OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY 9. Section 9 – Occupational Health & Safety Committee Version: 03 Page: 1 of 4 MANUAL Issue Date: 12 January 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE The Occupational Health and Safety Committee brings employees and management together in a non-adversarial forum where health and safety problems can be identified and resolved, and where safe systems and procedures can be developed and monitored. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (see Section 18) sets out the functions of the committee as: Review measures taken to ensure the health and safety of workers. Investigate any matter that may be a risk to health and safety at the place of work. Attempt to resolve any matter, but if unable to do so to request an investigation by an inspector for that purpose. The committee provides management and employees with a mechanism whereby they can talk to each other about health and safety in their workplace and make recommendations for improvements in these areas. SimuLab is committed to consultation on OH&S matters through the OH&S Committee. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 outlines all legal requirements for the formation and running of committees in New South Wales. 9.1. Committee Membership The SimuLab Occupational Health and Safety Committee MUST consist of elected employee representatives and nominated employer representatives. The number of employer representatives must not exceed the number of employee representatives, but an equal representation is allowable. The Chairperson must be an employee representative elected by the other employee representatives. The employer’s representatives should include a person with authority to implement preventative measures and act on behalf of the employer in matters associated with occupational health and safety. The maximum number of members of a committee should be eight and each employee representative is elected for two years. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee should include people from: both sexes; different sections; different skills and work activities; and different areas of hazard exposure. 9.2. Committee Training New South Wales Occupational Health and Safety legislation requires all committee members to attend a four-day WorkCover accredited training program. Committee members who have been re-elected can attend a one-day refresher training course. Re-elected committee members are encouraged to attend refresher training to keep up to date with changes in Occupational Health and Safety trends and legislation. All committee members should attend Risk Management and Hazardous Substances training programs. 9.3. Occupational Health And Safety Committees – Functions The Occupational Health and Safety Committee is not a decision making body. Its functions are entirely advisory. Typical committee activities are listed below. Committees may: Report to the employer and investigate any situation that a committee member or an employee thinks is unsafe. 02-002 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY 9.4. Section 9 – Occupational Health & Safety Committee Version: 03 Page: 2 of 4 MANUAL Issue Date: 12 January 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson Recommend methods to employers to protect the health and safety of people in the workplace. Provide input into the development and review of measures taken to make the workplace healthy and safe. Provide input and feedback to management during development of workplace health and safety policies. Contribute to and maintain a safe working environment and safe systems of work. Monitor the use, maintenance and timely replacement of protective equipment. Committee Members – Obligations and Rights Committee members have the following obligations. They MUST: Inspect the workplace after an accident or possible hazardous situation occurs, or at least once every three months. Recommend to the employer training and education for particular groups at the workplace. Be provided by the employer with details of any modifications to the workplace that could affect health and safety. Be allowed access by the employer to all records on accidents and occupational illness, and risks to health and safety of any equipment or substance in the workplace. Be remunerated at their normal rate whilst undertaking duties as committee members or attending training. Inform the committee (who should then inform management) of any breach of occupational health and safety legislation. Not be dismissed for being an occupational health and safety committee member or for performing duties as part of the committee. In addition to general duties, committee members have some specific duties. These are as follows: The Chairperson MUST: direct all aspects of meetings; and review and sign minutes. The secretary MUST: record and distribute minutes; and make all administrative arrangements for meetings Committee members MUST: complete workplace inspections; attend meetings; report unsafe acts/conditions, accidents and near misses; Investigate accidents; refer employees' ideas/suggestions; promote safety and assist in safety training; and take part in subcommittees when requested. 02-002 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY 9.5. Section 9 – Occupational Health & Safety Committee Version: 03 Page: 3 of 4 MANUAL Issue Date: 12 January 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson Committee Meetings Occupational Health and Safety Committee Meetings MUST be held at least once every three months, or more frequently if required. The agenda must be circulated by the chairperson to all committee members prior to any meeting. It should outline how the meeting will run and what will be discussed and in what order. The most important items should be listed first. A sample agenda is provided at the end of this section. Some of the items, which should be discussed at an occupational health and safety meeting might include: reports of workplace inspections; analysis and discussion of injury/illness/incident reports and accident investigations; discussion of statistics linked to accidents and illness; discussion of issues/complaints raised by employees; progress with previous recommendations; training; and matters relating to housekeeping, fire prevention, guarding, protective equipment, violations of safety rules, lighting, noise, ventilation, etc. Both employee and management representatives are entitled to time off from their usual work without loss of pay to attend meetings and undertake their activities as a committee member. 9.6. Workplace Audits/Inspections Workplace inspections and safety audits are one of the most important functions of occupational health and safety committee members. Committee members should use the SimuLab OH&S Inspection Checklist 05-109 for routine workplace inspections, although other items may be added to the list if deemed appropriate by committee members. Inspections should be carried out on a regular basis as agreed upon by the committee and section supervisors, but all sections of the workplace MUST be inspected at least once every three months. Additionally inspections MUST be undertaken whenever an accident or possible hazardous situation is brought to the attention of the committee. The section supervisor or manager MUST accompany committee members on inspections. Supervisors and managers should be advised one week in advance that an inspection will take place. Committee members should never interfere with the work of employees or the condition of a section; or pass judgment while the inspection is in progress. Protective clothing and equipment must also be used by the committee members when required. An inspection report should go to the committee for consideration at the next meeting. 9.7. Accident Investigation At least one member of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee MUST be part of any accident investigation team. Risk assessment MUST be included in the accident investigation process. 02-002 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY 9.8. Section 9 – Occupational Health & Safety Committee Version: 03 Page: 4 of 4 MANUAL Issue Date: 12 January 2002 Authorised by: Marjorie Dickenson Typical Meeting Agenda SIMULAB - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE Agenda for meeting – 28th November 2001 Location: Conference room Bldg. B Time: 8:45am 1. Attendance. 2. Apologies. 3. Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting. 4. Business arising from previous minutes. 5. Correspondence in. 6. Correspondence out. 7. Injury/illness/incident reports. 8. Workplace inspection reports. 9. Managing Directors Report. 10. General Business. - Alcohol and other drug issues. OH&S committee chairperson to attend conference. Other general business. Next Meeting will be AGM for 2002 to be convened by Chairperson first Wednesday of January 2002. 02-002