857 ecutive Orders kpanding the Texas Commission on the Status of Women --- - - . EREAS, on the 17th day of August, A.D. 1977, I did create establish the Texas Comnlission on the Status of Women; I 1; KRRRAS a rritiral need cnnt.in11nsin our country to utilize 11 potential of all our citizens; at.-~d valuable assistance to nd potentiality of this kke; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dolph Briscoe, governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the power vested in me. do hereby establish the Task Force on Speedy Trial in Criminal Cases to provide assistance and coordination in the transition to and im: plementation of the Speedy Trial in Criminal Cases Act. I charge this task force to address the following matters and any other matters which are germane to its deliberations: (1) Assess the present caseloads and backlogs of criminal cases. (2) Assess the impact of similar legislation in the federal system and other states t h a t have a statutory mandate of speedy trials. (3) Identify potential problem areas based on the results gathered from ( 1 ) and (2) above. ( 4 ) Develop a n immediate plan to reduce any current backlog prior to July 1. 1978. 15) Develop a n immediate plan for the coordination of available judicial resources to assist the local trial courts. (6) D e v e l o ~a n immediate ~ l a nfor criminal caseload management. (7) Develop recommendations fcr the full and effective use of prosecutor screening and grand juries. (8) D e v e l o ~trainine t roe rams for the iudiciarv and ~~ commission by -broadening the basis and participation in --- - -- r e r n n rmav rnnt.in11e t.n - that. -- - - - t.he ~ n v------- receive ----- - a - rnm'---J ..lensive review of the needs of this state; and W. THEREFORE , bv ~ virtue - ~ - - of - the authority vested in me - overnor of ,_ _ - __-_ -_ t.he ---- State - - - _ _ of -- T -'exas by the constitaution and tutes nf the Stnt.e nf Texas, the following is ordered: referred to 'stablished Exem1977*is ?rs appointed by the of governor. , who shall serve a t the discret;ion .-._ _ the _.., . _ commission shall continue to operate in the manner and er the conditions specified in Executive Order 32. fficial recognition whereof, I hereby affix my signature the 3rd day of March, A.D., 1978. . - :ation of the Task Force on Speedy 'rial in Criminal Cases REAS, the swiftness and certaintjI of punishment is a r deterrent to crime; and - E R E A S the 65th Legislature of the State of Texas ted the SF>, D ,, D ,~ VTrin1 ,.. ,. in ...criminal ., ... Cases Act (Chapter 787, 1970, Acts of the 65th LII.V.YUY --mcl-+-re, Regular Session, ,he crlmlnal justlce 3ry and prosecutors' es; and EREAS the illdiriarv n ~ e r i i t offices ~ ~ ~ ' will need --- ---- and ----nr-i--"--"avail'able r e y u r c e to insure t h a t t he transition to and ementation of the Speedy Trial of Criminal Cases Act is ~ :,,'$ :.?$ 2[ :!, .:jr .d ,: !;:. .)11 -,i .:,: . .. I:. " 8 w, .:.' . I 9 ,."I .? . .. .,, ,. , , .,.'I ,.,:,! , .,.,; 8 i , I, ., .I .. . ~- effectiveness of the vlans develo~ed. (10) Prepare and submit to me a report prior to Februa r y 1, 1979, which shall include the development of the above plans and recommendations for the transition to and implementation of the act, the impact and effect on the judiciary and prosecutors' offices, recommendations a s to the needs of the judiciary and prbsecutors' offices to fully comply with the act, and recommendations on needed legislative changes. This task force will operate under my personal supervision, chaired by my executive director, criminal stic ice-~ivision, ' and i t shall be composed of the following: chief justice, Supreme Court of Texas, and as chairman, Judicial Planning Committee presiding judge, Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas chairman, Judicial Section, State Bar of Texas president, Texas District and County Attorneys Association. and as chairman. Texas prosecutors' Coordinating council president, Texas Judicial Council administrative director, Office of Court Administration chairman, Criminal Law Section, State Bar of Texas chairman, Continuing Legal Education Committee, Texas Centerfor the Judiciary president, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association president, Texas Police Association president, Texas Chiefs of Police Association . .president, Sheriffs Association of Texas president, Texas Justices of the Peace and Constables Associa tion chairman, Municipal Judges Section, State Bar of Texas chairman, Texas Adult Probation Commission president. County and District Clerks Association such citizen members a s may be appointed by the governor I request each member of this task force to commit their sup- 1 I!, ..M 'J$ !p .:,:$$ Y.2 ;;I. ..'::;di:>j , ,,,,:< ?: .I ... :!yl $; 4 ,,? .$ 1: &: por<staff personnel a n d financial resources to the execution of this executive order. And I further request each state Volume 3, Number 19, March 14, 1978 .:. 