Accounting Accruals, Heterogeneous Investor beliefs, and Stock Returns Emma Peng An Yan Meng Yan Fordham University Gabelli Schools of Business Oct 2015 Accounting Accruals, Heterogeneous Investor beliefs, and Stock Returns Abstract: In the paper, we study how a firm’s accounting accruals affect the heterogeneity of investor beliefs on the firm’s value and further affect the firm’s future stock returns. We document three findings. First, we find that the level of the heterogeneity in investor beliefs on a firm’s value is higher when the firm experiences a larger increase in its accounting accruals. Second, we find that future stock returns following earnings announcement are lower when the firm’s accounting accruals increases the heterogeneity of investor beliefs to a larger degree. Finally, we also find that the effect of the accruals-induced heterogeneous investor beliefs on future stock returns is more pronounced when short-sale constraints are more binding. Overall, our empirical findings suggest that accounting accruals are a key determinant of the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. They also suggest a channel of investor beliefs whereby accruals affects future stock returns by affecting the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. JEL Classification: G12; M41 Keywords: heterogeneous investor beliefs, accounting accruals, stock returns. 1 Accounting Accruals, Heterogeneous Investor beliefs, and Stock Returns 1. Introduction Investors have heterogeneous prior beliefs on a firm’s value. How the heterogeneity of investor beliefs affects the valuation of the firm’s securities has been studied in depth in the finance literature. This research dates back to Miller (1977) (and subsequently, Harrison and Kreps (1978), Mayshar (1983), and Morris (1996)). Miller (1977) argues that, when investors with heterogeneous beliefs are subject to short-sale constraints, stocks would sell at a premium over their fundamental values. This is because short-sale constraints prevent pessimistic investors from trading in the stock market so that stock prices only reflect the beliefs of optimistic investors. Recently, Chen, Hong, and Stein (2002) and Diether, Malloy, and Scherbina (2002) find empirical evidence supporting Miller’s predictions. However, it is still not well understood what causes heterogeneous investor beliefs. In this paper, we study one factor that could cause the heterogeneity of investor beliefs: different interpretations of a firm’s accounting information in the presence of potential earnings management. Specifically, we focus on accounting accruals. We study how the possible management of accounting accruals affects the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. We also study how the effect of accruals on investor beliefs could affect future stock returns. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first to identify the impact of accounting accruals on the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. It is also the first to study how this impact affects future stock returns. We first propose that high accounting accruals increase the heterogeneity of investor beliefs on the firm value. The accrual process requires managers’ subjective estimates about 2 future events and these estimates cannot be objectively verified, thereby leaving managers discretion to manipulate earnings through accruals. 1 Trustful investors would take the reported accruals at face value while skeptical investors, concerned with the possibilities of earning manipulation, would place a lower weight on the accrual component of earnings when valuing the firm. In other words, investors’ different interpretations of the value implication of accruals would cause heterogeneous beliefs on the firm’s value. When the firm reports a higher level of accruals, investors would become more heterogeneous in their beliefs on the firm’s value. This is the first hypothesis we test in the paper. 2 Next, we examine how the impact of accounting accruals on heterogeneous investor beliefs could affect future stock returns. Following Miller (1977), we argue that the heterogeneity of investor beliefs generated by the different interpretations of accounting accruals would boost a firm’s contemporaneous stock price. Over time, as the uncertainty about the firm’s future cash flows induced by accruals gradually resolves, the heterogeneity in investor beliefs on the value implication of accruals will be reduced. The reduced heterogeneity will consequently cause the firm’s equity value to converge to its fundamental value, resulting in a lower long-run stock return. In other words, we propose an investor belief channel through which accounting accruals could affect future stock returns. An increase in the level of accruals could increase the heterogeneity of investor beliefs, which subsequently leads to a lower future stock return. The higher the level of the accrual-induced heterogeneity is, the lower the future stock return is. This is the second hypothesis we test in the paper. 1 Bernstein (1993) points out that the accrual system relies on “deferrals, allocations, and valuations, all of which involve higher degree of subjectivity.” Francis and Krishnan (1999) suggest that accruals cannot be objectively verified by auditors. 2 Here, we focus only on the income-inflating earnings management in our discussion. However, managers could also manage earnings downward. We will discuss this possibility and its implication on hypothesis H1 in later section. 3 Finally, we study how short-sale constraints play a role in the investor belief channel proposed in hypothesis H2. In Miller’s (1977) framework, a key condition for heterogeneous investor beliefs to affect stock pricing is that investors are subject to short-sale constraints. The effect of heterogeneous investor beliefs on stock pricing is greater when short-sale constraints are more binding. 3 Following Miller’s framework, we hypothesize that the effect of the accrualinduced heterogeneous investor beliefs on future stock returns is more pronounced when shortsale constraints are more binding. This is the third hypothesis we test in the paper. A central variable in our test of the above three hypotheses is the level of investors’ heterogeneous beliefs. We follow the literature and use the dispersion in analysts’ earnings forecasts to proxy for the degree of heterogeneous investor beliefs. A higher dispersion in analyst forecasts indicates a higher level of heterogeneity in investor beliefs (see, e.g., Diether, Malloy, and Scherbina (2002); Verardo (2009)). Using analyst dispersion as the heterogeneity variable, we find evidence consistent with all three hypotheses. First, we find that financial analysts disagree more on their earnings forecasts when accruals experience a larger increase from the previous quarter. 4 This result is consistent with the notion that an increase in accruals induces concerns on potential earnings management and consequently causes heterogeneous beliefs on the firm’s value. Second, we find that the lower future stock return experienced by a firm with increased accruals is more pronounced if the firm faces a higher level of dispersion in analysts’ earnings forecasts in the month following the announcement of increased accruals. We also show that this result is unlikely to be driven by the common return predictors, such as size, book-to-market, 3 See Boehme, Danielsen, and Sorescu (2006), Sadka and Scherbina (2007), and Hirshleifer, Teoh, and Yu (2011) for the empirical findings. 4 The majority of our empirical tests are based on the change in accruals rather than the level of accruals. A firm’s use of accruals could be an outcome of certain firm characteristics (Chan, Chan, Jegadeesh and Lakonishok (2006)). We use change in accruals to purge firm fixed effects. We will discuss this in detail in Section 3.2. 4 historical return, illiquidity, as well as the growth anomaly (Fairfield, Whisenant, and Yohn (2003)) and the post-announcement earnings drift. These results suggest that accounting accruals could affect future stock returns through the investor belief channel by affecting the heterogeneity of investor beliefs, as proposed in our second hypothesis. To test the third hypothesis, we use stock holdings by institutional investors and Amihud’s (2002) illiquidity measure to proxy for how tightly short-sales constraints bind. Prior studies show that the stocks with more institutional investor holdings and higher liquidity are easier to short (Nagel (2005), Berkman, Dimitrov, Jain, Koch, and Tice (2009), Sadka and Scherbina (2007), and Banerjee and Graveline (2012)). Using these two proxies, we find that the accrual-induced heterogeneous investor beliefs affect future stock returns to a larger degree for stocks with lower institutional investor holdings and for stocks with lower stock liquidity, presumably those stocks facing tighter short-sale constraints. We also run several other robustness tests. In the paper, we use a proprietary sample consisting of firms that disclose net operating cash flows in their preliminary earnings announcements. By using this proprietary sample, we ensure that investors are able to infer the amount of accruals from earnings and operating cash flows at the earnings announcement date. However, this sample is only a subset of the universe of firms, since many firms do not announce operating cash flows at earnings announcements. To check whether or not our sample selectivity affects our empirical results, we run Heckman’s (1979) selection model. Our results from the selection model are consistent with our earlier results. Moreover, we focus on total accruals instead of discretionary accruals in our main tests since sample firms have all information needed to infer the amount of total accruals at the earnings announcement, but not necessarily information to infer the amount of discretionary accruals. When we use the discretionary 5 accruals in our robustness checks, our inferences do not change. The results are also robust to different sample compositions, different model specifications, and various stock return windows. Overall, our results suggest that accounting accruals are a key determinant of the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. They also suggest that accounting accruals could affect future stock returns by affecting the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. These results extend the literature on heterogeneous investor beliefs and stock pricing. As we discussed earlier, the literature was set forth originally by Miller (1977). 5 However, the literature has not provided any insight on whether and how potential manipulation of accounting accruals affects the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. Our paper fills the void. By linking the impact of accruals on investors’ heterogeneous beliefs to future stock returns, our paper also extends the literature on the accrual anomaly. The accrual anomaly is first documented by Sloan (1996), who shows that the stocks of high accrual firms earn negative abnormal returns in the future. Sloan (1996) argues that the accrual anomaly occurs since investors naïvely fixate on accounting earnings and overestimate the persistence of accruals. 6 Bradshaw, Richardson, and Sloan (2001) further show that sell-side analysts overestimate the persistence of accruals and fail to anticipate the subsequent earnings declines for firms reporting high accruals. Our paper identifies a different channel through which accruals could affect future stock returns. We propose that an increase in accruals could cause lower future stock returns because it increases the heterogeneity of investor beliefs regarding firm value contemporaneously in the period of the increased accruals. Thus, unlike the fixation explanation, 5 Several papers incorporate Miller’s insight in more formal and refined models. For example, Scheinkman and Xiong (2003) and Hong, Scheinkman, and Xiong (2006) further develop dynamic models with heterogeneous beliefs and shorting constraints to study the joint behavior of volume and overpricing. 