WORKING PAPER Labor Supply Estimation Biases from Disregarding Non-Wage Benefits Matthew Baird RAND Labor & Population WR-1079 February 2015 This paper series made possible by the NIA funded RAND Center for the Study of Aging (P30AG012815) and the NICHD funded RAND Population Research Center (R24HD050906). RAND working papers are intended to share researchers’ latest findings and to solicit informal peer review. They have been approved for circulation by RAND Labor and Population but have not been formally edited or peer reviewed. Unless otherwise indicated, working papers can be quoted and cited without permission of the author, provided the source is clearly referred to as a working paper. RAND’s publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors. RAND® is a registered trademark. Labor Supply Estimation Biases from Disregarding Non-Wage Benefits Matthew Baird The RAND Corporation∗ February 13, 2015 Abstract Labor supply models and research underpinned by labor supply decisions typically assume the agents’ choices are functions of wage and wage offers. However, there is evidence that these selections are not only wage-driven, but at least in part depend on non-wage benefits encompassed in jobs and occupations. In this paper, I develop and estimate a stochastic dynamic model of occupational and job choice, where non-wage benefits are directly incorporated into the decision alongside wages. A nested model within this is a wage model, representing common practice in the literature, where non-wage benefits are disregarded. I separately estimate the full model and the nested wage model in order to compare the implications of omitting non-wage benefits. Three analyses are compared: elasticities, economy-wide structural changes in occupations, and inequality reduction intervention policies. I find that while disregarding non-wage benefits generally causes biases, there are cases when the two models predict very similar outcomes and have close estimates, such as in occupational-specific elasticities and job transition elasticities. However, I demonstrate that these special cases are products of canceling biases, and that the same estimates on subpopulations are biased. These results suggest that in most cases, ignoring non-wage benefits will bias estimates by overestimating the importance of wage in the selection process (and so any intervention or change in wages will be over-emphasized) and by disregarding changes in relative prices between wage and non-wage benefits, such as happens through changes in wage taxes or in non-wage benefits. These biases can be severe. The results suggest that ignoring non-wage benefits in labor supply decisions is appropriate only in the special case in which subpopulation biases negate each other, which is atypical ∗ I would like to thank Moshe Buchinsky and Maria Casanova for their invaluable and continual help in this project, as well as Rosa Matzkin, Arturo Harker, Seth Kerstein, Dan Ben-Moshe, Peter Bergman, anonymous referees at Review of Economics and Statistics, and seminar participants at UCLA, RAND, Syracuse University, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Census Bureau for numerous helpful comments and suggestions. 1 Introduction Assuming that individuals make work decisions based only on wages is a common premise in both structural and reduced form estimation of labor supply. However, job offers and occupations are bundles of goods which include not only wages, but a set of non-wage benefits. Not accounting for non-wage benefits that are part of a job offer can potentially lead to biases in econometric analysis, both in cases when the question is about labor supply decisions or when labor supply decisions–such as occupation choice, job change, and education–are incorporated in the choice examined. Examples include job lock and the effects of the Affordable Care Act on job transition rates, changes in programs for occupation retraining (such as in recessions) and internships, changes in the speed in which firms learn about their employees’ ability, and the outcomes of policies aimed at reducing inequality and poverty. In this paper, I evaluate the incidence and magnitude of biases that may arise from not accounting for non-wage benefits in selection. To do so, I develop a dynamic model of occupation and job choice that incorporates non-wage benefits (for the purpose of this paper, referenced as the “full model”). The decisions are modeled in order to allow a nested model, representing the norm in the literature, where selection is made just on wages (“wage model”). I separately estimate both the full and wage models and contrast the data fit, labor supply estimates, and policy and event predictions. In addition to including nonwage benefits, other unique modeling contributions of this paper beyond the larger body of discrete choice dynamic model occupational choice papers (exemplified by Keane and Wolpin 1997) include: allowing the decision of occupation to be jointly made with the choice of staying at a firm or accepting a new job offer; and workers and firms both being Bayesian learners of unobserved worker heterogeneity in occupational specific ability. The models are estimated from a dataset of young men from the NLSY. I focus on three tests of the biases: occupational-specific labor supply elasticities,1 inequality interventions, and a large, structural, economy-wide change in an occupation’s wages. Estimating a structural dynamic model advances the goals of this paper in several ways. It allows for direct comparison of the models’ predictions, including in estimating counterfactuals. Also, there is significant evidence that decisions are made by forward-looking agents, captured by the dynamic nature of the model. For example, Table 1 demonstrates that workers making the change from white collar to blue collar jobs have significantly lower wages and non-wage benefits in all categories than their peers, at statistically significant levels. White collar workers switching might be able to find higher wages and non-wage 1 Occupational specific labor supply elasticities are elasticities on the extensive margin of occupation choice, viz. the percentage change in the proportion in a given occupation for a one percent change in the wage. 1 benefits in blue collar jobs. Alternatively, some of them lose their white collar jobs and use this as an opportunity to switch occupations. There are potential sources of selection bias in estimating the elasticities and responses when not properly accounting for the occupation and job decision process, and motivate the use of a dynamic model. By directly modeling the decision, this paper provides better estimates of the reasons agents transition. Using a static model, such as in reduced form applications, ignores the dynamic decisions that workers are making when they choose their occupation and job.2 Another evidence of the importance of a forward-looking model comes in estimating how much agents would pay to know which occupation is ex-post optimal.3 In the first post-high school year, agents will pay on approximately 20% of their wage to know their ex-post optimal occupation. However, a decade later they are only willing to pay around 5% of their wage. The benefits of knowledge change over time as workers have less remaining years in the labor force, and entrenchment occurs as the workers gain occupational specific human capital. Estimating a dynamic structural model allows for many interesting counterfactual tests, which are not possible using a reduced form model, nor would static models account for the dynamic decisions important to many policies, including direct assessment of the biases from not accounting for the non-wage benefits. 1.1 Incorporating Non-Wage Benefits This paper includes four non-wage benefits: health insurance, retirement, the pleasantness of the work environment, and perceived job security.4 There is also reduced-form evidence that the non-wage benefits of a job or occupation affect their decisions. Longhi and Brynin (2010) use data from Britain and Germany, and in both samples find that both job changes and occupational changes yield positive changes in both wage and job satisfaction, with job changes across occupation being the best off. Delfgaauw (2007) finds that lower job satisfaction leads to higher job search, and that the type of dissatisfaction leads to where workers look for a new job (within the same organization, to a different organization, etc.). While he doesn’t look at the effect of actually changing jobs or occupation on satisfaction, he illustrates the reasons why we might expect an increase in satisfaction when the change is voluntary. Brand (2006) finds workers worse off for non-voluntary job layoffs. Linear 2 See, for example, Parrado et al. (2007), Longhi and Brynin (2010), and Markey and Parks (1989). The estimation procedure for the willingness to pay is described in Section 5. 4 This paper discusses non-wage benefits and non-monetary benefits, a subset of non-wage benefits. The difference between non-wage benefits and non-monetary benefits is only evident in health insurance, which carries both a monetary benefit (the job covers the health insurance payment that otherwise the agent would have to pay) and a non-monetary benefit (the satisfaction from knowing the employer is taking care of you and treating you fairly, etc.). Thus, the total non-wage benefits are all of the non-monetary benefits plus the covering of the health payment. 3 2 regressions on the data used in this paper show that leaving voluntarily leads to higher wages (Table 2), although staying within the same occupation when switching jobs is correlated with even higher wages.5 For the non-wage benefits of health insurance, retirement, pleasant environment, and job security, I observe similar trends (Table 3). Reduced form and structural estimation models of labor supply have typically relied on selection on wages alone. In reduced form models, this typically is incorporated using Heckman correction. For example, Arozamena and Centeno (2006) estimate the returns to tenure and how it is affected by the business cycle, and Dustmann and Meghir (2005) use displaced workers data from Germany to estimate the returns to experience and tenure. Both use Heckman correction with wages being the driving force in selection. One significant exception is Delfgaauw (2007), who uses Netherlands data to examine how job satisfaction variables affect job and occupation mobility through regression analysis. Also, there are many papers which focus on the importance of a single non-wage benefit (for example, health insurance, geography, and the value of retirement benefits in labor supply6 ), and demonstrate the importance of that variable. Such papers reinforce the hypothesis of biases arising from omitting any important non-wage benefits from consideration. There have also been many structural dynamic models that include occupational choice, but these models do not typically include non-monetary benefits and the coinciding choice of job. Keane and Wolpin (1997) estimate a simple dynamic model of occupational choice also using data from NLSY on young men. Others have followed the use of their discrete choice dynamic model application to occupational choice, including Lee (2005), Lee and Wolpin (2006), and Dix-Carneiro (2010), Yamaguchi (2010), and Lee and Wolpin (2010).7 Meinecke’s (2010) model is a dynamic occupational choice model with Bayesian updating for the individual specific effect on wages, which is also incorporated into this model. One exception is Sullivan (2009), who tests for the misclassification of occupations and includes non-wage benefits in a reduced form manner into his structural model.8 . There are also again several structural estimation papers which focus on a single benefit, such as retirement benefits, health insurance, and geography.9 5 With two occupations; with ten occupations, log wages are higher if they switch occupations as well. For example, see Gruber and Madrian (2004). 