Dear Sir/Madam, To the project manager for the SimuLab/BBBC development venture:

To the project manager for the SimuLab/BBBC development venture:
Dear Sir/Madam,
As a result of paperwork submitted by BBBC for permission to import a number of African food products, this
communication requires contact be made with this office by the responsible officer.
In order to comply with statutory obligations, BBBC is required to provide precise specifications for each of
the materials. The specifications shall define the range of properties expected for each shipment and shall
meet all compliance obligations outlined by import regulations. Please use the reference number shown in
the attached pro forma when responding to this request, and for all future correspondence in this matter. You
need to complete the pro forma and return it as soon as possible.
Please give me a call if you have any questions about this letter.
Yours faithfully,
Ms Terri Deece-Seeze