Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT FINAL REPORT DECEMBER 2007 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. I.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2 I.2 Travel Market Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 2 I.3 Cost and Revenue Estimates ............................................................................................................... 3 I.4 Financial Analysis Results Summary.................................................................................................. 3 I.5 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 5 SECTION II. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................11 II.1 Introduction and Background ............................................................................................................ 12 II.2 Analysis Framework Introduction ..................................................................................................... 15 SECTION III. TRAVEL MARKET ANALYSIS .........................................................................19 III.1 Existing Travel Conditions ................................................................................................................. 20 III.2 Forecasted Future Conditions ........................................................................................................... 38 III.3 Travel Market Summary...................................................................................................................... 47 SECTION IV. COST ASSUMPTIONS......................................................................................49 IV.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 50 IV.2 Capital Costs ....................................................................................................................................... 51 IV.3 Transaction Costs ............................................................................................................................... 52 IV.4 Operating Costs .................................................................................................................................. 53 IV.5 Maintenance Costs.............................................................................................................................. 54 IV.6 Renewal and Replacement Costs ...................................................................................................... 56 SECTION V. December 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .....................................................................................1 TOLL CASES.....................................................................................................59 V.1 Toll Considerations............................................................................................................................. 60 V.2 Toll Options ......................................................................................................................................... 61 V.3 Toll Revenue........................................................................................................................................ 64 Page i IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION VI. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ...........................................................65 VI.1 Methodology........................................................................................................................................ 66 VI.2 Financial Analysis Results Summary................................................................................................ 67 SECTION VII. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................71 APPENDIX A: TRAFFIC MODEL ENHANCEMENTS APPENDIX B: TOLL REVENUE FORECASTING APPENDIX C: PUBLIC RESEARCH ADVISORY GROUP FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS December 2007 Page ii IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT TABLE OF EXHIBITS Exhibit I.2.1: Travel Market Analysis Findings 2 Exhibit I.4.1: Toll Cases Analyzed by PRAG 4 Exhibit I.5.1: Summary of Cases – Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds (Source: PRAG) 7 Exhibit I.5.2: Summary of Cases – Public Private Finance (Source: PRAG) 8 Exhibit I.5.3: Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus versus Peak Period Toll Rate Alternatives for Several Toll Cases 9 Exhibit I.5.4: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for the PPP Funding Model 9 Exhibit I.5.5: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for Traditional Public (TP) Funding Model 10 Exhibit II.1.1: Hampton Roads Region 12 Exhibit II.2.1: Study Area Map 16 Exhibit II.2.2: Model Enhancements Based on Toll Analysis Considerations 17 Exhibit III.1.1: Average Daily VMT and the Portion of the Roadway System Experiencing Congestion from 1982 to 2003 21 Exhibit III.1.2: VMT and Peak-hour Spreading (number of Hours of Daily Congestion) 21 Exhibit III.1.3: Elizabeth River Crossing Combined Volume by Time of Day (2000 and 2006) for East/North-Bound and West/South-Bound Traffic 22 Exhibit III.1.4: Study Area LOS Map 23 Exhibit III.1.5: Elizabeth River Crossing Volumes by Time of Day (2006) 24 Exhibit III.1.6: Major Origins and Destinations: Central Business Districts, Large Employers, and Popular Destinations in Hampton Roads 26 Exhibit III.1.7: Percentage of Hampton Roads Workers Working Outside Their Jurisdiction of Residence, 1970-2005 28 Exhibit III.1.8: Personal Travel by Trip Purpose (1977, 1983, 1990, and 1995) 28 Exhibit III.1.9: Combined Breakdown of Average Annual Weekday Traffic (AAWDT) on Elizabeth River Crossings by Vehicle Type (2000-2005) 29 Exhibit III.1.10: Map of Modeling SD 30 Exhibit III.1.11: Daily Vehicles Crossing the Elizabeth River by Superdistrict Pair (2000) 31 Exhibit III.1.12: Top Six Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Elizabeth River (2000) 32 Exhibit III.1.13: Crossing Preference of Top Six Superdistrict Pairs (2000) 33 Exhibit III.1.14: Top Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel (2000) 34 Exhibit III.1.15: General Geographic Distribution of Midtown Tunnel Crossings (2000) 35 Exhibit III.1.16: Number of Vehicles Crossing Elizabeth River Screen Line by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2000) 36 Exhibit III.1.17: Number of Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel by Trip 36 Exhibit III.1.18: Crossing Preference by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type (2000) 37 Exhibit III.2.1: Elizabeth River Crossing Combined Volume by Time of Day (2000, 2006, and 2030 projected) for East/North-Bound Traffic Without the MTCP 39 Exhibit III.2.2: 2000 and 2030 Daily Vehicle Volumes for Elizabeth River Crossing Facilities 39 Exhibit III.2.3: Top Seven Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Elizabeth River (2030) 40 Exhibit III.2.4: SD-to-SD Daily Crossing Vehicles Table (2030) 41 Exhibit III.2.5: Crossing Preference of Top Seven 2030 Elizabeth River Crossing SD Pairs 42 December 2007 Page iii IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.2.6: Top Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel (2030) 43 Exhibit III.2.7: General Geographic Distribution of Midtown Tunnel Crossings (2030) 44 Exhibit III.2.8: Number of Vehicles Crossing Elizabeth River Screen Line by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2030) 45 Exhibit III.2.9: Number of Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2030) 45 Exhibit III.2.10: Crossing Preference by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type (2030) 46 Exhibit III.3.1: 2000 Base-Year Travel Market Summary (Daily Vehicles) 47 Exhibit III.3.2: 2030 Future-Year Travel Market Summary (Daily Vehicles) 47 Exhibit III.3.3: Comparative Distribution of Daily Traffic on Crossings in 2000 and 2030 47 Exhibit III.3.4: Key Travel Market Observations 48 Exhibit IV.2.1: Capital Costs by Year of Expenditure in 2007 and Year of Expenditure Dollars 51 Exhibit IV.4.1: Initial Annual Operating Cost Estimates 53 Exhibit IV.4.2: Operating Cost Schedule 54 Exhibit IV.5.1: Initial Annual Maintenance Cost Estimates 55 Exhibit IV.5.2: Maintenance Cost Schedule 55 Exhibit IV.6.1: Projected Renewal and Replacement Costs in 2007 and Year of Expenditure Dollars 58 Exhibit V.2.1: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 1 (no toll on MLK with constant toll rates) 61 Exhibit V.2.2: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 2 (toll on MLK with constant toll rate) 61 Exhibit V.2.3: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 3 (no toll on MLK with time of day toll rates) 62 Exhibit V.2.4: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 4 (toll on MLK with time of day toll rates) 62 Exhibit V.2.5: Hampton Roads Third Crossing (Alternative 9) with Toll Rates 64 Exhibit VI.1.1: Toll Cases Analyzed by PRAG 66 Exhibit VI.2.1: Summary of Cases – Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds (Source: PRAG) 69 Exhibit VI.2.2: Summary of Cases – Public Private Finance (Source: PRAG) 70 Exhibit VI.2.3: Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus versus Peak Period Toll Rate Alternatives for Several Toll Cases 73 Exhibit VI.2.4: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for the PPP Funding Model 74 Exhibit VI.2.5: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for Traditional Public (TP) Funding Model 74 December 2007 Page iv IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT This Page Intentionally Left Blank. December 2007 Page v IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY December 2007 Page 1 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT I.1 INTRODUCTION The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has commissioned the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Toll Feasibility Study to assess the possibility of using toll revenue to fund the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project (MTCP), which consists of: • A new tunnel parallel to the existing Midtown Tunnel under the Elizabeth River, with modifications to the existing Brambleton Avenue/Hampton Boulevard Interchange; • An extension of the Martin Luther King (MLK) Freeway to a new interchange at I-264; and • Improvements to the existing Midtown and Downtown Tunnels. The toll feasibility study includes: • A Travel Market Analysis (TMA), completed by IBI Group, to characterize the Elizabeth River vehicular crossing market; • The identification of several Toll Alternatives and associated revenues, estimated by Charles River Associates (CRA); and • A complete financial analysis carried out by Public Resources Advisory Group (PRAG) used to identify the range of feasible tolling options that conclude the study. This document presents the assumptions, relevant findings, and conclusions of these activities. I.2 TRAVEL MARKET ANALYSIS The objective of the TMA is to describe the existing and future Elizabeth River vehicular crossing markets. Key observations are shown in Exhibit I.4.1. Exhibit I.2.1: Travel Market Analysis Findings Characteristic Observation Regional Characteristics and Trends Regional population is forecast to grow by 330,000 between 2000 Population and 2026. Regional employment is growing roughly in proportion to Employment population (approximately 1.75% per year). VMT and congestion levels are significantly outpacing population VMT and Congestion growth, although congestion is most concentrated at regional bottlenecks including the Elizabeth River crossings. Elizabeth River Crossings The expanded Midtown Tunnel is projected to carry a higher proportion of total crossing volume in 2030, suggesting that Traffic Volumes additional and ‘latent’ demand will take advantage of doubled Midtown Tunnel crossing capacity. The primary travel market for the Midtown Tunnel is largely local, but the expanded facility in 2030 carries a higher volume of Traffic Patterns cross-regional trips, suggesting that longer-distance trips will be attracted to the expanded facility. The expanded Midtown Tunnel attracts nearly double the volume of Heavy and Light/Medium trucks in 2030 as in the 2000 base Trip Purpose and Vehicle year, suggesting that reduced congestion makes the Midtown Type Tunnel crossing more attractive to time sensitive freight movements. December 2007 Page 2 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT I.3 COST AND REVENUE ESTIMATES A set of cost estimates associated with building, operating and maintaining the MTCP distributed over time were established as inputs to the financial analysis. The following categories were considered: • Capital Costs, defined as the initial costs of building the infrastructure, including all aspects of planning, design, and construction. ‘High’ and ‘low’ capital cost estimates were established at 175 percent of baseline estimates and 75 percent of baseline estimates. • Transaction Costs, representing the recurring cost of collecting the tolls (such as salaries of toll collectors and electronic tolling collection (ETC) operating and equipment servicing). • Operating Costs, including lighting, ventilation, policing, and other activities/resources required to operate the facilities, as well as administrative overhead. • Maintenance Costs, covering routine maintenance requirements such as renewing pavement striping and signage, patching potholes, and making routine repairs. • Renewal and Replacement (R&R) Costs, the periodic planned expenses incurred to renew and/or replace portions of the facility at the end of their useful (or ‘design’) lives. For tunnels, bridges, and viaducts, these costs can be substantial. ‘Low’ and ‘high’ estimates were established at 85 and 140 percent of the baseline, respectively. Net revenue schedules were also established for several toll cases, with a variety of fundamental assumptions about which facilities are tolled and the amount of the toll rates. I.4 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY PRAG employed a detailed set of assumptions to conduct financial analysis of 25 Toll Cases, as shown in Exhibit I.4.1, each under a traditional public finance structure as well as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework. Case 2c1, identified as the ‘base’ case was further tested for feasibility under high and low project cost estimates. Results of the analyses for the publicly and PPP-financed toll concepts are provided in Exhibits I.5.1 and I.5.2, respectively. Highlights from the analyses include: • Funding Structure: The base-case scenario yields a funding shortfall with both funding structures. The shortfall for the publicly funded option was estimated to be 16% less than the taxable PPP option ($155 versus $183 million). Other PPP options were analyzed such as financing with PABs and TIFIA as well as Bank Debt. The PABs and TIFIA financing showed a shortfall of $102 million while the Bank Debt was a shortfall of $185 million. • Construction Cost and R&R Expense Volatility: The base-case scenario may prove feasible if the costs and expenses run lower than the base estimate; on the other hand, the base-case may prove to be seriously inadequate if construction costs run higher. • Toll Rates: For baseline levels of demand and project costs, the toll alternatives with toll rates higher than the base case ($1.00 toll in the tunnels) yielded a funding surplus while those with lower toll rates resulted in larger shortfalls than the base case. Tolling of the 1 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Toll Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 3 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT MLK and time-of-day toll schedules both yield higher net revenues. Moreover, scenarios with higher tolling rates allow for higher debt service coverage and more robust funding surplus pools. • Risk Analysis: At the ‘high’ level of demand considered, the baseline tolls on the tunnels alone will not be sufficient to fund the project; with the addition of tolls on the MLK, ($1.00, $0.50) the baseline levels would be sufficient. With the ‘low’ level of demand, toll rates would need to be increased above the baseline levels. The construction of the Hampton Roads Third Crossing does not appear to pose a significant financial risk to the MTCP funding under the conditions assumed (i.e. that existing crossings of Hampton Roads could be tolled). Although the new crossing would present an alternative to the MTCP for some trips, it also opens up additional opportunities for travel through the MTCP. Exhibit I.4.1: Toll Cases Analyzed by PRAG2 Case 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c Base Case3 2d 2e 3a Toll Scenario Toll Alternative No Toll on MLK Freeway with Constant Tolls Toll 1 Toll 2 Toll 3 Toll 4 Toll 5 Toll on MLK Freeway with Constant Tolls Toll 1 Toll 2 Toll 3 Toll Rates* $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $0.50, $0.15 on MLK $0.75, $0.25 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK 3b Toll 4 Toll 5 No Toll on MLK Freeway with Time of Day Toll 1 Tolls Toll 2 3c Toll 3 3d Toll 4 $1.50, $0.75 on MLK $2.00, $1.00 on MLK $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 $0.25 (NT) $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 $0.50 (NT) $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 $0.50 (NT) $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 $0.75 (NT) 3e Toll 5 4a Toll on MLK Freeway with Time of Day Tolls Toll 1 4b Toll 2 4c Toll 3 (MD), (MD), (MD), (MD), $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 $0.25 MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), (MD), $0.15 (NT) $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 $0.50 (NT) MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), (MD), $0.15 (NT) $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 $0.50 (NT) MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), (MD), (NT); $0.15 (MD), ; $0.25 (MD), ; $0.50 2 Source: PRAG Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Toll Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. 3 December 2007 Page 4 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Case Toll Scenario Toll Alternative 4d Toll 4 4e Toll 5 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK High (125% of Freeway Demand Growth) Low (75% of Demand Growth) Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK Freeway High (125% of Demand Growth) Low (75% of Demand Growth) Hampton Roads Third Crossing with Tolls Hampton Roads on MLK Freeway Third Crossing Toll Rates* (MD), $0.15 (NT) $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) ; MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.25 (NT) $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) ; MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK * In all toll alternatives, medium trucks have a toll rate 1.75 times the auto toll & heavy trucks have a toll rate 2.75 times the auto toll rate. I.5 CONCLUSION A direct assessment of MTCP toll funding feasibility can be made using the funding shortfall and surplus estimates provided in PRAG’s financial analyses. In economic terms, the surplus/shortfall values represent the difference between total sources and uses of funds. These values take into account all expenditures and income, as well as the timing and financing methods of all financial activity. A value greater than zero (‘surplus’) indicates that financing methods meet or exceed expenditures and that a particular scenario is financially feasible under the stated assumptions. Likewise, a value less than zero (‘shortfall’) indicates that financing methods do not cover expenditures and that a particular scenario will not be financially feasible without altering its assumed characteristics. I.5.1 Feasibility Conclusions regarding feasibility of the various tolling alternatives can be made by evaluating the relative funding surpluses/shortfalls with respect to alternative tolling rates. First, Exhibit I.5.3 illustrates the relationships between estimated funding shortfalls/surpluses and peak-hour alternative toll rates for: Toll Case 1 (No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls); Toll Case 2 (Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls); and, Toll Case 3 (No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls), each with baseline estimates of costs and revenue. Each case is also shown for both the PPP4 and Traditional Public (TP) financing models. The following conclusions regarding tolling rates can be drawn from this analysis: 4 Note that PRAG considered three different Public/-rivate Partnership frameworks for Toll Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 5 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT December 2007 • All six of the scenarios shown ‘break even’ (i.e. are estimated to be feasible) for base peakhour tunnel toll rates somewhere between $1.00 and $1.25. • If the tolls are set too low, the funding shortfall will be significant, irrespective of the financing model and particularities of the tolling plan. This is, in part, due to the fact that the actual collection of the tolls requires a minimum level of resources. • Time of Day tolling results in a lower ‘break even’ base toll as well as both a faster growing and larger surplus. This represents a higher ‘willingness to pay’ among travelers under congested conditions. • In general, the difference between the financing models is small, with a slightly lower ‘break even’ point and higher surplus indicated for traditional public financing versus the taxable debt public-private financing option. The analysis assumes toll increases in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) at a rate of 2.5% annually. There may be other advantages or disadvantages to these models that could assume a higher importance than this differential. • As noted in the previous section, the project will require higher tolls to ‘break even’ if the MLK extension is not separately tolled. Page 6 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit I.5.1: Summary of Cases – Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds (Source: PRAG) Case Senior Bonds Description Subordinate Bonds Funding Withdrawal of PV Withdrawal of (Shortfall)/ Revenue Surplus Revenue Surplus Surplus Over 50 Years Over 50 Years No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 1a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50) 212,235,213 0 (571,711,492) 549,499,285 43,069,064 1b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75) 381,013,262 122,050,184 (359,094,261) 1,068,836,765 56,841,369 1c Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00) 523,584,952 167,531,738 (218,260,892) 1,706,028,019 106,338,405 1d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50) 752,088,175 240,265,497 9,365,140 2,785,234,294 182,504,036 1e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00) 881,711,325 281,334,348 140,612,132 3,449,434,592 226,232,733 50,475,399 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK) 235,305,377 6,421,238 (550,179,496) 631,849,196 2b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK) 423,844,288 148,269,710 (309,130,461) 1,228,852,427 56,985,689 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 187,018,793 (155,952,700) 1,952,219,896 122,787,216 2d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK) 810,519,638 258,980,521 70,269,151 3,025,662,632 197,217,277 2e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK) 935,819,054 298,674,705 197,527,317 3,673,177,678 238,996,324 No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 3a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) 3b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 3c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 3d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) 3e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) 213,868,168 444,757,202 606,412,176 833,519,266 947,123,049 0 142,371,804 193,846,927 266,013,516 301,923,498 (568,865,113) (295,734,236) (135,210,722) 92,554,453 208,918,783 598,311,285 1,356,013,409 2,100,680,593 3,208,835,706 3,819,286,824 45,722,631 78,682,525 134,336,264 210,380,918 249,355,467 Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 4a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75(AM, PM), $0.50(MD), $0.25(NT); MLK: $0.25(AM, PM), $0.15(MD), $0.15(NT) 4b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25(AM, PM), $0.75(MD), $0.50(NT); MLK: $0.50(AM, PM), $0.25(MD), $0.15(NT) 4c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50(AM, PM), $1.25(MD), $0.50(NT); MLK: $0.75(AM, PM), $0.50(MD), $0.15(NT) 4d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50(AM, PM), $1.75(MD), $0.75(NT); MLK: $1.00(AM, PM), $0.75(MD), $0.25(NT) 4e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00(AM, PM), $2.50(MD), $1.00(NT); MLK: $1.25(AM, PM), $1.00(MD), $0.50(NT) 254,465,309 464,887,724 643,851,342 820,360,571 940,373,941 6,927,158 148,424,645 205,473,990 260,744,936 298,727,704 (535,534,859) (271,140,691) (91,010,251) 98,006,489 221,307,751 738,447,433 1,524,084,797 2,338,023,700 3,407,658,828 4,039,902,492 59,178,657 88,381,412 146,437,250 211,986,943 252,618,020 119,193,132 Demand Risk Scenarios 5a Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) 571,303,670 182,773,830 (168,099,259) 1,910,874,921 5b Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) 474,638,347 152,004,861 (264,883,548) 1,462,431,001 86,999,146 5c Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 641,483,395 205,205,357 (99,279,622) 2,205,912,451 141,148,495 5d Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 528,001,577 169,066,632 (212,666,946) 1,684,286,847 103,864,748 5e Hampton Roads Third Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 615,924,120 196,695,939 (120,699,221) 2,176,092,617 136,113,295 187,018,793 26,330,244 2,029,141,700 131,406,944 187,018,793 (701,830,927) 1,752,215,548 98,614,251 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Low Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c Low Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; High Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c High Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) December 2007 584,459,986 Page 7 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit I.5.2: Summary of Cases – Public Private Finance (Source: PRAG) Case Senior Bonds Description Subordinate Equity Bonds Contribution* Funding Withdrawal of PV Withdrawal of (Shortfall)/ Revenue Surplus Revenue Surplus Surplus Over 50 Years Over 50 Years No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 1a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50) 189,740,778 0 20,250,000 (575,532,016) 549,315,209 1b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75) 338,878,361 109,047,036 21,790,000 (394,218,172) 1,067,240,721 42,909,088 56,361,759 1c Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00) 464,330,141 149,216,407 45,600,000 (251,390,863) 1,703,310,117 105,544,290 1d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50) 664,361,418 213,182,949 77,550,000 (27,152,328) 2,779,917,287 181,205,747 1e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00) 776,651,880 248,952,206 94,800,000 100,851,007 3,441,855,384 224,591,664 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK) 210,366,601 5,772,969 23,850,000 (553,704,789) 631,704,800 50,303,820 2b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK) 376,590,229 121,194,474 28,050,000 (353,434,553) 1,227,025,683 69,707,188 107,797,005 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - Taxable Debt 519,584,717 193,002,586 45,100,000 (183,763,636) 1,861,072,206 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - PABs & TIFIA 556,177,258 256,140,603 35,050,000 (102,248,316) 1,763,008,684 89,601,748 2c 2d 2e BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - Bank Debt Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK) Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK) 476,516,000 717,466,410 826,193,211 69,951,400 258,342,557 298,341,121 47,506,532 (184,700,000) 70,100,000 43,209,039 85,100,000 169,981,897 2,291,081,019 2,884,438,609 3,497,063,679 131,128,216 172,000,797 210,350,850 No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 3a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) 190,196,705 3b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 394,825,392 3c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 536,616,877 3d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) 734,609,640 3e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) 832,299,757 0 126,940,397 172,324,616 235,508,629 266,516,286 21,040,000 (572,340,378) 31,600,000 (330,858,672) 57,400,000 (169,422,990) 88,500,000 54,013,895 103,500,000 167,125,405 597,353,384 1,353,671,185 2,096,921,714 3,201,804,630 3,810,160,917 45,435,943 78,076,324 133,346,167 208,843,993 247,463,836 Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Toll Alternative 1: $0.75(AM,PM),$0.50(MD),$0.25(NT);MLK:$0.25(AM,PM),$0.15(MD),$0.15(NT) 4a 4b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25(AM,PM),$0.75(MD),$0.50(NT);MLK:$0.50(AM,PM),$0.25(MD),$0.15(NT) 4c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50(AM,PM),$1.25(MD),$0.50(NT);MLK:$0.75(AM,PM),$0.50(MD),$0.15(NT) 4d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50(AM,PM),$1.75(MD),$0.75(NT);MLK:$1.00(AM,PM),$0.75(MD),$0.25(NT) 227,445,177 410,087,268 568,564,762 718,262,368 6,209,774 131,532,448 210,614,619 264,996,780 28,600,000 (536,552,834) 34,800,000 (307,074,132) 53,000,000 (119,012,894) 75,300,000 67,805,744 727,900,188 1,521,345,814 2,229,792,073 3,250,388,407 59,984,423 87,402,345 129,241,159 189,442,500 4e 822,642,309 303,338,355 89,500,000 3,859,446,989 226,544,001 104,402,967 Toll Alternative 5: $3.00(AM,PM),$2.50(MD),$1.00(NT);MLK:$1.25(AM,PM),$1.00(MD),$0.50(NT) 189,341,146 Demand Risk Scenarios 5a Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) 507,519,413 188,463,167 43,400,000 (196,025,372) 1,821,203,722 5b Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) 422,704,297 157,132,405 30,300,000 (293,650,036) 1,391,926,200 74,556,654 5c 5d 5e Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Hampton Roads Third Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 569,922,871 470,222,140 544,828,482 211,631,979 174,785,338 201,948,823 52,400,000 (126,948,143) 37,600,000 (240,768,456) 49,350,000 (148,749,263) 2,104,267,437 1,603,172,839 2,074,757,127 124,768,823 90,322,713 119,841,901 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Low Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c Low Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 519,584,717 193,002,586 49,150,000 1,936,352,734 116,678,800 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; High Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c High Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 519,584,717 193,002,586 17,850,000 (756,891,863) 1,749,312,728 71,419,892 2,569,308 * Equity Contribution is determined to be the amount that would yield a pre-tax rate of return of 12.00 percent. December 2007 Page 8 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT $400 Millions Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus Exhibit I.5.3: Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus versus Peak Period Toll Rate Alternatives for Several Toll Cases $300 $200 $100 $0 ($100) ($200) ($300) ($400) ($500) ($600) $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 Peak Period T oll Rate TP (tod tolls & MLK) TP (constant tolls & no MLK) TP (constant tolls & MLK) PPP (tod tolls & MLK) PPP (constant tolls & no MLK) PPP (constant tolls & MLK) Second, Exhibits I.5.4 and I.5.5 show comparisons of Toll Case 2 (Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Costs) with Demand Risk and High/Low Cost Scenarios for PPP5 and Traditional Public Funding, respectively. All scenarios shown assume tolls on MLK, which would yield the lowest toll on the tunnels and a closer relationship between tolls paid and miles traveled. Millions Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus Exhibit I.5.4: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for the PPP Funding Model $600 PPP (constant tolls & M LK) $400 $200 Low Costs High Demand $0 Low Demand ($200) ($400) ($600) ($800) $0.50 High Costs $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 M idtown T oll Rate 5 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Toll Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 9 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Millions Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus Exhibit I.5.5: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for Traditional Public (TP) Funding Model $600 TP (constant tolls & M LK) $400 $200 Low Costs High Demand $0 Low Demand ($200) ($400) High Costs ($600) ($800) $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 M idtown T oll Rate Several additional conclusions can be drawn from these diagrams, including: • Under both funding models, if construction costs are lower than estimated or there is a higher demand for the facility, the project may ‘break even’ or yield a surplus with a $1.00 base tunnel toll. • Toll Case 26 (constant tolls on Midtown and MLK) can yield the same funding surplus as the low cost and high demand cases, by setting a base toll rate in the $1.15 to $1.40 range. Likewise, reducing the toll rate on Toll Case 2 yields a funding deficit similar to that of the low demand scenario. These observations imply that a relatively minor 15-30% higher toll rate can help accelerate funding on the facility as well as cushion it against less favorable revenue scenarios. Based on the assumptions and analysis employed throughout this study, the following conclusions can be made regarding toll feasibility: • A toll rate between $1.00 and $1.50 on the Midtown/Downtown Tunnel, increased for inflation over time, can reasonably provide adequate ‘break even’ funding for the project under several likely demand and cost scenarios, including provisions for long-term renewal and replacement. • Tolling the MLK in addition to the Midtown/Downtown Tunnel improves the financial feasibility of the project. If the MLK was not tolled, the Midtown/Downtown Tunnel would have to be tolled at least 30% higher than it would be otherwise. • Time of Day tolling also helps improve the financial feasibility of the project. 6 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Toll Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 10 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION II. INTRODUCTION December 2007 Page 11 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT II.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND The Virginia Department of Transportation has commissioned the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Toll Feasibility Study to assess the possibility of using toll revenue to fund the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project. This study includes: • A Travel Market Analysis to characterize the existing and future travel market served by the new facilities; • The identification of several toll alternatives and associated revenues estimated using an enhanced version of the regional transportation model; and • A complete financial analysis, based on revenue projections, cost estimates, and funding assumptions, used to identify the range of feasible tolling options that conclude the study. This document presents the assumptions, relevant findings, and conclusions of these activities. Exhibit II.1.1: Hampton Roads Region II.1.1 Study Region The Hampton Roads (HR) region is home to nearly 1.6 million people and several urban centers, including Portsmouth, Norfolk, Newport News, Hampton, and Virginia Beach (Exhibit II.1.1). The region is also replete with natural waterways: Hampton Roads, the James River, and both branches of the Elizabeth River. December 2007 Page 12 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Significant sectors of the economy (e.g. ports, ship building, naval bases) have historically benefited from access to these waterways. However, the waterways also create impediments to regional movement of people and goods, and massive investments have been made in crossing infrastructure over history. As population and economic activity increase over time, there is a rising need to increase over- and under-water roadway capacity to connect regional activity centers and to facilitate long-distance movement into, out of, and across the region. II.1.2 Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project The Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project, the motivation for this Toll Feasibility Study, is one of the many regional projects proposed to address the capacity shortage. The need for the MTCP and other bridge and tunnel projects is well documented in numerous engineering studies and planning efforts recently prepared by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) and the Virginia Department of Transportation7. The MTCP (Exhibit II.2.1) consists of a new tunnel under the Elizabeth River (parallel to the Midtown Tunnel between Portsmouth and Norfolk), with improvements to Brambleton Avenue and Hampton Boulevard Interchange, an extension of the Martin Luther King Freeway to a new interchange at Interstate 264 (I-264), and improvements to the existing Midtown and Downtown Tunnels. The project has been proposed and evaluated in various forms for the last 20 years. The scarcity of public funding (local, state, and federal) for infrastructure expansion projects is a recognized impediment to the construction of the MTCP. Fuel taxes, the primary source of nonfederal transportation funding in the state, have not changed since 19868, reducing the purchasing power of those funds when adjusted for inflation. Moreover, the proportion of highway funds available for new construction is also limited by the increasing operating/maintenance and debt service requirements for existing, aging facilities. In 2005, VDOT opted to pursue the MTCP as a Public-Private Partnership project, under the amended Public-Private Transportation Act of 19959 and the agency continues to evaluate the feasibility of this approach from many angles. A Public-Private Partnership approach to MTCP would require tolling to offset initial and ongoing costs, and to recoup private investment in the facility in lieu of or in addition to other public funds. Highway tolling, particularly to support infrastructure construction, is not a new concept in the region: The original Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel was built as a toll road in 1957 and tolled until 1976, when the bonds were paid off and the second portion was funded as a part of the Interstate system under the Highway Trust Fund. The Virginia Beach-Norfolk Expressway (now I-264) was built and funded by tolls from its construction in 1967 until 1995, when the tolls were retired. Even the Berkley Bridge and Downtown Tunnel were tolled until 1986. The Chesapeake Bay BridgeTunnel (constructed 1964), the Jordan Bridge (repaired in 1995), the Coleman Bridge (1997) and the Chesapeake Expressway (2001) are currently tolled facilities. II.1.3 The Toll Feasibility Study The purpose of this Toll Feasibility Study is to determine the conditions under which it would be feasible to fund the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project using tolls. Analysis was carried out for a 7 For example: Toll Feasibility Study (2005) prepared for the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC), Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); Draft Interchange Justification Report for I-264 / Martin Luther King Freeway (2007) prepared for FHWA by VDOT; Congestion Management System Special Report: State of Transportation in Hampton Roads (2006), HRPDC. 8 Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), The Virginia Transportation Fact Book “Funding Trends” [ resources/FactBookFundingTrends.pdf] (October 2006). 9 VDOT Projects and Studies Coming Soon “Midtown Corridor and Tunnel Project” [] (June 2007). December 2007 Page 13 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT selection of travel demand levels, tolling rates, and potential costs, resulting in a set of recommended alternatives. The activities and conclusions are summarized in this report, as follows: December 2007 • Section III is the Travel Market Analysis carried out to characterize the existing and future travel markets likely to use an expanded Midtown Tunnel. • Section IV outlines all cost assumptions made during the feasibility analysis. Capital costs, transaction costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and repair and renewal costs are all described in detail. • Section V includes a description of the toll cases considered in the analysis, as well as revenue estimates for each alternative tolling rate. • Section VI summarizes the results of the financial analysis carried out by Public Resources Advisory Group (PRAG). • Section VII is the final conclusion regarding the feasible—and infeasible—toll alternatives for funding the project. Page 14 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT II.2 ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION The toll feasibility analysis entails three discrete, but interrelated, components collaboratively carried out by members of the project team: • A Travel Market Analysis, a qualitative and quantitative summary of the unconstrained travel market likely to use an expanded Midtown Tunnel in the future. The TMA was carried out primarily by IBI Group, with contributions by Charles River Associates. • The Hampton Roads regional travel demand forecasting model was enhanced then used to generate travel demand and revenue estimates for several tolling alternatives for 2000 and 2030. This activity was completed by CRA. • The results of these two efforts were combined with other cost assumptions as input to the financial analysis carried out by Public Resources Advisory Group. The results of the financial analysis are the basis for the conclusions regarding toll feasibility. This section provides brief summaries of the methodologies employed in each activity. II.2.1 Travel Market Analysis The objective of the Travel Market Analysis is to identify and describe the travel market affected by the construction of new facilities and the introduction of new tolls. The primary geographic focus of the analysis consists of the existing and proposed facilities crossing the eastern branch of the Elizabeth River between Portsmouth and Norfolk (i.e., the “Screen Line” shown in Exhibit II.2.1): • The Midtown Tunnel (US-58), a two-lane connection constructed in 1962 and the Midtown Parallel Tunnel, a new, second bore proposed as part of the MTCP. The resulting facility would be a couplet of one-way, two-lane tunnels carrying U.S. 58 under the Elizabeth River by 2030. • The Berkley Bridge (I-264), constructed in 1952 and reconstructed/expanded to eight lanes in 1991. • The “Campostella Bridge” (US-460, State Route 166 and 168), a local six-lane arterial, which carries Brambleton Avenue. The Screen Line captures the travel market available to MTCP projects. characteristics of traffic are examined: December 2007 • Traffic Volumes (the amount of traffic on the facilities) • Traffic Patterns (the route preferences of travelers) • Trip Purpose (the work or non-work reason for travel) • Vehicle Type (passenger vehicle or truck) In the TMA, four Page 15 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Vehicle Type and Trip Purpose are combined in the analysis because of their functional relationships (e.g. most long-haul truckers are driving for work purposes, whereas passenger automobiles are used for both work and non-work purposes). Exhibit II.2.1: Study Area Map II.2.2 Travel Demand Model Traffic and revenue forecasts served as a key input to the financial analysis carried out for the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project. Demand estimates serve to indicate whether toll revenue is sufficient to fund a project, so it is critical that proper inputs and a sound forecasting approach are employed to generate solid estimates10. While a detailed, investment-grade traffic and revenue study is beyond the scope of this project, the Hampton Roads regional travel demand forecasting model was enhanced and applied to generate planning-level estimates of traffic and revenues. The Hampton Roads model, jointly developed and maintained by VDOT and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, is a traditional four-step travel demand model that operates in TP+ software11. Other features of the unadjusted model include an extensive Traffic Analysis Zone structure (1480 TAZ), three trip purposes (Home Based Work, Home Based Other, and Non-Home Based), High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV))/Single Occupancy Vehicles (SOV) distinction, and a full 10 Muller, Robert H. “Tollroad Feasibility Studies: An Historical Perspective.” Presented at the 2001 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2001. TP+ (Transportation Planning Plus) is a specialized transportation planning software package used to implement 4-step travel demand forecasting models. It is released and maintained by Citilabs, and is one of the most popular travel demand models. More information on TP+ can be found at: 11 December 2007 Page 16 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT daily traffic assignment. The underlying model system has been employed in many transportation studies in the region. II.2.2.1 REGIONAL MODEL ENHANCEMENT A number of enhancements to the Hampton Roads model were made to improve its ability to forecast toll road travel demand and revenue, as described in Exhibit II.2.2. Exhibit II.2.2: Model Enhancements Based on Toll Analysis Considerations Toll Analysis Consideration Model Enhancement Trucks generally cause more rapid deterioration of roadway infrastructure than cars and are charged higher toll rates. Light/medium trucks (two to four axles) and heavy trucks (five or more axles) were added as specific vehicle classes, whereas trucks were not explicitly modeled in the original model. Some types of freight traffic are more time-sensitive than others, which are reflected in route choice and willingness to pay tolls. Heavy truck traffic was disaggregated into four equally-sized quartiles representing a range of value of time (VOT): $7.50, $20.00, $35.00, and $50.00 per hour in 2000 dollars, based on synthesized information from multiple sources of a literature survey. Congestion and competing routes affect travelers’ willingness to pay tolls. A time of day assignment with four time periods (AM, PM, Midday, and nighttime) was implemented to allow toll decisions to vary with congestion levels through the day. Drivers’ willingness and ability to pay tolls is also correlated with earnings. Work-Based automobile trips were segmented into four separate groups with different values of time (VOTs) to better reflect differences of how travelers respond to tolls. The disaggregating was based on 2000 Census county household annual income levels and Journey to Work trip rates: • Income Group 1: < $24,999 = 17.8% of workbased trips • Income Group 2: $25,000 - $49,999 = 28.0% of work-based trips • Income Group 3: $50,000 - $74,999 = 26.9% of work-based trips • Income Group 4: > $74,999 = 27.3% of workbased trips The work-purpose VOTs for each of these income groups were set at 40% of the average wage rate, determined from household income using a U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recommended approach. The resultant VOTs are $2.83, $7.14, $12.02, and $22.18 per hour in 2000 dollars, respectively, for Income Groups 1 through 4. Long-term travel patterns December 2007 To reflect travelers’ long-term route adjustments based on Page 17 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Toll Analysis Consideration consider congested network travel times. Model Enhancement congested travel conditions, a feedback loop considers congested travel times as a part of the trip distribution step. A more detailed description of these enhancements and the validation of the model is provided in Appendix A. II.2.2.2 BASE AND FORECAST ANALYSIS For the TMA, the enhanced travel demand model was used to run a ‘base year’ scenario calibrated to the year 2000 and ‘future year’ scenarios that reflect that state of the transportation network in 2030, as defined by the unenhanced model maintained by VDOT and the HRPDC’s 2030 LongRange Transportation Plan: Plan Contents To-Date and Summary of Planning Process, February 2007. The specific scenarios presented in the TMA were “untolled,” in that no new or planned tolls are imposed on any facilities. This method was employed to gauge unconstrained travel demand for Elizabeth River crossings. The model was also primarily used to generate 2020 and 2030 traffic forecasts for the financial analysis. The specific data requirements for the financial analysis were satisfied by converting model outputs to daily and annual gross revenue schedules through a number of steps detailed in Appendix B. II.2.3 Financial Feasibility Analysis PRAG conducted a financial analysis to determine the feasibility of funding the MTCP under two different toll-funding models: • Traditional Public Financing: Under this model, toll revenue bonds are issued by a governmental entity or a not-for-profit 63-20 corporation. • Public-Private Partnership: concession agreement. A PPP would be made possible through a long-term Annualized revenue estimates and cost estimates, as well as other financial assumptions outlined in forthcoming sections, served as the ‘inputs’ to the models. The models were applied to several specific toll cases and used to generate funding projections, such as lump-sum revenue surpluses and shortfalls, that can be used to determine the relative financial feasibility (or infeasibility) of the cases. PRAG’s methodology is described in Appendix C. December 2007 Page 18 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION III.TRAVEL MARKET ANALYSIS December 2007 Page 19 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.1 EXISTING TRAVEL CONDITIONS The purpose of this section is to characterize the existing travel conditions in the study area as a basis for projecting future travel conditions. It includes: • A review of historical trends over the last 30 years; • The effects of new facilities (tolled and untolled) on traffic patterns in the region; and • A review of existing travel conditions by sub-market. III.1.1 Historic Travel and Socio-Economic Trends III.1.1.1 REGIONAL TRAFFIC GROWTH According to the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, all modes of transportation (air, rail, maritime, highway, and public transit) in HR have experienced growth in the last several decades12. Vehicle ownership and miles traveled, in particular, have increased much more than population: • Between 1970 and 2006, HR’s population grew by 48%, while passenger vehicle ownership increased by 273% and other vehicle (e.g. trailer truck) registration grew by 132%13. • Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled in the metro area increased by over 66% in 20 years14. III.1.1.2 CONGESTION GROWTH AND DISTRIBUTION Predictably, congestion has also become more of a problem, though not uniformly. The portion of the system’s lane-miles experiencing congestion has increased more sharply than VMT over time, indicating that more of the roadways have exceeded capacity (Exhibit III.1.1). However, when the Monitor Merrimac Memorial Bridge Tunnel (I-664) and the Berkley Bridge were built/improved in 1991, congestion “flattened” and the system experienced only a relatively minor increase during the few years just after it opened. The effects of capacity changes across the roads are especially noticeable because crossing options are limited. Circuitous routes along I-664 or I-64 are the only bypass options, and are inconvenient to central Norfolk or Portsmouth. III.1.1.3 PEAK SPREADING Because movements cannot spill over onto alternative routes when volume approaches capacity, peak-hour traffic has also been spreading over more hours of the day. The number of “rush hours” (hours of congested traffic conditions) in the metro area has increased over time (Exhibit II.2.2). The relief introduced by new infrastructure projects is evident in the reduced congestion spreading in the early 1990s. It took five years from the completion of I-664 for the system peak-hour spread to return to its pre-1990 values, after which it has continued to climb. 12 HRPDC, Congestion Management System Special Report: State of Transportation in Hampton Roads (2006). HRPDC, Hampton Roads Data Book (May 2007). 14 Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), 2005 Annual Urban Mobility Report (May 2005). 13 December 2007 Page 20 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT 60,000 60% 55,000 55% 50,000 50% 45,000 45% 40,000 40% 35,000 35% 30,000 Daily VMT System Congestion 25,000 25% 20% 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 20,000 30% Portion of System (Lane-Miles) Vehicle-Miles of Travel Exhibit III.1.1: Average Daily VMT and the Portion of the Roadway System Experiencing Congestion from 1982 to 20038 Year Peak spreading is also apparent on the Elizabeth River Screen Line crossings. Total daily vehicular traffic using the crossings has increased in line with regional VMT. Also, between 2000 and 2006 the morning peak period volume of east/northbound lanes actually decreased, while the overall volume during the middle of the day was consistently higher (Exhibit III.1.3), indicating that there are capacity constraints during the peak periods. In the westbound direction (also Exhibit III.1.3), the peak volume increased only very slightly and the peak spreading continued. 60,000 7 55,000 6.5 50,000 6 45,000 5.5 40,000 5 Daily VMT Daily Congested Hours 35,000 4.5 4 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 30,000 Number of Hours Vehicle-Miles of Travel Exhibit III.1.2: VMT and Peak-hour Spreading (number of Hours of Daily Congestion) 15 Year 15 Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), 2005 Annual Urban Mobility Report (May 2005). December 2007 Page 21 12 :0 1: 0 A 0 M 2: 0 A 0 M 3: 0 A 0 M 4: 0 A 0 M 5: 0 A 0 M 6: 0 A 0 M 7: 0 A 0 M 8: 0 A 00 M 9: A 10 00 M : A 11 00 M : A 12 00 M :0 AM 1: 0 P 0 M 2: 0 P 0 M 3: 0 P 0 M 4: 0 P 0 M 5: 0 P 0 M 6: 0 P 0 M 7: 0 P 00 M 8: P 0 M 9: 0 P 10 00 M : P 11 00 M :0 PM 0 PM West/South-Bound Vehicles per 15 Minutes 12 :0 1: 0 A 0 M 2: 0 A 0 M 3: 0 A 0 M 4: 0 A 0 M 5: 0 A 0 M 6: 0 A 0 M 7: 0 A 0 M 8: 0 A 00 M 9: A 10 00 M : A 11 00 M : A 12 00 M :0 AM 1: 0 P 0 M 2: 0 P 0 M 3: 0 P 0 M 4: 0 P 0 M 5: 0 P 0 M 6: 0 P 0 M 7: 0 P 00 M 8: P 0 M 9: 0 P 10 00 M : P 11 00 M :0 PM 0 PM East/North- Bound Vehicles per 15 Minutes IBI GROUP MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Virginia Department of Transportation Exhibit III.1.3: Elizabeth River Crossing Combined Volume by Time of Day (2000 and 2006) for East/North-Bound and West/South-Bound Traffic December 2007 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 2000 2006 Capacity 1,000 500 0 15-Minute Interval Beginning at Clock Time 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 2000 2006 Capacity 1,000 500 0 15-Minute Interval Beginning at Clock Time Page 22 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT In 2006, more than 213,000 vehicles crossed the Elizabeth River Screen Line (the Midtown, Berkley and Campostella crossings) on an average weekday, with about 104,000 of the total daily vehicles crossing in the east/north-bound direction and about 109,000 crossing in the west/southbound direction. The slight directional imbalance is likely a result of vehicles circumventing Screen Line facilities in the morning, possibly via the Monitor-Merrimac or I-64, then shifting to cross the Screen Line in the afternoon. At these volumes, the Screen Line facilities are operating at or near capacity. During the p.m. peak, the facilities all operate at a Level of Service (LOS) E or F except the Berkley Bridge north/east, which operates at LOS D (see Exhibit III.1.4). The morning peak is slightly less congested, with the Campostella Bridge operating at a LOS D, but the other facilities still at E or F16. Exhibit III.1.4: Study Area LOS Map17 The 2006 average weekday volume conditions by time of day for the three Screen Line facilities are shown in Exhibit III.1.5. In 2006, both directions of the Midtown Tunnel operated at capacity for most of the business day. The Berkley Bridge only exceeded capacity during the peak periods. The Campostella Bridge reached southbound capacity in the afternoon peak, and still had some room for growth in the northbound direction during the morning commute. 16 17 HRPDC, Congestion Management System: Traffic Volumes and Peak Hour Congestion Levels Part 2: Technical Appendix (April 2005). HRPDC, Congestion Management System Special Report: State of Transportation in Hampton Roads (2006), pp 3. December 2007 Page 23 12 :0 0 1: A M 00 2: A M 00 3: A M 00 4: A M 00 5: A M 00 6: A M 00 7: A M 00 8: A M 00 9: A M 0 10 0 A :0 M 11 0 A :0 M 12 0 A :0 M 0 1: P M 00 2: P M 00 3: P M 00 4: P M 00 5: P M 00 6: P M 00 7: P M 00 8: P M 00 9: P M 0 10 0 P :0 M 11 0 P :0 M 0 PM West/South-Bound Vehicles per 15 Minutes (2006) :0 0 1: AM 00 2: AM 00 3: AM 00 4: AM 00 5: AM 00 6: AM 00 7: AM 00 8: AM 00 9: AM 0 10 0 A :0 M 11 0 A :0 M 0 12 A :0 M 0 1: PM 00 2: PM 00 3: PM 00 4: PM 00 5: PM 00 6: PM 00 7: PM 00 8: PM 00 9: PM 0 10 0 P :0 M 11 0 P :0 M 0 PM 12 East/North-Bound Vehicles per 15 Minutes (2006) IBI GROUP MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Virginia Department of Transportation Exhibit III.1.5: Elizabeth River Crossing Volumes by Time of Day (2006) 1600 1400 December 2007 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 15-Minute Interval Beginning at Clock Time Berkley E Berkley W Capacity Capacity Midtown E Midtown W Capacity Capacity Campostella N Campostella S Capacity 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 15-Minute Interval Beginning at Clock Time Capacity Page 24 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.1.1.4 MAJOR REGIONAL TRIP GENERATORS Major regional trip generators (mapped on Exhibit III.1.6) over the last couple of decades have included: • U.S. Military Facilities: • Norfolk Navy Base (Naval Station Norfolk), the world’s largest naval base, is located on 4,300 acres of Sewells Point in Norfolk. • Langley Air Force Base, one of the oldest air bases in the U.S., employs about 8,800 military personnel and 2,800 civilians on 4,900 acres in Hampton.18 • The Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth services military vessels and provides industrial services to non-military clientele. According to the Shipyard, 85% of their workforce comes from Hampton Roads19. • Naval Medical Center Portsmouth provides care to military personnel (active and retired), their beneficiaries, and other authorized personnel. It is also a military medical training center. The U.S. Military was the largest employment sector in Hampton Roads in 1969 when it provided a quarter of regional jobs. Since then, military employment has declined by 20% to 108,000 jobs and now represents the third largest regional employment sector. • Marine Terminals: • Norfolk International Terminals • Portsmouth Marine Terminal • Newport News Marine Terminal These three marine terminals in Hampton Roads are all operated by the Virginia Port Authority, which handled a total of 16 million short tons of general cargo in 2005, more than five times 1973 volumes. Combined, these facilities represent the third largest U.S. East-Coast general cargo port.20 While the marine shipping industry is not a large-scale employer, it does nevertheless rely heavily upon the highway transportation network for freight distribution. • Central Business Districts (CBDs): • Norfolk: The last twenty years have brought significant renewal to downtown Norfolk, a historical center for port activities blighted by suburban-flight during the mid-twentieth century. A newly revitalized Downtown offers tourist destinations (e.g., the Waterside Convention Center and Festival Marketplace, MacArthur Center, the U.S.S. Wisconsin) as well as an increasing residential, shopping, and business base. 18 (June 20, 2007). (June 20, 2007) 20 Virginia Port Authority, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2006. 