Elements of a Successful PPP Program Puerto Rico Projects Conference October 22, 2009, Puerto Rico Susan Tinker, Vice President, Partnerships BC 0 Overview Partnerships BC B.C. – Puerto Rico Comparisons Phases of Development Conclusion 1 Partnerships BC – Overview Created in 2002: evaluate, structure, implement PPPs Centre of procurement expertise Board of Directors Governance Recommendations to Province Staff of 45 Projects Best Practices Kicking Horse Canyon Park Bridge 2 Early Project Screen One to two weeks PPP Process Overview Business Case & Design Concept 2 months to 2 years Issue RFQ Issue RFP Negotiate 4 to 18 months Design Construction Maintenance 2 to 4 years Contract Term (~15 to 40 yrs) 3 B.C. – Puerto Rico Comparisons 4 Impetus for PPP Program B.C., like Puerto Rico, developed a PPP program to manage specific challenges. 1990s: Significant infrastructure gap Governments of the day fell behind on investments Most dramatic needs in health, education and transportation High profile traditional procurement problems (scope, schedule, deferred maintenance) 2000s: Commitment to address gap $6-8 billion in capital spending Introduction of PPP approach 5 PPP Program Puerto Rico B.C. Purpose of program relates to accelerating infrastructure; allocating risk; improving services; improving economy Purpose of program relates to better management of infrastructure; allocating risk; improving services Creation of dedicated agency Creation of dedicated agency 6 Policy Framework Puerto Rico B.C. Strong political commitment Strong political commitment Framework enshrined in legislation Framework established by policy Will lead to high level of consistency across projects Flexibility to change mandate and approach Less consistency across projects in early stages of program development 7 Project Governance Puerto Rico B.C. Partnership Committee to govern each project is required by legislation Best Practices recommend strong governance model Critical to success of PPP projects to show market stability and expedite decision making during procurement and negotiation 8 Approval Process Puerto Rico B.C. Legislation describes Committee, agency and Governor approval requirements Project team, Steering Committee, Treasury Board Streamline approvals to ensure market can hold prices 9 Contract Puerto Rico B.C. High level contents similar to B.C. contract Standard and consistent contract documentation Project specific collaborative meetings Result is no mark-ups with proposals; expedited evaluation and negotiation 10 Committed Finance Puerto Rico B.C. Legislation allows instruments for ensuring committed finance Have worked with different instruments Committed finance essential to avoid renegotiation of key terms 11 Assignment of Rights Puerto Rico B.C. Legislation allows private partner to assign rights Initially allowed all refinancing and change of control Revision to contract to limit these activities in early stages of contract Change causes disruption during critical design and construction period Change raises concerns in public arena 12 Phases of Development 13 Phase 1: Build Capacity Extensive market sounding Market consultation Commercial terms Appropriate risk allocation Britannia Mine Water Treatment Plant Development of basic best practices Consistent documentation and process Disclosure and transparency 14 Phase 2: Refine Policy and Practice $50 million capital standard policy Project governance strengthened Greater consistency in procurement documentation, commercial terms and process Limited mark-ups to Project Agreement in health sector Surrey Outpatient Hospital Royal Jubilee Hospital Patient Care Centre Kelowna Vernon Hospitals Project 15 Phase 3: Market Maturity Managing budgets from approval to financial close Planning for business cases Managing market expectations Clear evaluation criteria Affordability line Scope ladder South Fraser Perimeter Road Need for temporary credit measures Project pipeline 16 Conclusion Political and stakeholder support Enabling policy framework Focused delivery agency PPP market development • Informed public sector attracts market Focus on best practices and consistency in execution 17 Sign up for Partnerships BC news: www.partnershipsbc.ca 18