7 See also Aguirregabiria and Mira (2010) and Keane and Wolpin (2008) for a review of these models. 8 Agents’ utility is a function of wages and of factors which aim to capture the non-wage preferences, such as occupation tenure. 9 For example, Gustman and Steinmeier (2005), Rust and Phelan (1997). 6 3 1.2 Counterfactual Tests and Biases While the full and wage model yield very similar results in observed data trends (the fit of the model), labor supply estimates and predictions of policy effects can vary widely between the two models. The source of the bias in the wage model is that it over-predicts any dynamics associated with changes in wages and does not account for the trade-off between wage and non-wage benefits, and the results from a change in their relative prices. I examine three settings for estimates, and in each find potential biases from using the wage model. First, I estimate the elasticity of occupational specific labor supply from the simulated model. The average elasticity of white collar labor supply (the percentage change in workers in white collar jobs resulting from a one percentage point change in white collar wages) with respect to a permanent change in wages is estimated to be 5.4, while for blue collar the value is 2.6. The elasticities for a one year change in wages is substantially lower, at 0.54 and 0.25 for white and blue collar. However, the elasticities are highly variable across age, with the highest average elasticities for the youngest workers. A decade after high school, the average white collar elasticity for a permanent wage change is estimated to have decreased to around 2, while the blue collar is estimated to be at half that value. While failing to control for the non-monetary benefits does not cause serious biases in aggregate (the wage model estimates are within one standard error deviation of the full model estimates), I demonstrate that for subsamples, biases do arise and can be severe (over 2 standard errors deviated). The lack of bias for the aggregate is the product of biases canceling out across the sample–encouraging for analysis of certain labor supply trends when done in aggregate, while discouraging for a larger set of analysis underpinned by labor supply decisions. Second, I also perform a counterfactual of a decrease of blue collar wages of five percentage points and find an overall decrease of the fraction in blue collar work of 23% for workers who experience the shock immediately after leaving high school (at the beginning of the model), while the wage model over-predicts the importance of wage in the decision process (a universal phenomenon for all tested estimates in this paper). The wage model predicts a 27% decrease. Further analysis reveals that reasonable permanent changes in any of the non-wage variables could potentially counteract the 5% wage decrease to maintain similar proportions of workers in blue collar, emphasizing the importance of their inclusion. Third, I examine predictions of the effects of an inequality reduction policy, and again find large biases arising in predictable, systematic ways when non-wage benefits are not included in the model. The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 presents the model and Section 3 discusses the data, assumptions and restrictions made, and stylized trends and statistics in the data. Section 4 describes the empirical strategy. Section 5 explores the results and the implications, including the counterfactual studies. Section 6 then concludes. 4 2 Theoretical Model The model is an extension of previous economic models of occupational choice, with the key expansion being the inclusion of non-wage benefits. The Roy model (1951) allows workers to self-select into occupations based on wage-specific skills and the returns to those skills. One common model used to explain occupation and job transition is a matching model. Matching models differentiate workers into types (e.g., high skill and low skill) and also differentiate the labor market into different skill segments, both captured in this model.10 Léné’s model (2011) allows experience and education to be imperfect substitutes for each other, a feature of my model. Léné’s paper suggests that there is an entry cost to different labor segments; my model also includes these costs. The search good model (Burdett 1978, Jovanovic 1979) has transitions that are chosen by workers to improve situations. The model in this paper is a form of a search good model. Search good models predict lower transition rates with increased ages. Older workers have had more time to search and find better jobs and occupations (in terms of overall satisfaction, which will include wage and non-monetary factors) and stay there. Keane and Wolpin (1997) estimate a dynamic model of occupational choice using data from NLSY on young men. Others have followed the use of their discrete choice dynamic model application to occupational choice.11 Postel-Vinay and Robin (2002) create and estimate a model that examines firm and employee heterogeneity using French data, and look at equilibrium effects on wages. Meinecke’s (2010) model is a dynamic occupational choice model with Bayesian updating for an individual-specific effect on wages. Agents have imperfect knowledge about their ability within different occupations, but each period they work they are able to observe a noisy measurement of their productivity and update their beliefs about the unobserved portion of their ability. This paper also has agents update their beliefs about their productivity, but allows firms to update beliefs about the worker’s productivity as well, and change wage offers according to their beliefs, similar to Felli and Harris (1996) and Gibbons and Waldman (1999) in theoretical models. This paper extends these models. Agents choose every period whether to work or attend school. At the beginning of each period, they receive a bundled offer of wage and nonwage benefits from one firm in each occupation.12 When possible, workers also receive a 10 Examples of matching models include Pissarides (1990), Van Ours and Ridder (1995), Gautier (2002), Léné (2011), Albrecht and Vroman (2002), and Dolado et al. (2009). 11 For example, Lee (2005), Lee and Wolpin (2006), and Dix-Carneiro (2010)–see also Aguirregabiria and Mira (2010) and Keane and Wolpin (2008) for a review on these types of models. 12 While the model only includes one job offer from each occupation, this can be viewed as the best job offer of many job offers. A very bad job offer (below reservation wage, in wage selection models) can be interpreted as zero job offers. 5 continuation offer from their previous employer in each occupation.13 Agents’ choices are summarized by the dummy variable dkjt . k is the choice of schooling (k = 0) or work in occupation k = 1, ..., K. For computational reasons, in the estimation of the model there are two occupation: white collar (k = 1) and blue collar (k = 2). The division into two occupations retains many of the trends of interest of a more finely divided categorization.14 j is the choice of a new firm (j = 0) or to stay at the old firm when possible (j = 1). t is the period.15 By choosing every period to be in school or work in a white collar or blue collar job, as well as whether to stay at their firm when possible or accept a new job offer, agents maximize present value lifetime utility E T δ t−1 t=1 K dkjt Ukjt |St k=0 j=0,1 Ukjt is the per-period utility function. The utility function is constant elasticity of substitution (CES) as a function of wages and non-monetary benefits with an additive random utility shock and additive utility shifter for starting a new job: Ukjt = cρkjt + 1/ρ bρkjt + Mk × K 1(ds1t−1 = 1) + ξkjt s=1 The wage and non-monetary values differ depending on their choice of dkjt , for occupation/schooling choice k and job decision j in period t. St is a vector of state variables.16 . δ is the discount factor. ckjt is consumption from occupation k and firm choice j in period t, while bkjt is a weighted sum of non-monetary benefits from the job. ρ is the CES substitution parameter. Mk is the entry cost paid whenever a worker starts a new job. ξkjt is a zero mean normally distributed random shock, with standard deviation σ ξ . If the agent has no job to return to, then they can either go to school or choose one of 13 I include continuation offers from the firm in other occupations because of trends in the data suggesting a non-negligible fraction of occupation switches happening within firm; see Figure 1. 14 For example, Tables 2 and 3 show the coefficients from linear regressions of next period’s wage and nonwage benefits on current wage and non-wage benefits and various controls for changing job and occupation, and whether they were fired. The analysis is performed both at the 2 occupation level (white collar vs. blue collar) and 10 occupation level. The coefficients are very similar, suggesting that these trends are retained with only two occupations. 15 For example, if the worker in period t has a job they can return to but accepts instead a job offer in blue collar, then d00t = 0, d10t = 0, d11t = 0, d20t = 1, and d21t = 0. 