6 In recent years, alternative explanations on the accrual anomaly emerge in the literature. For instance, researchers suggest that the accrual anomaly can be a special case of the growth anomaly (e.g., Fairfield et al. (2003)). Other studies on the accrual anomaly include Hirshleifer, Hou, Teoh, and Zhang (2004), and Dechow, Richardson, and Sloan (2008). 6 which focuses on investors’ average (naïve and biased) beliefs in response to the accruals information, our paper focuses on the heterogeneity or the dispersion of investors’ beliefs. We find that the negative stock return following an increase in accruals is related to a higher degree of investors’ heterogeneous beliefs even after we control for signed forecast errors, presumably a proxy for the average level of analyst beliefs as suggested by the fixation explanation. Thus, it is our view that, while the consideration of the average investor beliefs is important in determining the accrual anomaly, the heterogeneity in investor beliefs characterizing the stock market may be equally (if not more) important. 7 The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 develops the hypotheses on accruals, the heterogeneity of investor beliefs, and ex-post stock returns. Section 3 describes the sample selection and variable construction. Section 4 reports the results from our empirical tests. Section 5 discusses the other potential explanations on our findings. Section 6 concludes. 2. Hypothesis Development The literature on heterogeneous investor beliefs originates from the work of Miller (1977) who considers two realities of the stock market. First, investors have heterogeneous beliefs regarding a stock’s intrinsic value, and second, there exist short-sale constraints. He argues that when pessimistic investors are prevented from selling short, stock prices reflect the beliefs of optimistic investors and securities would sell at a premium over their fundamental values. When the heterogeneity of investor beliefs on a stock’s value increases, the stock will be purchased by investors with higher valuations and therefore is priced contemporaneously at a higher level. In 7 Our findings that accruals affect future stock returns through affecting the heterogeneity of investor beliefs are based on the change in accruals, while the accrual anomaly literature is mostly based on the level of accruals. Thus, our findings only suggest that the heterogeneity of investor beliefs can explain the part of the accrual anomaly that is caused by the change in accruals. Nevertheless, our paper still complements the literature by showing that the heterogeneity in investor beliefs is another important channel in explaining the accrual-driven future stock returns. 7 this paper, we extend this heterogeneous belief theory by studying the effect of accounting accruals on the heterogeneity of investor beliefs and further on future stock returns. 8 Accounting accruals include revenues and expenses recognized in a period of time either before or after when cash is received and paid. For instance, managers can advance recognition of revenue with credit sales, a type of income-increasing accruals. The credit sales will be counted towards current earnings although cash will not be received until later periods. As a result, credit sales increase reported earnings but have no effect on current cash flows. On the other hand, depreciation expenses, a type of income-decreasing accruals that record the allocation of the acquisition cost of plant assets, are deducted from revenue, although depreciation entails no cash outflows. In this case, depreciation expenses decrease reported earnings without decreasing current cash flow. The recognition of accruals relies on managerial judgments and assumptions. 9 Thus, accruals are difficult to be completely verified and need investors’ discretion to interpret. We argue that larger increase in accruals lead to a higher level of the heterogeneity in investor beliefs. For instance, an increase in accounting accruals could result from an increase in incomeincreasing earnings management with the purpose of beating earnings thresholds (Graham, Harvey and Rajgopal (2005)). Prior literature shows that managers could use income-inflating accruals management when they are in anticipation of certain corporate events (e.g., Teoh, 8 Researchers also examined the effect of the heterogeneity of investor beliefs beyond the stock market. For instance, Janus, Jinjarak, and Uruyos (2013) suggest that agents’ heterogeneous beliefs regarding sovereign default risk is the reason they trade on credit default swaps (CDS). Evidence from Zhang and Zhang (2013) indicates that one contributing factor that the CDS market responds to earnings surprises more efficiently than the stock market is the absence of short-sale restrictions in the derivatives market. 9 For instance, companies making credit sales are expected to recognize bad debts expense in each accounting period, but how much to recognize depends on managers’ estimates about future uncollectible accounts. In another example, for a long-term contract, managers can choose to recognize revenue when the contract is completed, or in interim periods based on the progress toward completion. Further judgment is required in terms of how to measure progress at a particular interim date. 8 Welch, and Wong (1998a and 1998b)). Concerned with these possibilities, the skeptical investors would associate higher accruals with income-inflating earnings management and place a lower weight on accruals when valuing the firm. 10 In contrast, the trustful investors could perceive accruals as a signal of managers’ private information about the firm’s future cash flows and take accruals at face value when valuing the firm. In other words, the skeptical investors would disagree more with the trustful investors on the value implication of accruals when accruals increase to a larger extent. Put shortly, we expect that an increase in accruals would increase the heterogeneity of investor beliefs among investors. This is our first hypothesis (H1) to test. Next, we examine whether the impact of accruals on heterogeneous investor beliefs could affect future stock returns. As discussed earlier, investors could be more heterogeneous in their valuations of a firm’s stock when the firm announces a higher level of accruals. According to Miller (1977), this higher level of the heterogeneity of investor beliefs would cause the firm’s stock to be valued contemporaneously at a higher level. Over time, as the uncertainty about the firm’s future economic events associated with the accruals gradually disappears, the heterogeneity in investor beliefs will decrease as well. Consequently, the firm’s equity value will converge to its fundamental value, causing a negative ex-post future stock return. In this way, the high level of investors’ heterogeneous beliefs caused by high accruals is followed by a negative future stock return. In consideration of the above argument, we predict that the negative relation between future stock returns and accruals is more pronounced if accruals contemporaneously cause a higher level of heterogeneous investor beliefs. This is our second hypothesis (H2) to test. 10 For instance, firms can recognize too little bad-debt reserves. They can reduce the amount of depreciation expense by modify depreciation life and modify method used for depreciation. They can also record sales for products not shipped yet, or time the recognition of realized or unrealized gains or losses on investment (Nelson, Elliott, and Tarpley 2003). 9 Finally, we examine whether or not the accrual-induced investor belief channel as proposed in H2 is more effective when short-sale constraints are more binding. One necessary condition in Miller’s (1977) framework is the existence of short-sale constraints. A high level of the heterogeneity of investor beliefs would cause a high level of contemporaneous price and be followed by a low ex-post future stock return only when the existence of short-sale constraints prevents pessimistic investors from selling short the high-heterogeneity stock. The relation between the heterogeneity of investor beliefs and future stock returns would be more pronounced if short-sale constraints are more binding. Thus, our third hypothesis (H3) is that the investor belief channel, i.e., the effect of accruals on future stock returns through affecting the heterogeneity of investor beliefs, is more pronounced if the stock faces more binding short-sale constraints. 3. Sample Selection and Variable Construction 3.1. Sample Selection We obtain a proprietary database of firms that voluntarily disclose operating cash flows in their preliminary earnings announcements. 11 Our empirical studies focus on investors’ responses to the accrual information subsequent to the earnings announcement date. Using this proprietary sample ensures that investors have sufficient information on earnings and operating cash flows to infer firms’ accruals amount at the earnings announcement date. 12 11 We thank Joshua Livnat for providing us with the proprietary database. For firms without such voluntary disclosures, investors have to find out about the amount of operating cash flows and hence the amount of accruals based on quarterly filings. Quarterly fillings are usually filed within a month after earnings announcements (Easton and Zmijiewski, 1993). In an unreported robustness check with the whole universe of firms, we assume that firms file their 10-Q (K) reports within two month subsequent to the fiscal quarter end. We rerun all tests with the event windows on future stock returns starting from 60 days subsequent to the fiscal quarter end. The results based on this new sample are qualitatively the same. They are available upon request from readers. 12 10 Our proprietary sample covers years 1994 to 2007. We extract stock prices from the Center for Research in Securities Prices (CRSP), and financial analysts’ forecasts from I/B/E/S. We exclude utilities and financial services firms (two-digit SIC codes 49 and 60-67). We exclude firms with stock prices less than $1 per share. We also exclude firms with no information available on I/B/E/S. Our final sample consists of 1,116 firms and 9,569 firm-quarters. In the following empirical analysis, there may be sample attrition due to incomplete information from missing lagged variables. Table 1 reports the annual breakdown of our sample as well as the average and the median market capitalization every year. 3.2. Measures of Accruals We follow the literature and calculate total accruals (ACCA) as firms’ quarterly net income before extraordinary items and discontinued operations minus quarterly net operating cash flows, scaled by the average total assets during the quarter. We calculate the change in total accruals (ΔACCA) as the change from the previous quarter q-1 to the current quarter q. In the paper, we focus mainly on the change in total accruals rather than the level of total accruals in an attempt to purge firm fixed effects. First, the effect of accruals on the heterogeneity of investor beliefs could vary among various firms. For example, consider a firm with a high reputation among investors on its infrequent use of earnings management and another firm with a bad reputation on its frequent use of earnings management. The highreputation firm with a high level of accounting accruals could still enjoy a lower level of heterogeneity of investor beliefs compared to a firm with a bad reputation and a low level of accruals. Second, the use of accruals could be an outcome of certain firm characteristics. For example, high level of accruals may be “a reflection of strong past growth in sales” (Chan, Chan, 11 Jegadeesh, and Lakonishok (2006)). In unreported results, we also find that small firms, growth firms, firms with high prior operating performance, and firms with high prior stock return performance are more likely to have high accruals (see, e.g., Fairfield et al. (2003)). In an effort to purge the above and the other unobserved firm fixed effects, we focus on the change in total accruals ΔACCA rather than the level of total accruals ACCA in our empirical tests. We also calculate change in discretionary accruals in the paper based on our proprietary database. In particular, we use the modified Jones (1991) model to calculate discretionary accruals (DACC): ACCAq Assetsq −1 = α 0 + β1 ∆Salesq − ∆ Re cq Assetsq −1 + β2 PPEq Assetsq −1 + εq (1) where q indexes for quarters, ACCA is total accruals, Assets is the book value of assets, ΔSales is current sales less prior-quarter sales, ΔRec is current accounts receivables less prior-quarter accounts receivables, and PPE is gross property, plant and equipment. We run the above regression for each industry quarter with at least 10 observations, where the industries are defined by two-digit SIC codes. We calculate discretionary accruals (DACC) as the residuals from equation (1). We calculate the change in discretionary accruals (ΔDACC) as the change from the previous quarter q-1 to the current quarter q. In our empirical tests, we will primarily focus on the change in total accruals rather than the change in discretionary accruals. We do so to ensure that investors have all information to infer the accrual amount at the earnings announcement day. This requirement is especially important in our study on stock returns since our event window of stock returns starts from the earnings announcement date. Due to this consideration, we use the change in total accruals to test 12 our hypotheses, while we use the change in discretionary accruals only in our robustness checks. 13 3.3. Proxies for Heterogeneous Investor Beliefs We proxy for the degree of heterogeneous investor beliefs on a firm’s value by the dispersion of financial analysts’ forecasts on the firm’s one-year-ahead earnings (see Diether, Malloy, and Scherbina (2002)). 14 The higher the dispersion in analysts’ earnings forecasts, the higher the level of heterogeneity in investor beliefs. We calculate analyst forecast dispersion (Dispersion) as the standard deviation of analysts’ earnings forecasts in the month subsequent to the earnings announcement date, scaled by the absolute value of the firm’s actual earnings. We code Dispersion as missing if there are less than three financial analysts covering the firm. In the main tests, we focus on the level of analyst dispersion and study how the change in accruals affects analyst dispersion (and further future stock returns). In several robustness checks, we also examine the change in analyst dispersion and study how the change in accruals affects the change in analyst dispersion. It is worth noting that with the control of lagged values, the regression of the change in analyst dispersion against the change in accruals is equivalent to the regression of the level of analyst dispersion against the level of accruals. 3.4. Measures of Future Stock Returns 13 In another robustness check, we also calculate performance-adjusted discretionary accruals. We follow Kothari, Leone, and Wasley (2005) to adjust discretionary accruals by matching firm-years annually on industry and return on assets. We calculate performance-adjusted discretionary accruals as the difference between a firm’s DACC and the corresponding DACC for the matched firm. The results based on performance-adjusted discretionary accruals are similar to those based on DACC. Due to space constraints, we choose not to report the results in the paper. These results are available upon request from readers. 14 The data we use in the calculation of earnings forecasts come from the Summary History file of I/B/E/S. Diether et al. (2002) report a rounding bias due to stock splits, but they find that the bias does not affect their results. 13 We measure future stock returns in various trading day event windows. We first measure two-month, three-month, and six-month stock returns starting from the earnings announcement date: [0, 42], [0, 63], and [0, 126], where 0 denotes the earnings announcement date, 42 denotes the 42nd trading day, i.e., two months, subsequent to the earnings announcement date, etc. We also measure future stock returns excluding the period around the earnings announcement date: [6, 42], [6, 63], and [6, 126], where 6 denotes the sixth trading day subsequent to the earnings announcement date, i.e., the day after the first week of earnings announcement. We study these three trading day windows to ensure that our results are not driven by the announcement period return. Finally, we also measure future stock returns after financial analysts report their earnings forecasts to I/B/E/S: [a, 42], [a, 63], and [a, 126], where ‘a’ denotes the date subsequent to the first reporting date of analysts’ forecasts after earnings are announced. One potential concern for the windows starting from day 0 or day 6 is that these windows could overlap with the measurement window of analyst dispersion, which is in the first month right after earnings announcement. This potential overlapping would cause ambiguity on the causality between analyst dispersion and stock returns. Specifically, this ambiguity could arise in the case of overlapping windows, since analysts’ disagreement on their earnings forecasts could cause a certain pattern of stock returns, and a certain pattern of stock returns could also cause analysts to disagree with each other. In the paper, we intend to study how the accrual-induced analyst dispersion affects stock returns in the future. Thus, to ensure the causality goes from analyst dispersion to stock returns and not the other way around, we also measure future stock returns starting subsequent to the report date of analysts’ earnings forecasts. 14 3.5. Measures of Short-sale Constraints We use two proxies to capture how tightly short-sale constraints bind. The first one is the fraction of stock holdings by institutional investors. Institutional investors lend shares in the stock lending markets, from which short-sellers borrow to sell short. In contrast, retail investors do not directly participate in stock lending. Thus, stocks with low institutional investor ownership are hard to be located in the stock lending market and thus hard to sell short (Nagel (2005) and Berkman et al. (2009)). The second proxy for short-sale constraints is the level of stock illiquidity (Amihud (2002)). Stock illiquidity (Illiquidity) is calculated as the ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume, averaged in the quarter prior to day -6. Prior literature suggests that illiquid stocks are more costly to sell short (see, Sadka and Scherbina (2007) and Banerjee and Graveline (2012)). 3.6. Construction of Other Variables We calculate the following control variables. Firm size (Size) is the log of the market value of equity at the end of the previous quarter, i.e., quarter q-1. Book-to-market ratio (BM) is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the end of quarter q-1. Historical stock return (Historical Return) is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. Stock beta (Beta) is estimated based on a period of 200 days ending 6 days prior to the earnings announcement date. We will control for Size, BM, Beta, Historical Return, as well as Illiquidity, in our empirical studies since these variables are the common return predictors as documented in the literature. To control for a firm’s growth potential, we use both book-to-market ratio (BM) and growth in long-term net operating assets (GrLTNOA). We calculate GrLTNOA as the growth in 15 non-accrual net operating assets scaled by the average total assets (Fairfield et al. (2003)). We also calculate two earnings variables. We calculate standardized unexpected earnings (SUE) as (Eq – Eq-4 – cq)/sq, where Eq and Eq-4 are earnings in the current quarter and in the quarter a year ago, respectively; and cq and sq are the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of (Eq – Eq−4) over the preceding eight quarters. We calculate return on assets (ROA) as the ratio of net income to total assets in quarter q-1. Finally, we calculate two variables based on the information from I/B/E/S. We calculate the number of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S (NForecast). We also calculate signed forecast error (Error) as the difference between the average earnings forecast and the actual earnings per share, scaled by the absolute value of the actual earnings per share. It is worth noting that our forecast error measure is based on the signed difference between the forecasted EPS and the actual EPS, rather than the unsigned difference as in many previous studies. Our results would remain qualitatively the same if we use unsigned forecast error. In the paper, we choose to use signed forecast error since it better proxies for the average of analyst beliefs. If analysts on average are more optimistic, signed forecast error would be more positive. If analysts on average are more pessimistic, signed forecast error would be more negative. Table 2 provides the sample statistics on the key variables in our study. To minimize the influence of outliers, we winsorize all variables at the top and bottom 1 percent of the distribution. 4. Empirical Findings In this section, we study the impacts of accruals on the heterogeneity of investor beliefs and further on future stock returns by testing hypotheses H1-H3. 16 4.1. Accruals and Investors’ Heterogeneous Beliefs Our first hypothesis (H1) is that an increase in accruals causes a higher level of heterogeneous beliefs among investors on the value of the firm. We test H1 by running the following regression: Dispersion = α0 + α1ΔACCA + α2 Control variables + ε. (2) In regression (2), the dependent variable is Dispersion, our proxy for the level of heterogeneous beliefs. We measure Dispersion based on analysts’ forecasts in the first month subsequent to the earnings announcement date. In doing so, we ensure the causality is from ΔACCA to Dispersion, not the other way around. The control variables consist of ROA, SUE, GrLTNOA, Error, NForecast, Size, BM, Beta, Illiquidity, and Historical Return. Both number of analysts following (NForecast) and Forecast error (Error) are measured in the current quarter q. We control for NForecast since many studies show that analyst dispersion is affected by the number of analyst following. We control for Error to purge the effect of the average level of analyst beliefs on investor’s heterogeneous beliefs. Return on assets (ROA) and earnings surprise (SUE) are measured in the current quarter q as well. We use these two variables to control for the effect of reported earnings on investors’ heterogeneous beliefs. Finally, we control for growth in long-term net operating assets (GrLTNOA) and other return predictors (BM, Beta, Illiquidity, and Historical Return) to be consistent with our controls in the later regressions on stock returns. According to hypothesis H1, we expect α1 to be positive. We try various econometric techniques for regression (2) to ensure the robustness of our results. In particular, we run ordinary least square regressions (OLS), Fama-MacBeth regressions, and fixed effect regressions. In OLS regressions, we include year dummies to control for year effects. We also allow correlated residuals within each firm in all OLS regressions. Significance 17 tests are conducted based on heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors following HuberWhite procedure. We use Fama-MacBeth regressions because they provide standard errors corrected for cross-sectional correlation. In particular, we first run separate regressions for each year, and then average the regression coefficients