19 December 2007 Page 25 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT • Portsmouth: Portsmouth’s downtown is also in the midst of redevelopment and the City is actively seeking developers to build housing, commercial, and light-office spaces in the downtown area. These new developments and the existing amenities largely cater to residents and day-workers. The City also boasts of five popular museums. • Hampton: Several of Hampton’s neighborhoods (Buckroe, Coliseum Central, Downtown Hampton, Kecoughtan, King Street and Phoebus) are being strategically redeveloped by the City. The Master Plan for Downtown Hampton includes increased clusters of housing, commercial, and waterfront development, as well as parks and improved transportation connections. Exhibit III.1.6: Major Origins and Destinations: Central Business Districts, Large Employers, and Popular Destinations in Hampton Roads LEGEND N K H A Norfolk Naval Base B Norfolk International Terminals C Newport News Shipbuilding D Norfolk Naval Shipyard E Naval Medical Center F Norfolk Central Business District G Portsmouth Central Business District H Hampton Central Business District I Virginia Beach Central Business District J L Norfolk International Airport Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport Portsmouth Marine Terminal M Newport News Marine Terminal N Langley Air Force Base K M C A B J I F L E G • December 2007 D Virginia Beach: Best known as a seaside resort, Virginia Beach draws tourists every year to its ocean-front hotels, restaurants, and other attractions in the sprawling, urbanized northern part of the city. The southern part of the city is largely undeveloped. The city is limited in the extent of its physical growth, though it may continue to grow in density. Page 26 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT • Airports: • Norfolk International Airport is located just off of I-64 in northeastern Norfolk. • Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport is in Newport News, also accessible by I-64. Air travel in the region has increased over the last ten years, with destinations throughout the eastern and southern U.S. Both airports are in urbanized areas, linked by busy portions of the Interstate highway system. An immediate observation about the distribution of these major trip generators is their proximity to the region’s major waterways. Coupled with the distribution of population and the trip generation among these major trip generators, the importance of transportation capacity across the Elizabeth River Screen Line and other waterways is immediately apparent. III.1.1.5 R E G I O N A L E M P L O Y M E N T A N D D I S T R I B U T I O N T R EN D S The top five employment sectors in the Hampton Roads region in 2005 were: 1. Service Industries, which include administrative, waste management, education, healthcare, and professional/technical services (collectively 286,000 jobs or 28% of the workforce). In the majority of Hampton Roads jurisdictions, the school system and the hospital are among the top employers. 2. Retail Trade, including activity supported by residents and tourists to the region (108,000 jobs, 10.7% of the regional workforce). This activity, like service sector employment, is highly decentralized around the region. 3. Military Employment (108,000 jobs, 10.6% of the regional workforce), which tends to be nodal at the major military installations describe previously. 4. State and Local Government (107,000 jobs, 10.5% of the workforce). As with education and medical services, in most Hampton Roads jurisdictions, the local government is a major employer. VDOT, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and other state departments also have regional offices in Hampton Roads. 5. Finance, Insurance and Real-Estate (73,000 jobs, 7% of the workforce)21. The regional distribution of employment, and hence travel patterns, have shifted over time. While urban fringe, suburban, and exurban locations continue to attract new development, central cities are experiencing revitalization and increased employment and economic activity. Hampton Roads commuters, like those nationally, are traveling further to work and have become more likely to reside in a jurisdiction other than their place of work (Exhibit III.1.7). This trend is common in the U.S. and commutes have lengthened nationally as well as locally, especially in jurisdictions on the outer edges of the region. 22 21 22 HRPDC, Hampton Roads Data Book (May 2007). HRPDC, Congestion Management System: The State of Transportation in Hampton Roads Part I (December 2004), pp 21. December 2007 Page 27 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.1.7: Percentage of Hampton Roads Workers23 Working Outside Their Jurisdiction of Residence, 1970-200524 III.1.1.6 T R A V E L P A T T E R N S B Y T R I P P U R P O SE Automobile vehicle trips are commonly categorized as either “work-related” or “non-work-related” travel for planning purposes. Nationally, while commute trips (generally work-based) have increased over the last thirty years, personal travel (generally non-work based) has increased even more quickly (see Exhibit III.1.8)25. Exhibit III.1.8: Personal Travel by Trip Purpose (1977, 1983, 1990, and 1995)26 23 Hampton Roads “MSA” refers to the 2005 “Metropolitan Statistical Area” defined for the U.S. Census. Source: HRPDC, The State of Transportation in Hampton Roads presented by Farmer, Dwight L., P.E. on January 17, 2007, pp 11. 25 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics,The Changing Face of Transportation BTS00-007, Washington, DC: 2000. 24 December 2007 Page 28 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT As recent ass 2001, the majority of national daily trips (over 82%) were made for non-work purposes and only 18% were for work or work-related reasons.27 Work-related and non-work-related trip purposes are further disaggregated for travel demand modeling purposes, as described later in this study. III.1.1.7 T R A V E L P A T T E R N S B Y V E H I C L E T Y PE The proportion of automobiles versus trucks traveling Hampton Roads roadways and the Screen Line facilities in particular has not changed significantly in the years for which this datum is available (2000 to present). Approximately 95% of average annual weekday traffic across the Screen Line is automobile traffic, with the remaining 5% rather evenly divided between Heavy and Light/Medium Trucks (Exhibit III.1.9). A gradual trend of increasing automobile traffic and corresponding reductions in Heavy and Light/Medium truck traffic have occurred in recent years. Exhibit III.1.9: Combined Breakdown of Average Annual Weekday Traffic (AAWDT) on Elizabeth River Crossings by Vehicle Type (2000-2005)28 Portion of Total AAWDT 100% 98% Heavy Truck Light/Med Truck Car/Bus 96% 94% 92% 90% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year 26 U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of Transportation Statistics,The Changing Face of Transportation BTS00-007, Washington, DC: 2000, Figure 5-7. U.S. Department of Transportation, The 2001 National Household Travel Survey, daily trip file. 28 Source: Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Average Daily Traffic Volumes with Vehicles Classification Data on Interstate, Arterial and Primary Routes (for years 2001 through 2005). 27 December 2007 Page 29 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.1.2 Base-Year Travel Characteristics This section describes the results of the enhanced regional travel demand model for the base-year (2000). III.1.2.1 S C R E E N L I N E T R A F F I C VO L U M E S Under base-year conditions, according to the enhanced regional travel demand model, there were 190,500 daily vehicles crossing the Screen Line facilities, with 32,999 on the Midtown , 35,277 on the Campostella, and 122,210 on the Berkley. The directionality, spread, and Level of Service induced by these volumes are similar to the historical and measured 2006 traffic data presented in previous sections. III.1.2.2 TRAVEL ANALYSIS SUPERDISTRICT DEFINITIONS Thirteen superdistricts (SDs) were defined in the enhanced travel demand model to analyze macroscopic regional travel patterns, as illustrated on Exhibit III.1.10. The SDs generally correspond to jurisdictional boundaries with the exception of Portsmouth and Norfolk, which were divided into three superdistricts each. The model was used to estimate base-year travel data for the Screen Line facilities. Exhibit III.1.10: Map of Modeling SD December 2007 Page 30 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.1.2.3 S C R E E N L I N E T R A V E L VO L U M E S B Y S U P E R D I S T R I C T About 51% of the base-year Screen Line crossing traffic is generated among six (6) bidirectional SD pairs, each comprising 5% or more of daily traffic: 1. Norfolk Central - Chesapeake (17% of daily traffic) 2. Norfolk North - Chesapeake (11% of daily traffic) 3. Norfolk East - Chesapeake (6% of daily traffic) 4. VA Beach - Chesapeake (6% of daily traffic) 5. VA Beach - Norfolk Central (5% of daily traffic) 6. VA Beach - Isle of Wight (5% of daily traffic) A complete matrix of base-year Elizabeth River crossing volume traveling between bi-directional SD pairs is provided in Exhibit III.1.11. The top six SDs traffic volumes are shown in boldface, and a schematic of these top six superdistrict pairs is shown in Exhibit III.1.12. Chesapeake Norfolk North Norfolk Central Norfolk East Portsmouth Central Portsmouth South Portsmouth North VA Beach Suffolk Isle Wight Hampton Newport News Upper Peninsula December 2007 Upper Peninsula Newport News Hampton Isle of Wight Suffolk VA Beach Portsmouth North Portsmouth South Portsmouth Central Norfolk East Norfolk Central Norfolk North Chesapeake Exhibit III.1.11: Daily Vehicles Crossing the Elizabeth River by Superdistrict Pair (2000) 9 20,570 0 33,084 2,155 2,872 11,699 0 2,260 0 472 4,933 6,829 3,214 0 1 4,477 5,952 2,709 0 0 135 2,179 2,393 1,058 0 0 0 11,530 388 10,370 77 8,467 8,554 4,017 0 79 3,557 2,946 2,102 0 0 0 6,242 0 69 2,513 3,009 1,812 0 0 0 9,160 0 0 1,677 0 225 0 459 187 7 1 0 0 0 697 0 605 47 38 0 0 440 0 0 0 0 3,716 0 219 0 265 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 Page 31 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT The majority of daily Screen Line crossing trips are relatively short (within the urbanized region). Over 40% of daily traffic has one trip end in Chesapeake. The Isle of Wight to VA Beach superdistrict pair is the only top SD pair likely to generate trips longer than 30 miles. All top six SD pairs are in South Hampton Roads. The Peninsula is an endpoint of only 4.5% of daily crossings. Exhibit III.1.12: Top Six Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Elizabeth River (2000) III.1.2.4 SCREEN LINE CROSSING PREFERENCE About 60% of the total daily base-year Elizabeth River crossing volume uses the Berkley Bridge. The remainder is divided almost evenly between the Midtown Tunnel and Campostella Bridge (about 20% each), with a slight preference for the Midtown crossing in the east/northbound direction and the Campostella in the west/southbound direction. The crossing preferences for the top six SD pairs are shown graphically in Exhibit III.1.13. Of these six pairs, about sixty percent use the Berkley Bridge, while almost 31% use the Campostella Bridge and only 7% use the Midtown Tunnel. December 2007 Page 32 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.1.13: Crossing Preference of Top Six Superdistrict Pairs (2000) December 2007 Page 33 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.1.2.5 M I D T O WN T U N N E L PR I M A R Y M A R K E T The primary base-year markets for the Midtown Tunnel are shorter trips, clustered mostly around Portsmouth and Norfolk. The Midtown Tunnel is probably not the preferred crossing of the baseyear top SD-pair volume because many of these pairs have an origin or destination in Chesapeake, which is better served by the other crossings. The top six pairs for the Midtown Tunnel are as follows, shown graphically in Exhibit III.1.14: 1. Norfolk Central - Portsmouth Central (3,300 vehicles per day) 2. Norfolk North – Chesapeake (2,600 vehicles per day) 3. Norfolk North - Portsmouth Central (2,470 vehicles per day) 4. Norfolk Central - Portsmouth South (2,460 vehicles per day) 5. Norfolk North - Portsmouth South (2,150 vehicles per day) 6. Norfolk Central – Chesapeake (2,080 vehicles per day) Exhibit III.1.14: Top Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel (2000) A general geographic disaggregating of the base-year Midtown Tunnel crossing market (shown in Exhibit III.1.15.) confirms the observation that travel is primarily local. Short-distance travel between Norfolk and Portsmouth comprises almost half of the traffic, followed in proportion by travel between Norfolk and western jurisdictions. December 2007 Page 34 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.1.15: General Geographic Distribution of Midtown Tunnel Crossings (2000) 8% 4% 8% 46% 15% 19% Local (Norfolk - Portsmouth) West (Norfolk - Suffolk/Isle of Wight) South (Norfolk & Chesapeake) Cross-Regional (Virginia Beach & Suffolk/Isle of Wight) Peninsula (Hampton/Newport News/Upper Peninsula - Southside) Other III.1.2.6 TRIP PURPOSE AND VEHICLE TYPE The following Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type groupings were modeled for the purpose of understanding the MTCP travel market: • SOV Work-Based: Single occupancy vehicle trips with one trip end at work, such as commutes or work-related trips made during a work day. • Non-Work-Based: Trips with trip ends somewhere other than work (home or other places, such as tourist destinations, shopping, hospitals, etc.). • HOV Work-Based: High occupancy vehicle (two or more passengers) trips with one trip end at work, such as commutes or work-related trips made during a work day. • Medium Truck: Trucks with two (2) to four (4) axles. • Heavy Truck: Trucks with five (5) or more axles. The majority of base-year volume crossing the Screen Line was automobile traffic, with only about 1.5% each of light and heavy trucks (Exhibit III.1.16). Non-Work-Based travel comprised about 63% of the auto trips, while Work-Based Trips comprised 33%. The Midtown Tunnel market breakdown is very similar (Exhibit III.1.17). December 2007 Page 35 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.1.16: Number of Vehicles Crossing Elizabeth River Screen Line by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2000) 63,099 SOV Work-Based Non-Work-Based 2,827 HOV Work-Based 2,836 Light/Med Truck 2,734 118,991 Heavy Truck Exhibit III.1.17: Number of Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2000) 11,730 SOV Work-Based Non-Work-Based 665 HOV Work-Based 1,116 Light/Med Truck 473 19,015 Heavy Truck The crossing preferences of the different Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Categories are shown on Exhibit III.1.18. All types of automobile trips strongly favored the Berkley Bridge. Aside from the Berkley Bridge, Light/Medium Trucks favored the Midtown Tunnel and avoided the Campostella. Almost no Heavy Trucks used the Campostella, preferring the Berkley Bridge and Midtown Tunnel. December 2007 Page 36 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.1.18: Crossing Preference by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type (2000) Crossing Choice by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% SOV Work- Non-Work- HOV Work- Light/Med Based Based Based Truck Heavy Truck Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Categories Berkley III.1.3 Midtown Campostella Present Market Summary The Hampton Roads bridges and tunnels represent serious “bottlenecks” in the regional transportation system because they are the sole facilities for crossing the Elizabeth River and they require significant investments to expand. Historically, traffic has continued to grow, along with congestion and delay, with minor relief after the construction of new facilities. Trip volumes and trip lengths are increasing, with total VMT outpacing population and employment growth. The over 213,000 vehicles currently using the Midtown Tunnel, the Berkley Bridge, and the Campostella Bridge to cross the Elizabeth River each day render the facilities at or near capacity during the busiest hours of the day. Because there are few alternate routes available to travelers, the “rush hours” simply spill into more hours of the day. The Midtown Tunnel is especially saturated and experiences significant congestion over much of the business day. Most of the vehicles using the Elizabeth River facilities are automobiles being driven locally for nonwork purposes, but about 30% are also being driven for work. About 5,600 trucks (3% of total daily traffic) use the facilities. The Medium/Light Trucks tend to prefer the Berkley Bridge or Midtown Tunnel (in that order), while the Heavier Trucks strongly prefer the Berkley Bridge or Midtown Tunnel. December 2007 Page 37 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.2 FORECASTED FUTURE CONDITIONS This section presents forecasted travel market conditions for the Elizabeth River Screen Line crossings using the enhanced regional travel demand model for the horizon year 2030. For the travel market analysis, the enhanced travel demand model was coded to portray a travel market unimpeded by tolls (toll impacts are modeled in the toll feasibility analysis). Existing roadways, regionally committed projects, and the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project were included in the regional transportation network, with trip ends generated by the region’s forecastyear land use projections. The proposed Hampton Roads Third Crossing project is not included in the model network because it is not a regionally committed project in the HRPDC long-range plan. However, because of its potential impact on the travel demand market, it is treated as a demand “risk factor” in the toll feasibility analysis. III.2.1 Major Trends Likely to Affect Regional Travel Regional travel is affected by a variety of factors: Population increases or decreases, land use changes, economic shifts, and major alterations to the transportation network. Regional population is predicted to increase by about 330,000 between 2000 and 2026. Virginia Beach is projected to grow the most (in terms of absolute total), while Suffolk is expected to grow the fastest. The jurisdictions immediately surrounding the Screen Line, Portsmouth and Norfolk, are predicted to grow little. Similarly, employment is projected to increase on par with population, most substantially outside of the “inner loop” such as Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Isle of Wight County. 29 The core cities of Hampton Roads are in the midst of revitalization that will increase recreational and business travel to and from the cities, pressing Elizabeth River crossings further to capacity. Outlying areas with undeveloped land, such as Suffolk, are likely sites of additional housing and employment clusters, increasing through-traffic across the Elizabeth River as well. There is already acute congestion on the major Elizabeth River crossings such that even limited increases in population and travel will cause disproportionate increases in delay on an unimproved transportation network. The HRPDC and local governments are continuing to prioritize improvement projects and have included several in recent regional long-range transportation plans. Many of these improvement projects will not directly connect to the Travel Market Analysis Study area, but they will all affect the future regional network to a degree. Some such regionallysignificant projects that are coded into the 2030 enhanced travel demand model include improvements to I-64 on the Peninsula, Military Highway (Route 13), George Washington Highway (Route 17), and Virginia Beach Boulevard (Route 58). III.2.2 Travel Volumes By 2030, in a future travel network that includes the completed MTCP, travel crossing the Elizabeth River Screen Line (the Berkley, Campostella, and expanded Midtown crossing) on an average weekday is estimated to increase by 33% over the base-year. If this projected volume exists in the future, without additional capacity (i.e. the MTCP is not completed), the peak period will continue to spread. A projection of this peak period spread is shown in Exhibit III.2.1. Directional hours of congestion (at or above 80% of capacity) over the 29 Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC), Hampton Roads 2026 Regional Transportation Plan Technical Document (June 2004), pp 9-15. December 2007 Page 38 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Screen Line might grow from about two today to seven. Both peak periods would be congested in each direction of travel. Exhibit III.2.1: Elizabeth River Crossing Combined Volume by Time of Day (2000, 2006, and 2030 projected) for East/North-Bound Traffic Without the MTCP East/North- Bound Vehicles per 15 Minutes 3,000 2,500 2,000 2000 2006 2030 Capacity 1,500 1,000 500 12 :0 1: 0 A 0 M 2: 0 A 0 M 3: 0 A 00 M 4: A 0 M 5: 0 A 00 M 6: A 0 M 7: 0 A 00 M 8: A 0 M 9: 0 A 10 00 M : A 11 00 M : A 12 00 M :0 AM 1: 0 P 0 M 2: 0 P 00 M 3: P 0 M 4: 0 P 0 M 5: 0 P 00 M 6: P 0 M 7: 0 P 00 M 8: P 0 M 9: 0 P 10 00 M : P 11 00 M :0 PM 0 PM 0 15-Minute Interval Beginning at Clock Time If the MTCP is completed, the total 2030 volume on the Elizabeth River crossings is projected at 258,300 trips per day, with increases on all facilities (shown in Exhibit III.2.2). The expanded Midtown Tunnel carries twice as many vehicles in 2030 as the base-year case (70,500). The Campostella increased 28% to 45,300 and the Berkley 13% to 138,000 daily vehicles. Annual Average Daily Traffic (Vehicles) Exhibit III.2.2: 2000 and 2030 Daily Vehicle Volumes for Elizabeth River Crossing Facilities December 2007 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2000 2030 Midtown 2000 2030 2000 2030 Campostella Berkley Page 39 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.2.3 Travel Patterns In 2030, about 55% of the total Screen Line crossing traffic is accounted for by seven bidirectional SD pairs (shown in Exhibit III.2.3), chosen because they each are forecasted to comprise 5% or more of daily traffic: 1. Norfolk Central – Chesapeake (17%) 2. Norfolk North – Chesapeake (10%) 3. Virginia Beach – Isle of Wight (7%) 4. Virginia Beach – Chesapeake (6%) 5. Virginia Beach – Suffolk (6%) 6. Norfolk East – Chesapeake (5%) 7. VA Beach – Norfolk Central (5%) These SD pairs were also the most common SD pairs in 2000, with the addition of the Virginia Beach – Suffolk pair. The relative rankings are projected to change slightly, with longer trips (Virginia Beach – Isle of Wight, for example) becoming more prevalent. The complete matrix of crossing volume traveling between all SD pairs, with the top seven SDs in boldface, is shown in Exhibit III.2.4. Exhibit III.2.3: Top Seven Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Elizabeth River (2030) December 2007 Page 40 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Chesapeake Norfolk North Norfolk Central Norfolk East Portsmouth Central Portsmouth South Portsmouth North VA Beach Suffolk Isle of Wight Hampton Newport News Upper Peninsula Upper Peninsula Newport News Hampton Isle of Wight Suffolk VA Beach Portsmouth North Portsmouth South Portsmouth Central Norfolk East Norfolk Central Chesapeake Norfolk North Exhibit III.2.4: SD-to-SD Daily Crossing Vehicles Table (2030) 341 24,166 0 42,818 2,183 2,970 13,855 0 2,129 0 1,242 4,822 7,925 4,109 0 37 4,352 7,013 2,548 0 0 1,300 2,255 3,264 981 0 0 0 15,868 252 12,495 37 9,439 8,689 4,676 0 681 4,721 4,844 2,545 0 0 0 14,166 0 533 3,624 3,426 1,928 0 0 0 17,258 0 0 2,118 147 623 80 502 178 22 487 0 0 0 1,705 308 1,369 264 110 41 0 2,299 0 0 0 0 4,618 962 1,284 186 533 79 0 2,348 0 0 0 0 0 Crossing Preference In the 2030 projections, travelers’ preferences for the Elizabeth River crossing shift, reflecting the increase of capacity in the Midtown Tunnel, which in the base year is chronically congested. The Berkley Bridge is still projected to carry the most vehicles in 2030, but it will only comprise about 54% (down from 64% in 2000) of the total daily crossing traffic. The Midtown Tunnel volume will rise to carry 28% (up from 17%) of daily traffic, and the Campostella Bridge volume will remain constant around 18%. The crossing preferences for each of the top seven SD pairs are shown graphically in Exhibit III.2.5. December 2007 Page 41 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.2.5: Crossing Preference of Top Seven 2030 Elizabeth River Crossing SD Pairs December 2007 Page 42 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT The expanded Midtown Tunnel is projected to carry more major SD-pair volume in 2030 than in 2000. The primary superdistrict markets for the 2030 Midtown Tunnel also will include longer trips, in addition to the local travel between Portsmouth, Norfolk, and Chesapeake that characterized most year 2000 vehicles. The top major superdistrict pairs, shown graphically in Exhibit III.2.6, are projected as follows: 1. Virginia Beach - Isle of Wight (5,943 vehicles per day, 8.4% of Midtown Tunnel traffic) 2. Chesapeake - Norfolk Central (4,200 vehicles per day, 5.9% of Midtown Tunnel traffic) 3. Norfolk Central - Portsmouth Central (4,168 vehicles per day, 5.9% of Midtown Tunnel traffic) 4. Virginia Beach - Suffolk (4,145 vehicles per day, 5.9% of Midtown Tunnel traffic) 5. Chesapeake - Norfolk North (3,900 vehicles per day, 5.5% of Midtown Tunnel traffic) 6. Norfolk Central - Portsmouth South (3,579 vehicles per day, 5.1% of Midtown Tunnel traffic) A general geographic distribution of the 2030 Midtown Tunnel bi-directional crossing market (shown in Exhibit III.2.7) reinforces the travel market shift projected for 2030. A third of the travel is projected to remain primarily local. However, much more cross-regional and peninsula travel is projected to use the Midtown Tunnel than was the case in 2000. The travel market is much more evenly distributed throughout the region. This observation further supports the point that expansion of the Midtown Tunnel renders the facility more appealing to future-year, longer-distance travelers throughout the region. Exhibit III.2.6: Top Superdistrict Pairs for Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel (2030) December 2007 Page 43 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.2.7: General Geographic Distribution of Midtown Tunnel Crossings (2030) 12% 29% 12% 14% 19% 14% Local (Norfolk - Portsmouth) West (Norfolk - Suffolk/Isle of Wight) Cross-Regional (Virginia Beach & Suffolk/Isle of Wight) Peninsula (Hampton/Newport News/Upper Peninsula - Southside) South (Norfolk & Chesapeake) Other III.2.4 Trip Purpose In 2030, the majority of base-year traffic crossing the Screen Line will still be traveling in automobiles. However the proportion of trucks is projected to increase: about 2.8% of the total traffic will be light/medium trucks and 3.2% will be heavy trucks, up from 1.5% each in 2000 (Exhibit III.2.8). The proportion of Work-Based verses Non-Work-Based trips will remain nearly the same at 29% and 64% respectively. The Midtown Tunnel distribution is similar, except that it is projected to carry a higher proportion of trucks than the Screen Line average (Exhibit III.2.9). The crossing preferences of the Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Categories are shown on Exhibit III.2.10. All trips are still projected to favor the Berkley Bridge. However, the Midtown Tunnel will be more popular for all types of trucks. The Campostella Bridge will be even less popular than it was in 2000. December 2007 Page 44 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.2.8: Number of Vehicles Crossing Elizabeth River Screen Line by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2030) SOV Work-Based 74,175 Non-Work-Based 8,155 HOV Work-Based 7,101 Light/Med Truck 161,566 2,756 Heavy Truck Exhibit III.2.9: Number of Vehicles Crossing the Midtown Tunnel by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category (2030) SOV Work-Based 20,440 Non-Work-Based 2,683 HOV Work-Based Light/Med Truck 2,852 43,851 717 December 2007 Heavy Truck Page 45 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit III.2.10: Crossing Preference by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type (2030) Crossing Choice by Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Category 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% SOV Work- Non-Work- HOV Work- Light/Med Based Based Based Truck Heavy Truck Trip Purpose/Vehicle Type Categories Berkley III.2.5 Midtown Campostella Projected Market Summary In 2030, traffic is projected to increase about 33% from base-year measurements. Although the most popular destinations are projected to remain the same, an increase in longer-distance trips is expected. If the Midtown Tunnel parallel facility is constructed, the crossing will become a more desirable alternative to travelers making longer trips, as well as to heavy and light/medium trucks. December 2007 Page 46 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.3 TRAVEL MARKET SUMMARY III.3.1 Screen Line Volumes and Crossing Preferences A summary of the total 2000 base-year and 2030 future-year travel markets is shown in Exhibit III.3.1 and Exhibit III.3.2. The comparative distribution of trips on the crossings is shown in Exhibit III.3.3. Exhibit III.3.1: 2000 Base-Year Travel Market Summary (Daily Vehicles) SOV Work-Based Non-Work-Based HOV Work-Based Light/Med Truck Heavy Truck Total Midtown Campostella Berkley Total 11,730 12,067 39,302 63,099 19,015 22,588 77,388 118,991 473 507 1,754 2,734 1,116 87 1,633 2,836 665 29 2,133 2,827 32,999 35,277 122,210 190,487 Exhibit III.3.2: 2030 Future-Year Travel Market Summary (Daily Vehicles) SOV Work-Based Non-Work-Based HOV Work-Based Light/Med Truck Heavy Truck Total Midtown Campostella Berkley Total 20,440 14,074 39,661 74,175 43,851 30,282 87,432 161,566 717 478 1,560 2,756 2,852 209 4,040 7,101 2,683 216 5,256 8,155 70,544 45,259 137,950 253,753 Exhibit III.3.3: Comparative Distribution of Daily Traffic on Crossings in 2000 and 2030 Percent of Daily Traffic 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2000 2030 Model Year Midtown December 2007 Campostella Berkley Page 47 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT III.3.2 Travel Market Observations Based on this analysis, the following table summarizes key observations about the Elizabeth River crossings travel market in general, and the Midtown Tunnel travel market specifically. Exhibit III.3.4: Key Travel Market Observations Travel Market Characteristic Observation Regional Characteristics and Trends Regional population is forecast to grow by 330,000 Population between 2000 and 2026. Regional employment is growing roughly in proportion to Employment population (approximately 1.75% per year). Both vehicle miles traveled and congestion levels are significantly outpacing population growth, although VMT and Congestion congestion is most concentrated at regional bottlenecks including the Elizabeth River crossings. Elizabeth River Crossings All crossings experience volume growth between 2000 and 2030, and the expanded Midtown Tunnel is projected to carry a higher proportion of total crossing volume in 2030. Traffic Volumes This suggests additional and ‘latent’ demand will take advantage of the doubled Midtown Tunnel crossing capacity resulting from the MTCP. The primary travel market for the Midtown Tunnel is largely local in 2000 and 2030, but the expanded facility in 2030 carries a higher volume of cross-regional trips. Traffic Patterns This suggests that longer-distance trips will be attracted to the expanded Midtown Tunnel as a result the increased capacity and subsequent reduced congestion. The expanded Midtown Tunnel attracts nearly double the volume of Heavy and Light/Medium trucks in 2030 as in the 2000 base year. Trip Purpose and Vehicle Type This suggests that the reduction in congestion makes the Midtown Tunnel crossing more attractive to time sensitive freight movements. December 2007 Page 48 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION IV. December 2007 COST ASSUMPTIONS Page 49 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT IV.1 INTRODUCTION This section of the Final Report establishes a set of cost estimates associated with building, operating and maintaining: • The existing Midtown Tunnel between Portsmouth and Norfolk, improved as part of the project, the interchange at Brambleton Avenue and Hampton Boulevard in Norfolk, improved as part of the project, and a new parallel tube to be built as part of the MCTP. • The MLK Freeway extension connecting I-264 and the existing MLK Freeway section, built as part of the MTCP; and • The existing Downtown Tunnel, improved as part of the project. The following categories were considered: • Capital Costs, defined as the initial costs of building the infrastructure, including all aspects of planning, design, and construction. Capital cost allocations by year for the MTCP include only the facilities and improvements made as part of the project. • Transaction Costs, representing the recurring cost of collecting the tolls (such as salaries of toll collectors and ETC operations and equipment servicing). • Operating Costs, including lighting, ventilation, policing, and other activities/resources required to operate the facilities, as well as administrative overhead. • Maintenance Costs, covering routine maintenance requirements such as renewing pavement striping and signage, patching potholes, and making routine repairs. • Renewal and Replacement Costs, the periodic, planned expenses incurred to renew and/or replace portions of the facility at the end of their useful (or ‘design’) lives. For tunnels, bridges, and viaducts, these costs can be substantial. R&R costs for all the MTCP project elements will be combined into a one cost stream for the purposes of financial analysis. In this section, all costs are identified by year with respect to the opening year of the project. The project is assumed to open on January 1 of the opening year. December 2007 Page 50 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT IV.2 CAPITAL COSTS The schedule of construction costs distributed over the years prior to opening was prepared for the study based on the following assumptions: • The project is completed over a five-year construction period. • Baseline values for initial construction costs are estimated at:30 • o $7.8 million for improvements to the existing Midtown Tunnel; o $4.4 million for improvements to the existing Downtown Tunnel; o $171.6 million for the MLK Expressway extension; and o $489.6 million for the new Midtown Tunnel. ‘High’ and ‘low’ capital cost estimates were established at 175 percent of baseline estimates and 75 percent of baseline estimates, respectively.31 A summary of the baseline, high and low estimates are provided in Exhibit IV.2.1, expressed in 2007 dollars as well as year of expenditure dollars, using a 3.50 percent annual escalation factor32. Exhibit IV.2.1: Capital Costs by Year of Expenditure in 2007 and Year of Expenditure Dollars Project Capital Costs by Year of Expenditure (2007$) Years Before Opening 5 4 3 2 1 Total Low Estimate Baseline Estimate 13,100,000 17,500,000 83,800,000 111,800,000 230,300,000 307,100,000 142,900,000 190,600,000 34,800,000 46,500,000 504,900,000 673,500,000 Numbers may not add due to rounding. High Estimate 30,600,000 195,600,000 537,400,000 333,500,000 81,300,000 1,178,400,000 Fraction of Total 2.6% 16.6% 45.6% 28.3% 6.9% 100.0% High Estimate 35,114,000 232,311,000 660,601,000 424,305,000 107,056,000 1,459,387,000 Fraction of Total 2.4% 15.9% 45.3% 29.1% 7.3% 100.0% Project Capital Costs by Year of Expenditure (Year of Expenditure $) Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Low Estimate Baseline Estimate 15,032,000 20,081,000 99,528,000 132,783,000 283,097,000 377,504,000 181,808,000 242,496,000 45,824,000 61,231,000 625,289,000 834,095,000 Escalation Factor 3.50% 30 Partridge, Raymond T. “Re: Cost questions regarding Midtown TunnelMidtown Tunnel Corridor Project Extension Project.” E-mail to Jennifer Rasnick. 30 Apr. 2007. 31 Based on telephone discussions with VDOT during a project progress meeting on 4/24/2007. 32 Source: PRAG December 2007 Page 51 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT IV.3 TRANSACTION COSTS Toll transaction costs are the costs of collecting the tolls. There are two basic toll collection technologies – electronic toll collection and manual toll collection – each with a different associated cost. Chapter 896 of the 2007 Acts of Assembly mandates that newly constructed or upgraded toll facilities must be equipped to handle toll collection at highway speeds, with an allowance for cash collection to the side. Therefore ETC is the technology of choice for this project. There may be limited land area available to provide for manual toll collection on the facility, so nonETC equipped vehicles could be billed by mail. In this case, the toll charge could be determined from video license plate identification, similar to the approach used in Toronto on the 407 ETR. Travelers who pay by the manual method will be charged a service fee that recovers the collection costs above the standard ETC approach. Therefore, the assumed collection cost for all tolls was $0.06 (2007 dollars) plus approximately 2.2% of the toll value, per transaction. The ‘per transaction’ element of the cost was increased with an annual cost inflation rate of 3.5%.33 33 A June 11, 2007 email from John Lawson (Director of Financial Planning Division for the Maintenance Inflation Information of Virginia Department of Transportation) notes that VDOT budgets an annual growth of 4% in the maintenance program. Assuming this 4% growth rate is comprised of two contributing factors – cost inflation and system growth – applying FHWA’s estimate that VDOT’s lane-mile maintenance responsibilities have grown by 0.45% annually since 2001 results in a cost inflation rate of about 3.5%. December 2007 Page 52 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT IV.4 OPERATING COSTS Beyond toll transaction costs, there are other costs associated with operating the tunnels and roadways, such as lighting, police patrols, ventilation, cleaning, and management. VDOT’s operating cost estimates and buffered estimates (increased by 4%), are shown in Exhibit IV.4.134. The buffered estimates were annualized and inflated to current year values using a 3.5% annual inflation rate. The full operating cost schedule is included in Exhibit IV.4.1. Exhibit IV.4.1: Initial Annual Operating Cost Estimates35 Base Estimate Full Estimate (Base+ 4% Buffer) Midtown Tunnel / MLK Extension $2,387,650.00 $2,483,156.00 Downtown Tunnel $1,848,513.00 $1,922,454.00 Total $4,236,163.00 $4,405,610.00 Facility 34 35 Original email prepared by Jose A. Hernandez on Thursday February 15, 2007 at 5:25pm. Original email prepared by Jose A. Hernandez on Thursday February 15, 2007 at 5:25pm. December 2007 Page 53 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit IV.4.2: Operating Cost Schedule36 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 IV.5 Operating Cost (Current Year Dollars) $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 Year 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 Operating Cost (Current Year Dollars) $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 Year 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Operating Cost (Current Year Dollars) $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 MAINTENANCE COSTS The cost of maintaining the tunnels and roadways, including routine maintenance and minor repair activities, is shown in Exhibit IV.5.1 with actual and buffered estimates again.37 The maintenance cost estimate for the Midtown Tunnel also includes the costs associated with the West Norfolk Bridge38. The 4% buffer estimates were inflated to nominal year values using the 3.5% annual inflation rate to create the full maintenance cost schedule shown in Exhibit IV.5.2. 36 Source: CRA International Same email from Jose A. Hernandez on Thursday February 15, 2007 at 5:25pm. 38 The West Norfolk Bridge is the Western Freeway (VA-164) crossing of the Western branch of the Elizabeth River. 37 December 2007 Page 54 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit IV.5.1: Initial Annual Maintenance Cost Estimates39 Base Estimate Full Estimate (Base + 4% Buffer) Midtown Tunnel / MLK Extension $2,080,800.00 $2,164,032.00 Downtown Tunnel $2,130,292.00 $2,215,504.00 Total $4,211,092.00 $4,379,536.00 Facility Exhibit IV.5.2: Maintenance Cost Schedule40 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 39 40 Maintenance Cost (Current Year Dollars) $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 Year 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 Maintenance Cost (Current Year Dollars) $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 Year 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Maintenance Cost (Current Year Dollars) $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Same email from Jose A. Hernandez on Thursday February 15, 2007 at 5:25pm. Source: CRA International December 2007 Page 55 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT IV.6 RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT COSTS Renewal and replacement costs are planned expenditures that occur cyclically at specific points within the lifetime of system components. For the purposes of estimating R&R costs, the physical scope of the project was interpreted as the equivalent of: • 0.8 route-miles of new two-lane tunnel; • 2.2 route-miles of existing two-lane tunnel; • 2.0 route-miles of new four-lane highway on viaduct; and • 4.2 route-miles of highway at grade or on embankment. For each category above, specific assumptions were made as to the timing and costs of R&R activities. The accuracy of these assumptions is at a planning level only, for the purposes of establishing reasonable requirements for self-funding of the R&R program. For two-lane tunnel sections, a fifty-year cycle was assumed, with the following R&R schedule and costs: • $15 million per route-mile for renewal of pavement, ventilation, lighting and safety systems in years 25 and 50; and • $30 million per route-mile for structural renewal in year 50. In light of the renewal costs for the existing tubes included in the project, and renewal work undertaken in 1988-1989, the existing tubes were assumed to be in year 29 of the fifty-year cycle in the opening year of the project. For four-lane viaduct sections, a sixty-year cycle was assumed, with the following R&R schedule and costs: • $7.5 million per route-mile for repainting in years 15, 30, and 45; • $15 million per route-mile for redecking in year 30; and • $38 million per route-mile for reconstruction in year 60. Short sections of existing bridge on the MLK Freeway dating from the early 1960s were assumed to be reconstructed as part of the project, and were therefore treated as ‘like new’. For four-lane highway sections on embankment or at grade, a sixty-year cycle was assumed, with the following schedule and costs: • $500,000 per route-mile for pavement maintenance in years 15 and 45; • $1 million per route-mile for pavement rehabilitation in year 30; and • $2.8 million per route-mile for reconstruction in year 60. All at-grade mileage was assumed to be brought to ‘like new’ status as of the opening year of the project. December 2007 Page 56 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Costs amounting to less than $1 million per route-mile were allocated to the single year in which they were estimated to occur. Costs exceeding this value were distributed over three years as follows: • 10.5 percent to the year preceding the scheduled year; • 67.8 percent to the scheduled year; and • 21.7 percent to the year following the scheduled year. Exhibit IV.6.1, below, shows the baseline, ‘high’, and ‘low’ R&R costs by years after opening in both 2007 and year of expenditure dollars (based on a 3.50 percent escalation factor). Because R&R costs are not expected to vary as much as construction costs, the low estimate represents 85 percent of the baseline, and the high estimate was set at 140 percent of the baseline. December 2007 Page 57 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit IV.6.1: Projected Renewal and Replacement Costs in 2007 and Year of Expenditure Dollars41 Renewal and Replacement Costs (2007$) Years After Opening 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Baseline Estimtate 100% 1,600,000 12,300,000 3,300,000 0 0 0 10,400,000 67,100,000 21,500,000 0 1,300,000 8,100,000 2,600,000 0 0 4,700,000 34,700,000 9,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 15,700,000 25,600,000 7,200,000 0 3,800,000 24,400,000 7,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,200,000 59,500,000 19,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,400,000 67,100,000 21,500,000 0 2,800,000 20,400,000 5,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,700,000 34,700,000 9,800,000 0 0 0 3,500,000 22,400,000 7,200,000 0 3,800,000 24,400,000 589,800,000 41 Low Estimtate 85% 1,300,000 10,400,000 2,800,000 0 0 0 8,800,000 57,100,000 18,300,000 0 1,100,000 6,900,000 2,200,000 0 0 4,000,000 29,500,000 8,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 13,400,000 21,800,000 6,100,000 0 3,200,000 20,700,000 6,600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,800,000 50,600,000 16,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,800,000 57,100,000 18,300,000 0 2,400,000 17,300,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 29,500,000 8,300,000 0 0 0 2,900,000 19,000,000 6,100,000 0 3,200,000 20,700,000 501,000,000 High Estimtate 140% 2,200,000 17,200,000 4,600,000 0 0 0 14,600,000 94,000,000 30,100,000 0 1,800,000 11,400,000 3,600,000 0 0 6,600,000 48,600,000 13,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,200,000 22,000,000 35,900,000 10,000,000 0 5,300,000 34,200,000 10,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,900,000 83,300,000 26,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,600,000 94,000,000 30,100,000 0 4,000,000 28,600,000 8,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,600,000 48,600,000 13,700,000 0 0 0 4,900,000 31,300,000 10,000,000 0 5,300,000 34,200,000 825,900,000 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 Renewal and Replacement Costs (Year of Expenditure$) Escalation Factor 3.50% Years Baseline Low High After Estimtate Estimtate Estimtate Opening 100% 85% 140% 14 2,590,000 2,104,000 3,561,000 15 20,607,000 17,424,000 28,816,000 16 5,722,000 4,855,000 7,976,000 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 20 20,694,000 17,510,000 29,051,000 21 138,188,000 117,594,000 193,587,000 22 45,827,000 39,007,000 64,158,000 23 0 0 0 24 2,968,000 2,512,000 4,110,000 25 19,142,000 16,306,000 26,941,000 26 6,359,000 5,381,000 8,805,000 27 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 29 12,746,000 10,848,000 17,898,000 30 97,396,000 82,800,000 136,410,000 31 28,469,000 24,112,000 39,799,000 32 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 44 7,269,000 5,906,000 9,995,000 45 73,827,000 63,012,000 103,452,000 46 124,594,000 106,099,000 174,723,000 47 36,268,000 30,727,000 50,373,000 48 0 0 0 49 20,505,000 17,267,000 28,599,000 50 136,272,000 115,608,000 191,004,000 51 45,087,000 38,151,000 63,006,000 52 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 59 70,027,000 59,371,000 98,191,000 60 468,746,000 398,631,000 656,245,000 61 154,923,000 132,092,000 217,707,000 62 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 68 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 70 115,573,000 97,793,000 162,247,000 71 771,769,000 656,751,000 1,081,167,000 72 255,943,000 217,849,000 358,321,000 73 0 0 0 74 35,706,000 30,605,000 51,009,000 75 269,250,000 228,335,000 377,479,000 76 80,597,000 68,302,000 112,016,000 77 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 79 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 89 100,413,000 85,458,000 141,005,000 90 767,293,000 652,309,000 1,074,652,000 91 224,284,000 189,955,000 313,540,000 92 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 95 91,918,000 76,161,000 128,685,000 96 608,866,000 516,449,000 850,781,000 97 202,557,000 171,610,000 281,329,000 98 0 0 0 99 114,519,000 96,437,000 159,724,000 100 761,070,000 645,662,000 1,066,746,000 5,937,984,000 5,040,993,000 8,313,108,000 Source of R&R Costs: IBI Group; Source of Graphic: PRAG December 2007 Page 58 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION V. TOLL CASES December 2007 Page 59 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT V.1 TOLL CONSIDERATIONS The main objective of this project is to determine the feasibility of funding the MTCP projects with tolls, which is in large part determined by the toll revenue. The following specific tolling considerations are relevant to this project: • Which facilities will be tolled? Not surprisingly, determining which facilities to toll is an important initial consideration. Tolling roadways with comparable parallel routes, for example, may remove revenue from the tolled roadway and exacerbate traffic conditions on the parallel routes. Tolling the MLK in particular raises three issues: • o If MLK is not tolled, users of only that segment will not be assessed a toll. Conversely, if it is tolled, some users will be tolled at two points (i.e. at the Midtown or Downtown Tunnel as well as the MLK). o Tolling at fewer points is simpler and possibly more cost-effective, but tolling at multiple points allows a closer relationship between toll paid and distance traveled, and increases revenue capture. o Local support from the City of Portsmouth could be jeopardized if MLK is tolled. Will there be time-of-day variations? Toll rates may be constant or vary through the day in order to control congestion and focus the impacts of tolling onto peak users of the roadways. For this study, the decision to use constant toll rates or to vary rates by time of day (a static form of value pricing) involves the trade-off between the potentially higher revenue and increased congestion management offered by value pricing, with the potential confusion and perception of “price gouging” that may emerge with time of day tolls. • What will the toll rates be? Infrastructure tolls can be set to any level, from high enough to control traffic congestion or yield a profit, to low enough to simply guarantee minimum funding. The objective of the study at hand is to explore alternative funding arrangements for the MTCP and determine an optimal range of toll rates for maximizing funding surpluses and minimizing funding shortfalls. Thus, a variety of toll rates were tested, ranging from $0.50 and $3.00, depending on the facility and the time of day. Different types of vehicles can be tolled differently, to reflect their relative impact on the infrastructure and traffic conditions. As is typical, this study assumed that larger vehicles would be tolled at a higher rate, proportional to the number of axles. This approach also makes it easier to reconcile toll receipts with axle counts. Several toll cases were established to evaluate permutations of these considerations, as discussed in this section. In addition to evaluating the toll approach over design conditions, a demand risk analysis was also performed to gauge toll revenues across a range of demand scenarios. December 2007 Page 60 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT V.2 TOLL OPTIONS Combining the possible outcomes of the toll location and time-of-day considerations, the following four toll concepts emerge: 1. No Toll on MLK with constant toll rates. 2. Toll on MLK with constant toll rates. 3. No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rates. 4. Toll on MLK with time of day toll rates. In response to the toll rate consideration, five toll alternatives were established for each of the four toll concepts, based on a range of tolling rates. Exhibit VI.2.4 and Exhibit VI.2.5 identify the rates employed to evaluate each case. For the concepts with tolling on the MLK Freeway, the MLK toll is set relatively low so that vehicles would not be forced to bypass the toll collection and use local roads. With the time of day toll concepts, the toll rates during the AM and PM peak periods (times of greatest demand) were set highest, followed by the Mid-Day period, with the Nighttime period having the lowest toll rates, so as to model the effects that tolling may have on congestion management efforts. Exhibit V.2.1: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 1 (no toll on MLK with constant toll rates) Toll Alternative Midtown / Downtown Tunnel Auto Toll Rate (2007 $) Toll1 Toll2 Toll3 Toll4 Toll5 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Exhibit V.2.2: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 2 (toll on MLK with constant toll rate) Toll Alternative Toll1 Toll2 Toll3 Toll4 Toll5 December 2007 Midtown / Downtown Tunnel Auto Toll Rate (2007 $) $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 MLK Freeway Auto Toll Rate (2007 $) $0.15 $0.25 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 Page 61 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit V.2.3: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 3 (no toll on MLK with time of day toll rates) Toll Alternative Midtown / Downtown Tunnel Auto Toll Rate (2007 $) Time Period Toll1 AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime Toll2 Toll3 Toll4 Toll5 $0.75 $0.50 $0.25 $1.25 $0.75 $0.50 $1.50 $1.25 $0.50 $2.50 $1.75 $0.75 $3.00 $2.50 $1.00 Exhibit V.2.4: Toll Alternatives for Toll Concept 4 (toll on MLK with time of day toll rates) Toll Alternative Toll1 Toll2 Toll3 Toll4 Toll5 December 2007 Time Period AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime AM & PM Mid-Day Nighttime Midtown / Downtown Tunnel Auto Toll Rate (2007 $) $0.75 $0.50 $0.25 $1.25 $0.75 $0.50 $1.50 $1.25 $0.50 $2.50 $1.75 $0.75 $3.00 $2.50 $1.00 MLK Freeway Auto Toll Rate (2007 $) $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 $0.50 $0.25 $0.15 $0.75 $0.50 $0.15 $1.00 $0.75 $0.25 $1.25 $1.00 $0.50 Page 62 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT For all alternatives, the medium truck toll rates were set at 1.75 times the auto toll rate, and the heavy truck rates were set at 2.75 times the auto toll rate. These truck toll rates are based on the concept that each axle costs 0.5 of the toll rate, and that medium trucks are an equal combination of 3-axle and 4-axle vehicles, while heavy trucks are an equal combination of 5-axle and 6-axle vehicles. V.2.1 Demand Risk In order to gauge how traffic and toll revenue would vary for different demand levels, a demand risk analysis was performed, considering three alternate demand scenarios: 1. Low Demand –75% of the forecasted trip growth. 2. High Demand – 125% of the forecasted trip growth. 3. Hampton Roads Third Crossing Project – no change to input demand, but extensive addition of capacity to the network. Toll Alternative 3 of the Toll Cases 1 and 2 (constant toll levels), the options most likely to indicate the impact of risk on the scenarios, were tested with Low and High Demand risk scenarios. The Hampton Roads Third Crossing is a project that will add considerable capacity to the region if it is implemented. At this time there are uncertainties concerning when, if at all, the project will be constructed, and whether the entire project or only segments of the project will be completed. For the demand risk analysis, the entire highway portion of the project, as represented in Alternative 9 of the Final Environmental Impact Statement,42 was assumed to be completed and open to traffic in 2025. Exhibit V.2.5 highlights the highway project and labels the toll rates assumed in the demand risk analysis. These rates were established to maintain relatively equal cost per mile for major harbor crossings, including the existing ones, and to generate enough income to build and maintain the Hampton Roads Third Crossing, including the R&R costs. 42 Virginia Department of Transportation, “Hampton Roads Crossing Study Final Environmental Impact Statement”, March 2001. December 2007 Page 63 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit V.2.5: Hampton Roads Third Crossing (Alternative 9) with Toll Rates43 $1.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 V.3 $0.75 TOLL REVENUE The travel demand model was used to produce traffic and revenue forecasts for all toll concepts and alternatives, with the assumption that the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project is completed and open to traffic in 2016. Using the gross revenue forecasts and the Transaction, Operating and Maintenance Costs, a net revenue schedule was created as an input to the financial feasibility analysis. Appendix B contains the 99-year revenue schedules for all toll alternatives. 