16 The state variables in this model are years of post-secondary education, years of occupational experience in both occupations, years of job tenure, agent beliefs of their occupation-specific productivity, the firm’s current beliefs of the workers productivity in both occupations, agent AFQT score, firm-employee match parameter, the indexed non-monetary benefit offer, and whether or not their job includes health insurance benefits 6 K new job offers, one in each occupation. If they have a job to return to, then they have the same K + 1 options, as well as K additional job offers at the firm they worked for in the previous period, one offer for each occupation.17 For schooling, there is no earned wage, so c00t is set equal to a minimum consumption level chosen exogenously from the model to be the poverty line. b00t is the non-monetary benefit from schooling. b00t = θ0B + β ED AFQT θ0B is a parameter that measures the relative attractiveness of education compared with working. AFQT is the Armed Forces Qualification Test score, a common measure from the NLSY for mental aptitude. The extent to which agents receive non-monetary benefits from schooling differs by mental aptitude as schooling can be easier depending on their ability. When working at a new job, bk0t (the non-monetary benefit) is given by NW bk0t = θkB + β N W Xk0t θkB is the parameter that measures the relative attractiveness of occupation k against other occupations and schooling, ceteris peribus. XtN W is a vector of non-wage benefits, such as whether they offer health insurance, retirement benefits, provide a pleasant working environment, or have good job security. The probability that workers are offered binary benefits, such as health insurance, is estimated as a logistic regression as a function of the variables AFQT score, education, and years working. The logistic regression coefficients are estimated outside the model. The process by which they are selected and their arrival rates are deNW is the first non-monetary scribed in Section A.1. ck0t is the consumption from working. X1,k0t benefit, an indicator variable for whether the worker’s job includes health insurance. β HE is the average health expense, negative, that must be borne by agents if they don’t have health insurance. If resulting consumption is below the minimum consumption parameter, agents receive the minimum consumption level. NW = 1) ck0t = wk0t + β HE 1(X1,k0t and EXP educt + wk0t = exp{θkW +λh +βkAF QT AFQT+β0k EXP EXP 2 βk expert + βk exper2t +εk0 } =1,2 17 Workers have a job to return to if they worked the previous period and were not fired. Alternatively, workers have no job to return to if it is either the first period of the model (they just graduated high school), they were in school the previous period (college), or they were fired. In the estimation where K = 2, White Collar and Blue Collar, there are either 3 choices or 5 choices each period. 7 wk0t is the wage offer. θkW is the occupation log wage intercept; β AF QT is the return to ability (measured by AFQT). λh is a firm-employee match parameter, unique to a firm and employee. Job offers from new firms come with a new λh that is constant as long as the agent is working at firm h. λh is distributed normally with variance σ λ . Agents are more productive in some firms than others and so are better compensated when working for those firms. If a worker stays with the same firm, then future periods’ wage offers are a function of the same match parameter. educt is the number of years of post-secondary education, so EXP is the return to education. White collar and blue collar occupations will reward that β0k education differently. experk is the amount of experience the agent has in occupation k, EXP is the given by the number of years they have chosen to work in that occupation. βk return to experience in occupation k for an additional year worked in occupation . εk0 is a random shock, correlated across occupations but not across time or with other variables. If the workers have a job to return to, they receive continuation job offers. They do not need to pay the job entry cost for working if they stay. They receive a continuation offer from their employer in each of K occupations. This can be viewed as a promotion or change of duties between occupations. Note, between 15-25 percent of White and Blue Collar occupation changes in the data sample are within firm (Figure 1). Consumption remains a function of the wage and whether or not they have health insurance. The non-monetary benefits remain the same if they stay with the same firm; I assume that there is no change in the non-monetary benefits package offered. This simplifying assumption is helpful in reducing the state space for estimation purposes. However, the continuation wage offer changes every period, and is given now by EXP educt + wk0t = exp{θkW + λh + βkAF QT AFQT + β0k EXP EXP 2 βk expert + βk exper2t =1,2 +β T EN tent + β T EN 2 ten2t + F ηkjt + εk0 } The continuation wage offer is similar to the initial wage offer, with two important differences. The first difference is a return to tenure in a firm (the number of years the agent has worked at the firm) β T EN tent . I include returns to job tenure in the model because of evidence of its importance in the wage equation and how it affects job transitions.18 The second difference is firms learn about their workers productivity after each year worked, and adjust their wage F is the firm’s estimate. Each worker has some true offer according to their new beliefs.19 ηkjt occupation-specific fixed productivity, ηk . ηk is unobserved by the agents and the firms. At the end of each period, both the agent and the firm they worked for that year observe a 18 19 See Topel (1991) for empirical evidence and Felli and Harris (1996) for theoretical support. See Gibbons and Waldman (1999) for theoretical support for the inclusion of firms updating beliefs. 8 noisy measurement of ηk , and update their beliefs according to Bayes’ Law. Firms adjust their wage offers depending on their beliefs concerning ηk . The updating process is detailed in Section A.2. At the end of each period, there is a certain probability that a worker is laid off. These probabilities differ depending on various variables, such as their firm tenure, their education, which occupation they are in, their occupational experience, and the firms’ beliefs regarding F . I model the probability an agent is fired as a logistic regression, and estimate the ηkjt coefficients of the logistic regression within the model, depending on the parameters of the model. The estimation process is explained in Section A.3. The consequences of being fired are having no continuation offers and bearing the entry cost to work. The NLSY contains a variable measuring overall job satisfaction on a 1-4 scale, with 1 being the highest report. I use this data to help fit the model, and assume that reports come from the period utility function, given by whether the report, g, falls between certain parameter thresholds. The distance between the estimates and observed gkit in each period and occupation are part of the objective moment function. gkjt ⎧ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ 2 = ⎪ 3 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 4 if if if if Ukjt ≤ q1 q1 < Ukjt ≤ q2 q2 < Ukjt ≤ q3 Ukjt > q3 Given this setup, the value functions for the Bellman equation are as follows: Vt (St ) = max {Vkjt (St )} k,j V00t (St ) is the value function for choosing education: V00t (St ) = U00t + δE max {Vj0t+1 (St+1 |d00t = 1)} j Vkjt (St ) for k = 1, ..., K; j = 0, 1 is the value function for working: Vkjt (St ) = Ukjt + δE max {πkt V0t+1 (St+1 |dk0t = 1) + (1 − πkt )Vdt+1 (St+1 |dkjt = 1)} ,d πkt is the probability that the worker is fired from their job (see Section A.3 for details). Individuals will have work careers that last many decades, but this model only examines young workers. The terminal value function summarizes the future stream of benefits after the end of the model. The specification is a semi-parametric approximation of the contributions 9 of the expected wage and the non-monetary benefits, summarizing where the workers have reached. w kjT and bkjT are the expected log wage and non-monetary benefit, respectively, in the terminal period for occupation k and firm choice j. 2 kjT +β2T V F w kjT +β3T V F bkjT +β4T V F b2kjT +β5T V F w kjT ×bkjT VkjT (ST |dkjT = 1) = β0T V F +β1T V F w 3 Data and Summary Statistics I estimate the model using the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1979 (NLSY) from the years that have the pertinent data: 1979-1994. I restrict the sample to agents who completed high school between the ages 15-20, yielding 14 post-high school years estimated in the model. These years capture the span of primary interest, when occupations are decided, early learning happens, and transitions occur. More occupation switches happen at younger ages, and these decisions can have strong long-run effects. The sample is further restricted to males, who face less fertility and cultural incentives for leaving the labor force than females, to agents that do not report being self-employed to improve the reliability of wage measurements, and to non-military. This results in 2,561 agents in the estimated model, with varying amounts of years observed for each. I use the self-reported occupational status to classify occupation.20 Agents are classified as in school if they report their primary activity for a year as schooling or if their reported years of education increases. A more detailed description of the methods used, including for selection of job assignment and transitions, is in the Appendix Section A.4. Table 4 presents summary statistics associated with this model. The average log wage is higher in white collar, but so is the variance; job satisfaction is on average better as well (lower numbers are better, on a scale of 1-4). That more people are in blue collar jobs for many periods suggests the importance of individual heterogeneity, both of individuals and jobs. That the average AFQT scores are so different, with white collar workers 14 points higher on average, or approximately half a standard deviation, reinforces the differences between the employees in the two occupations. Figure 3c shows average natural log of real wages by age. Wages are deflated to put wages in terms of 2005 dollars. White collar workers have similar wages as blue collar workers on average in younger years, but follow a different trajectory after only a few years. Some 20 I code their occupation as white collar if the 1990 census occupation recoding is under 400 and blue collar if the occupation code is over 400. This has white collar assigned Managerial and Specialty Occupations; Specialty Occupations; Technical Support and Sales Occupations; and Administrative Support Occupations. Blue collar is assigned Service Occupations and Farming; Production, Craft and Repair Occupations; Extraction, Precision Production, and Plant and System Operators; Operators, Laborers and Fabricators; and Transportation and Material Moving, Handlers, Equipment Cleaners and Helpers. 