Warwick Evidence Expenses SOP

Warwick Evidence
Expenses SOP
Warwick Evidence
ID number: WE AL AG v1
Amy Grove
08 June 2012
Division of Health Sciences
Warwick Medical School
The University of Warwick
Signed ...................................................................................Date.......................................
Signed ...................................................................................Date.......................................
Signed ...................................................................................Date.......................................
Signed ...................................................................................Date.......................................
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Expenses SOP
Scope and Applicability ....................................................................................................... 3
Summary of Method............................................................................................................. 3
Maximum Allowances ...................................................................................................... 4
Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 5
Health and Safety Warnings and Cautions ...................................................................... 5
Interferences ......................................................................................................................... 5
Staff Requirements and Responsibilities .......................................................................... 5
Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 6
Quality Control ...................................................................................................................... 7
References ............................................................................................................................ 7
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Expenses SOP
1. Procedures: Expenses for Warwick Evidence
1.1 Scope and Applicability
Warwick Evidence (WE) must follow the policies and procedure that have been
developed by Warwick Medical School (WMS) Finance department for all expenses
being claimed from the WE budget code RMRHS0020.
Wherever possible, WE staff are to purchase items in advance of their expenditure
by contacting the unit secretary to request items/travel be purchased using the Opera
1.2 Summary of Method
Expenses incurred on behalf of WE need to be recorded in detail on the appropriate
expenses claim form. The usual form for expenses is the Fp16a Travel and
Sustenance Claim form. When completing claims forms please provide as much
information as possible to avoid queries being raised and claims delayed. Once
completed and all appropriate receipts have been attached, the form must be passed
to the unit secretary, who will fill in the appropriate general ledger codes and pass to
WMS finance for processing. The Fp16a Travel and Sustenance Claim form can be
found on the P drive P:\Research data\Warwick Evidence\Templates and forms.
Mileage claims should state start, intermediate and end destinations either by UK
postcode or town. Diversions or other circumstances resulting in higher than
anticipated mileage being travelled should be noted. Reasons for the journey and/or
expense must be stated.
Claims must be submitted for reimbursement within three months of the expense
being incurred. Failure to do so without a valid reason may result in payment being
delayed or withheld.
Claims may include reasonable amounts for service charges, tips or gratuities in
appropriate circumstances. The total (including the gratuity) must be within the
maximum allowance. No gratuity will be refunded if service is already included in the
bill total. Overseas gratuities should be in line with local cultural expectations but
should not exceed 20% of the total bill.
All claims must be supported by original receipts with the exception of claims for
mileage allowances.
Where business entertainment or hospitality is provided, the Names and
Organisations of the attendees must be given together with the business reason for
providing the entertainment or hospitality.
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Expenses SOP
Expense claims should only be used for reimbursement of travelling, subsistence,
accommodation or other related costs. Goods and services should be ordered using
the University purchasing procedures (see Purchasing SOP).
Travel to and from work at the University is private mileage and will not be reimbursed.
For expenses incurred in foreign currencies, supporting documentation of the
exchange rate must be attached to the claim form otherwise the University’s published
rates will be used. Retrospective claims will not then be accepted for any variation in
the exchange rate once bank or credit card statements are received. If staff wish to
ensure they receive the correct exchange rates, then claims should be withheld until
evidence of the rate incurred is available.
Maximum Allowances
Actual costs up to the following maxima including VAT:
Evening Meal
Evening Meal when dining in hotel in
which you are staying
£140.00 per night
£102.00 per night
The accommodation rates are intended to include the cost of breakfast.
Please note, where staff are put up by friends or family in the UK, a payment of up to
£25.00 per night can no longer be claimed (effective 29/3/11)
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Expenses SOP
1.3 Definitions
WE Warwick Evidence
Warwick Medical School
1.4 Health and Safety Warnings and Cautions
1.5 Interferences
WE staff should have all expenses approved by their line manager. Lack of information or
missing receipts may lead to delays and an inability to have your claim refunded.
1.6 Staff Requirements and Responsibilities
Staff – all staff are responsible for completing their own claim form within 3 months of the
purchase. All staff need to provide all receipts and give as many details as possible. Staff
are then responsible for passing this onto the unit secretary. Staff are also responsible for
informing finance if they do not believe this payment has been reimbursed after a month.
Project Manager/director – will authorise claims.
Unit Secretary – will be responsible for completing the general ledger codes, passing to
the project manager/director for authorisation, keeping a copy of the completed form and
giving a copy to finance for approval.
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1.7 Procedures
The Fp16a form is available on the P drive - P:\Research
data\Warwick Evidence\Templates and forms.
An item/service is purchased
whilst on WE business
Within 3 months an Fp16a
form must be completed
(see appendix a)
The form must be passed to
the unit secretary who will add
in the general ledger codes
and check the form
The unit secretary will pass
the form to either the
project manager or
director for approval
The authoriser will then
pass back to the unit
If there is an issue with the claim,
finance will pass it back to either
the claimant or the approver to
have the issues resolved
Let the unit secretary
know and contact her if
you have any queries
The unit secretary will
keep a copy and then pass
the form to finance for
If there are no issues, the finance
team will aim to have the money
debited into the requested account
within 2 weeks of the date of receipt
in the payroll department
The unit secretary will then
pass the updated version
to the finance team.
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1.8 Quality Control
Any discrepancies regarding expenditure to the WE cost code will be raised by the line
manager/person authorising the claim prior to the form being passed to the finance department.
1.9 References
Any queries regarding specific payments should be made to Janice Denham 75758
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Expenses SOP