43 VDOT Hampton Roads Crossing Study, Final EIS December 2007 Page 64 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION VI. December 2007 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Page 65 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT VI.1 METHODOLOGY Public Resources Advisory Group conducted financial analysis using the aforementioned revenue and cost assumptions to identify the range of feasible options for tolling the MTCP. PRAG analyzed 25 toll cases for baseline cost estimates, as listed in Exhibit VI.1.1, each under a traditional public finance structure as well as a Public-Private Partnership framework. Case 2c, identified as the base case44, was further tested for feasibility under high and low project cost estimates. PRAG also considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. Exhibit VI.1.1: Toll Cases Analyzed by PRAG45 Case 1a Toll Scenario Toll Alternative No Toll on MLK with Toll 1 Constant Tolls 1b Toll 2 1c Toll 3 1d Toll 4 1e Toll 5 2a Toll on MLK with Toll 1 Constant Tolls 2b Toll 2 2c - Base Toll 3 Case 2d Toll 4 2e Toll 5 3a No Toll on MLK with Toll 1 Time of Day Tolls 3b Toll 2 3c Toll 3 3d Toll 4 3e Toll 5 44 45 4a Toll on MLK with Time of Toll 1 Day Tolls 4b Toll 2 4c Toll 3 4d Toll 4 Toll Rates* $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $0.50, $0.15 on MLK $0.75, $0.25 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.50, $0.75 on MLK $2.00, $1.00 on MLK $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), $0.15 (MD), $0.15 (NT) $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), $0.25 (MD), $0.15 (NT) $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) ; Use of the term ‘base case’ does not imply preferential treatment or a recommendation of the Toll Case 2c. Source: PRAG December 2007 Page 66 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Case Toll Scenario 4e Toll Alternative Toll 5 5a Demand Risk with No High (125% of Tolls on MLK Demand Growth) Low (75% of Demand Growth) Demand Risk with Tolls High (125% of on MLK Demand Growth) Low (75% of Demand Growth) Hampton Roads Third Hampton Roads Crossing with Tolls on Third Crossing MLK 5b 5c 5d 5e Toll Rates* MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), $0.75 $0.25 (NT) (MD), $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) ; MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK * In all toll alternatives, medium trucks have a toll rate 1.75 times the auto toll & heavy trucks have a toll rate 2.75 times the auto toll rate. PRAG employed a detailed set of financing assumptions to the toll cases for each type of funding structure, as described in Appendix C. VI.2 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY Detailed results of the financial analyses for the publicly and PPP financed toll concepts are provided in Appendix C and summarized in Exhibit VI.2.1 and Exhibit VI.2.2, respectively. Highlights from the analyses include details regarding: December 2007 • Funding Structure: The base-case scenario yields a funding shortfall with both funding structures. The shortfall for the publicly funded option was estimated to be 16% less than the taxable PPP option ($155 versus $183 million). Other PPP options were analyzed such as financing with PABs and TIFIA as well as Bank Debt. The PABs and TIFIA financing showed a shortfall of $102 million while the Bank Debt was a shortfall of $185 million. • Construction Cost and R&R Expense Volatility: The base-case scenario may prove feasible if the costs and expenses run lower than the base estimate; on the other hand, the base-case may prove to be seriously inadequate if construction costs run higher. • Toll Rates: For baseline levels of demand and project costs, the toll alternatives with toll rates higher than the base case ($1.00 toll in the tunnels) yielded a funding surplus while those with lower toll rates resulted in larger shortfalls than the base case. Tolling of the MLK and time-of-day toll schedules both yield higher net revenues. Moreover, scenarios with higher tolling rates allow for faster debt service coverage and more robust funding surplus pools. • Risk Analysis: At the ‘high’ level of demand considered, the baseline tolls on the tunnels alone will not be sufficient to fund the project; with the addition of tolls on the MLK, ($1.00, $0.50) the baseline levels would be sufficient. With the ‘low’ level of demand, toll rates would need to be increased above the baseline levels. The construction of the Hampton Roads Third Crossing project does not appear to pose a significant financial risk to the Page 67 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT MTCP funding under the conditions assumed (i.e. that existing crossings of Hampton Roads could be tolled). Although the new crossing would present an alternative to the MTCP for some trips, it also opens up additional opportunities for travel through the MTCP. December 2007 Page 68 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit VI.2.1: Summary of Cases – Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds (Source: PRAG) Case Senior Bonds Description Subordinate Bonds Funding Withdrawal of PV Withdrawal of (Shortfall)/ Revenue Surplus Revenue Surplus Surplus Over 50 Years Over 50 Years No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 1a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50) 212,235,213 0 (571,711,492) 549,499,285 43,069,064 1b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75) 381,013,262 122,050,184 (359,094,261) 1,068,836,765 56,841,369 1c Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00) 523,584,952 167,531,738 (218,260,892) 1,706,028,019 106,338,405 1d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50) 752,088,175 240,265,497 9,365,140 2,785,234,294 182,504,036 1e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00) 881,711,325 281,334,348 140,612,132 3,449,434,592 226,232,733 50,475,399 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK) 235,305,377 6,421,238 (550,179,496) 631,849,196 2b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK) 423,844,288 148,269,710 (309,130,461) 1,228,852,427 56,985,689 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 187,018,793 (155,952,700) 1,952,219,896 122,787,216 2d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK) 810,519,638 258,980,521 70,269,151 3,025,662,632 197,217,277 2e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK) 935,819,054 298,674,705 197,527,317 3,673,177,678 238,996,324 No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 3a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) 3b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 3c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 3d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) 3e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) 213,868,168 444,757,202 606,412,176 833,519,266 947,123,049 0 142,371,804 193,846,927 266,013,516 301,923,498 (568,865,113) (295,734,236) (135,210,722) 92,554,453 208,918,783 598,311,285 1,356,013,409 2,100,680,593 3,208,835,706 3,819,286,824 45,722,631 78,682,525 134,336,264 210,380,918 249,355,467 Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 4a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75(AM, PM), $0.50(MD), $0.25(NT); MLK: $0.25(AM, PM), $0.15(MD), $0.15(NT) 4b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25(AM, PM), $0.75(MD), $0.50(NT); MLK: $0.50(AM, PM), $0.25(MD), $0.15(NT) 4c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50(AM, PM), $1.25(MD), $0.50(NT); MLK: $0.75(AM, PM), $0.50(MD), $0.15(NT) 4d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50(AM, PM), $1.75(MD), $0.75(NT); MLK: $1.00(AM, PM), $0.75(MD), $0.25(NT) 4e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00(AM, PM), $2.50(MD), $1.00(NT); MLK: $1.25(AM, PM), $1.00(MD), $0.50(NT) 254,465,309 464,887,724 643,851,342 820,360,571 940,373,941 6,927,158 148,424,645 205,473,990 260,744,936 298,727,704 (535,534,859) (271,140,691) (91,010,251) 98,006,489 221,307,751 738,447,433 1,524,084,797 2,338,023,700 3,407,658,828 4,039,902,492 59,178,657 88,381,412 146,437,250 211,986,943 252,618,020 119,193,132 Demand Risk Scenarios 5a Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) 571,303,670 182,773,830 (168,099,259) 1,910,874,921 5b Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) 474,638,347 152,004,861 (264,883,548) 1,462,431,001 86,999,146 5c Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 641,483,395 205,205,357 (99,279,622) 2,205,912,451 141,148,495 5d Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 528,001,577 169,066,632 (212,666,946) 1,684,286,847 103,864,748 5e Hampton Roads Third Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 615,924,120 196,695,939 (120,699,221) 2,176,092,617 136,113,295 187,018,793 26,330,244 2,029,141,700 131,406,944 187,018,793 (701,830,927) 1,752,215,548 98,614,251 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Low Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c Low Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; High Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c High Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) December 2007 584,459,986 Page 69 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit VI.2.2: Summary of Cases – Public Private Finance (Source: PRAG) Case Senior Bonds Description Subordinate Equity Bonds Contribution* Funding Withdrawal of PV Withdrawal of (Shortfall)/ Revenue Surplus Revenue Surplus Surplus Over 50 Years Over 50 Years No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 1a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50) 189,740,778 0 20,250,000 (575,532,016) 549,315,209 1b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75) 338,878,361 109,047,036 21,790,000 (394,218,172) 1,067,240,721 42,909,088 56,361,759 1c Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00) 464,330,141 149,216,407 45,600,000 (251,390,863) 1,703,310,117 105,544,290 1d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50) 664,361,418 213,182,949 77,550,000 (27,152,328) 2,779,917,287 181,205,747 1e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00) 776,651,880 248,952,206 94,800,000 100,851,007 3,441,855,384 224,591,664 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK) 210,366,601 5,772,969 23,850,000 (553,704,789) 631,704,800 50,303,820 2b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK) 376,590,229 121,194,474 28,050,000 (353,434,553) 1,227,025,683 69,707,188 107,797,005 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - Taxable Debt 519,584,717 193,002,586 45,100,000 (183,763,636) 1,861,072,206 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - PABs & TIFIA 556,177,258 256,140,603 35,050,000 (102,248,316) 1,763,008,684 89,601,748 2c 2d 2e BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - Bank Debt Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK) Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK) 476,516,000 717,466,410 826,193,211 69,951,400 258,342,557 298,341,121 47,506,532 (184,700,000) 70,100,000 43,209,039 85,100,000 169,981,897 2,291,081,019 2,884,438,609 3,497,063,679 131,128,216 172,000,797 210,350,850 No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 3a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) 190,196,705 3b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 394,825,392 3c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 536,616,877 3d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) 734,609,640 3e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) 832,299,757 0 126,940,397 172,324,616 235,508,629 266,516,286 21,040,000 (572,340,378) 31,600,000 (330,858,672) 57,400,000 (169,422,990) 88,500,000 54,013,895 103,500,000 167,125,405 597,353,384 1,353,671,185 2,096,921,714 3,201,804,630 3,810,160,917 45,435,943 78,076,324 133,346,167 208,843,993 247,463,836 Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Toll Alternative 1: $0.75(AM,PM),$0.50(MD),$0.25(NT);MLK:$0.25(AM,PM),$0.15(MD),$0.15(NT) 4a 4b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25(AM,PM),$0.75(MD),$0.50(NT);MLK:$0.50(AM,PM),$0.25(MD),$0.15(NT) 4c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50(AM,PM),$1.25(MD),$0.50(NT);MLK:$0.75(AM,PM),$0.50(MD),$0.15(NT) 4d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50(AM,PM),$1.75(MD),$0.75(NT);MLK:$1.00(AM,PM),$0.75(MD),$0.25(NT) 227,445,177 410,087,268 568,564,762 718,262,368 6,209,774 131,532,448 210,614,619 264,996,780 28,600,000 (536,552,834) 34,800,000 (307,074,132) 53,000,000 (119,012,894) 75,300,000 67,805,744 727,900,188 1,521,345,814 2,229,792,073 3,250,388,407 59,984,423 87,402,345 129,241,159 189,442,500 4e 822,642,309 303,338,355 89,500,000 3,859,446,989 226,544,001 104,402,967 Toll Alternative 5: $3.00(AM,PM),$2.50(MD),$1.00(NT);MLK:$1.25(AM,PM),$1.00(MD),$0.50(NT) 189,341,146 Demand Risk Scenarios 5a Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) 507,519,413 188,463,167 43,400,000 (196,025,372) 1,821,203,722 5b Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) 422,704,297 157,132,405 30,300,000 (293,650,036) 1,391,926,200 74,556,654 5c 5d 5e Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Hampton Roads Third Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 569,922,871 470,222,140 544,828,482 211,631,979 174,785,338 201,948,823 52,400,000 (126,948,143) 37,600,000 (240,768,456) 49,350,000 (148,749,263) 2,104,267,437 1,603,172,839 2,074,757,127 124,768,823 90,322,713 119,841,901 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Low Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c Low Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 519,584,717 193,002,586 49,150,000 1,936,352,734 116,678,800 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; High Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c High Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 519,584,717 193,002,586 17,850,000 (756,891,863) 1,749,312,728 71,419,892 2,569,308 * Equity Contribution is determined to be the amount that would yield a pre-tax rate of return of 12.00 percent. December 2007 Page 70 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT SECTION VII. December 2007 CONCLUSION Page 71 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT VII.1.1 Methodology A direct assessment of MTCP toll funding feasibility can be made using the funding shortfall and surplus estimates provided in PRAG’s financial analyses. In economic terms, the surplus/shortfall values represent the difference between total sources and uses of funds. These values take into account all expenditures and income, as well as the timing and financing methods of all financial activity. A value greater than zero (‘surplus’) indicates that financing methods meet or exceed expenditures and that a particular scenario is financially feasible under the stated assumptions. Likewise, a value less than zero (‘shortfall’) indicates that financing methods do not cover expenditures and that a particular scenario will not be financially feasible without altering its assumed characteristics. VII.1.2 Feasibility Conclusions regarding feasibility of the various tolling alternatives can be made by evaluating their relative funding surpluses/shortfalls with respect to alternative tolling rates. First, Exhibit VI.2.3 illustrates the relationships between estimated funding shortfalls/surpluses and peak-hour alternative toll rates for: • Toll Case 1 (No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; with Baseline Estimates of Costs and Revenue); • Toll Case 246 (Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; with Baseline Estimates of Costs and Revenue); and • Toll Case 3 (No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; with Baseline Estimates of Costs and Revenue). Each case is also shown for both the PPP and Traditional Public financing models. The following conclusions regarding tolling rates can be drawn from this analysis: • All six of the scenarios shown ‘break even’ (i.e. are estimated to be feasible) for base peakhour tunnel toll rates somewhere between $1.00 and $1.25. • If the tolls are set too low, the funding shortfall will be significant, irrespective of the financing model and particularities of the tolling plan. This is, in part, due to the fact that the actual collection of the tolls requires a minimum level of resources. • Time of Day tolling results in a lower ‘break even’ base toll as well as both a faster growing and higher surplus. This represents a higher ‘willingness to pay’ among travelers under congested conditions. • In general, the difference between the financing models is small, with a slightly lower ‘break even’ point and higher surplus indicated for traditional public financing versus the taxable debt public-private financing option. The analysis assumes toll increases in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) at a rate of 2.5% annually. There may be other advantages or disadvantages to these models that could assume a higher importance than this differential. 46 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Toll Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 72 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT • As noted in the previous section, the project will require higher tolls to ‘break even’ if the MLK extension is not separately tolled. Millions Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus Exhibit VI.2.3: Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus versus Peak Period Toll Rate Alternatives for Several Toll Cases $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 ($100) ($200) ($300) ($400) ($500) ($600) $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 Peak Period T oll Rate TP (tod tolls & MLK) TP (constant tolls & no MLK) TP (constant tolls & MLK) PPP (tod tolls & MLK) PPP (constant tolls & no MLK) PPP (constant tolls & MLK) Second, Exhibit VI.2.4 and Exhibit VI.2.5 show comparisons of Toll Case 247 (Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Costs) with Demand Risk and High/Low Cost Scenarios for PPP and Traditional Public Funding, respectively. All scenarios shown assume tolls on MLK, which would yield both the lowest toll on the tunnels and a closer relationship between tolls paid and miles traveled. 47 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 73 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus Millions Exhibit VI.2.4: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for the PPP48 Funding Model $600 TP (constant tolls & M LK) $400 $200 Low Costs High Demand $0 Low Demand ($200) ($400) High Costs ($600) ($800) $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 M idtown T oll Rate Millions Funding (Shortfall)/Surplus Exhibit VI.2.5: Comparison of Base Toll Case with Demand Risk and Cost Variations for Traditional Public (TP) Funding Model $600 PPP (constant tolls & M LK) $400 $200 Low Costs High Demand $0 Low Demand ($200) ($400) ($600) ($800) $0.50 High Costs $0.75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 M idtown T oll Rate 48 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, December 2007 Page 74 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Several additional conclusions can be drawn from these diagrams, including: • Under both funding models, if construction costs are lower than estimated or there is a higher demand for the facility, the project may ‘break even’ or yield a surplus with a $1.00 base tunnel toll. • Toll Case 249 (constant tolls on Midtown and MLK) can yield the same funding surplus as the low cost and high demand cases, by setting a base toll rate in the $1.15 to $1.40 range. Likewise, reducing the toll rate on Toll Case 2 yields a funding deficit similar to that of the low demand scenario. These observations imply that a relatively minor 15-30% higher toll rate can help accelerate funding on the facility as well as cushion it against less favorable revenue scenarios. Based on the assumptions and analysis employed throughout this study, the following conclusions can be made regarding toll feasibility: • A toll rate between $1.00 and $1.50 on the Midtown/Downtown Tunnel, increased for inflation over time, can reasonably provide adequate ‘break even’ funding for the project under several likely demand and cost scenarios, including provisions for long-term renewal and replacement. • Tolling the MLK in addition to the Midtown/Downtown Tunnel improves the financial feasibility of the project. If the MLK is not tolled, the Midtown/Downtown Tunnel would have to be tolled at least 30% higher than it would be otherwise. • Time of Day tolling also helps improve the financial feasibility of the project. the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. 49 Note that PRAG considered three different Public-Private Partnership frameworks for Case 2c, as described in Appendix C. One of these, the “Taxable Debt” scenario, is the basis for comparison of Case 2c with the other toll cases in the main body of this Toll Feasibility Study. December 2007 Page 75 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT APPENDIX A TRAFFIC MODEL ENHANCEMENTS December 2007 Page A-1 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Introduction This chapter describes the enhancements made to the Hampton Roads regional travel demand model system to develop traffic and revenue projections for the MTCP in this study. The specifics of the model system implementation are particularly important since many toll road traffic and revenue forecasts have been plagued by substantial forecasting error. Based upon his review of 16 projects, Robert H. Muller claims that on average, projects miss their forecasted revenues by 35-40% in the third year.50 His study provides common causes for meeting or failing to meet forecasts. He found that projects where traffic met projections offered at least 5 minutes of time savings, served a higher income level, and the traffic was forecasted to grow at less than 5% annually. Conversely, he found projects that over-forecasted traffic suffered from expansion of competing freeways, tolls that were too high relative to the income base (corresponding to overstatement of the value of time), overestimation of land use growth, and improper handling of usage patterns (peak periods, directionality, vehicle classes, etc.). While a detailed investment-grade traffic and revenue study is beyond the scope of this study, we applied the available tool, the regional transportation model, in the most appropriate manner to avoid the kinds of forecasting errors noted above. The traffic and revenue forecasts serve as a key input into the financial analysis of the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project and the feasibility of developing this project using toll financing. Although this assessment will not be used to secure project financing, it is intended to inform decision makers concerning how to proceed with the development of the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project. We enhanced the Hampton Roads travel demand forecasting model to generate the travel demand forecasts for this study. The Hampton Roads model is a traditional four-step travel demand model that is implemented in the TP+ software package. Other features of the unadjusted model includes an extensive Traffic Analysis Zone structure (1480 TAZ), three trip purposes (Home Based Work, Home Based Other, and Non-Home Based), HOV/SOV distinction, and a full daily traffic assignment. The model system has been employed in many transportation studies in the region. There are a number of challenges that we confronted when applying this regional model for a toll road study: • Limited Toll Road Observations - The model system was developed and calibrated with limited toll facility observations. The only toll facilities in the model are the Jordan Bridge, the Coleman Bridge, and the Chesapeake Expressway. Additionally, the Coleman Bridge and Chesapeake Expressway are both at the edges of the model network, limiting the route selection element of the model. Also, the Chesapeake Expressway is a primary route used by vacationers traveling to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, meaning that its travelers likely have different toll responses than the potential users of the toll facilities we are studying, particularly with respect to their values of time. • Uniform Value of Time - Another limitation of the model system is that the generalized travel cost function used for converting different components of travel disutility into commensurate units is the same regardless of trip purpose. This implies that all travelers value their time the same, regardless of the trip purpose or income. 50 Muller, Robert H. “Tollroad Feasibility Studies: An Historical Perspective.” Presented at the 2001 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2001. December 2007 Page A-2 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT • Daily Highway Assignment – Typically, it is during the morning and evening peak periods that toll facilities offer the largest travel time-savings and are most attractive, but the daily assignment blends the peak and off-peak periods together. • No explicit Truck Traffic - Truck traffic is not explicitly included in the model, but rather is blended with passenger vehicles. Trucks are presumably one of the intended target segments of the proposed toll project, and not explicitly including them may limit the model system’s ability to forecast traffic and revenue. To counter the above limitations and improve its forecasting of toll traffic and revenue, we implemented a number of enhancements to the Hampton Roads model. We preserved trip purpose information through highway assignment, allowing us to use different values of time (VOTs, the monetary equivalent of one unit of travel time) to correspond to each purpose. We also included medium and heavy trucks as specific vehicle classes. We segmented heavy truck and work trips into four separate groups with different VOTs to better reflect differences of how these trips respond to tolls. Instead of continuing with a daily highway assignment, we implemented a time of day assignment with four time periods (AM, PM, mid-day, and nighttime) to allow toll decisions to vary with congestion levels throughout the day. To reflect congested travel conditions in the long-term transportation decisions of travelers, we developed a feedback loop that input congested travel times into the trip distribution step. The following sections provide details on these enhancements and describe the validation of the enhanced model. Model Enhancements Trip Distribution Adjustment In addition to impacting traveler’s route choices, the introduction of new tolls may also affect trip patterns. For example, tolling the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels may cause some workers to evaluate employment choices differently if they require crossing the Elizabeth River; the effect on personal business or shopping trips may be more pronounced. The HRPDC model develops trip patterns with a gravity model in the trip distribution step. The gravity model estimates the number of trips from an origin to a destination with the logic that, other things equal, the number of trips from one location to another increases with the trip-making activity at either end and decreases with the impedance or difficulty of travel between them. The unadjusted model uses travel time as the impedance component of the gravity model. To better reflect the impact of new tolls on the travel patterns of the region, we added toll costs to the impedance, converting the cost to time using a VOT of $10.10 in 2000 dollars; this represents an average VOT for the region. Development of Truck Trips Due to the major presence of ports in the Hampton Roads region generally, and near the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels in particular, heavy vehicle trips are an important travel segment of potential toll facility users, although one that was not separately considered previously in the HRPDC travel demand model. We therefore implemented a method for synthesizing heavy vehicle trips to input into the travel demand forecasting model. Our approach created separate truck trip tables of origin to destination flows for medium and heavy (5 axles or greater) vehicles by applying an origin-destination matrix estimation technique. This approach produced truck trip tables used to improve the regional forecasting model. We used information from several data sources in the matrix estimation process. Specifically, we used historical port truck movements between the major external gateways, traffic counts by vehicle December 2007 Page A-3 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT type obtained from VDOT, and US DOT Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) data in our methodology. The matrix estimation required three inputs: a highway network, traffic observations for a number of locations, and a seed matrix. To streamline the matrix estimation process and improve computation time, we used a simplified version of the HRPDC highway network. This network included only links for freeways, expressways, and major arterials. We also vastly reduced the number of TAZs, with TAZ used for this study representing the ports, gateway externals, and model districts (groupings of zones). We obtained traffic count data with vehicle classification and time-ofday information from VDOT that we used as the traffic observation input. Exhibit A-1 displays the locations of the gateway and additional count locations, as well as three major ports of the Hampton Roads region. December 2007 Page A-4 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-1: Ports and gateways for the freight trip tables Applying the OD Matrix Estimation component of the TransCAD transportation modeling software to this simplified network and zone system, we estimated truck trip tables for medium and heavy trucks during the AM, PM, mid-day, and nighttime periods. We then disaggregated the output trip tables to the 1480 by 1480 TAZ format required by the HRPDC model. To do this, we distributed the trips from each district to its TAZ based upon the relative magnitude of each TAZ’s Non Home Based (NHB) trips to the district’s total NHB trips. The FAF is a database of freight information compiled and maintained by the Federal Highway Administration. The new version of the database contains an estimate for 2002 freight traffic along December 2007 Page A-5 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT with forecasted freight flows through 2035. The database also includes information that defines the freight mode. We obtained FAF data for the Virginia Beach/HRPDC region51 which we used to cross-check the flows originating and leaving the region, and to forecast the growth of future truck traffic. The FAF forecasts truck traffic for the region to increase by a compound annual average growth rate of 2.8% through 2030, and we used this rate to grow the truck trip tables for future years. As noted earlier, the original HRPDC model did not explicitly include truck trips. Since we now included them, we needed to offset these newly created trips by reducing other trips, and thus we factored down NHB trips to offset the addition of truck trips. Forecasted Trip Types To improve the modeling of toll behavior, we adjusted the trip types used in highway assignment. The unadjusted HRPDC model considers only SOV and HOV trips in highway assignment, but we wanted to represent different trip types and their associated VOT. Accordingly, we input trip purpose information into highway assignment and further disaggregated some trip purposes by income levels to better reflect their response to tolls. For autos, we included work and non-work purposes, and also maintained HOV trips separately. We defined the work purpose as home based “hbwork” trips plus 30% of the non home “nhbased” purpose. We defined the “non-nwork” purpose as all home based “hbother” trips plus 70% of the non home “nhbased” trips. For heavy vehicles, we included medium and heavy truck categories. To represent a distribution of travelers’ VOT, we disaggregated work trips and heavy truck trips into four groups and used an appropriate VOT for each group. We developed the Work purpose income distribution through a three-step approach. First, we identified the income distribution of households according to Census 2000 data at the county level. Second, we converted the household income distribution to a distribution of trips by income for each county by applying income-level specific trip rates derived from census “journeycj” to work data. Third, we applied the county-level distribution of trips by income to the TAZs in the county. This three-step method resulted in the following distribution of model year 2000 trips (income ranges in 2000 dollars): • Income Group 1 (≤ $24,999) = 17.8% of trips • Income Group 2 ($25,000 - $49,999) = 28.0% of trips • Income Group 3 ($50,000 - $74,999) = 26.9% of trips • Income Group 4 (≥ $75,000) = 27.3% of trips We also defined four groups of heavy trucks (5+ axles) by evenly dividing those trips into four quartile groups with increasing VOTs. Highway Assignment Refinement Highway assignment is the process where an automobile trip table is loaded onto the highway network in a way that respects the user equilibrium principle that no traveler acting alone has an 51 During our collection of this data set, we discovered that maritime freight flows to/from the Hampton Roads region were incorrectly assigned by the FAF to an inland region of Virginia. We brought this mistake to the attention of FHWA, and it will be corrected for the next FAF release. December 2007 Page A-6 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT incentive to change the path that he or she is traveling on. To better reflect travel conditions confronting travelers and their travel decisions, we introduced a few notable changes to the original HRPDC model’s highway assignment. These changes include adjustments to handle assignment by trip purpose and by time of day, and a refinement of the generalized cost equation. As discussed above, the original HRPDC model only differentiated between SOV and HOV, highway trips but we adjusted the model to include multiple trip types into highway assignment. Specifically, we input four income groups of “workw” trips, “non-nwork” trips, HOV trips, medium truck trips, and four quartiles of heavy truck trips into highway assignment. Time of Day Assignment In order to reflect a better representation of travel conditions throughout the day and thus of congestion’s impact on toll decisions, we converted the daily highway assignment to a time of day approach with separate assignments for the AM, PM, mid-day, and nighttime time periods. To support time of day assignment, we prepared trip tables and highway networks for each time period. We developed trip tables for each time period by allocating the daily trips of the travel demand model into four time periods through a two-step process. The first step of the process was to define the time periods based on traffic levels throughout the day. The second step was to allocate model trips to each time period. To serve as the basis of the first step, we obtained traffic data for almost twenty continuous count stations throughout the region from VDOT. These count stations included vehicle traffic levels in 15-minute increments. Exhibit A-2 displays the distribution of the combined traffic of the count locations through the day in 15-minute increments for a typical weekday, Tuesday, March 21, 2007. Exhibit A-2: Distribution of Traffic by Time of Day 15 min Traffic Share (% of daily volume) 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 10 :0 0 AM 11 :0 0 AM 12 :0 0 PM 1: 00 PM 2: 00 PM 3: 00 PM 4: 00 PM 5: 00 PM 6: 00 PM 7: 00 PM 8: 00 PM 9: 00 PM 10 :0 0 PM 11 :0 0 PM AM AM 9: 00 AM 8: 00 7: 00 AM AM 6: 00 5: 00 AM AM 4: 00 AM 3: 00 AM 2: 00 1: 00 12 :0 0 AM 0.00% Time of Day Source: VDOT traffic count data, CRA International analysis, 2007 Based on our analysis of the traffic distribution through the day, we defined four time periods as: 1. AM Peak Period: 6:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. with 16.5% of daily traffic 2. PM Peak Period: 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. with 19.2% of daily traffic 3. Mid-day Period: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. with 38% of daily traffic December 2007 Page A-7 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT 4. Nighttime Period: 6 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. with 26.3% of daily traffic After defining the time periods to use for assignment, we completed the second step of allocating the model’s daily trips into each time period. To do this, we utilized 1994 data from a Hampton Roads region home interview survey published in 199652. The survey data contained information on trip purpose, departure time, and direction of travel (i.e., whether traveling to work or returning from work). We processed the survey data and identified the trip factors presented in Exhibit A-3 for each of our model time periods. Trip Factor AM PM Mid-day Nighttime Daily Trip Factor AM PM Mid-day Nighttime Daily Exhibit A-3: Trip Factors by Time of Day Home-Based Work Home-Based Work (Complex (Simple Commute) Commute) Home-Based Other (Non Commute) Attraction Production Attraction Production Attraction Production 0.6% 25.6% 10.2% 12.1% 48.4% 30.8% 1.4% 11.8% 7.6% 51.6% 2.8% 18.7% 6.7% 13.2% 41.4% 36.7% 3.3% 10.6% 8.1% 58.6% 1.4% 8.8% 20.6% 18.8% 49.5% 10.2% 9.2% 17.2% 13.8% 50.5% Home-Based Other (Complex Commute) Attraction Production Non HomeBased (Complex Commute) 1.0% 22.7% 10.4% 20.8% 54.9% 25.8% 2.0% 13.0% 4.2% 45.1% 20.8% 32.3% 34.3% 12.7% 100.0% Non HomeBased (Non Commute) External 4.2% 11.6% 60.5% 23.7% 100.0% 14.4% 19.4% 39.8% 26.4% 100.0% Source: Fitzgerald and Haliday, COMSIS, CRA International analysis, 2007 We developed a highway network for each time period to correspond to the trip tables. This required adjusting the daily assignment capacities to an appropriate level for each time period. Representing the appropriate level of capacity provided by the Hampton Roads HOV system was an important feature of the time of day network preparation. The Hampton Roads HOV area contains an extensive system of HOV lanes. Some lanes are barrier-separated and reversible, while other lanes are marked exclusively for HOV use during portions of the day. In some sections of highways with HOV, travel on the shoulders is permitted during the time of HOV exclusive use. We referred to details on the Hampton Roads HOV system,53 and reflected the HOV and parallel general purpose lane (GPL) capacity in each time period’s highway network. As part of our time of day network preparation and to improve model validation, we also reduced the link capacity for 22 links, representing 8 bridge and tunnel crossings, to reflect the limited throughput of these confined facilities.. To better function with our time of day networks, we adjusted the volume-delay function for freeway facilities. The volume-delay relationship dictates how travel speeds decrease with increasing traffic volumes. The HRPDC model contains independent volume-delay functions for classes of highway 52 Fitzgerald and Haliday, Inc. and COMSIS Corporation, “Hampton Roads Crossing Study Home Interview Report”, prepared for Virginia Department of Transportation, July 1996 53 Please refer to the following webpage for details: December 2007 Page A-8 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT links. The unadjusted HRPDC model specifies the conventional BPR function (a=0.15, b=4.0) for freeways. After reviewing research on this topic,54 we adjusted the coefficients of the volume-delay function for freeways to a=0.4 and b=6.0. The set of parameters used in the unadjusted model is generally appropriate for a single 24-hour day; a ‘steeper’ volume/delay curve tends to more accurately reflect traffic distribution in a smaller time period. Generalized Travel TCost The original HRPDC model’s highway assignment loads vehicles onto the network by selecting the path that minimizes the generalized travel cost that includes time, distance, and toll elements. We maintained this generalized cost framework while specifying parameter values to support our more disaggregate assignment framework and to better match existing conditions. We represented the generalized cost in dollars and so needed to apply a value of time (VOT) to the travel time in order to convert it into dollars. The VOT is the monetary equivalent of a unit of time spent during a trip. As noted above, one of our enhancements to the model was to include different trip purposes and to divide workw and heavy htruck trips by income level in order to better represent the distribution of VOTs among travelers. For auto trips, we derived the VOT for each segment from regional income levels. Specifically, we identified how many households had annual household income levels within each of our four income group ranges according to Census income data. Using the distribution of household income levels and an assumed average annual household income for each of the Census income ranges in our data set, we calculated the average household income for each of our income groups. Using US DOT guidelines, we then converted annual household income levels to an average hourly wage rate for each income group by dividing by 2080 hours.55 We finally determined VOT by assuming the VOT for Work and Non-Work purposes to be 40% and 20%, respectively, of the average wage rate. We also assumed the HOV VOT to be 60% of the average wage rate. The 60% factor reflects the facts that HRPDC model HOV trips are work purpose and that the passenger’s VOT is not as high as the driver’s VOT. Applying this approach produced the following VOTs (2000 dollars / hour): • Work Income Group 1 = $2.83 • Work Income Group 2 = $7.14 • Work Income Group 3 = $12.02 • Work Income Group 4 = $22.18 • Non-Work = $5.05 • HOV = $15.15 There have been many studies to determine heavy vehicle VOT. FHWA research on the trucking industry shows that shippers and carriers value transit time at $25 to $200 per hour, depending on the product being carried. 56 A wide range of VOT can be found in the literature in part because truck VOT depends on many factors; among them, the type of vehicle and its load, the drivers’ wage rates, the importance of punctual delivery, or whether the truck is operated in- house or for54 For example, Gan, Albert, Rax Jung, Min-Tang Li, and Chang-Jen Lan, “Incorporating Variable Peak-to-Daily Ratios into FSUMTS to Reduce Assignment Error: Final Report (Volume II)”, 2003 55 U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, “Departmental Guidance for the Valuation of Travel Time in Economic Analysis”, 1997. 56 Federal Highway Administration, “Measuring Travel Time in Freight-Significant Corridors”, FHWA-HOP-05-036, EDL 14126, April 2006 December 2007 Page A-9 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT hire.57 For-hire trucks, for example, tend to have higher values of time than private ones as companies that pay drivers hourly wages have higher values of time than those who pay commissions or fixed salary. According to Forkenbrock and March,58 the value of time used by FHWA is $25.24 per vehicle-hour for large trucks. In their literature review, they found that VOTs for trucking range as high as $193.80 per hour, with a median value of $40 per hour and a mean of $51.80 per hour59. The Texas Transportation Institute estimates the value of truck time to be on the order of $25 to $35 per hour. 60 A recent study of Minnesota Commercial Vehicle Operators, which relied upon a stated preference survey, found an average VOT of $49.42 per hour.61 Ferrari in a 2002 study on optimum toll level, assumed a normal distribution for the value of travel time, with mean (VOT) and variance (0.3VOT2).62 In Virginia, the toll feasibility study for US 460 conducted by Parsons Transportation Group assumed a three- and four-axle truck VOT of $25 per hour and a heavy truck VOT in quartiles ranging from $7.22 to $66.85 per hour.63 In light of these various data sources and estimates, the following truck VOTs were selected for use in this study (2000 dollars / hour): • Medium Truck: $25.00 • Heavy Truck Quartile 1: $7.50 • Heavy Truck Quartile 2: $20.00 • Heavy Truck Quartile 3: $35.00 • Heavy Truck Quartile 4: $50.00 The mean values align with the latest recommendations issued by FHWA and lie within the acceptable range of values reflected in the literature. Feedback Loop Many regional travel demand models are now incorporating a feedback loop that inputs travel times from peak period highway assignment into the trip distribution step. The benefit of this inclusion of a feedback loop is that it allows trip pattern decisions made in the trip distribution step to be based upon travel times that are similar to those used for selecting the travel path in highway assignment. To input the speed feedback loop, we fed the travel times from the AM peak period highway assignment into the trip distribution step for work trips; non-work trip purposes continued to use uncongested travel times as in the original HRPDC model. Different regional travel demand models use different criteria for determining when travel times have converged and thus to end the feedback loop. We reviewed some of these methods and implemented an approach similar to that used in the Atlanta Regional Commission’s travel demand model. Specifically, we used the Method of Successive Averages to combine travel times between iterations, and considered travel times to have converged after the following two conditions were met: 57 De Palma, André, Moez Kilani, and Robin Lindsey, “Where are the benefits from separating cars and trucks?”, Working Paper, 2006, referencing work of De Jong 2000 and Kawamura 2000 and 2003. 58 as reported in De Palma, 2006 59 as reported in De Palma, 2006 60 Texas Transportation Researcher, Vol. 39 No. 1 2003, a publication of the Texas Transportation Institute 61 Smalkoski, Brian, and David Levinson, “Value of Time for Commercial Vehicle Operators in Minnesota”, December 2003. Smalkoski and Levinson found an average value of $49.42, which converts to $55.25 in 2006 dollars. 62 P. Ferrari “Road Network Toll Pricing and Social Welfare”, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 36, 2002, pp. 471-483. As reported in st FHWA/NJ-2005-012 “Evaluation Study of New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s Time of Day Pricing Initiative” May 31 2005 Final report 63 Parsons Transportation Group, “Route 460 Toll Feasibility Study Summary Report”, State Project 0460-969-101, April 26, 2005 December 2007 Page A-10 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT 1. Weighted percent change in average travel time between feedback loop iterations is less than 7%. 2. Total percent change in link volumes between iterations is less than 3%. All alternatives were cycled through the feedback loop six times, whereupon convergence criteria were satisfied for all but one of the demand sensitivity scenarios. That scenario was subsequently run for two more (eight total) iterations to successfully satisfy convergence criteria. Model Validation After enhancing the HRPDC travel demand model as described above, we compared its performance to the original model and validated against observed data where available. Specifically, we performed cutline analysis of traffic volumes for two major river crossings, including the Elizabeth River, and we reviewed travel times of major roads in the study area. We also analyzed traffic patterns both of focus area trips and for the entire region, and considered the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) of the overall region. Finally, as an indication of the toll forecasting capabilities of the model, we reviewed forecasts with and without tolls for the original and enhanced models. Cutline A common step in the validation of travel demand models is to compare how closely the model predicts traffic to actual traffic levels. This check is commonly conducted for “cutlines” of roughly parallel locations since a travel demand model may have trouble identifying some particular features that cause travelers to choose a particular road instead of a nearby one. As part of our validation, we evaluated traffic levels for two cutline locations, displayed in Exhibit A-4. The first cutline is for the crossing of the Elizabeth River including its southern branch and the second cutline is for the crossing of Hampton Roads. For each of these cutlines, we collected observed traffic levels from the VDOT traffic count program. For some locations we were able to obtain the distribution of traffic throughout the day for 2006 and / or 2007. We used these data to identify approximate volumes of traffic in the AM and PM peak periods for year 2000. We also identified heavy vehicle daily traffic volumes for the count locations. December 2007 Page A-11 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT B HR JA M ES RI VE R BR G Exhibit A-4: Map of Cutline Locations M ID TO W N TU Cutline 1 N L MMB T T Cutline 2 WN TO WN DO NL TU RG NB DA JOR WY ARY H MILIT I 64 Exhibit A-5 presents the Elizabeth River Crossing cutline information. This is the main study area cutline, and includes Midtown and Downtown tunnel crossings and their competing routes. The structure of the table includes the observed traffic volumes for both all vehicles and for heavy vehicles only at the daily, AM and PM peak period levels in the right columns for each location of the cutline. The model forecasted traffic levels and the percentage difference from observed levels for all vehicles and heavy vehicles only are in the center columns for the original model and in the left columns for the enhanced model. Exhibit A-5 shows that the enhanced model provides forecasts that are closer to actual traffic levels, with the cutline total difference reduced from 4% for the original model to 2% for the enhanced model. The enhanced model more closely predicts traffic levels for all but one location, the Downtown Tunnel, and the increased difference in that location is a result of the enhanced model vastly improving the forecast of the Midtown Tunnel causing extra traffic in the model to shift to the Downtown Tunnel. When considering the two tunnels only, the difference in the forecast of the enhanced model is only half of the forecast difference of the original model (11,267 vs. 22,184). December 2007 Page A-12 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-5: Elizabeth River Crossings Cutline Traffic Volumes Observed Midtown Tunnel Downtown Tunnel Jordan Bridge Military Highway (US 460 / US 13) I-64 (High Rise Bridge) Cutline Total Original Model Enhanced Model All Vehicles Heavy Vehicles All Vehicles % Difference Heavy Vehicles % Difference All Vehicles % Difference Heavy Vehicles % Difference Daily 31,000 1,347 45,869 48% N/A N/A 32,999 6% 1,719 28% AM 4,981 5,376 8% 316 PM 5,872 5,798 -1% 186 Daily 99,423 108,691 9% 4,638 AM 16,562 18,194 10% 690 PM 15,939 19,806 24% 542 Daily 7,443 6,167 -17% 168 AM 1,275 1,496 17% 100 PM 1,361 2,237 64% 42 Daily 30,550 29,825 -2% 143 AM 5,875 4,914 -16% 18 PM 7,261 5,926 -18% 20 Daily 73,280 70,046 -4% 4,335 AM 12,549 11,766 -6% 683 PM 13,398 14,066 5% 571 Daily 241,696 247,728 2% 11,004 AM 41,242 41,746 1% 1,807 PM 43,830 47,833 9% 1,362 5,007 285 742 6,421 13,802 106,738 11,610 24,309 63,761 252,286 7% 56% -20% -13% 4% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -7% -41% -81% -32% -20% Source: VDOT, CRA International December 2007 Page A-13 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-6 presents the Hampton Roads Crossing cutline information. Hampton Roads is a natural barrier of the region, separating the Peninsula from the Southside, and is another major cutline in the region. Exhibit A-6 is structured the same as Exhibit A-5. For the Hampton Roads Crossing, the enhanced model does a better job of matching the total cutline volume, with a 6% difference compared to an 11% difference for the original model. December 2007 Page A-14 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-6: Hampton Roads Crossings Cutline Traffic Volumes Observed MMBT HRBT James River Bridge Cutline Total Original Model Enhanced Model All Vehicles Heavy Vehicles All Vehicles % Difference Heavy Vehicles % Difference All Vehicles Daily 47,000 3,212 60,400 29% N/A N/A AM 10,751 PM 7,968 Daily 84,823 AM % Difference Heavy Vehicles % Difference 55,042 17% 5,618 75% 7,628 -29% 731 9,841 24% 783 88,818 5% 4,565 16,162 12,582 -22% 739 PM 13,721 15,378 12% 549 Daily 26,635 24,567 -8% 624 AM 4,934 3,766 -24% 79 PM 6,203 4,889 -21% 71 Daily 158,458 168,427 6% 10,807 AM 31,847 23,975 -25% 1,549 PM 27,893 30,108 8% 1,403 4,492 1,122 8,826 86,173 28,599 175,172 2% 7% 11% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2% -44% 22% Source: VDOT, CRA International December 2007 Page A-15 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Travel Time Travel time, in particular the travel time savings offered by a tolled route, is a major input in the decision to use a tolled path. We therefore evaluated how well the model predicted travel times. The HRPDC conducts a regional travel time collection program, with the most recent collection effort in 2002.64 Additionally, as part of its congestion management program, the HRPDC collects travel time information for bridges and tunnels in the region.65 We extracted travel time information from these two sources for the AM and PM peak periods for travel in each direction on major roads in our study area to use as observed values. For tunnels and bridges with travel times included in both sources, we simply averaged the values included in each source. It is important to note that while travel time data collection for a specific route might typically include multiple observations for each time period to capture the variability of travel times even during a single peak period, the Hampton Roads Regional Travel Time program only collects one observation in each direction for each time period because of the extent of its coverage. Accordingly, the observed travel times served as an indication of the travel time for the road in that time period. Exhibits A-7 through A-11 compare the original and enhanced models’ forecasted travel times to the observed travel times for major study area roads during the two peak periods in each direction. Specifically, Exhibit A-7 presents travel times for eastbound travel in the AM peak period; Exhibit A8 presents travel times for westbound travel in the AM peak period; Exhibit A-9 presents travel times for eastbound travel in the PM peak period; and Exhibit A-10 presents travel times for westbound travel in the PM peak period. There are two major contributing factors to any discrepancies: • First as discussed above, most of the observed travel times are based on a single observation which does not capture the variability of travel times during different portions of the peak periods. • Second, the enhanced model is a macro model that treats vehicles as a flow and does not account for independent interactions of vehicles with each other and road conditions through the complex geometry of some road segments. Despite these limitations, the enhanced model improves travel times that occur during the peak periods and directions, in large part because of its time of day element. 64 Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, “Hampton Roads Regional Travel Time”, 2002 Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, “Congestion Management System: Bridges and Tunnels Roadway Congestion Analysis Mitigation Strategies and Evaluation Part 2”, 2005 65 December 2007 Page A-16 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-7: Travel Time Eastbound AM66 Eastbound AM Extents To Observed Original Model % Difference Enhanced Model % Difference From Midtown Tunnel / MLK Freeway Brambleton Av Turnpike Rd 14.3 3.6 -75% 9.7 -32% I-264 / Downtown Tunnel / Berkley Bridge Brambleton Av Frederick Blvd 13.7 6.1 -55% 9.5 -30% Elm St (Jordan Brdg) I-464 G. W. Hwy 5.4 4.0 -25% 3.8 -29% Military Highway I-464 Airline Blvd 13.9 13.0 -6% 12.4 -10% I-64 (High Rise Bridge) I-464 Bowers Hill Rp 12.5 9.2 -26% 9.2 -27% Frederick Boulevard G. W. Hwy High St 5.9 4.0 -32% 4.1 -30% Table A-8: Travel Time Westbound AM64 Westbound AM Extents To Observed Original Model % Difference Enhanced Model % Difference From Midtown Tunnel / MLK Freeway Turnpike Rd Brambleton Av 5.5 3.6 -35% 3.9 -29% I-264 / Downtown Tunnel / Berkley Bridge Frederick Blvd Brambleton Av 8.1 6.4 -22% 5.8 -29% Elm St (Jordan Brdg) G. W. Hwy I-464 6.3 4.0 -37% 3.6 -43% Military Highway Airline Blvd I-464 14.3 12.8 -10% 12.9 -10% I-64 (High Rise Bridge) Bowers Hill Rp I-464 8.7 9.4 8% 8.1 -7% Frederick Boulevard High St G. W. Hwy 6.2 4.1 -33% 4.0 -34% Exhibit A-9: Travel Time Eastbound PM64 Eastbound PM Extents To Original Model % Difference Enhanced Model % Difference 9.7 3.6 -63% 5.1 -47% 7.3 6.1 -16% 6.8 -7% From Midtown Tunnel / MLK Freeway Brambleton Av I-264 / Downtown Tunnel / Berkley Bridge Brambleton Av Elm St (Jordan Brdg) I-464 G. W. Hwy Military Highway I-464 Airline Blvd I-64 (High Rise Bridge) I-464 Bowers Hill Rp Frederick Boulevard G. W. Hwy 66 Observed Turnpike Rd Frederick Blvd 13.2 4.0 -69% 3.9 -71% 15.5 13.0 -16% 14.0 -10% 8.8 9.2 5% 9.3 6% 5.0 4.0 -20% 4.3 -15% High St Source: HRPDC, CRA International December 2007 Page A-17 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-10: Travel Time Westbound PM67 Westbound AM Extents To Observed Original Model % Difference Enhanced Model % Difference From Midtown Tunnel / MLK Freeway Turnpike Rd Brambleton Av 6.1 3.6 -41% 9.7 59% I-264 / Downtown Tunnel / Berkley Bridge Frederick Blvd Brambleton Av 10.0 6.4 -36% 11.2 12% Elm St (Jordan Brdg) G. W. Hwy I-464 5.9 4.0 -33% 5.4 -9% Military Highway Airline Blvd I-464 15.4 12.8 -16% 13.2 -14% I-64 (High Rise Bridge) Bowers Hill Rp I-464 9.0 9.4 5% 11.2 25% Frederick Boulevard High St G. W. Hwy 5.8 4.1 -29% 4.3 -26% Travel Patterns We made a couple of modifications to the trip distribution step - adding the toll cost into the impedance and including a travel time feedback loop - with the intention of improving the trip patterns developed by the enhanced model. To evaluate trip patterns, we compared the work trip patterns contained in the 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) to those developed by the model. We present two comparisons of model work trip patterns to CTPP trip patterns. The first comparison considers only those trips for origin-destinations that are likely to use the Midtown or Downtown Tunnels. The second comparison considers all trips of the model. Exhibits A-11 through A-15 present the first comparison of work trips of primary interest to this study. To isolate the trips that are potential users of the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels, we used the model’s select link technique to identify the origin-destination pairs having trips that use either tunnel. We then isolated all CTPP and model work trips of these origin-destination pairs for this analysis. Finally, we aggregated trip information to the county level for presentation purposes. Exhibit A-11 displays the actual county-level trip patterns for trips that potentially would use either the Midtown or Downtown Tunnel. Exhibit A-12 presents the home based hbwork trip patterns from the original model, and Exhibit A-13 displays the differences in number of trips between Exhibits A11 and A-12. Exhibit A-14 presents the home based hbwork trip patterns from the enhanced model, while Exhibit A-15 displays the difference in number of trips between Exhibits A-11 and A14. A comparison of Exhibits A-13 and A-14 shows that, for the most part, the enhanced model more closely matches the CTPP trips. In particular, the original model is off by over 4,000 trips for the important county-pair of Portsmouth to Norfolk while the enhanced model differs by less than 1,000 trips. 67 Source: HRPDC, CRA International December 2007 Page A-18 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-11: Observed County-County CTPP Tunnel Potential Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 4 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 1,124 0 0 0 14 0 424 0 0 0 1,758 0 287 0 307 0 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 33 47 4,722 0 97 0 64 44 0 0 4 0 6,930 0 1,839 285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 1,828 136 0 2,440 30 0 0 4,212 0 burg Willia ms Beac h Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk port N e ws 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 New Ham pton e apea k Ches y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 York Jame s Cit ht f Wig Isle o Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 82 903 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 1,431 0 482 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International Exhibit A-12: Original Model County - County Home Based Work Tunnel Potential Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 704 0 2 0 5 0 296 0 0 0 1,730 0 138 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 354 0 0 0 9 26 5,330 0 30 0 38 13 0 0 2 0 11,265 0 2,002 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2,780 38 2 2,534 2 0 0 2,622 0 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 40 886 0 0 0 1 47 0 0 0 0 1,798 0 412 78 0 0 0 burg Willia ms Beac h Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk port N e ws 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 13 0 0 0 New Ham pton Ches apea k e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 York y Jame s Cit ht f Wig Isle o Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International December 2007 Page A-19 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-13: Difference between Observed and Original Model County - County Home Based Work Tunnel Potential Trips 0 -6 0 0 -420 2 -9 -128 0 -28 -149 -67 0 0 0 0 207 0 0 0 -24 -21 608 0 -67 0 -26 -31 0 0 -2 0 4,335 0 163 -232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7 952 -98 2 94 -28 0 0 -1,590 0 burg Willia ms Beac h 0 0 0 0 -42 0 0 -31 0 0 0 -22 0 Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk port N e ws 0 0 0 0 -11 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 New 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ham pton e apea k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ches y York ht f Wig 0 0 0 0 -30 0 0 4 0 0 0 -1 0 Jame s Cit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Isle o Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0 11 0 0 -17 0 1 0 0 367 -70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International Exhibit A-14: Enhanced Model County - County Home Based Work Tunnel Potential Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 6 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 965 0 2 0 5 0 248 0 0 0 2,333 0 201 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 248 0 0 0 9 20 4,894 0 30 0 34 8 0 0 2 0 7,902 0 1,798 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2,443 35 1 1,619 2 0 0 2,267 0 0 0 0 79 0 0 0 0 41 1,097 0 0 0 1 36 0 0 0 0 2,014 0 474 75 0 0 0 burg Willia ms Beac h Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk port N e ws 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 New Ham pton Ches apea k e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 York y Jame s Cit ht f Wig Isle o Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International December 2007 Page A-20 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-15: Difference between Observed and Enhanced Model County - County Home Based Work Tunnel Potential Trips 0 6 0 0 -159 2 -9 -176 0 575 -86 -47 0 0 0 0 0 -27 0 0 -36 0 0 0 -243 0 0 101 0 -24 172 -67 -30 0 -2 972 -41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -8 615 -101 1 -821 -28 0 0 -1,945 0 0 21 0 0 194 0 1 0 0 583 -9 0 0 burg Willia ms Beac h 0 0 0 0 -41 0 0 -42 0 0 0 -25 0 Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk port N e ws 0 0 0 0 -12 0 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 New 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ham pton e apea k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 Ches York y ht f Wig Jame s Cit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Isle o Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International Exhibits A-16 through A-18 contain the second comparison of work trips, this time for the entire model coverage area. Exhibit A-16 displays the county-county trip flows contained in the CTPP with each county pair’s value representing its share of all trips. Exhibit A-17 and A-18 contain the model’s work trips in the same format for the original and the enhanced model respectively. These tables show that both the original and the enhanced models produce work trip patterns similar to CTPP for the entire HRPDC region. Exhibit A-16: Observed County - County Home Based Work Trips 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 1.4% 0.3% 0.0% 0.1% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 5.5% 0.1% 0.1% 0.9% 0.0% 1.1% 0.5% 2.6% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 1.0% 0.2% 4.9% 2.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.4% 0.0% 1.1% 0.1% 0.2% 3.5% 2.4% 0.8% 6.9% 0.5% 0.3% 10.5% 0.2% 0.0% 0.2% 1.2% 0.2% 0.5% 0.3% 7.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.1% 0.1% 0.6% 0.0% 2.8% 0.5% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 2.2% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 2.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 1.6% 0.2% 0.2% 18.2% 0.0% 0.0% g Willia msbu r Beac h Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk port New s New pton Ham apea ke 0.2% 0.0% 0.3% 1.