained from opening prices for the five species. Chinook and Coho are quoted opening prices, other prices are annual averages. Source: Pacific Fisherman, Bureau of Labor Statistics Table 4. The quantity of landings, pack, foreign trade, and per capita consumption of canned salmon for the period 1947-1967. 1 Total 2 3 4 Landings of Salmoi1 Chinook Coho Sockeye 5 6 7 8 Chum Total Chinook Pink 498.0 403.9 431.6 328.7 374. 2 352.2 313.0 324.6 289.9 324.3 265.2 307.5 201.6 235.5 310.4 314.5 294.1 352.3 326.9 387.5 206.4 53.2 46.1 39.6 36.6 43.2 40.8 39.2 36.4 42.8 38.2 30.5 27.6 27.4 24.1 27.0 25.1 27.2 28.8 29.3 27.2 27.2 Mean 325.8 34.2 33.1 41.0 40.8 40.2 52.1 44.4 28.7 31.6 28.7 29.7 26.8 23.3 20.2 13.7 23.2 27.8 28.1 38.1 38.5 38.8 34.2 157.0 124.5 78.0 91.5 66.2 110.1 83.3 91.7 57.6 94.2 67.5 67.8 53.8 95.3 103.6 58.0 43.4 57.3 148.1 102.0 64.7 32.8 86.5 Source: Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Coho Sockeye 11 12 Pink Chum Mi llions of Pounds M illions of Pounds 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 9 10 -Pack of Salmon- «■■• — — •• 191.5 113.4 273.2 85.8 147.6 79.5 97.2 88.7 128.2 102.2 71.7 120.8 61.7 52.6 108.5 143.3 156.6 162.3 79.7 163.0 48.3 58.2 78.9 52.7 74.6 65.1 77.4 64.6 76.2 32.6 60.0 68.7 68.0 38.5 49.8 48.1 60.3 38.8 65.8 31.3 56.5 32.0 117.9 57.1 269.6 230.6 264.7 206.6 222.3 213.4 186.7 199.1 157.3 167.9 153.5 178.9 117.8 135.7 177.1 182.3 157.7 180.3 174.3 209.0 99.6 16.9 16.3 10.0 10.0 11.8 7.8 7.6 6.2 8.5 7.9 6.8 6.6 6.0 4.8 5.5 5.6 4.6 4.6 6.3 4.0 4.4 185.0 7.7 14.7 17.3 13.3 18.8 22.4 19.5 9.9 10.3 10.0 9.0 9.8 7.3 9.1 4.4 7.9 7.6 7.9 10.5 9.0 9.9 6.7 92.4 83.4 51.6 61.8 44.9 67.5 55.8 63.5 36.0 56.8 46.2 45.6 35.4 63.2 69.2 40.2 29.1 37.3 98.0 66.5 41.5 112.9 62.8 155.3 52.7 96.1 56.5 67.0 55.3 80.4 57.4 46.3 75.3 39.4 32.9 65.0 92.9 93.9 93.1 45.6 99.3 29.6 11.2 55.7 71.9 14 13 Foreign Trade of Canned Salmon Imports 15 Per Capita Consumption Canned Salmon Exports Millions of Pounds Pounds 32.7 50.8 34.5 63.3 47.1 62.1 46.4 63.8 22.4 37.0 44.4 44.1 27.9 30.4 29.5 36.0 22.2 34.8 15.4 29.3 17.4 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.6 9.5 12.2 11.3 13.0 28.8 24.4 29.2 31.2 19.1 7.2 6.8 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.1 61.6 2.6 12.8 1.7 2.1 1.4 2.3 7.2 10.4 5.2 6.7 9.2 13.8 11.9 7.2 9.0 10.2 20.9 24.9 20.5 20.5 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.5 37.7 9.4 12.5 1.1 "8 c E a ■o i t i" v •fl c CO N o cu jj o- 0 a o 4) fl (U rt ^ rt rt rt 0) o S3 &3 6& 8,18 4" HI T3 *? -2 ~ « < Q V? 5a u ^ 0 TS i a s ■§ 2 S -O ■Z o 4D oooooootniotM<om^ot^m'r-icM ir> O ^ 10 O t^ oo O *-t & O CTt fo ^H vo ,-, ro VH t^rotoroOWr')f')tr)'*COO^roM< _ t^-OOOOOOCTsfflClOiO^aiOlOOO O rOfsIt^.OO-^'^-lVOTfOt^OOtHtOTj'lOVO'rtTl'OOCMCM T-ioo'*miot-»tJi<0'*Tl,r^«-40»HrjfomioooTj'in ooooooooc^<TiaiOia>aiCT>oooooooo»H-M oot^miovowoorotvrocoO'Omiooo^fOcMTf'O cot^'^t^-»-too^-*oofOioooot^t^ot,xioLo^<[or^ »-iO^-iOtHO>-iOCMOO»-i>-iO»-iO>-iOfMO^H ■r-< a^ o CM ■* (O O —i io CJ ai o\ o\ co m in c^ oo CM ffl in-^oor^inio^fuiinoco in in O CM in o t^ foa»<^oo^^itxooc\ vo r-~ o oo o •r-ii-HOcvJOt-<OOT-*0>-iOvHOOO-»HO<MOrsJ ■^ o o 9 ■cit<wvocMrJ^(Moor>j»H>o>oO'*0(0<0'Oco-^< cftvoc^mooocMOW*-!CTiCT!<£><ooJoofomoo vooomoorovococTim^OfocTicMmO^t^fOKro Ot-tTHO^-tO^HO-wO^^O^-tOO Ol ys CM O lO o O^ Ol v-4 O ^^ in 00 CM Ol 00 *-< T4 *-< v-l t^ 00 t>- ■* w lO Ol CM ■* 00 00 Oi o^ Ol to ro »H ^-1 cu o o> Ol >-< O m m m *-* O O O rt 00 CM oo oo 0»-<»-IOV-IO-»-IO>»HOOO»-IOTHO»-I N. CM 5 OTf-tf'>*coc4iD'<i,0'<*,rdc\ii/>tvoot'~a)i/>oocot^ iocoroi^t^>owvocMCTirj«3Ntninoo<orot^,!