10 of these white collar workers are finishing up school and joining the work force with higher wages, pulling up the average. White collar jobs in general have a higher wage growth profile. There is also sorting into white collar by the highly productive, pulling up the average wage at a higher rate. Average job satisfaction (Figure 3d) steadily improves (lower numbers) for both white and blue collar workers, and at about the same rate. However, white collar workers consistently report, on average, higher job satisfaction. The overall improvement in job satisfaction may reflect job and occupation sorting into both occupations, as workers find situations in which they are happy and comfortable more often as more time passes. Figure 4 presents the trends for the four non-wage benefits used in estimation of this model. The data is not available for all years for the final three variables; however, enough years are present to allow for the regressions used in the model. There seems to be an overall increase in each variable for both white and blue collar, except for perhaps in job security. Workers are getting into better matches as more time passes. Figure 5 shows two conditional probabilities. The first is the proportion of job changes that are within occupation. As workers age, more and more job changes are part of a change in occupation. Using a dynamic model that includes job offers will help capture the occupation changes happening. The other plot in Figure 5 shows the proportion of occupation changes that are within the same firm (the complement being occupation changes that change jobs). This decreases slightly over time as well, but not as dramatically. Overall, about 20% of workers that are changing occupations do so within the same job. This could be a promotion or just a change in duties and responsibilities. The model uses three sets of auxiliary regressions: 1) logit and OLS regressions to estimate probabilities of receiving non-wage benefits or the level of the non-monetary benefits to model non-wage benefit offers (Table 5); 2) logit regressions to estimate probabilities of being fired used to estimate firing probabilities (Table 6); and 3) the probability that workers change jobs regressed on their log wage, non-wage benefits and other controls; the regression coefficients are part of the minimization criterion, used to help the fit of the model, and in particular to help with identification of the separate non-wage benefits (Table 7). 4 Estimation The value functions are solved recursively for the 14 periods. The expectations of the maximum value functions in any given period are estimated using Monte Carlo Simulation: R r 1 max Vkjt+1 (St+1 |dkjt = 1) |dkjt = 1 =1 = R r=1 k,j E max {Vkjt+1 (St+1 |dkjt = 1)} |dkjt k,j 11 r Vkjt+1 (St+1 |dkjt = 1) is the value function given specific draws of the random shocks ξ (random utility shocks), ε (wage shocks), v (measurement error on η ∗ ), as well as shocks that determine whether they are fired or not and whether they receive different non-wage benefits or what levels of benefits they receive. I use R = 50 by taking 25 random draws and using the antithetic variates method to reduce the error. Further, given the large state space, I use an interpolation technique, as suggested by Rust (1997), by taking random draws from the state space every period and estimating the value functions at these points in the state space. I estimate and store the coefficients from a flexible linear regression with quadratics and certain interaction terms of the state space on the value.21 There are four non-wage benefits of a job: whether it includes health insurance, whether it includes retirement benefits, overall pleasantness of the job environment, and the perceived job security. For the first two non-monetary variables, as discrete variables, I estimate a logistic regression on the NLSY data outside of the model estimation. I estimate the probabilities, uniquely for each occupation, that their job include health insurance, for example, as a function of their age, age squared, education, AFQT score, age interacted with education, and age interacted with AFQT score. In the simulations, I take a random uniform draw, and if the random draw exceeds the probability that, given their state, they would receive health insurance, then they are modeled as getting a job offer that includes health insurance. The latter two non-wage benefits are not binary. In the data, they rank the questions (such as pleasantness of the job) on a scale of 1 to 4, four being they most strongly agree. For these regressors, I use the same state variables, but use OLS to estimate parameters and offer an average score for them, given their state. This, plus a normal random shock (with variance also determined from the data), yields the continuous variable included in their job offer for these non-wage benefits. The firing probabilities are estimated inside the model, to allow dependence on the firms’ beliefs for firing. The estimation is described in detail in Section A.3. I separately estimate two versions of the model: the full model (as described in Sec- tion 2) and the wage model (the full model with the removal of non-wage benefits). The parameters of the models are estimated using simulated annealing on a minimization criterion determined by the method of indirect inference.22 The minimization criterion is the squared distance between the moments in the data and those predicted by the model in the simulations. Specifically, the moments are the proportion of agents in schooling, white collar, and blue collar at each age; mean log wage by occupation and age; standard devia21 Similar in spirit also to Keane and Wolpin (1994); see Aguirregabiria and Mira (2010) for a review of this methodology. 22 See Gouriéroux and Monfort (1996) for a review on the method of indirect inference. 12 tion of log wages by occupation but not by age; proportion changing occupations by origin occupation and age; proportion changing jobs by occupation and age; proportion changing job voluntarily by occupation; average job satisfaction report by occupation and age; the absolute difference between the reported job satisfaction and the actual job satisfaction; and an auxiliary regression of whether they changed occupation regressed on the log wage, the non-wage benefits (health insurance, retirement, job pleasantness, and job security), AFQT score, education, and age. ρ (the CES substitution parameter) and the minimum consumption parameter are chosen exogenously. ρ plays a role both as the elasticity of substitution between wage and non-wage benefits and the intertemporal substitution between periods. In the case of intertemporal substitution, there are no savings in my model, so the only consumption smoothing possible is through choices of occupations and jobs, a rough mechanism that won’t be able to accurately gauge the substitution preferences. In the case of elasticity of substitution, the indexed nonwage benefits are not directly estimated (because the weighting coefficients are not observed, but estimated), so the substitution parameter is not separately identified from the weights. I choose a value equal to ρ = 0.75,an elasticity of substitution between consumption and non-monetary benefits of 1/(1 − ρ) = 4.23 For the minimum consumption parameter, I set it equal to the poverty line in the United States (using 1989’s value, inflated into real terms to match the wage data in the model). The poverty line was 6,310 USD for a family of four (US Bureau of the Census 1993), which inflated into real 2005 dollars is 9,079 USD. For a forty hour a week job, worked for 50 weeks in a year, this is equivalent to a 4.54 dollar hourly wage, which is the minimum consumption parameter value used in this model. 5 Results Figure 3a presents the true and simulated proportion of workers in each occupation at different ages. Figure 3b shows the proportion of workers switching occupations, by origin occupation.24 Figures 3c-3e compare the data trends with the simulated trends for average wages, proportion changing jobs, and average job satisfaction report. The data trends are well matched by the model simulations, providing evidence in favor of the model explaining the data. The wage model similarly matches well, as shown. 95% confidence intervals for each are given in shaded regions; for the most part, the full model and the wage model have 23 This is based off and consistent with the estimates in Mankiw, Rotemberg, and Summers (1985). I tested various choices for ρ and found that, after the estimation process, the results did not vary widely. 24 Origin occupation implies, for example, that the line labeled Blue Collar represents the fraction of workers that were in a blue collar job and switched to a white collar job, out of the working population of blue collar workers at a given age. 13 overlapping confidence intervals, suggesting that the wage model is similarly able to match the data moments, and ability to match should not be used as evidence for accuracy, as will be shown by the difference in predictions. Further, the Wald statistic for the difference in the restricted wage model compared to the full model is 1.09e+06, for a p-value below 0.01. Thus, even though the models seem similar on these trends, we reject them as being the same. The J-test for goodness of fit to the data is 3.24e+05, rejecting the fit of the data at a p-value below 0.01. However, this is partially due to moments that are not intended to be represented directly by the model, but to help the fit of the data nonetheless, such as reports of job satisfaction and the auxiliary regression. Given utility is a function of wages and non-wage benefits, the means and variances of the wage and the weighted sum of non-monetary benefits give information about the decision process of the agents. The estimated mean wages are close in value to the mean indexed non-monetary benefits, but the standard deviation is approximately three times as large. The variation in wages will be the driving force behind the occupation and job decisions of the agents in the model (Table 8). Table 9 shows the estimated parameters that represent the marginal returns to education, occupation and experience. As the occupation and job variables are quadratic, the marginal returns depend on how much experience an agent has.25 As anticipated, white collar jobs reward workers with higher education at a greater rate than blue collar jobs, at almost three times as high a return. On the other hand, the parameters suggest that, while white collar initially has a higher return to own-occupation experience, after only three years the return is larger for blue collar jobs. The returns for job tenure are high but steeply decreasing with job tenure. As comparison, Kambourov and Manovskii (2002) show five years of occupational experience leads to a 12% cumulative increase in wages, and Buchinsky et al. (2010) with PSID data estimate a return of 3.77-6.33% for each additional year of occupation experience. The results in this paper estimate are within the range of the other papers across certain years of job tenure. All of the estimated parameters for the structural model are given in Table 10. Using a structural model enables calculation of how much agents will pay to avoid the uncertainty of not knowing the optimal occupation or job to be in for a given period. Estimating this value serves as a measure of the uncertainty and the potential gains to choosing correctly. The calculation estimates 1) a worker’s lifetime utility if they knew whether switching or not was optimal and 2) the worker’s lifetime utility if they didn’t know. From these estimates, I determine how much money agents would pay in the current period to know for sure which occupation to be in, i.e. the monetary transfer that would equate the lifetime utility from 25 Experience is represented by X in the table. 