AN EZPERIMNT IN REPORTING COUNTRY SALES OF LIVESTOCK IN OREGON WILLIAIA YOUNG FO1LER III A TRtSIS subniit ted to OREGON STATE COLLJ' OF SCIENCE June 198 e11iiri Redacted for privacy Associate Professor of A ei?ture Eomomica Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented iObruary 19. 198 Typed by Mrs. Jeanette M.Swimm It has been ny desire to present a paper that will prove useful and valuable to landgrant college personnel, state departments of agriculture, the Federal Market News Service and to producers of cattle and sheep in the formulation of a more successful livestock merket reporting system, especially on country sales. To Mr. E. F. Gait of Great Falls, Montana, a men whom I have never seen, goes credit for atisniating iv interest in the reporting of country sales of liveetcok. For years the newsletter on livestock trading issued by Mr. Gait's bank, the First National of Great Falls, has been oi great help to Montana ranchers. Forever, I will be indebted to Oregon State College for giving me the opportunity to complete the requirements for a Master' s degree while on the job as an extension specialist. At least one other college said such an undertaking was not feasible. The Extension Service, particularly assistant director, J.W.Scheel, is to be thanked for providing many of the means through which this study and n,y graduate classes were undertaken and completed. Dr. 0. Burton Wood, head of Agricultural Economics, outlined graduate course of study. Throughout the three-jear program, he has been a good counsellor arid loyal supporter. iv To major professor, Dr. 8.. Kent Christensen, belongs any credit for improvement in me personally or professionally, as a result of graduate study. Against considerable resistance, he put across many ideas for ny benefit. He baa taut me the vabo of patience, perseverance and preciseness. Experimental reporting of Oregon country livestock sales was made poslibie by four men. One was Don Warnock, agricultural field representative of the First National Bank of Port3and, Lakeview Branch. Another was L. W. Schaad, assistant manager of the United States National Bank of Portland, La Grands Branch. A third reporter was J. E. Hezimrger, secretary of the Northwest Liwetock Production Credit Asocjation at Portland. Dissemination of the report through the Neat Animals and Wool Review was made possible by N. D. Thomas, extension agricultural economist. No acknowledgoents would be complete without a word of thanks to the hundreds of persons who gave of their tine and knowledge in providing the data through questionnaires compiled in this report. Two perscis who tttir'ed ier prominentli in the prothction of thia report, always in the background, were Mrs. Virginia QniUiam and Mrs. Jeanette Swinmi. Without them there would have been no com' plated doouaent. LIST OF TABLES...1....,.,,.,.,,,...,....,....,..,,,.,,.,,.,.,. LIST OF PIc4JRS..aa,a.,.s.a,,ii..,.,.a.,.,.,..,,,..,,,,a.... INTR0DUCrIoN,. .. . . . a, a. a a. a. a.. a ,, .. .aa a * a a. 1 TERMINAL AI*ET RiA ORTING,...a....aa...a....a.,,,,.a..,...,.a... 2 Weaknessesinl4axicetNeweServi.oe..,,,..,..,,...,.a,.,a,.... 3 a,. a a a., * ..s a a, NEED FOR REPORTING -OF COUNTR! SALES IN OREGON.... as is. a. a. S * S *i CURRENT ATLEMPT3 AT LOCAL SALES KEPORTING,..,,,,.,,..........., Reporting by Creclit Agencies......,. a, 7 , , SsssS*.. a S * a... a 7 T1e Gait News1etter......,,....,,,...,.,,.,...,.,,,,,. 7 Bank of Belle Fourohe. a . . a a. as.. a.. a a 0 e a. *.. .,. a su a. * a * AZCtiofl Reporting by Extension 502'Vice.,..,,.,,,,.,. a a..a Ontario Auction Report.....,....,,,,...,.........,.,.,. KlaaathFallsAucttonReports....,..,..,...,...,.,,,,.,. 9 9 10 Expeilasntal Reporting of Livestock Sales in Other States, U NewflexiooRangecattleReport.,,,.,...,...,,...,...,,, 11 The Arizona Range Cattle Market Report,.... .. Nevada Cattle Sales Report....,.aa....a.aa.... . ....... 12 11 a RagionalSbortTermOutlookRaport.....,,,,.,...,,...,. 35 ..saa* 17 Field Contacts,. . ,. . a.. a. .. ..a. as a s .-*as a a... . a.., a as 18 Report FO11)1.a..*a...,...a.......*-.a......,.,,...,..,a,, 1 Releases of Report, ....... ... . . . .. . , . a. a . ,.. 19 The Review Nailing List,.,.....,,........,..,..,..,..., Preliminary Field Survey...... Tbe Field Survey.. *.....,.,a.,,..,aa.s,aa.,as,*,,,a... t)LT?[E OF LIVESTOCK SALES EEPORjD. ,.., a,, a.,,.,. a-.a,..,., 21 21 22 26 AN&L!SI$ OF FIELD SUEVEY..............,.....,.......,..-......... Variation in Ntather of Liestook sold by area. . a, 27 Individual Record Totals........................ .......... 27 28 Persons Seeing Country Trading Report in Newspapers........ 31 32 a as a. a ,. Persons Receiving CountryTradingReport................... UsefnlnessofCountrySalealziformation..............,..... Kinds of Information Desired..., ..... . ... ... .. a . . 30 315 I4ediaforRepoz'tingsaleslnformation....,,......,...,...., NonthsoftheYearInforiiatjonDesired.....,............,.. 36 Suggested $ equy of Iesue........................,..,.. 39 DayofWeekInforntionPreferred..........,..,,.........., SuggestedChangesinContentofReport,,...........,,...., Suggested Sources of Data.,. . a . . a a..... . .. .. PresentSourcesof.MarketInforitjen.,..,,,,..,,,.,.,.... &eINARY, CONcLUSIONS AND 37 Li]. 