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.7% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% Ches York Jame s Cit y Isle o f Wig ht Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0.1% 0.0% 0.6% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International December 2007 Page A-21 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Exhibit A-17: Original Model County - County Home Based Work Trips 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 0.4% 0.0% 0.1% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 5.5% 0.1% 0.1% 0.8% 0.0% 1.1% 0.6% 2.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.7% 0.1% 5.0% 2.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 1.3% 0.1% 0.1% 3.3% 2.7% 0.4% 6.8% 0.2% 0.1% 10.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 1.5% 0.2% 0.4% 0.1% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 2.4% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% Willia msbu rg Virgin ia Be ach Suffo lk mou th Ports Poqu oson Norfo lk New port New s Ham pton apea ke 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.8% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% Ches York Jame s Cit y Isle o f Wig ht Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 2.2% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.3% 1.8% 0.2% 0.1% 20.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 0.5% 0.0% 0.1% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International Exhibit A-18: Enhanced Model County - County Home Based Work Trips 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 0.4% 0.0% 0.1% 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 5.4% 0.1% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 1.3% 0.6% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.7% 0.1% 5.1% 2.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 1.3% 0.1% 0.1% 3.5% 2.8% 0.4% 6.8% 0.2% 0.0% 10.6% 0.3% 0.0% 0.1% 1.1% 0.1% 0.4% 0.0% 8.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 2.7% 0.5% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 2.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.4% 1.8% 0.2% 0.1% 20.6% 0.0% 0.0% Willia msbu rg Beac h Virgin ia Suffo lk Ports mou th Poqu oson Norfo lk t New s New por Ham pton eake 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.7% 0.0% 0.2% 0.8% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% Ches ap York Jame s Cit y Isle o f Wig ht Origin Gloucester Isle of Wight James City York Chesapeake Hampton Newport News Norfolk Poquoson Portsmouth Suffolk Virginia Beach Williamsburg Glou ceste r Destination 0.1% 0.0% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.1% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% Source: Census Transportation Planning Package, CRA International VMT The Vehicle Miles Traveled produced via the enhanced model were also compared to HRPDC measured estimates. The HRPDC model network data includes traffic count volumes for many links. By combining this count information with link distances, VMT levels can be easily computed. A sampling of data indicated that most of the enhanced model link volumes matched traffic count data collected from VDOT’s traffic count program. The model’s forecasted VMT was also calculated by combining the forecasted volumes with the link distance for the links that had traffic count information. Exhibit A-19 compares the original and enhanced models’ VMT levels to the observed VMT levels by facility type (freeway, principal arterial, minor arterial, and collectors) and area type (urban, suburban, and rural), and Exhibit A-20 compares the VMT levels of all area types combined. These December 2007 Page A-22 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT tables indicate that for some facility type - area type combinations the enhanced model more closely matches observed VMT levels, while for others the original model more closely matches observations. In general, network indicators verify that localized study area enhancements to the model have not adversely affected the network at large. Exhibit A-19: Modeled VMT vs. Actual VMT – Urban, Suburban & Rural Urban Facility Type Suburban Rural Observed Original Model Enhanced Model Observed Original Model Enhanced Model Observed Original Model Enhanced Model Freeway 105,518 102,433 96,628 3,698,668 3,667,714 3,535,440 1,370,352 1,579,34 8 1,460,493 Principal Arterial 232,578 206,852 232,094 1,428,504 1,317,905 1,441,218 500,719 567,376 648,907 Minor Arterial 172,054 160,327 155,788 2,846,518 2,683,824 2,772,001 734,468 864,209 896,860 7,832 327 3,146 215,727 132,872 136,641 161,143 127,194 132,746 Collectors Exhibit A-20: Modeled VMT vs. Actual VMT - Total Total Facility Type Observed Original Model Enhanced Model Freeway 5,174,538 5,349,495 5,092,561 Principal Arterial 2,161,801 2,092,133 2,322,219 Minor Arterial 3,753,040 3,708,360 3,824,649 Collectors 384,702 260,393 272,533 Toll Sensitivity As a final review of the enhanced model before using it for our toll forecasting, we evaluated forecasts produced for the Midtown Tunnel and Downtown Tunnel with and without tolls. Exhibit A21 presents the results of adding $0.50 and $1.00 tolls on the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels to the original and enhanced models. Using the models’ predicted volumes at each toll level, we calculated the mid point arc elasticity. It was necessary to use the mid point arc elasticity rather than the log arc elasticity because our validated base point has no toll which computationally prohibits calculation of the log arc elasticity. A literature review of different studies that compile elasticity observations found a range of elasticity values between -0.03 and -0.5. However, care must be used when comparing elasticities from different studies because different methods commonly used to compute elasticity can obtain different values even when using identical inputs. Also, elasticity to tolls is facility-specific in many regards since travelers’ responses to tolls will likely differ by location depending on the level of service offered by competing routes and the regional VOTs. Exhibit A-21 shows that while the December 2007 Page A-23 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT elasticities of both models are in the range found in the literature, the enhanced model is more elastic than the original model. Exhibit A-21: Toll Volumes and Mid Point Arc Elasticity No Toll $1.00 Toll Original Model Enhanced Model Original Model Enhanced Model Original Model Enhanced Model Midtown Tunnel Volume 45,869 32,999 42,117 28,810 38,249 26,906 Downtown Tunnel Volume 106,738 108,691 97,724 84,971 88,626 57,447 Total Volume 152,607 141,691 139,841 113,781 126,875 84,353 -0.044 -0.109 -0.092 -0.254 Mid Point Arc Elasticity December 2007 $0.50 Toll Page A-24 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT This Page Intentionally Left Blank. December 2007 Page A-25 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT APPENDIX B TOLL REVENUE FORECASTING December 2007 Page B-1 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Introduction The methodology used to forecast MTCP toll revenues is described in this appendix, including: • Review of the future daily traffic forecasts generated by the enhanced model; • Translation of these values into gross annual revenue; and • Production of the net annual revenue schedules. Daily Traffic and Revenue Forecasts The enhanced Hampton Roads regional travel demand model was used to generate daily traffic forecasts for each of the toll cases for years 2020 and 2030: • For the cases with constant toll rates, the model was run with the appropriate toll levels and traffic volumes for each of the four daily time periods (AM peak, PM peak, Mid-day, Nighttime) were combined for total daily forecasts. • For cases with toll rates fluctuating by time of day, toll forecasts for daily time periods were developed for additional toll rates of: $0.25, $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, and $3.00. Recognizing that there were constant toll rates similar to each of these additional toll rates and assuming that travel patterns would not change significantly, only the highway assignment step of the model was run to generate traffic estimates. The volume results for appropriate rates and time periods were combined for total daily forecasts. • For high and low demand sensitivity runs, the final trip table from the Toll Alternative 3 (middle toll level) was compared to the year 2000 final trip table. The volume difference between the two represented the total trip growth. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the growth was applied to the year 2000 trip table to estimate a low demand scenario and 125% of the growth was applied for the high demand scenario. • The Hampton Roads Third Crossing Demand Sensitivity scenario was run using the full travel forecasting procedure, with the highway network modified to reflect the additional capacity of the Hampton Roads Third Crossing project. Corresponding revenue for all cases and scenarios was calculated based on the estimated traffic volumes and assumed toll rates. Toll Forecast Profile The 2030 daily forecasts were then reviewed as an indication of the relationships between the toll rates, and traffic and revenue levels. Exhibits B-1 through B-4 display the profile of daily traffic and revenue across the toll alternatives for year 2030 for each toll case. Exhibit B-1 depicts the relationship of daily traffic and revenue for toll alternatives of the No Toll on MLK with constant toll rates case. The daily revenue increases with increasing toll rates, from $82,000 at the $0.50 toll level to $222,000 at the $2.00 level. The increase over the range shown suggests that higher toll levels could produce more toll revenue if needed to finance this project. The daily traffic decreases with increasing toll rates. December 2007 Page B-2 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT $250,000 200,000 $200,000 160,000 $150,000 120,000 $100,000 80,000 $50,000 40,000 $0 Daily Traffic Daily Revenue Exhibit B-1: 2030 Daily Traffic and Revenue Profile for No MLK Toll Scenario 0 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Revenue Toll Scenario Traffic Exhibit B-2 displays the same relationship of daily traffic and revenue of toll alternatives for the No Toll on MLK Scenario with constant toll rates concept, but this time with tolls that vary by time of day tolls. The revenue curve still increases with increasing toll rates, now from $85,000 at the lowest toll level to $239,000 at the highest toll level. In general, revenue is higher than when constant toll rates throughout the day are used; this highlights the potential revenue benefit of using time of day tolls. $300,000 200,000 $250,000 160,000 $200,000 120,000 $150,000 80,000 $100,000 Daily Traffic Daily Revenue Exhibit B-2: 2030 Daily Traffic and Revenue Profile for No MLK Toll Scenario with Time of Day Tolls 40,000 $50,000 $0 0 Toll 1 Toll 2 Toll 3 Toll 4 Toll Scenario Toll 5 Revenue Traffic Exhibit B-3 displays the same relationship of daily traffic and revenue for each toll alternative of the Toll on MLK with constant toll rates concept. As might be expected, revenue is greater than without tolls on MLK. It still is continuously increasing with rising toll rates, now from $90,000 at the $0.50 toll level to $234,000 at the $2.00 toll level. As with the other exhibits, the daily traffic decreases with the higher toll levels. December 2007 Page B-3 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT $300,000 240,000 $250,000 200,000 $200,000 160,000 $150,000 120,000 $100,000 80,000 $50,000 40,000 $0 Daily Traffic Daily Revenue Exhibit B-3: 2030 Daily Traffic and Revenue Profile for MLK Toll Scenario 0 Toll 1 Toll 2 Toll 3 Toll 4 Toll 5 Revenue Toll Scenario Traffic Exhibit B-4 displays the relationship of daily traffic and revenue for toll alternatives of the Toll on MLK with time of day toll rates concept. It has the highest revenue of any toll concept considered. Like the others, it increases with increasing toll rates, now from $94,000 at the lowest toll level to $252,000 at the highest toll level. Also like the other exhibits, the daily traffic decreases with the higher toll levels. $250,000 240,000 $200,000 200,000 160,000 $150,000 120,000 $100,000 80,000 $50,000 Daily Traffic Daily Revenue Exhibit B-4: 2030 Daily Traffic and Revenue Profile for MLK Toll Scenario with Time of Day Tolls 40,000 $0 0 $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 Toll Scenario $2.00 Revenue Traffic Gross Revenue Schedule Preparation The daily traffic forecasts produced using the travel demand model were converted into a stream of annual toll revenue as required by the financial model. This conversion from travel demand model outputs to a revenue schedule included the development of non-forecasted year revenues, toll inflation rate, annualization factor, and a ramp-up factor, as discussed in the following paragraphs. December 2007 Page B-4 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Using the enhanced travel demand model, we produced traffic and revenue forecasts for each alternative in years 2020 and 2030. Forecasts for non-model forecasted years between the opening year and 2030 were estimated by applying the compound annual growth rate between the 2020 and 2030 forecasts to the 2020 and 2030 forecasts. Beyond 2030, traffic was projected to grow at 1% annually between 2030 and 2049, at 0.5% annually between 2050 and 2074, and at 0.25% annually beyond 2075. Combined with traffic growth, toll rate increases determine future year gross toll revenue. To develop our revenue schedule, we assumed that toll rates will increase in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) at an annual growth rate of 2.5%. This approach is consistent with a toll increase mechanism included in toll concession agreements, such as the Chicago Skyway Concession. Our travel demand forecasting treats all monetary elements in constant year 2000 dollars. This required us to convert the 2007 dollar toll rates for each alternative into 2000 dollars for the demand modeling. We then converted the revenue forecasts from 2000 dollars into current year dollars by applying this annual inflation rate of 2.5%. The travel demand model produces daily forecasts, which we needed to convert to an annual level for the financial analysis. We multiplied the daily forecasts by 315 to convert them into annual forecasts. This 315-day annualization factor reflects the assumption that weekend days produce roughly half the toll traffic and revenue as weekdays. “Ramp-up” adjustments reflect the time for travelers to develop familiarity with the new toll facility, and for the surrounding development to reach the steady state conditions assumed in the toll model’s input data and forecasts. The toll facilities we are considering are not start-up projects because tolls will be added to existing facilities with mature travel conditions. Thus we assume a single year of ramp-up, with a 75% ramp-up factor reflecting that only 75% of forecasted traffic and gross revenue would be realized in the opening year. Given the mature travel conditions of the area, it is not anticipated that ramp-up would extend beyond one year. Net Revenue Schedule Preparation The final step in the conversion of the travel demand model outputs into the financial feasibility analysis inputs was to prepare the net revenue schedule. To do this, we first needed to calculate the transaction tcost schedule for each toll alternative. We use a transaction cost of $0.06 (2007 dollars) plus 2.2% of toll value to calculate the transaction costtc schedule. Since each toll alternative results in a different number of transactions and toll revenue, the transaction costtc varies by alternative. We developed a schedule of transaction tcosts by year from the corresponding annual traffic and gross toll revenue forecasts for each alternative. We then subtracted from the gross revenue schedule this transaction costtc schedule, along with the operating costoc and maintenance costmc schedules, to determine the net revenue nrschedule. Revenue Schedules The following pages present the revenue schedules for each of the toll concepts and toll alternatives. December 2007 Page B-5 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-1 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $0.50 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $25,052,400 $3,526,815 $34,606,094 $4,904,955 $35,854,451 $5,116,433 $37,150,097 $5,337,261 $38,494,940 $5,567,867 $39,890,968 $5,808,695 $41,340,255 $6,060,213 $42,844,968 $6,322,910 $44,407,365 $6,597,299 $46,029,805 $6,883,917 $47,714,751 $7,183,326 $49,464,773 $7,496,116 $51,282,555 $7,822,904 $53,170,899 $8,164,338 $55,132,733 $8,521,095 $57,076,162 $8,895,276 $59,088,097 $9,285,995 $61,170,952 $9,693,985 $63,327,228 $10,120,015 $65,559,513 $10,564,887 $67,870,486 $11,029,437 $70,262,921 $11,514,541 $72,739,689 $12,021,113 $75,303,763 $12,550,108 $77,958,220 $13,102,523 $80,706,248 $13,679,400 $83,551,143 $14,281,828 $86,496,321 $14,910,943 $89,545,316 $15,567,935 $92,701,788 $16,254,044 $95,969,526 $16,970,567 $99,352,452 $17,718,857 $102,854,626 $18,500,331 $106,480,252 $19,316,467 $109,687,969 $20,068,963 $112,992,319 $20,850,982 $116,396,213 $21,663,688 $119,902,649 $22,508,291 $123,514,716 $23,386,051 $127,235,597 $24,298,277 $131,068,569 $25,246,328 $135,017,010 $26,231,620 $139,084,397 $27,255,623 $143,274,315 $28,319,866 $147,590,453 $29,425,939 $152,036,616 $30,575,494 $156,616,719 $31,770,249 $161,334,798 $33,011,991 $166,195,008 $34,302,576 $171,201,633 $35,643,937 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $9,552,332 $17,308,823 $17,911,971 $18,537,877 $19,187,491 $19,861,805 $20,561,858 $21,288,737 $22,043,579 $22,827,575 $23,641,971 $24,488,072 $25,367,245 $26,280,921 $27,230,600 $28,121,512 $29,040,650 $29,988,864 $30,967,027 $31,976,033 $33,016,805 $34,090,287 $35,197,450 $36,339,290 $37,516,830 $38,731,120 $39,983,236 $41,274,286 $42,605,401 $43,977,745 $45,392,511 $46,850,920 $48,354,226 $49,903,714 $51,054,832 $52,227,418 $53,421,619 $54,637,569 $55,875,389 $57,135,180 $58,417,026 $59,720,992 $61,047,122 $62,395,439 $63,765,939 $65,158,597 $66,573,356 $68,010,134 $69,468,816 $70,949,254 Page B-6 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-1 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 $0.50 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $176,359,082 $37,038,079 $181,671,899 $38,487,091 $187,144,765 $39,993,142 $192,782,502 $41,558,489 $198,590,074 $43,185,477 $204,572,600 $44,876,545 $210,735,350 $46,634,230 $217,083,752 $48,461,166 $223,623,400 $50,360,096 $229,787,020 $52,203,686 $236,120,525 $54,115,213 $242,628,597 $56,097,192 $249,316,048 $58,152,234 $256,187,821 $60,283,044 $263,248,998 $62,492,431 $270,504,799 $64,783,305 $277,960,587 $67,158,688 $285,621,876 $69,621,711 $293,494,329 $72,175,623 $301,583,766 $74,823,794 $309,896,169 $77,569,719 $318,437,682 $80,417,024 $327,214,621 $83,369,467 $336,233,474 $86,430,950 $345,500,909 $89,605,517 $355,023,778 $92,897,364 $364,809,120 $96,310,843 $374,864,172 $99,850,468 $385,196,366 $103,520,921 $395,813,340 $107,327,059 $406,722,946 $111,273,918 $417,933,247 $115,366,724 $429,452,532 $119,610,895 $441,289,317 $124,012,054 $453,452,354 $128,576,031 $465,950,635 $133,308,873 $478,793,399 $138,216,855 $491,990,142 $143,306,483 $505,550,620 $148,584,507 $519,484,859 $154,057,928 $533,803,161 $159,734,008 $548,516,110 $165,620,280 $563,634,586 $171,724,557 $579,169,764 $178,054,944 $595,133,130 $184,619,849 $611,536,487 $191,427,991 $628,391,962 $198,488,416 $645,712,015 $205,810,507 $663,509,453 $213,403,998 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $72,451,265 $73,974,630 $75,519,088 $77,084,339 $78,670,035 $80,275,783 $81,901,139 $83,545,605 $85,208,629 $86,446,745 $87,678,943 $88,903,613 $90,119,049 $91,323,445 $92,514,889 $93,691,356 $94,850,707 $95,990,681 $97,108,890 $98,202,813 $99,269,790 $100,307,016 $101,311,533 $102,280,227 $103,209,815 $104,096,841 $104,937,670 $105,728,475 $106,465,232 $107,143,712 $107,759,468 $108,307,829 $108,783,888 $109,182,494 $109,498,237 $109,725,442 $109,858,153 $109,890,124 $109,814,805 $109,625,327 $109,314,492 $108,874,757 $108,298,218 $107,576,595 $106,701,220 $105,663,013 $104,452,470 $103,059,644 $101,474,126 Page B-7 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-2 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $0.75 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $33,582,652 $3,446,559 $46,521,696 $4,802,800 $48,339,664 $5,019,924 $50,234,140 $5,247,261 $52,208,665 $5,485,318 $54,266,958 $5,734,626 $56,412,931 $5,995,746 $58,650,698 $6,269,266 $60,984,586 $6,555,808 $63,419,149 $6,856,025 $65,959,176 $7,170,607 $68,609,712 $7,500,279 $71,376,066 $7,845,806 $74,263,828 $8,207,995 $77,278,887 $8,587,696 $80,002,968 $8,959,977 $82,823,073 $9,348,535 $85,742,586 $9,754,088 $88,765,012 $10,177,384 $91,893,979 $10,619,204 $95,133,242 $11,080,366 $98,486,689 $11,561,722 $101,958,344 $12,064,163 $105,552,376 $12,588,617 $109,273,097 $13,136,058 $113,124,974 $13,707,497 $117,112,629 $14,303,996 $121,240,849 $14,926,660 $125,514,589 $15,576,644 $129,938,979 $16,255,155 $134,519,328 $16,963,454 $139,261,134 $17,702,857 $144,170,089 $18,474,737 $149,252,085 $19,280,532 $153,748,304 $20,022,128 $158,379,971 $20,792,523 $163,151,168 $21,592,845 $168,066,097 $22,424,265 $173,129,088 $23,288,000 $178,344,602 $24,185,317 $183,717,233 $25,117,530 $189,251,715 $26,086,007 $194,952,922 $27,092,169 $200,825,879 $28,137,492 $206,875,759 $29,223,514 $213,107,891 $30,351,828 $219,527,766 $31,524,094 $226,141,040 $32,742,037 $232,953,539 $34,007,449 $239,971,264 $35,322,192 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $18,162,841 $29,326,579 $30,493,693 $31,711,921 $32,983,765 $34,311,864 $35,699,001 $37,148,111 $38,662,292 $40,244,810 $41,899,115 $43,628,847 $45,437,853 $47,330,192 $49,310,154 $50,983,617 $52,713,086 $54,500,395 $56,347,442 $58,256,182 $60,228,631 $62,266,874 $64,373,056 $66,549,393 $68,798,172 $71,121,748 $73,522,555 $76,003,098 $78,565,966 $81,213,824 $83,949,424 $86,775,603 $89,695,283 $92,711,482 $95,162,002 $97,673,529 $100,247,416 $102,885,044 $105,587,812 $108,357,145 $111,194,488 $114,101,310 $117,079,102 $120,129,377 $123,253,670 $126,453,538 $129,730,558 $133,086,331 $136,522,474 $140,040,630 Page B-8 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-2 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 $0.75 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $247,200,399 $36,688,204 $254,647,311 $38,107,496 $262,318,561 $39,582,162 $270,220,908 $41,114,377 $278,361,313 $42,706,401 $286,746,947 $44,360,585 $295,385,199 $46,079,372 $304,283,678 $47,865,301 $313,450,224 $49,721,013 $322,089,696 $51,520,770 $330,967,293 $53,386,270 $340,089,579 $55,319,931 $349,463,298 $57,324,262 $359,095,380 $59,401,864 $368,992,946 $61,555,433 $379,163,315 $63,787,767 $389,614,003 $66,101,765 $400,352,739 $68,500,435 $411,387,462 $70,986,898 $422,726,329 $73,564,386 $434,377,723 $76,236,255 $446,350,259 $79,005,984 $458,652,788 $81,877,178 $471,294,406 $84,853,581 $484,284,458 $87,939,071 $497,632,548 $91,137,672 $511,348,545 $94,453,556 $525,442,589 $97,891,051 $539,925,101 $101,454,645 $554,806,786 $105,148,991 $570,098,648 $108,978,916 $585,811,992 $112,949,426 $601,958,435 $117,065,711 $618,549,915 $121,333,157 $635,598,697 $125,757,346 $653,117,386 $130,344,069 $671,118,934 $135,099,331 $689,616,649 $140,029,362 $708,624,208 $145,140,621 $728,155,663 $150,439,807 $748,225,454 $155,933,868 $768,848,418 $161,630,012 $790,039,802 $167,535,710 $811,815,274 $173,658,715 $834,190,933 $180,007,067 $857,183,320 $186,589,101 $880,809,435 $193,413,467 $905,086,746 $200,489,134 $930,033,199 $207,825,402 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $143,642,457 $147,329,636 $151,103,864 $154,966,857 $158,920,349 $162,966,090 $167,105,845 $171,341,396 $175,674,536 $179,432,337 $183,254,654 $187,141,855 $191,094,270 $195,112,184 $199,195,835 $203,345,411 $207,561,047 $211,842,820 $216,190,748 $220,604,783 $225,084,808 $229,630,633 $234,241,989 $238,918,527 $243,659,809 $248,465,303 $253,334,381 $258,266,309 $263,260,244 $268,315,226 $273,430,173 $278,603,873 $283,834,976 $289,121,988 $294,463,264 $299,856,998 $305,301,212 $310,793,753 $316,332,279 $321,914,252 $327,536,925 $333,197,333 $338,892,281 $344,618,335 $350,371,804 $356,148,735 $361,944,892 $367,755,748 $373,576,468 Page B-9 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-3 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $1.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $40,408,862 $3,314,850 $56,145,626 $4,631,087 $58,514,407 $4,852,859 $60,989,764 $5,085,661 $63,576,898 $5,330,068 $66,281,287 $5,586,686 $69,108,702 $5,856,155 $72,065,224 $6,139,150 $75,157,263 $6,436,383 $78,391,575 $6,748,608 $81,775,286 $7,076,617 $85,315,910 $7,421,252 $89,021,374 $7,783,398 $92,900,040 $8,163,991 $96,960,735 $8,564,021 $100,378,601 $8,930,855 $103,916,946 $9,313,565 $107,580,019 $9,712,845 $111,372,214 $10,129,418 $115,298,085 $10,564,041 $119,362,342 $11,017,501 $123,569,865 $11,490,622 $127,925,703 $11,984,264 $132,435,084 $12,499,326 $137,103,421 $13,036,743 $141,936,316 $13,597,495 $146,939,571 $14,182,603 $152,119,191 $14,793,134 $157,481,393 $15,430,202 $163,032,612 $16,094,969 $168,779,511 $16,788,650 $174,728,989 $17,512,513 $180,888,186 $18,267,880 $187,264,494 $19,056,135 $192,905,837 $19,780,311 $198,717,126 $20,532,334 $204,703,479 $21,313,284 $210,870,171 $22,124,285 $217,222,635 $22,966,505 $223,766,467 $23,841,157 $230,507,432 $24,749,500 $237,451,468 $25,692,846 $244,604,694 $26,672,556 $251,973,410 $27,690,044 $259,564,109 $28,746,780 $267,383,478 $29,844,292 $275,438,405 $30,984,168 $283,735,987 $32,168,058 $292,283,534 $33,397,675 $301,088,575 $34,674,803 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $25,120,760 $39,122,223 $40,835,501 $42,629,144 $44,507,247 $46,474,133 $48,534,362 $50,692,753 $52,954,393 $55,324,654 $57,809,214 $60,414,073 $63,145,570 $66,010,408 $69,015,676 $71,388,371 $73,841,929 $76,379,071 $79,002,609 $81,715,451 $84,520,598 $87,421,151 $90,420,313 $93,521,393 $96,727,810 $100,043,093 $103,470,889 $107,014,965 $110,679,211 $114,467,643 $118,384,412 $122,433,802 $126,620,237 $130,948,288 $134,561,353 $138,270,872 $142,079,289 $145,989,098 $150,002,854 $154,123,170 $158,352,716 $162,694,224 $167,150,486 $171,724,357 $176,418,755 $181,236,661 $186,181,124 $191,255,257 $196,462,243 $201,805,330 Page B-10 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-3 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 $1.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $310,158,869 $36,001,292 $319,502,405 $37,379,068 $329,127,415 $38,810,130 $339,042,378 $40,296,557 $349,256,030 $41,840,509 $359,777,367 $43,444,231 $370,615,661 $45,110,056 $381,780,457 $46,840,410 $393,281,594 $48,637,812 $404,121,418 $50,379,247 $415,260,014 $52,183,748 $426,705,618 $54,053,619 $438,466,692 $55,991,250 $450,551,930 $57,999,117 $462,970,268 $60,079,789 $475,730,886 $62,235,930 $488,843,218 $64,470,301 $502,316,960 $66,785,764 $516,162,071 $69,185,288 $530,388,788 $71,671,950 $545,007,629 $74,248,943 $560,029,402 $76,919,573 $575,465,212 $79,687,273 $591,326,472 $82,555,600 $607,624,908 $85,528,241 $624,372,569 $88,609,022 $641,581,838 $91,801,909 $659,265,438 $95,111,012 $677,436,441 $98,540,596 $696,108,283 $102,095,082 $715,294,768 $105,779,055 $735,010,080 $109,597,266 $755,268,795 $113,554,647 $776,085,891 $117,656,308 $797,476,759 $121,907,549 $819,457,212 $126,313,865 $842,043,501 $130,880,956 $865,252,325 $135,614,732 $889,100,842 $140,521,319 $913,606,684 $145,607,073 $938,787,968 $150,878,583 $964,663,312 $156,342,682 $991,251,844 $162,006,456 $1,018,573,223 $167,877,253 $1,046,647,648 $173,962,693 $1,075,495,874 $180,270,677 $1,105,139,229 $186,809,401 $1,135,599,629 $193,587,361 $1,166,899,593 $200,613,369 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $207,287,838 $212,913,158 $218,684,749 $224,606,147 $230,680,958 $236,912,864 $243,305,623 $249,863,067 $256,589,107 $262,605,582 $268,749,897 $275,024,207 $281,430,677 $287,971,481 $294,648,800 $301,464,818 $308,421,725 $315,521,712 $322,766,967 $330,159,678 $337,702,026 $345,396,185 $353,244,318 $361,248,575 $369,411,089 $377,733,974 $386,219,322 $394,869,196 $403,685,633 $412,670,631 $421,826,154 $431,154,119 $440,656,399 $450,334,814 $460,191,123 $470,227,027 $480,444,154 $490,844,059 $501,428,215 $512,198,008 $523,154,726 $534,299,557 $545,633,578 $557,157,746 $568,872,893 $580,779,712 $592,878,752 $605,170,404 $617,654,895 Page B-11 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-4 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $1.50 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $50,603,537 $3,112,578 $70,648,218 $4,366,569 $73,981,656 $4,594,690 $77,479,860 $4,835,117 $81,151,450 $5,088,541 $85,005,524 $5,355,689 $89,051,686 $5,637,335 $93,300,081 $5,934,295 $97,761,421 $6,247,435 $102,447,025 $6,577,671 $107,368,849 $6,925,973 $112,539,528 $7,293,371 $117,972,417 $7,680,952 $123,681,632 $8,089,871 $129,682,099 $8,521,352 $134,253,393 $8,878,980 $138,985,825 $9,251,811 $143,885,075 $9,640,498 $148,957,024 $10,045,723 $154,207,759 $10,468,198 $159,643,583 $10,908,666 $165,271,019 $11,367,901 $171,096,823 $11,846,712 $177,127,986 $12,345,943 $183,371,747 $12,866,474 $189,835,601 $13,409,223 $196,527,306 $13,975,150 $203,454,894 $14,565,255 $210,626,679 $15,180,581 $218,051,269 $15,822,219 $225,737,576 $16,491,306 $233,694,826 $17,189,028 $241,932,569 $17,916,623 $250,460,692 $18,675,385 $258,005,820 $19,370,291 $265,778,245 $20,091,448 $273,784,815 $20,839,858 $282,032,583 $21,616,566 $290,528,814 $22,422,654 $299,280,995 $23,259,248 $308,296,835 $24,127,517 $317,584,277 $25,028,676 $327,151,503 $25,963,985 $337,006,942 $26,934,755 $347,159,276 $27,942,346 $357,617,449 $28,988,173 $368,390,675 $30,073,704 $379,488,444 $31,200,464 $390,920,534 $32,370,038 $402,697,015 $33,584,071 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $35,517,707 $53,889,333 $56,560,919 $59,369,784 $62,323,327 $65,429,367 $68,696,167 $72,132,465 $75,747,500 $79,551,041 $83,553,421 $87,765,571 $92,199,058 $96,866,120 $101,779,709 $105,315,039 $108,972,562 $112,756,475 $116,671,115 $120,720,968 $124,910,673 $129,245,025 $133,728,985 $138,367,677 $143,166,406 $148,130,650 $153,266,078 $158,578,548 $164,074,118 $169,759,051 $175,639,821 $181,723,123 $188,015,877 $194,525,236 $200,071,355 $205,772,878 $211,634,050 $217,659,229 $223,852,885 $230,219,606 $236,764,102 $243,491,203 $250,405,866 $257,513,178 $264,818,355 $272,326,751 $280,043,858 $287,975,308 $296,126,880 $304,504,501 Page B-12 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-4 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 $1.50 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $414,828,262 $34,844,275 $427,324,964 $36,152,425 $440,198,128 $37,510,367 $453,459,097 $38,920,019 $467,119,552 $40,383,371 $481,191,529 $41,902,492 $495,687,423 $43,479,533 $510,620,007 $45,116,727 $526,002,435 $46,816,394 $540,500,377 $48,460,095 $555,397,918 $50,162,382 $570,706,074 $51,925,367 $586,436,160 $53,751,243 $602,599,806 $55,642,279 $619,208,963 $57,600,830 $636,275,911 $59,629,334 $653,813,265 $61,730,321 $671,833,993 $63,906,411 $690,351,418 $66,160,320 $709,379,229 $68,494,864 $728,931,494 $70,912,962 $749,022,668 $73,417,637 $769,667,605 $76,012,025 $790,881,569 $78,699,377 $812,680,242 $81,483,061 $835,079,741 $84,366,569 $858,096,627 $87,353,520 $881,747,915 $90,447,668 $906,051,092 $93,652,900 $931,024,125 $96,973,249 $956,685,477 $100,412,893 $983,054,121 $103,976,166 $1,010,149,550 $107,667,557 $1,037,991,797 $111,491,723 $1,066,601,446 $115,453,489 $1,095,999,648 $119,557,858 $1,126,208,139 $123,810,017 $1,157,249,250 $128,215,340 $1,189,145,933 $132,779,403 $1,221,921,768 $137,507,983 $1,255,600,986 $142,407,069 $1,290,208,489 $147,482,872 $1,325,769,860 $152,741,829 $1,362,311,392 $158,190,614 $1,399,860,100 $163,836,146 $1,438,443,744 $169,685,598 $1,478,090,849 $175,746,407 $1,518,830,728 $182,026,282 $1,560,693,500 $188,533,217 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $313,114,249 $321,962,360 $331,055,226 $340,399,404 $350,001,619 $359,868,764 $370,007,908 $380,426,299 $391,131,366 $400,903,693 $410,909,167 $421,152,914 $431,640,152 $442,376,196 $453,366,455 $464,616,439 $476,131,752 $487,918,098 $499,981,282 $512,327,205 $524,961,872 $537,891,389 $551,121,960 $564,659,895 $578,511,604 $592,683,600 $607,182,498 $622,015,018 $637,187,980 $652,708,307 $668,583,025 $684,819,261 $701,424,244 $718,405,304 $735,769,870 $753,525,471 $771,679,731 $790,240,376 $809,215,222 $828,612,181 $848,439,257 $868,704,543 $889,416,220 $910,582,554 $932,211,892 $954,312,661 $976,893,367 $999,962,583 $1,023,528,955 Page B-13 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-5 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $2.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $55,391,744 $2,840,013 $77,608,608 $3,996,018 $81,559,943 $4,217,272 $85,720,659 $4,451,149 $90,102,394 $4,698,394 $94,717,468 $4,959,797 $99,578,924 $5,236,197 $104,700,573 $5,528,485 $110,097,043 $5,837,607 $115,783,827 $6,164,567 $121,777,340 $6,510,432 $128,094,976 $6,876,333 $134,755,166 $7,263,474 $141,777,448 $7,673,134 $149,182,534 $8,106,670 $154,441,219 $8,441,159 $159,885,272 $8,789,649 $165,521,227 $9,152,733 $171,355,851 $9,531,031 $177,396,144 $9,925,188 $183,649,359 $10,335,878 $190,122,998 $10,763,803 $196,824,834 $11,209,696 $203,762,909 $11,674,321 $210,945,552 $12,158,476 $218,381,383 $12,662,990 $226,079,326 $13,188,733 $234,048,623 $13,736,607 $242,298,837 $14,307,556 $250,839,871 $14,902,565 $259,681,976 $15,522,660 $268,835,766 $16,168,911 $278,312,227 $16,842,436 $288,122,733 $17,544,400 $296,802,430 $18,185,542 $305,743,603 $18,850,523 $314,954,129 $19,540,243 $324,442,122 $20,255,636 $334,215,941 $20,997,672 $344,284,196 $21,767,358 $354,655,758 $22,565,740 $365,339,763 $23,393,905 $376,345,623 $24,252,978 $387,683,035 $25,144,132 $399,361,986 $26,068,580 $411,392,766 $27,027,587 $423,785,973 $28,022,461 $436,552,526 $29,054,564 $449,703,670 $30,125,310 $463,250,993 $31,236,165 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $40,578,479 $61,220,275 $64,516,624 $67,994,551 $71,664,418 $75,537,204 $79,624,543 $83,938,767 $88,492,949 $93,300,946 $98,377,454 $103,738,057 $109,399,285 $115,378,674 $121,694,826 $125,940,685 $130,334,170 $134,880,391 $139,584,633 $144,452,363 $149,489,237 $154,701,103 $160,094,012 $165,674,223 $171,448,209 $177,422,664 $183,604,515 $190,000,924 $196,619,301 $203,467,306 $210,552,867 $217,884,180 $225,469,722 $233,318,262 $240,052,715 $246,979,161 $254,102,980 $261,429,698 $268,964,994 $276,714,698 $284,684,802 $292,881,460 $301,310,993 $309,979,894 $318,894,831 $328,062,654 $337,490,399 $347,185,289 $357,154,745 $367,406,386 Page B-14 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-5 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 $2.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $477,206,430 $32,388,653 $491,582,273 $33,584,356 $506,391,189 $34,824,919 $521,646,224 $36,112,047 $537,360,816 $37,447,513 $553,548,811 $38,833,156 $570,224,469 $40,270,888 $587,402,481 $41,762,695 $605,097,981 $43,310,636 $621,775,994 $44,805,120 $638,913,695 $46,352,100 $656,523,753 $47,953,447 $674,619,189 $49,611,101 $693,213,381 $51,327,071 $712,320,075 $53,103,439 $731,953,397 $54,942,363 $752,127,862 $56,846,076 $772,858,386 $58,816,896 $794,160,296 $60,857,223 $816,049,339 $62,969,541 $838,541,699 $65,156,429 $861,654,004 $67,420,556 $885,403,343 $69,764,689 $909,807,272 $72,191,693 $934,883,835 $74,704,540 $960,651,571 $77,306,309 $987,129,530 $80,000,188 $1,014,337,287 $82,789,484 $1,042,294,959 $85,677,621 $1,071,023,214 $88,668,151 $1,100,543,291 $91,764,751 $1,130,877,016 $94,971,233 $1,162,046,813 $98,291,550 $1,194,075,729 $101,729,794 $1,226,987,441 $105,290,209 $1,260,806,282 $108,977,193 $1,295,557,255 $112,795,302 $1,331,266,052 $116,749,260 $1,367,959,073 $120,843,963 $1,405,663,445 $125,084,482 $1,444,407,043 $129,476,075 $1,484,218,513 $134,024,193 $1,525,127,285 $138,734,483 $1,567,163,606 $143,612,799 $1,610,358,553 $148,665,207 $1,654,744,061 $153,897,996 $1,700,352,944 $159,317,683 $1,747,218,922 $164,931,024 $1,795,376,643 $170,745,019 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $377,948,039 $388,787,738 $399,933,735 $411,394,503 $423,178,741 $435,295,383 $447,753,599 $460,562,805 $473,732,669 $485,834,285 $498,235,225 $510,942,514 $523,963,323 $537,304,978 $550,974,957 $564,980,897 $579,330,594 $594,032,006 $609,093,257 $624,522,638 $640,328,609 $656,519,805 $673,105,033 $690,093,282 $707,493,717 $725,315,689 $743,568,734 $762,262,575 $781,407,126 $801,012,494 $821,088,981 $841,647,088 $862,697,515 $884,251,165 $906,319,145 $928,912,770 $952,043,563 $975,723,257 $999,963,802 $1,024,777,359 $1,050,176,308 $1,076,173,246 $1,102,780,991 $1,130,012,583 $1,157,881,284 $1,186,400,581 $1,215,584,185 $1,245,446,034 $1,276,000,295 Page B-15 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-6 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $0.50 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $27,238,506 $4,382,019 $37,648,391 $6,102,538 $39,029,665 $6,374,182 $40,463,884 $6,658,171 $41,953,191 $6,955,079 $43,499,818 $7,265,507 $45,106,095 $7,590,085 $46,774,454 $7,929,473 $48,507,429 $8,284,362 $50,307,665 $8,655,477 $52,177,924 $9,043,577 $54,121,086 $9,449,458 $56,140,158 $9,873,953 $58,238,278 $10,317,936 $60,418,723 $10,782,325 $62,548,483 $11,257,878 $64,753,317 $11,754,524 $67,035,871 $12,273,204 $69,398,886 $12,814,898 $71,845,196 $13,380,634 $74,377,740 $13,971,481 $76,999,555 $14,588,561 $79,713,789 $15,233,043 $82,523,700 $15,906,149 $85,432,661 $16,609,156 $88,444,162 $17,343,399 $91,561,819 $18,110,269 $94,789,373 $18,911,225 $98,130,698 $19,747,787 $101,589,805 $20,621,544 $105,170,846 $21,534,158 $108,878,118 $22,487,363 $112,716,072 $23,482,973 $116,689,314 $24,522,880 $120,204,579 $25,482,287 $123,825,742 $26,479,460 $127,555,993 $27,515,895 $131,398,617 $28,593,143 $135,357,000 $29,712,820 $139,434,630 $30,876,605 $143,635,098 $32,086,244 $147,962,105 $33,343,551 $152,419,464 $34,650,414 $157,011,100 $36,008,794 $161,741,059 $37,420,733 $166,613,509 $38,888,350 $171,632,741 $40,413,851 $176,803,177 $41,999,529 $182,129,373 $43,647,769 $187,616,020 $45,361,049 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $10,883,235 $19,153,537 $19,829,436 $20,530,755 $21,258,530 $22,013,843 $22,797,826 $23,611,660 $24,456,580 $25,333,874 $26,244,892 $27,191,043 $28,173,799 $29,194,701 $30,255,360 $31,231,231 $32,237,340 $33,274,564 $34,343,801 $35,445,970 $36,582,014 $37,752,901 $38,959,620 $40,203,186 $41,484,636 $42,805,035 $44,165,471 $45,567,056 $47,010,932 $48,498,262 $50,030,239 $51,608,080 $53,233,031 $54,906,363 $56,158,119 $57,432,363 $58,729,191 $60,048,686 $61,390,904 $62,755,884 $64,143,639 $65,554,156 $66,987,398 $68,443,296 $69,921,752 $71,422,634 $72,945,777 $74,490,976 $76,057,988 $77,646,528 Page B-16 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-6 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 $0.50 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $193,267,953 $47,141,948 $199,090,150 $48,993,144 $205,087,741 $50,917,425 $211,266,009 $52,917,687 $217,630,397 $54,996,944 $224,186,513 $57,158,329 $230,940,132 $59,405,097 $237,897,203 $61,740,636 $245,063,857 $64,168,467 $251,818,429 $66,526,350 $258,759,175 $68,971,371 $265,891,224 $71,506,763 $273,219,851 $74,135,881 $280,750,473 $76,862,205 $288,488,658 $79,689,343 $296,440,127 $82,621,040 $304,610,758 $85,661,179 $313,006,592 $88,813,786 $321,633,836 $92,083,041 $330,498,869 $95,473,276 $339,608,244 $98,988,986 $348,968,696 $102,634,834 $358,587,146 $106,415,656 $368,470,704 $110,336,468 $378,626,678 $114,402,474 $389,062,575 $118,619,071 $399,786,113 $122,991,857 $410,805,217 $127,526,641 $422,128,036 $132,229,445 $433,762,940 $137,106,519 $445,718,531 $142,164,344 $458,003,648 $147,409,643 $470,627,374 $152,849,391 $483,599,041 $158,490,820 $496,928,239 $164,341,436 $510,624,824 $170,409,022 $524,698,921 $176,701,653 $539,160,935 $183,227,704 $554,021,558 $189,995,863 $569,291,777 $197,015,144 $584,982,882 $204,294,893 $601,106,472 $211,844,809 $617,674,469 $219,674,952 $634,699,122 $227,795,756 $652,193,017 $236,218,046 $670,169,087 $244,953,051 $688,640,622 $254,012,418 $707,621,279 $263,408,230 $727,125,091 $273,153,021 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $79,256,267 $80,886,827 $82,537,781 $84,208,648 $85,898,891 $87,607,912 $89,335,053 $91,079,587 $92,840,715 $94,155,490 $95,461,434 $96,756,669 $98,039,205 $99,306,937 $100,557,636 $101,788,949 $102,998,387 $104,183,322 $105,340,979 $106,468,433 $107,562,598 $108,620,219 $109,637,869 $110,611,939 $111,538,626 $112,413,932 $113,233,648 $113,993,347 $114,688,379 $115,313,851 $115,864,628 $116,335,311 $116,720,235 $117,013,451 $117,208,717 $117,299,482 $117,278,877 $117,139,696 $116,874,386 $116,475,030 $115,933,329 $115,240,590 $114,387,707 $113,365,142 $112,162,909 $110,770,552 $109,177,128 $107,371,186 $105,340,741 Page B-17 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-7 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $0.75 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $36,723,969 $4,151,972 $50,885,017 $5,791,092 $52,883,873 $6,058,275 $54,965,328 $6,338,099 $57,133,014 $6,631,178 $59,390,733 $6,938,157 $61,742,466 $7,259,714 $64,192,383 $7,596,561 $66,744,851 $7,949,445 $69,404,446 $8,319,150 $72,175,961 $8,706,502 $75,064,421 $9,112,368 $78,075,088 $9,537,657 $81,213,482 $9,983,325 $84,485,387 $10,450,378 $87,463,497 $10,905,530 $90,546,585 $11,380,661 $93,738,352 $11,876,655 $97,042,629 $12,394,433 $100,463,382 $12,934,957 $104,004,716 $13,499,235 $107,670,882 $14,088,315 $111,466,281 $14,703,296 $115,395,467 $15,345,322 $119,463,157 $16,015,592 $123,674,233 $16,715,354 $128,033,750 $17,445,915 $132,546,940 $18,208,638 $137,219,219 $19,004,948 $142,056,197 $19,836,332 $147,063,678 $20,704,345 $152,247,673 $21,610,609 $157,614,403 $22,556,821 $163,170,311 $23,544,751 $168,085,816 $24,454,585 $173,149,402 $25,399,884 $178,365,527 $26,382,041 $183,738,789 $27,402,503 $189,273,920 $28,462,773 $194,975,797 $29,564,417 $200,849,442 $30,709,058 $206,900,032 $31,898,387 $213,132,895 $33,134,159 $219,553,524 $34,418,200 $226,167,574 $35,752,408 $232,980,872 $37,138,755 $239,999,421 $38,579,293 $247,229,403 $40,076,152 $254,677,189 $41,631,549 $262,349,339 $43,247,787 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $20,598,744 $32,701,609 $33,999,551 $35,352,270 $36,762,254 $38,232,108 $39,764,567 $41,362,501 $43,028,919 $44,766,982 $46,580,004 $48,471,467 $50,445,025 $52,504,517 $54,653,971 $56,498,592 $58,404,471 $60,373,594 $62,408,010 $64,509,831 $66,681,237 $68,924,475 $71,241,859 $73,635,780 $76,108,698 $78,663,151 $81,301,756 $84,027,210 $86,842,292 $89,749,866 $92,752,884 $95,854,388 $99,057,514 $102,365,489 $105,067,059 $107,835,599 $110,672,580 $113,579,498 $116,557,871 $119,609,239 $122,735,169 $125,937,247 $129,217,085 $132,576,314 $136,016,591 $139,539,592 $143,147,015 $146,840,579 $150,622,024 $154,493,110 Page B-18 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-7 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $0.75 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $270,252,613 $44,927,262 $278,393,973 $46,672,462 $286,780,592 $48,485,975 $295,419,857 $50,370,492 $304,319,380 $52,328,809 $313,487,001 $54,363,834 $322,930,797 $56,478,589 $332,659,088 $58,676,216 $342,680,443 $60,959,982 $352,125,572 $63,175,737 $361,831,033 $65,472,694 $371,804,001 $67,853,847 $382,051,849 $70,322,302 $392,582,153 $72,881,280 $403,402,699 $75,534,121 $414,521,486 $78,284,289 $425,946,734 $81,135,378 $437,686,891 $84,091,111 $449,750,636 $87,155,354 $462,146,888 $90,332,113 $474,884,811 $93,625,545 $487,973,824 $97,039,959 $501,423,602 $100,579,826 $515,244,091 $104,249,781 $529,445,506 $108,054,633 $544,038,348 $111,999,367 $559,033,404 $116,089,156 $574,441,763 $120,329,362 $590,274,814 $124,725,549 $606,544,263 $129,283,485 $623,262,140 $134,009,155 $640,440,802 $138,908,764 $658,092,952 $143,988,748 $676,231,639 $149,255,782 $694,870,273 $154,716,791 $714,022,635 $160,378,955 $733,702,884 $166,249,721 $753,925,570 $172,336,814 $774,705,644 $178,648,246 $796,058,468 $185,192,326 $817,999,829 $191,977,671 $840,545,950 $199,013,222 $863,713,497 $206,308,249 $887,519,601 $213,872,369 $911,981,860 $221,715,554 $937,118,360 $229,848,150 $962,947,684 $238,280,886 $989,488,930 $247,024,890 $1,016,761,719 $256,091,707 December 2007 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $158,455,614 $162,511,333 $166,662,082 $170,909,692 $175,256,009 $179,702,896 $184,252,227 $188,905,891 $193,665,785 $197,813,246 $202,031,970 $206,322,362 $210,684,782 $215,119,541 $219,626,899 $224,207,059 $228,860,164 $233,586,296 $238,385,466 $243,257,615 $248,202,607 $253,220,222 $258,310,156 $263,472,012 $268,705,295 $274,009,408 $279,383,641 $284,827,172 $290,339,053 $295,918,209 $301,563,425 $307,273,345 $313,046,456 $318,881,087 $324,775,396 $330,727,361 $336,734,773 $342,795,221 $348,906,090 $355,064,538 $361,267,498 $367,511,654 $373,793,437 $380,109,008 $386,454,244 $392,824,726 $399,215,723 $405,622,176 $412,038,683 Page B-19 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-8 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 $1.00 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $44,241,850 $3,776,669 $61,473,819 $5,276,944 $64,068,665 $5,530,269 $66,778,867 $5,796,146 $69,609,879 $6,075,220 $72,567,433 $6,368,170 $75,657,551 $6,675,712 $78,886,559 $6,998,599 $82,261,106 $7,337,626 $85,788,183 $7,693,631 $89,475,136 $8,067,495 $93,329,692 $8,460,150 $97,359,974 $8,872,576 $101,574,526 $9,305,807 $105,982,335 $9,760,934 $109,718,212 $10,180,043 $113,585,779 $10,617,329 $117,589,678 $11,073,586 $121,734,714 $11,549,644 $126,025,863 $12,046,371 $130,468,275 $12,564,671 $135,067,281 $13,105,489 $139,828,403 $13,669,811 $144,757,354 $14,258,667 $149,860,051 $14,873,133 $155,142,618 $15,514,330 $160,611,395 $16,183,433 $166,272,947 $16,881,663 $172,134,068 $17,610,301 $178,201,794 $18,370,680 $184,483,407 $19,164,194 $190,986,447 $19,992,298 $197,718,720 $20,856,511 $204,688,304 $21,758,421 $210,854,540 $22,587,309 $217,206,533 $23,448,134 $223,749,879 $24,342,139 $230,490,344 $25,270,613 $237,433,866 $26,234,898 $244,586,561 $27,236,389 $251,954,731 $28,276,533 $259,544,868 $29,356,835 $267,363,657 $30,478,861 $275,417,987 $31,644,235 $283,714,954 $32,854,647 $292,261,867 $34,111,853 $301,066,256 $35,417,677 $310,135,877 $36,774,017 $319,478,720 $38,182,842 $329,103,016 $39,646,201 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $28,491,929 $43,804,559 $45,712,349 $47,707,762 $49,795,077 $51,978,796 $54,263,655 $56,654,639 $59,156,993 $61,776,238 $64,518,186 $67,388,956 $70,394,992 $73,543,078 $76,840,363 $79,478,795 $82,206,999 $85,027,989 $87,944,883 $90,960,898 $94,079,359 $97,303,700 $100,637,466 $104,084,322 $107,648,050 $111,332,559 $115,141,884 $119,080,192 $123,151,787 $127,361,115 $131,712,764 $136,211,475 $140,862,140 $145,669,813 $149,703,057 $153,844,479 $158,096,834 $162,462,944 $166,945,692 $171,548,032 $176,272,984 $181,123,635 $186,103,145 $191,214,743 $196,461,732 $201,847,489 $207,375,465 $213,049,187 $218,872,262 $224,848,373 Page B-20 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-8 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $1.00 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $339,017,245 $41,166,222 $349,230,139 $42,745,119 $359,750,697 $44,385,189 $370,588,187 $46,088,823 $381,752,156 $47,858,505 $393,252,440 $49,696,815 $405,099,169 $51,606,436 $417,302,782 $53,590,157 $429,874,028 $55,650,876 $441,722,431 $57,647,845 $453,897,406 $59,717,261 $466,407,953 $61,861,777 $479,263,322 $64,084,140 $492,473,017 $66,387,201 $506,046,805 $68,773,915 $519,994,720 $71,247,346 $534,327,075 $73,810,671 $549,054,465 $76,467,183 $564,187,778 $79,220,300 $579,738,204 $82,073,561 $595,717,238 $85,030,640 $612,136,694 $88,095,343 $629,008,712 $91,271,620 $646,345,765 $94,563,565 $664,160,670 $97,975,421 $682,466,598 $101,511,592 $701,277,084 $105,176,640 $720,606,034 $108,975,301 $740,467,737 $112,912,480 $760,876,879 $116,993,268 $781,848,548 $121,222,941 $803,398,249 $125,606,972 $825,541,913 $130,151,034 $848,295,912 $134,861,013 $871,677,068 $139,743,009 $895,702,667 $144,803,351 $920,390,472 $150,048,600 $945,758,735 $155,485,560 $971,826,210 $161,121,286 $998,612,170 $166,963,096 $1,026,136,418 $173,018,578 $1,054,419,303 $179,295,599 $1,083,481,735 $185,802,320 $1,113,345,200 $192,547,203 $1,144,031,777 $199,539,023 $1,175,564,153 $206,786,880 $1,207,965,640 $214,300,211 $1,241,260,193 $222,088,803 $1,275,472,427 $230,162,806 December 2007 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $230,981,284 $237,274,842 $243,732,973 $250,359,690 $257,159,089 $264,135,353 $271,292,752 $278,635,644 $286,168,477 $292,937,998 $299,853,775 $306,918,384 $314,134,417 $321,504,485 $329,031,212 $336,717,237 $344,565,212 $352,577,797 $360,757,663 $369,107,484 $377,629,939 $386,327,708 $395,203,471 $404,259,903 $413,499,671 $422,925,434 $432,539,836 $442,345,504 $452,345,045 $462,541,042 $472,936,048 $483,532,583 $494,333,131 $505,340,130 $516,555,972 $527,982,996 $539,623,481 $551,479,640 $563,553,615 $575,847,469 $588,363,180 $601,102,630 $614,067,604 $627,259,773 $640,680,692 $654,331,789 $668,214,353 $682,329,526 $696,678,292 Page B-21 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-9 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $1.50 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $54,099,465 $3,413,453 $75,513,799 $4,788,253 $79,059,726 $5,037,924 $82,778,798 $5,300,985 $86,679,862 $5,578,175 $90,772,241 $5,870,279 $95,065,758 $6,178,123 $99,570,765 $6,502,584 $104,298,175 $6,844,585 $109,259,490 $7,205,107 $114,466,838 $7,585,185 $119,933,005 $7,985,913 $125,671,477 $8,408,451 $131,696,474 $8,854,025 $138,022,999 $9,323,932 $142,888,310 $9,716,103 $147,925,122 $10,124,979 $153,139,483 $10,551,278 $158,537,650 $10,995,751 $164,126,102 $11,459,181 $169,911,547 $11,942,386 $175,900,929 $12,446,219 $182,101,437 $12,971,570 $188,520,512 $13,519,367 $195,165,860 $14,090,581 $202,045,457 $14,686,223 $209,167,559 $15,307,349 $216,540,716 $15,955,060 $224,173,776 $16,630,507 $232,075,902 $17,334,889 $240,256,577 $18,069,459 $248,725,622 $18,835,524 $257,493,200 $19,634,448 $266,569,835 $20,467,655 $274,600,251 $21,231,005 $282,872,584 $22,023,246 $291,394,121 $22,845,487 $300,172,368 $23,698,877 $309,215,061 $24,584,612 $318,530,165 $25,503,931 $328,125,886 $26,458,124 $338,010,678 $27,448,531 $348,193,250 $28,476,541 $358,682,572 $29,543,601 $369,487,884 $30,651,210 $380,618,707 $31,800,929 $392,084,845 $32,994,376 $403,896,401 $34,233,236 $416,063,780 $35,519,254 $428,597,702 $36,854,249 December 2007 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $38,712,760 $58,333,231 $61,195,755 $64,202,854 $67,362,104 $70,681,494 $74,169,450 $77,834,861 $81,687,103 $85,736,069 $89,992,198 $94,466,506 $99,170,619 $104,116,809 $109,318,029 $113,112,832 $117,038,691 $121,100,102 $125,301,713 $129,648,328 $134,144,917 $138,796,618 $143,608,742 $148,586,780 $153,736,411 $159,063,505 $164,574,132 $170,274,564 $176,171,289 $182,271,014 $188,580,669 $195,107,423 $201,858,683 $208,842,109 $214,805,073 $220,935,418 $227,237,727 $233,716,703 $240,377,174 $247,224,094 $254,262,546 $261,497,750 $268,935,057 $276,579,961 $284,438,099 $292,515,253 $300,817,355 $309,350,493 $318,120,910 $327,135,010 Page B-22 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-9 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4(part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $1.50 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $441,509,207 $38,240,105 $454,809,672 $39,678,784 $468,510,814 $41,172,320 $482,624,702 $42,722,831 $497,163,771 $44,332,512 $512,140,830 $46,003,648 $527,569,072 $47,738,610 $543,462,090 $49,539,863 $559,833,886 $51,409,968 $575,264,307 $53,218,868 $591,120,030 $55,092,358 $607,412,776 $57,032,771 $624,154,590 $59,042,525 $641,357,851 $61,124,129 $659,035,277 $63,280,180 $677,199,937 $65,513,374 $695,865,260 $67,826,501 $715,045,046 $70,222,457 $734,753,475 $72,704,240 $755,005,118 $75,274,961 $775,814,946 $77,937,842 $797,198,346 $80,696,225 $819,171,125 $83,553,572 $841,749,529 $86,513,474 $864,950,251 $89,579,651 $888,790,442 $92,755,962 $913,287,729 $96,046,404 $938,460,222 $99,455,122 $964,326,532 $102,986,414 $990,905,782 $106,644,734 $1,018,217,622 $110,434,698 $1,046,282,245 $114,361,095 $1,075,120,400 $118,428,885 $1,104,753,406 $122,643,213 $1,135,203,172 $127,009,411 $1,166,492,209 $131,533,008 $1,198,643,651 $136,219,735 $1,231,681,266 $141,075,534 $1,265,629,481 $146,106,563 $1,300,513,394 $151,319,209 $1,336,358,794 $156,720,092 $1,373,192,183 $162,316,074 $1,411,040,793 $168,114,272 $1,449,932,605 $174,122,062 $1,489,896,372 $180,347,092 $1,530,961,641 $186,797,292 $1,573,158,771 $193,480,882 $1,616,518,960 $200,406,384 $1,661,074,264 $207,582,636 December 2007 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $336,399,364 $345,920,710 $355,705,958 $365,762,197 $376,096,697 $386,716,910 $397,630,481 $408,845,246 $420,369,243 $430,908,850 $441,701,302 $452,752,213 $464,067,300 $475,652,391 $487,513,418 $499,656,426 $512,087,567 $524,813,106 $537,839,419 $551,172,998 $564,820,444 $578,788,478 $593,083,933 $607,713,758 $622,685,022 $638,004,908 $653,680,717 $669,719,871 $686,129,905 $702,918,478 $720,093,364 $737,662,457 $755,633,767 $774,015,424 $792,815,674 $812,042,881 $831,705,524 $851,812,198 $872,371,610 $893,392,581 $914,884,043 $936,855,036 $959,314,710 $982,272,319 $1,005,737,218 $1,029,718,865 $1,054,226,813 $1,079,270,712 $1,104,860,299 Page B-23 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-10 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $2.00 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $58,613,848 $3,062,731 $82,081,755 $4,307,956 $86,217,203 $4,544,973 $90,569,379 $4,795,437 $95,150,167 $5,060,136 $99,972,133 $5,339,906 $105,048,568 $5,635,637 $110,393,530 $5,948,269 $116,021,893 $6,278,802 $121,949,394 $6,628,297 $128,192,686 $6,997,880 $134,769,393 $7,388,747 $141,698,171 $7,802,167 $148,998,772 $8,239,487 $156,692,106 $8,702,138 $162,215,503 $9,061,963 $167,933,600 $9,436,879 $173,853,259 $9,827,526 $179,981,586 $10,234,574 $186,325,937 $10,658,720 $192,893,926 $11,100,692 $199,693,437 $11,561,247 $206,732,631 $12,041,178 $214,019,956 $12,541,309 $221,564,160 $13,062,502 $229,374,296 $13,605,655 $237,459,740 $14,171,705 $245,830,196 $14,761,628 $254,495,711 $15,376,444 $263,466,684 $16,017,217 $272,753,885 $16,685,055 $282,368,459 $17,381,117 $292,321,948 $18,106,608 $302,626,296 $18,862,789 $311,742,913 $19,553,691 $321,134,169 $20,270,334 $330,808,336 $21,013,692 $340,773,937 $21,784,775 $351,039,752 $22,584,633 $361,614,824 $23,414,356 $372,508,471 $24,275,075 $383,730,288 $25,167,964 $395,290,163 $26,094,245 $407,198,279 $27,055,182 $419,465,128 $28,052,093 $432,101,515 $29,086,342 $445,118,573 $30,159,348 $458,527,770 $31,272,584 $472,340,919 $32,427,580 $486,570,189 $33,625,923 December 2007 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $43,577,865 $65,381,483 $68,846,182 $72,498,983 $76,350,449 $80,411,759 $84,694,747 $89,211,941 $93,976,605 $99,002,783 $104,305,351 $109,900,060 $115,803,598 $122,033,645 $128,608,931 $133,094,166 $137,735,269 $142,537,630 $147,506,825 $152,648,624 $157,968,991 $163,474,098 $169,170,328 $175,064,282 $181,162,790 $187,472,913 $194,001,957 $200,757,477 $207,747,287 $214,979,468 $222,462,381 $230,204,668 $238,215,271 $246,503,437 $253,625,050 $260,949,916 $268,483,737 $276,232,373 $284,201,842 $292,398,327 $300,828,180 $309,497,926 $318,414,267 $327,584,088 $337,014,460 $346,712,648 $356,686,111 $366,942,513 $377,489,723 $388,335,824 Page B-24 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B-10 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5(part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $2.00 auto toll alternative Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $501,228,116 $34,869,264 $516,327,613 $36,159,315 $531,881,982 $37,497,855 $547,904,927 $38,886,733 $564,410,563 $40,327,865 $581,413,431 $41,823,246 $598,928,511 $43,374,944 $616,971,232 $44,985,110 $635,557,490 $46,655,974 $653,075,044 $48,269,483 $671,075,425 $49,939,777 $689,571,941 $51,668,883 $708,578,268 $53,458,902 $728,108,456 $55,312,011 $748,176,945 $57,230,467 $768,798,572 $59,216,607 $789,988,583 $61,272,852 $811,762,643 $63,401,714 $834,136,851 $65,605,792 $857,127,748 $67,887,780 $880,752,332 $70,250,473 $905,028,068 $72,696,762 $929,972,904 $75,229,648 $955,605,282 $77,852,237 $981,944,153 $80,567,749 $1,009,008,989 $83,379,522 $1,036,819,799 $86,291,012 $1,065,397,145 $89,305,805 $1,094,762,153 $92,427,614 $1,124,936,535 $95,660,287 $1,155,942,598 $99,007,813 $1,187,803,266 $102,474,326 $1,220,542,094 $106,064,110 $1,254,183,285 $109,781,604 $1,288,751,712 $113,631,410 $1,324,272,931 $117,618,297 $1,360,773,204 $121,747,206 $1,398,279,515 $126,023,261 $1,436,819,594 $130,451,769 $1,476,421,934 $135,038,235 $1,517,115,814 $139,788,359 $1,558,931,319 $144,708,055 $1,601,899,363 $149,803,446 $1,646,051,714 $155,080,884 $1,691,421,015 $160,546,950 $1,738,040,806 $166,208,466 $1,785,945,556 $172,072,502 $1,835,170,681 $178,146,387 $1,885,752,572 $184,437,717 December 2007 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $399,489,114 $410,958,119 $422,751,592 $434,878,521 $447,348,135 $460,169,913 $473,353,585 $486,909,141 $500,846,841 $513,668,971 $526,809,278 $540,275,266 $554,074,601 $568,215,113 $582,704,800 $597,551,828 $612,764,539 $628,351,446 $644,321,244 $660,682,809 $677,445,199 $694,617,663 $712,209,636 $730,230,748 $748,690,826 $767,599,894 $786,968,179 $806,806,110 $827,124,327 $847,933,679 $869,245,226 $891,070,246 $913,420,235 $936,306,911 $959,742,215 $983,738,315 $1,008,307,607 $1,033,462,720 $1,059,216,517 $1,085,582,096 $1,112,572,795 $1,140,202,191 $1,168,484,106 $1,197,432,606 $1,227,062,002 $1,257,386,856 $1,288,421,978 $1,320,182,430 $1,352,683,526 Page B-25 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B11 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 December 2007 Toll 1 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $23,808,371 $3,060,946 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $8,774,173 $33,090,596 $4,306,104 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $16,392,176 $34,493,778 $4,543,469 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $17,124,262 $35,956,460 $4,794,059 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $17,887,442 $37,481,166 $5,058,619 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $18,682,964 $39,070,526 $5,337,934 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $19,512,125 $40,727,282 $5,632,832 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $20,376,266 $42,454,291 $5,944,191 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $21,276,779 $44,254,533 $6,272,938 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $22,215,108 $46,131,112 $6,620,050 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $23,192,748 $48,087,267 $6,986,563 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $24,211,249 $50,126,370 $7,373,568 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $25,272,217 $52,251,941 $7,782,221 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $26,377,314 $54,467,644 $8,213,742 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $27,528,262 $56,777,303 $8,669,420 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $28,726,845 $58,778,703 $9,049,962 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $29,669,367 $60,850,652 $9,447,317 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $30,641,883 $62,995,638 $9,862,232 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $31,645,302 $65,216,234 $10,295,487 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $32,680,560 $67,515,106 $10,747,896 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $33,748,617 $69,895,014 $11,220,311 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $34,850,458 $72,358,813 $11,713,622 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $35,987,099 $74,909,461 $12,228,756 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $37,159,579 $77,550,020 $12,766,686 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $38,368,969 $80,283,658 $13,328,423 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $39,616,367 $83,113,657 $13,915,028 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $40,902,900 $86,043,413 $14,527,607 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $42,229,727 $89,076,443 $15,167,315 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $43,598,037 $92,216,388 $15,835,360 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $45,009,048 $95,467,016 $16,533,003 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $46,464,014 $98,832,228 $17,261,562 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $47,964,217 $102,316,064 $18,022,413 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $49,510,976 $105,922,705 $18,816,995 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $51,105,642 $109,656,481 $19,646,810 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $52,749,600 $112,959,882 $20,411,875 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $53,983,834 $116,362,799 $21,206,947 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $55,241,932 $119,868,228 $22,033,208 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $56,524,113 $123,479,258 $22,891,890 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $57,830,581 $127,199,071 $23,784,270 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $59,161,525 $131,030,943 $24,711,679 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $60,517,123 $134,978,250 $25,675,500 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $61,897,535 $139,044,470 $26,677,170 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $63,302,903 $143,233,185 $27,718,182 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $64,733,351 $147,548,084 $28,800,091 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $66,188,983 $151,992,970 $29,924,512 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $67,669,883 $156,571,759 $31,093,124 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $69,176,110 $161,288,483 $32,307,672 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $70,707,698 $166,147,298 $33,569,972 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $72,264,654 $171,152,486 $34,881,910 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $73,846,960 $176,308,454 $36,245,449 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 $75,454,563 Page B-26 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B11 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 December 2007 Toll 1 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $181,619,746 $37,662,628 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $77,087,380 $187,091,041 $39,135,568 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $78,745,294 $192,727,159 $40,666,474 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $80,428,150 $198,533,065 $42,257,637 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $82,135,754 $204,513,873 $43,911,442 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $83,867,869 $210,674,854 $45,630,366 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $85,624,215 $217,021,434 $47,416,986 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $87,404,466 $223,559,204 $49,273,980 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $89,208,243 $230,293,925 $51,204,133 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $91,035,117 $236,641,402 $53,077,977 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $92,426,835 $243,163,830 $55,020,855 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $93,816,606 $249,866,033 $57,035,321 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $95,202,920 $256,752,966 $59,124,028 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $96,584,172 $263,829,719 $61,289,726 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $97,958,662 $271,101,526 $63,535,266 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $99,324,582 $278,573,762 $65,863,606 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $100,680,018 $286,251,951 $68,277,815 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $102,022,944 $294,141,771 $70,781,075 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $103,351,212 $302,249,053 $73,376,685 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $104,662,552 $310,579,793 $76,068,070 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $105,954,563 $319,140,148 $78,858,781 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $107,224,708 $327,936,449 $81,752,499 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $108,470,307 $336,975,197 $84,753,044 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $109,688,532 $346,263,076 $87,864,380 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $110,876,399 $355,806,952 $91,090,614 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $112,030,761 $365,613,881 $94,436,009 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $113,148,299 $375,691,114 $97,904,986 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $114,225,520 $386,046,100 $101,502,131 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $115,258,740 $396,686,495 $105,232,200 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $116,244,083 $407,620,167 $109,100,126 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $117,177,471 $418,855,198 $113,111,026 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $118,054,612 $430,399,894 $117,270,209 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $118,870,992 $442,262,791 $121,583,178 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $119,621,865 $454,452,660 $126,055,645 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $120,302,245 $466,978,511 $130,693,532 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $120,906,893 $479,849,606 $135,502,983 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $121,430,304 $493,075,461 $140,490,370 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $121,866,700 $506,665,853 $145,662,304 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $122,210,015 $520,630,831 $151,025,641 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $122,453,882 $534,980,718 $156,587,492 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $122,591,622 $549,726,124 $162,355,234 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $122,616,230 $564,877,951 $168,336,520 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $122,520,358 $580,447,399 $174,539,285 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $122,296,304 $596,445,980 $180,971,762 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $121,935,994 $612,885,523 $187,642,492 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $121,430,969 $629,778,180 $194,560,333 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $120,772,363 $647,136,441 $201,734,472 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $119,950,894 $664,973,139 $209,174,440 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $118,956,836 $683,301,461 $216,890,124 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $117,780,008 Page B-27 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B12 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 2 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $36,513,460 $3,432,129 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $50,720,798 $4,793,048 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $52,842,143 $5,020,246 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $55,052,211 $5,258,259 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $57,354,713 $5,507,603 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $59,753,514 $5,768,821 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $62,252,643 $6,042,479 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $64,856,296 $6,329,172 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $67,568,843 $6,629,524 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $70,394,840 $6,944,187 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $73,339,032 $7,273,847 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $76,406,361 $7,619,220 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $79,601,978 $7,981,058 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $82,931,249 $8,360,149 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $86,399,763 $8,757,319 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $89,445,354 $9,135,265 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $92,598,303 $9,529,675 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $95,862,393 $9,941,270 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $99,241,543 $10,370,806 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $102,739,807 $10,819,071 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $106,361,385 $11,286,887 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $110,110,624 $11,775,113 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $113,992,024 $12,284,648 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $118,010,242 $12,816,428 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $122,170,104 $13,371,431 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $126,476,600 $13,950,679 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $130,934,900 $14,555,240 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $135,550,355 $15,186,226 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $140,328,505 $15,844,802 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $145,275,085 $16,532,183 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $150,396,032 $17,249,637 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $155,697,492 $17,998,490 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $161,185,828 $18,780,126 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $166,867,629 $19,595,989 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $171,894,516 $20,346,363 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $177,072,838 $21,125,773 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $182,407,158 $21,935,350 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $187,902,173 $22,776,272 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $193,562,726 $23,649,764 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $199,393,803 $24,557,096 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $205,400,542 $25,499,592 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $211,588,233 $26,478,624 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $217,962,328 $27,495,620 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $224,528,444 $28,552,066 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $231,292,363 $29,649,502 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $238,260,045 $30,789,531 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $245,437,629 $31,973,822 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $252,831,438 $33,204,104 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $260,447,985 $34,482,177 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $268,293,980 $35,809,914 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $21,108,079 $33,535,433 $34,995,849 $36,518,993 $38,107,527 $39,764,226 $41,491,980 $43,293,803 $45,172,833 $47,132,339 $49,175,730 $51,306,556 $53,528,514 $55,845,460 $58,261,406 $60,250,715 $62,307,176 $64,433,020 $66,630,550 $68,902,143 $71,250,255 $73,677,418 $76,186,250 $78,779,449 $81,459,804 $84,230,192 $87,093,581 $90,053,037 $93,111,723 $96,272,903 $99,539,945 $102,916,327 $106,405,634 $110,011,569 $112,983,979 $116,033,146 $119,160,901 $122,369,113 $125,659,687 $129,034,566 $132,495,734 $136,045,211 $139,685,056 $143,417,369 $147,244,287 $151,167,989 $155,190,694 $159,314,662 $163,542,192 $167,875,624 Page B-28 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B12 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 2 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $276,376,337 $37,189,257 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $284,702,174 $38,622,229 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $293,278,827 $40,110,929 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $302,113,851 $41,657,542 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $311,215,031 $43,264,336 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $320,590,384 $44,933,671 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $330,248,169 $46,667,999 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $340,196,895 $48,469,868 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $350,445,327 $50,341,928 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $360,104,476 $52,156,864 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $370,029,856 $54,037,889 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $380,228,804 $55,987,428 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $390,708,860 $58,007,996 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $401,477,773 $60,102,201 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $412,543,504 $62,272,747 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $423,914,235 $64,522,437 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $435,598,371 $66,854,180 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $447,604,551 $69,270,990 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $459,941,651 $71,775,994 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $472,618,793 $74,372,434 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $485,645,348 $77,063,672 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $499,030,948 $79,853,194 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $512,785,489 $82,744,614 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $526,919,139 $85,741,683 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $541,442,348 $88,848,286 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $556,365,852 $92,068,456 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $571,700,686 $95,406,373 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $587,458,186 $98,866,371 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $603,650,002 $102,452,947 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $620,288,106 $106,170,762 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $637,384,797 $110,024,651 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $654,952,715 $114,019,627 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $673,004,849 $118,160,890 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $691,554,545 $122,453,832 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $710,615,518 $126,904,043 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $730,201,858 $131,517,322 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $750,328,046 $136,299,683 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $771,008,963 $141,257,363 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $792,259,898 $146,396,828 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $814,096,561 $151,724,786 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $836,535,098 $157,248,192 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $859,592,096 $162,974,261 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $883,284,604 $168,910,473 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $907,630,135 $175,064,587 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $932,646,691 $181,444,649 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $958,352,765 $188,059,005 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $984,767,364 $194,916,308 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,011,910,014 $202,025,534 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,039,800,784 $209,395,992 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 December 2007 Net Revenue $172,317,341 $176,869,766 $181,535,362 $186,316,636 $191,216,132 $196,236,440 $201,380,189 $206,650,046 $212,048,724 $216,811,023 $221,665,597 $226,613,583 $231,656,099 $236,794,240 $242,029,079 $247,361,660 $252,792,999 $258,324,077 $263,955,841 $269,689,199 $275,525,016 $281,464,112 $287,507,254 $293,655,159 $299,908,484 $306,267,823 $312,733,706 $319,306,586 $325,986,843 $332,774,774 $339,670,586 $346,674,394 $353,786,211 $361,005,944 $368,333,389 $375,768,216 $383,309,972 $390,958,066 $398,711,762 $406,570,172 $414,532,246 $422,596,763 $430,762,320 $439,027,325 $447,389,980 $455,848,277 $464,399,980 $473,042,616 $481,773,463 Page B-29 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B13 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 3 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $43,975,690 $3,341,252 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $61,301,968 $4,677,533 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $64,091,057 $4,911,214 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $67,007,043 $5,156,608 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $70,055,699 $5,414,302 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $73,243,062 $5,684,916 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $76,575,441 $5,969,098 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $80,059,436 $6,267,532 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $83,701,944 $6,580,934 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $87,510,177 $6,910,057 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $91,491,676 $7,255,692 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $95,654,323 $7,618,670 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $100,006,360 $7,999,864 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $104,556,404 $8,400,190 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $109,313,464 $8,820,612 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $113,166,764 $9,196,338 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $117,155,892 $9,588,246 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $121,285,637 $9,997,041 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $125,560,956 $10,423,457 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $129,986,980 $10,868,261 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $134,569,021 $11,332,253 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $139,312,579 $11,816,270 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $144,223,347 $12,321,182 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $149,307,220 $12,847,902 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $154,570,300 $13,397,378 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $160,018,903 $13,970,604 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $165,659,569 $14,568,614 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $171,499,069 $15,192,491 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $177,544,411 $15,843,364 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $183,802,852 $16,522,410 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $190,281,902 $17,230,860 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $196,989,339 $17,969,999 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $203,933,213 $18,741,167 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $211,121,859 $19,545,765 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $217,481,905 $20,284,337 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $224,033,547 $21,051,175 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $230,782,558 $21,847,373 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $237,734,883 $22,674,065 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $244,896,646 $23,532,432 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $252,274,157 $24,423,701 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $259,873,916 $25,349,145 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $267,702,618 $26,310,089 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $275,767,160 $27,307,908 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $284,074,645 $28,344,031 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $292,632,394 $29,419,944 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $301,447,945 $30,537,189 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $310,529,064 $31,697,370 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $319,883,752 $32,902,154 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $329,520,250 $34,153,272 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $339,447,048 $35,452,523 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $28,661,185 $44,232,119 $46,353,796 $48,575,476 $50,901,815 $53,337,678 $55,888,159 $58,558,584 $61,354,524 $64,281,807 $67,346,529 $70,555,067 $73,914,090 $77,430,574 $81,111,814 $83,911,052 $86,806,194 $89,800,494 $92,897,313 $96,100,126 $99,412,523 $102,838,216 $106,381,039 $110,044,953 $113,834,054 $117,752,571 $121,804,876 $125,995,486 $130,329,068 $134,810,443 $139,444,593 $144,236,665 $149,191,978 $154,316,023 $158,633,394 $163,068,453 $167,624,279 $172,304,030 $177,110,938 $182,048,316 $187,119,556 $192,328,131 $197,677,600 $203,171,605 $208,813,875 $214,608,231 $220,558,581 $226,668,926 $232,943,362 $239,386,083 Page B-30 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B13 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 3 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $349,672,890 $36,801,776 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $360,206,786 $38,202,975 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $371,058,015 $39,658,137 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $382,236,138 $41,169,362 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $393,751,002 $42,738,829 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $405,612,751 $44,368,803 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $417,831,835 $46,061,639 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $430,419,019 $47,819,782 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $443,385,392 $49,645,776 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $455,606,202 $51,414,048 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $468,163,847 $53,246,090 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $481,067,613 $55,144,224 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $494,327,040 $57,110,858 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $507,951,929 $59,148,489 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $521,952,354 $61,259,704 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $536,338,665 $63,447,186 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $551,121,500 $65,713,718 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $566,311,786 $68,062,182 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $581,920,755 $70,495,569 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $597,959,946 $73,016,979 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $614,441,217 $75,629,625 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $631,376,753 $78,336,838 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $648,779,074 $81,142,074 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $666,661,048 $84,048,913 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $685,035,893 $87,061,070 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $703,917,195 $90,182,393 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $723,318,912 $93,416,875 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $743,255,390 $96,768,654 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $763,741,366 $100,242,020 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $784,791,988 $103,841,424 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $806,422,817 $107,571,478 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $828,649,846 $111,436,964 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $851,489,507 $115,442,842 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $874,958,687 $119,594,254 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $899,074,736 $123,896,531 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $923,855,483 $128,355,201 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $949,319,250 $132,975,996 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $975,484,862 $137,764,859 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $1,002,371,663 $142,727,952 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $1,029,999,532 $147,871,666 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,058,388,894 $153,202,626 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,087,560,738 $158,727,702 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,117,536,631 $164,454,018 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,148,338,734 $170,388,961 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,179,989,821 $176,540,190 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,212,513,290 $182,915,647 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,245,933,188 $189,523,569 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,280,274,221 $196,372,496 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,315,561,779 $203,471,283 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 December 2007 Net Revenue $246,001,376 $252,793,632 $259,767,343 $266,927,102 $274,277,610 $281,823,676 $289,570,215 $297,522,255 $305,684,940 $313,055,564 $320,591,388 $328,295,597 $336,171,416 $344,222,108 $352,450,972 $360,861,342 $369,456,590 $378,240,120 $387,215,370 $396,385,807 $405,754,932 $415,326,272 $425,103,380 $435,089,837 $445,289,245 $455,705,229 $466,341,430 $477,201,507 $488,289,134 $499,607,994 $511,161,780 $522,954,188 $534,988,916 $547,269,663 $559,800,118 $572,583,962 $585,624,863 $598,926,468 $612,492,403 $626,326,262 $640,431,608 $654,811,963 $669,470,802 $684,411,550 $699,637,569 $715,152,159 $730,958,542 $747,059,862 $763,459,168 Page B-31 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B14 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 4 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $53,469,028 $3,102,412 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $74,914,587 $4,361,255 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $78,721,208 $4,598,199 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $82,721,255 $4,848,049 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $86,924,555 $5,111,509 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $91,341,437 $5,389,322 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $95,982,754 $5,682,274 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $100,859,908 $5,991,190 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $105,984,885 $6,316,942 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $111,370,276 $6,660,451 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $117,029,314 $7,022,686 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $122,975,903 $7,404,672 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $129,224,656 $7,807,486 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $135,790,926 $8,232,269 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $142,690,846 $8,680,221 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $147,720,698 $9,042,163 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $152,927,853 $9,419,402 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $158,318,559 $9,812,591 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $163,899,289 $10,222,414 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $169,676,739 $10,649,582 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $175,657,844 $11,094,838 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $181,849,783 $11,558,958 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $188,259,987 $12,042,750 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $194,896,152 $12,547,057 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $201,766,241 $13,072,760 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $208,878,501 $13,620,778 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $216,241,469 $14,192,067 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $223,863,980 $14,787,628 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $231,755,186 $15,408,505 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $239,924,556 $16,055,784 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $248,381,896 $16,730,603 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $257,137,358 $17,434,145 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $266,201,450 $18,167,648 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $275,585,051 $18,932,401 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $283,887,051 $19,632,078 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $292,439,148 $20,358,029 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $301,248,878 $21,111,255 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $310,324,000 $21,892,794 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $319,672,511 $22,703,724 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $329,302,645 $23,545,166 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $339,222,887 $24,418,285 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $349,441,977 $25,324,287 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $359,968,916 $26,264,429 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $370,812,980 $27,240,013 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $381,983,721 $28,252,394 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $393,490,980 $29,302,977 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $405,344,896 $30,393,223 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $417,555,911 $31,524,649 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $430,134,783 $32,698,831 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $443,092,593 $33,917,403 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $38,393,364 $58,161,016 $61,296,962 $64,598,248 $68,073,464 $71,731,647 $75,582,296 $79,635,398 $83,901,456 $88,391,511 $93,117,173 $98,090,646 $103,324,764 $108,833,016 $114,629,587 $118,619,160 $122,746,998 $127,017,865 $131,436,688 $136,008,563 $140,738,761 $145,632,732 $150,696,112 $155,934,730 $161,354,613 $166,961,996 $172,763,323 $178,765,260 $184,974,701 $191,398,772 $198,044,844 $204,920,538 $212,033,734 $219,392,580 $225,690,800 $232,167,200 $238,826,716 $245,674,418 $252,715,511 $259,955,338 $267,399,387 $275,053,292 $282,922,836 $291,013,957 $299,332,752 $307,885,478 $316,678,560 $325,718,590 $335,012,337 $344,566,748 Page B-32 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B14 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 4 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $456,440,758 $35,182,067 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $354,388,953 $470,191,036 $36,494,588 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $364,486,269 $484,355,541 $37,856,798 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $374,866,207 $498,946,751 $39,270,604 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $385,536,473 $513,977,522 $40,737,984 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $396,504,976 $529,461,095 $42,260,992 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $407,779,831 $545,411,110 $43,841,763 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $419,369,366 $561,841,620 $45,482,516 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $431,282,124 $578,767,099 $47,185,553 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $443,526,871 $594,719,367 $48,831,492 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $454,751,286 $611,111,320 $50,535,781 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $466,249,169 $627,955,075 $52,300,514 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $478,026,769 $645,263,087 $54,127,864 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $490,090,458 $663,048,151 $56,020,082 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $502,446,737 $681,323,416 $57,979,502 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $515,102,235 $700,102,392 $60,008,541 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $528,063,715 $719,398,965 $62,109,704 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $541,338,069 $739,227,399 $64,285,589 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $554,932,326 $759,602,354 $66,538,887 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $568,853,651 $780,538,894 $68,872,387 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $583,109,347 $802,052,497 $71,288,980 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $597,706,857 $824,159,069 $73,791,662 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $612,653,764 $846,874,953 $76,383,538 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $627,957,795 $870,216,944 $79,067,826 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $643,626,821 $894,202,299 $81,847,861 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $659,668,860 $918,848,749 $84,727,101 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $676,092,075 $944,174,518 $87,709,129 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $692,904,781 $970,198,328 $90,797,658 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $710,115,441 $996,939,420 $93,996,538 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $727,732,669 $1,024,417,562 $97,309,758 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $745,765,235 $1,052,653,071 $100,741,453 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $764,222,059 $1,081,666,822 $104,295,910 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $783,112,218 $1,111,480,264 $107,977,571 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $802,444,944 $1,142,115,438 $111,791,041 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $822,229,628 $1,173,594,995 $115,741,093 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $842,475,815 $1,205,942,207 $119,832,675 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $863,193,212 $1,239,180,989 $124,070,915 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $884,391,683 $1,273,335,915 $128,461,129 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $906,081,251 $1,308,432,236 $133,008,828 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $928,272,100 $1,344,495,900 $137,719,723 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $950,974,574 $1,381,553,568 $142,599,734 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $974,199,174 $1,419,632,638 $147,655,000 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $997,956,565 $1,458,761,263 $152,891,882 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,022,257,570 $1,498,968,370 $158,316,976 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,047,113,170 $1,540,283,686 $163,937,118 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,072,534,506 $1,582,737,755 $169,759,395 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,098,532,876 $1,626,361,964 $175,791,153 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,125,119,735 $1,671,188,566 $182,040,009 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,152,306,693 $1,717,250,701 $188,513,857 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $1,180,105,515 December 2007 Page B-33 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B15 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 5 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $57,086,753 $2,805,312 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $80,282,791 $3,956,673 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $84,678,048 $4,185,461 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $89,313,934 $4,427,509 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $94,203,621 $4,683,587 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $99,361,005 $4,954,509 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $104,800,741 $5,241,139 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $110,538,288 $5,544,388 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $116,589,949 $5,865,223 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $122,972,922 $6,204,667 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $129,705,344 $6,563,799 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $136,806,348 $6,943,766 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $144,296,112 $7,345,778 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $152,195,919 $7,771,117 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $160,528,218 $8,221,140 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $166,186,838 $8,558,299 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $172,044,924 $8,909,492 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $178,109,508 $9,275,309 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $184,387,868 $9,656,368 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $190,887,540 $10,053,313 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $197,616,326 $10,466,816 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $204,582,301 $10,897,575 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $211,793,828 $11,346,322 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $219,259,560 $11,813,817 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $226,988,459 $12,300,855 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $234,989,803 $12,808,262 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $243,273,193 $13,336,901 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $251,848,573 $13,887,675 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $260,726,235 $14,461,520 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $269,916,835 $15,059,416 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $279,431,404 $15,682,386 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $289,281,361 $16,331,492 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $299,478,529 $17,007,847 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $310,035,147 $17,712,609 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $319,374,956 $18,355,664 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $328,996,126 $19,022,489 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $338,907,134 $19,713,976 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $349,116,712 $20,431,053 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $359,633,853 $21,174,681 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $370,467,823 $21,945,859 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $381,628,166 $22,745,623 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $393,124,714 $23,575,050 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $404,967,596 $24,435,258 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $417,167,245 $25,327,406 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $429,734,408 $26,252,699 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $442,680,157 $27,212,387 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $456,015,897 $28,207,768 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $469,753,376 $29,240,190 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $483,904,697 $30,311,052 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $498,482,326 $31,421,808 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $42,308,189 $63,933,802 $67,666,540 $71,611,466 $75,780,452 $80,186,028 $84,841,419 $89,760,579 $94,958,239 $100,449,941 $106,252,090 $112,381,996 $118,857,928 $125,699,162 $132,926,041 $137,569,165 $142,373,980 $147,346,096 $152,491,313 $157,815,634 $163,325,266 $169,026,633 $174,926,380 $181,031,377 $187,348,737 $193,885,813 $200,650,213 $207,649,807 $214,892,736 $222,387,420 $230,142,569 $238,167,194 $246,470,613 $255,062,467 $262,455,119 $270,059,718 $277,882,252 $285,928,871 $294,205,896 $302,719,824 $311,477,328 $320,485,266 $329,750,686 $339,280,829 $349,083,134 $359,165,245 $369,535,016 $380,200,514 $391,170,028 $402,452,076 Page B-34 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B15 No Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 5 - Time of Day tolls, no MLK tolls: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $513,499,106 $32,573,964 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $414,055,403 $528,968,266 $33,769,089 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $425,988,999 $544,903,435 $35,008,807 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $438,262,093 $561,318,651 $36,294,808 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $450,884,170 $578,228,376 $37,628,844 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $463,864,969 $595,647,505 $39,012,736 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $477,214,497 $613,591,386 $40,448,375 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $490,943,030 $632,075,827 $41,937,724 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $505,061,122 $651,117,111 $43,482,820 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $519,579,616 $669,063,527 $44,973,626 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $532,953,311 $687,504,590 $46,516,511 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $546,661,710 $706,453,935 $48,113,321 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $560,712,822 $725,925,572 $49,765,972 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $575,114,835 $745,933,896 $51,476,448 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $589,876,116 $766,493,699 $53,246,803 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $605,005,217 $787,620,181 $55,079,167 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $620,510,877 $809,328,962 $56,975,745 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $636,402,025 $831,636,092 $58,938,824 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $652,687,784 $854,558,062 $60,970,769 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $669,377,476 $878,111,818 $63,074,035 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $686,480,624 $902,314,775 $65,251,163 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $704,006,952 $927,184,826 $67,504,786 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $721,966,397 $952,740,358 $69,837,631 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $740,369,106 $979,000,264 $72,252,526 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $759,225,441 $1,005,983,959 $74,752,400 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $778,545,982 $1,033,711,392 $77,340,286 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $798,341,533 $1,062,203,062 $80,019,329 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $818,623,125 $1,091,480,034 $82,792,786 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $839,402,018 $1,121,563,952 $85,664,034 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $860,689,706 $1,152,477,059 $88,636,570 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $882,497,919 $1,184,242,208 $91,714,018 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $904,838,630 $1,216,882,883 $94,900,134 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $927,724,055 $1,250,423,218 $98,198,810 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $951,166,660 $1,284,888,008 $101,614,077 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $975,179,162 $1,320,302,734 $105,150,114 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $999,774,533 $1,356,693,578 $108,811,251 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $1,024,966,007 $1,394,087,444 $112,601,975 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $1,050,767,079 $1,432,511,980 $116,526,936 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $1,077,191,510 $1,471,995,591 $120,590,951 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $1,104,253,332 $1,512,567,470 $124,799,015 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,131,966,851 $1,554,257,610 $129,156,301 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,160,346,649 $1,597,096,836 $133,668,172 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,189,407,590 $1,641,116,817 $138,340,185 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,219,164,822 $1,686,350,100 $143,178,099 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,249,633,777 $1,732,830,124 $148,187,881 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,280,830,182 $1,780,591,255 $153,375,717 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,312,770,053 $1,829,668,801 $158,748,017 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,345,469,708 $1,880,099,047 $164,311,425 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,378,945,759 $1,931,919,277 $170,072,825 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $1,413,215,124 December 2007 Page B-35 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B16 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 (part 2) Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 1 - Time of Day tolls: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.15 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $28,336,431 $4,400,248 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $11,962,931 $39,179,032 $6,125,612 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $20,661,104 $40,627,819 $6,395,676 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $21,406,097 $42,130,181 $6,677,696 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $22,177,526 $43,688,099 $6,972,205 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $22,976,311 $45,303,626 $7,279,758 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $23,803,400 $46,978,893 $7,600,934 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $24,659,775 $48,716,109 $7,936,339 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $25,546,450 $50,517,565 $8,286,605 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $26,464,473 $52,385,636 $8,652,394 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $27,414,929 $54,322,787 $9,034,395 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $28,398,937 $56,331,570 $9,433,329 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $29,417,655 $58,414,636 $9,849,951 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $30,472,279 $60,574,730 $10,285,046 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $31,564,044 $62,814,702 $10,739,437 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $32,694,227 $65,028,920 $11,212,513 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $33,757,033 $67,321,190 $11,706,551 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $34,853,186 $69,694,262 $12,222,484 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $35,983,674 $72,150,984 $12,761,288 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $37,149,510 $74,694,306 $13,323,980 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $38,351,733 $77,327,281 $13,911,626 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $39,591,411 $80,053,067 $14,525,336 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $40,869,639 $82,874,938 $15,166,272 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $42,187,540 $85,796,280 $15,835,648 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $43,546,267 $88,820,598 $16,534,731 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $44,947,000 $91,951,525 $17,264,845 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $46,390,952 $95,192,816 $18,027,374 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $47,879,363 $98,548,363 $18,823,763 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $49,413,508 $102,022,192 $19,655,523 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $50,994,689 $105,618,475 $20,524,232 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $52,624,243 $109,341,526 $21,431,538 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $54,303,539 $113,195,815 $22,379,162 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $56,033,978 $117,185,967 $23,368,905 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $57,816,994 $121,316,772 $24,402,646 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $59,654,056 $124,971,440 $25,356,199 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $61,051,068 $128,736,205 $26,347,253 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $62,475,032 $132,614,383 $27,377,291 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $63,926,186 $136,609,391 $28,447,852 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $65,404,751 $140,724,749 $29,560,541 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $66,910,933 $144,964,082 $30,717,021 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $68,444,921 $149,331,125 $31,919,026 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $70,006,884 $153,829,725 $33,168,356 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $71,596,972 $158,463,846 $34,466,882 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $73,215,312 $163,237,569 $35,816,553 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $74,862,007 $168,155,101 $37,219,391 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $76,537,135 $173,220,773 $38,677,501 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $78,240,747 $178,439,049 $40,193,071 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $79,972,865 $183,814,526 $41,768,375 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $81,733,479 $189,351,938 $43,405,778 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $83,522,545 $195,056,165 $45,107,739 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 $85,339,984 December 2007 Page B-36 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B16 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 1 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 1 - Time of Day tolls: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.15 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $200,932,232 $46,876,815 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $87,185,679 $206,985,316 $48,715,665 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $89,059,472 $213,220,748 $50,627,053 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $90,961,161 $219,644,024 $52,613,852 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $92,890,498 $226,260,800 $54,679,050 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $94,847,188 $233,076,906 $56,825,754 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $96,830,880 $240,098,348 $59,057,196 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $98,841,171 $247,331,311 $61,376,733 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $100,877,597 $254,782,167 $63,787,858 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $102,939,633 $261,804,600 $66,129,292 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $104,538,719 $269,020,589 $68,557,186 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $106,137,034 $276,435,469 $71,074,746 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $107,732,931 $284,054,722 $73,685,301 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $109,324,656 $291,883,980 $76,392,299 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $110,910,350 $299,929,032 $79,199,319 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $112,488,035 $308,195,826 $82,110,074 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $114,055,615 $316,690,474 $85,128,414 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $115,610,868 $325,419,255 $88,258,332 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $117,151,439 $334,388,623 $91,503,971 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $118,674,837 $343,605,210 $94,869,627 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $120,178,423 $353,075,828 $98,359,757 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $121,659,411 $362,807,481 $101,978,984 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $123,114,854 $372,807,362 $105,732,101 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $124,541,640 $383,082,865 $109,624,084 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $125,936,484 $393,641,586 $113,660,090 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $127,295,918 $404,491,333 $117,845,471 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $128,616,288 $415,640,125 $122,185,778 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $129,893,740 $427,096,206 $126,686,766 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $131,124,211 $438,868,045 $131,354,409 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $132,303,424 $450,964,346 $136,194,900 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $133,426,876 $463,394,050 $141,214,666 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $134,489,825 $476,166,349 $146,420,371 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $135,487,284 $489,290,684 $151,818,928 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $136,414,008 $502,776,758 $157,417,509 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $137,264,480 $516,634,543 $163,223,552 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $138,032,904 $530,874,282 $169,244,773 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $138,713,189 $545,506,505 $175,489,177 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $139,298,937 $560,542,028 $181,965,065 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $139,783,428 $575,991,967 $188,681,049 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $140,159,610 $591,867,746 $195,646,063 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $140,420,079 $608,181,101 $202,869,373 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $140,557,068 $624,944,092 $210,360,591 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $140,562,428 $642,169,114 $218,129,689 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $140,427,614 $659,868,900 $226,187,008 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $140,143,668 $678,056,537 $234,543,278 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $139,701,197 $696,745,470 $243,209,628 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $139,090,358 $715,949,517 $252,197,603 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $138,300,838 $735,682,875 $261,519,178 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $137,321,834 $755,960,135 $271,186,775 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $136,142,031 December 2007 Page B-37 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B17 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 2 - Time of Day tolls: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.25 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $36,005,345 $3,788,185 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $20,243,908 $50,360,016 $5,318,526 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $32,649,174 $52,828,223 $5,600,338 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $34,401,838 $55,417,400 $5,897,105 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $36,245,336 $58,133,475 $6,209,622 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $38,184,271 $60,982,669 $6,538,724 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $40,223,478 $63,971,505 $6,885,294 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $42,368,028 $67,106,828 $7,250,260 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $44,623,248 $70,395,817 $7,634,600 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $46,994,731 $73,846,004 $8,039,343 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $49,488,347 $77,465,288 $8,465,575 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $52,110,258 $81,261,958 $8,914,438 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $54,866,934 $85,244,708 $9,387,135 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $57,765,167 $89,422,657 $9,884,933 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $60,812,084 $93,805,372 $10,409,167 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $64,015,168 $97,112,011 $10,860,379 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $66,192,259 $100,535,210 $11,331,319 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $68,442,439 $104,079,076 $11,822,855 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $70,768,118 $107,747,863 $12,335,895 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $73,171,782 $111,545,976 $12,871,386 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $75,655,996 $115,477,971 $13,430,318 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $78,223,409 $119,548,570 $14,013,724 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $80,876,753 $123,762,657 $14,622,683 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $83,618,849 $128,125,291 $15,258,321 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $86,452,604 $132,641,707 $15,921,817 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $89,381,022 $137,317,327 $16,614,398 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $92,407,201 $142,157,763 $17,337,349 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $95,534,335 $147,168,824 $18,092,010 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $98,765,722 $152,356,525 $18,879,782 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $102,104,763 $157,727,093 $19,702,127 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $105,554,967 $163,286,973 $20,560,571 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $109,119,953 $169,042,838 $21,456,711 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $112,803,453 $175,001,599 $22,392,211 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $116,609,319 $181,170,405 $23,368,813 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $120,541,522 $186,628,163 $24,267,598 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $123,796,392 $192,250,337 $25,201,285 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $127,135,132 $198,041,878 $26,171,240 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $130,559,732 $204,007,890 $27,178,883 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $134,072,219 $210,153,627 $28,225,688 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $137,674,663 $216,484,505 $29,313,190 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $141,369,175 $223,006,101 $30,442,983 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $145,157,903 $229,724,160 $31,616,723 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $149,043,039 $236,644,600 $32,836,133 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $153,026,816 $243,773,519 $34,103,003 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $157,111,507 $251,117,196 $35,419,192 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $161,299,429 $258,682,102 $36,786,636 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $165,592,940 $266,474,900 $38,207,345 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $169,994,442 $274,502,456 $39,683,407 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $174,506,377 $282,771,843 $41,216,996 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $179,131,231 $291,290,345 $42,810,368 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 $183,871,534 December 2007 Page B-38 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B17 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 2 Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 2 - Time of Day tolls: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.25 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $300,065,466 $44,465,870 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $188,729,858 $309,104,938 $46,185,942 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $193,708,818 $318,416,725 $47,973,119 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $198,811,071 $328,009,029 $49,830,037 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $204,039,318 $337,890,300 $51,759,436 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $209,396,302 $348,069,246 $53,764,164 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $214,884,810 $358,554,832 $55,847,181 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $220,507,669 $369,356,296 $58,011,565 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $226,267,750 $380,483,155 $60,260,515 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $232,167,965 $390,970,221 $62,441,641 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $237,391,991 $401,746,338 $64,702,438 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $242,717,531 $412,819,472 $67,045,836 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $248,145,843 $424,197,808 $69,474,874 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $253,678,169 $435,889,760 $71,992,704 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $259,315,725 $447,903,972 $74,602,594 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $265,059,699 $460,249,325 $77,307,934 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $270,911,254 $472,934,947 $80,112,238 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $276,871,517 $485,970,217 $83,019,151 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $282,941,582 $499,364,771 $86,032,452 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $289,122,503 $513,128,512 $89,156,062 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $295,415,291 $527,271,617 $92,394,045 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $301,820,912 $541,804,541 $95,750,617 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $308,340,281 $556,738,029 $99,230,148 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $314,974,260 $572,083,120 $102,837,173 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $321,723,651 $587,851,161 $106,576,392 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $328,589,192 $604,053,809 $110,452,681 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $335,571,555 $620,703,042 $114,471,098 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $342,671,337 $637,811,170 $118,636,884 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $349,889,057 $655,390,840 $122,955,479 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $357,225,150 $673,455,050 $127,432,521 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $364,679,960 $692,017,155 $132,073,861 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $372,253,735 $711,090,878 $136,885,562 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $379,946,621 $730,690,320 $141,873,917 