14 knowing and from not knowing.26 The youngest workers (just graduating high school) are willing to pay 19.88% (11.03%) of their wage that year on average to know the optimal occupation (job) to choose, while fourteen years later they are only willing to pay 4.54% (3.68%) on average. The sharp decline results from at least three sources: the improvement in information by the agents of their type, the decreased length of time in which benefits are accrued, and the entrenchment that occurs later from garnishing the returns to occupation or job experience. Workers are not willing to pay as much for knowledge about the correct job, as the benefits from occupational choice last throughout the entire work history, unlike correct job choice (which only last until they leave that firm). The uncertainty associated with which occupation to be in, in particular early on, is quite large, and underlines the importance of understanding the dynamics surrounding occupational transitions for young workers. 5.1 Labor Supply Decisions There is a relatively high proportion of the labor force that switch occupations. Kambourov and Manovskii (2008) use the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and estimate the average annual level of occupational mobility is around 13% at the one-digit level, 15% at the two-digit level, and 18% at the three-digit level. Markey and Parks (1989) find similar rates in the January Current Population Survey 1987, and Parrado et al. (2007) also find a 7% to 11% change at one digit with the PSID. Using the Duncan Index they also find increasing transition rates over time (through the 1970s and 1980s), increasing from 20.1% for the 1970s to 26.3% for the 1980s.27 Moscarini and Vella (2003) find higher transition rates at the three-digit level using the National Longitudinal Study of Youth (NLSY) at transition rates of 57% to 70% when measuring occupation at a three digit level. In the data sample used in this paper from the NLSY, the transition rates, at 2 occupations, are higher than other one-digit levels because the data here is restricted to young men who have been out of high school for 14 years or less. Young men transition more often than older men, a trend which this paper will examine. The occupational specific labor supply decision is made with agents forward-looking. I perform a series of tests where workers receive a one percentage point increase in their 26 Specifically, I solve for the transfer τ that equates ((wc − τ )ρ + bρc )1/ρ + ξc + EVc = VU C , where subscript c are the variables for when the agent is certain about which occupation/job is better ex post, and U C is the lifetime utility from when they are uncertain. Note that τ is bounded below by zero (by the certain situation being a special case of the uncertain situation) and above by wc (as they can’t give more than their whole wage, as there are no savings in this model). 27 The Duncan index is the sum across occupations of the absolute values of the change in the percentage of employment. 15 wage offers for occupations and jobs, testing both a temporary (one year) increase and a permanent increase.28 The effects I measure are the resulting elasticities of occupational specific labor supply (for example, the percentage change in the proportion in blue collar work) and elasticities of job changing. The elasticities should be positive for occupation: increases in the wage should induce more workers to opt for that occupation or job. The elasticities for job changes should be negative: a higher wage offer in the current job induces less switching. I separately estimate elasticities for the two models: the wage model, where selection is made only on wage offers (representing the norm in the literature, as discussed in Section 1), and the full model, which includes wage and non-wage factors in utility. Table 11 presents the average elasticities of occupational-specific labor supply for the full model (which incorporates wage and non-wage benefits into the decision process) and the wage model, which is separately estimated. Standard errors are in parantheses. The wage model is nested within the full model by shutting down the role of non-wage benefits. The elasticities (averaged over time) for permanent wage changes are higher for white collar; white collar jobs are more attractive for their wage benefits, so that increasing these has a larger effect than for blue collar, for which wage is also important, but non-wage benefits play a larger role. Further, for a typical white collar worker with higher education, white and blue collar jobs are more substitutable, resulting in the larger elasticities. Further, permanent wage increases have approximately ten times as large an effect as temporary wage, with a longer horizon over which the benefits are accrued. Table 12 presents the job change elasticities with standard errors. For both sets of elasticities, the wage model does remarkably well in estimating similar elasticities as the full model, especially considering both models were estimated separately and have separate model parameters. The estimates fall within each other’s confidence intervals easily. To investigate the lack of bias, we will focus our attention on the occupation-specific elasticities. These elasticities are the averages over time. However, the agents act very differently depending on their age, due both to the changes in how substitutable the occupations are based on their occupational experience levels and the shorter horizon over which benefits are accrued. The estimated elasticities for the full model and wage model are in Figure 6. There is a sharp and secular decrease in the estimated elasticities with respect to permanent wage changes.29 The transition rates will vary largely on age, and so the estimated effects depend on the age composition of the working force, and the entry and exit levels of workers will be much higher for younger workers. A researcher interested in understanding economy-wide 28 A permanent increase for occupational elasticities lasts the duration of the working life; a permanent increase for job elasticities lasts the duration of working for that employer. 29 While not presented here, the elasticities for temporary wage increases have a flat profile over age. 16 responses to wage shocks should understand the age distribution in the occupation, and further, should not use the averages in this paper, which only accounts for young workers. Comparing the full and wage model shows that, for elasticities, the wage model does remarkably well. This is particularly true for blue collar elasticities, even across different ages, while white collar elasticities tend to be underestimated when using the wage model for early ages. I hypothesize that the estimators are largely unbiased because the biases cancel out. For example, a worker in a job with high non-wage benefits would tend to be less responsive to wage changes, so would have a lower elasticity. Estimating the wage model on such individuals would overestimate the elasticities. On the other hand, a worker in a job with low non-wage benefits would be more responsive to wage shocks than on average, so the wage model would underestimate the elasticities. On the other hand, a worker with low nonwage benefits would tend to be highly responsive to wage changes (high elasticities), so that the wage model would underestimate the elasticity for such individuals. On average, given that workers are both above and below average non-wage benefits in even proportions, the biases will by and large cancel out. If that is true, the results would be biased if the sample of individuals at any given age not in the occupation examined do not have individuals evenly above and below the average non-wage benefit. Specifically, for the elasticity of white collar to underestimate for young workers (as is observed), the distribution of young agents not in white collar would be disproportionately composed of workers with low non-wage benefits. Further, not accounting for non-wage benefits, workers will chose education solely based on future wages, and not for the high or low non-wage benefits that will be borne. For workers of high ability, the full model estimates that education is more enjoyable (higher non-wage benefit) than many jobs of average non-wage benefits. This could also contribute to the bias. One way to test this hypothesis of canceling biases is to separately estimate the elasticities in the simulations for those with high non-wage benefits and those with low non-wage benefits. Specifically, for every person-year in the full model simulation, I separately estimate the decisions with a one percentage point wage increase using the wage model and using the full model, and then advance the simulation using the full model decision while saving the non-wage benefit index for each person-year. Aggregating across non-wage benefits yields, as before, relatively unbiased estimates (that is, the wage and non-wage model predict the same average elasticity). However, if we separate into, for example, the top 25th percentile of non-wage benefit workers and the top 25th percentile, biases start to arise. Table 13 presents the estimated elasticities for the subgroups. For the bottom quartile, the wage model severely underestimates the elasticities (as hypothesized). For the top quartile, the white collar elasticities are roughly equivalent, but the blue collar elasticities are overestimated, as hypothesized. The wage model parameter estimates are not within the 95% 17 confidence intervals of the full model in these cases. The over- and under-estimates of the elasticities for blue collar demonstrate why the results shown in Figure 6 are unbiased, while the white collar has a slight downward bias for the wage model (as the bottom quartile is underestimated, but the upper quartile is roughly unbiased, aggregating to a downward bias. These results verify the hypothesis that, while a wage model generates unbiased overall elasticities, elasticities for subgroups (which can be any subgroup that doesn’t uniformly average the non-wage benefit spectrum) will be biased. 