153 157 S BIBLIOGRAi'EY.....,,..,,....,.,...,..,.,..,.,...1,,,.....,.,...., 63 APPflDIX..,., ,. s,..*,a 61$ LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Responsetothequestionnaires.,..........,........... Table 2. Eetited livestock production and marketings, Oregon. Table 3. Table Total number of livestock sold and currently on hand by ares for 1956... .. . . . ,.,. .. . .. ..... . a. a. . 25 26 28 Number of livestock (individual record totals, sold plus on band),.........,,,,,.....,.,.......,..,. 29 Table 5. 'ers one receiving country trading report by areas.., ... 30 Table 6. Persons seeing country trading report in newspapers 'by area....,.....................,.........,........,,, 32 . Table?. Usefulness of country trading report to producers by area,,,......,......,,,....,,.,,...........,....,..... Table 8. Table 9. U sefulness of country trading report by- type of operator, a a a, * a. a a a a a *a a a a a. a a a a a a -a* 33 a a *4 * a 1(inds of information desired in report by areas....,.., 35 Table 10. Suggested madia for reporting country trading information by area...,...,..a...,............*.,.a.,.. 36 Table U. Months of the year country trading report information desired by aroa,..,.,.,,,.,,,,.,.......,....,.,,....... 38 Table 12. Months of the year country trading report information desired by type of operator,........................... Table 13. Day of week preferred for releasing country trading report by area,. as , a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. a 38 a *. Table 2l. Day of week preferred for releasing country trading reportbytypeofoperator.,......................,,... il Table 15, Suggested frequency of issue of country trading report by area, . . , a, a * a a I a a a. a *. a-, a a a a a a a a . . *. a a Table 16, Suggested frequency of issue of country trading report by type of operator.a,,,,,a.......a.a....a.,,... 13 1956..............,..................... received, was 20 eurvey...........,....... field in used stats of Areas 2. Figure 23 infoxtion trading country which from Areas 1, Figure FIGURES OF LIST 51 52 outlet,.,...... of typs by information trading country rec*iV'S now ucers livestock *ich through SoTirces 25, Table * I 55*5 51*5 0*55 ... . . . 1i9 .... .. . . .. operator1 of type by information trading country receive now producers livestock thioh through Sources 21. Table . area.... by Ijtfoztion trading country receive now producers livestock which through Sources 23. Table out].et..............,..........,,,, of type tradingby country on data getting for suggested Sources 22. Table . 04 .4. ,........ operator... of type by trading country on data getting for auggeted Sources ... ...... ... . li? 1*6 . . . . . 21 Table 500 area........ by trading country en data getting for suggested Sources outlet................................,....41, by report trading 20 Table of type country- In chsnges Suggested 19. Table area... bh operator,....,.......................,........ of type laS by report trading country in changes Suggested 18. Table by report trading country in changes Suggested 17, Table (1J devised in the spring of l96 to collect such sales data tlu'ough credit agencies, sunnarize this information at Oregon State College and release them in the "Meat Animals and Wool Review'1 and over KOAC. ThEMINAL MA1UCZT RE1)RTIIG The Federal Ltveetock end Meat Market Reporting .rvice via establiahed and is perpetuated br Congressional legislation (9,p,l). Its function is to gather, analyze and widely disseminate timely, acourace, unbiased and interpretable market information. 3 Weakneeses in arket News Service Auction Reporting By Exteneion Service 12 iarket8, where no public lieetock report similar to those at Ama- 17 I1J ?ield Contacts At 7our request the following report is submitted: Place: Date*______________________ Country sales report to be mailed to Coryallis each Monday. DestiDelivery Price & Nuber of nation Weighing Grade Weight Date head or ondition fleeces - - - - A ________________ - -_-- ___ V The information sent in by the credit agencies was clarified, organized and then disseminated weekly through the Meat Animals and o1 Review during the period May 17 to October b, l96. weeks there was not enough (On certain trading information to warrant a report.) In addition to being released in the Reitew, the information on Figure 1. Areas of Oregon covered by reporting agencies, 196 U. 5. National Bank, La Grande Branch First National Eank, Lakeview Branch Northwest Livestock Production Credit Asociation scrves the entire state, with the exception of Baker and K1amth counties, with a total of 183 inrnbers. The Review Mailing List During the time that the country trading report was released, persons requesting the Meat Animals and Wool Review includeds 2,910 Oregon farmers and livestock producers; I2 county extension agents; live public officials; 11 radio stations; 22 newspapers; 20 Oregon State staff members; 29 California residents; 23 Washington residents; U Idaho residents; and U other state residents. 