F INDICATES COURSE IS OFFERED FALL SEMESTER S INDICATES COURSE IS OFFERED SPRING SEMESTER May 2013 BSE with Mining Engineering 2013/14 Su INDICATES COURSE IS OFFERED SUMMER SEMESTER (C) CONCURRENT PREREQ, PREREQ THAT MAY BE TAKEN BEFORE OR SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE COURSE Fall Year 1 Spring Fall MA1160/1161 MA2160 MA3160 1 CALCULUS I (4/5 CREDITS) F, S, Su CALCULUS II (4 CREDITS) F, S, Su CALCULUS III (4 CREDITS) F, S, Su Year 2 MA1160/1 Spring Fall ***MA3520 MA2160 (or MA3521) DIFFERENTIAL EQ (2 CREDITS) F,S,Su CM2200 INTRO TO MINERALS & MATERIALS (3 CREDIT) F PHYSICS LECTURE I (3 CREDITS) F. S. Su CO-REQS (C) MA2160 Year 3 MA3710 STATISTICS (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su Year 4 SR DESIGN READY SEE #4 ON BACK Spring ENG4905 3 SR DESIGN (3 CREDITS) F,S ***NOTE: LINEAR ALGEBRA & DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS CAN BE TAKEN DURING THE SAME SEMESTER (MA2321 & MA3521) OR SEPARATE SEMESTERS (MA2320 & MA3520) PH2100 PH1100 ***MA2320 Fall (or MA2321) LINEAR ALGEBRA (2 CREDITS) F,S,Su (C) PHYSICS LAB I (1 CREDIT) F. S. Su Spring FREE ELECTIVE 5 SU2000 2 EE3010 INTRO TO SURVEYING (2 CREDITS) F,S CIRCUTS & INSTRUMENTATION (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su ________________ GE3400 5 FREE ELECTIVE 5 DRILLING & BLASTING (3 CREDITS) alt. yrs. F,S (Mining minor) (Mining minor) (3 CREDITS) (C) GE2000 CH1150 CH1150 CH1151 GE2000 1 UNDERSTANDING THE EARTH (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su CHEMISTRY (3 CREDITS) F. S. Su GE2300 1 GE2310 INTRO TO MINERALOGY (3 CREDITS) F INTRO TO PETROLOGY (3 CREDITS) S SU2050 2 GE2020 PH2100 PLANE SURVEYING (3 CREDITS) F (3 CREDITS) ________________ (F12,,S14, F15) co-req GE2020 5 CH1151 INTRO TO MINING ENG & METHODS (4 CREDITS) alt. yrs. F,S CHEMISTRY LAB (1 CREDITS) F. S. Su GE2000 (S12, F13, S15, F16, S18) ENG1101 or (ENG1001 & ENG1100) ENG. ANALYSIS & PROB. SOLVING (3 CREDITS) F. S. Su ENG1002 (C) or test score MA1160 ENG1102 MA2160 PH2100 ENG1102 ENG. MODELING & DESIGN (3 CREDITS) F. S. Su ENG1102 MA2160 PH2100 CH1150 ENG1002 or test score ENG3200 THERMO/FLUIDS (4 CREDITS) F,S UN1015 or UN1025 MAY BE TAKEN IN EITHER ORDER IN THE FIRST YEAR. UN1015 *UN1025 COMPOSITION (3 CREDITS) F. S, Su GLOBAL ISSUES (3 CREDITS) S, Su 16 ENG2120 16 * ONE SEMESTER OF 3000 LEVEL OR HIGHER FOREIGN LANGUAGE MAY SUBSTITUTE FOR UN1025. HU/FA or SS/Behavioral ELECTIVE MAY BE TAKEN IN EITHER ORDER IN THE SOPHOMORE YEAR. GE2000 GE2310 GE3050 Dept. Approval ***HU/FA ***SS/Behavioral ELECTIVE from List (3 CREDITS) F. S, Su ELECTIVE from List (3 CREDITS) F, S, Su 17 16/19 GE3050 2 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY (4 CREDITS) S ENG2120 MA3160 (C) PH2100 PH2100 DYNAMICS (3 CREDITS) F, S, Su JR. STDG. (F11,S13,F14,S16) GE2000 ENG2120 ENG3200 CE3810 SOIL MECHANICS FOR ENG (4 CREDITS) F,S,Su CE3810 PH2100 CE4850 (S13,S15) GE3910 2 FIELD GEOLOGY (5 CREDITS) Su GE3410 2 GE3410 2 MINE SAFETY & HEALTH CERT. (1 CREDITS) Su MINE SAFETY & HEALTH CERT. (1 CREDITS) Su Su 6 14 16/12 EC3400 ECON DEC ANALYSIS (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su HASS ROCK ENG FOR CIVIL ENG (3 CREDITS) alt. yrs. S GE2000 GE2310 GE3050 Dept. Approval GE3910 2 FIELD GEOLOGY (5 CREDITS) Su GE4760 MINING GEOLOGY (3 CREDITS) F GE4360 5 MATERIALS HANDLING (3 CREDITS) on demand MEEM2700 STATICSSTRENGTH MAT’LS (4 CREDITS) S GE1100 GEO ENG & SCI ORIENTATION (1 CREDITS) F GE2000 GE3050 2 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY (4 CREDITS) S GE2310 GE3050 GE3910 Su 6 (MGT3100 recommended) (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su _________________ _________________ HASS HASS (3000+) (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su (3 CREDITS) F,S,Su _________________ _________________ 15 15 Co-cur Unit Co-cur Unit Co-cur Unit Co-cur Unit Co-cur Unit Co-cur Unit F, S, Su F, S, Su F, S, Su F, S, Su F, S, Su F, S, Su This is not an official list of degree requirements. Adjustments may be required due to curriculum changes. HASS (3000+) (EC2001 recommended) Courses listed in grey/yellow can be taken earlier and may open up summer job opportunities for the 3rd summer. Mining Engineering Emphasis 2013-14 (minimum of 131 credits) Career questions: E-mail wayne@mtu.edu Academic questions: E-mail efadvise@mtu.edu 1 Math/Science Electives are indicated by 1 (after the course number) on flowchart. 