5.2 Counterfactual: Non-Wage Benefit Compensations To illustrate the importance of non-wage benefits in the decision process of workers and potential biases, I apply the model to a case in spirit similar to the decline of manufacturing in the United States. Typically viewed as a shock to labor demand for blue collar workers, we can analyze the situation in terms of labor supply response to the demand shock in this model that incorporates not only wages but non-wage benefits. Consider an economywide blue collar wage deterioration of five percentage points. Figure 8 shows the resulting proportion in blue collar jobs. Each line represents the resulting proportion depending on what age the workers were when the wage change happened. The results suggest not only a relatively large decrease in the proportion in blue collar work, but that the effect depends strongly on the age of the worker, with younger workers making larger initial changes, with that gap never fully recovered by the end of the model. Shocks to the wage in an occupation will disproportionately affect younger cohorts of workers, with these effects persisting to the end of those workers’ careers. Consider the wage shock happening in the first period after high school. Table 14 reports the effects of this labor demand shock to wages. The wage model yields results in many cases different than the full model, predicting a sharper decline in overall wages and blue collar employment, as the effects of wage change are not partially absorbed by the non-wage benefits. I then estimate the level of non-monetary benefits necessary to induce the preshock levels of blue collar employment. The results, along with the coefficients on the nonmonetary variables included for comparison, are in Table 15. Most temporary changes would be insufficient: if no blue collar workers had health insurance or retirement, giving all workers both health insurance and retirement, but for just one year, would not compensate for the five percentage point reduction in the wage. On the other hand, the results suggest that giving all blue collar workers without health insurance or retirement benefits permanently, if the fraction of workers without those benefits was over half, would be approximately sufficient to return to the pre-shock levels. Alternatively, the results are roughly in line with 18 a permanent one point increase in job security or pleasantness of environment for everyone would be enough as well. 5.3 Counterfactuals: Inequality Intervention This paper investigates one further counterfactual, a policy change. Consider that a government is interested in reducing consumption inequality through increased minimum consumption (the minimum consumption guaranteed by the government) and potentially financed through a wage tax. The models are tested for various increases in the minimum consumption (ranging from an increase by a factor of 1 to 2), and with various taxes (from zero to 14%). This paper focuses on the biases arising from using a wage model in place of a full model; however, it should be noted that naı̈ve policy predictions that assume no dynamic response (in this case, no changes in occupation or job given the new minimum consumption or wage tax) are severely biased, as expected. Figures 9-11 show the predicted percentage change in the Gini coefficient for consumption, wage, and non-wage benefits, respectively, for the wage and full models.30 For each point, the minimum consumption level is increased by a factor given by the parameter scale, and a wage tax is imposed equal to various tax rates. The model is simulated again and the Gini coefficient is re-estimated, and then the baseline model Gini coefficient is compared with the new Gini coefficient. The purpose of the intervention is to decrease consumption inequality through raising the minimum consumption guaranteed; Figure 9 shows that this was accomplished. Higher minimum consumption guarantee and higher wage taxes both serve to decrease consumption inequality. However, while the predictions of the wage and full model are similar, they are not identical. Universally, the wage model predicts smaller reductions in consumption inequality. One reason for this is seen in Figure 10, where the wage model vastly over-predicts the increase in wage inequality, dampening the overall effectiveness of the intervention. The wage and full models both capture the distortion that happens as individuals below but near the new poverty line more often choose not to switch to better jobs or occupations than before (which increases wage inequality), as well as the incentive for highproductivity workers to receive more education early on with higher guaranteed consumption, leading to higher future wages (and thus also increasing wage inequality). However, the wage model overstates the importance of the wage dynamic, and doesn’t account for the change in the relative benefits of wage and non-wage that arises from the wage tax. Accounting for non-wage benefits, high earning workers on the margin will switch from higher paying jobs to slightly lower paying, but better non-wage benefit jobs, dampening the spread of wage 30 The Gini coefficient is a common measure of inequality, equal to the fraction of the population above the Lorenz curve but below the 45 degree line. Higher values represent greater inequality. 19 inequality and leading to a greater success of the intervention. This is reinforced by the expansion of non-wage inequality with no change in the minimum consumption guarantee but an increase in the wage tax. The change in the Gini coefficient for non-wage benefits is more complicated with large changes in the minimum consumption parameter, where a reduction in non-wage benefit inequality is predicted. This is likely due to the incentive at the bottom of the wage distribution for workers to choose jobs with much better non-wage benefits and lower pay if neither pay are above the new minimum consumption guarantee, leading to a contraction of the non-wage benefit distribution. The bias from using the wage model in place of the full model is larger for larger increases in the minimum consumption guarantee and for larger changes in the wage tax. As the specifics of this set of counterfactuals are manufactured, this paper does not focus on the specific magnitudes of the bias here, but instead emphasizes the point that predictions surrounding the effect of large policy interventions will be biased if estimated using a model based solely on the wage incentive, especially if the relative prices of wage and non-wage benefits has been changed (here, for the bottom of the wage distribution through the increase of the consumption guarantee, and for the remainder of the population through the wage tax). 6 Conclusion Understanding the process by which workers choose their occupation and the associated elasticities and the importance of non-wage benefits has many important applications. Examples examined in this paper include evaluating labor sector changes from the supply side, such as in the decline of manufacturing in the United States, and understanding the impact of the decisions on various policies such as inequality and poverty interventions. Dynamic structural models are capable of predicting changes from new policies. However, previous research estimating dynamic structural models of occupational choice have ignored non-wage benefits and the joint choice of occupation and firm, and reduced form investigations ignore the joint incentives of wage and non-wage benefits. By adding them into the model used in this paper, I am able to show the bias generated when workers are assumed to make occupation and job transitions based solely on the wages and expected future wages. Ignoring non-wage benefits does not significantly bias the estimated effects of wages on occupation transitions. However, this is due to biases canceling out across the non-wage benefit spectrum. The results in this paper suggest that there are situations, therefore, in which a labor supply model based on selection on wages will yield unbiased estimates. However, this is only true under certain conditions. In particular, the aggregate bias will 20 depend on the sign and magnitude of the bias in each subpopulation and on the size of each subpopulation, and it is only in very particular cases of biases going in different directions with similar magnitudes for which biases will not be significantly large. Many analyses will not meet either criterion. The examples of the deterioration of blue collar wages and the inequality intervention policy analysis demonstrate the resulting biases. However, both criteria must be met, as demonstrated in the example of the occupationalspecific labor supply elasticity for a subpopulation in jobs with poor non-wage benefits. The first criterion is met, as biases do have the potential to go in either direction, but criterion two is not met, as the bias for the subpopulation of interest go in the same direction. As shown, the biases here can be as large as a factor of 2.39 (blue collar, bottom quartile of non-wage benefits), substantial deviations. The results of this paper offer estimates of the elasticity of labor supply for white and blue collar for young workers, which can be useful when predicting labor supply sector changes. The paper also provides a useful framework for researchers to estimate the effects of various policies, and estimates the size of the bias by either ignoring strategic response altogether or from ignoring non-wage benefits. Future research can apply a model that incorporates non-wage benefits to questions of job lock, training, or changes in the speed of learning for firms. A A.1 Appendix Non-Wage Benefit Estimation For binary variables, I assume that P r(benefitks = 1) = f (α0ks + α1ks AFQT + α2ks yr + α3ks t + α4ks tAFQT + α5ks t × yr + α6ks t2 ) k denotes the occupation, s which benefit, yr = exper , the years in the work force, and t is the number of period (number of years since graduating high school). f (·) is a logit function, and α’s are estimated using maximum likelihood outside of the model using NLSY data. Then, in the model, a random uniform variable is drawn, and if the value exceeds the probability that a worker with their characteristics, then their job offer includes that non-wage benefit. In my model, there are two benefits that are binary: health insurance benefits offered and retirement benefits offered. For continuous non-wage benefit variables, 21 benefitks =α0ks + α1ks AFQT + α2ks yr + α3ks t + α4ks tAFQT + α5ks t × yr + α6ks t2 + uks uks is a normally distributed random shock. These α’s are estimated using OLS outside of the model using NLSY data, as well as the variance of the residuals. In the model, I take a random normal draw and estimate their benefits, given their characteristics. Two variables in my model are on a scale of 1-4 (how pleasant the job environment is and the level of job security, and are assumed to represent an underlying continuous variable, as described. A.2 Bayesian Updating I assume that both the agents and the firms that they work for learn about a fixed ability parameter specific to each worker and occupation, given by ηk∗ . All learners start with a zero mean prior. At the end of every working period, workers and firms observe a noisy measurement of ηk∗ for the occupation k worked in, and update beliefs according to Bayes’ Law. This is comparable to each period, workers and firms observing the productivity of each worker and differencing out all contributing factors to the productivity, such as education and experience. All that is left after the differencing is ηk∗ , or fixed ability, and other unobservables assumed to be orthogonal to ηk∗ . From this, workers and firms are able to get a better sense of the productivity of the worker. Firms adjust wage offers accordingly. While firms’ lowering wages might seem odd, there is evidence of real wage decreases in firms, and the wage offer could still be growing, F 31 . The beliefs of the workers about their own but at a slower rate given a negative value of ηkt productivity matter insofar as workers form expectations about their future wage streams based on what they expect the firms to learn about their own ability. A worker with a low productivity parameter in occupation k might choose to avoid job offers from firms in occupation k, expecting the firms to learn about their poor ability and lower wage offers in the future and lower their wage offer accordingly without the worker being able to gain the returns to firm tenure or a good match parameter value. The updating is based on the work of Ansley and Kohn (1983). Every period, firms and workers receive a noisy measurement of ηk∗ given by ηkt = ηk∗ + vt . Assume that the noise shocks are independently and identically distributed across individuals and time, but ∗ ). possibly correlated across occupations, and given by vt ∼ N (0, Ω). Let η ∗ = (η1∗ , ..., ηK 31 see McLaughlin (1994) and Card and Hyslop (1997) for empirical evidence, and Gibbons and Waldman (1997) for theoretical support. 