22 About 30 peroant Of the addressees returned useable question'nairee. After' the returned preliminary questionnaires were checked, a The State was divided into six areas for the field survey (figure 2). The northwest area extended from Lane County to the Columbia IIiver and from the Cascades to the Pacific. This area was selected because most of the livestock in it tend to move toward the portland market. It is an area of ma11 livestock producers, and it has many small auctions and a11 independent packing plants located mit. Area two, the southwest area, is the region commonly known as Area three, central Oregon, inclisied Desc}mtes, Jefferson and Crook counties. This area includes many small livestock feeders and CLJTO dii. UMA7LL4 TILL Sf4SI9. V141C0 CLAe/4m4f pill- y,4,.f. 4 <L,.ow' PaM , RT1KCR J /#I,v Rok SOUT(HEIIST kr%f I 1 'E)k5oN L,4k ioSi. Figure 2. Areas of the state used in field survey. especially forward contracting to California outlets in order to move their livestock. Table 1. Type of response, by area Responses to the questionnaires 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Mailed Northwest Livestock producers County agents Newspapers Others Southwest Livestock producers County agents Newspapers Others Central Livestock producers County agents Newspapers Others Hid-Columbia Livestoók producers County agents Newspapers Others Livestock producers County agents Newspapers Others Southeast Livestock producers County agents Newspapers Others .0 responses, by TotaI Received 'sithTReceived after first letter second letter received 50 70 120 2 12 3 2 2 38 15 16 60 1 15 1 34 1 3 5 8 9 17 I 265 lb 6 1 9 - - 31 8 2 2 2 1 - 18 7 - 5 31 2 - 1 1 4 11 2 - 2 3 - 2 1 1 2 97 36 6 I 13 2 49 12 I 4 3 8 1 - - 51 20 8 28 S I 2 1 2 - I 1 3 S 8 area 648 l7 154 32 A total of 6h8 questionnaires and letters were mailed on Novem ber ]., l96. Of these, 17, or 27 percent, were returnede On November 28, a follow-ip letter was mailed to afl. those who had re ceived the first letter but had not returned it. plied, about 2 percent. Another 11 re- All told, 329 ueeable questionnaires were returned for a total of near)y l percent (table 1). After the useable questIonnaires were edited, the information was coded and then tabulated by IBM. VOLiSMI 0? LIYkST0CK SALES REPORTED The Northwest Livestock Production Credit Association at Portland submitted meat of the information on country trading of livestock tL ill Market tnspected4** 279,382 bead Country inspected* l21,1i31 head Slaughter inspacted** S2,351 head Sales rexxrted. credit aenciea6278 head 38.620 bead 2,75O fLeeces * "Marketinga" were obtained from Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. ** Brand inspection data were obtained from State Department of Agriculture at Salem. This agency would not accurately estimate what portion of its 27 Similar information also was not available from the United States National Bank at La Grands, Th. First National Bank at Lakeview re ported that about onehalf of the sales of its customers ware covered. to October b), the three credit agencies reported the sale of 6,778 cattle, or an estimated one percent of Oregon 'a marketings (table 2). trading report. These sheep accounted for about six percent of Oregon's marke tinge. The country trading report covered sales of about seven percent of Oregon s wool 1eece production. While Oregon sheepmen sheared some 76I,OOO sheep in l96, the report listed Bales of 2,7O fleeces. $i*uwr4l Data summarized from the questionnaires give some indication of (table 3). Operators responding from the Blue keted more cows than respondents elsewhere. I! i ntatns area owned and mar The same thing Ia true rr*juii cars on the Meat AnirQals anü.Wool Review mailing list. Table 3. Southwest Central Mid-Columbia Blue Mt. Southeast Total number of livestock sold and currently on hand by area for 1956 329 producers, Oregon 1957 216 277 145 1459 2 622 299 3,887 1,903 1,9146 1,059 10013 5.066 2614 1470 Mid-Columbia Blue Mt. Southeast 908 209 172 128 1,155 1,161 All areas _]86_ Southwest Central 681 1,722 860 325 1458 813 223 133 500 140 140 140 6,503 1,280 5,885 1,1461 5,2146 - 53 100 171 19 702 151 3,14914 3148 1,031 1,988 3145 181 551 630 145 30 - - 1,829 1,225 102 1,500 135 701 10 17 23 1514 information was an.i'ized by total livestock production in an area. For cows, sold and on hand, central Oregon contaIned the mdi- northeat, southwest and southeast areas (table 14). For yearlings, sold and on hand, the southeast area contained of one yearling were reported in the northwest, southwest and Blue Mountains areas. Table L. Number of livestock (individual record totals, sold plus on band) 329 producers, Oregon 1957 - Southwest Central Mid-Columbia Blue Mt. Southeast 502 1,hOO 152 800 500 ___x - 1 10 322 185 1 6 3 70 6b0 1,000 5 1 2 2 1 .a,TT,, W l.tOO hO 5,816 700 30 100 hO 250 223 80 18 280 223 80 12 5,362 3,300 2b IhO 600 125 750 ihO 70 2 18 22 SJJ.1 3!0 - 100 130 900 350 --------------- Classof livestock Breeding wei Feeder Laiubs Ho25 Southwest Central Mid-Columbia Blue Mt. Southeast - 2 3 2 Other -, £4..I. .1.. 