Customer Service Procedures #2 SOP 702 Communication skills Good communication in the workplace is vital to successful customer relations. Most people have developed some positive and some negative communication behaviours. The tables below describe some negative and some positive behaviours, and how they impact on other people. Central Water encourages all staff to become familiar with these ideas, and to practice using the positive behaviours and eliminating the negative ones. It can take time and practice to change our habits, or even to notice their existence. If you would like help with making changes in your behaviours, contact the Central Water Human Resources department, or speak to your supervisor about attending some professional development activities. Barriers to communication Consequences criticising: Makes a person feel unworthy and less likely to interact. Often stereotypes and locks people into certain positions. Imposes interpretation of the problem rather than allowing others to express themselves. Can be invasive and manipulative. name calling: diagnosing: excessive and inappropriate questioning: blaming ignoring feelings inappropriate language Advising Focuses on the person rather than the issue or problem. Invalidates the emotional feelings of the other person. Can be confusing, discriminating or intimidating. Removes the other person’s power to find solutions for themselves Can remove choice and can cause resentment. SOP 702 – Communication Skills Page 1 of 2 Strategies to support communication Consequences clarifying Makes a person feel like you are genuinely interested in their issues. Paraphrasing and summarising Ensures you understand what the person is saying Acknowledging feelings Validates the person’s feelings. Helps them accept their own feelings. Helps and encourages a person to clarify issues. Responding to immediate concerns: Using appropriate body language Shows you are paying attention and are in sympathy with their concerns. Using verbal encouragers Encourages people to talk. SOP 702 – Communication Skills Page 2 of 2