22 Then, at the beginning, each agent receives a draw from η ∗ ∼ N (0, Σ). The agent uses Bayesian updating according to the following rules. Let the agent have an initial prior on η ∗ be given by η0 ∼ N (0, Σ). Meinecke (2010) demonstrates how by the independence of η ∗ and vt , given an observation of ηkt , and recognizing that only one ηkt is observed each period, for one occupation (dt is a vector on indicator variables for which occupation they work in in period t) ηt+1 = ηt + Gt dt (ηkt − ηkt ) t d (dt (Σ t + Ω)d )−1 Gt = Σ t t t+1 = Qt Σ t Qt + Gt ΩGt Σ Qt = I K − Gt The estimation of the wage fixed effect can be estimated given a wage history and occupational choice by these rules. A.3 Firing Probabilities The probability that an agent is fired is given by F P r(f iredkjt = 1) = f (zkjt γ Z + γ η ηkjt + ekjt ) I model f (·) as a logistic regression. The coefficients γ Z and γ η are estimated using maximum likelihood. zkjt contains a worker’s firm tenure, their education, which occupation they are in, and their occupational experience. These variables are all observed in the F is not observed in the data. data, as is whether or not the worker is fired. However, ηkjt F , so that γ can Examining the wage equation, however, suggests a strategy for estimating ηkjt be estimated. The wage equation can be generalized as OB OB F β + λh + ηkjt + εkjt ln(wkjt ) = Xkjt OB where Xkjt are the observable wage variables.32 λh is the firm employee match, and εkjt is a random shock. Note then, if we isolate the observable portions 32 AFQT, educt , expert , exper2t , tent , and ten2t . 23 F OB OB F F = ln(wkjt ) − Xkjt β = ηkjt + λh + εkjt = ηkjt + νkjt η̃kjt F In other words, we can think of observing a ηkjt with measurement error νkjt = λj + εkjt . OB F . This is a measurement Given β , which are parameters of the model, we can estimate η̃kjt F error affected measure of ηkjt . I estimate the logistic regression of firing using zkjt and the measurement error affected η̃kjt . The measurement error causes attenuation bias in γ η and η unbiased. φ consistent estimates of γ Z . Let φ be the bias correction scalar that makes φ × γ is another parameter of the model to be estimated within the search of the model. I choose the φ, along with all of the other parameters of the model, to match all of the moments the best. A.4 Data Selection Procedure Various methods have been used to code when an occupation has been changed and what an individual’s occupation is. The most common and natural definition is when there is a change in the reported occupation (for example, as used in Kambourov and Manovskii (2008) and Parrado et al. 2007). Mellow and Sider (1983) argue that there is a great deal of misclassification in occupation. They match self-reported occupation in the CPS with employer records and find only 58 percent match rates at the three-digit level and 81 percent at the one-digit level. Mathiowetz (1992) does a similar matching and finds a higher match rate at 87% at the three-digit level. Longhi and Brynin (2010) argue that this is unreliable, overestimating transitions when interviewees change their report when they actually haven’t changed their occupation. They only record an occupation change when both a new occupation code is recorded and a change of job is also recorded. They find that this significantly decreases the measured amount of occupational transitions, and argue that this is the measure that should be used. However, this underreports changes, because some occupation changes are clearly within firms. I allow for occupation changes within firms, such as through promotion. Sullivan (2009) uses the job that is recorded in the most number of weeks as their occupation. I use the definition of what the agent reports as their primary occupation each year, where possible, to link the job to the wage and non-wage benefits reported annually. The misclassification issues in this paper are less severe because occupation is restricted to blue collar and white collar jobs. The first restriction imposed is that the interviewee is male and observed from at least age 18 in the data. I drop those that report they are self-employed. The most consequential decision I had to impose on the data interpretation process is the selection of which of their 24 various reported jobs each period was their primary job, and how long they had been there. Some years and for some variables they reported their current job, and this was used as the most reliable classification. However, some years and some variables did not report current occupation; instead, the agents reported on up to five jobs they had held this year. The following rules, in order of the priority of the rule (rules with better, i.e. lower, priority numbers overruled potentially conflicting assignments from worse priority numbers) were used to select which was their primary current job, and thus to assign wage, tenure, and non-wage benefits for that job. 1. The first in the priority list that they say they are still in or do not record a stop date 2. If there is none from step 1, set equal to occupation with most recent stop date 3. If there is no stop date for any, choose highest priority occupation listed 4. If no occupations are listed that year, but difference in tenure across the two periods is greater than 52 (stayed at same job) and occupation is the same tenure before and after is the same, set occupation in the intermediate (missing year) equal to that value The following rules were used for assignment (again, in order of priority) of whether they changed their job or not, conditional on their working that period 1. The job chosen has a recorded stop date in that year 2. If the job chosen next period is not the earliest start date next period... 3. The next year has an occupation with the same occupation number and larger tenure but is not job X 4. The next year’s tenure is less than tenure in the current year + 25 5. They record they are no longer there 6. Change to not changed job if past year and future year suggest the same job throughout With all of these methods, I performed numerous inspections of the raw data to see if the assignments from the rules reflected what I would intuitively assume happened on a case by case level, and found it to be reliable. 25 A.5 Model Parameters βkAF QT : log wage return to ability (AFQT) score for white collar (k = 1) and blue collar (k = 2) β ED : non-monetary marginal benefit for higher ability to education (AFQT score) EXP βjk : linear term in the log wage returns to experience in schooling (j = 0), white collar experience (j = 1), and blue collar work (j = 2), having different returns in white collar jobs (k = 1) and blue collar jobs (k = 2) EXP 2 βjk : quadratic term in the log wage returns to experience in white collar experience (j = 1), and blue collar work (j = 2), having different returns in white collar jobs (k = 1) and blue collar jobs (k = 2) HE β : health expenditure payments βjN W : non-monetary return for benefits health insurance (j = 1), retirement (j = 2), pleasant environment (j = 3), and job security (j = 4) β T EN : linear term in the log wage return to the job tenure β T EN 2 : quadratic term in the log wage return to the job tenure βjT V F : coefficients in the terminal value function: a constant (j = 0), expected wage (j = 1), expected wage squared (j = 2), expected non-monetary benefits (j = 3), expected non-monetary benefits squared (j = 4), and an interaction between expected wage and expected non-monetary benefits (j = 5) Mk : job entry cost for occupation k Ω: variance-covariance matrix for the shock to wages for white collar and blue collar qj : job satisfaction report thresholds, j=1,2,3 ρ: CES utility parameter Σ: variance-covariance matrix for the unobserved ability that agents and firms update beliefs on (this also effects the speed of learning) σλ: firm-employee match parameter variance σξ : variance of random utility shocks B θk : non-monetary benefits intercept for schooling, white collar, and blue collar W θk : log wage intercept for white collar (k = 1) and blue collar (k = 2) 26 A.6 Tables Table 1: Average Job Characteristics, White Collar Stayed in White Collar Switched to Blue Collar ln(wage) 2.63358 2.31904 Health Ins. 0.88584 0.75956 Retire. 0.73706 0.60201 Pleasant Env. 3.40171 3.13167 Job Secure 3.31054 3.02509 Table 2: NLSY Sample Regressions on Next Period Log Wage to Compare 2 and 10 Occupations 2 occupations 10 occupations ln(wage) 0.532*** 0.531*** (0.0159) (0.0159) Change Occupation 0.0223 0.0331*** (0.0162) (0.0123) Change Job -0.0670*** -0.0752*** (0.0128) (0.0132) Period 0.0372*** 0.0391*** (0.00171) (0.00182) Change Job × Period -0.0120*** -0.0107*** (0.00167) (0.00171) Change Occupation × Period -0.00230 -0.00575*** (0.00214) (0.00157) Left Voluntarily 0.102*** 0.101*** (0.0103) (0.0131) Left Voluntarily × Change Occupation -0.0338** -0.00980 (0.0170) (0.0138) Period is the Number of Years After High School Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 27 Table 3: Regressions on Non-Monetary Benefits Change Occupation Change Job Period Change Job × Period Change Occupation × Period 28 Left Voluntarily Left Voluntarily × Change Occupation Health Inst−1 Retirementt−1 Pleasant Env.t−1 Health Ins. 2 Occs 0.00147 (0.0234) -0.108*** (0.0208) 0.00595*** (0.000992) -0.00755*** (0.00216) 0.00237 (0.00262) 0.0888*** (0.0137) -0.0172 (0.0204) 0.453*** (0.00786) Health Ins. 10 Occs 0.0483*** (0.0168) -0.121*** (0.0211) 0.00774*** (0.00118) -0.00623*** (0.00219) -0.00396** (0.00184) 0.0933*** (0.0161) -0.0120 (0.0158) 0.453*** (0.00786) Retire. 2 Occs 0.0617 (0.0684) -0.0389 (0.0520) 0.00717*** (0.00219) -0.00948* (0.00493) -0.00438 (0.00658) 0.0881*** (0.0190) -0.0182 (0.0325) Retire. 