12 U i5 S 10 5 35 10 38 10 2 - For calves, sold and on hand, the Blue Munt sins area w*s the home of the largest individual operator. reported 900 calvo$. Irwew to a range operator in the Blue Mountains area. He reported 5,816 head. A low for breeding ewes was reported in the northwest section, that number being six head. The Blue Mountains area also contained the largest producer of only at mt head. area. Columbia, a total ot l. Table . Persons receiving country trading report by areas 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Northwest 109 ItO 9 158 Southwest 29 114 1 Central 12 7 - Mid-Columbia U 3 141 16 23 12 225 92 31ue Mt Southeast All real 69.0 25.3 5.7 3.00 1414 65,9 31.8 2.3 100 19 63,2 36.8 1 1 73.3 20.0 6,7 100 3. 58 70,7 27 6 1.7 100 35 65.7 314,3 329 68.14 2.0 12 100 100 3.6 1Q9 32 Table 6. Persona seeing country trading reporb in newspapers by re 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Area Yea No Don't know Northwsst i9 95 Southwest 5 36 3 Central 1 12 3 L&id'Coluthia 5 10 - Blue Mt. 10 4j Southeast 13 22 11 - Yea No 31.0 60.1 8.9 100 1l.1 81.8 6.8 100 19 214 63.2 15.? 100 15 33,3 66.7 - 100 58 17.2 75.9 6.9 100 35 37.1 62,9 - 100 ota1 158 Iron Pt knói Total Perhaps the reason why the northwest area was low, with about 63 percent reporting favorably, is that prices here are domi*iatad by the terwinal and auction markets located in the area. Table 7. Usefulness of country trading report to producers by area 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Area lee No didn't answer total lea No Northwest 100 21 37 158 63.3 13.3 23,14 100 Southwest 30 6 8 144 68,2 13.6 18.2 100 Central 15 1 3 19 78,9 5.3 3.5.8 100 Mid-Columbia 12 3. 2 15 80,0 6.7 13.3 100 Blue Mt. 146 3 9 58 79.3 5.2 15.5 100 Southeast 31 1 3 35 88.6 2.9 8.5 100 All areas 2314 33 62 329 71.1 10,0 18.9 100 didn't answer Total y type of operators 1hen the answers were analyzed according to the type of livestock produced, about 7? percent of the cattle operators said the country trading report would be useful to them (table 8). next high with about 7C) percent. Lamb operators were Others including lending agencies, county agents, newspapers, livestock traders and others, said "yee 61 percent of the time. of the time. bg producers said "yes" about 142 percent The information received from hog operators is hard to 314 evaluate because hog prices were not reported in the country trading report during 196. Table 8. operator Usefulness of country trading report by type of operator 329 producers, Oregon 19? Yes No didn't answer Total Yes No didn't answer Total Cattle operator 1314 U 30 76.6 l7 6.3 17.1 100 Lamb operator 3 8 Hog operator 8 14 7 19 142.1 21.1 36.8 100 39 10 10 9 66.2 16.9 16.9 100 18.9 100 Other* ...- AU operators 2314 33 ..................... . ....... .. .. .. . 62 329 71.1. 10.0 * Other includes lending agencies, county agent., newspapers, live stock traders and others, Prices of livestock being traded wore of greatest concern to the desire for grade information. The importance of grades was particu larly stressed by those living in the midColumbia area. Table 9. Kinds of information desired in report by areas 329 producers, Oregon 19S7 VU. JJ. head or Northwest 109 Southwest 31 Central 1 .d-Columbia U Blue Mt. 4S Southeast 30 1]. ra 74 18 12 10 33 64 17 23 10 9 41 10 8 7 1 29 2 3 44 U 3.4 U 7 7 6 4 37 33 23 22 32 20 28 20 L8J_ ik 69.0 46.8 70. 49.9 78,9 63.2 Mid-ColuzMa 73.3 66,7 Blue Mt. 77.6 6.9 Southeast 8.7 6.7 40. AU areas 1L3 73.3 5l.t 5 20 8 241 j7Oj_ Northwest Southwest Central W.tUjZ LWL. condivery Deati- 38.6 7.9 46.7 63.8 6.7 1 .1i3_ _PL.. - _' Percent of persons reporting 1J,0 27.11 25J 37,3 31.8 20.! 4S. 22.7 36.8 42.1 42.1 S7.9 46.7 40.0 26.7 33.3 48.3 !6.9 .2 S0.0 62.9 7.l 37.1 7i. I&S.0 k3.2 3li.3 - 6.3 3.4 8.6 31.9 Desire for information on the number of head or fleeces sold, as a part of the report, was mentioned by 48 percent of the respondents. It was listed most frequentl7 by respondents from the southeastern area. Persons in centr'al Oregon most often desired information On weighing conditions. By weighing conditions is meant information con- corning whether the animals re trucked or trailed before weighing and whether there was a "pencil shrink" taken on the animals. The percent of the respondents desiring information on delivery TIQIla countzy trading report was information on deetnation of animals sold. However, this kind of information was suggested by as many as 0 percent of the respondents in the Blue Muntairt area and 23 per- cent of those reporting in the southwest area. edia for Reporting Sales Information was considerable question as to thether it should be part of the Meat Animals and Wool Review or issued as a separate report (table 10). Table 10, Suggested media for reporting country trading information by area 329 producers, Oregon 197 Suggested media Area 1¼rt of Meat Animals and Wool Review Northwest Southwest Central id-Coluia Blue It. Southeast 86 20 Did Separate report 18 8 not Other answer Number of answers l 3 -16 10 AU answers l8 19 9 3 314 10 - 114 17 13 1 14 Allareas' 3 3S 176 56 29 93 - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - * a -----Percent of persons reporting Northwest 100 14.Ii U.b 1.9 32.3 Southwest 18.2 