across years as in Fama and MacBeth (1973) and estimate the statistical inference based on the Newey-West standard errors. Finally, we run fixed effects models to control for stable firm attributes that cause autocorrelation. We report the results in Table 3. In columns (1) to (3), we report the results from FamaMacBeth regressions. We first control for the two earnings variables ROA and SUE in column (1), followed by the regressions gradually adding more controls in columns (2) and (3). In columns (4) and (5), we report results from OLS regressions without and with time dummies, respectively. Finally, in column (6), we report the results from a fixed-effect regression. As can be seen, α1, the coefficient of ΔACCA, is positive in all six columns. It is significant at 1% in five of the six columns and significant at 5% in the other column. These results in Table 3 show that an increase in accruals is associated with a higher level of analyst dispersion. They also show that the effect of accruals on analyst dispersion is incremental to the earnings effect, i.e., the effect of the reported earnings on analyst dispersion. Overall, our results support hypothesis H1. They suggest that an increase in accruals causes investors to be more heterogeneous in their beliefs on the value of the firm. 15 4.2. Robustness Checks on Accruals and Investors’ Heterogeneous Beliefs We run four robustness tests. First, we run regressions against the change in discretionary accruals (ΔDACC) rather than the change in total accruals (ΔACCA). As discussed earlier, we use 15 We note that omitted variables could affect heterogeneity in investor beliefs. To the extent that we do not control for all determinants of belief divergence in the Table 3 tests, correlated omitted variables could bias the results. 18 the change in total accruals in our main tests, since investors can infer the value of the variable at the earnings announcement date for the firms in our proprietary database. To demonstrate the robustness of our results, we also use discretionary accruals here. We present the regression based on ΔDACC in Panel A of Table 4, with the specifications similar to those in Table 3. As can be seen, the coefficients of ΔDACC are positive and significant at the 1% level in all columns. These results support hypothesis H1 as well. In the second robustness check, we run regressions on the change in analyst dispersion, ∆Dispersion, rather than on the level of dispersion as in Table 3. In these regressions where the dependent variable is ∆Dispersion, we choose to control for the change variables ∆Error and ∆NForecast rather than the level variables Error and NForecast. In some regressions, we also control for Lagged ACCA (or Lagged DACC), Lagged Dispersion, and Lagged Error. The other control variables are the same as in regression (2). We report the results from this robustness check in Panel B of Table 4. In the first four columns, the accrual variable is the change in total accruals (ΔACCA). In the next four columns, it is the change in discretionary accruals (ΔDACC). For each accrual variable, we run regressions with the control variables gradually included. For all the regression specifications, we run Fama-MacBeth regressions. As predicted, α1, the coefficient of ΔACCA or ΔDACC, remains positive and significant in all columns. The evidence suggests that our results on the positive relation between the change in accruals and analyst dispersion are robust to the alterative change specification on analyst dispersion. Also as we discussed earlier, the specification of regressing ∆Dispersion against ΔACCA (or ΔDACC) and Lagged ACCA (or Lagged DACC) is equivalent to the specification of regressing Dispersion against ACCA (or DACC), all level variables. 19 In the third robustness check, we address the concern of sample selectivity. Our sample consists of the firms disclosing both the earnings and the operating cash flow information at the earnings announcement date. However, many firms do not report the operating cash flow information at the earnings announcement date. Thus, our sample is only a subset of the universe of Compustat firms. If our sample is not a truly random sample, then the estimates from the above regressions could be biased. To address the potential sample selection concern, we estimate Heckman's (1979) selection model. The Heckman selection model consists of a selection equation and a dispersion equation. To estimate the selection equation, we run a probit model on whether or not a firm reports the operating cash flow information at the earnings announcement date. The sample in the estimation of the selection equation consists of all firms that are covered by Compustat and I/B/E/S. The independent variables in the selection equation include ACCAq-1, ACCAq-2 (or DACCq-1 and DACCq-2 in the case of DACC as the accrual variable), lagged Error, lagged NForecast, lagged Beta, lagged Size, lagged Illiquidity, lagged Historical Return, lagged capital expenditures scaled by assets, and lagged stock trading turnover. The sample in the estimation of the dispersion equation consists of the firms disclosing both the earnings and the cash flow information at the earnings announcement date. The specification of the dispersion equation is the same as in the previous regressions. We report the results from the Heckman selection model in Panel C of Table 4. Due to space constraint, we report only the results on the dispersion equation. The dependent variable in the first five columns is the level of analyst dispersion (Dispersion); and it is the change in analyst dispersion (∆Dispersion) in columns (6) to (9). For each analyst dispersion variable, we first run regressions against ΔACCA, followed by regressions against ΔDACC. In general, the results from the Heckman model are similar to those reported in the previous tables. The 20 coefficients of ΔACCA and ΔDACC are positive. They are also significant at either 1% or the 5% level in all columns. Thus, it is evident that our results on accruals and analyst dispersion are unlikely to be driven by the factors that cause the selectivity of our sample. 4.3. Income-inflating versus Income-deflating Earnings Management Both increases in income-inflating accruals manipulation and decreases in incomedeflating accruals manipulation can give rise to increases in accruals. Our earlier argument on the relation between accruals and the heterogeneity of investor beliefs focuses only on the income-inflating earnings management. This focus is based on an assumption that on average, managers face more pressures to boost reported earnings to meet the market’s expectations than to defer current earnings to the future (Chan, Chan, Jegadeesh, and Lakonishok 2006). 16 Consequently, investors are more concerned with income-inflating manipulation than with income-deflating manipulation. Our test results also confirm that concern with income-inflating manipulation dominates the relation between accruals and the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. However, investors are probably aware that managers also manage accruals downward to deflate the current income, in order to create cookie jar reserves, to minimize political costs, or to depress share prices. 17 If skeptical investors have been concerned about possibility of incomedeflating earnings management, would the positive relation between accruals and the heterogeneity of investor beliefs be weakened? To understand the implication of concerns with income-deflating manipulation, we study the relation between the change in accruals and analyst dispersion in subsamples with various 16 Consistently, Nelson, Elliott, and Tarpley (2003) show more incidences of the income-increasing earnings management than the income-decreasing earnings management. 17 For example, Gong, Louis, and Song (2008) document evidence that managers use the income-deflating earnings management to depress share prices prior to stock repurchases. 21 levels of ∆ACCA. First, we create a subsample of high ΔACCA (consisting of firms with ΔACCA higher than the sample median) and a subsample of low ΔACCA (consisting of firms with ΔACCA higher than the sample median). Firms in these two subsamples have either increases or modest decreases in accruals, and investors are mainly concerned about income-inflating accruals manipulation. As a result, we expect strong positive relation between accruals and dispersion. Next, we create subsamples of firms with ΔACCA in the bottom 25% and bottom 10% of the sample distribution, respectively. We are interested in the extreme accruals decreases because it is where we expect to find the most concern with income-deflating accruals manipulation. Specifically, some suspicious investors would interpret a substantial accruals decrease as increased level of income-deflating accruals manipulation and disagree more with the trustful investors on the value implication of accruals, predicting a negative relation between increases in accruals and the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. On the other hand, those suspicious investors mainly concerned with income-increasing would interpret the accrual decreases as reflecting large decreases in income-increasing earnings management and disagree less with the trustful investors, which predicts a positive relation. The two effects would offset each other, so the positive relation between accruals change and the heterogeneity of investor beliefs would be at least weakened. We present the results from this robustness check in Table 5. The coefficient of ΔACCA is positive and significant in both columns (1) and (2), when we focus on accruals increases or slight decreases. As we move onto the substantial accruals decrease, the coefficient of ΔACCA is still positive in column (3) but statistically insignificant. It is negative and insignificant in column (4). The results in (3) and (4) are consistent with the increased concern among investors 22 with the income-deflating earnings management and the consequent offsetting effect from the income-deflating and the income-inflating earnings management. In columns (5) – (8) of Table 5, we use the similar subsamples as in columns (1) – (4) but with ΔDACC as the accrual variable. The coefficients of ΔDACC demonstrate a similar pattern as the coefficients of ΔACCA. Overall, our results in Table 5 suggest that the positive relation between the change in accruals and analyst dispersion holds for most scenarios of accrual changes because investors are mostly concerned about managers using accruals to boost earnings. 