Baran Lab • Ekkehard Winterfeldt born 1932 in Danzig (former Germany, now Poland) In 1958 he got his PhD for his work on „The Synthesis of Hydroxysparteines“ Finished his habilitation in 1962 In 1970 he accepted an offer for a full professorship from the University of Hannover, where he worked and taught till 2000 Over the years more than 200 diploma and grad students worked in his group For his work on Natural Product synthesis he got numerous awards (for example the Emil Fischer Medal), he joined the University of California (Irvine) in 1990 for a guest professorship • • • • • M. Maue Indol Chemistry Synthesis of the Aglycons of Staurosporine1 1) CDI 2) Hünnig base O O O O NH2 OH OH N H N N H O O O 1) base, SEM-Cl 2) KOtBu, tBuOH, ∆T 3) TBAF O H N O H N O H N hν, acetone/O2 37% N N N Me N H O N O OMe NHMe O Staurosporine Complete total synthesis of Staurosporine was published by Wood & Stoltz in 1997 J. Brüning, T. Hache, E. Winterfeldt, Synthesis 1994, 25-27. O N O H 1 NH N H O N H Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab M. Maue Indol Chemistry Enantioselective Synthesis of (+)-Tetrahydroalstonine, (+)-Acricine and (+)-Reserpine2 On their way to a Stereoselective Synthesis of Geissoschizine3 O O O base H MeO2C H CO2Me H O O MeO2C MeO2C H MeO2C OAc 1) KOtBu, MeI 2) 6N HCl, ∆T 3) mCPBA H O H H CO2Me H Me 41% H O 1) NaH, HCO2Me then HCl, DT 2) CH2N2 3) KOtBu, AcCl O O OAc CO2tBu MeO2C H N R2 N H H H Me O AcO CO2tBu MeO2C H Me mechanism? 1) tryptamine 2) NaBH4 3) POCl3 4) NaBH4 N H MeO2C CO2Me H HN tryptamine MeO2C NaBH 4/glacial acid O O R1 OH Geissoschizine CO2Me enzyme O N N H CO2Me OAc O O H 1) OsO4 40% 2) H5IO6 3) CH2N2 MeO2C H H N H O MeO2C 1) POCl3 2) NaBH 4 N CO2tBu R1 = R2 = H (+)-tetrahydroalstonine R1 = OCH3 R2 = H (+)-acricine R1 = H R2 = OCH3 (+)-reserpinine acid/Ac 2O mechanism? H N N H CO2tBu MeO2C MeO2C Me O O N O N H MeO2C 2 P. Hölscher, H.-J. Knölker, E. Winterfeldt, Tetrahedron Lett. 1990, 31, 19, 2705-2706. 3 W. Benson, E. Winterfeldt, Angew. Chem. 1979, 18, 11, 862-863. Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab M. Maue Indol Chemistry Stereoselective Synthesis of Eburnamonine4 NH2 OHC CO2Me Et CO2Me N H H N mechanism? Stereoselective Synthesis of Vincamine4 O N H CO2Me H Et CN- O base MeO N HO O N OH acid H N N O N H H N N H CO2Me Et O H Br H O H N CO2Me N H Et OEt OMe N O Et O N O H N (-)-eburnamonine Et N 1) NBS 2) KOAc H N Et N HO O N OH OEt3BF4 then NaBH4 Et N H O O H OAc N Et 1) hydrolysis 2) oxidation Et H CH2Br2, Zn then TiCl4 O N N N Et (-)-eburnamonine (-)-eburnamonine O 1) 1,2-ethanediol 2) Raney-Ni N N H H Et N H MeO2C 1) NaH 2) LiI/DMF H N H Et 1) NaOMe 2) TFA H NH O Et O O O O N N O H NH O Et CO2Me F- H N vincamine O CN 1) OEt3PF6 then MeOH OEt 2) 4 Et CN Et N O H N degradation N N German Patent H N O Et vincamine N O Et (+)-eburnamonine K. Hakam, M. Thielmann, T. Thielmann E. Winterfeldt, Tetrahedron 1987, 43, 9, 2035-2044. OH Et N Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab M. Maue Diels-Alder Chemistry Discrimination of enantiotopic groups in a DA-reaction5 Synthesis of Didemnone C6 OMe O O O LDA, acrolein O O O OH O O H O O OAr OAr ee >98% O O Ar CO2Et O O H O O O 6.5 kbar, 21d Li O O O 1) MsCl 2) DBU retro-DA O O O O H O O H H O OH 41% 1) NaBH4 2) cat. HCl, acetone/H2O only small differentiation! OMe O O CO2Et CO2Et O O O O I2 O ee >98% O OTBS 48% 1) CAN 2) TBS-Cl 3) DIBALH O O O O O O O O O CO2Et OH ee >98% ee >98% OH OH didemnone C 5 P. G. Jones, H. Weinmann, E. Winterfeldt, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1995, 34, 4, 448-450. 