100 Jà.14 36.14 Central ,2.6 21.1 100 26.3 Mid-Colwthia 60,0 20.0 20.0 100 Blue Mt. 8.6 17.2 100 214.2 Southeast 148.6 37.1 n.h 100 2.9 - * ********* - AU areas 3j '17.0 1,2 28.3 37 lionthi desired by area Over ha1! o the persons reporting, about 53 percent, said that country trading information was needed all months of the year (table 11). The next high, 26 percent, said that information was needed in the fall. The desire for country trading inforiation ali months of t he t;JVtI I2WI4.L iThr71 Southwest Central d-co1umbia Blue Mt. Southeast AU areas 17 12 11 3 11 3 9 2 35 22 2 3 2 8 8 3?S 46 41 16 6 6 2 2 2 38.6 27.3 60.0 13.3 25.0 36.4 4.5 15.8 31.6 10.5 13.3 40.0 3.3.3 ii 9 5 60.3 62.9 13.8 22.9 87 17 3 57.9 15.8 3.4 8.6 8.6 8.6 29.3 25.7 i4.326.hSj 53.2 14.0 information on country trading of livestock in eli months (table 12). Table 12. nths of the year country trading information desired r type of operator 329 prodxcers, Oregon 197 Cattle operator Lamb operator Hog operator Other* 98 23 34 10 33 19 1 3 Cattle operator Lamb operator Hog operator Other* 44.5 38.6 76.9 64.7 10.5 AU operators 47.0 12.4 21.6 7.7 5.9 nner or answers 56 26 18 17 - 2 - 2 U Percent of answers 25. 12.7 20.5 19.3 15.4 21.6 3.9 - 12.6 15 23.4 2 6.8 - 4.6 * Other includes lending agencies, county agents, newspapers, live! stock traders and others. Persona other than livestock producers, including lending agencies, county agents, newspapers and livestock traders were next in line favoring reporting country sales of livestock all months of the year. They were followed by cattle and lamb operators in that order. Cattle operators were, however, the most concerned about reporting sales during the fall months. There was little indication that any of this group desired country trading information during the winter months only. Day of Week Information Preferred the Blue intans area had no choice as to the week1r release date for the country trading report. Table 13. ek preferred for releasing country trading report by area 329 producers, Oregcn 1957 1)ay of Day of week preferred Did No Saiie as Lat Not same as not Aniza1s and Meat Animals and preferance answer Wool Review Wool Review Area AU anwera Number of persons' rè' Northwest Southwest Central idCo1uiiia Bluest. Southeast Northwest Southwest Central Mid-Co1unbi* Blue Southeast AU areas Da 56 19 9 7 20 18 35.14 143.2 147.14 146.6 314.5 51.14 i9.2 0 3 1 - 114 6 6 26 114 1.9 6.7 1.2 U 14 1 12 3 158 1414 19 15 58 35 Percent of persons 100 2.3 100 25.0 31,8 100 21.0 31.6 100 6.7 140.0 100 20.7 14i.8 100 8.6 140.0 38. preferred by type of operator bt of the producers indicating a 2reference said they pro- L1 Table lL. Day of week preferred for releasing country trading report by type of operator 329 producers, Oregon 19S7 Type of Se as Meat Animals and porator Wool Review Cattle operator 68 Day of week prefer Did No not AU Meat Animals and pre for nce answer nswe1 Wool Review Number of operators repo4g 29 173 3 73 Nit same as 7 - 22 1 llotorL9 - Lamb operator Hog operator Other* 32 Cattle operator 39.3 Lamb operator 143.3 Hog oierator 38.9 Other* 314.14 LI 1.5 214 18 714 7 14 18 21 20 614 l7l)29 Percent of Operators reportg 100 2.2 32.14 214.3 100 38.9 22.2 100 32.8 31.3 100 Table 15. Suggested frequency of isuo of country trading report by area 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Frequency ofsaue 1bre than once a week Area Northwest Southwest Central MidColuuibia Blue Mt. Southeast AU areas Northwest Southwest Central 11 3 1 2 1 22 Less than Did not answer week1 57 16 15 11 Is 7 23 10 3 6 All answers 1414 19 15 9 19 25 8 14 58 35 133 112 62 329 --- - S - - S - ------------ - - ------ MidColumbia Blue M. 7.0 6.8 5.3 13.3 1.7 Southeast 11.14 AU areas Weekly 36.1 Percent of persons reporting 100 22.8 3I.l 36J. 314.1 21.0 22.7 15.8 3.00 57.9 lj6.7 - 100 100 39,7 140.0 143.1 15.5 3.00 514,3 22.9 11.14 100 314.0 18.9 100 Suggested frequency b te of oDerator Cattle operators were the group moat favorable to releasing eyen3.y split between weekly and. ieee than weekly, although n.ariy 38 Table 16. Suggested frequency of issue of country trading report by type of operator 329 Producers, Oregon 1957 L'eguency of issue Type of Cattle operator Lamb operator Hog operator Other* AU operators 88 10 6 3 3 22 21 16 5 20 5 20 2]. 133 312 62 31 5 74 18 64 329 - Percent of operators reporting 38.2 100 11.5 28.4 100 41.9 21.6 27.8 100 27.8 278 31.2 32.8 100 31.3 - - ------- * a - a a - a - - - - - ----------Cattle operator Lamb operator Hog operator Other* 5.8 8.1 16.6 4.7 4W kw- _1_ * Other includes landing agencies, county agents, newspapers, livestock traders and others. Suggested Changes in Content of Report uggested changes by area Because information on the country trading of livestock in 1956 Table 17. Suggested changes in country trading report by area 329 producers, Oregon 197 Area locality coverage papers Radio agents vision OtIr Nuth,ir of anuweri Northwest Southwest Central Nid-Golumbia Blue Mt. Southeast 50 10 15 9 8 5 20 25 5 3 3 9 114 12 12 9 6 140 6 3 1 8 2 3. 