858 -- agency and state official concerned with the field of criminal justice to cooperate with and assist the task force a t the request of the chairman. (dl assist legislative committees and members of t legislature by review and analysis of present and prop08 The chairman shall appoint such committees a s deemed necessary and may include citizens and other appropriate members of the criminal justice system on these committees. (e) recommend changes in the laws on workers' pensation insurance if a quorum of the committee unanimous agreement as to such change: and (n report to the governor and the 66th Legislature later than 30 days prior to the convening of the regul sion of the legislature. The report shall contain a summ the committee's activities and its recommendations, if and (g) to draft proposed legislation for the considera the legislature and the governor creating a permanent Workers' Compensation Advisory Committee. ' Meetings of the task force and the committees appointed thereunder shall be subject to the call of the chairman. The chairman is a voting member of the task force. Any services rendered to the task force by state officials and state employees shall be a n additional duty of their respective offices and positions. The task force, through its chairman, may apply for and accept grants from public or private funds. The task force will report its findings, recommendations, and conclusions to me and make such interim reports a s may be requested. The membership and responsibilities of the task force may be modified, expanded, or diminished from time to time. This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in effect until February 1, 1979, unless modified, extended, or rescinded by me. In official recognition thereof, I hereby affix my signature this the 3rd day of March,. 1978. D.B. 36 Establishment of the Texas Workers Compensation Interim Advisory Committee WHEREAS- the State of Texas has no Texas Workers' pensation Advisory Committee t o study a n d evaluate workers' compensation laws in this state: and WHEREAS, there exists a need for the establishment of a n interim advisory committee to study and analyze the status of Texas laws relating to workers' compensation insurance and to advise the governor and the legislature on the repeal or amendment of existing legislation or the adoption of new legislation in that body of law. NOW,THEREFORE, I, Dolph Briscoe, governor of the State of Texas, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby establish the Texas Workers' Compensation Interim Advisory Committee to conduct a thorough study and analysis of Texas laws relating to workers' compensation insurance and advise me and the legislature of any needed changes in the Texas Workers' Compensation Law. I charge this committee to address the following matters and any other matters which a r e germane t o its deliberations: ( a ) review the laws of the State of Texas pertaining to workers' compensation insurance, including judicial interpretation, with a view to improving the system for the benefit of the citizens of Texas: and (.b) conduct research and hold hearings a s needed to identify problem areas of the law and to formulate solutions; and (c) utilize data of the Industrial Accident Board and t h e s t a t e Board of Insurance, subject to maintaining the confidentiality of any data so received; and m This committee shall consist of 13 members appointed by to serve a t my pleasure. Members shall be appointed s o t three members represent each of the following: ( a ) employers who are subscribers as that ter defined in Article 8309, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, amended; (b) employees who a r e insured under the provision Title 130, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925; (c) insurers which write workers' compensation surance in Texas: and, (d) attornevs who r e ~ r e s e n tclaimants before the' dustrial ~ c c i d e n Board. t The chairman of the Industrial Accident Board is a n excio member of the committee and is designated by me a chairman. I request each member of this committee to commit h support and resources toward accomplishment of poses. I further request state agencies and officials to ate assist the committee a t the request of th man or his designee and any services rendered shall be an ditionak duty of their respective offices and positions. ~~~~l~~ meetings of the committee shall be held in A Texas, a t least once every two months a t the call of the e man 0, his designee. Hearings and special meetings she heid at such times as a majority of the members ma mine. A quorum for the transaction of business by t mitteeshall consist of one member of each of the four mimed above. The appoint subcornmi consist of at least necessary and each each of the four groups named above. Members of the committee and subcommittees shall'; without compensation and each shall be responsible for" her expenses. The personnel of the Industrial Accident Board the staff for the committee in addition to the and shall assist the committee in its duties the next needed legislation to present Texas Legislature. The membership and responsibilities of the commit be modified, expanded, or diminished from time to modification of this executive order. Volume 3, Number 19. March 14. 1978