6 M. Göres, E. Winterfeldt, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I 1994, 3525-3531. O OAr O O OAr O Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab M. Maue Diels-Alder Chemistry Enantioselective Synthesis of (+)-Clavularin A7 Synthesis of enantiopure cyclopentenones8 OMe O OMe O OMe OMe OMe O O O OH HO O pivaloyl chloride 1) Me2CuLi, TMS-Cl 2) TBAF OMe OMe OMe OMe 1) LDA 2) I O SiMe3 O O MeLi Me 90% SiMe Me O Me O O H H 90% Ph2CuCNLi2 1) mCPBA 2) acid OMe O O O OMe O ∆T Me Ph Me H (+)-clavularin A regioselectivity 95:5 O 7 H. Weinmann ,E. Winterfeldt, Synthesis 1995, 1097-1101. 8 P. Riviere, A. Mauvais, E. Winterfeldt, Tetrahedron Asymmetry 1994, 5, 9, 1831-1846. ∆T Ph Me O Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab M. Maue Diels-Alder Chemistry Application for the Synthesis of complex cyclohexenones10 Synthesis of enantiopure cyclohexenones9 OMe O O Br O Br OMe Br 14d O HO O 92% OH H N N O O OH O O O prochiral Br Br O H N O OH N O Br agelorin A H2O2 90% OH O OMe OMe O OH O O O O N 88% over two steps O N N Me Me O O O PIFA O ∆T, 81% O OMe Me 1) KOH, H2O2 80% 2) ∆T enantiopure cyclohexenones from simple benzoquinone OMe O OMe 1) H2 more sterically 2) selectride hindered O O O HO H O ∆T O O OH N O Br2, NEt3 48% O Me O H R and many more.... HO H 9 I. Gerstenberger, M. Hansen, A. Mauvais, R. Wartchow, E. Winterfeldt, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 1998, 643-650. 10 W. Beil, P. G. Jones, F. Nerenz, E. Winterfeldt, Tetrahedron 1998, 54, 7273-7292. O O N N Me HO H Br PPh3Br2 O O O Br HO H O HO O Br Me Baran Lab Ekkehard Winterfeldt Diels-Alder Chemistry Enantiopure polycycles by sequential cycloadditions11 11 M. Wolter, C. Borm, E- Merten, R. Wartchow, E. Winterfeldt, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2001, 4051-4060. M. Maue Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab Enantioselective Synthesis of (-)-Myltaylenol12 M. Maue Investigations of the Brefeldin A cyclization13 OH O ∗ ∗ O HO ∗ ∗ OH OH O O brefeldin A O X X 1) HCl OTHP KOtBu, then PhSCH2I 83%, 96% de O OTHP 2) N2H4, ∆T S 3) Ts-Cl 4) KOtBu 60% O O S 1) cuprate addition 2) reduction O S CO2Mem MemO OMem OH 1) reduction 2) Wittig SPh SPh S 1) NaIO4 90% 2) Ac O 2 1) Cl-SO2CH=CH2 2) toluene, ∆T 3) Pd/C/H2 S 1) KOH 2) NaBH4 S S O O MemO Mukaiyama S CO2H OH MemO 80% O OH SO2 AcO 1:1 mixture SPh name reaction? S sBuLi, O2 S O OH MemO 1) TsNHNH2 2) BuLi O O Me2O(O)P S S OH O O MemO O 1) TIPSOTf 2) BH3-THF 90% OH P(O)OMe2 DCC OH name reaction? Wittig 90% TIPSO OH P(O)OMe2 1) Swern 80% 2) Ph3PCH3Br 3) TBAF S S O MemO O O O MemO S O O Me recovered starting material (10:1) HO S after ester hydrolysis succesful synthesis of Brefeldin A via lactonisation 12 S. Doye, T. Hotopp, R. Wartchow, E. Winterfeldt, Chem. Eur. J. 1998, 1480-1488. 13 P. Raddatz, E. Winterfeldt, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 1981, 286-287. 10:1 wrong epimer Ekkehard Winterfeldt Baran Lab Synthesis of Cephalostatin Analogues14 • isolated by Pettit out of the marine worm Cepalodiscus gilchristi •strong cytostatic activity (400x stronger than Taxol) •Limited bioavailability (139 mg out of 166 kg worm) Cephalostatin 1 14 M. Drögemüller, T. Flessner, R. Jautelat, U. Scholz, E. Winterfeldt, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 1998, 2811-2831. M. Maue Baran Lab Ekkehard Winterfeldt Synthesis of Cephalostatin Analogues15,16 Controlled oxidation of C17 15 R. Jautelat, A. Müller-Fahrnow, E. Winterfeldt, Chem. Eur. J. 1999, 1226-1233. 16 S. Bäsler, A. Brunck, R. Jautelat, E. Winterfeldt, Helv. Chim. Acta 2000, 1854-1880. M. Maue