5 3 7 6 8 2 3 2 1 1 - - 3 1 14 1 AU ai1ai 1014 17 9 914 57 35 - a - * - a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a - - - - S - - 5 Percent of persons reportin Northwest 31.6 10.8 8.2 is.a 25.3 5.1 12.7 Southwest 6.8 2,3 20.5 11.14 2.3 22.7 13.6 Central 1.8 26,3 142.3. 15.8 10.5 147.14 5.3 Mid-Columbia 140.0 20.0 6.7 20.0 33.3 Blue Mt. 12.1 6.9 25.8 15.5 13.8 f.2 314,5 Southeast 140.0 2.9 17.1 2.9 314.2 314.2 5.7 Al]. aróas 31.6 2&,6 3.7,3 IL 2. Suggested changes br tpe of operator Lath operators st often mentioned the need for more definite information as to locality of sales, I*re than 39 percent suggested Table 18. Suggested changes in county trading report by type of operator 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Type of operator sales locality Cattle operator 57 Lamb operator 29 Hog operator 14 Other* 114 mide coverage 57 County ThisNéwz. papers Radio agents vision 0th Number of answers 6 19 23 9 32 6 10 1 14 1 1 1 3 1 114 5 14 14 U 15 5 17 17 AU operators 1014 914 Cattle operator Lamb operator Hog operator Other* 32.9 39.2 22.2 21.2 32.9 20.3 27.8 26.6 18.5 13.5 5.6 21.9 All operators 31.6 28.6 17.3 3? - 35 I? 9 Percent of operators reporting 13,3 5.2 11.0 3.5 8.1 1.14 114.9 5.14 5.6 5.6 16.7 1.6 6.3 7.8 6.3 - 11.2 1O.6 5.2 2.7 * Other inciudsa lending agencies, county agents, newspapers, livs-stock traders and others. Suggested changes by type of maxk at outlet used About 37 percent of the operators using the terminal market at North Portland suggested country sales. re definite information as to locality of About 25 to 33% of the operators selling at other outlets also made this suggestion. From 21 to 30 percent of the Table 19. Suggested changes in country trading report by type of outlet 329 producers, Oregon 1957 AU County Talewide News sales change vision Other Iadio agents locality coverage papers thinibér of answers 1147 16 10 2 23 S Terminal market S14 37 130 6 6 18 38 114 9 Auction 39 27 1 2 Feeder 5 7 5 7 1 2 57 6 16 12 Trader 17 3 8 73 10 3 14 Local Slaughter 214 19 5 1 37 2 Other farmer 12 9 7 3 3 2 Other 2 outlet - - AU outlets - - 20 13 123 1514 ------ - ------ * - - -------- 149 148 Terminal market 36.7 Auction 29.2 26.0 Feeder 29.8 Trader Local Slaughter 32.9 Other farmer 32.5 100.0 Other 25.1 30,0 25.9 21.0 26.0 214.3 Percent of answers 6.8 10.9 15.7 10.8 6.9 13.9 18.-S 16.5 7.14 28.0 10.5 5.3 U.0 6.8 13.7 8.1 8.1 18.9 32.6 2.0 114.0 All outlets - - - 10.14 3.14 14.6 3.7 3.6 5.5 - 5.14 10.1 14.2 1.14 14.6 1.8 14.1 2.7 - 2.7 3 * a - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 '47 Suggested Sources of Data Area agencies inspectors Northwest Southwest Central Mid-Columbia Blue Mb. Southeast 18 3 15 6 9 3 19 33 All areas 62 North eat Southwest Central --- 38 - - - 6 2 '4 3 214 114 114 23. 8 7 113 81 52 Other* 17 3. 3 9 '4 314 S S - -------------------- 11.14 214.1 314.1 Blue Mb. Southeast 6.8 31,6 20.0 32.8 37.1 £1]. areas 18,8 Mid-&,olumbia reporters Auction Number of answers 1 '45 10 8 '47.14 '40.0 Percent of persons reporting 10.8 28.5 3.1.14 18.2 22.7 2.3 3.5.8 10.5 20.0 26.7 - '41.14 214.1 214.1 l.5 60.0 22,8 20,0 11.14 314.3 21i 15.8 10.3 * Largest other group noted were county agents. The use of government reporters was suggested by about 214 percent of the respondents. 1&re than 28 percent of the respondents in the northwest area gave this answer as compared 'with only 10 percent in the central area, 22 percent in the southeast area and 214 percent in the Blue 3buntains area. About 142 percent of the cattle operators suggested the use of brand inspectors for getting information on country trading of live' stock. Government reporters were suggested by 214 percent and credit organizations by about 19 percent of the cattle operators (table 21). Table 21. Sorees suggostd for getting data on country trading by type of operator 329 producers, Oregon 1957 c Cattle operator 38 Lamb operator 10 Hogoperator 3 Other 11 .A11 operators 62 Cattle operator Lamb operator Hog operator Other 72 145 314 13 17 3 22 10 21 10 5 5 8 81 52 314 113 a a a 22.0 liX.6 13.5 23.0 16.7 32.8 16.7 17.2 14 2 9 a Percent of operators reporting 26.0 19.6 7.5 6.8 29.7 13.5 11.1 22.2 27.8 15.6 114.1 12.5 Outlet agencies inspectors reporters dealers slaughter Other* Terminal Number of inewera market 8' 38 19 34 2 35 Auction 18 36 30 27 24 4 Feeder 8 1 1 7 4 4 Trader 18 12 5 7 4 4 Local slaughter 12 l 18 6 23 4 Other farmer 1 6 6 7 3 Other 6 1 3 outit 15 139 109 55 73 Terminal Percent of answers market 25.0 25.7 27.9 1.5 14.0 5.9 Auction 19.4 13.0 25.9 21.6 17.2 2.9 1eeder' 28.0 32.0 16.0 16.0 4.0 4.0 Trader 10.0 36.0 8.0 8.0 24,0 14.0 Local slaughter 14.6 28.0 22.0 23,2 7.3 4.9 Other farmer 20.0 17.1 8.6 17.1 37.2 Other 60.0 )O.O 10.0 AU outletsl7.4 29.1 3S.3 3j 3.1.5 - - Total 136 139 25 50 82 - - 35 10 177 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 * Other includes cóisatà ho eieprts, dealers, county agents and ranchers. Preaent Sources of Market information house reports were about 39 percent each. Federal market news reports were used by one-third of the producers. Table 23. Sources through which livestock producers now receive country trading information by area 329 producers, Oregon 1957 Area Source Newspapers Auction reports Radio Commission house reports Federal market news Local livestock producers Livestock buyers North- South' west west Cen- Mid.. tral Co3ximbia 106 29 12 614 21 10 60 !2 17 12 146 25 13 16 33 114 7 Blue Mt. Sàutheast 36 32 23 26 15 9 14 23 13 9 9 5 30 U 21 16 6 5 20 8 2 5 2 2 23 16 17 Countyagents 214 9 13 3 Lending agencies 6 1 8 Truckers 1 1 3 14 Others 6 6 1 2 14 - - a - - a - - - S - - - - - * - - - * - S - - - * - - - - - Percent of persons reporting Newspapers 67.1 63,2 62.1 146.t Auction reports 60.0 lAS 147.7 52.6 55.2 Radio 38.0 38.6 26.7 147,14. 