4.4. Accruals, Investors’ Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Future Stock Returns In hypothesis H2, we predict a negative future stock return following an increase in accruals. We also predict that the negative relation between future stock returns and increased accruals is more pronounced if the increase in accruals causes a higher level of heterogeneous investor beliefs. We run the following regression to test this hypothesis: Ret = β0 + β1ΔACCA + β2Dispersion +β3ΔACCA× Dispersion + β4 Control variables + ε. (3) The dependent variable in regression (3) is future stock return (Ret). We first measure future stock return in two trading day windows: [0, 63] and [6, 63], starting from either the earnings announcement date or one week after the earnings announcement date. However, as we discussed earlier, these two stock return windows could overlap in month 1 with the measurement window of our analyst dispersion variable. To eliminate this overlapping, we also measure future stock returns starting after the first report date of analysts’ earnings forecasts, in window [a, 63]. By using window [a, 63], we ensure that the causality is from analyst dispersion 23 to ex-post stock returns. In the paper, we use all three event windows for future stock returns to demonstrate the robustness of our results. In regression (3), we interact Dispersion, the proxy for the heterogeneity of investor beliefs, with ΔACCA. The control variables include the well-documented return predictors: Size, BM, Beta, Historical Return, and Illiquidity. We also control for the earnings variable SUE, ROA, and GrLTNOA to control for other stock anomalies such as the post-earnings announcement drift and the growth anomaly. Finally, we control for Error, as well as NForecast, to purge the effect from average analyst beliefs (as implied by the fixation argument), so that we can focus on the effect from the heterogeneity of analyst forecasts. According to hypothesis H2, we expect the coefficient of the interaction term ΔACCA × Dispersion to be negative. We present the results in Table 6, with the first three columns based on future stock returns in window [0, 63], the next three columns based on future stock returns in window [6, 63], and the last three columns based on future stock returns in window [a, 63]. In columns (1), (4), and (7), we first run Fama-MacBeth regressions on future stock returns against ΔACCA. As can be seen, the coefficients of ΔACCA in these three columns are negative and significant. These results show that an increase in accruals is followed by lower stock returns in the future. They are consistent with the previous findings in the literature on the accrual anomaly. In columns (2), (5), (8), we report results with the interaction term ΔACCA × Dispersion as one of the independent variables in the Fama-MacBeth regressions. The coefficients of the interaction term are negative and significant in all three columns. In columns (3), (6), and (9), we further present the results based on OLS regressions with year dummies as additional control variables. Again, the coefficients of the interaction term are negative and they are significant (at either the 1% or the 5% level). 24 Overall, our results in Table 6 show that the negative relation between an increase in accruals and future stock returns is more pronounced if financial analysts disagree more with one another in the month following the increase in accruals. These results do not seem to be driven by the predictive powers of the other common return predictors, such as firm size, historical return, illiquidity, and the difference between value and glamour stocks. They are also robust to different econometric techniques and different measurement windows of stock returns. Thus, our results are consistent with hypothesis H2, suggesting that the stock price reversal following an increase in accruals is more pronounced when the heterogeneity of investor beliefs increases to a larger degree in response to the increase in accruals. In other words, our results suggest a channel of investor beliefs on the pricing effect of accounting accruals. 4.5. Robustness Checks on Accruals, Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Future Stock Returns We run several robustness checks on the investor belief channel. First, we address the concern on the potential sample selection bias by running the Heckman selection model. The Heckman selection model consists of a selection equation and a return equation. The selection equation is the same as that discussed in Section 4.2 and the return equation is similar to that reported in Table 6. We report the results in Table 7. To conserve space, we only report the results from the return equation. In columns (1) and (2), we report results with future stock returns measured in window [0, 63]; in columns (3) and (4), the return window is [6, 63]; and in columns (5) and (6), the return window is [a, 63]. For each future stock return window, we run regressions with control variables introduced gradually. As can be seen, the coefficients of the interaction variable between ΔACCA and Dispersion are negative and highly significant in all columns. These results support hypothesis H2. They also show that our results on analyst 25 dispersion, the change in accruals, and future stock returns are unlikely to be driven by the factors that cause the selectivity of our sample. In the second robustness check, we use discretionary accruals as the accrual measure. The specification of the regression is similar to that of regression (3). Similar to the earlier results, the coefficients of the interaction term, ΔDACC × Dispersion, are negative and significant in all six columns, for all three stock return event windows and for both Fama-MacBeth and OLS regressions. These results again provide support to hypothesis H2. In the third robustness check, we run regression (3) in two subsamples: the subsample with a high level of analyst dispersion and the subsample with a low level of dispersion. We include in the high-dispersion subsample those firms with analyst dispersion above the median of the whole sample. We include in the low-dispersion subsample those firms with analyst dispersion below the sample median. As we discussed earlier, if the investor belief channel on the pricing effect of accruals is consistent with Miller’s (1977) framework, then we expect the channel to be stronger in the subsample of high analyst dispersion, compared to the subsample of low analyst dispersion. We present the results based on these two subsamples in Panel C of Table 7, with the first three columns based on the high-dispersion subsample and the latter three columns based on the low-dispersion subsample. As can be seen, the coefficient of the interaction variable, ΔACCA × Dispersion, is negative and significant only in the high-dispersion subsample. It is generally insignificant in the low-dispersion subsample. Thus, our results suggest that the investor belief channel as hypothesized in H2 is more effective for the high-heterogeneity firms than for the low- heterogeneity firms. They are also consistent with Miller’s framework on the relation between the heterogeneity of investor beliefs and stock pricing. 26 In the fourth robustness check, we use the change in analyst dispersion, ∆Dispersion, rather than the level of dispersion to proxy for the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. In particular, we regress future stock return against ΔACCA, ΔDispersion, the interaction term between ΔACCA and ΔDispersion, and control variables. The control variables are mostly the same as those in the regressions presented in Table 6. The only exception is that we also include both lagged Dispersion and the interaction term between ΔACCA and Lagged Dispersion as additional control variables. We do so to ensure that the effect of ΔACCA × ΔDispersion on future stock returns is through analyst dispersion in the current quarter rather than analyst dispersion in the previous quarter. From hypothesis H2, we expect the coefficient of ΔACCA × ΔDispersion to be negative. We present the results in Panel D of Table 7. The first two columns are based on future stock returns measured in window [0, 63], the next two columns are based on window [6, 63], and the last two columns are based on window [a, 63]. For each future stock return, we first run Fama-MacBeth regressions, followed by OLS regressions with year dummies as additional control variables. As predicted, the coefficients of ΔACCA × ΔDispersion are negative and significant in all six columns. Thus, our earlier results presented in Table 6 are robust to the alternative change specification on analyst dispersion. In the fifth robustness check, we add additional control variables to make sure our findings are not driven by alternative explanations. It is possible that earnings surprise could increase the heterogeneity of investor beliefs and consequently affect future stock returns. In consideration of this possibility, we include the interaction term between ∆ACCA and SUE as an additional independent variable to control for the effect of earnings surprise on future stock returns. We further control for the interaction term between ∆ACCA and GrLTNOA. Since 27 earnings growth is often associated with increases in accruals, controlling for ΔACCA × GrLTNOA ensures that our results are not simply a special case of the growth anomaly as in Fairfield et al. (2003). Finally, the fixation explanation in the accounting literature attributes the relation between accruals and future stock returns (i.e., the accrual anomaly) to investors’ overly optimistic reaction to accruals. In the paper, we use signed forecast error (Error) to proxy for the average belief among all market participants. We include as independent variables both Error and the interaction term between ΔACCA and Error to control for the fixation explanation. We present the results with these additional controls in Panle E of Table 7. We gradually introduce the three interaction variables, ΔACCA × SUE, ΔACCA × GrLTNOA, and ΔACCA × Error. As can be seen, the coefficient of the interaction variable between ΔACCA and Dispersion (ΔACCA × Dispersion) remains negative and highly significant with all these new controls. These results demonstrate that our findings on analyst dispersion, accruals, and future stock returns are unlikely to be driven by the fixation explanation, the earnings effect, or the growth anomaly. In the final robustness check, we run Fama-MacBeth regressions with the alternative measurement windows for future stock returns. In Table 6 and Panels A through E of Table 7, we report results based on event windows ending at the third month subsequent to the earnings announcement date. Here, we measure future stock returns in the alternative windows that end at either the second month or the sixth month subsequent to the earnings announcement date: [0, 42], [6, 42], [a, 42], [0, 126], [6, 126], and [a, 126]. We present the results in Panel F of Table 7. We find that the coefficient of the variable interacting between Dispersion and ΔACCA is negative and significant across all event windows. These results support hypothesis H2 as well. 28 4.6. The Role of Short-sale Constraints In hypothesis H3, we predict that the investor belief channel as hypothesized in H2 is stronger for firms facing a higher degree of short-selling constraints. To test hypothesis H3, we use two proxies for the degree of short-sale constraints: institutional investor holdings and Amihud’s (2002) illiquidity measure. We expect the investor belief channel to be stronger for stocks with low institutional investor holdings and for illiquid stocks. First, we divide the sample into the subsamples with high and low institutional investor holdings based on the level of institutional holdings at the end of the previous quarter. We include in the subsample with high (low) institutional holdings those firms with the level of institutional holdings above (below) the median level of the whole sample. We run regression (3) separately for both subsamples and present the results in Panel A of Table 8. The first three columns are based on the subsample with high institutional holdings and the latter three columns are based on the subsample with low institutional holdings. As can be seen, the coefficient of the interaction variable, ΔACCA × Dispersion, is negative and significant only in the subsample with low institutional holdings, presumably those firms facing a higher degree of short-sale constraints. In the subsample with high institutional holdings, the coefficient of the interaction variable is negative but insignificant. Next, we divide the sample into the subsamples of liquid and illiquid stocks based on Amihud’s illiquidity measure in the quarter prior to the earnings announcement date. We define liquid stocks as those with the level of Amihud’s illiquidity measure below the median of the whole sample and illiquid stocks as those above the sample median. We report the results based on these two subsamples in Panel B of Table 8, with the first three columns based on the subsample of illiquid stocks and the latter three based on the subsample of liquid stocks. Our 29 results show that the coefficients of ΔACCA × Dispersion are negative and significant only in the subsample of illiquid stocks, presumably the stocks facing a high level of short-sale constraints. In contrast, the coefficients of ΔACCA × Dispersion are negative but insignificant in the subsample of liquid stocks. Overall, our results in Table 8 support hypothesis H3. They suggest short-sale constraints play an important role in explaining the relation between the accrualinduced heterogeneity of investor beliefs and future stock returns. 