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $387,758,654 $750,829,972 $147,045,449 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $395,689,753 $771,524,723 $152,406,925 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $403,739,712 $792,789,873 $157,965,360 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $411,908,194 $814,641,144 $163,728,033 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $420,194,720 $837,094,691 $169,702,492 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $428,598,665 $860,167,113 $175,896,563 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $437,119,242 $883,875,469 $182,318,365 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $445,755,500 $908,237,287 $188,976,318 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $454,506,309 $933,270,577 $195,879,154 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $463,370,350 $958,993,847 $203,035,928 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $472,346,108 $985,426,115 $210,456,035 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $481,431,856 $1,012,586,923 $218,149,216 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $490,625,645 $1,040,496,350 $226,125,573 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $499,925,292 $1,069,175,030 $234,395,587 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $509,328,367 $1,098,644,167 $242,970,125 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $518,832,179 $1,128,925,547 $251,860,458 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $528,433,760 December 2007 Page B-39 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B18 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 3 - Time of Day tolls: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $44,395,324 $3,592,373 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $28,829,699 $62,201,702 $5,053,374 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $44,756,013 $65,362,487 $5,331,449 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $47,204,991 $68,683,888 $5,624,859 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $49,784,070 $72,174,066 $5,934,452 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $52,500,031 $75,841,597 $6,261,122 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $55,360,008 $79,695,495 $6,605,813 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $58,371,498 $83,745,229 $6,969,520 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $61,542,388 $88,000,750 $7,353,296 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $64,880,967 $92,472,516 $7,758,249 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $68,395,953 $97,171,515 $8,185,552 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $72,096,508 $102,109,294 $8,636,439 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $75,992,270 $107,297,987 $9,112,215 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $80,093,366 $112,750,344 $9,614,257 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $84,410,447 $118,479,763 $10,144,017 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $88,954,708 $122,656,174 $10,577,722 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $92,019,078 $126,979,804 $11,030,168 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $95,188,184 $131,455,843 $11,502,171 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $98,465,568 $136,089,661 $11,994,585 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $101,854,889 $140,886,822 $12,508,300 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $105,359,928 $145,853,082 $13,044,247 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $108,984,591 $150,994,403 $13,603,395 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $112,732,916 $156,316,956 $14,186,758 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $116,609,072 $161,827,129 $14,795,394 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $120,617,370 $167,531,535 $15,430,407 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $124,762,260 $173,437,021 $16,092,950 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $129,048,343 $179,550,676 $16,784,228 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $133,480,370 $185,879,838 $17,505,496 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $138,063,250 $192,432,102 $18,258,068 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $142,802,054 $199,215,334 $19,043,313 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $147,702,022 $206,237,674 $19,862,662 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $152,768,564 $213,507,552 $20,717,607 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $158,007,270 $221,033,693 $21,609,709 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $163,423,916 $228,825,131 $22,540,596 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $169,024,464 $235,718,488 $23,395,571 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $173,758,744 $242,819,508 $24,283,371 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $178,622,218 $250,134,445 $25,205,268 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $183,618,271 $257,669,746 $26,162,585 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $188,750,373 $265,432,047 $27,156,696 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $194,022,075 $273,428,187 $28,189,029 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $199,437,017 $281,665,211 $29,261,068 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $204,998,927 $290,150,376 $30,374,356 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $210,711,622 $298,891,156 $31,530,493 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $216,579,011 $307,895,252 $32,731,146 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $222,605,096 $317,170,596 $33,978,044 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $228,793,977 $326,725,360 $35,272,986 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $235,149,850 $336,567,962 $36,617,839 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $241,677,010 $346,707,072 $38,014,545 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $248,379,854 $357,151,622 $39,465,123 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $255,262,884 $367,910,815 $40,971,668 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 $262,330,705 December 2007 Page B-40 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B18 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 3 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 3 - Time of Day tolls: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $378,994,128 $42,536,359 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $269,588,031 $390,411,326 $44,161,462 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $277,039,686 $402,172,468 $45,849,329 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $284,690,604 $414,287,913 $47,602,405 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $292,545,834 $426,768,337 $49,423,233 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $300,610,541 $439,624,733 $51,314,453 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $308,890,008 $452,868,428 $53,278,810 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $317,389,636 $466,511,089 $55,319,157 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $326,114,951 $480,564,736 $57,438,458 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $335,071,602 $493,810,301 $59,491,438 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $343,182,274 $507,420,948 $61,618,662 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $351,475,916 $521,406,738 $63,822,842 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $359,956,103 $535,778,011 $66,106,787 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $368,626,459 $550,545,392 $68,473,410 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $377,490,650 $565,719,799 $70,925,732 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $386,552,389 $581,312,451 $73,466,883 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $395,815,431 $597,334,876 $76,100,111 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $405,283,573 $613,798,918 $78,828,782 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $414,960,653 $630,716,751 $81,656,385 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $424,850,550 $648,100,882 $84,586,540 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $434,957,182 $665,964,162 $87,622,998 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $445,284,504 $684,319,799 $90,769,649 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $455,836,507 $703,181,364 $94,030,526 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $466,617,217 $722,562,800 $97,409,812 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $477,630,691 $742,478,437 $100,911,842 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $488,881,017 $762,942,999 $104,541,113 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $500,372,314 $783,971,616 $108,302,285 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $512,108,723 $805,579,833 $112,200,192 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $524,094,412 $827,783,627 $116,239,846 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $536,333,570 $850,599,414 $120,426,443 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $548,830,401 $874,044,060 $124,765,373 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $561,589,128 $898,134,899 $129,262,221 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $574,613,985 $922,889,743 $133,922,781 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $587,909,214 $948,326,891 $138,753,060 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $601,479,062 $974,465,151 $143,759,287 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $615,327,778 $1,001,323,847 $148,947,921 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $629,459,606 $1,028,922,835 $154,325,659 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $643,878,786 $1,057,282,521 $159,899,446 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $658,589,541 $1,086,423,870 $165,676,482 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $673,596,080 $1,116,368,428 $171,664,236 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $688,902,588 $1,147,138,333 $177,870,451 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $704,513,222 $1,178,756,334 $184,303,155 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $720,432,105 $1,211,245,805 $190,970,675 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $736,663,319 $1,244,630,767 $197,881,645 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $753,210,898 $1,278,935,903 $205,045,018 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $770,078,823 $1,314,186,574 $212,470,079 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $787,271,011 $1,350,408,841 $220,166,454 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $804,791,312 $1,387,629,485 $228,144,128 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $822,643,494 $1,425,876,023 $236,413,453 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $840,831,240 December 2007 Page B-41 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B19 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 4 - Time of Day tolls: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) ; MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.75 (MD), $0.25 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $47,427,599 $2,959,453 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $32,494,893 $67,283,925 $4,205,188 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $50,686,421 $71,590,066 $4,481,477 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $54,282,542 $76,171,799 $4,775,926 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $58,120,914 $81,046,760 $5,089,728 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $62,217,449 $86,233,716 $5,424,156 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $66,589,093 $91,752,635 $5,780,566 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $71,253,885 $97,624,763 $6,160,403 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $76,231,039 $103,872,704 $6,565,208 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $81,541,009 $110,520,510 $6,996,624 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $87,205,573 $117,593,774 $7,456,398 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $93,247,921 $125,119,723 $7,946,398 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $99,692,739 $133,127,329 $8,468,609 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $106,566,314 $141,647,418 $9,025,151 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $113,896,627 $150,712,790 $9,618,281 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $121,713,471 $156,025,416 $10,020,981 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $125,945,060 $161,525,312 $10,440,764 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $130,323,095 $167,219,079 $10,878,362 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $134,852,614 $173,113,551 $11,334,539 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $139,538,825 $179,215,804 $11,810,095 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $144,387,116 $185,533,161 $12,305,861 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $149,403,056 $192,073,205 $12,822,706 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $154,592,406 $198,843,786 $13,361,537 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $159,961,123 $205,853,029 $13,923,300 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $165,515,364 $213,109,348 $14,508,981 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $171,261,499 $220,621,453 $15,119,610 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $177,206,114 $228,398,359 $15,756,263 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $183,356,018 $236,449,401 $16,420,059 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $189,718,251 $244,784,243 $17,112,170 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $196,300,093 $253,412,887 $17,833,815 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $203,109,073 $262,345,691 $18,586,271 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $210,152,972 $271,593,377 $19,370,865 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $217,439,837 $281,167,043 $20,188,985 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $224,977,990 $291,078,182 $21,042,081 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $232,776,030 $299,846,912 $21,823,089 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $239,459,650 $308,879,800 $22,633,535 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $246,332,346 $318,184,804 $23,474,544 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $253,399,354 $327,770,121 $24,347,283 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $260,666,050 $337,644,196 $25,252,965 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $268,137,955 $347,815,728 $26,192,850 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $275,820,737 $358,293,677 $27,168,246 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $283,720,215 $369,087,274 $28,180,511 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $291,842,364 $380,206,028 $29,231,058 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $300,193,318 $391,659,734 $30,321,353 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $308,779,372 $403,458,484 $31,452,917 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $317,606,992 $415,612,671 $32,627,333 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $326,682,812 $428,133,002 $33,846,244 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $336,013,645 $441,030,509 $35,111,357 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $345,606,480 $454,316,553 $36,424,444 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $355,468,493 $468,002,839 $37,787,347 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 $365,607,050 December 2007 Page B-42 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B19 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 4 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 4 - Time of Day tolls: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) ; MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $0.75 (MD), $0.25 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $482,101,425 $39,201,978 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $376,029,709 $496,624,730 $40,670,325 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $386,744,227 $511,585,550 $42,194,451 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $397,758,564 $526,997,065 $43,776,502 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $409,080,889 $542,872,851 $45,418,704 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $420,719,585 $559,226,896 $47,123,371 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $432,683,253 $576,073,606 $48,892,907 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $444,980,718 $593,427,824 $50,729,810 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $457,621,033 $611,304,837 $52,636,673 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $470,613,489 $628,153,926 $54,480,331 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $482,537,007 $645,467,419 $56,389,571 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $494,751,479 $663,258,115 $58,366,756 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $507,263,566 $681,539,167 $60,414,335 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $520,080,067 $700,324,090 $62,534,845 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $533,207,913 $719,626,773 $64,730,917 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $546,654,177 $739,461,486 $67,005,277 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $560,426,071 $759,842,893 $69,360,750 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $574,530,951 $780,786,062 $71,800,263 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $588,976,315 $802,306,478 $74,326,853 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $603,769,809 $824,420,051 $76,943,665 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $618,919,226 $847,143,128 $79,653,959 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $634,432,509 $870,492,511 $82,461,115 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $650,317,753 $894,485,461 $85,368,635 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $666,583,205 $919,139,716 $88,380,150 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $683,237,269 $944,473,504 $91,499,423 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $700,288,504 $970,505,555 $94,730,354 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $717,745,629 $997,255,115 $98,076,986 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $735,617,521 $1,024,741,959 $101,543,510 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $753,913,220 $1,052,986,409 $105,134,270 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $772,641,927 $1,082,009,347 $108,853,768 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $791,813,010 $1,111,832,230 $112,706,672 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $811,435,998 $1,142,477,106 $116,697,819 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $831,520,592 $1,173,966,631 $120,832,225 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $852,076,657 $1,206,324,086 $125,115,088 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $873,114,228 $1,239,573,394 $129,551,797 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $894,643,510 $1,273,739,135 $134,147,937 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $916,674,879 $1,308,846,570 $138,909,299 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $939,218,880 $1,344,921,654 $143,841,887 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $962,286,233 $1,381,991,057 $148,951,921 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $985,887,828 $1,420,082,185 $154,245,853 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,010,034,728 $1,459,223,201 $159,730,370 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,034,738,171 $1,499,443,040 $165,412,404 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,060,009,563 $1,540,771,439 $171,299,140 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,085,860,488 $1,583,238,952 $177,398,030 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,112,302,698 $1,626,876,975 $183,716,795 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,139,348,119 $1,671,717,772 $190,263,442 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,167,008,846 $1,717,794,493 $197,046,272 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,195,297,145 $1,765,141,204 $204,073,889 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,224,225,451 $1,813,792,908 $211,355,214 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $1,253,806,365 December 2007 Page B-43 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B20 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 Toll 5 - Time of Day tolls: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) ; MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $51,641,701 $2,656,180 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $37,012,268 $73,414,211 $3,782,548 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $57,239,347 $78,274,626 $4,039,927 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $61,408,652 $83,456,827 $4,314,828 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $65,867,040 $88,982,117 $4,608,446 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $70,634,088 $94,873,210 $4,922,055 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $75,730,688 $101,154,326 $5,257,016 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $81,179,126 $107,851,286 $5,614,786 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $87,003,179 $114,991,620 $5,996,917 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $93,228,217 $122,604,683 $6,405,068 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $99,881,300 $130,721,771 $6,841,014 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $106,991,302 $139,376,254 $7,306,648 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $114,589,020 $148,603,710 $7,803,992 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $122,707,312 $158,442,074 $8,335,207 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $131,381,226 $168,931,789 $8,902,602 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $140,648,150 $174,886,635 $9,268,798 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $145,558,463 $181,051,389 $9,650,278 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $150,639,658 $187,433,450 $10,047,689 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $155,897,658 $194,040,479 $10,461,704 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $161,338,589 $200,880,406 $10,893,026 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $166,968,787 $207,961,441 $11,342,390 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $172,794,807 $215,292,081 $11,810,558 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $178,823,431 $222,881,127 $12,298,329 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $185,061,673 $230,737,687 $12,806,534 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $191,516,788 $238,871,191 $13,336,040 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $198,196,282 $247,291,400 $13,887,752 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $205,107,919 $256,008,422 $14,462,614 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $212,259,729 $265,032,719 $15,061,608 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $219,660,019 $274,375,122 $15,685,762 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $227,317,380 $284,046,845 $16,336,145 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $235,240,701 $294,059,496 $17,013,874 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $243,439,173 $304,425,094 $17,720,113 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $251,922,306 $315,156,078 $18,456,077 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $260,699,933 $326,265,330 $19,223,033 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $269,782,227 $336,094,073 $19,923,181 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $277,606,719 $346,218,907 $20,649,284 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $285,655,704 $356,648,752 $21,402,320 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $293,935,525 $367,392,795 $22,183,303 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $302,452,704 $378,460,503 $22,993,287 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $311,213,941 $389,861,626 $23,833,365 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $320,226,121 $401,606,207 $24,704,672 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $329,496,320 $413,704,594 $25,608,387 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $339,031,810 $426,167,445 $26,545,733 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $348,840,060 $439,005,740 $27,517,983 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $358,928,747 $452,230,787 $28,526,453 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $369,305,759 $465,854,240 $29,572,516 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $379,979,199 $479,888,099 $30,657,591 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $390,957,394 $494,344,728 $31,783,156 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $402,248,899 $509,236,863 $32,950,745 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $413,862,502 $524,577,623 $34,161,949 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 $425,807,232 December 2007 Page B-44 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B20 Toll on MLK with time of day toll rate concept - Toll Alternative 5 (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 Toll 5 - Time of Day tolls: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) ; MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), Current Dollars $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance Net Revenue $540,380,524 $35,418,421 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $438,092,365 $556,659,487 $36,721,878 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $450,727,431 $573,428,854 $38,074,102 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $463,722,217 $590,703,399 $39,476,944 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $477,086,781 $608,498,339 $40,932,326 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $490,831,450 $626,829,351 $42,442,243 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $504,966,836 $645,712,585 $44,008,768 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $519,503,836 $665,164,677 $45,634,053 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $534,453,643 $685,202,763 $47,320,334 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $549,827,754 $704,088,664 $48,947,865 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $564,004,210 $723,495,108 $50,632,406 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $578,536,332 $743,436,442 $52,375,985 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $593,432,664 $763,927,409 $54,180,702 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $608,701,941 $784,983,158 $56,048,735 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $624,353,090 $806,619,256 $57,982,339 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $640,395,238 $828,851,699 $59,983,851 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $656,837,712 $851,696,924 $62,055,690 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $673,690,042 $875,171,821 $64,200,367 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $690,961,970 $899,293,744 $66,420,479 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $708,663,449 $924,080,528 $68,718,719 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $726,804,649 $949,550,497 $71,097,878 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $745,395,959 $975,722,483 $73,560,846 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $764,447,994 $1,002,615,834 $76,110,619 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $783,971,594 $1,030,250,433 $78,750,300 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $803,977,836 $1,058,646,710 $81,483,105 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $824,478,028 $1,087,825,660 $84,312,367 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $845,483,721 $1,117,808,855 $87,241,538 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $867,006,709 $1,148,618,462 $90,274,197 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $889,059,036 $1,180,277,258 $93,414,050 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $911,652,996 $1,212,808,650 $96,664,941 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $934,801,140 $1,246,236,688 $100,030,849 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $958,516,280 $1,280,586,087 $103,515,901 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $982,811,492 $1,315,882,241 $107,124,372 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $1,007,700,121 $1,352,151,245 $110,860,692 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $1,033,195,784 $1,389,419,914 $114,729,451 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $1,059,312,377 $1,427,715,801 $118,735,408 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $1,086,064,074 $1,467,067,217 $122,883,492 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $1,113,465,335 $1,507,503,257 $127,178,814 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $1,141,530,910 $1,549,053,816 $131,626,667 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $1,170,275,841 $1,591,749,612 $136,232,541 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,199,715,467 $1,635,622,210 $141,002,121 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,229,865,429 $1,680,704,048 $145,941,302 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,260,741,673 $1,727,028,453 $151,056,191 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,292,360,451 $1,774,629,675 $156,353,120 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,324,738,331 $1,823,542,905 $161,838,648 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,357,892,195 $1,873,804,306 $167,519,576 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,391,839,247 $1,925,451,038 $173,402,950 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,426,597,011 $1,978,521,282 $179,496,076 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,462,183,343 $2,033,054,275 $185,806,521 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $1,498,616,424 December 2007 Page B-45 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B21 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – Low Demand Scenario Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $1.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $38,211,417 $3,145,001 $53,011,499 $4,387,939 $55,157,973 $4,591,629 $57,391,358 $4,804,829 $59,715,175 $5,027,987 $62,133,085 $5,261,571 $64,648,898 $5,506,069 $67,266,578 $5,761,995 $69,990,250 $6,029,885 $72,824,205 $6,310,302 $75,772,909 $6,603,834 $78,841,009 $6,911,098 $82,033,337 $7,232,740 $85,354,926 $7,569,436 $88,811,007 $7,921,894 $91,941,596 $8,261,418 $95,182,537 $8,615,644 $98,537,721 $8,985,214 $102,011,176 $9,370,798 $105,607,070 $9,773,097 $109,329,719 $10,192,841 $113,183,592 $10,630,793 $117,173,313 $11,087,750 $121,303,672 $11,564,544 $125,579,627 $12,062,042 $130,006,309 $12,581,152 $134,589,031 $13,122,820 $139,333,295 $13,688,034 $144,244,793 $14,277,826 $149,329,422 $14,893,275 $154,593,284 $15,535,504 $160,042,698 $16,205,688 $165,684,203 $16,905,054 $171,524,571 $17,634,884 $176,691,748 $18,305,441 $182,014,587 $19,001,796 $187,497,777 $19,724,949 $193,146,147 $20,475,943 $198,964,675 $21,255,860 $204,958,486 $22,065,823 $211,132,860 $22,907,001 $217,493,238 $23,780,608 $224,045,221 $24,687,906 $230,794,584 $25,630,207 $237,747,271 $26,608,872 $244,909,407 $27,625,317 $252,287,303 $28,681,015 $259,887,458 $29,777,494 $267,716,568 $30,916,343 $275,781,529 $32,099,215 December 2007 Operations $6,004,394 $6,214,548 $6,432,057 $6,657,179 $6,890,180 $7,131,337 $7,380,934 $7,639,266 $7,906,641 $8,183,373 $8,469,791 $8,766,234 $9,073,052 $9,390,609 $9,719,280 $10,059,455 $10,411,536 $10,775,939 $11,153,097 $11,543,456 $11,947,477 $12,365,638 $12,798,436 $13,246,381 $13,710,004 $14,189,854 $14,686,499 $15,200,527 $15,732,545 $16,283,184 $16,853,096 $17,442,954 $18,053,458 $18,685,329 $19,339,315 $20,016,191 $20,716,758 $21,441,844 $22,192,309 $22,969,040 $23,772,956 $24,605,010 $25,466,185 $26,357,501 $27,280,014 $28,234,814 $29,223,033 $30,245,839 $31,304,443 $32,400,099 Maintenance $5,968,858 $6,177,768 $6,393,990 $6,617,780 $6,849,402 $7,089,131 $7,337,251 $7,594,054 $7,859,846 $8,134,941 $8,419,664 $8,714,352 $9,019,354 $9,335,032 $9,661,758 $9,999,919 $10,349,916 $10,712,164 $11,087,089 $11,475,137 $11,876,767 $12,292,454 $12,722,690 $13,167,984 $13,628,864 $14,105,874 $14,599,579 $15,110,565 $15,639,434 $16,186,815 $16,753,353 $17,339,720 $17,946,611 $18,574,742 $19,224,858 $19,897,728 $20,594,149 $21,314,944 $22,060,967 $22,833,101 $23,632,259 $24,459,388 $25,315,467 $26,201,508 $27,118,561 $28,067,711 $29,050,080 $30,066,833 $31,119,172 $32,208,343 Net Revenue $23,093,164 $36,231,244 $37,740,297 $39,311,570 $40,947,606 $42,651,047 $44,424,645 $46,271,263 $48,193,879 $50,195,590 $52,279,621 $54,449,325 $56,708,191 $59,059,849 $61,508,076 $63,620,804 $65,805,441 $68,064,405 $70,400,191 $72,815,380 $75,312,634 $77,894,706 $80,564,437 $83,324,764 $86,178,717 $89,129,429 $92,180,133 $95,334,169 $98,594,987 $101,966,149 $105,451,332 $109,054,335 $112,779,080 $116,629,616 $119,822,134 $123,098,873 $126,461,921 $129,913,416 $133,455,539 $137,090,523 $140,820,644 $144,648,232 $148,575,663 $152,605,367 $156,739,824 $160,981,565 $165,333,175 $169,797,292 $174,376,608 $179,073,871 Page B-46 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B21 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – Low Demand Scenario (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $1.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost $284,089,448 $33,327,826 $292,647,642 $34,603,959 $301,463,653 $35,929,469 $310,545,245 $37,306,282 $319,900,421 $38,736,400 $329,537,421 $40,221,905 $339,464,736 $41,764,959 $349,691,111 $43,367,811 $360,225,556 $45,032,796 $370,154,272 $46,646,019 $380,356,650 $48,317,688 $390,840,230 $50,049,942 $401,612,764 $51,844,994 $412,682,215 $53,705,142 $424,056,769 $55,632,767 $435,744,834 $57,630,338 $447,755,051 $59,700,415 $460,096,299 $61,845,652 $472,777,703 $64,068,801 $485,808,639 $66,372,716 $499,198,740 $68,760,355 $512,957,905 $71,234,787 $527,096,307 $73,799,191 $541,624,399 $76,456,867 $556,552,921 $79,211,235 $571,892,911 $82,065,839 $587,655,710 $85,024,358 $603,852,970 $88,090,604 $620,496,668 $91,268,529 $637,599,107 $94,562,235 $655,172,933 $97,975,970 $673,231,137 $101,514,144 $691,787,070 $105,181,325 $710,854,451 $108,982,255 $730,447,377 $112,921,846 $750,580,332 $117,005,196 $771,268,203 $121,237,588 $792,526,283 $125,624,503 $814,370,288 $130,171,622 $836,816,369 $134,884,839 $859,881,121 $139,770,263 $883,581,594 $144,834,231 $907,935,312 $150,083,314 $932,960,279 $155,524,325 $958,674,996 $161,164,331 $985,098,476 $167,010,660 $1,012,250,253 $173,070,909 $1,040,150,400 $179,352,960 $1,068,819,546 $185,864,985 December 2007 Operations $33,534,102 $34,707,796 $35,922,569 $37,179,859 $38,481,154 $39,827,994 $41,221,974 $42,664,743 $44,158,009 $45,703,539 $47,303,163 $48,958,774 $50,672,331 $52,445,863 $54,281,468 $56,181,319 $58,147,666 $60,182,834 $62,289,233 $64,469,356 $66,725,784 $69,061,186 $71,478,328 $73,980,069 $76,569,371 $79,249,299 $82,023,025 $84,893,831 $87,865,115 $90,940,394 $94,123,308 $97,417,623 $100,827,240 $104,356,194 $108,008,660 $111,788,964 $115,701,577 $119,751,133 $123,942,422 $128,280,407 $132,770,221 $137,417,179 $142,226,780 $147,204,717 $152,356,883 $157,689,373 $163,208,502 $168,920,799 $174,833,027 Maintenance $33,335,635 $34,502,383 $35,709,966 $36,959,815 $38,253,408 $39,592,278 $40,978,007 $42,412,238 $43,896,666 $45,433,049 $47,023,206 $48,669,018 $50,372,434 $52,135,469 $53,960,211 $55,848,818 $57,803,527 $59,826,650 $61,920,583 $64,087,803 $66,330,876 $68,652,457 $71,055,293 $73,542,228 $76,116,206 $78,780,273 $81,537,583 $84,391,398 $87,345,097 $90,402,176 $93,566,252 $96,841,071 $100,230,508 $103,738,576 $107,369,426 $111,127,356 $115,016,813 $119,042,402 $123,208,886 $127,521,197 $131,984,439 $136,603,894 $141,385,030 $146,333,507 $151,455,179 $156,756,111 $162,242,574 $167,921,064 $173,798,302 Net Revenue $183,891,884 $188,833,504 $193,901,649 $199,099,290 $204,429,458 $209,895,244 $215,499,795 $221,246,319 $227,138,084 $232,371,665 $237,712,592 $243,162,496 $248,723,004 $254,395,741 $260,182,323 $266,084,358 $272,103,444 $278,241,164 $284,499,087 $290,878,764 $297,381,724 $304,009,475 $310,763,495 $317,645,234 $324,656,109 $331,797,499 $339,070,744 $346,477,138 $354,017,926 $361,694,303 $369,507,403 $377,458,299 $385,547,996 $393,777,427 $402,147,444 $410,658,817 $419,312,224 $428,108,245 $437,047,358 $446,129,927 $455,356,198 $464,726,290 $474,240,187 $483,897,730 $493,698,603 $503,642,332 $513,728,267 $523,955,576 $534,323,232 Page B-47 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B22 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – High Demand Scenario Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $1.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll - HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $42,950,228 $3,523,065 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $59,759,574 $4,925,232 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $62,360,671 $5,164,136 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $65,074,983 $5,414,672 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $67,907,438 $5,677,409 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $70,863,179 $5,952,944 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $73,947,571 $6,241,902 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $77,166,215 $6,544,939 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $80,524,954 $6,862,744 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $84,029,885 $7,196,039 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $87,687,371 $7,545,580 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $91,504,054 $7,912,164 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $95,486,862 $8,296,624 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $99,643,025 $8,699,835 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $103,980,090 $9,122,713 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $107,645,388 $9,513,324 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $111,439,888 $9,920,834 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $115,368,144 $10,345,982 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $119,434,871 $10,789,538 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $123,644,950 $11,252,305 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $128,003,435 $11,735,123 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $132,515,556 $12,238,868 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $137,186,729 $12,764,456 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $142,022,561 $13,312,841 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $147,028,857 $13,885,021 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $152,211,624 $14,482,037 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $157,577,084 $15,104,976 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $163,131,676 $15,754,973 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $168,882,067 $16,433,213 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $174,835,160 $17,140,934 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $180,998,100 $17,879,427 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $187,378,283 $18,650,041 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $193,983,367 $19,454,185 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $200,821,281 $20,293,329 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $206,871,022 $21,064,212 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $213,103,011 $21,864,728 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $219,522,740 $22,696,026 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $226,135,862 $23,559,302 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $232,948,205 $24,455,799 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $239,965,770 $25,386,806 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $247,194,738 $26,353,664 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $254,641,480 $27,357,768 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $262,312,555 $28,400,565 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $270,214,720 $29,483,560 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $278,354,939 $30,608,318 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $286,740,381 $31,776,463 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $295,378,435 $32,989,684 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $304,276,711 $34,249,736 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $313,443,046 $35,558,444 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $322,885,518 $36,917,702 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $27,453,911 $42,442,026 $44,370,488 $46,385,352 $48,490,446 $50,689,767 $52,987,485 $55,387,955 $57,895,723 $60,515,532 $63,252,336 $66,111,304 $69,097,831 $72,217,550 $75,476,339 $78,072,690 $80,757,601 $83,534,059 $86,405,147 $89,374,052 $92,444,068 $95,618,595 $98,901,147 $102,295,355 $105,804,967 $109,433,858 $113,186,029 $117,065,611 $121,076,874 $125,224,227 $129,512,224 $133,945,567 $138,529,114 $143,267,881 $147,242,636 $151,324,364 $155,515,807 $159,819,772 $164,239,130 $168,776,824 $173,435,859 $178,219,314 $183,130,338 $188,172,150 $193,348,046 $198,661,393 $204,115,638 $209,714,302 $215,460,987 $221,359,374 Page B-48 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B22 No Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – High Demand Scenario (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $1.00 auto toll alternative - No MLK Toll - HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $332,612,445 $38,329,481 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $342,632,394 $39,795,827 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $352,954,195 $41,318,868 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $363,586,940 $42,900,816 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $374,539,997 $44,543,967 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $385,823,014 $46,250,710 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $397,445,933 $48,023,527 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $409,418,991 $49,864,997 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $421,752,739 $51,777,800 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $433,377,298 $53,630,981 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $445,322,260 $55,551,254 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $457,596,455 $57,541,071 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $470,208,957 $59,602,973 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $483,169,092 $61,739,595 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $496,486,440 $63,953,669 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $510,170,847 $66,248,028 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $524,232,431 $68,625,607 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $538,681,588 $71,089,453 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $553,528,999 $73,642,722 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $568,785,642 $76,288,687 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $584,462,796 $79,030,742 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $600,572,052 $81,872,407 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $617,125,319 $84,817,330 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $634,134,836 $87,869,294 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $651,613,177 $91,032,223 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $669,573,265 $94,310,183 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $688,028,379 $97,707,393 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $706,992,161 $101,228,225 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $726,478,632 $104,877,213 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $746,502,199 $108,659,061 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $767,077,666 $112,578,642 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $788,220,244 $116,641,013 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $809,945,565 $120,851,415 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $832,269,690 $125,215,284 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $855,209,123 $129,738,256 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $878,780,824 $134,426,177 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $903,002,221 $139,285,106 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $927,891,220 $144,321,327 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $953,466,221 $149,541,359 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $979,746,134 $154,951,958 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,006,750,387 $160,560,131 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,034,498,944 $166,373,147 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,063,012,322 $172,398,538 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,092,311,599 $178,644,121 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,122,418,437 $185,117,998 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,153,355,095 $191,828,571 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,185,144,445 $198,784,555 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,217,809,989 $205,994,986 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,251,375,877 $213,469,234 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 December 2007 Net Revenue $227,413,226 $233,626,389 $240,002,792 $246,546,451 $253,261,468 $260,152,032 $267,222,424 $274,477,014 $281,920,263 $288,609,729 $295,444,637 $302,427,592 $309,561,219 $316,848,164 $324,291,092 $331,892,682 $339,655,632 $347,582,651 $355,676,462 $363,939,796 $372,375,394 $380,986,002 $389,774,369 $398,743,245 $407,895,377 $417,233,510 $426,760,378 $436,478,707 $446,391,207 $456,500,569 $466,809,465 $477,320,538 $488,036,402 $498,959,636 $510,092,780 $521,438,328 $532,998,725 $544,776,358 $556,773,554 $568,992,572 $581,435,595 $594,104,725 $607,001,972 $620,129,254 $633,488,378 $647,081,040 $660,908,814 $674,973,139 $689,275,313 Page B-49 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B23 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – Low Demand Scenario Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $1.00 auto toll alternative - with MLK Toll - LOW DEMAND SCENARIO Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $41,534,996 $3,546,743 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $57,633,916 $4,949,901 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $59,979,571 $5,181,190 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $62,420,692 $5,423,348 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $64,961,164 $5,676,888 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $67,605,032 $5,942,349 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $70,356,503 $6,220,294 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $73,219,957 $6,511,312 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $76,199,951 $6,816,021 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $79,301,228 $7,135,070 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $82,528,725 $7,469,136 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $85,887,579 $7,818,930 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $89,383,135 $8,185,195 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $93,020,957 $8,568,712 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $96,806,836 $8,970,296 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $100,219,277 $9,355,588 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $103,752,007 $9,757,595 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $107,409,265 $10,177,049 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $111,195,442 $10,614,712 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $115,115,081 $11,071,381 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $119,172,887 $11,547,890 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $123,373,732 $12,045,106 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $127,722,656 $12,563,938 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $132,224,879 $13,105,333 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $136,885,806 $13,670,279 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $141,711,031 $14,259,810 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $146,706,345 $14,875,005 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $151,877,744 $15,516,988 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $157,231,434 $16,186,936 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $162,773,842 $16,886,077 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $168,511,620 $17,615,692 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $174,451,655 $18,377,120 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $180,601,075 $19,171,760 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $186,967,263 $20,001,069 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $192,599,652 $20,763,274 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $198,401,717 $21,554,855 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $204,378,568 $22,376,954 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $210,535,473 $23,230,760 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $216,877,854 $24,117,507 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $223,411,299 $25,038,476 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $230,141,565 $25,995,000 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $237,074,579 $26,988,465 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $244,216,451 $28,020,310 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $251,573,472 $29,092,029 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $259,152,122 $30,205,179 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $266,959,080 $31,361,373 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $275,001,222 $32,562,292 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $283,285,634 $33,809,679 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $291,819,614 $35,105,348 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $300,610,680 $36,451,184 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $26,015,001 $40,291,700 $41,972,334 $43,722,385 $45,544,694 $47,442,215 $49,418,025 $51,475,325 $53,617,443 $55,847,844 $58,170,134 $60,588,063 $63,105,533 $65,726,605 $68,455,503 $70,804,315 $73,232,959 $75,744,113 $78,340,543 $81,025,107 $83,800,754 $86,670,533 $89,637,592 $92,705,182 $95,876,659 $99,155,492 $102,545,262 $106,049,664 $109,672,518 $113,417,766 $117,289,479 $121,291,860 $125,429,248 $129,706,123 $133,272,205 $136,932,943 $140,690,708 $144,547,924 $148,507,072 $152,570,683 $156,741,349 $161,021,716 $165,414,490 $169,922,433 $174,548,369 $179,295,182 $184,165,817 $189,163,283 $194,290,650 $199,551,053 Page B-50 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B23 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – Low Demand Scenario (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $1.00 auto toll alternative - with MLK Toll - LOW DEMAND SCENARIO Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $309,666,577 $37,849,146 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $318,995,282 $39,301,268 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $328,605,015 $40,809,666 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $338,504,241 $42,376,540 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $348,701,681 $44,004,174 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $359,206,320 $45,694,944 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $370,027,410 $47,451,318 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $381,174,486 $49,275,862 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $392,657,367 $51,171,242 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $403,479,986 $53,008,040 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $414,600,903 $54,911,492 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $426,028,340 $56,884,038 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $437,770,746 $58,928,206 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $449,836,803 $61,046,620 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $462,235,429 $63,241,998 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $474,975,793 $65,517,161 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $488,067,314 $67,875,031 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $501,519,669 $70,318,641 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $515,342,805 $72,851,132 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $529,546,941 $75,475,765 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $544,142,579 $78,195,919 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $559,140,508 $81,015,098 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $574,551,819 $83,936,934 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $590,387,903 $86,965,196 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $606,660,470 $90,103,790 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $623,381,549 $93,356,768 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $640,563,503 $96,728,328 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $658,219,034 $100,222,828 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $676,361,197 $103,844,784 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $695,003,402 $107,598,878 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $714,159,433 $111,489,968 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $733,843,453 $115,523,089 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $754,070,013 $119,703,464 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $774,854,068 $124,036,508 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $796,210,983 $128,527,836 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $818,156,548 $133,183,272 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $840,706,988 $138,008,853 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $863,878,974 $143,010,843 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $887,689,638 $148,195,735 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $912,156,584 $153,570,262 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $937,297,900 $159,141,408 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $963,132,173 $164,916,415 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $989,678,504 $170,902,792 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,016,956,518 $177,108,327 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,044,986,382 $183,541,096 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,073,788,819 $190,209,475 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,103,385,123 $197,122,150 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,133,797,176 $204,288,127 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,165,047,460 $211,716,748 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 December 2007 Net Revenue $204,947,693 $210,483,836 $216,162,814 $221,988,027 $227,962,945 $234,091,103 $240,376,110 $246,821,643 $253,431,450 $259,335,357 $265,363,041 $271,516,510 $277,797,775 $284,208,851 $290,751,753 $297,428,495 $304,241,091 $311,191,545 $318,281,857 $325,514,016 $332,890,000 $340,411,768 $348,081,264 $355,900,410 $363,871,102 $371,995,208 $380,274,567 $388,710,977 $397,306,201 $406,061,955 $414,979,906 $424,061,670 $433,308,801 $442,722,790 $452,305,060 $462,056,957 $471,979,744 $482,074,597 $492,342,596 $502,784,718 $513,401,832 $524,194,685 $535,163,901 $546,309,967 $557,633,223 $569,133,859 $580,811,897 $592,667,185 $604,699,383 Page B-51 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B24 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – High Demand Scenario Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $1.00 auto toll alternative - with MLK Toll - HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $47,231,114 $4,024,442 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $65,729,738 $5,632,398 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $68,605,175 $5,912,172 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $71,606,402 $6,205,912 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $74,738,921 $6,514,317 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $78,008,477 $6,838,123 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $81,421,065 $7,178,103 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $84,982,940 $7,535,068 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $88,700,635 $7,909,870 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $92,580,965 $8,303,404 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $96,631,046 $8,716,611 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $100,858,303 $9,150,478 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $105,270,487 $9,606,044 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $109,875,688 $10,084,396 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $114,682,350 $10,586,681 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $118,724,902 $11,041,305 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $122,909,955 $11,515,648 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $127,242,531 $12,010,572 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $131,727,830 $12,526,978 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $136,371,236 $13,065,806 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $141,178,322 $13,628,039 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $146,154,858 $14,214,701 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $151,306,817 $14,826,862 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $156,640,382 $15,465,639 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $162,161,956 $16,132,201 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $167,878,165 $16,827,764 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $173,795,870 $17,553,600 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $179,922,174 $18,311,038 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $186,264,431 $19,101,465 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $192,830,252 $19,926,329 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $199,627,519 $20,787,141 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $206,664,389 $21,685,481 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $213,949,308 $22,622,996 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $221,491,022 $23,601,410 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $228,163,439 $24,500,625 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $235,036,862 $25,434,490 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $242,117,348 $26,404,354 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $249,411,133 $27,411,617 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $256,924,643 $28,457,734 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $264,664,498 $29,544,217 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $272,637,516 $30,672,639 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $280,850,721 $31,844,632 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $289,311,349 $33,061,894 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $298,026,854 $34,326,189 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $307,004,913 $35,639,350 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $316,253,436 $37,003,282 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $325,780,570 $38,419,965 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $335,594,710 $39,891,457 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $345,704,501 $41,419,897 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $356,118,849 $43,007,506 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $31,233,420 $47,705,024 $49,866,955 $52,125,531 $54,485,022 $56,949,886 $59,524,777 $62,214,552 $65,024,278 $67,959,247 $71,024,980 $74,227,239 $77,572,037 $81,065,651 $84,714,630 $87,624,223 $90,632,855 $93,743,856 $96,960,666 $100,286,837 $103,726,040 $107,282,065 $110,958,830 $114,760,378 $118,690,887 $122,754,673 $126,956,191 $131,300,044 $135,790,986 $140,433,924 $145,233,929 $150,196,233 $155,326,244 $160,629,541 $165,098,641 $169,688,453 $174,402,087 $179,242,728 $184,213,633 $189,318,140 $194,559,662 $199,941,691 $205,467,803 $211,141,655 $216,966,988 $222,947,629 $229,087,492 $235,390,580 $241,860,988 $248,502,901 Page B-52 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B24 Toll on MLK with constant toll rate concept – High Demand Scenario (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 $1.00 auto toll alternative - with