39.7 Commission house reports 60.0 32.9. 27.3 68.14. 51.7 Federal market news 29.1 29.5 36.2 147.14 33.3 Local livestock producers 15.8 36.14 31.6 51.7 33.3 Livestock buyers 20.9 31.8 142.1 13.3 39.7 County agents 1.2 20.5 10.5 20.0 22.14 Lending agencies 26.3 6.7 3.8 13.8 Truckers 1.9 10.5 6.7 2.3 6.9 Oth's 3.8 13,6 6.9 5.3 - yype of operator 7 14 1 2 - * 65.7 714.3 142.9 31.14 145.7 145.7 148.6 20.0 U.1.i 2.9 5.7 52 cattlemen used local livestock producers as a source of intozation. Source operator Newspapers Auction reports Radio CommisSion house reports Federal market news Livestock buyers Local livestock producers County agents Lending agencies Truckers Other - a. a - a - - - * - - Newspapers Auction reports Radio Commission house reports Federal market news Livestock buyers Local livestock producers County agents Lending agencies Truckers operator operator Number of sñiwers 56 6 36 U 1114 91 71 32 72 33 Sli. 23 21 57 58 U 30 15 6 12 13 14 - 65.9 52.6 141.0 141.6 31.2 32.9 33,5 17.3 8.7 3,5 8 6 9 1 1 1 1 Oth' 29 28 114 22 17 25 12 14 1 5 7 2 - -------------- - - Percent of operators reporting 61.1 75.7 145.3 148.6 143.8 33.3 21.9 1414.14 143.2 1414.6 21.9 33.3 31.1 500 3i.14 28.14 5.6 26.6 114J 5.6 39.1 18.8 5.6 17.6 5.6 6.3 5.14 7.8 1.14 - The picture was a little different with lamb operators. News Table 25. Sources through which livestock producers now receive country trading intormation by type of outlet 329 producers, Oregon 195? - - - - - L. Auction Newspapers 85 Auction reports 133 Commission house reports 89 Radio 147 Livestock buyers3o Federal market news 142 Local livestock producers 28 County agents 18 Lending agenc&eslO Truckers 6 Others 11 All aiiees 1409 90 114 35 9]. 113 26 55 38 26 20 9 6 132 11 5 16 16 29 63 36 36 7 214 21 9 16 16 14 39 8 15 12 11 1 38 20 9 5 13 11 6 2 3 2 9 5 19 U 114 - 11 1 2 14 13143 79 167 226 - - _ - - - - - - - S S - - - - - a Newspapers 20.8 Auction reports 10.5 Cosunission house reports 21.8 Radio 11.5 Livestock buyers 7.3 Federal market nawe 10.3 Local livestock producers 6,8 County agents 13.14 Lending agencies 2.14 Truckers 1.5 Others 2.7 AU soureas 100.0 20.3 20.5 8 3 1. 2 14 14 2 6 36 132 - * - - - - - * Percent or answers 21.0 17.8 213.14 16.8 17.8 15.5 19.7 15.2 25.0 16.7 6.9 12.1 12.1 11.1 5.6 11.1 8.1 13.9 6.3 8.8 113.3 12.8 15.9 10.6 8.8 10.1 9.0 5.3 8.3 2.8 8.6 11.14 5.13 13.5 3.0 5.8 6.2 8.3 2.5 0.5 2.5 6.3 3.8 2.5 1.3 11.14 0.14 6.1 2.3 11.1 11.1 5.5 1.2 1.8 14.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.5 113.2 9.6 9.6 - - 13.5 100.0 100.0 the auctions put auction reports at the top of their list. producers now marketing their Those livestock to feeders and traders relied most heavily an nespapera. Recoiitendatjons radio station KOAC should be continued. The fact that tore than oue.fourth of the persons reporting were not able to recognise the country trading report, even though they are on the Meat Animals and Wbol Review mailing list, stresses view. 1. Gait, E. F., Chairman of the Board, First National Bank of Great Falls, Montana, Great Falls, Montana. Personal communication, April 15, 1957. 2. Lahti, K. IL, Vice-President, Bank of Belle Fourche, Belle Fourche, South Dakota. Personal communication. April 7, 1956. 3. MeNeely, John 0., Chairman, Technical Committee, WJk-21. Ins Annual report of cooperative regional projects. Denver, Colorado, Western livestock marketing research, January 23, 1956. ip. 14. Potter, 1. L. The marketing of Oregon livestock. Corvallis, 1952. 39p. (Oregon. Agricultural ixperiment btation. Station Bulletin 5114) 5. Seatferle, C, B., Assistant Agricultural :cxnomtst. of Nevada. Reno, Nevada. Personal communication, February 22, 1957. 6. Seltzer, Raymond L and Thomas M. Stubblefield. range cattle market report. Tucson, 1957. 9p. Agricultural Ixperiment Station, Report 1148) University The Arizona (Arizona. 7. Southworth, William. Producer's preliminary statement. In: Oregon livestock and meat marketing conference, Jaimary 6, 19514, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon. p. 1.6. (kimeographed) 8. Stucky, H. It. , Read of Department of Agriou3i tire]. Economics. New IAexico A. & U. College, State College, New Mexico. communication, August 17, 1956. 