Tutor- marked Assignment D

Arab British Academy for Higher Education
Tutor- marked Assignment D
This is your fourth Assignment (Congratulations on having got this far!). As
before, you will send your Assignment to your Tutor who will mark and
comment on your work with a full Report; and you will also receive a Model
Answer giving you an idea of how you could have set out this Assignment.
However, as this is now Composition work, you can only be given an idea in
the Key what you should have done!
But given that you have benefited from this Course, you should not find it so
difficult to put your ideas on paper, so that they come out the way you want
them! The proof will be in the response to your Assignment of your Tutor,
who will tell you whether or not you have approached the Assignment in the
right fashion: as I am sure you will have done!
But, especially if you are in any way uncertain, do go over the Activities you
have done in this Lesson, check the answers you have written, and compare
them with the answers in your Key. And once you are really happy with that,
you will be in the position to try out this Assignment.
Do it all together, though you should read through the questions first, and
see what exactly is wanted. There will be two Questions, one an Essay and
one a Letter (50 Marks each); there will be a choice, (one out of two of each)
and the type of Essay will be what you have been looking at in this Lesson.
So it is important that you know before you start the general style of
Composition/Letter you will have to write. The best of luck and when you get
your work back from your Tutor, you can always ask about any particular
problems, not covered by your Key.
Arab British Academy for Higher Education
Please answer TWO of the following:
Describe a person (well known, one you know, or imaginary) bringing out his
or her appearance and character.
(250 Words)
(50 Marks)
Write a Persuasive Essay on why one should or should not go in for Keep Fit
(250 Words)
(50 Marks)
Write a Letter from the Hotel Manager of the Mountain View Hotel in answer
to the guest complaining about his hotel prices and the non-vegetarian
meals provided (See the letter of complaint from Beatrice Winter)
(250 Words)
(50 Marks)
Write a reply to Alan Barnard as from Molly Urquhart answering the
questions put, in support of her application for a Bursary (See Key Activity
(250 Words)
(50 Marks)
Write a Story of about 250 words on ONE of the following Subjects
Lost in a Strange City
(50 Marks)
(50 Marks)
The best of luck in this Assignment!
Arab British Academy for Higher Education
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