18 5. Other Explanations on the Relation between Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Future Stock Returns In this section, we discuss other potential explanations for our empirical findings. Many studies in the literature also use dispersion of analysts’ earnings forecasts to proxy for the degree of asymmetric information (e.g., see Thomas, 2002). They argue that the disagreement among financial analysts could be induced by information asymmetry. A higher level of analyst dispersion can be viewed as indicating an increased degree of information asymmetry. Using analyst dispersion as the proxy, the asymmetric information theory would predict that an increase in accruals increases information asymmetry, thereby affecting stock pricing. However, information asymmetry, by itself, cannot generate a long run drift in stock prices in the context of any corporate event. This is because rational investors will learn instantaneously the information conveyed by the corporate event, so that asymmetric information models cannot generate a systematic bias in the long-run stock prices (either upward or downward) subsequent 18 In an unreported test, we use another proxy for the degree of short-sale constraints, i.e., the percentage of each firm's shares that are held short. Following Boehme, Danielsen, and Sorescu (2006), we scale each short interest observation by the number of shares outstanding and form two subsamples with high versus low short interest. The results are stronger for the subsample with high short interest. It confirms once again that the documented effect is stronger for firms facing a higher degree of short-selling constraints. 30 to any corporate event. Thus, the impact of the accrual-driven analyst dispersion on future stock returns is clearly not driven by the information asymmetry theory. Easley and O’Hara (2004) suggest that uninformed investors could face information uncertainty since they could be less informed or slowly informed about new information compared to informed investors. This information uncertainty could be a non-diversifiable risk factor, thereby affecting stock returns. A higher level of analyst dispersion can be viewed as indicating an increased degree of information uncertainty. This information risk argument would predict that firms with higher information risk, such as those reporting higher accruals and experiencing higher analyst dispersion, would experience a decrease in contemporaneous stock price and higher long-term stock return. However, if market underreact to the increase in information risk (e.g., for smaller or illiquid stocks), stock price could gradually incorporate the shock to information uncertainty. In other words, our results could be consistent with the information risk argument if the market underreacts contemporaneously to an unexpected increase in information risk and if the under-reaction lasts for three months. 19 6. Conclusion It has been established that firms with high heterogeneity of investor beliefs experience more negative future stock returns. However, little is known about what causes the heterogeneity of investor beliefs. We propose that the difficulty in interpreting accounting accruals in the presence of potential earnings management could lead to heterogeneous investor beliefs regarding the firm value. We also propose that accruals could affect future stock returns by affecting investors’ heterogeneous beliefs. 19 We thank an anonymous referee for this point. 31 We document three findings. 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Journal of Financial Stability 9, 720-730. 35 Table 1: Distribution of Sample across Years Year Number of Number of Average market Median market firms firm-quarters capitalization ($ thousands) capitalization ($ thousands) 1994 64 103 3394.15 1915.52 1995 75 111 3201.22 1701.31 1996 125 208 6426.33 1942.34 1997 129 258 4382.50 2012.57 1998 159 377 5240.56 1941.96 1999 66 83 3812.38 1577.45 2000 173 401 6704.86 1557.05 2001 204 544 8333.55 1851.88 2002 289 711 11159.93 1974.98 2003 450 1,222 9232.61 2076.82 2004 548 1,563 10358.13 2477.43 2005 609 1,757 9424.86 2337.06 2006 652 1,824 10043.79 2529.81 2007 404 407 10356.66 2610.86 Total 1,116 9,569 9111.48 2210.15 36 Table 2: Sample Statistics Variable Ret [0, 63] Ret [6, 63] Ret [a, 63] ACCA ΔACCA Institutional holdings Beta BM Size Illiquidity Historical Return SUE ROA GrLTNOA Dispersion NForecast Error Number of observations 9,569 9,569 9,543 9,569 9,569 Mean 0.042 0.038 0.035 -0.016 0.000 Median 0.036 0.032 0.030 -0.014 -0.001 Min -0.816 -0.819 -0.841 -0.610 -0.601 Max 1.910 1.750 1.446 0.500 1.288 Skewness 0.631 0.581 0.553 -1.449 0.871 Kurtosis 7.027 6.526 6.622 27.391 33.587 9,569 0.708 0.732 0.038 3.302 -0.147 6.064 9,569 9,569 9,569 9,569 1.140 0.414 7.350 0.003 1.053 0.345 7.228 0.000 -2.844 0.035 2.479 0.000 5.339 1.761 12.697 0.964 0.671 7.470 0.459 27.286 4.453 1.806 3.270 974.598 9,569 0.019 0.015 -0.731 2.047 1.148 18.946 9,569 9,569 9,367 9,569 9,569 9,569 0.000 0.013 0.012 0.113 10.465 0.346 0.002 0.015 0.001 0.032 8.000 0.079 -1.000 -0.260 -11668 0.000 3.000 0.000 1.000 0.083 133447 2.500 45.000 10.000 -0.746 -3.479 61 5.910 1.294 6.769 142.126 29.195 4705 43.001 4.573 54.525 Ret is raw stock return measured in various event windows. [0, 63] stands for a three-month window starting from the earnings announcement date. [6, 63] covers a period starting from the sixth trading day to three months subsequent to the earnings announcement date. [a, 63] covers a period starting from the IBES earnings forecast report date to three months subsequent to the earnings announcement date. ACCA is the amount of total accruals, calculated as the difference between earnings before extraordinary items and the operating cash flows. ΔACCA is the changes in total accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter. Institutional investor holding is the fraction of stock held by institutional investors. Beta is estimated from the capital market model, based on a period of 200 days prior to the earnings announcement date. BM is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Size is the log of market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the year prior to the earnings announcement date. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings, calculated as (Eq − Eq-4 − cq)/sq, where Eq and Eq4 are earnings in the current quarter and in the same quarter a year ago, respectively; and cq and sq are the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of (Eq − Eq−4) over the preceding eight quarters. ROA is net income divided by total assets at the beginning of the quarter. GrLTNOA is growth in long-term net operating assets, defined as growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Dispersion is the standard deviation of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts made in the month following the earnings announcement date, scaled by the absolute value of the average earnings forecast. NForecast is the number of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S. Error is analyst forecast error, calculated as the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. 37 Table 3: Total Accruals and Analyst Dispersion VARIABLES (1) (2) (3) Constant 0.165*** 0.383*** 0.323*** [0.014] [0.074] [0.075] ∆ACCA 0.304*** 0.256*** 0.200** [0.099] [0.092] [0.080] NForecast 0.001 0.008*** 0.008*** [0.001] [0.002] [0.002] SUE 0.032 0.085 0.474 [0.380] [0.324] [0.345] ROA -4.528*** -3.673*** -2.849*** [0.646] [0.712] [0.487] GrLTNOA 0.325 0.495 [0.812] [1.300] Beta -0.009 -0.004 [0.016] [0.012] BM 0.034 0.021 [0.042] [0.044] Size -0.046*** -0.042*** [0.010] [0.011] Illiquidity 7.496*** 6.557*** [2.126] [1.911] Historical Return -0.096 -0.114 [0.098] [0.134] Error 0.028 [0.038] Observations R-squared Regression Type 9,569 0.190 FamaMacBeth 9,367 0.278 FamaMacBeth 9,046 0.362 FamaMacBeth (4) 0.309*** [0.038] 0.161*** [0.054] 0.006*** [0.001] 0.008 [0.099] -2.051*** [0.196] 0.004 [0.006] 0.008 [0.006] 0.078*** [0.023] -0.039*** [0.005] 0.202 [0.171] (5) 0.320*** [0.039] 0.156*** [0.055] 0.006*** [0.001] 0.014 [0.098] -2.019*** [0.195] 0.002 [0.005] 0.009 [0.006] 0.083*** [0.022] -0.039*** [0.005] 0.193 [0.172] (6) 0.519*** [0.063] 0.121*** [0.041] 0.001 [0.001] -0.033 [0.047] -1.136*** [0.136] 0.004 [0.018] -0.002 [0.005] 0.077*** [0.016] -0.059*** [0.008] 0.032 [0.178] 0.000 [0.041] 0.058*** [0.010] 0.007 [0.041] 0.058*** [0.010] -0.034 [0.024] 0.007 [0.005] 9,360 9,360 9,360 0.136 0.142 0.041 OLS without OLS with year dummies year dummies Fixed effect The dependent variable is analyst forecast dispersion, calculated as the standard deviation of analysts’ earnings forecasts in the month subsequent to the earnings announcement date, scaled by the absolute value of the firm’s actual earnings. ∆ACCA is the change in total accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter, where total accruals are calculated as the difference between earnings before extraordinary items and the operating cash flows. NForecast is the number of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings, calculated as (Eq − Eq-4 − cq)/sq, where Eq and Eq-4 are earnings in the current quarter and in the same quarter a year ago, respectively; and cq and sq are the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of (Eq − Eq−4) over the preceding eight quarters. ROA is net income divided by total assets at the beginning of the quarter. GrLTNOA is growth in long-term net operating assets, defined as growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Beta is estimated from the capital market model, based on a period of 200 days prior to the earnings announcement date. BM is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Size is the log of market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the year prior to the earnings announcement date. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. Error is analyst forecast error, calculated as the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. The robust standard errors are in brackets; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 38 Table 4: Accruals and Analyst Dispersion - Robustness Tests Panel A: Accruals Measured as Discretionary Accruals VARIABLES (1) (2) (3) Constant 0.164*** 0.377*** 0.305*** [0.013] [0.075] [0.067] 0.410*** 0.322*** 0.425*** ∆DACC [0.116] [0.084] [0.138] NForecast 0.001 0.009*** 0.009*** [0.001] [0.002] [0.002] SUE 0.411 0.650 1.148* [0.537] [0.494] [0.652] ROA -4.540*** -3.441*** -2.653*** [0.614] [0.644] [0.512] Error 0.011 [0.045] Other Controls N Y Y Observations 8,955 8,769 8,458 R-squared 0.181 0.268 0.362 Regression FamaFamaFamaType MacBeth MacBeth MacBeth Panel B: Regressions using Change Variables (1) (2) VARIABLES Constant 0.012* 0.016** [0.007] [0.008] ∆ACCA 0.311** 0.257* [0.153] [0.150] ∆NForecast 0.002 0.003 [0.013] [0.015] ∆SUE -0.489* -0.284 [0.247] [0.242] ∆ROA 0.631 -0.486 [0.745] [0.453] ∆GrLTNOA 0 [0.000] ∆Beta -0.011* [0.006] ∆BM -0.2 [0.166] ∆Size -0.127 [0.079] ∆Illiquidity -0.703 [2.450] ∆ Historical Return 0.133 [0.151] 39 (4) (5) 0.307*** 0.329*** [0.040] [0.051] 0.188*** 0.185*** [0.061] [0.060] 0.006*** 0.006*** [0.001] [0.001] 0.008 0.014 [0.111] [0.110] -2.091*** -2.056*** [0.213] [0.211] 0.055*** 0.055*** [0.010] [0.010] Y Y 8,762 8,762 0.135 0.142 OLS without OLS with year dummies year dummies (6) 0.545*** [0.066] 0.155*** [0.051] 0.001 [0.001] -0.001 [0.050] -1.259*** [0.145] 0.002 [0.005] Y 8,762 0.044 Fixed effect (3) (4) (5) 0.002 [0.007] 0.192** [0.079] 0.014 [0.010] -0.273 [0.188] -0.213 [0.165] 0 [0.000] -0.003 [0.006] -0.074 [0.078] -0.058 [0.048] -1.18 [2.738] 0.006 [0.004] 0.213** [0.088] 0.014 [0.010] -0.287** [0.135] -0.251 [0.160] 0 [0.000] 0.008* [0.004] -0.136 [0.101] -0.011 [0.036] -1.34 [1.675] 0.130* [0.067] 0.261** [0.126] 0.009* [0.005] -0.339 [0.221] -0.416 [0.318] -0.001 [0.001] 0.002 [0.007] 0.023 [0.096] 0.055 [0.055] 0.452 [1.520] 0.024 [0.033] 0.008 [0.016] 0.043 [0.048] ∆Error 0.229*** [0.029] Lagged ACCA Lagged Dispersion 0.220*** [0.032] 0.073 [0.109] 0.198*** [0.021] 0.112 [0.195] -0.117** [0.054] -0.293*** [0.087] 0.003** [0.001] -0.21 [0.314] -0.472 [0.373] Lagged NForecast Lagged SUE Lagged ROA Lagged GrLTNOA -0.001 [0.001] -0.004 [0.006] -0.057* [0.030] -0.016* [0.009] -0.463 [1.646] Lagged Beta Lagged BM Lagged Size Lagged Illiquidity Lagged Historical Return 0.019 [0.063] 0.065*** [0.022] 6707 0.863 Lagged Error Observations R-squared 6707 0.247 6707 0.377 6707 0.704 6707 0.795 Panel C: Accruals and Analyst Dispersion: Heckman Selection Model Constant ∆ACCA ∆DACC NForecast The dependent variable is Dispersion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) -0.300*** -0.405* -0.465** -0.277*** -0.708*** [0.030] [0.211] [0.223] [0.044] [0.243] 0.248*** 0.227*** 0.213*** [0.049] [0.051] [0.052] 0.307*** 0.318*** [0.062] [0.068] 0.006*** 0.006*** 0.006*** 0.007*** 0.007*** [0.001] [0.001] [0.001] [0.001] [0.001] ∆NForecast The dependent variable is ∆Dispersion (6) (7) (8) (9) -0.022 -0.193 0.033 -0.324** [0.075] [0.690] [0.034] [0.159] 0.434** 0.365** [0.169] [0.174] 0.114** 0.121** [0.055] [0.057] 0.005 40 0.007 0.005** 0.006*** SUE ROA Error Inverse Mills Ratio Other controls Obs. [0.008] [0.008] [0.002] [0.002] -0.008 0.037 0.028 -0.017 0.023 -0.362** -0.275 -0.055 -0.050 [0.050] [0.050] [0.051] [0.053] [0.054] [0.184] [0.187] [0.051] [0.052] -2.247*** -1.945*** -1.903*** -2.330*** -1.969*** -2.382*** -2.028*** -0.620*** -0.439*** [0.116] [0.121] [0.124] [0.124] [0.132] [0.408] [0.433] [0.114] [0.120] -0.022*** -0.033*** -0.092*** -0.006 [0.005] [0.006] [0.019] [0.005] 0.254*** 0.257*** 0.277*** 0.262*** 0.364*** 0.091** 0.134 0.013 0.131** [0.014] [0.069] [0.073] [0.015] [0.079] [0.036] [0.225] [0.010] [0.054] N 79,055 Y 78,863 Y 78,569 N 75,669 Y 75,207 N 78,606 Y 78,424 N 75,242 Y 61,885 In Panel A, Dispersion is the analyst forecast dispersion, measured as standard deviation of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts scaled by the absolute value of the average earnings forecast. ∆DACC is the change in discretionary accruals, where we calculate discretionary accruals based on modified Jones model. In Panel B, the dependent variable is change in analyst dispersion, where analyst dispersion is the standard deviation of earnings forecasts scaled by the absolute value of the average forecast. In Panel C, Inverse Mills Ratio is computed from the first-stage probit regression on the likelihood of disclosing operating cash flow in the preliminary earnings announcement. The independent variables in the first stage consist of ACCA lagged by one and two quarters, beta, size, BM, lagged cash flow ((Net income +Depreciation)/ Assets), lagged profitability (EBIT/Assets), lagged Capital Expenditures/Sales. The results from the first stage are not reported. We also controlled for lagged dispersion, lagged error, and lagged ACCA in columns (7) and (9). The coefficients of these three variables are not reported. In all Panels, ACCA (total accruals) is earnings before extraordinary items minus operating cash flows. NForecast is the number of analysts' one-yearahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings, calculated as (Eq − Eq-4 − cq)/sq, where Eq and Eq-4 are earnings in the current quarter and in the same quarter a year ago, respectively; and cq and sq are the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of (Eq − Eq−4) over the preceding eight quarters. ROA is net income divided by total assets at the beginning of the quarter. GrLTNOA is growth in long-term net operating assets, defined as growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Beta is estimated from the capital market model, based on a period of 200 days prior to the earnings announcement date. BM is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Size is the log of market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the quarter prior to the earnings announcement date. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. Error is analyst forecast error, calculated as the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. The change variables are from the previous to the current quarter. The robust standard errors are in brackets; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 41 Table 5: Accruals and Analyst Dispersion, Subsample Tests Bottom Bottom High Low quartile decile High Sample ∆ACCA ∆ACCA ∆ACCA ∆ACCA ∆DACC (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Constant 0.230** 0.386** * 0.206*** 0.042 0.216*** [0.155] [0.064] [0.077] [0.089] [0.056] ∆ACCA 0.208** 0.395** 0.125 -0.397 [0.099] [0.177] [0.303] [0.344] ∆DACC 0.521*** [0.159] 0.010** NForecast * 0.008** 0.007*** 0.007 0.008*** [0.003] [0.003] [0.002] [0.005] [0.002] SUE -0.179 0.069 -0.066 -0.303 0.504 [0.739] [0.211] [0.208] [0.422] [0.538] ROA -1.561*** -1.950*** -1.005*** -0.700** -2.544*** [0.389] [0.269] [0.170] [0.267] [0.346] GrLTNOA -0.550 0.265 -1.228 -0.478 -0.066 [0.537] [0.457] [1.271] [0.596] [0.795] Beta -0.003 0.032 0.008 0.019* -0.008 [0.022] [0.020] [0.014] [0.011] [0.019] 0.123** BM 0.012 * 0.081** 0.143*** 0.076*** [0.047] [0.043] [0.031] [0.041] [0.028] Size -0.058** -0.037*** -0.032** -0.020 -0.032*** [0.024] [0.012] [0.012] [0.015] [0.008] Illiquidity 0.137 2.321 5.277 -2.210 4.147** [3.541] [3.097] [5.187] [3.598] [1.704] Historical 0.127** Return -0.073 * 0.124 -0.066 0.088 [0.129] [0.044] [0.080] [0.081] [0.053] 0.151** 0.084** Error * * 0.076*** 0.045 0.069** [0.031] [0.020] [0.018] [0.035] [0.034] Observations 4,698 4,669 2,218 853 4,398 R-squared 0.514 0.529 0.542 0.700 0.346 Low ∆DACC (6) Bottom quartile ∆DACC (7) Bottom decile ∆DACC (8) 0.580** [0.275] 0.314** [0.123] 0.006 [0.143] 0.586** [0.284] -0.710 [0.753] -0.234 [0.283] 0.011*** 0.008*** [0.004] [0.003] 0.863 0.057 [0.641] [0.673] -2.335*** -1.051** [0.560] [0.507] 0.076 3.759 [0.765] [2.739] -0.017 -0.027 [0.022] [0.032] 0.002 [0.003] -1.266* [0.742] -0.395 [0.319] -1.142* [0.574] 0.023 [0.025] 0.067 [0.052] -0.082** [0.040] 1.171 [3.896] 0.053 [0.047] -0.046** [0.020] 6.391 [8.201] 0.050 [0.061] -0.001 [0.018] 0.015 [3.653] -0.278 [0.302] -0.070 [0.261] 0.071 [0.120] 0.032* [0.016] 4,364 0.321 0.028 [0.020] 2,081 0.390 0.069 [0.049] 808 0.484 The dependent variable is analyst forecast dispersion, calculated as the standard deviation of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts scaled by the absolute value of the average earnings forecast. ∆ACCA is the change in total accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter, where total accruals are calculated as the difference between earnings before extraordinary items and the operating cash flows. ∆DACC is the change in discretionary accruals, where we calculate discretionary accruals based on modified Jones model. Subsamples of high ∆ACCA and high ∆DACC consist of those firms with ACCA or DACC above the sample median, respectively. Bottom quartile and decile consists of those in the bottom 25% or 10% of the distribution. NForecast is the number of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings. ROA is net income divided by total assets. GrLTNOA is growth in long-term net operating assets, defined as growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Beta is estimated from the capital market model. BM is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Size is the log of market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the prior quarter. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. Error is analyst forecast error, calculated as the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. The robust standard errors are in brackets; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 42 Table 6: Total Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns VARIABLES Ret [0,63] Ret [6,63] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Constant 0.004 0.007 0.111*** -0.015 -0.012 0.129*** [0.029] [0.056] [0.017] [0.030] [0.063] [0.017] ∆ACCA -0.146** -0.069 -0.071** -0.127** -0.077 -0.072** [0.064] [0.118] [0.034] [0.059] [0.114] [0.033] Beta 0.016 0.014 0.007** 0.015 0.016 0.005* [0.010] [0.011] [0.003] [0.010] [0.012] [0.003] BM 0.029** 0.066*** 0.050*** 0.029** 0.063*** 0.047*** [0.012] [0.018] [0.007] [0.011] [0.018] [0.007] Size 0.001 -0.001 -0.003* 0.003 0.001 -0.003 [0.003] [0.006] [0.002] [0.003] [0.007] [0.002] Illiquidity -18.458 -19.749 -0.084 -18.539 -18.924 -0.054 [15.341] [17.664] [0.085] [16.349] [17.915] [0.084] Historical Return -0.134*** -0.167*** -0.137*** -0.125*** -0.146*** -0.147*** [0.042] [0.053] [0.017] [0.040] [0.053] [0.017] SUE 0.179 0.032 0.108 0.050 [0.177] [0.034] [0.200] [0.033] ROA 0.260 -0.100 0.231 -0.071 [0.371] [0.079] [0.329] [0.078] GrLTNOA -0.956 -0.003 -0.872 -0.005 [0.785] [0.011] [0.713] [0.011] Error -0.081*** -0.072*** -0.077*** -0.071*** [0.020] [0.003] [0.019] [0.003] NForecast 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 [0.001] [0.000] [0.001] [0.000] Dispersion 0.059 0.011 0.058 0.013* [0.058] [0.007] [0.057] [0.007] ∆ACCA -1.932** -0.230*** -1.623* -0.220*** ×Dispersion [0.893] [0.082] [0.940] [0.081] Observations 9,569 9,360 9,360 9,569 9,360 9,360 R-squared 0.085 0.188 0.117 0.086 0.189 0.113 Reg. Type Fama-MacBeth OLS Fama-MacBeth OLS (7) 0.0002 [0.025] -0.126* [0.074] 0.014 [0.008] 0.022* [0.013] 0.001 [0.003] -16.855 [15.193] Ret [a,63] (8) -0.024 [0.059] -0.024 [0.121] 0.013 [0.010] 0.066*** [0.024] 0.002 [0.006] -16.393 [15.757] (9) 0.132*** [0.015] -0.028 [0.030] 0.004 [0.003] 0.034*** [0.006] -0.004** [0.002] 0.077 [0.076] -0.083** -0.082 -0.125*** [0.032] [0.061] [0.016] 0.181 0.115*** [0.160] [0.030] 0.417 -0.107 [0.483] [0.071] -1.357 -0.007 [0.958] [0.010] -0.077*** -0.060*** [0.027] [0.003] 0.000 0.000 [0.001] [0.000] 0.085 0.009 [0.062] [0.006] -1.843** -0.184** [0.899] [0.074] 9,543 9,334 9,334 0.078 0.185 0.097 Fama-MacBeth OLS The dependent variable, Ret, is raw stock return in various trading day windows. [0,63], [6,63], and [a,63] are threemonth windows starting from earnings announcement date, the sixth trading day after earnings announcement, and IBES earnings forecast report date after earnings announcement, respectively. ∆ACCA is the change in total accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter, where total accruals are calculated as the difference between earnings before extraordinary items and the operating cash flows. BM is quarter-beginning book-to-market ratio. Size is the log of market value at quarter beginning. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the prior quarter. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings. ROA is net income divided by total assets. GrLTNOA is growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Error is the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. NForecast is the number of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S. Dispersion is the standard deviation of analysts' oneyear-ahead earnings forecasts scaled by the absolute value of the average earnings forecast. Standard errors are in brackets; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 43 Table 7: Total Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns - Robustness Tests Panel A: Heckman Selection Model Variables Ret [0,63] Ret [0,63] Ret [6,63] Ret [6,63] Ret [a,63] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Constant 0.582*** 0.664*** 0.638*** 0.739*** 0.598*** [0.103] [0.143] [0.102] [0.144] [0.101] ∆ACCA -0.191*** -0.133*** -0.193*** -0.139*** -0.136*** [0.031] [0.037] [0.031] [0.037] [0.028] ∆ACCA -0.300*** -0.269*** ×Dispersion [0.088] [0.086] Inverse Mills -0.194*** -0.184*** -0.210*** -0.203*** -0.190*** Ratio [0.039] [0.047] [0.039] [0.047] [0.037] Observations 81,638 78,859 81,638 78,859 80,942 Other controls N Y N Y N Panel B: Discretionary Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns VARIABLES Ret [0,63] Ret [0,63] Ret [6,63] Ret [6,63] (1) (2) (3) (4) Constant -0.043 0.004 -0.042 -0.000 [0.066] [0.024] [0.060] [0.024] ∆DACC 0.257 -0.026 0.223 -0.026 [0.191] [0.043] [0.167] [0.042] ∆DACC -4.027** -0.283** -3.038** -0.232** ×Dispersion [1.932] [0.111] [1.455] [0.110] Observations 8,461 8,451 8,461 8,451 Other controls Y Y Y Y R-squared 0.190 0.080 0.192 0.071 FamaFamaReg. Type MacBeth OLS MacBeth OLS Ret [a,63] (5) -0.062 [0.067] 0.280 [0.199] -4.408* [2.277] 8,436 Y 0.167 FamaMacBeth Ret [a,63] (6) 0.741*** [0.132] -0.102*** [0.034] -0.231*** [0.078] -0.202*** [0.043] 78,833 Y Ret [a,63] (6) 0.028** [0.014] -0.009 [0.040] -0.163* [0.099] 8,426 Y 0.057 OLS Panel C: Total Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns – Subsample Test VARIABLES Ret [0,63] (1) Constant 0.124 [0.117] ∆ACCA 0.226 [0.263] -3.390** [1.426] 4,522 Y 0.237 ∆ACCA x Dispersion Observations Other controls R-squared Ret [6,63] Ret [a,63] (2) (3) High Dispersion 0.137 0.105 [0.135] [0.093] 0.179 [0.229] -3.125** [1.366] 4,522 Y 0.242 0.113 [0.204] -2.331** [1.041] 4,507 Y 0.209 44 Ret [0,63] (4) 0.990 [0.949] 1.733 [1.718] -56.120 [63.222] 4,524 Y 0.188 Ret [6,63] Ret [a,63] (5) (6) Low Dispersion 2.403 -0.608 [2.307] [0.644] 4.023 [3.884] -127.049 [130.890] 4,524 Y 0.178 -0.821 [0.920] 23.571 [24.747] 4,513 Y 0.132 Panel D: Total Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns, Alternative Specification VARIABLES Ret [0,63] Ret [0,63] Ret [6,63] Ret [6,63] Ret [a,63] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Constant 0.079** 0.116*** 0.072** 0.134*** 0.079** [0.035] [0.018] [0.033] [0.018] [0.034] ∆ACCA 0.260 -0.074 0.230 -0.073 0.260 [0.195] [0.047] [0.179] [0.048] [0.190] Lagged Dispersion -0.061 0.013 -0.060 0.019* -0.061 [0.050] [0.010] [0.042] [0.010] [0.048] ∆Dispersion 0.117 0.012 0.090 0.010 0.117 [0.145] [0.011] [0.145] [0.010] [0.142] ∆ACCA×Lagged Dispersion -10.205 -0.451*** -9.613 -0.450*** -10.205 [6.315] [0.124] [6.038] [0.122] [6.277] ∆ACCA×∆Dispersion -3.527** -0.366*** -2.841* -0.317** -3.527** [1.718] [0.121] [1.567] [0.128] [1.663] Observations 8,886 8,886 8,886 8,886 8,886 Other controls Y Y Y Y Y R-squared 0.204 0.119 0.209 0.114 0.204 FamaFamaFamaRegression Type MacBeth OLS MacBeth OLS MacBeth Ret [a,63] (6) 0.131*** [0.016] -0.036 [0.046] 0.014 [0.009] 0.007 [0.011] -0.359*** [0.110] -0.261** [0.122] 8,860 Y 0.098 OLS Panel E: Total Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns, Additional Controls VARIABLES Ret [0,63] Ret [6,63] Ret [a,63] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Constant -0.015 -0.022 -0.043 -0.026 -0.039 -0.066 -0.035 -0.041 -0.073 [0.045] [0.051] [0.065] [0.051] [0.057] [0.066] [0.048] [0.053] [0.074] ∆ACCA -0.018 0.081 0.220 -0.025 0.065 0.196 -0.044 -0.007 0.078 [0.088] [0.125] [0.162] [0.072] [0.102] [0.146] [0.111] [0.119] [0.110] ∆ACCA × SUE 6.866 5.304 -5.616 5.855 4.110 -6.187 5.487 4.279 -2.320 [6.991] [7.419] [11.075] [7.897] [8.351] [10.101] [6.273] [6.213] [8.300] -23.615* -20.022* -22.458** -19.799* -7.412 -4.578 ∆ACCA × [12.111] [11.014] [10.906] [10.599] [9.673] [10.229] GrLTNOA ∆ACCA× Error -1.056 -1.275 -0.395 [0.824] [0.875] [0.413] -2.429** -2.340** -2.449*** -2.204** -2.086** -2.006*** -1.935** -1.792** -1.811** ∆ACCA [0.975] [0.986] [0.876] [0.873] [0.884] [0.739] [0.868] [0.804] [0.891] ×Dispersion Observations 9,049 9,049 9,049 9,049 9,049 9,049 9,023 9,023 9,008 Other controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y R-squared 0.194 0.179 0.187 0.194 0.178 0.186 0.178 0.153 0.132 Regression Type FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 45 Panel F: Total Accruals, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Returns, Alternative Event Windows VARIABLES Ret [0,42] Ret [6,42] Ret [a,42] Ret [0,126] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Constant 0.079** 0.046*** 0.091*** 0.059*** 0.052** 0.044*** 0.057 0.126*** [0.034] [0.013] [0.031] [0.015] [0.022] [0.011] [0.048] [0.018] ∆ACCA 0.041 -0.053 0.052 -0.050 0.079 -0.018 -0.003 -0.073 [0.073] [0.034] [0.085] [0.035] [0.068] [0.029] [0.086] [0.045] ∆ACCA -2.087** -0.236** -2.414** -0.239** -1.713* -0.173** -3.383*** -0.248* ×Dispersion [0.884] [0.093] [1.035] [0.105] [0.966] [0.069] [1.252] [0.128] Observations 9,089 9,089 9,089 9,089 9,089 9,089 9,089 9,089 Other controls Y R-squared 0.201 0.087 0.198 0.086 0.206 0.063 0.204 0.117 Regression FamaOLS FamaOLS FamaOLS FamaOLS Type MacBeth MacBeth MacBeth MacBeth Ret [6,126] (9) (10) 0.046 0.144*** [0.043] [0.018] -0.018 -0.074 [0.085] [0.046] -3.018** -0.238** [1.139] [0.121] 9,089 9,089 Ret [a,126] (11) (12) 0.032 0.147*** [0.042] [0.016] 0.031 -0.038 [0.085] [0.043] -3.112** -0.200* [1.354] [0.112] 9,089 9,089 0.210 FamaMacBeth 0.189 FamaMacBeth 0.112 OLS 0.095 OLS For Panels A-E, the dependent variable is raw stock return (Ret) in trading day window [0,63], [6,63], or [a,63], which is a three-month window starting from the earnings announcement date, the sixth trading day or the IBES earnings forecast report date after earnings announcement, respectively. ∆ACCA is the change in total accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter, where total accruals are earnings before extraordinary items minus the operating cash flows. ∆DACC is the change in discretionary accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter, where discretionary accruals are calculated based on modified Jones model. Beta is estimated from the capital market model. Beta is estimated from the capital market model, based on a period of 200 days prior to the earnings announcement date. BM is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Size is the log of market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the prior quarter. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings, calculated as (Eq − Eq-4 − cq)/sq, where Eq and Eq-4 are earnings in the current quarter and in the same quarter a year ago, respectively; and cq and sq are the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of (Eq − Eq−4) over the preceding eight quarters. ROA is net income/total assets. GrLTNOA is growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Error is calculated as the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. NForecast is the number of earnings forecasts. Dispersion is the standard deviation of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts scaled by the absolute value of the average earnings forecast. In Panel A, Inverse Mills Ratio is computed from the first-stage probit regression on the likelihood of disclosing operating cash flows in the preliminary earnings announcement. The independent variables in the first stage consist of ACCA lagged by one and two quarters, beta, size, BM, lagged cash flow ((NI+depreciation)/assets), lagged profitability (EBIT/assets), lagged capital expenditures/sales. The results from the first stage regression are not reported. For Panel C, High (low) dispersion subsample includes all firms with dispersions higher (lower) than the sample median. In Panel F, the dependent variable, Ret, is raw stock return in various trading day windows. [0,42] and [0,126] stand for two and six month window, respectively, starting from earnings announcement date. [6,42] and [6,126] stand for two and six month window, respectively, starting from the sixth trading day after earnings announcement. [a,42] and [a,126] stand for two and six month window, respectively, starting from IBES earnings forecast report date after earnings announcement. Standard errors are in brackets; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 46 Table 8: Accrual, Analyst Dispersion, and Stock Return – by Degree of Short-Sale Constraints Panel A: Institutional Holdings as Proxy for the Short-Sales Constraints Ret Ret [0,42] Ret [6,42] Ret [a,42] Ret [0,42] Ret [6,42] [a,42] VARIABLES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) High Institutional Holding Low Institutional Holding Constant 0.067 0.109 0.091 0.138 0.114 0.128 [0.107] [0.121] [0.123] [0.096] [0.079] [0.098] ∆ACCA 0.819 0.768 0.807 -0.104 -0.094 -0.033 [0.589] [0.578] [0.566] [0.120] [0.100] [0.084] ∆ACCA x Dispersion -41.496 -38.916 -36.026 -2.559** -2.222** -1.979** [37.973] [36.769] [32.403] [1.104] [1.033] [0.789] Observations 4,528 4,528 4,505 4,518 4,518 4,515 Other controls Y Y Y Y Y Y R-squared 0.187 0.183 0.172 0.217 0.219 0.196 Number of groups 51 51 51 53 53 53 Panel B: Illiquidity as Proxy for the Short-Sales Constraints Ret [0,42] Ret [6,42] Ret [a,42] VARIABLES (1) (2) (3) High Level of Illiquidity Constant 0.285** 0.212** 0.204** [0.115] [0.093] [0.080] ∆ACCA 0.058 0.006 0.017 [0.194] [0.153] [0.147] ∆ACCA x Dispersion -4.091*** -3.433*** -3.117*** [1.492] [1.171] [1.127] Observations 4,503 4,503 4,496 Other controls Y Y Y R-squared 0.188 0.195 0.193 Number of groups 53 53 53 Ret [0,42] Ret [6,42] Ret [a,42] (4) (5) (6) Low Level of Illiquidity 0.148 0.184 0.058 [0.216] [0.211] [0.115] -0.080 -0.074 0.019 [0.170] [0.168] [0.091] -0.050 -0.229 -0.509 [2.866] [2.779] [3.416] 4,543 4,543 4,524 Y Y Y 0.155 0.142 0.141 53 53 53 The dependent variable, Ret, is raw stock return in various trading day windows. [0,63], [6,63], and [a,63] are threemonth windows starting from the earnings announcement date, the sixth trading day after earnings announcement, and the IBES earnings forecast report date after earnings announcement, respectively. ∆ACCA is the change in total accruals from the previous quarter to the current quarter, where total accruals are calculated as the difference between earnings before extraordinary items and the operating cash flows. Beta is estimated from the capital market model, based on a period of 200 days prior to the earnings announcement date. BM is the ratio of the book value to the market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Size is the log of market value of equity at the beginning of the quarter. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume in the prior quarter. Historical Return is the historical cumulative stock return in the three months prior to announcement date. Error is the average earnings forecast minus the actual EPS, scaled by absolute value of the actual EPS. NForecast is the number of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts reported in I/B/E/S. SUE is standardized unexpected earnings, calculated as (Eq − Eq-4 − cq)/sq, where Eq and Eq-4 are earnings in the current quarter and in the same quarter a year ago, respectively; and cq and sq are the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of (Eq − Eq−4) over the preceding eight quarters. is net income divided by total assets at the beginning of the quarter. ROA is net income divided by total assets. GrLTNOA is growth in net operating assets other than accruals scaled by average total assets. Dispersion is the standard deviation of analysts' one-year-ahead earnings forecasts scaled by the absolute value of the average earnings forecast. In panel A, the subsample of high (low) institutional investor holdings consists of firms with the fraction of stock held by institutional investors in the quarter prior to the earnings announcement date above (below) the sample median. In panel B, the subsample of high (low) level of illiquidity consists of firms with their levels of illiquidity in the quarter prior to the earnings announcement 47 date above (below) the sample median. Illiquidity is the average ratio of the absolute value of daily return to the value of daily trading volume. Standard errors are in brackets; *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. 48