9. Personal Swensen, Theo T., Local Representative, Federal Market News Service, North Portland, Oregon. In: Oregon livestock and meat marketing conference, January 6, 19514, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon. p. 1-3. (Imeographed) Special to: Yrom: Certain Papers 8/2l/6 R. H. Birdeall, Ag. Spec,, 005 Recent fat cattle price increases have spurred contracting o Oregon feeder cattle for fafl delivery at prices above earlier expectations, reports i, L FoLer, Oregon State College livestock marketing specialist. Scattered reports from eastorn Oregon this week show increased 4ost buyer activity has centered around yearling d tyear- between September 3 and 10. Central Oregon reports a contract for 110 yearling Hereford steers at $17 with no shrink. They will go to California. A contract thia week for 300 light yearling Hereford steers county. 66 Urnatilla county reports hiS year34ng Hereford steers frog ermt aton sold for $16.7S at off..tbei..truok weight at Grand'iew, Washington. A Fort Klamath area report indicates yearling steers being ccn- September 3. delivery in Cahifonia. An earlier report from the Lake county area indicated that hO per- )!iY i;cT Oregon State College and United States Department of Agriculture Cooperating Extension Service 2O SnoU Hail October 10, 156 To, AU Oregon County Extension Agents Agriculture Gentlemen, After the pre-test is completed and perfected, the final questionnaire will go to about 600 persons on the )at Animals and Wool Review mailing list. It will be at that time that you as county agents will receive copies of the qieationnaire which we hope you will complete and return. Sincere1r yours, W. L 1ow)s r Livestock far1eting Specialist iJ Ie)i.Ji'!T1 Oregon State College and Jnited States Department of Agriculture Cooperating xteneion Service Snail HaIl 205 Country eale, of livestock br you and fellow producers is on the increase in Oregon. Many times, you have pointed out the need for greater exchange of information among yourselves, as producers, about these country eales of livestock. As a result of the demand for more information on country trading, Oregon State College started reporting country sales as a regular part of the Meat Animals and Wool Review. This report was started May 17. We feel that thè report has now had sufficient trial run for us to ask producers and others whether it should be continued or discontinued. If continued, how can we improve it? e eventually plan to send the questionnaire to 600 producers in Oregon. bwever, prior to that, we must make sure that the questionnaire is understandable. We would appreciate your completing the teat questionnaire for us. If any of the questions are not clear, imprac tical to answer, or if you think your neighbors would not answer certain questions, please so indicate on the question involved. Please return it to we in the enclosed envelope. Sincerely yours, W. I. Fowler Livestock Marketing Specialist IF/vsq eric. 2 COO P1HATIVE EXTENSION ORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS OREGON STATE COLLEGE and UNIT'.J) STAThS DPANTNT OF AGRICULTURE 000PERI&T]NO Corvailis, Oregon At your request the foUowing questionnaire is submitted: QU.:sTIoNNAIRE 1. DId you receive any copies of the Meat Animals and Wool RevIiw in which the "lxperimental Country Trading Report" appeared? (May 17 through October b, 1956) 2. Did you hear the Country Trading Report read over radio station KOAC during the Thursday Evening Farx Hour? _____YEb _____NO _____NO Over any other radio stations _____YES 3. Severs]. Oregon newspapers and regions]. livestock papers carried stories containing informition from the Country Trading Report. Did you see any of these? _____YES If yea, iich paper?_____________________ ______NO j4. you? the continued reporting of country sales of livestock help I! the answer is no, skip to question eleven. 5. If the answer to question four is yes, do yen think the reporting of country sales should be continued as a part of the Meat Animals and Wool Revisw or sent out as a separate report? _____Part of the Meat Animals and Wool Review _____Separate report _____Other (Specify)_______________________________________ _411 nths Spring _Suer ______Fa3.1 _____Winter 7. following kinds of information would you desire to have in the report? 1hich of the _______Grade i____ ç] _____Weight ______Destination ______Other (Specify)_______ 8. How often do you think this Country Trading Report should be issued? _____Dei]y _____Twice a week ______Once a week _____Twice a month _____Once a month 9. Would you prefer to receive the Country Trading Report the saie day as the Meat Animals and Wool Peview' ______YES _____No preference NO (Specify)______________________ 71 11, Vhere should we look for information regarding the country sales of livestock to be used in preparing the "Country 'rading Report?" ______Credit Agencies ______Brand inspectors _____Ooveriaent Reporters ______Other (Specify) -. 12, From where do you now receive information regarding livestock trading? _Local livestock iroducers _____Lending agencies _County Agents ______Truckers _____Other (Specify)________ 13. Which of the following most clearly describes your occupation? In what county is your ranch, farm or business located?__________ 1. About how marr head of livestock did you have as of October 1, 1956 or have you sold this year? Reif era 2 lr. or older 15. What percent of yow' livestock sales wwnt through channels shown in the table following? (Sales should total 100 percent for each kind of livestock) Terminal Market ict.on Name Address