MLK Toll - HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $366,846,929 $44,656,594 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $377,898,193 $46,369,563 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $389,282,376 $48,148,907 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $401,009,507 $49,997,219 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $413,089,919 $51,917,194 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $425,534,253 $53,911,633 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $438,353,472 $55,983,447 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $451,558,870 $58,135,663 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $465,162,081 $60,371,423 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $477,983,111 $62,538,042 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $491,157,521 $64,783,272 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $504,695,050 $67,109,988 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $518,605,707 $69,521,175 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $532,899,777 $72,019,923 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $547,587,827 $74,609,441 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $562,680,716 $77,293,053 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $578,189,604 $80,074,206 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $594,125,955 $82,956,476 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $610,501,551 $85,943,568 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $627,328,500 $89,039,326 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $644,619,242 $92,247,734 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $662,386,560 $95,572,925 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $680,643,590 $99,019,183 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $699,403,828 $102,590,950 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $718,681,146 $106,292,834 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $738,489,796 $110,129,611 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $758,844,421 $114,106,234 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $779,760,070 $118,227,839 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $801,252,207 $122,499,752 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $823,336,721 $126,927,495 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $846,029,939 $131,516,795 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $869,348,639 $136,273,591 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $893,310,061 $141,204,040 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $917,931,920 $146,314,527 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $943,232,418 $151,611,674 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $969,230,262 $157,102,348 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $995,944,671 $162,793,669 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $1,023,395,396 $168,693,020 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $1,051,602,732 $174,808,059 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $1,080,587,532 $181,146,726 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,110,371,226 $187,717,255 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,140,975,833 $194,528,185 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,172,423,979 $201,588,371 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,204,738,915 $208,906,996 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,237,944,531 $216,493,583 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,272,065,377 $224,358,007 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,307,126,679 $232,510,509 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,343,154,358 $240,961,711 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,380,175,050 $249,722,627 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 December 2007 Net Revenue $255,320,597 $262,318,451 $269,500,934 $276,872,615 $284,438,162 $292,202,347 $300,170,043 $308,346,227 $316,735,983 $324,308,480 $332,047,879 $339,957,269 $348,039,767 $356,298,522 $364,736,707 $373,357,526 $382,164,205 $391,159,995 $400,348,168 $409,732,015 $419,314,848 $429,099,992 $439,090,786 $449,290,581 $459,702,735 $470,330,612 $481,177,579 $492,247,002 $503,542,243 $515,066,656 $526,823,584 $538,816,354 $551,048,273 $563,522,623 $576,242,658 $589,211,594 $602,432,611 $615,908,841 $629,643,364 $643,639,202 $657,899,310 $672,426,574 $687,223,797 $702,293,695 $717,638,887 $733,261,887 $749,165,094 $765,350,784 $781,821,095 Page B-53 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B25 Hampton Roads Third Crossing Demand Scenario Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 $1.00 auto toll alternative - with MLK Toll - with Third Harbor Crossing Project Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $44,241,850 $3,776,669 $6,004,394 $5,968,858 $61,473,819 $5,276,944 $6,214,548 $6,177,768 $64,068,665 $5,530,269 $6,432,057 $6,393,990 $66,778,867 $5,796,146 $6,657,179 $6,617,780 $69,609,879 $6,075,220 $6,890,180 $6,849,402 $72,567,433 $6,368,170 $7,131,337 $7,089,131 $75,657,551 $6,675,712 $7,380,934 $7,337,251 $78,886,559 $6,998,599 $7,639,266 $7,594,054 $82,261,106 $7,337,626 $7,906,641 $7,859,846 $94,060,292 $8,473,686 $8,183,373 $8,134,941 $97,747,466 $8,858,376 $8,469,791 $8,419,664 $101,579,178 $9,260,635 $8,766,234 $8,714,352 $105,561,093 $9,681,271 $9,073,052 $9,019,354 $109,699,100 $10,121,126 $9,390,609 $9,335,032 $113,999,317 $10,581,084 $9,719,280 $9,661,758 $118,017,792 $11,035,606 $10,059,455 $9,999,919 $122,177,920 $11,509,847 $10,411,536 $10,349,916 $126,484,691 $12,004,670 $10,775,939 $10,712,164 $130,943,277 $12,520,977 $11,153,097 $11,087,089 $135,559,027 $13,059,708 $11,543,456 $11,475,137 $140,337,483 $13,621,845 $11,947,477 $11,876,767 $145,284,379 $14,208,412 $12,365,638 $12,292,454 $150,405,653 $14,820,482 $12,798,436 $12,722,690 $155,707,453 $15,459,170 $13,246,381 $13,167,984 $161,196,140 $16,125,646 $13,710,004 $13,628,864 $166,878,304 $16,821,126 $14,189,854 $14,105,874 $172,760,765 $17,546,883 $14,686,499 $14,599,579 $178,850,582 $18,304,247 $15,200,527 $15,110,565 $185,155,065 $19,094,604 $15,732,545 $15,639,434 $191,681,781 $19,919,403 $16,283,184 $16,186,815 $198,438,563 $20,780,156 $16,853,096 $16,753,353 $205,433,523 $21,678,443 $17,442,954 $17,339,720 $212,675,054 $22,615,913 $18,053,458 $17,946,611 $220,171,850 $23,594,289 $18,685,329 $18,574,742 $226,804,527 $24,493,509 $19,339,315 $19,224,858 $233,637,013 $25,427,389 $20,016,191 $19,897,728 $240,675,328 $26,397,278 $20,716,758 $20,594,149 $247,925,673 $27,404,575 $21,441,844 $21,314,944 $255,394,434 $28,450,737 $22,192,309 $22,060,967 $263,088,191 $29,537,278 $22,969,040 $22,833,101 $271,013,723 $30,665,769 $23,772,956 $23,632,259 $279,178,011 $31,837,846 $24,605,010 $24,459,388 $287,588,249 $33,055,205 $25,466,185 $25,315,467 $296,251,845 $34,319,612 $26,357,501 $26,201,508 $305,176,432 $35,632,901 $27,280,014 $27,118,561 $314,369,872 $36,996,978 $28,234,814 $28,067,711 $323,840,264 $38,413,825 $29,223,033 $29,050,080 $333,595,952 $39,885,499 $30,245,839 $30,066,833 $343,645,530 $41,414,141 $31,304,443 $31,119,172 $353,997,851 $43,001,974 $32,400,099 $32,208,343 December 2007 Net Revenue $28,491,929 $43,804,559 $45,712,349 $47,707,762 $49,795,077 $51,978,796 $54,263,655 $56,654,639 $59,156,993 $69,268,292 $71,999,635 $74,837,957 $77,787,416 $80,852,333 $84,037,195 $86,922,813 $89,906,621 $92,991,918 $96,182,113 $99,480,726 $102,891,394 $106,417,874 $110,064,046 $113,833,917 $117,731,627 $121,761,450 $125,927,802 $130,235,243 $134,688,481 $139,292,379 $144,051,958 $148,972,405 $154,059,073 $159,317,491 $163,746,845 $168,295,705 $172,967,144 $177,764,310 $182,690,420 $187,748,772 $192,942,738 $198,275,768 $203,751,392 $209,373,223 $215,144,956 $221,070,368 $227,153,326 $233,397,780 $239,807,773 $246,387,435 Page B-54 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT Table B25 Hampton Roads Third Crossing Demand Scenario (part 2) Year 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 December 2007 $1.00 auto toll alternative - with MLK Toll - with Third Harbor Crossing Project Current Dollars Gross Revenue Transaction Cost Operations Maintenance $364,662,037 $44,651,309 $33,534,102 $33,335,635 $375,647,481 $46,364,549 $34,707,796 $34,502,383 $386,963,861 $48,144,189 $35,922,569 $35,709,966 $398,621,147 $49,992,824 $37,179,859 $36,959,815 $410,629,609 $51,913,151 $38,481,154 $38,253,408 $422,999,826 $53,907,971 $39,827,994 $39,592,278 $435,742,696 $55,980,199 $41,221,974 $40,978,007 $448,869,445 $58,132,861 $42,664,743 $42,412,238 $462,391,637 $60,369,103 $44,158,009 $43,896,666 $475,136,306 $62,536,246 $45,703,539 $45,433,049 $488,232,251 $64,782,036 $47,303,163 $47,023,206 $501,689,152 $67,109,351 $48,958,774 $48,669,018 $515,516,959 $69,521,177 $50,672,331 $50,372,434 $529,725,896 $72,020,607 $52,445,863 $52,135,469 $544,326,466 $74,610,850 $54,281,468 $53,960,211 $559,329,464 $77,295,234 $56,181,319 $55,848,818 $574,745,982 $80,077,209 $58,147,666 $57,803,527 $590,587,418 $82,960,351 $60,182,834 $59,826,650 $606,865,484 $85,948,369 $62,289,233 $61,920,583 $623,592,214 $89,045,109 $64,469,356 $64,087,803 $640,779,974 $92,254,559 $66,725,784 $66,330,876 $658,441,472 $95,580,853 $69,061,186 $68,652,457 $676,589,765 $99,028,279 $71,478,328 $71,055,293 $695,238,271 $102,601,282 $73,980,069 $73,542,228 $714,400,776 $106,304,473 $76,569,371 $76,116,206 $734,091,447 $110,142,632 $79,249,299 $78,780,273 $754,324,843 $114,120,714 $82,023,025 $81,537,583 $775,115,921 $118,243,860 $84,893,831 $84,391,398 $796,480,054 $122,517,399 $87,865,115 $87,345,097 $818,433,035 $126,946,858 $90,940,394 $90,402,176 $840,991,096 $131,537,968 $94,123,308 $93,566,252 $864,170,913 $136,296,671 $97,417,623 $96,841,071 $887,989,624 $141,229,129 $100,827,240 $100,230,508 $912,464,838 $146,341,733 $104,356,194 $103,738,576 $937,614,650 $151,641,108 $108,008,660 $107,369,426 $963,457,653 $157,134,128 $111,788,964 $111,127,356 $990,012,955 $162,827,916 $115,701,577 $115,016,813 $1,017,300,187 $168,729,863 $119,751,133 $119,042,402 $1,045,339,523 $174,847,631 $123,942,422 $123,208,886 $1,074,151,694 $181,189,167 $128,280,407 $127,521,197 $1,103,758,000 $187,762,711 $132,770,221 $131,984,439 $1,134,180,330 $194,576,808 $137,417,179 $136,603,894 $1,165,441,175 $201,640,320 $142,226,780 $141,385,030 $1,197,563,648 $208,962,437 $147,204,717 $146,333,507 $1,230,571,496 $216,552,690 $152,356,883 $151,455,179 $1,264,489,123 $224,420,962 $157,689,373 $156,756,111 $1,299,341,604 $232,577,502 $163,208,502 $162,242,574 $1,335,154,707 $241,032,939 $168,920,799 $167,921,064 $1,371,954,909 $249,798,296 $174,833,027 $173,798,302 $1,409,769,416 $258,885,005 $180,952,183 $179,881,242 Net Revenue $253,140,989 $260,072,753 $267,187,137 $274,488,649 $281,981,896 $289,671,583 $297,562,516 $305,659,603 $313,967,858 $321,463,471 $329,123,845 $336,952,008 $344,951,018 $353,123,957 $361,473,937 $370,004,092 $378,717,581 $387,617,584 $396,707,300 $405,989,946 $415,468,756 $425,146,977 $435,027,866 $445,114,691 $455,410,725 $465,919,243 $476,643,521 $487,586,832 $498,752,442 $510,143,607 $521,763,568 $533,615,548 $545,702,746 $558,028,335 $570,595,455 $583,407,206 $596,466,648 $609,776,790 $623,340,584 $637,160,923 $651,240,630 $665,582,449 $680,189,045 $695,062,986 $710,206,744 $725,622,677 $741,313,026 $757,279,905 $773,525,284 $790,050,986 Page B-55 IBI GROUP Virginia Department of Transportation MIDTOWN TUNNEL CORRIDOR PROJECT TOLL FEASIBILITY STUDY: FINAL REPORT This Page Intentionally Left Blank. December 2007 Page B-56 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects APPENDIX C PUBLIC RESEARCH ADVISORY GROUP FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS Page C - 1 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Toll Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Public Resources Advisory Group (PRAG) has developed two financial models to analyze the feasibility of using toll revenues to fund the Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects, including the Midtown Tunnel, the Downtown Tunnel and the Martin Luther King Freeway (MLK). The first model assumes traditional public finance toll revenue bonds issued by a governmental entity or a not-for-profit 63-20 corporation. The second model assumes a public-private partnership (PPP) framework with a long-term concession agreement. PRAG was provided with estimates of the construction costs by the Virginia Department of Transportation and IBI Group and with estimates of annual renewal and replacement costs by IBI Group. Note that the projected estimate range for the project may change in the future. Charles River Associates (CRA) International prepared toll revenue forecasts, assuming different toll scenarios and alternatives, and also prepared a forecast of operations and maintenance expenses and transaction costs. Project Costs At the direction of VDOT, IBI Group prepared a schedule of construction costs based on a five-year construction period. Baseline estimates were prepared along with high estimates (175 percent of baseline estimates) and low estimates (75 percent of baseline estimates). All costs were expressed in 2007 dollars. A summary of the baseline, high and low estimates are provided in the table below. Based on the estimates in 2007 dollars, PRAG estimated the costs in year of expenditure dollars, using a 3.50 percent annual escalation factor. Project Capital Costs by Year of Expenditure (2007$) Years Before Opening 5 4 3 2 1 Total Low Estimate Baseline Estimate 13,100,000 17,500,000 83,800,000 111,800,000 230,300,000 307,100,000 142,900,000 190,600,000 34,800,000 46,500,000 504,900,000 673,500,000 Numbers may not add due to rounding. High Estimate 30,600,000 195,600,000 537,400,000 333,500,000 81,300,000 1,178,400,000 Fraction of Total 2.6% 16.6% 45.6% 28.3% 6.9% 100.0% High Estimate 35,114,000 232,311,000 660,601,000 424,305,000 107,056,000 1,459,387,000 Fraction of Total 2.4% 15.9% 45.3% 29.1% 7.3% 100.0% Project Capital Costs by Year of Expenditure (Year of Expenditure $) Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Low Estimate Baseline Estimate 15,032,000 20,081,000 99,528,000 132,783,000 283,097,000 377,504,000 181,808,000 242,496,000 45,824,000 61,231,000 625,289,000 834,095,000 Escalation Factor 3.50% Renewal and Replacement Costs IBI Group also prepared a schedule of annual renewal and replacement costs, which start fourteen years after the opening and were provided in 2007 dollars. High (140 percent of the baseline estimate) and low estimates (85 percent of the baseline estimate) of the renewal and replacement costs were also provided. PRAG prepared a schedule of the renewal and replacement costs in year of expenditure dollars based on a 3.50 percent escalation factor. Page C - 2 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Renewal and Replacement Costs (2007$) Years After Opening 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Baseline Estimtate 100% 1,600,000 12,300,000 3,300,000 0 0 0 10,400,000 67,100,000 21,500,000 0 1,300,000 8,100,000 2,600,000 0 0 4,700,000 34,700,000 9,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,000 15,700,000 25,600,000 7,200,000 0 3,800,000 24,400,000 7,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,200,000 59,500,000 19,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,400,000 67,100,000 21,500,000 0 2,800,000 20,400,000 5,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,700,000 34,700,000 9,800,000 0 0 0 3,500,000 22,400,000 7,200,000 0 3,800,000 24,400,000 589,800,000 Low Estimtate 85% 1,300,000 10,400,000 2,800,000 0 0 0 8,800,000 57,100,000 18,300,000 0 1,100,000 6,900,000 2,200,000 0 0 4,000,000 29,500,000 8,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 13,400,000 21,800,000 6,100,000 0 3,200,000 20,700,000 6,600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,800,000 50,600,000 16,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,800,000 57,100,000 18,300,000 0 2,400,000 17,300,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000,000 29,500,000 8,300,000 0 0 0 2,900,000 19,000,000 6,100,000 0 3,200,000 20,700,000 501,000,000 High Estimtate 140% 2,200,000 17,200,000 4,600,000 0 0 0 14,600,000 94,000,000 30,100,000 0 1,800,000 11,400,000 3,600,000 0 0 6,600,000 48,600,000 13,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,200,000 22,000,000 35,900,000 10,000,000 0 5,300,000 34,200,000 10,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,900,000 83,300,000 26,700,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,600,000 94,000,000 30,100,000 0 4,000,000 28,600,000 8,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,600,000 48,600,000 13,700,000 0 0 0 4,900,000 31,300,000 10,000,000 0 5,300,000 34,200,000 825,900,000 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 Renewal and Replacement Costs (Year of Expenditure$) Escalation Factor 3.50% Years Baseline Low High After Estimtate Estimtate Estimtate Opening 100% 85% 140% 14 2,590,000 2,104,000 3,561,000 15 20,607,000 17,424,000 28,816,000 16 5,722,000 4,855,000 7,976,000 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 20 20,694,000 17,510,000 29,051,000 21 138,188,000 117,594,000 193,587,000 22 45,827,000 39,007,000 64,158,000 23 0 0 0 24 2,968,000 2,512,000 4,110,000 25 19,142,000 16,306,000 26,941,000 26 6,359,000 5,381,000 8,805,000 27 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 29 12,746,000 10,848,000 17,898,000 30 97,396,000 82,800,000 136,410,000 31 28,469,000 24,112,000 39,799,000 32 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 44 7,269,000 5,906,000 9,995,000 45 73,827,000 63,012,000 103,452,000 46 124,594,000 106,099,000 174,723,000 47 36,268,000 30,727,000 50,373,000 48 0 0 0 49 20,505,000 17,267,000 28,599,000 50 136,272,000 115,608,000 191,004,000 51 45,087,000 38,151,000 63,006,000 52 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 59 70,027,000 59,371,000 98,191,000 60 468,746,000 398,631,000 656,245,000 61 154,923,000 132,092,000 217,707,000 62 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 68 0 0 0 69 0 0 0 70 115,573,000 97,793,000 162,247,000 71 771,769,000 656,751,000 1,081,167,000 72 255,943,000 217,849,000 358,321,000 73 0 0 0 74 35,706,000 30,605,000 51,009,000 75 269,250,000 228,335,000 377,479,000 76 80,597,000 68,302,000 112,016,000 77 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 79 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 82 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 84 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 89 100,413,000 85,458,000 141,005,000 90 767,293,000 652,309,000 1,074,652,000 91 224,284,000 189,955,000 313,540,000 92 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 95 91,918,000 76,161,000 128,685,000 96 608,866,000 516,449,000 850,781,000 97 202,557,000 171,610,000 281,329,000 98 0 0 0 99 114,519,000 96,437,000 159,724,000 100 761,070,000 645,662,000 1,066,746,000 5,937,984,000 5,040,993,000 8,313,108,000 Page C - 3 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Traffic, Revenue and Net Revenue Forecasts CRA International prepared traffic and revenue forecasts for four main tolling scenarios, as well as three demand risk scenarios. For each of the four main tolling scenarios five toll alternatives were evaluated and for each of the demand risk scenarios, the base case toll alternative was evaluated. The toll scenarios and the toll alternatives are summarized below. As directed by VDOT, Case 2c with $1.00 toll on automobiles on the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels at all times of the day and $0.50 toll on the MLK Freeway at all on times of the day is the base case. CRA International also prepared estimates of transaction costs and operating and maintenance expenses for each toll alternative and thus, provided the basis for net revenue forecast to determine financial feasibility. In all toll alternatives, medium trucks have a toll rate 1.75 times the auto toll & heavy trucks have a toll rate 2.75 times the auto toll rate. For each of the 25 cases summarized in the following table, PRAG analyzed the feasibility of using toll revenues to finance the project under both a traditional public finance tax-exempt toll revenue bond structure and under a PPP framework. In addition for the base case (Case 2c), PRAG further analyzed the feasibility, assuming the high estimates for project costs and renewal and replacement costs and the low estimates for these costs. Page C - 4 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c Base Case 2d 2e 3a Toll Scenario No Toll on MLK Constant Tolls Freeway Toll Alternative with Toll 1 Toll 2 Toll 3 Toll 4 Toll 5 Toll on MLK Freeway with Constant Toll 1 Tolls Toll 2 Toll 3 3b Toll 4 Toll 5 No Toll on MLK Freeway with Time of Toll 1 Day Tolls Toll 2 3c Toll 3 3d Toll 4 3e Toll 5 4a Toll on MLK Freeway with Time of Day Toll 1 Tolls 4b Toll 2 4c Toll 3 4d Toll 4 4e Toll 5 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK High (125% of Freeway Demand Growth) Low (75% of Demand Growth) Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK High (125% of Freeway Demand Growth) Low (75% of Demand Growth) Hampton Roads Third Crossing with Hampton Roads Tolls on MLK Freeway Third Crossing Toll Rates $0.50 $0.75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $0.50, $0.15 on MLK $0.75, $0.25 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.50, $0.75 on MLK $2.00, $1.00 on MLK $0.75 (AM, PM), (MD), $0.25 (NT) $1.25 (AM, PM), (MD), $0.50 (NT) $1.50 (AM, PM), (MD), $0.50 (NT) $2.50 (AM, PM), (MD), $0.75 (NT) $0.50 $0.75 $1.25 $1.75 $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), $0.15 (MD), $0.15 (NT) $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), $0.25 (MD), $0.15 (NT) $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) ; MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) ; MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.25 (NT) $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) ; MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) $1.00 $1.00 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK $1.00, $0.50 on MLK Financing Assumptions Page C - 5 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects As directed by VDOT, PRAG analyzed the feasibility of using only toll revenue bonds secured solely by toll revenues generated from the project to finance the project. PRAG did not assume any other revenues would be available to pay debt service. Under the traditional public finance tax-exempt toll revenue bonds structure, PRAG assumed a senior/subordinate lien structure with both current interest bonds and capital appreciation bonds with principal amortization starting the year after project completion. Under the PPP framework, PRAG assumed the private entity could access the taxable debt capital markets with a senior/subordinate lien structure, requiring minimum investment grade ratings for the senior bonds and using both current interest bonds and zero coupon bonds. There are other alternative financing mechanisms that could be available to the private entity, including long-term bank debt, Private Activity Bonds (PABs) and Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans. For the base case, PRAG analyzed these options along with the taxable debt structure. While the use of TIFIA loans and PABs may enhance the financial feasibility because of more flexible repayment options and/or more favorable interest rates, TIFIA would have to be awarded and PABs allocated to the project. For comparison purposes, PRAG assumed the more readily accessible taxable debt would be used for the different toll scenarios. The following structural and credit assumptions were made for all the cases PRAG analyzed to achieve investment grade ratings on the senior lien bonds: Security pledge: Net revenue pledge (gross toll revenues less operating and maintenance expenses) Construction fund: Net funded, interest earnings are used in plan of finance Coverage Ratios: Minimum debt service coverage ratio of 1.75 times for senior bonds and 1.25 times for subordinate bonds. Coverage of all obligations (including maintenance reserve set-asides and renewal and replacement reserve setasides) of at least 1.00 times, including prior year balances. Term of Debt: 40 Years Capitalized Interest: Through construction period and 12 months after completion, if needed Interest Earnings Rate: Construction Fund, Debt Service Reserve Fund, Maintenance Reserve, Renewal and Replacement Reserve: 5.00% Capitalized Interest Fund: 4.75% Debt Service Reserve: Fully funded from bond proceeds at minimum of average annual debt service, 10 percent of bonds proceeds and maximum annual debt service Maintenance Reserve: Funded from net revenues after debt service at 3 months of annual maintenance expenses Renewal & Replacement: Begin funding forecasted renewal and replacement costs from net revenues after debt service at 20 percent each year five years prior to funding requirement. In the first ten years of toll facility operations, retain additional revenues to maintain a minimum balance to fund future renewal and replacement costs. Withdrawal of Net Revenues: Surplus revenues are withdrawn after all debt service is paid and required reserve deposits are made. Page C - 6 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Base Case – Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds The base case assumes the baseline estimate of construction costs and renewal and replacement costs and assumes a $1.00 constant toll for cars on the Midtown Tunnel and Downtown Tunnel and a $0.50 constant toll on the MLK Freeway. The bonds are structured to achieve minimum investment grade ratings on the senior lien bonds and assume non-investment grade ratings for the subordinate lien. To maximize bonding capacity, PRAG have also assumed that both current interest bonds and capital appreciation bonds would be issued as senior and subordinate lien bonds. PRAG applied the following interest rate assumptions for 40-year tax-exempt toll revenue bonds: • • • • Senior Current Interest Bonds: 5.50 percent Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds: 6.00 percent Subordinate Current Interest Bonds: 6.00 percent Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds: 6.50 percent The following table summarizes the sources and uses of funds and the financing results. Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 412,830,000 171,629,986 134,730,000 52,288,793 141,593,221 913,071,999 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 72,267,661 8,714,788 153,947,250 0 1,069,024,699 (155,952,700) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 53,678,973 128,902,400 1,878,764,050 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 45.2% 18.8% 14.8% 5.7% 15.5% 100.0% 78.0% 6.8% 0.8% 14.4% 0.0% 100.0% 72,267,661 173,523,100 2,529,368,150 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.2% 49.8% 2015 5.890% 40.00 29.95 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Total 1,952,219,896 7,310,725,166 17,644,406,136 PV @ 8.00% 122,787,216 169,290,727 182,067,543 Page C - 7 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Based on the assumptions made, the forecasted toll revenues in this base case are not sufficient to finance the project. There is a funding shortfall of almost $156 million. Debt service coverage on the senior lien bonds is maintained at 1.75 times and 1.30 times with the subordinate lien bonds after the first year of operations. In the first year of operations, debt service coverage is 1.41 times on the senior lien bonds and 1.04 times on the subordinate lien bonds. Senior current interest bonds (CIBs) and capital appreciation bonds (CABs) comprise 64 percent of the financing and subordinate CIBs and CABs comprise 20 percent. Overall, the ratio of CIB debt service and CAB debt service is about 1.00. The chart below shows forecasted gross revenues along with senior and subordinate debt service. As can be seen, debt service is ascending to match increasing toll revenues. Gross Revenues, Debt Service and Surplus Revenues 300,000 250,000 $ Thousands 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 Gross Revenues Net Senior Debt Service Net Subordinate Debt Service 2060 2058 2056 2054 2052 2050 2048 2046 2044 2042 2040 2038 2036 2034 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 0 Surplus Net Revenues The chart above also shows the surplus revenues that can be withdrawn after all debt service is paid and after deposits are made to the maintenance reserve fund and the renewal and replacement reserve fund. As provided by IBI Group, renewal and replacement costs start 14 years after the toll facility opens and these costs can be substantial. PRAG has structured the renewal and replacement reserve fund to start funding the anticipated costs 5 years prior to actual expenditure with 20 percent of the cost deposited each year. Over 50 years, over $1.9 billion of surplus revenues can be withdrawn and on a present value basis using 8.00 percent as a discount factor, the surplus revenues are almost $122.8 million. Over 75 years, $7.3 billion of surplus revenues, or $169.3 million on a present value basis, can be withdrawn. Over 99 years, $17.6 billion, or $182.1 million on a present value basis, can be withdrawn. Base Case - Public Private Partnership Financial Analysis – Taxable Debt PRAG analyzed the financial feasibility of a PPP framework using the basic financing assumptions described above and based on the same toll revenue forecast, operating and maintenance expenses and renewal and replacement costs. PRAG targeted a 12.00 percent pre-tax rate of return for equity over a 50-year period. Based on previous analyses, an equity pre-tax rate of return between 12 percent and 13 percent, appears to be the usual range. The equity contribution was determined as the amount contributed at the start of construction that would result in a pre-tax internal rate of return of 12 percent based on distributions of excess revenues after the payment of debt service and deposits to the maintenance reserve and renewal and replacement fund. PRAG assumed more conservatively that taxable bonds would be used to finance the project although a more aggressive financing structure assuming variable rate bank debt with a fixed rate swap could be an option. Page C - 8 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects PRAG used the following interest rate assumptions: • • • • Senior Current Interest Bonds: 6.25 percent Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds: 6.75 percent Subordinate Current Interest Bonds: 6.75 percent Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds: 7.25 percent The following table summarizes the sources and uses of funds and the financing results. Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 377,895,000 141,689,717 143,005,000 49,997,586 148,037,876 45,100,000 905,725,179 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 71,258,730 8,125,873 176,009,213 0 1,089,488,816 (183,763,636) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 54,544,081 1,878,117,188 128,291,875 1.75 1.21 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.7% 15.6% 15.8% 5.5% 16.3% 5.0% 100.0% 76.6% 6.5% 0.7% 16.2% 0.0% 100.0% 76,362,556 2,619,945,338 179,611,663 1.25 1.21 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.6% 50.4% 2016 6.655% 40.00 30.15 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Total 1,861,072,206 7,219,577,476 17,553,258,445 PV @ 8.00% 107,797,005 154,300,516 167,077,332 12.00% 12.56% 12.60% Based on the assumptions made, the forecasted toll revenues in this base case are not sufficient to finance the project with a PPP framework. There is a funding shortfall of almost $183.8 million. In order Page C - 9 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects to yield a pre-tax rate of return of 12 percent over a 50-year period, equity is maximized at $45.1 million. Since interest rates are higher on the taxable bonds, there is less debt capacity and a larger funding shortfall results when compared to a tax-exempt toll revenue bond financing. Under a PPP structure, if the equity investor assumes a more aggressive toll regime, then the financial feasibility of the project would improve relative to a public financing. However, under these assumptions using the same toll structure, the lower cost of funds of the tax-exempt revenue bonds enhances the financial feasibility of the public financing structure. If equity was to contribute the additional $183.8 million, the pre-tax rate of return would fall to 5.5 percent. Debt service coverage on the senior lien bonds is maintained at 1.75 times and 1.25 times with the subordinate lien bonds after the first year of operations. In the first year of operations overall debt service coverage is 1.21 times. Senior current interest bonds (CIBs) and capital appreciation bonds (CABs) comprise almost 57.3 percent of the financing, subordinate CIBs and CABs comprise 21.3 percent and the equity contribution makes up 5.0 percent of the financing. The chart below shows forecasted gross revenues along with senior and subordinate debt service. As can be seen, debt service is ascending to match increasing toll revenues. Gross Revenues, Debt Service and Surplus Revenues 300,000 250,000 $ Thousands 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 Gross Revenues Net Senior Debt Service Net Subordinate Debt Service 2060 2058 2056 2054 2052 2050 2048 2046 2044 2042 2040 2038 2036 2034 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 0 Surplus Net Revenues The chart also shows the surplus revenues that can be withdrawn after all debt service is paid and after deposits are made to the maintenance reserve fund and the renewal and replacement reserve fund. Once debt service is paid off in 40 years, significantly more revenues will flow through and be available for distribution. Over 50 years, almost $1.9 billion of surplus revenues can be withdrawn and on a present value basis using 8.00 percent as a discount factor the surplus revenues are over $107.8 million. Over 75 years, $7.2 billion of surplus revenues, or $154.3 million on a present value basis, can be withdrawn. Over 99 years, $17.5 billion, or $167.1 million on a present value basis, can be withdrawn. Base Case - Public Private Partnership Financial Analysis – PABs and TIFIA Under the PPP framework, Private Activity Bonds and TIFIA could be available and provide a lower cost of borrowing. However, this project would need to receive an allocation of PABs, which currently has a $15 billion cap, and it would also need to be awarded a TIFIA loan by the US DOT. For comparison, PRAG analyzed the financial feasibility assuming PABs and TIFIA would be available for the project. As in the taxable structure, based on the same toll revenue forecast, operating and maintenance expenses and renewal and replacement costs, PRAG targeted a 12 percent pre-tax rate of return for equity over a 50-year period. Also, it was assumed an equity contribution was contributed at the start of construction that would result in a pre-tax internal rate of return of 12 percent based on distributions of excess revenues after the payment of debt service and deposits to the maintenance reserve and renewal and replacement fund. Since PABs would likely be subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT), PRAG added 30 basis points as an AMT penalty to the tax-exempt rates for current interest bonds and 40 basis Page C - 10 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects points for the CABs. TIFIA rates would be based on U.S. Treasury rates plus 5 basis points. For the TIFIA loan, principal amortization is deferred for 5 years after construction is completed. Additionally, TIFIA will accept lower debt service coverage requirements, assumed to be 1.20 times. The following table summarizes the sources and uses of funds and the financing results. Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior PABs Current Interest Bonds Total Senior PABs Capital Appreciation Bonds Total TIFIA Current Interest Bonds Total TIFIA Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 401,005,000 155,172,258 172,045,000 84,095,603 150,225,279 35,050,000 997,593,140 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 78,395,627 9,123,179 178,227,650 0 1,099,841,455 (102,248,316) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 53,965,341 132,574,950 1,888,786,940 1.75 1.23 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 40.2% 15.6% 17.2% 8.4% 15.1% 3.5% 100.0% 75.8% 7.1% 0.8% 16.2% 0.0% 100.0% 78,395,627 193,342,350 2,743,846,940 1.20 1.23 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.0% 50.0% 2015 6.088% 40.00 30.03 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Total 1,763,008,684 7,121,513,954 17,455,194,923 PV @ 8.00% 89,601,748 136,105,259 148,882,075 12.00% 12.65% 12.70% Based on the assumptions made, the financial feasibility improves with PABs and a TIFIA loan because of the lower borrowing cost, more flexible repayment options and lower debt service coverage requirements. There is a funding shortfall of approximately $102.2 million with equity maximized at $35.1 million to yield a pre-tax rate of return of 12 percent over a 50-year period. Page C - 11 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Base Case - Public Private Partnership Financial Analysis – Bank Debt Under the PPP framework, the private entity could also access the bank debt market, whereby a bank or a group of banks would provide financing usually at a variable rate and fully hedged with a fixed rate swap. This structure typically includes grace periods for principal and interest such that during the construction period and initial ramp-up there would be “negative amortization” with repayment of principal once the project is complete and generating sufficient revenue. The term of this debt is typically shorter than capital market debt. PRAG has assumed a 30-year term with fixed swap rates of 6.25 percent for the first tranche of bank debt and 6.50 percent for the second tranche. The following table summarizes the sources and uses of funds and the financing results. Sources of Funds Bank Debt- Tranche A Bank Debt - Tranche B Equity Contribution Investment Earnings 476,516,000 69,951,400 47,506,532 119,598,127 66.8% 9.8% 6.7% 16.8% Total Sources of Funds 713,572,060 100.0% Uses of Funds Construction Deposit Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses/Bid Development Fees Contingency/(Shortfall) Total Uses of Funds 834,095,000 54,646,740 9,530,320 (184,700,000) 713,572,060 Financing Results Average Annual Debt Service Maximum Annual Debt Service Total Debt Service Target Debt Service Coverage 65,850,583 142,107,840 1,975,517,501 1.30 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return - Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Total 2,291,081,019 7,635,747,515 18,136,313,110 PV @ 8.00% 131,128,216 180,375,294 193,671,669 12.00% 12.49% 12.53% Based on these assumptions, and because of the shorter term, bonding capacity is only $546.5 million and in order to yield a pre-tax rate of return of 12 percent over a 50-year period, equity is maximized at $47.5 million. There is a funding shortfall of $184.7 million. Financial feasibility could improve under this structure, if the debt was refinanced once toll revenues stabilize. However, since there is refinancing risk involved, for this preliminary analysis, PRAG did not assume any refinancing. Base Case – Low and High Estimates for Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Costs IBI Group provided “low” and “high” values for the estimated construction costs and renewal and replacement costs. For construction costs, low estimates were based on 75 percent of the baseline estimate and high estimates were based on 175 percent. For renewal and replacement costs, the low Page C - 12 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects estimates were based on 85 percent of the baseline estimate and high estimates were based on 140 percent of the baseline estimate. Base Case with Low Estimates for Project Costs PRAG analyzed the financial feasibility based on the combined effect of low estimates for the construction costs and renewal and replacement costs. With the low estimates, total construction costs in year of expenditure dollars is $625.3 million or approximately $208.8 million less than the baseline estimate. Over 50 years, total renewal and replacement costs under the low estimate scenario are $679.1 million or $120.4 million less than the baseline estimate. Under the public finance tax-exempt toll revenue bonds structure, if the low estimates for project costs are applied, the forecasted toll revenues are sufficient to finance the project. Since PRAG used the same financing assumptions, a $26.3 million funding surplus is generated in the public finance tax-exempt financing case. However, if construction costs were indeed estimated to be lower than the baseline estimate, then fewer bonds would be issued rather than have additional bond proceeds, resulting in higher debt service coverage or shorter term. With the low estimates in a PPP taxable debt structure, the level of equity that yields a 12 percent pre-tax rate of return increases to $49.2 million from $45.1 million with the baseline estimates. In addition, a funding surplus of $2.6 million is generated. To the extent any significant surplus is generated, it could be used as an upfront payment to VDOT under a concession agreement or potential revenue sharing would be available. Equity distributions from cash flows over 50 years also increases by approximately $75.3 million when compared to the baseline estimate case to $1.9 billion over 50 years or $116.7 million on a present value basis. Base Case with High Estimates for Project Costs PRAG also analyzed the financial feasibility based on the combined effect of high estimates for the construction costs and renewal and replacement costs. With the high estimates, total construction costs in year of expenditure dollars is $1.46 billion or approximately $625.3 million greater than the baseline estimate. Total renewal and replacement costs under the high estimate scenario over a 50-year period are over $1.1 billion or $319.8 million greater than the baseline estimate. Based on the same assumptions made for the public finance tax-exempt toll revenue bonds, there is a significantly larger funding shortfall and forecasted toll revenues are not sufficient to finance the project. The shortfall is $701.8 million in the case with public finance tax-exempt toll revenue bonds. With the high estimates in a PPP taxable debt structure, the equity contribution decreases to $17.9 million from $45.1 million in the baseline estimates case. The funding shortfall is $756.9 million. Equity distributions decrease by $111.7 million over a 50-year period, totaling $1.7 billion or $71.4 million on a present value basis. Exhibit A shows a comparison of all the cases PRAG analyzed and the appendix shows details for each case on the sources and uses of funds and financing results. Alternative Toll Scenarios and Toll Alternatives CRA International prepared traffic and revenue forecasts for four main tolling scenarios and for each tolling scenario, five toll alternatives were evaluated. PRAG analyzed each case to determine financial feasibility using public finance tax-exempt toll revenue bonds and a PPP framework assuming access to the taxable debt market. As discussed, for the base case under both structures the forecasted toll revenues are not sufficient to finance the project. In the cases where lower tolls than the base case are assumed, the funding shortfalls are even larger. Furthermore, in certain cases, such as the case where there are no tolls on the MLK Freeway and the toll rate on cars is $0.50, net revenues after debt service are not sufficient to support deposits to the renewal and replacement fund, and additional revenues need to be retained to meet future renewal and replacement costs. In the cases with lower tolls, assuming a PPP structure, surplus revenues after debt service payments are insufficient to attract any significant amounts of equity, assuming a targeted pre-tax rate of return of 12 percent. CRA International also forecasted revenues with more aggressive toll rates, such as $2.50 instead of the $1.00 toll rate in the base case and time of day pricing. Under certain of these toll regimes, the forecasted toll revenues were sufficient to finance the whole project. In the public finance model, a funding surplus was generated from bond proceeds using the same assumptions as the base case. With Page C - 13 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects higher forecasted revenues, the bonds could be structured with higher debt service coverage or a shorter term to reduce the funding surplus. In the PPP structure, under these higher toll rate scenarios, equity contribution is greater as surplus revenues available for distribution increase and obtaining the targeted 12 percent rate of return over 50 years is more achievable. In addition, funding surpluses are generated from the financing, which can be made available to VDOT as part of a concession agreement. For example, under the toll scenario where there is a constant $1.00 toll on the MLK Freeway and a constant toll of $2.00 on the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels, the equity contribution is $85.1 million and the funding surplus of almost $170.0 million could be available to VDOT as an upfront payment under a concession. Under the time of day toll structure, where tolls are greater during the morning and evening peak periods and lower during mid-day and night times, CRA International projects higher revenues and therefore, the financial feasibility improves when compared to the comparable constant toll structure. This suggests that perhaps focusing on the time of day toll structures more vigorously could result in meeting two goals: (i) reducing traffic congestion and improving the efficiency in use of the highway, as intended with this Midtown Tunnel Corridor project, and (ii) improving the financial feasibility of the project. Exhibit A-1 provides a comparison of the financial feasibility under each toll scenario and toll alternative with a public finance model and Exhibit A-2 provides a comparison assuming a PPP framework. Detailed schedules of sources and uses and financing results for each case for both financing models are provided in the appendix. The analysis of the various toll scenarios and toll alternatives and the different estimates on construction costs demonstrates that to improve the financial feasibility of the project, lower construction costs and/or higher tolls is required. Comparison of Toll Alternatives Tolls on MLK Freeway and Constant Tolls In comparing the toll alternatives under the scenario where there are tolls on the MLK Freeway and the tolls are constant throughout the day, under the public finance structure, the feasibility analysis shows a shortfall in funding of almost $550.2 million in the toll alternative with the lowest tolls and a surplus of over $197.5 million in the toll alternative with the highest tolls. The chart below shows the shortfall and surplus in funding under the different toll alternatives. As the chart depicts, the toll scenario that would make the project financially feasible is between the $1.00 toll and the $1.50 toll. Based on the assumptions made, an additional $18.4 million in revenues over the revenues generated by the $1.00 toll in each year would result in a project that is financially feasible. Comparison of Cases with Tolls on MLK and Constant Tolls (Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds) 300,000 (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 200,000 100,000 0 2a 2b 2c - Base Case 2d 2e (100,000) (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 2a: Toll 1$0.50, $0.15 on MLK Freeway; Case 2b: Toll 2 $0.75, $0.25 on MLK Freeway; Case 2c: Toll 3 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK Freeway (Base Case); Case 2d: Toll 4 $1.50, $0.75 on MLK Freeway; Case 2e: Toll 5 $2.00, $1.00 on MLK Freeway Page C - 14 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects The chart below shows the shortfall and surplus in funding under the different toll alternatives assuming a PPP structure with taxable debt. Under the lowest toll alternative, the project is not financially feasible with a shortfall in funding of almost $553.7 million while under the highest toll alternative the project is self-supporting with a surplus in funding of almost $170.0 million. As in the public finance tax-exempt bonds case, the breakeven toll that would make project financially feasible is between the $1.00 toll and the $1.50 toll. Based on the assumptions made, an additional $21.5 million of revenues over the revenues generated by the $1.00 toll is required in each year for the project to be fully self-supporting. Comparison of Cases with Tolls on MLK and Constant Tolls (Public-Private Partnership) 300,000 (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 200,000 100,000 0 2a 2b 2c - Base Case 2d 2e (100,000) (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 2a: Toll 1$0.50, $0.15 on MLK; Case 2b: Toll 2 $0.75, $0.25 on MLK; Case 2c: Toll 3 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK (Base Case); Case 2d: Toll 4 $1.50, $0.75 on MLK; Case 2e: Toll 5 $2.00, $1.00 on MLK No Tolls on MLK Freeway and Constant Tolls In the toll scenarios where there are no tolls on the MLK Freeway, resulting in a lower revenue stream, the funding shortfalls are greater in the first three toll alternatives when compared to the comparable toll scenarios with tolls on the MLK Freeway and the surpluses are less for the higher toll rate cases. As shown in the chart below, in the public financing cases, the funding shortfalls range from $571.7 million in the $0.50 toll alternative and $218.3 million in the $1.00 toll case. With the higher toll rates of $1.50 and $2.00 there are funding surpluses of $9.4 million and $140.6 million, respectively. Based on the assumptions we made, an additional $26.3 million of revenues over the revenues generated by the $1.00 toll is required in each year for the project to be fully self-supporting. Comparison of Cases with No Tolls on MLK and Constant Tolls (Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 200,000 100,000 0 (100,000) 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 1a: Toll 1$0.50; Case 1b: Toll 2 $0.75; Case 1c: Toll 3 $1.00; Case 1d: Toll 4 $1.50; Case 1e: Toll 5 $2.00 Page C - 15 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects The chart below shows the shortfall and surplus in funding under the different toll alternatives assuming a PPP structure. Under the lowest toll alternative, the project is not financially feasible with a shortfall in funding of $575.5 million while under the highest toll alternative the project is self-supporting with a surplus in funding of $100.9 million. The breakeven toll that would make project financially feasible is between the $1.50 toll and the $2.00 toll. Based on the assumptions we made, an additional $3.5 million of revenues over the revenues generated by the $1.50 toll is required in each year for the project to be fully self-supporting. (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousand Comparison of Cases with NO Tolls on MLK and Constant Tolls (Public-Private Partnership) 200,000 100,000 0 (100,000) 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 1a: Toll 1$0.50; Case 1b: Toll 2 $0.75; Case 1c: Toll 3 $1.00; Case 1d: Toll 4 $1.50; Case 1e: Toll 5 $2.00 Tolls on MLK Freeway with Time of Day Pricing Revenues generated under the toll scenarios with time of day pricing are higher than the constant toll scenarios and therefore, funding shortfalls are less than the comparable constant toll cases. Under the public finance model, as shown in the chart below, the funding shortfalls range from $535.5 million in the $0.75 toll during peak times alternative and $91.0 million in the $1.50 peak time toll case. With the higher peak time toll rates of $2.50 and $3.00 there are funding surpluses of $98.0 million and $221.3 million, respectively. The breakeven toll rate is between $1.50 and $2.50. Based on the assumptions we made, an additional $10.8 million of revenues is required in each year over the $1.50 toll alternative for the project to be fully self-supporting. Page C - 16 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Comparison of Cases with Tolls on MLK and Time of Day Tolls (Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 4a (100,000) 4b 4c 4d 4e (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 4a: Toll 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), $0.15 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Case 4b: Toll 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT); MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), $0.25 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Case 4c: Toll 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT); MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Case 4d: Toll 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT); MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.25 (NT) Case 4e: Toll 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT); MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) The chart below shows the shortfall and surplus in funding under the different toll alternatives assuming a PPP structure. Under the lowest toll alternative, the project is not financially feasible with a shortfall in funding of $536.5 million while under the highest toll alternative the project is self-supporting with a surplus in funding of $189.3 million. As in the public finance tax-exempt bonds case, the breakeven toll that would make the project financially feasible is between the $1.50 toll and the $2.50 toll. Based on the assumptions we made, an additional $13.8 million of revenues is required each year over the $1.50 toll alternative for the project to be self-supporting. Comparison of Cases with Tolls on MLK and Time of Day Tolls (Public-Private Partnership) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 (100,000) 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 4a: Toll 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); MLK: $0.25 (AM, PM), $0.15 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Case 4b: Toll 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT); MLK: $0.50 (AM, PM), $0.25 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Case 4c: Toll 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT); MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Case 4d: Toll 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT); MLK: $1.00 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.25 (NT) Case 4e: Toll 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT); MLK: $1.25 (AM, PM), $1.00 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Page C - 17 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects No Tolls on MLK Freeway and Time of Day Pricing Revenues generated under the toll scenarios with time of day pricing are higher than the constant toll scenarios and therefore, funding shortfalls are less than the comparable constant toll cases. However, since no tolls are charged on the MLK Freeway, the revenues are less than the toll scenarios with tolls on the MLK Freeway. As shown in the chart below, under the public finance model, the funding shortfalls range from $568.9 million in the $0.75 toll during peak times alternative and $135.2 million in the $1.50 peak time toll case. With the higher peak time toll rates of $2.50 and $3.00 there are funding surpluses of $92.5 million and $208.9 million, respectively. The breakeven toll rate is between $1.50 and $2.50. Based on the assumptions we made, an additional $16.3 million of revenues is required in each year over the $1.50 toll alternative for the project to be fully self-supporting. Comparison of Cases with NO Tolls on MLK and Time of Day Tolls (Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 (100,000) 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 3a: Toll 1 $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); Case 3b: Toll 2 $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Case 3c: Toll 3 $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Case 3d: Toll 4 $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) Case 3e: Toll 5 $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) The chart below shows the shortfall and surplus in funding under the different toll alternatives assuming a PPP structure. Under the lowest toll alternative, the project is not financially feasible with a shortfall in funding of $572.3 million while under the highest toll alternative the project is self-supporting with a surplus in funding of $167.1 million. As in the public finance tax-exempt bonds case, the breakeven toll that would make project financially feasible is between the $1.50 toll and the $2.50 toll. Based on the assumptions we made, an additional $20.1 million of revenues is required in each year over the $1.50 toll alternative for the project to be fully self-supporting. Page C - 18 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Comparison of Cases with NO Tolls on MLK and Time of Day Tolls (Public-Private Partnership) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 (100,000) 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) (500,000) (600,000) Case 3a: Toll 1 $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT); Case 3b: Toll 2 $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Case 3c: Toll 3 $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) Case 3d: Toll 4 $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) Case 3e: Toll 5 $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) Comparison of Toll Scenarios CRA International prepared traffic and revenue forecasts for four main tolling scenarios: (1) no toll on MLK Freeway with constant tolls, (2) tolls on MLK Freeway with constant tolls, (3) no toll on MLK Freeway with time of day tolls and (4) tolls on MLK Freeway with time of day tolls. In each of these tolling scenarios, CRA further provided 5 different toll alternatives. The chart below compares the financial feasibility of the third toll alternative in each toll scenario under a public finance structure. As the graph shows, none of these toll scenarios fully supports the project. Higher tolls are required for the project to be self-supporting. Based on our assumptions, the project is fully supporting under the fourth toll alternative (the toll scenarios with $1.50 constant toll and $2.50 time of day tolls). Thus, the breakeven toll is between $1.00 and $1.50 in the scenarios with constant tolls and between $1.50 and $2.50 in the time of day tolling structure. Comparison of Toll Scenarios wih Toll Alternative 3 (Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 50,000 0 (50,000) 1c 2c 3c 4c (100,000) (150,000) (200,000) (250,000) (300,000) Case 1c: Toll 3 $1.00; no toll on MLK Case 2c: Toll 3 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK (Base Case); Case 3c: Toll 3 $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT); no toll on MLK Case 4c: Toll 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT); MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Page C - 19 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Under a PPP framework with the taxable debt structure, higher tolls are also required for the project to be self-supporting. Under the third toll alternatives, the project is not self-supporting in any of the cases. For the public finance case, under the time of day tolling scenarios, the breakeven toll is between $1.50 and $2.50. In the case with the constant tolls and tolls on the MLK Freeway, the breakeven toll is between $1.00 and $1.50. In the case without tolls on the MLK Freeway and constant tolls, the breakeven toll is between $1.50 and $2.00. Comparison of Toll Scenarios with Toll Altermative 3 (Public-Private Partnership) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 50,000 0 (50,000) 1c 2c 3c 4c (100,000) (150,000) (200,000) (250,000) (300,000) Case 1c: Toll 3 $1.00; no toll on MLK Case 2c: Toll 3 $1.00, $0.50 on MLK (Base Case); Case 3c: Toll 3 $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT); no toll on MLK Case 4c: Toll 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT); MLK: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.15 (NT) Demand Risk Scenarios CRA International also prepared three demand risk scenarios – low demand, high demand and demand assuming the Hampton Roads Third Crossing. We analyzed the financial feasibility of these cases and as expected under the low demand scenario the project is less self-supporting from toll revenues and under the high demand scenarios the project is still not self-supporting with smaller shortfalls. With the Hampton Roads Third Crossing, the project is more self-supporting when compared to the base case, but there is still a funding shortfall of $120.7 million in the public financing case and $148.7 in the PPP case. Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 provide summary results on these demand risk scenarios and the appendix has the more detailed schedules. The chart compares the shortfall and surplus in funding in the public financing cases under the various demand risk scenarios with and without tolls on the MLK Freeway. In the cases with no tolls on the MLK Freeway, the project was not feasible under the baseline demand case and thus, in the low demand risk scenario, the shortfall in funding is greater at $264.9 million and under the high demand risk scenario, there is still a shortfall in funding of $168.1 million. In the cases where there are tolls on the MLK Freeway, the project is still not fully self-supporting in the high demand risk scenario with a shortfall of $99.3 million. Under the Hampton Roads Third Crossing scenario, there is a shortfall in funding of $120.7 million. Page C - 20 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Comparison of Demand Risk Cases with Constant Tolls (Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 50,000 High Demand Low Demand Baseline High Demand Baseline Low Demand Third Harbor Crossing 0 5a (50,000) 1c 5b 5c 2c 5d 5e (100,000) (150,000) (200,000) (250,000) With Tolls on MLK No Tolls on MLK (300,000) The chart below shows the shortfall and surplus in funding under the different demand risk scenarios assuming a PPP structure. As in the public finance model, in the cases with no tolls on the MLK Freeway, the project was not feasible under the baseline demand case and thus, in the low demand risk scenario, the shortfall in funding is greater at $293.6 million and under the high demand risk scenario, there is still a shortfall in funding of $196.7 million. In the cases where there are tolls on the MLK Freeway, the project is still not fully self-supporting in the high demand risk scenario with a shortfall of $126.9 million. Under the Hampton Roads Third Crossing scenario, there is a shortfall in funding of $148.7 million. Comparison of Demand Risk Cases with Constant Tolls (Public-Private Partnership) (Shortfall)/Surplus - $Thousands 50,000 High Demand Baseline Low Demand 5a 1c 5b High Demand Baseline Low Demand Third Harbor Crossing 0 (50,000) 5c 2c 5d 5e (100,000) (150,000) (200,000) (250,000) (300,000) (350,000) No Tolls on MLK With Tolls on MLK Page C - 21 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Exhibit A-1 Summary of Cases - Public Finance Tax-Exempt Toll Revenue Bonds Case Senior Bonds Description Subordinate Bonds Funding Withdrawal of PV Withdrawal of (Shortfall)/ Revenue Surplus Revenue Surplus Surplus Over 50 Years Over 50 Years No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 1a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50) 212,235,213 0 (571,711,492) 549,499,285 43,069,064 1b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75) 381,013,262 122,050,184 (359,094,261) 1,068,836,765 56,841,369 1c Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00) 523,584,952 167,531,738 (218,260,892) 1,706,028,019 106,338,405 1d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50) 752,088,175 240,265,497 9,365,140 2,785,234,294 182,504,036 1e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00) 881,711,325 281,334,348 140,612,132 3,449,434,592 226,232,733 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK) 235,305,377 6,421,238 (550,179,496) 631,849,196 50,475,399 2b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK) 423,844,288 148,269,710 (309,130,461) 1,228,852,427 56,985,689 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 187,018,793 (155,952,700) 1,952,219,896 122,787,216 2d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK) 810,519,638 258,980,521 70,269,151 3,025,662,632 197,217,277 2e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK) 935,819,054 298,674,705 197,527,317 3,673,177,678 238,996,324 No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 3a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) 3b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 3c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 3d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) 3e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) 213,868,168 444,757,202 606,412,176 833,519,266 947,123,049 0 142,371,804 193,846,927 266,013,516 301,923,498 (568,865,113) (295,734,236) (135,210,722) 92,554,453 208,918,783 598,311,285 1,356,013,409 2,100,680,593 3,208,835,706 3,819,286,824 45,722,631 78,682,525 134,336,264 210,380,918 249,355,467 Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 4a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75(AM, PM), $0.50(MD), $0.25(NT); MLK: $0.25(AM, PM), $0.15(MD), $0.15(NT) 4b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25(AM, PM), $0.75(MD), $0.50(NT); MLK: $0.50(AM, PM), $0.25(MD), $0.15(NT) 4c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50(AM, PM), $1.25(MD), $0.50(NT); MLK: $0.75(AM, PM), $0.50(MD), $0.15(NT) 4d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50(AM, PM), $1.75(MD), $0.75(NT); MLK: $1.00(AM, PM), $0.75(MD), $0.25(NT) 4e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00(AM, PM), $2.50(MD), $1.00(NT); MLK: $1.25(AM, PM), $1.00(MD), $0.50(NT) 254,465,309 464,887,724 643,851,342 820,360,571 940,373,941 6,927,158 148,424,645 205,473,990 260,744,936 298,727,704 (535,534,859) (271,140,691) (91,010,251) 98,006,489 221,307,751 738,447,433 1,524,084,797 2,338,023,700 3,407,658,828 4,039,902,492 59,178,657 88,381,412 146,437,250 211,986,943 252,618,020 119,193,132 Demand Risk Scenarios 5a Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) 571,303,670 182,773,830 (168,099,259) 1,910,874,921 5b Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) 474,638,347 152,004,861 (264,883,548) 1,462,431,001 86,999,146 5c Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 641,483,395 205,205,357 (99,279,622) 2,205,912,451 141,148,495 5d Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 528,001,577 169,066,632 (212,666,946) 1,684,286,847 103,864,748 5e Third Harbor Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 615,924,120 196,695,939 (120,699,221) 2,176,092,617 136,113,295 187,018,793 26,330,244 2,029,141,700 131,406,944 187,018,793 (701,830,927) 1,752,215,548 98,614,251 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Low Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c Low Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; High Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c High Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 584,459,986 Page C - 22 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Exhibit A-2 Summary of Cases - Public Private Partnership - Taxable Debt Case Senior Bonds Description Subordinate Equity Bonds Contribution* Funding Withdrawal of PV Withdrawal of (Shortfall)/ Revenue Surplus Revenue Surplus Surplus Over 50 Years Over 50 Years No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 1a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50) 189,740,778 0 20,250,000 (575,532,016) 549,315,209 42,909,088 1b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75) 338,878,361 109,047,036 21,790,000 (394,218,172) 1,067,240,721 56,361,759 1c Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00) 464,330,141 149,216,407 45,600,000 (251,390,863) 1,703,310,117 105,544,290 1d Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50) 664,361,418 213,182,949 77,550,000 (27,152,328) 2,779,917,287 181,205,747 1e Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00) 776,651,880 248,952,206 94,800,000 100,851,007 3,441,855,384 224,591,664 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2a Toll Alternative 1: ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK) 210,366,601 5,772,969 23,850,000 (553,704,789) 631,704,800 50,303,820 2b Toll Alternative 2: ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK) 376,590,229 121,194,474 28,050,000 (353,434,553) 1,227,025,683 69,707,188 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - Taxable Debt 519,584,717 193,002,586 45,100,000 (183,763,636) 1,861,072,206 107,797,005 2c BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - PABs & TIFIA 556,177,258 256,140,603 35,050,000 (102,248,316) 1,763,008,684 89,601,748 2c 2d 2e BASE CASE: Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) - Bank Debt Toll Alternative 4: ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK) Toll Alternative 5: ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK) 476,516,000 717,466,410 826,193,211 69,951,400 258,342,557 298,341,121 47,506,532 (184,700,000) 70,100,000 43,209,039 85,100,000 169,981,897 2,291,081,019 2,884,438,609 3,497,063,679 131,128,216 172,000,797 210,350,850 No Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses 3a Toll Alternative 1: $0.75 (AM, PM), $0.50 (MD), $0.25 (NT) 190,196,705 3b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25 (AM, PM), $0.75 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 394,825,392 3c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50 (AM, PM), $1.25 (MD), $0.50 (NT) 536,616,877 3d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50 (AM, PM), $1.75 (MD), $0.75 (NT) 734,609,640 3e Toll Alternative 5: $3.00 (AM, PM), $2.50 (MD), $1.00 (NT) 832,299,757 0 126,940,397 172,324,616 235,508,629 266,516,286 21,040,000 (572,340,378) 31,600,000 (330,858,672) 57,400,000 (169,422,990) 88,500,000 54,013,895 103,500,000 167,125,405 597,353,384 1,353,671,185 2,096,921,714 3,201,804,630 3,810,160,917 45,435,943 78,076,324 133,346,167 208,843,993 247,463,836 Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Toll Alternative 1: $0.75(AM,PM),$0.50(MD),$0.25(NT);MLK:$0.25(AM,PM),$0.15(MD),$0.15(NT) 4a 4b Toll Alternative 2: $1.25(AM,PM),$0.75(MD),$0.50(NT);MLK:$0.50(AM,PM),$0.25(MD),$0.15(NT) 4c Toll Alternative 3: $1.50(AM,PM),$1.25(MD),$0.50(NT);MLK:$0.75(AM,PM),$0.50(MD),$0.15(NT) 4d Toll Alternative 4: $2.50(AM,PM),$1.75(MD),$0.75(NT);MLK:$1.00(AM,PM),$0.75(MD),$0.25(NT) 227,445,177 410,087,268 568,564,762 718,262,368 6,209,774 131,532,448 210,614,619 264,996,780 28,600,000 (536,552,834) 34,800,000 (307,074,132) 53,000,000 (119,012,894) 75,300,000 67,805,744 727,900,188 1,521,345,814 2,229,792,073 3,250,388,407 59,984,423 87,402,345 129,241,159 189,442,500 4e 822,642,309 303,338,355 89,500,000 3,859,446,989 226,544,001 104,402,967 Toll Alternative 5: $3.00(AM,PM),$2.50(MD),$1.00(NT);MLK:$1.25(AM,PM),$1.00(MD),$0.50(NT) 189,341,146 Demand Risk Scenarios 5a Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) 507,519,413 188,463,167 43,400,000 (196,025,372) 1,821,203,722 5b Demand Risk with No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) 422,704,297 157,132,405 30,300,000 (293,650,036) 1,391,926,200 74,556,654 5c 5d 5e Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Demand Risk with Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Third Harbor Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) 569,922,871 470,222,140 544,828,482 211,631,979 174,785,338 201,948,823 52,400,000 (126,948,143) 37,600,000 (240,768,456) 49,350,000 (148,749,263) 2,104,267,437 1,603,172,839 2,074,757,127 124,768,823 90,322,713 119,841,901 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Low Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c Low Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 519,584,717 193,002,586 49,150,000 1,936,352,734 116,678,800 Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; High Estimate of Construction Costs and Renewal & Replacement Expenses 2c High Estimate. Toll Alternative 3: ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK) 519,584,717 193,002,586 17,850,000 (756,891,863) 1,749,312,728 71,419,892 * Equity Contribution is determined to be the amount that would yield a pre-tax rate of return of 12.00 percent. 2,569,308 Page C - 23 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects DETAILED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS AND FINANCING RESULTS December 2007 Page C-24 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Base Case with Low Project Estimates – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Case 2c Low Estimate Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK), Low Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 412,830,000 171,629,986 134,730,000 52,288,793 115,070,164 886,548,943 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 625,289,000 72,267,661 8,714,788 153,947,250 0 860,218,699 26,330,244 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I % of Total 46.6% 19.4% 15.2% 5.9% 13.0% 100.0% 72.7% 8.4% 1.0% 17.9% 0.0% 100.0% 53,678,973 128,902,400 1,878,764,050 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 72,267,661 173,523,100 2,529,368,150 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.2% 49.8% 2015 5.890% 40.00 29.95 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,029,141,700 7,636,327,280 18,199,913,985 PV @ 8.00% 131,406,944 179,631,427 192,738,826 Page C-25 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Base Case with Low Project Estimates – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing - Taxable Debt Case 2c Low Estimate Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK), Low Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 377,895,000 141,689,717 143,005,000 49,997,586 121,514,820 49,150,000 883,252,123 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 625,289,000 71,258,730 8,125,873 176,009,213 0 880,682,816 2,569,308 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I % of Total 42.8% 16.0% 16.2% 5.7% 13.8% 5.6% 100.0% 71.0% 8.1% 0.9% 20.0% 0.0% 100.0% 54,544,081 1,878,117,188 128,291,875 1.75 1.21 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 76,362,556 2,619,945,338 179,611,663 1.25 1.21 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.6% 50.4% 2016 6.655% 40.00 30.15 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,936,352,734 7,543,538,314 18,107,125,019 PV @ 8.00% 116,678,800 164,903,282 178,010,682 12.00% 12.56% 12.60% Page C-26 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Base Case with High Project Estimates – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Case 2c High Estimate Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK), Low Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 412,830,000 171,629,986 134,730,000 52,288,793 221,006,994 992,485,772 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 1,459,387,000 72,267,661 8,714,788 153,947,250 0 1,694,316,699 (701,830,927) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 53,678,973 128,902,400 1,878,764,050 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.6% 17.3% 13.6% 5.3% 22.3% 100.0% 86.1% 4.3% 0.5% 9.1% 0.0% 100.0% 72,267,661 173,523,100 2,529,368,150 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.2% 49.8% 2015 5.890% 40.00 29.95 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,752,215,548 6,444,829,527 16,166,324,954 PV @ 8.00% 98,614,251 140,529,326 152,424,816 Page C-27 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Base Case with High Project Estimates – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing - Taxable Debt Case 2c High Estimate Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK), Low Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 377,895,000 141,689,717 143,005,000 49,997,586 227,451,650 17,850,000 957,888,953 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 1,459,387,000 71,258,730 8,125,873 176,009,213 0 1,714,780,816 (756,891,863) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 54,544,081 1,878,117,188 128,291,875 1.75 1.21 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 39.5% 14.8% 14.9% 5.2% 23.7% 1.9% 100.0% 85.1% 4.2% 0.5% 10.3% 0.0% 100.0% 76,362,556 2,619,945,338 179,611,663 1.25 1.21 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.6% 50.4% 2016 6.655% 40.00 30.15 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,749,312,728 6,441,926,707 16,163,422,133 PV @ 8.00% 71,419,892 113,334,967 125,230,457 12.00% 12.67% 12.72% Page C-28 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects High Demand Risk – Public Financing No Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Scenario: Demand Risk With No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 400,370,000 170,933,670 130,710,000 52,063,830 140,702,037 894,779,538 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 70,928,272 8,540,775 149,314,750 0 1,062,878,797 (168,099,259) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 52,684,209 126,689,775 1,843,947,325 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 44.7% 19.1% 14.6% 5.8% 15.7% 100.0% 78.5% 6.7% 0.8% 14.0% 0.0% 100.0% 70,928,272 170,544,875 2,482,489,525 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.7% 50.3% 2015 5.893% 40.00 29.94 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,910,874,921 7,165,405,054 17,349,498,879 PV @ 8.00% 119,193,132 164,821,331 177,403,381 Page C-29 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects High Demand Risk – PPP Financing No Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Scenario: Demand Risk With No Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 366,375,000 141,144,413 138,635,000 49,828,167 146,884,495 43,400,000 886,267,075 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 69,598,258 7,959,826 170,639,363 0 1,082,292,446 (196,025,372) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 53,525,542 1,842,766,875 125,893,438 1.75 1.20 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.3% 15.9% 15.6% 5.6% 16.6% 4.9% 100.0% 77.1% 6.4% 0.7% 15.8% 0.0% 100.0% 74,937,274 2,570,765,763 176,252,300 1.25 1.20 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.0% 51.0% 2016 6.659% 40.00 30.13 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,822,236,101 7,076,766,234 17,260,860,059 PV @ 8.00% 104,354,550 149,982,749 162,564,799 12.00% 12.56% 12.61% Page C-30 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Low Demand Risk – Public Financing No Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Scenario: Demand Risk With No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 340,725,000 133,913,347 111,255,000 40,749,861 135,037,047 761,680,255 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 58,126,496 7,266,432 127,075,875 0 1,026,563,804 (264,883,548) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 43,175,274 103,340,725 1,511,134,575 1.75 1.39 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 44.7% 17.6% 14.6% 5.3% 17.7% 100.0% 81.3% 5.7% 0.7% 12.4% 0.0% 100.0% 58,126,496 139,114,025 2,034,427,375 1.30 1.02 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 51.6% 48.4% 2015 5.882% 40.00 29.97 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,462,431,001 5,368,950,104 13,086,464,460 PV @ 8.00% 86,999,146 121,600,149 131,111,321 Page C-31 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Low Demand Risk – PPP Financing No Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Scenario: Demand Risk With No Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 312,185,000 110,519,297 118,130,000 39,002,405 140,490,761 30,300,000 750,627,464 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 57,983,670 6,798,367 145,400,463 0 1,044,277,500 (293,650,036) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 43,886,967 1,511,668,438 103,255,000 1.75 1.18 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.6% 14.7% 15.7% 5.2% 18.7% 4.0% 100.0% 79.9% 5.6% 0.7% 13.9% 0.0% 100.0% 61,443,464 2,108,589,350 144,560,650 1.25 1.18 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.9% 49.1% 2016 6.647% 40.00 30.18 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,391,926,200 5,298,445,303 13,015,959,659 PV @ 8.00% 74,556,654 109,157,657 118,668,829 12.00% 12.61% 12.65% Page C-32 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects High Demand Risk – Public Financing With Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Scenario: Demand Risk With Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 449,975,000 191,508,395 146,850,000 58,355,357 144,979,346 991,668,098 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 79,587,707 9,466,888 167,798,125 0 1,090,947,720 (99,279,622) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 59,116,499 142,089,450 2,069,077,450 1.75 1.42 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 45.4% 19.3% 14.8% 5.9% 14.6% 100.0% 76.5% 7.3% 0.9% 15.4% 0.0% 100.0% 79,587,707 191,272,850 2,785,569,750 1.30 1.05 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.7% 50.3% 2015 5.893% 40.00 29.94 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,205,912,451 8,316,424,660 20,014,505,339 PV @ 8.00% 141,148,495 193,810,755 208,288,678 Page C-33 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects High Demand Risk – PPP Financing With Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Scenario: Demand Risk With Tolls on MLK, High Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 411,790,000 158,132,871 155,785,000 55,846,979 151,940,341 52,400,000 985,895,191 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 78,155,485 8,815,548 191,777,300 0 1,112,843,333 (126,948,143) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 60,062,270 2,067,854,063 141,229,688 1.75 1.21 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.8% 16.0% 15.8% 5.7% 15.4% 5.3% 100.0% 75.0% 7.0% 0.8% 17.2% 0.0% 100.0% 84,088,720 2,884,753,350 197,720,563 1.25 1.21 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.1% 50.9% 2016 6.659% 40.00 30.13 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,104,267,437 8,214,779,646 19,912,860,325 PV @ 8.00% 124,768,823 177,431,083 191,909,006 12.00% 12.57% 12.62% Page C-34 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Low Demand Risk – Public Financing With Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Scenario: Demand Risk With Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 378,930,000 149,071,577 123,670,000 45,396,632 138,302,270 835,370,478 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 64,664,991 7,970,682 141,306,750 0 1,048,037,424 (212,666,946) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 48,032,097 114,951,350 1,681,123,400 1.75 1.40 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 45.4% 17.8% 14.8% 5.4% 16.6% 100.0% 79.6% 6.2% 0.8% 13.5% 0.0% 100.0% 64,664,991 154,738,550 2,263,274,700 1.30 1.03 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 51.5% 48.5% 2015 5.882% 40.00 29.97 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,684,286,847 6,237,315,469 15,102,591,306 PV @ 8.00% 103,864,748 143,775,864 154,723,381 Page C-35 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Low Demand Risk – PPP Financing With Tolls on MLK Freeway Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Scenario: Demand Risk With Tolls on MLK, Low Demand ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 347,180,000 123,042,140 131,370,000 43,415,338 144,368,488 37,600,000 826,975,966 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 64,500,748 7,450,075 161,698,600 0 1,067,744,423 (240,768,456) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 48,824,246 1,681,723,125 114,852,500 1.75 1.20 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 42.0% 14.9% 15.9% 5.2% 17.5% 4.5% 100.0% 78.1% 6.0% 0.7% 15.1% 0.0% 100.0% 68,354,954 2,345,767,175 160,796,600 1.25 1.20 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.9% 49.1% 2016 6.647% 40.00 30.18 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,603,172,839 6,156,201,461 15,021,477,298 PV @ 8.00% 90,322,713 130,233,829 141,181,346 12.00% 12.57% 12.62% Page C-36 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Hampton Roads Third Crossing – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Scenario: Third Harbor Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 415,400,000 200,524,120 135,605,000 61,090,939 143,007,387 955,627,446 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 78,188,966 9,126,201 154,916,500 0 1,076,326,667 (120,699,221) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 58,077,615 140,476,200 2,032,716,525 1.75 1.42 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 43.5% 21.0% 14.2% 6.4% 15.0% 100.0% 77.5% 7.3% 0.8% 14.4% 0.0% 100.0% 78,188,966 189,105,500 2,736,613,825 1.30 1.05 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 46.7% 53.3% 2015 5.911% 40.00 29.90 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,176,092,617 8,218,433,750 19,787,666,488 PV @ 8.00% 136,113,295 188,220,394 202,538,765 Page C-37 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Hampton Roads Third Crossing – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Scenario: Third Harbor Crossing ($1.00 Toll, $0.50 on MLK) Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 379,270,000 165,558,482 143,480,000 58,468,823 148,995,211 49,350,000 945,122,516 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 74,677,731 8,467,773 176,631,275 0 1,093,871,779 (148,749,263) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 58,955,368 2,028,186,875 138,372,813 1.75 1.20 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 40.1% 17.5% 15.2% 6.2% 15.8% 5.2% 100.0% 76.3% 6.8% 0.8% 16.1% 0.0% 100.0% 82,537,553 2,829,981,175 193,719,625 1.25 1.20 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 46.1% 53.9% 2016 6.678% 40.00 30.06 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,074,757,127 8,117,098,261 19,686,330,999 PV @ 8.00% 119,841,901 171,949,000 186,267,371 12.00% 12.55% 12.60% Page C-38 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1a - Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.50), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 158,815,000 53,420,213 0 0 115,664,138 327,899,350 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 18,719,365 3,122,352 43,674,125 0 899,610,842 (571,711,492) % of Total 48.4% 16.3% 0.0% 0.0% 35.3% 100.0% 92.7% 2.1% 0.3% 4.9% 0.0% 100.0% 18,719,365 40,398,400 655,177,775 1.75 1.31 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 18,719,365 40,398,400 655,177,775 na na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 55.4% 44.6% 2015 5.736% 40.00 29.84 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 549,499,285 1,047,146,318 2,107,852,299 PV @ 8.00% 43,069,064 48,989,469 50,271,598 Page C-39 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1a –PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.50), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 145,645,000 44,095,778 0 0 115,957,755 20,250,000 325,948,532 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 18,974,078 2,897,408 45,514,063 0 901,480,548 (575,532,016) % of Total 44.7% 13.5% 0.0% 0.0% 35.6% 6.2% 100.0% 92.5% 2.1% 0.3% 5.0% 0.0% 100.0% 19,025,055 655,954,688 40,558,438 1.75 1.26 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 19,025,055 655,954,688 40,558,438 na na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 54.8% 45.2% 2016 6.487% 40.00 30.08 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 549,315,209 1,044,631,511 2,119,398,030 PV @ 8.00% 42,909,088 48,839,068 50,113,795 12.00% 12.23% 12.24% Page C-40 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1b- Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($0.75), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 275,460,000 105,553,262 89,900,000 32,150,184 132,380,544 635,443,989 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 46,297,116 6,030,634 108,115,500 0 994,538,251 (359,094,261) % of Total 43.3% 16.6% 14.1% 5.1% 20.8% 100.0% 83.9% 4.7% 0.6% 10.9% 0.0% 100.0% 34,502,219 82,152,425 1,207,577,675 1.75 1.20 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 46,297,116 110,586,425 1,620,399,075 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 52.2% 47.8% 2015 5.878% 40.00 29.97 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,068,836,765 3,706,839,578 8,969,909,619 PV @ 8.00% 56,841,369 81,150,240 87,633,968 Page C-41 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1b- PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($0.75), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 251,835,000 87,043,361 82,470,000 26,577,036 132,532,012 21,790,000 602,247,409 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 44,792,540 5,479,254 112,098,788 0 996,465,581 (394,218,172) % of Total 41.8% 14.5% 13.7% 4.4% 22.0% 3.6% 100.0% 83.7% 4.5% 0.5% 11.2% 0.0% 100.0% 35,003,539 1,205,860,000 81,250,938 1.75 1.15 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 47,121,234 1,617,861,650 109,375,813 1.30 1.15 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 51.5% 48.5% 2016 6.630% 40.00 30.17 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,067,240,721 3,714,356,035 8,980,166,407 PV @ 8.00% 56,361,759 80,623,932 87,106,513 12.00% 12.55% 12.59% Page C-42 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1c – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 368,740,000 154,844,952 120,370,000 47,161,738 142,021,579 833,138,268 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 64,656,294 7,911,167 144,736,700 0 1,051,399,160 (218,260,892) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 48,178,491 115,681,700 1,686,247,175 1.75 1.24 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 44.3% 18.6% 14.4% 5.7% 17.0% 100.0% 79.3% 6.1% 0.8% 13.8% 0.0% 100.0% 64,656,294 155,726,000 2,262,970,275 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.0% 50.0% 2015 5.891% 40.00 29.95 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,706,028,019 6,337,244,415 15,381,060,207 PV @ 8.00% 106,338,405 146,867,526 158,029,883 Page C-43 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1c – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 336,595,000 127,735,141 110,190,000 39,026,407 141,860,597 45,600,000 801,007,145 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 61,354,655 7,135,465 149,812,888 0 1,052,398,008 (251,390,863) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 48,849,384 1,681,916,250 113,698,125 1.75 1.19 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 42.0% 15.9% 13.8% 4.9% 17.7% 5.7% 100.0% 79.3% 5.8% 0.7% 14.2% 0.0% 100.0% 65,759,360 2,256,855,425 153,060,638 1.30 1.19 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.3% 50.7% 2016 6.643% 40.00 30.14 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,703,310,117 6,341,360,889 15,387,917,012 PV @ 8.00% 105,544,290 146,037,077 157,198,286 12.00% 12.50% 12.54% Page C-44 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1d – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($1.50), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 510,460,000 241,628,175 166,650,000 73,615,497 157,257,862 1,149,611,534 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 94,857,358 10,923,537 200,370,500 0 1,140,246,395 9,365,140 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 70,671,098 171,236,525 2,473,488,425 1.75 1.27 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 44.4% 21.0% 14.5% 6.4% 13.7% 100.0% 73.2% 8.3% 1.0% 17.6% 0.0% 100.0% 94,857,358 230,507,925 3,320,007,525 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 47.2% 52.8% 2015 5.908% 40.00 29.92 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,785,234,294 10,730,168,867 26,060,595,412 PV @ 8.00% 182,504,036 250,004,621 268,946,951 Page C-45 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1d – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($1.50), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 464,955,000 199,406,418 152,225,000 60,957,949 156,327,748 77,550,000 1,111,422,114 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 87,754,437 9,775,444 206,949,563 0 1,138,574,443 (27,152,328) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 71,601,397 2,463,507,188 166,973,750 1.75 1.22 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.8% 17.9% 13.7% 5.5% 14.1% 7.0% 100.0% 73.3% 7.7% 0.9% 18.2% 0.0% 100.0% 96,387,145 3,306,222,625 224,772,413 1.30 1.22 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 46.5% 53.5% 2016 6.661% 40.00 30.08 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,779,917,287 10,731,686,235 26,064,853,112 PV @ 8.00% 181,205,747 248,669,997 267,611,180 12.00% 12.48% 12.52% Page C-46 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1e – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($2.00), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 582,140,000 299,571,325 190,000,000 91,334,348 165,663,407 1,328,709,081 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 112,882,991 12,630,457 228,488,500 0 1,188,096,948 140,612,132 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 84,090,497 204,896,825 2,943,167,400 1.75 1.27 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 43.8% 22.5% 14.3% 6.9% 12.5% 100.0% 70.2% 9.5% 1.1% 19.2% 0.0% 100.0% 112,882,991 275,825,325 3,950,904,700 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 45.2% 54.8% 2015 5.920% 40.00 29.89 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,449,434,592 13,429,202,677 32,648,962,679 PV @ 8.00% 226,232,733 310,277,881 334,027,583 Page C-47 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 1e – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($2.00), Baseline Estimate of Scenario: Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 529,355,000 247,296,880 173,345,000 75,607,206 163,986,533 94,800,000 1,284,390,619 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 102,560,409 11,256,041 235,628,163 0 1,183,539,612 100,851,007 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 85,153,336 2,928,298,125 198,705,000 1.75 1.23 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.2% 19.3% 13.5% 5.9% 12.8% 7.4% 100.0% 70.5% 8.7% 1.0% 19.9% 0.0% 100.0% 114,630,246 3,930,513,050 267,484,913 1.30 1.23 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 44.5% 55.5% 2016 6.674% 40.00 30.04 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,441,855,384 13,428,457,844 32,650,958,177 PV @ 8.00% 224,591,664 308,600,478 332,349,033 12.00% 12.48% 12.52% Page C-48 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2a – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 176,015,000 59,290,377 4,895,000 1,526,238 117,108,012 358,834,626 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 21,335,531 3,417,266 50,166,325 0 909,014,123 (550,179,496) % of Total 49.1% 16.5% 1.4% 0.4% 32.6% 100.0% 91.8% 2.3% 0.4% 5.5% 0.0% 100.0% 20,733,509 44,887,250 725,672,800 1.75 1.23 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 21,335,531 46,211,450 746,743,600 1.70 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 55.5% 44.5% 2015 5.750% 40.00 29.82 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 631,849,196 1,302,614,314 2,521,796,374 PV @ 8.00% 50,475,399 58,152,841 59,652,692 Page C-49 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2a - PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.50, $0.15 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 161,405,000 48,961,601 4,510,000 1,262,969 117,441,607 23,850,000 357,431,176 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 21,613,957 3,161,396 52,265,613 0 911,135,965 (553,704,789) % of Total 45.2% 13.7% 1.3% 0.4% 32.9% 6.7% 100.0% 91.5% 2.4% 0.3% 5.7% 0.0% 100.0% 21,071,020 726,502,500 45,055,000 1.75 1.19 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 21,691,286 747,591,538 46,381,600 1.70 1.19 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 54.9% 45.1% 2016 6.500% 40.00 30.06 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 631,704,800 1,302,474,867 2,521,647,130 PV @ 8.00% 50,303,820 57,981,290 59,481,122 12.00% 12.24% 12.25% Page C-50 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2b – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 307,575,000 116,269,288 109,620,000 38,649,710 136,179,877 708,293,875 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 52,561,871 6,721,140 124,046,325 0 1,017,424,336 (309,130,461) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 38,276,891 91,572,425 1,339,691,200 1.75 1.22 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 43.4% 16.4% 15.5% 5.5% 19.2% 100.0% 82.0% 5.2% 0.7% 12.2% 0.0% 100.0% 52,561,871 126,184,425 1,839,665,500 1.27 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 52.5% 47.5% 2015 5.885% 40.00 29.97 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,228,852,427 4,308,378,402 10,269,300,629 PV @ 8.00% 56,985,689 84,969,778 92,345,057 Page C-51 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2b – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($0.75, $0.25 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 280,745,000 95,845,229 91,925,000 29,269,474 135,544,499 28,050,000 661,379,202 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 49,778,470 5,977,847 124,962,438 0 1,014,813,755 (353,434,553) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 38,779,311 1,336,043,125 89,902,813 1.75 1.17 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 42.4% 14.5% 13.9% 4.4% 20.5% 4.2% 100.0% 82.2% 4.9% 0.6% 12.3% 0.0% 100.0% 52,203,382 1,792,461,563 121,022,913 1.30 1.17 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 51.8% 48.2% 2016 6.628% 40.00 30.17 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,227,025,683 4,306,551,658 10,267,473,884 PV @ 8.00% 69,707,188 97,691,277 105,066,556 12.00% 12.52% 12.56% Page C-52 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2c – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 412,830,000 171,629,986 134,730,000 52,288,793 141,593,221 913,071,999 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 72,267,661 8,714,788 153,947,250 0 1,069,024,699 (155,952,700) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 53,678,973 128,902,400 1,878,764,050 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 45.2% 18.8% 14.8% 5.7% 15.5% 100.0% 78.0% 6.8% 0.8% 14.4% 0.0% 100.0% 72,267,661 173,523,100 2,529,368,150 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.2% 49.8% 2015 5.890% 40.00 29.95 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,952,219,896 7,310,725,166 17,644,406,136 PV @ 8.00% 122,787,216 169,290,727 182,067,543 Page C-53 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2c – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.00, $0.50 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 377,895,000 141,689,717 143,005,000 49,997,586 148,037,876 45,100,000 905,725,179 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 71,258,730 8,125,873 176,009,213 0 1,089,488,816 (183,763,636) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 54,544,081 1,878,117,188 128,291,875 1.75 1.21 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.7% 15.6% 15.8% 5.5% 16.3% 5.0% 100.0% 76.6% 6.5% 0.7% 16.2% 0.0% 100.0% 76,362,556 2,619,945,338 179,611,663 1.25 1.21 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 49.6% 50.4% 2016 6.655% 40.00 30.15 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,861,072,206 7,219,577,476 17,553,258,445 PV @ 8.00% 107,797,005 154,300,516 167,077,332 12.00% 12.56% 12.60% Page C-54 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2d - Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 552,390,000 258,129,638 180,350,000 78,630,521 154,868,693 1,224,368,853 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 102,297,451 11,695,002 206,012,250 0 1,154,099,702 70,269,151 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 75,985,276 184,115,075 2,659,484,675 1.75 1.44 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 45.1% 21.1% 14.7% 6.4% 12.6% 100.0% 72.3% 8.9% 1.0% 17.9% 0.0% 100.0% 102,297,451 247,850,475 3,580,410,775 1.30 1.06 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 47.5% 52.5% 2015 5.906% 40.00 29.92 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,025,662,632 11,689,880,174 28,324,382,440 PV @ 8.00% 197,217,277 270,609,189 291,177,617 Page C-55 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2d – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($1.50, $0.75 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 504,340,000 213,126,410 170,980,000 87,362,557 155,046,059 70,100,000 1,200,955,025 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 97,580,897 10,758,090 215,312,000 0 1,157,745,986 43,209,039 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 77,112,978 2,653,362,500 181,289,688 1.75 1.38 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 42.0% 17.7% 14.2% 7.3% 12.9% 5.8% 100.0% 72.0% 8.4% 0.9% 18.6% 0.0% 100.0% 107,958,972 3,713,667,450 253,808,125 1.25 1.01 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 45.4% 54.6% 2016 6.681% 40.00 29.98 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,884,438,609 11,548,656,151 28,183,158,417 PV @ 8.00% 172,000,797 245,392,709 265,961,136 12.00% 12.53% 12.57% Page C-56 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2e - Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 621,380,000 314,439,054 202,845,000 95,829,705 162,007,754 1,396,501,513 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 119,801,259 13,344,938 231,733,000 0 1,198,974,196 197,527,317 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 88,987,213 216,806,025 3,114,552,450 1.75 1.45 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 44.5% 22.5% 14.5% 6.9% 11.6% 100.0% 69.6% 10.0% 1.1% 19.3% 0.0% 100.0% 119,801,259 291,855,225 4,193,044,050 1.30 1.07 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 45.6% 54.4% 2015 5.917% 40.00 29.90 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,673,177,678 14,320,136,080 34,760,631,290 PV @ 8.00% 238,996,324 328,499,370 353,768,899 Page C-57 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 2e – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Constant Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($2.00, $1.00 on MLK), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 566,505,000 259,688,211 194,525,000 103,816,121 161,826,342 85,100,000 1,371,460,674 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 112,453,433 12,245,343 242,685,000 0 1,201,478,776 169,981,897 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 90,266,480 3,104,466,875 212,396,563 1.75 1.39 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.3% 18.9% 14.2% 7.6% 11.8% 6.2% 100.0% 69.4% 9.4% 1.0% 20.2% 0.0% 100.0% 126,373,204 4,345,225,950 297,358,063 1.25 1.01 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 43.8% 56.2% 2016 6.692% 40.00 29.96 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,497,063,679 14,144,022,081 34,584,517,291 PV @ 8.00% 210,350,850 299,853,897 325,123,425 12.00% 12.52% 12.57% Page C-58 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3a- Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.75 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 151,165,000 62,703,168 0 0 115,559,175 329,427,343 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 19,488,400 3,138,682 41,570,375 0 898,292,457 (568,865,113) % of Total 45.9% 19.0% 0.0% 0.0% 35.1% 100.0% 92.9% 2.2% 0.3% 4.6% 0.0% 100.0% 19,488,400 42,537,275 682,094,000 1.75 1.17 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 19,488,400 42,537,275 682,094,000 na na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.7% 49.3% 2015 5.765% 40.00 29.74 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 598,311,285 1,228,042,322 2,517,595,524 PV @ 8.00% 45,722,631 52,953,451 54,522,027 Page C-59 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3a – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.75 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 138,345,000 51,851,705 0 0 115,672,367 21,040,000 326,909,072 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 19,019,671 2,901,967 43,232,813 0 899,249,450 (572,340,378) % of Total 42.3% 15.9% 0.0% 0.0% 35.4% 6.4% 100.0% 92.8% 2.1% 0.3% 4.8% 0.0% 100.0% 19,796,029 681,711,563 42,252,813 1.75 1.12 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 19,796,029 681,711,563 42,252,813 na na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.0% 50.0% 2016 6.516% 40.00 29.94 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 597,353,384 1,227,084,421 2,516,642,508 PV @ 8.00% 45,435,943 52,666,763 54,235,337 12.00% 12.25% 12.26% Page C-60 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3b- Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($1.25 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 315,715,000 129,042,202 103,090,000 39,281,804 136,641,467 723,770,473 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 54,604,394 6,871,290 123,934,025 0 1,019,504,709 (295,734,236) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 40,690,382 97,320,200 1,424,163,375 1.75 1.22 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 43.6% 17.8% 14.2% 5.4% 18.9% 100.0% 81.8% 5.4% 0.7% 12.2% 0.0% 100.0% 54,604,394 131,006,400 1,911,153,775 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.7% 49.3% 2015 5.887% 40.00 29.94 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,356,013,409 4,890,035,331 11,838,957,617 PV @ 8.00% 78,682,525 110,289,343 118,861,874 Page C-61 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3b – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($1.25 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 288,365,000 106,460,392 94,410,000 32,530,397 136,614,888 31,600,000 689,980,677 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 52,176,579 6,217,658 128,350,113 0 1,020,839,349 (330,858,672) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 41,263,529 1,420,982,813 95,764,688 1.75 1.17 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.8% 15.4% 13.7% 4.7% 19.8% 4.6% 100.0% 81.7% 5.1% 0.6% 12.6% 0.0% 100.0% 55,547,840 1,906,649,375 128,916,600 1.30 1.17 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 50.0% 50.0% 2016 6.639% 40.00 30.13 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,353,671,185 4,896,805,607 11,848,468,224 PV @ 8.00% 78,076,324 109,636,445 118,207,828 12.00% 12.52% 12.56% Page C-62 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3c – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.50 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 418,070,000 188,342,176 136,455,000 57,391,927 147,472,651 947,731,755 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 75,751,836 9,002,591 164,093,050 0 1,082,942,477 (135,210,722) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 56,441,330 136,095,275 1,975,446,550 1.75 1.25 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 44.1% 19.9% 14.4% 6.1% 15.6% 100.0% 77.0% 7.0% 0.8% 15.2% 0.0% 100.0% 75,751,836 183,207,875 2,651,314,250 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 48.4% 51.6% 2015 5.901% 40.00 29.92 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,100,680,593 7,940,826,927 19,257,875,596 PV @ 8.00% 134,336,264 184,717,622 198,697,314 Page C-63 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3c – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.50 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 381,175,000 155,441,877 124,815,000 47,509,616 146,981,345 57,400,000 913,322,837 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 70,894,149 8,089,415 169,667,263 0 1,082,745,827 (169,422,990) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 57,203,612 1,968,746,250 133,180,938 1.75 1.20 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.7% 17.0% 13.7% 5.2% 16.1% 6.3% 100.0% 77.0% 6.5% 0.7% 15.7% 0.0% 100.0% 77,006,317 2,642,038,200 179,278,650 1.30 1.20 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 47.7% 52.3% 2016 6.653% 40.00 30.09 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,096,921,714 7,943,902,423 19,263,691,423 PV @ 8.00% 133,346,167 183,693,882 197,672,428 12.00% 12.49% 12.53% Page C-64 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3d – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($2.50 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 552,685,000 280,834,266 180,405,000 85,608,516 162,445,097 1,261,977,879 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 106,398,923 11,995,328 216,934,175 0 1,169,423,426 92,554,453 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 79,261,829 192,795,900 2,774,164,000 1.75 1.26 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 43.8% 22.3% 14.3% 6.8% 12.9% 100.0% 71.3% 9.1% 1.0% 18.6% 0.0% 100.0% 106,398,923 259,536,600 3,723,962,300 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 45.6% 54.4% 2015 5.918% 40.00 29.89 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,208,835,706 12,444,068,977 30,209,302,401 PV @ 8.00% 210,380,918 288,391,641 310,349,804 Page C-65 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3d – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($2.50 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 502,740,000 231,869,640 164,580,000 70,928,629 160,964,786 88,500,000 1,219,583,055 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 97,011,827 10,701,183 223,761,150 0 1,165,569,160 54,013,895 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 80,273,676 2,760,726,250 187,167,813 1.75 1.22 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.2% 19.0% 13.5% 5.8% 13.2% 7.3% 100.0% 71.6% 8.3% 0.9% 19.2% 0.0% 100.0% 108,061,986 3,705,528,775 251,960,875 1.30 1.22 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 44.9% 55.1% 2016 6.671% 40.00 30.03 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,201,804,630 12,441,594,150 30,209,567,906 PV @ 8.00% 208,843,993 286,829,573 308,786,589 12.00% 12.48% 12.52% Page C-66 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3e – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($3.00 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 610,060,000 337,063,049 199,140,000 102,783,498 169,667,259 1,418,713,806 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 122,752,657 13,490,465 239,456,900 0 1,209,795,023 208,918,783 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 91,433,257 223,612,250 3,200,164,000 1.75 1.26 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 43.0% 23.8% 14.0% 7.2% 12.0% 100.0% 68.9% 10.1% 1.1% 19.8% 0.0% 100.0% 122,752,657 301,016,750 4,296,343,000 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 43.6% 56.4% 2015 5.930% 40.00 29.86 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,819,286,824 14,928,113,126 36,280,247,125 PV @ 8.00% 249,355,467 342,596,253 368,986,812 Page C-67 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 3e – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing No toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($3.00 AM PM), Baseline Scenario: Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 553,930,000 278,369,757 181,375,000 85,141,286 167,334,126 103,500,000 1,369,650,170 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 109,881,604 11,988,160 246,560,000 0 1,202,524,765 167,125,405 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 92,552,500 3,181,405,625 215,898,438 1.75 1.22 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 40.4% 20.3% 13.2% 6.2% 12.2% 7.6% 100.0% 69.4% 9.1% 1.0% 20.5% 0.0% 100.0% 124,590,333 4,270,691,950 290,636,825 1.30 1.22 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 42.9% 57.1% 2016 6.684% 40.00 29.99 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,810,160,917 14,925,821,594 36,280,695,924 PV @ 8.00% 247,463,836 340,670,979 367,060,392 12.00% 12.48% 12.52% Page C-68 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4a – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.75 AM PM, $0.25 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 189,920,000 64,545,309 5,245,000 1,682,158 118,007,998 379,400,465 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 23,110,199 3,613,925 54,116,200 0 914,935,324 (535,534,859) % of Total 50.1% 17.0% 1.4% 0.4% 31.1% 100.0% 91.2% 2.5% 0.4% 5.9% 0.0% 100.0% 22,458,579 48,749,825 786,050,275 1.75 1.26 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 23,110,199 50,185,525 808,856,975 1.70 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 55.2% 44.8% 2015 5.751% 40.00 29.83 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 738,447,433 1,663,605,282 3,404,390,143 PV @ 8.00% 59,178,657 68,790,919 70,892,400 Page C-69 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4a- PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 1 ($0.75 AM PM, $0.25 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 174,140,000 53,305,177 4,810,000 1,399,774 118,356,060 28,600,000 380,611,011 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 834,095,000 23,365,495 3,336,550 56,366,800 0 917,163,845 (536,552,834) % of Total 45.8% 14.0% 1.3% 0.4% 31.1% 7.5% 100.0% 90.9% 2.5% 0.4% 6.1% 0.0% 100.0% 22,823,686 786,889,063 48,903,750 1.75 1.21 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I 23,494,691 809,703,238 50,341,700 1.70 1.21 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 54.6% 45.4% 2016 6.502% 40.00 30.06 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 727,900,188 1,642,769,607 3,282,735,258 PV @ 8.00% 59,984,423 69,865,749 71,883,451 12.00% 12.25% 12.27% Page C-70 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4b – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($1.25 AM PM, $0.50 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 309,930,000 154,957,724 101,170,000 47,254,645 137,464,814 750,777,183 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 59,037,801 7,133,124 121,651,950 0 1,021,917,874 (271,140,691) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 43,981,069 106,160,400 1,539,337,425 1.75 1.19 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 41.3% 20.6% 13.5% 6.3% 18.3% 100.0% 81.6% 5.8% 0.7% 11.9% 0.0% 100.0% 59,037,801 142,909,100 2,066,323,025 1.30 na CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 46.0% 54.0% 2015 5.915% 40.00 29.84 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,524,084,797 5,551,932,716 13,314,122,653 PV @ 8.00% 88,381,412 124,082,896 133,686,891 Page C-71 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4b – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 2 ($1.25 AM PM, $0.50 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 282,075,000 128,012,268 92,390,000 39,142,448 136,745,708 34,800,000 713,165,425 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 54,161,972 6,416,197 125,566,388 0 1,020,239,556 (307,074,132) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 44,552,353 1,532,409,688 103,233,438 1.75 1.15 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 39.6% 17.9% 13.0% 5.5% 19.2% 4.9% 100.0% 81.8% 5.3% 0.6% 12.3% 0.0% 100.0% 59,975,483 2,056,796,113 138,970,900 1.30 1.15 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 45.3% 54.7% 2016 6.669% 40.00 29.99 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 1,521,345,814 5,549,193,733 13,311,383,670 PV @ 8.00% 87,402,345 123,103,829 132,707,823 12.00% 12.52% 12.56% Page C-72 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4c - Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.50 AM PM, $0.75 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 425,550,000 218,301,342 138,905,000 66,568,990 144,430,859 993,756,191 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 82,480,439 9,493,253 158,697,750 0 1,084,766,442 (91,010,251) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 61,265,373 148,771,125 2,144,288,050 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 42.8% 22.0% 14.0% 6.7% 14.5% 100.0% 76.9% 7.6% 0.9% 14.6% 0.0% 100.0% 82,480,439 200,273,325 2,886,815,350 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 45.4% 54.6% 2015 5.919% 40.00 29.86 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,338,023,700 8,900,582,803 21,488,822,635 PV @ 8.00% 146,437,250 202,759,048 218,331,997 Page C-73 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4c – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 3 ($1.50 AM PM, $0.75 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 388,155,000 180,409,762 146,850,000 63,764,619 150,385,144 53,000,000 982,564,525 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 77,917,938 8,791,794 180,772,688 0 1,101,577,419 (119,012,894) Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 62,172,270 2,138,116,875 146,035,313 1.75 1.19 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 39.5% 18.4% 14.9% 6.5% 15.3% 5.4% 100.0% 75.7% 7.1% 0.8% 16.4% 0.0% 100.0% 87,041,817 2,983,681,463 204,453,325 1.25 1.19 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 44.7% 55.3% 2016 6.686% 40.00 30.02 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 2,229,792,073 8,792,351,175 21,380,591,008 PV @ 8.00% 129,241,159 185,562,956 201,135,905 12.00% 12.55% 12.59% Page C-74 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4d – Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($2.50 AM PM, $1.00 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 488,345,000 332,015,571 159,430,000 101,314,936 153,041,463 1,234,146,970 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 108,110,551 11,811,055 182,123,875 0 1,136,140,481 98,006,489 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 82,159,245 201,695,900 2,875,573,575 1.75 1.41 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 39.6% 26.9% 12.9% 8.2% 12.4% 100.0% 73.4% 9.5% 1.0% 16.0% 0.0% 100.0% 110,607,834 271,519,100 3,871,274,175 1.30 1.04 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 38.8% 61.2% 2015 5.959% 40.00 29.78 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,407,658,828 13,309,052,082 32,267,532,247 PV @ 8.00% 211,986,943 295,462,724 318,911,862 Page C-75 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4d – PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 4 ($2.50 AM PM, $1.00 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 443,615,000 274,647,368 167,840,000 97,156,780 159,104,990 75,300,000 1,217,664,137 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 98,325,915 10,832,591 206,604,888 0 1,149,858,394 67,805,744 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 83,341,985 2,861,353,438 195,828,750 1.75 1.17 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 36.4% 22.6% 13.8% 8.0% 13.1% 6.2% 100.0% 72.5% 8.6% 0.9% 18.0% 0.0% 100.0% 116,679,758 3,994,837,713 274,157,338 1.25 1.17 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 38.1% 61.9% 2016 6.729% 40.00 29.89 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,250,388,407 13,151,781,662 32,110,261,826 PV @ 8.00% 189,442,500 272,918,282 296,367,419 12.00% 12.54% 12.59% Page C-76 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4e- Public Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Finance Tax-Exempt Revenue Bonds Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($3.00 AM PM, $1.25 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Total Sources of Funds 552,285,000 388,088,941 180,285,000 118,442,704 159,566,162 1,398,667,807 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 123,910,164 13,391,016 205,963,875 0 1,177,360,056 221,307,751 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 94,789,691 232,974,525 3,317,639,200 1.75 1.42 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 39.5% 27.7% 12.9% 8.5% 11.4% 100.0% 70.8% 10.5% 1.1% 17.5% 0.0% 100.0% 127,611,509 313,624,625 4,466,402,800 1.30 1.05 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 38.1% 61.9% 2015 5.964% 40.00 29.78 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 4,039,902,492 15,893,018,055 38,605,671,792 PV @ 8.00% 252,618,020 351,948,187 380,032,874 Page C-77 Final Report - Appendix C Toll Financial Feasibility Analysis for Midtown Tunnel Corridor Projects Case 4e- PPP Financing Midtown Tunnel Corridor Project Public Private Partnership Financing Toll on MLK with Time of Day Tolls; Toll Alternative 5 ($3.00 AM PM, $1.25 on MLK Scenario: AM PM), Baseline Estimate of Construction Costs and R&R Expenses Sources and Uses of Funds Sources of Funds Total Senior Current Interest Bonds Total Senior Capital Appreciation Bonds Total Subordinate Current Interest Bonds Total Subordinate Capital Appreciation Bonds Investment Earnings Equity Contribution Total Sources of Funds 501,600,000 321,042,309 189,760,000 113,578,355 166,416,156 89,500,000 1,381,896,819 Uses of Funds Construction Costs Debt Service Reserve Fund Financing Expenses (Underwriter's Discount, Cost of Issuance) Capitalized Interest Other Uses of Funds Total Uses of Funds Surplus/(Shortfall) 834,095,000 112,598,066 12,259,807 233,602,800 0 1,192,555,673 189,341,146 Financing Results Average Annual DS (Senior) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Senior) Total Debt Service (Senior) Target Debt Service Coverage (Senior) Initial Year Coverage (Senior) After Cap I 96,167,739 3,301,053,125 226,073,125 1.75 1.18 Average Annual DS (Aggregate) Maximum Annual Debt Service (Aggregate) Total Debt Service (Aggregate) Target Debt Service Coverage (Aggregate) Initial Year Coverage (Aggregate) After Cap I % of Total 36.3% 23.2% 13.7% 8.2% 12.0% 6.5% 100.0% 69.9% 9.4% 1.0% 19.6% 0.0% 100.0% 134,635,640 4,608,961,775 316,506,675 1.25 1.18 CIBS % CABs % Capitalized Interest Through True Interest Cost Final Maturity (Years) Weighted Average Life (Years) 37.4% 62.6% 2016 6.734% 40.00 29.89 Withdrawal of Surplus Revenues 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years Rates of Return-Pre-Tax 50 Years 75 Years 99 Years December 2007 Total 3,859,446,989 15,712,562,552 38,425,216,290 PV @ 8.00% 226,544,001 325,874,167 353,958,854 12.00% 12.54% 12.58% Page C-78