2 Directed Electives are indicated by a 2 (after the course number) on flowchart. 3 Senior Design Ready: a. Senior Design Prerequisite courses: EE3010, ENG1101, ENG1102, ENG2120, ENG3200, GE2310 b. Core Competency Check test - Take and pass the test; test topics include all ENG4905 prerequisite courses. 4 See table below for General Education Requirements: General Education Requirements I. Core Courses (6 credits) ___ UN1015 ___ UN1025* II. Sophomore Electives (6 credits) ___ HU/FA ______________ ___ SS/Behavioral ______________ III. HASS Courses Requirements (12 credits) (www.admin.mtu.edu/em/documents/HASS Distribution List.pdf) 6 credits 3000- or 4000- level No more than 3 credits on the Creative Endeavors List No more than 3 credits on the Supplemental List ** A. 6 credits 3000- or 4000- level: 1. _______________** B. 6 credits at any level: 2. _______________ 1. _______________** 2. _______________ * Or one semester of a 3000 level or higher modern language. ** MGT3100 (was BA3710) and EC2001 are recommended but not required as a HASS Course. *** EC2001 is recommended for students considering an MBA at MTU. PSY2000 and/or EC3400 may NOT be counted as a SBS, HASS, or Math/Science Elective. III. Co-curricular activities (3 units) In the co-curricular requirement, the three semester units will be physical education activities. These units are required for graduation, but are not included in the calculation of the GPA, nor in the overall degree-credit requirement. Note: most physical education activities will last for 7 ½ weeks or ½ semester. A student would need six of these ½-semester units to fulfill the 3-semester unit co-curricular requirement. PE___________ PE___________ PE_________ PE___________ PE___________ PE_________ 5. Mining Minor Requirements: Minor in Mining EMGM Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences* Required Course (4 credits) GE2020 ____ Intro to Mining Engineering and Mining Methods (4) Elective Courses (12 credits)** GE________ _____________________________________(3) GE________ _____________________________________(3) GE________ _____________________________________(3) free elective** GE________ _____________________________________(3) free elective** * Students must consult with a departmental advisor to select any sequence of upper-division courses from Geological and Mining Engineering Department. Students are responsible for satisfying all prerequisites. ** To get a minor a student must take at least 6 credit hours of 3000-level or higher minor-required courses that are not required as part of their major (except as free electives). General Education Sophomore Elective Lists HU/FA Elective List FA2330 FA2520 FA2820 HU2130 HU2501 HU2538 HU2700 HU2820 HU2910 Art Appreciation Music Appreciation Theater Appreciation Introduction to Rhetoric American Experience in Literature British Experience in Literature Introduction to Philosophy Communication and Culture Language and Mind SBS Elective List EC2001 PSY2000 SS2100 SS2200 SS2400 SS2500 SS2501 SS2502 SS2503 SS2504 SS2505 SS2600 SS2700 Principles of Economics Principles of Psychology World Peoples and Environments Prehistory and Archaeology Intro to Human Geography Intro to History: US to 1877 Intro to History: US since 1877 Intro to History: Europe to 1650 Intro to History: Europe since 1650 Intro to History: World to 1500 Intro to History: World since 1500 American Government and Politics Introduction to Sociology