*'l^ WNoo^ooo^HCri^ioorJootnootvtTioooooooo 1^. 5 m *-4 f~incM«iroinY-iioo^oocoo<-it<icMCMinTt,oocM O oi M in ro oo ro -H CM w oi ■*OrooooooO'<l,cMtviomoocooicM'*-*Oiin'* ■rt-^^c^iooicMTfroiot^cMrotn^ooiooootnin w^H^-icMi-i^-iCUCJCMCMCMrOrOcorocorOTf^TCTf lO0lcMCMlOOl'^'00CM00OO,!t,'<J,'*'<l,'r-lO'rHCMOl 5 oo h» 00 Ti<CMN.T),int^fOOlOOlOlOt^.'*CJCM«3^0 r-l Tf inTfiocM-r^cooio^o^oiOoor^uDv-iOiin inin'*>oooooooiOtMCM»HCMCMinin>oooooooio ^ITH^TMCMT^CMOICMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCMCM o\ooin!yi«5'-iOoOiHfOwt^romi^io',t t^'*io^ooo-<i,vot^m crimmiMO\(^i/)oorocrvCTico CMfMOJCMCMCMlMCMCM fOrOfOcOroforoco-^Tj* T1< -^ IMt^CM^'iHOONMO^'OOrt^OOO'l'CMOO^'O'O ^^fo^^rOvH^-HOor^oofM^H^Ht^t^c^m^crv^r^Ln mOm^oio^oioiot^ooooooooooooaiaio-^Mro ,_i_H_,-,T-i.-(-^,-i.-i.-i,H.-i.-,.-<.-iw.-<rJwcMoo t^oocysO^-<NrO'^i/5iot^oocyiO*-HC\jcoTt*i/)tot^ ■>tM'Tt<mmminmioinir)inir)vovo>o«5vo«3«D'c <u E E o o 3 CO 3 o < a 3 a HI o o ID y o o in 66 67 APPENDIX B The Procedure for Estimating the Change in Stock Levels of Processed Salmon 68 APPENDIX B The quantity demanded for consumption is equal to the quantity of canned salmon supplied net of inventories, and the change in the stock levels as shown in equations (1.4) and (1.5), page . The changes in stock levels are estimated by the following functions: AS. = a 1 t-1 T— , denoting / t-l\ by R., t then ^S = a 1 Rt [—) * R can be obtained from the known quantity of landings. The ratio The para- meter, a^, is estimated from the demand equation by the following method. Estimates for the parameters are denoted by the lower case English letters. PS - b Ps = b PS = b o 0 +b1QSd + b.-ir + b_M + b.N + u 1 2 N 3 4 (2.3) +b1(QS + a.R) + b_—^- +b-M + b.N + u (2.4) +b QS +b.a1R + b0 -^- + b_M + b.N + u (2.5) 1 1 01 1 11 c. JN J 2N3 4 4 By dividing the quantity b-.a.. by b1, an estimate a. for a1 is obtained. By multiplying a., by R , the predicted change in the stock level for year t can be obtained. equal to 21. 333. For equation b. Table 3, a, was Table 1 shows the actual and predicted change in stock levels for all canned salmon since 1965. -*%» 69 Table 1. Comparison of actual with predicted stock level changes for canned salmon as of July 1 for 1965 through 1967. Year Actual Stock Levels Changes in Stock Levels Predicted Changes in Stock Levels Millions of pounds 1965 35.2 1966 35.7 1967 60. 1 1968 32. 2 Note: 0.5 23.0 +24:4 18.0 -27.9 40.0 The actual stock levels of sold and unsold canned salmon held by canners have only been available from the National Canners Association since late 1964. The above comparison of the predicted changes in stock levels does not appear to follow that of the actual changes for the years since 1965. Instead of estimating the changes in stocks, the function may, in fact, provide a better estimate for stock levels. with so few observations, no conclusions can be made. However, 70 APPENDIX C The Correlation Matrices of the Demand Equations for Canned Salmon Table 1. Ql R Y/N Mc N The correlation between the. variables of the demand equation for canned salmon -■ equation b, Table 3. Quantity of Salmon, Net of Inventories Changes The Ratio Qs R 1. 000 -0.515 ■0.787 ■0.695 ■0.341 ■0.565 1. 000 0.205 ■0.032 ■0.089 0. 328 1.000 0.938 0.496 0. 459 1.000 0.531 0. 3 64 1.000 0. 168 L t-i t The Per Capita Quantity of Disposable Canned Meat Income and Meat Products Y/N Mc U.S. Population N Weighted Average Wholesale Price of Canned Salmon ps ps 1. 000 The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in the demand equation. Table 2. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon, per capita data - Equation d, Table 3. Per Capita Consumption of Canned Salmon Qsd/N Qsd/N 1.000 Y/N Mt/N Sin(ct) _—_ Per Capita Disposal Income Per Capita Consumption of Canned Sin(ct)0 Cos(ct)0 Tiana Y/N MVN -0.896 -0.927 0.701 -0.055 -0.527 1.000 0.937 0.537 0.322 0.469 —*— 1. 000 0.7 04 0. 136 0.489 1.000 0. 027 -0. 449 1. 000 0. 152 _-_ 1.000 Cos(ct) ps Weighted Average Wholesale Price of Canned Salmon ___ The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in the demand equation. Table 3. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon Equation e, Table 3. Quantity of Canned Salmon Q Q sd QSd-N M Aggregate Disposable Income sd 1. 000 Quantity of Salmon times Population Qsd. N Quantity of Canned Tuna M Weighted Average Price of Canned Salmon ps •0.809 0.831 -0.796 -0.559 1.000 •0.387 0.970 0.458 1.000 -0.341 -0.498 1. 000 0.448 PS' 1.000 The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in the demand equation. Table 4. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Chum salmon Equation f, Table 3. Quantity of The Ratio Canned Chum, /L. Vl Net of Inven1^ tory Changes s Q Q' R Mv N 1. 000 The Per Capita Disposable Income Quantity of Canned Meat and Meat Products MC R U.S. Population Wholesale Price of Canned Chum N -0. 605 ■0. 655 -0.594 -0. 643 ■0. 367 1. 000 0. 152 0.031 0. 114 ■0.210 1.000 0.938 0.966 0. 264 1.000 0.973 0.243 1. 000 0.271 1.000 The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in the demand equation. Table 5. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Chum and Pink salnion Equation g, Table 3. Quantity of Canned Chum and Pink, Net of Inventories Changes .s Q c, p Q c, p R Y Mc N 1. 000 The Ratio JL-1 L The Per Capita Disposable Income Quantity of U. S. Population Canned Meat and Meat Products M^ N Wholesale Price of Canned Chum and Pink cp 0.249 •0.559 -0.478 -0.535 0. 106 1.000 0. 068 -0.008 0.535 o. 382 1.000 0.938 0.966 0. 399 1.000 0.973 0. 365 1. 000 0. 403 1. 000 c, P The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in the demand equation. Table 6. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Sockeye salmon Equation h, Table 3. Quantity of The Ratio Canned Sockt-1 eye, Net of Inventories Changes Qf Qi R Y MC N 1. 000 The Per Capita Disposable Income Quantity of U.S. Population Canned Meat and Meat Products MC R Wholesale Price of Canned Sockeye N -0.525 -0. 156 -0.210 -0.239 -0. 195 1.000 0.059 -0.010 0. 047 -0. 317 1.000 0.938 0.966 0. 529 1. 000 0.97 3 0. 617 1.000 0. 607 pS r 1. 000 The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in the demand equation. -^ <? Table 7. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for Sockeye salmon Equation i, Table 3. Quantity of Canned Sockeye, Net of Inventories Changes Q! Qr (Q;-N) Y 1.000 Quantity of Canned Sockeye Times Population Aggregate Disposable Income (Q?-N) Quantity of Canned Tuna Wholesale Price of Canned Sockeye M 0.937 -0.167 -0.230 -0. 197 1.000 0. 163 0. 102 0.012 1.000 0.970 0.549 1. 000 0. 600 •__ 1.000 Mt _•_ The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in demand equation. -4 Table 8. The correlation between the variables of the demand equation for canned salmon Equation (2. 1). Weighted Average Price of Canned Salmon P0 Y/N Mc N Q 1. 000 Per Capita Disposable Income Quantity of Canned Meat, and Meat Products U. S. Population Quantity of Canned Salmon sd Y/N Mc 0.469 0.368 0.427 -0.559 1.000 0.938 0.966 -0.811 1. 000 0.973 -0.751 1.000 -0. 816 N sd Q 1.000 The above is the upper portion of the correlation matrix between the variables in demand equation. 00