Vernon'sl!> TEXAS CODE FORMS AN OTATED Volume 1 U IFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FORYIS THIRD EOITIO B)· JOH ! KRAH IER ProC or of UlW, Texas Tech n;ve",iry Chapt rs 1 to 3 ST. PAUL. lINN. WEST PUBLISH 1997 G CO. eman • Ri CODE OT T TE olum 2 U IFORM COM 'I R I L DE OR THIHD EDmON By JOHN KRAH 1ER pmrc r 01' Law, 11 x T h nivcl1!ilY hapt rs 4 to ntl 'labl . and Ind T. PAUL. MINS. WE T PUBLISHING CO. 1997 IARY OF CONTE T (lMluti Volum ~ 1. ~r-.J PtO\ A- rt , t .... 1 on.a •.•.•• _ . 1 Applita~ T ••••••••.•••• _ •....•...•••••••••••••.••••••••.••• ·tl... ConstzuetioD. 3 .0 ••• 0 •• o 6~ ... t~ ;0 .. I ......... ...... ..... ....................... 332 317 R9pUlbation and Exro ••••••••••• < .............................. II .. ll~' C'unorW Provi.NOo.s _ _ 11,4.4 f' rm..tlon und COllillruction 01 LealSe Controct 4 El'ti 01 L 'W!C ConLracL GOO P'rlormllllOll of Leaoc Contract: ll.epudillLion. ub tJ· tuled Pllrfonnuncc lind ExCUlie •.•. G21 Den ult-In Q.cncral _ . G or 0 ..............•.••••...••.••• 3. 1n.atn1m au ."............ . - A . e •••••••••••••••••• . . ............ ......... 657 11 6030 I 134 U3 763 , ........................ t , . Volume 2 4. Bank 0cl1lOt11 nd Collections •.............•........ A- Cocwrnl Pro . io and UefiniuoM ......... 8. Coil tion of Helus: Deposil.l\f)' nnd -... Ban D. E. F. .. .. . .. '"8 . . Colleetion or II.e : Payor Banks .. lett,o tip lween Payor Bank nd I 110m r CoIIcetlon or Documentary DraIU A"wet ilIl)' of f'\Jndi and Collection 01 C1M!e1:J XIX 1 20 31 I WOIARY OF CON'.TElrnl CN..... -4A. F\J.rada b • liS lUr and .Dtfl.l1 117 O. n~ Order ..• .•..•.. 120 n of Send••• Pa.>.... nl Ord r b)· R Mnll nk •......................•..••..•.....•••..•.....••....•.•.•.•. 124 ~ent .. 127 E. ~tl B. / u and Acc:eplance of Paym C. l:.ecu~ l1anoous Pro'\i&iona Lo~" 0( 5. 6. Bulk 7. VI' B. F. In '•.• 0 0' 0 edil •......~........... Bills 01 Ladi t'" _ _.. . of W .. . nd 00 Docu· . _.. . • Recoipts: D.a1 of Lad.iA,g: Pro\: •• _••••...•••. Warcllou R ipts and Bilbo of LadincOUI p ODS 1m n~ SecuriUcs hart Tille a.nd ~oeral u 8. 274 282 ~!Jlll I'll .. .. r................... .. 297 3013 0( Securl 30? StocwW and r B. D. S. F G 213 276 D. R A. .129 131 ~ipu. _n~ A. a ~ .• .•• •• •• •• •••• .•••• 11 I 01 A«ounu and .. .. rl Til1~. ApplicabililY and Oolin'l n ........ .. ~ dlty nf . ri~y nl and RIglIIi of Part! I Bhl~ nf Third Part, . l>Crl""lod And Un rf~ rilY Inter 18; Rill 01' t>norily 3/2 3 333 Flhng M ult 3901 "I·' "3 .. I.4l for ri ty P.--';'", of the '" n for Col I«'aI in 1M ~....... .. ..7 Se<urity mon \\'IICla Colla 1a H IU 01 In t h e n 0( 1M rod Pnr1)." .. HG 10. 1'rut.h an Lending .• _................ ....••. 640 ru ty alI7 Comm nc.ary on Tnnh io LoncbOC CompliallOt B. T1obI~ Ind " of I luI Fol'1DS... .•••••. ........ _ ................................ __ __. . .. 641 •.. .• 64.3 .... ••••.••.• 01':