10 Occs 0.0692 (0.0437) -0.0533 (0.0529) 0.00883*** (0.00253) -0.00814 (0.00502) -0.00625 (0.00415) 0.0932*** (0.0227) -0.0137 (0.0241) 0.612*** (0.00825) 0.612*** (0.00825) Pleasant Env. 2 Occs -0.0545 (0.135) 0.0121 (0.118) 0.0135 (0.0356) 0.0414 (0.0521) -0.000677 (0.0653) 0.0273 (0.0742) 0.0236 (0.120) Pleasant Env. 10 Occs 0.106 (0.110) -0.0354 (0.119) 0.0348 (0.0408) 0.0638 (0.0530) -0.0554 (0.0526) 0.181* (0.0928) -0.209** (0.0959) 0.350*** (0.0285) 0.352*** (0.0280) Job Securet−1 Period is the Number of Years After Graduating High School Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Job Secure 2 Occs 0.0449 (0.163) 0.0450 (0.131) 0.0263 (0.0397) -0.135** (0.0618) 0.0285 (0.0767) 0.257*** (0.0871) -0.0830 (0.130) Job Secure 10 Occs 0.202 (0.127) -0.0277 (0.135) 0.0412 (0.0453) -0.116* (0.0636) -0.0357 (0.0620) 0.420*** (0.113) -0.256** (0.112) 0.283*** (0.0307) 0.282*** (0.0306) Table 4: Summary Statistics ln(wage) ln(wage), White Collar ln(wage), Blue Collar AFQT AFQT, White Collar AFQT, Blue Collar Change Occs Change Job Change Job Voluntarily Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction, White Collar Job Satisfaction, Blue Collar Mean 2.41 2.57 2.32 48.08 59.56 38.97 0.16 0.36 0.65 1.74 1.64 1.79 Std. Dev. Min. 0.56 -4.28 0.58 -3.14 0.52 -4.28 28.60 0.00 27.14 0.00 26.11 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.72 1.00 0.69 1.00 0.73 1.00 Max. 10.57 8.67 10.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 N 22,312 7,784 14,528 2,561 8,090 14,973 18,488 26341 8,617 22,338 7,946 14,392 Table 5: Fringe Regression Results (Logit: 1-4; OLS: 5-8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) afqt 0.0000 -0.0004 -0.0039 -0.0005 -0.0024 -0.0030 0.0078 (0.0032) (0.0018) (0.0062) (0.0046) (0.0020) (0.0012) (0.0022) educ -0.2797 -0.1033 -0.8357 -1.3113 3.3696 3.1219 2.7865 (0.2096) (0.0996) (0.6122) (0.4115) (0.1245) (0.0701) (0.1413) period -0.1983 -0.2615 0.1557 0.0933 0.0860 0.1291 0.0925 (0.0639) (0.0622) (0.0855) (0.1062) (0.0666) (0.0802) (0.0756) period2 0.0010 0.0006 0.0008 0.0004 0.0004 0.0003 -0.0008 (0.0004) (0.0002) (0.0006) (0.0004) (0.0003) (0.0002) (0.0004) period × afqt 0.0232 0.0335 -0.0063 0.0034 -0.01120 -0.0172 -0.0111 (0.0067) (0.0070) (0.0079) (0.0101) (0.0087) (0.0109) (0.0098) period × educ 0.4054 0.2063 0.2330 0.1943 -0.0398 0.0222 0.0170 (0.0485) (0.0247) (0.1170) (0.0830) (0.0440) (0.0284) (0.0500) constant -0.0235 -0.0113 -0.0106 -0.0070 0.0045 -0.0036 0.0034 (0.0030) (0.0016) (0.0058) (0.0042) (0.0041) (0.0027) (0.0047) 1: Health Insurance, White Collar; 2: Health Insurance, Blue Collar 3: Retirement, White Collar; 4: Retirement, Blue Collar 5: Pleasant Environment, White Collar; 6: Pleasant Environment, Blue Collar 7: Job Security, White Collar; 8: Job Security, Blue Collar 29 (8) -0.0003 (0.0013) 3.0695 (0.0757) -0.0147 (0.0866) 0.0004 (0.0002) 0.0057 (0.0118) -0.0125 (0.0307) -0.0016 (0.0029) Table 6: Probability Fired Coefficient Results afqt educ job tenure period period × afqt period × educ period × job tenure period2 constant (1) (2) -0.00502 -0.01165 -0.23962 0.19378 -0.11367 -0.12823 -0.00026 0.00063 0.01195 0.00010 -0.08491 -0.07752 0.00541 0.00504 0.02428 0.00144 -0.30643 -0.07687 Table 7: Auxiliary Regression Results: OLS Regression of Probability Changed Job log wage educ health insurace retirement pleasant surroundings job security afqt period constant -0.08849 0.00811 -0.12590 -0.06962 0.01435 -0.09661 -0.00000 -0.02299 1.09905 Table 8: Average Means and Standard Deviations of Wages and Non-Monetary Benefits Mean Wages 12.766 Non-Wage Benefits 14.655 Standard Deviation 7.663 2.475 Table 9: Marginal Returns to Work Experience Returns Returns Returns Returns to to to to Educ White Collar Experience Blue Collar Experience Job Tenure White Collar Blue Collar 0.12704 0.04961 0.07521-0.01125 X -0.17644+0.02797 X -0.08890+0.00424 X 0.03422+0.00315 X 0.15252-0.02639 X 30 Table 10: Parameter Values Parameter θ0B θ1B θ2B β ED β1N W β2N W β3N W β4N W Ω11 Ω22 Ω12 Σ11 Σ22 Σ12 EXP β01 EXP β11 EXP β21 EXP β02 EXP β12 EXP β22 M1 M2 θ1W θ2W β1AF QT β2AF QT σξ β T EN σλ q1 q2 q3 β HW β T EN 2 EXP 2 β11 EXP 2 β21 EXP 2 β12 EXP 2 β22 β0T V F β1T V F β2T V F β3T V F β4T V F β5T V F φ Full Model -1.954 -0.272 1.901 0.066 1.835 2.022 1.634 1.662 0.172 0.020 0.057 0.004 0.177 0.027 0.127 0.075 -0.089 0.050 -0.176 0.034 -1.961 -0.009 1.677 1.875 0.003 0.002 11.449 0.153 0.009 -8.857 -4.050 47.460 -0.001 -0.013 -0.006 0.002 0.014 0.002 8.089 10.395 17.072 -0.852 0.001 -0.469 0.770 SE Wage Model (0.983) (0.236) (0.317) (0.020) (0.433) (0.351) (0.182) (0.223) (0.036) 0.082 (0.007) 0.056 (0.011) 0.052 (0.000) 0.038 (0.010) 0.043 (0.002) 0.037 (0.006) 0.108 (0.009) 0.071 (0.009) -0.082 (0.008) -0.003 (0.013) -0.096 (0.004) 0.038 (0.408) -1.953 (0.047) -0.298 (0.029) 1.519 (0.036) 1.917 (0.001) 0.006 (0.001) 0.002 (0.595) 10.137 (0.011) 0.160 (0.008) 0.010 (801.965) -2.973 (260.595) -2.672 (2.141) 25.051 (16.697) -0.024 (0.001) -0.013 (0.001) -0.005 (0.001) 0.004 (0.001) 0.003 (0.000) 0.001 (70.101) 16.906 (8.447) 8.316 (1.984) 8.697 (0.426) (0.001) (0.131) 31 (25.397) 1.563 SE (0.020) (0.017) (0.015) (0.013) (0.005) (0.010) (0.004) (0.010) (0.012) (0.005) (0.008) (0.004) (0.458) (0.053) (0.042) (0.019) (0.001) (0.000) (0.377) (0.010) (0.007) (4.592) (2.300) (0.636) (20.841) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.000) (104.724) (4.508) (1.395) (177.827) Table 11: Elasticities of Occupational Specific Labor Supply White Collar Permanent Blue Collar Permanent White Collar Temporary Blue Collar Temporary Full Model 5.4429 (0.6256) 2.6165 (0.4001) 0.5399 (0.1659) 0.2529 (0.0821) Wage Model 4.8580 (12.6098) 2.4439 (12.5897) 0.5305 (1.6026) 0.2594 (3.0139) Table 12: Elasticities of Job Changes White Collar Permanent Blue Collar Permanent White Collar Temporary Blue Collar Temporary Full Model -3.4138 (0.5512) -2.5499 (0.8927) -0.9284 (0.4729) -0.9151 (0.4647) Wage Model -3.0294 (5.3435) -3.1675 (7.0867) -0.8697 (0.7204) -0.9286 (1.5126) Table 13: Elasticities of Occupational Specific Labor Supply White Collar Wage Model Full Model Blue Collar Wage Model Full Model Bottom Quantile 7.01 (1.33) 10.82 (1.19) 3.97 (4.29) 7.87 (2.12) 32 Top Quantile 5.30 (1.29) 5.62 (1.86) 1.77 (0.19) 0.58 (0.18) Table 14: Percentage Changes in Blue Collar Trends from a 5 Percentage Point Wage Decrease Proportion in Blue Collar Job Satisfaction ln(Wage) Proportion Changing Jobs Proportion Changing Occupations Full Model -23.43 0.57 -2.78 1.50 21.53 Wage Model -27.20 0.58 -3.09 1.90 20.25 Table 15: Manufacturing Wage Shock Counterfactual: Non-Monetary Benefits Necessary for Pre-Shock Employment % Change in Proportion in BC -23.42 Temporary Non-Wage Necessary 7.43 Permanent Non-Wage Necessary 1.08 Coefficients on Non-Monetary Benefits Health Insurance Retirement Job Security Pleasant Environment 33 1.835 2.022 1.634 1.662 A.7 Figures Figure 1: NLSY Sample, Conditional Proportions of Job and Occupation Transitions 3URSRUWLRQ <HDUV$IWHU*UDGXDWLQJ+LJK6FKRRO 3URSRUWLRQRI-RE&KDQJHVZLWKLQ2FFXSDWLRQ 3URSRUWLRQRI2FFXSDWLRQ&KDQJHVZLWKLQ)LUP Figure 2: Predicted Average Fraction of Wage Willing to Pay for Knowledge of Ex-Post Optimal Decision $YHUDJH3URSRUWLRQRI:DJH$JHQWV:RXOG3D\WR.QRZ2SWLPDO <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ 7R.QRZ2SWLPDO2FFXSDWLRQ 7R.QRZ2SWLPDO-RE 34 Figure 3: Data vs. Simulated Trends (a) Proportions in Each Choice (b) Proportion Changing Occupations 3URSRUWLRQ&KDQJH2FFXSDWLRQ <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ &KDQJHIURP:KLWH&ROODU'DWD &KDQJHIURP:KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO &KDQJHIURP:KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO &KDQJHIURP%OXH&ROODU'DWD &KDQJHIURP%OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO &KDQJHIURP%OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO (c) Average Wages by Occupation (d) Average Job Satisfaction by Occupation $YHUDJH-RE6DWLVIDFWLRQ :KLWH&ROODU'DWD :KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO %OXH&ROODU'DWD %OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO %OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU'DWD :KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO %OXH&ROODU'DWD %OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO %OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO (e) Proportion Changing Job, by Age and Occupation <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ &KDQJHIURP:KLWH&ROODU'DWD &KDQJHIURP:KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO &KDQJHIURP:KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO &KDQJHIURP%OXH&ROODU'DWD &KDQJHIURP%OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO &KDQJHIURP%OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO 35 <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ 3URSRUWLRQ&KDQJLQJ-REV <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ 6FKRROLQJ'DWD 6FKRROLQJ)XOO0RGHO 6FKRRO:DJH0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU'DWD :KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO %OXH&ROODU'DWD %OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO %OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO $YHUDJHOQ:DJH 3URSRUWLRQLQ&ODVVLILFDWLRQ Figure 4: NLSY Sample Non-Wage Benefit Averages +HDOWK,QVXUDQFH 5HWLUHPHQW 3URSRUWLRQ 3URSRUWLRQ <HDUV$IWHU*UDGXDWLQJ+LJK6FKRRO 3OHDVDQW(QYLURQPHQW5HSRUWí <HDUV$IWHU*UDGXDWLQJ+LJK6FKRRO -RE6HFXULW\5HSRUWí <HDUV$IWHU*UDGXDWLQJ+LJK6FKRRO 0HDQ5HSRUW 0HDQ5HSRUW <HDUV$IWHU*UDGXDWLQJ+LJK6FKRRO :KLWH&ROODU %OXH&ROODU Figure 5: NLSY Sample: Fraction of Job Changes and Occupational Changes 'HQVLW\ í 1XPEHURI&KDQJHV -RE 2FFXSDWLRQ 36 Figure 6: Occupational Specific Labor Supply Elasticities by Age (ODVWLFLW\ <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ :KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO %OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO %OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO Figure 7: Effects of a 5 Percentage Point Decrease in Blue Collar Wages (ODVWLFLW\ <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ :KLWH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO :KLWH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO %OXH&ROODU)XOO0RGHO %OXH&ROODU:DJH0RGHO Solid dots: Significant at 5% level; hollow dots: not significant at 5% level 37 Figure 8: Effects of a 5 Percentage Point Decrease in Blue Collar Wages 3URSRUWLRQLQ%OXH&ROODU <HDUV$IWHU+LJK6FKRRO*UDGXDWLRQ 38 Figure 9: Consumption :DJH0RGHOVFDOH )XOO0RGHO VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH &KDQJHLQ*LQL&RHIILFLHQW VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH 7D[5DWH VFDOH %LDV:DJH0RGHO&KDQJH)XOO0RGHO&KDQJH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH 7D[5DWH 39 Figure 10: Wage :DJH0RGHO )XOO0RGHO VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH &KDQJHLQ*LQL&RHIILFLHQW VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH 7D[5DWH VFDOH VFDOH %LDV:DJH0RGHO&KDQJH)XOO0RGHO&KDQJH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH 7D[5DWH Figure 11: Non-Wage :DJH0RGHO )XOO0RGHO VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH VFDOH &KDQJHLQ*LQL&RHIILFLHQW VFDOH VFDOH 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